Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 28, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Business Cards.
Emporium, I'a.
A business relatiiiK to estate, collections. real
estates. Orphau's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42»iy.
JOHNSON ft MCNARNEY, orney^at laWi
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to thera. ltt-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Heal estate
anil pension claim agent,
35_ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, I'a.
Office—South-west corner of Fourth and Cherry
streets, two doors from Post Office. Special at
tention giT6ll to collections. 30-33-13*.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls tor hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stum page &c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. U. LhEi.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
••onape. The house is newly lumished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
for the accommodation of the public. New in all
itsappointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Hixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. (Jut of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building,
Emporium, Pa.—upstairs. Office hours: 7 to 9
a. ni., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must he
signed, by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press: —
Please announce that should the Hon. ('has.
W Stone not be a candidate to succeed himself,
I am a candidate lor Representative in Congress
in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the
decision of the Republican district conference.
Warren, Pa., April 2ft, 1898.
Editor f^ress:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to :
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for !
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Dedication and Free Fight,
Houses, W. Va., April 25th, 1888.
Editor Cameron County Press:
DEAR SIR: I wish to report a "hot time in the
old town." On April 21th, the new Baptist
church, of this place, was dedicated. The people
from the back woods farms began to arrive about
eight o'clock in the morning and a steady stream
poured into town all day, although it was very
rainy and wet. Tbere was an excursion train
came down Dry Fork and the people just poured
out of the mountains. The church cost $1,200
and Rev. Itaash, the pastor and founder collected
about SIOO, which makes about SISO in all.
The day of thcdedication was a red letter day
with the natives. They had a free lunch which
consisted of two baskets full with which to feed
the multitude, but the reporter was not there to
see how much of the fragment remained. All
the young men were drunk and just before the
train left for Davis there was a fight, just for
amusement, in which one man nearly lost an
ear. This is a day which will live long in the
minds of the people BUCKLE.
Our young friend Wm. E. Mutthers
batigh, night clerk in the P. & E.
freight office at this place, will lead to
the altar, to-day, Miss Emily Wilton, a
very respected young lady of Drift
wood. The PRESS and a host of friends
extend congratulations.
Clone to Hospital.
Chas. Kresge, who was injured by
the cars at this place some weeks ago,
was taken to Philadelphia on Monday
and placed in a Hospital. His foot
does not improve and it was thought
best by his parents to give him the
best treatment.
For Rent.
The Emporium House, situated on
the south side of Fourth street, Em
porium, Pa., will be for rent after
May 7th, 1898.
B. W. GREEN, Esq.,
Emporium, Pa.
Shelled For Half an Hour by
Our Warships.
Result of the Engagement as Yet
Plnn of tlm American Expedition
unit Hold Some Suitable Spaniriii
Territory In tin? I'liilippine Inland* HH
a Hani) of Operation!* In A.lAtie Water*.
It I. I'oft.ihle Till* Clin lie Ilone With
out ait Encounter —No Fear* That a
Spani*h Fleet Will lloinbard the Title,
on the North American Coant—Many
CountrieM Have Heclared Tlielr Neu
trality 111 the I'renent Contest—No
Fear* of Knronean Interrssii-u—Real
Hostilities May He Delayed Until Next
KEY WEST, April 28.—'The New-
York, Puritan and the Cincinnati bom
barded the forts at the mouth of Ma
tanzas (harbor yesterday afterncnon.
There were no casualties on our side,
but it is believed that the hail of iron
which pounded in the forts must have
caused ' -- life to the Spaniards,
but nothing is known definitely. The
engagement commenced at 12:57 and
ceased at 1:15.
The object of the attack was to pre
vent the completion of the earthworks
at Punta Gorda. A battery on the
eastward arm of the bay opened fire
on the llagship and this was also
shelled. About 12 8-inch shells were
from the eastern forts but all fell short.
About five or six light shells were fired
from the ..alf completed jattery. Two
of these whizzed over the New York
and one fell short. The ships left the
bay for the open sea, the object of dis
covering the whereabouts of the bat
teries having been accomplished. In
the neighborhood of."00 shots were put
on land from the three ships at a range
of from 4,000 to 7 000 yards.
Rear Admiral Sampson, when asked
if he was satisfied with the result, said:
"Yes, 1 am. 1 expected to be."
The half-completed Spanish earth
works and battery were apparently all
plougn .1 up by rhells.
All the ships engaged showed excel
lent marksmanship throughout the en
gagement, and when they were firing
at the shortest range nearly every
shell tool: effect.
The forts which were bombarded
were on a low lying point, and were
considered merely 'earthworks. They
did not make a good target, yet when
the big guns were fired at the shortest
range portions of the fort could be
seen flying in the air at every shot.
The flagship returned to Havana sta
tion and the Puritan and Cincinnati
were left on Matanzas station.
TO i HPQiNT. ~
War New* Hotted Down From the Ks
tl'll• ii*• I J cl. ;r nriiH.
The vessel; of the American S'lim-i
--ron steamed uv.;y for Mil's bey '
Manila. On Ward of one of the i
was an insurgent chief, who is to 1
the Philip .; ,ie insurgent forces. »•
Spanish v- :-rels are leaving Manila with
passengers, and the Americans are
anticipating the capture of rich prizes.
The British coasting steamer Klllar
ney, which has just reached Cork, re
ports having rpoken the American
four-masted ship Shenandoah. The
Shenandoah is bound from San Fran
cisco to Liverpool, and was reported
to have been captured by the Span
An official dispatch from Manila an
nounces that the fleet has sailed to
take up its position to meet the Unit
ed States squadron. The latter had
not been sighted when the cable mes
sage was sent, but the American war
ships were expected at any moment.
President McKinley will not direct the
release of any Spanish vessels that
have been captured by Rear Admiral
Sampson's lleet. The question whether
these ves.'-els or any of them are to bo
released will be left to the judgment of
a prize court.
The torpedo boat Foote was fired on
off Cardenas harbor. The Foote ran
close in shore when three gunboats and
one torpedo boat opened fire. One shot
went right over the Foote and the lat
ter, having only small guns, withdrew.
A dispatch from Manila says that
the Spanish have captured the Amer
ican bark Saranac loaded with coal.
The gunboat Elcano captured the bark
and towed her into Iloilo, Philippine
Colonel Leonard Wood left for the
West to recruit the regiment of cow
boys of which Assistant Secretary
Roosevelt is to be lieutenant colonel.
N. Seger's stock of spring and sum
mer goods is the biggest and best stock
of clothing ever seen in Emporium.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß
Alaska Letter.
Bonanza Greek, Alaska, March 10, 1898.
Kind Friend — I take great pleasure
to write you in answer of your letter
dated Sept. 27, 1897 and received here
March Bth, 1898. The news that it
brought were anxiously looked for.
It makes our hearts feel happy to re
ceive news from our friends and relar
tives once in a while. 1 had written
you a letter, also one to my wife, and
after three months they were sent
back. You can see it is hard to man
age mail matter here. You wanted
me to inform yon how our party are
getting along. We are getting along
quite >vell, but there are a few without
fortune yet. Myself, Butler, Malett,
Lyseett, Jarvis Goodman and Jas. Ly
sett took up a 100 foot claim last fall to
work on shares and left it, as nothing
could be found. We lost our winter's
work. They have a claim on Domin
ion Creek, which I think will bring
them a good profit. I heard the other
day that they had refused §30,000 for
it, but I think they will get more for
it. I have a claim there myself, but I
that I will lose it as I have net s.ttcr.2-
to it but have placed it in the hands of
a lawyer; don't think I will ever get
anything from it.
I sold all I had the other day for
§15,000, consisting of my share in the
claim I was working for Pelkey and
claim on Bonanzo. U. Butler sold his
share the other day for $6,500 and is
working for us for $1.50 per hour. I
have worked very hard this winter
and am greatly reduced in flesh.
Jas. Lysett will not do bad this
winter. I think he will realize about
I take advantage of this opportunity
to write as Mr Pelkey is going out to
Seattle to transact business. I don't
think he will goto Emporium for some
time yet.
1 have worked some very good dirt
this winter. The largest pan that I
washed brought me SBB.OO. That same
day I washed four pans that netted me
$184.00. I washed many good pans
this winter of $lO, sls to S3O per pan.
The pans hold about one and-a-half
shovels full of dirt. We use long
handled, round pointed shovels. I
think I can count on SB,OOO or $9,000
for my winter's work. 1 am satisfied
that I came here, if I get out safely
All the sums that I mention are very
small amounts for this country. There
are many men here that have from
SIOO,OOO to $300,000. 1 know quite a
number who sold out last spring for
$25,000 to 30,000 and squandered it all
during the summer. They don't care
any more for gold than you do for
gravel. They go into saloons and
blow in SIOO for a treat. It goes fast at
fifty cents a glass. Flour from $125 to
$l5O per sack; beef $1.25 per pound.
There are two small saw mills here,
with a capacity of ten to fifteen thous- |
and feet per day. Lumber sells for
$175 to S2OO per thousand feet If you
were here with your mill and lumber
yard full it would not take long to
clean it up.
Last summer we could get our meals
at a restaurant for 1.50 per meal, but
I was in town the other day and had
to remain two days. It cost me $3.50
per meal and $2.00 for a poor bed. The
regular rates are: Per day, bacon
and beans, 10.50 per day—beds extra.
We had a nice winter—about 3A feet
of snow. Had one cold snap and the
register stood 64° below zero. Four
men were frozen to death.
This is about all I can think of at
present. Remember me kindly to
your wife and family.
With kindest regards to you and
inquiring friends, I remain as ever.
Your friend,
[Translated from French by Frank Morris.] !
Summary 1897 Weather.
The annual mean temperature for j
Emporium last year was 48 (i degrees, i
which was six tenths degrees below the
normal temperature, or in other words I
each day last year was short six tenths '
degrees of heat, or 216.3 degress de-!
ficiency for the year; the highest !
temperature 95 occurred on sth day of
July, and the lowest 13 below zero on >
January 31st. The total rain-iall, in- !
eluding melted snow was 38 89 inches, j
which is seven inches below normal; i
5.28 inches fell in July, and only .94 of
an inch in October; 40 inches of snow
I fell during the year. There were 125
I days on which rain or snow fell; we
had 120 clear days, 147 partly cloudy
days, and 98 cloudy days. The pre
vailing direction of the wind was from
the west.
Will Enter the Navy.
A private letter from Dr. W. H.
Ulsh informs us that he expects to be !
assigned to duty this week, lie passed
very creditable examination.
A volunteer company, to be
known as the "Junior Bucktail
Company" of Cameron county, is
now being formed at Emporium.
The business rooms of the PRESS
office are being used as temporary
recruiting headquarters until suit
able rooms can be procured. Any
able bodied man between the ages
of eighteen and forty-live and not
less than live feet, four inches in
height will be enrolled in the com
pany. As soon as the enlistment
roll contains one hundred and
three names, the company will be
organized and commence drilling,
so as to be ready in case they should
be called out.
Public School Entertainment.
The entertainment jnven by the
public schools last Friday evening was
one of the best ever given in Emporium
and those who failed to see it missed a
rare treat. That the pupils were well
trained was evident from the fact that
not a single break was made through
out the entire program, which certainly
reflects much credit on the ones who
had the training in charge.
The May pole dance, lily, parasol
and fan drills were executed perfectly,
while the singing and comic manouvers
of the two little Chinese brought
down the house. The play entitled
"The Hoyden" which was given by a
cast composed of pupils from the High
School, elicited much applause and
held the interest of the audience till
the close.
The music by the High School Chorus
was fine and clearly demonstrates the
advantages to be obtained from the
teaching of music in the public schools.
Emmanuel Church.
Rev. Prescott, of Port Allegany,
will exchange places with Rector Rob
ertson next Sunday—morning and
evening. The Rev. gentleman is an
able talker and thinker and our readers
will profit by attending Emmanuel
church next Sunday. On account of
the Baccalaureate services, the services
in the evening will be changed to 6:30
Commencement Exercises.
The commencement exercises of the
Emporium High School will be held
Thursday evening, May sth, 1897.
Reserved seats will be on sale at Harry
S. Lloyd's Tuesday morning, May 3d.
Came Down from Emporium to Enlist
and Are Now Reserves.
Ex-Senator Landis, who is now Chief
Coiner at the Mint, was busy yesterday
morning, calculating on the possibili
ties of the necessity for extra coining
for war purposes, when his office was
entered by two stalwart lads, one of
whom handed him the following letter:
EMPORIUM, Pa., April 25, 1898.
Hon. John 11. Landis, Chief Coiner, U. S. Mint,
Philadelphia, Pa.
DEAR MR. LANDIS: - This will be handed to you
by Mr. C'assels, of this place, who goes to Phila
delphia for the purpose of entering the navy of
the United States with the laudable ambition of
helping to thrash the Spaniards.
He is, as you will notice, a finely built fellow,
and i3 all right clear through. He was raised
along the ocean and is at home 011 the water,
and wi<l be a valuable addition to Uncle Sam's
We would like you to put him onto the ropes
and help him to get on deck as soon as possible.
Steer him at once into the place where they
| make sailor boys, and help him all you can to
! get where he can sec service. He don't want t J
! goto play. He is in it for fight. Anything you
| may be able to do for him will be greatly appreci
! ated.
! Yours, with the hope that Old Glory will win
I in a canitr.
Johnson and McNarney are promi
-1 nent up-tlie-State lawyers and personal
; friends of Coiner Landis. The lad who
I handed in the letter explanatorily in
[ trodueed his chum by saying: "He
, wants togo, too." "He" is Alfred A.
Trade, of Austin, Potter county. A
letter to the commander of the Naval
I Reserves was given Mr. Cassels, with
instructions how to reach Queen street
wharf, and the boys left, well satisfied,
so far, with their reception.
Two hours later they again entered
; the Mint, their faces beaming with
pleasure. They thanked Mr. Landis
again and again for his interest in
them and promised that they would
do their share in fulfilling "the hope
that Old Glory will win in a canter."—
Phila. Inquirer.
The Coudersport Enterprise issues
; three times a week until further notice
—giving all the latest war news. Com
-1 mendable enterprise.
Rev. F. W: Raikes, formerly
Rector of Emmanuel church, Em
porium, I'a., died at Buffalo last
night. His funeral takes on
Saturday. A numberof ourchurcli
people will attend his funeral.
Able Address.
The Renovo Record in last week's
issue quotes from the aide address
delivered by B. W. Green, Esq., of
Emporium, before the Railroad men at
Renovo, the following:
B. W. Green, Esq., of Emporium,
the Republican candidate for Judge of
this district, then addressed the meet
ing. He opened his remarks by ex
tending thanks to the committee for
this opportunity to be present, as he
was heartily in accord with the spirit
of the meeting and its objects. He
thought the meeting of the employer
and employes of this great system,
which is so closely allied with every
material interest, not only within our
commonwealth, from which it derives
its good name, but with the nation at
large, to which it is the right arm of
strength, will certainly have lasting
results, for good, not only for those
who are present, but to the community
at large that relies to a considerable
extent upon the working of this line of
transportation for their pleasure and
prosperity. It is fitting for us on this
sacred day that wo should turn our
thoughts to our duty to our fellow
man, to the community, to the state
and nation under which we live, and
last but not least, as employer and
employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The grand conception of the idea of
doing unto others as we would others
should do unto us, that has been the
guiding star to humanity for ages and
has stood the test of time, continues
and will for all time to come. That it
is one of the cardinal and essential
self-imposed requirements among your
membership to cultivate morality and
intellectual attainments is to be highly
He then reviewed the history of the
progress made by railroads in the
United States They have been the
advance agents of progress and civiliz
ation; they have developed and opened
to the use and employment of man the
best resources of a continent within a
comparatively short time, and within
the recollection of many here the first
trans-continental lino was completed.
And now the canvas covered "prairie
schooner," has given away to the ex
press trains with all their modern con
veniences and luxuries oil at least
three complete systems of railroads
from ocean to ocean. From 40,000 miles
of railroads in 186.3 the records show an
increase to 185,000 miles, being one
third of that upon the earth's surface.
Any single industry pales into insigni
ficance when compared with it. He
then spoke of labor and capital, which
must of necessity go hand in hand.
The great industries of this or any
other country are interchangeable in
their cause and effect upon each other
and an injury to one is a disaster to
the other, and is like taking out a rail
in the way of a rapidly moving train,
that by the very nature of things must
result in great loss of property if not
of life. The fact remains that the
shareholders of a great corporation
like the one you represent numbers
into thousands and includes the labor
ing man, the widow, the orphan, and
what may be termed the great inter
mediate class, either directly or indi
rectly. This stock is owned by and is
the corner stone of the foundation of
security for the beneficial associations,
the life insurance companies and the
saving institutions of the country.
These institutions are safe in your
hands. He also referred to the great
ness of the Pennsylvania Railroad; its
rapid and substantial growth which
reaches out in every direction in the
most populous parts of the Union; the
important part which it took in the
civil war; the mutual feeling which
exists between officers and employes,
and that for at least twenty-one years,
this great, good and faithful army of
employes have been loyal to them
selves and their employers and have
followed the leadership of good sense,
and kept in the service and aided the
company with good will and good
works. In closing he paid a high
compliment to the gentlemanly and
courteous treatment of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company's employes
who, lie said, were brave and fearless
in the performance of every duty and
met every just requirement.
High School Alumni.
A meeting of the Emporium High :
School Alumni Association was held at j
the high school building last evening j
for the purpose of perfecting arrange- j
ments for the holding of an alumni
banquet. It was voted to hold the
banquet on Friday evening, May 6th
and an executive committee of six
were appointed to make ail necessary
preparations for the event. Commit
tee to prepare a list of toasts and also
to look after a musical program were
appointed. The following officers
were elected to serve for the ensuing
year: Pres. Don. M. Larrabee; Vice
Pres. Miss Cecilia Hogan; Trens. Mrs.
J. P. McNarney; Sec'y.Geo. A.Walker,
A special meeting will be held Fri
day evening April 29tli, for the pur
pose of hearing the reports of the
several committees. Let all members
be sure to attend.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN* ADVANCI
Pressed Bricks.
The Dons are trying to be gay,
But they'll find out to their sorrow
That we are only putting off to-day,
What we can do to Morro.
Late style hate at Soble's.
Hang out your flags! Show your
colors !
War ! War—in clothing prices at N.
Seger's !
This spring negligee shirts for 39c at
The Emporium Creamery is rapidly
forging to the front.
The hub factory at Beechwood in
now in full operation.
Herman Anderson has made exten
sive improvements on his house.
Erie mail train came in Sunday night
crippled. The yard engine took the
train to Renovo.
Thad More is enlarging his barn and
making other improvements on his
Sixth street property.
P. Schweikart is rebuilding the house
belonging to Mr. Williams on the
corner of Portage street and the Plank
Have you looked over our elegant
neckwear stock yet? If not you should
do so. Nicest stock in this vicinity at
Miss Raymond has commenced to
putin a sewer, preparatory to building
on a large addition to her store. Con
tractor Schweikart has charge of the
The Y. P. S. C. E., of the Baptist
church, will serve a Chicken and
Waffle supper, Friday, April 29th.
A liberal share of the public patronage
is respectfully requested. Supper 25
Wni. McDonald visited St. Marys
last evening and assisted in the organ
ization of the Elks. There were large
numbers of bucks from adjoining fcowna
and counties and a largo order was
Prices in the general trade depart
ments will eventually rise now that
war is on, but N. Seger will continue
to offer unprecedented bargains in
clothing and men's furnishing. The
war cannot affect N. Seger's rock bot
tom prices.
Our citizens should take pride in the
appearance of our public streets and
clean up all rubbish in front of their
respective premises. The street com
missioner expects to piace the street
scraper at work within a day or two
and desires all obstructions removed.
Mr. R. W. Bruce, of Glen Union, who
is a candidate for delegate to the Re
publican State convention, was in town
Monday, interviewing his political
friends for support at the coming Re
publican county primaries, to be held
May 21st. Mr. Bruce expresses him
self friendly to the interests of Hon.
Chas. W.Stone, of Warren, for Gov
ernor.—Renovo Record.
Our stock of men's and boys' cloth
ing is complete. All the latest fabrics
and made up to fit and wear. Why
pay from §2O to S3O for tailor made
clothes when when you can get just
as good a fit and just as good a suit in
every particular for §lO to sl2. If yon
are a skeptic on this subject try us or
ask any of our numerous customers.
Ladies are invited to look at our new
arrivals in dress goods, like silks, silko
lines, silk gingham and organdies,
black brocade—absolutely fast black,
lace curtains and window laces, white
bedspreads, fine linen damask tablings
and napkins to match, ladies and
misses muslin underwear in night
dresses, corset covers, skirts, also
ladies wrappers and babies robes. In
the celebrated Black Cat Brand of the
leather stock ings, we keep a full assort
ment of sizes. These are unapproachetl
for durability. Try them and you will
always want them. Ladies and Misses
ribbed jersej' vests from 10 cents up.
Note the address.
Near Odd Fellows Hall.
Commencement Flowers.
Any orders for commencement flow
ers left with class No. 10 of the M. E.
Sunday School will receive prompt at
tention. All orders should be in not
later than Saturday night.
Good Send-Off.
Ridgway's Company H, National
Guard, departed yesterday for Mt.
Gretna and were given a royal send-off
by the patriotic citizens of that place.
The town was gaily decorated with
flags and bunting and six hundred
school children together with G. A. R.
Post acted as an escort to the depot.
NO. 9