01 it is Sim. Owing to the very liberal patronage I have hati from our people and in view of the hard times I will until MAY Ist,reduce the price of Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz : All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15 All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19 All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25 Ali 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30 All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price. 65 to 50 Ali 8 oz. mixtures, regular price. 85 to G5 And a corresponding reduction 011 all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint ments Also libera! discount 011 all Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and extra liberal discount 011 Fountain Syringes, llot Water Bottles, Atomi sers and Nursing Pottles. I will guarantee my goods to be strictly fresh and equal to any goods in the market. Thirty years experience in the town of Emporium is sufficient evidence of competency. If you wish to avail yourself of the liberal offer, leave your Physician's Prescriptions and drug trade in general at the OLD RE LIABLE DRUG STORE. L. TAGGART. \ \ \ \ \ X X N \ \ \ \ \ / | % ' NKW ST«CK ' ✓ OF / ; WALL ; ✓ / / £1 / / / j WE SELL y ' BIKGE'S & SONS' ' / / < BEST G-OODS. / ✓ / ; FULL LENGTH, , y FULL WEIGHT, ) y / / At the same price you pay for - / light weight, cheap goods. ' / J H. S, LLOYD. \ X '/i / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ dhm m \ \\ R.C. DODSON, THE flruddist, /toe? ixi- KIWF oserrm, I»A. THE BLINDING HEADACHE. Get the doctor's advice and we will put it into material form. Or come to us for our own headache remedy. It is justly famous among our friends and will cure you absolutely, iffaithfullv taken. We need not say it is guaran teed harmless. Our reputation would forbid the prescribing of anything ot the opposite nature. THE FAIR! lU! imml' I ill 1 ! LACE CURTAINS, The best quality, largest assortment, newest, handsomest and most artistic designs, and prices that are in the bloom of satisfaction will all be found in our superb array of Lace Curtains. An early inspection will be richly re warded. Come before the stock has been depleted by earlier purchasers. H. A. ZARPS & CO. KMI'ORTTTM ULLING 1 .'n;porium, i'a., Feb. 23, 1898. NfEMOPiUL.I, per ,;u:U $1 HO (Jraham, " 75 Jiye •' "0 buckwheat, 14 - r >o ; Patent Mea1..,... 10 ! Coarse Meal, per 100, 90 ! Chop !'Ved " 90 ■Middlings •* 90 Bran, ..." 90 Oorn, per bushel ">0 White Oats, per bushel 40 h. ,0 «- AP. X* Ii I* AR T M ENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to sec in this department, let us know by pos tat card, letter, or personally. Wallace Slocum is visiting friends in I town. Chas. Crandall moves to West Ward this week. Mrs. Guy Bonham is having serious trouble with her eyes. Edwin Close, of Buck waiter, was a PRESS caller on Tuesday. Prothonotary C. J. Goodnough, vis i ited Buffalo over Sunday. Mrs. E. M. Hurteau returned last ! Sunday from Philadelphia. J. I. Hagerman, court stenographer, i visited in town Tuesday morning. Miss Grace Walker has returned from visiting with Buffalo relatives. John J. Hinkle visited in Philadel phia and Wilmington, Del., last week. Miss Pearl Avery, of Ridgway, visit ied friends in Emporium, Saturday | last. Grant S. Wiley visited in Buffalo for several days, returning homo last Tuesday. Dr. H. Paul Minard, of Austin, came | over on Saturday and visited with | friends over Sunday. Michael Pye, we regret to learn, lias j been quite seriously ill this week. lie i is better now under Dr. Baker's care. McClcllan Miller and wife, of Dents . Run, are visiting relatives in Empori um, guests of Jos. Holeomb and family. Mrs. Pearsall, of Coudersport, visited | her children—Mrs. J. A. Fisher and ' Frank Pearsall—in Emporium, last week. Mrs. Henry Auehu came home from Williamsport last Saturday, after a delightful visit with relatives and friends. Undertaker Laßar, accompanied by Robt. Faucette, drove across the hills last Saturday to attend a funeral at Dents Run. Miss Hollis Taggart, of Emporiam, Pa., has been spending the week here, the guest of J. T. Earl and family.— Depew Herald. i Henry Crawford, of Sizerville, was j swapping yarns with the business peo | pie in the borough' Monday.—Port I Allegany Reporter. Frank S. Coppersmith has not been selling any sewing machines the past few days. He is busy looking after that young lady who made its appear ance at his home last Friday. Frank now has a full team -a boy and a girl. Miss Sheddy, aged 14 years, daughter of Harry Sheddy, died at Dents Run last Friday, her funeral taking place on Sunday—Rev. Spencer, ofßeno | zette, officiating. Geo. J. Laßar, of I Emporium, directed the funeral. I Mr. J. E. Mulroy, of Buffalo, accom panied by his brother, Jas. Mulroy, j visited with friends in town on Tues | day. Mr. Mulroy, who is in Uncle I Sam's employ, as steam boat inspector, j is a very pleasant gentleman and we i were pleased to meet him. J Rev. J. M. Johnston left last Tuesday ' for Danville, to attend M. E. Confer j ence. The Reverend gentleman has j just closed his second year in Empori um and gives universal satisfaction to | our people. It is the earnest wish of I all that he be returned to Emporium | for another year. ! John M. Catlin, who was taken seri ! ously ill with symptoms of typhoid 1 fever 10 days ago, has shown a decided improvement the past few days. His physician and nurse are satisfied that the danger point has been passed.— Renovo News. John's many Emporium friends will be pleased to learn that he | is improving. Hon. F. W. Hays, of Oil City, ac companied by L. R. Reed, called on j Emporium friends Tuesday and Wed ' nesday. Mr. Hayes is a candidate for ■ Congress in this district in the event of Hon. C. W. Stone being nominated ! for Governor. He served in the Legis | lature two terms with great credit to | his people and would make an efficient ! Congressman. M. M. Larrabee and wife, of Empo ! rium, have been visiting at Roulette i and Coudersport since last Friday. ; While here we had the pleasure of a call from the sociable 'Squire, whom we are always glad to meet W. R. ; Sizer, the leading merchant of Sizer i ville, is in attendance at court this week as a witness. Mr. Sizer tells us ! that he has a cousin now lying in the hospital at Key West, slowly recover ing from injuries received when the Maine was blown up. It is Lieutenant Catlin. He went into the air about 30 feet and came down among the debris of the wreck, but escaped death as if by a miracle.—Coudersport Journal. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898 L. R. Reed, one of the partners of the Enterprise Milling Co., of Oil City, was in Emporium on Tuesday, accom panying Hon. F. W. Hayes. Both gentlemen wero agreeable callers at the PIIESS office. J. J. Lejeal, of Eric, one of the most reliable piano tuners, is calling on old customers and friends in town. Mr. Lejeal has visited this place for thirty years and has many friends here. A. H. liarr, of Huston llill, was in Emporium yesterday and called to see the PRESS, lie is ono of our old-time friends whom it is a pleasure to meet. I Rev. Robertson, Rector of Emmanuel Church, left to-day on a visit to Port Allegany, Eldred and Warren. He will be absent until Saturday. Thos. More and Frank Hoag, of Sterling Run, were transacting busi ness in Emporium yesterday. Ralph Hemphill and his mother have j returned from their sad visit to Clear field. Lewis Jones, of Sterling Run, was in town Monday evening. BRIEF HENTION. Coudersport capitalists are preparing | to test their section for gas. i The borough council of Dußois is j considering the advisability of levying ! a tax of SI.OO on bicycles. The Emporium Press is thirty-three years old. May our bright little neigh- j bor continue for thirty-three years j more is the wish of the Enterprise.— j Coudersport Enterprise. Many thanks, j friend. The same to you. The Burgess of Austin offers a reward \ of §oo for the arrest of "Buzz" Mundy, 1 for burglarizing Walter Warner's jew- j elry store, at Austin, ono day last j week. M. C. Tuiis, a prosperous merchant | of Emporium, was in Ridgway last j Friday and Saturday, having somo ) work done for him at the Ridgway i Publishing Company's book bindery. Mr. Tulis was .'i former companion of j our townsmen Francis McGloin in tho | peddling business, and, like Mr. Mc- | Gloin, has long since become possessed ! of a goodly amount of this world's I goods. When in Ridgway he was the j guest of his former business companion and had a very enjoyable visit with j him.—Ridgway Advocate. Wc re- j member well, thirty years ago, when i the above named gentlemen were 112 tourists and a happy team they were, sure. How to Manage the Lamps. Here are rules which will make a lamp light a delight, and not a smok ing, oily nuisance: Never let the wick grow very short, j Supply a fresh one when the old one seems clogged and stiff. Do not cut the wick. Rub the char red portion from it with a soft rag each day and never fill it quite full. Let j there be at least an inch and a half j free at the top of the tank. Wipe the outside of the oil tank and | of the whole lamp perfect ly dry. The ! oily exterior is a frequent cause ofdis agreeable odors. Wash the chimney every day and j the shade, if it is of glass or porcelain, at least once a week. Dry tho ehim- j ney with tho regular cloth and polish with soft newspapers or chamois. Once a month boil tho burners in I vinegar. A burner treated to this bath i and dried thoroughly, supplied with a j fresh wick, gives a light by which it is j a pleasure to read, write or sew. Boats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, j Tex., has found a more valuable dis- ! covery than has yet been made in the | Klondike. For years ho has suffered j untold agony from consumption, ac companied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New | Discovery for Consumption, Coughs j and Colds. He declares that gold is of : little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it costs a hundred dollars a bottle, i Asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by j Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- ! sumption. Trial bottles free at L. j Taggart's drug store. Regular size s('c | and §I.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price | refunded. The United States Government has I ordered 400,000 tons of coal from the | Beech Creek mines. The coal is to be I delivered at Key West at the rate of 10,000 tons daily.—Wellsboro Gazette. [ Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen j & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample ' box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A I trial will convince you of their merits, j These pills are easy in action and are 1 particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have ! been jfproved invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo perfectly free from • every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken j by their action but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invig- j : orate the system. Regular size 2oc per I box. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. Opera House for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale at rea- j 1 sonable terms, the Emporium Opera I i House, a good solid .square timber, sub- : I stantially built building, size 50x130, 1 seating capacity of 10(10; good stage ! ' fully equipped for traveling companies. Apply to J. W. CLARKE, Manager. Emporium, Pa. lio-15tf. Fulton & Pearsall. These up-to-date jiainters havepon solidated their buHiness and may bo found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar. Both are practical painters and will give prompt attention to all work en trusted to them. Estimates furnished for all kinds of house, si, late of Emporium Horough, Cam : eron county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been • granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will a ake known the same without delay. A. D.GOULD. H. H. MI'I,LIN, Administrators. March 7th, 1838. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. list ate of COli XfJ LI US 11. (lO i' LD, deceased. j ETTERS testamentary to the estate of Cor i j nklius B. Gould. late of Emporium Borough, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or de mands, \\ ill make known the same without delay. A. I>. GOULD, 11. 11. MULLIN, Administrators. March 7th, IS9B. CHARTERJOTICE. N'OTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylva nia on Thursday, March 24th 1808, by Herbert Day, R. P. Heilman, F. X. Blumle, Gil lis Bliss, Grant S. Wiley. D. Rurlingame. C. C. Fay and others under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for the incoporation and regula tion of certain corporations,*' approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called Emporium Creamery Company, the character and object of which is for the purpose of manu facturing butter, ice cream, cheese and all goods or commodities manufactured from cream or milk, and the transacting of all business connected with a creamery, and for these pur poses to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said act of Assembly and supplements thereto. .T. C. JOHNSON, B. W. GREEN, Solicitors. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES IS THE HANDSOMEST EE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During IS9S THE TIMES will not only maintain the high standard of ex cellence it reached the past year, but but will steadfastly endeavor to excel its own best record, and will not swerve from its set purpose to make - Jimes THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY AND THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED PKXNTIN'O ALL THE NEWS OF ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME No journal is more extensively cir culated or has a wider circle of readers in Pennsylvania than THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES Why? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free--Send for One. TERMS DAILY,§ 3.00 per annum; 25 cents per month; delivered by car riers for ti cents per week. SUNDAY EDITION, 32 large handsome pages— -224 columns, elegantly illustrated, beautifully printed in colors, $2.00 per annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and | Senday, $5.00 per annun; 50 cents per | month. Address all letters to THE TIMES Philadelphia. ! '• • • ••• o • • (• ••O•«• • « © • • « •.• •••••• 9 9 • • • IliSli IUUUL ULL! LLLU <:TI illlll! I The Miller planned i»», ! (•») To be: the finest in the land. <•«■) ; (••) f*») | (••> (001 >' /f7 . ■ - ,~; v ■& m /' i '' •*'- " «> ■, ... • ♦ WcrEEJ i * Now East and West, <••) gS His skill attest, £?> (••> And Pillsbury's Best leads (••) all the rest. (••) (••) If the inscription on (••) your sack of flour is like I (••) J (O#) | r**j the above, you have the (»Si (••) <*») j 2J! best flour in the world [JJ • Ol COO) ! an d ought to have the £•> i (SO) ?"> («») I <»») best bread. Ketter look <•») l (•») ( '!"») and see, and if not, go at !*®i I (•»«> * fi») ( * 6> onco to (0 * ) (•©) UHCL L { J (*a, ! (oo) ! (0«) 9) (€•) Pillsbury's Best. <•*) (••> - r»») (••) There are others, but (••) (••) 25 none so good. 2»> IJ. H. DAY, b o. >••> 23 Fourth St., 25] Emporium, Pa. 22 cum <••> '« •• • 5-• •■• •■•■ AS A'•••• -•) \\ \ \ v\ \ \ \ \ \ \:\/ \ ROCKWELL'S \ i DRIJu llti ! > j Next to Post-office, Emporium, Pa. i/ Fancy Stationery. ✓ / Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy / Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper : / and Turists Pads, x Toilet and I / / | Bath Goods. My line of Toilet and Bath Goods includes / a line line of' Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, / ■&. etc. rl ROCKWELL'S '* - STORE./ / / I < EMPORIUM, PA. I I /\ \ \ s x \ \ \ mv \ arS WANTED. F. E. HATTESON & CO., Riverside, R. !,, Wants all kinds ot Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Raw ' I Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Seneca, &c. Full prices guaranteed. Careful selection, courteous treat- j inent, immediate remittance. Shipping Taps, ; Ropes, furnished free. Write for latest price j circulars. Agents wanted. 42-3m. j BURPEE'S Leading American .Seed Catalogue. Brighter and better than ever before. Mailed I FREE to any address. W. ATLEE BURPEE & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. WALL PAPER Do you expect to do any papering? We will ; send you free a large selection of samples from | 3c. per roll up, all new colorings and novelties i up to date. WE PAY FREICHT. We want an agent in every town to sell on commis- ! sion from large sample books. No capital re quired. For samples or particulars, address S. WOLF, 52-13t. 747-753 Ninth Ave., N. Y.City. Inn- to U ATI; til jjj COMMERCIAL PRINTING NL AND JOB In In ru nj AT THIS OFFICE. In Travelers Guide. TJENNS YI.VAN 1A KAI I.ROAD. X PHILADELPHIA AND ERIK RAIL ROAD DIVISION. In effect November 28, Ift97. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD, ; 3 20 A. M.—Train 8 week days for Satan, v\ ilkesbarre, Seranton, Iluzieton, Poltsvillc Hiu-risburg ind intermediate station . arriving at Philadelphia (s.'l'A p. -1., York 9.30 p. M., Baltimore 6.00 i'. M., Washington 7.15 p. M Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to Philadelphia and pansengcrcoaehes from Kane to Philadelphia an I Williamaport to Haiti more? :tml Washington. 3 550 P. M.—Train G week du;s for Harris burg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 4.30 A. M., New York7.33A.M. Pullman sleeping ear ■ from Harrisburg to Phil adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas sender* can remain in sleeper undisturbed un. til 7:30 A. M. 8 57 p. M. Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris burg and intermediate stations arrivini- at Philadelphia 8.514 A. M., New York 8.33 A. M., weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.20 A. M.. Washington 7.40 A.M. Pullman sleep ing curs from Erie and Williamsport to Phila delphia an.t Williamsport to Washington Prs-engois in sleeper 112 >r Baltimore and Wash ington will in- transferred into Washington weeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from hrie to Philadelphia and William.-port to Baltimore. WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M. .'Emporium Junction—Train 9 week days for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and | intermediate stations. 10 l! 5 A M. —Train 8 Daily for Erie and week days for Dußois and intermediate stations. 025 P. M. Train 15, week days for ICane I and intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR EMPORIUM FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. I Train 9 leaves New York 5:50 p. m„ Philadelphia I 8:50 p. in., Washington 7:20 p. m., Baltimore ■ 8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10 1 a. m., week days, with Pullman Sleepers and i passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie , and from Washington and Baltimore to Will ; lamsport. | Train 3 leaves New York 7.40 p. m„ Philadel phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.40 p. m, Balti more 11.50 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium I 10.25 a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and j passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie ! and Baltimore to Williamsport-on Sundays i only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to Erie. Train 15 leaves Philadelphiaß.3o a. m., Washing ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimoreß.so a.m., Wiikesbarre 10:15 A.M., weekdays, arriving at Emporium wi th Parlor car from Philadelphia to \ > ill lamsport. and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to ICane. j T)I DO WAY & CLEARFIELD RAILROAD and .I.v Connections. (Week days.) SOUTHWARD. Stations. NOKTIIWAKD I*• M-L A.M.j Jr. M. P. M. 8 50 -1 00 Rrnovo 9 5 00 10 20 ! 943 ...' 441 .. Driftwood. . ! 103 930 | 10 20 • 5 10 Emporium June I 325 9 00 1 11 02 • 552 St. Marys, j2 40 819 U 18 ? Kane 112 15 9 05 11 36 S. ..Wilcox Ell 51 842 jll ' l9 |.«Johnsonbnrg..jll 36 827 I I jTTTTTi ]l2 10 6 20J ..Ridgwav,... 8 50! , 800 I 12 17 (i 27} - Island Run... 8 4.) ,7 52 ! 12 22 0 32|Carman Tr'nfer I 8 38 ! 7 4" : 12 31 6 411.. Croyiand.... 8 2!' 1 73> i 12 35 I! 455. .Shorts Mills.. ! 8 2(1 7 3:. 112 39 (i isg . . Blue Rock... 822 730 0 50] Vinyard Run.. 819 ] 12 43 ti 53 Carrier 8 17 7 20 i 12 53 702 .Broekwa.vville. 808 7 17 !12 57 7 oil . ..Lanes Mills.. 802 ]7 12 j 107 714 Ilarveys Run.. 7 .54 I7 01 115 720 . .Falls Creek... 7 601 !7 00 _l_4oi 7 35 IJußois 7 40i | 6 40 120 725 Falls Creek... 700 16 55 1 3.5- 740 . Reynoidsvilie. 645 640 211 j 810 . Brookville .. 609 604 | 3 051 910 New Bethlehem 520 510 3 50 9 55 .. Red Bank 4 25 6 30 12 40 ....Pittsburg... | 140 P-M. P.M. |A. M.j P.M. ! J. B. HUTCHINSON,' J.R.WOOD, I General Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt. Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred. Bradford, Oleanand Buifalo, connecting at Buf , faio for points East and West. Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M. Mail, (103 daily except Sunday ..1.50 P.M. Train No. 103 (mail will connect at Olean with River Division for Allegany,Bradford, Salamanca Warren, Oil I Jity and Pittsburg. Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for time tables or other information. R. BELL, Oen'l Supt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt. Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. TIME TABLE No. 23. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Talcing effect June 15th, 1897. EASTWARD. I 10 I 4 T 0 12 P. >l. P. M. A. M. P. M. Port Allegany, Lv. :i 15 7 18 1 12 10 Coleman, 00 1 00 .... *l2 15 Burtville, »3 30 7 29 12 22 Roulette, 3 !<> 7 36 12 29 ICnowlton's, *3 45 00 *l2 31 Mina 3 55 7 46 12 41 Olmsted *4 00 «7 50 *l2 46 Hammonds, 00 1 00 *l2 51 Coudersport. { 1 15 7 " 7 ' ( V no g North Coudersport, i ' co i *1 05 Frlnk's >6 10 *ll4 Colesburg, *6 46] 120 Seven Bridges *6 50 "1 24 Itavmonds's, ; «7 01 136 Gold 1 706 142 Newfield, '*7 lo 145 B. &S. Junction, 713 150 Perkins «7 Hi *1 53 Carpenter's, 1 ! 00 *1 56 Orowell's, *7 21 "1 00 Ulysses, Ar. 730 210 WESTWARD. I 1 I 6 _ 1 8 | STATIONS. Ulysses Lv. 7 42 2 30 10 05 .... Croweli's, *7 51 *2 40 *lO 17 Carpenter's 00 *2 42 *lO 20 Perkins *7 54 *2 45 *lO 25 B. &S. Junction 7 57 2 50 10 30 Newfield, *8 00 2 54 *lO 35 Gold X 01 2 56 10 42 Raymond's *8 07 2 59 *lO -17 Seven Bridges, *8 19 *3 11 *ll 05 Colesburg, *8 21 3 15 *ll 10 Frink's *8 28 *3 22 *ll 17 North Coudersport, ' OO *3 30 *ll 27 JAr. 8 43 335 11 35, p. M.| Lv. 8 -15 600 130 Hammonds, 00 °° *1 31 Olmsted, *8 51 *6 06] *1 40i Mina, I8 55 61 0 1 45' Knowlton's, ; 00 *6 18 °° ' Roulette I 905 6 22; 157 Burtville ;9 13 630 21110 1 Coleman j OO *6 36 00 ] Port Allegany, j 9 21! 6 40; 2 351 (*) Flag stations. ( cu ) Trains do not stop. Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y. for points north and south. At Newfield Junc tion with Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R., north of Wellsville, south of Galeton and Ansonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y. & P. R. R., north tor Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium and Penn'a R. R., points. B. A. McCLURE, Gen'l Supt. Coudersport, Pa. T3UFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH JJ RAILWAY. THESHOKT LINE BETWEEN BUFFALO, ROCHESTER . SALAMANCA. ItIDGWAY, DUBOIS, PUNXSCTAW NEY, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NORTH, EAST AND WEST. Oil and after Feb. 20,1898, passenger trains will depart from Johnsonburg daily, except Sunday, as follows: 8:52 a. m., from P. & E. station for Ridgway, Broekwa.vville, Dußois, Punxsutawney and Clearfield. 11:52 a. m., from P. & E. station, mail fcr Mt. Jewett, Bradford and Rochester. 2:35 p.m., from P. it E. station, mail for Ridg way, Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsutawney. and Clearfield. 2:28 p.m. from B. R. P. station. Buffalo Ex press for Bradford, Salamanca, Springville and Buffalo. Thousand mile tickets good for passage be tweenall stations at two cents per mile. EDWARD O. LAPEY, Gen. Pass.Ag't., Rochester. N v 5