ALL EYES ON HAVANA. Public Must Patiently Wait Re sult of Maine Inquiry. ■Kvcr) tlilutf Uulet »t \Vu*lit i»ntoi»— Contract tor WreckiuK Let—lJlv- • er» JKftn«l More llotlleM—- Inquiry Hoard M««ta A^ulu. Washington, Feb. 23.—A1l the gov ernment departments were closed in Washington Tuesday save the navy de partment, where a few of the officials assembled to receive any dispatches that might arrive and to close the con tract with the wreckers for the recov ery of the effects on the Maine and the \f-ssel herself, if that be practicable. The signing of the wrecking contract was the most important event of the day, and, this concluded, the officials •closed up shop and went home to enjoy a respite from the rush of the past week. C'apt. Sigsbee was heard from in a dispatch which indicates that close attention will be given to the coal bunk ers by the naval court of inquiry. Wash ington officials unquestionably have THE WRECK OF THE MAINE—FROM A PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN THE MORNING AFTER THE EXPLOSION. Ihe main deck between the forward and after mttgn/lnpa Is blown upward and to the starboard. Th© |l forward imokraluck Is thrown hack and to the starboard. The whole wreck has a list to port. | \ The main deek |ust above the forward magazine la little wreeked. An explosion ot the mtigiulne would ft \ have torn It to atoms. Men who were within a few yards of the forward magazine survived. Had that /- magazine blown up no trace of them would ever have been found. I— * It Is claimed that the picture Indicates that the Maine was destroyed by a submarine mine. I J ./ I I \ After awning Is In view « ship's rail Is six feet under water: superstructure twisted and thrown aft| i been for some time preparing l for any emergency that may arise, but appear ances at the department would indi cate that any necessary orders already have been given, and that the situation is not one calling for immediate activ ity at Washington. A report was cir culated that (Jen. .Miles, the command er of the army, had issued additional orders for troops at all l'orts to be on the alert and ready for immediate ac tion, but this was promptly denied by the general's chief of staff. Nothing whatever of a sensational character oc curred in Washington, and on the whole the day was free of rumors by comparison with its immediate prede cessors for the past week or more. More lloilien Recovered. Washington, i'eb. 23.—The navy de partment received a dispatch from Capt. Sigsbee Tuesday evening saying that 14 more bodies nad been recovered from LOOKING FORWARD FROM THE STARBOARD QUARTER. the wreck of the Maine. All the re mains are unidentified. It is not thought that any bodies will be identi fied hereafter unless by the clothing. Aside from the effect of long submi'r *ion, the men still missing were nearly all directly under the main deck, which was blown up, and the tremendous force of 'he explosion probably blotted scores of them out of existence en tirely. The fliiy In Ilnvnnn. Havana, Feb. 23. —The court of in quiry opened at half-past ten and took a recess at 12:30. Lieut. G. F. W. Hol nian, navigator and ordnance officer of the Maine, was examined at the morn ing session. The court met for the aft ernoon session at half-past one, and Lieutenant Commander I!. Wainwright, executive officer of the Maine, was culled to the witness stand. Lieuten ant Commander Wainwright has been in immediate charge of the wreck since tin? explosion. The officers of the court of inquiry paid another visit to the wreck Tues day. Capt. Sampson, after the visits of the members of the court to the cap tain general and Admiral Manterola Tuesday, said the reception extended them had been pulite and cordial. The captain general and admiral had ex pressed deep sympathy and the hope that nothing would interfere to prevent a thorough investigation. They of fered to give any help in their power. Capt. Sampson referred to the visits as "tending to promote a better under standing." Four divers are at work, two in the fore part of the ship and the others aft. The task is most laborious, and the men ure naturally careful, as they have had to work in complete dark ness, and several have had bad falls. Electric lights from the Mangrove are now available and much good is ex pected from them. Nearly all the pos sible salvage has now been made from the cabin aft. The efforts to reach the ward and messrooms are frustrated by some unknown obstacle. It is expected to find bodies in those rooms. Two cases of ten-inch ammunition have been found, the one having explocied, the other full of powder. These were found forward. The work of securing the bodies under the hatch has been most difficult in the dark, but it is hoped that the electric lights will be of great assistance. The bodies are much mu tilated and some are partially burned. (iunner Charles Morgan, of the cruis er New York, who is in charge of the divers, will devote special attention to examining the ammunition ill the fore part of the Maine's hull and to ascer tain the condition of the plates, maga zines and engines. He is a graduate in gunnery and is regarded as entirely competent, as indeed are all the divers under his direction. He is under strict orders not to give out anything on the subject of his investigations, except to the ofticers of the court of inquiry when called upon. Warned by (sen. Lee. Havana, Feb. 23. —Americans in Ha vana have been quietly notified by Con sul-General Lee that it might be well for them to send their families to a place of safety. These precautions were taken in view of tiie fact that there is strong suspicion that the volunteers, anti-American and anti-autonomy, have been inspired to make trouble in case the Maine inquiry proves that the catastrophe was due to design. DEADLY DYNAMITE. Cililonlun Inn Stone *iunrry Kill* Three .Men. Philadelphia, Feb. 23. —The prema ture explosion of a charge of dynamite Tuesday in the stone quarry at Sixty sixth and Vine streets killed three Italian workmen, Mike De Sando, Franz De Succio and Mike Hornburth. The quarry was owned by W. J. Mullen, who had warned the men not to tamper with the charge, which consisted of three sticks of dynamite. Hornburth, how ever, undertook to loosen the rock, and drooping the cartridge, proceeded to rum it down. The explosion followed. Over 100 tons of rock were loosened and De Sando and De Succio were buried beneath it and instantly killed. Horn burth was hurled 50 feet in the air. He died shortly afterwards. Several other workmen were slighly injured. Foe* of Siitrrnitc Urganlie. Des Moines, la., Feb. 23.—At a meet ing here Tuesday 35 prominent women of this city formed the lowa Associa tion Opposed to Woman Suffrage. The association will be state wide and is formed to work against the passage of a woman-suffrage amendment in lowa. loivu llunk Itohltcd. 1 lior, la., l't'b. 23. —The Thor savings bank was robbed Monday night. The vault and safe doors were blown open and the thieves made way with over $2,500 in money. All valuable papers were saved. llryaii l<> Spt-uk in Detroit. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 23. William Jen nings i'.ryan has wired acceptance of an invitation to address the Mohawk sil ver club at its second annual banquet April 4. To ltevive tirade. Washington, Feb. 23.—Gen. Hender son. of lowa, has introduced a bill to re vive the grade of lieutenant general of the army. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1898. A LESSON TO PATRIOTS. President McKinley Finds It in Washington's L.i.o, llln Addre** to the Student* uf the I 11Iver»lty of IVnimylvanin—l'n> * an Elmiurnt Triltulr to Amer ica's First Kxerntlve. Philadelphia, Feb. 23. —President McKin ley ate an early breakfast Tuesday with the family of Charles C. Harrison. He did not leave the house until a few minutes be fore 11 o'clock, when In company with Mr. Harrison he was driven to the Academy of Music, where the Washington birthday commemorative exercises of the University of Pennsylvania were held. The Academy of Music, where the cere monies were held, was beautifully deco rated. After the university boys had given the 'varsity cheer, winding up with the president's name, Provost C. C. Harrison stepped to the front of the stage and intro duced the president in a brief address. The I'reNlilen 112 m Address. The president spoke in part as follows: "We celebrate here as In every part of our country the birthday of a great patriot, who assured the beginning of a great na tion. This day belongs to patriotism and the people. Hut in a certain sense the University of Pennsylvania has special reasons for honoring the 22d of February. For over half a century, with ever increas ing popularity and public recognition, you have observed the occasion, either as a holi day or with patriotic exercises, partici pated in by faculty and students. "Washington, too, belonged to the brotherhood of the alumni of this institu tion, having accepted the degree of doctor of laws conferred upon him in 17S3—an honor doubtless the more appreciated when he recalled the events which gave him close and peculiar attachment to the city of Philadelphia. "Though Washington's exalted character and the most striking acts of his brilliant record are too familiar to be recounted here where so many times they have re ceived eloquent and deserved eulogy, yet often as the story is retold it engages our love and admiration and interest. We love to recall his noble unselfishness, his heroic purposes, the power of his magnificent per sonality, his glorious achievements for mankind and his stalwart and unflinching devotion to independence, liberty and union. These cannot be too often told or b» TOO familiarly known. "And how reverent always was this great man, how prompt and generous his recognition of the guiding hand of Divine Providence in establishing and controlling the destinies of the colonies and the re public. Again and again—in his talks, in his letters, In his state papers and formal addresses—he reveals this side of his character, the force of which we still feel, and I trust we always will. "Not alone upon days of thanksgiving or in times of trial should we as a people re member and follow the example thus set by the fathers, but never in our future as a nation should we forget the great moral and religious principles which they enunciated and defended as their most precious heritage. Lennoni from llln Farewell Addrean. "But if a timely lesson is to be drawn from the opinions of Washington on his as suming the office of president, so also is much practical benefit to be derived from the present application of portions of his farewell address, a document in which Washington laid down principles which appeared to him 'all important to th«i permanence of your felicity as a people." "In the address Washington contends In part (1) for the promotion of institutions of learniog; (2) for cherishing the public credit; (3) for the observance of good faith and justice toward ail nations. "Adams and Madison. Jefferson and Hamilton, Sherman and Trumbull. Han cock, Jay, Marshall, the Clintons and many LOOKING FORWARD FROM THE AFTER SEARCHLIGHT. others of our early statesmen were scarce ly less earnest and eloquent than Washing ton himself in pleading the cause of sound and liberal education for the people. "A education is the prize of indi vidual industry. It is the greatest blessing that a man or woman can enjoy when sup ported by virtue, morality and noble aims, ller IMh Hie Public* 'Cherish the public credit.' How much both of reflection and instruction is com bined in this simple admonition of the fa ther of his country. The United States emerged from the bitter and prolonged struggle of the revolutionary war exhausted financially and with a hundred existing per plexities and ditliculties which remained to be solved before the financial credit of the new nation could be established at home and demonstrated abroad. "From the day our lias; was unfurled to | the present hour, no 3taln of a Just obliga tion violated has yet tarnished the Ameri can name. "This must and will he as true In the future an it has been In the past. There will be prophets of evil and false teachers. Some part of the column may waver and wander away from the standard, but there will ever rally around It a mighty ma jority to preserve It stainless and in honor. "At no point in his administration does Washington appear In grander proportions than when he enunciates his ideas In re gard to the foreign policy of the govern ment: 'Observe good faith and justice toward all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all; religion and morality enjoin this conduct. Can It be that good policy does not equally enjoin It? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened and. at no distant period, a great nation to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence.' "He has warned us against false lights. He has taught us the true philosophy of 'a perfect union' and shown us the graphic dangers from sectionalism and wild and unreasonable party spirit. He has emphasized the necessity at all times for the exercise of sober and dispassionate judgment. "Such a judgment, my fellow citizens, is the best safeguard in calm and tranquil events and rises superior and triumphant above the storms of woe and peril. "The priceless opportunity is ours to demonstrate anew the enduring triumph of American civilization and to help in the progress and prosperty of the land we love." SLAIN BY A MOB. Colored I'onl master mid llln ; 111 Id Murdered lit l.uke City, S. ti. Atlanta, Ua., Feb. £3. —A special from Columbia, S. C., to the Constitution says: The most revolting crime ever perpetrated by white men in South Carolina was committed at Lake City, Williamsburg county, at one o'clock Tuesday morning when Postmaster I'.aker, a negro, and his family were burned out ol' their home, the postmas ter and a babe in arms killed, his wile and three daughters shot and maimed for life, liaker was appointed post master three months ago. Lake City is a town of 500 inhabitants and the ne gro population in the vicinity is large. There was a protest at Baker's appoint ment, but it was not a very vigorous one. Three months ago as 1 lie post master was leaving the office at night in company with several colored men he was fired on from ambush, but it was not known that the would-be assa-win was prompted by other than personal malice. Since that Baker moved his family into a house on the outskirts of the town, where he also established the post office. Last Tuesday night a body of men who kept concealed behind buildings and fences in the neighborhood riddled the building with shot and rifle bullets. They shot high and no one was hurt, but it was supposed to convey a warn ing. It was a short time before that Senators Tillman and McLaurin and Congressman Horton had asked the postmaster-general to remove Baker because of his color and the request had been refused. Baker did not move his family and gave no evidence of be ing frightened. He felt confident of protection from Washington. At one o'clock Tuesday morning a torch was applied to the post office and Baker's house. Back, just within the j line of light, were over a hundred white ; men, armed witli pistols and shotguns, j 15y the time the fire aroused the sleep i ing family, consisting of the postmas- I ter, his wife, four daughters, a son and I an infant sit the breast, the crowd be | gtin firing into the building. A hun dred bullet holes were made through the thin boarding and many found | lodgment, in the people within. China, it is said, has agreed to open | all her inland waters to navigation by j steamers, whether foreign or native J owned. CAPT. SIGSBEE KEPOItTS. He Givos Information to the Navy Department. Mutilation of Bodies of Victim* of the Wreck IH SO Frightful I»H to Preclude Their Removal to the I'nlted Stated Strength of Our Naval Militia. Washington. Feb. 2.l.—Uuniors of startling discoveries in the wreck of the Maine were less frequent yester day, hut there were enough of them still afiout to warrant Secretary Long in making this statement to the news paper men: "Summing up the situa tion, ] should say that the navy de partment knows to-day nothing more about the cause of the disaster than it did five minutes after the receipt of the first dispatch from ('apt. Sigsbee." The secretary's attention was drawn to the published statement that (.'apt. Crowninshield, chief of the bureau of navigation, had arrived at Tampa, Fla., on the Montgomery from a trip to Cuba, where he had been inspecting prospective coaling stations near Ma tanzas. The secretary's comment was this: "C'apt. Crowninshield has not been to Cuba. lie has been off with his boy on matters not in any way con nected with the business of the navy." The only exact information received by the navy department from Havana during the day was conveyed in Capt. Sigsbee's telegram, as follows: Wrecking tug Right Arm arrived yesterday and begins work to-day. Much encumbering metal must be blasted away in detail. Navy divers down aft seven days, forward four days. Bodies of Jenkins and Merritt not found. Two unidentified bodies of crew found yesterday. After compartment tilled with detached, bro ken and buoyant furniture and fittings. Span ish authorities continue offers of assistance and care for wounded and dead. Everything that goes from wreck to the United States should be disinfected. Surgeon of the Maine recommends that all bedding and clothing should bo abandoned. Might goto acclimated poor. Useless fittings and equipments might be towed to sea and thrown overboard. Shall old metal of superstructure and like be saved* Friends of dead should understand that we are in the tropics. Chaplain Chidwick is charged with all matters relative to the dead. Secretary Long answered Capt. Sigs bee, approving all his recommenda tions. He was directed to have Lieut. Wainwright, the executive officer of the Maine, arrange with the wreckers for the disinfection of everything sent to the United State. The recommenda tion that all bedding and clothing be abandoned, and if needed be given to the acclimated poor, was approved. The same approval was given to the suggestion that useless fittings and equipment be towed to sea and thrown overboard. To the captain's inquiry as to the saving of old metal and parts of the superstructure the answer was given that such material was of no use to the bureau of equipment. Sigsbee's statement that the divers have been down aft seven days and forward four days, gave the navy de partment the first information of the time that the divers had been in the vicinity of the "zone of explosion," as he has termed it. This zone is confined to the forward part of the ship, and while the divers have been down aft for the last week, their work forward in the vicinity of the large magazine has been in progress only four days. The statement in the Sigsbee dis patch that "friends of the dead should understand we are in the tropics" is understood to refer to the pleas of rela tives of the dead that they be brought to the United States. These appeals continue to be received, and while they excite the deepest sympathy of officials, no hope can be held out that the dead can be brought back. The press reports have given in part the terrible mutilation of the bodies, but it is feared this has not been fully realized by relatives. The men were sleeping on the berth deck, with metal floors and ceilings, which, by the force of the explosion, were ground together into a confused mass. Knowing this, there is little hope that many of the bodies still missing will be found, or, if found, that they will be in a condi tion to be brought to the United States. Late last night the navy department received two telegrams from Capt. Sigsbee. One related to some routine matter of expenditures in connection with the work on the Maine, and the other is as follows: "Divers report more bodies in wreck. Some in hammocks in debris. Probably not recognizable." This dispatch indicates that the div ers have secured at least a partial en trance to the quarters in the forward part of the vessel where the crew was asleep when the explosion occurred, and under which were the magazines. One fact that the divers were unable to extricate the bodies shows the fearful obstacles against which they are labor ing. The navy department gives out fig ures showing the strength of the naval militia up to date. This shows a total force of 4,445 officers and enlisted men. The state naval militia, in the event of sudden emergency, could be utilized at once for manning the smaller na tional cruisers. It could be depended upon mainly as a second lineof defense and also be used in placing mines and the establishment of signal stations for coast defense. The city of Washington is now re garded as being well nigh safe from attack. The fortifications at Fort Washington and Sheridan Point are sufficiently advanced to be able to re pel an ordinary fleet of invaders, and in case of necessity they could be vast ly strengthened in a short time. New Bedford Strikers are Starving. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 25.—An appeal was issued Thursday by the council of cotton mill strikers in this city, and upon the nature of the re sponse, it is siiid, will depend whether or not the mill hands will return to work under tl» recent reduction of wages. The appeal is addressed to the "men and women of New England," and asks for financial assistance to maintain the strike. It sets forth that about 400 families, comprising 2,000 men, women and children, are slowly starving to death and unless aid is forthcoming within a short time the strike will have to be abandoned. ! WAR SEEMS NEAR AT HAND. I'rcHldPiit McKinley Hay* t!i« Situation h Critical—Troop* In KCUIIIIMII at the V»- rloiiH Fort*. Chicago, Feb. 25. —The Tribune has the following 1 from Washing-ton: •'I do not propose to do anything at all to precipitate war with Spain. (Ip to the present I do not think war is either necessary or inevitable. I would be lax in my duty, however, if I did not prepare for the future. The situa tion is grave, and the policy of the ad ministration will be determined almost entirely by the course of events from time to time. There is no necessity of alarming the people, but congress must be ready to assist the adminis tration without making too many in quiries as to the course of current events." To a senator who called upon him in order to ask some questions as to the policy of the administration, President McKinley uttered the above words. There is now no doubt of the fact that the government of the United States is actually preparing for war with Spain. The president and his cabinet unite in the belief still, in spite of all evi dence to the contrary, that the explo sion of the Maine was the result of an accident, but they recognize the fact that the contrary may prove true at almost any hour, and that if it i.s shown even inferentially that Spain had a hand in the catastrophe there will be but one thing to do, and that will be to seize Cuba by force of arms. St. Louis, Feb. 25.—Gen. \V. H.- Powell, of Belleville, 111., who was in command of the regiment in which President McKinley served during the civil war, and who was recently ap pointed collector of internal revenue for the southern Illinois district, has returned from Washington. The gen eral, who is a personal friend of Presi dent McKinley, said that while at the capital he discussed the Maine dis aster and its possible results with the president. "He stated to me," said the general, "that he was only waiting 1 for a complete report of the naval board of inquiry, and that should it re port that our sailors had met their death through Spanish treachery, he was prepared to act at once, and in a manner which would meet the ap proval of every loyal American citizen." Atlanta, (in., Feb. 25.—Activity has never been so great at Fort MePlierson as at the present time. This is attribu table to (ien. Merritt's arrival. Every thing is in readiness to move the regi ment to any point that may be desig nated within a few hours. At a con sultation yesterday between Col. Cook, commandant of the fort, and railroad officials Col. Cook was assured that the men could be transported to Florida within a night. It is said Col. Cook told the railroad men to have cars in the yards for use at any hour. Cincinnati, Feb. 25. —Under instruc tions from Washington, Col. Cochran, commandant at Fort Thomas, Ky., has issued orders bringing the men's rifle range at Culbertson, Ky., back to the fort. New bayonets that can also be used for trenching tools were issued yesterday to all the troops. The men •ire daily undergoing fatigue drill and expect togo to Key West, instead of Charleston, S. C., as reported. The First regiment of the Ohio na tional guard, located here, is tilling up with recruits. Several unauthorized recruiting stations for volunteers have been opened in this city and their en rollment would more than till a regi ment. Woolen Dealer* Caught by Indorsement*. New York, Feb. 25.—The announce ment that the old woolen commission house of Sawyer, Manning & Co., of this city and Boston, is in financial dif ficulties, has caused great surprise. Sawyer, Manning