8 SECOND GALL FOR TROOPS It Came Unexpected to Many High Officials. NO SEKIOUS EMERGENCY. The New Men Will Be Hald »s a Reserve Force. Enlistments Are to Be Thrown Open, Much as They Were at the Outbreak of the Civil War, and Are Not to He Restricted to the National Guard Or ganization of the Several State*—An Approximate Estimate of the Quota From Kueh State—How the New Troops Will He Organized Details of the Work Will Not Be Taken Up Just at Present. WASHINGTON, May 26.—The Is suance of a proclamation by the presi dent calling for 75,000 more volunteers added a new and stirring phase to the lethargic conditions which have pre vailed of late and came with almost startling unexpectedness even to many of the high officers of the army here. The proclamation means not only the assembling of a large force of troops, but also the appointment of a number of major generals, brigadier generals, colonels, majors and staff and field officers, for the organization of this additional force of 75,000 men into army corps, divisions, brigades and regiments. The reasons leading up to the call naturally were sources of much con jecture, as it was at first felt that the possibility of foreign complications was a factor in bringing about this new movement. It speedily developed, however, that the call was not due to any latent or serious emergency, but was rather in the line of getting to gether a large body of men to l»e drilled and seasoned, and to consti tute a sort of second reserve to be drawn upon later when the campaigns are fully under way. Secretary Al ger stated that the merits of the call have been canvassed more or less for some weeks, but it was not until a few hours before the call itself appeared that the move was finally decided upon. Coming thus unexpectedly the war department had made no preparations for executing the call, and it will be some days before the details are worked out as to the quota from each state, the calls to the respective gover nors of states, the mustering points and the general points of concentra tion. All that is settled thus far is that the enlistments are to be thrown open, much as they were at the outbreak of the civil war, and are not to be re stricted to the militia and national guard organizations of the several states. It will be an encouragement to the organization of independent vol unteer companies and regiments. These will retain their identity to a certain extent as state troops, as the govern nors will have the appointment of all company and regimental officers, while only the brigade division corps and staff officers will be appointed by the president. While the adjutant general's office has not yet undertaken to make up the quotas of the several states, the fo'- lowing gives an approximate estimatt of the state quotas: Alabama, 1,500; Arkansas, 1,230; California, 1,930; Col orado, 794; Connecticut, 965; Delaware, 210; Florida, 450; Georgia, 1,905; Idaho, 139; Illinois, 4,829; Indiana, 2,581; lowa, 2,264; Kansas, 1,668; Kentucky, 2,045; Louisiana, 1,164; Maine, 759; Maryland, 1,166; Massachusetts, 2,832; Michigan, 2,622; Minnesota, 1,723; Mississippi, 1,295; Missouri, 3,246; Montana, 314; Nebraska, 1,446; Nevada, 142; New Hampshire, 451; New Jersey, 1,778; New York, 7,507; North Carolina, 1,545, North Dakota, 246; Ohio, 4,349; Oregon, 577; Pennsylvania, 6,456; Rhode Island, 426; South Dakota, 1,110; South Caro lina, 443; Tennessee, 1,036; Texas, 1,454; Utah, 255; Vermont, 397; Virginia, 1,673; Washington, 704; West Virginia, 633; Wisconsin, 1,955; Wyoming, 138; Ari zona, 108; District of Columbia, 198; New Mexico, 269; Oklahoma, 53. The organization and division of this extensive force is yet to be arranged by the adjutant general's office. General ly speaking, however, the 75,000 men will suffice for the formation of 75 reg iments. With three regiments to a brigade, which is the present basis of organization, this will make 25 brig ades. In turn eight divisions of three brigades each will be formed, and out of the eight divisions the entire force will be divided into three army corps. This general division of course is ten tative, but it shows the general for mation of this large body of volunteers. The new force will require, either by appointment or by officers already ap pointed.three major generals and about 24 brigadier generals. The law authorizes the president to appoint one major general for each army corps and one brigadier general for each brigade. Brigadier generals are also assigned to command divisions when the organiza tion advances to that stage. The col onels. lieutenants, majors, captains and lieutenants are appointed by the gov ernors of the various states, as the law provides that "all regimental and com pany officers shall be appointed by the governors of the states in which their respective organizations are raised." Strength of tlie Army. WASHINGTON, May 26.—Adjutant General Corbin has prepared a state ment showing the strength of the mil itary forces of the United States when organized in accordance with the plans now under way: Regular army, 62,000 men; volunteers from states (first call), 125,000 men; three cavalry regiments at-large, 3,000 men; 10 infantry regi ments. United States volunteers (im- Admiral CVrvero Still Ifellovecl Hot tied 1 |t at Santiago l>e Cuba. WASHINGTON, May 28.—The navy department announces that the situa tion as to the Meets, both American and Spanish, is precisely as it was 24 hours ago, so far as the officials know, the only notable differences being an apparent strengthening of confidence of the officials in their belief that Cer vera's squadron is lying in the Santi ago harbor, in this hope ami belief the officials find great comfort, know ing the abilities of the American naval commanders in Cuban waters to keep the Spanish admiral bottled up in his narrow neck harbor until he shall sur render or be starved out. If Cervera is actually at bay the offi cials feel not the slightest apprehen sion of relief coming to him from the outside in the shape of another Span ish ship squadron from Cadiz. The reason of this belief is their unques tioned ability to hold Cervera in check with only a few vessels, perhaps a cou ple of monitors and torpedo boats, thus leaving the remainder of the big ar mored ileet and a great number of un armored but serviceable war craft to take care of any reinforcements that might attempt to come from Spain to Cervera's aid. The force that could be epared for this service without endan gering the integrity of the blockade at Havana, or permitting the escape of Cervera, would be much larger than the entire Spanish naval force now in Spanish waters capable of crossing Liu- Atlantic. NEW RECRUITS. One Hundred and Twcltc Thousand Have Itrcn Mustered In. WASHINGTON, May 26.—One hun dred and twelve thousand men have now been mustered into the volunteer army of the United States and the official reports show that the greatest number of these are ready to move to the front. Over two-thirds of the states have entirely completed their musters. The failure of some of the states, notably four or five of the Southern states, to furnish the men called for up to this time is ascribed to a belief probably shared by many of the National Guardsmen who had home ties and business connections which they could not well afford to give up, that plenty of other persons not so encumbered would readily be found to take their places. Should any of the states de fault the probability is that the fact will be reported to congres by the secretary of war for action. Heavy Artillery Necessary. NEW YORK, May 26.—With Com modore Schley and Admiral Sampson guarding the entrance To the harbor of Santiago de Cuba the Junta believes that the entrapping of Admiral Cer vera will necessitate the sending to Cuba of heavy artillery. This Mr. Reu bens, the legal adviser of the junta, said would of necessity have to In planted in the hills behind Santiago, from which vantage point Admiral Ce vera would be forced into a sea battle on the outside. Anxiety Allayed. WASHINGTON, May 26.—The news of the safe arrival of the Oregon in American waters was a source of un alloyed satisfaction to all naval officers. Apprehension as to the safety of the Oregon practically disappeared when the vessel reached Barbadoes and re ported her arrival to the navy depart ment, but there was always a chance that she might suffer from accident or hostile attack in the short distance re maining on her homeward Journey. First Pension 111 the Present War. CHICAGO, May 26.—Jonathan Me,'- riam, the United States pension agent at Chicago, has just issued the first pension voucher of the war with Spain. It is for Mrs. Elsie A. Montfort of Council Bluffs, la., mother of Seaman 'Villiam Montford, who was a victim of tl.> Maine explosion in Havana harbor, Fee 10. Cable Not Cut. KINGSTON, Jamaica, May 26.—The West India and Panama Cable com pany denies that the cable lines from Santiago de Cuba to San Juan de Por to Rico and France have been cut. The company adds that messages for Porto Rico will be received. Sure Enough Spanish Spy. KEY WEST, May 26.—The supposed Spanish spy arrested here under the name of Jimenez is Lieutenant Sobral, late naval attache at the Spanish lega tion in Washington. Maps and plans of forts and mine fields were found on the prisoner. Austrian Ships Coining. LONDON, May 26.—Special from Gi braltar says two Austrian warships will sail Friday for Cuban waters. BASE BALL. The following is the result of the Eastern League base ball games: At Rochester — It.ii. k. Rochester 0 2 008030 *— 892 Buffalo 00000031 0—485 Batteries—Mitchell and Digging; Morse and Boyd Umpire—O'Loughlin. All three of the other scheduled games postponed on account of rain. National League. At Louisville—Louisville, 8; New- York, 4. At Cleveland—Cleveland, 5; Wash ington, 4. At Chicago—Chicago, 20; Baltimore, 4. At St. Louis—St. Louis, 4; Boston, 8. At Pittsburg—Pittsburg, 8; Philadel phia. 3. At Cincinnati—Cincinnati, 5; Brook lyn, 4. State League. Lyons,2; Palmyra, 3. Canandaigua, 8; Rome, 5. Oswego, 1; Cortland, 0. Utica-Auburn, rain. r~ Two rights Arranged. NEW YORK, May 25.-Tom O'Rourke has matched McCoy and Choynski for a 25-round bout for a purse of SIO,OOO, the fight to take place at the Lenox Athletic club, this city, June 27. He also matched Maher and Goddard for 25 rounds at the same clubhouse on July 5 for a purse of SS,OOO. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY MAY 26, 1898. INSURGENTS RECRUITING Cuban Forces Being; Added to Every Day. MOST ARE FROM HAVANA. Three Thousand Men Under General Rafael De Cardenas. Better Mounted hiii! Armed Than Ever Before, Tlie.v Approach Almost t<» the City of Havana —The Spaniards Have Massed Tlielr Troop* In the Cities uml on the ("Hit Abandoning Ofl'enHive Operations Against the Cnbani —No Difficulty In Maintaining Communica tion Between the Count and the In terior—lnsurgent. I'inrlied For Food, but Are Kager to Co-Opcrale With the American* Against tlie Spanish Troops. KEY WEST, May 26.—A courier di rect from Brigadier General Rafael de Cardenas, commander of the insurgent forces in Havana provinces, has ar rived here. He reports that there has been no difficulty In maintaining com munication between the coast and the interior. General Cardenas has been enrolling men at the rate of 20 per day, most of them coming from Havana city. The insurgent forces in that pro vince now number 3,000, better mount ed and armed than ever before. They move almost up to the outskirts of the city. According to this courier, the Span lards have massed their troops in the cities and on the coast, abandoning offensive operations against the Cu bans. The insurgents are pinched for food, but •will wait eagerly for the order to co-operate with the United States army in a movement against the Span ish troops. SAMPSON SIGHTED. Ills Flagship I.eft. the Blockading Fleet Going Eastward. KEY WEST, May 26.—The Associated Press dispatch boat Wanda has just reached here with the following ad vices: At daybreak on Sunday morning the entire squadron under Hear Admiral Sampson was lying directly opposite the entrance to Havana harbor, about 10 miles off shore. The commanding officers of the va rious vessels held a conference on board the flagship and shortly after 'their departure the flagship steamed away to the eastward. A number of vessels were left be hind on blockade duty. About two hours later a large double-masted and double-funnelled cruiser came steam ing under full headway from the west ward. When within hailing distance, and without slackening her speed, she exchanged signals with the acting lias ship off Havana. A string of colored bunting was hoisted aloft on the flag ship's halliards and the cruiser pushed onto the east at full speed. Afterward the squadron was in the Nicholas channel, off Cardenas, head ing for the old Bahama channel. The squadron was proceeding with care ft.r Admiral Cervera had not yet actually been bottled and care must be taken lest the fox turn and dash out of San tiago, around the east end of Cuba, up through the Windward passage and north to attack the cities of the At lantic coast of the United States. In all likelihood Commodore Schley will be able to spring the trap and then Rear Admiral Sampson may hasten to Santiago. A great game is being played, and the situation is one of ex treme suspense. After Admiral Cer vera is sealed up in Santiago harbor the problem will tie as in the case of a "varmint" caught in a trap, whether to shoot or starve him. In any event Ad miral Carvera, it is believed, cannot reach Havana. Two powerful fleets, each having fast vessels, as well as heavy ones, and each able to destroy him, are closing in upon him. Naval oflicers here believe that the battleship Oregon will be ordered to Join Rear Admiral Sampson's fleet. NEW YORK'S NEW RECRUITS. Those Recently Enlisted May Get it Chance to Goto the Front. ALBANY, May 26. —No plans have been formulated as yet by the state mil itary authorities as to how they will raise New York states quota of volun teers under the second call. No plans will be formed until Governor Black has received the detailed order from the secretary of war informing him as to exactly how many and what kind of troops this state is to furnish. It is es timated at the adjutant general's office that this state's share of the 75,000 will be something between 7,000 and 8,000 men. The statement made by Secretary o! War Alger, to the effect that the 75,•• ®OO troops called for would not be taken from the National Guards, but from open enlistment, was diagnosed by the officials at the adjutant general's office as meaning that the governor of each state was to be allowed to raise his quota of volunteers as he wished. If this reasoning is correct, Governor Black will probably give those organ izations of tlie National Guard that have been recruited to take the place of those who went away under the first call, the first chance to volunteer under this new call. Another Iteport Not Endorsed. WASHINGTON, May 26.—Reports were current that an army of in vasion was about to start for Cuba and Porto Rico. It was based on the con jecture which has been current of late, but officials in authority gave it no in dorsement, as 'twas manifestly con trary to public policy to give any ad vance information of such a move even If it were contemplated. TERROR MAKES A MOVE. The Vessel Leaves St. Pierre, Marti. niqae, Going Northwest. ST. PIERRE, Mai-Unique, May 26. The Spanish torpedo boat destroyer Terror finished coaling from the Ali cante, whose disguise as an ambulance ship has been virtually thrown off, and left Fort de France, taking a north westerly direction. It is reported that she goes to join the Spanish fleet. Three men-of-war, according to the account of fishermen who have Just ar rived here, were seen yesterday off the northwest point of the island. The fishermen assert that they were Span ish warships. STARTED FOR MANILA. First American Army to Sail For a For eign Port. SAN FRANCISCO, May 26.—The start was made for Manila late yester day afternoon and the first American army to sail for a foreign shore is now on the broad Pacific. At 4 o'clock Brigadier General Anderson signalled from the Australia for the City of Pe kin and the City of Sydney to get un der way. The signal was seen from the shore and the waiting crowds com menced to cfteer wildly. The noise was something terrific. Every steam whis tle in the city appeared to be blowing, cannon were fired, and the din lasted for fully an hour. As the Australia passed Alcatraz island, in the lead of the other ships, the battery of United States artillery stationed there fired a salute to General Anderson. The col ors were dipped in recognition and the steamships sounded their sirens. The three transports carried about 2,500 men. The expedition, which is under command of Brigadier General Anderson, consists of four companies of regulars under command of Major Robe; the First regiment California volunteers, Colonel Smith; the First regiment Oregon volunteers, Colonel Summers; a battalion of 50 heavy ar tillery, Major Bary; about 100 sailors and 11 naval officers. The fleet is loaded with supplies to last a year, and carries a big cargo of ammunition and naval stores for Ad miral Dewey's fleet. It is not probable any more troops will be dispatched before another week. MASSACRE IN AFRICA. Detail* of tlie Horrible Aft'alr as Told by an Kye Witness. LONDON, May 26.—A letter received In this city from Sierra Leone, west coast of Africa, says that a Madrid native who was with the American missionaries at Rotufunk when they were massacred by the insurgents en gaged in the uprising against the im position of the hut tax, but who made his escape by resuming his native garb, furnishes the following account of the tragedy: "We started to walk to Sierra Leone, but had only gone halt a mile when we met war boys, who blocked the way. Rev. Mr. Cain tried to frighten them by firing a revolver over their heads, but seeing they were determined to do mischief he cast his revolver away and said he would not have anybody's blood on his hands. The war boys then seized the party and Misses Hatfield, Archer and Kent, stripped them of their clothing, dragged them back to the mission house, in front of which the war boys cut down Rev. Mr. Cain and hacked him to death and then treated Miss Archer and Miss Kent in the same way. Miss Hatfield, who was very ill, was thrown on a barbed wire netting, and finally her throat was cut. Mrs. ("ain escaped to the bush with a native girl, but the war boys went out seeking for them and they were after ward killed." HAWAII ANNEXATION. An Agreement by Which It Will Not l!e Pressed In the Senate. WASHINGTON, May 26—The ac tive opponents of Hawaiian annexa tion in the senate, it is learned, agreed to the arrangement for daily sessions of the senate beginning at 11 o'clock only after an understanding with a number of Republican senators that the Hawaiian annexation question should not be earnestly pressed in the senate in any form at this session. Democratic senators were appealed to to expedite consideration of the rev enue bill and as a counter proposition asked that Hawaiian annexation be dropped. No party arrangement re sulted from these propositions, the Re publicans being disinclined as a party to let the Hawaiian Issue go over, but a number of Republican senators gave assurances that Hawaiian legislation should not be seriously pressed at thia session. These assurances, Democratic senators hostile to annexation say, are sufficiently numerous to warrant them in believing an adjournment of con gress will be taken without action by the senate on Hawaii. It is expected that the war revenue bill will be a law before very long and today there was considerable talk of congressional adjourning early next month. The course of the house on Hawaiian annexation is a matter of considerable doubt The advocates of Hawaiian an nexation say a Republican caucusof the house on that issue will soon be held. A sufficient number of members for calling a caucus have subscribed to a paper now in the hands of Represent ative Grosvenor of Ohio, chairman of the caucus committee. Tragedian Keeue 111. HAMILTON, Ont., May 26.—Thomas W. Keene, the tragedian, left here for New York. He is suffering with ap pendicitus and had to cancel his theat rical engagement. An operation will be performed in New York. Combination of Parties. COLUMBUS, 0., May 26.—The Silver Republicans, Liberty party, Populists. Negro Protective and Social Labor parties have effected a union for the fall campaign. Weather Indications. Fair weather; light northerly winds. Spain Appealed to tlie Powers. LONDON, May 26. —The Rome cor respondent of The Daily Mail says: Spain recently sent a note inviting the powers to protest jointly against the blockade of Cuba. The powers decided to take no action, and no replies have been received at Madrid." It is easier for a man to live within a small income than without it. Diphtheria. Mrs M. E. Hancock, West Lebanon, Pa., writes: "When two of our chil dren were, as we supposed, beyond medical help, Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops cured them. It seemed almost like a miracle." R. C. Dodson. 6-ly The favorite Wall-street dish, is "Spring lamb done brown." Comin^l^D; means pain, danger and v-' A possible death for some \ ) wives. For others it /*J means practically no ///I/ifjtW discomfort at all. There W W v is no reason why child- !> jl[ birth should be a period * of pain and dread. Sev- It is a eral months before a liniment woman becomes a to be ap mother she should plied ex prepare herself for ternally. the critical ordeal. It relaxes There is a prepara- the mu s tion made which is cleg and re intended for thia lieves the purpose alone. distension. The name of giveaelastici this wonderful ty to every preparation is organ con am .1 , corned in Mother s arss/a rdonri danger and lllUliUi nearly all suffer ing. Best results r—follow if the M) remedy is used ir during the whole period of preg nancy. It is the Ah . A only remedy of the V7 BM&M ry kind in the world n YSMIErI /7j that is endorsed by JJ physicians. $1 per bottle at all v y drug stores, or sent / by mail on receipt "oth body and mind. May be you have treated with physicians or tried / | / some recommended medicine, without benefit. That is no argument against this wonderful Remedy. This medicine is superior to other preparations and proscriptions, because it is prepared by an eminent physician,whose writings on medical quesiions are recognized authority. If not satisfied after using one bottle your money will be refunded by T> . 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