Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 24, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Owing to the very libvial tiuf.o I have had
from our people nnd in view of the hard
times I will until MAY Ist, reduce the priceof
Physicians Prescriptions a > follows, viz :
All J oz. mixtures, price, 20 to 15
All 2 oz. mixtures, price, 25 to 19
All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25
All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30
All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price, 65 to 50
All G oz. mixtures, regular price. 85 to 65
And a corresponding reduction on
all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint
ments Also liberal discount on all
Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per
fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and
extra liberal discount o;i Fountain
Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi
zers and Nursing Bottles.
I will guarantee my goods to be j
strictly fresh and equal to any goods
in the market.
Thirty years experience in the town
of Emporium is sufficient evidence of 1
competency. if you wish to avail
yourself of the liberal offer, leave
your Physician's Prescriptions and
drug trade in general at tlio OLD RE
General Supply Depot for
V *
and litids the magazine extremely in
teresting. We have all the most inter
esting and popular magazines and
other periodicals on our list, from
which people of all t istesand vocations
can select what suites them best. In
such a wide and varied collection there's
something for all. You must read the j
magazines to be up to date. They come :
next to the newspaper in value and '
importance, and the variety and inter- ,
est of their contents are simply amaz- |
ing. As supplementary to the news- j
paper, the magazine is invaluable, !
giving thorough consideration t<> all !
leading questions and events.
Qp&ii \ I
! i
Every woman beautiful or not, ac- 1
cording to the manner in which she I
cares for her purchases of toilet articles, j
Wo help the beauty of the ladies by
providing the best beauty requisites, j
We make the woman beautiful by pro
viding be'i .Hy-giving, healthful things
which do skin good and lire pleas- ,
ing and desirable.
j jjljj' '
Ladies Winter Wrappers and Shirt
There is no end of pleasant surprises
in our new stock. Anyone and every
one can find what will plesss them im
mensely and satisfy them completely
in the splendid aggregation of novel
The patterns are cx dingly hand
some and all nev.\ t!:• • ■
as good a-; car. be in .ired and the
prices,—well, you i. .n't approach
them elsewhere.
: •: LIST.
Kfii.oriuiUt Pa.* Feb. 23, IKCB.
<BMO •• •. . psi i&ok Vi 50
j (Jrahuui 44 75
iiye M 60
Buckwheu 4 ., " • 50
; .1.. 44 10
i Coarse .«1. -)(r It)'), 9()
i Chop • 90
MidrlliiiK- 4 ' 90
Bran, 44 00
'■>rn, ;v bushel 50
White Onts, per bushel 'lO
CE-J* tiara Key&rr.iSJTatie
Contribution* invited. That which you would
(ike to iwv in t'iin firjtartmnnf, '< tus know b:/ pos
lal card, letter. or /•cmona.ll.ij.
Judge Noyes, ofWarrcn, is danger
ously ill
We regret to learn Mrs. I. A. Hirsch
is in poor health. '
Louis Norton, Howard Siding, was
visiting in town Monday.
Slierili' Mundy made a business trip
to Centre county tliis week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Logan visited in
Williamsport last Sunday and Monday.
Miss Jennie Dougherty has gone to
t Austin to visit her brother for a week
| or two.
Miss Myrtle Newton has returned
from Olean, where she has been visit
j ing relatives.
John MeAdam, of Albany, N. Y., is
j visiting his brother Jas. H. MeAdam,
Jr., at this place,
j Mr. Chas. Felt, of the Emporium
i Roller mills, made a business trip to
! Driftwood, Tuesday.
Jas. B. Schriever left on Tuesday for
Bellefonte to attend the State Conven
tion of Photographers.
C. E. Stump and R. F. Irons, of Em
; porim, were visitors in town Tuesday—
I Port Allegany Reporter.
Miss Gertrude Potter, of Cameron, is
spending a few days in town, guest of
Mr. T. Trotter and wife.
Mr. Ray Rente, of Wichita, Kansas,
l has accepted a position with the Em*
! porium Machine Company,
j Emmet Tuiis, who has been in Pitls
| burg for the past six months, attend
: ing college, has returned home.
We noticed Mark Goodwin headed
j for Larrabee's yesterday with a large
: jag of fox-skins over his shoulder.
Mrs. J. S. Douglus, of Olean, has
| been visiting bet- friends in town the
j past week, guest of C. M. Thomas and
j family.
James Welsh, Sr., sustained serious
injury to his side, by falling on the
ice, near the Portage bridge, last Tues
day, week.
Mrs. Proctor and son, of Fifth street,
s returned this morning from an ex
j tended visit with her parents, at Ham
j mersley's Forks.
Ray Lewis, of Lock Haven, nephew
j of P. E. Lewis, is now employed in
! the glove factory, where he is going
to learn the trade.
Don M. Larrabee, the promising son
of M. M. Larrabee, has entered the
i law office of Johnson & McNarney, as
student. He will make his mark.
11. B.Stark, of Scranton, Pa. has
| accepted a position in L. Taggart's
! drug store as clerk. He is a practical
druggist of many year's experience.
E. Davison has concluded that all
I foois are not yet dead. He found two
men on Tuesday who refused an ex
i cursion ticket to Buffalo at 50 and
| paid!.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wright, of Clear
' Creek, accompanied by Mrs. Fred
| Julian, visited the PRESS sanctum yes
| terday and chatted pleasantly for some
| time. Call again.
Mr. and Mrs. David Murry, Mrs. E.
O. Bardwell, Mrs. M. T. Hogan, Mrs.
' Powell, and many other Emporium
citizens, took in the low rate excur
cursion to Buffalo on Tuesday.
Rev. W. R. McNeil's remarks, Tues
! day evening, at. P. O. S. of A. enter
' tainment are highly complimented
upon—especially his remarks upon the
pres nt situation between this country
and Spain.
Rev. J. H. MeAdam, and nephew,
James H. MeAdam, Jr., have returned
from Albany, N. Y., where they per
i formed the sad duty of laying their
brother and father at rest. The son
and kind brother have the sympathy
| of our people.
Mrs. Margaret Fountain, who has
i been visiting her children in Empor
ium for some months, has returned to
her home in Virginia, after spending a
| pleasant time. She will visit in Brook
-1 lyn, N. Y. city and Richmond on her
way home and will arrive at he desti
-1 nation this week.
E. E. Swartwood was a caller at the
PRESS office on Tuesday and promptly
renewed his subscription for another
■ year. Mr. S. is one of our most prompt
paying patrons and never allows his
subscription to expire more than a
: day before he pushes the date ahead
another year.
We were greatly pleased to receive
a letter on Tuesday, from our old
friend and stalwart Republican hustler,
John ft. Buck waiter, of Winchester,
Ky. Among other things he says him
self and family are well and reports
the lumber trade fine; has two port
able mills, besides the river mill in
1 operation.
Ode to the I'oor House.
li ßc qui scut in Pace
J Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! 'l he viotory is won ;
Down went the poor house,
And with it Lemuel Con.
S. H., he could not save it,
j Though bravely he did try ;
For when the voters voted,
They Vinlicd the other eye.
There is Gibson, Grove and Drill wood,
They hit it good and hard;
i And Lumber, too, did very well.
Although not quite so large.
And little Portage township
In line did take her place,
And to the county poor liousu
Did give the marble face.
To every loyal voter who stood up in the ranUs,
The tax payer:; of the county
Owe you a vote of thanks •
And as the poor house now is dead,
We will let the subject drop ;
And to this doggerel I have written
Put a sudden fetop.
. Driftwood, Pa.. Feb. 16, IJS9H.
1 1
Miss Minnie Bargelt is visiting ro!;i- |
i lives i?nd friends in I>ufi'silo.
Frank Lamont left Emporinm or :
Monday, for Dawson City, Alaska.
Dr. Bradford came over from Austin I
! on Sunday to visit with his friends.
; Miss Alice Montgomery, of Austin, !
| is visiting friends in town for a few j
: days.
Geo. Walker, .Jr., and Geo. Johnston !
visited Buffalo over Sunday, taking in j
; all the sights.
District Attorney Wimmer, of St. j
! Marys, is transacting business in Em- \
j porium to-day.
Miss Clara Kepler, of Westport, is ;
visiting in town, guest of Misses Rena
and Lizzie Fetter, on Fifth St.
John R. Montgomery, Jr., came over '
from Austin last evening to visit Em- !
porium friends for a few days.
Miss Lena Switzer, of St. Marys, for
merly of Emporium, spent a few days I
in Emporium, guest of Miss Lena Wei
Miss Marao Logan leaves to-morrow '
to visit friends at Lock Haven and :
Williamsport. She will be absent sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Harry Ness, of Johnsonburg,
\-i.~.ite:l her parents in town over Sun
day—l. A. Hirsch and family. They
returned on Tuesday.
Jno. May, the efficient F. &. E. see- j
Lion foreman at Sterling Run, was vis- 1
iting in town on Tuesday. He is one i
of the best men in the employ of the
Penn'a R. R.
We are pleased to inform the PRESS '
readers that Judge Bonham is improv- !
ing from his serious illness, under the
care of Dr. Bardwell, and careful nurs
ing of his family. He hopes to be out
in a few days.
Mr. H. A. Cox, for many years book- !
keeper for C. B. Howar 1 & Company, ,
lumber dealers at this pli ce, will next
week go upon the road as sales agent.
His headquarters will be in Philadel
phia. Alec. McDonnell and Win. Rob
inson have been appointed book-keep
ers and clerks in the main office at this
place. Mr. Win, Kaye takes Mr. Mc-
Donnell's place in the store and R. R.
McQuay takes Mr. Kayo's place at the
Wm. IT Taylor, for ihe past three or
four years an employee of the Man
key Furniture Company, has tender
ed hi:; resignation to that firm, and will
goto Philadelphia next Saturday, to
accept a position with the GofF Furni
ture Co. Mr. Taylor i.i a very pleas
ant gentleman and a most desirable
citizen and lias, since his residence
here, made many friends. He had
charge of the Cabinet making depart
ment at the Mankey wflrks and was
one of their most trustworthy em
Dr. Swallow is opposed to Stone; he
won't even look at Wanamaker, and
up to date no candidate pleases him.
There does not seem to be anyone in
the Republican party fit to be Governor.
This is hard. His hand is raised against
every one
And yet Dr. Swallow is not so diffi
cult to please, afterall. There is Swal
low, for instance. He could swallow
the nomination of Swal low and not gag
at it.
It would be extremely easy for Swal
low to elect himself. All that he would
have to do would be to get a majority
of the citizen ■ 112 Pennsylvania to vote
for him. That is all.
There is only one little difficulty
in the way. It takes more than one
Swallow to make a Commonwealth.
The danger might be, should Swallow
run, that the people would swallow
Swallow. And then what would be
come of Swallow?—Phila. Inquirer.
Politics in this county is very likely
to be of the red letter type during the
balance of the year 1898 and prospec
tive candidates are looming upon the
horizon and their name is likely to be
legion in the course of a couple of
months. There will be a large amount
of political timber from which selec
tions can be made and the candidates
heard from thus far are of an unusual
high standard. This condition of things
speaks well for the future of the party
and while a spirited campaign is assur
ed it no doubt will be carried on in
such a spirit of fairness as will insure
Republican success at the polls in No
vember. Cameron county presents the
names of B. W. Green, Esq., and J. C.
Johnson, Esq., both of Emporium, as
candidates for President Judge for this
judicial district. Mr. Green is report
ed to be a man of eminent fitness for
the position and proclaims himself an
earnest candidate for the nomination.
Mr. Johnson is also fully qualified and
either of these gentlemen would honor
the bench if elected to it. It looks as
though Hon. C. A. .Mayer, the present
incumbent, will have to make the fight
of his life'for his re-election, and his
political adversaries are numerous and
virulent enough to make their inlluence
felt—Mill Hall Times.
Kev. Davies Wrong.
The following; telegram, dated Great :
Falls, Mont., will.. explain itself:
"Cliurcli circles .ire mueh excited over :
the disappearance of Rev. Arthur Da- |
vies, M. A., temporary pastor of the i
First Presbyterian church.
.Six weeks ago Rev. Mr. Davies came
here from Rochester to accept the vn- j
e.mcy made by the appointment of Dr.
CJwynne as synodical for Dakoto.
He came 011 the recommendation of '<
Dr. CJwynne, who had known him as
a Presbyterian clergyman in Pennsyl
Shortly alter his arrival it was dis
covered that his name was not in the
New York Presbytery report. This
Davies acknowledged was on account
of his having been absent for three
years studying for his degree.
An investigation resulted in the dis
eovery that two years ago Davies left
j the Presbyterian church and was reg- i
ularly ordained in the Episcopal church j
and until recently had a church in
lie arrived here without means.
Rev. Mr. Davies packed his grip, and
without waiting to bid his flock good- j
! bye, left from parts unknown."
It Hakes Cold 112 eet Warm.
Before you put on overshoes or rub- 1
I hers, shake into your undershoes :
j Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the j
: feet. It prevents that stinging corn \
I sensation and absorbs the perspiration
i from your feet. Allen's Foot-Ease
: makes cold feet warm, and makes
! tight shoes feel easy. After your feet
j sweat they usually feel cold at this
season. Ask" your druggist or shoe j
| dealer, to-day, for a 2oc box of Allen's j
! Foot-Ease. Sample sent FREE. Ad- !
dress Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. j
For Sale.
I oiler for sale at a bargain, one j
1 team of dark bay work horses, six '
1 years old. Also several driving j
! horses. Will exchange horses for new
' milch cows.
51-3t. (Jjiak. FRY
Some farmers, who do not manage j
properly, do their work in an indiffer
' ent manner, and are always complain- i
, ing of poor crops. The Palmyra, N. I
Y., Courier says that a larmer in On- i
tario county sold §6,000 worth of pota- |
| toes last fall, the average yield being j
1 over 300 bushels to the acre. His farm ]
; is a small one, and last year he offered j
| the place for sale for a little less than j
I §3,000. A fine farm adjoining his pro- j
| duced scarcely enough for the owner's
| use.
It is reported that the W. X. Y. & P. j
' intend to construct a road six miles 1
long, from Port Allegany to Crosby, i
on the Clermont branch. The W. N. !
j Y. & P. will then abandon the old road !
from Larrabee to Crosby, which will j
save the expense of maintaining half 1
a dozen bridges, and a ten mile up |
grade haul with no business in sight i
to pay expenses. It is a wonder that 1
the company did not make the change j
long ago.—Port Allegany Reporter.
James A. MeKean slipped and fell on
the icy sidewalk Wednesday afternoon ;
and broke his right arm between the !
elbow and shoulder. Dr. Clark adjust- ,
ed the fracture and made the patient j
as comfortable as the circumstances
; would allow. The injury will deprive
' Mr. McKean of the u?e of his arm for i
several weeks.—Smethport Miner.
The genial Hugh Boyd of Clermont j
was in town Wednesday greeting old j
: friends. Ever since Hugh paid a visit j
to the hub of the universe (Boston) j
where he learned the habit of eating |
; beans, he ha 3 not done a thing but I
S take on flesh until he has become so
corpulent that his most intimate friends
are hardly able to recognize him.—Mc-
Kean Miner.
Charles L. Wheeler, of Bradford, one |
I of the pioneers of the oil regions, died j
at Bradford suddenly Saturday night,
i Feb. 12, of apoplexy. He was 68 years j
old and a Mason of high degree, prom- j
inent in church and society, and a good j
man who will be greatly missed.
Rebekafis Thank.
j . The committee representing the Odd 1
Fellows Payment Fund wish to return j
j their thanks to the people for the j
generous patronage bestowed upon j
j them, at the supper given 011 Tuesday j
| evening-, Feb. 14th, and at this time j
give notice that a birthday party will |
j be given in the near future, at the j
| same parlor, to which the general j
. public will be invited.
M. A. ROCKWELL, Chairman. |
What it Will Do.
Laxa Tea cleanses the system, aids
< digestion, cures constipation and sick
headache. Pleasant to take, does not
S gripe. Sold and guaranteed by all
; druggists. 10 and 25 cents per pack
' age. 1-32-14-ly.
Africa traces its origin to tho Phoeni
cian afer, a black man, and the Sans- j
krit ac, the earth, a country.
Opera House for Sale.
j The undersigned offers for sale at rea- j
| sonable terms, the Emporium Opera j
House, a good solid square timber, sub-
I stantially built building, size 50x130, j
1 seating capacity of 1000; good stage
I fully equipped for traveling companies, j
Apply to
J. W. CLARKE, Manager.
Emporium, Pa. 30-15tf.
(••©•*■» o )()##'>•••«• or • o • o + • • •
<••> MAf "ti i> \ b *it
<•»> tjS t\fcm t\ £1 | I ?il j '.»•>
io«) LSUwUIi ULiLI LiiU <«•>
(«•; (»•>
( *°> - ~
<«»' 'i ?3 s «S i IflM I
\ iS jj t-'l ? . j Jfi'-j <•«>
(CO) 1S B h >.:J li 'j| y j
'•♦l :/« J .] i Si jj ■
<»o) j: 52 1 ji 5 112 r
(«•> <*#>
{••> This is the Brand,
(,».) The Miller planned ce>
<oai Tj be the finest iii the . :id. '*•>
(fi»j CJO)
(9tl) (09)
{ ■ - "■
(! 4*'
Jv v . * :
He 112 ||LD
• £ Now East and West, 199 >
His skill attest,
And Pillsbury's Best leads (o»j
<*•) all the rest.
'aoi (••)
(ۥ) ...
'••i the inscription on
<•»> vour sack of flour is like
'(It) the above, you have the <*•>
(•«> '«»)
best llour in the world
and on"lit to have the
(DO) <o®)
(i©) , (9 ft)
cot best bread. lietter look «>*>
<♦©) <•*»)
re*! and see, and if not, <>o at rsn
(**) <*«>
ISO) . A. TOO)
(•«! oi - ce to f*o)
rc«) (**)
(o©; '0 6)
i<»oi HAY'S
ceo ('»«•)
r»fii i'i&)
and procure a sack or
World Famous. Hi
Pillsbury's Best.
(at,) " (••)
'*'•> rr\< ,11 I
(»oi I here are otners, but (•»)
lan -1
none so "ood. .•
' (••>
(09) (••'
■ («C)
las J. H. DAY, as
reel 7
j (••) (••)
j (••) 23 Fourth St.,
gg Emporium, Pa.
I <••)
\\ V XN\\\\N\X N/
/ ' Next door to Post-03'.ce, &
/ nnpoßiuM, PA. /
Drugs, '
/ /
| / Toilet Articles, /
: / Druggist Sundries,
! ' Patent Medicines,
I / Prescriptions and
! / /
1 / Stationery. /
j / /
/ /
/ /
/ Prescription /
/ '%
/ Department. /
/ /
I / I have had twelve years experi- j
ence in compounding physi- v
/ cians prescriptions and guar- /
, / an tee accuracy of work and y
I absolutely purity of all drugs
; / used. /
I/\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ v \ \
Riverside, R. 1.,
I Wants all kinds ot Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Raw
j Furs, JSkins, Ginseng, Seneca, Ac. Full prices
j guaranteed. Careful selection, courteous treat
ment, immediate remittance. Shipping Tags,
Hopes, furnished free. Write for latest price
: circulars. Agents wanted.
tor 1898
Leading American Seed Catalogue.
Brighter and better than ever before. Mailed
FkEf: to any address.
W. ATLEK BURPEE & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Do you expect to do any papering? We will
send you free a large selection of samples from
3c. per roll up, all new colorings and novelties
up to date. WE PAY FREIGHT. We
| want an agent in every town to sell 011 commis
sion from large sample books. No capital re
! quired. For samples or particulars, address
s. WOLF,
! .12-131. 747-753 Ninth Ave., N. Y.City.
! (n I P TO DATE W
II OOMSEIiCIAI, printing!
: B AND JOB ft
Ln u
Travelers Guide.
In effect November 28,1897.
B M. "j'i'i«isi n \ (•.•! du v .;«"■ Hunbury,
Wilkesbarre, tici inton, ! eieton, Pottsvill©,
Marii burx :*nd inter: i- . truion?-. arriving
nl Philadelphia 6..'3 P. .V H ■ York 9.30 i'. M.,
Baltimore n.oo P. M.. Warhn trton 7.15 P. M.
Pullman Parlor • r from williainsport to
Pi: iiadrJs»rila an-Jpas- ng.'-rcoaches from Kane
to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti
more u :i I Waslmi. .lor..
3i!OP. M. Train 6 week duys for Harris
bun? and intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia,4.2o A. M., New Y0rk7.33 A.M.
Pullman sleeping cars 112 rom Harrisburg to Phil*
j adelphia ana New York. Philadelphia pas
sengerscan remain in sleeper undisturbed un
til 7 :30 A. M.
8 57 P. M. Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harris
burr: and intermediate stations arriving at
Philadelphia 6.52 A. J J., New York 9.33 A. T»l.,
weekdays, <10.;, .A. . Sunday: Baltimore 6.20
A. M.. Waxhinyton 7.10 A. M. Pullman sleep
ing cars from Krie and Williamsportto Phila
delphia and Williamsport to Washington.
Passengers in sleeper for Baltimore and Wash
ington will he transferred into Washington
sleeper at Williamsport. Pa. sengercars from
Kri" to Philadelphia and Williamsport to
5:10 A. M. nmporiuin Junction —Train 9 week
days for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and
intermediate stations.
10 ~5 A. M. - -Train > Daily for Erie and
week days for Dußois and intermediate
0 25 P. M. Train 15, week days for Kane
and intermediate stations.
Train 0 leaves New York 5:50 p. m., Philadelphia
8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p. m., Baltimore
8:40 p. m., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10
а. m.. week days, with Pullman Sleepers and
passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie
and from Washington and Baltimore to Will*
Train 3 leaves New York 7.10 p. m„ Philadel
phia 11.20 p. in., Washington 10.10 j». m, Balti
more 11.50 p, in., daily. arriving at Emporium
10.25 a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping
Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and
passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie
and Baltimore to Williamsp: rt-on Sundays
only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to
Train 15 leaves Philadelphiaß.l3o a. m., Washing
ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimoreß.so a.m., Wilkesbarre
10:15 A.M., weekdays, arriving at Emporium
б.25 P. M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia
to Williamsport.and passengei coaches from
Philadelphia to Kane.
1 V Connections.
(Week days.)
; A.M.! A. BD.L Jp. M. P.M.
| 8 50' 4 003— Itenovo 65 00 10 20
913 .... 1 411.. .Driftwood... I4 03 930
10 20 • 5 101 Emporium June I 3 25 .... 9 00 *
ill 02 .... • 5 52f. • • Marys.. \2 40 819
11 15 % Kane t,12 15 0 05
11 36 jj.. ..Wilcox 11l 51 8 4
11 49 J..Jo!insonburg . [ll 36 S 27
1 if
j i J I
il2 !0 6 ..Ridgway,... fc 850 800
12 17 6 27| .Island Run... j- 8 'l3; , 7 52
: 12 22 6 32iCarman Tr'nforg 8 .'is ! 7 47
12 31 <i 41?.. ( roylr.nd.... ,j 829 .....' 738
12 35 6 451..Shorts Mills., i 8 26 7 33
12 39: 6 4si .. Blue Rock... JS 22 730
; 12 43 • >'.{ Carrier N 8 17 7 26
12 53 7 02|.Brockwa.y ville. § 8 os 7 17
| 12 57 7 oel. ■ Lanes Mills.. I 8 02 7 12
1 107 7 111. Harvey ft Run..> 751 : 7 01
: 115 7 20a. .Falls Creek... t 7 50j 700
I 1 40 7 35y.• • • Dußois J 7 405... 610
1 20 7 251..Fa11s Creek... 3 7 00 665
j 1 35 7 4o| Reynoldsville.. I6 45 640
2 11 8 IC|... Brookville .. <fi 00 801
I :i 01 i) 10|Neu' Bethlehem I5 20 5 10
I 3SO 0 651.. Heel Bank.... $ 425
630 12 10g... .Pittsburg ... Ij 140
P. M |P. M.| [A.M.| P.M.
J. B. J. R. WOOD,
| General Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt.
Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred,
Bradford, Oleanand Buffalo, connecting at Buf
i falo for points East and West.
Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M.
! Mail, (103 daily except Sunday 1.50 P.M.
j Train N'o. 103 (maili will connect at Olean with
j Biver Division for AUegany.Bradfonl, Salamanca
' Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg.
Call oil 11. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, tor
i time tables or other information
B. BELL, Gen'l Supt.
J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Fass'ngr & Ticket Agt.
I Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and
Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y.
Taking effect June 15th, 1897.
10 4 6 2
P. M. P. TI. A. 11. P. M.
| Port Allegany Lv. 3 15 7 13 ... M 12 10
I Coleman, J *l2 15
! Burtville *3 30 7 29 12 22
i Roulette, 3 40 7 36 12 29
Knowlton's, *3 45 0 *l2 34
: Mina 3 55 7 46 12 41
Olmsted *4 00 *7 50 *l2 46
Hammonds, ' ° _ °°__ *l2 51
Coudersport. j 1 ' « :»0 100
North Coudersport, °° *1 05
; Frill It's, *6 40 *1 14
Colesburg. *6 16; 120
; | Seven Bridges, *6 50 *1 21
I Raymonds's, *7 01 i 136
Gold, 706 142
! Newneld *7 lo 145
| P.. it S. Junction, 7 13, 150
Perkins, *7 16 *1 53
Carpenter's, °° *1 56
i CrowelPs, *7 21 *2 00
| Ulysses, Ar 730 210
1115 1 8 j
A. M. P. M. A. M.
Ulysses Lv. 7 12 2 30 10 05 ....
' CrowelPs, *7 51 *2 40 *lO 17
I Carpenter's, °° *2 42*10 20
Perkins, *7 54*2 45 *lO 25
I B. &S. Junction, 7 57 2 50 10 30
: New field *8 00 2 54 no a r >
; Gold 8 01 2 56 10 42
1 Raymond's *8 07 2 59 *lO 47
| Seven Bridges, *8 19*3 11 11 05
Colesburg *8 21 3 15 *ll 10
| Frink's *8 28 *3 22 *ll 17
North Coudersport, co *3 30 *ll 27
I Ar. 8 43 3 35 11 35
I Coudersport < P. M.j
( Lv. 845 600 130
: Hammonds co °° *1 34
1 j Olmsted, *8 51 *6 06 *1 40
I Mina, 855 610 1 45'
i Knowlton's, ,. ...j °° *6 18 co
Roulette 905 622 157
Burtville 913 630 210
. Coleman ! 00 *6 36 03 I
• Port Allegany 921 6 ;o
Flag stations. ( ) Trains do not stop,
j Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y.
for points north and south. At Newfield Junc-
I tion with Buffalo &. Susquehanna R. R., north of
Wellsville, south <>t' Galeton andAnsonia. At
Port Allegany with W. N. Y. & P. R. R., north
j ior Bnffalo. Olean, Bradford and Smethport;
south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium
and Penn'a R. R., points.
B. A. McCLURE, Gen'l Supt.
Coudersport, Pa.
| On and after Nov. 25,1894, passenger trains will
j depart from Johnsonburg daily except Sunday,
j as follows:
10:30 a. m.—Accommodation, forMt.Jewett, Brad
ford and intermediate stations.
! 8:58 a. in.—Accommodation, for Ridgway, Brock
; way ville, Dußois and Punxsutawney.
; 10:30 a. m.—Rochester Mail, for Mt. Jewett.Brad
j ford, Salamanaca, Buffalo and Rochester.
I 3:35 p, m.—Mail, for Ridgway, Brock way ville, Du-
I Bois, Punxsutawney and intermediate stations.
| , 3:55 p. m. —Accommodation, for Mt. Jewett,Brad
ford and intermediate stations.
! Thousand mile tickets good for passage be
j tweenall stations at two cents per mile.
R. G. MATHEWS, Gen. Supt.,
Rochester, N. Y.
EDWARD C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. Ag't.,
Rochester, N v