Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 03, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN, Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
y«ar 12 00
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Planted now on the eastern coast of
China are Russia, Japan, Germany, Eng
land and France. It is a new sort of hap
py family and beats the concert of Eu
rope for possibilities.
Speaking of German Rhine wine, the
New York Tribune says: "A good deal
of stuff is sold here under the name
of Rhine wine which would eat the lin
ing out of a blast furnace in about 20
A party of American argonauts who
went to Venezuela have returned with
the report that they "struck some gold,
but mighty little of it." Many a Klon
dike pilgrim will come back with a
similar story.
The concert of Europe has vanished
everywhere except on the coast of
China, where the musicians are play
ing solos in discordant keys. But the
harmonic effects are no worse than
they were in Greece.
A Yale professor says "poetry has
failed of its mission when its language,
like that of diplomacy, is used to con
ceal thought." But perhaps it is dif
ferent when, after a diligent examina
tion, no thought is found.
Capt. Isaj' undoubtedly means well,
and further than that he undoubtedly
tells the truth, but Uncle Sam might as
well make up his mind that nothing
<short of a Catling gun and a few troops
of cavalry will stop the Klondike rush.
A Boston girl whose lover asked if
she would forsake all others and go
with him into the heart of the frozen
northland gave an affirmative answer
so promptly that he had no time for
sober second thought and was Klon
diked on the spot.
Dogs are destined to play on im
portant part in the affairs of the world
from now on. The English foreign
office has a serious question of dog
tnuzzling diplomacy to settle, Kentucky
is struggling with the canine tax busi
ness, and it is impossible to reach
Klondike without a spanking team of
brindle pups.
The population of New York, accord
ing to the health department, is 3,438,-
899. That of London, by the census of
3804, was 4,349,000. New York is 1,000,-
000 smaller than London and 1,000,000
larger than Paris. It was once sup
posed that China had the largest cities,
but Canton, the largest, is now credited
with but 1,800,000.
It seems too bad that Mrs. Harrison
Sisc, of Fort Scott. Kan., should be re
fused a divorce by a hard-hearte.r judge
just because she has already had twu
divorces from the same man. It is un
kind in the law to get in the way of a
man or a woman who wants to make a
game of progressive cinch out of matri
mony. Why, a few decisions of that de
scription would result in making people
look on marriage as a serious matter.
A descendant of Warwick, "the king
maker," has been sentenced to five
years' imprisonment in England for
fraudulently obtaining endorsements
to his notes. The criminal is Lord Wil
liam Nevill, whose father is a marquis
and nearly all of whose relatives are
titled personages. According to English
law Lord William is a "noble," which
only goes to show that a good old Eng
lish word may sometimes be put to
base uses.
The returns of the adjutant general
of the army show that the nation is not
so badly prepared for war, at least as
far as the available men are concerned,
as some believe. In addition to the small
regular army, the militia of the 45
states includes 114,305 men. New York
leading with a total of 13,894. The total
number of men available for military
service is placed at 10,301,339, which
v.-ould insure in an emergency a very
formidable army in point of numbers.
The breaking of ground for the erec
tion of a new cotton mill at Concord, N.
C.. the other day was an event of im
portance in the nation's history. New
cotton mills are not unplentiful in the
south, as manufacturers elsewhere
can testify to their sorrow, but this is
the first mill to be erected, owned and
operated exclusively by negroes. For
two years a colored merchant named
Stoneman has been working for the pro
motion of this enterprise and lias been
able to raise all tlie funds necessary for
the enterprise from members of his
I> is evident from the report of the
United States government's representa
tive in Alaska that the gold region is in
the had condition of a new country
without law. This is dangerous because
of the temptations which covetousness
offers to violence, and because of the
lack of ample sustenance for life.
ir'lTortn to llrliiK Alxinl a Single Sil
ver Simula rn.
Since the silver resolution has been
passed by the senate anil beaten in the
house, it seems in order to ask its ad
vocates what they have guined They
have not disturbed the money markets
i;or alarmed public feeling in regard to
the condition of the treasury. They
have made no progress toward bank
rupting the govew'jiuent or forcing it to
a silver basis. They have not shown
greater strength in the senate than was
expected, and in the house they have
fallen much behind their expectations.
The solid resistance of the republican
majority in that body shows a much
firmer adhesion to the principles of the
republican platform than any of the
silver men anticipated. What has been
gained in this latest campaign against
the gold standard? Nothing in votes,
and much less than nothing in argu
ment, for the debate in the senate left
the silver men in a less defensible posi
tion than they have ever before occu
There is no indication of increase in
the popular demand for silver coinage.
On the contrary the prevailing temper
in all business centers, even at the west
and south, has been steadily turning
against the advocates of that policy.
The monetary conference at Indianap
olis showed a much stronger support
from lowa and other western states
than appeared a year ago, and even
from the south there came abler and
more fully representative delegations
from commercial cities. The truth is
that the silver men are concentrating
the opinion of the whole commercial
world against them, and they do not
appear to be gaining outside of com
mercial centers. Neither the farmers,
who want something better than 40-
eent dollars for their wheat, nor the
wage-earners, who prefer honest dol
lars for their wages, are leaning toward
the free-silver policy. In the western
mining camps it retains its hold, but
everywhere else it appears to be losing.
This is natural, because the silver in
terest has broken away from its bi
metallic associations. The light of the
silver men has in large measure ceased
to be an effort for bimetallism, and has
become more openly an effort for sil
ver monometallism. It is no longer
denied, even in debate in the senate,
that the purpose is to bring about pay
ment ot debts in silver, without regard
to its depreciation in value. Not long
ago it was always claimed by silver
men that they desired no debasement
of the monetary standard, and believed
that free-silver coinage would lift sil
ver to par with gold in the world's mar
kets. That pretense has been almost
wholly abandoned, and instead there
appears the claim that the 40-cent dol
lar may be properly paid to creditors
because coin, and not gold coin, was
nominated in the bond.
Efforts for international bimetallism
are greatly embarrassed by this new
attitude of the silver forces. It can no
longer be claimed that they are seek
ing a union of commercial nations on a
bimetallic basis. Instead they are
visibly leaning toward abandonment
of every such effort, and toward prefer
ence for a silver monetary standard
alone. It is already plain, too, that this
change in the attitude of silver men has
its influence upon the tone of public
opinion. Many thousand men who
were earnestly in favor of bimetallism
have found themselves altogether hos
tile to the more recent attitude of the
silver men, because they are com
pelled to realize that the efTort of the
silver party is no longer for bimetal
lism. but for silver monometallism.—
N. Y. Tribune.
silverites have found out that
McKinley believes in honest money,
despite their blandishments. —Toledo
cy President McKinley, amid the
jingoes and the juntas and the De
Louies, keeps the calm way of rig-lit. Jt
takes a grtat deal of courage to do that
much.—lowa State Kegister.
Bryan admits that he needs
the support of populists and silver re
publicans. The lirst, however, have
flocked by themselves, and the latter
are non-existent. —St. Louis Globe-
t>"Altgeld has just arisen and an
nounced that he has not repudiated
free silver. This is a sad disappoint
ment to many people who had begun to
hope that iu o.'.ilition to keeping quiet
All geld was uecumulating knowledge.
—Cleveland Leader.
IC7A democratic paper complains
that "Great Britain, France and Ger
many are responding to American tar
iff restrictions on their goods by set
ling up their textile plants in America."
This is supposed to work a hardship by
introducing foreign capital and labor,
a new kind of free trade argument, but
not much worse than the others. —St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
ICTTIie president and the republican
party have taken a decided stand be
fore the country, that of keeping every
dollar of its currency equivalent to
gold. The democratic party naturally
opposes this polisy. as it does all repub
lican policies, upholds the semi-flat
theory of the free coinage of silver, and
appears to be preparing to adopt the
theory of pure fiatism in the issuance
by the government of unlimited and
irredeemable paper currency.—Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune.
democratic bourbons, learn
ing nothing and forgetting nothing,
have patched the rent banner of free
silver and nailed it again to their flag
pole. No flag that is not starred and
striped like the national ensign can
wave over public property in these
United States of America. So' the rag
must come dtwn, and every election
from now on must help to bring it
down. The democratic party has forced
the issue. The challenge is accepted.
The banner of degradation must be
made a degraded banner.—Trov Times.
It li Trapliing Furrlßn Manufn<-111 r«-r»
u Seeded l.riwiiii.
The culminating triumph of the sys
tem of protective tariffs applied to
American industries is that it haa
taught the old world that low wages do
not of necessity insure low cost of pro
duction. It is simple truth that the
manufacturer of iron and steel poods
in the United States pays from 30 to 80,
or even 100, per cent, more for his labor
than his European rival, and that,
though he has to haul his raw materia*
ten times as far from the mine to the
furnace and shop, he produces a better
article at a lower cost. In its beginning
protection increased the cost of some
articles to the American consumer, but
this was during a short stage of com
mercial existence. Protection stimu
lated output, and stimulation of output
involved fierce competition for posses
sion of the home market, and that re
sulted in low prices. At last the AtiTer
iean output has exceeded all possible
demands of the home market, and for
eign trade has become a necessity. To
the astonishment of Europe it is proved
that goods made by men who earn from
$1.50 to $1 per day can be sold as cheap
ly as those produced at a labor cost of
from $1 to $3. America is teaching Eu
rope a lesson in sociology.
The low-paid laborer of Europe often
is a tool rather than a mechanic. He
works as he was taught to work by his
father. He improves upon nothing; he
discovers nothing. He eats, he sleeps,
he works; he does not think. The bet
ter paid artisan of America is better
educated, more ambitious and infinite
ly more inventive. He is paid far more
than the European, and he lives upon a
far more liberal scale, but he produces
far more and of better quality, al
though he works fewer hours in each
day. The European plan has worked to
the degradation of the workman, the
American method has worked to his
betterment. Thus we now are able to
produce pig iron at from two to three
dollars per ton less cost than rules in
England, and this saving pays ocean
freight and leaves a margin of profit on
foreign sales. We are selling steel rails
to London, and covering the roads of
Europe with American bicycles, and
are putting American sewing machines
into European shops and houses. We
are furnishing Japan, China, Australia
and British Africa with steam war
ships, locomotives, electrical appli
ances, and all materials of railway
It is, paradoxical as it may seem, to
the high wages that our protective sys
tem fostered that our success in foreign
trade is due. Competition for possession
of the largest and most profitable home
market of the world stimulated inven
tion, and the intelligent ambition of
our artisans made thein specialists nnd
inventors. Protection insured us a
home market, arid commercial activity
in that wide area lias strengthened the
arms of our commerce and manufac
tures till they have become able to,
reach out for and 1o grasp a large and
increasing share ot the trade of the
world.—Chicago Inter Ocean.
Hxtract from nil Addrenn Delivered
by Ex-CJov. Ilontwell.
Ex-Oov. Hontwell, who is now 80
3'ears old, in an address a few days ago,
spoke in part as follows concerning
gold, silver and bonds:
"As early as 1809, in my first annual re
port to eonpress, I recommended what be
came substantially the act of July. IV7O,
for the reissue of bonds, under which act
all the bonds issued have been passed or
"fn that act It was provided that the
bonds of the United States should be pay
able in coin of the then present weight and
"The question whether they should be
paid In silver or in gold was not the sub
ject of consideration. In 1569 and 1870 the
silver in a silver dollar—if one could have
been found, which ir fact was then im
possible—outvalued the gold which was
In a gold dollar.
"Therefore, there was no reason for dis
tinguishing that they should be paid in
silver, but as a matter of fact they were
made payable in coin,' and technically and
legally, perhaps, it must be admitted that
they who oppose the payment of these
bonds in gold have some foundation on
which to stand ar.d therefore we may as
well admit the fact.
"Now It happens that In these 30 years
silver has been depreciating until upon
the present value a silver dollar Is worth
only 43 cents in gold. What Is our an
swer to this?
"X think it must be that we mean to
be an honest people; that this catastrophe
upon silver has come wihout any agency
upon our part, whatever they may say.
The real culprit—the man who is respon
sible for all this apparent and real disor
der in the commercial world—is a man who
lived in the city of Pittsburgh, Charles
Hurlelgh, who invented the power drill by
which mountains have been penetrated,
the bowels of the earth have been laid
open and silver extracted in vast quan
tities such as could not have been com
manded if wo had had at our service the
men who built the pyramids of Egypt or
the Coliseum of Rome.
"Now, are the American people to take
advantage of this contract, or are they to
say, to be sure the word 'coin' Is used
In the bond, but we would do what we
would have done by us. We have taken
your gold, we will pay gold. And I know in
Massachusetts—this Massachusetts of ours
—that In the peril of the war, when the
light of day was like the darkness of n'.ght,
Massachusetts paid the interest on her
bond.sin gold, and the gold that went out
of the treasury sold in the markets of the
world for 150 and lfiO and 180 per cent,
premium, and no man whose face 1 have
teen or of whose observations I have heard
ever complained that an act of superlative
honesty in one critical time would not
tend to plant a similar honesty in the
"Now let us goto the country and say:
No matter what is in these bonds it Is
coin, but we will pay in gold coin. It
shall not rest upon this great country
with close to 100,000,C00 population, with
resources such as no other country has
ever seen, resources of which no half
crazed enthusiast ever dreamed—that thi9
country of ours with centuries of a future
shall carry down to coming ages the taint
that in those days of prosperity she sought
to shirk from the performance of an hon
est duty."
(C Horace Boies says that within 15
years the banks will hold the purse
strings of the nation. Well, if Uncle
Horace and his friends arc not stopped
the strings will be about the only thing
in the purse worth holding.—Chicago
Tlkkihjiiklm of People In MatariKan I'roilnce
IVrisli from Starvation.
Santiago tie Cuba, Feb. 24.—While
the I'nited States cruiser Montgomery
was at Matanzas recently a board of
officers was appointed to inquire into
the condition of the people eif that
province. The report sets forth that
there are 14.000 people absolutely with
out food and cle»tliing within the city
limits. About 8,000 of these live in
small huts of palm branches. These?
huts form three separate villages be
yond the built tip portions of the city.
The other 11.000 unfortunates live in
the streets of the city anel are abso
lutely without homes or shelter.
These 14,000 pe>oplc are of the labor
ing' class who have been elriven inte>
the cities from their country homes,
which have been destroyed in the war
operations. Most of them are women
anel children anel they are all emaci
ated, sick and almost beyonel relief un
less they can have the benefit of regu
lar treatment in the hospitals. As it
is, they are elying in the streets for
want of fooel.
AetM»reling to statistics gathered from
official sources the number e>f de'aths
in the province e>f Matan/.as from star
vation is 50,000 anel the number of
starving people at present in the prov
ince is estimateel at 98,000, e>ut of a
total peculation of 358,61 (Sin December,
1891, and the number of starving people
is rapidly increasing.
In the city of Matanzas alone there
have been about 11,000 eleaths during
the past year and the number is in
creasing daily. The death rate at pres
ent averages 4'! per day.
Kx-Henator lugallH Sa.VN Tliey are About
to Come a» a Hesult of a tieneral Con
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 24. —Ex-Senator
Je>hn J. In pal Is, of Kansas, believes
that a general upheaval is near, when
the map of the entire earth anel fron
tiers of nations will undergo a change
"I believe we are on the brink ot tht
most tremendous explosiejn that has
been known in the world's history,"
he said in an interview Tuesday night.
'■There is a universal crisis at hand.
There are many causes which contrib
ute te> this crisis—the gigantic arma
ment of the European powers; the ter
ritorial encroachment of the rival pew
ers in the Orient and in Africa; the
war of the laboring masses against
their own ce>ndition and the accumula
tion of wealth by the other class.
"All are prepared for a conflict. 1
can't but believe that a struggle for
the readjustment ejf fre»ntiers is ne>t far
off. We will ceime out of it all right, I
feel certain, and I believe that civiliza
tion will be aelvanced, but it will work
a change in the map of the world."
Evidence that Shown the KxploHlon in Ha
vaim Harbor whk the Work of Spaniard*.
Havana, Feb. 34. The situation,
which may be changed any moment by
fresh eliscoveries, may be summed up
as follows; The elivers having elisee>v
ereel cases of brown hexagonal powder
for the ten-inch guns unexploded, and
believing also that others unexploeled
will be found in the ten-inch magazine
on the starboard siele forward, the con
viction grows that this magazine diel
not blow up. If this be se> conviction
is forced that the explosion which
wrecked the Maine came from the out
siele e>n the port bow.
American officials here are confident
that<Jen. Blanco and the other high
Spanish officials hael no kne»wleelge ol
the conception or execution of a plot tc
blow up the Maine, if such a plot ex
isted, but they believe the junior
Spanish officers, who are more conver
sant with modern explosives than their
elders and superiors, were at the bot
torn of the elisaster. if there was any
outsiele agency.
Spied Abducted.
Tampa, Fla., Feb. 24.—There are a
number of spies all the time employed
in Florida by Spain, but several liavt
disappeared. Two new ones were
brought here from Key West twe
weeks ago anel sent to Jacksonville.
When the Buccaneer left Saturelay
night, the spies left also, and it it
thought they are prisoners e>n board
anel will be landed in Cuba.
Two Spanish spies, detailed to locate
the expedition that left i'ascagoula
last week, were bound and taken on
boarel the tug and laneled in Cuba,
prisoners to Gen. Gomez. The feeling
against spies is so great that any one
proved to be a Spanish agent will be
in danger e>f violent handling.
Kumoreri I„ohh of (iold Seeker**.
New York, Feb. 24. —There is a pe>s
sibility that the bark Agate, which
sailed from here last week, bounel tc
the Yukon river, may have been
wrecked. The Agate carried 40 men
who were going to the Klondike, in
addition tei the crew of 10 men. The
steamship Kingslanel, which has ar
riveel here from South Aiderieun ports,
when 20 miles southeast of Barnegat
fell in with a quantity of wreckage
marked "Agate."
Hart lteiteutenccd.
Philadelphia, Feb. 24.—John D. nart,
president of the Hart Steamship Co..
was yesterday sentenced to the eastern
penitentiary to serve the sentence im
posed upon him a year ag'o by Judge
Butler. Hart was at that time con
victed of nieling a Cuban filibustering
expedition on the steamer Laurada anel
was sentenceel to an imprisonment ol
two years and to pay a line of SSOO and
the costs of the trial.
A Itattle with a Maniac.
Chicago, Feb. 24. —Charles Konneck
er, a traveling man of New Orleans,
and formerly a commission merchant
eif that city, was yesterday elcelared
insane and sent to the detention hos
pital. Konnecker became -ie>lent at
the Auditorium hotel anel attempted to
kill himself. After a terrific struggle
with five policemen, the man was
strapped to a chair. Konnecker ele
clareel he was Hex, king eif the Mardi
(Jras, anel that a conspiracy existed to
kill him. He also insisteel that he
owneet all the wheat in the world, and
has more money than Monte Crista
ever had.
Description of tho Battleship De
stroyed in Havana Harbor.
Regarded '>>' Expert* n« One of the
Muit Effective Wnrnlilpw in the
l\tt) —Her tout EMlmnted
at f2,SUO,UOO.
The Maine was regarded as one of the
most effective vessels in the American
r.avy. In speaking of her just after she
was putin commission a naval officer
said that she "is not a cruiser, but a
fighting ship, a floating fort. She is
meant strictly for business."
The keel of the Mnine was laiel in the
Brooklyn navy yard, in October, 1888.
The dimensions of the hull were:
Length over all, 324 feet 4% inches; at
water line, 310 feet; breadth of beam, 57
feet; mean draught, 21'/i feet; dis
placement, 0,048 tons. A sail area was
allowed of 7,135 sejuare feet, to be used
Work progressed slowly, for a plant
had to be built up. The vessel, without
armor anel fittings, was launched No
vember 19, 1890, in the presence of a
great crowd anel with much ceremony,
her sponsor being Miss Alice Tracy
Wilmerding, granddaughter of Secre
tary Tracy, then at the head of the navy
department. Her official trial took
place in October, 1894.
The Maine was a twin-screw, armored
turret vessel of the belted cruiser type,
that is, having an armor belt to protect
the vitals of the ship, even though the
other parts of the construction should
be riddled with shot.
The Maine hael fe>r protection against
an opponent's projectiles an armor belt
12 inches thick, tapering to seven inches
below the water line. The ends were
unprotected by side armor, but at both
ends there were transverse armor bulk
hends of sufficient thickness to deflect
nny projectiles that might reach so far.
A curving steel deck protected the en
gines and boilers. The barbette armor
"-as 12 inches in thickness and the tur-
(Blown Up in Havana Harbor on thr
Evening of Feb. 15.)
ret armor plates were eight incliea
As a fighter the Maine was a formid
able ship. Her main battery consisted
of four 10-inch breech-loaeling rifles in
the two turrets and six C-inch brcecli
loatling rifles. The secondary battery
consisteel of four 57-millimeter anel four
47-milliineter rapid-fire guns, four 47-
millimctcr revolving cannon nnel four
Catlings. There were also three tor
pcelo tubes below water and four on
the berth deck. Two torpedo boats CI
feet long, elrawing 2'/ 2 feet, e>f 14 2-3
tons displacement, were- part of the
The turrets containing the 10-incli
guns were arranged en echelon, so that
all four eoulel be trained elirectly ahead
or astern, with a range arc of 240 de
grees. This arrangement of guns was
most effectual in the case of the Jap
anese fleet at the battle of the Yalu
river. The G-inch rifles were planned
to be worked by hand, anel were pro
tected by steel shields two inches
The weight of a broadside of the
Maine would have been 2,700 pounds,
exclusive of the%eco:idary battery.
The Maine had eight steel horizontal
boileVs, vertical inverted cylinder elirect
acting triple expansion twin screw en
gines of 9,000 indicated horse power.
She carried 822 tons of coal, with which
she could steam 2,770 knots at 14.9
knots an hour, or 7,000 knots at 10
knots itn hour. She has a double bot
tom and numerous water-tight com
The full complement of men carried
by the Maine when she was putin
commission was 306, besides the officers
anel 40 marines.
The Maine, though of a type of con
struction vastly improved upon.wasone
of the best vessels of America's new
navy. She cost, all told, $2,500,000.
Sagar Cane In Nutrition*.
It has been remarked that the ne
groes in sugar-cane regions depend to
a considerable extent upon the juice of
the cane for nourishment. By the use
of Mosso's crgograph, I)r. Barley founel
that sugar promoted muscular power
wonderfully. On a fasting day it in
creased his ability to work 01 to 76 per
cent. Taking ordinary meals, he found
that eight and three-fourths ounces per
day increased his work capacity 22 to
30 per cent. In these days, when ath
letes are so much inclined to use special
stimulants for immediate preparation
for their contests, it might be interest
ing to try sugar as a substitute for the
possibly injurious preparations some
times in vogue.
TVaa n t'nlon Ofllcer.
Col. Emil Frey, formerly president
of the Swiss republic, and for five years
Swiss minister to Washington, is at
present elirector in chief of the interna
tional telegraph system of Europe. He
fought in the union army eluring the
civil war anel was for a time a prisoner
In Libhy prison.
lb* Cxecntlve of the Cnpltal Clt 112 ofi
Ohio Sipraki.
' ' HON. SAM IKL L. 11l ACK
Executive Department, >
City of Columbus. 112
To Whom Tt May Concern;
I can most cheerfully recommend Pe-ru
na as of the very greatest possible benefit,
in cases of catarrh and other diseases of the
mucous membrane. This remedy has estab
lished itself in the minds of the people as of
the greatest possible worth and genuineness.
I have known Dr. Hartman for a number
of years and am pleased to say that he is one
of the leading c itizens of this city, a man of
the very highest standing and character in
the community.
Respectfully, Samuel L. Black.
The old saying that "a prophet is not with
out honor save in his own country," does not
hold true of Dr. Hartman's great catarrh
remedy— Pe-ru-na. Pe-ru-na is in great re
pute, riot only in the city of Columbus, where
it is made, but in the county and the State.
The city officials, county officials, state of
ficials of Ohio have given Pe-ru-na the high
est endorsements that words could eonvev.
It is the greatest known catarrh remedy, lit
cures catarrh wherever located. Send for a
copy of the National Witness, which is filled
with home testimony concerning Pe-ru-na as
a catarrh remedy. Address The Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus,
Ohio. _
lilnqnli 11 tied.
"Oh, yes, Miss Birdling is a cultivated
singer, hut she will never pass for a great
artist, you know."
"And why not, pray?"
"Because she can sing in nothing but Eng
"Oh, dear! Is that so?"
"Yes, and it is abominably good English,
too. You can understand every word she
says."—Philadelphia Bulletin.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney
& Co., doing business in the city of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, and that saia
firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol
lars for each and every case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th dav of December, A. D.
[Seal] Notary Public.
llall'sCatarrhCure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the svstem. Send for testimonials,
free. F. ,T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
No Room to Tarn.
"Did you ever turn over a new leaf the
first of the year?"
"Gracious! no; we live in a flat."—De
troit Free Press.
Ask Yonr Friends Abont It.
Your distressing cough can be cured. We
know it because Kemp's Balsam within the
past few years has cured so many coughs and
colds in this community. Its remarkable
sale has been won entirely by its genuine
merit. Ask some friend who has used it what
he thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There's no
medicine so pure, none so effective. Large
bottles, 25 cents and 50 cents. Sample bot
tle free.
The Iluck-11l ter.
"The back-biter," remarked the observer
of men and things, "is usually somebody who
has been frustrated in the attempt to get
white meat off the breast."—Detroit, Jour
News for the Wheelmen.
The League of American Wheelmen num
bers nearly 2,000 below the 100,000 mark
within the last few weeks. In spite of this
startling diminution, the maximum of
health may be attained by those who use
the comforting and thorough tonic, Hostet
ter's Stomach Hitters, which promotes di
gestion, a healthy flow of bile, regularity of
the bowels, and counteracts kidney trouble.
It is, moreover, a remedy for and preventive
of malaria and rheumatism.
Almonds and Smllax.
A good deal is said and written about
society, but all there is to it is salted al
monds and smilax.—Atchison Globe.
To Core n Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
There are people who think it is a big
thing to play no cards but whist.—Washing
ton Democrat.
ConKhine Lt'ttilN to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
once. (Jo to your druggist to-day and get a
sample bottle free. Large bottles, 50 cents
and SI.OO. Uo at once: delays are dangerous.
However sad a man may feel, he loses his
look of sadness when eating a good dinner.
—Atchison Globe.
Actors, Vocalists, Public Speakers praise
Hal e's Honey of Horeliound and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.
You can tell a good deal about a man by
the kind of team he drives.—Washington
When did you arrive—not to know St.
Jacobs Oil will cure a sprain right off.
It is astonishing how many people criticise
things they know nothing about. —Washing-
ton Democrat.
Disability is made ability to work from
The cure of Lumbago by St. Jacobs Oil.
Love —A game the result of which is often
a tie. —Chicago Daily News.
It is a knock-out when St. Jacobs
Oil cures Sciatica promptly.
A writing teacher never knows anything
about grammar.—-Washington Democrat.
Very Painful
Could Not Move without Croat Suf
fering— Hoed's Curod.
"My shoulders and arms wero very pain
ful with rheumatism so that I could hardly
move them without great suffering. I
have taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsa
parilla and now find myself free from
rheumatism." MRS. MART A. TCCK.BR,
454 Ninth St., Red Wing, Minn.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. II; six tor |fc
Hood's Pills cure sick headache. Uo.