Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Cameron County press.
Established BY C. B.GOULD.
Editor and Manager.
Per year fi <*>
If paid in advance r, O
Advertisements are publish*, d at the rate of one
Ijllar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
•jer square for each subsequent insertion.
Kates by the y< ar or for six orthre months are
tow and ti niforin, and will be furnished on appli
tation. ..
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
times or less, i'i 00; each subsequent insertionso
cents ner square.
Local notices ten cents per line for one insertion,
live cents per lino for each suli.-equentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
line. Simpleannouncementsofbirths,marriages
ami deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less s">.o3 per year
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the Pituss is complete,
aim affords facilities fir loliig the best class of
No paper will lie discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
out oftln county must be paid for
in advance.
For Governor,
CHARLES W. STONE, of Warren.
(Subject to the decision of the Republican
State Convention.]
For President .Judge,
B. W. GREEN, of Cameron,
[Subject to the decision ofthe Republican
District Convention.]
\From our Itrgulzr Correspondent.)
President Mclvinley's greatest
anxiety to-day arises from the fear
that the Cape Verde Spanish licet,
now believed i > be headed for
Cuba, may escape the licet of Ad
miral Sampson, which did such
good work in destroying the forti
fications in the harbor at San .Jnan,
I'orro Rico, last week, and the
flying squadron of Commodore
Schley, which is now being given
its lirst opportunity to show what
it can do in the lighting line, and
get safely into some Cuban harbor.
ilAviil make 110 difference in the
end—not a vessel in that Spanish
fleet will escape destruction or
capture—but it would lie much
easier to destroy the fleet on the
open sea than it will be after it
gets into a fortified Cuban harbor.
And besides, that fleet has supplies
for the Spanish in Cuba which it is
very desirable to keep away from
The coming o; the Spanish fleet
has naturally resulted in holding
up all plans for the invasion of
Cuba is really very advantageous
to us, as it will enable us to make
the invasion with a much larger
and better prepared army, it has
been found that many of ihe vol
unteers are poorly equipped, and
it will take time to gather the new
equipment for them. Spending a.
short while in camp will also be
greatly beneficial to the volunteers:
it will get them in condition to
stand a campaign in Cuba.
The several fights which have
taken place in < 'ubau harbors be
tween our blockading ships and
the Spaniards during the last few
days have been entirely satisfactory
totlie administration. Formidable
batteries have been destroyed, two
Spanish cables have been cut,
many Spaniards have been killed,
and our loss has been compara
tively small. The crews of block
ading ships have proven themselves
brave and fearless in carrying out
t lie most dangerous orders—the
men who cut the two cables in the
harbor of Cienfuegos having done
so in open boots, under heavy lire
from batteries and from small arms.
There a lot of rumors in circula
tion concerning Speaker Reed's op
position to the adoption ofthe joint
resolution for the annexation of
Hawaii, which was favorably re
ported to the House last week,
and his intention to prevent its
being voted upon. There is no
foundation for these rumors further
than the wishes of those who
started them. The resolution will
be voted upon, and will be adopted
by a large majority. This state
ment iw made on undoubted au
There, is no possibility that the
amended war revenue bill which
has been reported to the Senate
from its Finance Committee can
ever became a\. In fuoi, there
is doubt whether it could pass the
Senate in its present condition. In
iddition to striking out 11 ic clause
ant liori/.iii'j ti e , sue of bonds—lln
only certain way in which the gov
ernment caii at short notice raise
all the money that may be needed
to fight the war to ajvictorious end
tin* amended I>ill provides for an
additional issue " oigreenbacks
amounting to 81 00,000.000, a pro
position that the House over
whelming voted down before pass
ing the bill, and the coining of the
so-called seignorage of the silver
bullion owned by the government,
812,000.000,000 in silver certifi
cates to be issued in advance of the
coinage. Representative Steele, of
Ind., a prominent member of the
House Ways and Means Commit
tee, said, after reading the bill re
ported to the Senate: ''The
majority of the Senate Finance
Committee seem to think that this
government can carry on an ex
pensive war on wind." Chairman
Dingley said of the amended bill:
"The Bryan Democracy appears to
have abandoned free silver and
gone back to fiat money, pure and
simple. 1 am now wondering what
the Republicans who left their
party and enlisted under the Bryan
banner in order to secure the free
and unlimited coinage of silver
will say to that proposition. What's
the use of going to all the trouble
and expense of coining r>o cent
silver dollars when you can print
paper dollars in unlimited quanti
ties and amounts at slight trouble
and expense." The bond clause is
certain to be restored to Ihe bill by
a vote of the Senate.
Representative Cousins, of lowa,
who has been known as an anti
annexationist, but who voted in
I favor of the resolution providing
for Hawaiian annexation which
; was reported from the committee
on Foreign Affairs, of which he is
a member, said significantly of our
: possession of the Philippine
Islands: "No other power or con
cert of powers can be allowed to
have anything to say as to how
long the I . S. shall retain posses
sion of those islands. We are at
war with Spain, and the capture of
the islands is one of the incidents
of that war. No other power has
anything to say about it.
Senator Sewell has positively
declined to accept the commission
of major general in the volunteer
army, preferring to remain in the
It is not what a manufacturer says
about his own medicine that cures a
patient, but what the medicine does.
Ballard's Jlorehound Syrup does the
work and does it well, it cures coughs
and colds in a day. Its healing, sooth
ing and quieting. 15 and 50 cents. L.
With Our Low Rate for Summer
Travel via Nickel Plate Road.
Only si 1.05, Buffalo to Warsaw, Ind.,
and return, tickets on sale May 10th to
21st, account General Assembly Pres
byterian Church, tickets good to re
turn until June 3d.
Only $11.85, Buffalo to Warsaw, Ind.,
and return, May 15th to Sept. 15th.
Only §13.85, Buffalo to Naperville,
Ills., and return, tickets sold May 23d,
24th, 27th and 28th, good returning
until June 30th, account annnal meet
ing German Baptists.
Only §8.20, Buffalo to Toledo, Ohio,
and return, account Young People's
Biennial Convention, tickets sold June
15 and Kith, good returning until June
Only $35.55, Buffalo to Dallas, Tex.,
and return, tickets sold June 11th and
12th, good returning until June 28th,
account Mystic Shrine.
Only §14.50, Buffalo to Louisville,
Ky., and return, tickets sold June 19th
and 20th, good returning until June
For all information, call on your
nearest ticket agent, oraddrossF. .).
Moore, General Agent, Nickel Plate
Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Low rates to
other points will be quoted from time
to time. Elegant service. Superb
(lining cars. Vestibuled buffet sleeping
cars. 11-3t
flusical College.
The Musical College located at Free
burg, Snyder county, Pa., situated in
a charming valley, pure air and ro
mantic scenery combined to make it
an ideal spot. The building is admir
ably adapted to its purpose, new facil
ities being added from time to time in
accordance with the most advanced
ideas, yet the charges are very low .as
the management desires to put its op
portunities within the reach of all.
The teachers are specialists in their
respective departments, none but the
best methods are used and instruction
is given individually. The students
range from beginners who are just
learning to read music to the most ad
vanced worker in harmony and com
position. Summer term will begin
Monday, July 18, 1898. Catalogues
free. Addres,
Henky B. Moyick, Director.
Ballard's Snow Liniment cures rheu
matism, neuralgia, headache, sore
throat, cuts, sprains, bruises, old sores,
corns and all pain and inflammation.
The most penetrating liniment in the
world. Try it. 50 cents. L. Taggart.
Their Sympathies Are With
the United States-
Ho Represents tho Niagara District j
In Parliament.
1 tailed Down by Sir Wilfrid Latirier, the
Premier, Who Did Not Hesitate to De
fine t'amula'H Position In the War l.e-
Iween the I'ntted States atxl Spain.
Senor Polo Iternabe, I.ate Spanish Min
ister to Washington, the Subject of
ln«]iiiry In Pal'l iamellt Who Was
tliarßffl With ('sing Canada as a Itasis |
of Operation Against the United States.
| The Anglo-Saxon Alliance Also Drought
t'p and Vociferously Cheered.
OTTAWA, May 10.—The war was in- i
i cidentally discussed in parliament. In ;
j the first place Mr. Charlton protested j
; against the presence of Senor Polo, late ,
| Spanish ambassador to Washington, in
I Canada if it were correct that he and j
his friends were using Canada as a i
| basis of operation against the United
States. The premier replied that
British'soil was a refuge for all refu
gees, and as long as the hospitality
| extended was not abused nothing could j
' be done. In this case the government
had no information against Senor Polo.
| As soon as litis was disposed of Mr.
McCleary from the Niagara district j
attacked the Canadian alien labor bill
| and asked that it be amended. 1 -i i
| this connection he said that while all
! parties in Canada would pray that the i
American people would come out vie- !
torlous, still there were not a few in
j Canada who would like to sec the i
j United States get a bit of a spanking !
because of its unfriendly treatment to i
Canada. Dissent came front all over j
the house.
| Sir Wilfrid Lau.icr rose with some ■
; warmth to reply to this statement. !
j The premier said: "I sincerely hope j
my honorable friend, who has taken S
I his seat, in his utterances, which at I
| the moment called for the expressions I
i of dissent, speaks his own personal j
! felling and not the feeling of the party, j
I I would rather hope that upon the !
I present concession. though we are !
| bound to be neutral and must be neu- i
j tral in the present difficulties between j
the United States and Spain. I should j
I like to believe that if there is a feeling
I at all apart from our duty as neutrals 1
it is a feeling of sympathy for those \
'■ who arc our neighbors and who share |
! the continent with us."
j Sir Wilfred went onto say that no !
| matter how inefficient the alien labor ;
i law might be he would deplore the idea '
j of amending or interfering with it at j
| the present time. "For my part," lie
I went onto say, "1 would rather sub- |
| mit to some inconvenience even if the j
| law were deficient, than to at this mo- |
! ment, when it is possible that the j
; mother country and the Amorli ;:n na- !
tion may assume more friendly n la- ;
tions than they have ever assumed be
j fore than do ever so small an act ,
i which would Impair what we expect to j
take place."
! Sir Charles Tupp.r expressed entire
| acquiescence in what the premier had !
; said, and concluded his speech with the !
following words: "While we are bound j
to respect that complete neutrality j
that has been proclaim* d by the parent !
state in reference to the war between
the United States and Spain, neverthe- I
less i feel that we ran not forget the
people of Canada as of Croat liritalc
are but one branch of that great Ens
lish-speaking family and that the in- j
terests of peace, the interests of civil- I
j ization, and the interests of the world j
would be promoted by the most cor- |
1 dial co-operat! HI between the two
great branch nations." |;ch- is.J
An Enterprising Druggist.
There are few men more wide-awake
I and enterprising than L. Taggart; who
| spares no pains to secure the best of i
| everything in his line for his many
customers. He now has the valuable j
agency for Dr. King's New Discovery j
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, i
S This is the wonderful remedy that is j
producing such a furor all over tho j
I country by its many startling cures. !
ft absolutely cures asthma and bron
chitis, hoarseness and all affections of
| the throat, chest and lungs. Call at
i the above drug store and get a trial
bottle free or a regular size for 50c. and
SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price re
Buckwaltcr Gleanings.
The prospects for a good fruit crop
1 are very flattering.
Too much rain has delayed the farm- !
ers in planting their spring crops.
Miss Lena Evans will close her school
on Friday, to the delight of the smaller
boys, who wish to devote their time to
catching suckers in the old mill dam. j
There will be an an ice cream festival 1
at this place, Saturday evening for the j
benefit of the preacher. Everybody
j invited.
A. Kreßge who has been laid up for
two or three weeks, on account of the
runaway accident, is still lame but able :
to attend to his farm work again, to !
, some extent.
Mr. James llobsou has just returned
from Buffalo, whither he had gone to
purchase a car load of cattle, for use as
beef in C. B. Howard & Co.'s lumber
Earnest Allen, a young man from
Bolivar, N. Y., is working on the farm
for A. Ivresge, Lewis Norton, the
former employe, having gone home to i
assist his father.
May 10, 1898. ()•':' ASI ONAL.
Hucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sort s, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale bv L. Taggart.
A fool is most always obstinate too.
The Trouble Over.
A prominent man in town said the
other day: "My wife has been wear
ing out her lite from the effects of
dyspepsia, liver complaint and indi
gestion. Her case baffled the skill of
our best physicians. After using three
packages of Beacon's Celery King for
the Nerves she is almost entirely well."
Keep your blood in a healthy condition
by the use of this great vegetable com
pound. Call at It. C. Dodson, Empori
um; Thos. A. Green, Johnsonburg; C.
C. Craven, Sterling Run, sole sigents
and get a trial package free. Large
sizes 50c. and 25c. 32-12-ly-2
To love humanity a man should not
see much of it.
A Horrible Bailroad Accident
Is a daily chronicle in our papers;
also the death of some dear friend, who
had died with consumption, whereas,
if he or she had taken Otto's Cure for
Throat and Lung diseases in time, life
would have been rendered long and
perhaps saved. Heed the warning!
If you have a cough or any affection of
the throat and lungs call at R. C. Dod
son, Emporium; Thos. A. Green, John
sonburg; C. C. Craven, Sterling Run,
sole agents and get a trial bottle free.
Large sizes 50c. and 25c. 32-12-ly-2
There is an awful lot of time wasted
in hoping.
The Best Remedy lor Rheumatism.
From the Fair hare n (N. Y.) fief/inter.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
states that for twenty-five years his
wife has been a sufferer from rheuma
tism A few nights ago she was in
such pain that she was nearly crazy.
She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor,
but ho had read of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and in-tead of going for the phy
sician he went to the store and secured
a bottle of it. His wife (lid not approve
of Mr. Rowland's purchase tit first, but
nevertheless applied the balm thor
oughly and in an hour's time was able
togo to sleep. She now applies it
whenever she feels an ache or a pain
and finds that it always gives relief.
He says that no medicine which she
had used ever did her as much good.
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L.
Taggart. _ _ may
Some people save money by not pay
ing their bills.
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup,
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
itively and speedily be cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
Nothing so effectively subdues a
young man with the swelled head as
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while; others
for a few days, but Herbine cures. L.
The Westfield, Ind., News prints the
following in regard to an old resident
of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for
many years in the employ of the L. N.
A. &C. Ry. here, says: I have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or
longer—am never without it in my
family. I consider it the best remedy
of tho kind manufactured. 1 take
pleasure in recommending it.' " It is
a specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by L. Taggart. may
After a girl is 28 years old, she doc s
not believe in long engagements.
"It is the Best on Earth."
That is what Edwards & Parker,
merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism,
lame back, deep seated and muscular
pains. Sold by L. Taggart. may
Mrs. M. 13. Hancock, West Lebanon,
Pa., writes: "When two of our chil
dren were, as we supposed, beyond
medical help, Armstrong's Diphtheria
and Quinsy Drops cured them. It
seemed almost like a miracle."
It. C. Dodson. 6-ly
A crocodile takes 80 seconds to turn
completely around.
Made a New Man of Him.
Bryan, 0., Jan. 13, 1897.
GENTLEMEN:—For years I had been
suffering from indigestion. 1 lad a poor
appetite and could not eat anything
containing grease and had constantly a
worn out feeling. After using three
50c bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin I am now able to eat anything
my appetize craves and can say it has
made a new man of me. ELI BOWEN.
For sale by L. Taggart. may
Foolish mothers ruin more boys than
"A Howling Success."
Wherever properly introduced Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, as a cure for
constipation, has met with a phenom
enal sale. Many druggists cannot say
enough in praise of its merits, as well
as its great popularity with the people.
In 10c trial size and also in 50c and §1
sizes. At L. Taggart's drug store.
Since cigarettes affect the brain it is
fortunate that no one with brains ever
smokes them.
Used for Generations.
Herb teas have and will be used as
a medicine. Laxa Tea, harmless, sure
and thorough in its action, is guaran
teed by all druggists. 10 and 25 cents
per package. 2-32-141y
Fulton & Pearsall.
These up-to-date painters have con
solidated their business and may be
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar.
Both are practical painters and will
give prompt attention to all work en
trusted to them. Estimates furnished
for all kinds of house, sign and deco
rative painting :\H well as wall paper
in.-, i're: coing. Especial attention
The Cuban question and political is
sues sink into insignificance with the
man who suffers from piles. What lie
most desires is relief.' DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve cures piles. R. C. Dod
son. 45-ly
A fool is nearly always obstinate too
The human machine starts but once
and stops but once. You can keep it
going longest and most regularly by
using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the
famous little pills for constipation and
all stomach and liver troubles. R. C.
Dodson. 45-ly
For the theft of that forbidden fruit
Eve should have been tried in the
apple-ate court.
.1. C. P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes:
U I have used DeWitt's Little Early
Risers ever since they were introduced
here and must say 112 have never used
any pills in my family during forty
years of housekeeping that gave such
satisfactory results as a laxative or
cathartic. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
When a girl fails to attract any
other man she goes in for her minister.
S. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writes:
"I have tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve for itching piles and it always
cures them in two minutes. I consider
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great
est pile cure on the market. R. C.
Dodson. 45-ly
''l never wear button gloves," said
the school teacher: "I prefer to lace my
S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes:
"DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is curing
more piles here to-day than all other
remedies combined. It cures eczema
and all other skin diseases." R. C.
Dodson. 45-ly
Most bottlers do a corking business.
One Minute is not long, yet relief is
obtained in half that time by the use of
One Minute Cough Cure. It prevents
consumption and quickly cures colds,
croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, lagrippe
and all throat and lung troubles. It.
C. Dodson. 45-ly
If you have achieved success in any
branch of your labor, disappointment
and failure are not in your lot.
IK your liver tired, does it fail to do
its duty? If so, don't neglect its call
for help. A fev doses of Herbine may
save you a spell of sickness. Herbino
is the oniy perfect liver medicine. It
cures chiils and fever. "sc. L. Tag-
Love is no more lasting than youth.
l ,One Minute Cough Cure is the best
pregaration I have ever sold or used
and I can't say too much in its praise."
L. M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga.
R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
Every woman knows some man who
would be immensely rich instead of
poor if "he had his wife's energy."
Late to bed and early to rise, pre
pares a man for his home in the skies.
Early to bed and a Little Early Riser,
the pill that makes life longer and
better and wiser. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
NO. 3255.
First National Bank
;tt Emporium, in tlie State of Pennsylvania at
the close of business. May sth, 189S.
Loans and discounts $132,414 U7
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 615 65
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 oo
Premiums on I*. S. Bonds 1,000 00
Stocks, Securities, etc 1,850 71
Banking-house, furniture and fixtures. 6,200 00
Due from National Banks not Reserve
Agents) 30 00
Due from State Banks and Bankers.... 76 15
Due from approved le-erve agents.... 11,403 59
Checks and other c i -h items 57 00
Notes of other National Banks 735 CO
Fractional paper, currency, nickels and
cents ' 63 63
Specie $14,080 70
Legal-tender notes 3,000 00 17,080 70
Redemption fund with I' S. Treasurer
(5 per cent, of circulation! 562 50
TOTAI $218,194 90
Capital stock paid in $50,000 oo
Surplus fund 34,000 00
Undivided prolits, less expenses and
taxes paid 1,337 17
National Bank Notes outstanding 11..50 00
Due to other National Banks.. .. 3,619 33
Dividends unpaid 2.000 00
Individual deposits subject to che.k, . 111". 122 on
Cashier's checks outstanding . 165 50
TOTAL $218,491 00
County of Cameron, )
I, M. P. Whiting, Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true tothebestof my knowledge and
M. P. WHITING, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me I
this 12tli day of May, 1898. )
ColißECT— Attest :
N.SEtiKIt, > Directors.
\ \ N X X
;Ulul! ullM,;
Next to Post-office, Emporium, Pa. '
/ Fancy Stationery. I
8 " /
/ Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy J
> Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper
and Turists Pads, p
| Toilet and 112
J Bath Goods. |
My lino of Toilet and Bath Goods includes
a line line of Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, &
etc. & I
/ /
/ /
/\ V \ \ V \ \ \ ,\ X \ \ v » i
\\S\NVX \ \ N \ \ \/
✓ |
/ OF /
< \
/ ✓
' BIRGE'S& SONS' 112
/ %
/ 'A
/ /
I At the same price you pay for
/ light weight, eheap goods. /
; H. S. LLOYD, t
x /•
I ✓ v \ \ \ n. v visi-r-vr x- \
ilfMjl 1
- i if i!*"
I The best quality, largest assortment,
J newest, handsomest and most artistic
j designs, and prices that are in the
| bloom of satisfaction will all be found
| in our superb array of Lace Curtains.
An early inspection will be richly re
warded. Come before the stock has
been depleted by earlier purchasers.
a iwp §
{Uliiiiir It
| JS-K I
fjjijjl Copyright iAjB by jj^||
(IMJ) The Stein-Illoch Co. (KOjJj
WE have matie a Specialty this (fi&j
season of GOLF and BICYCLE
1M) CLOTHING. We have a large M
\yi< } line of the latest styles in both. gg:>
ij©! 1 Also
IW IN fact we keep a line assortment
of anything a wheelman needs
in the way of Clothing,
fe.'J WHAT do you think of a Hike
Suit for $3.00 and a pair of
Trousers for $1.25
' HAVE you looked over our ele
s£& KJint NECKWEAR stock yet?
If not you should do so. The fl'Ai 1
'[((pit finest stock in this vicinity.
II J. llfj
opposite Post-ofllce, Emporium, Pa.