Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 17, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Yfc «
means pain, danger and (A- v 41.
possible death for some V \ ) Js s
wives. For others it /^mkAo®>
means practically no /m!LW V
discomfort at all. There W W V
is no reason why child- /V m
birth should be a period
of pain and dread. Sev. It is a
eral months before a liniment
woman becomes a to be ap
mother she should plied ex
prepare herself for ternally.
the critical ordeal. It relaxes
There is a prepara- the in us
t ion made which is cles and re
intended for this lieves tho
purpose alone. distension.
The name of giveselastici
this wonderful ty to every
preparation ia organ con
■■ ■■ , cernod in
MnthPr Q childbirth, and
MUUIU (j tukes uway ull
Pricns! danger and
rriulai, nearly p.ll suffer
ing. Dest results
follow if the
remedy is used
TJ* during the whole
period of preg
nancy. It is the
A j - A only remedy of the
Vj Sj-aSM I v kind hi the world
O H, that is endorsed by
l7\ ) r*j phypicians.
v j \ drug stores, or sent
jtJ ) by mail on receipt
xJSFr °f price.
J) If taining invaluable in
formation for all women,
w '" ' ll ' sent to any ad
s£{■! II B tti dress upon application to
'//111' \l \\ T' l6 emulator Co.,
'II ' Atlanta, Ca.
Best in
%P«3> «rfiUC tho World.
For 14 years this shop, by merit
alone, has diftnnopd all <-onij)etltors.
W. 1.. Douglas ijiil.oo and #R.O(>
shoes are tin* productions or skilled workmen,
from tho b-st material possible at these prices.
AlHo#«.ftO:md B\I.OO shoes for men, $2.50,
and s!.'?.'» f..r boys nnd youths.
W. h. Douglas shoes are Indorsed
by over I,(M),<MjO wearers as the best
in style, lit and durability of any
shoe ever offered at the prices.
They are made in ail tlie latest
shapes anil styles, and of every vari
ety of leather.
If deah-r cannot supply you, write for cata
logue to W. L. Douglas, IJrocktou, Mass. Sold by
Emporium, Pa.
Vfl/E no longer supply our seeds to dealers to
* sell again. At the same time, any
one who has bought our seeds of their
ocal dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will
De sent our Manual of " Everything for the
Jarden" for 1898 rnrn provided they
apply by letter FIYCC and give the
name of the local merchant from whom
they bought. To all others, this magnify
cent Manual, every copy of which costs us
30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent
free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to covej
postage. Nothing like this Manual haj
ever been seen here or abroad; it is a book
of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings oi
seeds and plants, mostly new, and these ar»
supplemented by 6 full size colored plate:
of the best novelties of the season, finally
will also be sent without charge to all appli
cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual who wil
state where they saw this advertisement
Postal Card Applications Will BtCCir* No Attention.^
EfcifciiSba I
Piles OP Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds,
p J Wounds &■ Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors,
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters,
-raj Chapped Hands,
taw Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Ci Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Inseet3.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and •{,i.00.
Sold by druggists, or sent post paid on receipt of price
111 M I'llllias KKi». I* IIUIU William St., New York.
The Hare to liny Cheap )
J *
A ()ne«Sided Love.
Our contemporary, the Canada Lum- '
berman, brims over every issue with
advice and suggestion as to howCana- |
dian lumbermen arc to got along with
out the United States. The fact of it
is, that the Canadian lumbermen can't
I get along without the United States,
j More than that, Canada can't get along
without'the United States, and the
sooner she recognizes that fact thebet-
I ter for Canada. The Canadians have
a great country and the Canadians are
' but Canada of itself is
J incomplete, as incomplete sis the truck I
j farmer of Cook county would be with
; out Chicago. Canada has great, na- j
i tural resources and her labor is very j
j productive, but she must have a mar- |
j ket, and there is no market half so
, profitable to Canada as the United
| States ; but she will never have free
j access to those markets while she is a
1 Ilritisli province.
Canada is making a mistake, a mis- |
j take that will hinder her develop- j
j ment as long as it is persisted in. She J
i sends delegates to London to the jubi- I
| lee festitivities and shouts herself j
| hoarse over the glory of Johnny Bull, j
I She makes treaties admitting British |
! merchandise at a less rate of duty than ]
; other merchandise, and in return Eng- I
! lish carpenters refuse to hang Cana- J
| dian doors and English merchants re- |
| fuse to handle Canadian products of j
any kind except as they are cheaper j
than those of other countries. The J
sentiment is all on Canada's side.
And Canada can count upon it that j
1 the tariff wall which the United States j
I has erected against her will be made
! higher and stronger. The United
j States isn't going to use her markets
I and her money to build up a powerful
j British possession to the north of her.
| If Canada wishes to enjoy the pros-
I perity which is sloshing around in this
j country ; if she wishes to see the tide
j of emigration, which is sapping her
J vitality by bringing thousands ' 112 her 1
! best citizens to the United States, tur- I
j ned ; if she wishes to see men and |
money pouring across her borders j
1 without limit, she should come into j
I the Union. Canada is a good country j
I and the Canadians are good people,
j but their one-sided love is making them
J lean. The remedy for all their woes,
j the salve for all their wounds, is in
| their own hands. If they do notehoose !
j to apply it, let them tighten their belts i
j another hole and hurrah for Johnny j
j Bull.—Chicago Hardwood Record.
Newspaper Laws.
The following are the laws laid j
j down by tho United States Govern- !
i ment for the protection of newspapers: |
Subscribers who do not give express |
: notice to the contrary, are considered i
as wishing to continue their subscrip- 1
j tions.
If subscribers order the discontinu- j
I ance of their periodicals, the publishers !
: may continue to send them until all
arrearages are paid.
If subscribers move to other places j
j without informing publishers, and pa- j
| pers are sent to the former direction, j
j they are held responsible.
The courts have decided that refus- j
; ing to take periodicals from the office
i before removing, and leaving them un
| called for, is prima faeia evidence of
intentional fraud.
If subscribers pay in advance they
are bound to give notice to the pub
| Usher at the end of that time, if they
do not wish to continue taking the pa
| per; otherwise the publisher is author
ized to send it on, and the subscriber
; will be responsible until an express
j notice, with payment of all arrears, is
: sent to the publisher.
Publishers of newspapers can, under
the law, arrest a man for fraud who
takes a paper and refuses to pay for it.
1 Under the law it is a dangerous trick
i for a man to allow his subscription ac
j count to run on for six months to a
j year and a half unpaid, and then tell
I the postmaster to mark "refused" or
i to send the editor a notice to discon-
I tinue the paper.
Is your liver tired ? does it fail to do
; its duty? If so, don't neglect its call
j for help. A few doses of llerbine may
i save you a spell of sickness. llerbine
| is the only perfect liver medicine. It
I cures Chills and Fever. 75c. At L. j
! Taggarts.
No man has the courage to tell a j
woman the things that her mirrordoes. j
Bticklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best Salve in the world for cuts, 1
! bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
j sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
j corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
| tively cures piles, or no pay required,
j It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction cr money refunded. Price 25
j cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart.
California lemons are driving the
I Italian product out ol the market.
Household Gods.
The ancient Greeks believed that the
1 Penates were the gods who attended to
J the welxare and prosperity of the fam
| ily. They were worshiped as house-
I hold gods in every home. The house-
I hold god of today is Dr. King's New
I Discovery. For consumption, coughs,
colds and for all affections of Throat,
Chest and Lungs it is invaluable. It
has been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury and is quarant<ed to cure, or
money refunded. No household should
be without this good angel. Itispleas
sant to take and a safe and sure reme
dy for old and young. Free trial bot
tles at L. Taggart's. Regular size 50c.
and SI.OO. ,
j Everyone who lias diphtheria, croup,
I quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
j itively and speedily he cured by
I Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
Divorced couples live apart, but we
1 never thought that apartment houses
! were built for their accomodation.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Fredericks-
I town, Mo., was troubled with chronic |
j diarrhoea for over thirty years. He
had become fully satisfied that it was
only a question of a short time until he
j would have to give up. He had been
treated by some of the best physicians I
1 in Europe and America but got no per- j
| manenc relief. One day he picked up j
a newspaper and chanced to read an
! advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, j
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He j
I got a bottle of it, the first dose helped !
i nim and its continued use cured him. j
I For sale by L Taggart. Feb.
A man must, indeed, be madly in love
j who thinks hissweetheart pretty when j
j she is chewing gum.
A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every,
i of Woodstock, Mich , was badly afllic- I
i ted with rheumatism. His right leg
j was swollen the full length, causing
great suffering He was advised to try
| Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first
I bottle of it helped him considerably
| and the second bottle effected a cure. 1
| The '25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by j
iL- Taggart. Feb. j
"They say the world goes round," ;
I said the man who wants the earth, "but j
| it never comes my way."
What pleasure is there in life with a
| headache, constipation and biliousness?
j Thousands experience them who could
! become perfectly healthy by using ]
I DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fam
! OUB little pills It. C. Dodson. 45-ly
How lavishly we buy at market if it !
[ happens to be at a time when we are
| good and hungry.
A thrill of terror is experienced when
i a brassy cough of croup sounds through j
| tho house at night But the terror
; soon changes to relief after One Minute :
; Cough Cure has been administered.
Sale and harmless for children R. C.
< Dodson. 45-ly
j When some one offers you a penny
i for your thoughts, it's no wonder if
you feel cheap.
We are anxious to do a little good in |
this world atid can think of no pleas- ;
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough :
! Cure as a preventative of pneumonia, ;
| consumption and other serious lung j
troubles that follow neglected colds, j
|R. C. Dodson. 45-ly I
It is so easy to wound a tender heart j
; arid so hard to blot out the memory of j
the hurt.
There are three little things which I
da more work than any other three i
little things created—they are the ant, i
! the bee and DeWitt's Little Early ■
Risers, the last being the famous little
I pills for stomach and liver troubles.
| R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
Love is like a naughty child, gener
ally found in a place where it should
j not be.
Don't annoy others by your cough
i ing, and risk your life by neglecting a
| cold One minute Cough Cure cures
j coughs, colds, croup, grippe and lung
j troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
It is a cynic who states that a worn
j an loves once—that is, the same man.
After years of untold suffering from
I piles, B. VV. Pursell of Knitnersville,
! Pa., was cured by using a single box j
j of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin i
diseases, such as eczema, rash, pimples i
and obstinate sores are readily cured
j by this famous remedy. R. C. Dod- I
| son. 45 ly
We can often cry when we are hap- !
I py, but be absolutely tearless in a great
| grief.
.Right in It.
That's where Dr. Caldwell's Syrup '
Pepsin is. The greatest remedy for 1
the stomach that was ever put to
gether. Absolutely vegetable with the j
exception of the Pepsin. Are you con- !
stipated? Then try Syrup Pepsin.
Have you indigestion or sick headache?
Then use Syrup Pepsin. Spend 10c for
a trial hottie and you will be convinc
ed Large sizes 50 and SI.OO. A true
family remedy. For sale by L. Tag
gart. Feb.
I Some people cannot lose their heads,
| because their nosfeo always turn up.
Did you say that you were not feel
ing well and that your stomach was
out of order? Well then, try a bottle
of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and you
are sure of relief. Constipation and
indigestion cured. Sick headache cur
ed. Greatest boon to mankind and is
being appreciated by thousands. 10c
will get you a trial size bottle. Larger
\ sizes 50c and §I.OO. Sold by L. Tag
| gart. Feb.
It is always the one we care for the
! most who says the meanest tilings to
Easy to Get.
Warren's Corn Cure is easy to use
and never fails. Sold by all druggists
j at 15 cents a bottle. 1-32-14-ly
Individuality rather than beauty is
J the strong drawing card for a woman.
A Horrible Railroad Accident
Is a daily chronicle in our papers;
also the death of some dear friend, who
had died with consumption, whereas,
if lie or she had taken Otto's Cure for
Throat and Lung diseases in time, life
would have been rendered long and
perhaps saved. Heed the warning!
If you have a cough or any affection of
the throat and lungs call at R. C. Dod
son, Emporium; Thos A.Green, John
sonburg; C. C. Craven, Sterling Run,
sole agents and get a trial bottle free.
Large sizes 50c. and 25c. 32-12-ly-2
It doesn't make much difference how
long we live, it's all in a lifetime.
I have given Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a fair test and consider it one
of the best remedies for croup that I
have ever found. One dose has al
ways been sufficient, although I use it
freely. Any cold my children contract
yields very readily to this medicine.
I can conscientiously recommend it for
croup and colds in children.— GEO. E.
WOLFF, Clerk of the Circuit Court,
Fernandina, Fla. Sold by L. Taggart.
In discussing the gubernatorial situ- J
ation the Philadelphia Times of Wed- i
nesday says : "It was stated that the
Wanamaker men will Work in harmony j
with tho C. W. Stone anti-Quay cam- |
paign in the northwest, and that the j
friends of both candidates will combine |
I to ensure the election of delegates hos
| tile to Quay, in as many northwest
counties as possible." It might as well
be understood now and to the end of
! the campaign, that Hon. C. W. Stone is
! a candidate for Governor as a Republi
can anil not with the intention of "kick- !
j ing over the traces" if he is unsuccess
l ful in his aspirations. That there will
jbe a combination in this section
! of the State"to ensure the election of
delegates hostile to Quay," is news to
| Mr. Stone's supporters and there is not
the slightest probability of any move
ment of that character materializing.
Judge Olmsted has decided that the
! "act for the destruction of wild cats,
foxes and mink in the Commonwealth
and providing for tho payment of bouu
j ties on the same, officers fees, and flx
| ing a penalty for violation of the same."
! is unconstitutional and void for the
I reason that the title above quoted does
j not indicate that the bounties are to
be paid by the county or any other
I person or corporation,
j An exchange truthfully remarks •
! "The man who gives his boy a copper
cent to get him togo to bed without
! his Bupper, and then steals the cent
while the boy sleeps, isn't any more of
j a thief and scoundrel than the party
who takes a newspaper for three or four
' years without paying for it and then
puts it back in the office marked "re
A young woman employed as a do
mestic at Jersey Shore took a hot flat
iron to bed with her. Two hours later
she jumped out of bed in a hurry. The
mattress of her bed was in flames and
had to be thrown out of doors to save
! the house from burning up.
A Mississippi paper says: Some
j fiend incarnate with the roaring furn
i aces of hell staring him in the face,
! entered Jones' house Sunday night and
j stole the Sunday-school collection.
A man seldom realizes or acknow
| ledges that he is getting old until some
j young fellow comes spooning around
j after his daughter.
In choosing between two evils,
: choose the greater for you will get the
| blame anyhow.
Walter Goodwin will be hanged at
i Wellsboro on March 31st, for the raur
i der of his wife.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup is
not a mixture of stomach destroying
j drugs, but is a scientifically prepared
j remedy that cures coughs and cold -,
| and all throat and iung troubles. Its
i action is quick, prompt, and positive.
| 25 and 50 cents at L. Taggart's.
Official statistics show that the bal-
I ance of trade between Canada and the
United States for 1897 was about §17,-
| 000,000 in favor of this country.
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
| that the best medicine for restoring the
| tired out nervous system to a healthy
I vigor is Electric Bitters. This medi
| cine is purely vegetable, acts by giv
| ing tone to the nerve centres in the
! stomach, gently stimulates the Liver
and Kidneys, and aids these organs in
throwing off' impurities of the blood,
Electric Bitters improves the appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced, bv
those who have tried it as the very hest
blood purifier and nerve tonic. Sold
for 50 cents or SI.OO per bottle at L.
Ballard's Snow Liniment will cure I
Lame Back, Sore Throat, Wounds,
Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores. La
dies, it will cure your back-ache. At
L. Taggart's.
Opera House for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale at rea- j
sonable terms, the Emporium Opera !
House, a good solid square timber, sub
stantially built building, size 50x130, j
seating capacity of 1000; good stage i
fully equipped for traveling companies. |
Apply to
J. W. CLARKE, Manager.
Emporium. I'a. 30— 15tf.
i> ?mmo rn^jnavx^ui^i-xavityssaamtmaßamenmaKa
lyF ij
M ill inake a magnificent hedge, beautiful shade for
the piazza or a charming bed. < instant bloomers, per
fectly haruy. One plant produces thousands of fiowerg,
m'Q Garden ATTinp Free ITpon
» and Floral t-UiUEj ...Application
and the Ladies' Gardener and Adviser
The only ono containing full Descriptions and Direc
tions for planting and culture ; so comprehensive, cou
densed, classified and indexed that
He Who If iius May Read. Many illustrations
irom nature. Colored plates of Sweet Peas, Nastur
tiums, Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactui
Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully embossed cover:
120 large pages completely filled with honest illustrations
JAMES VICKS SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
<forn™ E tag e) Vick's &£ E . D . Magazine/
The Famous Gardening Authority.
J Is a veritable mine of Information about Flowers, Veg
! (.'tables and Fruits, and how to crow and care for thein
successfully. The price of Vick's Illustrated Monthly
Alugazine Is Fifty Cents per year, but if you will re
turn t his coupon willi nix two-ccnf Ninmpn
the magazine will t>e mailed to you regularly for six
jnonths for trial. Write at once to
Fill a bottle or common water glass
j with urin and let it stand twenty-four
hours; a sediment or settling indicates
j a diseased condition of the kidneys
| When urin stains linen it is positive
: evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
j quent desire to urinate or pain in the
back, is also a convincing proof that
the kidneys and bladder are out of
What to Ho.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's |
Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving rain in
' the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the urinary passages. It j
corrects inability to hold urin and scald- I
ing pain in passing it,or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of j
being compelled to get up many times i
during the night to urinate. The mild j
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp i
Root is soon realized. It stands the |
highest for its wonderful cures of the j
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best. 1
Sold by druggists price fifty cents and
one dollar. For a sample hottie and
pamphlet, both sent free by mail, men
tion CAMEKON COUNTY PRESS and send i
your full name post-office address to
Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
The proprietors of this paper guarantee
he. genuineness of this offer. 31-49-ly
Buckwheat cakes are having their
j turn.
Ten in One.
Laxa Tea contains ten separat and
distinct herbs, each beneficial in itself
Try it and be convinced of its merits
Guaranteed and sold by all druggists.
10 and 25 cents per package. l-32-151y
The Trouble Over.
A prominent man in town said the
other day: "My wife has been waar
ing out her lile from tho effects of
dyspepsia, liver complaint and indi
gestion. Her case baffled the skill of
our best physicians. After using three
packages of Beacon's Celery King for
the Nerves she is almost entirely well."
Keep your blood in a healthy condition
by the use of this great vegetable com
pound. Cali at R. C. Dodson, Empori
um; Thos. A. Green, Johusonburg;C.
C. Craven, Sterling Run, sole agents
and get a trial package free,
sizes 50c. and 25c. 32-12-ly-2
Cure on Earth for Pain. Cures
permanently Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Sprains, Cuts. Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Swellings,
Is sold everywhere for 2S cts. Refuse substitutes.
gn-Y | omi-'C. ai i»;c Thr- »jfpat Tnhacco Ar.tido'.e.lOc. Dealers or mail,A.C.Meyer * Ca.. 8a!t0.,M4.
ASKJtKi HSC li96KJLEi OH'Litisn" AKt>
Sold by The Atlantic Refining Company
l|i popular
iff o ( NUTS
-Ik_ #
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
| New Spring Goods.
j To the Ladies of Cameron County:
Wc have just received our New Spring Goods. It will
> ••• give me pleasure to show you these goons, as both they and \j
H the prices are right. ft
w B Lace Curtains, Scrim,
.0, j| Window Laces, White Goods,
b India Linous, Lawns in W
j*jj H vStripes and Checks.
Tf 9 White Apron Lawns, J .
Infants Robes, Gowns, etc. W
! y" | V,
W cs\
JvL We ask you to try the Black Cat Brand Hosiery which is C
unequalled in quality and durability. Only to be found here.
if D. E. OLMSTED, !
y Near Odd Fellows Hall, Kast Fourth St.
Whooping cough is the mi st dis
tressing malady; hut its duration can
hi; cut short by tin." use of One Minute
0 ugh Cure, which is also the best
known remedy for croup and all lung
and bronchial troubles. R. G. Dod
son. 45 ly
Among the breakers—good resolu
It is Disgraceful
| To allow your feet to become disfig
ured, when Warren's Corn Cure never
; fails Sold and guaranteed by all
druggists at 15 cents a bottle. 1-32-14-ly
Children and adults tortured by
burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin
j diseases may secure instant relief by
[ uring DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
[is the great pile remedy. It. C. Dod
; son. 45-ly
For sale by GEO. J- LABAR,
Emporium, Pa.
ißiP p
Ik ASKVOUR Dealer^|