Old Hie 9i k Owing tn the very liberal patronaße I have had lrorn our people and in view of the hard times I will until MAY Ist,reduce the price of Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz : All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15 All 2 oz. mixtures, regular price, 25 to 19 All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25 All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price. 45 to 30 All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price, 65 to 50 All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price, 85 to 65 And a corresponding reduction on all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint ments Also liberal discount on all Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and extra liberal discount on Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi zers and Nursing Bottles. I will guarantee my goods to be strictly fresh and equal to any goods in the market. Thirty years experience in the town of Emporium is sufficient evidence of competency. If you wish to avail yourself of the liberal offer, leave your Physician's Prescriptions and drug trade in general at the OLD RE LIABLE DRUG STORE. L. TAGGART^ H. S. LLOYD. General Supply Depot for BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER. FISHING TACKLE AND POPULAR BICYCLES. SHE IS READING and finds the magazine extremely in teresting. We have all the most inter esting and popular magazines and other periodicals on our list, from which people of all tastes and %'oeations can select what suites them best. In such a wide and varied collection there's something for all. You must read the magazines to be up to date. They come next to the newspaper in value and importance, and the variety and inter est of their contents are simply amaz ing. As supplementary to the news paper, the magazine is invaluable, giving thorough consideration to all leading questions and events. H. S. LLOYD, R.C. DODSON, THE Brucjcjist, 1:11 vouirsi, i*A • BEAUTY SKIN DEEP. tyj Wm j Every woman is beautiful or not, ac cording to the manner in which she cares for her purchases of toilet articles. We help the beauty of the ladies by providing the best beauty requisites. We make the woman beautiful by pro viding beauty-giving, healthful things which do the skin good and fire pleas ing and desirable. THE FAIR! iw & Indies Winter Wrappers and Shirt Waists. There is no end of pleasant surprises in our new stock. Anyone and every one can find what will please them im mensely and satisfy them completely in the splendid aggregation of novel ties. The patterns are exceedingly hand some and all new, the workmanship as good as can be desired and the prices,—well, you can't approach them elsewhere. H. A. ZAKPS & CO. KMPOIUUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Feb. 25, 1898. NEMOPHILA, per sack *1 50 Graham, " Rye " r >o Buck wheat. * r >o Patent Meal. 10 Coarse Meal, per 100, 00 Chop Feed, " Middlings " Bran » W Corn, per bushel, * r, ° White Oats, per bushel 10 LOCAL DEPARTMENT. The Loss of the Battleship Maine, at Havana. Far away from their homes, in a Cuban grave, Our heroes are silently sleeping; While round the old homestead are many beloved. Who are silently, bitterly weeping. Mid the roar of the battle did the heroes go down? Nay! Peace was the banner unfurled; Till a thundering roar, a flash in the gloom. And the Maine to the bottom was hurled. The ship lay at anchor, her crew was at rest, Save the "watch," 'neath the tropical sky ? No tok«»n of danger to herald their doom — Not a word, not a tear, not a sigh. Like a bolt from Inferno hurled but too well, Satanic destruction it wrought; The glance of an eye, the draught of a breath, Like a flash of the lightning thought. Was it an accident caused from within, Or some dastard without, laid the train That took from Columbia, the gallant, the brave, And sent to the bottom our Maine? She was riven apart by the demon of death, JUMan's noblest achievement in steel; We shrink to condemn, or say 'twas a foe, While the hand of his friendship we feel. If the blow has been struck by a traitorous hand, God have mercy, is all I implore ; fcair Cuba shall stride in the ranks of the free And peace grace her evergreen shore. Mid the pomp of the tyrant we laid them at rest, Knowing well that their spirits were free; Their warfare is o'er, they have answered roll call, Been discharged by death's liberty. Mourn for the brave, Columbia's brave sons, Who died in the mystery of night; The noble, the free, the gallant, the bold, The champions of justice and right. Let the truth be all told, let justice be done, If a traitor has worked us this pain; '•To arms!" be the call, sweep the tyrants down. May our loss be the patriots' «ain. JAMES CASSELS. Cameron, Pa., Feb. 18th, 1898. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to sec in thin department, let us know by pos tal card. letter, or personally. W. O. Manltey returned home last Sunday. Morgan Evans is threatened with typhoid fever. Miss Mame Logan is visiting friends in Williainsport. Geo. Taggart has returned home from Philadelphia. Geo. Crawford, of Sizerville, was in town Wednesday. T. H. Norris, of Sterling Run, was in town 011 Monday. Joseph Housler, of Lock Haven, was in town last Saturday. Mr. Thos. Trotter visited Mr. Rhodes at Cameron last Saturday. Troxell Fulton, of Sterling Run, was attending court this week. Mifs Jennie Dougherty returned Wednesday from a visit to Austin. Judge Bonham is out again, almost recovered from his painful illness. Mr. W. S. Walker's little daughter has been seriously ill the past week. Mrs. Stella E. Hamilton is visiting her father, S. E. Hull', at this place. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rendt returned 'ast Friday from Greenwood, N. Y. Ray Dininny came down from Kane to spend :i few days with his mother. Hon. L. Taggart, who has been very sick for a couple of weeks, is improving. Attorneys Jones and Wimmer, of St. Marys attended court here this week. V. A. Brooks, H. H. Swank and son, of Sinneinahoning, were in town this week. E. H. Gregory and family have moved into Jno. Coyle's Fourth street house. Sam Uameron came down from Kane on Thursday last, to visit friends for a few days. Wm. Lytle and Mrs. Bell Letterman, ofLamont, Pa., were attending court here this week. Postmaster Lewis, of Sterling Run, attended court on Monday. He called to see tlie PRESS. S. \V. Nyce, of Dents Run, was in Emporium on Tuesday and paid his respects to the PRESS. John McMillen, of Bennett's Branch, attended court on Monday and shook hands with friends. A. H. Jones, ofShippen, was in town on Tuesday and called to renew his PRESS for another year. Mr. Neal Mclnnes and bride, of Pittsburg, are guests of A. Mclnnes and family, at this place. Miss Alice Wright, of Renovo, came up on Friday and visited T. F. More and wife over Sunday. E. C. Davison, W. N. Y. & P. freight and ticket agent was a caller at the PRESS sanc tum on Monday. Mrs. Dr. Wilson, of St. Marys, at tended the funeral of Miss Hat tie Erhard, at this place, on Tuesday. Mrs. P. J. Bloom was called to Erie on Thursday last, on account of the illnessof her niece, Uattie Erhard. Miss Evoline Ayers, of Fillmore, N. Y., is visiting in town, guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ayers, on Fifth street. Gregg Bailey, of the Driftwood Gazette , accomompanied by Mr. Brooks, are attending court this week. Geo. Van Lew, G. English, Wm. Hamilton, A.J. Mix, of Driftwood, were in at tendance at court this week. Misses Gertrude and Ada Bartron and Mr. Orla Hart ron. of Austin, visited Empo rium friends, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hacltenberg, of Austin, visited Judge Bonham and family, last Friday. They had visited Erie. We regret to learn of the serious ill- CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1898. ness of Mr. Jos. Rhodes, of Cameron, although at this writii g he is much better. ('has. Rishell steps high, wide and lively on account of the arrival of a bouncing i boy at his house Sunday morning. Miss Cora Taylor was called to Buf j falo last Monday by a telegram announcing the j serious illness of Mrs. Win. W. Taylor, of that I place. Mrs. H. H. Webber and children, of ( Middletown, were called here to attend the j funeral ot their niece and cousin, Miss Hattie I Erhard. P. H. Fitspatrick, of Williamsport, ; lias been callingoll old friends 111 Kmporium this week. We were pleased to receive a coll from him on Tuesday. Miss Drtisi Evers, who lives with Mr. Strayer's family attbisplsce, was severely burned last Saturday evening, her clothes catch " ing lire from the stove. Wm. Ilaekenberg and wife, of i Austin, attended the funeral of their grand-child, at this place, on Tuesday. Mr. 11. visited his ! daughter and sick child at Erie last Friday. Mrs. G. J. Laßarwas called to Shick- I aliinny this morning by a telegram announcing i the sad intelligence or the death of her brother, James Kester, a former resident of this place. Miss Edith Olmsted, of Coudersport, daughter of our former townsman H. Clinton i Olmsted, has been visitingin town the past week, I guest of H. C. Olmsted and family. J. Murray Africa, a prominent civil engineer, of Huntingdon, was present at court to i give expert testimony in the case of Calfernia 1 Phoenix vs Emporium & Rich Valley R. R. S. D. McCoole, of Driftwood, was in | Emporium on Monday, shaking hands and | cracking jokes with his many friends. We sur- ; [ mise Sam has a bee in his bonnet, buzzing: "As- | | sociate Judge." j The following well-known attorneys from out of town are in attendance at court this | i week : Gen. Jesse Merrill, i.oek Haven; L. H- ! Beers, Huntingdon; Ernest J. Wimmer, E. J. j | Jones, St. Marys; W. L. Calkins, Kane. JllO. A. Wykoff, of Grove, was at-j j tending court on Monday a::d Tuesday an 1 while I in town paid the PRESS a business and social call, j j Mr. Wykoff informs 11s that at the the proper j time he will announce his name as a candidate 1 j for Associate Judge. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Schriever return- j ! ed last Saturday from Bellefonte, where J. B. j I attended the State Photographers Convention. | I Besides capturing the gold medal prize in class | I "B," he was elected Vice President of the State i | Association. Ilenry G. Seger, of Chicago, passed i | Sunday and Monday in Emporium, guest of his ; | father and mother, N. Seger and wife. Henry j ' lias the contract to collect all mail in Chicago | I and has one hundred and twenty-five mai j wagons and drivers in his employ. The following persons from Sterling j j Run were in attendance at court this A-eek ; J. j j H. Darrin, Geo. Moore and wife, Gordon Howlet \ j and wife, John Gentry, Jos. Kissel, William j Gentry. Ed. Brooks, Ed. Berry, Wilson Berry, I James Moore, Harry Wylie, Joseph Mason, Al. j j Smith, Eugene Devling. J. W. Kreitner, of Shippen, was in *j town 011 Tuesday, attending the meeting of the I Creamery Association. He also called at the ! PRESS office. Mr. Kreitner and G. S. Wiley 1 delivered the first milk to the creamery, the test j being in favor of Kreitner—Kreitner five degrees ! ' and Wiley four. Good average for the first test. ! Godfrey Howard, of Williamsport, j formerly a resident of Emporium, occupies his | spare time in a foundry and machine shop and j takes great interest in his work. He has recently made, with his own hands, a neat iron shoe and ! sent it to his grandmother. Mrs. M. A. Rockwell, - at this place, who highly prizes the gift. On Monday evening, Feb. 28th, the young business men of Kmporium held a meet ing for the purpose of forming an organization to be known as the Emporium Young Men's Business Association. Its object is to promote and encourage capital to be invested here, and i to exert all in their power to build various in ! dustries and promote the interests of tlie people of Emporium, ltemarks were made by several of our business men in regard to the great bene fits and advantages to be derived from such an organization and how necessary it was that our business people should form such an organization. The following officers were then nominated and elected: President, JohnJ. Hinkle; Secretary, W. T. Seger. A committee was then appointed by the Chairman to draw up a constitution and by-laws, which the organization was to be guided by. The gentlemen composing this committee are Geo Metzger, Jr., Chairman; C. W. Shaffer John Day, Frank Judd, Grants. Wiley. These gentlemen were requested to make their report on March 11th. Various industries were then discussed and it was decided that steps should be taken immediately after the committee makes its report. A motion to adjourn was then made and next meeting will be called Friday evening, March 11th, when some decisive steps will be taken. W. T. SEGER, Sec. PATRIOTIC RESOLUTIONS. I Headquarters W. C., No. 382, P. O. S. of A.. Emporium. Pa., Feb. 2-Sth, 180S. WHEREAS, The President of the I United States has been insulted by Minister De 1 Lome, of Spain and at various times Old Glory has also been insulted and delied. Resolved , We, the members of W. C.. No. 382, P. O. S. of A., tender the services of the Camp to President McKinley in defense of Old Glory and our Nation's honor. The above was unani- 1 mously adopted. Emmanuel Church. Confirmation service on Saturday evening, March sth, at 7:00 o'clock. Holy Com munion, Sunday morning at 7:30. Also the usual monthly celebration at 11:00 o'clock. The offer ings on Saturday evening and Sunday morning j (first celebration) will be for the Bishop's Charity j Fund. J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector. Notice the immense bargains in clothing at N. Seger's. All winter goods going at a sacrifice to make room for the finest line of spring and summer goods that ever came into Emporium. For Sale. I otter for sale at a bargain, one I team of dark bay work horses, six I years old. Also several driving I horses. Will exchange horses for new ] milch cows. 51 -3t. CILAS. FKY. Opera House for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale at rea -1 sonable terms, the Emporium Opera ' House, a good solid square timber, sub stantially built building, size 50x130, seating capacity of 1000; good stage fully equipped for traveling companies. Apply to J. W. CLARKE, Manager. Emporium, l'a. 30-15tf. Sterling Run Letter. Benj. Dayton, Orlow Smith, J. H. Darrin, E. Lord, W. E. Devling, Wm. Stevens and Jos Kissell are attending court as jurors this week. Nearly all of our citizens are attending court this week, either as witnesses or jurors. The new mail service went into effect on the 28th giving u.® one more mail a day. Miss Delia Derr is visiting her sister, Mrs. Carrie Smith, for a short time. Judge Smith is slowly improving, but notable to be around yet. Rev. M. C. Piper will preach his farewell ser mon, March 13th, before going to conference. Rev. 8. Ebersole has been suffering with a severe attack of pneumonia but is some better at present writing. The Ladies Aid festival 011 Friday evening netted them about $33. Notwithstanding the hard times. A. W Mason has sold his lumber on the bank to Williams A Forsman, of Williamsport. He will only cut it in logs and run them to Drifl -1 wood. 'Squire Whiting was called to Chas. Williams' on Mason Hill, Sunday, where he united Wm. Miller and Miss Lizzie Ives for better or for worse. We wish you good luck. Will. 9»r The Surprise ot All. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so seri ] ous that physicians at Cowden and Pa na could do nothing for her. It seem ed to develop into hasty consumption. I Having Dr King's New Discovery in store, and Belling lots of it, ho took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all began to get better from first dose, and half dozen bottles cured her sound and j well. Dr. King's New Discovery for 1 Consumption, Coughs, and Colds is I guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at L. Taggart's. Allegheny county farmers will this ! year make potatoes one of their princi | pal crops. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen I & Co., Chicago, and get free sample j box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A j trial will convince you of their merits. | These pills are easy in action and are I particularly effective in the cure of | Constipation and Sick Headache. For | Malaria and Liver troubles they have i been proved invaluable. They are 1 guaranteed to be perfectly free from j every deleterous substance and to !be purely vegetable. They do | not weaken in their action, but by giv ing tone to stomach and bowels great ly invigorate the system. Regular size j25 cents per box. Sold by L. Taggart. It is odd that LaChampagne should have become helpless on water I desire to attest to the the merits of I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one i of the most valuable and efficient pre parations on the market. It broke an i exceedingly dangerous cough for me in ; 24 hours, and in gratitude therefor, I j desire to inform you that 1 never will j be without it, and you should feel ! proud of the high esteem in which your i Remedies are held by the people in 1 general. It is the one remedy in ten thousand. Success to it. O. R. Dow ney, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by L. Taggart. mch. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. ■ rpAKE NOTICE That the late co-partnership I ofMclnnes & Bliss is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and in the future the said husi- I ness will be conducted by "The Mclnnes Steel I Works" to whom all demands and accounts of the late ttrm shall be paid. McINNES & BLISS. Emporium, Pa., Feb. 1!), IS9B. IHSXOM TO NOTICE, is hereby given ! lie co-partner sliip heretofore existinp between S. E. Murry, F. P. Rentz, and F. P. Straver, under tlie \ firm name of Murry, Itentz & Strayer, doing j plumbing business, has this day been dissolved j by mutual consent. The business will be con i ducted by S. E. Murry. who will pay all debts of 1 said firm and receive al! monies due. M. K. MURRY, 1-'. P. RENTZ. F. P. STRAYER, Emporium, Pa.. Jan. 21th, IROS.—SI-Dt CHARTERNOTICE. ! -VTOTICE is hereby given that an application . \ will be made to the Governor of Pennsylva j nia on Thursday. March 24th 1898, by Herbert Day, R. P. Heilman, F. X. Blumlc, Gillis Bliss, I Grant S. Wiley. D. Burliugame. C. C. Fay and others under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for the ineoporation and regula tion of certain corporations," approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called Emporium Creamery Company, the character and object of which is for the purpose of manu facturing butter, ice cream, cheese and all goods or commodities manufactured from cream or milk, and the transacting of all business j connected with a creamery, and for these ptir i poses to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, ; benefits, and privileges of said act of Assembly and supplements thereto, t J. C. JOHNSON, B. W. GREEN, Solicitors. NO. 3255. i OF THE CONDITION —OF THE— First National Bank ! at Emporium, in the State of Pennsylvania at j the close of business, February 18th, 1898. Resources. ' Loans and discounts $143,821 53 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. .. 1,803 67 ; IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00 | Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,000 00 I Stocks, Securities, etc 1,850 71 | Banking-house, furniture and fixtures. 6,200 00 Due from National Banks (not Reserve ' Agents) 391 44 Due from State Banks and Bankers 104 30 i Due from approved reserve agents 37,753 88 I Notes of other National Banks 1.750 00 i Fractional paper, currency, nickels and j cents 85 42 j Specie. $13,168 50 Legal-tender notes 2,500 00 15,668 50 S Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 562 50 TOTAL $223,491 95 Liabilities. i Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 I Surplus fund 34,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and | taxes paid 2,079 10 1 National Bank Notes outstanding . 10,950 00 Due to other National Banks 2,828 84 Individual deposits subject to check,... 123,372 31 j Cashier's checks outstanding 261 70 TOT AI, $223,191 95 | STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, I County of Cameron, ) I, M. P. Whiting, Cashier of the above ! named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. P. WHITING, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me) this 26th day of February, 1898. / T. B. Li.ovn, Notary Public. S ConnucT—Attest: N. SEGER. ) GEO. A.WALKER, > Directors. B. W. GREEN, 5 •••••••• • • • • • • • (• • • • g,» • S • £ I HOUSE-KEEPERS I liEll! 1 £•> This is the Brand, '?« (••) The Miller planned (••> <••> To be the finest in the land. (••) r««; (••) S® Now East and West, (••-> 22 His skill attest, 22 And Pillsbury's Best leads i« a| (••) all the rest. (**) ('••) »•) £s] U tlie inscription on gjj your sack of flour is like the above, you have the %•) t> est flour in tlie world £«j (•*> and to have the (00) ™ <• •) (••) best bread. Better look <••> <»•) and see, and if not, go at !«»! [J2 once to £2 (••> <••> (»»> (••' D4Y'S (••) •••' <••) »•' g« and procure a sack ol I? World Famous, (••J Pillsbury's Best. jjjjj [•I! There are others, but ( ##) none so good. <••) (••) I J. H. DAY,| (•4 '23 Fourth St., 22 C*2 Emporium, Pa. II • IIIOIItIOi-IIJIIIIirTG \\\\\n\\ \ N m \ \y 112 ROCKWELL'S I !_ I DRUG STORE, "/■ / Next iloor to Post-Oflice, / / EHPORIUM, PA. / ' Drugs, / / / / Toilet Articles, / / / y Druggist Sundries, W Patent Medicines, 112. Prescriptions and '4 / / / Stationery. / / / / / '/ | / Prescription > / | / Department. / I % y I have had twelve years experi- y >1 ence in compounding pliysi / cians prescriptions and guar- / y antee accuracy of work and y absolutely purity of all drugs ■ used. % y n. A. ROCKWELL. s\ \ \ \ v v \ \ \ mm w WANTED. F. E. riATTESON & CO., Riverside, R. 1., Wants all kinds of Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Raw Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Seneca, &c. Full prices guaranteed. Careful selection, courteous treat ment, immediate remittance. Shipping Tags, Ropes, furnished free. Write for latest price circulars. Agents wanted. 42-3m. BURPEE'S J'arftic/Iftftii&l for 1898 Leading American Seed Catalogue, Brighter and better than ever before. Mailed FREE to any address. W. ATLEE BURPEE & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. WALL PAPER I)o you expect to do any papering? We will send you free a large selection of samples from 3c. per roll up, all new colorings and novelties up to date. WE PAY FREIGHT. We want an agent in every town to sell on commis sion from large sample books. No capital re quired. For samples or particulars, address S. WOLF, 52-13L 747-75 3 Ninth Ave., N. Y.City. (n I P TO DATE W comilW PRINTING 1 p] AND .1011 ft In ru i\l AT THIS OM Iti:. in asasHsasasHSHsHsrHsa> asasHsasasHSHsHsrHsa> Travelers «.ui«U-. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD DIVISION. In effect November 28, 1897. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD, 8 20 A. M.—Train 8 week days for Sunbury. Wilkesbarre, Scran ton, Ha/.leton, Pottsville, Harrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.23 P. M., New York 9.30 P. M., Baltimore 6.00 P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to Philadelphia andpassengercoachesfrom ICane to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti- J more and Washington. 320 P. M.—Train 6 week days for Harns burg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia,4.3o A. M., New Y0rk7.33 A.M. Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburg toPhil adelphia and New York. Philadelphia pas sengerscan remainii: sleeper undisturbed un til 7:30 A.M. 8 57 P.M. Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, IlarriE burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 6.52 A. M., New York 8.33 A. M., weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.20 A. M.. Washington 7.40 A. M. Pullman sleep -1 ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila delphia and Williamsport to Washington. ] Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash ! ington will be transferred into Washington sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Baltimore. WESTWARD. ' 5:10 A. M. -Emporium Junction—Train 9 week days for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and I intermediate stations. 10 25 A. M. Train 3 Daily for Erie and i week days for Dußois and intermediate * stations. '6 25 P. M. Train 15, week days tor Kane and intermediate stations. ! THROUGH TRAINS FOR EMPORIUM FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Train 9 leaves New York 5:50 p. m., Philadelphia 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p. m., Baltimore 8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10 i a. m., week days, with Pullman Sleepers and passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie and from Washington and Baltimore to Will iamsport. I Train 3 leaves New York 7.40 p. ra., Philadel phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.40 p. m, Balti more 11.50 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium | 10.25 a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping I Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and | passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie and Baltimore to Williamsport- on Sundays only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to Erie. Train 15 leaves Philadelphia 8.30 a. m., Washing ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimore 8.50 a. m., Wilkesbarre 10:15 A.M., weekdays, arriving at Emporium 6.25 P. M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Kane. T7> IDGWAY & CLEARFIELD RAILROAD and XV Connections. (Week days.) i SOUTHWARD. Stations. NORTHWARD J A. M.L A. M. IF. M. I>. M. | R 501.... 400 .... Renovo j5 00 10 20 i !l 43 .... 141 ..Driftwood... I4 03 (I 30 j lo 20 —' 510 Emporium June I3 25 !> 00 |ll 02; ■5 52 ... SI. Marys .|2 10 8 1(1 \ ii 15 | ».... Kane m IS 9 05 11 36 j . .Wilcox ill 51 842 1 11 49 .Jolinsonhurg. jll 36 827 il2 10 620 ..Ridgway,... 850 800 ! 12 17 .... 627 ..Island Run... 8 43l I7 52 j 12 22 632 Carman Tr'nfer 8 38| I7 47 i 12 31 0 11' . Croyland 8 20! 7 38 ; 12 35 6 45] ..Shorts Mills.. 826 733 112 39 648 .. .Blue Rock... 822 730 12 43 6 53 Carrier 8 17 j 7 26 12 53 702 .Brockwayville. 8 08! j 7 17 12 57 ' 7 06 .. .Lanes Mills.. 8 02 I 7 12 107 7 14 .Harvevs Run.. 754 \7 01 1 15 7 20 . .Falls Creek... 7 50 7 00 1 40 7 35 .... Dußois 7 401 ! « 40 120 725 ..Falls Creek... 700 655 135 740 Reynoldsville.. 645 640 2 11; 816 ... Brookville .. 609 6 0-1 3 051 9 10 New Bethlehem 520 510 3 50 (1K... Red Bank 4 25 6 30 12 40 .. ..Pittsburg | 1 40 P. M P. M. |A. M.| P. M. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J.R.WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred. ! Bradford, Olean and Buffalo, connecting at Buf | falo for points East and West. | Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M. j Mail, (103) daily except Sunday 1.50 P. M. Train No. 103 (mail) will connect at Olean with 1 River Division for Allegany,Bradford,Salamanca Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for i time tables or other information R. BELL, Gen'l Supt. I J. A. FELLOWS. Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt. Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. TIME TABLE No. 23. COUDERSPORT &. PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Taking effect June 15th. 1897. EASTWARD. fio'l 4 | 6 j 2 P. M. P. M. A. M.I P. M. | Port Allegany, Lv. .1 15 7 18 1 12 10 1 Coleman, "° °° *l2 15 ! Burtville, *3 30 7 29 12 22 ! Roulette, 3 10 7 36 12 29 i Knowlton's, *3 45 00 *l2 34 Mina 3 55 7 46 12 41 1 Olmsted *1 00 *7 50 *l2 4(1 ! Hammonds, "° 00 *l2 51 ~ , , 112 Ar. 415 757 12 55 Coudersport. jL v 30 1 00 North Coudersport, 00 \ *1 05 Frink's, *6 40! *1 14 Colesburg, *6 46 120 Seven *6 50 *1 24 Ravmonds's, j *7 01 136 Gold, ! 7 06; 1 42 Newfield, *7 le: 1 45 1 I). &S. Junction, 713 150 ; Perkins *7 16 *1 53 Carpenter's, J 100 *1 56 Crowell's, ....J i *7 211 *2 00 j Ulysses, Ar.j | !7 30 210 WESTWARD. 1 8 1 1 I 8 I STATIONS. A. M. P. M. A. M j Ulysses Lv. 7 42 230 10 05 ... Crowell's, *7 51 *2 10 *lO 17 Carpenter's, > OO *2 42 *lO 20 Perkins, *7 54 *2 45 *lO 25 1 B. &S. Junction 7 57 2 50 10 30 .... 1 Newfield, *8 00 2 54 *lO 35 i Gold ! 8 04 2 56 10 42 Raymond's *8 07 2 59 *lO 47 ! Seven Bridges, *8 19*3 11 *ll 05 j Colesburg, *8 21 3 15 *ll 10 { Frink's 1 *8 28 »3 22 *lllll7 1 North Coudersport 00 *3 30 *ll 27 t Ar. 8 43 3 35 11 3.5, Coudersport, < 1 I P.M. I Lv. 845 600 130 I Hammonds 00 00 *1 34 ! Olmsted, *8 51 *6 06 *1 40 Mina, 855 610 1 45' i Knowlton's, 00 *6 18 00 Roulette j9 05 fi 22 157 t Burtville I 9 13; 630 2 10j | Coleman, 1 00 *6 36! 00 I Port A11egany,............j 9 241 6 40! 2 35|..... I (*) Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop. Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y. for points north and south. At Newfield Junc -1 tion with Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R., north of Wellsville, south of Galeton and Ansonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y. & P. R. R., north tor Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; | south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium 1 and P3nn'a It. R., points. B. A. McCLURE, Gen'l Supt. Coudersport, Pa. "OUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH i JJ RAILWAY THE SHOUT LINE BETWEEN BUFFALO, ROCHESTER SALAMANCA. RIDGWAY, DUBOIS, PUNXSUTAW NEY, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NORTH, EAST AND WEST. j On and after Nov. 25,1894, passenger trains will ! depart from Johnsonburg daily except Sunday, as follows: I 10:30 a. 111.— Accommodation, forMt. Jewett, Brad ford and intermediate stations. 8:58 a. 111.— Accommodation, for Ridgway, Brock wayville, Dußois and Punxsutawney. 10:30 a. m. —Rochester Mail, for Mt. Jewett .Brad ford, Salamanaca, Buffalo and Rochester. 3:35 p. m.—Mail, for Ridgway, Brockwayville,Du- Bois, Punxsutawney and intermediate stations. 3:55 p. 111,— Accommodation, for Mt. Jewett, Brad ford and intermediate stations. Thousand mile tickets good for passage bp' tweenall stations at two cento per mile. R. G. MATHEWS, Gen. Supt.. Rochester, N. Y. EDWARD C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. Ag't., Rochester. N v 5