Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 28, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Diplomacy Fails and Cannon Will
Settle Cuba's Fate.
The Norlli Atlantic Squadron In Orilorml
to ttloekade Havana siuil Otlrnr Sea
ports on the Island—No Koruial
Declaration Mark* the Open
ing of Hostilities.
Washington, April 'J'.!. —War between
the United States and Spain is a fact,
though not yet officially declared so by
congress. The stirring events of Wed
nesday were succeeded yesterday with
rapidity by others of equal importance,
culminating in the afternoon in orders
for the departure of the North Atlantic
squadron for Havana. This practically
is an act of war, so that the war be
tween this country and Spain may be
said to date from April '2l, 18i»8.
Two minutes after the opening of the
state department yesterday came word
from Minister Woodford that, the
Spanish government having antici
pated and prevented his intention to
present the president's ultimatum, he
had asked for his passports.
The administration in a public state
ment announced that it regarded the
action of the Spanish government as
rendering unnecessary further diplo
matic action on the part of the United
States, and that it regarded the course
adopted by Spain as placing upon that
country the responsibility for the
breach of friendly relations. Mr.
Woodford's telegram resulted in the
calling of a special cabinet meeting to
arrange an outline of a plan of cam
paign, or rather to determine how to
begin the execution of a plan of cam
paign already prepared by the strat
egic boards of the army and navy de
partments. The immediate result was
the order for the Xorth Atlantic squad
ron to begin the blockade of Havana.
The North Atlantic squadron under
Capt. Sampson's command makes a
splendid array of fine vessels, com
prising battleships such as the lowa
and Indiana: monitors like the Puri
tan, Terror and Amphitrite; armored
cruisers like the New York, flagship;
protected cruisers such as the Cincin
nati, Marblehead and Montgomery;
gunboats like the Vicksburg, Wilming
ton and Annapolis; regular torpedo
boats such as the Ericsson, Gushing
and Winslow, not to speak of the large
number of fast yachts and other vessels
that have been added to the fleet by
purchase. This force is quite compe
tent to blockade all the ports in Cuba,
or at least all the ports connected by
rail with Havana and likely to be used
to supply that place in the event of
a siege with food and munitions of war.
This statement is to be taken with the
understanding that it does not con
template the coming to Cuban waters
of the Spanish fleet. In such case the
probable policy wonlil be to abandon
the blockade and endeavor to force the
Spanish fleet to battle.
Minister Woodford's action during
the day, as reported to the state de
partment. indicated that he was follow
ing a carefully prepared programme.
A significant feature of his message
was the statement that the Spanish
government notified him that it re
garded its withdrawal of Minister Polo
as terminating diplomationegotiat ions,
showing that it was not disposed to ac
cept the intention of our government
to continue Mr. Woodford as a medium
of communication until Saturday noon.
Mr. Woodford also announced that he
had instructed Consul General liowen
at Barcelona to cause all the American
consuls in Spain to immediately with
draw from the country. He further
stated that he had informed the Span
ish government after asking for his
passports that he had placed the Amer
ican legation in Madrid and American
interests in Spain generally in the
hands of the British embassy.
It was found necessary to frame a
notice to the powers of the intention
of our government to establish a block
ade of Havana, a notification required
by international law.
The navy department, aside from
giving orders to the squadron, contin
ued the work of adding to the navy
and purchased another ship at Norfolk
as an auxiliary craft and some small
yachts. The news of the actual be
ginning of war was received with
gravity at the department and there
were many speculations as to the des
tination of the Spanish squadron. One
suggestion was that it is heading to
cut off the fine battleship Oregon, now
on its way from the Pacific coast, to
join Capt. Sampson's command. There
is also some fear that the Oregon may
be taken at an unfair advantage with
out knowledge of the existence of war
by the Spanish torpedo destroyer now
at Buenos Ayres. Possibly with a view
to avoiding a conflict in the straits of
Magellan, where she would be at a dis
advantage. the Oregon has been or
dered togo around Cape Horn.
Kelative to the news from Chicago
that the three revenue cutters on the
lakes cannot be availed of for naval
purposes, it is said that the department
had some time ago abandoned the idea
of using these craft, owing to the diffi
culties in getting them to the Atlantic
In the war department many orders
flew to and fro relative to the concen
tration of troops in the south, and Sec
retary Alger was several times in con
sultation with the president, resulting
in the determination to call for 100,000
volunteers as soon as congress passes
the necessary legislation.
Postmaster Geueral Oary Resigns.
Washington, April 33.—Postmaster
General Gary has resigned on account
of ill health. Charles Emory Smith,
cf Philadelphia, was nominated by the
president as his successor. The senate
confirmed the nomination. It was ow
ing entirely, it is said, to Mr. Gary's
health that he resigned. He has suf
fered a great deal of late from a gen
eral breaking down of the system.
Charles Emory Smith, the new post
master general, is editor of the Phila
delphia l J ress. He has been minister
to Itussia, is an active republican and
known to public men throughout the
United States.
Tlie Full Text of the I Itlinatuui to >paln
Why the DoeuAent was Never l're<rnted.
Washington, April 22.- The follow
ing statement of the text of the ulti
matum to Spain was issued yesterday;
On April 20. ls'.is. the department of
state served notice of the purposes of
this government by delivering to Min
ister Polo a copy of an instruction to
Minister Woodford, and also a copy of
the resolution passed by the congress
of the I'nited States on the l'.'th inst.
After the receipt of this notice the
Spanish minister forwarded to tiie
slate department a request for his
passports, which were furnished to
him. A copy of the instruction to
Woodford is herewith appended:
Woodford. Minister, Madrid:—Yi t have been
furnished with the text of a joint resolution
voted by the congress of the United Stat's on
the 18th inst. and approved to-day in relation
to the pacification of the island of < üb.i. In
obedience to that act the president directs y< u
to immediately communicate to the govern
ment of Spain said resolution, with the formal
demand of the government of the United States
that the government of Spain at once relin
quish its authority and government in the
island of Cuba and withdraw its land and na
val forces from tuba and Cuban waters. In
taking this step the United States hereby dis
claims any intention to exercise sovereignty,
jurisdiction or control over said island except
for the pacification thereof, and asserts its de
termination when that is accomplished to leave
the government and control of the island to its
people under such free and independent gov
ernment as they may establish. '
If by noon on Saturday next there be not
communicated to this government by that of
Spain a full and satisfactory response to this
demand and resolution, whereby the ends of
peace in l üba shall be assured, the president
will proceed without further notice to use the
power and authority conferred upon him by
the said joint resolution to such extent as may
be necessary to carry the same Into effect.
The United States minister at Mad
rid was at the same time instructed to
make a like communication to the gov
ernment of Spain. Thursday morning
the department received from lien.
Woodford a telegram, a copy of which
is hereunto attached, showing that the
Spanish government had broken off
diplomatic relations with this govern
ment. This course renders unnecessary
any further diplomatic action on the
part of the United States. Following
is Woodford's telegram:
Madrid, April 21, 18!)8.
Sherman. Washington:—Early this (Thurs
day) morning, immediately after the receipt
of your open telegram and before I had com
municated same to the Spanish government,
the Spanish minister for foreign affairs noti
fied me that the diplomatic relations are broken
between the two countries, and that all official
communications between their respective rep
resentatives have ceased. I accordingly asked
for safe passports and will turn legation over
to British embassy and leave for Paris this
afternoon. Have notitled consuls.
One of Mississippi's United States Sen
ators I'assrs Away.
Washington. April 22.—Senator Ed
ward C. Walthall, of Mississippi, died
in his apartments at the Cairo yester
day, at 5:30 p. m. His death was not
unexpected, the end having been fore
seen for several days. Senator Walt
hall's illness dated from .January, when
he contracted a cold. In February he
suffered from an attack of bilious fever
and from this he never recovered. His
last address in the senate was made on
April 7, when he delivered a eulogy on
his late colleague, Senator George.
Edward C. Walthall was born in
Richmond, Va., in 1831. He served in
the Confederate army during the civil
war, rising to the rank of major gen
eral. llis profession was the law.
With the exception of 14 months from
January, 18SJ4, to March, 1895, Mr.
Walthall sat continuously in the senate
since March 13, 1885. He was first ap
pointed this position to fill the va
cancy caused by the nomination of L.
Q. C. Lamar to a position in President
Cleveland's first cabinet, and has been
re-elected whenever his term has ex
pired since that time. Previous to his
resignation in 1894 he had been elected
for the term beginning in 1805, and he
had only to return and take his seat at
the expiration of the term for which he
had retired.
Spaniards Have .lust Found Out that Their
Coal Supply Is at a Very I.ow Khh.
London. April 23. —A dispatch to the
Daily Telegraph from Barcelona says:
•'Grave apprehensions are entertained
in the highest government circles that
the issue of war may be decided not by
valor, enthusiasm and dogged per
severance, qualities of which the Span
iards possess an abundance, but by
reserves of coal and victuals, of which
they have made but a scanty provision
in Cuba. In respect of coal they are
worse off than they have hitherto im
agined. .
"The Spanish government, firmly
believing down to the very last moment
that peace would be preserved through
the intercession of the pope and
the powers, neglected to lay in suffi
cient coal, despite the representations
made to them by one or two far-seeing
naval officers. Besides this, it is be
lieved they never once inquired of the
British or other neutral governments
whether coal would be regarded as
contraband of war. The result is said
to be a state of things which may be
fraught with unpleasant surprises and
bring hostilities to a premature end. - '
Woodford <*oeK to Krunoi'.
Madrid, April 33.—Gen. Woodford
left Madrid last night. There was a
great jingo demonstration at the sta
tion. The authorities of the different
Spanish provinces through which the
train with Gen. Woodford on board
passed, have received instructions to
take the necessary steps to protect it
until the French frontier is reached.
Greater New York Ih Bankrupt*
New York. April 22. —The condition
which leads Mayor Van Wyck to speak
of"this bankrupt city of Is'ew York"
grows more serious. The mayor has
decided that the city has passed
its constitutional debt limit and can
make no new expenditures. This has
brought everything to a standstill.
Great distress has been caused. Work
ingmen especially have been made to
suffer. Improvements which had been
begun have been abandoned, and oth
ers which had been planned have been
laid on the shelf indefinitely. Con
tractors have been told they can get
no money from the city.
Sampson's Fleet of Warships Goos
to Cuba.
Th« Gunboat Nashville Fire, the first
Shot in the War n«l Compel# a Sfau-
IHII Merchant 111 to Surrender—The
Squadron** t Miration in Said
to he .atan/a*.
Key West. Fla., April 23. —The North
Atlantic squadron, except the monitors
Terror and Puritan and some of the
smaller ships, sailed from Key West at
5:45 o'clock Friday morning for the
shores of Cuba. Besides the two moni
tors the ships left behind were the gun
boat Helena, cruiser Marblehead and
dispatch boat Dolphin.
The f'nited States fleet was i>bout 12
miles off Sand Key light at 7 a. in.,
when the Spanish merchantman Buena
Ventura, from Pascagoula, Miss., for
Rotterdam, with lumber, was sighted,
bound north. The gunboat Nashville
ran her down and put a shot across her
bow from the four-inch gun on the port
side aft. The Spaniard ignored the
shot, but another closer to her bow
brought her to. A prize crew was put
aboard. Capt. Lucarraga, in command
of her, was astounded, lie said he did
not know that war had been declared,
but when he was informed of the state
of affairs he accepted the situation
philosophically. The Nashville towed
her prize into this port.
The Nashville has taken on stores
and will return to the fleet. Marines
are pacing the deck of the Spaniard
and her crew of 28 is lounging about
the decks. Not a man is in irons. Ac
cording to prize laws Capt. Maynard
will turn the prisoners over to United
States district attorney, who will de
cide the question of their disposition.
The monitor Puritan sailed to join the
fleet last night.
On excellent authority it is reported
that the destination of the fleet is Ma
tanzas. On board the flagship is Capt.
Aranguren, brother of the late Gen.
Aranguren. He will pilot the fleet to
PrMldent MeKlnley IMHUCM a Proclamation
Announcing to the World that It Kxlrtta.
Washington, April 23.—The follow
ing proclamation announcing a block
ade of Cuban ports was issued yester
By the president of the United States:
Whereas, By a joint resolution passed by the
congress and approved April 20. IHWB, and com
municated to the government of Spain, it was
demanded that said government at once relin
quish its authority and government in the
island of Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval
forces from Cuba and Cuban waters', and the
president of the United States was directed
and empowered to use the entire land and
naval foices of the United Stales arid to cal!
into the actual service of the United States the
militia of the several states to such extent as
might be necessary to carry said resolution
into effect; and
Whereas, In carrying into effect said resolu
tion the president of the United States deems
it necessary to set on foot and maintain a
blockade of the north coast of tuba, including
all ports on said coast between Cardenas and
Bahia Honda and the port of Cienfuegos on the
south coast of Cuba;
Now. therefore, I. William McKinley, presi
dent of the United States, in order to enforce
the said resolution, do hereby declare and pro
claim that the United State* of America have
instituted and will maintain a blockade of the
north coast of ( üba, including ports on sail!
coast between Cardenas and Bahia Honda and
the port of Cienfuegos on the south coast ol
Cuba, aforesaid, in pursuance of the laws ol
the United States and the law of nations ap
plicable to such cases. An efficient force wil
be posted so us to prevent the entrance and
exit of vessels from the ports aforesaid.
Any neutral vessel approaching any of said
ports, or attempting to leave the same without
notice or knowledge ol the establishment ot
such blockade, will be duly warned by the
commander of the blockading forces, who wil.
Indorse on her register the fact and the date ol
such warning where such indorsement was
made: and it the same vessel shall again at
tempt to enter any blockaded port, she will be
captured and sent to the nearest convenient
port for such proceedings against her and her
cargo as prize, as may be deemed advisable.
Neutral vessels lying in any of said ports at
the time of the establishment of such blockade
will be allowed :i0 days to issue therefrom.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal of the United States,
to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this I2d day
of April, A. D. IHIiS, and of the independence ol
the United States the 122 d.
By the president
John Sherman, secretary of state.
Ho Shown It During the Trip Acr»ns Spain
His Train Attacked by a itloh.
Biarritz, France, April 23.—Gen.
Stewart L. Woodford, the United
States minister, accompanied by his
staff and others, reached the frontier
Friday morning after some exciting
experience. The Spanish police at
tempted to capture a member of the
legation, and at Valladolid the train
was attacked. Mr. Moreno was the
member of the United States legation
singled out by the Spanish police for
capture, on the ground that he is a sub
ject of Spain, but the attempt was
frustrated owing to the presence ol
mind of the minister.
At Valladolid the train was attacked
and stoned. Windows were broken
and the civil guards were compelled to
protect his carriage with drawn swords.
Woodford, however, slept throughout
the disturbance. At Tolosa the Span
ish police made a determined effort to
capture Moreno, but Woodford stood in
the doorway of the carriage, declaring
he should only be removed by force.
Then the police gave up the attempt.
Mr. Moreno was Woodford's secretary
and a British subject.
Paris, April 23.—Gen. Woodford, ac
companied by the party with which he
left Madrid, arrived in this city last
Tlie War Revenue Itlll.
Washington, April 23.—Republican
members of the ways and means com
mittee have completed the war revenue
measure. The bill will raise between
$',15,000,000 and 00,000,000 annually.
The principal decision made Friday
was not to place a tax upon railroad
and other transportation tickets or pe
troleum. It was decided, however, to
place a tax of one cent upon chewing
gum and two to four cents upon min
eral waters, ginger ale and foreign and
native wines. These additions are
made to the stamp tax act of>o,
which is re-enacted with modifications.
I'reatilPDt MrKlnlry it About to fssue a
Call to the Nation's OiUcii Soldiery—The
l>iirntlon of rrlrateerini;.
Washington, April 23. —There were
two further important steps in Wash
ington yesterday towards actual hos
tilities, not to mention the overt act
involved in the seizure of the Spanish
vessel Buena Ventura, oft' Key West.
The first was the issue by the president
of his proclamation announcing to tho
world a blockade of a number of Cuban
ports, and the second was tbe signing
by htin of.the bill providing for tbe
utilization of the volunteer forces in
war. The proclamation was delayed
in issue until to-day, owing to the fact
tint it bad been prepared in advance
of the adoption of certain amendments
to the bill.
The proclamation calls for 100,000
men to serve as volunteers for one
year. If the precedents ure followed.
Secretary Alger upon the issuance of
thi" proclamation will request the ex
ecutives of the states to detach from
the militia the quota they may be
called onto furnish.
In addition there was a notable re
tirement from the navy department in
the case of C'apt. Royal B. Bradford,
.•hief of the equipment division, who
became so impatient to join in active
service that he addressed a letter to
the president resigning l his position
and stating that he wished to com
mand a warship.
C'apt. Bradford addressed a similar
letter to Secretary Long with the addi
tion of a request to have a command ol
an active warship. The resignation
will be accepted and Capt. Bradford
will be given one of the best ships in
the navy.
The state department addressed an
identical note to the representatives
of foreign nations accredited to Wash
ington, notifying them of the policy tc
be pursued by this government in the
matter of privateering and neutrality.
The statement declares that our gov
ernment will not resort to privateer
ing; that enemy's goods in neutral bot
toms. save contraband, are exempt
from seizure: that neutral goods not
contraband under enemy's flag are safe
from seizure and that blockades to be
binding must be effective. These are
the principles laid down in the Paris
agreement of 1856. The officials are
not disturbed at notice from Madrid
that Spain will refuse to be bound by
the same principles and forbid priva
teering, for they are satisfied that the
great powers will not tolerate priva
The following statement has been
obtained from a high official: "Con
traband of war —In determining, ac
cording to the law of nations, whether
merchandise is contraband of war, it
is classified: I—Absolute contraband;
2—occasional or conditional contra
band: 3—goods not contraband. The
first class includes all goods of a war
like character.
The second class includes provisions,
naval stores, coal, horses, machinery,
iron, etc., which are subservier* to
warlike use. and destined for the use
of the enemy.
The third class includes' articles not
suited to warlike use. No article of
merchandise is contraband unless
transported beyond territorial waters
of a neutral state, nor unless destined
for an enemy's port, or for an enemy's
Florida Fishermen Claim to Have Wit
nessed a Combat Between a Spanish Man
or-War and an American Monitor.
Jacksonville, Fla., April 38. —Accord-
ing to private dispatches received by
the Times-Union and Citizen last night
die first naval battle of the war took
place opposite Boynton, about 25 miles
south of Palm Beach, at 10 o'clock Fri
day morning. George Lyman, a relia
ble man, and several others who were
fishing in Lake Worth, which is sep
arated from the ocean by a narrow
strip of land, heard heavy firing and
ran to the beach. They reported to
the postmaster at Lantana that a Uni
ted States monitor was chasing and
firing' upon a Spanish man-of-war con
voying a coal or transport ship. The
Spaniard replied shot for shot. The
men say they watched the battle for
an hour, or until only the smoke from
the funnels was visible on the south
ern horizon, in which direction they
were traveling. There is no verifica
tion of the story.
Why Wan Site Allowed to Depart?
New York, April 23.—Valuable im
plements of war left this port yester
day for the Spanish army in Cuba.
They are steel box cars protected by
steel armor plate and are designed to
be used on railroads to protect the
Spanish soldiers in their contest with
Cuban troops and those of the United
States. The cars were loaded on the
steamer Aloedene. This steamer was
chartered recently by the Ward line.
The cargo of the steamer consists of a
large quantity of provisions consigned
to Spanish merchants in Havana, in
addition to these moving forts.
KnglneerM Diitabled the B|>aniHh Fleet.
Galveston. Tex., April 23.—1t is re
ported by Capt. Barnes, of the British
steamer Assoun. which arrived here
Friday from Las Paltnas, Canary Isl
ands, that the delay of the Spanish
fleet at that place, which was attrib
uted to rough seas, was in fact due to
the deliberate disabling of the engines
by the engineers, who did not want to
cross the seas. Repairs were made by
local machinists, as engineers could
not be trusted.
A <»r»at Oold Find.
Seattle. Wash., April 23. —The steam
er City of Seattle brings confirmation
of the great gold find of two poor
Swedes, who went to Monte Cristo
island to cut logs. While digging by
the side of the cabin, one Swede struck
pay dirt which yielded between 50
cents and S5 a pan. George Johansen
and John Blake discovered a huge
bison's head, with magnificent horns.
It lay on a bed of rock and was per- i
fectly fossilized. Adhering to the J
horns and skull were particles of gold, j
which aggregated s4l in value. The
fossil will be forwarded to the Smith
sonian institution.
From the Rernbllcan, Scranton, Pa.
The primary cause of dyspepsia lack ol
vitality; the absence of nerve force; the lost
of the life-sustaining elements of the blood.
No organ can properly perform its func
tion when the source of nutriment fails.
When the stomach is robbed of the nourish
ment demanded by nature, assimilation
ceases, unnatural gases are generated; the
entire systm responds to the discord.
A practical illustration of the symptom*
and torture of dyspepsia is furnished by the
case of Joseph T. Vandyke, 440 Hickory St.,
Scrauton, l'a.
In telling his story, Mr. Vandyke says
"Five years ago I was afflicted with *
trouble of the stomach,
which was very aggravat
ing. I had no appetite,
could not enjoy myself at \
any time, and especially UjSjvvOc)
was the trouble severe
when I awoke in the morn
ing. I did not know what jHi /
the ailment was, but it be- j
came speedily worse, and
1 was in constant misery. <
"I called in my family i 1
physician, and he diag- I
nosed the case as catarrh
of the stomach. He pre- .thirst
scribed for me and I had
his prescription filled. I In Misery.
took nearly all the medicine, but still the
trouble became worse, and I felt that my
condition was hopeless. I tried several rem
ediea recommended by my friends but with
out benefit. .After I had been suffering sev
eral months, Thomas Campbell, also a resi
dent of this city, urged me to try lJr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
"lie finally persuaded me to buy a bo*
and I began to use the pills according to
directions. Before I had taken the second
box I began to feel relieved, and after taking
a few more boxes, I considered myself re
stored to health. The pills gave me new
life, strength, ambition and happiness.''
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure dyspepsia
by restoring to the blood the requisite con
stituents of life, by renewing the nerve force
and enabling the stomach to promptly and
properly assimilate the food. These pills are
a specific for all diseases having their origi
nation in impoverished blood or disordered
nerves. They contain every element requi
site to general nutrition, to restore strength
to the weak, good health to the ailing.
A Lady Pamtenger Chats Very In»
terestedly About Street-
Car Ktliiuette.
A man standing on the back platform of
an east-bound Euclid car was much amused
by a conversation he couldn't help over
hearing between two well-dressed women.
It was six o'clock and, of course, the car win
crowded. There were several ladies on the
platform and the two who talked were close
to the involuntary listener.
"Dreadful, isn't it, out here?" said one
"Yes," said the other, but what can you
do? I'm dreadfully ashamed to home at
this time of the afternoon. We have no
business on these cars. I declare it's too
bad. Just see all those men standing up
in the car and all the women sitting down,
They should be ashamed of themselves —the
women, 1 mean. I'm glad that some of the
men don't get up. They serve the women
just right. Men are so foolish about such
things—l mean giving up their seats. Of
course nine gentlemen out of every ten will
offer their seats, but I never want to accept
one. W T e have no right to expect such
favors. And yet what can you do r It makes
a woman look so foolish, hemming and haw
ing and trying to refuse a seat. I tried it
once or twice, and then sat down after all.
The trouble is the men don't l>elieve we are
in earnest when we refuse a seat—anil 1
guess most of the time they are right. There,
look in the car now and see the poor, pale
faced man giving the stout woman his seat.
It's too bad. That man has been bending
over a desk all day, and I suppose the woman
has been out to some afternoon euchre party.
These things are unjustly arranged. Per
haps times will even them up. Oh, this is
vour street? Good night." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Love's I.nlior I^ost.
He looked into her eyes soulfully, but »h«
seemed totally oblivious of it.
There was admiration and love in his
glance, but she did not heed it.
There was a passion and rapturous longing
in it, but it did not affect her.
The fact of the matter was that he was
cross-eyed and she did not know whether it
was all intended for her or the girl on the
other side of the room. —Chicago Post.
Bilks—Hello! where are you going with
that door mat?
Gilks —Taking it to the assay ofTiee v A
friend of mine, just returned from the Klon
dike, called on me and wiped his feet on it.
—Richmond Dispatch.
The woman with a baby and the woman
without one are always sorry for each other.
—Chicago News.
Of the Forepautfh-Sella Brother*'
Combined Showti, Writes a
Mr. Louis Sells, Columbus; Ohio.
In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, Mr.
Louis Sells expresses his opinion of Pe-ru-na.
The strain and wear and tear of managing
the greatest circus and menagerie on earth
can l>e better imagined than described.
Ceaseless travel, broken sleep, irregular hab
its, continual strains, great risks, immense
expense, surging multitudes and an ap
palling array of important details too nu
merous to mention. In all this strain he
considers Pe-ru-na his best friend. He writes
as follows: "You are putting upon the mar-
Wet one of the best remedies of which I have
any knowledge. Wherever 1 travel I hear
Pe-ru-na spoken of in the highest terms.
My personal use of it leads me to know
of its remarkable efficacy in all eases of
chronic catarrh, coughs, colds and chronic
iffections. A few doses of Pe-ru-na will cure
colds, stop coughs and prevent what would
otherwise become chronic catarrhal condi
tions. I trust that The Pe-ru-na Drug Man
ufacturing Company will meet with the suc
cess that the merits of their great remedy
entitles them. I recommend Pe-ru-na to
A new edition of the beautifully-illus
trated book, entitled "Facts and Faces," is
now ready for mailing. A free copy wili be
sent to any address by Tbe Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Cuminnf, Columbus, Ohio.
SSOO Reward
Tha abore Reward wfH be paid far ha;
formation that will lead to the asreat M
eonviction of the party or partiea fW
{laced iroa and alaba oa the track rf Ikt
Imporium k Rick Vallot R. R-, MHj 1
the out line of Franklin HoneWi lk«s
•a the evening of NOT. 2 1 (t l 18S'l.
HBXBT Auciw,
88-tf. J*rottdmL
— tm —
THB undersigned has opened 4 Ink
olaaa Liquor ato re, and Invitee te
trade or Hotela, Rutanraota, Aw.
We aball carry DOB* bat tke bait* AJMMP*
lean and Imported
Bottled Goods.
OBIA A*X> an MB.
nonunoa, noroinu. »*.
■ ■
* impobiuh. PA. mm
yj Bettla* ad aad Boater II tt
5 WINES, 9
M And Liquor* of All Klnda. flj
q TU hart of good* always Jv
3R carried In stock and ereejr- Sp
rj tttlng warranted aa reprnaat TTj
JtL Efptctal Attenttoa Paid *» «112
ft flail Order*. M|
/ SO TO i
sJ. /L ginslef'J, (
J Bread Street, Eaparlui, Pa., J
J jm flu f«t uyUlai jr*a v«at la C
C tha 11B* of /
S Groceries, X
1 Provisions, 112
I tat, Ctffm, Pndti, CtafttUoierj, )
S Vtlaect ul Clean. C
\ Beeda Deltjrerei Free any /
A Plate* la Tewn. S
c cm in sn u id or piicxan
c au r. * 1.» mr \
Bottling Works,
MHN McDONALD, Proprietor.
IVeet MlD.pat, T—r"' — Pa.
Bottler aad Bfctppaa a#
Lager Beer,
"!*• Maanfhctarar of Ml
Srlaka aad Deala* la Chdoi
Wise* aad Pan Llqnora.
Wo keep none bat the very boat
Boor and ar* prepared to fill Order* mm
•kort notloe. Private Dunllies a«VM
dailjr if desired.
ml boafaMaa aoadaatad far M,#tiMTl fata
1 o»a omei ta opeearra U.B. P»TtnTOrp—
( ud w. aiwuri WMMIa Um tuae Utaa um
' iiaili li»e Wishlmflom. . ■
. Saad »«4»L irawaeg «• pMfci at* '•■•g
tW V, atriaa, M palaeflabla or not, fry W
ckun. Oar <aa Ml dua rill aataatla **,.«* A
a **BPMV(T. " H«W t. Obudn Paiamta," w*B
•Jfl " •£>.*. tka u. S. mmC laraiaa caeeutae
•ami Itml Ad<i—.
! Bmn Parwflrr emflt, wasateeToa. D. B.
11*011 piLMR CHICAGO
t» NEW YORK Orrioaa 4