Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 17, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Is still doing business and expects to be
whether they strike gas or oil. My stock
is complete in every line. -
Dress Goods.
1 have the largest and best assortment
ever kept by me, which I am selling at
Come and see the beautiful styles in
Ladies Capes and Jackets, cheaper than
you can buy the same in the large cities.
Also Misses and Children's Jackets. - -
My Shoe Department
is well stocked with Ladies, Gentlemen's
and Childrens wear. Cheaper in price
not quality) than any exclusive Shoe
House can afTord to sell for. -
It is not necessary to enumerate the many
bargains I have for you. Come and see for your
selves. We will take pleasure in showing you
them, whether you wish to buy or not.
H. C. CI.nSTEI).
ll&srall .
|i l! :
I t . Dealers in
Til (Ti Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry
[l™. 1 . Goods, Fresh, Salt and Smoked
jr. ;fj| Meats, Fruit in season, Tobacco,
ill Ltll Cigars, Confectionery and School
|Jf(jlJ Supplies.
D' IfiSl A complete line of Fall and
jJat Winter Goods.
Jjpi We would be pleased to have
■ Iml you call and inspect our stock
til l J whether you purchase or not.
t ifl] > Goods delivered anywhere in
rjj] yj town, free of charge.
i' j ' j JORDAN BROS.,
iifTirn.ll No. 43, W. Fifth St., Emporium.
.. .....
Spring Attire
h / H I'M -
i Or Mi IfJ &
Mi m »
$ iJ i pmem-
EJ/VERY MAN lias or ought to have an eye
x* on his attire. Fine Clothing is the uni
*l form oi* success and prosperity. Every
man sjeks to look his best. lie must have a good
tailor to help him do it. We claim first place in
that line and having opened our
New Spring and Summer
We are now ready to serve our customers with
the latest in models of clothes.
Emporium, Pa.
C. W. Stone Growing in Favor.
it is manifest that the sentiment in
Clinton county is drifting toward Congressman
Charles W. Stone, of Warren, as the candidate
for Governor of Pennsylvania. Mr. Stone would
be a strong candidate from the fact that he has
never been connected with any factional rivalry,
and hence he would control a large vote.—Mill
Hall Times.
Hemmorial Service.
There will be a Union Memmorial
Service, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.,
in the Baptist church, next Sunday evening, at
7:03 o'clock. This meeting was suggested by the
officers of the National W. C. T. U., in celebra
tion of the birth of the late Hon. Neat Dow,and
also in commemoration of the death of the late
Miss Francis E. Willard. The ladies of the
Union have arranged a very interesting program,
interspersed with special singing by some of the
best musical talent of the town. Short addresses
will be made by Revs. McCaslin and McNeil who
arc expected to be at their best. Let the people
of our borough, without any respect to political
party or religious affiliation, turn out and do
honor to the memory of the renowned Neal Dow
and Francis E. Willard, both of world-wide fame.
Dime Social.
To be given by the Emergency Class
of the Presbyterian Sunday School, at the home
of Mr. George Bloom, on Thursday evening,
March 24, at 7:30. The following interesting pro
gramme will be rendered:
Vocal Duet,
Miss Bessie Ault and Mr. J. J. Mclnnes
Recitation Mary Knight
Music Stringed Instruments
Piano Solo Miss Flossie Taggart
Selections from Graphophone.
Vocal Solo Miss Grace McCaslin
Piano Trio The Misses Leet
Music Stringed Instruments
Piano Duet,
Miss Ada Hockley and Miss Florence Card
Trio Male Voices
Solo ... Miss Lizzie Mclnnes
Recitation Guy Mankey
Piano Solo Mrs. Fred Robbins
Everybody invited. Come one, come all, with
your dime and enjoy this programme and get a
cup of chocolate and a piece of cake.
Special Excursion via Pennsylvania Railroad'
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany announces that on April Ist it will run a
special excursion from points on the Philadel
phia and Erie Railroad, Erie to Lock Haven, in
elusive, to Washington, tor the benefit of all who
may wish to visit the National Capital at this
season. Round-trip tickets, good going on all
regular trains April 1, and good returning on auy
regular train leaving Washington not later than
April 11, will be sold at greatly reduced rates.
Special sleeping cars will be run through on train
leaving Erie at 3:110 p. m.
Holders of special excursion tickets to Wash
ington can purchase, at the Pennsylvania Rail
road Ticket Offices in Washington, excursion
tickets to Richmond at rate of £I.OO and to Old
Point Comfort (all rail i at $0.00; at the offices of
the Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Com
pany, excursion ticketl; not including meals and
staterooms on steamers i to Old Point Comfort or
Norfolk, Va., at $3.50, and to Virginia Beach,
Princess Anne Hotel, at $1.00; Washington to
Mt. Vernon and return, via electric railway, 50
For full information consult small handbills,
apply to ticket agents, or address E. S. Harrar,
Division Ticket Agent, Williainsport, Pa.
Balancing Books With Spain.
Nations, as well as corporations,
must balance their books from time to time.
Old scores must be wiped out. New credits must
be made or denied. The dajlof stocktaking does
not come so frequently to governments as to
business houses, says the Philadelphia Inquirer,
but when they do come settlements must be final
and balances duly settled in full.
At present the United States is balancing books
with Spain. This is what she finds:
Item: A full-Hedged war that has been waged
within a few miles of our coast for three years.
Item: A loss of millions of dollars in trade
with Cuba.
Item: Imprisonment of citizens of the United
States, the same being held prisoners for months
without just or due cause—proved by the fact that
they were immediately liberated when proper
pressure was brought to bear.
Item: Millions of dollars expended at the re
quest of Spain to suppress filibustering.
Item: Panics in commercial and financial cir
cles due to strained relations between this coun
try and Spain.
Item: Disturbance and delay of public busi
ness due to the friends of Cuba taking advantage
of conditions to introduce debates upon the war
at any and all timely and untimely occasions.
Item: Less of thousands of dollars sen! as
charity to feed the starving and clothe the desti
tute, brought to that condition by Spanish
methods of warfare; and which she frankly con
cedes she cannot care for.
Item: The loss of one fine warship, costing
five millions of dol.ars.
Item: The lives of two hundred and fifty-three
American sea*:.en.
Item: Cost of investigating the Maine disaster,
for no matter how the court reports, the catas"
tronlic would hardly have oceured where and
when it did had the rebellion been ended in
proper time.
Hi■ "lillions of dollars expended in placing
the co.'p'.ry in a condition of'def'ens .
Against these items Spain merely presents a
bill for filibustering expeditions said to have
coine from the United States. With some justice
she claims that the present insurrection lias bee.,
nourished from these shores, and for this she
might demand payment. That is a small charge
against the statement of her heavy indebtedness
to this country. Even granting her charge with
out dispute, there isstila tremendous bill for
which President MoKinley will demand prompt
and final payment. He appears to have determ
ined to settle accounts with Spain now and for
all time—with peace, if Spain permits it; with
war, if she insists.
Pure Brett.
Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan
dottesand S.C.Brown Leghorns'eggs SI.OO for
Emporium, Pa.—2-3m
Thoroughbred Stock.
White Leghorn eggs from thorough
bred birds. Best layers in the country. Eggs
large and plenty of them. Orders received now.
Emporium, Pa.—2-tf
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTKß
Off for Alaska.
Last Monday another party left Em
i porium for Alaska, composed of Wm.
| Tebo, Isadore Stoner and Lewis Plood.
The party will join the Emporium
i colony in the Klondike.
New Musical Organization.
A number of our young men have
organized a banjo, mandolin and guitar
club and expect before many days to
give our citizens an evening of enjoy
ment. They play well already.
how to Save rioney.
Take your prescriptions to the Old
Reliable Drug Store where they will
be compounded by a first-class drug
gist with strictly fresh drugs and
prices about one half what they are
elsewhere. See the ad on page five.
The Creamery.
The Emporium Creamery is moving
along nicely and orders are daily in
creasing for butter. Milk is coming in
every day, about one thousand pounds
a day being the amount received this
week We hope the farmers will see
the importance of supplying the milk
required to make the institution a suc
cess, thereby increasing the dairy busi
ness of the county.
'•Cannot Do Without It."
Hon. Sol. Ross, of Wharton, Pa., and
for many years a resident of Empori
um thought he would try 1898 without
the PRESS arid accordingly notified us
that he wished us to discontinue. Last
week we received a letter from him
saying: "Please send the PRESS, I
cannot do without it." Judge Ross
has been a subscriber since the first is
sue of this journal—thirty-two years—
and naturally would feel lost without it.
M. E. Church Report.
Rev. J. M. Johnston left on Tuesday
morning to attend the annual session
of the Central Pennsylvania Confer
ence, to convene at Danville, on Wed
nesday, the 10th inst. The following
interesting items will appear in his
report, relative to this station:
Pastoral support $l,lBB 00
Paid on debt 1,100 00
Ain't paid incidentals, interest, etc f>oo 00
Missionary collection 'il.s oo
Other benevolences 10» 00
Visits made during the year 500
Members of church.... 2f>7
Probationers 35
Total 302
Deaths during the year 2
Birthday Parties.
Emporium's little folks seem to be
having jolly good times now-a-days
and show the big folks how to have a
pleasant time. On Saturday last Miss
Margaret Dodson, invited a number of
her young friends to join in celebrat
ing her sixth anniversary. The young
sters enjoyed themselves immensely at
tea and play until 6:00 p. m. Among
those present were Marguerite Metzger,
Ethel Lloyd, Edna Walker, Margaret
Kelly, Mary Knight, Gladys Lloyd,
Lena Coyle, Ethel McNeil, Myrtle
Dininny, JosieNewton, IvaMcDougall,
Leon Walker, Frank McCaslin, Earl
McDougall, Fred Nangle, Lee Felt,
Frank Housler, Ronald Reick, Phillip
McDermott, Rodney Shives.
The Boston Ideals.
This clever troup now playing at
opera house in this place, comes to
Emporium highly recommended by
our neighbors. This evening they
will present an appropriate play suit
able to the day. The small prices of
admission—lo, 20 and 30c—should en
sure them good houses.
School Report.
Emporium High School report for the month
ending March 8, 18E8.
Nellie Cleary, 9!); Katie Cummings, 9'-';
Olga Exstroni, 98; William Reed, B<>;
Martha Kay, 83; Ralph Davison, 84;
Mary Davison, 1)7; William Welsh, 80;
James McAdam, 95; liessie McCaslin, !U.
Anna Cleary, 9S; Bertha Gregory, 92;
Katie McDonald, 98; Grace Leet, !)7.
Abby Metzger, 95; Katie O'Day, 92;
Clias. Calkins. 95; ('lias. Ilockley, 88;
Josie Armstrong. S8; Maud Thomas, 88;
George Leavitt, 95; Cassias Shafer, 'JO;
Claud Harris. 93; lied Huntington, 84;
William Leavitt, 92; Chester Hocklev, 87;
HattlcAuchu, 92; Amos Reese, 80.
I.ora McQuay, 97; Floyd Van Wert, 97;
(..'lurk Chapman, ill; Nellie 1 .ingle, 91;
Bertha Dinger, 91; Bertha Hair, 81;
John Heilmen, 90; Ralph Weeks, s:;;
Joel Jordan, 88, Willie Pelkey, 75;
Tacie Bloom, 88; Pearson Pry, 76;
Edwin Sykee, 8(1; Ida Krebs, 75;
Roy Peasley, 85; Thomas Law, 80.
Theresia Blumle, 90; Harry Bell, 8G;
lila Hacket, 95; Joel Shives, 85;
Aunu Blumle, 93; Cljde Barner, SI;
Frank Bair, 89; John Howard, 77;
Vernon Heilman, 86; Thomas McCaslin, 77;
Margaret Dougherty, 89.
Space will be reserved lor the names of pupils
of the different grades who are out of school
without satisfactory excuse, l'upils will be re
ported weekly by the proper officer.
Report of Sterling Run Tannnery School for
month ending March 10;
Those who have been present everv day during
John Berry, Sammy Norton,
Charley Bunce, Harry Smith.
John Flemming, Ross Smith,
John Lynch, Minnie Berry,
Julia Howlttt.
Visitors Misses Hattie Hains, Nellie Kissel,
Helen Fleming, May Darrin, Nannie Spence.
Goto N. Seger's and purchase one
of those stylish spring suits of clothes.
Look Here !
Does the warm weather waste your
ice if so goto Chas. Fry and he can
| tell you where you can get sawdust to
.cover it. CHAS. FRY.
For Sale.
I offer for sale at a bargain, one team
of dark bay work horses, six years old. 1
Also several driving horses. Will ex
change horses for new milch cows. .
51-3t. CIIAS. FRY.
Painting Lessons.
Mrs. E. O. Bard well is prepared to i
give lessons in painting to any who j
may wish such lessons, at very reason
able terms. 3-3t !
Information Wanted.
Any members of the defunct United j
Life and Accident Insurance Associa- j
tion, who reside in Cameron county J
will please call at the office of M. M. j
Larrabee for consultation.
Young Mens' Business Club.
The young men composing the above
named club will meet this evening at
It. Seger & Co.'s store, at 8:00 o'clock.
Let all members be present. Business
of importance.
Joseph Parsons Dead.
A telegram received this morning
from Lock Haven, from J. F. Parsons,
conveyed the sad intelligence that his
father, Mr. Jos. Parsons, was dead.
Mr. Parsons was well and favorably
known in Emporium, where he often
visited with his son. We had known
the venerable gentleman for many
years and esteemed him very highly.
Litigation Stopped.
For many years there has been liti
gation between California Phoenix and
C. B. Howard & Co —the former claim
in * damages owing to the building of j
the Emporium & Rich Valley R. R.
We are glad to learn that the matter
has been settled and Howard & Co.
have purchased the vacant plot of
grqynd immediately this side of their
railroad at the west end of Fourth
street—south side. Howard & Co.
have men engaged filling up the low |
places and it is their intention, we are j
informed, to fit up an amusement park i
—a place for ball games, circuses and j
other sports. Just what we need in \
Emporium and Mr. Josiah Howard is j
just the proper person to take tho j
matter in hand.
Local Institute.
The local institute in the High School
Building, Saturday, March 26, promises
to be instructive to the teachers as
well as entertaining to patrons and
friends. Among the number who have
signified their intention to be present
are Dr. L. S. Shimmell, editor "School
Gazette," Harrisburg, Pa.; Co. Supt.
Sweeney, Elk county; Co. Supt. Mattie
Collins, Cameron county; Principal J.
J. Elliott, Renovo, Pa.; Principal J. J.
Coleman, Driftwood; Supt T. A.
Roberts, Pres. Board, Renovo, Pa.;
Principal A. L. Suhrie, St. Marys, Pa.;
District Supt. W. J. Baur, Benzinger
township, and others.
Among the topics for discussion are
"What I saw in a school room." "The
public estimate of the teacher." "The
teacher's rights." ' The essentials of
arithmetic." "Language a'id compos
ition." "The home and the school."
In the evening there will be an
entertainment by local talent in the
interests of the schoois.
John J. Hinkle, who has been clerk
at the Warner llouso for the past ten
years, resigned his position last week j
to embark in other business. Mr. j
Hinkle during his -residence in Empo- |
rium has taken an active interest in j
public affairs and is justly popular 1
with our citizens. As chief engineerof i
Emporium's Fire Department he has
been untiring in his efforts and the |
present efficient standing of our depart- j
ment is mainly due to his active and
constant watching and work. We re- I
gret that his new business necessitates
his retiring from the position ho lias
so faithfully held for four terms. The 1
citizens of Emporium owe him a vote j
of thanks for his zealous labor in their j
behalf. The recognition he has received i
at the hands of the Republican party i
is well merited, for no party worker
in this county has been more loyal i
than Jno. J. Hinkle He has always
been in the front rank at all times and j
could be depended upon. Honest, re
liable and courageous ho will give sat- I
isfaction to his superiors and command I
respect in any capacity. Mr. Hinkle |
wili bo located in Philadelphia but
maintain his residence in Emporium, :
where his wife will remain.
For Sale.
Two pool tables, one billiard table '
and bowling alley for sale. j
: To the Patrons of the hmporium
In order that a strictly first-elans
| article of butter and cheese, and that
| the top price for these articles may bp
secured, and thus the patrons' profits
increased and made satisfactory, it is
strongly urged by the officers that the
following rules and regulations be
scrupulously followed in every detail:
FEEDING. —Furnish your cows with
pure water. Do not allow them to
drink from stagnant pools nor filthy
streams. Give them any good ordinary
feed but be careful in feeding turnips,
ruta-bagas, silage, gluten feed, and
all strong smelling and strong tasting
feeds. Such should be given just after
milking, and not before, nor during
the milking
ING.—Just before milking, the stables
should be carefully cleaned, and the
floor covered with some dry absorbant,
such as cut straw, or chaff, or forest
leaves, or sawdust, or road dust, or
land plaster—any of these will do.
Then each cow's udder and teats
should be carefully washed, by means
of a cloth or sponge and water, and
then dried with a clean dry cloth; or
be thoroughly brushed with a soft
brush, and all loose dirt be brushed
from the sides and legs of the cow.
During the milking the teats should
be especially kept dry. Wet^teat-milk
ing is an abomination that should
never be indulged in nor tolerated by
any one.
Immediately after a cow is milked her
milk should be strained through at
least two thicknesses of ordinary mus
lin, or four thicknesses of cheese cloth,
and should be set outside of the stable
in some place where it will not absorb
any bad odors from the stable nor
from any other source, and where no
clogs, cats or other animals can gain
access to it. After all the cows are
milked the milk container should be
set in a tub or half-barrel filled with
either very cold water, spring water,
or ice water, covered, and allowed to
remain there until started for the
creamery. The night and morning's
milk should under no circumstances be
mixed together until both are per
fectly cool. This is especially im
portant as the mixing of the two when
one of them still contains the animal
heat will spoil them both. BE CAREFUL
UTENSILS.—AII pails, cans and
strainers should be well washed with
soap and water, and then scalded.
Scalding does not mean to use simply
warm or hot water. It means they
should be thoroughly rinsed with
BOILING water. This should be done
every time they are used.
Get the milk to the Creamery as
early in the morning as possible—not
later than 9:30 o'clock. Nine o'clock
would be better.
The is the patrons' part of the
work; and if these directions are care
fully followed we will guarantee a
strictly first-class, high grade article
that will be highly satisfactory alike
to producer, manufacturer and con
sumer, and that will line the patrons'
pockets with dollars.
. A Duster.
Emporium Gas & Oil Co.'s well No.
2, on Lewis Run, shut down yesterday
at a depth of 1406 feet —the rankest
kind of a duster. The company will
locate No. 3 well at once—probably
near No. 1, which is a fair gasser.
The Austin Autograph copied from
the PKESS tho item in relation to the.
Kaye-Briggs affair and says:"To the
average mind the above would look
very much as though Mr. Kaye was in
nocent of the charge, "General Man
ager" Briggs preferred.
,We understand later developments
have come to light which makes the
stockholders of the company wish they
had never known Briggs or Calhoun.
But the Klondike fever will develop
more suckers."
''Now and Then" is tho subject of
Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman's lecture which
she will give in the M. E. Church, Sat
urday evening, March 19th, at 7:30 p.
m. May the people of Emporium not
be behind other towns .where Mrs.
Hoffman has lectured in showing their
appreciation and desire to hear the
gifted woman by giving her a full
house. This is a free lecture.
N. Seger's new spring clothing has
arrived and is now on sale. Never
such bargains offered in this county.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Republican County Convention.
"''puj'lican County Convention will meet
Court House, in the Borough of Emporium,
at 1:00 o'clock, p. m.,
* "J" tile purpose of nominating one delegate to
Convention, candidate for President
Judge, choose delegates to the Judicial, Con
sessional and Senatorial Conventions and the
transaction of such other business as may uron
erly come before the Convention.
By Qrder of County Committee,
r iiv n C Ol'MSTED,Chairman.
* . •'A\ QOODNOUGH. fcecy.
Republican Primary Election.
in accordance with a resolution adopted by the
Republican County (omniittee, empowering the
tinn'Tif," i? C! Li' 1 ' and County Conven-
; on "it Kepublican Primary elections for
Cameron county will be held on
SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, 1898.
Emporium Borough West Ward, at. City
W-,rd i : ?' m -' A delegates; Middle
Ward, at Council Room, at 7:00 to 8:30 p. m..—4
!l"if sl Ward,at Hose House,at 7:00to K:3O
p. m.,—3 delegates.
J ./S. h i PPCn T „°wn shi p, at Court House, at 2:00 to
*.uu i). m., —o neloi*ates.
at L OWnship -„ 5 t , Sizerville Bath House,
at cOO to 8:00 p. tn„—2 delegates.
Lumber township, at office of R. W. Barrows
at Cameron, at 1:00 to 3:00 p. m.. 3 delegates.
C»ibson rownship, at Curtin House, Drift
wood at 3:00 to 5:00 p. ni.,—2 delegates.
. „™ WOO(i Borough, at Curtin Hotel, at 7-30
to 9:30 p. in. ,-3 delegates.
f„c r^ veTowns,l i p ' at Joe M - Shaffer's, from 1:00
to 6:00 p. m.,—2 delegates.
, „ "• C. OLMSTED, Chairman.
< ■ JAY UooDNot'GH, Sec'y.
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be
/tinned by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Cameron County Press:—
Slß:—Republican friends from the several
counties comprising this, the 25th Judicial Dis
trict, have requested me to become a candidate
for the Republican nomination of President
Judge. After consideration I have concluded to
comply with their request. Please announce in
theCAMKRON CoL'NTY PRESS to the Republican
electors of Cameron county and this Judicial
District, that i am an earnest candidate for the
nomination of President Judge, subject to the
rules of the Republican party, and respectfully
solicit their support at the primary elections.
I pledge myself, if nominated, to use all honor
able means for my eWtion to that rTponai'ile
Yours respectfully.
Emporium, Pa., Feb'y. Ist, 1898.
Editor of the Press.
DEAR Slß:—Please announce my name as a
candidate for the nomination for' the office of
President Judge of this 25th Judicial District,
subject to the rules governing the Republican
party in Cameron comity.
Emporium, Pa., Feb'v. 2, 1898.
EDITOR PRKSS:—Please announce inv name
as a candUato for Delegate to the Republican
State Convention, solely in the Interests ■ t tlie
candidacy ol lion. Chas. \V*. Stone for Oovemor.
It elected 1 pledge to li e all honorable
means to sccuro his nomination.
Shlppen, Pa., Feb. Stli, lS9'i.
At the earnest solicitation ol numerous Repub
licans I have concluded to IJ a candidate lor
delegate to the State Convention, and ifelectcd
shall use all honorable means within my power
to secure the nomination of Hon. i . W. Stone
for Governor.
Sinnemahoning, Pa., Feb. 28th, 1898.
q."r«Min 1 ——BWK—■■lllimilM
Pressed Bricks.
St. Patrick's day, to-day.
Butter milk at the Creamery, Qve
cents a gallon.
A. F. Vogt is erecting an addition to
his shoe store, an evidence of pros
Emporium Creamery Butter, a firat
class article. Bound to please, at
The walk recently built at the rail
road on Maple street is a great con
venience to pedestrians.
A great variety of wall paper at the
Old Reliable Drug; Store. Prices
away down. Come and examine.
Ripe tomatoes, lettuce, celery, rad
ishes, young onions, spinach. Fresh
Shad and Herring.
When you come to Emporium you
can save more money than your fare
if you call at X. Seger's and purchase
your clothing and furnishing goods.
From posters printed at the PRESS
office we learn that the County Com
missioners advertise for bids for the
painting of the county iron bridges.
Howard, Perley & Howard's mill at
CJleasonton,has resumed operations for
the season, employing over a hundred
men, so saysßt-novo Record.
Miss Lillian Kennedy, the actress who
delighted an Emporium audience re
cently, was stricken with paralysis, at
Utica, N. Y., last week. The right
side of her face, right arm and ieg are
The Emporium PRESS last week en
tered upon its thirty-third year. For
nearly a third of a century the PRESS
has been recognized as a force in news
paper circles in f his sect?™ of
and is to-day one of the leading county
papers of Northwestern Pennsplvania.
Editor Mullin is sustaining the past re
putation of the PIIESS in an able man
ner, and the Democrat tenders to him
its best wishes for a prosperous future.
ley, we certainly appreciate ybur good
wishes, especially coming from one
who fully realizes the work required to
make a successs of a country weekly.
NO. 3