Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 07, 1853, Image 4

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    . .114 I- don't oar* any thing about that? The
gauss tad Crowns" and. Sillies, and the Swum
Downes, bare their costs of arms, and crests, and
liveries, tanil I am not going to be behind, I tell you..
Mr. P. aught to remember that a gnat .asy.of
these families were famous before they came to this
oonotry; and there is a kind of interest in having
en your ring, for instance, the same crest:that your
7 ammeter two or three centuries ago bad upon bey
• tins. One day I was (elite wrought up about the
..›.4womer, and I said as much to him.
,00. ......._ . " .
' se„roaeosertainly, said be, "certainly; you are elite
'''' le e If I had Sir Phillip - Sidney to my ancestor,
Id wear his crest upon my ring, and glory in
- my relationship, and I hope I should be a better man
- for it. I . wouldn't put his arms upon my carriage,
- however, because that wOuld mean nothing but nit
. - tentatioto It would be merely a flourish of trum
pets t• my that I was his descendant, and nobody
would know that, either, if my name chanced to be
._ Boggs. is my library I might hang a copy of the
family escutcheon as a matter of interest and cu; i
osity to myself,,for I'm sure I shouldn't understand
it. Do yea suppose Mrs. Gnu knows what rules
• argeat are? A man may be as proud of his family
as be chooser, end, if be has noble ancestors, with
good reason. • But there is oo sense in paradicg that ,
pride. It is an agstatation, the more foolth that, it
IbSiiiltlits nothing—no more credit at Stewares—no
awe real respect in society. , Besides, Polly, Who
art Mr.. Gott a ancestors, or Mrs. Cronus', or Mrs.
II itiOln al/Wnll'il atod, meet, honest, and humble
wept', who did their work, and rest from their la
bors. Col:on:its ago io England, some drops of hi4d
front "noble" vein' may hare mingled with the blood .
of their forefathers: or even, the founder efohefion
fly same may be historically famous. What then?
Is Mrs. Gnu's family ostentation less absurd?,Da
you understand the meaning of her crest, and - it oat
of arms, and liveries? Di_ you suppose she Aloes,
' herself? But in forty-nine cases out of fifty, There
la nothing but a similarity of oath, upon w:tich to
'found all this flourish of aristocracy.' . ;
f My dear old Pot is getting rather prosy, Carrie;
So when ho had finished that long speech during
which I was looking at the lovely fashion plates ire
- Harper, .-I said; _. , •
--- "What color, do you think I'd better haver'
Ile looked abme with than singular expression,
and went out suddenly, as if ho were afraid he might
He had scarcely gene before I heard: .
"My dear Mrs. Potiphar. the sight of you is re
' freshingss Hermon 's dew." •
I colored fa little; Mr. Cheese sayetuch things so
- softly. But I said good morning, and then asked
him about liveries, loc. ' .
. • Hs raised his hand to his Cravat, (it was the:siren
snowy lawn, Carrie, and tied in a splendid bow.)
"Is-net this a livery, dear Mrs Putipharr'
.And then hi went offinto one of those pretty talk , ,
in what Mr. P. calls "the lisegus,ee of ortilieral
flowers," and wound up by emoting Scripture,—
• "Servants, obey your masters." ,
That was enough for me. Se• I told Mr. Cheese
that as he bad already assisted me in colura oboe, I
- should be most glad to have him dose again. What
. -a time we had, to be sure, talking of colter, sad
-sloths, and gaiters, pad buttons, anti knee bevechvo,
and waistcoats, and plush, and 'coats, sod lace, sod
. hatbands, and gloves, and cravats, slid cords, - and,
tassels, and hats. ,01,•it was delightful. You esn't
fancy how heartily' the Res. Cream enieeedintia 'lie
-matter. He was vpite enthusiastic, and it hoe he
said, with so much expresslue, "D.or Mrs. Puti
phar, why net have a the:of-tor
o I thought it was some kind of French dish fut"
lunch, so I• said : ii
- "I am ad sorry , but we haven't any in the houee."l.
. "Oh," said he, "but you could hire one, you know."
• ~Tboia I thought it must be a musical instrument
.... Panhermonican, or something of that kind, so I
said in a general way-. !.
• "I'm not very fond of it.
"But it would be so fine to hove him standing en •
the back of the-carriage, his plumes waving in the
• - • wind, and his lace and polished belts &shingle - 4Ni
Man, as you whirled down* Broadway." ' O
Of course I knew that he was speaking of Oise.
military gentlemen who ride behind, carriages; ete-,
peciaily upon the Continent, as Margaret tells' me,
and who io Paris are very useful to keep the savages •
and wild beasts at bay. io the Chumps .Elysees,7tor
you know they are intended as a guard. . ,
But I knew Mr. P. would be firm about that, So
I asks:OM . .Cheese not to kindle my lmagincion
with the Chamfer.
. We concluded finally to have only one full-sized
footman, and a fat driver.
- "The corpulence is essential, dear Mrs.Putiphar,"
- bald' Mr. Cheese. "I have been much abroad; I Lade
mingled, I trust, in good, nide,' is to say, Christian
Society: and I must say, that few thins struck one
more upon my return than that ladies who driee
eery handsome.carriages, with footmen, loc., in !iv- .
- ery.should permit such thin coachmen upon the box'. '
I really believe that Mrs. Sritum Downe'e cosifil'
men doesn't-weigh more than a hundred and thirty
- pounds, which is so ri licelotis. A lady might as',
well hire a fuotnian with insufficient caves, as a,
coachman who weighs les; thin two hundred'
-and tea. This is the minimum. Besides, I don'tl
nbserce any wigs upon the coachmen. New if a
lady sets up her casein, with a family crest
and liveries, why, I should like to know,. is the wig
of the coachman omitted, and his o , c,ked hat rased
It isa kind of shabby. half-ashamed way of d Ong
things, a garbled glory. The cocked hat ed, knee
breeched, paste buckled, hot - De-hair-wig:zed coach.
man, is one of the inatittniq . ns of the aristocracy. If
we don't have him complete, we somehow niske,, our
selves ridiculous. If ate do hey,, him cernotete,—
why, then—"
Hers Mi. Cheese conghed a little, and patted his
month with' his_ cambric. But what he said wok
very t rue: I should like to come out with the *ie.
I mean upon the coachman; it would en put down
the Settees Downes. But I'm sure old Put wouldn't
have it. He lets me dos great deal. '-flut there is
a line whih I feel be won't let tee pass. I men
' booed my k
ars to Mr. Cheese. ,
, "Well, `e said "Mr. Potiphar May be right. 1r
. • -
remember an expression of my carnal days about: ,
'coming It too strong, which seems to me to be ap- - ..
plicable, just here."
After a little more talk, I determined to have red
plush breeches, with a block cord at the side—whiter'
eteckinge—low shoes with large buckles—a yellow
• waistcoat, with large buttnns--Isppels to the pock
eta—and a purple moo, very full and fine, bound
with gold laee—arid the lot banded with a full gold
rosette. Don't yeu think that would look well in
,:._ Hyde Petit? And, darling Carrie, why shmedn'ti
.: - we have in Broadway, te ha t they have in Hyde Park?
_ 'When Mr. P. came in, I told him all about Ito—
Ifre-laegbed a good deal, and said, "What next*"
So lam abt sure he would be so very hard upon
the wig. The next mooing I bad appointed to see
IMP new footman,ssmi-as Mr. P. went out he turned
and said to me, !'is your footman coming to•dayr
"Yea," I answered.
"Well," said lie, "don't forget the calves. You
knew that everythirg in the matter of livery depends
• open the calves."
/tad he went out laughing Wendy .to irimeehe
- With—actually, Carrie—a tear in his eve.
. • But it was true, wasn't ill I remember in 'l i the
books and pictures how much is said sbout the, ese
- Is advertisements, 14. C.. It is stated that none, but
well-developed calves need apply, at Item' it is an
in England, and, it I have a livery, I am not going
to step half-waf. My duty was UM' ,'ear. When
' Mr. Cheese cane in,
1 said I felt awkward in ask
ing a servant about i ris calveo—it sounded so gorse
ly. But I confessed that it was necessary. ; • I
- "Yes, the path of duty is not always sienna,
* 2 *
dear Ho. Putiphir. It is often thickly &wove
with thorns," said he, as he sank, back in the feu
tern and put down hie pride terre of Harasquiet. , :
Jest after he had gone the new fantails, was netnews.
sad. I amens you, although it is •eidielitees.. I fat spite
;sorrows. Rat alien Ito corns In. I said eatiele—
oWele JIIIIPINI. I stn glad yon have atone."
I MK, ti Vaal. my tome is Henry." said ha, .
I was setmeshed at ho taking me up so, and aa:4l,d o
*Mostly— - ,_
' 'James, the Darne of my &aims* is always Ames.—
Teo may call yourself what you please, I shall always
- tall yea /ammo
The Idea of the males undertaking I. arrange my sof
• rims? Salitti ter tae!
Well. be showed MO his references, which ware eery
- geed.,ead I waa smite satisfied. Hot there was the 1411 , 1
rlbte calf Weems, that mast b• susaded to. I pat it dr,
a grad while, hot I had to begin.-
"Well. Jimes!"—an t i Mere I stepped. -
sb.. ma'a.," said he.
wialt—oas—ab!"--itad I stopped again.
"TN. wriam." said he. 4 . •
- "Janson. torieli yes had some to himmdmoodbikn '
- ...."ilia'ast" said he, la visas surprise.
t r ..-benssalbe
tu ia..loomse," vepesseed I. . . .
"W Ibe they. a'amterhat fee. soiseasul" WA he.
a little rightesed. as I thought.
• • - Oist Nothing. nothing; het—beli-•-"
"Yoe. raleasst,!" said James. -.'l
"Bist—bnt, I want to see—to wee—is , . _
"What. tuessint" said James.
"Your lege." gasped I; and the path was thorny
enough, Carrie, I can tell yips. I had ft terrible time
explaining to him what IL meant, and all about this liver
ies. Isic. Doer ine! what a pity these things are not un
derstood: and thee we should never hers %hie trouble
Oar,'i t explanations .: flowerer. 1 ' nisi:ldol make him
•agr to wear the !leery. Ile said:
••• 'II try to be a good servant, mesa. but I eausiot
put n thou. things and snake a foul of myself. 1 hope
you on't insist for I PM Very OPZiOOI to get a place."
T ink ol his dirteting to ins! I told him that I did net
periiiit my mean* to impe•econchtiesis upon nie (thistle
oneAars ,Cruesues sayings). Oust I was willing to pay
himlgniia wag,* and Treat him well, but that my James
as* near my livery, Ile looked vetreurry, and said
:hat'ho-should like the place wiry much.--that he wesi
tarsi be shanld please me, bet be could not pit ea theirs
'hinge. Wci were both deihrinioesi„ and au parted. I .
think we were. bob sirs). - fur , I should have to go all
thruigh Ills estf business sofa.; and ho lost a good
llowever, Caroline, dear, I have sty Every mud my
footmen.;and am as good as any body. WS wetly splen
did when I gip to Stewart's to have the red plash-, and
Ilse purple, and the white calves springing down to open
the door, and to see the inept' look, and to say, -"I wee
der she that is? And every body bows so nicely, and
the clerks are so pilita.• slid Mrs. Gnu is silting • ith
s :ivy on the ether side, and Mrs. Cronus goes abort.
1 yint..."Dear little woman, that Mrs. Potitiliar, but se
weak! Pity!, pill." . And slrs. Bottom Downs says.
"Asp thst the potiphat liver)? Ali! yes. Mr. Potiphar's
grandfather used to !shoo my grendfother's horses!'°—
(aa if to be useful in 'the world. were a diagram—al Ml.
P. ails.) and young Downe. and Hassey, and Timor
dratlMS tome nyashid stand about so gentlemanly, Mid
say. "Well. Mrs. r otiphar. are we to have no more
charming parties this • 1"...-11.3/1 !looser says, in his
droll way. "Let's keep the ball a-rollitigl" That yens,
man is always reedit with a w;tticiam. Then 1 step oat
and /antes throws ' l otion - the door , and the young men
raise their hate , O ld the now crowd says. "I wonder
i l
who that is?" en a the plush. and purple, and calves
spring op behind. a d I drive home to dinner.
Now. Carrie dear Walt that nice? -
Well. I don't kno hem it is—but thipgs are se cvseer.
Sometimes when I irakd op in the morning. In my room,
which I .have hay ! !Ape tried with fluted rose silk, and
lie thinking. under the ice curtains; ilthough 1 - may
have been at use of 5 . Gou'is splendid parties the
night befers, anti on g idg to Mrs. Silke's to dinner.
... .._
• ---
'and to the opera kali Mrs. fryttum Downs's in the oven
ling, and have nuillieg to de all day but go to Stewart'',
Martellire. or Lefitere'a, end shop. awl - pay morning
yea kt owl ! , os say, that sometimia 1 hear au
dd familiar tette play/d open ■ hand organ far away in
w akar,
nms wrest. and it 'anthill to me in ONlldroway suds
tiadisif the laces. that I h ar the girls it'd / boys lunging it
is the fields whore d to play. It is ri kind of dream,
I soripoe•.'but ofNeM!as .listion. I am saris that,' hear
Henry's voice elms iha wed to ring se gayly salting
llliii DU trees. and WI lib him. in 'the the
blik by the river 4 ' h' throws in the flower — as he re•
ally did—andliays7w th it lilting!). ?•11,. it goes thin side of
Oho etunip I am fovea; if the oilier. I am tact" and thou
hp looks at me as if had nay thing 16 do iriiii it. nad
tip, Bowie drifis elosnly CT end tifT. and Boos the other
t i
.1' is nt thi stump._and we' walk homeward si:entlyi on
il Remy lanai • stn , and sat ,, ••Tliank , raven. my
I • is not. a flower:" and I swear to lore him for *yet
_.. -
err% and marry jilts', and lice in a dints little old
"n3 h ill 1115
d i l l y l ' s: ' rt i' tiOc d arert .. l:- Y t . tita
,I do sgainv Lut pre .. y
~. i . d
lily sleep. and I sea hint as I w Lint att. It.ten tur in
his pulpit, so main and 'neldo; and drewit!i the !trail:
inen as well as the weak worn ,by hie earnest perstia-
I.siuut and after service tie Trott a upon me k.lttily. - sod
sttysi "This is my trife."and he. p tie: who luAts I )to
tho4,,landon,na is at picture of Ali 't.a Del Sarto,s,
'ski 1 you 11. ed so et the gell..r . tel %mita a •ttfet house
"buri din roses . Isokins upon bre e d asd lovely land•
ttn• p . and
into he rostd, "Mri. Po:lpitor, I ant very happy." .
I ass sgal o u nr..,110.e..... cot es in and opsos the shut
ters. Ido P i hear the music or rotors: but thaws days
1 do o i t
meho seem to hear it !I the tune. Of coarse
Mr. "is gm o long before I w tie , so be knows nothingt
start all [hi 1 generally co in at bight after ha is
sh , ..aod J. is op end time his breakfast,_ and goes
t i
dew town rare ti e ['wake in worming. Il e . comes
hew to din r. hot he initpt t lie silent; sod anew dia
ller e liked ie nap in the pa sr aver Rix sews-paper.
lag. Boom me, Alr.,P. yes s int* • cies% shirt and
goal nit m• io !ha bah: but trifit yvben I come
bout, as I id, he is asleep. do I don't life a great de.
of.b: n. exec, t 0 distilling:cr. j often I ant at Sarattrra
or N *pert: ott then , tsot so timeit. af;or ail, for Ito only
a top Sunday. and I t nst
trust bo a cood Chien.
mow. adgo to Aura. la the whole. rocs liars
• . ___
not very itt..trnato sequaintonee: Lot. I bane • groat r p -..
epee for Icei.- ile told me ttiS ether Aday that he should
mak at leas thirty tlioussad dtellars this year.
IfY,tlarlaig . Carrie-1 am vet,. sorry I can't write yea
• looter fettle. I *out to coissult you about wetting
Fuld minder, like ties now Empress. It would kill Mr,.
Creep's of yet! •nd I shduld be first to contemn la it:
and din% yet think the offset Would kw fine, when we
Wert danein to shower this gold Mist area ad no; How
it wend sp • soon the gtentlowers's Week
("You." eat [Mr. :P . "sad hair finely Geoche nowtior.
dad I%seron t footles and vans' Dawns wilftea io silk
tighta;yind s Tliey eay geauiste gold
[mood %Fr hare sires& meat for a white velvet and
g —lttlyto E tress's br dal drew. Teti knew. 'That fool
lib old P as dmeif I had sett for the Euteror and the
bent of ft.% is too.
~4 b len.ask •t ahsord qmsstiens." said I.
••Mr• Pot ,'ltar. I uev. r *skid bolt on* utterly absurd
question in r p life." said. be. and marched out of the
!here Caroline 1 bare a thousand things
tow Tau must be tired to death. .
Fondly year..
Pow" Putt PIT tit .
Au rerafr
to say. but I
P. 8 •or little Fred is guile down 'with the scarlet
fellow. Pot Oar setts 1 innstn't expose myself, to {-don't
es into the room; but Mrs l Julian, the nurse. tells me
thtoafit the keyhole Low be is. 'Mr. P. steeps in the
teem est the sureery. so es art is tarry the infection to
me,' He'loole were snlemnly . as he irilike down town.
I hap* irtvon't sped Fred's erimplexion. I should be
serry,to line* hith a little Pight! Poor little thing!
P. 8. 24.—Isu't it fanny about the ronsit?
lA7llol.liAT.r.—The subscribers are age nts for the following
• v llntell , t 4 lledietaies. which thev it ill sell hy
_dm dozen at
hi:oaf:Otos s pricer. viz : liyilea' Erneetorrint, /13terativeCar
iniitiative Untsain. Venni far, Clair t , t e and domain e pins ; Sni
good's I'holagrigue; Drift I's and Too u.end's ears:marina t
31c1,-. ruff • ail C. FalineirgelVerm Wiese , Trask's. Tnnner s, Me-
Aliso:re, Stuarr's andinatie . 1 , itinton-na: Perry Davis' Pain Kil
-1 fr, Ayors ('!terry Pectoral, Parfet's Indian 11,111: :nem, Parry's
Trienntleratif, Rent's Indio° Medicines and Kier's Peirotemo.
Erie Nov. 4O 1 , 31-.-.2 , , , . r J. li. hiI4TON a. co. -
Il i eLltl."8 13P'11ING T 'ALDIcI.
CI. tiiii & :$11.7117 ALF are receiving new good ,and take their
old twait ion of Miming the heft bargains in I le, no store el
centrl, In demonstra,tion of tilts fact they ode DeLain•, nee
end beautiful sit les. at one shillingber yard , If he came quali
ties ran he bought in 'own at Iris 'lnn Iwo Phil]: cs they Otfer to
ninlic some pre•enl to the but ca.' ChPlOthets pt se Call Midget
Whether Ilmic is any hunib.,gc.r gasconade about, is, or anything
ewe that may be otTered you from our pre,coi st k.
Erie; Stare h 3 16.1'3-13 No. Reed [louse.
nteRE I T - r ii - iTii Table Cutlery, also." 11411 /c El fur plated table
tea spoons, a good assrriment this day fee {veil at No. 3
Reed House. - Erie. Pin 111 , -,361 Et FUS REED
T ._
11 r. Anbsersber offers his farm situate on the.exington road.
three vuoes from Gifil , Cl. Elie county , for ele. It contains
feticres or Land. el orsettieh are under a good state of iniprove.
meat ; lite erected there's* a Rood two .tot) (ouw' 111i.usic, the ne
ccssary bands. sheds and oillmusew ; a good orchard of grafted
fruit: ,e Weil waterc.l, and tat , incl , ared land abounds in good
swain?. Limber, and there are two saw-mins wathln o quarter or
a mile Terms made eaay, and title Indisputable. Enquire
ti csubrk•riber I v.; tag In the village Oftheird.
'March .1 1533-4101:1. " , ADAM LAVGII,-
ee a. w eds.
II a i , I
Ail ELD. Ganlenli. Flo% cr ecerlo d large pimp!). ofall ki
of whirl' we hive received t•rini a eelebratnd seed
igtand,otir stock °faced is trio innberour to Metall:l. -
Gardner's ni , i nib, rit ate incited t 4 cni I and examine
' Erie. Peli lid Isll-1.1 eI.,IRK ill MICA •
r o
TlllB itatcr • .1i tin•te bit a fen sh fw farina the raatlArll and
Wewern Re Irond depotr—liati been newly furniNhed and
Rued tip for itye krut
itodat ton of STR A.NGl:lati AND T RA V•
ELF:C:4. rreel4C Stepping PLlCesis
Mimed by any 111 Cite. Attnetied to is a m excellent
and othcs lecam bodavoils for leainsiet• aa4 others from the
eamettry. fla.seti• erv, aori Iloagiee carried to and from the Can
tree of charge. Coargesreasuooble.
Erie. Dec. 18 1S.1::
- Now Arrangement.
rpflr. rulersigned having assoc . ; t .41 fur the Purrose cf ecn•
' A du - tin the. Stnrags. IT4tnnyls‘intt toys Shipping business.
muter the urns Of L. Y. TIDE I IS & CO.. would respectfully to
licit of the Mere h ,rils; of this vie In il v and the p ihlie genernfiy a
',hurt cf their patron: r. No Kitts. shall ne spared to give
prom; tnessa"nd tlopnteli to any husti.est entrusted in their este.
A LACILT J. litLibi; , - L. N. TL110A1...,
Erie Jan.!, 1e...Z., 38
mutt cid and sell Itoo - vn etaiiii.hruent of the subeeribers,
tin remit , in the eft v'of Erie. lin. keen returned to the
three st , r3 Lrick h, ildint. ucrotty eres - t:d en the same 'pert,
one door north of the et ! nand. tt here the rath:ie will be .rerted
V 4 Boob sad .7ikava of all doe ript ions with fromptneer and tit
the lowest rain. 13011filNela with the cost of the work.—
Thankhal for the liberal parminge hcritafore,rs tended to them,
and determined to spare no endea very 10 give %Ili isiliell , ll on thb
more boitt of quality and pr,ee, they hope to merit and vet u re die
eOhliqued support anilencouruseuteot of the community. '
.Aria reb 11413-41. . J . It J. WILLIAMS.
, td U 8
log. ma extensive assonnsent of %sitars. Violins.
ma. gsaios.Tillobres, Flutes, Fifes, Ise..of ists.
qtaattly : Mew iteri tbr Gotta% Vol ins lad V*.
lembevi Weft. very ebee at
0. - T. 111 .4argra•OPPcsite Irttwirs. am* a
rigrifillwor. a row doors +ost cottlio
7114111X0 1101711111
ougamAx is happy to Invite all who wish DAGITERREO.
Tveg GIK EMILIO:SM. w bo are al all particular *hat kind of
pictfleesthey have. to his new Recruits which have been built es
pnessly AN the Art. LII3IIT is the real saint of the Artist. and
it has breathe eoastaut study of al; worthy of the name store
the Art was discovered, to employ and control at in the manner
best adapted So prOaillte the most favorable results. The result
(atlas study and oftliousands of experiments as that here Is not
a respeetab e permancni Caller) in the u Slates wh Ire the pic•
lure, are made by a ecurituon window. and be who at% s he eau
produessupertor pictures by such a window proves his uplorancc
of the Art. The suliseri o"i:ref:ire hegs lravc to say that by his
superior LIGIIT. anJ with an apparatus uorthaix tiincs tiny oth
er In this e itv, he is enalfed to produce itietures whir n s onus be
equcl dln this ,•Prt the ennal ry nti OlD•rs 10 excel! any thing
winch tall he produced in other r00m5...1 Erie. or forseit one tin u•
Jrc.l Jolt trr. Ile has ttLo a stJetultd Quick IVor.uor Camera.
with which he t Ars children ot inc. age! Iset it hedistoctJt ud
derstond his pictures will not fade ifprop,rty kept.
• 11.—Thet.recent itaprovetueuts" niay - re seen at the rifsare
rooms,. W. 11. aiIEIRMA N
Erie. Dept. 111. 1 0 .11. lit
110013ANT3 of plrents who use VerasifPfe composed of
Cartar oll.Ca!enecl. ilre actarvare. Plat whie they ap
pear to nefit the patent. they nre aetisnllitaying the Pr• adat pans
fur a aerie? , ofdiseases, uela as salivalsoa. lomat st4l.t, ereak•
ne , N &e.
In another column wit; be realm! the advertisement of II 'hen-
Jack's hledicines, to which we ark the attention of an di city
'wrested in their own as well as their children's health In
Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from tho.e of. bil-
I boos type. should make use of theonlygenuirie medicine, Hobert
sack's Liver Pills.
r43 1, * " Bs .01 deceived." but ask for Ilohensaek's Worm Syrup
and Liver PIIIS, and llbserre that each has the signature of the
Proprietor. J. N. 11011 EN SACS', as none else are genuine.
Aug 2l 41. - •
. '
tffirc ret o
Wg are II'AV prepared to viii the Premium Rods and
POi OF for any who woubt like to be protected from the
dangers of the lightning. !ten/ember the man that locked his
barn after his ht me was stolen. pad do not wait unit; t,oiir house
dr barn gets a sit oke lefore yo 4 rods to your.bufidings, A
word to the wise isstacient.
Li & CO.
N. 11.—Allordo gtrom a dist.ln —,net• It aneude..
Rods and points-at wholtralr . I
March la, IS:e.t., • If4l
p=azfo 1..0 T P It I 'Br •
36 1 `.ll-2`l.PY . ,„.N=rk;,...Tl'4iar,:;., t e.x:','.l.'l,
and ornamental, elegant patter**. elaborately rpm ed, aud highly
finished with Pearl keys. all of bur own manufacture, and war
ranted in every particular. eatific found at out Mt reroonie. atil
/ROADWAY, NEIN-YOWN. Sept. 25-1) '3 . fF.aiNI TT &
BA T411132.41313111131f T.
vioN. MURPHY would respectfully inform his friend'
and the public generally that he hto• loc.oted himself
at the old stand of Middleton & Mttrphy. on the Park
Row with a larger and better aserotionenuof Tin Om
per nud Sheet Iron Ware, manuraetureol of the i best iron. and of
fered at the most reasonable rates, wholesale og retn 11. Reba, on
hand Storrs of all prices and qualities constlneted with refer
ence to usetnlnets and convenience. and of tho most olllralde ma
terial. Also stovepipe oo ad elbow. and an assottment of
Which he flattershonitellis unexcelled. if conitied. In this e ity.—
.paits of all sizes and Cheere vats of evert description ctn.
stantic on hand. lirte tttt ined to pursue the business with enemy
and faithfulness. and to spare no effort to render .atisfaeliod, he
hopes to receive and merit a liberal share of publ is patronage.
Erie May 1 1e.3 . - 51.
INGIMAELOZI 001111,11=11:1
Capital SUMO%
allatlAL 'AND VONT STOCK RATKO, co.lflttsEii,
Ogee wader Afaiticn 1ia11.3111 Si
insures Pitts . l'e.
IT on the Joint Stock and Sfuoual prinelplev. thus hair
lug two dirtinee departmenbt, tomtit tics the turfy ilmics of two
serurate ecurntionim nt the ctpcnat onty of eonduietins • aingie
Inu4;tution. and controlled by ode board of Directors. thus accur
in; harmony, frugality end safety.
.1 . 171(•11 S. !loon. President. J. C. Leech: ,
ti. 31.7.321:au, Vied PreN't. C. A. Cction.
J. S. noon," .Y.weph S. Lev•lt,
nom ...VAT .
S. M'Clarkcn. Wm. Phillips.
non. Wrn We.k hip. Lite tlevrcnnry of %Var.;
llon. Walter Fotward,' (Ate erFrolry of Treannrs. •
I,lln 3nyd.•r. I ,Cash , er of rittenvg
7 , 111re 2 1401 Leer h. I:sq., %Vtio)crile G"GCCr.
' M
Erni:A Id BOARD, COM.Sf:I.TINfi PrrxictANs
J. Da zha tn. M D., J. Dro.Ar.3l. D.. W. Addi-on. M. D., IL G
1,. DR AIN.IR D. General Agen
•fl i e, i n, nen*. of the at the* place and 1.% n
a,. now ',rewired to receivt,applieations for Itan,ranee.l ( Aro to
htrnibh honks and ei re Lila ei plat ng the wire ip er i ehe
ny to any Who tawA. NI I. PI N..
Ott ;kr N 0.2 Will Mock.
1 A N V EIRS Oil for sale ai t he la. eft-market price, hp the
or lotrnel oarr.mte.lpitiiir fish oil. Miro: a nice article cif
lamp oil and bun, lug :hod Alt sale at the city drug itere.qtate rt.
11-;t Dee. 4 I`,'":4. r. UAL!,
fit strhseriber. eraterul to his frit rids tlttdithe pal lie for ale
1 I ilieral patronage extended to boa daring lila short career An
the tuereantilintwinms. toles this met hod of in fortnave them tint
he still town:ties to yell ends at his unasnaliy tow priers. for
ens', only. beltetdag that small profits and rjaick sale- is the great
feeret of *Dina bosines4. Among his present stock may he fortiid
ttroad cloths, ealwrineres, satinet's. restings, lanrha all, word,
crorlimere, palna leaf. silk and stranddla loug and smin re shawls,
paratarttis.tneriner 110:1 i 11C1. fighl MS; 1111dCrOCCVPI..
dereit collars. -Ito eri and linen lid!.(s,
rh' and einliroplereil, gloves and hosiery, TrIVCII ritilitlC., Life.
gjr;i:.nmt a general aasortineni of dress r i unitines. mere mime and
pri ittr..l4,iw a and bleached shirt' Ilea nad ings; MI of
n'hieh ehr.wer than :my other boorc ill the cat ty d Ire
mler the same qan hi) of go , d!i
erte Ver.. t.l
A :Shea temiite assbrtop•ni,,flitt cr,nt eNtraets the lies, in nutr
ia ket,,eztra 1i 'or the itat:ilkercitief of every Idiot. Colognes.
hair p 'ties, a mand toe it eertaiii e•I re for ehn pped bawls.
llpralve.t'havi•.flsoapsnid cream, OP tiro* dpir:l,ty.lly ruin, Itair
dye. hair restorative. depilatory r . *hart a e rourtanllp
k el, on hand a complete rise:white:lt - of every kil.d of Perflintery,
fancy articles soil Yankee notions of alinget every do 'ription.
PCISOUS W • shittg to buy are respectfully invited to trill as they
may depend updn lint they tt ant at the :4%1.01.1 price. at
the City drug :tote state•sr. Erie 1)ce...4 SD P. 11A1.1,.
Itond.anne,Brocidic nad Alapnea‘. very ehenp
at Aept.:ta. II NES t:Vt;
'I it o(itf.irtlVii:::the la rgest stock, the Lest ware, attii thc
e.t prices in this City Ls at
Erie. 1./.oc. IP. (K 52. ' Alt D I:CK T. P. &
Too 5 Road'
A" p., teteiv; vv. , a farce and welt Kilected stock of Dugs,
and Chemicals, dye Woods. 'dye mulls, oils,
paints, paitittis articles, varnishes, window glassvputty. Wassr
ware, perfumery, tine soaps, fine hair. tOoth and paint brushes,
garden and, dental instruments, teeth, gold and tin
foil. tobacco, snuff anti Cigars * prim wines and hrandies fur ;Med
icinal purposes, fancy articles. AWN* writs and v. ItitCf ;Wore.—
We make our pure ha -is for cash, and otTer good- as hiw as can
he bought in this sect ten, B3' Vl'arraon d IA N. trebb pure and
genuine, milers frond the country promptly tilled with ratio
mei itin a r d guaranteed. -
Physicians Prescript on. will receive particular attentica at
all hours of the day and ni . ghl. I:2 ke Not. 20 I e,12 2.0
r;NR I tNt'll English and American prints, at wholesale or retail
I cheap at Erie N oc. IS 1052—.1.0 JACKSILIN'et.-
illt (NTS L . ' . Alifin °Milt f:oifciuiifiMr eentsPcr yard , upai arils.
A lirie Dee. 4 1142. ' Stu
A OM AN I($ TOOLE—A new supnlithisilai lietti;eil at the
IT ,
cheap hardware store. Jan. Z/-9A RUFITS 'REED,
07 , 9 - s — o
o — C - 1.1 A LLENGE. „Co .
IrrnATEvER concerns the health an lhappinessora prop,
V is at an t ones of the most valuable importance.:.l take
roi gramcd that every person wiil do all iu their power, t 3 s. vc
the lives of their children. and that every two, ott will emloavor
to promote their own health at all sacrifices. I feel it 'to t o my
duty go rc }oit 110. WORMS. according ite old n
ion of the Incwt celebrated lip lc in nit, are the printery wises or
a large io..jority of ifiseares to it hich children and Ilrarelia
; if ;tut hate an appetite continually' cliang rthlr'fthin one
thing to another. Bad Breath. pain in the .toms h. Pick 1041 at
tie Nore. ilarilitictis and runners of the Reny. dry cough. pl o w
Fever. Pulse irregular—remember that all theredoilate WORkirl,
An article. founded upon Scientific pr z acipler. 'compounded
w lib purely veiiitable au listanres, Ltung, tterfectl) sale when ta
ken, knd can be itvetrio the most ieudt 4 r Infant with ilei.cribhd
I t.ttefic at Wee I. where Basel Coirplainle Dtarriisra have
made them steak and debilitated the Toole properties of n
Worm Sprott are such. that it itancts without on equal in the
catalogue ol medicines', sti Viet , a tone and strength to the Stom
ach. hichoinakes it an Itllallible for Chore lfflicted with
n)skpoia, the astonishing cures performed by this syrup after
Physicians have failed:is the best evidence of Its superior effica
cy over all others.
Thii is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infests the
human system. it gran Wu) an alinc4t indefinite length becoming
so coiled and fastened in the I ntslllloei and Stomach etketingthe
health •0 sadly as to cause St. Vilna Dance. Fits, &E., that those
afflicted seldom if o,er inspect that it is Tape /Peres hastening
them to an early grace. In order to destroy this Worm, a very
.energet ie. treatment taus he pnrsuell, it would then faro be prop
er to take 1110 d of my Liver Pills so as to remove all obstruct lotto
that the \Wurni rzy rup may net direct upon the Worm, n hich
must be taken in doses of i Tableopoont.ills three times nkiay
these direetiotuz followed have never been known to fail to cur
ing the most obstinate case of Tart Worms.
tore in
No part of the system is more liable to d iselsc tha n the 'AVER ,
It serving astafiterer to mutt, the blood, or giving the proper se
cretion to the bile so that any wrong action of the Liver ed'ects
the other Important parts of the system, and . results variously:ln
Liver COmplaini. Jaundice. DI &e. We should, there
fore. watch every symMoin that might indicate the wrong action
of the Liver. These Pulls being eginpOsed or anoTs
'airmailed by nature to heal the 'irk : Namell.l.t. an FlrirTn-
R 'OCT. which augments ms7retnln from the Pi :witry miens, or promotes c haree of secreted niter. Ind, an
At.T.itsvivr, n inch chanzes in sonic 'next"' leahl and insensiLle
manner the certain morni.l action of the sy.tent. fird, a toNic
which gtt cs wine a it strength to tile nem out rystent. renew ing
health and vigor 10 nil parts or the 14)4. 4th, a CALTUARTTC.
which acts in perfect harmony with the other meredients. And
opera° oil the Itowt:r. dedecrviiiii: the whole mnsit of corrupt
and vitille%! matter. and purifying ilic Wood. which destroys
ease and rtr tore.; health.
Ton wilt and there Pine an invaluable medielne In many tom,
plaints , ton hied jou are ruhlect. In ohetritettesto ell her faun lor
partial, *NI Mwe been Stund of inentimahle henefit. restoring
their functional ar•angcruents to n- healthy ISettofl. petit) Inc the
bond audotherfluids en effectually to put to flight nil complaint•
which may a riee•frrun fl itvtle irregularity. as headache, giddi
ner.g. dmme.ui of 'light. pain in the I dr. back, &e.
None genuine tinless signed J. N. ItoLensaek, all ethers being
base Imi
TTT Anent* Ni<hin netv ler. and Strne Keepen dextrous
ethecoming.‘ gesitsut ushaddreca the Prop r letur.J.N. Ifebesuaelt,
Bold by all Mc rehrtninn nd Prue , :late In the t'. R. Alirrenta.—
Carter at Brnther. Uric. Wholesale and Retail Agents. Porker.
m er c e r plsk-d c . Cleveland Ohlo. Price earh43 eenum.
G. W . Keyster. No. 1141 Worpl St.. Pittsburg. Wholesale .Agt. ,
who will supply Agents et the roprictors prices.
August el lea -. iylli
I_)ERPtlid ER Y,—The folios; ng elegant extracts and scents' by
I - Lubin. Bairki. Piver andhers. •ist Jockey club. Jena
mink Jenny LODI. Rose Buds. rpring Bowers; Sweet Pea. Pate h-
WY. iledlosiaia. Verbena. Tea Ens.. Ro.e Gernatuns. New
Howe Hay. Erie Oct. ss—t4. ' CARTER th. BROTHER.
/ 00 SUL& Ctetee. Crumbed. Powdered. Orsealated mid Iltr.
liel Wm" at Nev. 1146 litabasre A! Ow
jou ,-111:1'.2 , 7 EY
HMI Main Street. (I Owe saute y siserwasi's)
0. biaxial{ °Pelted nu extensive GIUrfLIIIIISINCLovettro
111 and Peltansamm ErreaLumitert, at the above Stone, it is
his detemaluntion to pay etelasive ttteetioe to the
From the patronage whir h he his nlrettdy. reerived. from gentle ,
mew. Mr. H. feels assured that the mode of doing Mut
acre, tt Mel' he has adopted. does had will give
ehtire ratislticthri to all who desire to
hare their garments Madcap In
GOW) TAHT from the
first quality of
M•vrata I a.
Will alwolys be in lkstendlnce to wait cpon Citatomerrond take
orders nraentletnad wi.hing n genteel ft and a fia.lifcna tie gar
ment wade up In tilt heft ti%!..
Gentiomcn't. rernishing Coods.
- of the La tr-t Style% enn.ll ntly on bend.
17)!:7/.13 4 sad c'////..DRCY'S CLirril/NO WI ads!" er,,Ler sciLk
June IS ten. i •
D un Kcc $ E:iai. Ing Kr.vderly the gm./ or doz, for en!e by
1. G. tr. W. I. 111 ille.
- June
No. 3,Wilkome Work. Erio.Pn.
' Clear the track fo
SMITH, No, 3, Chea s psidel . i •
INTIM has on hand thefmrgest stock of COOI.IP. in hie I ine, est r
V offered n this' market, is high were purchased for CASH ill
the Eastern eitirs, or manufactured by himself; by which he is
enabled to sell' t hem so low that people do say thermust have got
by the Custom Hoare without paying duty. Well, what if they
were smuggled, so that the people can buy
. Beautiful link 11. tts foe SLISO • •
siltrair, Itches far fil. SO. Mexican flats for :itt cede*, and .all
other good. at lake low prices. For procf of vrbich, nll imereit
ed en n call and examine for thent.el res. ,
region% forget the place, Smith's Cheap Hat Stare, \0.3,
r.r.e Nowealker IS.H. • r LIS
rift. S. thankfol for the liberal patronarr et'
I .1 tended to him by the eiiiZotlP of Erie and vicinity, %soled
sn vth he is permanently Incnted in bi= old stand on Strtte
where he may he:foond at all times ready . toexeeute Dental wo.k
in tine, best possible ttin timer. Ile niU also keep 04 hand an as
sortmentof Dental gtoek ftr the nedommodntinif offlentists from
the emititrv. Dentists are tnv tea
CCRII Or A DlSift ,
fiDltriftEi Lit AWN Daft TIGRIgytoN.
- Copy of a Leiter from Mr. R. W. Kirke', Chernist.7 Preseot
Street'. Liverpool, dated nth Jane, 1,7-51. I
To Professor Rollaway, Fia,—Your Pills and Ointment have
stood the highest on our sale lilt of proprictory Medicines for
some years. A customer, to whom I can refer fpr any cool/ irie 2 ,
desires mete let you know the particulars of the rose. Site had
been troubled for years with a disoidt red liver, and bad dicestom.
On the last occasion. however. the virulence of theatinca was
sordarml net. and the inflaniat ion set in so severely, that dotitits
were entertained of her not being able to tear up under it ; for
tonately she was induced to try your Pills, and site ;fir - Avis
me that after the first. and each succeeding dose, she had great
relief. Flie continued ip take them. and although she used only
mit ,
betes.i.he Is now in the enjoyment of pe.rfeet health. I
more cases. but the above from the
coul have sent you many
sore it) of the attack, and the speedy cure. I think. , speaks innch
in fa or of your astopirhing Pills. (Signed) R. W. *lairs.
tl LAND.
Oil of a Letter ineerted in the //obart Taff raffle/, cf ars
lit March, Ib3l. by Major J: WakA.
!Mctrdtwet Id*Conntertn, nineteen tears of aze.rintldinc nt New
Tow n, hn 11 rrn .uffer nit from a violent riltrulnitie fever - N. op.
war , l4 of twO inoidkr. which had entirely derived her of the uwe
of he ; during itor period : lie wit'. under the care of the
!OW 'lament medical ludo in Hobart Town. and by then' her en4e
"OM .onridered hopelers. A frietid prevailed upon her Nay (Id-
Igwa ',celebrated 'Vt..** Inch ,ffecoureitted to do. and in au iii
ired'hle short space of tittle they effected a perfect cnie.
peed mews. Thew 4- So Proprietors of the Lye" Advert set
trk comisinrck for - the &Marin A.. pi c•K et I ,!siret , t .2kd,
Profe•eoor (101 l dmore to bear a nimony
Iliwnr , ran. ror ionic years I sutra:fed
'erectly front s pain and in them:oar:eh which n ati
accompanied by a Adierincas of breath, that prey. ..fed n.e front
walking abogt. I ant fti year, of age. and not ills toy
ad% aimed vie oflife, there Pills hove so relieve.) mt., Ile. 1 ran
defirot that others shook) he made neamiiiited P olt tlivir tw
ine, l a m now modem]. by their ineaus, comparat i rely , ac tive.
r. eau take e'er.. .0 withwit ineo , v caier.ce or pai 1,. übich
could not do befarc. (81,0c1) cur„
North et- Lynn. Norfolk.
These releiraled Tiffs ore wonderfully dets...4ldr, ix Ilse jollcriog
,Agtie ". Prom Liver . Com-See ot . rla ry
Asthma Iliyrei.teryi plait•ts Sy Pllptoins
Di ti toils CQW- F:r)pipclas i . Tic Ilet i tou rcui
plaints Pettis'ir Imp- Pries Tiiiunii is
Mute:Les en the • inrities Rheum::44"A I t:eils
;not - Fevers of WI II etent ion of Ve n ereal-Ar
nowso C€llU- Moils Cririe i fecti•3l.s
Oa hits Fps Seraiita. ur Wriritis °Fail
Cohcs Gout Kis-% K ii hi nds
CJII.ti pm inn of tlearli.aehe Sore Thrrorts W*3 knn e a s
tlii• Power* Indigestion t toriernottirav ftrnri Y . :hairy
CunriiiiiiitiOa Intlaisitticu et er caw.*
Debility • Jaunilice • ' tz.e.. it ii.
Sold at the ettlabitshoseztt of reorest.or, a- ay, 214. Strand. ,
(near Temple Bar: Loodou„)'stos Ali resiteeschtetlet nixts awl
dealers its 111edtc toes throagLout Me Uritisti Empire. awl oftlfoxe
or site Unae.l ewer. 111 Lose., at 1.17ietz.,, Kers.. at rs es
each. %Vittalerak. tt) tlut prilrf al - druz l:u7rhiii LLe Utticsi.
Ly s e xra. A. H. &U. tlzso•, Ne York.
Li :-•a euttviderat.le awing by tab mg .beta-err ttz...
. it. for rho gaidasa eof p..tkeittt. sit %cr) i 1-.
are StAse.l to er.elt iloe. 1_ . 21
by tile Lbl, at 11 per 34:1.
j ay . . „. T .. l l .lrore j at ;
Juts ...S. No 1. ST;III - w.. :Moe k. 1.1
DVlitLt 13 11 VOE Or 2' 011 Tt A
, c. & .1. Iti.f.rt..No. 6 Fot
rj. iiicrraiLli•iieit Bono -
21111111: T ..! A 'V TirLtr.
rlr practice in the rcuri,o of
State*, awl for Couve . nix ;
and Nted ul tiStthts..s ceuera ty
a...curt - 4 of Fenru.ylvarua.
suert...q precedent. and tele.ene.
wlactr.are appended a Weassary
Ity Jamie!. D. Irrunin p, Coo
Dot.. 'Price—Four Dollar.
Ths.: Fin LI i+l iris !rave :ilrearl
reshleet Judge. of our
tt the legal pr . t.frrsion. their
highly cointianuentarr iritur
large ut.uiber of .111 eq 'all) f
G'nllemen; Thceolleetion
which ha,lbten in
tail's work in 1:43. needed ri
and to adapt 'nem to change
esaary in the practice in a
Yon, edition (..(that w
apv )11.1Innt
11l t CfQre recent rot. as it Inc , ite , V, the
and want: Which
O gene. :It thronzlrout tt:c State.
alsolitclOroo hare received frcrn
t re.pect in the crefulatess and excellence of
4 , 1,111•JII of 11 aunt tiic woul.t tM znperilininii.
nett. hos• ever to rentark that 1 ala , roce 01 the
(er atidarranr..6l :en t of the work. and, ha v i:le et •
inn of thorn.% e.Litun which you are puhlti.hing. 1
the author has ,Ireatly etilaraed and (input. ert lAA
allei that. o hen totl.iisliett. his kok will Le the IllOst
it al.d useful one 01 the kind extant.
wa. kit t;UPIPeSP to
After tia , nu:Lcroil
eminent pidpv,
that work. epnon
may be perm,
general Cllnraej
aminird n POT
luny ad.! t A
Very truly yours, &e .
ri.E. C. k J. Biddle.: R. G. M RITE.
Piushnr;th, Ap ril 14 1549.
.entleinent .• Dunlap's Conveyancing n ormi•• is a work of
ee idol merit. lam pled to find that it late be reproduced. w ith
n 3j oy valuable additions - It should he in the hands not only of
law) err and tnagistraies.hut of the bust neii community general
ly. There hi scarcely a position in line in which a man VI if I not
°cession/ill) find liiuneif in need of the assistance of she h a work.
I hope 'the author nwy be abundantly reuumeratud fur the
- earning and industry bestowed upon it
W ith areal respect, yours,
Messrs; E.C. 3c. J. Biddle. WALTtR FORWARD,
Greenshurgli. A pill!), P;l2.
Gentlemen: You have favored me with the printed shrew-from
page 9 toi 139 tnelusive, of the iecoad edition of Mr. Dunlop's
Huck of Florins. lam pleased learn that a second edit ion o f
his work is about Icing issued. It hal. lent, and non' is. one of
the hest troika of the kind in the hands of the profession. and is
evidently munch improved by the dilator's revision and additions.
I hate the pleasure of an acquaintance With Mr. Dunlap lie
gentlemen whose retteeetalde professional allaitintints and
methodical hahitof Mind fit him well to bejhe author or VUell A
nark. I shall not hesitate to recommend it to the gentlemen of
the Bar is the Kith district. Vtry respectfulh. &e.-
111essrs:E. J. .1. M. lICRRELI..
Huntingdon. April 26 IP.II.
Centleusen t Important thaws in our maims. '-wee the pub.
Illation of ••••trottlap's Ccmve,i, anchor and Fortn.." icenard tu,call
fur sonic enlargement uf Om excellent aOa high:y tireful work
The editionm latch you areato
tit to publith. eitibod) tug as it doer
a very large amount of new d varied matter. and acing Kt %ref(
whittled to general and iltel.M4 ,W , rim Cannot fail M be greeted
with a cordial welcome by t lie ofeurtnti.
A familiar acquaintance with the work. nod a careful elrtml •
nation of ihel.heets of the fivrtheomirmeililion, enable to ree
mninend it. *lib great confidence. ns n hook which 'Mould be in
he 1114114 of every rcri vent*. love nit early in the li
brary of every gentleman ralOgeil ro the prectlee of the Intiv.
Vert resit )o.ursice
Meserv.l:. C. & I. Diddle
°et. 34 1932.
it I; and extra o Into !cal &yawl around in oil by the nottnd
keg or ton, Linseed oil 'front Ohio warranted pure, boded
and unrolled, by the barrel (*.gallon, Fortis Torrent toe I n aim
liatice. varnishes of every k did, chionie green a nil yellow. Amer.
lean, Chinese, venni it iOll and yen men red; yellow ochre, french
)ellow, Paris green, lampblack of every quality, Prussian and
ultra-marine blue, whiting„,l red lead. Whetter, Turkey umber
and every other kind of paints and materials in the trade whick
are oared as low as can be tiotighl itt this latitude.
-Erie flee. .I P. HALL.
50 Buses irtpicrior Eaveniiira l'ubacro clap grader, alio Ore
natural leaf Tobacco tor eiate by
Erie Nor.. it • E,iricarti• TT & Ca,a. cbear.bley
CIIAIN. Wall and Cietcru Pump', all aiiew and prlersat
Erie. May 13th. 1E42. onPark Row.
'VI CLAW SAWS. MM.>: eta and Circular flaws at TA Snloll
LI advance. Nov. VINCENT, lIIMROD & CO.
OT%RDar,Sbect and Pig Lead. able , ' Zinc' at
BUG Wood, Amulet and colored traeeletcjiiiii,:4eice - i
( A U5T17,1•14.
Erie Aucuct 7 te34 16. Opposi c Fltown'o Hotel
N abundance ef- tire Silver Ware on hand of his own - and
Eastern manufacture. Silver Spoons, !Adler. hugar.Tougs
and S..oons amt other Silver Work wide to oader.
E-arar ing done in stiperior st) le. Corporation and Aor
tv Seals engraved and die sinking done to any iu Vii.nern
cities N0v.111812-2tl. • G. 1.0051
it iktiF(l3ltißk.-I.ubin's ittaiitocky ito , ie.,Geron-
Tatehonly, Ilerlyertnia.'llelotropc; Violet. Murk, Jas.
min, Mlle:lucre-New mown Ilay, Jenny Lind. Citronelle, Rosa
Mambale. Verbena. eternal 1., Cologne. Macassar Uri and rikt
Marrow for the Hair, Cachou Aromatise for sweetening the
Breath, and all necefimry articles for 1..rt4'1.1m1 (:.`m s.
at Um, Ike. Mai O
ai - J. H. BURTR & CO'S.
Now Clothing =StabLis/anent.
•twhseribers have eonneeted with their *tore 14 , 10 stock
a °tread, maitre lothi ne. of home manutketu re. to %bleb they
would eall the attention °fide public, their stork consists in part
of Proek. Deem. Sack and river seek Coats. Pants and {eats In Made of Meting material, with finish and style
unsarprturs4 and preeesso low as so astonish the behokker. Pimple
ennead email On mire..
Saw Dv- 4 VINCFAT lIINIIIOD 4. co.
f.too to mike Clem con% toient:
Inch hod rendrreti nen
rtm iu l'efift”lvaif in,
INIIII/111 Ali SOS 001112PA8T,
(0 Philaild_phia.)
A" ". Scans bastaesson thellitttualplan.girinirthelnettred
'ir partie 'potion In the prodtsoftheCompany,withoutliabili
ty beyoutlthe premium patd.
Risks uponthe Laker nndeanalinturedon the most-racorable
1 terms. Loosen .will beliberal ly ant( promptly:Awned.
, FI re rleics on merchan.litc,fiitil , liwz.aud titherproperty,ln town
Loccountry.for a limited tem pertna;:eDtly.
DI RP.V•I`t tit B.
Joseph H. gent, • Joann) , C. 11:.n.1, Edmond A. ouiler
l'heophilin.rnulding. John V. Das to, • 11. Jones Brooke,
I Ettsber t Burton, John Garrett, John 13. Penrose, -
Ilucti emig. 14.,:0ur 1 Edwards, George Sorrell,
Henry LitoTenee Pa, id il. Stacey , Edward itartl ngton.
',Gharlerliellc,, Isaac R. Davin, J. G. Johnson,
William Falwell. 3% illiani Hay. John • Newlin,
Dr. S. Thomas, Dr. R. M. illitiOn. John eller,Jr.
Spencer Methane, '
Richard . Sett licull. Sec') ; Wm. Martinirreet
Li Application CDJU i.e made to
.1. ERLI f OGG,F.rie Agent,
Erie, Feh. 10. 1E52.
The Trio County Matnal Insurance Company
fp 1119 Co'inpany divided their rio.kv into ewe' Classes,4. Forel ((Toss or Farrers Cm,par.y. in which farm pruperty
and net:l:Whet building.. may be in.ured. No risk taken to this
this 10 ric , eed z-29+30.
Second ein.S t r COtTIM..te {3l Depart:teat. in which Violot3E ,
kinds Of buntings, inerehandsze &e., in Villages nod
rtely be insured. No rink Info ain this Class to exceed
The funds in one Class will not he taken tom tosses in another.
• '
• ' Xtotth Jackson,;,. Jame D. !Dunlop,
J. n. fultertoo, P
J. C. Monition.
Rinderneebt; John Vintnerly,
Win. A. Galbraith, Peter X. Burton.
Jot. M. Sterrett. .1: D. Clark.
t t.. I. Tibbab, Geo. Belden. • •
J. FI. Williams.
orricsas. -
Smith 'Jackson, Pres't,.. . J. 11. Wnlinors, Tress.'
Office first door west of Williams k Wright, Brokers' ()Mee.
- Office hours from 10 to 12, 'A. M., and from belt past 1 to
1, P. M.
May 23, 1152. 2
nR. C. J. PDX, of New "orit City, has lotated permanently
if in the city of Erie. Gill hetreltment and curr of Disea r te t , of
the Eye. in nil their varieties and stages. Having assisted and
t,ceu In acilvc fLf crvca/Ilycnn. in nue variou depart
ments of the science of Medirine. be flatters himself that all
di,enses Admitting of cure May Le accomplished under his
Heri.avcr:rs —Prof. Stott and Pneldry of New York; Prof.
MarFll and Faculty jfAMany 31eLlient College; Dr. Leach, Eye
I:.6rmari:l'lico. N. Y.
Itftee with Ur. Browialcid ; No. 3. ug'iet,' Clock.
,s Erie. June 5.. • 4.
OillarCarr/it EITO=
GLo , INDS has reuiered to No. 4, Prawn's Block.;
and is now opening a hew and one of the moo:
„IA ,ith and splendid Maori trains of Fine Watches. Jewel:
( 7 1b
ry, and Silver Ware that wasever offered In thisctly. endear in::
a gre Nt varlet) of Watches of different I.',eatietnente. both rt,i
and stlver.stitlthelatest .t:t le of ctia i tts. Seals. and Keys to 'nate!'
to;.ether with the most 1 - ishionahie Jewelry, consisting, of tine
gold diamond. ruhy; pearl and topai Finger king,,, ruby and per.rf'
lin:aches arid Catrpt ndan ts: It racelet ts. &e. A !so, Cold Lot. kets.
gold and silver retie i ls. gold Pens. des.ert and tea 14,0 , 31e.5. Z.; 1",:11"
Tom:sand Sc.pimit, Napkin Rings and Porttuonies. an :IF • id
ment of rich Plated Ware, Crtlx , , Tea Sett., unite. F eh?.
Spoons, Lrldie.. CantiloAtel ,, , atid a great variety of Fancy and
other Csoolisl, both useful and artialoctital; Clock, of all des rip
(ions from 81 WI to aeht, nil of %. hieit is Al be sold as cheap a the
cheapest and a little cheaper for ready . ray. The attentt i of
the former cdstemers of G. Loomis and the tmldie geuemily i in
vit,,A in tins iicaice. June;.
Livery :snd 'Salo at-a-plo. :
.I.3b4cribers having bought oht the interest H. G. Ts
ns in th-ir establishinent on right Illy,ett to•lwcen . tate
ench, would give notice that they are" now fully and :im
plied with hurses, anti ditrcrent varieties cf carriage . of
y I , ebt CetteriptiOn , Their rock is aline-t entirely en .
sentiently. of the tirt.t rate'charaeter. t Li:gig Nato tag.!
tfully invited. . `J .
rts wailing to Pt/rellaff.
horses , nit! nod a lull sill pt for
rpot.e constant!) onla:4 ,
7. 4 ,
A .4
. r. NoRcRoF
" 'y.: T. w4•A:NINI
1 1 "1
ply pit,
the te
anti e
it teat,
that p
Jit!y !I. 15.71
__. - -- ___ - ----- ------ - -
1 - 7....1233LZ: re' Ca.. 17::::417 . ..4.L3.::Z11.1'
I . 1 N II 1; i' i .1. I. 0 . _
. P II I IN ' N li r k C 0 :
• N 3 Itt.4 by ... TRELT..IILTPA./.0. •
old cti taw" F.W.l:rced, I.Vi/0 eOlll int/CT . n the'new lam.)
'I N 11: been It r 2 cly et.g,nrd In the ottanttlacea.e
!Rod...Meat B001:1';. hod '/, on.: olfeOilly 711:1111.113Cturtlig pa!,
' in Pao it,o:e. a , e “I 1 .l'ed 1.7r!,;1:1i , i. CI Pry a rtiele i n 1./. 0 ,1
li, I,:rest in ;t't 4. t :1t;<1:111.1 in exalt:tr.:a rot their ou n
loon-..n0el k I n..:3___nf 3 i i•-• c:1 1 nent:g and ScYJnlFin• - k from
Imern Poololl-berg;l6o . % are iherel,y elan' led 10 Fell them.
1 or own :t o-cacil an vaoce on cwt of tot nufacture.
1 tat attr , ;roil to. 1,1% nen to their uei' ell , tion Gr
c• 11}.
i P.
pub! ie
ti •
811 E
r, of LI : and a!,o t , .keir 0-.oM:writ Of
edit oot o and School Library aoolv3,
prohJiov the fo rceal ID INC erite, ha vinf Veen eel, etcd
tc fo4ni-thivast evt-ry Lk, k mart in the 1:1:not.
.11,11h1: 3 , Cup and Letier 1-apere.
. difec sty froni'il.c Leavic-.4 !no nufacturers in the country.
• ii,,a I:l,cue. a 4 , :ctl: surfed in sty prices to
1 - Le!4•r.f'l• DIrALER en 3 eeneranv dntlicate their
irk at pnrrsod leos. thivesn.
I entire- - coer of trzii:ryt ,t;ot. t New YOck to 11111,:o.
ten to 'twenty-di] 1.13 •.f is.
!Vie , ' VA 111. _r.::; 11: 11:0 s in:e priee,ns, if the
CT 4‘ rre I , 4l`st.l•L. INN I V . er: CO
P.d.';-I.cre, Noe :E.: We.; : 4 cocca , :t'.
Ct :1 tz.. - 4--2-1. • EFAI U. Y.
:11 () () I)
rill! [ma fcri: er, a orA,t ortin en,; the r.ttctition of tke pu!Aie to
A •Ih f N II: it rc , c,vii:2 7 :arca ;tad %%ell -c:ccl,-,1
terrine 101 Pry CY 11-Ir.:a:ire. 4 'roe%ery and
r yr k c•mi , pri-ei tart- vat-toy of 1:1-.7.4 rit.:As
llo.,;, , tr-. aid
lte PIT. IC 'too CIII•Ted. aml for quality and •te !f•
car.not e t . C.111(014.(TS Cluj
put :ic ci.etn;i3 arc rt riCitti to ca .m.! exa Lai, c
iced c.n:,4cr:t that Ire can °leerier penift at no
rates as arz. otlrrit to tkie inatlst t. II ti t7t).
I:, to iict I'o2
_LARGE 171L11.118, •
For Um Carr* Wisidesrs.
A rib °Murat a Erne!' and At.,t ivin glom. so ita*.lic
tut the a bove pub% nee-. - 25 &
_ _
wit!. c
New It
% t..; II
r.rd irq
All .Ir 4
*Q . I i.Kti--iirocade. ate.r. tick ro Irc
rique, 1), Sow, 11;.• Nap-.r h.inrnat tarrcd
nail' l'lorrq , rl , ,licnnett nnri:^ntii;s.:Sit l / 4 Velvet!, Hack.
1.1.4. Hark, gre•-n !Jur. br0..% it. pita( ;Ind ligurcd
grit. Nov. 1.7 11,4 4 2P2-- , 20
I'GA RS of jivret Ita I it) f 00, IS-1 to IA per CUM
Tcaogreet4and Mack for a., le ar clirdp the rlrr l Pe't . r.n
caut,ct (.11 in , uitimre kos eh. iu winlii) . and price, t the 1.04n , 1
chrstor rack. Fur eat,- :.t :he city drue , lcre. Ts? I'. 11.11.1..
L'asT arriet nt the Calif ..rma, a fen !ante of tho,
.{{ stiGttidid hear) c . 1' itc.nt Les er ilvulit. tVatchet,
inovements•:reot sup. - rict . tt..e.tailatisb in and or.:crcd
trulmiedest•resslt f. r • G. 1.01}111. , .
Erie Nov . • 27 =No 4 ltreaVn's Block
\V A l' ATE LAS. T !!
I'llE& l dfi r thofVincent , fttmrod&Co.,hatuugbeen.lis•ohed
on the first of March last. a now P.Trtue•rolup Its. been r:•-
trred into WI n the ttut•scrit = ers under 'he 041110 mune. to tal‘c
effect frcan Mai date, they (Lett:Cc:re watt): the taditic and " a4l
the rest of I..aolitid.' • that beneetorth our motto .'hall he Frt , h
prices and promo pa) merit. Al our 'tote may he ( * wind a large
and well eelecled s•ock of Dry Goods, Grweries. hardware.
'Crockery. and Tin ‘‘ are. and at our Fotindry alnios every va
riety of machiimeasiiiigs from a Swart Engine to a s etch shoe.
(air Mill gearing being proVerlually cupertor. As for Stoves we
Can't Ue heat in quality or price. neither up street cos JOWD, our
Keystone and loon are favorably known and our ne - v Farmers
Favorite for thekitc hen and tottly Fianklin and Eevzre for the
pa rlor ihrOW rtliOtherrrill the shade. ROOlellihOf (Aura I. • and
prompt powitemi. B. =
avir.l.l.‘m lIINROIJ, •\••
• JhtlN 11. VINrI:NT,
F.rir Ott IS3I - '34
N. B.—Tltore indebted to 114 - vld Firm arc rtottfted to cat! and
pan tip nedihal soon.
NSW YOUR A.:4 - D - ZG7firllfiSktPX LaNra
Tline cow.istv of forts first claini Canal tome on the Hud
son Riveriand Erie Ca•ial—rtitining in connection with
00 Oiejilitoeind IT, 1 Ii Stcznitionts
Propeller! , on the Western 1-ike4, and daily lit sof etenuiers on
the Illinois, Missignini and !thin Rivers.
Ill!“:1 A I,LEN. & CO.. :N'tw York.
ALLEN, (..PATMAIN & (N) . Fnof Main-St., Barak...
. -
R. 1.. it nwer.r. formerly of thmtVesVnt.rike Boat Line. I
C. 11. c A mo K - T , D , N. Y. & I).. Vrn State, Line. Broad
J C. OVI'M • 31. " New York & Cincinnati Line. j it. N. Y.
Dunn A t.r.r.c. " Eckford lane.
Mark Goods " N. Y. & MISS. LI Ship Daily, Pier 4, Pont
Broad Street. New Ybrk.
Jon tit, le Y 1 . ctxt..l. MURTON, Arent: Erie.
llf AVE im handthehest alsortment of [Alamo in this e;ty.
from the hest Coen Mes 4 10Wn to 25 cent 1% - 10-hey.
Prie Dre. I F 52-311 - 7'. U. 310012F.StateSt..
ji t!ltelrtiidfirc k erode de telorizt7luo
eionattnzt:siko ril 2
ATS—rrars, Manilla. and Wool Mats of nit sizes and c
orf for int le e hen p at nee. f '52-30 NIOO
NEW YORE;ift ; n m ref o r. D
TO PARK RO fr 3 DOORS FROM tir:o ivy s Horr.L.
DRY GOO[) FOR THE 3111,L10N.
riE Subset ibers r r 2 happy to :alone tl'e r Cmtemerrt and the
public that they have removed frein eztaic st . to the above
store. n hero they are prepared to offer their customers and the
Citizens of Prong Ivan la lie best assortment of goods and the
ton est prices west or Ne% York toy. the syriem of low;pnees
adepted and carried , Ell I. us front the commencetnent ed our
busittet4 to Or. pre - eat Wl*, 1119 been of gre.ll benefit to all who
have had the wisdom to reap its advantages, and the patronage
which has been bestowed upon us by a discruninatinit pul lic..
has assured us t hilt our etrorts have been appreciated, having
the first pursued the plan of obit nig prices to the Jou est
living rate.. we intend to follow i up. and ill furnish ourrustom
ers. with the roost varied and ex etiPrve stook of the heft and
cheapest gobrls west of New York Cr ty. . the decree has gone forth
and the proof circulated among the pecpte that the New York
store is the place to purchase sour dry goods. our facilities .te
such. that we shall know no competition in Lupines.. IVeslunl
be in the receipt of new and durable goods weekly, Ctrougli the
season. Ple4suentenitter that you eau boy more izcidiis, tor the
CUM . money et the New YOrk store than at any other sttre ‘syst
ef Neu York.' MCI:RICK & [DAVIN..
Erie. March 281 4 33-1 d 3 dont% from llrown's ltott Ii
_ . .
Bibles and Prayer Boo ks.
JUST re cued from D. At pleton k the f t asSOCill'er t
of liihles find Pra3 et 11440..ri I in this inacket.-
Call twit amine them at Nei 9, flt4H zi'• 11(11 , 1.
Erie Feb . 1)1'121.1N &
i -- kOtAVIN a.
THE &Inc riber Is flrpa rod to ctccute all doseriptiOns of en
gravit,g cn wOod. letterlne Spoons. Rings. 4,e .Thes. r.g•
It res. Bsatr. ps of soli or 1, raps nsnde to onier. llydersfrom nbehaJ
necompttniel hy drawings and lull ireetions.risostrptly dtsp,ten
ed. and on the molt liberal terms. M. 8 rETTIT.
Frertavin. Nirarb 19 Ir3J. 93
curtain Virtue*.
T!Jig 03y retein^a two gross of Putnam's Patent Beltseju.t
ng Curtain tixturrs. Moon good assortment of Cord and Tas
sels. Erie Dee. 4-efifl murus RtED.
ne.OWN 8H r r rINCN, fo'iptannties to snit plasehnolens. stthe
I/ store in the Sennett Moen, at p•iees which cannot fill to
pleas.. Dee . 3-0 SENNETT k CO. '
Pltill/A . IPS 1111311DZO
rhysiolcksical Vizw of at arrisob
IA par...and 131) ne 111 in Ind cluude•l
11:7PR/CE ONLY Tirt:.% t-f• c f .
ST Lent free of po.ta7e to all ?tits
rill gArEiT took e‘cr U.0.L.‘1121
big the quantity of neidir 7 in.,ver a ihat
CENT or DO LLA r g
oily or Marriage, and the secret inritnitues and
and maturity resulting front esces , e. %Inch
and mental. powers. 011 d'aelwes ari-ruz from
plain nnd simple rules I r tvh,cli ail !Mrs r 4t
withont mercury, with the author's 01-er (31, 0 c,
duties:lnd dlitqualii'cr.tions. at ti their ;flue
°graphs. Illust the :ilia tainy at.d
of the reproduct; organs of Loth , etc,• t
and Ping 'lone itroniants intkny oria,l hint
temP:ating ma.riritony which will cp.
niarnage; nrme hOtt e‘er. StiOUld t`,
Out IS nq coir.uto ng it•ria.r.t. It tt, :
whether married or single. Him:
children. Strangers n Ito troll] re inrd.rait i d d
'any doe or. ought to know u. ;e:her a,er
derstoo.i uy thc.e whom they em;toy, and
imposttlon ofrpmekery, so'prmaleu l In ;i0;.:10,4,
'the advent:tee ors popular , k not% te !ge of
i•• *Ai k".
belhe te , t tale
sought fl'oni locks.le I common .cmediserimlll3t
rut Simplicity and outrageous sitsr ,
LaCroix is a legally qualified rh) ci,m, and f
years has Leen doily cungelte.! Urot) the duree,
which his book treat.. per , onally tie is ell as by bra
eon wending twenty-tise rents in a teller, p, A! 44,
one copy by mail. free of pn.trigr, or lite rcuirs
dress DR.M. R. IA CRol X, Pti Rea cr_ k i , ri
N. V. (ace open on Sunday from 2 trnt tl 5 P
TT RECol.l.ktill . .—No. .74 Real
intr.) Albany N V.
i .ifiluTlCLl—The "Branch Off.r , in Ruffaran
rd, :VI lettere should be directed In lir. M a 3. L A f,
N. V.. where they will wet will/ ',romp 3ti ena ,
Fel). 19 q i s:l .
A LARGE; and varled.asioritnent of 1 mama,
Li the tate i taps , • ; palmtop. paned to all ar
will be properly .0 dif required without e 71%,
brace, and anew, rtrrs of various Lind, all of al
at less than New York retail price,, to all a/koa la)
the above articles on e parit will be much to Klan,
befote huyinuelPewhere. , Dee 4 l-rit
WUNDOW Mass of all vizor and
nod will be sold ai .rnoll advpOix..,!,o% e Le,
I IlduePluefi IS tor , ;stlrt noses to DU) at the C 11) Vry,g,
Dec • 1,42.
11RANDI ES,Liguori+. Alcohol a n d
I) warranted warraed good e,
and pure will be sold ,3
isfactory manner. . •Erm Dee. 4 l'i!;42-30
• T 1 AS
best and cheapest Lot of Green andll,
.1 can be found at the grocer) , more o; 'l':
I:ee. 1-30. OcHforiie ftrown• vi
LI:11:11 Bi...l,l,si.—Dpikt. Lin} untii
t•-- 7 went and a.certai;ted tbe‘ prices at the
brie Dee. 4-30 / kr
D \u u aeg.llwee . :sitiotard.l
ctrea,iZellatia and a darn:and articles too rn
therate %%hick please call and sxainine
SoyA L.351.—t5 CiTERRETT & 1,l
T3l - 7 ; :' , ;"‘ Patent ;ell-adjui•tinc la,
n'i.o Brass Lands, Brass and Glas,
IF:k2 ' •
St ,le St.. opposite Reamerl4w, Err.
rig subscriber. (late of the firm of G. Ectin r og
Lefore the F:ric public and ittetnity.
'patron i „.7,e, confident a tarn. anti weli , .eieeteriptu t t t
, rt and uu..t 1.1011 , 3, , at•fe GOoDe aln a,' at I, r
ortth the inanutaeturingtor barer Hare and Jr
. .
attention to busine-s w5l insure a renyotkutor
been few the pa.' tineen years a resitteni t.,1" Ira
to remain the rem of life. t he eat); le 1%
.ar,e," but al wai s on hand to log is oh the - r,..41
eusta in mysclf and family, r n the it oriel. a n , l I Ord,
deasiOr to maintain the reptitat ion esjturd !% theci
particular. Tli. nkfu! to a zenitrous pubbr tLr irk ,
Jar in life, I shall condeavorlto merit a c on' t anascsaf I
Aug. 7 P.SI-13 . 'l' fir Si. ;
N 13 --tV , tobes;Clneksiand Jewrlrvrarvi .11r rm
Warted at tla Illairreek Wairs Far.
7.1 .1. st,',:r rtl.r r h.:N. - I.en 3lr. John Jos% nit .in
I. [tie 11.. nu 4 !lasi tiers. in hi, chitin,,,
("mut hii..F , her.' they are prepared to Ina noL.lcuire;
of yr 4cl . t:10 e:oth. ea..,iineri.. Nat:keit.. II . nn. L ize
or h)'the ya rd.... 4 It ell 0. an% Other esta LI p.ritwin i a :
hat, , 2. ri...virypl can', a . ea., Le cot l ip o We-ter., r e
Co •lil - ,1 rid ••••... , ni riz done for:- cent,. a run of Mei
rare! ~ f., N4i'.. , :rt I.;, ; r ll). cloth dressing done-nit
1 .. n141..0461: ,ii,rt notice. _
C..ii....t- u Z:fh , I .n i colors retaint!ti for cztra pt!
it iili!..'ap at the on tiers riok.
1 Ili —1 . 1 , 1%.4,1V, icav Ing Wool at John II i nn:r, Ent
^at I will 1 , a% nit taken nu Saturday and' rt turne.l
-• +[ a 5 Ili. , ,a ii.e.
:ti.!...rctit . July 3. 11o3:1 a
- SL G.
•'1 /Treadway: befit/Au Dei and Fadtux rtrert....
Purnishinatioods df tire litest
ly On hand. val. Mr titary. I - truths', and Chadici to order with neatness and dr.At , „: , a
111:1 Vt'atcheb. rich Cr W'
Gat Portrait nod Pienirr Fr;
me and Child e ide and suspending I.tith r s.Gir
41.tinrid and Nun Glnvs..lnsical In•trintii
Fietich and Certmn o
Y;:rk• nod receitatid opening n( want trri
s iie and road. Cali in and pee the sloth. L'lly 3ej
ri , e. if 3 ou
}:rte Atte 7 I •-5..?. flppo.ii•• env
_ _ _
, 11r.Sliiiri.n iron Co. have tlLeti asicre in town,
ruenh keeping a full: ripply of II the d; li
lof inn nia kr. and fl iSOa er alieme
i't u.ed i!!!• , I• ccr
rie , t to ii told fiat none better arc 'ezist
! .1 Land :tor V — alo eLc.
i; r. sn'..rerit•er his tworlirins. to se:. I in,ll etivt,ir
'f t
f.suniir,epurpozes; rind convenient to 11310 ,, t. se'
1. eared and adapted in proper Purnell* in van , 1.r. 1
s'l , (/e . :ri na to inrike good; locations had 1 cc,cr eal
e•a net t. gon 2 .'. d ine of !la Im it a swill pi .ec COOLIII
31 and the whet . 1:10 to ten acres more or leer.
i • -- -- ........ ...-... _.. . _
l'a?.h paid for, Bounty lawd witfritt•ts or loelted by
% 'eft Siniagneht, Erie lb. I'a:, .11Ay 16th 1,::22
L...--_ --
- - ---------k.ey .
keystone riPapor rains,
BRIE. P 4.
, I-R.. El.llll' "...I:1R V-Itilhaving disposed of b•• 1 r
21. nf.r.n.rc:.tarli,hrtirat.F i.
ind in the triner.e.
'‘.l9Sanitirt t;t-le.en.thrtinsinri,u ill herea..rr Iv
i . r,ninscrit m
er: iier Ow na ineofrerkius St Selricn,
: I actrk,unt,.. of the lateGrni.
i ni - Ftln L. PeRICE4I9.
3. n. rnr*:
1,1 ! ! LIGHT ! !.
0 1 •1 '
Z177 7 .fW :10'.1":"covratian osatmott
g or the rreareq discbveries nt the hitt ,
11,c , sltatv to 13 00. Inre rto the CIS CA l'F', l l*
licit! ever yet pr6sentetl. priodueing a Gt it tit 1.1(:' r
'.:l'br loss than one .qtartc.r of' a Cent per
any thr Sin'TE S P URE r. and ran. 4. iVI
IdaRT ever yet producerl.hy lamp and at O.IE FJL
cunt VI
virhi:9 l one trimming Of theltriek is FUltelerti Or a IMMO
, 111,1 f. wick IA ill lan a year. nor • aloes the stra.lanco of
drrrrn•e ns
long a. there lwaullleirla oil an ii.c! lamp to
%rack trill barn lqnger than Lard lad Wit;
peal in Ole eolalei.t weather, and the price Pa oath elFb
and. a 1 141 1cenla I>Rr gaitoni—to be used in 1 bull r.nraro•
t - r ie. Jan. F 1153. J. 11. RC RTOS
4'11310011. , 8
F.% Cord Thread. ovule prine igall% from :"1..3 I.lar
ton, is warranted not{to kink or knot in %moot.
Strongest and smoothest in the world.. It is nor Iggif
Of ail tatter makes.
• Tweedy.T & oultr,u & Els Mrkt n.
r, Lit c
Calhoun.anderburgh & Co..
tic. Fentrin &
Avery, H ilia rdllx
lienrys,Seni.h I; Townsend,
W. & Jlla l rrison & Cupp
John Mar 0 Jr.. dr Co,
Freeland; tuan & Co., •
- Ittgllen & Copp
lord. Warren, gallon & Co .
Greenvia!ti, Brother,. &
George Otglyke & Co..
L. & V. Kikliy & Co..
I.athrop 1.41t111104111,
Hurlbut. i lkinsworth h. Pierson.
John Stewxird Jr.. & t'o..
• Cnge y& Mosel).
Brooks. Brotherse& .
hy.ali the leading iobbers ir.e.. in Nea York. flose.
ndlcit.hia arid Baltimore._ ' Fel. la
' TO 00 II Zvi rt ' /a : 61
/reporters and Jobber, o l .f Silks apd leery Pry
HAVING removed ri-olp xaCedar ;Street. to I:sf Nei
Building. 93 Lib,tjy Nerd.. (font doon , wtst of ha
tt 4,uld invite the t.ticatmrolef dealers th thmant c It"
ton very extensive ai., rich stock orSi t,tut Fancy
consit.tir,g of
• -WHITE coops, GLOVES,
A n examination of our K.:cools and priers a IT. se 1.1 , 1 1 L
et:leen:unto, Vealera that e eau tiler slam af /1.1 1 2 . 1'
atb , lt terms as art) wipe an New York-if roe few?. 1: „11 7 ,1
parijenlar attention to the,airelion sales.,any it ro••• 45,1 ".•
t en ,. th.m they can he Imported-a. I."7-1
e•holl i.ew that our customers n 111" rea I ire al: ratan: - ,
• nem u from wilt salte. e erect ail time.. ot;tinf n 1 17,71 -
r -met t boyerl. whettter they ruirehgwe or not: *l' •
eon-muter it any trouble to thow% our good.l. - log Bi
on. Wand (lose time ilurelm..ers arc r.pecialir
rzit7e us a rail From out Ordities, me are Cl-ti% treed 1.0
call sell them stanch minim , tors-i,n- tc.rv.
Niet.)l,BoN Ar. WR1,4.; HT. 93 Liberty
_ -
Marelal Pan
' Mtude Storr.
TitEsehtujhe!inforuie the public that he hal
ire net stuck of iiittrOc :tint urn teal tn.trinueuis sl
he tord , ellt at — l:Pied in Oche's block; Thanking 11,
the favors toriurriy bettotvied upon hint he tots :r cut wall'''.
theirpatronage hoping thit he will he able tO tit(' ' l ' l* o elt
Ile ha. tilt hand the very Ir.t of rialto Fortes. lelotliant
called :ter:whit/2A Violin.. Fluirt. Fife.. and all kind&
Wing and tared oltruinch if. in.truifieitt triune,
every tbing us4ally fauna' in a nittete store I nonen s cr:
hnd repaired—ttld instrisnient. taken etchne:e" tor he ;7 ,
parlor orgs, no. ineladinns. moke , 1. , ;‘ ,, 1'a n4 . 411 1 1 / a
ad iy other UMNIIIII not Oil 11:111t1 WO; 1,4;lll,
rintlo. to relit. A!I pentane Ili cog fmac i
wail please give hint a tall before rare lig cites bete.
Mr. W et:miaow . tiof e lesions 4. telore.
Erie Feb. II 1933-14 ; WILTY
',7tuta. gr.:yr.—The ittA4so tiow m the occupancy
45 6 Barber ehop. in the liasenieof of Jacob liocb , st"
Store. is for rent. Gas fixtures hive born introdAteed.
eiotizi yen In of April. Apply to
Edo March NI leil3-411'
3. god.