ESTABLISHED BY C. I>. GOULD, MARCH, 1866 VOL. 32. BOROUGH AND TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS FEB. 15. 1898. EMPOItII'M BOROUGH OFFICERS. K.W. M.W. W.W. Justice of Peace. M. M. Larrabee, R, no opp 113 i.m IJ7 High Constable. Peter It. Beatie, R. ™ ™ <4 Fred. W. Yent/er, R, 58 *>l Overseer of Poor. w Chas. Fry, R. «> 76 81 Thompson Huff, D 63 ,>rt Auditor. Josiah Howard, R, 55 <«> ib Albert H. Shafer, I). 3 years, 57 56 bl West Ward. REPUBLIACN. DEMOCRATIC. Councilman. H. C. Olmsted, 67. Patrick Burke, 71. Assessor. William H. Cramer. 82. A. H. Shafer, 54. Judge of Election. Walter Morrison, 84. Al. Hockley, 54. Inspector of Election. Samuel Kline, 80. Clarence Ilichey, 56. For Poor House, 62. Against Poor House, 65. Hiddle Ward. Conucilmau. Harry S. Lloyd, 3 years, 75. R. Condon,8 yrs. 50 Frank Mundy, 1 year, 62. H. L. Burns, 2 yrs. 64 School Director. It. M, Overhiser, 62. Bernard Egan, 69. Assessor. Harry Hemphill, 72. John Glenn, 61. Constable. Harry Hemphill, 74. Samuel Shadman, 56 Judge of Election. Augustus Nelson, 73. Michael Brennan, CO Inspector of Election. John J. Hiiikle, 77. Edwin Cook, 54 For Poor House, 55. Against Poor House, 64. East Ward. Councilman. F. P. Strayer, 65. Harry Jewell,so School Director. H. O. Ault, 31. J. D. Marshall, 82 Assessor. Henry Wheaton, 50. W. W. Dickinson, 63 Constable. C. A. Van Lew, 1. Ora O'Dell, 81 Judge of Election. F. 8. Coppersmith, 58. A. F. Andrews, 56 Inspector of Election. 8. E. Murry, 59. W. A. Dalrymple, 53 For Poor House, 79. Against, 35. Shippen. Supervisor. AlonzoCheesbro, 150. Wesley Berfield, 99 W. W. Lewis, 111. Jacob i.. Reid, 62 Justice of Peace. Morris Lewis, 139. George Dickinson, 75 Overseer of Poor. J. \V. Lewis, 109. Thomas Waddington, 130 Auditor. Charles King, 144. F. X. Blumle, 90 School Director. Geo. Van Wert, 13u. N. P. Minard, 86 E. H. Marshall, 131. P. E. Lewis, 69 Town Clerk. Verny Lewis, 99. Ray Lyons, 122 Judge of Election. • Wni. Swartwood, 139. Andrew J. Ingersoll, 78 Inspector of Election. Henry Carter, 129. Byron Ostrum, 85 For Poor House, 149. Against, 93. (iibson. Supervisor. N. D. Jordan, 49. Thomas Dougherty, 62 John Mix, 62. Overseer of Poor. George Mix, 59. J. Campbell Floyd, 38 Auditor. Glen C. Logue, 58. D. Wait Mix, 33 William U. Barr, 43 School Director. M. S. Barr, 54. Henry Mix, 32 John McMellen, 67. Simpson Barr, 20 Town Clerk. Wm. H. Logue, 39. George E. Wylie, 62 Consstable. Robert Powers, 5. H. M. Bailey, 4 Judge of Election. J. M. English, 62. Samuel S. Miller, 37 Inspector of Election. J. L. Smith,34. G. W. VanLew,2l. A. J. Dent 31 For Poor House, 5. Against, 105. Lumber. Supervisor. C. H. Stewart, 42. Elmer Whiting, 57 Gordon Howlet. 45. Thos. Gilniartin, 47 Overseer of Poor. Albert Lord, Sr., 47. Fred Sheffer, 43 Justice of the Peace. T. F. Hudson, 52. D. C. Johson, 41 Auditor. J. R. Libbey, 12. Ed. P. Brooks, 60 W. T. Dininny, 30. Orlow O. Smith, 51 School Director. Warren McConnel, 34. FranV Sterling, 47 Eugene Develing, 41. E. H. Yocum, 48 A. W. Marsh, 1 year, 35. Geo. Lynch, 1 year, 09 Tax Collector. Edmond Stewart,3l. Leonard Smith, 04 Assessor. Emmet Lord, 58. J. R. Frank, 34 Town Clerk. J. A. Dice, 2G. W. A. Fitzgerald, 69 Judge of Election. Wm. Berry, 57. A. W. Wylie, 47 Inspector of Election. O. B. Shertr, 40. L. C. Summer son, 54 For Poor House, 36. Against, 58. Driftwood Borough. Burgess. S. G. McElwain, 81. No opposition. Justice of the Peace. Adam R. Smith, 77. No opposition. High Constable. Mike Lopeman, 81. NO opposition. Overseer of Poor. S. P. Kreider, 58. W. D. Van Lew, 22 Auditor. Frank Frye, 78. No opposition. Councilman. C. F. Laughton, 3 years, 42. W. H. Roach, 3 yrs, 59. W. R. Chatham 3 yrs 29 W. R. Chatham, 2 yr, 23. C. F. Laughton 1 yr 8 J. O. Brookbank, 17. School Director. M. J. McEnteer, 71. No opposition. Wm. Hamilton, 72. No opposition. Assessor. S. D. McCoole, 60. Harry A. Wylie, 21 Judge of Election. H. E. Coleman, 50. Frank Beck with, 33 Inspector of Election. Thos. Connely, 52. C. L. Smith, 28 For Poor House, 0. Against, 82. (Irove. Supervisors. J. It. Batchelder, 51. Frank L. Miller, 76 Malvin J. Logue, 67. Rant R. Goss, 64 A. E. Smith, 1. H. H. Swartz, 1 Overseer of Poor. Charles W. Belden, 125. No opposition. Just ice of the Peace. J. V. Hascom, 126. No opposition. Auditor. Chas. F. Barclay, 51. J. Hawley Baird, 88 School Director. L. G. WykofF, 61. Jacob Miller, 57 Miles A. Smith, 53 Wm. 11. Miller, 58 Assessor. Elmer F. Smith, 59. John A. Wykoff, 74 Town Clerk. Thos. W. Snyder, 131. No opposition. Judge ol Election. M. Blodget, 81. John L. Miller, 53 Inspector of Election. 11. 11. Alderfer, 66. Laurence Smith, 64 For Poor House, 4. Against, 136. Portage. Supervisor. W. H. Martindale, 14. Rob't McDowell, 7 D. Burlingame, 13. J. H. Evens, 8 Overseer of Poor. Wm. L. Ensign, 14. I. T. Hall, 8 Tax Collector, Ed. Covert, 15. John Wygant, 7 Auditor. W. R. Sizer, 13. F-iank Sheeter, Jr., 9 Geo. Crawford, 15. James C. Decorcey, 7 School Director. A. L. Ensign, IC. Geo. Edwards, 4 Ed. Covert, 15. W. R. Sizer, 9. Town Clerk. Elmer Burlingame, 14. James G. Earl, 8 Judge of Election. D. Burlingame, 13. J. H. Evens, 9 Inspector of Election. E. D. Sizer, 15. James G. Earl, 7 For Poor House, 3. Against, 19. Total vote on Poor House : Against Poor House, 617 For Poor House, 393 Majority Against Poor House, 254 School Reports. I'LANK ItOAl) HOLLOW SCHOOL, The following pupils have been present every day during the month ending Jan. 31st, 1898. Helen Blumle Elizabeth Hughes. Katie Zimmet. Frances Blumle. Lucy Berfield. Ruby Heideck. Agnes Blumle. Richard Hughes. Frank Blumle. The following have not been absent more than | two clays during the month; Edward Hughes. Andre.v Streich. Frank Burfield. Joseph Streich. Fred Streich. Carl Hughes. Wesley Hughes. MAMIE WILLIAMS. Report of Sterling Grammar and Primary i schools for the month ending February 7th. Those in attendance every day during the : month. Willie Conway. Ora Conway. Frank Welsh. Wallace Whiting. Frank Libby. Joe Fulong. Grant Hart. Andrew Smith. Gladys Keefe. Lucy Fitzgerald. Harley Newkirk. Total enrolled, 26. Visitors : Rev. S. S. Eber sole, Miss Collins, Supt. GENEVIEVE V. FRANK, Teacher. The following pupils have been present every day during the month ending February 15th. Robert Gentry. Edna Summerson. Jessie Hart. Nellie Keefe. John Furlong. Blanch Kissel. Chas. May. Lora Keefe. j James Furlong. Flora Ebersole. Irvin Hart. Pearl Marsh. Robert Libby. Herman Wylie. Total number enrolled, 31. Visitors: Miss MattieM. Collins, Supt., Messrs. Trox Fulton Ed. Brooks, WillStravvbridge. H. J. TRAUB, Principal. The Battleship Maine Blown up in Havana harbor. At 9:4.5 P. M., Tuesday night a ter | rific explosion took place at the bow ! of the battleship Maine in Havana j harbor. Two hundred and sixty are j reported to have lost their lives, of j | which two are officers and the balance j : seamen. Captain Sigsbee, commander of the S j Maine, reports that twenty-four officers ; | and sixty-eight men, many of whom \ | are badly injured, have been saved. j While taking the men from the , I wreckage a second explosion took J place at two o'clock Wednesday morn ing. The battleship now lies partially submerged, and Captain Sigsbee be lieves the major portion of it can be saved. | The cause of the explosion is a mys tery and the Administration has de- 1 ciiled to regard the disaster to the Maine as an accident, until a full re port is made by Captain Sigsbee. President McKinley lias decided not j to send another warship to Havana at present. The number of killed is 260; ! saved '24 officers, GS men. Measures have already been adopted i for a rigid investigation which will be made by divers. A Spanish naval officer said that | Captain Sigsbee was the last man to j abandon the sinking ship and that he remained alongside the wreck as long as it was possible to do anything in the work of rescue. Why not buy an overcoat now, when i you can got it 33j per cent, loss than 1 earlier in the season. JOHN J. SOBLE. J "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1898. The Republican County Committee Meeting. The Republican County Committee meeting of Cameron county met at the Warner House last Saturday. The meeting was largely attended and very harmonious from start and finish. H. C. Olmsted, Chairman of Committee, called the meeting to order, after which Secretary J. C. Goodnough called the roll. Every district in the county was represented . The object of the meet ing having been stated by the Chair mam, after remarks by several mem bers, Mr. A. C. Blum offered the fol lowing resolutions, which were unani mously adopted : Resolved , That the Chairman of the County Committee be instructed to is sue a call for the Republican Primary Elections in the several Boroughs ana Townships to be held on Saturday, March 19th, 1898, at such hours as the members of the County Committee from said districts may designate ; also that the County Convention be called for Tuesday, March 22, 1898 at one o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of elect ing delegate to the Republican State Convention, candidate for President Judge, choose delegates to the Judi cial, Congressional and Senatorial Con ventions. Resolved, That the representation of delegates from the several districts shall be as follows : Shippen, 6 : West Ward, 4 ; Middle Ward, 4 ; East Ward, 3 ; Portage, 2 ; Lumber, 3 ; Gibson, 2 ; Driftwood, 3 ; Grove, 2. Resolved: That the Primary Elec tion ballots may consist of the dele gates to the County Convention, can didates for Governor, delegates to the State Convention, candidate for Presi dent Judge and candidates for Congress and State Senate. Mr A. C. Blum, an ardent friend of Hon. Chas. W. Stone, of Warren, our present able Congressman and prom inent candidate for Governor, present ed the following resolution. Capt. C. F. Barclay was the first to take the floor and warmly endorsed the candidacy of Gov. Stone, stating that he believed this county to be almost unanimously for his nomination. Remarks were made by Jno. J. Hinkle, A. C. Blum, S. (i. McElwain, J. W. Lewisandß L. i Spenee, when the following preambles j and resolution were adopted amid ap ! plause : J WHEREAS, The Republicans of I Cameron County in County Conven-I I tion assembled in 1897 were the first I ! to declare in favor of the candidacy of | our eloquent and popular Congress- I man, Hon. Chas. W. Stone, of Warren, I for Governor of this State WIIKKMAB, By reason of his high 1 ; personal character, his eminent ability, | his efficient and faithful public service in legislative and executive positions and his devotion to the principles of the Republican party, lie unites the ele ments desirable in a candidate for that office; and knowing that he would wisely and conservatively administer the duties that would devolve upon him as Governor, therefore be it Resolved, That we heartily endorse his candidacy and pledge him our uni ted support and we earnestly recom mend his candidacy to the favorable consideration of the Republican voters of the State. Hon. C. W. Stone on State Issues. Last Monday's issue of the Pittsburg Dispatch contained portraits of all the candidates for Governor and brief views of the several candidates on the political situation. Our popular Con gressman, Hon. Chas. W. Stone, of Warren, states the issues in no uncer ; tain tone. The following is his admir able letter: WASHINGTON, Feb. 5, 1898. To the Editor of the Dispatch The Republican party has won its j notable victories when it has agress j ively championed some great principle. Its failures have come when it has been j diverted to collateral or minor issues i or has allowed itself to be forced into ! a defensive position Prudence and wisdom will hold the j issues of this fall's campaign closely to • the national record and creed of the : Republican party; but to accomplish : this, factional discord in the party 1 must be avoided, and no ground be i left for the people to distrust the sin j cerity of party professions, or the personal independence and high pur -1 poses of party candidates. They must be satisfied that liepubli | can success will mean honesty and 1 economy in legislative and executive action and a due regard for the rights j and will of the people They are in no mood to be trifled with. They must be treated with entire candor and fair i ness or they are liable to make their own issues There must be no evasion ; of proper responsibility; no attempt to mislead; nor to forstail nor to nullify ; the free and honest expression of the i popular will. The people arc the : rulers; their officers are their servants. I There mast be no attempt to reverse this relation. The Republican party stands for ! honesty and honor in the conduct of the .National Government—it must stand for the same guiding principle j wherever it is intrusted with power. | The people propose to give a dollar's | worth of value for every dollar they I owe. They expect a dollar's worth of value for every dollar of their money expended. They demand not parsi mony but honesty, and they want | this not in word but in act, not in promise but in performance. This fall's campaign then must be 1 fought under the banner of protection, , sound money and honest government. J C. W. STONE. I—WEBSTER. 1 —WEBSTER. Pleasant Surprise. Last Friday evening a "stag" sur prise was given our friend Fred A. Hill, at his pleasant home on Sixth street. His good wife and daughter carefully planned, with the aid of : friends, to keep Mr. Hill "down town" I during the major portion of the after j noon and when the usual hour to re | turn home came around Henry Auchu I had to he met at the depot upon the arrival of Niagara and brought home to supper. Those were the orders is sued and Fred obeyed. Of course when he arrived home he was surprised to nee a large number of gentlemen friends comfortably fixed in his parlor and then Fred "saw what it all meant." After an exchange of pleasantries and Fred given time to "see where he was at," the ladies who had been diligently at work to make the 42nd anniversary of their loved one pleasant, invited the guests to the dining room where—oh, dear! —was spread one of the most inviting scenes ye scribe seldom sees, and that's saying consid erable for there is no one, unless it be our sedate friend Blum, who appre ciates and knows a good dinner better than ye editor. Seated at the hand somely decorated table were Messrs. F. A. Hill, Henry Auchu, Geo. J. La- Bar, B. W. Green, A. C. Blum, G. F. Buleom, Thos. Gallagher, M. P. Whit ing, I. K. Hockley, J. D. Logan, Josiah Howard, H. H. Mullin, Chas. Seger and H. S. Lloyd. The elegant dinner, while a compliment to the ability of Mrs. H. and daughter, was certainly highly enjoyed by the guests of the evening. After the inner man had been bountifully supplied the guests repaired to the parlor and by the aid of good cigars succeeded in regaining their former composure. After a time, Mr. B W. Green,"in a few brief re marks," addressed Mr Hill on behalf of his friends assembled and presented him, with the well wishes of those present, a beautiful painting. In ac cepting, Mr. Hill thanked his friends for their kindness to himself and family. At a seasonable hour all de parted for their homes to dream of turki y and—well, you have been there know the natural result. Jealousy's Promptings. As a result of the shooting of Miss | Mary Vannerman by her uncle-lover, at Hornellsville, N. Y., the residents of that town are greatly excited. Smith, who is a well-known railroad man, has been paying marked attention to his neice, Miss Mary Vannerman, a pretty I and talented young lass of 18 years. I Being madly in love and also very I jealous of her, it enraged him to have her receive attention from other men. Especially was this so regarding the young men of the place. He was con siderably older than the girl, and it j was probably the fear of being sup planted by some one nearer her own age that aroused his wrath. Smith chanc 1 to see his neice walking down the street with a young male acquaint ance, and this so enraged him that he \ procured a revolver and shot her. He then turned the gun on himself and sent a bullet crashing through his I neck. The girl is probably fatally injured, | and the Coroner has decided to take j her ante-mortem statement. Smith is not seriously hurt. He j states that he and his neice were en | gaged to be married, and he admits ; that jealousy prompted him to commit ; the deed Daniel Smith, named above, j is a brother of Thos. Smith, of this place who was called to Hornellsville | last Monday, by a telegram informing him of the shooting. Killed at a Log Slide. Alexander Humes, of Dents Run, j was killed at S D. Billing's log job on Johnson's Run Saturday afternoon. Humes, together with several other ; woodsmen, was rolling logs off a side hill. He started a log down the hill ■ side but fell while trying to get out of the way and tho log rolled over him. He made an effort to rise when a second log struck him on the head, , fracturing his skull and killing him instantly. His body was taken to his home at Dent's Run, where interment was made. He leaves a large family, the mother of which is just recovering from a long and serious illness.— I Renovo News. Burglar Caught.