Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 28, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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H'hD( Women Should I>o to Keep It
In Good Condition All lite
Year Itonnd.
Onoe a week in summer and once a
month in winter is, according to a -New
York hairdresser, often enough to
Wash the hair. "For frequent washings
Weaken it. The scalp should be care
fully dried afterward. The hair should
be. trimmed about once a month to pre
vent it from falling out. Occasionally
its condition becomes jxior, just as the
general system gets run down. It then
needs a good tonic and should have it;
but otherwise hairdressings are gener
ally to be avoided. Brush thoroughly
once a day at least, and do not braid
tightly at night. While care will do
much toward strengthening weak
growths of hair, it is, after all, a mat
ter of temperament. I have seen strong
end lusty young women with very poor
hair, and I have seen their opposites
with magnificent locks. I knew an
Irish woman 60 years old who had blue
blaek hair with a satiny luster that was
beautiful. It fell below her waist and
was so thick that it covered her like
e mantle when she let it down. I doubt
If she had ever brushed it; a hasty
combing through in the morning and
a twist, with a common back comb
stuck into hold it up, was all the dress
ing it ever got. It is such contradictory
conditions as these that make it hard
to treat hair successfully."
AecordlnK to This W rlter They Are
Gentle, Graceful, Ileniatiful and
Self-Snorl <1 elnic.
Tbe WOTn' ,I,j a ../AuufJ ill
the Atlantic. I'.y those who have
known them they have been pro
nounced the best part of Japan. They
A Very Simple But Daoidedly Effective Affair in Black Satin and
Gu pure Lace.
The Ethel collar, which, by the way, is named after Ethal Barrvmore, the young
American girl who was engaged to the son of Henry Irving consists of a broad band ot
black satin tied around the neck and finished with a large bow at the side. The satin bow
must be a "madp up" one and pinned upon the collar or the symmetry of the neelc will
be destroyed. Finish with hooks and eyes and pin or hook the bow on afterward.
Around three sides of the collar there stands a big ruffle of guipure lace. This is
continued at the sides in a fichu, which falls nearly to the belt. This fichu is made in
various ways, one of the simplest of which is upon a narrow backing of satin ribbon.
have been described as gentle, graceful,
beautiful and self-sacrificing. Not only
in those gentler virtues, but also in
some sterner aspects of life, the Japan
ese woman has shown time and again
what she is made of Anyone
who speaks against the purity of the
Japanese woman knows not whereof
lie talks, orisa vile slanderer who would
deprive the woman of what is most pre
cious to her. As the mistress of the
family she has as much real authority
in the family as her western sister. As
o mother she is paid great deference lu
ll e r children. In society a lady is
always treated with respect. There are
eome respects in which changes are de
sirable, but, on the whole, I have no
hesitation in saying the position of
woman in Japan is a very high one.
Uinta on Hon to Trent Next Summer'*
Skirt* to tlie lleKt I'oHSibie
Advun mite.
Summer dress skirts will be trimmed,
there is no doubt about that. Many of
the skirts will be elaborately ruffled
from the hem to the belt as in past
seasons. One of the latest skirt revivals
is the pufF which is put on around the
hem. This puff is made of a bias band
of the goods which is gathered on both
edges and sewed around the skirt. If
M | \\
*%-( VJ
It be a wash dress the puff is easily man
aged by ironing in the usual way. If it
be a dress that cannot wash the puff
is stiffened by crinoline or a delicate
inner lining, so that it keeps its shape
the whole season.
Lace will be used a great deal upon
these skirts and it will be put on in the
form of puffs anil ruffles. Puffs, it may
here be stated, will be the most fash
ionable skirt trimming there is. Every
thing is nulls; ribbon is puffed and lace
ii> puffed.
ftplendld Thlnu tor Worn i- n Who
Hate a l.ittle InKennlty and Some
llulf Worn WnUti.
A ticket which labeled a very pretty
waist decoration in a New York show
room was marked: "This bodice, $4."
The bodice was sleeveless and had no
under arm pieces, yet it carried off the
name of "bodice" because it composed
almost a whole w:«ist.
It was made entirely of chiffon, plait
ed closely across the back and finished
with a puffing of the chiffon front and
back. The dress was of violet silk, em
broidered with very tiny violet flowers,
with puffs laid in between. The collar
was of the very same design and mate
rial. Around the top of the collar there
was a rnffl" 0,00 °" r "
liered the body. At the belt there was
a large heavy bow of violet velvet ribbon,
which finished the waist. The same
bow was repeated in the back. This
style can be highly recommended for a
half-worn waist, as there is nothing but
the sleeves and under seams to show.
lion a WlK'onnln Toucher Mulntitln*
His I'uuiil) Nicely on Thla Mod
em Amount.
A. 11. Zander contributes an article
to the Ladies' Home Journal in which
he tells how he maintains a family of
four persons —his wife, two children
and himself —on S2OO per year. lie is a
school-teacher and is paid a salary of
$405, out of which he saves and puts out
at interest S2OO yearly. Living in a
small Wisconsin town he has the advan
tage of cheap rents, his house costing
him $36 per year. His other expenses
are: Provisions, $04.82; clothing and
footwear, $.'!S; magazines and newspa
pers, incidentals, S4O.
"Our meals," Mr. Zander writes, "we
find abundant in quantity and variety.
For breakfast we have coffee, coffee
cake, bread and butter, with eggs or
fried ham occasionally. For dinner we
have boiled potatoes with butter gravy,
boiled cabbage or other vegetables, and
pudding or pie, and coffee. Sometimes
we have pork and beans, and sometimes
some preparation, as potato pan
cakes, dumplings, etc., while with one
meal in the week we have meat. For
supper we have the remains of our din
ner, with fried or baked potatoes, and
ep-fj-s. We have coffee with every meal.
On this fare we thrive well."
Springe Color* nn«l Tint*.
The spring shades of blue are Uoman,
hyacinth, silver, Napoleon and barbeau,
or blue-bottle. The greens are in many
tints with fanciful titles that have cleai
emerald tints, and also the deep Rus
sian green, becoming to so many worn
er.; willow, the polden green tint and
leaf in three different shades. Gismon
da again appears, the purple slightly
deeper than that of Parma violet, and
much like the amethyst are plum
shades thai have been so popular in
costume cloths and millinery this win
Vnliie of Lemon .Inlee.
The best manicure acid is a teaspoon
ful of lemon juice in a cup of tepid wa
ter. This not only whitens and removes
all stains from the nails, but it loosens
the cuticle much better than scissors*
do. A dash of lemon juice, too, in a
glass of water is an admirable tooth
wash after the use of onions or anjr
i tiling that will affect the breath.
UcHt anil Must I'.llii'icnt Way to (ifl
lllil of (he I'rHl In (o Destroy
I lie .MaKKiU.
The warble or swelling on the back of
cattle is caused by the larva of a fly
which attaches its eggs to the hair on
the legs, flanks and neck of the animal.
These hatch and the larvae establish
themselves under the skin, usually on
either side of the backbone. Here they
feed upon the animal juices until ready
to pupate, causing the swelling or war
ble. When growth is completed the
grub leaves the warble, drops to the
ground, crawls under the most con-
venient shelter, such as a piece of board,
log, etc, and here transforms into the
fly or adult stage. There is a difference
of opinion as to how the grub gets tin
der the skin. Some entomologists claim
that the egg is taken into tiie stomach
by the animals licking themselves,
hatch there, adhering to the walls, then
the grubs gradually work their way
toward the surface, where they remain
until fully grown. Others hold that the
eggs batch where they are laid and tho
young larvae buiy themselves at onca
0 §
under the skin. Whatever method is
employed the results are the same.
The best way to get rid of the pest is
to kill the maggot. This may be done
by squeezing them out. i'lace tho
thumbs near the base of t.he swelling
and press firmly until the grub is
forced out. To prevent the attacks of
the fly in summer, a mixture of four
ounces flowers of sulphur, one gill of
spirits of tar with a quart of train oil
rubbed along the spine, loins and ribs
is useful. Train oil can be used alone.
As the fly does not move about from
place to place freely, its eradica
tion on individual farms depends al
most completely upon tlie owner.—
Orange Judd Farmer.
I'uleNX n Kcim-ily I* liiiiiieillntely .\p
lilii-d Fowls So Alllieii-d V\ ill
l>le Speedily.
Crop bound is especially prevalent
among fowls in close confinement,
where in their desire to procure green
food they consume large quantities ol
dry grass, and 1 have observed its be
ing brought on in at least one case by
eating tea leaves, tiie whole mass form
ing a hard lump in the crop, thus being
Indigestible, causing the bird to dump,
and unless a remedy is speedily applied,
to die. In one of our exchanges a writer
gives tlie following remedy; First, pro
cure a piece of the smallest size rubber
tube about 18 inches in length (thisoan
be obtained at any drug store); attach
one end to a small tunnel, grease the
other with lard or vaseline for about
four inches, and are ready for business.
Get an assistant to securely hold the sick
bird, now carefully place tube in the
bird's mouth and push well down the
crop, about four inches of tube will be
required, hold the tunnel slightly above
the fowl's head and slowly pour in as
much luke-warm water as the crop will
hold, about one teacupful. Have the
assistant work the crop carefully dur
ing the process and until the hard mass
becomes softened. Great care should
be taken both in pouring water and
working crop lest the fowl become
choked by water rising in the throat
Next grasp the bird by the legs and hold
head down, gently working crop to as
sist bird to vomit. In most cases one
trial is enough to completely empty the
crop, but in case it is not, let the fowj
rest for half an hour and repeat the
process. This remedy has also been
used by me very successfully in eases
of acute indigestion. Keep the bird on
soft food with plenty of sharp grit and
charcoal for a few days and the cure is
Yorlino In fieewe and I)(ickN.
The most frequent difficulty with
ducks and geese is that of vertigo. They
drop down on their feet or fall over to
one side suddenly, at times as rapidly
recovering or dying immediately. This
happens only when ducks or geese are
fed on too much grain. The best sys
tem to adopt is to put them in a field
where short grass is abundant, or even
young weeds, and let them pet the food
for themselves. They require but very
little food after warm weather comes,
as they are then well over the laying
season, becoming nonproducers. If this
fact is kept in view—that of the non
producers requiring but little food dur
ing warm weather—there would be &
saving in expenses, as well as fewer
losses occurring from disease, but it is
difficult to convince those having good
breeds that there is such a thing as
killing with kindness l —feeding too
much. —Farm and Fireside.
Split Kara for Cattle.
Cattle of any age will eat split ears of
corn without soreness of the mouth,
which frequently results when fed on
whole ears, or on parts of ears which
have been broken crosswise of the cob.
Even calves of nine months will grow
fat upon them. This is a specially de
sirable way to prepare it to feed to
rnilcli cows. A steer of three years is
not fully provided with grinders, and
sven at that ape it is hard for him to
uiusticato whole ears.
<hf a Sharp Young Woman and Made
tlie Fm rt koiiH Lawyer Walk Home.
A spunky West Side young' woman
pave a budding attorney, who is some
times known as "Smart Alee'' Smith,
honiething to think about the other day.
And, as he was forced to walk down
town from far out West Madison street
way, he had plenty of time to ponder
the lesson, lie was waiting for a cable
ear and Hipping a half dollar in the air.
Hyr his side, also waiting for a car, stood
an elegantly-dressed, beautiful and, to
all appearances, honest and refined
young woman. Mr. Smith was not per
sonally acquainted with the elegantly
dressed, beautiful young woman, nor,
so far as known, was she with him.
Therefore, he kept flipping the half
tlollar in the air, regardless of her pres
ence, and catching it in his nimble
palm as it descended.
liy and by the expected car came
along and to a stop. As it stopped Law
yer Smith gave a last flip to the half
dollar before getting on board. As he
did so the beautifully dressed and beau
tiful young woman stepped forward,
preparatory to mounting the footboard.
Unfortunately she came within Mr.
Smith's sunlight, with the result that
his palm missed the descending half
dollar. The descending half dollar
rattled on the pavement and rolled un
3er the edge of the car. Then, whether
from pique or from sudden accession of
facetiousness, Mr. Smith did an un
nsual thing. Grabbing up the half dol
lar. he followed the elegantly dressed,
beautiful young woman into the car,
ind holding it out toward her, said:
"Excuse me, miss, was it you who
dropped this half dollar?"
The elegantly dressed, beautiful
young woman's face was suffused with
_ . ..... x take
it to you."
"Well, answered the young woman,
her blush growing deeper, "well, 1
don't know as it's my coin, but seeing
you are so polite about it, I guess 1 can
handle it in my business."
An 1 she gently transferred the 50-
:ent piece from Lawyer Smith's palm
"to her own.
The real joke of this story lies in the
fact that 50 cents was all the money
Lawyer Smith had with him. and that
he had to get off the car and walk to
his destination. —Chicago Chronicle.
Formation of Coal.
It will be remarked that the deposits
of anthrc cite are found in very moun
tainous regions. The difference be
tween this hard and what are called
the soft C' >als was explained to me by
the late Prof. William 15. Rogers. When
the contraction of the earth's surface
took place by which the mountain
regions of Pennsylvania and a few
other parts of the carboniferous series
were fortned, these mountains were
thro vn up. turned over and twisted in
such a manner as to cause the mate
rials of vegetable origin of which coal
is formed to become coked, or partly
coked, under extreme pressure. It is
due to that pressure and accompanying
heat that the anthracite coals are hard
and virtually free from bitumen; while,
under oth ir conditions, the bituminous
or semi-bituminous coals arc soft and
more friable, containing more bitumin
ous elements. In some other parts of
the earth's surface where coal is found
the so-called brown coals and lignites
have not been subjected to the measure
of heat under pressure sufficient to con
vert them into true coal. —Edward At
kinson, in Century.
lie Got Kven. ~
Mrs. Horricks —I want you to under
stand that I once declined an offer of
marriage from a man who could buy
and sell you.
Mr. liorrocks —Humph! That's noth
ing. I'd be willing to sell out so cheap
that almost any old plug could do it.—
Chicago Evening News.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druccists refund money if it fails toeure. 25c.
The biggest blaze is not a sign of the most
heat. A straw-pile will give a brighter
blaze than a ton of eoal.—Ram's Horn.
We think Piso's Cure for Consumption is
the only medicine for Coughs. .Jennie
Pinckard, Springfield, 111., Oct. 1, 1894.
She—"Now, can you guess my age, ma
jor?" Gallant Major—"No, I can't; but
you don't look it."—Tit-Hits.
A Dose in Time Saves Nine of Hale's
Honey of Horehound and Tar for Coughs.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure iu oue minute.
The man who has nothing to sell never
cares what the market is.—Washington
Deep streams run still; and why? Not
because there are no obstructions, but be
cause they altogether overflow those stones
or rocks round which the shallow stream has
to make its noisy way; it is the full life that
saves us from the little, noisy troubles of life.
—George S. Merriam.
Tt is to self-government, the great prin
eiple of popular representation and adminis
tration—the system that lets in all to par
ticipate in the counsels that arc to assign
the good or evil to all—that we owe what we
are and what we hope to be.—Daniel Web
Take t imp. and go npnrt for a sonson . with
drawintothyself,and discover the evolutions
of thine own thought. Thou must take thy
stand on principles, as perceived within thee.
—Trinities and Sanctities.
We do not shake off our yesterdays and
sustain no further relation to them; they
follow us, they constitute our life, and they
give accent and force and meaning to our
present deeds.—Joseph Parker.
"The musk is torn off thy face!" she cried,
with all the vehemence of the woman
srorned, "and the cloven hoof is revealed!"
The unworthy lover cowered back. "That,''
he muttered, for he was not unconscious of
his dt ficieneies, "doubtless arises from the
fact that I cannot open my mouth without
putting my foot in it."—Detroit Journal.
"Here, you've been telling me all along,"
said the bright-faced young wife, "what a
wonderful cook your mother was; and now
your Aunt Jane has just told me that your
father was a chronic dyspeptic." "Well,
you see," the young husband murmured,
with a deep sigh, "mother learned by prac
ticing on father."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"What intensely red btir that young mail
has!" exclaimed Maud; "I'm surprised that
you seem to like him so well." "Oh," re
plied Mamie, "I don't like him very well,
112 never invite him to anything but pink
teas."—Washington Star.
A Nurse's Experience.
She'd rather have one than three.
There are thousands of people suffering |
from blood poisoning -who have almost j
beggared themselves in buying medicines i
from which they have obtained no help.
There art thousands of others who first or
last have tried Dr. Aver's Sarsaparilla and
found perfect healing. One of these i
others, Mrs. A. F. Taylor, of F.nglevale, I
N. Dak. relates the following experience: i
"About two years ago, T nursed a lady
who was suffering(ana finally died) from j
blood poisoning. I must have contracted
the disease from her ; for shortly after her '
death, I had four large sores or ulcers,
break out on my person. I doctored for a
long time, both by external application j
and with various blood medicines; but, in I
spite of all that I could do. the sores would j
not heal. They were obstinate, very pain- |
ful, annoying, and only getting -worse all j
the time. At last, I purchased six bottles 1
of Dr.Ayer's Sarsaparilla, thinking I would
give it a thorough trial. Before the first
bottle was taken, I noticed a decided im- j
provement in my general health ; my ap
petite was quickened, and I felt better
and stronger than I had for some time.
While usinir the second bottle, 1 noticed
♦ hat the sores had begun to look healthier -
"Who l a beautiful specimen of inlaying!"
exrlaiu.ed the guest.
"Y,-s," replied Mr. Cumrox, as bo put his
hands behind and tiptoed complacently;
"but that isn't anything. You ought to
ha\** seen the outlay it represents."—Pitta
bCrgh Dispatch.
Tlie Good It Did.
Mrs. Gossir»—* tfx.- 1 j/c' t3i> ics, tlie
rstioddys und the Van Bilkerings all saw it
and commented on it.
Tlie Killing; Passion.
I offered that lady SSOO for her interest in
the proptry and she refused to consider the
"I offered her ?4!W 00 and she jumped at
it."—Detroit Free Press.'s Knmily Metllelne.
Moves the bowels each day. In order to be
healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on
the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache.
Price 25 and 50c.
AVegelablePreparation for As- |ffl
| slmflatlngtheToodandßegala- Jgj
ting the Stomachs nrel Bowels of ifa
Promotes Digestion, I Cheerful- sj
ncss and Rest.Contains neither S
Opium ."Morphine nor Mineral. S3
Reape o/OldllrS^^lX^^TCllLß.
Jhunplm SectZ* /SJ
ALx.Senru t * 1 '4*l
Ihc/uIU Salts | uB
Jrust Seed * I vW
Jtoperr/iwt 112 J69
fh Carbonate Tatat* I
fiarrt Seed - 1 fi)
Cton/itd Sttfdr • I
Mt+yr—n norm / s|jj
Apafect Remedy for (53ftstlpa- 9
tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. 888
Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- 9
ncss and LOSS OF SLEER ■
Tie Simile Signature of fl|
i-a w//,'//'L- y
paint dealer and do your own decorating- This material Is aHA AD FINISH to be applied with a >
brush and heroines as hard as Cement. Milled in twenty-four tints aud works equally as well wiib
cold or hot water. . . , i '
i IW NFX I) FOR SAMPLE COLOR CAKI>S and if you cannot purchase tbi 3 material
from your local dealers let us know and we will put you in the way of obtaininK it. !
) 1,, u\ , j , MJ 11 ,1 hv u
fW If you ar c troubled with any form of T>'V«'F» l«i A
as a Digestive. i!se and 50c boxes, bv mail on receipt of price. Cn receipt, of one
2 cent postage Rtamp X will send a Six daym' trial pack»K« *«■ XX E 33 by
lllaii. Address z,. 11. GrAljIiVP, M. 13., MA.R.SHAX>I>, MICH.
Allen's Ulcfrlne Salvo let tho only sure cure In
the world for Chroule llee*s, Bone Vleers,
Ncroluloua Ulcers, Varicose fleers, White
Swelling, Fever Mores, aim all Old Mores. It
uoverlails. poison Save*expense und
su(T«i '.i»k, Cures permanent. Best salve lor ilolls.
Carbuncles. Plies, Null Blieuin, Burns Cuts
and all Fresh Wounds. By mail, small. JJBc; kiuw,
We. Book free. tl. IV A 1,1, EN >IKDKIA K
CO., bl. Paul, Minn. feoJd by Drug|lsts.
W tuLL LUVMIb.k AYM AN, Tlfc'FiM, Ohio.
| and to heal. Before the six bottle* hnfl
! been taken, the ulcers were healed, the
skin sound and natural, and my health
, better than it had been lor years. I have
been well ever since. I had rather have
one bottle of I)r. Ayer's Sai saparilla than
three of any other kind."
i This is but one example of the remedial
value of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla in all
I forms of blood disease. There is no other
blood medicine that cures so promptly,
' so surely and so thoroughly. After nearly
half a century of test and trial it is the
standard medicine of the world fur all
; diseases of the blood. Sores, ulcers, boils,
: tetter, rheumatism, scrofula and every
other blood disease is curable by Dr. Ayer'a
Sarsaparilla. The success of this remedy
i has caused many imitations to be put on
1 the market. Imitation remedies work ira
itation cures. The universal testimony is
that "one bottle of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is worth three of any other kind." If you
are interested in knowing more about this
remedy, get Dr, Ayer's Curebook. a ftory
of cures told by the cured. It is sent freer
on request by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell,
• Mass. Write*for it.
After tin*
Marie —The tenor's beautiful art
Btill ringing in my ears.
Louise—Goodness! # And earrings are all.
out of style, too! —Philadelphia liuleltin.
The Amerieiiu Nuvy, Cuba uua il»«
A portfolio in ten parts, sixteen views io
each part, of the ' vliC i
miiwaukee & St. luul Kan way has maa»
arrangements for a special edition for tb«
benefit of its patrons and will furnish th»
full set, one hundred and sixty pictures, for
one dollar. In view of the present excite
ment regarding Cuba these pictures are very
timely. Send amount with full addresi in*
(*eo. If. lleafTord, General Passenger Agen&
C., M. & St. P. Rv\, Chicago, 111.
Remainder nnd IteniincTer.
"What a cute little shirt you have for a>
pen wiper, Mr. Jotley!"
"Yes; that's the only woolen undergar
ment 1 ever bought of a peddler."—N. Y.
World. „
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the t t
f\ Jfv The
(\/ Kind
vj» You Have
Always Bought.
GIVEN AWAY A Well-Made American Watcfc,
WI 1 til #" 11 fi I not a toy, to anybody pending TV*
annual iunnorlptionß at 112 1 raeh folk* OVBKI.ANIt ■O.TTIf-
LY,N«n FmnrUco. ThU mufrasln* | e«iubll' .F.l by Rr«t Hart*
In 186M. ItJ In the site of Hrt'lurc's anil l« auprrblj IliuilftMU
A. N. K.-C 17Qa
M Beat Coagh Syrup. Taaiua Gcnid. Uk g
J ID time. Hold by drunKlsL". M