Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 07, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 3:5.
Mg DO (Ml
Is still doing business and expects to be
whether they strike gasjor oil. My stock
is complete in every line. - - - - - -
Dress Goods.
I have the largest and best assortment
ever kept by me, which I am selling at
Come and see the beautiful styles in
Ladies Capes and Jackets, cheaper than
you can buy the same in the large cities.
Also Misses and Children's Jackets. - -
My Shoe Department
Is well stocked with Ladies, Gentlemen's
and Childrens wear. Cheapor in price
not quality) than any exclusive Shoe
House can afford to sell for. ...
It is not necessary to enumerate the many I
bargains I have for you. Come and see for your- j
selves. We will take pleasure in showing you J
them, whether you wish to buy or not.
Respectfully j
mm ~ 81 n—
"ill fill I Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry
UJ lit ! Goods, Fresh, Salt and Smoked
1 12.. fMeats, Fruit in season, Tobacco,
J | i)l Cigars, Confectionery and School
■jjJ Supplies.
IrWirSl i A complete line of Fall and
~J Winter Goods.
ljllj|;j We would be pleased to have
Yi Till y° u ca " ar "' i ns P ect our stock
jl" whether you purchase or not.
jffiljl Goods delivered anywhere in
! |(p ]jj| town, free of charge.
11l jfii JORDAN BROS.,
N0.43, W. Fifth St., Emporium.
Spring Attire
EMVERY MAN has or ought Co have an eye
7+ on his attire. Fine Clothing is the uni
form of success and prosperity. Every
man seeks to look his best. He must have a good
Tailor to help liim do it. We claim first place in
that line and having opened our
New Spring and Summer
AVe are now ready to serve our customers fith
the latest in models of clothes.
Emporium, Pa.
Council Proceedings.
Regular Meeting Borough Council, Emporium*
April 4th, 1898. Present: Palmer, Lloyd,Hucket,
Balcom, Warner, Burke, Strayer, Burns and Day.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Burns
that Rescue Hook and Ladder Company occupy
so much of the large room on second floor of
City Hall as may be necessary. Carried.
On motion by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr.
Lloyd, the following bills were ordered paid:
D. C. Hayes, hauling hose cart $3 00
Emporium Machine Co., repairing hose
noz/.le 2 25
Thos. Smith, work on streets 5 25
John Welsh, work on streets, 1 50
Thos. C'avanaugh, work on streets 8 75
Cbas. Myers, work on streets 6 00
J. Bair, work on streets 3 00
James Farrel, work on streets 2 25
Wm. Gribble, work on streets 3 75
Lee Hopkins, work on streets 3 75
R. P. Bingman, work on streets, team... 875
Moved by Mr. Day, seconded Mr. Palmer, that
Chair appoint committee to view the premises
on West Allegany avenue, in regard to ditch.
Carried. Messrs. Day, B r ke and Strayer were
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Lloyd
that P. R. Beattie be employed as street commis
sioner and policeman for the ensuing year at
same salary as heretofore.
Moved by Mr. Burke, that J. Bair be employed
as street commissioner and policeman. Motion
not seconded.
The election was by acclamation and P. R.
Beattie was declared elected.
The resignation of John J. Hinkle as chief of
Are department was read and accepted.
The bond of J. H. Reed, Poormaster was pre
sented and approved.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Pal
mer that persons filling ditches be notified to
open same. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Balcoin, seconded by Mr. Lloyd,
that Secretary request the Pennsylvania R. R.Co.
to open ditch on north side of track, east of
Walnut street. Carried.
Mr. Ilacket called Mr. Day to the Chair and
moved that Councilmen of each ward form a
committee to look after streets and other neces
sary work, seconded by Mr. Strayer and carried.
Moved by Mr. Ilacket, seconded by Mr. Balcom
that Secretary notifiy Western New York &
Pennsylvania Railway Co., to take care of water
coming down Portage street between tracks and
street and also repair sidewalk between tracks
and public bridge on Cameron road and put a
railing on same. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Hacket, seconded by Mr. Lloyd
that committee be appointed to investigate cost of
street roller. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded Mr.Lloyd that
exoneration list be allowed as marked by Secre
tary on list filed. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Balcoin, seconded by Mr. Lloyd
that notices to persons to rebuild side walkf* be
served in accordance with list filed. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Lloyd
that bills be rendered for cleaning sidewalks ac
cording to list filed. Carried
On motion the Council then adjourned for one
Easter Time Mas Come Once More.
Easter services next Sunday in the
M. E. Sunday school as follows :
Opening song by the school, "He who was Slain
on Calvary."
Subject of the Responsive Reading Service, "The
Second Coming of Christ."
Song by the school, "Jesus is Coming Again."
Study of the lesson, "The Resurrection otJ esus."
Easter Address by Joe McNarney.
Quartette of girls, "Easter Time has Come Once
Class Song, by little girls, "Tell the Good News."
Trio and violin obligato, "Glory, Glory, Night
is Ended."
Duet and Chorus, "Joy Comes with the Morn,
Duet and violin obligato, "Life in the Morning.'
Recitations by Margaret Ulrich, Naoma Fry,
Jean McNarney, Helen Fufton and Willie
S:»ng, "At Easter Time."
Mutton song, "Little Bells of Easter,"
Closing song by the School, 4t Low lie Cometh."
The Primary department will meet
at the church on Friday and Saturday
afternoon at four o'clock for practice.
All flowers to be at Church Saturday
afternoon at one o'clock. Send your
About forty palms and azaleas will
come from Philadelphia this week.
A very large number of large and small
palms leaves have arrived from Florida.
The Church will be turned into a
palm grove and will be open to the
public Saturday evening.
Fish Laws.
Friends of the protection of fish j
should remember that the law gives
to the informer one-half the fine im
posed. The penalties for some of the
most common violations of the law in
this section are as follows:
Fishing with seins, set nets, hoop j
j nets, filte nets or nets of any other dis- j
I cription or kind whatsoever, or any !
j other set means or devise other than
! rod, hook and line, penalty for the
j the first offense §SO, and 112 100 for the
| second offense.
For placing fn any of the streams or
j waters of the Commonwealth any
i nitro-glycerine, dynamite, lime or any
other poisonous or explosive substance
I for catching or destroying fish, pen
j alty SSQ, imprisonment not less than
I 30 days nor more than one year.
For the catching of black bass or
! wail-eyed pike under six inches in
j length and for the catching of any and
j every fish taken between the first
j day of January and the 30th day of
| May, $lO for each and every offense.
| For the catching of brook or other
1 trout between the loth day of July
and the 15th day of April, §lO for each
and every trout caught.
For catching any trout less than five
I inches in length, penalty §2O
For the catching of any trout in any
i of the streams of this Commonwealth
• for a period of three years, in which
j trout have been placed by the State
' commission, penalty §SO.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
On last Monday evening at five
o'clock, at the home of the bride's
parents in Austin, Mr. George H.
Gross, of this place, and Miss Alice,
the highly accomplished daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Montgomery, were
united in marriage by the Rev. H. L.
Gary, of the Presbyterian church. Mr.
Harry Derby officiated as best man,
and Miss Maggie Montgomery, sister
of the bride, acted .as bridesmaid.
At the close of the ceremony an
elegant repast was served, after which
the happy couple, amid a shower of
rice and old shoes, departed on the
6:45 train for Emporium, where they
will reside in the future.
Mr. Gross is one of Emporium's
popular young men, having resided
here all his life; while the bride is one
of Austin's most refined young ladies
and is held in high esteem by all who
know her. The following persons
were present at the wedding: Mr. and
Mrs. Woster, Mr. and Mrs. James
Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Burton, Mr. and
Mrs. H.L.Gary, Mrs. Frank W. Taylor,
Miss Jennie Mills, Miss Mary Cambell,
Misses Gertrude and Ada Bartron,
Miss Maude Fee, and Mr. E. M. Coder.
Election and Smoker.
The Mountaineer Hose Company
held their annual election Tuesday,
evening and the following officers
were elected to serve for the ensuing
President, W. 8. Walker
Vice President, H. O. Haupt.
Secretary, p. c. Reick.
Treasurer, G. A. Walker, Jr.
Foreman, C. T. Logan.
First Ass't. H. O. Haupt.
Second Ass't H. Day.
Delegate to State Convention, J. M. Davison.
When the order of business had been
disposed of,the boys repaired to an .ad
joining room and partook of an appe
tizing repast, which had been prepared
by Caterer Schmidt and his able as
sistant W. O. Downey. After the
needs of the inner man had been fully
attended to, the cigars were passed
around and at a late hour the boys re
tired to their homes, satisfied that it
had been an evening pleasantly spent.
Hand Bell Concert.
The Storey Family, late of London,
England, will give one of their unique
and interesting musical entertain
ments at the Baptist Church, Saturday
evening, April 9th. The entertain
ment will consist of orchestral, vocal
and instrumental solo selections, also j
the introduction of the hand bells; a
collection of cathedral toned bells so
keyed as to produce the best musical
results. This troupe comes highly
recommended and should have a full
house. In order to accommodate those
who desire to attend from the lower
end of the county, the concert will be
gin at 7:30. Admission 25 cents.
Piano Tuner.
Prof. O. B. Hummel, the Piano and
Organ Builder, of Lock Haven, Pa.,
will be here on his regular trip, the
last of this month and will remain for
two weeks. Pianos .and organs re
paired, no matter in what shape the
instrument may bo in. All work guar
anteed first-class. Pianos sold on easy
payments or for cash. Write O. B.
Hummel, 318 Bellefonte avenue, Lock
Haven, Pa., for prices and you will get
the lowest. How is this, pianos from
§65.00 to §I,BOO. Organs from §IO.OO
to §l5O.
Easter at the Pres&ylfcrian church.
! Tho Presbyterian Sabbath school
I will dbserve Easter at 11 o'clock, a. in.
next Sabbath, with appropriate and
interesting exercises, consisting of
special music, responsive readings j
and recitations. The Church and Sab
| bath school choirs will also render
! music suitable to the occasion and a
! short sermon will be preached to the
| children. The regular Sabbath School
I session will be held at the ciose of
j these services. All are cordially in
j vited.
New Chief.
At a special meeting of the Emporium
Fire Department, held Tuesday even
ing, for the purpose of electing a Chief
Engineer to fill the vacancy caused by
; the resignation of John J. Hinkle, Mr.
| J. B. Schriever was elected to fill the
| unexpired term. On motion, a stand
| ing vote of thanks was then extended
to Mr. Hinkle for his faithful and
efficient services as Chief of the De
partment during the past four years,
after which the meeting adjourned.
New Outlet.
The Young Men's Business Ciub
have a crew of men at work laying out
a wagon road from Emporium to
Bailey Run, a distance of about eight
miles. The extensive lumber opera
tiohs in that section, during the next
few years, will give employment to
several hundred men. Emporium will
' be greatly benefitted.
Inje ill
11 Wile!
Consul General Lee Cables that to Declare Our
Position /leant Trouble to Those on the Island*
Will Take Until Sunday Next to fend all to a
Place of Safety—The Hessage Will Probably
Qo in on Honday Next.
The war excitement seems to
have been quieted by a report that
the Queen Regent of Spain has
dismissed her Cabinet and opened
negotiations direct with Minister
Woodford, conceding to this coun
try every demand, t'p to the hour
of going to press, 11:00 a. in., we
give the latest telegraph news in
this column. So many reports are
flying thick and fast.
WASHINGTON, April <».—Swift as
a cannon's Hash changed the
Cuban situation to-day. The gal
leries of Congress were crowded.
Senators and Representatives were
anxious and agitated, even the
diplomatic corps was in a ferment,
awaiting a message from the Presi
dent of the United States to the
Congress of the American people
that might mean war, when, with
excitement at the very highest, an
electric flash, the word passed that
there would be no message to-day.
Its suddenness stunned the public
which heard the news in distorted
forms, and amazed veteran mem
bers of Congress. Ultimately, it
became known that not only would
there be no message to-day, but no
message this week, and that it was
at least possible the message written
and approved might never goto
Congress at all.
The first reason for the delay
was that the administration re
ceived advices from General Lee,
at Havana, indicating that all
Americans could not be gotten off
the island to-day and would be in :
grave peril if the message preceded I
their departure. The second reason j
and perhaps equally potent with |
the others, slowly drifted into pub- j
lie comprehension late in the day,
chiefly through the medium of
published Associated Press des
patches from Madrid, lor extreme
reticence was maintained on the
subject by the few in Washing
ton who knew the facts —-and even
Cabinet officers were unadvised on
the subject.
This important news was that
the Spanish government, after
what plainly had been most ex
citing times in inner Spanish cir
cles at Madrid, has decided to re
open the case closed, so far as this j
government was concerned, by the
refusal of Spain to make satis
factory response to the representa
tions made by the United States
last week, and in order to avert
impending war had decided to
make concessions heretofore re
What will be the final outcome,
it is too early to say, but the as
pect of affairs is considerably more
pacific and sufficient to renew the
hope of the President in a solution
of the Cuban question satisfactory
to the American people and achiev
ed without bloodshed. The details
seem to be worked out, but it is ex
pected that between now and .Mon
day, a clearer light will be thrown
lon the future by action at Madrid,
; of which one important feature at
least is the declaring of an armis
tice by the Queen Regent of Spain.
This armistice, it is said, will
lead to ultimate in dependence of
| Cuba, from Spanish rule, but by
> what intermediate steps perhaps
even the governing powers do not
at this time know. Much it is sup
posed, will depend upon the Cuban
insurgents and the people of two
countries, of the United States and
Easter Flowers.
There will be a large assortment of
cut flowers and plants for sale at M. M.
Larrabee's store next Saturday, by
Class No. 10, of the M. E. Sunday
The Correct Thing.
For an Easter breakfast is "West
phalia" brand mild sugar cured ham
and boneless bacon, whole, 11c. lb.
Baked, they are simply delicious—
sweet, juicy, tender. We have them
if you like, at 30c. lb. sliced, ready for
table. DAY'S.
Mason Hill Letter.
j It makes all the difference in the
: world whose ox is gored.
A number of young men from a dis
i tance attended church here on Sunday.
Supervisors Daugherty and Mix
j looked over this part of the road on
j Saturday.
C. W. Williams returned from Lock
Haven on Friday with a fine span of
Omer Ives and Willie Miller took in
the sights at Medix Run the fore part
of the week.
Mrs. Miller was called to Medix Run
on Tuesday by the serious illness of
Miss Lelo Williams and Madge Mil
ler, of Huston Hill, visited friends
here the latter part of the week.
Mr. M. Hill moved his family to Sin
nemahoning the fore part of the week.
The house vacated by Mr. Hill will be
occupied by Chas. Connors.
We are informed that Mr. O. B.
Tanner, while coming from Huntley
on Tuesday, on a "long tailed rattler 5 '
was severely hurt while getting off at
_ Mose Carpenter in his communica
tions to the Independent says, Geo.
Huntley, Jr., is at his father's home on
a visit. Mr. Huntley thinks it is very
poor business for a scribe to defend a
violator of the laws of God and
humanity. Your smart correspondent
thought he would come to his right
mind after while.
A few more thoughts in regard to
that "young man" mentioned a few
weeks ago and I will stop. I based
my article on the truth and only the
truth and the truth has touched a
tender spot in Mr English's armor.
That young man was neither slander
ed or misrepresented beyond his own
moral conduct and character, and if
he was why don't Mr. English or the
?ne accused, bring the slanderer to
justice? We have laws if they were
putin force and my name will be found
at the bottom of that article at the
PRESS office. He said he was very
much surprised when he saw the arti
cle not having heard of any such
racket. It makes no difference whether
he heard it or not it happened just the
same. Some people can be awful
deaf when they want to be. Joe L.
Parley while going over to Russell's
heard the racket at Bailey's lane (a
distance of ninety rods from the
school house) and stopped to sec what
was the matter, saw the accused and
went on about his business, like any
young man of common sense and good
breeding would do. Mr. English
also says when he saw the item he
took steps to seek the truth. If he
had been what he advertises himself
to be, he would not have run
the gauntlet on Sunday last, looking
for evidence, for no names were men
tioned in my article. I said for the
benefit of the community I would not
mention his name. It makes no dif
ference how mean a person is there is
always lots of people to uphold them
in their meanness As for Walter Ban
being present, so was I; we were both
connected with the entertainment.
In an interview with Walter on the
subject, he said he told the truth and
asks "why Mr. English didn't publish
all he told him ?" The trouble is, En
glish picked out the part he wanted
and threw the rest aside. Admitting
that there was a little confusion in the
school room, yet, if the accused had
been where he should have been (home)
everything would have been quiet in
the house, and as for telling lies, Mr.
English, (as a class-leader in the
church) had better see that his own
windows are well barred before throw
stones at his neighbors who, al
though, never wore the necklace of
truth, yet, has a good moral standing
in the eyes of the people as he has.
Now with a brief summary I will stop,
but if Mr. English continues with his
self-vindication in this scrape I deem
I'll make it "hot" 'nough for him.
Now Mr. editor, or gentle reader, if
you think I am telling anything
else but the truth I would simply |
refer you to Miss Summerson who will
tell you the same as I have told; and
more, as I have forgot to mention any
thing about the incidents that happen
ed the night the shutters were lifted
off the hinges and the teacher struck
in the eye with a snow ball.
April 4th. DING.
[This controversy is of no interest to
I the general public and since both sides
. have had their say, wo must decline to
publish any more articles upon the
matter. It can result in no good. Let
1 it drop.]— EDITOR.
Chicken and Waffle Supper.
, The ladies of the Presbyterian church
I will serve their annual chicken and
waffle supper, at the homes of I. K.
Hockley and J. B. Schriever, on Thurs
day, April 14th, 1898, between the
hours of 5:00 p. m., and 2:00 the follow
ing morning. Supper, 25c. 5-3t
i Interest Paying Society of the M. E.
1 church will meet in the church parlors
on Friday at 2:00 p. m. Sewing will
be done and such business transacted
! as to demand the presence of all the
members. SECRETARY.
j Boy's suits from §2.00 up. A full line
and large assortment. Boys' su.'its
ranging up to 19 years, from §5.00 up.
Painting Lessons.
.Mrs. E. o. Bardwell is prepared to
give lessons in painting to any who
may wish such lessons, at very reason
ble rates. 3.3t
Pure Bred.
Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan
i dottesand S. C. Brown Leghorns'eggs SI.OO for
| fifteen.
„ I F. OSTRUM. .
hmponum, Pa.—2-3m
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
March weather in April.
Howard & Co. are erecting an addi
tion to their store.
Men's all wool suits, from $5.00 up.
Ve y fine line. n. SKOteit.
The Commencement exercises of the
public schools take place May fifth.
California Navel Oranges 20 to 30c
per dozen. Sweet and juicy.
The Governor has named April Bth
and April 22d, as Spring Arbor days.
Silk lined, I'rench lacing, men's suits,
the very latest styles, at §ll.OO.
Fulton & Pearsall have been awarded
the contract of nainting the countv
bridges. J
The Emporium Tannery Co. is erect
ing a brick engine house, in which to
store the new yard engine.
Beautiful Juvenile suits from §2 00 up
at N. Soger's Call and see the large
assortment. N. SEGEK.
• O'Connell, who has worked
in the lumber woods in this section for
years, died at Williamsport some tiiue
ago, of quick consumption.
Watch our market for material for
your Easter dinner. Weather uncer
tain, can't tell just what will be in.
Rest assured we will have all the
market affords. DAY'S.
About fifteen Emporium Masons
paid Olean lodge a visit on Tuesday
evening. Tl le boys report a very
enjoyable visit and were royally enter
An exchange very truthfully re
marks: "Everybody reads newspapers
but everybody does not read circulars,
no matter how well prepared and at
tractive they may be."
John J. Soble is now in the city pur
chasing his new goods—many of his
purchases having already arrived. He
will have all his goods in place this
week. Call and see them.
A young man in West Virginia by
the name of John Damm was married
recently and received a telegram from
the old folks at home which read: "Ac
cept congratulations of the whole
Damm family."
"Old Dan," C. B. Howard & Co.'s
railroad engine feels lonesome upon re
turning home and finding its wife—the
tannery yard dinkey—gone up in
smoke, so says one of our bright little
Fifth street lads.
Work continues at Junior Park and
it will not be long before Mr. Josiah
Howard will be ready for the bicycle
track. Alter a little time this park
will bo greatly appreciated by our peo
ple and hugely en joyed by the children.
Receiver Rogers of the defunct E. A.
U., says that thus far he has distributed
800 checks and paid out §BO,OOO. He
has but §4OO left in his possession, and
that is due members who have not vet
been found. They are probably dead;
got tired waiting.—Warren Mail.
There is a strong sentiment through
out the entire state that the nomination
of C. W Stone as the Republican can
didate for Governor, would harmoniz?
all elements of the party and result in
a Republican victory of large propor
tions in Pennsylvania next November.
—Franklin Citizen Press.
Did it ever occur to you that many
more old women than men live alone?
An old man is forced togo and live
with his children when his wife dies,
but an old woman will live alone as
long as she has strength left to put a
pan on the fire and break an egg in it,
and seem to be very contented.
R. Seger & Son's handsome store
windows attract the attention of all
passers-by. The beautiful display 01
furnishings as well as the Easter flow
ers and plants are the handiwork of
the junior member of the firm, Mr.
Wm. T. Soger, whose taste for that
line of work receives many flattering
Schools closed, diphtheria epidemic,
I no public meetings—such reports are
I rlever heard where the people use
I Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy
| Drops. It cures the most serious
throat disease or the slightest soreness.
I I have a few 10c. bottles, come and gel
| one while they la3t, it is worth trying
! R. O. Dodson. 6-ly
j At the Republican convention at Em
' porium last week. Tuesday, Benjamin
iW. Green, Esq., was unanimously
I nominated as Cameron's candidate for
! President Judge of the district, which
i is the Twenty-fifth and is composed oi
; the countic-3 of Clinton, Cameron and
Elk. Mr. Green is a native of Sullivan
\ township in this county, a graduate ol
j the Mansfield Normal school and a
leading member of the Cameron county
; bar. -\\ r ellsboro Agitator.
University Asso^t,'^;
j , fhe I nivarsity Association was ad
i journed at the snsfc mooting ( March 20)
|to April 18. The program for that
; evening will be the one originally ap
j pointed for April 4, viz: Sections' 13-18
: in t'.ie oth Syllabus.
112 Emmanuel Church.
i Good Friday: 10:30 a. m., Mornine
I Prayer and Litany; 7:30 p. m.. Evening
Prayer, (Choir). *
Easter Day: 7:30 a. in., Holy Com
munion; 11:00 a.m., Morning Praye
and Holy Communion, Cruiksliank'
j Service, Earnby's "Awake Up Mv
Glory.'' 7:20 p m , Evening Prayer
| and Sunday School Festival the
! Mite-box offering will be presented at
; this service.
Easter Monday, 7:30 p. m., Evening
Prayer; annual Parish meeting for the
I election of \ estrymen immediately
after. J
j Tuesday 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer
J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector. "
NO. 0.