2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pr jraar ** JjJ paid In advance ' W ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are published at the rate of •ae floliar per square for one insertion and fifty actits per square for each subsequent insertion- Rates t>v the year, or for si* or three months, •re low and uniform, and will be furnished on application. Legal and Official Advertising per square, three times or less, »2: each subsequent inser tion 60 cents per square. Local notices 1U cents per line for one inser ■ertion; 5 cents per line lor each subsequent »on-.ecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines. 10 cents per line. Simple announcements of births, mar riages and deaths will be inserted free. Business cards, five lines or less, »5 per year; •ver five lines, at the regular rates of adver tising No local Inserted for less than 75 cents per Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job denartrnent of the Pkkss is complete and affords facilities for doing the best class ol work. pAli'l H'L'LAH ATTENTION I'AID TO LIW Pointing. No paper will be discontinued nttl arrear ages are paid, except at the option of the pub lisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for in advance A South Dakota judge has undertaken 1o prevent elopement by injunction. Now let him secure marriage by man damus and the harmony of law and love will be complete. In balancing tlhe accounts of Massa chusetts it is found that there are 83.000 more women than men in the state. This is not exactly a surplus, but it is an inequality that ought to be prompt ly adjusted. The new counterfeit SIOO bill is a quarter of an inch shorter than the gen uine. To test this it is oniy necessary to borrow one of the counterfeits ai d Then borrow one of the genuine atd compare them. An Englishman nnmed Katemar. w ho lhas been collecting statistics of the e' paid in silver dollars. What an inspiring spectacle it must be to the youth of the country to see the highest legislative body of our land seri ously at work to injure the national credit and dishonor the national faith! Fortunately, every intelligent citizen knows that the farce which is be ! ng enacted in the senate chamber is sim ply an effort to galvanize Brva«!s>m, and still more fortunate is the facit that the people of this country decided by a decisive majority at the last na tional election that 'all our silver and paper currency must be maintained r,t a parity with gold, and we favor ail measures designed to maintain in violably the obligations of the United States, and all our money, whether codn or paper, at the present standard, the standard of the most enlightened na tions of the earth.' The resolution re ported from the finance committee of tiie senate ought to be entitled: 'The senate against the people ill the matter of free silver.' " —N. Y. Sun. PRESS COMMENTS. ICTTIie adoption of the gold standard in India will add une more to the countries which the popocrats will not look to for aid or consent. —Milwaukee Sentinel. £7President McKinley's position on sound money is not likely to be dis puted a pa in by republican senators who are weak kneed on silver. —St. Louis Globe-Democrat. icrMr. Bryan discusses the labor ques tion in a way that is not only mislead ing, but unbecoming in .a man who as pires to again lead a great political party.— Mobile Tlegister. (Dera.). CT'The free silverites are preparing to put on the road a melodrama called "The Curse of Gold." The author who christened that play evidently can't distinguish a melodrama from a farce. —Chicago Times-llerald. (T7Speaker Reed, now that he is being abused for standing by the president on the Cuban question, should comfort himself with the thought that if he didn't stand by the president he would lie abused just the same.—Chicago Kec o'rd (Ind.). V Bryan can plant no willovJfc which will take root and Teller eau*?ot turn honesty and repudiation into intercon vertible terms. If prosperity has not returned, that which looks very much like it has come and we can almost af ford to be patient with chronic croakers whom unfortunately we can neither cure nor love.—Brooklyn Eagle (Gold Deni.). CT'Since Mr. Brj r an's return from Mexico he has furnished mo light upon the condition of the workingmen in that country—a question in which a large number of his followers are deep ly interested. If he had he would have been compelled to tell them that wages in that country are only from one-third to one-half what they are in the United States, besides being paid in a currency worth less than 50 per cent, of our own. —Chicago Tribune. C7"Nobody has discovered that the Teller resolution had any effect on the prices of stocks or wheat, or had aroused any concern of any sort at home or abroad. The president's cour ageous words in favor of the mainte nance of the gold standard and in advo cacy of legislation to make that stand ard permanent and unquestioned have, on the other hand, strengthened the na tional credit in Europe as well as in the United States, have assured the repub licans cf a large vote from the gold democrats in the congressional elec tions unterH Slip Away to Cuba. New York. Feb. 10. —Another filibus tering expedition lo the Cuban insur gents is believed to have got away from the Long Island coast near lien tauk Point on Monday night and to have carried the members of the expe dition that was shipwrecked on the Tillie a couple of weeks ago. The arms and ammunition for this last expedi tion are said to have been carried from this city by the steam lighter Agnes, alleged to be owned by McAllister Bros., who owned the Tillie. AnierieatiK* LOKHPM llecauHe of War. Washington, Feb. 10. —A memorial was presented to the president yester day by a delegation of New York busi ness men representing a larjje number of influential firms in that city asking that action be taken by this govern ment looking to the re-establish men t of peace in Cuba. The memorial re cites that the war in Cuba during the last three years has resulted in a yearly loss of import anil export trade between Cuba and the I'nited States ol $100,000,000. In this sum is not in clude.! tl«s heavy sums lost by the de bt ruction of American properties in Cuba. Tke Alternative. The police justice had formerly hem K bar-tender. lie had gone into politics and r had been elected by a big majority. This wan bia fir»t case. Mary McMannis was up before him for drunkenness. The justice looked at her a minuteand then said sternly: "Well, what are you here for?" ' "If yer please, yer honor," said Mary, "the copper pulled nle in, sayin' I <*aa drunk. An' I don't drink, yer honor; I don't drink." "All right," aaid the justice, his former bartender habit, getting the best of him; "all right; have a cigar."—Detroit Free Preaa. Women Government Kmployen. Uncle Sam employs 6,000 women at Washington. BEWARE OF MORPHINE. Mrs. Plnkham Asks Women to Seek Permanent Cures and Not Mere Temporary Relief ft From Pain. Special forms of suffering lead many a/ / J i\ l\ woman to acquire the morphine habit.iWfiuX A One of these forms of suffering is a t j, persistent pain in the side, accompanied by \ (VY\ II L " g heat and throbbing. There is disincline-/jr I 1 tion to work, because work only increases This is only one symptom of a chain of l troubles ; she has others she cannot bear to confide to her physician, for fear of ffl an examination, the terror of all sensitive," modest women. The physician, meantime, knows her condition, but 1 \ cannot combat her shrinking terror. He yields to 11>\ her supplication for something to relieve the pain. I t\ He gives her a few morphine tablets, with very j 7 \ grave caution as to their use. Foolish woman ! She 1/1 thinks morphine will help her right along ; she be- 1/ | comes its slave 1 I L A wise and a generous physician had such a case; * \ * he told his patient he could do nothing for her, as V she was too nervous to undergo an examination. In despair, she went to visit a friend. She said to her, " Don't give yourself up; just goto the nearest druggist's and buy a bottle of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will build you up. You will begin to feel better with the first bottle." She did ac, and after the fifth bottle her health was re-established. Here is her own " I was very miserable ; was so weak that I could hardly Hk get around the bouse, could not do any work without feel- J ing tired out. My monthly periods had stopped and I was # so tired and nervous all of the time. I w-as troubled very ' \ much with falling of the womb and bearing-down pains. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- J table Compound ; I have taken five bottles, and think it is / LT the best medicine I ever used. Now I can work, jjnd feel like myself. I used to be troubled greatly with y my head, but I have had no bad headaches or palpi /jr tation of the heart, womb trouble or bearing-down • pains, since I commenced to take Mrs. Pinkham'l V medicine. I gladly recommend the Vegetable Com pound to every suffering woman. The use of on* "bottle will prore what it can do."— MRS. LUCY PEASLFV. Derby Center, Vt. 1 PAINTS WALLS Calcimo Fresco Tints 1 fOB DECORATING WALLS AND CEILINGS rll'MllK' I '"'' I •5 grocer or paint dealer and do vour own kal- UWHJIIHU somininpf. £ (S This material is made on scientific principles by machinery and milled in §» ;» twenty-four tints and is superior to any concoction of Clue and Whiting S 5 that can ppssiblv be made bv hand. To BK MIXED WITH COI.D WATER. £ I TW SENI> FOR SAMPLE COLO It CARDS and if you cannot 3 purchase this material from your local dealers let us know and we will S 5 put you in the way of obtaining it. £ I THE MURALO CO.. NEW BRIGHTON. 5.1.. NEW YORK. J | "THRIFT IS A GOOD REVENUE." 2 '% GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM t | CLEANLINESS AND § SAPOLIO | Fruits In m Faw Months From Seed. Someberries will be white, some black and others red, and torn* of the plants runnerleKS. Perfectly hardy in any garden ana bear conl in unll? from j May to NOT. Greatly superior in flavor to other . aorta. Frulte well la pots summer or winter. Plants I from seed sown now will fruit freelv all tho coming summer and fall. One plant has yielded a pint of ber ries at one picking as late as November, i For 10c. we will mail a packet of this Strawnerry aeed and our great Catalogue of New Seeds, Hulbs, Plants and Frulta, 180 paeres, 12 largo Colored Plates. Or for only £so*we will mall Cat nlogue.St raw berry Seed* Clitn eee Lantern Plant.Shoo fly riant. Jubilee Phlox.Prize Verbena and. THK MAYFLOWER Monthly Magazine for a yean illustrated—colored plate each month devoted to Flower* and Gardening. Order now; thia offer may net appear again. John Lewis Childs, Floral Park.N.Y. [file Of Klondike i j 112 If you are interested and wish to V I post yourself abcyit the Gold Fields ▲ \ of the Yukon Vallev, when to go T and how to get theie, write for a 5! Descriptive Folder and Map of ¥ Alaska. It will be ient free upon y application to T. A. GRADY, Ex- k | cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R., I, FREESHGiS TOBACCO HABIT CURE. • mak.af f«r SOs., or money back. Guaranteed perfectly karmleae Addreea Mil ford Drug Co 38 Main it.. MlUtri Indiana. We anawer all letters. tfm .Sot Cold In th« South. The weather this season in the South La* been all that could be desired, and all who have already reached the resorts of Florida and the Gulf Coast are charmed with their locations. The Louisville & Nashville Kail road Company's arrangements for through service of sleeping cars and Coaches from. Northern cities are unsurpassed this winter. Tourist tickets, good to return until May 31st, are on sale by this line from all points, at low rates. For full particulars write to C. P. Atmore, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., or Jackson Smith, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O. Joat Ho. Quite frequently a man's views on religion depend to a considerable extent on wha*. kind of a iob he has. —Puck. If you want Agricultural Lnnd, yielding from sls to S2O PER ACRE W ™n CANADA. GOOD CROPS, GOOD PBICE§J Railroads. Schools. Churches; fuel In abund ance. OTFor Illustrated Pamphlets* Map* j and low railroad rates, apply to Dep't Interior, j Ottawa, Canada, or to M. V. McINNES. Canadian : Gov't Agent, Aio. 1 Merrill Block, Detroit. Mich, j To California! This is the berth rate in the Tourist cai from CINCINNATI to SAN FRAN ! CISCO, via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. I For particular* address, S. G. HATCH, D. P. A., 423 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. rnrr T Read and Be Enlightened. rnPr ! >'r K. a. llunitoifoid of Albion, ! I IIIBIH I .Mich., mate* that ho will send th<| Preacription of a Wonderful Medli | cine FIIEBJ to uny man. old or >oung, who 1« , lacking in Vitality. C'ahes considered hopeie** readi ly vifld to thi* treatinent. A certain cure. Alnohol# , asrint for IM I.E «1 KRUY'M PAMOCk 1 PILK ( I ICK guaranteed curt-), manufactured by I AI.MON KEMKDY IX). Anvone dt *irinv l'lepirlpuoh .or Treatise on Piles, should write at onto Ai>k voul Druggist for l/ncle tlerry'a Pile Cure 60« j tnd ttl.OO per box. Sent by mail If desired. Best Route to Klondike Only Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions I to PORTLAND, ORE,, run Via GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Leave CHICACO Thursdays Good f>nnections for TACOMA and SEATTLE Write for Hate, and Klondike Folder, j Jno. Sebastian, P. A., CHICAaO. 1 WELL MACHINERY -Drills 100 to 2,0C0 feet. LOOMI3 a NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. A. N. K.-C 1093 1. HEN WIIITIXti TO APVERYIBEK9 pleu.e .tale IhnC you »w tb« Ad»*!-»*—- ■cat In Ibl.