4 Gctrrjcror) County Jf ress. i ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD. IIENRY U. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVKIIY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year fV 00 j If paid in advance $1 "0 | ADVERTISING KATES. Advertisements are publinht *1 :it thi rate of one ' dollar per square for one insertion and fißycents i>er square for each sub^eqiu-ntins-rtion. Rates by the year or for six or thm-inuiitli!- are , low and uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation. , i Legal and Official Advertising per square, three , times or less, $2 0U; each subsequent insertionsl' cenis per square. Loca! notice-! ten cents per line for one Insert ion, five cents per line for each subs* *l>cTb rit'jii ouioftlic county inu.'t be pain for i u advanri'. |—— REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. For Governor, CHARLES W. STONE, of Warren. [Subject to the decision of the Republican State Convention.] For President Judge, B. W. GREEN, of Cameron, [Subject to the decision ofthe Republican District Convention.] WASHINGTON LETTER. (From ovr Regular Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 9, 1898. I'resident McKinley's recom mendation for Congressional action iii honor of Commodore Dewey's great victory —in many respects the greatest in the annals of naval warfare —was promptly acted upon. Chairman I'outelle. of the ilouse Naval Committee, has reported a joint resolution of thanks to Com modore Dewey, and a hill creating an additional ".•car admiral in the navy. The latter will enable the President to promote Commodore Dewey. Immediately upon receipt of his otiicial report of the battle of .Manila harbor. Secretary Long in the name of the President cabled to Commodore Dewey promoting him to acting Admiral, and tend ering him the thanks of himself and of the people for his great achievement. The more the official report of Commodore Dewey is studied the more wonderful hi-- victory appears. He entered Manila harbor, pro protected by mines, heavy shore batteries, a fleet of eleven ships, mounting about one hundred guns and carrying about 2,oo<>men, and destroyed all eleven of the ships and captured all the batteries. And the most wonderful exploit was that not a single man on an Ameri can ship was killed an ! not a single ship materially injured, and only half a dozen were wounded. Troops are to be sent to garrison the Phillipine Islands just as soon as the ships to carry them from San Francisco can be got ready. About lit, (Mill will go. Senator Sewell's acceptance of the commission of major general in the volunteer army, to which he was nominated and confirmed at the same time that Gen. Fitzliugh Lee. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, Gen. James 11. Wilson, and the seven brigadier generals of the regular army were, is not certain, and will depend upon the opinion of Attor ney General Griggs, to whom the matter has been referred, as to whether the commission can be accepted without vacating the seat in the Senate now held by General Sewell. If it cannot, the Senator will decline the commission, and the general impression, is that it cannot. The House has made a record at this session of which Republicans, who have controlled and directed its course, may well be proud. It has passed 208 bills that have be come laws, and about 200 other bills that are now on the Senate ealandar. The war measures—the ?")(>,000,000 appropriation, the armed intervention resolution, the declaration of war, the volunteer army bill, the bill for reorganizing the regular army, the war revenue bill, the bill appropriating $3(5,- t 11 ; and 20tli, good returning until June | 26th. For all information, call on your nearest ticket agent, or address F. J. Moore, General Agent, Nickel Plate Road, Bnffalo, N. Y, Low rates to other points will be quoted from time to time. Elegant service. Superb dining ears. Vestibuled buffet sleeping ears. 11-3t Rich Valley Notes. Editor Press : Mrs. Woodcock has purchased a new organ. Miss Ella Lewis is working for Eldon Lewis. L. Lockwood had a bee last Friday to raise his new barn. Eldon Lewis has moved into Mr. Howard's house at Lawn View, j Herbert Lewis is building a new house just below the bridge, on his father's farm. We had some beautiful growing weather last week; it is cooler again now but we trust that there will be no frost as there are prospects of abund ance of fruit. We saw Mrs. Geo. Carter, of Olean, the other day. We understand they have moved to this place and will occupy Al. Wright's house on Clear j Creek. I We have lost the bright, cheerful face of Miss Ida Keeferfrom our valley but our loss is ('has. King's gain, as he has married her and taken her to his home on Clear Creek. May they live long and be happy. Last Thursday evening as Mrs. A. C. Goodwin was crossing Clear Creek on a foot log just below the railroad bridge her foot slipped and she fell into the stream. The water was very deep and she was in great danger of being drowned, but, thanks to her presence of mind, she managed to reach the shore in safety. It was a very narrow escape however and we are thankful it j was no worse. May oth, 1898. ADINA. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1898. Mason Hill Letter. Cuba in free—Spain is whipped. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Tanner, son and daughter, were the guests of Mrs. Martha Miller on Sunday. Huntley Miller visited his mother over Sunday. Miss Ethel Ban*, of this place, is keeping house for her brother at Mix Run. One of Mason Hill's smart young men (?) got a very polite answer to a question he asked in church on Sun day evening. Frank Russel, of Cameron Hill, was the guest of J. M. Russel 011 Sunday. Mrs. William Miller has returned home from J'ine street, where she has been visiting her sister. Harry J. Williams returned to Mix Run to finish his operations. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lane and daugh ter Ava, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wil j liams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 J. M. English on Sunday. David Ives has taken a lumber job on Mix Run this summer and expects in the near future to hire about one 1 hundred and fifty men. There is your ! chance, boys. Bo content with the world as you find it, Nor be always bemoaning your lot; ! Tho' you have your own measure of trouble. Who there is in this world that has not? Do the best that you can in your station, Always cheerily acting your part; ! Keep a stiff upper lip in vexation. And an honest intent in your heart. God exempts 110 mortal from trouble, I Not alone are the poor in distress; j Though the heart may be heavy in home-spun, I In broadcloth it may weigh none the less. ' On his throne the proud king may be wretched, ' And the queen may be weary of life; While the peasant in rags may be joyous. Bright and happy his hard working wife. Every heart its own bitterness knoweth. | Nor can guess at the pain in the breast ! Of the one whom the foolish world envies. I As with every prosperity blest, j It is brave to hide your vexation, And your worries conceal in your breast. Do the best that you can in your station, And Itt fortune take care of the rest. May Oth, 1898. PEGGY riiisical College. The Musical College located at Free- I burg, Snyder county, Pa., situated in i a charming valley, pure air and ro mantic scenery combined to make it |an ideal spot. The building is admir | ably adapted to its purpose, new facil l itiee being added from time to time in | accordance with the most advanced ideas, yet the charges are very low as I the management desires to put its op i portunities within the reach of all. I The teachers are specialists in their | respective departments, none but the best methods are used and instruction I is given individually. The students range from beginners who are just i learning to read music to the most ad i vanced worker in harmony and com position. Summer term will begin j Monday, July 18, 1898. Catalogues | free. Addres, HENRY B. MOVER, Director. First Fork Items. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cald well, aged one year, was burned by its clothing taking fire on Sunday evening while playing around the stove, so badly that it died about mid night. Funeral Tuesday at two o'clock ! p. m , at Gilmore school house. ; The families of Dr. A. \V. Colcord, of Austin and Brainerd Poet, of Cos : tello were down on a visit to "grand j pa Colcord" on Sunday and he fed | them on a nice lot of brook trout. E. M. Coder and family are visiting | and fishing at W. Bailey's. R. M. Williams and family are rusti ! eating at their old home in Grove ! Township. Big frost Monday morning. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. The best Salve in the world for cuts, j bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ! sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, j corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi | tively cures piles, or no pay required. I It is guaranteed to give perfect satis -1 faction or money refunded. Price 25 i cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart. v3l-nlo-ly "It is tho Best on Earth." That is what Edwards & Parker, I merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham j berlain's Pain Bilm, for rheumatism, j lame back, deep seated and muscular j pains. Sold by L. Taggart. may Hoax—"One of the reports from Ma | nila says a Chinese cruiser followed I close in the wake of the American | squadron. What do you suppose that j was for?" Joax—-"The Chinamen j evidently wanted to got the squadron's I wash. Everyone who has diphtheria, croup, ! quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos- I itively and speedily be cured by | Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly The severe storm caused great hard- I ships among troops at Mt. Gretna, al ! though all bore their misery without ! grumbling. The Westfield, Ind., Newa prints the i following in regard to an old resident |of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in tho employ of the L. N. A. &C. lty. here, says: *1 have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and j Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer—am never without it in my family. I consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For j sale by L. Taggart. may Pure Bred. Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan dotlesand S. ('. Brown Leghorns' eggs sl.oo for ill teen. 1. F. OSTKUM. Emporium, Pa.—2-3m. ALL SORTS. The Cuban question and political Is sues sink into insignificance with the man who suffers from piles. What he most desires is relief. l)eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. R. C. Dod ; son. 4S-ly Bakers of Chicago, 111., have advanc ed the price of bread 1 cent a loaf. The human machine starts but once ! and stops but once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly The weather lias been Dewey ever since. J. C. P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes: "I have used DeWitt's Little Early ' Risers ever since they were introduced here and must say I have never used any pills in my family during forty ; years of housekeeping that gave such j satisfactory results as a laxative or I cathartic. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly The battle hymn of the Republic— Admiral. S. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writes: "I have tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for itching piles and it always cures them in two minutes. I consider i DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great ! est pile cure on the market. R. C. ; Dodson. 45-ly Perhaps the Cape Verde fleet has ; gone to capture the Klondike. S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes: j "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is curing more piles here to-day than all other remedies combined. It cures eczema ! and all other skin diseases." It. C. i Dodson. 45-ly Wait for authentic news about that ! "heavy firing off Haiti," Then cheer! One Minute is not long, yet relief is j obtained in half that time by the use of | One Minute Cough Cure. It prevents i consumption and quickly cures colds, 1 croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, lagrippe and all throat and lung troubles. R | C. Dodson. 45-ly The "Dewey cocktail" is the bar i room's latest offering. It is said to be 1 hot stuff. Ballard's Snow Liniment will cure J same back, sore throat, wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts and old aores. Ladies, it ; will cure your back ache. L. Taggart. Jingo—"Wonder why that expected naval battle in the Atlantic hasn't come off yet?" "The kinetoscopo | people are probably not ready for it. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is not a mixture of stomach destroying drugs, | but is a scientifically prepared remedy ! that cures coughs and colds, and ail I throat and lung troubles. Its action is j quick, prompt and positive. 25 and 50 I cents. L. Taggart. Spain's navy consists largely of dis appearing ships. Is your liver tired, does it fail to do its duty? If so, don't neglect its call ; for help. A fe\i doses of Herbine may I save you a spell of sickness. Herbine !is the only perfect liver medicine. It I cures chills and fever. 75c. L. Tag- Taggart. The Maria Christina was no name | for a "man"of war, anyhow, j ',One Minute Cough Cure is the best ' pregaration I have ever sold or used and I can't say too much in its praise." L. M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga. | It. C. Dodson. 45-ly j The Dons admit that they lost more | than a mule at Manila. Late to bed and early to rise, pre ! pares a man for his home in the skies, j Early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. It. C. Dodson. 15-ly The Maine has been avenged, but I there is more to come. Tho Golden Secret of Lour Lifo. Keep the head cool, and the feet ! warm and bowels open. Bacon's j Celery King for the Nerves is a Vege table preparation and acts as a natural laxative, and is tho greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure of Dyspep sia, Liver Complaint and all Blood, Liver and Kidney diseases. Gallon R. ! C. Dodson, Emporium,Thos. A. Green, : Johnsonburg: C. C. Craven, Sterling Run. 32-12y. Down went the Spanish to the bot ; torn of the sea. Good News. No other medicine was ever given ' such a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of bottles of this great German remedy i j are being distributed Free of charge, j by druggists to those afiicted with I Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe j Coughs. Pneumonia and all Throat and I Lung diseases, giving the people proof I that Otto's Cure will cure them. For j sale only by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, | Thos. A. Green, Johnsonburg, C. C. ! Craven, Sterling Run. Samples free. | Large bottles 50c and 25c. 32-121y The Spanish flag at Minila turned : white in one day. -«s*— -«s-* * Mrs M. E. Hancock, West Lebanon, j Pa., writes: "When two of our chil j dren were, as we supposed, beyond medical help, Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops cured them. It j seemed almost like a miracle." R. C. Dodson. 6-ly Spanish mines, it is still evident, only prove effectual in times of peace. Made a New Man of Him. Bryan, 0., Jan. 13, 1897. GENTLEMEN: —For 3 - ears I had been ! suffering from indigestion. Had a poor appetite and could not eat anything i containing grease and had constantly a worn out feeling. After using three | 50c bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 1 am now able to eat anything my appetize craves and can say "it has I made a new man of me. Eu BOWKN. 1 For sale by L. Taggart. may A pulp mill will be built at Erie at a cost of §75,000. "A Howling Success." Wherever properly introduced Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, as a cure for constipation, has met with a phenom enal sale. Many druggists cannot say enough in praiso of its merits, as well as its great popularity with the pec pie. In 10c trial size and also in 50n and si sizes. At L. Taggart's drug store. may The lictit Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairhavcn (iV. V.) Rryixtrr. Mr. James Rowland of this village, i states that for twenty-five years hi.-i I wife has been a sufferer from rheuma | tism A few nights ago she was in I such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, ! but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain I Balm and instead of going for the phy , sician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not,approve ! of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but | nevertheless applied the balm thor | oughly and in an hour's time was able togo to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much good. | The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. j Taggart. may A Copyright IS9S by 1 j# • The Stein-Uloch Co. #)')] WE have made a Specialty this MM season of GOLF and BICYCLE IWji '.l'.jlyi CLOTHING. We have a large K£) line of the latest styles in both. >££/ BICYCLE TROUSERS. BICYCLE HOSE, BICYCLE CAPS, ;•§' Kant NECKWEAR stock yet ? | If not you should do so. The IkU ji ' jji'fijl finest stock in this vicinity. ||ip | m J. in CLOTHIER AND MEN'S OUTFITTER. f'f jj||j| Opposite Post-olllce, Emporium, TREASURER'S SALE or 'Unseated iCAMERON COUNTY For the Years 1896 and 1807. j A GREEABLE to an Act of Assembly entitled Jy\. "An Act to amend an act uiiecting the mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and for other purposes," passed the 13th day of I March, .V. D., 1815, and farther Supplements j thereto, I, W. 1.. Thomas, Treasurer of the County of Cameron, hereby give notice to ail persons concerned therein, that unless all ar rearages of taxes due on the following tracts of Unseated Lands, situate in Cameron County, Pa., j are paid before the day of sale, the whole or such | part of each tract as will pay the cost and taxes i chargeable thereon, will be sold by public vendue I or outcry at the Court House, in Emporium Hor | ough, County of I 'ameron, on SaconiJ .lion j t3a>- in June, it being thel3iSj day oi s!so and be continued by adjourn j ment from day today, as will be deemed neces- I sary, for arrearages of taxes and the costs ac crued 011 each tract respectively. Persons wish ing to pay before sale, will please remit the amount or these taxes, together with filly cents for each tract for advertising and twenty-live cents for receipt. NOTICSi is also given that in compliance with the Act of Assembly, passed the 6th day of j June, 1887, entitled "An Act to regulate the'col | lection of taxes on Unstated Lands," there will be accrued interest at the rate of fi per cent, per annum on taxes of 181)0 from January Ist, 1897, and on taxes of 18S7 from January Ist," 1898, until date of payment of same. See P. L., 18S7; page Shippen Township. ■V( <. ]['arrantre I War. Acres. or Owner. Tax. 1 2337 990.... C. B. Howard &Co S 256 12 , 2412 990 do 013 51 2353 990 do 772 20 2354 990 do 772 20 ! 5035 990 do 772 20 | 5011 985 ilo 76S 31 15040 816 do 650 38 5034 990 <10.... 51180 j 2310 990 do 128 71 2350 990 do 3X6 11 [ 5042 360 do 280 SO 2341 990 do 193 OS i 2343 660 do 85 80 j 1985 252 Josiali Howard 36 66 i 2913 150 do 19 51 4998 802 do 104 28 4984 882 do 112 01! 2520 390 do 50 71 4968 522 o6 do 65 79 5038 495 do 96 61 1111 50 do 6 51 2059 111 do 1183 2952 r" ,!o 00 48 2952 21-0 d.i 52 (;') j«l v:v) 102 57 I 61U7 131 do 31 06 i -»!WI 990 Dußois, VanTassell Bros. 1897 324 23 ' 1080 990 do 1897 324 23 4970 !,90 do 1807 321 23 "71 fl») do 1897 324 23 4972 O.KI do 1897 324 23 4973 990 do . 1897 324 23 4978 89(1 do 1807 291 48 49X8 99!l do .1897 .189 07 4989 999 do 1897 389 07 4987 , 100 do 1897 6 5.", 4099 21(1 S. Wiley 27 31 4033 72 do .. 9 31 1380 50 do ..lot No. 51-. 0 01 6107 1(H) do 13 00 4087 561 . ..SolomonShaffer 146 65 4M5 576 do 119 28 , 4-.)i16 616.. do 80 08 4986 167 do •>! 70 4:ii:2 090 Alfred Truman <>6 62 49H3 750 do 97 5I 4953 150 Laura M. Bryan. 19 r,o 5037 300 (1. \V. Warner 39 00 5038 495 do 61 38 ! 4988 130 H. If. Mullin 780 . , M&D 30 do 199 2537 211 A. 11. Shaffer 18W> 7 81 1143 389 do 189(1 12 60 31 11 287 do 18 72 1112 762 do 1896 24 64 , 1195 127 do . 1896 113 "13 50 do 1896 1 63 1 1191 368 do 23 92 VttC't 583 do 37 90 1107 30' . do 1 00 1359 32T do 2 08 ,8461 600 C. R.NoyesEst 1897 157 20 i 5011 91 Hellen B. Turner, .1897 17 89 I 1359 60 do 1897 393 ) | 1359 174 do 1897 11 40 • 5010 213 do 1897 83 72 I 4953 313 Murrell Dobbins,. . 1897 11 01 4983 40.... A. A. Housler Est., 5 20 ! 2973 390' . Housler, Hertig & Co., 25 36 4982 345 1. R. Buckwalter, 44 88 4986 50 Peter Brown, 3 28 4986 100 do 6 51 1199 58 Daniel Barr 377 ; 2537 1 18 do 9 61 1407 78 do 5 08 1199 58 do 3 77 1 1109 27 do 1 83 14952 495.Sin'inah'ngI. and C.Co 64 39 | 4951 495 .do 128 71 5865 742. do 72 41 5162 600 do 117 00 j M. & P. 763 do .. 71 35 M&D. 170 W. H. Howard 22 11 i 6108 60 do 7 80 1193 151 do 9 S8 I 1142 50. do 3 28 I 1191 72 do 4 68 1 1133 300 do 19 51 4967 545 do 35 50 ; 4917 990 C. E. Hubbard 193 08 1111 337 Richard Davy 43 80 1142 80 do 10 40 I 6108 40... .Mrs Henry Bliss, 520 ; 1961 250 Mrs. L. T. Moore Est 32 81 •1994 495 Reading and Eislier 386 11 1 4991 65 do 50 71 4966 910 1-10 Woodman & Kidder . 12 22 J 4986 100 Geo. Brown & Son 13 00 1113 289 Andrew Jenks 1897 0 43 1113 50 do 1897 1 65 1142 100 do 1897 3 28 2537 211 H.J, Sassmau 1897 7 93 1142 200 L. E. (jibbs, 1897 6 55 ; 1113 100 A. L. Ensign, 1597 3 28 1142 75 ...L.K.Huntington 1897 2 59 1142 25.. . .Bert Dodge, 1897 86 1142 157 Oscar Heath, 1897 5 18 1195 127 1. 11. Evans, 1897 1 19 I 4961 -10 W. Filling, 1897 2 62 Portage. ! 3551 155 J. S. Wilev, 14 15 ; 1197 100 do" 458 1360 50 do 2 30 1 5136 1100 .. do 100 10 I 8584 200 do 18 20 I 1360 300 do 13 66 ; 1 1107 300 do 13 66 , j 3554 57 do . ..'. 5 18 | 5434 268 H. H. Mullin 24 21 11 1193 55 A. 11. Shatter 256 . 1 1107 92' .... do 2 10 1 1193 75 J. H. Evans 348 j J.C.C. 163.. —J.C.Cameron 1185 ] F. & R 100 J. D. Bucher 910 3554 50 . . If. F. Sizer Est. lot No. 6 458 ]•' ti R 100 W. H. Sullivan 1897 2 43 j 5131 641 do 1897 62 48 Lumber. • 5432 200 W. W. Barrows Est 26 10 I 5435 611 do 79 77 5431 973 do 126 98 I 5410 1100 Noyes, Dallet & Barrows .. 143 55 5111 925 do 120 72 I 5459 957 S. 1. & Coal Co 93 72 5460 111:: do 115 26 I 5464 480 do 62 64 6-14-1 520 do 67 86 I 5413 393 do 38 55 5129 778 do 101 54 I 5461 370 do -18 30 ■ 5462 500 do 65 25 j 5463 81 do 10 97 5461 210 do 27 42 I 5143 157 do 15 41 5435 120 Ranstead and Flynn 219 24 ! 5132 50 do 1.3 05 ; I 5417 30 L. H. Simpson Est 7 83 5482 116 H. If. Mullin 9 51 5438 1100'j. J. W.Slocum 107 68 5439 1100 do 97 85 5442 1100% do 95 70 5137 1100 do 97 35 5130 1028- ;; do 89 45 : 5856 990 C. R. Noyes Est 1897 200 49 Gibson Township. ' 5487 60 I.J. Mix 791 5468 125 George-Mead 16 52 5471 116 do 15 31 j 5471 187 G.W.Warner 12 42 5480 | 600 1). H. Marsh 39 60 5470 381 S. W. Nyce 25 23 I 5473 52 do 3 44 | 54->4 r,o A.M. Shaffer 3 30 5395 58 C. W. Shaffer 1800 1 9,'i 5171 51 . Levi ITeidrick 1897 7 01) 5304 1188 Bare lay Bros 75 49 drove Township. 5646 343 Elias Deemer & Co 207 89 4139 990 li. H. TayJor & Son 599 94 4122 516 U. H. Kussell 52 il 1138 990 W. If. Sumnierson 50 04 4937 40 A. H. Shaffer 2 02 Vac't 10 do 'j 02 Vac't 330 do 1(1 70 4123 217 J. A. WykofV 1897 21 49 4173 798 Tames Murphy 1897 34 46 5712 931 do 1897 93 68 5716 66 do 1897 2 88 5717 990 do 1897 42 73 5711 726 do 1897 31 36 1171 830 A. Pardee Kst 1897 17 73 4926 130 .. W. Berfield . 13 11 Levi Will'nisi 25 Barclay Bros 12 66 do 158 do 15 98 5701 105 rio 5 80 571S 385 do • 21 06 Driftwood Borough. 5152 435 Cochran & Bates 142 28 Seated Taxes Returned by Collectors. Shippen. Warrant No. 498-1, 50 acres, W. H. JollofT, lax Ss.ilii for (he years 1895 and 18S6, described as follows: Bounded on the east by the warrant line at Charles Ross corner, thence north to a maple corner on the hill, thence southwest to a post, thence south to the public road to the place of beginning. Lumber Township. Knights of Pythias, tax £9.31. for years 1891, 1895 1896. 1897. Bounded as follows: All that certain lot of land, situated iti the village of Cameron, township of Lumber, Cameron county. Pa., beginning at a post on Souther i strict eighty-four (84) feet west from the corner I or junction of Louisa avenue with Souther I si root running north thirty-two and one-half 1 32 1 . ) degrees east one hundred and twenty six 1126) feet to a post, thence northwest one hundred and twenty-six (126! feet to a post, thence along said Souther street sixty-four and one-half <6l':J°) degrees east fifty-one 'sl) feet to the place of beginning. Containing six thousand four hundred and twenty-six (6,426) square feet. Located on Town map as lot No. 3, plot F. F. Gibson Township. Eighteen (18) acres. Patrick Kane; tax $68.63. for years 1892, 1894, 1895. Bounded and described as follows: Commencing at point on the easterly bank of Mix Run at the mouth of the I lirst run emptying into Mix Run on the j left-hand side going up from the month, thence easterly up said run that empties into Mix Hun, six hundred (600j feet, thence northwesterly and parallel with Mix Run, one thousand three hundred (1.300) feet to a post, thence westerly and parallel with the lirst described line, six hundred (600) feet to the bank of said Mix Run, thence up said I Mix Run its several courses one thousand j three hundred (1,300) feet to place of begin iug. Grove Township. | Warrant No. 4,122, one half of one hundred and eighty (ISO) acres, R. J. Wykoff, tax $29.23 for years 1893, 1894,1895,1896. Bounded and described as follows: Piece, parcel or tract of land in Warrant 4,122, situated in drove township, Cameron county, Pa., on | the east side of the First Fork oftheSinne malioning, one undivided one-half of one hundred and eighty (180) acres. Driftwoed Borough. Mrs. John Hennesey, tax $2.54, for the year 1897, bounded and described as follows: Fronting on the tracks of the P. & E. R. It., bounded on the northeast by lot owned by Henry Swope, on the southeast by Pine street, oil the southwest by lands of Cochranand Bates on the Northwest by P. ic E. R It. right of way. W. L. THOMAS, 7V. umn r of Cameron Count-/ Teeabuubr's Oyt'ioE, ' I I Emporium, l J a., April 18, 1898. \ S-6t