Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 31, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Business Cards.
Commercial and Financial Agent. Collections,
LOADS, Investments.
iJ. W. (iRE EN,
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly. I
Will give prompt attention to all business en- j
rusted to them. 16-ly. j
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium. Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
Office—South-west corner of Fourth and Cherry
streets, two doors from Post Office. Special at
tention given to collections. 30-33-ly.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands,alsostumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Qive me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
for the accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-1y
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftowu
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
During 1808 THE TIMES will not
only maintain the high standard of ex
cellence it reached the past year, but
but will steadfastly endeavor to excel
its own best record, and will not
swerve from its set purpose to make
No journal is more extensively cir
culated or has a wider circle of readers
in Pennsylvania than
Specimen Copies Sent Free--Send for One.
TERMS DAILY, §ll.OO per annum;
25 cents per month; delivered by car
riers for 6 cents per week. SUNDAY
EDITION, 32 large handsome pages—
-224 columns, elegantly illustrated,
beautifully printed in colors, §2.00 per
annum; 5 cents per copy, Daily and
Senday, §5.00 per annun; 50 cents per
Address all letters to
Best in
anUt the World.
For 11 years this shoe, by merit
alone, has distanced nil competitors.
W. L. Douglas $4.00 and ££.oo
shoes are tin? production a of skilled workmen,
from tlio host material possible at these prices.
ANo and *»;».<>«> shoes for men. $2.50,
filJfi.OO and !$ 1.?.*» for boys ami youths.
W. Ij. I'onulns shoes are Indorsed
by over wearers as the best
In style, lit and durability of any
Fhoe ever offered at tile prices.
They are made in all the latest
shnpe's and styles, and of every vari
ety of leather.
If dealer cannot supidy you, write for cata
logue to \V. L. Douglas, Drockton, Mass. Sold by
What a Horse Can Do.
He will walk a mile in 20 minutes.
He weighs as much as seven men,
and is as strong as five men.
He can pull the weight of 900 pounds |
without wht els on a de:id level.
He <"in lift 500 tons ten feet high in j
a working day of eight hours.
He will trot a mile in six minutes,and
he will gollop a mile in from three to
four minutes.
He attains his greatest size when
live years old; usually lives sixteen
years, but may reach the ripe old age
of thirty-ffve.
He can exist five days with solid
food and without water, 17 days with
water or food, and 24 days with water
and without solid food.
There is no remedy equal to Herbine
for the cure of constipation, sick head
ache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of
memory, uncertain appetitite, unrest
ful sleep or skin eruptions. If you
want a perfect tonic for the liver,
Herbine will not disappoint you. L.
Splendid Success
has been had in cases of colic, diar
rhoea, etc., by using Dr. Caldwell's Sy
rup Pepsin. As a household remedy
for such troubles it is invaluable. Buy
a 10c trial bottle and you are bound to
be convinced. To be had of L. Tag
gart. mch.
The Vciidt-rN of I'orclKii unci l»o
--uicHtic MvrcliitntliHe, ItilllJirclH,
Ten »»i«i Alley,
In Cameron County, will take notice
that they are Appraised and Classed
by the undersigned Appraiser af Mer
cantile and other License Taxes for
the year 1898 as follows, to wit:
Class. Tax.
Balcom & Lloyd, mdse 11 sls 00
Philip Bloom, grocer 14 700
K. C. Dodson, drugs 14 700
J. H. Day, mdse 12 12 50
Henry Edgcomb, mdse 14 700
C. B. Howard & Co., mdse 9 25 00
L. K. Huntington, mdse 14 700
S. S. Hacket, mdse 14 700
I. 11. Hockley, coal 14 700
A. Hirsch, jewelry 14 700
M. T. Hogan, grocer 14 700
S. J. llacket. mdse 14 700
C. H. Jessop, mdse 14 700
Jordan Brothers, mdse 14 700
Joseph Kinsler, indse 14 700
Geo. J. Laßar, furniture 13 10 00
M. M. Larrabee, mdse . .14 700
11. S. Lloyd, stationery 14 700
Joseph Lechner, boots & slioesll 700
Leet «!fc Co , mdse 11 15 CO
Geo. Metzger, Jr., jeweler 14 700
Alex. McDougall, grocer 13 10 00
D. K Olmsted, mdse 14 700
H. C. Olmsted, mdse 12 12 50
John P. Parsons, mdse 14 700
M. A. Rockwell, drugs 14 700
H. L. Raymond, millinery 14 700
C. G. Schmidt, confectionery 14 700
N. Seger, clothing 13 10 00
Frank Shives, mdse 12 12 50
Peter Schweikart, mdse 14 700
R. Seger & Son., clothing.... 13 10 00
J. J. Soble, clothing 13 10 00
M. C. Tulis, mdse 12 12 50
L. Taggart, drugs 13 10 00
A. F. Vogt, boots and shoes. .14 700
Walker, Howard & Co., hard
ware 11 15 00
11. A. Zarps, notions 14 700
W. W. Barrows Est., mdse.. .13 10 00
C. C. Craven, mdse 14 700
B. McOwen &. Co., mdse 12 12 50
J. E. Smith, mdse 11 15 00
Barclay Bros., mdse 8 30 00
D. P. Baird, mdse 14 700
A. It. Berfield, Agt. grocer... 14 700
J. O. Brookbank & Co., mdse 7 40 00
\V. H. Mitchell, mdse 11 15 00
M. E. Nefcy, mdse 14 700
Krider & Yothers, mdse 14 7CO
J. N. liothrock, clothing 14 700
M. T. Roach, drugs 14 700
A. F. Redfoot, mdse 14 700
C. R. Kline & Co,, mdse 14 700
W. It. Sizer, mdse 14 700
A. A. McDonald, 3 billiard
tables 50 00
Hayes & Hurteau, 3 billiard
tables 50 00
Hayes & Hurteau, 1 ten pin
alley 30 00
All who are concerned in this
THAT AN Al'l'lvAL,
Qoiinty £ommissiot)ers,
Saturday, (lie 23d day of April 1S!)S,
Hours of 9 a. in., and 4 »>. in.,
when you may attend if yon think proper.
flercantlle Appraiser.
Emporium, Pa., March nth, 1898. 4t
nix Counmic.'ition to ruiiKrcKH a Itccap.
itulatioii of the Court of In
«|iiiry*H Iteport.
WASH I ,\< ITOX. March 29—The pres
ident sent the following message to
To the Congress of the United States:
For some time prior to the visit of
the Maine to Havana harbor, our con
sular representatives pointed out the
advantages to tlow from the visit of
national ships to the Cuban waters, in
accustoming the people to the pres
ence of our flag as the symbol of good
will and of our ships in the fiulfillment
of the mission of protection to Ameri
can interests, even though no im
mediate need therefor might exist.
Accordingly, on the 24th of January
last, after conference with the Span
ish minister, in which the renewal of
visits of our war vessels to Spanish
waters was discussed and accepted,
the Peninsular authorities at Madrid
and Havana were advised of the pur
pose of this government to resume
friendly naval visits at Cuban ports,
and that in that view the Maine would
forthwith call at the port of Havana.
This announcement was received by
the Spanish government with appre
ciation of the friendly character of the
visit of the Maine, and with notifica
tion of intention to return the court
esy by sending Spanish ships to the
principal ports of the United States.
Meanwhile the Maine entered the
port of lla\ana on the 25th of Janu
ary, her arrival being marked with no
special incident besides the exchange
of customary salutes and ceremonial
The Maine continued in the harbor
of Havana during the three weeks
following her arrival. Xo appreci
able excitement attended her stay; on
the contrary, a feeling of relief and
confidence followed the resumption <if
the long interrupted friendly inter
So noticeable was this immediate
effect of her visit that the consul gen
eral strongly urged that the presence
of our ships iu Cuban waters should
be kept up by retaining the Maine at
Havana, or in the event of her recall
by sending another vessel there to
take her place.
The Horrible Scene* Kollowlntf the Mow
ing l'|» of tli» .Maine.
At 40 minutes past 9 on the even
ing of the 15tli of February, the Maine
was destroyed by an explosion, by
which the entire forward part of the
ship was utterly wrecked. In this
catastrophe two officers and 204 of
her crew perished, those who were
not killed outright by her explosion
being penned between decks by the
tangle of wreckage and drowned by
the immediate sinking of the hull.
Prompt assistance was rendered by
Hie neighboring vessels anchored iu
the harbor, aid being especially given
by the boats of the Spanish cruiser
Alphonso XII. and the Ward line
steamer City of Washington, which
lay not far distant.
The wounded were generously cared
for by the authorities of Havana, the
hospitals being freely opened to them,
while the earliest recovered bodies of
the dead were interred by the muni
cipality in apublie cemetery in the
city. Tribute of grief and sympthy
were offered from all official quarters
of the island.
The appalling calamity fell upon the
people of our country with crushing
force, and for a brief time an intense
excitement prevailed, which in a com
munity less .just and self-controlled
than ours might have led to hasty acta
of blind resentment.
This spirit, hoVever, soon gave way
to the calmer processes of reason and
to the resolve to investigate the facts
and await material proofs before
forming a judgment as to the cause,
tin- responsibility, and. as the fact:;
warranted, the remedy due.
This couroc necessarily recommend
ed itself from the outset to the exe
cutive, for only in the light of a dis
pasisonately ascertained certainty
could it determine the nature and
measure of its fell duty in the mut
The usual procedure was followed
as in all cases of casualty to a disaster
to national vessels of any maritime
state. A naval court of inquiry was at
once organized, composed of officers
well qualified by rank and practical
experience to discharge the onerous
duty imposed upon them.
Aided by a strong force cf wreckers
and divers, the court proceeded to
make a thorough investigation on 1 li<*
spot, employing every available means
for the impartial and exact determina
tion of the causes of the explosion.
Its operations have been conducted
with the utmost deliberation and
judgment anil, while independently
pursued, no source of information was
TifHrtected and the fullest opportunity
was allowed for a simultaneous inves- \
tigation by tin- Spanish authorities.
The tii ding of tin- court of inquiry
was reached after:-'•'! flays of continu
ous labor on the 2!st of March, and
having been approved on tin* 2'2d by
the commander-in-chief of the United
States naval force on the Xorth At- J
lantic station, was transmitted to the j
It is herewith laid lieforc the con- !
press, together with the voluminous
testimony taken liefore the court.
Wliut tlie lU-port, of ilio Itnard TVihlh
to Show,
Its purport is. in brief, as follows:
"When the .Maine arrived at Havana j
she was conducted by the regular gov
ernment pilot to buoy Xo. 4, to which ;
she was moored in from five and one- j
half to six fathoms of water.
"The state of discipline on board !
and the condition of her magazines,
boilers, coal bunkers and storage
compartments are passed in review. |
with the conclusion that excellent or
der prevailed and that no indication I
of any cause for an internal explosion |
existed in any quarter.
"At X o'clock in the evening of Feb- j
ruary 1.5 everything had been reported i
secure, and nil was quiet.
"At forty minutes past nine o'clock i
the vessel Has suddenly destroyed.
"There were two distinct explosions, j
with a brief interval between them, j
The first lifted the forward part of the :
ship very perceptibly; the second, i
which was more open, prolonged and
of greater volume, is attributed by the
court to partial explosion of two or
more of the forward magazines.
"The evidence of the divers estab- |
lishes that the afterpart of the ship ,
was practically intact, and sank in j
that condition a very few minutes J
after the explosion. The forward j
part was completely demolished."
Upon the evidence of a concurrent j
external cause, the finding of the j
court is as follows:
At frame 17, the outer shell of the j
ship, from a point eleven and one
half feet from the middle line of the
ship and six feet above the keel when
in its normal position, has been forced
up so as to be now about four feet
above the surface of the water, there
fore about ,'i4 feet above where it
would be had the ship sank unin
The outside bottom plating is bent
into a reversed V-shape, the after |
wing of which, about fifteen feet j
broad and thirty-two feet in length
(frame 17 to frame 25) is doubled
back upon itself against the continua- j
tion of the same plating extending 1
At frame IS the vertical keel is i
broken in two and the flat keel bent I
into an angle similar to the angle i
formed by the outside bottom plates.
This break is now about six feet be- \
low the surface of the water and j
about thirty feet above its normal
In the opinion of the court, this
effect could have been produced only
by the explosion of a mine situated
under the bottom of the ship at about j
frame 18, anil somewhat on the shore
side of the ship.
The conclusions of the court are:
That the loss of the .Maine was not j
in any respect due to fault or negli- 1
gence on the part of any of the ofTi- |
cers or members of her crew.
That the ship was destroyed by the
explosion of a submarine mine, which
caused the partial explosion of two or i
more of her forward magazines; and
That no evidence has been obtain
able fixing the responsibility for the
destruction of the Maine upon any
person or persons.
I have directed that the finding of
the court of inquiry and the views of
this government thereon be communi
cated to the government of her ma
jesty, the Queen Regent, and I do not
permit myself to doubt that the sense
of justice of the Spanish nation will
dictate a course of action suggested
by honor and the friendly relations
of the two governments.
It will be the duty of the executive 1
to advise the congress of the results j
ftnd «in the meantime deliberate co: -
sideration is involved.
Executive Mansion, March 2S, Is<)n.
What's In a Name.
Comfort, ease and pleasure when ap- |
plied to corn cure, Warren's is the one. j
It never fails, sold and guaranteed by i
all druggists at 15 cents per bottle.
2-32-14-ly. !
If you want a Boarder,
If you want to Lend Money,
If you want to Borrow money,
Advertise in the PRESS.
Wins on Merit.
Laxa Tea, plain, simple, thorough in j
its action, leaves no bad after effect as j
powerful drugs often do. Try it. Sold 1
and guaranteed by all druggists. 10
and 25 cents. 2-32-141y
Learn More Trades.
It may sound a little startling, but j
it is said to be true that more young j
men are learning trades in peniten
tiaries than outside of them, because |
the parents are trying to make clerks,
doctors, lawyers, and even preachers
out of material intended for black
smiths, carpenters, and other trades
for mechanics. The trouble is that
boys are too eager to avoid the labor
of life, and too anxious to follow some
calling that does not soil their hands.
And the parent is responsible for this.
Boys should be taught that there is
more dignity in manuel labor than in
loaling, and more honor in toil than in
independence. The farm and the shop
often yield more profit than the office
or counter.
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup,
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
itively and speedily be cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
Spain asks for time, but eternity is
what, she needs
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says:
"I was a sufferer for ten years, trying
most all kinds of pile remedies, but
i without success. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was recommended to me.
1 used one box. It has affected a per
manent cure." As a permanent cure
for piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
has no equal. R. C'. Dodson. 45-ly
The gun boat Princeton should be
manned by a football team.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
I Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
j coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
I grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
The window glass workers insist up
on having a little war of their own.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
j up in the morning as fast as you can,"
j the druggist recognized a household
name for DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
and gave him a bottle of those famous
little pills for constipation, sick head
| ache, iiver and stomach troubles. R.
| C. Dodson. 45-ly
The Main facts are conclusive proof
of treachery in Havana harbor.
The farmer, the mechanic and the
j bicycle riders are liable to unexpected
i cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best thing to keep on hand,
it heals quickly and is a well known
cure for piles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
There are indications of a conspiracy
| to blow up the fruit blosoms.
Children like it, it saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the
infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
croup, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat
j and lung troubles. R. C. Dodson. 451y
We may all be "jingoes" before the
war excitement subsides.
It is a great leap from the old fashion
j ed doses of blue grass and nauseous
physics to the pleasant little pills known
|as De Witt's Little Early Risers. They
| cure constipation, sick headache and
biliousness. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
The Cubans refuse to be taken in by
a Spanish gold brick game.
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville, 0., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using three boxes of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. R. C. Dod
son. 45-ly
Blest be the tie that binds American
and British sympathies.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first
application of it relieved me almost en
i tirely from the pain and the second
afforded complete relief. In a short
: time I was able to be up and about
! again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luverne, Minn,
i Sold by L. Taggart. mch.
i The mover is anxiously watching the
! weather signs.
It is, or should be, the highest aim of
every merchant to please his custom
! ers; and that the wide-awake firm of
1 Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling, 111., is
| doing so, is proven by the following,
! from Mr; Eshleman : "In my sixteen
| years' experience in the drug business
I have never seen or sold or tried a
medicine that gave as good satistaction
| as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
j Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold bv L. Tag
' gart. mch.
The cruiser Columbia is again a gem
| of the ocean.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
1 and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
i Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure
I constipation and all stomach and liver
j troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
The umbrella brigade has gone
| through a long drill.
Oh! I Say,
have you given Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin a trial ? It will cure you of your
constipation, will correct your stomach
troubles and make your life worth liv
ing. Trial size bottles 10®. (10 doses
10c) large sizes 50c and SI.OO, of L. Tag
gart. mch.
It's a cold day when overcoats are
Used for Generations.
Herb teas have and will be used as
a medicine. Laxa Tea, harmless, sure
and thorough in its action, is guaran
teed by all druggists. 10 and 25 cents
| per package. 2-32-141y
March weather is raw material.
It Was Painful,
j Brtt Warren's Corn Cure never fails,
j Sold and guaranteed by all druggists
| at 15 cents a bottle. 2-32-141y
Spain is a procrastination.
Fill a bottle or common water glass
| with urin and let it stand twenty-four
i hours; a sediment or settling indicates
l a diseased condition of the kidneys
When urin stains linen it is positive
j evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
! qnent desire to urinate or pain in the
| back, is also a convincing proof that
j the kidneys and bladder are out of
i order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
i Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
j the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
| every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urin andscald
ing pain in passing it,or bad effects fol
> lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being'compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
1 highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
; Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and
pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps to
cover cost of postage on the bottle.
send your address to Dr Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of
this paper guarantee the genuineness
j ofthis offer. 32-52-ly
L'i— y »_.b4 I hjj> £ y lAJ*' U—
and wife should know about tlie pre
paration that for half a century has
been helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
/Aft, discomforts and distractions
(ftj/WV incident to child-birth. It
/yap/ J ' s a PP" externally, which
hjvjl is the only way to get relief.
et l>cines taken internally
w '" not ' IC 'P m a -v
iJuJn 1 * result in harm.
H i' \ Friend
A \ \ fits and prepares every
/ \ \ organ, muscle and
n \ \ part of the body for
vV \» \ t^ie cr iti ca l hour. It
|\\ V | \ robs child-birth of its
\ tortures and pains.
ly Baby's coming is made
% quick and easy. Its
action is doubly bene
_ V ficial if used during the whole
y period of pregnancy.
$1 per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by mail on receipt of price.
BOOKS FREE, containing valuable infor
mation to all women, will be sent to any
address upon application by
The Bradfield Regulator Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
tVE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to
' v sell again. At the same time, any
one who has bought our seeds of their
local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will
3e sent our Manual of "Everything for tha
jarden " for 1898 rnrr provided they
apply by letter rIvCC and give thij
name of the local merchant from whorr.
they bought. To all others, this magnifi
cent Manual, every copy of which costs us
30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent
free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cove/
postage. Nothing like this Manual has
ever been seen here or abroad; it is a boo!;
of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings ol
seeds and plants, mostly new, and these an
supplemented by 6 full size colored plate;
of the best novelties of the season, finally
will also be sent without charge to all appli
cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual who wi I
state where they saw this advertisement
Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention.
Sass ud
Will make a magnificent hedge, beautiful shade for
the piazza, or a charming bed. Constant bloomers, per
fectly hardy. One plant produces thousands of lloweis.
VICK'S °aS(fFloral GUIDE ?.X,»on
and the Ladies' Gardener and Adviser
The only one containing full Descriptions and Direc
tions for planting ami culture ; so comprehensive, con
densed, classified and indexed that
lie Who Runt* May Read. Many Illustrations
from nature. Colored plates of Sweet Peas, Nastur
tiums, Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactus
Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cover;
120 large pages completely tilled with honest illustrations
JAMES VICKS SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
( r„Z" S e, Yick's Magazine,
The Famous Gardening Authority.
Is a veritable mine of information about Flowers, Vep
etables and Fruits, and how to grow and care for them
successfully. The price of Vick's Illustrated Monthly
Magazine Is Fifty Cents per year, but if you will re
turn tlit* conpoii with Mix two-eent stamps
the magazine will be mailed to you regularly for six
months for trial. Write at once to
O I Sj
C Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I | Wounds £• Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
E? Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sues, 25c, 50c. and #I.OO.
iohl by druggists, or .tent p<»st-paidon receipt c#t price
'UMi'IIUUYS- MKI). t' • J I it 113 WlKiani 8»., New York.
The Plate to I»uy Cheap )
? IS AT i