Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 19, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
BuMliiest* Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Heal estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Fa.
Office—South-west corner of Fourth and Cherry
streets, two doors from Post Office. Special at
tention given to ooilections. 30-33-ly.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. U. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
30-1 y.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I aiu prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-1 y
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
for the accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa. i
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town ,
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this j
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building, j
Emporium, Pa.—upstairs. Office hours: 7 to9 ,
a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Political Announcements*
All Announcements under thin head must be j
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to j
insure publication.
Editor Press: —
Please announce that should the Hon. Chas. |
W Stone not be a candidate to succeed himself,
I am a candidate for Representative in Congress !
in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the !
decision of the Republican district conference.
Warren, Pa., April 26, 1898.
Editor Prcxa:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge ol Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April Ith, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
Children's Concert.
On Saturday evening about seventy
five children will give a May Festival
of Music at the Opera House. Mr. and
Mrs. Niekle have accomplished
wonders with these little folks and a
great feast is in store for those who
will attend. The price of admission is
only 15 cents; reserved seats 25 cents.
Teachers' Examinations,
The Cameron county teachers' ex
aminations for 1898 will be held as fol
lows: Sinnemahoning, May 18; Drifts
wood, May 19; Sterling Run, May 20;
Emporium, May 21 and July 2. Ex
aminations will begin at 9:00 a. m.
11-2fc County Superintendent.
First Excursion of the Season.
We are reminded that the summer
will soon be with us again by the W.
X. Y. & P. liy., who anounce their
first Excursion of the season to Buffalo
and Niagara Falls for Decoration Day,
Monday, May 30th. Train will leave
Emporium at 8:30 a. m. Fare for the
round trip, §2.50. Returning special
train will leave Niagara Falls at 8:15 p.
m.; Buffalo 9:00 p. m. Tickets also
good returning on regular trains,
Tuesday, May 31st. 12-2t
Mrs. Crotsley, of Gardeau, wife of
Rev. Crotsley, died this morning.
Her remains will be taken to Hunting
ton county to-morrow for burial.
The battleship Oregon is safe and is
reported to be with Sampson.
Borough Council.
Special meeting Borough Council, May 16, 1898.
Present—Messrs. Hacket, Day, Burns, Palmer,
Burke, Balcom, Lloyd, Warner and Strayer.
The reason for calling a special meeting was
read as follow:
Emporium, Pa., May 16, 1898.
To the Honorable Members of Council :
Gentlemen:—The reason for my calling this
special meeting is on account of the sickness of
our duly appointed Street Commissioner and his
consequent disability to attend to the duties of
his office and (or the purpose of making some
arrangement to have his place filled and further
to decide how and what snail be done in the way
of improvements anil repairs on our streets and
such other matters as may be found necessary
touching this subject.
President of Council.
Moved by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr. Bal
com, that Thomas Smith be appointed Street
Commissioner during the absence of Mr. Beattie
to work under the direction of council men. Car
Mr. Day was called to the Chair and it was
moved by Mr. Hacket, seconded by Mr. Balcom,
that the Council meet in a body at corner of
Fourth and Chestnut streets and view the cross
ing and decide what was necessary to do in re
lation thereto. The vote was by acclamation and
the motion was declared carried.
It was moved by Mr. Hacket, seconded by Mr.
Palmer that when any new work was to be done
on the streets it should be done under the
direction of the Councilmen from that ward.
Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet
May 17th, 1898 at 8:00 a. in.
Adjourned special meeting. Borough Council,
May 17th, 1898. Present—Messers. Hacket, Day,
Palmer, Balcom, Lloyd, Strayer. Absent—Burns,
Burke, Warner.
Moved by Mr. Lloyd, seconded by Mr. Strayer
that the crossing across Fourth street at Chest
nut street, be taken up and relaid and that the
ends be dropped from 4 to 6 inches lower
than originally laid and edges be made one inch
lower than centre of walk. The ayes and nays
were called and the following vote was taken :
Ayes-Messrs. Day, Hacket, Palmer Lloyd,
Strayer.—s. Nays—Balcom. Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Lloyd, seconded by Mr. Strayer,
that Mr. Hacket superintend the relaying of
crossing. Carried.
Moveu by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Lloyd
that manhole at Fourth and Chestnut streets be
lowered the thickness of one brick. Carried.
On motion the Council then adjourned.
C. J. GOODNOUGH, gec'y.
tiolden Wedding.
Last Saturday was the fiftieth anni
versary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. Hacket, and in order that so
important an event should not go by
unnoticed, their children decided to
give them a pleasant surprise. Ac
cordingly at eight o'clock that even
ing a large gathering of relatives and
friends assembled at the residence of
this venerable couple and when Mr.
Hacket returned from his office at a
little before nine, he found his home
in the possession of his many neigh
bors and friends, who had met there to
help him and his estimable wife cele
brate their golden wedding.
After extending congratulations and
exchanging many pleasant greetings,
the guests, led by Mr. and Mrs. Hacket,
repaired to the commodious dining
room, where an elegant repast was
served. A very enjoyable time was
had by all present and at a late hour
the guests departed for their respec
tive homes, wishing their host and
hostess might live to celebrate many
more anniversaries.
The following were among those
present : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Walker,
Mr. R. Warner, Mrs. J. J. Hinkle, Mr.
and Mrs. F. D. Leet, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Sprung, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Barton,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Law, Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Hacket, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hacket,
Mrs. Nellie Danforth, Mrs. Wallace
Dickinson, Mrs. L. K. Huntington,
Mrs. Genung, Mrs. McConnell, Mrs.
Owens, Mrs. S. J. Schouten, Mrs. O.
P. Warner, Mrs. M. S. Winfield, Mrs.
J. J. Pollard, Mr. J. F. Parsons, Dr. S.
S. Smith, Mr. 1. M. Reynolds, and a
large number of Mr. and Mrs. Hacket's
For the Relief of the Soldiers.
The W. R. C. will meet at Mr. Al.
Hockley's home on Thursday after
noon to prepare bandages for the
soldiers, also make needle books, pin
cushions, etc. Any one who will come
and assist us will be welcome; also
any material to work with will be
thankfully received, such as thread,
needles, pins, darning needles, cloth
suitable for bandages, or any bits of
silk, velvet or flannel, suitable for
cases. By order of Corps.
A Musical Treat.
It has been many a day since our
people have had an opportunity to at
tend such a musical feast its that pre
pared by Rev. W. S. Nickle, of Chi
cago, to be rendered at the opera
house, this (Thursday) evening. The
combined choirs of the town will
render the grand choruses.
This leader of song, and his wife,
were engaged with Mr. Moody for
three years in the great evangelistic
work in Chicago.
A chorus of iorty voices will fill the
Opera House with music.
Pure Bred.
Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan
dottes and S.C.Brown Leghorns' eggs sl.uo for
i fifteen.
Emporium, Pa.—2-3m.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
End of the Long Trip Around
the Horn.
Spanish War Fleet Not Encountered
by the Battleship.
the Second I.argest Vessel In the Ameri
can Navy Will Soon He Added to Ad
miral Sampson'* Fleet Anxiety of
Naval Oflteluln at l.ast Uelieved—Span
ish Topedo lloiit-s Feared More Than
the Warships—The Dewey Itelief Kx
pedition <Jets Started by the Sailing of
the Charleston From San Franclseo.
I'ennsylvaula Soldiers Selected to Goto
the Philippine Islands.
WASHINGTON, May 19.— Secretary
Long gave out the welcome informa
tion that the battleship Oregon, the
second largest craft in the Aftlferlean
navy, had successfully completed her
long trip from San Francisco, making
the entire circuit of South America and
was now safe. Whether or not she
has joined Admiral Sampson's fleet,
the secretary would not say. The rigid
secrecy of the navy department was
relaxed only enough to make known
the best news the navy department
had received since the battle of Ma
nila, as it meant not only that the Or
egon was out of harm's way, from a
concerted attack on this one ship by
the whole Spanish squadron now in
southern waters, but also that her
great fighting strength would be added
to Admiral Sampson's force in the near
future, if indeed it had not already
augmented the admiral s strength.
The Oregon left San Francisco about
six weeks ago, before the war had
opened, and at that time it was not
admitted that she was to join the ships
in Atlantic waters. She stopped at
Sallao for dispatches and then went
around the Horn and then up the east
coast of South America. In all the trip
covered more than 13,000 miles. The
last stretch from Hahia to the Wind
ward islands has been followed with
anxiety by naval officers, for by a
strange coincidence the formidable
Spanish squadron of armored cruisers
and torpedo boats approached the
Windward islands at the very time
when the Oregon was due there. It
had been suspected that the Spanish
admiral would try to intercept the bat
tleship with his superior force, and be
fore leaving Bahia Captain Clark of
the Oregon was warned to keep a close
lookout for the Spanish fleet. In reply
Captain Clark expressed his confidence
in being able to hold his own single
handled with the Oregon against all
the Spanish cruisers. The only appre
hension he felt was as to the torpedo
boats under the Spanish admiral's
command, for these are a new and
practically unknown element against
the modern battleship, and Captain
Clark, while confident of holding out
against these also, said a chance blow
might be struck by them.
Notwithstanding Captain Clark's as
surances, the navy department con
tinued to feel that a meeting between
the Spanish squadron and the Ameri
can battleship on such unequal terms
was far from desirable and might bring
most serious results. For this reason
the official information reaching the
authorities was a source of most hear
ty congratulations. Where the report
came from was not made known, but
the mere fact that Secretary Long re
gards the Oregon as safe makes it evi
dent that she has passed well to the
northward of the Windward islands.
Aside from this bit of information,
Secretary Long said that there was rio
further news to be given out.
Cruiser Charleston Starts on ller I.onsr
Journey From San Franelsco.
WASHINGTON, May 1».-The cruiser
Charleston, which started on her long
journey to meet Admiral Dewey at
Manila, should arrive there in about
24 days, allowing a couple of days at
Honolulu for coaling. Nothing better
illustrates the value of the swift
range cruisers of the type that make
up the Spanish flying squadron than
that fact that one would be able to
j make such a run as this directly from
San Francisco to Manila without stop
ping anywhere for coal, at a speed
about 25 per cent greater than the
Admiral Dewey's cablegrams show
that he is able to maintain the ground
he has gained until reinforcements ar
; rive in the usual course, so the
Charleston will get there in time to
serve his purpose. The stock of am
munition which the Charleston carries
(s believed to be the great essential
Just now, the lierce engagement at
Cavite having consumed a large part
of the American admiral's shot and
1,000 men's summer suits bought for
cash, will sell them at very low prices
at N. Seger's.
We Would Not be Justified in Deliver
ing Her People Back to Spain
To the Editor of Philadelphia Press.
Sir:—Nearly every day we read that
the Eiist India Islands won by Dewey
may, under certain contingencies, be
returned to Spain after the war is over.
Now there is one point in this question
of the ultimate disposal of the Philip
pine Islands which has apparently
been lost sight of, and it is the most
important point to be considered. It
relates to the future fate of the nine
million inhabitants of these islands.
These people are at least human be
ings, and judging by their past, the
only way we have of judging, they are
vastly more susceptible of develop
ment and civilization than the Span
They have been fighting their op
pressors. They have spirit. They are
We can easily imagine how their
hearts leaped for joy as the first sound
of Dewey's guns awoke the echoes of
Minila Bay.
The thunderous roar from the Ameri
can Olympia on the first of May spoke
a message of hope and freedom to
these brown men on the isle of Luzon,
and shall we revoke that message?
No! Never! We cannot if we would.
We are in this war not for aggran
dizement or spoil, but to free Cuba
from Spanish tyranny-and incidentally
to discipline Spain somewhat for her
murder of women and children, and
her ruthless assassination of 260 Ameri
can sailors.
This is primarily a war for humanity
and no matter what other disposition
we may think best to make of the
Philippine Islands this one resort is
irrevocably barred. They must never
return to Spain.
The American people can never,
without unutterable disgrace,allow the
infamous yoke of Spain to again press
the necks once made free by American
shot and shell.
But these people are not slaves ! No
they are worse than slaves. A slave has
some rights as to protection and main
tenance, but these unfortunates have
Subjects of Spain and Turkey do not
have the rights that a United States
dog has.
But, it has been feared that some of
the European powers will object to our
Using the islands as.,we see fit.
They may object "till the cows come
home," but with the recent object
le-tson in the China Sea before their
eyes, there is no one nation on earth
that dares do more than object in
Should the combined powers of Eu
rope forcibly interfere, then there
would be some prospect of a speedy
realization of the Utopian dream of a
universal peace and brotherhood.
Then the day would be in plain sight
when superstition, ignorance and bar
barism as exemplified in Turkey and
Spain, could no longer control the des
tinies of a single human being.
For then would the glorious Stars
and Stripes and the grand old "meteor
flag of England" be twined together
and the American Eagle and the
British Lion on a platform of Right,
Justice, Freedom and Humanity would
defy and dominate and eventually
pacify the world.
Emporium, Pa., May 13, 1898.
Only a Snore.
Last Sunday night the guests at the
Warner House were aroused from their
slumbers by an unearthly noise re
sembling the braying of a car load of
mules or some other contrary creature.
Of course all hands at once repaired to
the room of Mr. A. H. King, expecting
t > find him practicing with his indian
clubs or dumb-bells, but were disap
pointed—the genial Colonel was sleep
ing as peacefully and innocently as a
new born babe* The watchman, who
had been sitting up all night, pointed
t ) the room occupied by Mr. A. C.
B liley, of Ford City, Pa., who wasjust
getting oil one of his ordinary snores.
Quarterly Meeting.
The Free Methodists will hold f heir
third quarterly meeting, at Em
porium, commencing Friday evening,
May 20th, and continuing over Sunday.
Brother Sellers, District Elder will have
charge of the meeting. All are wel
come to come and hear the truth pro
Love-feast Sunday morning at 9:30,
followed by preaching and communion.
Preaching in the evening at 7:30 p. m.
J. E. FOREMAN, Pastor.
R. Seger & Co., the tailors, have just
received a large of Spring goods,
the latest patterns, which they are pre
paring to make into stylish suits for
sl2 and up, alto pants, $3.50 and up.
Britton Hill Road.
A crew of men have been busily at
work on the new road to Britton Hill
and the supervisors expect to have it
open for travel in a few days. A much
needed improvement.
A Oaring Feat.
On Tuesday morning, George, the
fifteen year old sonofTheo. Ritchie,
climbed to the top of the smoke stack
at the iron works and placed thereon
an American flag. The flag was furn
ished by Henry Zarps.
Chicken and Waffle Supper.
The Interest Paying Society of the
M. E. Church, will* give a chicken and
waffle supper, in the vacant store
room, opposite the post office, formerly
occupied by J. S. Douglas, on Friday
evening, May 27tli. Supper 25c. Ice
cream and cake will also be served
during the evening.
Bark Peelers Injured.
James Chambers, who has been en
gaged in peeling bark for C. B. How
ard & Co., at Bobby's Run, received
a serious cut in his right foot, last
Wednesday afternoon. On Friday
morning, his brother John, who was
at work on the same job, also received
a severe cut in his right foot. Both
men are getting along nicely.
Birthday Celebration.
The family reunion and birthday
party given in honor of Mrs. Ellen
Logan, each year, by her children at
Emporium, was held last Monday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. K.
Hockley. All of Mrs. Logan's children
and nearly all of her grandchildren
were present and as usual a very
pleasant time was had.
Although Mrs. Logan is in her eighty
third year, nevertheless her health re
mains comparatively good and her
memory is much clearer than many
who are nothalf as old as she
Those who attended from out of
town were Mrs. Lydia Corwin and son
Theo., of Williamsport; Mrs. W. T.
McCloskey, ofWilkinsburg, Pa.; Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Nickle, of Chicago, 111.;
Miss Gertrude Niekle, of Nickleville,
Pa.; and Mrs. Temp DeLong, of John
son burg, Pa.
Respectfully Referred.
Editor Press :
Do we spend too much money on
schools and preachers or is it not their
business to educate the people into
law-abiding citizens ?
I do not think the school teachers
and ministers should spend their time
playing detective, but what is the use
of this town spending $12,000 a year
on schools and churches if we allow
the people to openly violate the law.
I will name three instances and
would be very much obliged if you
will inform me through your valuable
paper who are the proper authorities
to look after such cases, as I think the
majority of our people would like to
have them corrected.
1 refer to the setting of the fence at
the Chadwick school house out twenty
feet into the public road. To the
openly adulterous union of a man and
woman on Clear Creek, and to the
open violation of the fish and game
Yours in good faith,
Memorial Sermon.
The annual memorial sermon to the
members of Post No. 241, G. A. R. and
Womans Relief Corps, as well as all
other patriotic citizens who desire to
attend, will be preached in the Baptist
church on Sunday evening, May 29th,
by Rev. W. R. McNeil. A patriotic
sermon is always appreciated by a
liberty loving people, but especially in
such exciting and eventful times as
these, when the war-llend hovers about
the shores of our beloved land, and the
Stars and Stripes are contending for
the right in a war for humanity's sake,
a discourse of the above nature ought
to appeal to the sentiment of every
American and demand the interest and
and attention of all classes. The repu
tation of Rev. W. R. McNeil's sermons
and particularly on such occasions as
as these, is too well known to need
any comment from us. The church
should be filled to overflowing.
Notice to the Public.
The road now being cut through
from Salt Run to Bailey Run, we ask
the people in the habit of going to
Baily Run and going by the Climax
Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt
Run, as hereafter no one will be al
lowed togo through the Climax
Powder Company's works.
Dr. C. R. Earley, of Ridgway, died
on Sunday. His funeral takes place
to-day and many Emporiumites will at
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
Gladstone died this morning.
All streets lead to the Opera House
this evening.
Pants made to order for §3.50 up, at
K Seger & Co.'s.
I .overs of music will goto the Opera
House this evening.
If you want a stylish suit you can
find it at N. Seger's.
Men's and boy's new hats for sum
mer wear just received at N. Seger's.
You can get a good suit made to
order for $15.00 and up, at R. Seger &
The Old Reliable drug store is dis
playing a fine assortment of fishing
Summer underwear for men that
looks right, feels right, fits right, and
wears right, at N. Seger's.
It has been wittily and stingingly
said that "Spain has probably per
ceived the 'Yankee pigs' are right a&
home in the trough of the sea."
Fresh Butter at the Creamery, in
quantities of one pound and upwards,
at 20 cents per pound, cash.
Rev. Nickle will preach and conduct
evangelistic services in the Methodist
church next Sundav evening. The
Pastor will preach a sermon to the
children in the morning. Both old
and young are invited to attend all the
services of the day.
The Presbyterian people fully appre
ciate the able and almost unanimous
help of the several choirs of the city in
the preparation of the great musical
feast to be rendered this evening. This
will be ono grand, union concert in
which, practically, all the singers of
the city will be engaged.
The late editor Brann, of the Waco
Iconoclast, was not very far wrong
when he wrote the following: "I am
sometimes tempted to believe that the
only friendship that will stand fire is
that of a yellow dog for a pauper nigger.
Strike a friend for a small loan and af
fection grows suddenly cold. Lose
your fortune and your sweetheart sends
you word that she will be a sister to
you. Your brother will betray you for
boodle, your father fight you for a
foolish flag, and your heirs-at-law will
dance when they hear of your death,
but the devotion of a yellow dog to a
worthless nigger hath all seasons for
its own."
Grant Wiley, one of the solid young
business men of Emporium, was at
Potter's capital on Tuesday, and took
occasion to inspect the Andrews dairy
farm at East Coudersport. Mr. Wylie
is the owner of a large farm near his
town and is largely interested in the
new creamery at that point Two
law students were given the prelim
enary examination last week and both
passed very creditably. One was
Robert, son of our honored President
Judge, A. G. Olmsted; the other, Frank
A. Leet,Ulysses,who has been teaching
in Emporium for the past two years.
Both young men start in well equipped
for the study of law.—Potter Journal.
An exchange says that in the begin
ning God created the heavens and
earth; then he inade the editor, the
liberal advertiser and prompt paying
subscriber and it was good. The next
day a blizzard set in and he created the
man that didn't believe in advertising
and another who didn't take his home
paper, then he rested. Then the devil
got into the moulding room and he
created the tellow that takes a paper
for years and then fails to pay for it.
After completing that sorry job and
having a few lumps of mouldy, pigsty
mud left he made the excuse for a man
who instructs his postmaster to mark
his paper "refused," and he felt so
mean about it that ho has been kicking
himself ever since.
Attorneys recently returned from
Philadelphia relate a striking incident
in the supreme court chamber. It ap
pears that Captain Harry Alvin Hall,
captain of Company H, of Ridgway,
was one of the attorneys in asuit which
was down for argument before the
supreme bench. Hall was called out
with the National Guard. His associates
asked for a continuance on account of
Hall's absence. The other side fought
against continuance, alleging that Hall
had had very little to do with the cape
and might be absent two years. After
hearing the argument Judge Sterret
said: "These are peculiar times It is
enough for this court to know that Mr
Hall was an attorney in this case and
now he is called out to fight for hi*
country The case is continued."—
Bradford Record.
NO. 12