Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 09, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 3--J.
BuHlnesH Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
•nd pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me F. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
ef the best appointed hotels iu Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New in all
Its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught eitner at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building,
Emporium, Pa.—up stairs. Office hours: 7to 9
a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Political Announcements.
All Announcement* under this head must be
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press: —
Please announce that should the Hon. Chas.
W Stone not be a candidate to succeed himself,
I am a candidate for Representative in Congress
in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the
decision of the Republican district conference.
Warren, Pa., April 26,1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th. 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth. 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 185»s.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
V*SK x v v \ x;\ N N v s:\/
% ij
Next to Post-office, Emporium, Pa.
| Fancy Stationery, 112
I Ij
b? Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy fa
% Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper $
und Tourists Pads,
| Toilet and
jjj Bath Goods. |
% My line of Toilet and Bath Goods includes
/ a line line of Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, /
p etc.
/ /
% /
✓ \ \ \ \ N\\\\NV\S
Dickinson Seminary.
We acknowledge the receipt of an
invitation to attend the commence
ment exercises of Dickinson Seminary,
Williamsport, June 16th. Claude E.
Lyon, of this place, is a member oft he
class, to whom we are indebted for the
I.etters from t!ic People.
[ All communications under this head must be
accompanied by the writer's name. We will not
be held responsible for any expressions in this
department.]— EDlTOß.
EDITOR PRESS:—I noticed in last is
sue of the PRESS an article in relation
to the violation of certain laws, by our
local bicycle riders, yet there are other
laws of far more importance so fla
grantly and wantonly violated by our
saloons and hotels, especially on the
Holy Sabbath day, a day we are taught
to respect and revere, that it drives
the bicycle business into oblivion.
Yet, some of the people will goto
church and sit in the front pew. Oh !
Lord, have mercy upon such hypo
cracy! We are called nearly every
Sunday to witness acts of disgust by
bright promising young men—men
who might fill a high position—drift
ing towards the brink of ruin and the
drunkard's grave. Why? because the
saloon keeper wantonly, and in defi
ance of church, law and morality, vio
late the license law.
What must be the feelings of a wife,
mother, sister or brother, to witness
the stagger and drunken leer of a
brother or husband and know that
certain of our hotel lords are respon
sible ? Citizens of Cameron county, is
it possible that this thing is to always
goon ? Are we never to have re
dress ? Is this arrogant rule of whis
key and ruin to forever dominate our
town and ruin the bright prospects
of our homes ? Oh ! God forbid that
such should be the case. Every loyal,
law-abiding citizen should rise in their
might and fearlessly, without a halt,
stamp out this accursed viper. Oh !
that we could raise up in our midst
another Neal Dow or a Father Mat
thews to carry on this war in behalf of
humanity, in behalf of the widow and
orphan, the mother and wile. Then
would our homes be bright and happy
and prosperous.
Emporium, Pa., June 6th, 1898.
The Creamery's Advantages.
BY P. B. C.
To-day I had some surplus butter
and sent it over to my grocer. He
said that he could not take much at
any price, but would take a few
pounds a week at twenty-two cents.
He had a contract with a creamery to
supply him with butter, as the people
demanded creamery. In times gone
by the same store was always glad to
get dairy butter, and would pay just
as much as for creamery butter,
provided it was good. The butter I
took over was good, as was evidenced
by the price offered, as strictly fancy
creamery prints self in Baltimore for
twenty-two to twenty-three cents, but
his customers wanted creamery but
ter no matter whether any other but
ter was just as good or not.
It is true that I lost a cent or two by
reason of the creamery,but think what
a hundred or more farmers who sup
ply that creamery with cream have
gained. The highest price for dairy
butter quoted is nineteen cents, while
the lowest is twelve, and it is safe to
infer that the farmers would have got
the whole range of prices for their but
ter had they made it themselves in
stead of taking it to the creamery. It
is true that something had to be paid
for making it, but it costs something
on the farm, and the extra freight
paid if the butter was shipped in 100
lots instead of one would nearly if not
quite pay what the creamery charged
for making it. Instead of having one
hundred different grades of butter
made by the one hundred farmers,
there was only one grade, and for that
the customers ought to be grateful,
too, so I bore my loss of two cents a
pound with a fair degree of equani
Austin vs Emporium.
The second nines of Austin and
S Emporium contested for honors on the
J home grounds last Saturday afternoon,
j which resulted in the youthful cham
| pions of the "Saw-Dust City" being
| defeated by a score of 26-0. Our boys
i did not allow them to make a run after
i tbe second inning.
Father Follows Mother.
j Mr. Wm. Hunter, a highly respected
citizen of (ilen Hazel, died at his home
; at that place last Saturday, of typhoid
j fever, aged thirty- eight years. He was
| brought to Truman on Monday after
noon and laid to rest by the side of his
wife, who died of the same dread
malady just two weeks ago. The
deceased was a brother-in-law of Wm.
Filling, who died at Truman about
i three weehs ago, and leaves three little
! children, two of whom are dangerously
! ill with typhoid fever.
Prepare for a glorious Fourth.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTEß.
Thousand Pound Shell Sent the
Spanish Destroyer Down.
No Trace of Vessel or flen a Moment
After the Disaster--Failed to Catch
The Yankees Napping and Was
Blown to Atoms—Cervera's Last
Hope Vanished—End is Near.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, June B.
Even more picturesque and bold
than the defiance of the big Con
federate Merrimac by Erricsson's
little monitor was the exploit which
resulted in the sinking of the
Spanish torpedo boat destroyer.
Audacious as was the little craft
that made Ericsson famous, the
small Terror was much more so in
boldly attempting to run the
guantlet of the powerful American
fleet assembled about the entrance
to Santiago harbor. Unlike the
monitor the Terror failed to catch
the enemy napping, and the Am
erican fleet demolished the little
stranger as quickly as Ericsson's
"cheese box"' disposed or her more
formidable looking enemy at
Hampton Roads.
Not a sign of the Spanish boat
or the sixty men comprising her
crew has been seen since the 13-
inch shell fired by the battleship
Oregon struck her amidship. This
shot made an American victory of
an exciting hour's work, and
thwarted the first attempt of the
Spanish to send naval re-enforce
ments to Admiral Cervera.
It i.s unlikely that either of the
torpedo boats with Admiral Cer
vera's warships in Santiago harbor
renewed the attempt to attack the
American lleet by night, even if
these small craft were able to pass
the wreck of the Merrimac. The
moon was high, a fact which would
have deterred Cerverafrom risking
the loss of either of his torpedo
The belief is growing among the
oflicers of the fleet that the war
will end soon. With the fall of
Santiago and the capture or des
truction of Ce vent's fleet they ex
pect Spain will sue for peace.
"There will not be much more
slaughter in this war," is the way
one of the oflicers put the matter
to me. "It is practically settled
now. If Gervera's object was to
find the strength of the American
lleet his curiosity must have been
Death of a Former Resident.
Mrs. J. L. Beers, of Emporia, Fla.,
and who formerly resided here, died at
a hospital in Philadelphia on Thurs
day evening, June 2, from the effects
of an operation performed there.
The deceased was mother of Messrs.
Frank and John Beers and will be re
membered by many older residents of
Emporium, as Kate Zacharias. At
tliis writing no particulars of the
funeral could be learned.
Rich Valley Notes.
Editor I*rcßs :
Mrs. Maud Nickerson nee Culver, of
Potter county is visiting her father P.
| S. Culver and other friends.
I Mrs. Nellie Marshall, of Emporium,
j spent the day with Mrs. Nettie Lewis
| last Wednesday.
A. O. Swartwood made a business
I t rip to Sterling Run last Thursday.
Mrs. Sarah Shultz formerly a resi
j dent of this place but now living at
j Salamanca, X. Y., visited friends here
| last week. She preached in the
j church Thursday evening.
, Two wee strangers, a boy and a girl
' arrived in the valley last Saturday.
The girl stopped at Frank Craven's
and the boy at Randolph Lockwood's.
A union Sunday school was organ
ized in the church last Sunday. There
! are now three Sunday schools and one
| Sabbath school in the valley. Surely
that will cause God's word to be
| studied. Let the good work goon.
' June sth. IS9S. Adina.
A Hatch Broke off and Fell Into a
Can of Kerosene Oil.
The Victim, firs. Judd Mines, Died
Fonr Hours Later.
Last Monday, County Commissioner
E. W. (iaskill received a telegram
from Judd Hines, his brother-in-law,
informing him that his wife ( nee Clara
Goodwin) had been fatally burned.
Later a telegram was received an
nouncing her death and that the re
mains would arrive here on Wednes
day, for burial in Newton Cemetery,
beside those of her departed father
and mother. A very great number of
the younger population of Emporium
who were intimately Jtssociated with
the deceased, will learn of her sad
death with regrets.
The grief-stricken husband accom
panied the remains to this place yes
terday—services being held at the
The account of the sad death we
copy from the Elmira Star :
Mrs. J. Hines, of 310 South <lain
street, died at 10:30 this forenor . from
burns received at half past six /'clock.
With her husband, Mr. Juds< .1 Hines,
she lived on second floor of Jie frame
house at the above number. Mr. Hines
is a carpenter with Mr. W. W. Hatha
way, the contractor. He had gone to
his shop and Mrs. Hains, it is pre
sumed, was doing up her morning
work in the kitchen. Exactly how it
happened is not known, although Mrs.
Harriet Kerns, who with her eon and
daughter, live on the ground floor,
gives an explanation told by Mrs.
Hines herself She stated that she was
striking a match and that it broke off,
the broken end falling into a can of
kerosene oil, which exploded and cast
ita contents over her body. She was
instantly in flames, which she tried to
subdue with her hands, but failing she
ran through the sitting room and into
the front room, where she placed her
self under the bed clothes and where
she was found.
Some of the neighbors are of the
opinion that Mrs. Hines was pouring
oil on an nearly extinguished fire and
that thus the casualty occurred; but
Mrs. Kerns is sure that the above is
what Mrs. I lines told her.
Screams aroused the neighbors, who
saw flames issuing from the kitchen
window in the rear, and a fire alarm
wits turned in, which brought a de
partment detail to the scene, who
quickly extinguished the flames. Be
fore the firemen arrived the neighbors
had found Mrs. Hines after a search,
and attracted by her groans. The bed
clothing, mattress, pillows and wood
work of the bed were charred and
ruined. The poor woman had proba
bly been burned to her death before
she leached the bed.
With her clothing in charred tatters,
Mrs Hines was carried down stairs
and Dr. Williamson and Dr. Copeland
summoned, who speedily responded.
From the head to the soles of her feet
was one unbroken blister, including
her face, which was blackened and dis
figured. The poor woman, though she
must have been in agony, tried to tell
how it happened, and as well as she
could assisted the doctors in the tedi
ous task of applying the necessary
coverings and lotions to her body.
Atropine and morphina kindly assisted
the cutaneous paralysis in obscuring
the pain. After the burns had been
dressed, Rev. Mr. Thomas, rector of
Emmanuel Mission, called, and asked
permission to recite the prayers of his
creed, and this being given by Mr.
Hines, and Mrs. Hines consenting by
a movement of her lips, the man of
God knelt by the side of the grief
stricken husband and all in the room
joined in the Lord's prayer, Mrs.
Mines herself audibly repeating
i "amen."
The doctors stated that the chances
j of recovery were very slight, in fact
| not at all, where the burns were so
j general the history of cases being unan
| imously fatal in their results. At
I half past ten the attendants saw Mrs.
i llines begin to breathe loudly and
S with difficulty. She partially raised her
; shoulders and head, struggled, grasped
i and was dead.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilines are highly
i spoken of by their neighbors, and Mr.
Hathaway was present showing his
| sympathy and regard by assisting in
! whatsoever manner possible. Mrs.
1 Hines was about forty-three years old,
with no children.
Undertaker Zimmerman took charge
of the body, which will be taken to
Emporium, Pa., for interment. The
shocking affair cast a gloom over the
neighborhood, and well it might, for
it k !IV<; "new very striking emphasis
Ito that which says:"ln the midst of
I life we are in death." Mr. and Mrs.
j Ilines were married in 1880. They
I have lived lived in Elmira three years.
NEW YORK, June 9. —A copy
right dispatch to the World from
Hong Kong says:
"A report has reached here
that Manila has fallen.
"It is said to be now occupied
by the Philippine insurgents
commanded by General Aguin
Flag Day.
Next Tuesday will be Flag Day and
it is hoped every patriotic citizen of
Cameron county will hang out their
Firemens' Smoker.
The Fire Department of Emporium
will give a Smoker to all ex-Chiefs of
at the City Hall, this evening. Every
member of the department should
be present.
War Correspondent.
We have received a letter for publi
cation from E. J. Fauzy, Com. C. 16th
Regiment Pa., Volls., camp George H.
Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Lytle,
Ga. We regret the letter failed to
reach us in time for this issue. Mr.
Fauzy will act as PRESS special corres
Death of an Aged Lady.
Mrs. Benj. Sweesey aged 77 years
and six months, died at the family
residence, Rich Valley, last Monday.
The funeral took place yesterday after
noon, being larglo attended. De
ceased has resided in this county
about fii v years and was greatly re
Fourth of July.
The Fourth of July Committee met
at the Warner House, last evening
and perfected, in a measure, the ar
angementß for the great celebration to
be held at Emporium, July 4th. The
following were appointed: F. C.
Rieck, President; W. S.Walker, Treas
urer; W. T. Seger, Secretary.
Committee on Fire Works—Fred
Julian and D. W. Felt.
Bicycle Races—Wm. Kaye, C. W.
Shaffer and J ~ ....»iever.
Finance Committee—Wm. McGee,
C. J. Goodnough, R. Warner and 0
W. Shaffer.
Amusement Committee—Wm. Mc-
Gee, Sheriff Mundy, Frank Shives.
The committee expect to make an
announcement of attractions within a
few days.
Election of Teachers.
The Emporium school board held
their regular meeting on Monday
evening of this week and after the
order of business had been disposed of
they proceeded to elect the following
corps of instructors for the coming
school year:
Principal, 11. F. Stauffer,
Assistant Principal, F. A. Leet.
Grammar Grade, Helen Van Valken
A Intermediate, West Ward, Mabel
A Intermediate, East Ward, Anna
B Intermediate, West Ward, Elvia
B Intermadiate, East Ward, Kate
A Primary, West Ward, Louise
A Primary, East Ward, Mary Robin
B Primary, West Ward, Marion Lar
B Primary East Ward, Grace Mc-
Cuban Lecture.
! Col. Wm. Ewing a veteran of the
j war of the Rebellion and a Colonel in
| the Cuban Army for two and one half
j years, will address the people of Em
| porium, at the Baptist Church, this
; evening at 8:00 o'clock. Hear what
; the people of Kane, Pa., say about
! him:
j "To whom it may concern: The
; bearer of this note, gave a thrilling
J and most interesting address 011 his ex
i perience as Colonel in the Cuban
I army at the llrst Congregational
i church, of Kane, McKean county,
j Pa , before a packed house, upwards oi'
; five hundred people. Ilis rehearsing
of the details of the deaths of Seargent
Osgood, of Philadelphia and Gen.
Macoo, of the Cuban forces, are quite
different from the newspaper accounts.
He holds his auditors well nigh spell
Col. Ewing is well worth hearing.
His tale of anxiety, sorrow and per
, sonal bereavement and loss, will gain
! for him many friends and generous
j support.
I Pastor First Congregational Church.
TERMS: $2.00 —$ 1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Foot Crushed.
While in the act of jumping some
earn that were being switched in tho
A. V. yard at Driftwood, Tuesday
afternoon, an eleven year old lad by
the name of Fink, fell under the wheels
and had his left foot crushed. Dr.
Smith, of Emporium, and Dr. Corbett,
of Driftwood, were summoned at onco
and amputated the foot above the
Flag Raising.
On last Saturday the employees in
the W. N. Y. & P. yard at this place
erected a flag pole on one of the Com
pany's repair shops, and at seven
o'clock that evening, in the presence
of a large gathering of railroad em
ployees and citizens, they gave to tho
breeze a beautiful large flag, a present
from the Railroad Company. Rev. W.
R. McNeil was present and made some
very patriotic remarks which were
frequently applauded. The Juvenile
Drum Corps furnished the music for
the occasion.
Our Boys at Ridgway.
The Young America Drum Corps, of
Emporium, who were the invited
guests of landlord A. D. Avery, of tho
McFarlin House, on Memorial Day
and the day after, were welcome vis -
itors to our town and made a very
creditable appearance here. They aro
gentlemen and we will be glad to seo
them soon again. On Tuesday they
played a game of base ball with nine
young men of this place and our boys
were unkind enough to defeat them by
the score of 17 to 12 in a game full olf
good feeling and sport.—Ridgway Ad
Pressed Bricks.
Jas. Haviland has purchased a hand
some team of dray horses.
H. S. Lloyd can supply you with a
first-class bicycle at reasonable rates.
Give him a trial.
Cracker factories at York are running
night and day on a big rush order for
hardtack for the army.
The Coudersport Enterprise says
Emporium is a license town. Yes,
seventeen times, seven times a week.
A large assortment of soft shirts, to
wear with white collars and cuff's; niee
and cool for summer wear, going cheap
at Soble's.
Every now and then a man's mind
is stretched by a new idea or sensation
and never shrinks back to its former
A man can never please his neighbors.
They always think that he either stays
home too much or doesn't stay at home
It is reported that Col. S. W. Smith,
of Port Allegany and Mrs. Flora Ho
grath, of Smethport were married last
Preaching in M. E. church next Sab
bath, by the pastor at 10:30 a. m.,"An
Unruly Evil." 7:30 "Swear not at all."
All are earnestly invited.
A man was heard to remark the other
day: "You can't blame a man for
calling his wife an old hen when she's
always laying for him."
Knoxvilleites scatter tacks on tho
side walks of that town in order to
cripple bicycles. Emporiumites never
(?) would do such a thing.
Jonathan Card, who left Roulette
some time ago for Boston, with a gay
and festive widow, has "shuffled off'
this mortal coil." Suicide.
The proper use of soap and water—
"Woman !" he cried, "this is too thin;
I'll take no more of your sauce." And
the young bride wept for it was her
first attempt at stewed cranberries.
The pastor of a congregation in an
adjoining town was asked to act as
peacemaker in his choir, whereupon he
remarked: "You will have to excuse
me, 1 never interfere with the war do
partment of our church."
The Universal Dictionary will be
placed in your home for 25c. a week by
the agent, John A. Noe, at the Warner
[Every home should have one.]
The following are tho ranks in tho
United States army: Private, corporal,
! sergeant, orderly sergeant, second
lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain,
| major, lieutenant colonel, colonel,
j brigadier general, major general, gen
j eral.
i It doesn't pay to 'uuv Inferior cloth
j ing It is always dear at any price.
I N. Seger will not cheapen his garments
| but they must be to the standard re
| quired by those who desire a good suit
iat fair price. His clothing is manu
j factured from fabrics of tested wort !
j and are cut in the latest and most an
1 proved styles.
NO. 15.