A DEADLY FIKE. &tx Men Killed During a Confla gration at Pittsburg. Nearly ©2,000,000 Worth of Property »a Detttroyeil ami Many I'ernon* are In jured 10 \|> lotion* Adil Terror to the Scene—Firemen l*aliort time was beyond hope of sa. ing. At about 1:15 the fire was gotten under control. Until the fallen walls have been cleared away there can be no certainty as to the number of victims. FREE STORAGE CASES. Inter-State Commission Decides Them (Against the Kallroads. Washington, Feb. 10. —The inter-state commerce commission yesterday an nounced itsdeeision.of the case brought by the American Warehousemen's as sociation against the Illinois Central railroad and 52 other carriers, known as the "free storage case." It holds that a common carrier with no general duty to act as a warehouseman for in definite periods in connection with its primary obligations as a common car rier, cannot provide shippers with val uable warehouse facilities which are essential to its business as a carrier, without furnishing them for all ship pers at all times and upon the same terms and notifying the public. Carriers will therefore be required to plainly indicate upon the schedules published and filed with the commis sion what storage in stations, ware houses or cars will be permitted, and all the terras and conditions upon which the same will be granted. The order takes effect April 1 and from that date all carriers must cease granting storage which is not a neces sary part of receiving and delivering freight, unless the same is specified in the schedules. LUETGERT IS GUILTY. Jury Decides that the Sausage Maker Must l>e Imprisoned for Life. Chicago, Feb. 10. —Adolph L. Luetgert ■was last night convicted of the murder of his wife and sentenced to imprison ment in the penitentiary for life, lie received the verdict with a laugh. It was 10:50 when word was sent to the court room by the jury that it had agreed upon a verdict and was waiting to bring it into court. The news of a verdict spread like lightning to the street and in a few minutes the court room was jammed with people. The sound of Clerk Knopf's voice had not died away after reading the ver dict when Attorney Harmon entered a motion for a new trial, which was en tered and will be argued in a few days. Luetgert was led back to jail in ap parently good spirits, glad for one thing that his long suspense was ended at last and comforted by the assurances of his lawyers that he will get a new trial, and that the state will not be able to convict him a second time. A Celebration In I.lbhy Prison. Chicago, Feb. 10.—For the last time within the walls of historic old Libby prison, men who had endured imprison ment in that Confederate stronghold met in annual reunion yesterday to cel ebrate a historic event. It was the uiglit of February 9, 1804, that 10!) Union officers tunneled their way out of the prison and back to liberty. Yes terday 54 of these men celebrated that event. Germany Passed Us In the Race. Washington. Feb. 10.—In ten years the I nited States, which occupied the second place among nations in foreign trade (meaning imports and exports combined) has fallen off to third place and Germany has passed her in the race for supremacy now held by En gland. Consul Covert at Lyons gives the figures in a report to the state de partment, devoted to quotations from an address delivered at Lyons by .Jules Koche. former minister of commerce. During the ten years the commerce of England augmented :« per cent., that of tier many 40 per cent, and the United State* 14 per cent. A ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. Story of a Kansas Woman Who .Married a Convict After (.al>oriii|; for Three Vc»ri to Secure Ills Kelease. Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 9.—A scion of a noble Mexican family languishing, unknown, in the Kansas state peniten tiary for six years for murder done in self-defense: his pardon after three years of untiring effort on the part of the matron of that institution, and their final marriage by a justice of the peace, culminating in a revelation of his identity, are the chapters in a most remarkable story of real life made pub lic here yesterday. The principals are Presciliana L. Corpio, whose late father, Presciliana Corpio, was a millionaire and ex-postmaster general of Mexico, and Mrs. Mattie U. Peebles, of Dis patch, Kan., a widow. In the eighties a young Mexican who gave his name as Camillo Lopez came to Kansas City with a bunch of cattle from Guanajuato, Mex., his home. Ho was a handsome, dashing fellow, who dressed well anil spent money freely. In a short time his money was gone. He went to Wichita, Kan., and made a living as a street vender. One night after an unusually good day's business he was lured into a resort by a Mrs. Sam Dodsou. Sam Uodson soon ar rived on the scene and began making trouble for the Mexican. Mrs. Dodson claimed in court, later, that Dodson was demanding an explanation of the Mexican's conduct and the Mexican said that Dodson and his wife had tried to rob him. At any rate Lopei stabbed Dodson to death with a knife. Lopez could not talk English and he did not know how togo about making a defense. The court assigned him au attorney and he was convicted of mur der. .ludge Christopher Reed sen tenced him to 30 years in the peniten tiary. At the penitentiary Lopez learned to talk English fluently. He worked at the tailor trade, but was sent into the library frequently and there became acquainted with the matron. Mrs. Mat tie U. Peebles. The matron became in terested in the Mexican and, as they after worked together, she learned his story. Feeling positive that Lopez was in nocent, Mrs. Peebles set about toprovt it to the governor. She visited Wichita and gathered facts to show that the killing of Dodson was done in self-de fense. Then she obtained the signa tures of prominent men to a petition for his release. It was three years ago this month that Mrs. Peebles began to interest herself in Lopez's behalf and on January 19, 1398, he was pardoned by (iov. Leedy. In the meantime Mattie Peebles had left the penitentiary and was living with a grown son and daughter near Dispatch, Kan. Both of her children have recently married. When Lopez was freed he wrote her a letter. It re sulted in bringing Mrs. Peebles to Kansas City and they were married by Judge Ebert. They have gone to Mex ico on a wedding trip. WAR IN NICARAGUA. A Revolution Itreaks Out. hut President Zelaya's Troop* Win Out lu the first Kiigageuient. Washington, Feb. 9. —Capt. Leutze, in command of the Alert, has cabled the navy department that he has landed marines at San Juan Del Sur, Nica ragua. for the protection of the Ameri can consulate, owing to the fact that a revolution has broken out. On Monday Capt. Leutze telegraphed that the revolutionists had taken pos session of the city of San Juan Del Sur and that the government troops were digging rifle pits in the suburbs pre paratory to making an attempt to dis lodge them. Yesterday he telegraphed that the government forces were at tacking the city and that he had landed a force of marines for the protection of the United States consulate and Ameri can interests generally. San Juan Del Sur is near the western terminus of the Nicaragua canal and is a cable station. Tuesday afternoon another cable gram was received at the navy depart ment telling of the progress of the rev olution. Capt. Leutze said that he had landed a force for the protection of the United States consulate, and as the government forces had given notice of their intention to bombard the town, he had taken on the Alert all the wo men and children who cared for refuge. The bombardment began Monday and in the end the rebels were driven out of town, which was entered and taken possession of by the government troops. The rebels retreated towards the inte rior of the country. A MURDER MYSTERY. New York Police Helleve They Have {Un covered Another (juldensuppe Case—A Ghastly Find lu the Kast Kiver. New Y'ork, Feb. 9.—The mutilated body of a man without a stitch of clothing on it was found in the East river Tuesday. Half of the head was missing, the right leg was cut off at the knee, and both arms were gone, having been cut off close to the shoul der. The police believe that another murder mystery of a similar character to the < Juldensuppe case has been un earthed. The man had apparently been strangled to death, stabbed with some sharp instrument and then cut to pieces. Around the neck were marks as though a rope had forced its way into the flesh. On the portion of the left leg remaining on the body were three sharp cuts, which might have been made with a stiletto. There were bruises on the back also. The Trial of Zola. Paris, Feb. 9. —-In the trial of Ernile Zola, growing out of his denunciation of the Esterhazy court-martial,Madame Dreyfus was called as a witness yes terday, but wh/en Zola's lawyer asked her to tell under what circumstances she was told by Maj. Du Clam, in 1894, of her husband's arrest, the judge de cided against the question being an swercd. holding that no question not pertaining to the indictment could hi answered. Ex-President Casimir Per ier, M. Le Itlois and Scheurer Kestner gave testimony, but nothing startling was developed. Zola came near being mobbed after the trial. CAMERON COUNTY TRESvS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. DE LOME IS OUT. Ells Resignation is Accepted by the Spanish Cabinst. for lliu l<««ull WMN Made l>y Oor Uovernment UH .Soon »* Hi* Author ithip of tl»«» Lotter to t 'nimh'juH WaH Fully KHtubli.ihcd. Madrid, Feb. 11. —At a meeting of the Spanish cabinet held Thursday un •ler the presidency of the queen regent, the minister for foreign affairs. Senor liuiion, read a dispatch from Senor De Lome, the Spanish minister at Wash ington, saying that the published let ter to Senor ('analejas was written by him and that his position had become i untenable and he begged the govern ment to accept his resignation. The cabinet decided to accept the resigna tion of Senor De Lome and the minis ters decided to telegraph to Senor De Lome, accepting his resignation and entrusting the first secretary with the conduct of the affairsof the legation. Washington, Feb. 11.—The state de partment yesterday gave out for pub lication the substance of the cable gram sent Wednesday to Gen. Wood ford. our minister to Madrid, in refer ence to the De Lome letter. The state ment is as follows: "There has appeared in the press a letter addressed by the Spanish min ister to Mr. Canalejas. This letter the minister admits was written by him. It contains expressions concerning the president of the United States of such character as to end the minister's use fulness as a representative of his gov ernment in this country. (Jen. Wood ford, therefore, was instructed at once to say to the minister of state that the immediate recall of M. Dupuy De Lome i is expected by the president." In view of the news from Madrid of the acceptance of the resignation of the Spanish minister, it may be stated that our government is not disposed to split hairs over the method of the offending minister's retirement. In i other words, it is not concerned as to whether he resigns or is recalled, so long as he leaves the capital. It is said at the state department i that there is no time limit within i which Mr. De Lome must leave Wash ington.and being now only a private . Spanish citizen he may take a reason i able time to arrange his affairs here i without calling for criticism, i When inquiries were made at the I Spanish legation as to how the letter reached the hands of the Cuban junta, it was said that the statements made by the junta as to Canalejas receiving the letter were false. Private inquiries, it was stated, had been made through a New York gentleman which had dis closed that Canalejas never saw the letter. This inquiry was sent by cable direct to Canalejas, now at Madrid, and he was asked if he had ever received a letter of the character described. To this Canalejas answered that he never received the letter ami knew nothing of its contents; that if he had received it he would have made an an i swer to the letter. There has never been an acknowledgement of an answer i from Canalejas. After this statement 1 direct from Canalejas the Spanish au thorities regard it as plain that the letter was stolen in transit. GOEBELS "FORCE" BILL. Kentucky'* Senate I'ataffl a Political Meaa ure that Causiin Hlg Excitement in that State. Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 11. —The state senate by a vote sufficient to pass a bill over a veto, yesterday passed the < loebel elections or "force" bill and sent it to the house, where it is nearly sure to go through in time to get a veto from the governor back and passed upon be fore an adjournment. This has created the wildest political excitement throughout the state, the republicans admitting that if the bill becomes a law they can never carry the state again. The bill provides that all future elections shall be under the control of a state commission of three to bo elected by the present legislature and to hold their otlices for four years. They are to appoint three commission ers in each county, who shall in turn appoint all the registration officers for their respective counties. The demo crats who pushed the measure aver that the Kentucky vote was stolen from Bryan in 18!H>, and that it never shall occur again through the election officers appointed by county judges in republican strongholds. A I'ack of ( owartl*. Chicago, Feb. 11.—"That jury was a pack of cowards," said Adolph L. Luetr gert yesterday. "If they had been men of nerve and character there would have been no compromise ver dict. They did not decide the case on the law and the evidence. lam either guilty or 1 am innocent. "If I am guilty 112 deserve death—thej ought to hang me as high as to November and is dated from Circle City anil Fort ukon. The report shows a serious state of affairs: that trouble is threat ened at various places and that there :s serious danger at some points of lack of f.-od, owing to the failure of the transportation companies to get in sufficient supplies. Capt. Kay recom mends the establishment of a post upon the upper river, and that the mouth of Mission or American creek be chosen as the site, with a sub-post if necessary at Circle City. On the food question he says: "The question of food here is a very serious one and the action of the N. A. T. and T. Co. is causing much friction. I try to reconcile all differences peace ably and get all people who are with out provisions down to Fort Yukon as soon as possible, where there is an abundance of food. I learn that while food is scarce in Dawson City, the min ers in the outlying camps are fairly well supplied. While the situation is critical, I do not believe there will be any great loss of life ?>eyond that inci dent to a climate so rigorous as this. That there will be much suffering along the river and the trail no one here will deny, but there is nothing that should cause undue anxiety among people in the states who have friends in this country." "While here I am constantly being appealed to to act where 1 have no authority. I can only act as an arbi trator in the cause of peace. Appeals come to me to know when, if ever, the government is going to send in officials to enforce the law. Miners complain that they cannot perfect any title to their mines, owing to the ab sence of any land office. The depart ments are sending out commissions to commissioners, receivers and registers who cannot qualify for obvious reasons, the principal one being that there is no official qualified to administer an oath within a thousand miles of this place. A commissioner is powerless, as he has no power to enforce his de cisions. lam only surprised that mat ters are not worse." "I am satisfied that the greater part of the gold belt lies in our territory, along the range known as the Upper Ramparts. Along the Tananali. Ma nook creek, llircli creek and the head of Forty Mile creek there are diggings that will pay from $lO to S2O per day per man now lying idle, as they will not pay expenses at the present prices of food. lam satisfied that with ade quate means of transportation and cheaper food this will develop into one of the greatest gold producing regions in the world." THE INCIDENT IS CLOSED. Our Government >Vlll Not Demand an Apology from Spain llecauae of the De l.ome l.etter—The Latter Will Soon Leave Tills Country. Washington, Feb. 12.—The following statement was given out at the state department Friday: "Oen. Woodford telegraphed that the minister's resig nation had heen accepted before he presented the telegram from the de partment. He adds that the first sec retary at Washington will be placed in charge of the legation and a new min ister will be appointed at once." The personal incident growing out of the publication of De Lome's letter to Canalejas may be regarded as set tled. This has been brought about by the foregoing cablegram sent by Min ister Woodford. The officials here feel an interest in learning the detail*of the happenings in Madrid on Thurs day and are waiting for Mr. Woodford's promised full report. Hut unless this should contain some statement that is not now expected, there is no disposi tion on the part of the government to protract the closing of this unpleasant incident, and it is not expected that anything in the nature of a demand for an apology will be made. If a graceful disclaimer should come it will be taken in the spirit in which it is made, the De Lome matter will be dropped and the relations between the state department and Spanish legation will run smoothly once more through the medium of Senor Du Kosc. It can be said for the president that he shows little personal concern in the matter and is not disposed to pursue Mr. De Lome in any personal spirit. As the representative of Spain, Senor Don Juan Du Kosc called Friday at the •state department and presented in writing the notification of the Spanish government that the resignation of Senor De Lome had been accepted, and that Senor Du Kosc was authorized to represent his government as charge d'affairs ad interim. The notification was purely formal, giving the facts of transfer, without mention of the inci dent leading up to it. Having assumed his duties, Mr. Du Kosc paid a call of respect to the state department au thorities. He was not accompanied by Senor De Lome, who with this official act hOQpmes a private citizen of Spain temporarily sojourning in this country. After leaving this country the future plans of Mr. De Lome are not fixed. He would prefer not togo to Madrid, and unless the government commands him togo to the capital he probably will visit some other place and then goto his large estate near Valencia. N.ivel I'lan of Currency Kevlaion. Chicago, Feb. 12.—A novel sugges tion for obtaining a national basis of compromise between advocates of the gold standard and their opponents is advanced by W. S. Harbert, of this city. The plan is for a circulating me dium consisting of coin certificates, payable half in gold and half in silver —a $2 certificate for example to be re deemed by SI in gold and -Si in silver. .If the relative value of one metal should diminish, the valueof the other, to Mr. Harbert. .vould rela tively increase and the value of the certificates payable in both metals jointly would be unaffected. OHIO REPUBLICAN LEAGUE. Ita Annual Convention tvaa Turbulent anil Kxcitlnjf Kecognltion of Ctilian Inde pendence Demanded ltuahiiell Kulo gized. Columbus. <>., Feb. 12.—The Ohio Re publican League convention, which was held in this city Friday, was one of the stormiest in tiie history of the league. About 200 delegates, representing 72 clubs, were in attendance. The fac tional feeling which marked the late senatorial contest cropped out. There were strenuous efforts to restore har mony. however, both the retiring pres ident and the president-elect advising the numbers of the league to lay aside factional differences. Senator Foraker in his telegram to the Ittague also made a plea for harmony. The Foraker and Kushnell element wore dominant in the convention, however, and carried all their points. Trouble was started early in the proceedings. President John J. Sul livan, in his opening address to the convention, referred to the great serv ice which had been rendered the party in the last campaign by Gov. Kushnell, Senator Hanna and Lieut. Gov. Jones. Hon. Clay Drinkle, of Lancaster, criti cised Mr. Sullivan's omission of Sena tor Foraker's name quite sharply, say ing that one would not infer from Mr. Sullivan's speech that Ohio had a senior senator. While there was a contest on some of the officers, the big tight of the con vention was on the resolutions. The chairman of the committee on resolu tions was Charles Oriffin, of Toledo, and he drafted the report presented to the convention. The last three sections of the report precipitated the tight, led by A. S. Kickham, of Dayton. Despite the opposition, however, the original resolutions were adopted with the fol lowing addition: "We send greetings to President McKinley and Senators Hanna and Foraker and assure them of our heartiest support." The sections objected to by the Mc- Kinley and Hanna adherents are as follows: Wo indorse the Cnban resolution Introduced and discussed February by Senator Mason in the United States senate and hope that it will be promptly approved by the committee on foreign affairs. passed by the senate, and ener getically carried into effect by our honored president, to the end that Cuban independtnee may quickly become an accomplished ftct without being loaded down by an iniquitous bonded debt. We cordially indorse every department of our state administration, particularly that of our beloved, level-headed and efficient gover nor. Gen. Asa S- Bushnel! We indorse and approve the energetic and efficient efforts undertaken by Attorney Gen eral Monnett and the state senate to uncover and destroy unlawful and hurtful trusts, syn dicates and combinations. We hope such effort will continue until all such hurtful trusts and combinations are uncovered and destroyed and that the general assembly will supplement such efforts by appropriate legislation. The following officers were elected: President, W. E. Kundy, Cincinnati. Vice presidents, John F. Golden bogen, Cleveland; George W. Playford, Zanesvillc; Charles E. Gordon, Toledo, and John J. Williams. Portsmouth. Secretary. George T. Crawford, Co lumbus. Treasurer, John L. Means, Steuben ville. Delegates-at-large to the National league convention: John J. Sullivan. Warren; Charles Case, Columbus: C. K. Calderwood, Darke county; John Hop ley, Kucyrus: Oeorge A. Myers, Cleve land; John S. Goodwin, East Liverpool. The 11th annual Lincoln day banquet of the Ohio Republican league was held at the Chittenden hotel last night. It was not as large as previous gather ings of the kind. ESTERHAZY'S GUILT. It Appears to Have Keen Proven by the Testimony of Col. I'icquart in the Zola Trial. Paris, Feb. 12. —In the Zola trial Fri day, Col. I'icquart testified that a tele gram addressed to Count Esterhazy fell into his hands in May, 1896. This tele gram was of a gravely compromising character and led him and other officers to investigate further. Comparison of the handwriting of Esterhazy with the original bordereau which convicted Dreyfus, he said, convinced him that the bordereau was from the hand of Esterhazy. Investigation of Ester hazy's correspondence confirmed this conclusion. Witness secured positive evidence that this had been done and then, while making further inquiries, lie was astonished by the publication of the bordereau in the Eclair. At this point the noise in the court room became so great that policemen had to clear the hull. After the interruption of the sitting. Col. I'icquart said: "The in terest of my chiefs suddenly slackened, and I was sent away on a secret official mission. This was after I had per sisted in pursuing the investigation, despite the discouragements and the changed attitude of my superiors." A Defeat for Sunday Kaclng:. St. Louis, Feb. 12.—The national as sembly of the League of American Wheelmen last night finally adjourned after one of the most notable sessions ever held by that body. At this session the fight of President Isaac Potter for re-election was successful and the im portant question of local option in the matter of Sunday racing was again de feated. Found Another Corpse in the Kuina. Pittsburg, Feb. 12. —One more body has been recovered from the ruins of Wednesday night's tire. It is that of William W'alrabenstein, a milkman. The list of missing is rapidly swelling, the latest number being placed at 38. The department of public works has advertised for additional men to clear away the ruins. Sank hy a Collision. Hull, England, Feb. 12.—The passen ger steamer Marabella, bound from this port for Hamburg, was sunk by collision with the Kritish warship Galatea, in Hull Roads, Thursday even ing. All the passengers and crew were saved. Forty horses on the Marabella were drowned. Doubly Fatal Collision. Menominee. Mich., Feb. 12.-—ln a col lision of two log trains on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road Thursday night at Carney Spur, Conductor Ari dersi n and Krakeman Toole were in stantly killed and the engine and nine Cars wrecked. SSOO Reward Tbe above Reward will be paid fW Ik fcnnatioß that will lead to the arrest mmi eoßvietlun of tbe party or pa-tea «W Slaood iron and alaba OB the track ti A* Import urn k Rich Valloy K. R., (Mi tba eaat Una of PrankliD Hoaelttr'a •a tba evening of NOT. 21at, 18S1. 11 imrt Aucinj, 88-tf. Auute FINE LIQUOR SfORE — at — EMPORIUM, PA. THE undersigned baa onentd * till elaaa Lienor store, and Invitee Mw trade of Hotels, lUataaraota, A* We ahall carry nooa bat lk«b«tiM» lean and Imported WHISKIES, BRANDIES. GUNS AND wmEs, •OTTLEO ALE, CHAMPAfiUE, Elfc Bottled Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACOOI Feat aad snaaa<>«o»ta— m oaLL AIIO an Mm. A. A. MoDONALD, piomnoa, ncromiuM. FA. ■ : §F. X. BLUMLE.g W XUPOBIUH, TA. X bttlu bttlu at aa* DuW to R & WINES, 9 & WHISKIES, ; ft M And Liquor* of All Kinds. < i rs Tba beet ef goods always S w carried in stook and every- flj Pj thing warranted as represent- TT I Especial Attention Paid t» 1 » riall Orders. M § EMPORIUM, PA. 'j i■— ■ 112 80 TO 3 sJ. A. fllnslef'J, t 1 Bread Street, CaHrtia, Pa.. 1 J Wkere t»i aaa cat uTthlig yea vaat to V C the llaa at 112 s Groceries, £ l Provisions, / ? rLOUR, SALT MEATS, / ( BMOKEC HEATS, \ J CANNED SOUS, ETC., I ) baa, Ctftw, Frelt*, C«tfMt!«ierj, y S Ttkacca aai flgari. v V Ooa