Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 03, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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CarT)eFOi) Courtly rcss.
Editor untl Manager.
I'er year 00
It' paid in advance I 1
Advertisements are published at the rate of one
dollar per square for <»ne insertion and liftyeents
per square lor each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or for six or three months are
low and uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertion 50
cents per square.
Local not ices ten cents per line for one insertion,
five cents per line for eachsubsequent consecutive
For Governor, 1898,
CHARLES W. STONE, of Warren.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
State Convention.]
Representative North, of Mc-
Kcan county, is getting ready to
take Congressman CI las. W. Stone's
place in Washington, when Mr.
Stone has been elected Governor.
The Hon. Thomas V. Cooper
having denied that he sent any
despatch to Senator Quay such as
has been printed in the newspapers,
should now hunt out the fabriertor
of the message and hold him to
scorn. If he will do that he will
deserve to be Governor.
Gold continues to pour into the
Treasury of the United States.
The amount now on hand reaches
in round numbers $170,000,0(10,
with the prospect of a steady in
crease. while the gold in circula
tion has increased with even great
er rapidity during the past year.
February receipts at the Treas
ury Department have averaged over
a million dollars a day under the
new revenue law, thus fullilling
the pledges made by its trainers of
producing suflicient money to meet
the running expenses of the Gov
ernment, which average only a
million dollars a day, taking one
month with another, the year a
Chairman Jones and his politi
cal associates who still call them
selves Democrats seem to have ab
solutely forgotten the chief feature
of Democratic faith, the "tariff for
revenue only." In their recent
communications to the public their
views as to the subjects for discus
sion in (he coining campaign, they
made no allusion whatever to the
tariff, the one subject which has
been the battle-cry of the Demo
crats for generations.
One per cent, a week is a pretty
rapid fluctuation for a money me
tal. That is about the rate, how
ever, at which silver has deprecia
ted in the last eight weeks or so.
Silver bullion was quoted in the
New York markets early in
December at (>()..'{ cents per ounce,
and and by February 1 it had
fallen to 55.T0 cents, with a pros
pect of going still lower. The
New York World market report
quotes it as follows: ''Weak at
55.75.'' This must be rather dis
couraging to the people who pro
pose to make the use of silver as a
money metal the sole basis of their
claim for support in the coming
Congressional campaign.
The answer of Senator Kauffman
lias taken all the wind out of the
resolution of the Lancaster County
Committee requiring candidates to
pledge themselves to abide by the
result of the Republican State Con
vention. Senator Kauffman de
clares that lie cheerfully subscribes
to the resolution. It was ridicu
lous to have supposed that he
would do anything else, lie isa
candidate seeking the Republican
nomination for Senator in the dis
trict which he has so well repre
sented for four years, and lie has
not been taught in that school of
political morals which would en
able him to do what one faction of
the party in this city has been ac
customed to. The Lancaster Re
publicans will, of course, enter a
protest against any of the Philadel
phia bolters sitting in the State
convention. —Philadelphia Press.
Senator Kauffman, or any other
Republican, who enters a conven
tion as a candidate for a nomina
tion, is honorably bound to sup
port the ticket nominated at that
Another large cotton mill in
New England lias, through (he
action of its board of directors,
taken steps looking to a transfer of
its works to the South, where the
conditions are more favorable in
i the matter of fuel, wages, proximity
to cotton fields, power, taxes and
labor. The advantages which the
) South presents in these particulars
and which are now recognized as
the real cause of the reduction in
wages in the New England mills
are such that the cotton mills of
that section, which numbered L s <>
in ISNO, have now increased to 5 ( .Mt;
the number of looms, which in
Is,so was 14,000, has increased to
I 115,000; the number of spindles,
which in INNO was <>(>7,ooo, lias
I increased to 4,100,000, and (he
capital employed from $'21,000,000
to $1*25.000,000. These facts an
swer completely the gibes of the
low-tariff men regarding the neces
i sitfor reduction of wages in the
j New England Mills since the adop
-1 tion of the new tariff law.
Last Tour of The Season via Pennsylvania
The last of the popular Pennsylvania
j Railroad personally-conducted tours to
I Jacksonville will leave Now York and
| Philadelphia by special train of Pull
| man palace cars on Tuesday, March 8.
Round-trip tickets, valid to return
J on regular trains until May, 31, 1898,
! and including railway transportation
in each direction, and Pullman accom
j modations (one berth) and meals on
| special train going, will be sold at the
following rates: New York, $50.00;
; Philadelphia, §48.00 ; Canandaigua, §52-
j 85 ; Erie, $54.85 ; Wilkesbarre, $50.35 :
! Pittsburg, $53.00; and at proportion
j ate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and full in
i formation apply to ticket agents ; Tour
! ist Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York;
] Thomas Purdy, Passenger Agent Long
j Branch District, 789 Broad St., New
j ark, N. J. ; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger
Agent Western District, Pittsburg,
Pa.; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assist
ant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia. 917-lt.
Rich Valley Notes.
| Editor Press :
Mrs. A. O. Swartwood is having
| some improvements made in her
| houses.
| Mrs. Wm. Carter spent a tew days in
' Olean visiting her son a couple of
weeks ago.
Mrs. Burt Housler of Emporium
' visited at Mr. Golf's week before List.
Claudie Swartwood is taking lessons
in crayon painting and is learning
Mrs. Libbie Housler of Emporium
j has been in the Valley for some time
visiting her many friends.
Eld. t. N. Williams, of Corydon, the
| president of the Pennsylvania confer
; ence of Seventh Day Adventists
i preached in the Sweesey school house
last Wednesday and Thursday even
| ings. Wednesday evening he preached
| from Luke, 19, 10. "For the son of
( man is come to seek and to save that
j which was lost." He showed from
the bible that when man was
| created he was pronounced by his
! Creator "very good," that he also had
j dominion over all the earth, but
j through disobedience he lost his holy
| character, his dominion and his life.
! Christ was to restore all that was lost
and what he has undertaken to do he
will surely accomplish and the earth
will be restored to its Eden beauty.
Thursday evening he preached on
the signs of the times and proved con
clusively both by the scriptures and
| by what is transpiring all around us,
j that we are living in the last days.
I People are crying "peace and safety,"
bet they are preparing for war. They
are heaping up treasures and the poor
are getting poorer, which is also a
sign of the last days. See James 5, 1-8.
Oh! let us see to it that we are pre
pared so that when He comes we can
say: "So this is our Lord; we have
waited for him, we will be glad and re
joice in his salvation. Isa. 25; 9.
Sam Lewis and Dee Housler expect
j to finish their job of cutting wood for
, the oil drillers to-day, (Monday). They
j are not sorry as it has been very te
dious to walk so far and work so hard
this cold weather. AUINA.
Feb. 28, 1898.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
i cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
Fulton & Pearsall.
| These up-to-date painters have con
j solidated their business and may be
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar.
| Both are practical painters and will
i give prompt attention to all work en
trusted to them. Estimates furnished
j for all kinds of house, sign and deco-
I rative painting as well as wall paper-
I ing and frescoing. Especial attention
! given to out of town orders. 47tf.
Huston Hill.
Editor l'reat:
1 Good sleighing.
A. 11. has began his new barn.
Lost, strayed or stolen —the school
, mam's broom.
Miss Daisy Barr was the guest of
I Miss Lelo Williams, last Monday night.
It is rumored that there is to be a
! wedding 011 the Hill soon.
Prof. Hanscome sold his trotting
i horse, last week He is a2l minute
| horse. Mr. Handscome realized the
| sum of $1,850.
| C. L. Williams visited with his family
! over Sunday.
Harry Ford was the guest of Orla
Miller last Friday night.
Harvy Hicks has began to clear a
farm. He expects to grows live hun
dred bushels of buckwheat the coming
| season.
Violet Jordon was the guest of
Madge Miller, last Friday night.
A young lad had two girls, last Wed
nesday night, but he didn't dare togo
;in sight of the house. Dont know
! what is the reason; it must have been
Kid Connors, S. D. Billings' book
i keeper, was home over Sunday.
| Newton Mix, It. L. Dill's boss, wont
I home last Sunday.
John Williams made a flying trip to
j Grant hist Sunday.
Jessee Hicks was the guest of John
j W. last Wednesday night.
Mrs. Fitch was the guest of Mrs.
Josepiue Barr last week.
Connors & Co., report that they will
1 finish in the near future.
It is a good thing that wo did not
I get the poor house. If they had, the
\ cheapest way to build it would be to
j run a barbed wire fence around the
J county and feed all of us.
Mason Hill Letter.
J. M. English is slowly improving.
What has become of our Wasleyan
minister? Echo answer.
"Rip" and "Tom" seems to have it
■ "in"for Mose Carpenter.
There were razors in the air, in the
j middle ward on Thursday night.
W.U. Burr, the Mix Run lumberman,
I visited friends at this place Sunday.
Two Saints of the latter day denomi
j nation were here over Sunday.
O. B. Tanner and little daughter
i Vera are visiting friends at Lock
: Haven.
School will be closed for ,l few weeks
on account of the new epidemic
I that is raging in this vicinity,
j Huntley says a good name is to be
J chosen rather than great riches.
Court called a goodly number of our
i citizens to the county seat on Monday.
"Doc" Squirrel, of Millers Run had a
I professional call to this place on Thurs
, day.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bailey, of Huston
1 Hall were guests of J. M. English on
| Thursday.
A sleigh riding party known as the
"society people" were out on Friday
| night.
Judging from the number of wed
j dings that have taken place within the
| past two months confidence has been
1 restored and prosperity arrived.
"War with Spain" now the subject
j of conversation where men do congre
gate. J. W. Lane and A. S. Bailey has
; given up the Oklahoma idea and will
j raise a company.
Some of the great newspapers had
better send a correspondent to this
place as well as to Cuba. Things were
as critical here one night last week as
it was on the island.
William J. Miller and Miss Lizzie
Ives were married at the residence of
the grooms sister Mrs. C. W. Williams
on Sunday, Feb. 27th, at eleven o'clock
sharp by 'squire Ed. Whiting, of Sterl
ing Run. After the ceremony the hap
py guests were inviied to a sumptuous
repast of which all partook with an
evident relish. At the wee small hours
on Monday morning the calithumpion
band of Millers Run arrived and with
the assistance of the band at this place
the air was made resonant with bron
eophony music. The happy couple
left on mail west, Monday morning for
a wedding tour to Buffalo and the
great Niagara,
Friend "Con" said in last week's
PRFSS he didn't believe in the much
resorted to "mud slinging," if not why
did he so indulge? He criticised as
well as the rest of us, and yet we think
we are the peer of the critic. He also
says Bordeau mixture would have
saved the fruit. I think it would have
taken more than his "mixture" to save
the fruit after the three successive
frosts in the middle of June, and as for
the early planting of potatoes we all
know there is as many failures as there
are in late planting. DING.
Feb.ji!B, 1898.
North Creek Budget.
Sleighing is about gone unless we
get more snow.
F. A. Lewis is nearly done with his
log job.
J. N. Chandler is homo from Gar
deau where he has been at work this
E. W. Taylor is at home again and
had a regular house warming last Fri
day night,
D. N. Chandler who is teaching the
Elk Lick school is attending court this
week, as a juror. School is going on
finely under the supervision of Miss
Marv Moon.
Miss Alice Lewis, teacher of West
Creek school was at home over Sun
We are to have a warm sugar party
in the near future. Hope to have good
Mrs. Elihu Housler who has been
ailing for some time continues
about the same. COMK AGAIN.
It is, or should be, the highest aim of
every merchant to please his custom
ers ; and that the wide-awake firm of
Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling, 111., is
doing so, is proven by the following,
from Mr. Eshleman : "In my sixteen
years' experience in the drug business
I have never seen or sold or tried a
medicine that gave as good satisfaction
as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by L. Tag
gart. mch.
Social ""
~ Karpiis
EASELS. Etc.. Etc.
it is to recline at ease on one of our
superb couches Slumber comes un
sought under such delightful conditions.
Pieces of furniture like these are as
pleasant to look on as they are to lie on
and this fact makes them an irresistable
temptation to repose. Cur entire stock
is packed full of temptations for that
matter, temptations in parlor and bed
room suits and in every kind of furni
ture, and unprecedented temptations
in prices. Some people are always
quoting from somebody, but our favor
ite quotations are figures like these:
Couches, $5, $6, |B, and $lO.
Best Furniture.
We have the largest line ever
exhibited in Cameron county.
Geo. J. Laßar.
pill |
1 mi
(• We take great pleasure this •>
i' week in announcing to the peo
(» pie of Cameron county, that we a)
(• have just received the most beau- •)
2 tiful and complete line of *
:: spring-
I: G-OODS, 5
'« Ever placed in Emporium. •)
[• We have spared no expense in
(a buying the BEST CLASS of a)
<• goods on the market. •)
'• We desire to call the attention
(a of the public to our Show Wind- a >
<• ows and examine all the latest •)
novelties of spring.
ii our
| HATS, Ii
(9 In all shapes and colors are a*>
£ thing of beauty and something 2!
(• shich all, both young and old •)
should wear this spring.
I: our :
i: suits 5
(9 For Easter are among the *>
choice offerings we are now dis
(o playing. These are of the high- a>
est grade of ready-made clothing
£ and best workmanship J
j: our |
1 NECK :i
j; wear, ii
(2 Comprises all the latest novel- 5
<• ties in Plaids, Stripes and Polka- a)
<• dots and is the most up-to-date •>
[* line we have over handled. In a
ia word throughout our entire de- a)
(• partment we have nothing but •)
J2 the best to otfer and will take
(o great pleasure in showing our a)
<• goods if you will but call. •)
[• R. SEGER & SON,
2 One door east of Bank. S
J Special
I Weeks ||
: Out ||
i Men's Clothing,
||| Boys' Clothing,
Children's Clothing,
pj Men's Furnishings,
i| Hats, Caps Shoes.
m Everything in the stored
regardless of cost.
|M Sale lasts positively
two weeks.
Here are a Few of the Many ,
Bargains. j'^ii
ps Men's 15lack Clay Worsted Sj
suits, former price SI4,
I'll now - - - $lO
foi Men's Overcoats formerly <;
W $8.50, now - $5.00 &
j;js i Men's suits, former price
||ji SS.OO, now - $4.50
Children's suits from SI.OO jMj
Bovs' knee pants form 19c
® ' ll^'l
>§, upwards.
|lj| Men's Cotton half hose W
%) '/■>
111 ,! P air *for2r>c. ||
Ml Men's Suspenders 10 cents. &
I® oil
1 John Soble, 1
uSS& CO. 'C. B. HoiMßDiCal
i 1
i I
I A Perfect Fitting Corset I
ijji It is a genuine pleasure to us to call your attention to the jjfjl
jf|| fact that we have just added to our Corset Department the |||||
;■ v' celebrated 404 F. P. Corset. For wear, fit and durability J|j
I y this corset has 110 equal, imparts to the wearer the;' 4
most graceful figure. ||||!
! ;■ ■■:+;. + -> '♦
112 : *' -<► *
It would please us very much to have you call at our
H store and take a pair home with you and after two weeks H
j|)l| trial if it is not the most satisfactory corset you have ever ||jj|
|H> worn, we will gladly refund to you your purchase money. j||<;
®| Price is but SI.OO per pair. |p
Our Laces for Spring and Summer Dresses have arrived.®
II All the new and latest up-to-date styles are here for yourjfjf
ll'lj picking. Flegant values for little money.
There is 110 store showing better rallies in Hosiery than m
ffl here, all new and fast colors. |||
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
The American Block.
lIIJFFAI.O, >r. Y.
About Our Book
and Stationery Department,
We solicit mail orders for booksand stationery.
We will gladly quote you our prices at any time
for any book or books published, and we can
always supply you with the best writing paper
and stationery at very low prices. We do card
engraving in the best form for much less than
usual prices.
Quo Vadis, the authorized and unabridged
edition, cloth binding, illustrated 50c., postage 12c.
The same in papercovers 18c., postage 7c.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c, postage 6c.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c. postage 6c.
The Beth Book, by Sarah Grand, published at
$1.50, our price sl.loc, postage 12c.
; The Story of an untold Love, by Paul Leicester
, Ford, published at 11.25, our price 95c.. postage 9c.
1 Corleone, by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols., $1.40,
postage 17c.
The Seats of the Mighty, by Gilbert Parker,
$1.20, postage, 11c.
j The Choir Invisible, by James Lane Allen, pub
lished at $1.50, our price, $1.15 postage Bc.
The Chautauqua Books, for course 1898, 5 vols.,
$1.50 the set, expressage 25c.
Pelonbet's Notes on the International Sunday
J School Lessons for 1898, 85c, postage 12c.
j Subscriptions for all magazines and periodicals
I are received at publishers' rates.
Our "Swan Vellum," and "Swan Satin" are
high-class writing papers, made in four sizes—
"Joseph" and "Billet"sizes, 40c box of 5 quires.
Envelopes to correspond, 40c box of 125.
"Octavo" size, 50c. a box; envelopes 50c.
Our "Swan Everwyn" and "Swan Feather"
are smooth and rough linen papers made only in
octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plane, 30c
and 35c the 5 quire packets, envelopes 7c and 8c
"Swan Seconds" in octavo and commercial
sizes, ruled and plain, 18c pound packet, envelopes
5c and 6c a packet.
Papeteries of new square shaped paper and
envelopes in fashionable tints, azure, heliotrope,
cream andmozarin 15c box, worth 20c, postage Bc.
The same in larger size 20c. worth 30c, postage
| 10c.
Papeteries of initial paper with envelopes, all
| initials, new and beautiful, all colors4oc box.
I worth 50c.
The same illuminated in gold and colors,
square paper 55c box, worth 75c.
Card Engraving.
Plate and 50 cards for $1.25, postage Cc. En
graving address line 30c extra.
50 cards from your own plate 55c, postage 6c.
100 cards from your own plate 95c, pvstage 11c.
Specimens of engraving and sisres of cards for
warded on application.
Monograms and address dies sunk from #1.50
upwards. Stamping in any color 50c for .120
sheets, or 90c in gold and silver.
The American Block.