Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 24, 1898, Image 8

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Every expectant mother hns
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
'l k I l«'|\! get rea ' ly for lt *
. \\ *"■"•—-< I'j there is no telling |
\_,—- what may happen,
tj Cliild-birth is full '
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother's Frieod
Is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents ' morning '
sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, relieves the distended fe;-'.in;', sliort
ens labor, makes recovery rapid ; .::d cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is Rood for only one ;
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at nil <lni~ ••teres, or i
sent by cv*:prc-.s on rcre nt of pr •
Fkus Books, contnininj? valuable informs- ,
tion for women, will bo sent to any addrccs j
Upon application to
Atlanta, Oa.
$3 SHOE th ? e^Vr?d.
For 14 years this shoe. by merit
alone. has distanced ;i! 1 competitors.
W. 1,. Douglas st:S.;»4>, $4.00 :>nd tfcfi.OO
•hoes are the productions «• r skilled workmen,
from tho lx'st material possible at these trices.
Also &Vs..'M> : I S J.OO Mines for men,
and {ttl.4.*; for boy ami youths.
\Y. L. Donulna shoos are Indorsed
by over l,«» <>,<K)o wearers as the best
in M,b\ il; am! durability of any
shot? i vt-r offered at the prices.
Th. > arc made in all tho latest
shat" ; and styles, and of every vari
ety'of leather.
If driller f'.ann. >t supply you, write for eatfc- |
loguetn \v. L. Douglas. Drockton, Mass. Sold by j
Emporium, Pa. 1
VVE no longer supply our seeds to dsaiers to
sell again. At the same time, any*
jne who has bought our seeds of their
ocal dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will
.ie sent our Manual of "Everything for the
3arden" for 1898 pppp provided they
apply by letter i KCC and give the
name of the local merchant from v.'liom
they bought. To all others, this magnify
cent Manual, every copy of which costs us
30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent
free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to covej
postage. Nothing like this Manual has
ever been seen here or abroad; it is a booli
of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings ol
seeds and plants, mostly new, and these art
supplemented by 6 full size colored platej
of the best novelties of the season, finally
will also be sent without charge to all appli
cants sending !0 cts. for the Manual who wi!
state where they saw this advertisement'
Postal Card Applications Wii! Kecsive No
WW ' ■■■ -. .
a. :.
No. 1 Fever, Congestion.
No. 2 Worms.
No. S Infant -' Diseases.
No. 4 Dion
No. 7 Cough Colds.
No. 9 Header i .o.
No. lO Dyspru ia, Indigestion. ;
No. 11 Delay< Periods.
No. 12 Leuchorrea.
No. 18 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Di-eases.
No. IS Rheumatism.
No. 19 Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Sore Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Dr. TTiimphrovr' opathlo Manna! of
Di-'.-.'i-cs nt. vour'li-.-'i <>r Mailed Free.
-Will by <iru:r:ri>' . < < ton receipt or 85 ;t> .
Mfb orsl. Ilmiijii. • \ted.Co., Cor. Wllliuiu
unit John Sts . New Yuri;.
1 Tho Place lo Buy Cheap }
Additional Local News. 1
Bound for Alaska.
/. party leaves Kmporiui i next
Tuesday Klondike, he: <-d by
Harry Jewell, D. 112. Powell, John
Fredette, Wnt. Tiebmilt Chas j
Keifer, of Austin. They expect to j
join a large party at Erie on Wcdnos- j
Fulton & Pearsall.
These up-to-date painter:; have con
solidated their bußine.-i.-t and may he
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar.
Both are practical painters and will
irive prompt attention to all work en
trusted to them. Estimates furnished
for all kinds of house, sign and deco
rative painting as well as wall paper
ing and frescoing. Especial attention
given to out of town orders. 47tf.
A Bright Day in the M. E. Church en
At the sunrise prayer meeting the
people felt the sunlight of Clod's
presence in their souls.
The love-feast was largely attended
and a time of refreshing was experi
enced by all.
At the service at 10:30, twelve per
sons were received on probation, mak
ing in all 346, with ii by certificate;
total, 43 additions-—;) were baptised at
this service. The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was administered to a
larger number than at any time dur
ing the present pastorate.
A large congregation greeted tiie
pastor in the evening, listening attent
ively to a sermon 011 the: Prodigal Son.
Alaska Letter.
1 Extracts from a letter from Mr. John C. Call
breath, of Wrunge!, Alaska, dated from Victoria,
B. January 16th, 1898.)
"Things will be red hot up there (on
the Stickeen) the coming season.
There will be such a tremendous rush
for the great Yukon basin that all the
routes will be full, overflowing, burst
ing. The people simply cannot get in
with a year's supply, which they are
all taking. Any number could go in
light, but they wisely thought not to
trust to chance. It has been just a
scratch that starvation did not reign at
the Klondike this winter. As it is,
they will not be surfeited with food,
but there will be no starvation. There
will be sixteen to twenty fine big
steamers on the Stickeen the coming
summer, and from appearances there
will be lots of work for them. Of
course we look for a big trade. Will
not do much in the packing line, but
will attend t o the business of the store
and the hotel that we will pttl up.
Everything next the river will be
utilized as warehouse room. There is
some talk of Glenora being the starting
point for the trains, but I fancy it will
all goto Telegraph Creek. There is a
strong probability of a narrow-guage
railway to Teslin Lake, hut it costs
millions to build railroads in that
country. We are having a pretty
good busini -; at Telegraph this winter
and it will increase immensely in the
spring, but will be a f.ood deal cut up.
Several large companies are going to
sleigh goods up the Stickeen and over
the ice to foot of Teslin Lake, so as to
get the first open water to Dawson. I
purpose tailing on behind a i'ter they
break the road with a few teams.
There is a big boom on at \\ ran gel.
Three new wharves are going ahead
with warehouses. Two or three; big
hotels and restaurants. The place is
surveyed anil laid out in town lots, all
of which are claimed and being built
on. Machinery for a saw mill and
steamer was taken up to Teslin Lake
on our steamer hist fall, and is being
sleighed into Teslin Lake this winter.
The people on the Sound at Seattle
and other places are getting the lion's
share of the outfitting, and it grinds
Victorians sadly to see the plums
mostly falling intoour laps, but so it
out of the thing to make what I can
goes. I shall strive this year, as i will
not long be allowed to hold onto my j
long earned possessions. Corporations j
will squeeze me out, and every one ;
else that comes in their road. They are
doing it all over where their power
can be brought to bear. As yet they i
cannot crush out a claim owner of i
placer mines, but it will not be long
before laws will be fixed so they can
bring their power to bear on them.
'•The great reindeer scheme of Uncle
Sam to relieve the needy on the Yukon, j
though ridiculous in its workings, was ,
humane in its conception. Neither j
reindeer nor mules can march 700 miles j
over bad roads and carry more than
enough feed to take them through,
without carrying anything for the
needy. The Canadians make a great
deal of fun over the effort, all of which
is actuated by jealousy."
—■ ■mm wmaw-Hcrm-rm
riWKK NOTICE--That the late copartnership
1 of Mclnneh A: lilisM id this day dissolved by
intitu-:l consent, and in the future tho said husi
».• s uill be conducted by "The Mel tines Steel
Work ' ' > whom :.i 1 demands and accounts of
the late lirin shall be paid.
McINNES lil.l-S.
Emporium, Pa., Feb. 10,189 K.
M® iKLrT
v 'iN-'y sr\
pp |gg*
Will mak'i ijiu-vi!" • :it si ia do for
tin'j»isi /.;t,«.r ii -1..'! - •i •»!. <'■»>.MunihlroitHTs,per
fectly hurdv. One plant prm!e< tiiuusamls of llowers*
OShY Y'ORI : CL>.rS, dklivehld.
Vinr-Q Garden (lIIiDS 1 Fro© I T pon
al'jli O and Floral ••.Appiicuiioti
mi (I the Ladies' Gardener and Adviser
The only one containing full Descriptions and Direc
tions lor planting and cniiore ; po comprehensive, con
<lense<l, eiassilied and indexed that
lie Who Uiiy Head* Many illustrations
from nature. Colored plates of Sweet Peas, Nastur
tiums, Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactus
Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cover;
120 pages completely filled with honest illustrations
JAMES VICKS SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
(forthe postage)
Monthly..... Magazine,'
The Famous Gardening Authority.
Is a veritable mine of information about Flower?, Veg
etables and Fruits, and bow to prow and care for them
successfully. The price of Vick's Illustrated Monthly
Magazine is Fifty Cents per year, but if you will re«
turn this coupon with nix two-cent MiunpN
the maga/.ine w ill l»e mailed t<> you regularly for
mouths for trial. Write at once to
Kvcryono wl o has diphtheria, croup,
<llll lib'!, catarrh or sore tliroat, can pos
i velv and speedily he. cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
Perhaps the ground hog didn't see
his shadow.
What pleasure in there in life with a
headache, constipation and biliousness?
: Thousands experience them who could
become perfectly healthy by using
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fam
j ous little pills R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
I Johnny Bull is still having troubles
| of his own.
A thrill of terror is experienced when
a brassy cough of croup sounds through j
] the house at night. But the terror
soon changes to relief after One Minute
Cough Cure has been administered.
Sale and harmless for children R. C.
; Dodson. 45-ly
February has already earned the title (
of'"the month of disasters."
We aro anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas
anter or better way to do it than by
| recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventative of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds,
i R. C. Dodson. 45-1 y
"Der boss manager" is still waiting
for a chance to line 'er out for a home j
There are three little things which
I do more work than any other three j
little things created—they are the ant,
the bee and DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the last being the famous little j
pills for stomach and liver troubles,
j R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
Another sign of spring is the 'an- ;
nouncement that Gardner has signed a j
i contract.
Don't annoy others by your cough
ing, and risk your life by neglecting a 1
cola. One minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, colds, croup, grippe and lung
j troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
Senator Wolcott says a good deal
when he talks, and doesn't make a fuss ;
about it.
After years of untold suffering from
i piles, B. W Pursell of Knitnersville, j
j Ph., was cured by using a single box
! of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin j
i diseases, such as eczema, rash, pimples j
! and obstinate sores are readily cured '
! by this famous remedy. R. C. Dod- \
I sou. 45-ly j
The Hindoos were the first to use j
i playing cards,
A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every,
; of Woodstock, Mich , was badly afflic- j
ted with rheumatism. His right leg
j was swollen the full length, causing j
great suffering. He was advised to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first j
bottle of it helped him considerably j
| and the second bottle effected a cure.
I The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by
L. Taggart. Feb.
Java is a native Malay word signify
ing "the land of nutmegs."
It is not what a manufacturer says i
about his own medicine that cures a
j patient, but what the medicine docs, j
Ballard's Horehound Syrup doer? the i
; work and does it well. It cures coughs j
and colds in a day. Its healing, sooth
ing and quieting. 25 and 50 cents at!
L. Taggart's.
Germany and Austria have about 150 !
cooking schools.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Fredericks
town, Mo., was troubled with clironic
diarrhoea for over thirty years. He j
1 had become fully satisfied that it was i
only a question of a short time until ho
would have to give up. He had been
I treated by some of the best physicians |
in Europe and America but got no per- |
manent relief. One day he picked up i
; a newspaper and chanced to read an j
advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, ,
i Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He i
j got a bottle of it, the first, dose helped
i him and its continued use cured him. 1
I For sale by L Taggart. Feb.
Fessenden, N. D., has 300 inhabitants |
j and four newspapers.
Ballard's Snow Liniment cures R'neu
! matism, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, j
' Sore Throat, Corns, and all pain and |
j inllamation. The most penetrating j
| Liniment in the world. Try it, 50 |
! cent*, nt L. Taggart's.
I It requires half a day to sing the na- j
! tional hymn of China.
Easy to Get.
Warren's Corn Cure is easy to use j
i and never fails. Sold by all druggists !
jat 15 cents a bottle. 1-32-14-ly !
Good News.
No other medicine was ever given
1 such a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands !
| of bottles of this great German remedy j
j are being distributed Free of charge,
| by druggists to those aflieted with i
! Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe j
Coughs. Pneumonia and all Throat and -
j Lung diseases, giving the people proof
! that Otto's Cure will cure them. For
[ sale only by R. C. Dodson, Emporium, |
rhos. A. Green, Johnsonburg, C. C.
Craven, Sterling Run. Samples free,
i Large bottles 50c and 25c. 32-121y
Lake Michigan signifies in the native
; tongue "a weir for fish."
«o- •«».
The Golden Secret of lionf? Life.
! Keep the head cool, and the fe::t |
warm and bowels open. Bacon's j
Celery King for the Nerves is a Vege-!
i table preparation and acts as a natural
! laxative, and is the greatest remedy i
ever discovered for the cure of Dyspep- |
; sia, Liver Complaint and all Blood, 1
I Liver and Kidney diseases. Call on R.
C. Dodson, Emporium,Thos. A. Green,
i Johnsonburg; C. C. Craven, Sterling
I Run. 32-12y.
That dark brown taste and horrid j
breath you have In the morning is j
: caused by an inactive liver. Some |
medicince relieve for a while ; others i
| for a few days, but Herbine cures, at
L. Taggart's.
In only three cases out of ten the j
sight is equally good in each eye.
Did you say that you were not feel- j
i ing well and that your stomach was i
out of order? Well then, try a bottle
of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and you '
are sure of relief. Constipation and
indigestion cured. Sick headache cur- j
ed. Greatest boon to mankind .and is
: being appreciated by thousands. 10c
will get you a trial size bottle. Larger
sizes 50c and £I.OO. Sold by L. Tag
i gart. Feb.
Tlio Lewi: I .burg N< ws correctly ays
that the talk going th" rounds of the
press about the thirty or forty million
dollars paid out annually to soldiers
not entitled to pensions, and the neces
sity for purging (he "roll ef honor,"
and all that sort of thing, appears in a
very ridiculous light when it is re
membered that very recently, under
Judge Lochren's administration of the
Pension Bureau and by President
Cleveland's direction, every corner and
cranny of the pension roll was searched
for supposed fraud, and thousands of
just pensions were denied or delayed,
the secret intention of the administra
tion being to cut down expenditures to
the lowest limit, in order to keep down
the monthly deficit as much as possible.
A great hullabaloo was made by the
pension officers about fraud, and some
thing like $300,000 was spent in ex
haustive investigation of the same,
with the result that just thirteen cases
of fraud were discovered.
Right in It.
That's where Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin is. The greatest remedy for
the stomach that was ever put to
gether. Absolutely vegetable with the
exception of the Pepsin. Are you con
stipated? Then try Syrup Pepsin.
Have you indigestion or sick headache?
Then use Syrup Pepsin. Spend 10c for
a trial bottle a: d you will be convinc
ed Large sizes 50 and §I.OO. A true
family remedy. For sale by L. Tag
gart. Feb.
Marseilles has a 107 year old woman
who still earns her living by keeping a
newspaper kiosk.
A Clover Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has a lame back and weak
kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles.
We mean he can cure himself right
away by taking Electric Bitters. This
medicine is purely vegetable, .acts as a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is
a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It
cures Constipation, Head-ache, Faint
-1 ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melan
j c'noly. Try Electric Bitters and be
I convinced that they are a miracle work
■ er. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
| 50 cents a" bottle at L. Taggart's.
Liszt's great skill v-itli the piano was
in part due to his immense industry.
1 For years he practised ten hours a day.
Twelve million silk hats are made
annually in the United Kingdom,
worth five million pounds.
The Greatest Discovery Vet.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,
"Chief," says, "We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption!, Coughs, and Colds. Ex
! perimented with many others, but
never got the true remedy until wo
used Dr. King's New Discovery. No
other remedy can take its place in our
I home, as in it wo have a certain and
sure cure for Coughs Colds, Whooping
I Cough, etc." Itisidle to experiment
with other remedies, even if they are
| urged on you as just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery. They aro not
as good, because this remedy has a re
i cord of cures at d besides is guaranteed.
It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles
free at L. Taggart's.
During 189S THE TIMES will not
only maintain the high standard of ex
cellence it reached the past year, but
but will steadfastly endeavor to excel
its own best record, and will not
swerve from its set purpose to make
- Times
No journal is more extensively cir
culated or has a wider circle of readers
■ in Pennsylvania than
Specimen Copies Sent Free-Sent! for One.
TEUMS DAILY,§ 3.00 per annum;
I 25 cents per month; delivered by car
riers for G cents per week. SUNDAY
i EDITION, 32 large handsome pages—
I 224 columns, elegantly illustrated,
j beautifully printed in colors, §2.00 per
I annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and
i Senday, §5.00 per annun; 50 cents per
| month.
Address all letters to
Bucklon's Ainicix Halve.
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands,ehilblaii K,
' corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
| Lively cures piles, or no pay required.
I It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
j faction cr money refunded. Price 25
! cents a box For sale by L. Taugart.
The German Government proposes
j to try to grow potatoes in Africa.
Fill a bottle or common water glass
j with urin and let it stand twenty-four- .
! hours; a sediment or settling indicates
I a diseased condition of the kidneys
1 When urin stains linen it is positive
! evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre- j
j quent desire to urinate or pain in the
| back, is also a convincing proof that
the kidneys and bladder are out of'
i order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
: often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's 5
Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy
i fulfills every wish in relieving rain in
j the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
! every part of the urinary passages. It ;
j correctsinability to hold urin and scald- ;
; ing pain in passing it,or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, anjl
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
; being compelled to get up many times ,
i during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
: Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
, Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and
i pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps to
cover cost of postage on the bottle.
! send your address to Dr Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of
this paper guarantee the genuineness
of this offer. 32-52-ly
Asiatic cholera was first supposed to
i have originated from the consumption
! of unsound rice, and was called "the
rice disease."
Ten in One.
Laxa Tea contains ten separat and
i distinct herbs, each beneficial in itself
! Try it and be convinced of its merits
, Guaranteed and sold by all druggists. |
; 10 and 25 cents per package. 1-32 151y
/Uivl saved
many £i life. For Throat and Lung affections
it is invaluable. It never fails to cure Cough,
Cold. Cmup and DR. BULL'S
COUG*i .'YRUP is the best. Price 25 cents.
Chew LANGE 3 PLUGS.ThoG . atTobacoc MUMhtOe. C"J-.i sjr m-il.A.C.i!u«j6r i: fed.
, i-tr «=rv , t PT flM"! IHHT" AMI)
AJ Ju l;.ij ;„ 11 ■ j;V.v*.'vi.ZJL»!i "o 1 !!.»'• V'i hi
. sttlr-ry ifc\ fi' FS|
nj ® $1 r-rw.
Sold by The Atlantic Refining Company
A Popular
'I! If! ' n NI)TS
% *
><£?=■ — ~ii=j=ii=<=:i= t ii-r
Daily De!i vs ry. A,] oi : ,lers s iveu prompt and
| skillful attention.
«£* 'S LV- . ■(» . _<• #£o> - 3^.
New Spring Goods. <•
n 0
To the Ladies of Cameron C'ouutv: <V.
q . . ; M1 &
! ,}X We have just received our New Spring- Goods. It will
| give me pleasure you tlu-se gooes, as both they and . j
| ft the prices are right. }X
! W ft
W A- ft
j (), | J,
j j| Lace Curtains, Scrim, Yf
: U. pa Window Laces, White Goods v>
♦ • |
<► |§ India Linons, Lawns in <►
, ft §■ Stripes and Checks. w
! 9 ft
I rf White Apron Lawns, ,:J,
j & , Infants Robes, Gowns, etc.
* M?" *
,v. We ask you to try the Black Cat Brand Hosiery which is o
p' unequalled in quality and durability. Only to be found here.
t D. E. OLMSTED, 4
rY Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth St. ~0,
Vlu ijpin <; cough i . the rn> st dig
tri - in;;' ui;:laci.v; but its duration can
hi; cut. short by thf u: • of One Minute
C in-'. Ouro, which is n!so the best
known remedy lor croup and fill lung
and bronchial trouble-*, it. O. Bed
son- 45-ly
The proposed Russian railway from
Merv to tiie Afghan frontier will ho be
gun very short! .
It is Disgraceful
To allow your feet to become disfig
ured, when Warren's Corn (,'uro never
fails Sold and guaranteed by all
druggists at 15 cents a bottle. 1-32-14-iy
Children and adults tortured by
bums, scalds, injuries, eczema or skill
: diseases may secure instant relief by
uring DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It
is the great pilo remedy. K. C Dod
! son. 45-lj'
miaaarr.-CMia ■ 'MR/'CTKJL ;I_M 'J ./mx-azLrcxwrmu I
For sale by GEO. J- LABAB,
Emporium, Pa.