THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. I?. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 38. Business Cards. B. W. UKEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relating to estate, collections, real estates. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 42-1 y. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY, JOHNSON & McNARNEY, ATTO R N EYS-A T- L A W, EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENKAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Heal estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. F. D. LEET. A TTO RN E Y-A T- LA W, Emporium, Pa. To LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands, also stum page &c., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. L>. LEET. CITY HOTEL, WM. McOEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of this old and popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one of the best appointed hotels i n Cameron county. 30-1 THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor. Having assumed control of this popular Res taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the best possible manner. Meals furnished at all hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly BT. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. J. LYSETT. PROPRIETOR, Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened for the accommodation of the public. New in all its appointments, every attention will be paid to the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this place. REMOVAL DR. A. W. BAKER Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building, Emporium, Pa.—up stairs Office hours: 7to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. 111. I'olitica! Announcements. All Announcements under this head must be signed bj/the candidate and paid in advance to insure pa bl ieation. CONGRESS. Editor Press:— Please announce that should the Hon. Clias. W Stone not be a candidate to succeed himself, I am a candidate for Representative in Congress in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the decision of the Republican district conference. F. H. LANG WORTH Y. Warren, Pa., April 2e choicest invoice of Fancy y Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper ' / and Tu lists I'ads, y ; w Toilet and V >■ <\ Bath Goods. ; / / My line of Toilet and Bath Goods includes > / a fine line of Koaps, Brushes, Sponges, 8 etc. / > ROCKWELL'S ✓ ' DRUG - STORE.' EMPORIUM, PA. ' * x / N \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NS«amrv3S xc- .xarw -_'v« *-.■ • :iv» Those great bargains at N. Soger's are attracting attention. The expense of maintaining a first class battleship is about §15,000 a day. Big bargains in summer clothing at ' N. i-'eger's. J First (lame of the Season. The first nine of Emporium and the Mountaineer hose team crossed bats last Monday afternoon, which resulted in a score of 21-11 in favor of the first nine. Finger Broken During the game of ball on Monday | afternoon, between the Mountaineer j hose company team and the first nine of Emporium, Clias. Shaffer the catcher I for the Mountaineers, had the little j linger on his right hand broken. Lost. Last Thursday the undersigned lost ; a pair of gold nose eye glasses; in red ease. The finder will be suitably re warded by leaving them at the Empo rium Junction House. H. G. AULT. Fourth of July Celebration. A meeting of the citizens of Empori um will be held in the Warner House this evening at eight oclock to make arrangements for a celebration on the Glorious Fourth. All the business men should be sure to attend. Religious Meeting. Quarterly meeting services in the M. E. Church next Sunday. Love Feast, 9:15. Preaching and commun ion at 10:30. Preaching in the even- J ing by Presiding Elder Black. All are j cordially invited to be present. ••Play Ball." There will be a game of ball played on the home grounds tomorrow (Fri day) afternoon, between the first nine of Sterling Run and the home club. As both teams are pretty evenly matched, an interesting game is an ticipated. Game called at 3:00 o'clock. Dental Notice. Dr. F. C. Reick, of Emporium, will be at the Curtin House, Driftwood, Pa., on Tuesday next, June 7th. He will also be at the above named place on the first Tuesday of each month, prepared to do dental work of any kind for the people of Driftwood and vicinity, at reasonable prices. Public Notice. The undersigned wishes to inform the public that having bought out the wagon business connected with J. A. Fisher's blacksmith shop, would re-! spectfully solicit the patronage of my ' former patrons. Lumber and farm I wagons a specialty. For workman- j ship and easy running, I defy compe- 1 tition. Yours respectfully, 14-4t. C. L. BUTLER. Acid Works Destroyed. On Tuesday evening at a few min utes before six, the watchmen at the Climax Powder Works discovered that the section of the plant known as the acid works was on lire. A lithe factory hands had left the works a little while previous to the breaking out of the fire, and the watchmen being unable to get the flames under control directed their efforts to the saving of the surround ing buildings. They were successful in preventing the fire from spreading to the adjacent buildings but the acid works were totally destroyed. Bought a Railroad. P. H. and C. W. Goodyear have bought the Addison & Pennsylvania Railroad. The offices which have heretofore been located at Addison and New York Uity will be removed to Buffalo, and a new organization to take title will be formed and articles of incorporation filed as soon as the legal arrangements can be perfected. It will be operated in conjunction with the Buffalo & Susquehanna railroad. The road runs from Addison, N. Y., to Galeton, Potter county, a distance of forty-six miles, through a rich lumber country. At Galeton it connects with the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad and at Addison with the Erie.—Eldred Eagle. riemoria! Day Observed, Despite the fact that there was no regular program laid out for the ob servance of .Memorial Day in Empori um, our citizens took great pride in decorating the graves ol' the "fallen heroes," who are buried here. After the arrival of the train from the east, several members of Post '241, G. A. R., marched to the cenietaries and decked with beautiful wreaths and garlands of flowers, the graves of their comrades who have answered to the last roll call. Throughout the entire day our citi zens could lie seen wending their way to the "silent city of the dead," to place on the final resting place of their loved ones some beautiful token of remembrance. Those who visited both cenietaries say that they present ed a beautiful scene, being literally strewn with flowers. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WKßSTKß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 2,1898. LATEST WAR NEWS. SAMPSON TO LEAD THE ATTACK. All t!ie Great American War Vessels riassed in I-ront of the llntrance to Santiago Harbor Ready to Begin the Fight. THE CITY OCRS BY SUNDOWN Battered Batteries Being Hurriedly Repaired and Insurgents are Hobili/ingon the Hills to Rush in. WASHINGTON, I). C., June 1. — Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley are expected t o capture or destroy Admiral Cor vent's fleet ! and take Santiago to-morrow. Admiral Sampson is now off | Santiago do Cuba, in command of | the combined fighting fleet, com- I prising the battleships lowa, In diana, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Texas, the armored cruisers New ork and Brooklyn, besides monitors, cruisers and smaller craft with Commodore Schley, commanding the second division, prepared to overwhelm flic San tiago] fortifications, and the four armored cruisers and two torpedo boat destroyers under Admiral Cervera's command, lying in the bottle-shaped harbor behind them. I lie expectation is that, without waiting for the landing of troops to take the Santiago fortifications in the rear, Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley will end the war before the sun goes down to morrow. I lie change in the Administra tion's plans which gives Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley their great opportunity, was made possible by the reeonnoiscence which Commodore Schley made of the fortifications at Santiago yester day. Although he only expended fifty shells, while the Spanish fired three times as many and suffered all the loss, he discovered that both fortifications and ships could be taken by ships without the necessity of assistance from troops. Special Navy Supplement. The subject of our Navy is one which is all-engrossing at the present time, and the desire for ace urate and reliable information concerning our vessels has induced the Scientific American to publish a Special Navy Supplement of 40 pages with 90 illustrations. Every effort has been made to explain what the Navy is. Comparisons have been drawn, not only between the various types of vessels, but also between diflerent vessels of the same class. The descriptions are couched in untechni cal language, and after a careful read ing of this number any one can discuss the merits of the various vessels very much as he would talk of the good and bad points of a horse. The clear dia grams showing the differences between these modern fighting machines render analysis of this kind easy. It is beau tifully illustrated by half-tone engrav ings and woodcuts showing not only the naval vessels themselves, but guns, gun turrets, coning towers, steering apparatus, etc. This number has a colored cover and colored map of Cuba. Price, 25 cents. Munn & Company, 361 Broadway, New York are the pub lishers. Death of John Kane. Mr. John Kane, Sr., one of Renovo's well known and highly respected citizens, died at his home at that place, early last Sunday morning, of acute meningitis, aged fifty-eight years. The deceaesd was a prominent rail road contractor and helped to con struct the Philadelphia & Erie branch of the Pennsylvania R. It., when it was put through here, some thirty years ago. New Agent Appointed. Mr. Harry Hemphill has recently been appointed agent and collector for Emporium and vicinity, by the Pru dential Insurance Co., of Newark, N, J. As Mr. Hemphill represents a good company, he will undoubtedly make a very material increase in the number of Prudential policies in Emporium. Off for the Convention. A jolly crowd of Republicans left for Harrisburg on Tuesday, to attend the state convention and "root" for the people's choice from the North west; Charles W. Stone. A Question of Importance. MR. EDITOR: —There is a responsi- j i bility incumbent upon each and every j citizen and that is the recognition of j our laws. There are some laws how ever, that appear to be dead-letters and completely ignored by a class of ; our citizens—the local bicycle riders. ' Sidewalks are built by the property 1 owners for the especial use of pedes- j I trians. They are not built nor kept in < I order out of a general fund and such j being the case the property owner has | got to keep them in good order, in ac- j ; cordance with the borough ordinances, , When we refuse or neglect to comply j j with these laws our Council does not hesitate to enforce the laws, yet j I here are other laws overlooked and ' i not enforced. It has gotten now that J the bicyclist confiscates the entire side- > j walk to their especial use and the ' ; pedestrian takes the street if he wants j |to walk in safety. Such a state of j j effairs do really exist at the present j time in Emporium. It certainly is j I humiliating for two reasons : First—Because it is dangerous to j children as well as other pedestrians i and secondly because if not stopped it will at some future time, sooner or i later, involve our borough in difficult complications. I, as a citizen and tax- j payer, in behalf of the general welfare of our town, advocate the enforcing of • those laws by the proper authorities. CITIZEN. \ Emporium, Pa., May 31, 1898. A Terrible Accident. The W. N. Y. &P. depot at Olean, was the scene of a terrible accident j last Saturday evening, which will re- : suit in crippling Tim Mullen, son of attorney Eugene Mullen, of Bradford, ' for life. Mr. Mullen accompanied by ' his parents was about to take the I south bound express on the W. X. Y. : & P. Ry., and his parents had already j entered the car, leaving the young j man on the platform talking with j some lady friends. When the train j started, in some unaccountable man- j :'orhe lost his footing and fell between the cars,in falling he managed to grasp the railing and succeeded in throwing his body outside the rails, but one foot j was caught beneath the heavy wheels | and ground to a pulp. The train was J stopped as soon as possible and the j agonized parents had him removed to the nearest hotel where the foot was : amputated. Mr. Mullen is a very bright and pop- ; ular young man and his many friends j in this section will join the PRESS in I extending to him their sympathy in i his great misfortune and suffering. Sudden Death. Matthew O'Brien,for many years one of the most popular conductors on the i Western New York and Pennsylvania j railroad died at his home in Buffalo, : Sunday morning, of pleurisy, aged forty years. Until within a few years ago, Mr. O'Brien made his home at Emporium, and by his gentle manly manner and straight forward dealing endeared himself to ali with whom he came in contact. "Mat" O'Brien was one who could combine a genial, social nature, with a strict ap plication to his work and his steady j promotion and advancement in railroad 1 circles willingly attests to his efficiency ' and high deportment while engaged in discharging the duties of his posi- j tion His many sterling qualities won j for him a host of friends who will be j deeply grieved to learn of his death. His funeral was held on Tuesday, at j Holland, N. Y., and was attended by a large number of his railroad associates. \ He leaves a wife and child, and an I aged mother at Driftwood, to mourn his death. Union Memorial Sermon. The Union Memorial sermon, preach by the Rev. W. R. McNeil, Sunday evening was largely attended, the church being packed to the doors. After several beautiful anthems by the choir, the audience arose and sang America. A prayer was then offered by Rev. Robt. McCaslin who was fol lowed by the Rev. W. R. McNeil. The reverend gentleman was thorough ly prepared to handle his subject in a masterly manner and delivered one of the most interesting discourses ever listened to in Emporium. The mem bers of CI. A. R. Post, No. 241, W. 11. p., and P. y. S. of A., attended in a body. Death of firs. Dennis Hall. Mrs. Dennis Hall, formerly of Em porium and who for the past number pf years has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Mahon, at Pennfleld, was taken through here on last Tuesday, to be buried at her old home in Potter county. THE STATECONVENTION COL. W. A. STONE THE FAVORITE Charles W. Stone Runs a Close Second With Wanamaker Fighting llard. IIAIIRISISIUO, June !.—The con : test for first place on the slate j Repubiiean ticket is as warm as the weather. Colonel Wm. A. Stone, ! of Allegheny, is still the favorite i with Charles \\. Stone, of Warren, j a close second. John Wanamaker is making a strong fight and will poll a large vote. Congressman | V. ni. Council, of Seranton, and ex-Congressman .John Leisenring, of Hazleton, have withdrawn and their delegates will be divided be tween the two Stones. Council's ten delegatcsand six of Leisenring's will vote for \V. A. Stone and the balance for C. W. Stone. Pleasant Social Event. The party given by the young people j of Emporium, in the Opera House, Wednesday evening, was without any ! exception, the leading social event of ; the season. The interior of the hall was decorated in a most beautiful I manner, the stage and refreshment i corner being one mass of palms, ferns and flowers, while artificial nooks and bowers, furnished with the finest of upholstered furniture, were tastefully arranged in different corners of the l room and partitioned off with very ' pretty screens. The floor was covered with crash and J the music by the Ridgway Orchestra | was the best that has been given in i Emporium for a longtime, thus mak ing the terpsichorean feature of the i party all that the most fastidious dan cer could desire. Card tables and places for other games were stationed in the rear of tho hall, for those who cared to participate in them. At mid night an elegant collation ot'ices, waf ers, etc., was served by the young ladies, after which the merriment con tinued till the early hours of the morning. A large number of out of town people were present and they all report an excellent time. Great credit is due to Messrs. Soble and Logan, as well as the Misses Bryan, Logan, \ Cush, Taggart, Clemens, and Mrs. A. Mclnnes, Jr., whose untiring efforts [ contributed greatly to the success of! the affair. Notice. I wish to give notice to persons traveling to and from Bailey Run and crossing over the ridge on what is known as tho Freeman farm, that this can no longer be allowed. Since the Climax Powder Company has for bidden persons crossing their premises this route has been adopted. I have posted notices forbidding tresspassing and hereafter any person disregarding them will just as surely be prosecuted. This is necessary for my own protec tion. My fences are broken down, my cattle are left out and have been milk ed in the pastures, and my sheep have had stones thrown after them for the fun of seeing them run. Forebearance has ceased to be a virtue and hereafter all persons must keep off this property or suffer the consequences. R. P. HEILMAN. Small Blaze. An alarm of fire was given about two o'clock Tuesday morning, in the j cast ward, which was quickly respond- I ed to by the Citizen's Hose Company, j The blaze was found to be at the large, I double tenement house, now vacant, J on the corner of West Third street, near Hockley's coal yard, and was soon extinguished without the aid of the up-town companies. This is the second time within a week that this building lias been 011 fire, and it is clearly the work of in condaries, as it has originated both times on the south-east corner of the ' building, near a narrow alley. » A Serious Fracture. While attending to his duties at the Sterling Run tannery, on Tuesday ' evening, the venerable watchman, 1 Patrick Tracy, had the misfortune to fall and break the bead of his right thigh bone. This break is known as an intra capsular fracture and is a very i serious injury, especially to one so advanced in years as Mr. Tracy, but ; owing to his rugged constitution it is possible that lie will pull through alright. He will be taken to the hospital at Williamsport, to-day. Pure Bred. Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan dottesaiul S. Brown Leghorns' eggs SI.OO for tilteen. I. P. OSTRUJI. hmpormin, Pa.—2-3m. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE. 9 PAGES. Pressed Bricks. Rig bargains at X. Seger's clothing j house. Now purchase clothing at N. Roger's ! and save big money. I Don't forget the lawn fete at M. T. I Hogan's Saturday evening. | The great bargains being offered in j clothing at N. Seger's attract unusual i attention. ! The Emporium Juvenile Drum Corps , went to Ridgway last Monday and j assisted in the Merr.morial ceremony, j There were thirteen in all. A number of Cameri-n county Re publicans are attending the state con j vention at Ilarrisburg (his week. 1 here was an old-time all around fight last Saturday night. Emporium put on a red hue of the deepest car mine. Every young man in Emporium is , expected to take hia girl to the lawn ; fete, given by the Chamber of Com | merce, Saturday evening. If you desire to see a good game of ball, don't fail to attend the game between Sterling Run and the home nine, to-morrow afternoon. " The Bucks county railway company has voted to have its road managed and run bv a man namod Mr. Booze. If there is anything in a name its cars ought to be "full" all the time.-Belle fonte Watchman. Some of the curiosities or'the Bank of England are well worth describing. In the printing room a man sits at a little table, and every three seconds machine hands him two complete £5 notes. If he sits there six hours, he re ceives over £B,OOO, and in 300 days, over £20,000,000 in paper monej'. Ex. The following statistics have been clipped from the report of the Warren insane asylum for the year ending December, 1897. At the beginning of the year there were 96G inmates. Ad mitted during the year 3-56. Total pres ent in the year 1122.. Discharged re stored, 42; improved, 61; stationary, 34; died 73; remaining at the end of the year 1,012 Mr. Howard's Reply. > would say to brother Bardwell and sister Adina that I have told the "policeman" and still the fence is in the middle of the road. In regard to forcing religion on peo ple neither God, nor any ofliis true followers, tries to make any one love or worship him, although the Turks and tome churches think it is better io kill a man than to let him pray to God in any other church than their own. I believe God made the world and filled it with abundance of animal and vegetable life for our good and told ae to improve it and divide it into sec tions, and manage it for His honor and to the benefit of each other. Acting under the sense and knowl edge of this justice and goodness ol God toward us, our representatives in Congress assembled have from time to time laid out public roads, improved the water channels, voted moneys for the development of God's bounties, and promulgated laws to protect the rights and inheritance of ourselves and our children from the waste and destruction of ignorant and unscrupu lous persons. Did all people recognize the benefits and justice of these laws, we would not have families broken up and abandon ed; ministers and teachers would not catch fish during the season they are hatching their eggs, and thus help to interfere with God's plan for increas ing their kind a hundred fold; school beards would not fence inhalfofthe highway: and fathers would not wan tonly cut down chestnut trees as an easy way of getting the nuts and thus rob their children of all future crops. Many more things God teaches us by example and precept which I believe. God's son says it is more blessed to give than to try and take all or to get even. Brother and Sister do you agree with me so far and 'think that such just and beneficial laws should bo taught to the the ignorant, and enforced on the un scrupulous ? Very respectfully, JOSIAH HOWARD. Lawn Fete. The ladies of the Chamber of Com merce; will give a lawn fete at the residence of M. T. Ilogan, on Saturday evening, June 4th. at (i:iio o'clock. Strawberries and ice cream will be served. The strawberry and ice cream revi val, by Mrs. Allen's class, has be»n postponed. NO. 14-