Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 26, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    i it hi sit.
Owing to the very liberal patronage I have had
from our people and in view of the hard
times I will until MAY Ist, reduce the price of
Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz :
All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15
All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19
All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25
All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30
All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price. 65 to 50
All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price, 85 to 65
And a corresponding reduction on
all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint
ments Also liberal discount on all
Patent Medicines, Baby Poods, Per
fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and
extra liberal discount on Fountain
Syinges, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi
zers and Nursing Bottles.
I will guarantee my goods to be
strictly fresh and equal to any goods
in the market.
Thirty years experience in the town
of Emporium is sufficient evidence of
competency. If you wish to avail
yourself of the liberal offer, leave
your Physician's Prescriptions and
drug trade in general at the OLD HE- |
Emporium, Pa., May 9, 18!>8. ;
S'EMOPIII I. a, per sack <2 00
Graham " 1 00
Rye 70 :
Buckwheat, "
Patent Meat.. " 45
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 00 .
Chop Feed, " 1 00
Middlings " 1 oo
Bran,. " 1 oo
Corn, per hushel, 56 |
White Oats, per bushel 45 '
Choice Clover Seed. 1
ChoiceTimothv Seed, ! ~ ■ !
Choice Millet Seed, I At Market Prices.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
■John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the 1
. subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain continu
ally in back and sides—gradually
growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians had given me up. Fortu
nately, a friend advised trying 'Electric
Bittters, and to mv great joy and sur
prise, tlie first bottle made a decided
improvement. I continued their use 112
for three weeks and am now a well j
man. I know they saved my life, and
robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fail to try them. Only <
50 cents per bottle, at L. Taggart's i
drug store.
If you want to Sell Anything,
If you want to Buy Anything,—
If you want a Tenant.
Advertise in the PRESS
| j jpp
£l 8§
pa Ha
0% No matter what it brings. The discription of these goods given by Mr. King, is guaranteed by us and our guarantee lasts un- jSS
til the goods are worn out, P§
i &
f| Goods Sold Positively Without Limit. IS
i i
Jigs Your Choice of the whole stock. Will put up anything in the store on request. Our GUARANTEE goes with everything. |fig
Come and see us. ml
1 R. SEGER & SON, 9
M ~ m
||l Next to Bank EMPORIUM, PA. Tilt. Poplllai ClotlllCTS and TlllllisllClS.
Contribution> invite*l. That which yon would
like to .v .in thin department, let us know It;/ pos
tal card. Icitcr. or personalty.
Henry Haupt reports good luck
fishing on Saturday.
Mrs Geo. Gross visited her parents
at Austin, last week.
('. C. Craven, of Sterling Run, was
in Emporium on Tuesday.
I). ('. Hayes is able to walk about
out doors, after several days' illness.
Mrs. W. T. McCloskey left for her
home at Wilkinsburg, Pa., Monday
(\V. Belden, of Grove, was a very
welcome caller at the PRESS sanctum
on Tuesday.
Ross W. Barrows and wife will not
move back to Cameron, but remain at
Lock Haven.
Frank Murry will return to Buffalo
1 next Monday, having greatly enjoyed
his visit here,
j Miss Edith Kline came down from
Johnsonburg and visited her mother
| over Sunday.
W. L. Sykes, of Buffalo, N. V., was a
I pleasant caller at the PRESS sanctum
j this morning.
' W. H. Howard and family returned
I last evening from an extended visit
to Philadelphia.
Mrs. Flank Barnett, of Falls Creek,
is the guest of A. E. Gross and family
on Maple street.
Jas. M. Davison came up from Sinne
mahoning on Saturday and visited in
town over Sunday.
11. Clint Olmsted, of Coudersport,
was in Emporium last Thursday, on
his return from Pittsburg.
R. W. Barrows and wife visited in
town Monday and Tuesday, guests of
Josiah Howard and wife.
Mr. Jos S. Johnston, editor of the
Driftwood Gazette, visited his brother
John and wife, on Sunday.
F. N. Shaffer is Buffering severely
with a very sore arm. it is feared
that it may be of cancerous nature.
Tlios. Gallagher took in the excur
sion to Pittsburg last Sunday. He
reports having had a pleasant time.
Constable-Assessor Harry Hemphill
called to see the PRESS on Tuesday.
He is feeling quite well these days.
S. E. Mnrry, one of our hustling
business men, visited friends and trans
acted business at Pittsburg this week.
Mrs. Lydia Corwin returned to Wil
liamsport Monday morning, after a
two weeks' visit with relatives in Em
Mrs. W. K. Wright, of Renovo, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. S. C. Hyde,
1 and sister, Mrs. T. F. More, in town
this week.
J. I'. Felt and family returned on
Tuesday from Emporia, Fin., where
they passed the winter on their orange
A L. Reed, of Oil City, Pa., repre
senting the Enterprise Milling Co.,
•cted business in Emporium last
T. C. Hippie and Geo. Weymouth,
1 prominent attorneys of Clinton county,
were in Emporium Tuesday, on legal
j business.
; A number of Emporiumites took in
j the Pittsburg-Sehenley excursion last
j Sunday. For further information ask
Jim Law.
R. S. Ostrum orders his PRESS sent
to (Iranere, McKean county—the new
town recently established by II C. &
H. C. Rich.
Allie Morgan goes to Celeron—the
Coney Island of America—to-day. He
has accepted a position in ono of the j
association bands.
A. L. Ensign and S. D, Roblson, of
Sizerville, were PRESS office visitors ,
last Saturday. They are both anxious j
to serve Uncle Sam. ,
Rev. W. R. McNeil, wife and gran
daughter, Mae, of Emporium made a
' short visit to Mr. and Mrs. Hacken- ,
1 burg, of Austin, last week.
John A. WykofF, of Grove, had legal
1 business in Emporium on Tuesday and |
paid the PRESS sanctum a visit. Mr.
Wykoff is a prominent candidate for
Associate Judge.
Mrs. Elizabeth White and family, of
Third street, who have been residents
of this place for a number of years,
will leave 011 Monday for Buffalo,
where they will reside in the future.
C. W. Belden, John A. Wykoff, Jas.
Hay lies and Jos. Jlaynes, ofSinnema
honing, were in Emporium on Mon
day, having in charge Caleb Haynes, a
lunatic. The poor unfortunate was
taken to Warren yesterday.
Mr. John Moore, who formerly at
tended the High School here, is a
member of the Third regiment, New
York Volunteers and at present is
stationed at Camp Black, Hempstead,
N. Y.
Peter R. Beattie, who is in the Ho
meopathic Hospital, at Buffalo, is
getting along nicely and expects to
come home this week. Mr. Beattie
says the lady nurses are so kind to him
that he dislikes to leave them.
We are pleased to inform the friends
of our old citizen, Geo. Metzger, Sr.,
that he appears to have fully recovered
from bis recent affliction. He tells us
he can step just as high, walk as good
as ever, but regrets that he can't
•whistle just a little bit.
. Miss Stella Avery, for several years
one of the best ladies employed in the
Warner House dining room, left 011
Monday for her home at Tonawanda,
N. V., where she will reside in the
future. Before leaving she ordered
the PRESS to follow her weekly.
We were pleased to receive a letter
from our old friend Ed. .1. Young, who
resides at Howell, Ind. Mr. Young
left Emporium about ten years ago
and reports himself and family well
and wishes us to remember them to
their old Emporium friends. He keeps
posted 011 affairs at this place through
the medium of the PRESS.
Mrs. Sherwood Pierce and the young
son of Thos. Smith while out gather
ing flowers on Wednesday, killed a
rattle-snake that measured three feet
and ten inches.
Our former townsman, H. C. Rich,
of Buffalo, greeted many friends in
j Emporium last Saturday.
; S. D. McCoole and T. R. Williams,
! of Driftwood, called on Emporium
■ Mt>Uds this morning,
j Theo. Hudson, of Cameron, was a
, pleasant caller at the PRESS sanctum
this morning.
About 40 per cent, of the men who
volunteered in Pennsylvania and went
to Mt. Gretna were rejected on physical
grounds or else because it was deemed
best that they should not go. Alto
gether more than 13,000 men were j
taken to the camp to secure the requi-1
site quota of 10,000. The balance was |
weeded out. Some weeding was also 1
done at home before the officers took
the troops into camp. The expenses
of all those who wero accepted will be
paid by the United States, dating from
the time they left home, but the State
is responsible for the time and main
tenance of tlie men rejected.—Franklin
"'lt is tho Host on Earth."
That is what Edwards & Parker,
merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham
berlain's Pain B'llm, for rheumatism,
lame back, deep seated and muscular
pains. Sold by L. Taggart. may
Fulton & Pearsall.
I These up-to-date painters have con
solidated their business and may be
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar.
1 Both are practical painters and will
give prompt attention to all work en
trusted to them. Estimates furnished
for all kinds of house, sign and deco
rative painting as well as wall paper
ing and frescoing. Especial attention
given to out of town orders. 47tf.
Rich Valley Notes.
[ j Editor Pri st .
i | Fine growing weather.
Mrs. Morris Lewis had a sewing been !
i couple of weeks ago. A good deal of 1
sewing was accomplished, and as is j
usual at such places, some talking was
1 done.
Eld. S. Ebersole, of Sterling Run,
preached in the church here Saturday
evening the 14th.
E. E. and W. E. Swartwood drove to
Sterling Run, Tuesday last,on business.
Miss C.race Chadwick, of Salamanca,
N. Y., is visiting 111 the valley at I
Leon Chadwick has moved to Em- '
porium where he expects to work in 1
the tannery.
E. E. Swartwood presented his
daughter with a line buggy horse last
Jason Loucksand family have moved
back on their farm.
The schools in the valley are all
closed now ; xcepting Miss Alda Car
ter's and that will close to-day, (Mon
day. )
Madge Anderson has gone to work
for Mrs. Mark Wright up Clear Creek.
Some of the people of the valley met
last Saturday and cleaned uptheccme
tary again.
A dance was held in Herbert Lewis' 1
new house Monday night the 16th. j
Mereie Barr has gone up West Creek j
to stay with her sister this summer.
Burt Housler's two little girls, Ethel
and Rena have been making their
Aunt, Mrs. Henry Goff. a long visit.
L. Lcckwood was toying to separate
two dogs that wero fighting, the other I
day and one of them bit his hand se
verely. :
Burt Sweesey who has been living at |
Washington for some years has return- 1
ed to this place. The old saying about !
getting your feet wet in these waters
is true.
Mrs. Geo. Carter and her children
have returned to Olean, having
changed her mind about moving here. 1
Mr. Howard's farm house at Lawn »
1 View is a large one, but none too large j
for Eldon Lewis since that beautiful j
little daughter arrived last Thursday
A wreck occured 011 the Rich Valley
| It. R , last Friday, smashing sixteen
j log cars into fragments and breaking
I the steam loader. ''Old Dan" was also
| injured to some extent. Fortunately 110
! one was hurt.
| 111 answer to Josiah Howard's ques- :
' tion in last weeks paper, it seems to
1 me that the officers of the law are the
proper authorities to look after the
j cases he mentions instead of preachers
| iind school teachers.. ADINA
May 215, IS9S.
Wins on Merit.
! Laxa Tea, plain, simple, thorough 111 1
; its action, leaves no bad after effect as i
powerful drugs often do. Try it. Sold j
and guaranteed by all druggists. 10 j
| and 25 cents. 2-32-141y
It Was Painful.
| But Warren's Corn Cure never fails. \
Sold and guaranteed by all druggists i
at 15 cents a bottle. 2-32-141y i
What's In a Name.
Comfort, ciisc: nnd pleasure when ap
plied to 'dm cur«, Warren's is the one.
I'. never fails, sold anrl guaranteed by
nil druggists lit 15 cents >jer bottle
Jamestown lias roiiw wheelmen who
ride "ii the sidewalks of that city, knock
down people and then abuse them for
not getting out of the way.
PR3 9 PODT' Williams' Indian Pita
'p 9 |.ij' Mitiiusiit w '|| l"iiid.
wn |] ii i». .iltlcf. >.'iviinstant re-
IB ■ I'c 112. J)r. V.'ll iiir.m'lnrti aPileO.'nt
-63 rncnl i-i|»repi!rn<l for Pilp an'l ltch
fS] in? of Ihe privr.ti' pari:;. Kvery box is
wiM-rantc!. Jiv drii'. "i-ts. I>y runi lon re
ceipt, of prir. st» <•<•;,! t .1. (Ml WllUSfflS
MANUFACTURING CO., Prop . <;x .vi.tmi.
For sale by R. (.'. Dodson.
SpLO tVERYWHy?L-; v?
Real Excellence.
Beauty's opinion is not always ex
pressed by words. When the most
stylish young ladies of Emporium and
vicinity, buy our perfumes and call
again for a second and third supply, it
indicates that they are pleased. It only
shows their good taste, as our perfumes
are recognized to be the very best and
purest extracted odors manufactured
in the world.