Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 03, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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[Copyright, tßfl6. by J. B. Llpplncott Co.] "j
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The train stopped at Sidington just
long enough to have a trunk thrown off
and allow one passenger to alight. The
trunk was mine, the passenger myself.
Then the train went on again, the en
gine puffing and hissing in a vain at
tempt to acquire suddenly the greatest
speed, seemingly in great impatience
that it had been compelled to stop at
all —which was not to be wondered at;
for, when I gazed around, from what I
could see, Sidington was nothing more
than a station house, a few miles of
railroad, and a wide stretch of hilly
There was a young fellow of about my
oge standing in the doorway of the wait
ing-room. He was regarding me with
evident curiosity. I stepped up to him.
"Where is the station agent?" I asked,
"Why, I'm the agent," the fellow re
plied, in drawling tones.
"Isn't there any town here, or at least
a settlement? Is this—" sweeping my
arm around in a comprehensive gesture
—"is this all there is of Sidington?"
"You kin see about all there is from
here," the agent replied, with a grin.
Then, to my surprise, he stepped out
on the platform, locked the door, and
put the key in his pocket.
"Are you going to leave the station?"
I inquired.
"Yes. No use stayin' around. There
ain't no more trains till three o'clock,
when a couple of coals pass. This ain't
much of a station."
"But what's to be done about my lug
gage?" I asked, impatiently, pointing
toward a large trunk and several bun
dles at the upper end of the platform.
The agent looked in the direction I
indicated. "Oh, that's all yours, is it?
I thought maybe it might be. Got
checks, I suppose?"
"Yes, certainly. Here they are."
He took the checks, gazed at them
doubtfully for a moment, then slowly
went to the pile of luggage.
"I guess it's all right," he said, after
taking the checks from the various ar
ticles of baggage and carefully compar
ing them with the ones I had given
him. "You kin take 'em along."
Now the trunk was large and heavy,
and I turned on the fellow with a touch
of anger, for at first I thought he was
making game of me. But when I saw
the expression of stolid indifference
on his face, it struck me he was simply
dull and stupid.
"Thank you," I finally said. "It is
very kind of you to allow me to take
my own property. Perhaps you will
show further kindness by telling me
how I am to take it. The bundles I
might possibiy manage, but the trunk,
us you see, is large, and, I can assure
you, heavy, and I really should prefer
not to carry it, if any other way of re
moval might be devised."
For a moment it seemed to me the
blast of sarcasm produced an effect, for
just a shadow of a smile appeared on
the agent's face. It lasted but an in
stant, however, and the blank stare
with which he had viewed my belong
ings took its place.
"Where you wanter go?" he finally
asked, in an indifferent manner.
"I would like togo to Nelsonville, if
there could be found a way to get my
trunk there too," I replied.
"So you're goin' to Nelsonville?" He
favored me with a quick, searching
glance, which was immediately with
drawn when he caught my eye. "Nel
sonville's about three miles from here,"
he continued. " 'Tain't much more of a
place than Sidington. You ain't goin'
to stay there, are you?"
I was about to answer sharply that
that was my business, but, remember
ing the curiosity that the advent of a
stranger generalty causes in the minds
of country folks, I told him my plans
were not definite.
" 'Tain't that I wanter be impert'-
nent," he went on, with a<grin; "but I
thought if you was only gnin' to stay
there over night you might leava your
trunk in the station."
"Well, I had intended to spend two or
three months, possibly longer, in Nel
sonville. It depends altogether on how
I like it. So, you see, I must have my
"Two or three months!" lie gazed
down at the traak for a moment, and
then turned quickly toward me as
though an important idea had just
come to him.
"There ain't no hotel at Nelsonville.
P'raps you didn't know that," he said.
"It will make no difference to me. I
have made arrangements for accommo
dation. You see, lam going to occupy
a portion of my own property."
"Oh, you own a place there, then?"
"Yes, the old Nelson homestead is
mine. It descended to me from my
grandfather, Abram Nelson. He has
been dead 18 years. I have not seen the
place since. I was quite a small boy
then. And now, as I have plenty of
leisure, the desire is natural to revisit
the scenes of boyhood days."
The agent listened to my words, and I
was considerably amused to note the
interest they inspired—an interest, I
thought then, due wholly to a country
fellow's curiosity.
"If I have told you all you wish to
know about myself," I went on, "will
you kindly tell me, as a return favor,
where a team can be procured to cart
me and my belongings over to my
The fellow grinned at me, as though
there had been something in my words
of an amusing nature; but finally he did
give me the desired information:
"Why, I guess maybe Jake Ilunsicker
kin take you over. He's just gettin' in
the outs, but if you pay him, p'raps he'll
leave the oats be long enough to drive
to Nelsonville and back. Anyway, he
kin take you after supper, if you wanter
wait till then."
"And where does Mr. Hunsicker live ?"
I asked.
The agent pointed to a clump of trees
on the summit of a hill about a quarter
of a mile distant. "You kin see just a
part of the roof through the trees. The
road runs uphill right past the house."
"How about these things while I am
gone? Will they be safe?" I inquired.
"Oh, yes; no one'll take 'em. It'll be
all right," he replied, indifferently, as
though he did not care whether my lug
gage would be secure or not. Then he
gave one more glance at me, grinned in
his dull way, sprang from the platform,
and went off down the road.
All the country for miles about Nel
sonville had been familiar to my boy
hood. But now, after an absence of 18
j-ears, I could hardly recognize this part
of it.
The railroad had been built some five
years before, and that made, in itself,
a great change. The station was in a
valley, and the fertile fields and dark
green forests on the bounding hills were
all very beautiful.
But, as there were few houses, and
those in the distance, there was a
loneliness about the place which seemed
to find a counterpart in my life. For
I was a social Ishmael, an outcast, bur
dened with the suspicion of a crime of
which 1 was innocent. The fact that
nothing could be proved against me, in
the minds of most people, only indi
cated that I was such an adept in
roguery as to be able to cover up all
proof of my guilt.
It was now a year that the cloud had
rested over my good name. The first
six months of this time I had vainly at
tempted to live down the general sus
picion. But I found the houses of even
those I had considered true friends
closed against me, and so, heart-sore
and almost despairing, I fled to Europe,
hoping to find partial forgetfulness, or
at least a rest from cruel tongues. Un
fortunately for my peace, Americans
read the newspapers, and I had only to
mention my name to my countrymen
whom I met during my trip abroad to
be asked if I was the one whose name
was mentioned in connection with the
great bank robbery in Philadelphia. I
soon tired of this and of being compelled
to' tell over and over again the circum
stances of that affair, so resolved togo
back to my native land, avoid the city
where I was so well and so unfavorably
known, and seek rest and peace amid
the scenes 'of my childhood. I also de
termined, after my arrival, to begin a
thorough investigation of the robbery
on my own hook. The reason I had
not done this before will be stated later.
The solitude of Sidington, the lack
of a welcoming hand, the knowledge
that I had outgrown all boyish esti
mates and would therefore find the old
homestead no longer encompassed
about by the romantic interest which
a youngster's mind was able to conjure
up—all this did not tend to raise my de
pressed spirits, and my heart was heavy
within me as I plodded up the long,
dusty hill toward the home of Mr. Hun
A delicious breeze was blowing at the
top of the hill, and I paused a moment
under the shade of the maples, to bare
my perspiring brow to the cool in
fluence. •
Then I slowly walked up the shady
path leading to the porch, keeping my
hat in my hand. I hoped Mr. Hunsicker
would be at the house for dinner, for
I determined not togo out into the hot
fields to search for him.
A knock at the open front door caused
ai» interruption in the clatter of dishes
which proceeded from an inner room,
and very soon shuffling footsteps ap
proached the door.
A tall, stoop-shouldered individual,
dressed in a brown cotton shirt, blue
overalls and cowhide boots, loomed up
out of the gloom of the darkened rooms.
From the look of astonishment on the
man's face when he saw me, I judged
the advent of a stranger was a rare oc
currence to this household.
"Will you haul me and a trun- to
Nelsonville?" I asked.
My question produced a blanker stare
from the old fellow, and his jaws, which
had been busy masticating a mouthful
of food, ceased operations. I gave him
time, and, when he had partially re
covered from his surprise, again ad
dressed him.
"Do you understand English?" I
"Ach, y-e-e-s indeed!" he replied, aft
er he had hastily swallowed the food.
"And is your name Ilunsicker—Jacob
Hunsicker?" I continued.
He nodded a reply.
"The station agent down at the depot
said that perhaps I could get you to
take me, over to Nelsonville. Will Jou
do it?"
"V-ell, bud ve're just at de oats," Mr.
Hnnsicker said.
"I am willing to wait until after sup
per, which will not interfere with the
harvesting. You will be well paid ftr
your trouble."
Hereupon the rather shrill voice of
a woman came from the inner room.
She spoke in Pennsylvania Dutch, but
I was able to make out that her words
conveyed a command for her husband
to comply with my request. She also
added that he should not offer to do the
work too cheaply.
I smiled as I recognized in this one
of the provident traits of a Pennsylvania
Dutch farmer's wife.
"I'll pay j'ou well," I reiterated.
"I guess you should gif me feefty
cent," Mr. Hunsicker said, in a doubt
ful manner, as though he really did
not expect to receive that amount, but
was determined to get all out of me
that he could.
"It is settled, then, tliat you take me
over. We'll not quarrel about the terms.
Allow me to rest here under the cool
shade the remainder of the afternoon
and give me some supper, and you shall
have a dollar."
The farmer was quite overwhelmed
by my munificent offer, as was also the
hitherto unseen female. For the wom
an peeped from behind l the door of the
kitchen to have a look at me.
I bowed to her, and she acknowledged
my salutation by coming forward.
"I guess you haf no dinner," she said,
in a hospitable way.
The truth was, I had had none, and,
being rather healthy, I was not sorry
to be ushered to the table, where I
was bountifully supplied.
During the meal the woman favored
me with many searching glances, which
I attributed to her curiosity.
After I had finished my repast we
again returned to the front porch.
"You have a nice place here," I said,
handing the man a cigar. "The house
is new, is it not?"
"Aboud fife year old," he answered;
and then his wife took up the conversa
"Ve rented a farm ofer nt Nelsonville
for a long dime. Bud ve nefer had no
ehildrens, so ve safed some money and
bought dis farm," she said.
The woman was eager for a little gos
sip, and was bound to have it, in spite
■"Where you wanter boP"
of the fact that the dinner dishes were
awaiting her.
"Did you ever know old Abram Nel
son, of Nelsonville?" I asked, willing
to indulge her wish. "It's a long time
now since he died—lß years."
"Yes, ve knew him. It vas part of his
farm ve rented after he died," the man
made response.
I could not restrain a smile at his
clumsy way of putting it, but before
1 could ask another question the wom
an came up to where I was standing
and gazed earnestly into my faee
"Ach, Gott! It's true!" she ex
claimed, clutching my arms. "It's Nel,
little Nel! Aeh Gott, I knew it!"
Then her excitement ended in a flood
of tears. I gazed down at her in as
tonishment, and as I looked recollec
tion came to me.
"Why, surely, I used to know you,"
I said, smiling down upon her. "You
must be Sarah. You used to work at
Grandfather Nelson's when I was a
small boy, and took care of me during
my visits."
'Well, see! he knows me!" the woman
exclaimed, turning toward her husband,
"ne vould not forget Sarah! So, so.
After so long a dime. Aeh, my! And
now j'ou are a man, and haf growed so
I really should have explained before
that my name is Nelson Conway. I had
been rather a small, puny child, and my
gradfather called me Little Nel.
Soon Jake went about his business
harvesting the oats. Sarah and I sat
all that afternoon under the cool shade,
talking about old times.
My parents had been dead many
years, and it was something new in my
experience to be petted, deferred to
and made much of. Sarah took up the
acquaintance just where it had been
broken off 18 years ago, and seemed im
bued with an augmented adoration for
I felt there was one true, loyal soml
in the world whom I could depend on,
and, in the natural desire for sympathy
and consolation, I recounted to her all
my troubles, including the circum
stances connected with the bank rob
bery and the suspicion under which I
had groaned in spirit for a year now.
"It seems as though I were fateu to
aarry that load to the grave," I re
marked, despondingly.
"Ach, no, indeed you von't. Don'd
you feel pad aboud it, Nel. You see it
come right. Let dem come to me,"
Sarah continued, waxing indignant,
"let dem come to me. I dell dem if a
grandson of Abram Nelson is a thief.
And dey find out some day."
ner assurances comforted and en
couraged me very much. For I knew
my life had been honorable and square,
Nt leaat In all business relations, end
her absolute trust in ine, after all the
cruel insinuations and the cold looks
of suspicion, was balm to my wounded
There was another, the brightest, fair
est and best of women, who also felt
confidence in my integrity, or at least
had done so; one whose affection 1
had gained. Rut I had not heard from
her since immediately after the rob
bery, and whether her trust and love
still remained unshaken I could not
say. I had no reason to doubt her; but
then time works wonderful changes
in a woman's opinions, often.
After supper Jake drove me over to
Nelsonville. Sarah accompanied us, of
course. She would have been intensely
pleased to have me stay at her own
house, but I was longing for the rest
and peace which the old homestead
seemed *so promise, and so could not
be persuaded to change my plans.
At the corner of two roads, near the
house, dwelt an old widow, who had
taken care of iny place.
The large farm had been rented out
in parcels to neighboring farmers, but
the house had remained vacant ever
since my grandfather's death.
We stopped at the widow's home for
the key, and the old lady came along
with us.
Soon I stood upon the porch and
gazed around upon the scenes which
had stamped themselves so strongly
upon my boyhood's mind that even now,
after all these years, they seemed won
derfully familiar. I missed the white
headed old gentleman, whose figure had
been the most beautiful of all to my
boyish mind. With a sigh I turned to
the door, placed the key In the lock,
turned the bolt, and entered, followed
reverentially by Sarah and her husband,
and Mrs. Snyder, the old widow.
She Mlnlook an Icrhoiae for the
Tomb of Wanhlngton.
If the men who become the objects of
hero worship could see the evidence of
the feeling they inspire, they would
possibly be even more reconciled to
leaving this sphere for any other, bet
ter or worse. Sometimes they do know;
and then they need to exercise abun
dant charity.
An American who has lived much
abroad sa3".s that he was present, on one
occasion, when a country woman of his
own met a famous poet. She saw the
object of her idolatry. She rushed for
ward and struck an attitude.
"And is it possible," she cried, dra
matically, "that I look upon Brown
One feels that Dr. Johnson, in the
same circumstances, would have re
marked, gruffly: "Don't be a fool,
Again, there are times when pathos
is showered only upon the dead. T. F.
Silleck says that on one of his holiday
excursions he visited Mount Vernon,
and there, in the grounds, he came upon
a middle-aged lady, kneeling before a
building at some distance from the
monument. She was bathed in tears.
Mr. Silleck walked up to her, and asked
if she were in trouble.
"No, sir," said she, "thank you very
much. 1 am not in trouble, but my pa
triotic feelings overcome me when I
gaze upon the tomb of the Father of his
"I quite understand," said Mr. Silleck,
gently, "but, my dear madam, you have
made a mistake. This is not the tomb
of Washington. It is over yonder. This
is the icehouse."
And drying her tears, the lady moved
quietly away. —Youth's Companion.
"Like llok* or Like Gentlemen."
Years ago, when it was more the
fashion in Kansas than at present.
United States Dis.trict Attorney "Bill"
Perry gave a "stag party" to his gen
tlemen friends at Fort Scott. He had
procured a bountiful supply of cold
beer for the delectation of his guests,
but hid it away in an upper room as a
post-prandial surprise. When the
proper time arrived for the revelation
of his surprise he said~to the assembled
"Boys, I have a lot of cold beer up
stairs, but before we start I want to
know whether you intend to drink like
gentlemen or like hogs."
"Oh, we'll drink like gentlemen; lead
on, 'Billy,' " chorused a dozen voices in
"That settles it," replied the jovial
host, as a smile rippled over all three
of his double chins. "I'll have to send
for more beer. A hog always knows
when he's got enough."—Kansas City
It has been said that the training of
a boy should begin with his grand
mother. Where this precaution has
been neglected there should be some
charity for the boy if he does not turn
out well, and the generous parent will
not refuse to bear at least a portion of
the responsibility.
"Your son Robert, Mr. Waxwortli,"
remarked a teacher to th« father of
one of his pupils, "is not lacking in ca
pacity to learn and has many good
points, but he is apt to think that what
he docs is always right. lie is very
"I know it," replied the father, wit!
a deep sigh. "He gets that character
istic from his mother's folks. In other
respects lie takes after our side of the
family."—Youth's Companion.
Mlnsed Him Rnther I.ate.
When Dr. Whe-well, master of Trinity
college. Cambridge, was a tutor he once
invited a number of his men to a "wine"
—as the entertainments of those days
used to be called. Noticing a vacant
place, he said to his servant: "Why is
not Mr. Smith here?" "He is dead, sir,"
was the reply. "I wish you would tell
me when nsy pupils die," was the indig
mantanswer. —San Francisco Argonaut.
Plain food suits not dainty appetites
—Eliza Tabor.
Pasteur's widow hua taken up her
residence at the institute bearing her
husband's name, and i.sin receipt of a
pension of $5,000 a year.
—There is talk in Hartford of erect
ing a suitable monument to the memory
of Henry Clay Work, the author of
"Marching Through Georgia."
—Mrs. Paul Breen, of San Francisco,
has given $30,000 for the construction of
an arch in Golden (iate park, to be a
memorial to her husband and sons.
—William Tyler, who has just died at
Colliding, Tenn., at the age of 85 years,
was a nephew of President Tyler. lie
was born and spent his whole life in a
house once owned by John Sevier.
That famous old Parisian dandy,
Prince de Sagan, is said to have recov
ered his health sufficiently to have pre
pared for a journey to Cannes, whither
he will be accompanied by the princess.
—Mark Twain has been studying the
career of Cecil Rhodes, the South Af
rican millionaire, and sums up his con
clusions as follows: "1 admire liirn. I
frankly confess it; and when his time
comes I shall buy a piece of the rope
for a keepsake."
Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, has
purchased one of the finest homesteads
it.the Ohio valley, about ten miles from
Pittsburgh, and will hereafter live
there. The senator's abandonment of
Beaver county, where he began his po
litical career, for Alleghany, the strong
hold of his opponent, "Chris" Magee,
is a cause of wonder to Pennrylvania.
SuKKcnteil Improvement for I.envinif
Street C'ar» Offered Women.
"Very ludicrous, certainly, but yet it
is not quite the proper thing to laugh
so loudly that she can hear you."
It was a strong-faced old man who
gave expression to the above while
standing on the corner of State and
Madison streets one evening lately. He
referred to the great discomfiture
which overcame a pretty little woman
who, like most of her sex, managed to
get off a street car the wrong way. In
alighting she turned her back on the
still moving train, and as a result she
was left sprawling in the damp street
the observed of hundreds of eyes. Her
light-colored dress was irretrievably
ruined and her flying ribbons slapped
and fluttered in the little puddles made
by the melting snow.
And her face! It was clothed in as
crimson a color as a full-blown holly
hock. Four or five men leaped to her
assistance and in a jiffy had the little
woman upon her feet. But she did not
thank them. Not a word. She just kept
her eyes on the ground and, with a wild
and startled bound, leaped for the side
walk, and in a moment disappeared
within the capacious doors of one of the
bazaars near by. Then those big,
bearded pirates who a moment before
were all grace and tenderness in their
solicitude began to roar.
"Not exactly right to laugh," con
tinued the old man who had witnessed
every phase of the above incident, "but
it can hardly be helped under the cir
cumstances. If women will persist in
gettingotT the cars contrary to the man
ner in which they should, why, they
must expect to take a tumble. But even
with one mistake, if they would only
be careful in the future it certainly
docs seem to me that they might avoid
their very annoying acrobatic feats."
"Well, sir," putin one of the men who
had assisted the little woman to her
feet, "the only reason I can figure out
their persistence in jumping off cars in
reverse is because they see newsboys
and street car employes do it.l have
seen one of these boys drop off a car
going at full speed, alight on one foot
and retain to perfection his equilibrium.
How he manages to do it is past my
comprehension. The momentum is
such that it would topple me over like
the proverbial load of apple sauce."
'But there are women who alight
with as much ease and as gracefully as
the men," said another. "These arc the
younger women—these of the athletic
or new woman type. The} - never ask
the conductor to stop his car, either
coming or going, but if you watch 'em
you'll see that they jump manfashion.
In my opinion I do not consider myself
at all ungallant. These awkward wom
en should be laughed at. it may teach
them better sense for the next jump.
Let them wait until the cars slow up."
"That's what they ought to do," in
terposed the old man as he turned to
leave, "and if tliey don't do it they
ought to tumble about the streets. It's
not the conductor's fault, though I
don't approve of his and the gripman's
loud guffaws as they pull away from
the floundering heap of ribbons and
"Ought to have charts posted in the
cars giving an illustration of the right
way to jump," added another, as with
a parting roar the hard-hearted fellows
drifted away to their various objective
points.—Chicago Chronicle.
Axln*n Seeret*.
Asia is generally regarded ag having
been the earliest home of man, yet its
interior is still one of the most myste
rious parts of the globe. That many
unknown things remain to be discov
ered there is indicated by the results
of the recent jour leys of Sven Hedin,
the Swedish explorer. In the region
containing the lake called Lob Nor
he came upon a tribe of half-savage
shepherds who were unknown even to
the Chinese. And besides more than a
score of salt-water lakes, and the ruins
of two ancient cities, he discovered a
great range of mountains, whose lift -
iest peak, named by him Mount Oscar,
is 24,000 feet high, nearly 8,000 feet
higher than Mount Blanc, the giant of
the Alps.—Youth's Companion.
Club Talk.
Bob Keyworth—Here i- a new paper
offering a prize of SSO for the best-writ
ten love letter.
Mr. Rounder (who is being sued for
breach of promise )—l'd give ten times
that much to get some of mine back.—
Tammany Times.
SSOO Reward
The abort Reward will be paid fcr hti
farmatioa that will lead to the arrest ami
•oorictlon of the party or parties vW
{laced iroa and alan on the track at the
Emporium k Rich Valler R. R., MM,
the east lino of Fnakiia Honalejr'a &na,
•a the evening o S NOT. 21 at, 1881.
HBMBT Auciiw,
•8-tf. /Ys«u*eatf.
TWK nnderslgned haa opened 4
otaas Liquor store, and iovltaa Hat
trade or Hotela, Restaurants,
We ahall carry Done bat the butiaea
loan and Imported
Bottled Goods.
raddfttoa to aay larga Itee rfHfuatwa
eoaataatly la lock aMHIae at
P F—l ead imard Beo» la aaaae 11 tlltog W>
■ 3
W bttkr ri «< Mv k A
& WINES, ¥
M And Ltqoon of All Klnda. M
g The boat of goods always JJj
w carried In stock and efeay- w
rjj thing warranted aa rapraeent- TJT
ST Bipedal Attention Paid ta H
M flail Orders. U
112 60 TO 3
SJ. /L
1 Breed Street, Pa., J
J Where yea een set anTthln* ran want ta (
C the Urn# of 1
S Groceries, )
J Provisions, )
) hu, (IAN, Fndti, kaffctUtierj, )
S MHM ul Clfin. v
\ Coeda neltyered Pre* anr /
/ Place la Town. N
C Cill ill BEI IE ill OTT KICILN
112 Hit P. * R. DENT \
Bottling Works,
JOHN MCDONALD, Proprietor,
■aaa Dcpttt, Bapuiuaa, P»-
BotUer ul Shipper at
Lager Beer,
The Manufacturer at Bait
Drtaka and Dealer ta OMH
Wlaea and PUT* Llqnera.
We keep none bat the rery beat
Boer and are prepared to fill Orders ea
short notice. Private fhmlliee aarred
dailr it rlaetrail
j'Caveata, and Trad«-Martn obtained and all Paa
- >nt buairoaa oondncted for MootHATC Fats.
] ouaor.'tct is OPTOSIT* U. S. PATtNTOrpea
i and wecaaaecuro parent m leu lime inaa thcae
remote from Washington.
Sead model, drawing or With dcacrlp
! tloo. We adriae, If patentable or not, fr«a ol
i 1 charja. Our fee not due till patent la ie>Aired. ,
; I A PaMPHLKT. " Haw to Obtain Patenta," with
i oo»t tif tame in the U. S. aat. Ixoiga countiiee
I tent freo. Addreaa, ,
C, A. SNOW & CO.
I ©Me PATCNT ©rriot, D. C.
I vvwv«
f&NEW YORK Orncai t