Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 24, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Is still doing business and expects to be
whether they strike oil. My stock
is complete in every line. - - - - - -
Dress Goods.
I have the largest and best assortment
ever kept by me, which I am selling at
Come and see the beautiful styles in
Ladies Capes and Jackets, cheaper than
you can buy the same in the large cities.
Also Misses and Children's Jackets. - -
My Shoe Department
is well stocked with Ladies, Gentlemen's
and Childrens wear. Cheaper in price
not quality) than any exclusive Shoe
House can afford to sell for. -
It is not necessary to enumerate the many
bargains I have for yon. Come and see for your
selves. We will take pleasure in showing you
them, whether you wish to buy or not.
.1 7^)
■ XT'?-
ll 11
. Dealers in
II 11 Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry
IA. ill) Goods, Fresh, Salt and Smoked
fil IT Meats, Fruit in season, Tobacco,
JJI ' J Cigars. Confectionery and School
!Pjj |p Supplies.
□Pi A complete line of Fall and
I!*■■«► Winter Goods.
lilil We would be pleased to have
7j I; 11 you call and inspect our stock
|LI P. whether you purchase or not.
Jj| jO Goods delivered anywhere in
Fjll "ijlli lown ' ree of charge.
ijP H N0.43, W. Fifth St., Emporium.
Spring Attire
MAN lias I.r .light to have an eye
15- on liis attire. Fine Clothing is the uni
** form of success and prosperity. Every
man seeks to look his best. He must have a good
tailor to help him do it. We claim first place in
that line and having opened our
New Spring and Summer
We are now ready to serve our customers with
the latest in models of clothes
Emporium, Pa.
Republican County Convention.
The Republicans of Cameron county
met in convention last Tuesday, at the
Court House, in Emporium, for the
purpose of recommending a candidate
for President Judge and elect delegates
to State, Congressional and Senatorial
Conventions. H. C. Olmsted, Chair
man of the Republican County Com
mittee, called the convention to order.
A. C. Blum, of Emporium, was elected
Chairman, and J. O. Brookbank, Drift
wood, and \V. 11. Sizer, Portage, sec
retaries. On motion of John J. Ilinkle
the following order of business was
1. Nomination and election of President.
2. Nomination and election of Secretaries.
.'J. Roll call of Delegates.
I. Naming of Committee of three on Resolu
tions, by President.
5. Nominations of Candidates for President
6. Flection of Candidate for President Judge.
7. Nominations of Candidates for State Dele
8. Election of Delegate to State Convention.
9. Election of Alternate Delegate to State Con
10. Election of five Congressional Conferees
and five alternates.
11. Election of three Senatorial Conferees and
12. Report of Committee on Resolutions.
13. Appointment of Committee to notify Candi
14. Miscellaneous business.
The roll of delegates being called the
following credentials were presented.
SIIII'PEN— B. L. Spence, John McClenahan,
Geo. W. Van Wert, Chas. King, Lewis Yates,
John F. Rhodes.
MIDDLE WABD— John J. Ilinkle, F. P. Rentz.
Frank Mundy, Philip Knight.
WEST WARD— Chas. L. Butler, Chas. L. Barton,
Henry Jessop, Fred A. Hill.
EAST WARD—A. C. Blum, L. K. Huntington, C.
R. Husted.
LUMBER— TIieo. F. Hudson, Gordon Howlett,
Benj. Dayton.
PORTAOE— Wm. R. Sizer, A. L. Ensign.
DRIFTWOOD - J.O. Brookbank, John P. Murphy,
Thos. Connelly.
GROVE -C. F. Barclay, M. Blodget.
GIISSON— John B. Wykotf, John McMillen.
Chairman A. C. Blum named as com
mittee on resolutions. Jno. J. Ilinkle,
P. A. Hill and Thos. Connelly.
Geo. W. VanWert, of Shippen, pre
sented the name of B. W. Green, Est}.,
of Emporium. There being no other
candidates Mr. Green was, upon motion
of John J. Ilinkle, declared unanim
ously nominated.
E. W. Gaskill, of Shippen, and V. A.
Brooks, of Gibson, were placed in
nomination for delegate to State Con
vention. The roll being called the
result was as follows:
Gaskill 19
Brooks 10
On motion of B L. Spence, the
nomination of Mr. Gaskill was made
On motion of Chas. King, Mr. Josiah
Howard was elected alternate delegate
to the State Convention by acclama
Chas. 1,. Butler moved the election
of the following Congressional Con
ferees and alternates: il. W. Martin
dale, Dr. V7. 11. Ulsh, B. L. Spence, C.
Jay Goodnough, ('has. Norton; alter
nates, D. Burlingame, A. S. Bailey, J.
I>. Swope, Harry Hemphill, W. L.
Barclay, which was done by acclama
W. 11. Howard, M.J. B. Brooks and
T. F. Hudson, delegates to Senatorial
Convention, and W. R. Sizer, M.
Murphy and E. E. Swartwood were
elected by acclamation.
The committee on resolutions requir
ing time for consultation the Conven
tion took a recess for five minutes.
Upon re-convening the committee
on resolutions reported the following
which were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That it ia with pride that we point to
the statesmanlike administration ol' President
McKinley, whose judicious, wise and firm stand
for the honor of the Nation meets with the ap
proval of a uuited country, who are ready and
anxious to stand by him in any contingency.
Resolved, That the Republicans of Cameron
county, in presenting the name of their fellow
citizen and honored neighbor, Mr. B. W. Green,
an honored member of the Cameron County Par
for President Judge, do so with the best interest
of the people at heart, believing that the high
legal ability and standing of our candidate will
rally to his support a strong following of repre
sentative men of all interestsin thisdistrict. The
republicans of Cameron county in convention
assembled heartily endorse his candidacy and
hereby convey to him the authority to choose
his own Conferees.
Resolved , Thai the almost unanimous choice of
the great Northwest, as well ;is many other
sections of the Keystone State, are emphatically
ill favor of the nomination of Hon. Charles W.
Stone, of Warren county, for Governor. His
brilliant career as Lieutenant Governor,, Secretary
of the Commonwealth, Congressman, State
Senator, as well as a private citizen, makes him a
strong candidate before the Convention; a candi
date who would unite all elements in the party
anil insure a brilliant victorv at the polls, and a
conservative administration or state affairs. We
cordially endorse his candidacy and instruct the
delegate tins day elected to represent the Uenub county in the State Conven
tion, to use every honorable effort to secure his
; nonumition.
| Resolved, That we heartily endorse the zealous
I labors of our eiliciont Congressman, Hon.Cha*.
; W. Stone, and while we dislike to lust* bis < alu
; able services from the Halls of Congress yet wo
feel that he will be more valuable to the people
i as Governor. He can rely upon Cameron county
in any emergency.
I Resolved, That a committee be appointed for
l the purpose of adopting the "Crawloid County
.System" for conducting Republican primaries iii
Cameron county; said committee to consist of
one member from each election district in the
county—the committee to be selected by the
respective delegates in this convention. The
committee thus appointed to present their report
to the Chairman of the Republican County Com
mittee, at least two weeks before the convening
of the next (\ unty Convention and the same be
j published for the information of the Republican
i voters and presented to the next Countv Conven-
Ition for their consideration.
Resolved, That we renew our fealty to the
principles of the Republican partv and pledge
our hearty support to the ticket to'be nominated
\ at the forthcoming Slate, District and County
| Conventions.
The appointment of the committee
to report to the next Convention upon
! the workings of the "Crawford County
j System" of conducting Primary Elec
tions. the delegates made the following
! appointments:
Shippen. J. E. Rhodes; Portage, A. L. Ensign;
West Ward, Chas. L. Butler; Middle Ward, Chas.
Seger; East Ward, A. C. Blum; Lumber, Gordon
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTEß.
EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, MA R< 11 24.1898.
Howlett; Gibson, V. A. Brooks; Driftwood, Dr.
W. H. Ulsh; Grove, C. F. Barclay.
The Chairman appointed committees
to wait upon the candidates elected at
the Convention and invite them to
meet the delegates. Mr. B. W.
Green, the choice of Cameron county
for President Judge, was introduced by
the Chairman, and was received
with applause and returned his thanks
in an able manner. After the applause
had subsided, he said:
Mr. Chairman, Delegates of this Convention,
Fellow Citizens:—! would indeed be ungrateful if
I did not express to you my sincere thanks for
the high honor you have conferred upon me this
day in placing mv name in nomination for the
responsible position of President Judge of this
Judicial District. Ido most earnestly thank you,
and through you the Republican voters of Cam
eron county for the earnest support given to me
during the somewhat exciting canvass that has
just closed. I thank my worthy opponent and
his warm supporters for the courteous treatment
at all times extended to me during this period.
In relation to my candidacy lean but reaffirm
what has already been stated over my signature
in the public press of this county. lam an earn
est candidate for the nomination for this high
ofliee, if nominated by the district conference, tor
the election. If elected I pledge to you and the
people of this district that I will perform the
duties of this responsible position with fidelity
and to the best of my ability. It will be my
earnest endeavor to treat all persons equally. I
have no enemies to punish or friends to reward.
I most heartily endorse the great principles of the
Republican party, and will at all times endeavor
to further its interests. The action of this con
vention in endorsing our able, worthy and honest
Representative, Hon. Charles W. Stone, of War
ren, for Governor of this Commonwealth,
meets with my hearty approval. I again thank
you and your constituents for their support.
Mr. E. W. Gaskill and Mr. Josiah
Howard, the delegate and alternate
delegate to the State Convention
returned their most sincere thanks for
the honor conferred and pledged them
selves to abide by the decision of the
convention and labor for the nomina
tion of Hon. C. W. Stone for Governor.
There being no further business be
fore the Convention, Chairman Blum
thanked the Convention for its courtesy
and kindness to its officers, declared
the Convention adjourned. Through
out the proceedings was very harmoni
An Enjoyable Performance.
The "Old Southern Life" Company,
will appear at the opera house, Mon
day, March 28th. The Lancaster Era
The "Old Southern Life" company,
Welsh Bros', theatrical organization,
gave a performance at the Fountain
llill opera house, Saturday night, to a
big audience, which greatly enjoyed
the presentation. The performance
consisted of the old time minstrelsy,
tieo. li. Lowery and J. I). Jenking,
favorite commedians, appeared to ex
cellent advantage. Both are very
droll in their actions and sayings and
keep an audience in good hninor with
out effort. George T Boyd, female
impersonatar, Clemmie Harris, contor
tionist, Clarence Cissel, monologist,
Johnson and Bernard, buck and wing
dancers, and C P. Stitson, banjo and
mandolin artist,'made up the balance
of the olio. The program closed with
a farce entitled "Free Day in Dixie,"
in which scenes of merriment during
the slavery days were depicted anil
buck and wing dances predominated.
This company will close its theatrical
season on April 6, and on April 16 will
open its circus season at Lancaster
with an entirely new show. The cir
cus will be here during the summer
A riammoth Stock.
N. Seger, the old pioneer clothier on
Allegheny Avenue, celebrated his 31st
business year in Emporium this week
and desires to inform his old friends
and customers in this section of the
state that his new spring stock of
clothing and furnishing goods are now
ready for inspeetian. He informs the
PRESS that he has eclipsed all former
efforts this spring and his stock is
double the quantity he usually pur
chases —more than he formerly received
j for both stores. Having recently re
| turned from the eastern cities where
! lie paid cash for his goods, has no rent
i or clerk hire to pay, he is determined
| to give his customers the full benefit
i of the successful bargains he secured
j front the city manufacturers. Call and
| pay your respects to N. Seger.
Emmanuel Church.
The last quarterly offering for Dio
! cean Missions will be called for next
Sunday morning, March 27th. The
entire amount for the year which this
! Parish is expected to raise, according
to the schedule of the Missionary Com
i mittee, is §44.70. Of this amount
§27.52 has been raised in three offer
ings already taken. The next offering
next Sunday should be £17.18.
J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector.
John MeConnell and Miss Florence
Cameron, two of Emporium's popular
young people, were united in marriage
;at the Episcopal Rectory, Tuesday
evening, by Rev. J. M. Robertson.
The PRESS extends congratulations
and wishes them a happy and pros
perous future.
Easter Opening.
On Thursday and Friday, March 29,
and 30th, I will display a selection of
i pattern Hats, also all the very latest
novelties in Millinery Trimmings.
To the Farmers Who Are Milk Pro
Tho following items were contribut
ed by a wide-wake young farmer who
honestly and conscientiously believed
that it was to his interest to take care
of the milk produced on his farm at
home and not send it to the Creamery.
All argument failed to change his
views until he sat down in the quiet of
his home, and like a good business
man that he is, figured the cost on both
sides. See the result, viz:
"For making butter from six cows,
averaging 225 lbs per cow per year, the
expenses are as follows:
For skimming, taking care of cream,
removing specks, etc., that are bound
to fall on cream where milk is set in
pans—one hour |jer day for nine
months equals four weeks, at $1.50 per
week $6 00
For churning three hours per
week for nine months equals
one week and three and one
half days at $1.50 per week 2 25
For working and packing the
butter ready for market, taking
one day per week for nine
months equals five weeks at $1.50
per week, 7 50
For taking butter to town and
delivering requires one man and
team one half day per week for
nine months, which equals
eighteen days at $2.00 per day, 36 00
Total, ssl 75
This does not include salt, butter
paper, crocks, wear and tear, nor oc
casional losses by poor accounts, nor
time consumed in collecting good ac
counts. The wages too ar« figured at
about one-third to one fourth less than
the prevailing wages in this com
At these figures, even after making
these deductions, it costs me about
four cents per pound to make butter.
The Creamery makes and sells it for
me at three and one-half cents per
pound and gives me the cash at the
end of every month without worry or
trouble. By patronizing the Creamery
I am the gainer of one half cent per
pound in making, and by the differ
ence in quantity obtained by the Sepa
rator over that of the pan creaming
system I think I gain another one-half
cent or more per pound.
The above figures are based on nine
months of the year and I think it
would be utterly impossible to hire it
done at these prices.
If Creamery butter will average me
sixteen and one-half cents per pound
net, I thi:ik it is equal to twenty-two
cents or n >re the old way. In addi
tion tin » 'reamery Company has the
worry and my wife is relieved of one
of the responsibilities which causes so
many farmers wives no end of pain
and misery.
Yours in Creamery success,"
It is needless for us to say that this
young man will send his milk to the
Creamery. We have figured the above
at the generally paid prices and find
that it costs four and eight-tenths
cents per pound to make the butter at
home,leaving out the same accessories
that he does. If these could be esti
mated it would no doubt make five
and one-half cents per pound. The
only reason the Creamery can do this
same work for less than it can be done
for at home is that it is just as easy
and costs no more to make one thous
and pounds with improved machinery
than it does to make ten pounds.
Farmers read this over again and
think abont it.
Pleasant Surprise.
Last Thursday evening a number of
friends paid their respects to Mr. and
Mrs. D.C. Hayes, at their cozy home on
Fifth street. The call was purely a
surprise yet the visitors was cordially
received and entertained. The party
consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Clias. L. But
ler, Mrs. Nellie McCabe, Mr. and Mrs
A F.Vogt, Mr. and Mrs. B. Egan, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs.
Lindley Beattie, Miss Katie Bair and
Mr. P, Burke, Mrs. M.and Miss Katie
Burke, Mrs. Henry Auehu, Mrs. M. T.
Hogan, Mrs. R. C. Dodson, Mrs. Thos.
Butler, Miss Mame Butler, Mrs. Thos.
! and Miss Mame Cleary, Miss Mame
McCabe, Miss Ella Newton, Miss
Christie McDonald. After elegant re
freshments were served the party pass
ed an enjoyable evening and de
parted for their homes at a late hour
greatly pleased with their reception
and hospitable entertainment at the
hands of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. It is
seldom that our friend is caught nap-
I ping but this time lie was taken eom
; pletely off his feet.
Good Butter.
The best part of a meal is good but
] ter.—butter that can be enjoyed when
| eating It is the flavor and quality,
j not quantity, that makes its worth in
; the markets of the world.
It is the flavor and quality that
makes the boarders happy with the
thought of a meal. Remember that
our Emporium Creamery Butter has
this flavor and quality and if used
j on bread made from Pillsburry's Best
i Flour you have a combination of flavor
i and quality that cannot be excelled.
; On sale at exceedingly low prices con
sidering quality, at Day's.
For Sale.
Two pool tables, one billiard table
and bowling alley for sale.
For Sale.
I offer for sale at a bargain, one team
of dark bay work horses, six years old.
Also several driving horses. Will ex
change horses for new milch cows.
51-tf. On AS. FRY.
Painting Lessons.
Mrs. E. O. Bardwell is prepared to
give lessons in painting to any who
may wish such lessons, at very reason
able terms. 3-3t
The flaccabees.
Editor Press:—
Through the columns of the PRESS I
want the people to read and consider
what the Knights of the Maccabees
have done in the short period of ten
years in Emporium. They have paid
for death benefits, §12,000; disability
claims, $400; sick and distressed mem
bers, §I.OOO. It speaks well for Good
will Tent. I should be pleased to
meet any of our people and explain
the workings of the Maccabees.
Central Pennsylvania Conference.
The M. E. Conference closed its
labors at Danville on Tuesday. Rev.
Johnston, our readers will be pleased
to learn, returns to Emporium for an
other year. The following appoint
ments for this section will interest our
readers: Hollidaysburg, E. E. A.
Deavor; Bloomsburg, B. C. Connor;
Harveyville, Jno. Vrooman; Harris
burg, Fifth street, J. W. Rue: Bedford,
E. M. Stevens; Clearfield, W. H. Nor
cross; Huntingdon, First Church, R.
H. Gilbert; Austin, A. S. Bowman;
Benezette, A. C. Spencer; Cameron, E.
E. Mulliner; Gardeau, F. G. Sleep;
Sinnemahoning, M. C. Piper; Medix,
M. M. Walker; Renovo, 11. C. Pardoe;
St. Marys, G. W. Faus; Cross Forks,
G. M. Remley.
Funeral of Joseph Parsons.
We mentioned in our last issue the
death of Mr. Jos. Parsons, father of
our townsman, J. F. Parsons, who lias
returned from paying the last mark of
respect to a kind parent. Mr. Parsons
has received many kind expressions of
sympathy from our citizens. The
Lock Haven Ilepy.blicun says:
"Alderman Joseph Parsons, one of
the oldest citizens of Lock Haven, died
Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock at
his residence on Water street. He is
survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mary
E. Canfleld and Mrs. Georgie Deitriek,
and four sons, John F., of Emporium ;
William E., Edward K., and Charlas
P., all of this city.
Deceased was born at Wolemsdorf,
February 12th, 1817, and was conse
quently aged 81 years 1 month and 5
He was engaged in his early life as
superintendent and contractor in the
construction of the state canals, in
building dams and sehutes. In 1863 or
64 he came to Lock Haven where he
has since resided. He was a great
student and a man of more than ordi
nary intelligence, well informed on
current events as well as having a com
plete knowledge of general history.
Alderman Parsons was highly es
teemed by all who knew him. At the
time of his death he was serving his
fifth consecutive term as Alderman of
the Second ward.
Rev. J E. Wright, D. D., conducted
the funeral services over the remains
of Alderman Joseph Parsons on Sat
urday afternoon. A large number of
friends were present and many follow
ed the remains to the cemetery. Mrs.
Übil, Mrs. Lichtenthaler, Mr. J. D.
Übil and Mr. H. B. Geary sang appro
priate selections. The Masonic frater
nity had charge of the funeral, and the
pall bearers were J. W. Harris, M. B.
Herring, W. 11. Brown, R. W. A.
Jamison, J. F. Kidd and W.B. Hanna."
"Ye Deestreect Skewl from Huekel
berry Korners," wil keep in ye Opera
| House, Saturday March 26, Ann. Dom.
MDCCCXCVIII. Skewl begins at
j erly kandle lite or 8 on yer klocks.
I Mr. Perkins, .Mr. Howard
: Mr. Billaker, Mr. Metzger
i John Smith, Dr. Reick
I Miss Dashway, Miss Honhnm
I Miss Sharp, Miss Larrabee
i Sallie Simple MissCush
j Mehitable Pendergrass Miss Bock
! Matilda Billings Miss Helen Brown
i Faithful Snnoks, Miss Larrabee
| Samantha Piper, Miss McCrea
j Ruth Ketchum, Mrs. Swain
! Susan Crowfoot, Miss Belle Robinson
j Sally Brown, Mrs. Mankcy
• Dorcas Doolittle Miss Edna Warner
Jerusha Dickson, Miss Bair
Clorinda Geyser Miss Robinson
i Luther Brown, ..Mr. Will Bair
] David Snobs, Mr. Clias. Itishell
i Billy Crowfoot, Mr. Schweikart
j Obadiah Buzzard Mr. Felt
I Stephen Tucker .Mr. Olmsted
Jeremiah Jerkins Dr. Ileilman
I Bobby O'Lee Mr. Egan
j Sammy Snooks, Mr. Geo. Johnston
Sim Dipsy Mr. llaupt
Hezekiah Jones Mr. Goodnough
Between ye scenes there will be per
formans' on stringed instruments by
such as lean pla tunes also a peform-
I ans by ye little fokes.
Reserved seat board for "ye Dees
j treect Skewl" will be open Friday
morning at Lloyd's book store.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCI
The Convention's Work.
The Republican County Convention,
last Tuesday, faithfully carried out the
wishes of their constituents as express
ed at the primaries last Saturday. The
proceedings were very harmonious
and the work of the Convention meets
with the approbation of the Republi
can voters of the county, as well as a
large following of influential demo
crats, The unanimous endorsement of
the candidacy of Mr. 15. W. Green, of
Emporium, after a hotly contested
canvass, is a very flattering compli
ment to that gentleman, who feelingly
expressed his thanks to his friends and
especially thanked his greatly respect
ed and honored opponent, Hon J. C.
Johnson, for the courtesy extended
him during the canvass for the nomin
ation. That Mr. Green will receive
the nomination at the hands of the
district convention there is little, if
any doubt. His high legal ability,
sound judgement, and just, fair and
honorable course as a citizen and law
yer eminently fits him for the respons
ible and honorable position of President
Judge of this 25th district. Mr. Green
is in the prime of life, is energetic and
faithful in the discharge of any duty
imposed upon him; he would take to
the bench young blood—learned in
law, just to the people—fair to all.
We hope the Democrats of the dis
trict will be fair with the Republicans
and endorse Mr. Green's candidacy.
Ten years ago we endorsed the candi
dacy of Hon. C. A. Mayer, now clos
ing his 30tli year upon the bench, and
it was presumed that at his advanced
age he would not ask a re-election at
the hands of the people. We believe
emphatically in freeing the bench from
political dictation and that the candi
dacy and election of Mr. Green is and
would be satisfactory to a majority of
the voters of this district.
Don't Read.
Lot of odd frames and easles, all
sizes at your own price. Must be sold
this week to make room for new goods.
Pure Bred.
Cornish Indian Gar e, Golden Wyan
dottM&nd 8. C. I'rmvn Ueghoroa' *g£Q fl.oo for
Emporium, I'a.—2-3m
Presse J Bricks.
Early vegetables and garden sauce
at Day's.
"Ye Deestreect Skewl" Saturday,
March 26th.
•A new lot of trunks and valises just
received at Soble's.
All the latest styles in shoes at Soble's
both black and russet.
Do you need a new shirt? If so, call
at Soble's. A new line of shirts just
Secure your tickets for "Ye Destreect
Skewl" early. Prices, Adults, 25 and
35c; children, 15 and 25c.
Have you looked over John J. Soble's
new line of Spring hats ? If not, it will
pay you to do so before buying.
Lot of picture frames, odd sizes,
former price from 50c. to SI.OO, now
your choice for 10c., until all are gone.
D. E. Olmsted, near Odd Fellows'
Hall, has just received an invoice of
Spring goods, newest styles, and at
prices to suit the times.
Miss Raymond has been in the city
purchasing her spring stock. Will
have her millinery, silks, dress trim
mings, laces, etc., ready to show you
before Easter.
Prepare for a hearty laugh at Sim
Dipsy, the bad boy; Luther Brown, the
four year old; Samantha Piper, the
giggler, and others at "Ye Deestreect
Swewl." Admission, 15, 25, and 35
The Mclnnes Steel Works, despite
the fact of the lack of a roof on their
new plant, turned out their first piece
of steel under the new management
yesterday. A delay in the shipment
has kept them out of a roof, but all the
machinery is in good working order.
A union memorial service of the
Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist
churches was held in the Baptist church
last Sunday evening, in commemora
tion of the late Miss Francis E. Willard
and General Neal Dow. Addresses were
made by Rev. Itobt. MeCaslin. Mrs. M.
M. Larrabee and l«ev. W. R. McNeil,
with severi) beiut: r v.' and appropriate
selections by the choir.
A break in the gas line, near Glen
Hazel, yesterday, has caused a great
annoyance and inconvenience to our
people. The break will not be repaired
to-day, we fear, and our people should
make pr r 'par n t'>«g
by other agencies than gas. High
water caused the break in the line. Oh,
but this is pleasant! Everybody you
meet is exeedinginly good natured. *
NO. 4-