Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 26, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
IfuHiueHS Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted tothem. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
Office—South-west corner of Fourth and Cherry
streets, two doors from Post Office. Special at
tention given to collections. 30-33-ly.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, alsostunipage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me " LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
for the accommodation of the jjublic. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building.
Emporium, Pa.—upstairs. Office hours: 7 to9
a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
ii imhhiit—i —— ———»■— an
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under thin head must be
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press: —
Please announce that should the Hon. Chas.
W Stone not be a candidate to succeed himself,
I am a candidate for Representative in Congress
in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the
decision of the Republican district conference.
Warren, Pa., April 26, 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa.. April 4th. 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my naine as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Btli, 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood. Pa., May 7th, 1898.
\\ \ \ N \ \ \ X N \ \t \ X
in ml
4 %
Next to Post-office, Emporium, Pa.
/ Fancy Stationery. §
% %
s Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy ,
Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper ft
'j and Turists Puds, 'y
> Toilet and /
/ >
Bath Goods. '
My line of Toilet and Bath Goods includes
/ a line line of Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, /
/ /
i 4
/•\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
Blinzler & Deihl have dissolved i>art
nership and both shops are now eon
ducted by Mr. Blinzler.
Mr. Howard Informed.
Editor of the Press.
SIR:— In the last issue of the PRESS I
notice an article signed Josiah How
ard. In this article Mr Howard refers
to some outrageous cuttin's up on
Clear Creek, and appears to think our
churches and schools are in some way
responsible for this sad state of things.
Now it seems hardly fair to blame
the churches of our town for these
carryin's on, for you know we cannot
force our religion on any one, and
very likely these people have never
known their Savior.
As he evidently desires some advice
in the matter I would respectfully sug
gest to brother Howard that he tell his
troubles to a policeman.
Yours truly,
Emporium, Pa., May 21, 1808.
Shocked by Lightning.
During the heavy thunder storm
which took place Saturday afternoon,
lightning followed the telegraph wire
that connects the P. & E. depot at
Sterling Run, with the residence of
station agent, Thos. Moore, of that
place, giving Mrs. Moore, who
was standing near the instrument a
severe shock. She fell to the floor and
remained in an unconscious condition
from four o'clock 'till half-past eleven
that night. At present writing her
condition is not considered serious by
her physician, although she is confin
ed to her bed. Miss Brink the opera
tor at the depot also received a shock
in her right arm from the same bolt.
Wreck on the E. & R. V.
A disasterous wreck occurred on the
Emporium and Rich Valley railroad
last Friday afternoon in which the log
loader and seventeen cars loaded with
logs were thrown down an embank
ment. Several of the cars were demol
ished and the loader will be laid off
for about a week to undergo repairs.
Fortunately 110 lives were lost nor was
any one injured in the smash up.
In coming down a heavy grade the
engine lost control of the train, with
the above results.
Rev. nr. and Mrs. Nickel.
These sweet singers left us on Mon
day morning for Niekleville, Clarion
county, this state, Mr. Nickel's native
place. Their stay among us was Indeed
much enjoyed by all who met them,
even aside from their relatives whom
they came more especially to visit
Before coming Mr. Nickel wrote the
pastor of the Presbyterian church that
they were coming to visit their friends
and would be glad to be of service to
his church. Arrangements were at
once made for the "May Musical Festi
vals" which were so pleasant a feature
of their sojourn among Us. It was
thought desirable not to limit these
privileges to the Presbyterian church
and Sabbath school, and so all the
church choirs and singers generally
were cordially invited to join these
choruses, which they did. After a
week's drill under these skillful lead
ers and trainers in sweet sacred song,
the entertainments of Thursday and
Saturday evenings were given as an
nounced. The program as rendered
on each evening was a delightful one,
uplifting in its character. Mr. and
Mrs. Nickel also helped with all ex
cept two of the services of the Presby
terian church including the Sabbath
school exercises during the three
Sabbaths they spent in our town. On
two of these Sabbath evenings they
held evangelistic song services, to the
delight of large congregations. They
also led two of the week evening
services for the same church. Besides
these labors, they gave their efficient
help to other churches —last Sabbath
morning to our Episcopal friends and
in the evening leading a service at the
Methodist church. On one or two
othei; occasions, after the close of
services at the Presbyterian church,
they hastened to the Methodist church
at the pastor's invitation, and sang
some of their beautiful selections,
while yet their services continued. It
is needless to say that all these abund
ant services were deeply impres
sive, as well as entertaining and fully
appreciated by all who had the privil
ege of attending.
Mr. and Mrs. Nickel were associated
for three years with Mr. Moody in his
great work in Chicago. Feeling him
self called to the work of a song Evan
gelist exclusively, he recently resigned
his pastorate in Illinois, and will hence
forth devote himself to this noble
work, assisted so efficiently by his
amiable and excellent wife. And
surely Emporium will bid them God
Pure Bred.
Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan
dottes and S. C. Brown Leghorns* eg#* SI.OO for
Emporium, l J a.—-2-3m.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WKßSTKK.
Rumors Says That He Is Now
at Cienfuegos.
It Is Still Believed That He Is at
Santiago De Cuba.
}DO Report IH That He IH Still at San
tiago and HAH Acknowledged to Ilift
Home Government That He la Hem
med In ami Kunrilng Short of Food
Mud foal—Admiral Sampson and Com
modore Scliley, With Their Command*
Are Now In Front of Santiago, hut the
Spanish Admiral Is So Well Defended
That Any AggreHsive Action on the
Tart of Our War VCHHCIH Would He
Suicidal Spain'* Fruitless Appeal to
the Foreign Powern.
CAPE HAYTIEN, May 26.—A rumor
which cannot be confirmed is circulat
ing here to the effect that the Spanish
Cape Verde squadron under Admiral
Cervera, generally understood to be at
Santiago de Cuba, is now at Cienfue
Dft»l!» of Ills Arrival Tlier<> From n
Hpanlsli .Source.
MADRID, May 28.—A dispatch has
just been published giving details of
the arrival of Admiral Cervera's squad
ron at Santiago de Cuba. It says:
"At 8 o'clock on the morning of May
19, the Infanta Maria Teresa entered
the port of Santiago de Cuba Hying
the Hag of Admiral (Vrvera. She was
followed almost immediately by the
Vizcaya, the Almirante Oquendo, the
Cristobal Colon and the torpedo boat
destroyer Pluton. Soon afterwards the
torpedo boat destroyer Furor, which
had been reconnoitering, arrived. •
"The inhabitants swarmed to the
shore of the bay, displaying the utmost
Joy and enthusiasm. All the vessels in
the port were dressed in gala array. On
Sunday night there was an Imposing
demonstration in he nor of the officers
and crews. The bands of the city
played patriotic airs: there were bril
liant illuminations and the people pa
rad/ed the streets, singing patriotic
"Admiral Cervera and his officers
were given a banquet at the Casino,
where loyal toasts were honored, the
principal speeches being by Admiral
Cervera and Mgr. Saenz de Urturi y
Crespo, archbishop of Santiago de
Cuba, the latter of whom exclaimed,
'lt is not sufficient to be victorious on
the sea. The Spanish flag must float
on the Capitol.'
"The squadron has revictualled. Five
vessels were in front of the port yes
terday. It is believed that the Ameri
can vessel Eagle has been charged to
cut the cables."
The dispatch is not dated.
Acknowledge* Himself Hemmed In nut
Short of Food unit COHI.
LONDON, May 26.—A special dis
patch from Madrid, via Biarritz, —. s:
"There has been an active exchange
of dispatches between the government
and the authorities at Havana and
San Juan de Porto Rico on the subject
of sending coal and provisions to San
tiago de Cuba. It is alleged that Ad
miral Cervera has wired confirming the
report that Santiago de Cuba is cut
off from communication with the in
terior by strong bands of insurgents
and that, in consequence, coal and
provisions are getting scarce and
Our WarshlpM Are Sitiil to Be I'liable to
I>lHlodge lltin.
LONDON, May 26.—The Madrid cor
respondent of The Daily Mail says:
"Official telegrams from Cuba con
firm tMe report that Rear Admiral
Sampson and Commodore Schley, with
their combined squadrons, are now in
front of Santiago de Cuba, blockading
Admiral Cervera. Ministers consider
that Santiago possesses sufficient de
fenses to meet any aggressive action
the enemy may take.
"The position of the American squad
ron will cause the government .to lake
immediate action, though it is unknown
as yet what form this action will a;>-
Humors that a battle has al
ready occurred are officially denied.
"Great importance is attributed to
the latest news from the Philippines
respecting the Spanish plan of mobil
Will Make th«. Attack.
MADRID. May 26.—A dispatch from
Havana says the American warships
are concentrating before Guantanamo
and other ports near Santiago de Cu
ba. as well as the latter port, which
seems to idicate that the squadrons
%ro preparing to attack Admiral Cer
vera. The anxiety increases daily;
but the public is disposed to contin
ue the resistance to the utmost.
The President has issued a call for
75,000 more volunteers.
Mr. Wm. Filling died at his home at
Truman, Pa., last Friday evening, of
typhoid fever, aged twenty-eight years.
The deceased was an upright, indus
trious young man and was highly re
spected by all who knew him. He
leaves a wife and two children besides
a large circle of friends to mourn his
death. Interme it took place Sunday
afternoon at the Truman cemetery.
Mrs. Wm. Hunter, a sister-in-law of
Mr. Filling, who resided at Straight
Creek, Pa., was stricken with typhoid
fever while at Truman, a few weeks
ago, and succumbed to that dread dis
ease at her home at Straight Creek,
last Sunday. Her remains were
brought to Truman for burial, on Mon
Mrs. Filling has our deepest sympa
thy in her terrible bereavement.
First Excursion of the Season.
We are reminded that the summer
will soon be with us again by the W.
N. Y. & P. Ry., who anounce their
first Excursion of the season to Buffalo
and Niagara Falls for Decoration Day,
Monday, May 30th. Train will leave
Emporium at 8:30 a. m. Fare for the
round trip, $2.50. Returning special
train will leave Niagara Falls at 8:15 p.
m.; Buffalo 9:00 p. m. Tickets also
good returning on regular trains,
Tuesday, May 31st. 12-2t
Mower Sale.
Class No. 10, of the M. E. Sunday
school, will have a fine assortment of
ferns, palmi and other potted plants,
also a var.ety of young plants for
putting out of doors; some especially
suited to cemetery planting and some
cut flowers; also cut flowers ar
ranged in suitable shapes for decora
ing graves for Memorial day.
The sale will be held in the vacant
store building formerly occupied by
M. M. Larrabee.
Typhoid Fever at Truman.
An epidemic of typhoid fever seems
to be raging at Truman. One death
has occurred during the past week and
six cases are reported.
They are all under the care of Dr.
Baker who reports five of the patients
to be cut of danger, but the sixth who
is suffering from blood poisoning and
who was just recovering from the
measles when he contracted the fever,
is in a very critical condition.
"Nothing Like It."
That is what a Buffalo gentleman
said after taking a look at the mam
moth stock of goods in N. Seger's
clothing house, comparing it with
towns he visits on his route. Without
a doubt Mr. Seger carries the largest
and most complete assortment of cloth
ing, furnishing goods, trunks and
satchels, etc., to be found in any
country town, much less in cities.
The citizens and G. A. R. will meet
at the City Hall, Thursday evening to >
arrange for appropriate observance of
Memorial day. Please come all who
believe in honoring the dead heroes. It
is not the living but those who gave
their lives as a full sacrifice on their
country's altar that we honor on these
Chicken and Waffle Supper.
The Interest Paying Society of the
M. E. Church, will give a chicken and
waffle supper, in the vacant store
room, opposite the post office, formerly
occupied by J. S. Douglas, on Friday
evening, May 27th. Supper 25c. Ice
cream and cake will also be served
during the evening.
P. O. S. of A., Attention!
The members of Washington Camp,
382, P. O. S. of A , are requested to
meet at Seger's Hall on next Sunday
evening at seven o'clock sharp; for the
purpose of attending the memorial
sermon at the Baptist church.
Death of J. W. Nevling.
Mr.'J.Wright Nevling, who was for
merly employed here as operator for
the P. & E. R. R. Co., died at Clear
field, Pa., last week Mr. Nevling
made many warm friends while here,
who will be pained to learn of his early
Quarterly fleeting.
The Wesleyan Methodist Quartrly
meeting commences Saturday 28th.
Services 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
Lovefeast 10:00 ;t. m.and 7:30 p. m.
Rev. G. W. Sibley, of N. Y. state, will
have charge. The public is cordially
invited to these services.
E. FULLER, Pastor.
Notice to the Public.
The road now being cut through
from Salt Run to Bailey Run, we ask
the people in the habit of going to
I Baily Run and going by the Climax
Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt
' Run, as hereafter no one will be al
lowed togo through the Climax
Powder Company's works.
We desire to call especial atten
tion to the fact that the PKKSS con
tains the latest war news, every
Thursday; it being within a few
hours of going to press and several
hours later than any daily papers
arriving iu town. We derive our
news through the medium of the
Associated Press and is absolutely
State Politics.
The Republican State Convention
meets at Harrisburg next Thursday, at
12:00 o'clock.
The Clinton Republicans endorsed
Judge Mayer for re-election, at their
primaries last Saturday.
Chas. W. Stone's strength in the
Republican State Convention will as
tonish the mathematicians so busy
now-a-dayß figuring out the nomina
tion of other candidates.
The factional contest in Potter county
was ended last Thursday by the pri
maries electing the entire Quay ticket.
Now, let our neighbors give the entire
ticket a cordial support and cease
factional contests iu the future. It
does not pay.
Hon. C. W. Stone's chances for the
nomination for Governor were given a
good boost last week, having gained
eighteen delegates last Saturday alone.
With such counties as Lancaster, Wash
ington, Bedford joining hands with
the north-west, C. W. Stone will enter
the convention with a strong following
of stalwart Republicans, largely per
sonal friends of Senator Quay.
Among those who are of the opinion
that W. A. Stone will not be nominated
for Governor the impression seems to
be growing that C. W. Stone of War
ren, is most likely to be named. It is
argued that he has a number of dele
gates instructed for him and that he is
generally regarded as a Republican
who would command the support of
the bulk of the party. There are a
number, however, who seem to think
that Judge John Stewart, of Franklin,
may be named.—Harrisburg Telegraph.
The Republicans of Forest county in
county convention assembled, last
Tuesday nominated Ex-Representative
Dr. S. S. Towler for the legislature; S.
M. Henry for' Treasurer; A. W. Cook
for Congress; lion. N. P. Wheeler for
State delegate, instructed for Chas. W.
Stone for Governor. The nomination
of Dr. Towler for the legislature is
simple justice to an honorable gentle
man, who conscientiously and zealously
represented Forest county in the ses
sion of'9l. Ilis conceded ability as a
legislator should give him the unanim
ous vote of Forest. Dr. Towler will
creditably fill theehair so ably occupied
by Hon. J. E. Wenk during the past
two terms.
In nemorium.
wife of George Strawbridge, of Sterl
ing Run, Pa., died at Johnsonburg,
Pa., aged 3-5 years, one month and two
days. She went to Johnsonburg, Jan.
6th, 1898, on a visit to the family of
Mr. Jas. Strawbridge and took
seriously ill Jan. 16th and, although
everything was done for her that
medical skill and loving hands could
do to arrest the disease, she passed
peacefully and triumphantly away May
When about 20 years of age she gave
her heart to God and her name to the
M. E. Church,of which she remained a
member until the close of her beauti
ful and useful life.
She was married to George Straw
bridge, Oct. 26th, 1887. To this happy
marriage was born two interesting
little girls now left to continue their
course in life without the love and
counsel of a mother.
Those who witnessed the patience
and christian fortitude which she
evinced in the closing hours of her life
were wonderfully impressed. But her's
was an amiable and sweet christian
life, and its close could not be other
wise. She was universally loved by
those who knew her and doubtless did
not have an enemy,
Impressive funeral services were
held in the M. E. Church at Sterling
Run, May 21st, by her pastor, Rev. M.
C. Piper, of Sinnemahoning, assisted
by Rev. Jelbert, of Johnsonburg, and
Rev. S. Ebersole, of Sterling Run, and
attended by an unusually large con
course of people, showing the high
esteem in which she was held by the
Her remains were laid to rest in the
beautiful cemetery at Sterling Run, to
await the resurrection of thejust when
we hope to meet her again never to
know a separation.
Wars come high. The present one is
costing us something like §1,000,000 a
The Pennsylvania Editorial Associa
tion is to have its annual outing at
Atlantic City, beginning June 27.
TERMS: $ 2.00 — $1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
Spring of '9B hats at Soble's.
Ladies cuffs and ties at Soble's.
Boys' white shirts and collars at
A beautiful stock of neckwear at
Dayton's Men's driving and bark
peeling shoes at Soble's.
The auction sale at R. Seger & Son's
store continues this week only.
Latest styles in clothing now going
at N. Seger's at great reduction in
Chicken and waffle supper at Metz
-1 gar block, Friday evening. Supper
25 cents.
Henry S. Foraker, father of Senator
Foraker. died at Ilillsboro, 0., on
Monday, aged 83 years.
The Epworth League on Friday
evening at 8:00 o'clock. A good pro
gramme has been arranged. All wel
Roy Baldwin, of Sinnemahoning,
was taken to Williamsport hospital
last Saturday, with a fractured skull,
says the Williamsport Sun.
A league of society women is form
ing in Philadelphia, to boycott Paris
milliners and dressmakers, in retalia
tion for French sympathy for Spain.
W. C. Holahan, formerly a resident
of Renovo, died at the Soldiers' Home,
Erie, Pa., May 16th, aged 57 yea> .
His remains were interred at Lc c
The Presbyterian Church at Air
was struck by lightning last Th- /
morning and was considerab*
aged on the roof and steeple.—( i
port Enterprise.
N. Seger says that rever ' i
tory of his business experier 2m
porium is he giving his custo .ich
extra good bargains in clc md
gents' furnishing goods.
For pushing a white boy oft idly
moving freight train last i day,
whereby the boy fell under thf leels
and was killed, Joe Mitchel, J Vrd
braketnan, wa3 hanged by t. ,at
Paducali, Ky
Prof. W. F. Dußois, of the Couders
port High School, has organized an
Anti-Cigarette Club among the stu
dents at that place. The club now
numbers one hundred and fifty mem
It is a wise thing to stick to your
underwear until it sticks to you. By
doing so you may suffer a little discom
fort, but better that than a long siege
of sickness, and have a big doctor's bill
to pay besides.
Thirty-two members of the Klondyke
party that left Franklinville early in
the spring, have returned home this
week, completely disgusted with the
north and glad to get home on any
terms.—Eldred Eagle.
"The well supplied Club" returned
last Saturday from Finlev Run, where
they enjoyed their annual week's fish
ing. The parry consisted of Ed.Blinzler
J.W.Clarke,Ed. Straight,B. J Cameron
and Thos. Davin. The boys report a
pleasant week and plenty of fish.
The Buffalo Commercial pertinently
remarks that those who howl at the
government for not being fully ready
for war, can form some idea of what
our national predicament would have
been had President McKinley allowed
himself to be bulldozed into proclaim
ing war last February.
What might have proved a disastrous
conflagration was prevented by a few
Third street residents, about 2:30
o'clock Tuesday morning. The big
double house at the corner of Third
and Spruce street was discovered to be
on fire and burning vigorously but
a few pails of water soon put it out. It
is supposed to have been an incendiary
attempt; probably the work of tramps.
Mrs. Robley T). Evans, the wife of
"Fighting Bob," has a larger personal
interest in the navy than most women.
Her husband commands the lowa, her
brother commands the Indiana, her
son is on the Massachusetts, her son-in
law is on the New York, and two
daughters and her neice have volun
teered as nurses and are now taking
instructions at a hospital.
T R. Williams, late editor of the
Driftwood Gazette, was in town on
Saturday while enroute for home from
a business trip to Mt. Jeweet, where ho
went to look over the plant of the News
with a view of purchasing the same.
Mr. Williams is a very pleasant gentle
man to meet and we believe that if he
takes hold of the News, things will be
made lively in that place.—Kane Re
Men's and boys' clothing of all sizes.
We can fit any one from :i boy of 3 to a
man weighing 300 pounds. We carry
the best ready-to-wear clothing manu
factured and at prices that defy com
petition. While we do not advertise
that by paying cash for our goods we
pet them cheaper than any one else,
we do say that we buy our goods as
cheap r.» .my un o fame, uiiu seii cheaper.
We will not be under sold.
Opp. Post-office, Emporium, Pa.
The union Memorial service this
year will be in the Baptist church next
Sunday evening, May 29th, at 7:30.
Special singing by a union choir is be
ing pr?~ 4 -''*c£ The ncrr..on v»:I! bo,
(as already announced i by Rev. W. R.
McNeil, and judging from the well
known reputation of the preacher, and
from the many past efforts of the same
character, we confidently predict an
up-to-date sermon, appropriate, able
and brilliant.
NO. 1.3.