Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 19, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN, Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
f*T year It 00
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No local lmerted for lea* than 75 cent* per
The Job department of the Pims Is complete
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No paper will be discontinued ntll arrear-
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Papers sent out of the county must be paid
lor in advance.
The test of a man's condition after
dinner at a certain college used to be to
make him say "Cissie Fitzgerald" three
times. Now, however, it is to make him
taiy "reconcentrado" once.
Gen. Blanco claims that there is still
a bright future in store for Spain, but
as he neglects to mention the place of
concealment it is presumed to be in
one of the stores that does not advertise.
Seven troupes of mandolin and guitar
players, called Spanish students, and
really Spaniard: , were traveling in this
itountry when the war talk began. They
have all transformed themselves for
professional purposes into Italians and
Although this country IMLS not the ad
vantage of a location that Great Britain
lias as regards German markets, yet
one-third of the sewing machines and
two-fifths of the bicycles imported into
that country in 1897 came from the
United States.
Prof. Henjamin Howard is the only
American who has been able thus far
to reach the Siberian island of Saghal
ien, where the worst .Russian criminals
are sent. He asserts that the com
monly accepted tales of the horrors of
Shis prison are exaggerated.
Those Madrid editors who anticipated
that a revolution could be started in the
southern states may learn something
from the fact that a grandson of Gen.
Grant will serve on Gen. Lee's staff,
while a grandnephe w of Jefferson Davis
will ca<i,v 'h.e American colors for A
Kentucky regiment.
Chemists of the Glucose Sugar Re
fining company in Chicago claim to have
discovered a process for vulcanizing
t he oil from corn in such a manner as to
prod nee rubber. They say this will rev
olutionize the rubber trade and give
them control of at least the manufac
ture of bicycle tires.
A curious story comes from abroad to
the effect that papers have been found
"in a convent in Venice" establishing
the fact that there was a veritable black
Othello who married a white De.-de
mona, and that he never killed her at
all, but she survived him and "died in
her bed" long after his death.
John Bassett Moore, professor of in
ternational law and diplomacy in Co
lumbia university, who has been ap
jwimed assistant secretary of state, is
a recognized authority in bis field and
in addition to his. ability aud learning,
he brings to his position the resu't- ol
active work in the state department un
der three administrations.
The Toronto Globe says: "We who
speak the Knglish language, under
whatever flag, under whatever skies we
dwell, cannot but believe the United
States right in the grand point at issue;
cannot but assent to the righteousness
of the decision to u«e force to put an
end to bloodshed and barbarity when
all other methods have failed."
The important news comes from Dan
bury, Conn., where 80 young women
employed in a hat factory have given
notice "that they will goto war in place
of the local militiamen if the latter
will turn over their uniforms to them."
If the governor of Connecticut wants n
full representation from his state we do
not see how he could do better than to
accept this offer.
It gives us pleasure to call attention
to the regular daily addition to the
•humors of the war. Forgetful of the
fact that St. Vincent, Cape Verde
ir.lands, is a few hundreds of rnilessouth
of Havana, a Chicago paper announces
that the Spanish flotilla "has sailed
south from St. Vincent, presumably eu
route to Cuba." And yet geography is
taught even in the primary schools.
"Hot-water lamp-posts," with which
"Liverpool is already familiar, are soon
to be erected in four different parts of
Ijondon. A gallon of water, boiled by
the heat, of the ordinary gas lamp, will
be supplied day and night for a half
penny, on the penny-in-the-slot prin
ciple. A eaks of solidified tea, coffee
or cocoa, with the use of a metal mug,
may also be had automatically for a
penny extra.
John Sherman's resignation as secre
tary of state was expected. He is en
titled to honorable retirement from
public life in which he has fjeen a con
spicuous figure since he was a delegate
t.i the national whig convention held in
Philadelphia in 1848 to nominate a
presidential candidate, who was Gen.
Taylor. Sherman was secretary of that
convention and Schuyler Colfax was his
assistant. From that time John Sher
man was very much in public life.
Free SM*-erlt«»* II lock in iz l.rx i *lit t l«»n
LoulilnK to I lie Creation of
a \\ II r FnuU.
The bill introduced by Chairman
Pingley imposing certain taxes to raise
a war revenue and authorizing the sale
of bonds if money is needed to meet
sudden exigencies is not to be allowed
to become a law without opposition.
The f:ee silverites in congress, and es
pecially those in the senate, are devis
ing schemes of obstruction which they
believe will be effective. Senator Tel
ler declares that he does not believe
the house bill can pass with the bond
proposition included.
The bill is to be held up in order that
speeches may be made denouncing the
supreme court for having set aside the
income tax law of 1894, and that an at
tempt may be made to engraft on the
bill an amendment for the reenact
tnent of that unconstitutional tax as a
"war measure." Hut the position which
the free silverites propose to assume
regarding the bond issue is even more
condemnable. Senator Jones, of Ar
kansas, the chairman of the democratic
national committee, declares:
"I see no occasion for a bond Issue, be
lieve there is no necessity for it, and think
it will not be considered for a moment. If
the necessities of the case require it the
government might issue the necessary
quantity of greenbacks, which, by becom
ing a part of the circulation, would relieve
the present distressing conditions existing
throughout the country by increasing the
volume of money. In addition to that, for
one, 1 am willing to provide fur an Increase
in the volume of money by opening the
mints of the country to the unlimited coin
age of silver."
The intention evidently is, now that
war has begun, to open up a lire in the
rear and to harass aud hamper the ad
ministration instead of rallying patri
otically to its support like loyal Amer
icans. Jones and the other senators
who may pursue his copperhead policy
have voted for war. They have voted
to authorize the president to call out
men and to incur every conceivable ex
pense connected with the prosecution
of a war. Having done that, they pro
pose to leave him in the lurch by refus
ing to provide the money with which
the president is to foot all the bills they
have authorized him to incur.
They have done more than ",utithor
ize." They have ordered him to use the
land aud naval forces to drive the
Spaniards out of Cuba. They refuse
now to provide him with sound money
with which to pay soldiers and seamen
and buy the supplies which are needed
for them. They say to the president'
"Open the mints to silver, debase the
currency, fill the country with 40-cent
dollars, and then perhaps we will au
thorize you to borrow some of those
dollars to pay bills which were con
tracted on the basis of gold standard
Thesedemagoguesand latter-day cop
perheads who call themselves patriots
are enemies of their country. They
vote war and then make it almost im
possible to carry on war. They take
u'way with one hand what they give
with the other. They are insincere and
treacherous. They are not thinking of
a Cuban campaign and of American vic
tories, but of « rotten money campaign
in 1900.
The perfidious nature of their prop
osition is apparent. Instead of selling
bonds they desire more greenbacks is
sued, without further legislation to
make their redemption in jrold certain.
They wish to spend all the money in
the treasury, the gold reserve included,
so that the currency may be slumped to
the silver standard. They wish to de
stroy the credit of the government and
weaken its power to carry on war.
The fiite of these free silver obstruc
tionists will be the same as that which
befell the copperheads of the rebellion
period. They will be overwhelmed at
the polls by popular indignation. They
will be driven out of the house and the
senate. The party to which they belong
will be held responsible for their treach
ery by the American people, and many
years will elapse before its sins will be
This is the time to remember that all
party lines should cease at the shore.
Congressmen who cannot remember
that, and who play at partisan politics
as though the country were not at war.
never will be forgiven. The duty of
the hour is to support the president loy
ally. lie is the commander in chief,
and he should be given whatever he
thinks necessary to carry on war vigor
ously. Hailey, of Texas, and Jones, of
Arkansas, should remember that be
fore they commit themselves fully to I
an un-American, unpatriotic, copper
head policy.—Chicago Tribune.
r?"i'liirty odd years ago the soldiers
of Uncle Sam were paid in a depreciated
money. This time they will be paid in
the equivalent of gold.—iowaState Reg
pundits who called gold
the unpatriotic metal were wrong in
their premises. It is doing its full
share in backing up Uncle Sam. —St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
CfNow that the public begins to see
the details of President McKinley's
course in the Spanish-Cuban matter,
the action of those who have been
making attacks upon him and his ad
visers because of what they assumed
was an unwarranted delay is reacting
in his favor. It is now clearly seen
that every minute of time occupied
since the destruction of tiie Maine has
bt;n judiciously and wisely utilized in
preparing for war. It lias been the con
stant cry of men in congress—and out
of it—for years that the country was
entirely unprepared for war, and it is
not surprising that when the president
and his cabinet found the necessity for
entering upon a war they recognized
the importance of preparing the coun
try for it as far as possible. The re
sult is seen in the conditions which
now exist, especially if they are con
trasted with those of CO days ago.—Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
I*nr<inaii« Who I'lnee Political Ad
vnntuKe llefore I'u
More dangerous, perhaps, at this time
than any Spanish fleet or tint ilia are the
senators and representatives in con
press who propose to hold up, if they
can, all war measures of finance or tax
a'ion that are not shaped according tc
tiieir various political and fiiiancia'
The man to give the signal for this at
tack from within the,lines was Senator
Allen, of Nebraska. The signal ap
penred in a resolution which Mr. Aller
introduced in the senate:
"That in the opinion of the senate no cir
cumstances can arise in the relations of the
I'nlteil States of America and the kingdom
of Spain that will warrant an increase of
the interest-bonded Indebtedness of this
government, or that wi'.l In any mannei
interfere in the reform of the linanclal af
fairs of the United States on lines laic?
down in the national people's party plat
form of July, lfcOC."
It is not from the extreme populists
cf the Allen stripe that embarrassment
to the administration and the national
interests is chiefly to be apprehended.
Of course there is no danger that con
gress will undertake to prosecute the
war exclusively upon the lines laid
down in the populist platform of 1S!)G.
But the disposition to use the present
opportunity to enforce or promote
crank ideas or pet notions or factional
or partisan theories is already manifest
in bills introduced since Allen led the
way with his impudent resolution; in
come tax bills, inheritance tax bills, sil
ver standard and silver bond proposi
tions, greenback measures, and so on
in great variety. They are all present
ed as war measures, and they are all
intended to complicate the war ques
tion with the issues that entered into
the last presidential canvass, and were
then determined for four years, at least
by the result of the election.
Let it be understood in advance that
any attempt in any quarter to embar
rass the administration and imperil the
nation's cause for the sake of this or
that financial theory is a crime against
patriotism sure to be visited heavily
with public indignation. The only is
sue now is with Spain.—N. Y. Sun.
The "Kndli'M Chain" HUM CeiiNed to
Revolve anil the Notion
IN Secure.
The United States treasury holds
$.181,000,000 net in gold, and new sup
plies have been coming l»y every steam
er from Europe. Our gold reserve is
now larger than at any other period
during the last nine years. The Amer
ican Economist contrasts this condition
of the treasury with that which wan ob
servable iu 1895, the year of the Vene
zuelan crisis. Then the net gold in
the treasury was $G3,2ti£,269, and we
were exporting gold to Europe in pay
ment of an adverse balance of trade at
the rate of $1,000,000 a day. Then Mr.
Cleveland's "endless chain" was in full
operation, n -3 its buckets constantly
were carrying gold abroad or deposit
ing it in American secret hoards.
There was confidence neither in the
tariff nor in the currency, nor 'R any
feature of the financial policy of the
government. The national pulse was
panicky, agriculture was depressed,
and manufacturing enterprises showed
hardly semblance of life. All classes
were dispirited and many a fanri.'.r felt
the pangs of hunger.
Now the "endless chain" has ceased
to revolve, confidence in the financial
policy of the government is unbounfl
e 1, and, but for the event of war, which
necessarily must diminish imports,
there would be a steadily increasing
surplus from tariff revenue. Tfte crisis
of war has found the nation i'.s a condi
tion of financial readiness whvrh is un
paralleled in history. Had War con
fronted us while we were uf der such
financial and industrial conditions as
prevailed during the Cleveland admin
istration the prospect would have been
alarming.—Chicago Inter Or-;*an.
Ilepultlic-niiH Arc Active in IlatNlnß
I'iinils fur Defense of tlie
With characteristic promptness and
thoroughness the house committee on
ways and means, led by Congressman
Dingley, has prepared a bill for the
raising of revenue for wa*» purposes.
In the committee's statement in con
nection with the report it is wisely said
that the war should be p.'osecuted with
vigor, for that means « quick end and
an ultimate saving in expenditures. For
speedy work the sinevs of war are
In t wo weeks the $50,000,000 appropri
ated for national defense will have
been disposed of. as cor tracts covering
that amount will then have been made.
The expenses of preparation have been
at the rate of $300,000,000 per annum,
and actual war will cost much more.
The proposed bill h::jj wisely chosen
the articles upon which the burden
shall be laid so as to rest with least
weight upon the necessities of the
country. The bill will go through th*
house with the businesslike speed of
which such a measure is worthy. It is
to be hoped that the senate will not de
lay things while all the financial va
garies of which the public ear has be
come tired have a new airing.
This is the time for money to talk,
for money makes the war go. Troy
PrThe Mexican silver mine-owners
are making a fair profit on their prod
uct now. and they know that no free
coinage laws will add anything to their
profits. Most of the American silver
mine-owners are making money also,
but they are not satisfied. They would
overturn the monetary system of the
country if they could and create a tre
mendous panic, in the hope of getting
a few cents more on the ounce for their
silver.—Chicago Tribune.
Democrats Propose to Reconstruct
the War Rovenues Bill.
It Will In' Reported to the Senate with th«*
liond Feature Eliminated and I'ro
vlde for the Istitie of ftlftO,-
000.000 of lirecnltarhH-A
Proposal to Tax Cor
Washington, May 13.—With the ex
ception of a few administrative fea
tures the war revenue bill is ready for
report to the senate. This report
probably will be made to-day, though
consideration of the measure will not
be begun before Monday. With the as
sistance of Senator Jones (Nev.) the
democrats had control of the finance
committee and adopted their amend
ments, which include a corporation
tax of M of 1 per cent., a provision for
the coinage of the seigniorage and the
issuance of 8150,000,000 of greenbacks.
The bond provision is eliminated.
It required little more than an hour
for the committee to dispose of the
democratic amendments. It was soon
made evident that Senator Jones (Nev.)
would vote with the democrats on all
their amendments and as his vote
turned the scale against the repub
licans, they did not enter into a stub
born struggle to prevent this consum
mation. The vote to strike out the
bond feature stood 0 to 5.
The amendments for the issuance of
greenbacks, the coinage of the silver
seigniorage and the taxation of cor
porations were all incorporated by the
same vote. The democrats changed
their rate on corporations at the last
moment, reducing it from y., to )i of 1
per cent. They made this reduction
because of the uncertainty as to the
amount of revenue the amendment
would produce. It was the generally
expressed opinion that the sum would
even at this low percentage be very
large, but there was no opportunity for
even approximating the figures. This
provision is a very comprehensive one.
It covers all corporations with a few
exceptions, imposing a tax of M.of 1
per cent, upon the gross receipts . Th
exceptions are charitable, educational
and religious institutions and strictly
mutual benefit associations, the exemp
tion to mutual concerns being made so
as to include only those which loan
money to their own members. Uuild
ing and loan associations were exempt
ed from the operations of the bill, but
the house provision dealing with this
matter was changed and the language
of the exemption in the Wilson-Gorman
act practically substituted for it.
There was some discussion of the
beer tax during the day, but it was de
cided to leave the matter as it passed
the bouse with an increase of the re
bate from sto 7}'t per cent. The pro
visions in regaril to the taxation of
bankers and brokers, bills of lading,
inheritances, "futures,"' proprietary
medicinal articles, etc., were left as
previously fixed. The house provision
for a tax on mineral water was strick
en out entirely.
There was some discussion in com
mittee of the amount of revenue the
bill would produce. The estimate of
the democrat members placed the
amount at $150,000,000 from the revenue
portion. The coinage of the seignior
age would increase the amount to the
extent of S-t-,000,000 and the green
backs would make the total $842,000,-
000. or 8-12.000,000 in excess of Secretary
'■age's estimate of the requirements of
extra revenue to meet the first year's
expenses of the war. The bill hardly
will be recognizable by its authors
when reported, as it has been so gen
erally amended.
A Spanish Torpedo Bout Destroyer is Re
ported to Hitve Been Torn Asunder by
un Kxplosion of tier Boilers.
London, May 12. —A dispatch from
Gibraltar says a British steamer which
arrived there Wednesday reports offi
cially that on Tuesday evening she
passed a Spanish torpedo boat de
stroyer which was guarding Algeciras
bay and straits. Shortly after the
steamer passed her all the lights of
the destroyer were suddenly extin
guished, a terrific explosion followed
and the destroyer disappeared. The
disaster, the dispatch adds, was ap
parently caused by - the explosion of
the boilers of the torpedo boat de
stroyer. It is feared tbat all aboard of
her perished.
The Spanish torpedo boat destroyer
reported blown up near Gibraltar
probably is the Destructor. It is
classed as a torpedo gunboat. It was
of steel, built in 1887, and was 192 feet
(i inches long and was estimated to
have a speed of about 33' knots. Its
armament consisted of one :5.5-inch
gun, four (5-pounders and four Maxim
guns. She bad three torpedo tubes
and a crew of 55 men.
Burned to I>euLh.
Philadelphia, May 13. —Three per
sons were burned to death and prop
erty amounting to $255,000 destroyed
by tire which originated Wednesday in
the six-story building occupied by Me-
Cadden Bros., wholesale dealers in
toys anil fireworks, 619 Market street.
The dead are: William MeCadden, a
member of the firm; Charles Richard
son, a packer, and Miss Evelyn Cald
well, a stenographer. Their bodies
were found on the secona floor in the
rear of the building and were fright
fully charred. The fire was caused by
an explosion of fireworks.
Merritt to l.ead the Invasion.
San Francisco, May 13. —The Bulletin
says: The president has appointed
lien. Wesley Merritt. of the regular
army, to command the volunteers from
the Pacific coast. Gen. Merritt will
lead the invasion of the infantry upon
the Philippines. He will be proclaimed
governor general of the Philippines.
"Fighting .Joe" Reports.
Cliickamauga National Park, Mav 12.
—Gen. Joseph Wheeler arrived here
Wednesday and reported to (ien.
Brooke for duty. There seems to be
some question as to whether Gen. Lee
is coming to this point, no orders to
that effect having 1 been received.
From the Democrat, Brazil, Ind.
Every woman cannot be beautiful, but a
cheerful face often supplies the deficiency.
Kut no one can be cheerful and bring jov to
others unless they have perfect health, For
tunately, science has placed this priceless
boon within the reach of every woman as
the following incident proves:
Mrs. Amanda Kobinson, wife of William
Robinson, farmer and stockman, near
Howesville, Clay County, Ind., is thirty
two years old and had for several years been
in declining health and despondent. For
three months she was not only unable to
attend to her domestic duties, but too feeble
to be up and about. Today she is in good
health and able to attend to her household
affairs. She relates her experience as fol
"I was afflicted with female troubles and
was in a delicate state of health. I lost my
appetite, grew thin and was greatly de
pressed. After taking various remedies
without being benefited I was induced by a
friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"Ear 1 yin n J '
the summer of I 'I
1897 I pro, 'l' 1— i
cared five 1 [
boxes of them 112 / 1
and before ' aj / V;
finishing the /Tk r / «"'}
second box S *7 {
I began to im- ~ t /'" A
prove and by J / '
the time I had M
taken the five j!
boxes I was
able togo
about my A Pricelesi Boon.
usual work and stopped taking the pills.
"Our daughter Anna, twelve years old,
was also afflicted with decline and debility.
She lost flesh, seemed to be bloodless and
had no ambition. She took two boxes of the
pills nnd they restored her appetite, aided
digestion and brought color to her cheeks.
She is now in the best of health. I think
Dr. Williams' Pinl: Pills for Pale People the
be*t medicine we ever had in our family and
recommend them to all needing a remedy for
toning up and rebuilding a shattered sys
No discovery of modern times has proved
such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. They restore
strength and health to exhausted women
when every effort of the physician proves
unavailing. These vegetable pills are every
where recognized as a specific for diseases
of the blood and nerves.
The pulling of a sound tooth tries the
acoustics of the dental chamber.—Chicago
OenfneNN Cannot He Cared
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases of of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
When a firm, decisive spirit is recognized,
it is curious to see how the space clears
around a man and leaves him room and free
dom.—John Foster.
'The memory of this night," he Mid, "will
-heer tne in those moments when life seems
dreary and burdensome."
Patriotic Preferences.—His Wife—"They
must be very patriotic in Wall street." The
Farmer —"i suppose so." Ilis Wife —"Oh,
ves, indeed! Here's a report with a whole
lot in it about 'American sugar preferred'
and 'American tobacco preferred. " —Puck.
First Tramp—l hear they are building
a new jail, with all modern improvements."
Scc-ond Tramp—"That won't do us no good.
You'll need a puil to get in there."—Flie
gendc Blaetter.
Idleness.—At. idle man has a constant
tendency to torpidity. He has adopted the
Indian inaxim—that it is better to walk
than to run,and better to stand thantowalk,
and bet t IT to sit than to stand, and better
to lie than to sit. He hugs himself into the
notion that God calls him to be quiet.—
Richard Cecil.
When a man goes fishing he may not catch
a good string, but he is sure to come home>
wiili a long yarn. —Chicago Daily News.
In English coffee-houses, in the olden time,
a contribution box was placed against the!
wall, find it was customary for guests toj
drop in small donations for the waiters.'
Over t/lie box were the words: "To Insure!
Promptness." From the initial conies the
modern tip.
In Derby, Mich., dwells a farmer who a!
ways likes to get the worth of his money.
The general store at v.iliich he deals is about
seven miles from his home. In a package of
matches he bought last week there were 11
without heads, lie spent two cents in mail
ing them to the storekeeper, and asking for
II perfect matches.
A woman's idea of business sagacity is to
oin the pocket that has her money in it.—
Washington (la. ) Democrat.
The best way for a young man to begin
who is without friends or influence is first,
by getting a position; second, keeping his
moutii shut; third, observing; fourtn, beiiiH
faithful; fifth, making his employer thins
he would be lost in a fog without him, <tud
sixth, being polite.--!' IISSRII Siin-e
is the name to remember when buying Sarsaparilla. Dr. | Ifl
! Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been curing people right along for
|M! nearly 50 years. That's why it is acknowledged to be the jMI
sovereign Sarsaparilla. It is the original and the standard. M
»« The record of the remedy is without a rival, —a record that 25
: i is written in the blood of thousands, purified by its healing M
mm power. SS
I?! "I nursed a lady who was suffering from blood poisoning and must cjj
!?? have contracted the disease from her; for I had four large sores, or ulcers,
! i break out on my person. I doctored for a long time, both by external Sj
82 application and with various blood medicines; but in spite of all that I CJ
r could do, the sores would not heal. At last I purchased six bottles of g'
i—Y Ayer's Sarsaparilla, thinking I would give it a thorough trial. Before the J5
1 —— eir. bottles had been taken, the ulcers were healed, the skin sound and
I natural, and my health better than it had been for years. I have been Cj
well ever since. I had rather have one bottle of Dr. J. C. Ayer's Sarsapa- J5
i rilla than threo of any other kind."—Mrs. A. F. TAYLOR, Englevale, N. Dak. g*|
B Get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If
you lire troubled with any form of DYSPEPSIA,
os a Digestive. 25c and 500 boxes, bv mail on receipt of price. (>n "eit,t' of one
2 cent pontage Btomp I will send a Six U«>*«' trial package DP* Tp« -«r« h«
mall. Address x>. s. aAijuur, as. ma hsi*at-iT, aixcwi
Both the method ana results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, j
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and feverß and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, ita
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the moat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Faat Time (o Colorado.
A new through Sleeping Car line between
St. Louis and Colorado Springs will be estab
lished over the Wabash-KocK Island Short
Line, Muy loth, 1898. The time will be the
fastest made with through service between
these two points by many hours. A through
Sleeper will leave St. Louis on Wabash train
No. 3, at 9.20 a. m., arriving at Colorado
Springs the next morning at 11.00, with a di
rect connection for Denver, arriving at 11.30
a. m. This is the fastest regular through
service ever established between St. Louis
and Colorado. Returning, the Sleeper will
leave Colorado Springs at 2.45 p. m., and ar
rive at St. Louis the next evening at 6.15.
Patrons of this line will avoid tne only un
pleasant feature heretofore attendant on Col
orado travel, inasmuch as the trip through
Missouri's fertile fields will now be by day
light, and the unattractive portion of Kansaf
will be traversed during the night, with the
mountain scenery to greet the tourists in th 6
The fast time of this line will naturally
commend the Wabash Route to intending
Colorado tourists.
Particulars will be gladly furnished on ap
C. S. CRANK. G. P. &T. A., St. Louis.
She Wn» SurprSted.
Mrs. Huntley—lt must have been very an
noying to have had to appear in court.
W hat did you do when they asked you to
give your age?
Dustleigh—Why, I gave it, of course,
"My goodness! And didn't they fine you
for contempt?"— Chicago Evening News.
A flu op Furin and a Good One.
Do you want a good farm, where you can
work outdoors in your shirt sleeves for ten
months in the year, and where your stoclr
can forage for itself all the year round? II
so, write to P. Sid Jones, Passenger Ajrent
Birmingham, Ala., or Dr. R. B. Crawford,
Traveling Passenger Agent, 6 Rookery
Building, Chicago, 111.
Do you want togo down and look at some
of the Garden Spots of this country? Tin
Louisville & Nashville Railroad provides thf
way and the opportunity on tne first ano
third Tuesday of each month, with excur
sions at only two dollars over one fare, foi
round trip tickets. Write Mr. C. P. At
more, General Passenger Agent, Louisville,
Ky., for particulars.
Do you want to read about them hefort
going? Then send ien cents in silver oi
postage stamps for a copy of "Garden
Spots" to Mr. Atmore.
If we were asked to define repartee mosl
of us would say that it was the brilliant
thing we thought of saying when the occa.
sion for saying it had slipped away from us.
—Chicago Times-Hera'd.
llonu-neekcrM' KxcurNlon*.
On the first and third Tuesdays in May
and June, 1898, the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway will sell round-trip excur
sion tickets (good for 21 days) to u great
many points in South and North Dakota
and other western and southwestern states,
at practically one fare for the round trip.
Take a trip west and see what an amount of
good land can be purchased for very little
money. Further information as to rates,
routes, prices of farm lands, etc., may be ob
tained on application to any coupon ticket
agent or by addressing George H. Ileafford,
General Passenger .-Went, Chicago, 111.
Marriage is a failure only to soured people
who cannot find marrying mates. —N. O.