Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 17, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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[A fmiitier'
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I A OK ONCK ,he Fa "
TOgfcW i|y ther of Ilis Coun
lil try t, to b< ;
Ar4w&A I properly honored
TjjLi If in Wathena. The
settlers had de
«,n cided that it ought
to be done, and
the method of its
carrying out was left to a committee
consisting of the storekeeper, the teach
er, and one of the leading cattlemen
who, rumor said, had once owned a li
"Of course it ain't proving nothing
aboat our honesty that we do this sort
of thing,"remarked Borden, the ranche
foreman, "but it's the right thing to
"Yes, Washington was a fine old
gentleman," added the storekeeper, "an'
we Virginians always will stand by
"Mighty nice thing to be honoring
the leader of a revolution," broke in a
g-riiff voice from the rear of the store.
1,1 was the Englishman who was over
seeing the fencing of the Olympic Cat
tle company's new lands, lie had been
a farmer over in the Cimmarron coun
try, and was always objecting to what
ever was 011 Sent.
"Hush tip, you got too badly licked
to talk," was the rejoinder from Bor
den; and Glade, the foreigner, sub
The celebration was to take place in
the schoolhouse out on the edge of
the tiny settlement. From its door
could be seen the haze that covered
the tops of the Spanish peaks off to
the west and also the sunken lines of
the Cimmarron. It was oil the concep
tion of the pretty school mistress, who
thought to thus raise enough money to
buy a flag for the building's roof.
There were other inducements for the
two men who helped in the prepara
tions— Horden and Grade. The cattle
man thought there was no one like
J<izzie Dean—and the Englishman
thought the same.
"You are to be Washington," said the
director to Horden, and the part fit
ted him well.
"All right, I'll lick the Britishers out
of their boots," he declared as he 1
pranced around with a stick for a ;
sword, and casit ugly looks at Glade.
"And you shall be Cornwallis," turn
ing to Glade. This, too, seemed satis- |
Night after night they met at the [
schoolhouse preparing the rendition of j 1
the play. The half-dozen actors were j
determined that there should be 110
ground for criticism. Spring was early j
on the prairie, and the gray and brown '
grasses were dry as tinder. The close j
curling buffalo grass was, like that of ;
the blue stem, crinkling in the breeze, j
and the cattle were nibbling it away to ;
get at the tiny spears of green be- ]
One night the play was nearly over (
when Borden remarked, in tones that
came to the ears of the entire com
pany: "If I had my way, I'd order
every one of these red coats off the soil
of America."
"Mf-iybe you can't do any better than
did your first president at that," was
the sneer that came from back in the
flies (curtains strung on pieces of
twine) somewhere.
Borden grew angry. "Well, I can
try, the same as lie did. He won in the
end, I believe."
The Englishman came out in the
middle of the room, "I would not ad
vise thee to try it,"he drawled. The
words were not more than out of his
mouth when there came a crash of
•cenery, .and along with the flies and
nearly everything portable came Bor
den from the stage which he left with
H leap. He made straight for the throat
of his adversary, but what met his
grasp when he reached oat was—Miss
Dean's hand.
"There, there, let this stop right
bere. The man you represent would
never have fought in the presence of a
Borden, abashed, stood back, and
then went to the stage. But It did
not mean the end of the trouble—every
body knew that. The men had a fight
after the evening's practice was over,
'but it settled nothing, except that they
wore both very much in love with
The school did not amount to much
itliose days, for all the scholars were
practicing for their parts in the com
£ng drama. The work on the ranches
suffered likewise, for there was the
same interest among the older people.
Dn the night before the festal day there
tvas a final practicing at the sehool
"louse. and again the two representa
tives of the opposing sides in the revo
ttition had their warfare of words.
In his speech theAmerican took pains
10 insert a few words reflecting cn the
Englishmen who came out to the west
to run cattle ranches, and the English
man said some cutting things that
pointed at frontier manners.
"See here, gentlemen," said Lizzie,
"this has gone far enough, I cannot
have you quarreling all the time. You
must settle your troubles somewhere
"All I want is to win you," whispered
tlie Englishman behind the scenes a
few minutes later. "Will you give me
tlie answer?"
"No, this is a warfare that you must
settle with Mr. Borden. I would like
to see how this contest of the rival
powers comes out."
"Well, it will be different to that of
the days of 1776," was the sententious
answer. But would it?
"I don't like to see that Englishman
around you so much," whispered Bor
den a few minutes later.
"Why, he behaves himself," replied
Miss Dean, with well-feigned astonish
"But it ain't patriotic, don't you see,"
was the retort. "You ought to stand
up for your country, and Washing
ton!" This last proudly, for Borden
was really elated at the character he
was taking in the play.
"So I must make this a national af
fair ?"
"Xo, just a personal affair, but be pa
triotic in it."
Thus the matter stood when Wash
ington's birthday dawned—an armed
truce between the opposing forces,
each of which was intent on winning
the prize and confident that it could
be done.
Soft blew the southern breeze and
the night was dark. From miles of
plain came the breath of spring thai
was giving the first earnest of its glory.
The settlers rode in from their claims
in wagons; the ranchmen came on
horseback, and the line of ponies that
fringed the schoolhouse yard was for
midable. The Englishman came in all
the glory of his best clothes, while
Borden made his appearance in the
frontier dress that so well became
"Xo reserved seats; come right in,"
welcomed the storekeeper as he took
the tickets at the door. The crowd
obeyed and filled the front seats, the
back seats, and overflowed the aisles.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen," an
nounced the storekeeper, when all was
ready,"we will present the great drama
of the time of Washington, as is most
appropriate on this occasion."
The curtain rolled up (again a sheet
on a pole), and the simple incidents that
had been chosen to give a representa
tion of the life of the first president
were one after another called forth.
There was nothing but peace until the
act where the meeting of the hero and
Cornwallis occurred. Then as the
two rivals fame on the little stage there
was a howl of delight from the men
present, for each knew how matters
Borden looked daggers at Glade, and
as his turn catne to speak all realized
'hat he was putting strange senti
ments into the mouth of Washington
when he said: "You may be as good a
man as the rest of us, but you are not
so brave."
CornwalLis colored, and the store
keeper remarked to his wife: "Blest
if I don't think Borden struck home
that time."
But Glade responded, with due cour
tesy: "It remains to be proved as to
that—" aind then went on with his set
The play was long and the audience
was evidently weary when the final act
came. The rivals were on the stage and
there was a chance for some more repar
tee, which was likely to be given, when
suddenly there was a sound from the
outside of the house that caused the
heart of every auditor to sink with an
ill-defined fear. It was a whinny of ter
ror from a score of horses' throats.
Quickly the people rushed from their
seats and to the windows and doors.
What they saw was something that is
never without its message of alarm for
the ranchman and the settler—the
prairie was on fire.
In an Instant almost the house was
emptied. The women were crying and
the men were trying to calm the fright
ened horses. One by one the wagons
were hurrying off, the owners anxious
to get home or at least out of the reach
of the danger.
It was high time!
Like a sea of flame the oriyushing
blaze was sweeping across the dry sod,
licking up the long grass of the ravines
and making quick work of the crisp
covering of the higher lands. The wind
had risen aind was bringing the attack
ing army onward with rapid pace.
There was no chance for the school
house to escape. In a scrambling, push-
ing mass the people left the place ami
their wagons and horses were dotting
the flame-lighted plain. Two men
found themselves side by side a quartet
of a mile from the building, each on his
broncho and each gaiioyimg toward the
As they mounted a little swell in thn
prairie the blaze lighted their faces.
From each came an exclamation: "Bot»
den!" "(.lade!"
"I thought you were with her," de
manded the former, angrily.
"I thought you were the one."
For an instant the two men glared
at each other and then the test came
Bordein looked straight in the face ol
the Englishman and then at the sea ol
flame sweeping up from the south auc
whose breath was hot in their faces.
"Well," he demanded, "which shall
it be? This is the time to prove which
is the true representative of bravery."
"Oh, it's not that sort of a question,'
pleaded the other.
"It is just that sort of a question,
There is a chance for the one who nidei
into that blaze to come out alive—and
only a chance. It will be at the school
house iin a moment, and the race there
h no small thing in itself, even if the
horses will take it."
"We'll go together," after a littl«
"\ ery well." The horses' heads were
tunned and the rivals went toward the
long line of leaping flames, each deter
mined to make the other weary of hi.'
undertaking. On and on they rode
the horses becoming wilder as eacl
whiff of the wind brought them a
stronger smell of smoke.
Finally the Englishman began to fal
liehind. His horse was not so unruly a.'
Borden's, and there seemed no reasor
for his retrogression.
"Come on, Cornwallis," called the
ranchman, and the cut was felt by the
Faster and faster rode the frontiers
man into the thick of the smoke and
was lost to the sight of his comrade,
With head bent low and notrilsshieldei
in the folds of his cloak, he steered to
ward the schoolhouse w hose black form
rose out of the flames. t
Finally the door was reached and
with a shout he called to the teacher
Was she there? He remembered thai
she had gone to the rear of the building
when the alarm was given. She might
have thought there was no danger ic
staying in the schoolhouse.
He leaped from the horse. Into the
building he ran and to the rear. What
was that—a sobbing? Leaning over a
pile of curtains in the corner he took
from them a bundle of humanity that
was very frightened and very thankful
to see him.
"Is it you, Lizzie?" he questioned.
"Yes—and Jimmie."
"Who is that?"
"The widow's little lame boy. 1
thought he would like the show and
brought him. He is too heavy to carry
and we had to stay here. What can we
For an answer the strong man lifted
the woman in one arm and the boy in
the other and rushed to the door,
throwing them to his saddle he bade
them cling for their lives. The lire was
already around the yard and was eat
ing its way to the building. The in
tense heat had made the shingles smoke
and in a few minutes the whole struc
ture would be a pyramid of blaze.
It was no easy task to control a wild
nr.d excited horse in the midst of a
tire and also see that two helpless
charges did not fall from the back of
the animal. Hut Borden with his su
perb mastery of horseflesh did it, and
the gait that they took through the
wall of flame was something marvelous.
Had the riders been living-a little near
er to civilization they would have calle
it "record breaker."
"Well, that was a scorcher," re
marked Borden, when they had come to
a safe place. "Hello, who is that?" a?
n solitary rider came out of the smoke
and approached them.
"Bless me, if it ain't Cornwallis!"
"Woo!" exclaimed the Englishman,
wiping his eyes. "I couldn't find the
schoolhouse or I would have saved the
little school ma'am."
"Was it hot?"
"Awfully so. I suppose it is too late
row to do her any good."
"Oh, I don't know. Cornwallis. She
is here all right," and the form of Liz
»ie came to the astonished eyes of ti:e
late arrival.
The Englishman looked sheepish for
a minute and then hit his horse with his
, hand and started off.
1 "Say," called Borden, "that little
rivalry is settled now." And then to
Lizzie: "I knew that he was not hunt
ing that schoolhouse very hard. You
gave him the right character—that is,
the side that got licked!"
And Lizzie Dean agreed with him. So
thoroughly was the defeat felt that the
vanquished suitor did not even deign
to come to the wedding—the dedication
event of the new schoolhouse that re
placed the one destroyed by the fire.
Lizzie wanted it that way and Borden
was willing to have it so.
"I don't know much about it,"he said,
"but I take it for granted tll-t Washing
ton always pleased the ladies when he
When WnxliinKfon Wa« Vouiik.
The stagecoach rolled along its way,
On tireless axle hung,
The speediest travel of the day
When Washington was young.
A wick in tallow wax impearled
Its feeble luster flung
To light the darkness of the world
When Washington was young.
But thirteen states and thirteen stars
Historic poets sung,
Who scanned the patriotic bars
When Washington was young.
That selfsame flag to-day Is fraught
(O'er seventy millions swung)
With principles of honor taught
When Washington was young.
Grand history lessons are enrolled
Its stars and stripes among.
I'urrah, then, for the days of old.
When Washington was young!
—Mrs. M. L,. Rayne, in Chicago Times-Her
Some Ke«|nlrrment» That Will B«
Found ln<llai>eiinulile.
The universal article of diet in that
country, depended upon and indispensa
ble, is bread or biscuit. Andtomakethe
bread and biscuit, either in the camp 01
upon the trail, yeast cannot be used—it
must be baking powder; and the pow
der manufactured by the processes of
the Royal Baking Powder Company,
miners and prospectors have learned,
is the only one which will stand in that
peculiar climate of cold and dampness
and raise the bread and biscuit satisfac
These facts are ver3 r important for
every one proposing togo to Alaska and
the Yukon county to know, for should
he be persuaded by some outfitter to
take one of the cheap brands of baking
powder, it will cost just as much to
transport it, and then when he opens it
for use, after all his labor in packing it
over the long and difficult route, he will
find a solid caked mass or a lotof spoiled
powder, with no strength and useless.
Such a mistake might lead to the most
serious results. Alaska is no place in
which to experiment in food, or try to
economize with your stomach. For use
in such a climate, and under the trying
and fatiguing conditions of life and
labor in that country, everything must
be the best and most useful, and above
all it is imperative that all food supplies
shall have perfect keeping qualities. It
is absurd to convey over such difficult
and expensive routes an article that
will deteriorate in transit, or that will
be found when required for use to have
lost a great part of its value.
There is no better guide to follow
in these matters than theadviceof those
who have gone through similar experi
ence. Mr. McQuesten, who iscalled"the
father of Alaska," after an experience
of years upon the trail, in the camp, and
in the use of every kind of supply, says:
"We find in Alaska that the importance
of a proper kind of baking powder oan
not be overestimated. A miner with a
can of bad baking powder is almost
helpless in Alaska. We have tried all
sorts, and have been obliged to settle
down to use nothing but Royal. It
is stronger, and carries further, but.
above all things, it is the only powder
that will endure the severe climatic
changes of the Arctic region."
It is for the same reasons that the U.
S. Government in its relief expeditions,
and Peary, the famous Arctic traveler,
have carried the Royal Baking Powder
The Royal Baking Powder will not
cake nor lose its strength either on
board ship or in damp climates, and is
the most hightly concentrated and ef
ficient of leavening agents. Hence it is
indispensable to every Alaskan outfit.
It can be had of any of the trading com
panies in Alaska, but should the miner
procure his supplies before leaving, he
should resist every attempt of the out
fitter to palm off upon him any of the
other brands of baking powder, for they
will spoil and prove the cause of great
disappointment and trouble.
The Keaxt Took IMaee 100 Mile* From
DttUHon and Coat 9«U,()OU.
Jack Collins, who started for Dawson
City with a band of sheep last summer,
has been heard from. He sold part of
his flock for $20,000.' The other and
biggest half of the flock fed the birds
of the arctic zone. This is how it hap
pened :
He drove the sheep in over the Dal
ton trail. Some time before Dawson
was reached cold weather came on, and
Collins decided to kill his sheep. He
killed and sold 300, and received nearly
$20,000 for them.
Then he concluded to hold the re
mainder for a better market. He killed
the remaining 400 in a sort of secluded
place off the line of travel and suspend
ed the carcasses on poles far enough
above the ground to be out of the reach
of bears, wolves or other wild animals.
He left two young men to watch the
mutton, and proceeded to look for a
mining section. Having found one, he
located a claim and proceeded to test
it. After he had dug out a few thou
sand dollars' worth of trold he thought
he would, as the French say, "return
to his muttons."
His stay had been so prolonged that
the young men had become weary of
holding a wake over the sheep, and,
imagining Dawson to be only a few
tniles away, had started for that city
lo enjoy some of the pleasures a met
ropolitan city can afford. It proved to
be about 100 miles to Dawson, so their
absence w&s more extended than they
had inended, nnd when Collins reached
the place where he had left the car
casses of 400 sheep he found only 400
bleaching skeletons.
The eagles, ravens, crows, kites,
hawks and other birds of prey which
inhabit that region had been feasting
on mutton. "Where the carcass is,
there will the eagles be gathered," is
a proverb which applies to other birds
of prey. Collins had left so many car
casses that invitations had lieen sent
out and a general round-up of all the
vultures aind things in that region, from
Behring sea to the Mackenzie river, had
taken place. Whether the claim Col
lins secured will make good the loss
of the mutton or not remains to be seen,
but when he drives in his next band of
sheep the birds of prey will not get
so large a percentage of them.—Port
land Oregon ian.
A Town ItlilvH In Tliln Klevntor.
Probably the only elevator in the
world that is used to connect two parts
it ? tow n is the one in Heligoland, the
little island just off the coast of and be
longing to Germany. One portion of
the town is on a cliff over 200 feet high.
The other is at the base of the cliff on
a flat stretch of land. There are no
paths up the cliff, and all communica
tions betweem the two portions of this
unique little place must be held by
means of the elevator—an elevator that
lifts an entire community to and from
the scene of its daily labors. —y
The Ki| ii 11 uItI •• Myatein Adopted Uy m
WlNconNln Farmer.
Of late much has been printed on the
above subject, but none seems to hit
the mark or the plan that will always
warrant success. Here in this very fer
tile district the farm manager gets one
half the proceeds of the farm for his
salary. He owns one-half of all the
live stock kept or raised on the farm.
He has house and outbuildings, free
of rent; he furnishes teams and all the
tools, does all the work, and is required
in a written contract to do all the
work in season, and in a good work
manlike manner; he is allowed to keep
a team on the undivided grass and hay,
but must feed his own grain.
He can sell his crops at any time he
sees fit, and must sell the proprietor's
half at the pleasure of the owner of the
farm, and gets one cent per bushel for
hauling the grain not to exceed four
miles; all other proceeds he must take
to market free of charges.
He must work the highway; he must
repair all fences and make light repairs
on the outbuildings, the owner furnish
ing all material. The proprietor must
pay all cash taxes and one-half of tha
thrashing bill, and has one-half of all
the proceeds of the farm of every na
ture, except the proceeds of one-fourth
acre, which is assigned to the tenant
for a garden. The owner must be ad
vised as to the crops to be raised and
the different fields in which they must
be grown. The manuer must be drawn
out every fall and put where it is most
The man on my farm commenced the
first of November last on his fourth
year, and as yet there has not been dis
satisfaction between us. The tenant
gets his pay as he goes along, and is
satisfied in all things; one-half of the
products of the farm is his salary.
Most of the farms in this vicinity are
managed oh the above terms, which
are considered advantageous for the
tenant, especially in a dry and unpro
ductive season, for he has no rent
money to raise.—£. Reynolds, in Coun
try Gentleman.
How They Can lie Meiimired wltfc
Some Sort of Accuracy.
It is often desired to measure a tiei
of wood that is irregularly piled up
Select a portion of the tier that has
the top gradually sloping. Measur*
the height at each end of the slope,
add together and divide by two. Thii
will give the average height of the
portion taken. Multiply this height
by its length, and then by the breadth
and you have the cubic contents. Now
a * c Pr lr
take another section and proceed ai
before. In the cut we measure th<
height at a and c. The half of these
two heights will give the average
height. .Next take the section froir
c to d. This maintains an even height
so the length, breadth and thickness
can be multiplied together. In the
elope from d to b, proceed as in th<
first slope. Add the cubic contents ol
the three sections together and divide
by 128. This will give the number o!
cords. Tiers vary In their regularity
but the principle here illustrated car
be used with any of them.—Orange
J udd Farmer.
A Source ol Income XcKlectcil l>|
Many l*oultry K.eeiiern.
Poultry feathers should be kept foj
stuffing pillows, sofa cushions anc
other home conveniences, even where it
is not deemed worth while to sell them
Geese and duck feathers, being inucli
more valuable than others, should al
ways be preserved with care. Dowuj
feathers of hens and turkeys serve t
very good purpose, and unless you
wish to make dusters of tail and wing
feathers, the soft, feathery portions ol
these may be stripped off "the quill anc
added to the rest. Un.iess the flock is
large, it will take some time to secure
enough feathers to stuff even a cushion
and as they are gathered from time tc
time, they must be put into whole cot
ton bags, tied securely so that no moth
millers can enter, and placed forashorl
time in a warm oven, to dry thoroughly
If hens are scalded before picking, the
feathers can be dried in a tin pan, in a
moderately warm stove oven. Remove
all bits of skin, as they produce an un
pleasant odor hard to get rid of. Feath
ers well cleaned answer very well foi
bolsters, chair and soft cushions.—
Rural World.
Cow I'en* on Clayey Soli.
An Ohio farmer says that he has con
tinued proof of the value of cow peas
as a preparation for potatoes in clayey
loams. This year his peas w ere worth
more as plant food for potatoes than
was an average crop of wheat. He has
18 acres of peas growing to be turned
under for next year's crop. They
add plant food and mechanically im
prove the condition of the soil. His
neighbors are following his lead, and all
feel that they have made one more step
forward. —Prairie Farmer.
Work of the lluwy lien.
It is estimated that this country con
tains 350,000,000 chickens, and that they
lay nearly 14,000,000,000 eggs each
year, worth $105,000,000. The value of
the poultry meat each year is esti
mated at $125,000,000, the total annual
poultry product beisg $290,000,000,
which exceeds the value of swine, wool
and sheep combined, being also greater
than the production of oats, tobacco,
potatoes, wheat or cotton.
nieda, West
, " , era Canada,
before taking up their home there visited
t thn country as delegates. They reported
to the Government of the Dominion ot
Canada the result ot their observations,
and from this report extracts have beeu
taken, which are published below:
"We have visited a number of most desir
able locations, and are highly pleased witb
the country as a whole, it being beyond out
highest expectations. We find here a proa
{erous and well-contented lot of people,
hey have, comfortable homes, and their
vast fields of wheat and other crops in addi
tion to their herds of choice cattle, indicata
prosperity in the full sense of the word. In
conversation with the farmers throughout
our trip we learned that the majority of
them came here with very limited means,
and some with no more than enough to
bring them here, and they are now well-to
do. x hey all claim that this is the only coun
try for a poor man, or one with little means,
to get a start and make a home for himself
and family. As you are aware, we were a
little shaky and undecided before leaving
Detroit, but have determined since that we,
i with our friends, will make this country our
future home. It is far from being the wilder
ness we had pictured it to be; it is, instead,
' a land having all the facilities required by
i modern civilization, such as railroads, mar
kets, stores, churches, schools, etc., in fact,
an ideal home for those having the future
welfare of themselves and families at heart."
The Messrs. Striovski selected the Ala
meda district, but what they say of it appeal*
in a general way to most other districts in
that vast country. They speak of the fuel,
which is to be had in great quantities, of the
water that can be had by digging from 10 to
20 feet, and of the good grazing land to be
had almost everywhere. There is plenty of
wood for building timber and for fuel, while
coal is convenient, and sells at low prices at
the mines. In driving throuptfi the country
they passed many fine patches of wild rasp
berries, and say they can speak highly ot
their flavor, as they could not resist the
temptation to stop and eat.
Having already transgressed on your valu
able space, I shall defer further reference to
Western Canada for another issue. An
illustrated pamphlet recently issued by the
Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Can
ada, giving a complete description of the
country, will be forwarded free to all who
write for it. Yours,
Dr. Smiley—Ah, professor, is your little
one a bov or a girl?
Prof. Dremey—Why—er—yes. We call it
John. It must be a boy, I think.—Judge.
The Government'!* lioninln.
The commissioner of the general land of
fice has submitted his report to the Secre
tary of the Interior. Compared with last
year, it shows a decrease of 3,298 homestead
entries, aggregating 378,625 acres, tjuite
proportionate to this is the falling off in gen
eral health when no effort is made to reform
irregularity of the bowels. This can easily
be accomplished with the aid of Hostetter *
Stomach witters, also a remedy for malaria,
dyspepsia, rheumatism and liver trouble.
It's difficult for a man to check his cred
itors unless he has a bank account.—Chicago
Daily News.
Lanal and a Living;
Are best and cheapest in the New South.
Land $3 to $5 an acre. Easy terms. Good
schools and churches. No blizzards. No
cold waves. New illustrated paper, "Land
and a Living," 3 months, for 10 cents, in
stamps. W. C. RINEAHSON, G. P. A.,
Queen & Crescent Route, Cincinnati.
Lots of men mistake a coarse, harsh v<jica
for a good bass voice.—Washington Demo
Years of rheumatism have ended with
Cure by St. Jacobs Oil. Cures promptjy.
On the Face
"I was troubled with eruptions on my
face. I thought I would give Hood's Sar
saparilla a trial, aud after taking a few
bottles I was cured. I am now also free
from rheumatism to which I have been
subject for some time." C. E. BARBT,
r2O Milwaukee Street. Milwaukee, Wis.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
rs America's Greatest Medicine. 81; six for IB
Hood's Pills euro oil I!v*r Ills. 55 cents.
■9 y ■! 2*l k,* B ■
It Oures Cold*, Coughs, Sore Throat. Group, Influ
enza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma.
A certain cure for Consumption in first stages,
and a sure relief in advanced stages Use at ones.
You will soe the exsellent effect after taking ths
first dose. Sold by dealer* wrarywhare. Frit*,
26 and CO tents per bottle.
I POTATOES a kb" |
if} L»rge»t. I'OTATO crowt'mln Amrrlcs. $
/fS Th ® "iturul New-Yorker" Kivro 8 ALZER'S
if) EARLIEST a yield of 464 bushel* per acre. A
A Priced dirt cheap. flnr|rf»t BKltl> HOOK, 11 K»r« W
A Smil Simpln, worth 010 to jr»t a at art. or lOr. and thli
ffS ■otlee. JOHN A.SALZKK SKFJ CO. , roa*e, Wla.' k 8.) $
For the sound and permanent cure of Chrontf
Ulcer*, Clone Uleers und Old Sores of every
kind aud description, no matter how many years
standing or oy what name known. 'And for tta«
prevention and cure of Gangrene. Lork'Jsw
and Poisoning It y ver Tails. RT
M ill, AS Cents. PAG. HOOK. FRER.
For anle by Druggists.
Rock Island Tourist liar
~ Excursions to CALIFORNIA.
Leave CHICAGO, via Scenic Houte. THURSDAY*
Via Southern Route. TUESDAYS.
For Information and folders, write
Jno. Sebastian, O. P. A., CHICACO.
■a Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
fca In time. Sold by druggists.