Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 24, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Carrjeron Press.
Editor and Manager.
Per year i* 0! ' I
If paid in advance r,: '
Advertisements are published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one iiiM-rti'm ami tifty cents
per square for each sub.-equent iu*> vtion.
Kates by the year or for nix or three months are
low and uniform, and will befurnished on appli
cation. 1
Legal and Official Advertising per s jtiare.thn e
times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertion 50
cents per square.
Local notices ten cents per line for one insertion,
five cents perlineforcach.ub-i quentconsecuiive
insertion. I
For Governor, 1898.
CHARLES W. STONE, of Warren.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
State Convention.] j
Hon. C. \V. Stone is rapidly
forging to the front as the most
popular candidate for Governor.
The theory that gold is upprecia- j
ting has just a very black j
eye by the discovery that the value I
of the gold mined in the world in ■
IS!>7 exceeded the total value of !
both gold and silver mined in the ;
world in ISB7.
It is now estimated that the Feb- I
ruary receipts under the Dingley |
law will reach §12!),000,000, which j
Avill be in marked contrast with the :
February receipts during the opera- ;
tions of the Wilson law. A tabu- l
lated table shows tlie February
receipts in each year since the be- i
ginning <>i the operation ol the Mc-
Kinley law, and covering all of i he
years in which the Wilson law was j
upon the statute books.
Treasury figures are assuming a 1
brighter and mure satisfactory con- j
dition. Receipts this month lor
thus far have averaged over a mil- J
lion dollars a day and prospects are
that next month will he even bet- I
ter. As the total expenditures of j
the Government average but a mil- i
lion dollars a day, it will be seen
that th ■ new law has already prac
tically reached the point promised j
by its framers —an income equal to j
the expenditures.
Economy and prompt business j
methods are the rule of action in I
the National House of Represent®- ;
tives, which is controlled bj r the j
Republicans. Present indications J
arc that the appropriation bills of
the present Congress will be kept j
at the lowest possible figure, and j
that the record for prompt action j
upon them as well as other inipor- I
tint measures will be an unusually
good one. Ten of the appropria
tion bilh have already pas.-ed the.
House, Jiiicl it is expected the re
maindei will he disposed of very
How do Senator Teller and his i
free-silver associates who have been
demanding that the bonds of the j
United States shall be declared
payable in silver justify their course
in the light of the fact that the
Mexican government, whose finan
cial methods they profess to so
much to admire, is just arranging
for a new issue of bonds payable
in gold and gold only ? tint a trifl- i
i:ig inconsistency of this kind cuts i
no figure with men who are mere- !
ly advocating a cause for what they |
can get out of it in the matter of J
official preferment or otherwise.
In discussing the Gubernatorial j
situation the Philadelphia Times j
01 Wednesday says:"lt was j
stated that the Wanamaker men !
will work in harmony with the C. !
W. Stone anti-Quay compaign in
the northwest, and that the friends I
of both candidates will combine
to insure the election of delegates j
hostile to Quay, in as many north- i
west counties as possible." It j
might as well be understood now |
and to the end of the campaign, j
that Hon. C. W. Stone is a candi- |
date for Governor as a Republican |
and not with the intention of j
'•kicking over the traces" if he is |
unsuccessful in his aspirations, j
That there will be a combination
in this section of the State"to!
ensure the election of delegates j
hostile to Mr. Quay," is news to I
Mr. Stone's supporters and there"j
is not the slightest probablity of
any movement of that character
materializing.—Kane Republican.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 1898.
Prudence, patience and patriot
ism have characterized every act
of President McKinley and every
member of the cabinet since the
awful news was received of the
blowing up and sinking of the bat-
I th .-hip Maine, in Havana habor,
and the death of 250 of its crew,
in the midst of the excitement con
sequent upon the sensational ru
mors of Spanish treachery, they
have not for a minute lost their
heads. A naval Court of Inquiry
was at once appointed to ascertain
whether the loss of the Maine was
caused by accident or design, and
hy the time this is read ii will be
at work. I ntil it succeeds at get
ting at the truth, the administra
tion joins with brave Captain Sigs
; bee, of the Maine, is asking for a
suspension of public judgement,
i Not a scrap of news concerning the
catastrophe received by theadmin-
I istration, or an order issued by it
has been concealed, and nothing
; will be concealed. That the Presi
j dent is fully alive to our every in
j terest is shown by his promptly re
: fusing the request of the Spanish
| authorities at Havana to partici
! pate in the investigation, and that
' he is calmly performing his usual
I duties was shown by his departure
| for Philadelphia, to deliver an ad
! dress before the faculty and stu
; dents of the University of I'enn
-1 sylvania, on the 22nd inst.. in ac
j eordance with an engagement made
months ago. His example should
; hi' followed by good citizens every
i where.
Senator Wolcott. of Col., has
! more than once shown himself to
possess the faculty of calm judg
! nient in times of public excitement,
I and to be a real, not a bunconib
patriot, but never more strikingly
| than i.i the short speech he made
i against the misguided attempt to
t publish to the world a distrust of
our Navy Department, by provid
i ing for a Congressional investiga
j lion of the wreck of the Maine.
1 Mr. Wolcott said :"I desire to
I resent as utterly unfounded the
| suggestion that there is a patriotic
j citizen in the broad confines of this
I land who has not the fullest and
: most splendid and glorious confi
i donee in every department of this
j government, and in the depart
; nient of the Navy in particular,
! and it lias been true in every ad
j ministration since the time of
; Washington. The people of the
I'nited States have never yet been
called upon to distrust one of the
co-ordinate branches of this gov
, ernment, and they never will while
I the flag floats. The oilkvr.- Ap
i pointed to investigate this tragic
disaster will do their duty. : do
| not under-rate the importance of
i the legislative branch of the gov
ernment ; 1 believe in its dignity
] and its wisdom, and in the open
ness of its discussion of public
questions : but what we need now,
in my opinion, is a decent and dig
nified silence in the face of the ap
palling calamity which has fallen
i upon our people. There are times
! for speaking and there are times
| for silence, and at this time, when
! we face the awful event that has
; overtaken us, we should restrain
! any expression of opinion or ex
j pression of our belief as to thecau
i ses of this terrible disaster until in
! a proper, regular, and formal way,
! an investigation may be had by the
I Navy Department, which we know
i will be conducted with the utmost
! uprightness and the utmost integ
j rity." Senator Lodge of Mass.,
I said on the same subject ; ''Does
' anyone suppose that the Captain
| of that ship, who, wounded and
j stunned by the explosion remained
; the last upon the sinking vessel,
! and who, in the midst of that aw
' ful excitement, sent a dispatch
j showing a coolness which is an
! honor to the American name, is
| j big to lie about his ship? The
' Sc. retary of the Navy is a man of
distinguished ability, of honor and
patriotism. ' If anyone imagines
i that Secretary Long will not tell
the truth and insist upon the whole
of it, he little knows the character
of the man. I think those who
: know Theodore Roosevelt would lie
| slow to believe he would seek to
conceal the truth in regard to this
disaster. We want to know the !
truth. If if was an accident which
destroyed the Maine, then let us
provide, so far as human foresight
can, against » recurrence. If it
was treachery, then the righteous
wrath of the American people will
take a signal vengeance for the
treachery which sent that ship to
the bottom. And let no one think j
to stay it." Congress showed its I
good sense by confining its action |
on this subject to making an api
propriation of $200,000 to be used ;
in trying to save as much of the j
costly equipments of the Maine as
The House, by a vote of 1">!) to
124, passed the bankruptcy Rill j
which was reported from the com
mittee as a substitute for the Nel
son bill, which was passed by the
Senate at the extra session.
The Southern cotton mill owners
have been protesting against the
constitutional amendment giving
Congress authority to regulate the
hours of labor in all the States. A
resolution providing therefor is
now being considered by the House
Judiciary Committee.
In this section of the state the
naturally strong feeling for C. W.
Stone, of Warren county, for Gov
ernor, is growing and gaining
strength. He would make a good
candidate; we believe him to be
honest and capable, and a fit man
in every respect. Erie county has
delegates announced who ask the 1
votes of their party on the ground j
that they are pledged to ('. W. j
Stone. In this county Col. Dick, j
.1..1. Carter, .Jesse More and L. <). j
McLane are announced for dele- i
gates, unpledged to rny one, but '
but pledged to opsose to the end :
the manipulations of W. 11. An
drews and others who arrogate to ;
themselves the rigtht to do the pol- j
itical thinking for the Republicans j
of Pennsylvania. All Republicans
may trust Dick, Carter, Moore
and McLane. — Meadville Gazette.
Huston Hill.
Good sleighing.
Mr. R. L. Dill is hustling in bin logs.
John Williams and Harvey Hicks
had business at Mix Run last week.
They say it was a cold reception.
A. H. is hustling in his logs.
A. S. Bailey has resigned. He says
he will no longer be classed as a
Our school pap arrived here on Mon
day, after an all night's drive.
We are preparing for an entertain- j
nient which will be given at the end [
of the term.
Orla Miller had business at Medix
last week.
A crowd was out sleigh-riding last
Thursday night.
The wedding bells are ringing.
Last Thursday night a certain young
gentleman escorted a young lady home
and was met at the door by the dear
girl's mother, with a broom stick and
she proceeded to use it to the best of
her ability.
Mason Hill Letter.
Did they get married? Well I guess
Charley Welsh, of Dents Run, had
business here on Friday.
L. B. Russell and Clell Bailey have
finished their extensive tie job.
How does it sound? 263 majority
against poor house. Echo answers
back, "Good!"
Thomas Kailbourne, formerly of this
place, but now of Huntley, was seen on
our streets Sunday.
Three more weddings are booked—
parties will be made known later.
J. M. English was thrown from his
sleigh and badly hurt, at Castle Garden
on Thursday night.
Will contemplates going to Chicago
to see what has become of that dress.
Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Hill and Mrs.
Miller were guests of Mrs. A. H. Barr
on Huston Hill, Wednesday.
Editor Hacket, who has been afflctcd
with the poor house fever, has no doubt
laid in a good supply of soothing syrup
and nerve tonic since the election.
Mr. E. J. Walker and Miss Amana
Hill went to Olean on Thursday, and
were united in the holy bonds of mat
rimony. The writer wishes the young
and much respected couple joy and
happiness through life.
New Music—Liberal Offer.
To introduce our new monthly pub- j
lication, American Popular Music, v.e ;
make the following liberal offer: Send ,
us the names of three or more per- i
formers on the piano or organ, and J
fifteen cents in money or postage, and |
we will mail you sixteen pages of the I
latest popular songs, two steps, etc., j
full sheet music arrainged for piano or ;
organ, and American Popular Music \
for three months. Address
Indianapolis, ind. ■
VOTICK is hereby ffivi-n that the co-pa.Un -
.N ship heretofore existing between S. K.
Mui rv. !■'. I'. Kent/, and !•'. I '. St ra>e.'. miller the
firm name if Murry, Ftentz Strayer, doing
plumbing business, has this day been dissolved
liv mutual consent. The bu -iniss will be con
ducted by S. 10. Murry. who will pay all debts of
said tirm and receive all monies due.
F. I'. RENT/,,
Emporium, Pa., Jan. 24th, 1898. /il-3t
Tr.ivek rs Gnlde.
"The Grand Scenic Route."
I The shortest route to Williamsport, Philadel
] phia, Baltimore and all southern points. Quick
time, ciose connections and first-class serviei.
Time Table taking Effect Dec. .Ith, IKiT.
| West MAIN I IKB. East.
5 1 2 1 0
P.M. P. M. P. M. A. M.'A.M. P. M.
ar. dp.
i; :in 12 50 liflo.w.N.Y.A: i> s no :i .10
I ... 2 50 9 28! Pt. Al'g'ny" 12 0.1 7 13
RlO ... 100 Emporium" S3O Ino ..
7 38 2 10 885 ar.K't'ng Smt il|i !t 10 230 7 r>o
7 08 1 in 8 25 dp. Austin, ar 8 20
(i 501 1 12 Nelson Run 0 59 3 12
ti 36 12 58 Loguc 10 lfi 3 27
8 23 12 jr, Hull 10 29 to
6 00112 22 Cross Fork J'ct, 10 51 102
520 11 12 Gerniania... 11 29 140 800
5 13,11 35 dp..Galeton. ar 11 35 4 48! A. M.
.... ill '25 lor. " dp. 1 05 | 7 10
5 00 11 10 !.. Kilbourn— 1 17 7 22
4 45|10 55 . Brook land,... I1 32 736
4 28 10 38 1 Newfield Jet.. 1 50 7 57
fi 30 dp Couderspt ar 335 843
j2 10 ar •' dp 110 05 742
10910 19 i West Bingffitni. 206 . 8 11
3 58,10 08 ilp Genesee .ar ,2 18 826
1 ar " dp i |
| 3 38 Canist'o.wNy&p ! 9 12
912 9 12 dp " ar 338 12 09
557 11 10 arOswayo " 1 35 6 45
1 35 7 40 dp " " 5 57 11 10
35810 08 ar Genesee, dp 3 18 8 26
353 10 03 jar.. Hhongo.... j 224 8 31
330 9 10 jdp Wellsville ar 246 j 852
12 25 8 00 dp R'rn'lsvil'ar j 5 20 10 00
8 10; dp Bnflo,Erte ar 18 00 .... 12 50
"55 53 :51 j 150 52 54"
P. M. P. M. A. M.I A. M. A. M. P. M
4 10 12 55 10 25 ar. Galeton ..dp 8 40 II 40 2 (HI
4 20 12 10 10 12 .... Gaines 853 II 52 2 26
350 12 '■!(< 9 50 dp . Ansonia ar 9 15 12 10 3 00
! 1 10! 7 10 W" 111 port pllanl2 05 310 ...
I 430 11 30 Phila, . 62310 12
' 11 35 8 40 Weilsboro.r p. 1; R 10 20 1 20
I 10 25 7 40 dp ..Corning, ar 11 20 5 30
Additional train leaves Galeton at 6 20 p.m.,
arriving at Ansonia at 7 15 p. in., Williamsport
10 10 p. 111.; Philadelphia 7 12 a.m.,Wellsboro 855
Ip 111.
I Returning leaving Ansonia 730 p. 111,, arriving
at Galeton at 8 05 p. 111. This train connects at
Ansonia with Fall Brook No. 7. leaving Corning
I at 5 20 p.m., Wellsboro 6 50 p. m.
1 13 I 41 S STATIONS. IA.M. 40 : 42
P.M. A.M far dp! P.M. p. M
! 320 900 [Cross F'k June.': 12 22 6 f.o
I 220 800 [d|) Cross Fork ar 1 22 700
i All trains run daily except Sunday.
At ITeating Summit with W. X. V. & P. R. R.
tor all points north and south.
At Galeton with A. & P. R. R. for Westfield
and Addison.
At Ansonia with Fall Brook 11. R. for all points
north and south.
At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. R. R.
west for Coudersport, east for Ulysses and points
on Cowanesque Valley branch ot'Fall Brook R.R.
At Genesee for points on the New York &
Pennsylvania R. R.
At Wellsville with Erie R. R. for points cast
and west.
H.C. UNOERHILL.Gen'I Pass.Agt.Buffalo. N.Y
C. W. GOODYEAR, Gen'l Man'gr Buffalo.
Divison Pass.Agt. Wellsville, N.Y.
• ••SoScSSS* £'••£$•••• iii iS •
I ill I
i (• II 111 o)
(S O)
(9 '*)
<• 01 nTiiirnn c>
1 uLOiMIERo. =
(O C)
<« t>)
<» We take great pleasure this
week in announcing to the peo
<# pie of Cameron county, that wo
(• have just received the most beau- °>
[J tiful and complete lino of
i: GOODS, 2
(« o)
(• Ever placed in Emporium. •)
<* We have spared no expense in 2
<«, buying the BEST CLASS of a>
<0 goods on the market. y)
We desire to call the attention
(oof the public to our Show Wind- $
<0 ows and examine all the latest »>
J* novelties of spring.
j; OUR I
<« ©j
In all shapes and colors are a ®>
[J thing of beauty and something
(® sbich all, both younn and old o)
should wear this spring.
(« a)
G OUR :>
(o c)
<• For Easter are among the °>
J2 choice offerings we are now dis- JJj
(• playing. These are of the high
est grade of ready-made clotliing *)
and best workmanship
:: OUR ii
;i NECK ii
ii WEAR, ii
'• Hi
|[J Comprises all the latest novel- "j
! (• ties in Plaids, Stripes and Polka
£• dots and is the most up-to-date »)
j Jo line we have ever handled. In a
! (• word throughout our entire <le- o>
: <• partment we have nothing but »>
the best to offer and will take
' <« great pleasure in showing our 0 )
gt;ods if you will but call. *>
i« »)
',z R. SEGER & SON, Ǥ
J® One door east of Bank.
| Special
l| TWO
It Weeks
t ' I
i ' |^|
Sale. |
|| Men's Clothing, |1
||j Boys' Clothing,
ijpi Children's Clothing, v. ,
||| Men's Furnishings,
Hats, Caps Shoes.
llii 1 Everything in the storeMfi
IP " I©
4v regardless of cost.
§ vSale lasts positively onlyM
[Mj: two weeks.
Here are a Few of the Many
Men's Black Clay Worsted
w suits, former price 814,
[j|j now - - - $lO
fitf) Men's Overcoats formerly
P sX.fiO, now 35.00 l ]f
|] Men's suits, former price jj||
||, now - $4.50 j§|
Children's suits from 81.00
111,> *
Boys' knee pants form M)c
t§j upwards.
Ipl Cotton half liose i"
i|#ji <> paii's for Hoc.
m> Men's Suspenders 10 cents. .\
-f 1 * S ** I
.XjSK Opposite Post-office, Emporium, Pa.
I ■ I aa*
aa* ijfg*,
j|| J$
[||| #•*&%* w *•• *qr %«r«? ?«*■ w w r -; jl< i;
raj «t afj& iKjfc x& sxft m asi ask i*t js* ** ift sß>* a* at (Jp.'
iff HI
You perimps have some doubt about wluit we can j|j|
do for you in our store. You are not certain, maybe, H
liow we can sell high grade goods at prices we name. W
The only way to be convineed is to come and look at K
our goods and see what they are. No matter what HI
your prejudice may be, you will be convinced and it rj|?jj
will be to your advantage to start now and examine our W
stock of staple and fancy Dress (ioods, Flannels, Mus
py>'ijj 1 ins. Ginghams, etc. [{Si!
Our new goods are arriving and we have figured w
the price down to command the attention of the public. s|ji
If you look at the goods you cannot fail to find what |fj
you want at very low prices. g
We have received another lot of these Cotton JM;
Plaids. <'a 1 i and get the pick of the lot at I'Jc the yard. |m|j
jm Remember we have the staple brands and widths in
Oj| t lie market, and will not be undersold by any house in |j|l[j
ffl) the city. © !
|f|) .Just received anotherl ine of light weight Outings. M
® very pretty styles, at Sc the yard. |g.
j(||| We have a fidl line of excellent (Jinghams. Lan- M
•»& caster's and I'arkhill. in both Apron and I>ress Checks.
iCome and examine them.
$1; ;f ** mn*vx v.
|:||| it £%fat #ik iast jet oast jetasfciKfeiß* -% ast £
: C. 2. HSFiARD & CO. 'C. 8. HOWARD & CO.
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
The American Block,
mr A. r,o, >r. Y.
About Cur Book
and Stationery Department.
We solicit mail orders for books and stationery.
We will gladly quote you our prices at any time
for any book or books published, and we can
always supply you with the best writing paper
aurl stationery atveiy low prices. We do card
engraving in the best form for much less than
usual price; .
Quo Vadlthe authorized and unabridged
edition,cloth binding, illustrated 50c., postage 12c.
The same in paper covers 18c., postage 7c.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c, postage6c.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c. postage 6c.
The Beth Book, by Sarah Grand, published at
$1.50, our price sl.loc, postage 1-c.
The Story of an untold Love, by Paul Leicester
Ford, published at sl/25, our price 95c.. postage 9c.
Corleone, by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols., $1.40,
postage 17c.
The Seats of the Mighty, by Gilbert Parker,
$1.20, postage, lie.
The Choir Invisible, by James Lane Allen, pub
lished at $1.50, our price, $1.15 postage Bc.
The Chautauqua Books, for course 1898, 5 vols.,
sl.s9the set, expressage 25c.
I Pelonbet's Notes on the International Sunday
( School Lessons for IK9B, 85c. postage 12c.
! Subscriptions for all magazines and periodicals
; are received at publishers' rates.
| Our "Swan Vellum," and "Swan Satin'' are
! high-class writing papers, made in four sizes—
"Joseph" and "Billet"sizes, 10e box of 5 quire?.
1 Envelopes to correspond, 'loc box of 125.
"Octavo" size, 50c. a box; envelopes 50c.
Our "Swan Everwyn" and "Swan Feather"
are smooth and rough linen papers made only in
octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plane, 30c
and 35c the 5 quire packets, envelopes 7c and 8c
"Swan Seconds" in octavo and commercial
sizes, ruled and plain, 18c pound packet, envelopes
5c and 6c n packet.
Papeteries of new square shaped paper urn!
1 envelopes in fashionable tints, azure, heliotrope,
. cream and mazann 15c box, worth 20c, postage Bc.
The same in larger size 20c. worth 30c, postage
! 10c.
Papeteries of initial paper with envelopes, a!!
I initials, new and beautiful, all colors 10c box,
: worth 50c.
' The fame illuminated in gold and colors,
square paper 55c b. >x, worth 75c.
Card Engraving.
Plate and 50 cards for $1.25, postage Cc. En
graving address lino 30c extra.
50 cards from your own plate 55c, postage 6c.
100 cards from your own plate 95c, pvstage 11c.
Specimens of engraving and sizes of cards for
warded on application.
Monograms and address dies sunk from $1.50
upwards. Stamping in any color 50c for 120
sheets, or 90c in gold and silver.
ADAH, MEllllil'ill AKDEKSM CO.,
The American Block.