2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Peryaar MM 11 paid ID advance 1 W ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate of •■e dollar per square forone insertion and fifty •est* per square for each subsequent insertion Bates by the year, or for six or three months, •re low and uniform, and will be furnished on application. Xegni and Official Advertising per square, three times or less, 12; each subsequent inser tion 60 cents per square. Local notices 10 cents per line for or.e lnser ■ertlun: 5 cents per line for each subsequent •onsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over fire llnei, 10 cents per Une. Simple announcements of births, mar riages and deaths will be inserted free. Business car.ls, five lines or less, lift per year; #ver live lines, at the regular rates of adver tising. No local Inserted for lesa than 75 cents per Uaue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PBKSS is complete and affords facilities for doing the best cltss of work. pAK'IICX'I.AH ATTENTION PAID To LAW ■PAINTING. No paper will be discontinued ntil arrear- Kes at e paid, except at the option of the pub her. Papers sent out of the county must be paid lor in advance. Portugal has just celebrated the four hundredth anniversary of thediseovery of the Cape route to India by its great navigator, Y'asco da Gama. Since trouble with Spain arose tlie fact has come to public notice that Horatio J. Sprague has been United States consul at Gibraltar for 50 years. Among the novelties to be exhibited tit the Paris exposition in 1900 will be a monster horn, nearly 300 feet in diam eter at the large end, and of proportion ate length. It is not generally known that Ad miral Cervera, the commander of the Spanish fleet at Santiago de Cuba, was formerly a naval attache at Washing ton. He represented the government in that city about 15 years ago. . Since tlie death of Gladstone Senator .Justin Smith Morrill, of Vermont, is the oldest living English-speaking statesman. He was born April 14, ISIO, and his length of service exceeds that of any other American statesman. Among the curious things which re main in the memory of Mrs. Nancy P. Knight, of YVoburn, Mass., who recently celebrated her ninety-third birthday, is the phenomenally cold summer of ISI6. In May there was ha.lf an inch of ice, snow four inches deep occurred in .Tune, and iee formed in July and August. The family of Admiral Sampson lives in Glen Itidge, N. J. The members of it are Mrs. Sampson, two stepdaughters, Olive and Hannah, and two sons, Ralph and Harold. Two daughters are mar ried —Margaret, to Lieut. Boy C. Smith, of the Indiana, and Kate, to Ensign 11. 11. Jackson, commanding the torpedo boat Foo'te. Maria Christina, queen regent of Spain, is very tall, fair, extremely graceful, just 40 years of age, but look ing younger, with the most engaging manners. She knows everything that is going on, reading ail the newspapers, interested not only in Spanish affairs, but in everything of importance pass ing in Europe. A census was taken lately in Algeria, and it was found that the youngest Arab married man was 12 years old, and that there were many boys who were married at 13 and 14, while some at 15 had several wives. There is a youthful Algerian widower of 15, and a divorced husband of the same age. Girls are still mors precocious, and are sometimes married when only 11 years old, though 12 is the more usual age. Frank James, the one-time noted Mis souri bandit, slipped into a St. I.ouis photograph gallery the other day anil faced the camera for the first time in 25 years. In the days of his outlawry a reward of SSOO was offered by detectives for his likeness, but Frank was shy. One day, however, he had a tinttpe taken in a country town. It fell into the hands of officers and caused James some trouble, and until a day or two ago, he never entered a photographer's. It is said that a rolling stone gathers «o moss. As a matter of fact it is the rolling stone that keeps the world on the move. The man who sils down in the spot where he happens to find him self and goes to gathering moss con tributes nothing to the bustle, the ac tivity, the well-directed energy that goes to make the prosperity of a coun try. In vent ions, discoveries, commerce, science, art and literature get no as sistance from the stone that never rolls. It is the rolling stone that discovers, in vents. produces. YYhen the war with Spain began the price of sulphur was s:.'2 a ton, but as the result of Spain's action in declaring this article contraband of war the price has risen to $35 a ton, and predictions are freely made that it w ill be SIOO be fore many more months have passed. Here i,s an opportunity to develop an other of the wonderful resources of the United Statesi. There are sulphur mines in this country; yet we have always de pended upon Sicily for practically our entire supply. The American product should now be given a great chance. "There's millions in it." Six members of the class of 'lie. William J. Bryan has been authorized by the governor of Nebraska to raise a regiment of volunteers. Air. Bryan will begin recruiting at once and says that he thinks he will have no difficulty in getting 1,600 healthy, able-bodied young men to serve under him, not as borne guards, but where Spanish bullets are flying. Mr. Bryan was commis sioned at his own request. He states that while he has had no military train ing he feels that it is his duty todo some thing for his country. lie announces that "1 desire to see service, and shall lead the regiment if the rules will per mit one without military service todo so. 1 will claim the right, under the cir cumstances, and of course expect some consideration will be shown me." The personal friends of the new as pirant for military honors unite in re pudiating the report that the deal is merely for political effect. As a rule it. is impossible to state positively what the motives are which actuate a man to pursue a given course. It. may be that Mr. Bryan is governed by a patriotic desire to do his country some service in the field. lie may think that he will he the best recruiting officer there is in Nebraska. On the other hand, it is more than likely that he is going into the war mainly for the purpose of keep ing himself before a public which might forget all about him if he did not do so. Bryan's lectures are a failure. Free silver is not a drawing card at this time. The people will not turn out to hear a man who has nothing but that or the ineome tax or "government by injunc tion" to talk about. If Mr. Bryan wishes to keep on advertising himself, as he certainly does, he sees that he can do so only by identifying himself with the war. That will enable him tore tain his hold on the attention of the public until war is over and he can re turn to business at the old free silver stand. If Mr. Bryan raises a regiment and it is mustered into the service and is sent where there is fighting to be done he may turn out, after a little experience, to be an efficient officer and do some good work. But he can do his country more service—if he chooses —by re maining in civil life and insisting on his followers in congress standing patriot ically by the government than he can by putting on shoulder straps. Sen ator Jones, of Arkansas, and other Bryanites are endeavoring to debase the currency and destroy the credit, of the country. Bryan should demand publicly that they behave themselves. He has not done so. When the rebellion broke out Stephen A. Douglas, who had been President Lincoln's political opponent for years— who had won political victories over him and had met with the greatest of political defeats at his hands —forgot all the differences which had divided them and called on all the democrats who had followed him to give the presi dent their cordial and unfaltering sup port in the field and in congress. He set an example which Mr. Bryan would have done well to imitate, but he has not done so. While he is raising men in Nebraska to fight, the battles of the United States his lieutenants in the senate are deny ing the government the money which is needed to carry on the war and are scheming to get rid of the gold standard and substitute that elieap silver stand ard of which Bryan is so prominent and energetic an advocate. —Chicago Trib une. SENATE OBSTRUCTORS. free Sliver MHIIIHTK Would Force the Government Into nn Awk ward I'osltlon. The war revenue measure still hangs and United States senators continue to spin out the thread of their verbosity liner than the staple of their argument. The bald, disjointed chat goes on about free silver and greenbacks, as if those issues were not as dead as mackerels. And notonly these, but every other con ceivable heresy in taxation is proposed in order to hamper the government in the way of raising money to carry on the war. Instead of proceeding in the most direct and simple manner to ob tain the means which every sane person knows must be had in order to prose cute the war with success, the silver ob structionists in the senate offer every rotten scheme that was proposed in the popoerat platform of last year and which was voted down by the people by a majority that ought not so easily to be forgotten. They seem to think that because there is some stress and that tlie government can be forced itito a difficult position that now >a the time for them to take what advantage may offer and compel the country to accept their discredited theories of finance. They would lix upon the people an in come tax. an inheritance tax and a tax on corporations, and, as Senator Spoon er very cogently said, force the govern ment into buying lawsuits instead of providing it with means to carry on the war. Such is the patriotism of the Bryan ites and silverites in the senate of the United States! As a party trick they forced the coon try into a war and brag about it. And now as a further party trick they un dertake to withhold the means from the government in its effective prosecu tion of the war. ('an anything be more despicable or more deserving of the everlast ing con tempt of the American people?— Chic ago Times-Herald. Clt is now Col. William Jennings Bryan, and he wants a regiment of Ne braska volunteers. Evidently that play at recruiting ns a private was a new phase of an old demagogue dodge, by which a presidency was sought in vain and is to be futilely sought again.—Cin •innati Commercial Tribune. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1898. DEMOCRATIC OPPOSITION. The llollovi IICNM nttcl Hypocritical Nalurc of l lie I'reten»eN «iff Cheap .Money Stu teamen. The general curiosity in regard to the alleged democratic reasons for op posing tlm revenue hill as framed by the republican committeemen has hard ly been satisfied by the speech of Sen ator .(ones, of Arkansas, who repre sented the democratic-silver combina tion. Or, rather, the speech showed that there was absolutely 110 strength or merit in the opposition to the bill. In the first place, Senator .Tones had peculiar estimates of his own with ref erence to the cost of the war. estimates which the republican spokesmen had no dilllculty in puncturing. He further maintained that it was wholly unnec essary that all the expenses of the war should be provided for in the pending bill. Congress, he said, would return in December, and if any emergency re quired Its presence sooner the presi dent could attend to that by proclama tion. Tie evidently found it convenient to ignore the fact that the provision for the issues of short-term certificates and long-term bonds do not direct an imme diate isMie of either, but merely author ize the treasury to issue them as the need arises. Does he imagine that they would be issued anyhow, regardless of the course of the struggle? The senator says he and his party pre fer increased taxation to bonds. The only principle conceivably behind this preference is that the present genera tion should pay the expensesof thecon fiict; but if that be the democratic mo tive, the opposition is palpably insin cere. At best the objection would ap ply only to bonds and not at all to short term certificates to be redeemed out of the revenue yielded by current taxation. Yet the democrats are as vehement in fighting the certificate proposal a's in re sisting bond issues! This alone proves the hollownes*and hypocritical naturo of their pretended statesmanship. It is passing strange that in the re ports of the senator's speech we find no reference to the greenback and the seigniorage amendments, the pet polit ical proposals of the silver combina tion. If this silence signifies that the democrats themselves realize the folly and impossibility of these sham amend ments and do not intend to waste time on them, they are to be congratulated on their discretion. At any rate, it is clear that the bill asi reported by Sen ator Allison, minus the democratic amendments which he disavowed, will encounter no very serious or formidable difficulties. Even Jones was painfully aware of the weakness of his case. —Chi- cago Post. PRAISE OUR PRESIDENT. Honored li.v I'iitriotlc American* niui Admired l»y UlNceriiiiiur Forviffiiem. President MeKinley, by tlie masterly manner in which he has handled the Spanish war problems, has thoroughly engrafted himself in the confidence of all the people, and even those who were most bitter in their denunciation of his course of action six weeks ago are now enthusiastic in his support, lie has not only won every patriotic American over to his methods, but his wise course of action has commanded the respect of the nations abroad, and he is receiving praise from all over the world. The Lon don Spectator, a paper which is not given to indiscriminate and superflu ous praise, speaks of President MeKin ley as follows: "At present It looks very much as if Pres ident McKlnley were going to turn out one of the public men who are remade and il luminated by the force of the mighty issues with whfch they have to deal. All the ac counts from Washington seem to show that the president is facing a very difficult prob lem with Just the quiet dignity and strength which one would desire to see displayed by the head of the state. "If the accounts we have quoted are well founded it would seem that the president has been able to face the situation in the true spirit. If he can, America should be grateful, for.in spite of her vast powei and Spain's weakness, America may yet find the need of the cool head and the steady hand. There seems a tendency among the people of the United States to call for quick successes. If this temper continues and increases it may require all the president's firmness, tact and temper to pursue his own course. The attempt to gain quick successes is sure to lead to a fiasco, but it may require a man of perfect calm and self-possession not to be carried away by the excitement and the demand for Instant action. Our own belief is that Mr. McKlnley will prove equal to the crisis." —lowa State Register. POLITICAL DRIFT. o you buy HOOD'S Sarsaparilla and only Hood's? If you do, you inay take it with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. II; six for 15. Hood's Pills cure indigestion. 25 cents. Hotter. He—Wealth will not buy happiness. She—No, but it will purchase a coronet.— Up to Date. Mnny People Citnnot Drink coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can drink Grain-O when you please and sleep like a top. For Grain-O does not stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the best coffee. For nervous persons, young people and children Grain-O is the perfect drink. Made from pure grains. Get a package from your grocer to« day. Try it in place of coffet. 15 and 25c. Ail Important I'olnt. 112 Wheeler—Ah, that was a glorious \t tory of Dewey's. Sprocketts—lt would seem so, but/ shall reserve my own opinion of it until 1 ft id out what make of wheel he rides. —C iicago Evening News. A Cbrnp I nmi nnd a Good Jut. Do you want a good farm, wherf ou can work outdoors in your shirt slee\J .'or ten months in the year, and where yo r »tocl? can forage for itself all the year round? If »o, write to P. Sid Jones, Passenger Agent, Birmingham, Ala., or Dr. It. B. Crawford, Traveling Passenger Agent, 6 Rookery Building, Chicago, 111. Do you want to go down and look at some of the Garden Spots of this country? The Louisville & Nashville Railroad provides tho way and the opportunity on tlie first and third Tuesday of each month, with excur sions at only two dollars over one fare, for round trip tickets. Write Mr. O. P. At more, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., for particulars. Do you want to read about them beforo (toing? Then send ten cents in silver o» postage stamps for a copy of "Garden Spots to Mr. Atmore. "I thought she was a dream before I mar ried her," he said. "And now?" queried his friend. "Well, lam convinced that dreams go by contraries."—Brooklyn Life. To Core n Cold In One I)ny Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c, Time and court plaster heal all wounds.—* Chicago Daily News. I use Piso's Cure for Consumption both in my family and practice.—Dr. (J. YY\ Patter son, Inkster, Mich., Nov. 5, 1894. Some girls believe men are on earth sim« ply to deceive them. —Atchison Globe. "I DO MY OWN WORK.' r So Saya Mrs. Mary Rochiette of Linden, New Jersey, in this Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. •' I was bothered with a flow which ' would be quite annoying at times, and at others would almost stop. " I used prescriptions given me by my taking your medi cine, and have certainly been greatly benefited by its use. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has indeed been a friend to me. " I am now able to do my own work, thanks to your wonderful medicine. I was as near death I believe as I could be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat and my heart had almost given out. I could not have stood It one week more, lam sure. I never thought I would be so grateful to any medicine. " I shall use my influence with any one suffering as I did, to have them use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Every woman that is puzzled about her condition should secure the sympa thetic advice of a woman who under stands. Write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lyun, Mass.. and tell her your ills. Allen's Uloerlne Naive is the only sure cure In tho world for C'hroalc l'leers* Rone I'lcerf, Scrofulous Ulcere. Vurlcoic Ulcers* White Swelling* Fever Aorsa. and all Old Sorei. It never fails. Draws out nil poison Saves expense and suffering. Cures Best salvo for Holla* CMrl)uncl«>>, I*lles, Suit Rheum, Burns Cuts and all Fresh Wounds. By mail, small. H3c; large. (He. Book tree •>. I*. MEIIK'LNE CO., St. Paul* HI Inn. Sold by Drutnrlnts. AGENTS fg|g by the celebrated historian. John Clark Kid put It. LL. 0. A sumptuous volume of nearly 650 panes, uniform in Bile Willi Kiilpaih'. Ill.lorr »■' Ihe World. Magnificently Illustrated and bound, It will be eagerly taken by all classes. A bonanza lor atrents. .Secure canvassing ontllt and territory now. IJT I,literal term, and credit trlvt'iiot«» avert!.- Full line or illilatm ted descriptive material FIIKK Address JONEII BROTHERS I'OIiU.SH 1N(I CO.. CINCINNATI. OHIO. STOPIPED FHEET K'l P'J H PERMANENTLY CURED Wl « Insanity Prevented by 11 H RS DR. KLINE'S CREAT l'h NERVE RESTORER Po»ltire cure far all XerrouH Diseases.Pit*.Kpilepsy, K9 Spnirnn and St. Vitus' Dance. No Kit* or N«fvou»neas IS?J fir*t fiat * u»«*. Treatise and s3trial bottle free to Kit patient*, thev psrtnc exprraa charge* *nlr when rv IK ceivd. S-r«1 t» DK KI.IN'K. Ul., H-ll*r U * Institute of Medicine, 033 Arch Street. PHI I, AI) R4.PHIA. PA. READERS OF THIS PAPKR DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT THEY ASK FOR, REFUSING ALL SUBSTITUTES OU IMITATIONS. IIIIIWFRQiT Y Th * Monthly* Sum Kranelaeo, UHltkUvll I ofTrra free »ehnl®rnlilpn at the Stanford CNILPITINU '"•"•rally or (be Uulveralty of Csliforalt, kUUwA I I U 1(1 larludioe faur t eara' eoarae* board, lodf -fl-IKE- *■*»* railwaj faro. Biaaap for parlleulsra* kB~CURES WHtRt All ELSE FAILS. „ Q] BH Beat Cough Syrup. Tutes Good. Us® trl In time. Sold by drugfflstft. |*l