Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 05, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Kniporium, Pa., April 27, 1808.
NKMOPHIL.A, pvrdack, $1 f»0
Graham, *' X(i
Rye " 60
Buckwheat. 44 '.
Patent Mea1..,.. 10
Coarse Meal, per 100, 90
Chop Peed, " 90
Middlings, 44 90
Bran, 41 90
Corn, per bushel, 60
White Oats, per bushel, 40
Choice Clover Seed,
Choice Timothy Seed, ....
Choice Millet Heed, 1 Market I rices.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to see in this department, let UH know by poa
tal card, letter, or personally.
. 11. Howard visited Olean Tues
Geo. B. Barclay, of Grove, was in
town yesterday.
John M. English, of Mason Hill, was
in town on Monday.
Henry Auchu says he "lias two pairs
01 souvenir spoons."
Mrs. Rockwell has started the soda
fountain for the season
Dr. Baker and wife are comfortably
located in Odd Fellows block.
Chas. A. Stebbins, of Coudersport,
was in Emporium on Tuesday.
Geo. Calkins, of Renovo, visited his
parents in Emporium, this week.
The Misses Wiley have returned
from an extended visit at Buffalo.
Mr. Stark, late clerk at Taggart's
drug store, has returned to Scranton.
Our esteemed townsman, John F.
Parsons, was a PRESS visitor on Tues- j
Supt. Day, at our Tannery, has his j
dummy yard engine in running order
Misses Eva and Iva Le'et and Miss j
Myrtle Olmsted were PRESS visitors on
Mr. Josiah Howard attended the j
funeral of Rev. Raikes at Buffalo, last
Mrs. w. 11. Howard, children and
nurse, leave to-day to visit relatives at
Orrin Easterbrooks, who has been
on the sick list, for some weeks, is able
to bo out again.
D. N. Lacy, of Austin, is in town
assisting in working up the Protected
Home Circle.
Miss Florence Olmsted has came
home from Buffalo to spend a few
weeks with her parents.
■ LOTHINGr $ ' I
H - if
jpj|j Comprising the entire stock recently purchased new, will commence
| SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 7th, 1898. |f
ip§i And continue for two weeks, at
This sale will consist ol the most stylish Clothing ever exhibited in Cameron county, as well as a general assortment of !|P
£S& Gent's Furnishings, Trunks, Etc. These are not old shelf-worn goods, but were recently purchased in New York City. f£2gj
kg The popular auctioneer, Mr. A. H. KING, of Erie, will have charge of the sale. This will be the greatest opportunity for the lit
y|| citizen of Cameron and adjoining counties to secure first-class goods at auction prices. Ladies will be provided with seats and 5*3
|&3 will be welcome. Remember sale every evening, commencing with next Saturday evening and continue for two weeks. |g|
II The Popular Clothiers and Furnishers. ||jj
Mrs. Geo. A Walker and Mrs. G. J.
| Laßar went to Williamsport yesterday
| to visit friends for a few days.
W. 11. Taylor and wife have return
ed from Philadelphia and will make
i their home in Emporium.
| Mrs. J no. J. Hinkle has returned
( from Philadelphia where she visited
i with her husband for two weeks,
i! Mrs. P. E. Lewis made the PRESS
! sanctum her annual visit and the PRESS
goes to her address another year.
Geo. Johnson, salesman for Empori
i urn Glove Factory, returned home
Tuesday. He had a successful trip.
Amos C. Fenton was a visitor to the
: PRESS yesterday and enrolled his
i name on the Bucktail list of volunteers.
Wm. Hackenburgand wife, of Austin,
I visited in Emporium over Sunday,
i guests of Judge Bonham and family.
Porter Dougherty and wife, of
I Elmira, N. Y., are guests of their
I parents, J. H. Calkins and wife, this
j week.
j John T. Earl, ofDepew, N. Y., was
in Emporium last Saturday calling on
old friends. He dropped into see the
The ladies of the Baptist church J
realized §18.90, clear of all expenses, j
at their chicken and waffle supper, !
last Friday.
L. B. Seibert, of Coudersport, passed
through Emporium on Monday en
route for Philadelphia to attend U. S. :
i court. Lute has the war fever bad.
Edward Blinzler informs the PRESS
that he will not construct any more
i refrigerators—Clarence Richie to the
! contrary, notwithstanding.
H. Francisco and Amos Horning
have moved into the Iron Company
house and will look after that com
; pany's property at this place.
Mrs G. S. Allen has returned from
visiting her parents in New York.
Mrs. Allen came via Philadelphia,
where she visited with friends several
Miss Hattie Stnutz, of Ticlioute, is
visiting at the home of E. G Coleman
this week. She is a sister of Mr.
Ralph Smutz, the polite salesman em
ployed in J. H. Day's store at this
Chas. Fillinger, of this place, was
called to Montoursville, last Thursday,
to attend the funeral of his father,
aged 69 years. Deceased was stricken
with paralysis while out duck hunting
and died Thursday evening. His
funeral took place last Saturday from
Montoursville Episcopal church. De
ceased leaves a wife and four sons,
Charles, of Emporium; Thomas, of
Ridgway; Joseph, of Coudersport, and
John, of Jamison City.
Mioses Laura MeQuay and Nellie
' Lingle were PRESS callers yesterday.
Jos. Kissel, of Sterling Run, shook
. hands with his Emporium friends last
. Tuesday.
W. H. Welsh goes to Watsontown,
l on Saturday to erect a dwelling house
: for his brother.
H. Paul Minard, of Austin, was in
Emporium last Sunday. Col. Parker
Jackson can tell you all about it.
Leary, Parker?
Dr. J. M. Card and wife and son,
' who have been quite seriously indis
: posed for several weeks, are now up
and about again.
Don't fail to attend the great auction
sale at R. Seger & Son's clothing
store. See ad on another page—sth
What's the matter with our public
roads that wheelmen don't use them ?
' Pedestrians will be compelled, in self
protection, to adopt plans of their own.
Never give yourself the thought for
one moment that clothing will not in
crease in price if war continues. In
order to protect your interests lay in
your supply of clothing now, before j
the advance takes place. N. Seger, >
the pioneer clothier of Cameron county, |
J will protect you in this matter and sell j
I you clothing at right prices.
To Tax Payers.
Notice is hereby given to the delin
quent tax payers of Shippen township
that all taxes must be paid at once. I !
: will be at the Warner House, Empori
um, for the purpose of receiving taxes,
each Saturday. In case I am called to
visit said delinquents I shall make a
levy unless the taxes are paid.
Shippen Tax Collector. j
Sterling Run Letter.
J. E. Lewis, son of Thos. M. Lewis, J
of Sterling Run, has enlisted in the j
05th New York National Guard, Buf
falo, N. Y., Co. I, and started with.
regiment under Col. Welsh, last Sun- j
day, May Ist, for Hempstead, Long |
Bessie M. Kissell and Rufus Baker, 1
of Coudersport, were married on Wed- j
nesday afternoon at the residence of
the bride's father at this place, by Rev.
M. C. Piper.
The Sterling-Driftwood base ball i
game, Tuesday afternoon ended in a
jangle in the fourth inning, Sterling i
one run ahead.
About twenty of our citizens signed
their names for enrollment in the ;
National Reserve Provisional Guards ,
under Chas. Gleason.
Fulton & Pearsall.
These up-to-date painters have con- i
solidated their business and may be j
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar, j
Both are practical painters and will
give prompt attention to all work en-;
trusted to them. Estimates furnished j
for all kinds of house, sign and deco- j
rative painting as well as wall paper- 1
ing and frescoing. Espechil attention :
given to out of town orders. 47tf.
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup,
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
itively and speedily bo cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
The loud talking patriots are anxious
togo to the front—that is if they can
be generals or admirals.
Thirty-five years make a generation
That is how long Adolph Fisher, <>f
Zanesville, ()., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using three boxes of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. R C. Dod
son. 45-ly
Few women think themselves truly
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
( have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
; coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
j diseases. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
What a lot of untidiness snuggles
! under a roll lop desk.
The farmer, the mechanic and the
! bicycle riders are liable to unexpected
j cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
I Salve is the best thing to keep on hand.
It heals quickly and is a well known
! cure for piles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
' 'The root of the present war problem"
said the mathematician, "is a Cuba
| root."
Children like it, it saves their lives.
] We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the
I infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
| croup, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat
, and lung troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45iy
| The news boys cannot complain that
1 the war scare injures their business.
It is a great leap from the old fashion
■ ed doses of blue grass and nauseous
physics to the pleasant little pills known
as De Witt's Little Early Risers. They
cure constipation, sick headache and
biliousness. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
If persons turned out to be just as we
expected them, would the world be
better or worse ?
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure
constipation and all stomach and liver
troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
To some people life seems to be one
long protracted nap.
The West field, Ind., Newn prints the :
following in regard to an old resident
of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for
many years in the employ of the L. N.
A. &C. Ry. here, says: I have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I
Diarrhoea Remedy for ton years or
longer—am never without it in my
family. I consider it the best remedy
of the kind manufactured. I take j
pleasure in recommending it.' " It is
a specific for all bowel disorders. For :
sale by L. Taggart. may
A woman rarely shows any mercy
for a mouse in a trap.
Are you lacking in strength and en- ;
ergy ? Are you nervous, despondent, j
irritable, bilious, constipated and gen- j
erally run down in health? If so, your '
liver is torpid, and a few doses of j
Ilerbine will cure. Ilerbine has no 1
equal as a health restorer. L. Tag- !
Some women worry themselves gray j
trying to look y«'Ung.
I Wins on Merit.
Laxa Tea, plain, simple, thorough in
j its action, leaves no bad after effect as
' powerful drugs often do. Try it. Sold
and (guaranteed by all druggists 10
and 25 cents. " 2-32-141y
' The road to success has few resting
places along the route.
, | It Was Painful.
I But Warren's Corn Cure never fails.
1 j Sold and guaranteed by all druggists
j at 15 cents a bottle. 2-32 14ly
The strawberry box is built on the
same old plan as in former seasons.
Used for Generations.
Herb teas have and will be used as
a medicine. Laxa Tea, harmless, sure
and thorough in its action, is guaran
teed by all druggists. 10 and 25 cents
per package. 2-32-141y
The cup of sugar your neighbor re
turns never seems half as large as the
one she borrowed.
What's Sn a Name.
Comfort, ease and pleasure when ap
plied to corn cure, Warren's is the one.
It never fails, sold .ind guaranteed by
all druggists at 15 cents per bottle.
Cultivate a forgetting rather than too
good a memory.
The Trouble Over.
A prominent man in town said the
other day: "My wife has been wear
ing out her life from the effects of
dyspepsia, liver complaint and indi
gestion. Her case baffled the skill of
our best physicians. After using three
packages of Beacon's Celery King for
the Nerves she is almost entirely well."
Keep your blood in a healthy condition
by the use of this great vegetable com- '
pound. Call at R. C. Dodson, Empori
um; Thos. A. Green, Johnsonburg; C.
C. Craven, Sterling Run, sole agents
and get a trial package free. Large
sizes 50c. and 25c. 32-12-ly-2
Hurry and worry are boon compan- I
i ions.
A Horrible Railroad Accident
Is a daily chronicle in our papers; I
also the death of some dear friend, who
had died with consumption, whereas, !
if he or she had taken Otto's Cure for j
Throat and Lung diseases in time, life
1 would have been rendered long and I
j perhaps saved. Heed the warning! j
If you have a cough or any affection of
the throat and lungs call at It. C. Dod
! son, Emporium; Thos. A. Green, John
! sonburg; C. C. Craven, Sterling Run,
j sole agents and get a trial bottle free.
Large sizes 50c. and 25c. 32-12-ly-2
j Klondike news is too tame these
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says:
| "I was a sufferer for ten years, trying
j most all kinds of pile remedies, but
| without success. DeWitt's Witch
i Hazel Salve was recommended to me. I
• I used one box. It has affected a per- |
manent cure." Asa permanent cure i
I for piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
has no equal. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly 1
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
1 up in the morning as fastt as you can,"
1 the druggist recognized a household
1 name for DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
' and gave him a bottle of those famous
iittle pills for constipation, sick hcad
! ache, liver and stomach troubles. R.
; I C. Dodson. 45-ly
Filmy fabrics dotted with coral will
be in vogue this summer. So, also,
, will coral lorgnettes.
Schools closed, diphtheria epidemic,
no public meetings—such reports are
' | never heard where the people use
! Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy
| Drops. It cures the most serious
i throat disease or the slightest soreness.
1 | I have a few 10c. bottles, come and get
' J one while they last, it is worth trying.
__ __
< f^r
older children, adults, and everyone,
' irrespective of age, the doctor must
| prescribe and the druggist supply the
j needful remedies. Experienced medi
] cal men very often express a desire to
{have their medicines prepared by us.
! They appreciate the importance of
pure drugs in the work of eradicating
] disease. Where health is involved one
can't be too sure Our prescription
I department is conducted on the rule
; of pure drugs properly dispensed.