Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 05, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rustedtothem. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35_ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa. j
Office—South-west cornerof Fourtliand Cherry ,
streets, two doors from Post Office. Special at
tention given to collections. 30-33-ly.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands,alsostumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. U. LUiU/l.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
30-1 y.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa. i
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor. I
Having assumed control of this popular Res- .
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all j
hours. Oive me a call. 29-8-ly j
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened ,
for the accommodation of the public. Newinall
its appointments, every attention will be paid to j
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa. |
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town J
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building, !
Emporium, Pa. —upstairs. Office hours: 7 to V
a. in.,l to 3 and 7to9p. m.
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be ,
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to j
i nsurc publication.
Editor Press, i
Please announce that should the Hon. < has.
W Stone not be a candidate to succeed himself, j
I am a candidate for Representative in Congress
in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the
decision of the Republican district conference.
Warren, Pa., April 26, 189 H.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven-
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
The Trout Hog.
The trout hog—the man who destroys
trout with the aid of dynamite, or any
other device than that used by r the
honest angler— is in danger of being
made pay dearly for his violation of
the law. The woods in this part of
the state are full of detectives who are
paid to see that the private trout j
streams are protected from the trout ;
hog. These detectives are determined j
not to allow a guilty man to escape, !
and the prospects is that a number of j
men who have been illegally fishing
the trout streams will be hauled into
court. In former years it was hard to j
convict those who were guity of illegal
fishing because one neighbor did not
wish to testily against another neigh
bor, but now that the game associations
and sportsmen have taken a determin
ed stand in the matter and have em
ployed sworn officers to make the ar
rests and furnish the evidence against
violators of the law, the culprits will
find that their wisest course is to cease
operation at once. The fishing clubs
can take care of themselves, for they
have in their employ private watch
men whose duty it is to prevent those
not belonging to the clubs from fishing
on their streams. But the anglers who
must goto the public streams to catch
trout are not so fortunate. It is a dif
ficult matter to apprehend the wily
trout hog, and yet there is no doubt
but that with the assistance of the
honorable anglers these illegal fisher
men will eventually be brought to
book. —Williamsport Sun.
For Kent.
The Emporium House, situated on
the south side of Fourth street, Em
porium, Pa., will be for rent after
May 7th. 1898.
B. W. GREEN, Esq.,
Emporium, Pa.
• I sr
Havana Is on the Verge of a
As a Result People Are Consequent- j
ly Starving.
■oldler* Are Seizing Whatever rrnvln- j
lon* Are Aceensible and Citi/.euH Are |
Iturying Tlieir Food In Ynrdx and Cel- ]
lars—The liloekade Still Klgltlly Kepi |
Up by the Smaller CrulHerH While the '
Larger One* Have (iouc Away on n
Mynteri<>UK Cruise Some Important
Aloveineut In Probably Contemplated.
Arrival of a Cargo of Coal For the
Fleet—Marines Suffering From a Trop
ical Sun l.ateHt Keport* From Our
Cohan Squadron.
KEY WEST, May s.—The exodus of
naval men, after a brief return visit
here, has been the only incident of the
dullest day sinca the hostilities opened.
Where they have gone is officially un
announced, but surmise is plentiful
and varied.
The fact that the big battleships and
monitors couled to the fullest capac
ity before stearins away is taken to
indicate a plan occupying considerable
The Cuban blockade is still rigidly I
kept up by the smaller cruisers, under I
the temporary command of Captain ]
Converse of the Mongomery.
The departing officers are still dis- |
cussing Commodore Dewey's brilliant I
Manila victory and hoping for an op- I
portunity for a like achievement.
The only arrivals here during the j
past 24 hours were the steamer Evelyn i
from Newport News with a cargo of |
coal for the fleet and the revenue cut- 1
ter Window from Hampton Roads.
In the harbor 6SO marines, with their ■
officers are still packed away on the ■
Panther, broiling in the tropical sun.
Only the officers have shore leave. The !
Panther is to be sent north to be made
into an auxiliary cruiser.
According to Captain Little of the j
fishing schooner Antonio Y. Paco, cap- [
tured by the gunboat Newport a few
days ago, Havana is on the verge of
famine. Food is brinein- fabulous
prices and the people are consequently
starving. The soldiers are seizing
whatever provisions are accessible and
citizens are burying their food in yards
and cellars. "If I could have slipped
past the blockade," says Captain Lit
tle, "my fish would have brought their
weight in gold."
TTnited Stale* Can Cue the Inlands In Her
War With Spain.
WASHINGTON, May s.—No new offi
cial news has come to confirm the
report from Hawai that the islands
have been tendered to the United
States for war uses. It is said that
if the incoming mail brought the prop
osition to San Francisco, it would
scarcely be 'rusted to telegraph there
on account of its importance, but
would be forwarded by the railway
mails which would bring it here in
about five days.
Without exception the naval officers
would welcome the possession of Haw
aii just at this moment, as affording
' a magnificent base or naval opera
! tions in th Pacific, but it is sail'
| President Hole's proposition must 1; •
i submitted to congress so that it will be
i for the legislative branch in the end
| to pass upon this offer
Will Goto Porto ltico and I)e»troy the
Coaling Station There.
LONDON, May 5.—A dispatch to The
! Dally Mail from Key West, sent by
! way of Tampa, in order to escape cen-
I sorship, asserts of positive knowledge
! that Rear Admiral Sampson's fleet will
steam at ful speed to Porto Rico, either
| to destroy or to occupy the coaling sta
| tion as a naval base before the Spanish
squaddron arrives, and then put to at a.
| and try to engage the Cape Verde fleet.
Iternabo Denies Everything.
TORONTO, May s.—Senor Polo y
| Bernabe expects to leave here for Ma
drid Friday. Senor Polo denies that
i Senor Angulo is in constant communi
• cation with General Blanco in Cuba,
by way of Toronto and the Spanish le
! gation here, and denies also the state
| ment that he furnishes the home gov
ernment with information of move
, J ments of American warships and
Hushing Coast Defenses.
1 | WATERTOWN, Mass., Mav s.—At
[ the Watertown arsenal the last 12-
I inch disappearing gun carriage wan
j loaded upon flat freight cars to be sent
j to Major C. W. Raymond, Fort Mott,
. -N. J. Besides the 12-inch carriage,
. three 8-inch barbette carriages are
I complete, and as soon as the cars ar-
Jrive will be loaded and shipped to Fort
Monroe, Va.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WKßSTKK
Funeral of Rev. F. W. Raikes.
The funeral of the late Rev. F. W.
Raikes, whose death we announced in
our last issue, took place from his resi
dence on West Avenue, Buffalo, on the
30th of April, and was largely attended.
' Friends attended from Sandusky,
I Dunkirk, Emporium and other places.
; The floral offerings of both wreaths
and flowers were beautiful. The cor
tege left the home at 2:30 for St. Marks
church, where the first portion of the
service was held. The honorary pall
bearers were Revs. Dr. Smith, Brogdon,
Richards, Barton, Kimball and North,
j all of whom were robed. The active
j pall bearers were Messrs. H. Coles, of
i Sandusky; H. Mullett, D. Cargrove, C.
| Richardson, J. 1). Clark, and G. Cobb.
The remains were met at the church by
i Bishop Walker, who read the opening
j services most impressively. He was
j assisted by the Rector, Rev. C. F. J.
! Wrigley. The Choir were in their
| places and some very sweet music waß
I rendered,
Rev. Raikes formerly resided in Em
porium aB Rector of Emmanuel church
and the present flourishing condition
of this Parish is mainly due to his
energetic work. Later he went to
North East, Pa., as Rector of Holy
Cross Church, but resigned, owing to
failing health, and located in Buffalo
with his estimable wife, where his two
sons reside. During his residence in
Buffalo he has been supplying churches
when required. Rev. Raikes, as« our
citizens well know, was a man of great
ability, very active and zealous in his
work, genial and beloved by all His
death was a sad blow to his Emporium
friends, who extend to the bereaved
family tlieir deepest sympathy. Many,
indeed, are the poor families in Empo
rium who have reason to remember the
kind-hearted and generous assistance
rendered them by our deceased friend
i and from many homes silent prayers
! were offered for the safe repose ot our
j late beloved Rector and friend.
Busy Austin.
Ye editor visited the hustling town of
' Austin last Monday, in company with
Hon. J. C. Johnson, and we %vere sur
prised to see how rapidly and substan
i tially the town was recovering from
i the late conflagration. Good brick
! business blocks have been erected in
all sections of the burg and from ap
j pearances Austin is good for many
I years to come. This place being the
I centre of the great F. H. and C. W.
Goodyear lumber enterprises, covering
almost the entire Southern portion of
Potter county, and a section of Clinton
and Cameron counties, the great bulk
of the trade centres at Austin. The
recent purchase by the lumber kings—
F. H. &C. W. Goodyear—of the Addi
son & Northern R. R., extends the
Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. well into
! New York and since they have now
j branched out for additional business,
| no telling where they may go. The
| Goodyears are certainly hustlers and
j can smell a hemlock tree as far as sight
will carry.
We called at the Autograph office, to
pay our respects to friend Caskey, and
found him on crutches, the result of
running to a flre and coming into con
tact with an ash pit. Mr. Caskey, who
gets up one of the r.eatest papers com
ing to our desk, certainly conducts a
model printing establishment. His
office is clean, neat and orderly and
contains all the latest types, machinery
and conveniences necessary for the con
duction of a live paper. Austin cer
tainlv should, and we know they do,
feel a pride in their up-to-date editor,
postmaster and his pleasant surround- I
j ings-
I We had the pleasure of meeting Mr.
! F. H. Goodyear and his able Supt., Mr.
j Metcalf, to whom we certainly feel
j under lasting obligations for their very
! courteous treatment during our short
[ stay in the Hemlock City.
Walter B. Thompson is conducting a
barber shop on Main street, containing
i three chairs. It is an admirable loca-
J tion and his establishment is first-class.
| "Rory" McSwan came puffing in on
! one of the "stem-winders" and a wave
of his hand was all we had time for.
' j Dan'l McCormick, formerly a resident
j. j of this place, we met and he spun out a
- long list of inquiries about Emporium
friends. Limited time, and press of
I business engagement, prevented us
1 from calling on other Emporiumites
- i now located there.
l Our old friend Orrin Courtright, a
: candidate for Republican nomination
of County Treasurer, met us at Keating
1 Summit and conducted us through the
j town. We are glad to learn that Orri i's
t prospects for the nomination are flat
| tering. He served during the war : n
'• j Capt. Johnson's company.
" | Purchase your clothing now at N.
1 | Seger's and save money. War prices
I will be sure to come.
Pure Politics.
From The Parish News.
We were pleased with the suggestion
recently made by the Cameron County
Press regarding the organization of a
I>aw and Order Society in this county
for the repression of political corrup
tion. No crime can be greater than to
use right to vote for purposes of
barter. The right to vote is a sacred
public trust. One's vote belongs not
to himself to do with as personol favor
or private interest may dictate, but it
belongs to the state and is sacred to
the interests of the larger life of hu
manity and righteousness.
To strike effectively at the root of
the more open and recognized forms
of political corruption, we must re
nounce the whole principle and sys
tem of the spoils idea. A public office
bestowed as a reward for political sup
port is quite as corrupt and immoral a
transaction as is the purchase of votes
at so much a head.
Politics must be established on the
basis of the public trust idea.
Public office is a public trust.
The right to vote is a public trust.
The true servant of the public has
no friends to reward and no enemies
to punish with the power of his office.
The true holder of the franchise has
no friends to reward nor enemies to
punish with his vote.
.-ase of Chas. Kresge.
Our attention has been called by Dr.
Heilman to the following letter from
Dr. T. S. G. Morton, Surgeon in Chief
to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, of
Philadelphia, Pa., to which our towns
man Chas. M. Kresge was sent a few
days ago, on account of an ununited
fracture of his leg. The letter speaks
for itself.
PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 27th, 1898.
My Dear Doctor Heilman:
I have carefully examined your patient Mr.
Kresge, and find, as you itifiormed me, that he
has a simple fracture of both bones of the
above the ankle. The position of the broken
bones seem to be perfect but no union has taken
place nor has any considerable or sufficient
amount of callus been thrown out. Hence lam
prepared to say that lie has had perfect treat
ment so far and the fault is entirely with his
healing powers. * * * * ♦ «
With regards, I am, very truly yours,
Dr. Heilman has been especially
fortunate with respect to the patients
whom lie has thought best to send
away for more advanced treatment or
for whom he has sought counsel from
abroad. In every case his diagnosis
has been confirmed, and his treatment
has been commended as right and of
the best known to the profession
l : irst Alumni Banquet.
The Banquet to be given by the
Alumni Association to-morrow even
ing, will be the first one ever given in
the history of the High School and
much preparation is being made for
the event. The Banquet will he held
in the City Hall and"the Rebekahs"
will have charge of the catering. The
services of the Emporium Mandolin,
Banjo and Guitar Club have been se
cured for the evening and in addition
to this an elaborate musical program
will be rendered by members of the
Association. A spicy toast list has
been prepared for the occasion and
Prof. H. F. Staufler will act as toast
High School Commencement.
The Commencement exercises of
j Emporium High School, at the opera
I house this evening will attract largely
the attention of our people. The class
this year is composed of ten graduates,
I viz: Nelle C. Cleary, Kathryn Cum
j mings, Mary Davison, Olga \V. Ex
| strom, Martha Kaye, Bessie D. McCas
j lin, Ralph Clinton Davison, James H.
i McAdam, William E. Welsh, William
Tritt Reed. An interesting program
' has been prepared.
Dewey's Victory RatifieU.
On Monday evening of this week the
; members of W. C. 382, P. O. S. of A.,
i ratified Commodore Dewey's brilliant
I victory at Manila by erecting a flag
I pole over their rooms in Seger's Hall
and unfurling to the breeze "Old
j Glory" of the regulation size.
, Lecture.
Rev. R. H. Gilbert, of Huntington,
(formerly Pastor of Emporium M. E.
church, will lecture nt the M. E.
church next Saturday evening Sub
ject: "Stepping Upward." The abil
ity of Mr. Gilbert as a platform orator
is too well known to require a notice at
our hands.
Anna Winters, aged sixteen years,
died at her home on West Sixth street,
Ffriday, April 29th, of quick consump
tion. The funeral was held at St.
i Marks church, Sunday afternoon at
three o'clock, and was largely attend
ed. The entire primary department of
i the Catholic Sunday school attended
in a body.
The Mutthersbaugh-Wilton Nuptials.
From Driftwood Gazette.
Driftwood was the scene of a gay
and festive occasion Thursday evening
when Miss Emily Wilton became the
wife of W. E. Mutthersbaugh, of this
The ceremony was performed at the
residence of Mr. and Mre. John Mc-
Donald, on Second street, in the pres
ence of many friends .and relatives.
The ceremony occured under a festoon
of suspended flowers and evergreens.
Promptly at 8 o'clock the bridal couple
and their attendants entered the room.
They were united by Bev. M. C. Piper.
After the ceremony the guests
were refreshed with tempting edibles
prepared by Mrs. John McDonald.
Words would be futile in .attempting
to describe the presents of which the
couple were the recipients.
The bride was arrayed in white and
looked beautiful, and the groom wore j
the conventional black. The bride
carried a bouquet of white bridal roses.
The bride is of a well-to-do family
residing at Karthaus; is an intelligent
and amiable young lady and will make
an excellent wife.
The groom is the eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Mutthersbaugh of this
place; is an intelligent and industrious
young man and holds a lucrative posi
tion with the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company at Emporium.
The couple will spend a month with
the grooms parents, after which they
will goto house keeping either in
Driftwood or Emporium.
The guests numbering fully 25,
many of whom were from Karthaus,
Renovo, Medix Run and Emporium,
included Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gleason,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gleason, Mr and Mrs. J. O.
Brookbank, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mutth
ersbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Williams,
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Bradbury, Miss
Louella Towers, Audra Kreider, Sue
Stutenrauth, Nellie Dailey, Winnie
Foley, Gertrude Mutthersbaugh, Miss
Green and Cornie Hall, Miss Brook
bank and Will Hall. Messrs. Harry
Mutthersbaugh, Wilton and Daniel
Great Auction Sale.
Having recently purchased a very
large assortment of clothing and furn
ishing goods in order to secure a bar
gain for our customers and guard
against war prices, we find that our
purchase is entirely too great for this
market. In order to make a quick re
turn of same into cash we have con
cluded to inaugurate an auction sale,
to commence next Saturday evening,
May 7th, and continue the same for
two weeks. Our entire line of goods
goes into this auction. Mr. A 11. King
the popular auctioneer, will have
charge of the auction. Purchase now.
Emporium, Pa.
One door East of Bank.
Close of the Rafting Season,
The Lock Haven Express says:"The
rafting season has about closed for
this year and the lumber inspectors
after comparing notes say that 147
rafts including square and round tim
ber have been inspected and measured
at the Lock Haven market up to the
present time There are only about
half a dozen rafts back yet, and the
total number this spring will be about
154. The lumber brought good prices
j and the indications are that the num
| ber next season will be' larger than
j this season."
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail
For the benefit of persons desiring
to witness the K. G. E. parade at
Scranton, Pa., on May 10, 1898, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets from stations on
i its lino (except Pittsburg and Erie and
1 stations east of Trenton and Mt. Holly)
j to Scranton and return at rate of single
I fare for the round trip These tickets
will be sold May 9 and 10, good to re
' turn until May 11. 959-10-1.
Baccalaureate Sermon.
i The Baccalaureate sermon to the
; Class of'9B, preached in the Presbyter
; iati church last Sunday evening, was
I one of the finest ever delivered in 10m-
I porium. Rev. Robt. McCaslin chose in
for his text, "Remember now thy Crea
tor in the days of thy Youth." He
made a strong point in urging the Class
to make the best possible use of their
time and to have a high and noble am
; bition in life.
Declared Dividend.
At the regular meeting of the direc
tors of the First National Bank, of
Emporium, on Wednesday, the usual
! semi-annual dividend of four per cent.
■ was declared. This reliable institution,
now recognized as one of the most
| carefully conducted financial institu
j tions in the state, goes along smoothly
1 and continues to make friends.
TERMS: 52.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
Patrick Nash was seriously injured
at Austin on Tuesday.
Murdoek McNeal is catching some
dandy trout.
We wish our readers would send us
all items of news coming under their
City Bakery ice cream parlors are
now opened full blast.
Full line of summer clothing at N.
Seger'w. Special bargains.
Wm. McGee continues to make im
provements about the City Hotel.
Harry Weaver has sold his Kane
restaurant to its former proprietor.
A substantial new walk has been
laid in front of the City Bakery and
Bupp's cigar factory.
Geo. Metzger, Jr., has fitted up his
Soda Water and Ice Cream department
for the season.
When reading up the speed of war
vessels, it should be remembered tliat a
"knot" is 1 1-6 miles.
There will be a meeting of the W. C.
T. U., on Friday afternoon at three
o'clock p. m., at the home of Mrs. Mc-
Narney. By order of the President.
Friend Baker, of Ridgway Advocate,
with his usual enterprise, published
an interesting account of the double
execution, accompanied with appro
priate cuts of the several scenes of the
An exchange remarks: Some one
calb our tramps the American reeon
centrados. Compared with the Cuban
article our tramp wallows in luxury,
for we feed him and keep him lubri
A union of the blue and gray will be
witnessed in numerous cases, but no
more so when General Fitzhugh Lee,
who is to have charge of the volunteers
will have 011 hia staff Algernon Sartoris,
grandson of Gen. U. S. Grant.
Harry English, who has been an in
mate of the poor house for several
years, has been lying at the point of
death for several weeks. This man
who only a few years ago possessed a
magnificient physique, is now a physi
cal wreck, whose sands of life are fast
running low. —Smetnport Democrat.
Dr. R. P. Ileilman has leased the
farm known as the Freeman place,
just outside of town, and is now stock
ing it with cows. The main part of
the work in connection with the farm
will be in charge of his two older sons.
The doctor himself will simply oversee
and direct the work and will continue,
as formerly, to give his principal atten
tion to his professional practice.
W. A. Dairymple, of Emporium, was
in town to-day looking after his son
who had ran away from home. It was
thought he was among the gang that
had been put to work on the streets,
but it seems that he was not among
them, although there was* one who
answered to the description of the
missing lad.—Kane Republican. The
lad has since been found at Johnson
burg and returned home.
An exchange announces that a very
clever swindling scheme is being
worked in this vicinity. Our citizens
are now warned to be on the lookout
I for a slick looking stranger with a glib
| tongue who visits residences and sells
j asbestos ware of a nice quality. He
collects various sums ranging from 40
| cents to $4 and then leaves for new
i pastures in search of other gullible
! people.
j Rev. R. H. Gilbert, a former pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal Church
I here, will lecture in the church on Sat
| urday evening. Subject: "Stepping
| Upward." Admission 15 cents. Rev.
I Gilbert has attained an enviable reput
| ation in the lecture field, and those
who come to hear a good lecture will
not be disappointed. The Reverand
gentleman will also preach Sunday
■ morning and evening in the church.
All welcome.
Notice to the Public.
The road now being cut through
from Salt Run to Bailey Run, we ask
i the people in the habit of going to
1 Baily Run and going by the Climax
Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt
I Run, as hereafter no one will be al
lowed togo through the Climax
Powder Company's works.
Killed at Austin.
| Sanford Noles, of Austin, employed
j as car repairer for B. & S. R. R. was
almost instantly killed while between
\ two cars. Deceased leaves a wife and
: two grown up children.
NO. 10