THE FARMING WORLD. OLD-FASHIONED BARN. How It Can He ICnlnrKftl Without Very Mucli Kvpcime, There are many barns that have the maiu driving' Hour running from side to side of the barn instead of from end to end. The stock is kept in one end In narrow quarters, while the other end is used for a hay bay. A sensible plan PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF BARN. for cheaply enlarging such a barn it shown in the perspective view. Fig. 1 ( ar.d its accompanying floor plan, Fig. 2. The addition gives a long "tie-up" foi stock, leaving the old quarters for u silo and for calf pens. The hay bay re mains as before. This interior arrange ment is very convenient for feeding and aii.£Y (ALF P£NS S'LO I GROUND PLAN. caring for the stock. In many cases the land slopes sufficiently in the rem to make a manure cellar possible undei the cattle stalls. The dressing can then 'be kept safe from leaching until it can ibe hauled to the fields. —American Ag riculturist. FEEDING FOR WOOL. Lark of Care In Alniont Certain to In jure the Klber. For best results everything that lives and grows does better to have generous and continuous good treatment from •the start to finish. The sheep is no ex ception to this rule. It is as sensitive to bad treatment as the dairy cow. II in the latter case the cow is allowed tc fail in milk no amount of generous ttreat.ment will fully restore the milk to its former flow. The wool of the sheep is said to be as equally sensitive to bad treatment. If during the growth •of the wool the sheep is subjected ti hard conditions there will be a weak iplace in the fiber of the wool during tnis period. Flockmasters should see that the •sheep should be under generous treat ment the entire season. Xo amount of winter care will fully compensate foi allowing the sheep to run down in the fall. The weak place in the fiber can not be eliminated. The manufacture! icannot make as good cloth from woo! fthnt breaks, and will not pay as much ifor it as good, strong wool. In feeding 'for flesh we feed for wool also, for the latter can be reached only through the former. Remember all the time that ! the evenness of fiber has more to dc with the price of wool than its fineness This is the reason that range wool ii 'usually lower in price than wool pro- Iduced on the farm. The season affecti I the range sheep more than the farm iflocks. This is equally true with all •forms of live stock. —Rural World. Stenm KIIKIIH-H for Fa mm. Because farmers always have horse ipoweron the farm it does not follow that it must be used for every purpose where .additional power is required. There are many kinds of jobs where a small engine, which any farmer can easily learn to run. will give better satisfac tion and be far less expensive than keeping a horse. With the proper con nections so as to furnish the power such an engine will do the churning or run the milk separator. It will do the wash ing and turn the grindstone in the sum mer, a job that has disgusted more boys ;with farming than any other. One ol the best uses of the engine is to make it turn a lathe where the young peo ple can cut out various kinds of wooden utensils and learn skill in handicraft that will be useful to thnn all their lives. —American Cultivator. The lleMt llreed of Cattle. Which is the best breed of cattle? is o question frequently asked. The best breed depends on what is expected of it. If choice steers are to be raised for mar ket, and which are to grow rapidly, pro duce carcasses that will command ex tra prices, and at the lowest cost, use the beef breeds. If milk and butter are the objects the beef qualities should not be sought. It is not difficult to learn at the present day how and where to produce the best breed of mil!; ami but ter producers, but in so doing aim to secure not only the breed, but choice animals of the breed. If a beginning is made with the best the more rapid »\ill be the progress to success, as there are inferior animals even among the pure bred ones. An extra dollar or two ex pended at the start will return fourfold in the future.—-Prairie Farmer. Cattle of Eilce. This is the time of year that cattle are likely to be attacked with lice. If any of them have a rough coat and are constantly licking or rubbing' them •e.ves you can be quite sure they are lousy. Calves and yearlings are gener ally attacked first. Powdered aloes, which is cheap and can he procured at any drug store will kill every louse. Apply with a pepper box, rubbing it in with the hand. Leave it on three or four days, then go over the animal with a currycomb, and apply ag-ain. Two ap plications are sufficient and it is per fectly harmless to the animal.—Dakota Field and Farm. Sorghum seed makes a good fee-d for poultry. I? tends to egg production adds tc the variety. THE SAN JOSE SCALE. It Can ICanily lie Hen«lere«l llnriuleaa, S«> « Thin Writer. Practical, personal experience with (lie San Jose scale will be of interest. The following is from Mac. J. Crow, for years associated in the management of a leading California nursery and or chard at Napa, Cal., who has recently taken up his residence in Pike county, Mo. Mr. Crow writes: "The San Jose scale is evidently thoroughly established in numerous localities east of the Rocky mountains. Orchardists should accept the fact and turn their attention to prevention or cure, as the case may be, in their in dividual orchards. "Some are making a mountain out of a molehill, and seem to overlook en tirely the fact that this scale prob ably was solved in California some six or eight years ago, and is to-day re quiring much less attention than some fungous diseases which are so numer ous throughout the eastern and mid dle states. It is far easier to combat the San Jose scale than the codling moth. scab, blight or borers; the for mer can be thoroughly kept in check with less work and expense than any one of the latter. This is an indis putable fact—a fact thoroughly demon strated in the California orchards. It is unnecessary to "dig up and burn a badly infested tree," as the wise ones often say. Three thorough sprayings with lime, sulphur and salt, or the resin washes, properly ap plied at the right times, will clean any tree, no matter how many scales are on it; then one spraying a year is sufficient. Of course, if the scales have been on so long as to almost kill the tree, then a new one had better be planted. "It sounds rather ridiculous to hear such an uproar about an insect that, as said before, is less dangerous or troublesome than many of the insects which orchardists are fighting and saying nothing about. The numbers of eurculio. codling moth and several others, can only be diminished, in a degree, and the damage resulting from their depredations in proportion, but the scale can ensilv be rendered perfectly harmless." —W. P. Stark, Secretary of Stark Bros.' Ntirsieries. CHEAP GRAIN BINS. How They Can He liullt at a Merely Nominal Kxi><-n»c. In these "hard times" it is advisa ble for the farmer to utilize those things which are the most easily pro cured, and especially when they are adapted to his needs. In most cases feed chests with compartments for different kinds of grain are necessary conveniences in both the barn and stable, but often the construction of such a bin is a matter of considerable expense and labor if the ordinary course is adhered to. Accordingly, I suggest the plan shown in the illus tration. It is perfectly simple and very serviceable. First, obtain a number of dry goods or grocery boxes, all of the same di mensions in every respect; place them HANDY GRAIN BIN. side by side, then nail together with wire nails long enough to reach through and clinch. Next, attach a cover to the top of the bin thus made, and your work is done. Of course, each box should be of size sufficient to hold all the grain of any one kind that must be kept on hand, but this need not occasion any alarm, for boxes of every size and shape men tionable can be procured at grocery and dry goods stores, for a merely nominal sum.—Fred O. Sibley, in Ohio Farmer. HINTS FOR STOCKMEN. Give the swine clean, dry beds. Short tails and a short check rein in dicate a short supply of common sense. Never keep the carriage where the am monia from stables will reach the paint, Europeans and the American hog threaten to utilize ail the corn we can grow. Hogs should never be fed the offal from slaughter houses, which is likely to contain trichinae and tuberculosis. If you can afford it buy a nice buggy or carriage. It will make boys feel bet ter and won't make you feel any worse. Because the hog will eat anything is no reason why we should attempt to make good pork on filthy food. Can't dc it. Half the so-called hogcholera is noth ing but worms, to which the hog is very subject. A good vermifuge would cure a good deal of "cholera." Western Plowman. Kkk* That I>o Not Hatch. I have been experimenting lately on the eggs from certain hens, to find out if there is any great difference in the way they hatch, their vitality, etc., and have been greatly interested in the discoveries. The eggs from the ab normally fat hens seldom hatch. The chicken usually dies on or about the twelfth day of incubation. When «n egg hatches a day or two in advance of time one usually concludes that it was quite fresh when putin, but I now find that it is the eggs from the active and most healthy hens that break the shell first. Five eggs from a little g.'ime hen, which were all over five davs old, were the first to hatch. Invaria bly the egg from the sleepy, lazy nen hatches late. Out of 27 hens whose eggs I experimented with I found two quite sterile. They both lay fine, large eggs of good shape and shell, but though I must have tried quite a dozen of their eggs, not one has ever had a sign of a thicker.-Fanciers' Gazette. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1898. A Beantiful Girl's Affliction. From the Republican, Versailles, Ind. The Tuckers, of Versailles, Ind., like all fond parents, are completely wrapped up in their children. Their daughter Lucy, in particular, has given them much concern. She is fifteen, and from a strong, healthy girl, three years ago, had become weak and kept falling off in flesh until she became a mere skeleton. She seemed to have no life at all. Her blood became impure and finally she became the victim of nervous prostra tion. Doctors did not help her. Most of the time she was confined to bed, was very nerv ous and irritable, and seemed on the verge of St. Vitus' dance. "One morning," said Mrs. Tucker,_ 'the doctor told us to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, which he brought with him. He said he was treating a similar case with these pills and they were curing the pa tient. We began giving the pills and the next day could i«e a change for the better. The doctor came and *«i surprised to fee such an improvement. He told us to keep giving her the medicine. We gave her one pill after each meal until eight boxes had been used when she was well. She has not been sick since, and we have no fear of the old trouble returning. We think the cure almost miraculous." FRANK TUCKER. MRS. FRANK TUCKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of April, 1897. HUGH JOHNSON, Justice of the Peace. These pills are wonderfully effective in the treatment of all diseases arising from im pure blood, or shattered nerve force. They are adapted to young or old, and may be had at any drug store. neyiiml Ilia KnowleilKf, "Do you really mean to stand by what you say about retiring from public life?" inquired the intimate friewd just before an election. "How do I know?" responded the politi cian. "I'm no prophet." Washington Star. I.anil ait a u giving Are best and cheapest in the New South. Land $3 to $5 an acre. Easy terms. Good schools and churches. No blizzards. No cold waves. New illustrated paper, "Land and a Living," 3 mouths, for 10 cents, in stamps. W. C. RINLARSON, G. P. A., Queen & Crescent Route, Cincinnati. A I'azEled Infant. "Paw," asked the little boy, who had been tackling statistics in the daily paper, "how does it come that most of the wnisky and beer is drank by people in the temperate zone?"— Cincinnati Enquirer. A Handsome Metal Paper Cntter and ll«ok Mark. Combined Sent free of postage under sealed cover on receipt of ten cents in silver or stamps. 1 he latest, best and most serviceable adjunct of ever}- library and office. Address Geo. H. Heafford, 410 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. The inventor of suspenders that will not pull the buttons off will have a bigger for tune than a shareholder in Klondike.— Washington Democrat. I.ane'n Family Medicine. Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. llnrd I,nrk, "What made you quit the club, Billy?" "Reason enough, I can tell you. I worked five years to be elected treasurer, and then they insisted on putting in a cash register." —Boston Traveler. A copy of the new edition of Miss Parloa's Choice Receipts will be sent postpaid to any of our readers who will make application by postal card or note to Walter Baker &. Co., Limited, Dorchester, Mass. The inventor of a kind of suspenders that won't wear out is assured of the blessings of all mankind. —Washington Democrat. Piao's Cure for Consumption relieves the most obstinate coughs.—Rev. D. Buch mueller, Lexington, Mo., Feb. 24, '94. Pleasure soon palls when it coats nothing. —Ram's Horn. A treasure laid up is St. Jacobs Oil. It cures the worst Neuralgia. Whispers and runaway teams make the break-ups.—Rain's Horn. Rupture. Surecuro. Bo>'( free. Writeforit to S.J.Sherman, Specialist. Mt. Vernon,N.Y. When a girl goes on the street to look for her steady, everybody knows it. —Atchison Globe. A big investment for a workingman is St. Jacobs Oil. It cures rheumatism. When a boy can't think of anything else to do he eats something.-- 1 VY*shingtonl)ein ocrat. No Deception.—lTe—"The young ladv doesn't look like a singer." She —"Doesn't sing like one, either." —Detroit Free Press. —— Stranger—"l notice that when you an nounce your text your congregation all make a note of the verse and chapter." Parson — "Yais; dey takes down de number ob de verse and chapter to make policy combina tions out ob.'—Puck. "Mr. Showman," said an inquiring indi vidual at the menagerie, "can the leopard change his spots?" "Yes, sir," replied the individual who stirs up the wild beasts; "when he is tired of one spot he goes to an other."—Tit-Bits. Philosophy—Something that enables a rich man to say that it's no disgrace to be poor.—Chicago I>aily News. "Stebbin's wife is going to make him po in for geology." "What's that for?" "She can't make him keep himself tidy, and she thinks if he is scientific it won't be noticed." —Chicago Record. "Bridget., you've broken as much china this morning as your wages amount to. Now how can we prevent this occurring again ? "Oi don't know, mum, unless yez rai&e z»e wages."—Pearson's Weekly. "I'm troubled about that draft from the west," said the head of the firm. And the office bov hurriedly closed the transom and then looked as if he expected an immediate advance in salary.—Detroit Free Press. "Now, papa, dear, when Mr. Timmons calls on you don't be hasty." "Hastv? I guess not. I've been thinking what I'd do to him for more than a month." —Cleveland Plain Dealer. "One great trouble wif folks," said Uncle Eben, "is dat dey's li'ble ter mistake de smallest speck on dah serenity foh de pint wha' patience ceases ter be a virtue."— Washington Star. "I daresay some of the comforts of civiliza tion are already appearing in the Klondike?" "Yes; they were just getting in nugget-in the-slot gum-machines aa I came away."— Puck. A GREAT TIDE OF PROSPEHITT. Canndlan I.nan Companies Urttlnf Money on Morlxacra That Had lleen Written Off. Probably in the history of the continent there never was such a tide of prosperity enjoyed by any country as the Dominion of Canada is being favored with. That portion of Canada known as Western Canada is at tracting thousands of people who are seeking homes on the arable lands of that new but rapidly developing country. Possessed of exceptionally good railroad privileges, the best school system in the world, church es in every small settlement, while in the towns and cities all denominations are rep resented, and with markets in close prox imity to the grain fields, most of the re quirements for a comfortable existence are met. The development that is now taking place in the mining districts gives an im pulse to agriculture and good prices, with good crops, being about a state of affairs that the crowded districts of more popu'ous centers are taking advantage of. The Asso ciated Press dispatches a few days since had the following telegram: Toronto, Peb. 4.—(Special)—Loan com panies that made ad% - ances on Manitoba property years ago report that the returns from the west during the past three months have exceeded expectations. One company has taken from Manitoba over $20,000 inter est, and discharged mortgages many of which had been written off a year ago. Directors of the leading loan companies are taking a greater interest in the business of their in stitutions, and are inquiring into many properties on which advances have been made. The climate in the Western provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, Assiniboia and Saskat chewan is excellent, there being no healthier anywhere. The Canadian government is now offering special inducements for the en couragement of settlers, and they have their agents at work throughout the United States for the purpose of giving information and distributing literature. Among those going to Canada are many ex-Canadians, who have failed to make as good a living as they expected in the United States. A I'aefnl lieqneat. Cumso —l hear that Mr. Scadds left SIOO,- 000 to Yellvard university. Cawker—ls it to be applied to any par ticular purpose, such as the endowment of a chair? "The money is to be used for the endow ment of a foothall hospital."—Puck. It's Not » old lu tbe Sonth. The weather this season in the South has been all that could be desired, and all who have already reached the resorts of Florida and the (iulf Coast are charmed with their locations. The Louisville & Nashville Rail road Company's arrangements for through service of sleeping cars and Coaches from Northern cities are unsurpassed this winter. Tourist tickets, good to return until May 31st, are on sale by this line from all points, at low rates. For full particulars write to C. P. Atmore, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., or Jackson Smith, D. P. A.. Cincinnati, O. liseless Study. Teacher (severely)— Tommy Smith, come here! Why haven't you learnt your geography lesson? 'I ommy —'Cause the papers say there's going to be a change in tlie map of Europe.— Pearson's Weekly. No Klondike for Mel Thus says E. Walters, Le Raysville ( Pa., who grew (sworn to) 252 bushels Salzer's corn per acre. That means 25,200 bushels on 100 acres at 30c a bushel equals $7,560. That is better than a prospective gold mine. Salzer pays S4OO in gold for best name for his 17-inch corn and oats prodigy. You can win. Seed potatoes only $1.50 a barrel. Seni> Tnis Noticb ant> lOCts. in Stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and get free their seed catalogue, and 11 new farm seed samples, including above corn and oats, surely worth $lO, to get a start. k3 Preparing tor Trouble. "Have you de ring, Mistah Johnsing?" "No, sah, I ain't got no ring. is, pahson, I done expect treble wid some o' my ereditahs, an' I put up de ring foh 75 cents so's I wouldn't have no vallerables on my pusson. I spec' it'll be 'bout de same thing if Lucindy puts her finger troo a hole in the ticket. Thank you, pahson."—Cleve land Plain Dealer. From Ilaby in tbe HlKh Cbalr to grandma in the rocker Grain-0 is good for the whole family. It is the long-desired substitute for coffee. Never upsets the nerves or injures the digestion. Made from pure grain it is a food in itself. Has the taste and appearance of the best coffee at 4 the price. It is a genuine and scientific article and is come to stay. It makes for health and strength. Ask your grocer forGrain-O. Information Wanted. Teacher—At what age does a man usually get bald? Bright Pupil—What kind of a man—mar ried or single?— Chicago Evening News. Fits stopped rtee ana permanently cured. No fits after first day's use of I)r. Kline'a Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle 4 treatise. Dr. Kline. 933 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Women whose clothes do not look like it, are very particular about their dressmakers. —Washington Democrat. Disfigured from a bruise? No; not When St. Jacobs Oil cures it. No chance. Young Womanhood. Sweet young girls! How often they develop into worn, listless, and hope less women because mother has not impressed upon them the importance of No woman nessandper hood should be // IJI * \ guided physical- " \ ly as well as morally. I \ If you know of any young 1 lady who is sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., and tell every detail of her symp toms, surroundings and occupations. She will get advice from a source that has no rivai in experience of women's ilia. Tell her to keep nothing back. Her story la which are essential to a full understanding of her case, and ii she is frank, help is certain to comnl w 1 U (JiilJUlUlUMtllJ tUI tMi l^j mm ><* | Coughs I ee that kill are not distinguished by any mark or sign from gjt 55 coughs that fail to be fatal. Any cough neglected, may sap 59 •e the strength and undermine the health until recovery i3 gj impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. £2 M Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cures Coughs. gj as 1 SS ; "My little daughter was taken with a distressing cough, J ISS which for three years defied alt the remedies I tried. At J® 2 \ SS length on the urgent recommendation of a friend, 1 began tor*2 JM: give her Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After using one gj , SS ; bottle I found to my grea. surprise that she was improving. M Three bottles completely cured her." —J. A. GRAY, Trav. ?* Ml 1 Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co., St. Louis, Mo. 7*2 » Ayer's Cherry g m Is put up In half Si n at half price • > BO cents M ] PAINTS WfILLS^COLIKI Calcimo Fresco Tints § FOR DECORATING WALLS AND CEILINGS § i grocer or paint dealer and do jyour own kal- UHLUIIVIV sorainmg. S This material is made on scientific principles by machinery and milled in js twenty-four tints and is superior to any concoction of Glue and Whiting £ that can possibly be made bv hand. To be mixed with Coi.d Wateh. S htsend For samCle color cards and if you cauDot j£ purchase this material from your local dealers let us know and we will 2j put you in the way of obtaining it. 5 1 THE MURALO CO., NEW BRIGHTON, 5.1., NEW YORK. 1 " WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." USE JSAPOUO J Permanently cured tv us lnff 1> K. WHITEH A 1.1,'S RHEUM ATIC < TICK The mlre.t an 1 thfi he-t Sample wnU >'UKE on mention -jt thl- rnbllr.tlon THE UK. WHITEHALL MEOKIMINE CO.. South Ilernl. Indiana. V&~ It you are troubled with any form of DYSPEPSIA MfA\ HD'O nVCDCDCIA TADI ETC are what you should use. They lire superior to ■ ALLUr O UlortrolA IADLIIO all others-a POSITIVE OUrtß,ae as a DiKestive. 25c and 50c boxes, bv mail on receipt of price. On rnceipt of one 2 cent postage stamp I will send a Six day*' trial package 3?" IX !■' "PI by mall. Address x,. as. oaiiljXJl*, m. d., uarbhaiiL, alien. It Caret Colds Coughs, Sore Throat, Croup* Influ enza. Whooping Courh, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. TJse at once. 7 will see the excellent effect after taking the fir*., dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Price, 25 and 60 cents per bottle. {The 0i Klondike .! W If you are interested and wish to V k post yourself about the Gold Fields i X of the Yukon Valley, when togo 5 and how to get there, write for a . T Descriptive Folder and Map of y Alaska. It will be sent free upon ' A application to T. A. GRADY, Ex- | X cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R., X Chicago. ACETYLENE GAS, The Light of the Future. «4ei>en4ent and own your own little gas-plant. 7o u six times more light than ordinary pas, or at Applicable for nne in churchea, ■tores, factories, resklencos and country homes, bafer than ordi nary gat or koro- Fire Insurance throughout the \Ve want a first class agent in ev ery town. Write for pricos and catalogue. TMK Jf ATiOWAI. ACICTYV*K!VR UAH TO., Ilia Mohnuk llldr*. Cleveland, 41. KS^WiieaS"! 1 How to frrow wheat at 4<>«* a bu. and 231 bus. oatu- 112 X 171 bun, barlev and 1800 bus potatoes per acre- J 112 OTHER OUR ORF.AT CATALOGUE mailed you • X with 11 rrnae seed snmnles, upon receipt of S Z run BlOTICI! and lO cents In stamps. { JjOHBf A. BALEBR BRED CO., f-A CROtSK, WIB. (K 1)^ M Bast Coufb Syrup. Tastes Good. Use M bJ In time. Bold by druggists. Kfl 36.50 To California! This is the berth rate in the Tourist car from CINCINNATI to SAN FRAN CISCO, via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. For particulars address, S. G. HATCH, D. P. A., 433 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. (n3 >4 Years An Independence is Assured if 70a take up TOIFB IKffkWil J Home In WESTERN fir* I CANADA, the land of y A I P ,ent F* Illustrated pain- K*rtWJ phlefs. glvlDK experlenot ■Vifß^4lHV(sl of farmers who have bo lM JJ7 X come wealthy In growing wheat. Reports of del** gates, etc.. and full lnfor* I matlon as to reducod railway rates, can be bad oa application to Department Interior. Ottawa, Canada, or to M. V. McINNES, No. 1 Merrill Block. Detroit, Mich. IcTover'seed: O Largest growers of Griui and Clover Seeds % Ain America. 6000 acres. Our Grass Mixtures last m ; a a lifetime. Meadows sown in April will give 2 rousing crop in Julv. Prices dirt cheap. Mam J 5 moth catalogue and 11 pkg*. Grass and Grains,• j • FREE for but 10c. and this notice. Catulogue tic. # > • JOHN A. BALZEU SEED CO., LA CIIOBHK, WIS. (K B.)# ■33sEsia^Eßßlsi i Allen's Ulcerlne Salve is the only sure cure la I the world for Chronic Ulcers, Bone i Scrofulous Ulcer*, Varicose Ulcers, Whlto Swelling, Fever Soros, and all Old Sores. It I never tails. Drawsoutall poison Savescxpense and ! suffering. Cures permanent. Best salve for Bolls, j Carbuncles, Piles, Salt Rheum, Burns. Cuts and all Fresh Wounds. By mail, small. 33c; large. ! «3c. Book free.