Tin: CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. Political Announcements. .411 Announcement* tinder this head must t>« signed by the cmulidate and paid in advance tfl insure publication. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Editor Brest: Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Jud(?e ot Cameron county, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. JOHN A. WYKOFF. Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898. Editor I'reus:— Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. WM. BERRY. Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898. What Will Spain Do ? President McKinley's message brings Spain face to face with one of those situations which strong nations with a good cause resent by war but to which weak nations with a poor cause or none submit, says the Philadelphia Press. If Spain were equal to the duties of a government in Cuba the present need for interfence by the United States would not exist and the very reasons which have made inter ference necessary render resistance to it impossible. War by Spain will therefore be futile. Its rulers know this. If it comes it will be forced on them by the people, who for thirty years have been told that America was weak. The Queen Regent, Sagasta, the Cabinet and re sponsible party leaders on both sides have no desire for war. The real is sue this week is weather the Govern ment or the mob will control the policy of Spain. A declaration of war may seem necessary at Madrid to avoid revolution. If so war will come by the act of Spain. The furious passions which will be aroused in Spain by the message rend er prediction difficult and hazardous. In strict international usage Spain can not notice a President's message. A century of parliamentary institutions established the principal and practice that foreign nations cannot take of fense at the utterances of a Chief Exe cutive to the Legislature. When Con gress acts and the proposed policy is embodied in public law, Spain will have a legitimate cause for one or two courses. It can declare war or it can announce that forcible interferance will be resisted, when it comes. Which ? No one can tell. But if the Spanish Government is not swept off its feet at once there will be nearly a week's delay while Congress debates the question. This will give Spain time to cool and Europe time to be heard. Europe has no desire for war. For France it means a probable panic and for every other nation loss, large or small. If Spain waits therefore and does not declare war at once the pressure not to take this step will grow and mount with every day. Each day the in ability of Spain to carry on a war will grow plainer and the necessity of retreat will become more clear. The Spanish people will grow accus tomed to the idea of retreat. Cuba will be seen to be lost. The useless ness of a ftitile war will grow more ap parent. If the Spanish Government can pre vent action this week the chances are that it will be able to control the Spanish mob to the end. Unfurl Those Flags. Under the present school laws of Pennsylvania the boards of directors are authorized to purchase, with the school funds, a national flag for each school house in their respective dis tricts. The authorization is not in the form of a command, but it is clear and unmistakable. In a number of dis tricts the directors did not wait for President McKinley's message of yes terday. Weeks ago they exercised the authority vested in them and caused the Stars and Stripes to be properly flung from the school houses under their control. Their action was not aimed at any particular nation, nor taken because of any recent com plication. They believed in the law's wisdom as a patriotic measure and ac cordingly carried it out. The time has come for every other board to follow their example. The flags need not be either very large or very fine. But every school house in Pennsylvania should fly one from its own staff before another week has passed.—Phils. Inquirer. It was a Light Stroke. General Jessee Merrill, while walk ing up Main street on Tuesday, exper ienced a light stroke of paralysis. He was assisted to Dr. Prieson's drug store, from which place he was con veyed to his residence in a cab. He was reported as being improved to day.—Lock Haven Democrat. fee Mies ii WI OI 08. WHEHEAS, The Government of Spain for three years past has been waging war on the Island of Cuba against a revolution by the inhabit ants thereof without making any substantial progress towards the suppression of said revolution, and has conducted the warfare in a manner contrary to the laws of na tions, by methods inhuman and uncivilized, causing the death by starvation of more than two hun dred thousand innocent noncom batants, the victims being for the most part helpless women and chil dren, inflicting intolorable injury to the commercial interests of the United States, involving the lives and property of many of our citi zens, entailing the expenditure of millions of money in patroling our coasts and policing the high seas in order to maintain our neutral ity; and, WHEREAS, This long series of losses, injuries and burdens for which Spain is responsible has culminated in the destruction of the United States battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana, and in the death of 200 of our seamen. RESOLVED, That the President is hereby authorized and directed to intervene at once to stop the war in Cuba to the end and with the purpose of securing permanent peace and order there and estab lishing by the free action of the people thereof a stable and inde pendent government of their own in the Isand of Cuba: and the President is hereby authorized and empowered to use the land and naval forces of the United States to execute the purpose of this reso lution. Suffering Gold Seekers. Montie Dennis arrived at Skaguay on March 1, says the Eldred Eagle. He writes that all along the trail there is nothing but suffering, and so ter rible that it unnerves the strongest man. Thousands of dogs and horses are tied to anything that wiil hold them, and they are suffering from cold and lack of food, with their owners. The lot he sold at Skaguay late in the fall for $l5O can't be pur dhased now for less than §I,BOO. He is going to Lake Bennet, where he will remain for a short time at least. At the lake there is a steam saw mill, the boiler and machines for which were carried on poles by the men who work at the mill and get the logs in. The logs are hauled by the men, and a 10-inch log is considered of great value. The stock is sawed into one-half-inch boards and they are not edged. Montie says he would have been better off if he had remained in Eldred, and he wishes he was back again. Piano Tuner. Prof. O. B. Hummel, the Piano and Organ Builder, of Lock Haven, Pa., will be here on his regular trip, the last of this month and will remain for two weeks. Pianos and organs re paired, no matter in what shape the instrument may be in. All work guar anteed first-class. Pianos sold on easy payments or for cash. Write O. B. Hummel, 318 Bellefonte avenue, Lock Haven, Pa., for prices and you will get the lowest. How is this, pianos from §05.00 to §I,BOO. Organs from §IO.OO to §l5O. Bailey Run Road. Thos. Smith, who has charge of the crew of men engaged by the Young Men's Business Club of Emporium, to brush and log the wagon road from Emporium to Bailey Run, was in Em porium Tuesday. He reports the work progressing and expects to push the work to the second branch of Hunts Run by Saturday next. More Strawberries. Fred Bliss received fifteen thousand, five hundred strawberry plants last Monday, and has set them out on his berry farm at West Creek. The quality and quantity of berries raised by Mr. Bliss last season, plainly dem onstrates that strawberries can be suc cessfully and profitably grown in Cam eron county. Painting Lessons. Mrs. E. O. Bardwell is prepared to give lessons in painting to any who may wish such lessons, at very reason ble rates. 3-31 "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WKßSTKß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1898. Easter Services in Our Different Churches. The interior of the different churches presented a beautiful appearance last Sunday morning. Lilies, palms and cut flowers in profusion, were taste fully arranged and grouped about the altars and platforms. The music, as usual, was one of the main features of both the morning and evening services and the manner in which it was rend ered showed much careful practice and preparation. A large attendance was present at all the churches. EPISCOPAL. The eleven o'clock service consisted of Morning Prayer and Holy Com munion. Hopkin's TeDeum, Cruick shank's Communion Service and Barnby's Anthem, "Awake up my Glory," were used. The singing was superb. The sermon was from the text, "The Lord is Risen Indeed." "This morning we shall be among the simple peasant followers of Jesus who had wept and sorrowed and waited through that dark Jewish Sabbath, that original Easter-Even—little think ing that it was an Easter-Even. We shall go with them in early twilight to the sepulchre, we shall peer with them into the empty tomb, we shall share their wonderment, we shall fall prostrate at the feet of the risen Christ, and be thrilled as they were with the unspeakable joy and hope which has been the life of the world for twenty hundred years " The Sunday School festival was held at 7:30 o'clock, after Evening Prayer. The Lenten mite-box offering amount ed to the unprecedented sum of $67. It will probably amount to §7O. METHODIST. The decorations in the M. E. Church were the finest ever seen there. They consisted principally of palms, ferns, Florida moss, and a large variety of cut lloweas. In addition to the usual Sunday School lesson, an appropriate Easter program was rendered by the members of the school, at the close of which each pupil of the infant depart ment received a basket containing a large Easter egg. Rev. J. R. Johnston preached a fine sermon in the morning on"The Death of Christ," and on"The Resurrection," in the evening. PRESBYTERIAN. In place of the usual morning ser vices at the Presbyterian church, an Easter cantata was given by the Sun day School. A number of beautiful anthems were rendered by the choir, those entitled "King of Glory," and "Hosanna to Our King," deserving special mention. The Easter sermon was preached in the evening by Rev. liobt. McCaslin. ST. MARKS. Easter was observed in usual fitting and appropriate manner at St. Mark's Catholic church. The large display of beautiful flowers and palms was one of the finest ever seen in Emporium. As usual, Rev. J. H. McAdam delivered an able sermon, which was listened to by a very large congregation. BAPTIST. Those who were fortunate enough to attend the Baptist church, during the morning or evening service, had the pleasure of hearing several fine selections by the celebrated Storey family. Their singing was certainly of a very high order. Little Folks Celebrate. Last Friday was Chester Stauffer's fourth birthday and in honor of the event his parents invited a number of his young friends to spend the after noon with him. The little ones had a very enjoyable time and when it was time for refreshments, they were led to the dining room by Chester, and Miss Naomi Fry, who was also four years old the same day. On Tuesday evening, of this week, Lloyd, son of J. A. Johnston, cele brated his fifth birthday by giving a party to thirty-two of his young play mates They enjoyed themselves im mensely and after partaking of an elegant supper, departed for their many homes, wishing that their youth ful host might live to enjoy many happy birthdays. Pleasant Surprise. On Monday evening, Mrs. Lizzie White was tendered an agreeable sur prise by her many friends and neigh bors, the occasion being her 51st birth day. The following were present: Mrs. T. N. Hacket, Mrs. J. H. Reed, Mrs. N. J. Barner, Mrs. McGrain, Mrs. Jas. Farrell, Mrs. L. S. Fisk, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. J. Huffman, Mrs. F. W. Ayers, Mrs. Pepperman, Mrs. Robt. Hacket, Mrs. A. C. Blum, Mrs. W. A. Sprung, Mrs. Krebs, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Wheaton, Mrs. Rutz, Mrs. Faucett, Mrs. Swartz. Political Mention. Republican primaries were held in in Erie, Crawford, Lycoming, Brad ford, and Juniata counties last Sat urday. Wanamaker captured Lycom ing, after a hard and bitter contest with the friends of Hon. W. A. Stone. W. C. Stone carried Juniata without any trouble while W. A. Stone came off victor in Bradford (where Wana maker made many speeches) three to one. Erie and Crawford having can didates for places on the state ticket they combined against C. W. Stone and gave the delegates to W. A. Stone. If it should happen, when the State convention meets, that Hon. C. W. Stone, of Warren had enough delgates to nominate him for Governor the voters of Jefferson county, although their first choice is Hon. W. A. Stone, would not be inconsolable. They re cognize in the Warren Stone a dia mond of the first water also.—Punxsu tf.wney Spirit. Our old friend Senator Hardenbergh, of Wayne county, says "his personal choice for Governor is Claries W. Stone, of Warren. He thinks he is the best candidate in the field for the position, and that he would bring about harmony. Senator Hardenbergh is a candidate for re-election to the Senate, in a district that has two or three times elected a Democrat and he does not want to be defeated this year by a blunder in the State Convention." Senator Hardenberghis very popular throughout the state and his host of friends wish him success, which he richly deserves. Ed. Hardenbergh is a typical representative of the labor ing men and was called by them from his position as railroad conductor to accept the nomination in that suppos ed strong Democratic Senatorial dis trict. He accepted and carried the district by a large majority. He is a keen, far-sighted Republican and read ily sees the necessity of making the strongest possible nomination for Gov ernor in order that close Congression al, Senatorial and other districts may be protected. It is good politics and every sane man should see that the nomination of Hon. C. W. Stone would give the state ticket thousands of votes more than any other gentle man named for the nomination would receive, at the same time add strength to the country districts. Nominate C. W. Stone. Citizens (ias & Oil Company. The board of directors of th