Political and Gedbral News. Itodemption of lad Notes, 02,We bublish the-following sections for the redemption of the relief issue fee the information of our readers who will rejoice at the disappearance of 'this trash (rein our surreacy. Sac. 98. That hereafter the receipts to the Sink ing Fund, to the amount that may be neceseary to •comesl the relief notes DOW in circulation, under the provisions of the Act of the fourth of May, one theiseend eight hundred and forty one, and the re- IMO under the Act • of the tenth April, rue thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, shall be, and are here by appropriated toward the cancellation of said notes in the following manner, to wit: It shall be the do ty of t t lie State Treasurer on the first day of 'June nexti t end at the expiration of every three months thereifter, until the n hole amount of said note, shall have been cancelled, to ascertain the amount of money in the Treasury due toll)* Commissioners 'Cate Sinking Fund, and proceed to pay over t o said Commissioners. the amount so ascertained, in the most defaced and worn of the relief issues, which may he found in the Treasury at Sleds periclJ: Pro ended, That in case the am runt of relief notes found in the Treasury shall not equal the sum due to said Commissioners at the expiration of the aforesaid periods then and in that else the bilanse so duo *ha l be paid into the Sinking Fond by said officers, to vested in State stock in the manner pres cribed y the creating laid Fund. Sac. 99. That the State Treasurer and aid Com missioners shall keep ■n accurate account of the relief sites so, paid over, their denomination, the name of the banks by which issued, and the amount issued by, each, and whereupon, the Audit or General, at the time said notes are so delivered, sad in the presence of the aforesaid officers, shall proceed to cancel and destroy the same. Sic, 100. That it shall be the duty of the !Wait er General , to ascertain the alt runt of the Niue, of sub bank, in said notes which may be outstanding en the first day of June "next. and at the expiration of each period of sanceUati in,to inform the officers of the basks respectively of the 'implant and denom ination of their notes, which have been cancelled as provided in the foregoing sections of this Act. Bac. 101. That if it shall appear in the course of ibis cancellation of sai I issue, that a greater•amouos of said notes shell have been main circulation by any bank than the sum ategirized to be issued for the use of the State, in all such cases the banks is suing the same, on being notified of the fact by the Auditor General, shall proceed to cancel said notes as fast as they may be offered at their business of• ice, and soy attempt to put said notes in cir culation after such notice, shall sbj•tat the officers of such bank to all the peaalties provided fur in Act of the General Assebmly, passed the sixteenth of April, Anno Domini. one thousand eight hundred entilifty, entitled "An Act to prohibit the ciecula 'donor notes under the denomination of five dollars," and in all cases where the amount authorized to be ISSuani fOe tko iss• of tine Itisate i , .4.414 imtrit been con doned ai aforesaid, it ,hall be the ditty otthe Etat. Treasurer to refuse to receive said excess - issues for debts due to the State; when the amount of notes presented for cancellation shall out equal the amout issued for the use of the State, such deficiency shall be regarded as the usttal waste in the use of said notes, and shall innure to the benefit of the State. Sac. 102. That from and eter the first day of Jew, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, it shall cot be lawful for any bank in this 'CoWinton wealth to pay out said notes at their counter or nit: them in any manner in the transaction of their bars was, n or shall County Treasurer., Toll Co llecturi, er soy other receiving officers of the government pay out said notes, but they shall cause them to be delivered to the State Treasurer, who shall receive Omit fur debts due the Commonwealth, or redeem ibms in 'per funds, and shall cause them 'to be can-i celled and destroyed in , the manner provided.in thei foregoing sections of this Act. Dreadful Murder. Awakes' horrible murder has jest been bronght to light. Mrir. Sigsby, living at No. 44 Morison-st., has been killed in' a most shocking manner. She was a dress maker, and lived alone in a small ho l m. Farr the last three iar:fou:' days all the doors have been shut, and the curtains drawn down. This has. Ing continued for sa long a time, the neighbors lie gan to suspect foul play, and some workmen going to the spot, with Mr. Gallagher, forced no a window, and the body was discaverd lying in the kitchen, with the throat cut front ear to ear, and the bead nearly severd from the trunk which bad evidently been lying for some days. Thlre was scarcely any blvd in the room, and no Instrument was found - in the house with which the murder could have been committed. ' Ills thought *hip Mr.. Sigsby hod some Money and jewelry, and ai.nething of this kind has been found around her dwelling, that the murderer has taken all, after commiting the foul deed. To'corro berate Ibis, one of the neighbors informed its that the deceased bad a watch, with inn gold chains, and several breast pins, which articles have not been diosorered. .1 Farther developraents will probably be made ie a short tins*. Great excitement prevailed yesterday, attire limo Crowd was near the scene of the murder nearly all day. Every exertion possible will be - made to ferret out the murderer and bring him to jostice, and we doubt not but that he will eventually be dis• sew& raseirrsot. AccsormT.—On Thursday evening kat, about five o'clock, the roof of the Sharon Roll ing Mill caught fire. A number of persons got up as it, to extinguish the Games, when a portien Of roof broke in, end fifteen or twenty pers..na fell a distance of forty feet. A man from ten miles east of Mercer, sew unknown, and a b. v, were instantly killed. Oration's, of West Lukewarmly's, and snothsr natua whose name we have not ascertained, have sine, died. Rees Williams, Wm. Coate+. Wm. Scott, Thomas Thompson, John Jones, and s so I of M•. Mounts, are very severlY injured, Medical insis tence was summoned from the neighboring towns, and all was dyne by the inhabitants pi Shirai that k es s u ity could dictate, to alleviate the sufferings of the injured. The fire did little damage to the works.—.M./r. ter Dem. - There are three-1610s of men in this world—ihp "will's," the •'wont''," and the "cant's." The for •er effect everything, and the ether oppose every.t thing. and the latter tail in everything. I "wilt' builds our Railroads and steamboats; I "wont" don't believe in experiments and nonsense; while l'ocan't" /pews weeds for wheat, and commonly ends his lye Is the slow digestion oft court of bankruptcy. Ccurrnarr yea Bream Ou..—The sontract far supplying the Tighe-hotioee upon the Likes with 17.- 900 gallons of sperm oil, half winter and half spring, has ken taken by lw. hi. Robinson, of this sky, et price; which are not made patine.. it will be notembered that the Light-hmia• Board in the sultertimment for the "Pmpacele."i recenrai "the tight to reject - any bid, though it may be flit low *Ma from tiOcir conciderations than its amenni.7,—. New Bedford Mercury. 057. A block of fine white marble, sic feet tang I n t toil) sad a half feet wide, batiost been finished in Wseditirtnet - for the National Waehinrion Mono mint. An open Bible in aho ?slier is displayed nn the cosier, with the in &On raided letters tin each aide ofit. "The General ',tearable of the Penalty titian Chttrch in the United States of America, in 'session in Washinionn City, klay. 1852:" The as sembly made a liberal appqnpriatinn fur this stone, Om design of which was furnished in a resolution passed by that body.-114ftfleeir. A IFIWITOO or KVITOCK Ontresponient of tbs Evansville Joyous/ write. its fallow@ shoot It itesteeky buster :—"Wat Eekntan—it would' do IMO rod to re him—has fullnured hunting far a iiirsliboof since the year 1831. Hinc‘ that period Is says he bas killed 38 bears, 084 wolves, 3,847 away, 990 t0te5.,961 wild geese, 2,040 pheasinte, 44 ground hogs, 80 wild cat r,'l4 polecats, 290 minks, beside* squirrel, quailiaind other small game beyond his power to calculate. The Anne hi has realized from his game, skins, gr.c., falls but little short of twelve thousand dollars. 02- A alight shock of an earkwiake was expo -ricseeti in Washington, Ms, abitot tome? W astes pat 9 o'clock, lasting bat a few oweiesits, camas, very pereeptibie vibntions is diStest parts sl the city. • , i 11 . . 1 . 1 . 5 i . 11, . 1 • I r 11 ::. ' , , 1 . , 1 , i't ilti ~ . , e i ' ttliki iii 1 : enter.' . , ,„ • l r. I E Rll E.P A. MORNING. MAYI7. 18S3. Democratic Mat* 3roadastions. • FOR CAIIAIL COMMI3.9IONEI, THOMAS lI..FORSYTH, OF.PLIILADELPHIA COUSITY. rot ATDrroFt GENERALi EPIERtLIM BAJNIES, OF A IFFLI:4 COUNT Y . FOR s 'RVEYOK OF.I44rERAi., J. PORTER BR OF CRAWFOIiD C M'M Death Of Jn4ge By deep telt.; from Pisiladii!phis. we learn that Jodgo Gibson of • Suprema Court. died is that city yester day moral g. This sweat hip Wei anticipated for tents tintp pasi.eitiag to the enfembled state of his health Judge Gobiro° has for many Years beep looked apse as enti'of thit t distiogatiked jurists in the meetry.tod hie toplaioat aro always boon regarded as law by mem rtF Wm of the b r. IJ was for many years Chief Jetties of the Supreme Curt of Ponnsvlvattia. basing we, be limit. staimeded Chief hililiell Tighlotan to that plses. tiotts Istadoption of the Electiel Judiciary saesedret. the sa/ i t es Of the Old Sapitirits Butch t* . we dispoi lmod with yldge ClAten, how•ver, was nons;teatiod by the De nocratia St Contrintio sitd elected. elthoiagh 'ic' Blurb wasOltesen Chief Ju lice; By the death of J edge Gibson. a erancy will or in the Suprmse Moloch, whiblt erillibto fithil by 'au point:omit from thn Giver aim. instil thii nett meal itEttia.. lu the iotentil j ne it will behoatii secretary to Id a' special State Canteen - lien, tit isittalaate a esud d ato be voted for en theism °ad Timidly of o.:tober a tt.- I.____Pitts. Post. . i v I f lutaCt at. ntsTatcrs.—lcatlre the Ailjearamost of the Legislatare, a bill was pantieand beams . law. *hang tog the Jedleial Districts of t i; is State . somewhat. The eleteeth district is new *stupefied of Celesibia. Lowrey. Carbondale aity and Illyeatibg saint,. presided ewer by Hem J. N. Comyeghass. hlsateer seamy has bees jeitted with Northam deed sod Lcastsiag c emmt6s. and they copthrise the pr et Eighth Distrait. Hem. Alex ander .lerclan to Presi eat Judge. Clearfield. Cult» sad Clinton have bee (Grated I. a mow district. mad James 13sraiide, El. of Centre *Gusty. bas bias ap psiatedPresidest Jed • by Gov. Bigler.—Piet. Pad. ---- - • i T Other Side. The Dario!aria Press.ii speaking or tit* Maine Law. aye: 'Wit Ile ire. that the Sla'ite LA:or hat Won cppee *4 by DstisdorCts it has beau lei the roues that it con tains prialiefouir aatagoisiatio to the genius or democracy. Aid so it 4arnr. N. democrat aria cue hr it wit,...ri MACRE ail suit upole pansies* riehee sad apes parses al liberty. lie Maioe low introdeces &system of aspirin- Aga that hi avoltlag. It seta mm4E - spies iron ovary mall. end ye hiformere ter thcir dirt? — work. Under it. ay petty . eatable sea ester spas the priCalsoie a slit.- heti, gruel lie sailors amid hie game's. hie stews sad hie oat-hoisme# aelsir sad tarry of his property. and. ors dm tbejuissmout of a jestiesior tisd pease. destroy it. Boaa• of I. if, it Oat?" . . _ We have mislead tits Ilisfasotbar of "The Den • .".a Itsesseratis p spar just started at 'Arose* .tite co Baty seat sf Ashtabula comaty. Ohio. It Is pabbehed *II. D. Dana, with II ;,1 Looms. E.g. as Editor. Tit. D Inertia is a respeetab7 pupae for size sad typoiraphi.! cat .stories. aid giro h pis it nay aeoessid is , dispels*, mule 0116 a darks's' rival that lierotoftwo whis•nd lea ironies of Obi.. Busollie attend the pablishere. Inreirrarrr 'flair 1 Ana l ;ser & )Lts's Issortars Centime.- 11 $ : rerseveral days past.* s lit has Use pending egotist theoil l rtqaryaif the “United ,fates Lit. Islamises Cana-. 0 17.' 4 of iyhdadelphis. I cafe is Chief itemise E lauds i theiSop iste Cart of fiti;ar York. It appears the lotrirt: sy ' Obtained their Chirter his the State of Peen !Seale, andititreugh4he Sierstary, Charlet, CI Insley. rimi 'penis, of their beeimise is traeseeleit is the City , • 7.w reek, ia Viliblllee ef de. larri of oar State. which +goitre Comptaise shartersil is ether SUM!. ti deposit ! aritias te As amen* of $101.003. with the State litioptriollisr. la defak 4 this.** peach; le $5OO. sod se , thersday the a iery reed4rail veriset for the fell anseest ttaloft tits Stamm? of the shave Comps:at. District ioraey .131 eat Mintiest*/ the ease en the part of the Bpi.. and' that IA Ur had still several additiesal suits r tiin sane visletion. to bring agaiest the Company. 4th p'snaltios of i 1393 attaahed to the ease.. Tat cLItVIII.4II/0 kihtUDllllTtlii Chi Waited ' Biwa,/ atm th Elisabeth Baker and Sophia Baia were or }wed o &tardily list. on 'harp of betas oitatteraml in the ardor of Christina Sig,by. Thom woman lie. in soar! opposite the imam where the astardor was iontinit: d; they had' a tissue, whh the deceased: t air itausel y aloud for mama! dais. which with .or i l , laireamil nee.. calmed thsita to be suspeeted. Tao ay lir of Clevalend has issued a proclamation. oaring _. ward for the apprehension of the murderer of re. • flisithy.ito be paid on eouvietion. • Bale of the - P blio Wolof: thie moos to be a (emeriti scheme Outs a- porde, by iitioaef *sr fitsjs who seem to Ihist that it ibesoon..;. and Iredtii a magi lees otpenditere thi req' eitiid at present to s+irry ad its. Government of Mists. , A few .or. at the ode of Opt whole works ilonging to the State, loss asked -for. het new the P lisii only seems to be 'claired. while at the same time 'the remaining works re sot forth as tieing prothablo - in 1 the actress*. New. i , strikes mess tether a eingslar stets of alrairs theta tioespay should ask to he pat in posses sion; at the sieruiliaCobet of fills.. fit dollars. .f a work which 'the adesoata of the aaossais shows foils esvoial thousand dodos short. yearly. of paying Impieties. Depeid open it Wilier* a smoothing bottled the Web; anmethieg that ii net held ep to politic view is the mot ter. -, The speech 'of Mrs throat. of Philadelphia. whisk we het. petalled sare(4. le. look., very well on paper, and: may be all tree, hot we venture the predistiou ill t a coaster statentent es. lot mud. which will show fell as well ;vibe work is his des. sgaiestit. We know null ing Cr thootbject eacept frees the reports of. the persons holing the work in, chergo, and those skew asythiag bet neeltayshinh halve bole figured out by klr. &ray.— Ta t mesh* improvements of other States are mode to pay large revoraselints thel treat. and we sae see no reediest why cars may Sot de the...4N if they do sot al rot. %other TR.. !thy *biocide should ono take plat*. is beta will a. p• a eerporailsa of oreh test powers that it 4111 h..eif.rth and foreear motto! the Valais Male: and brini the nqnsinder of lb" peWie works. - sod all others la fwd, iota itamiro capaOmis mew. salepotisg them to =chinks and regulation 44 as will best sail its ewe later ...to. Webs's •bed. daring the Alvin'it winter mime specimen* of corporate iefleence. (rein corporations be longing Mour seighbering lists% gamy% wis should think too:take es earefal tit grantieg privily** at hoe.. or pet ting soulless rut* re l iever seat the expluss *revery interest bet kbeit awn. Profiting/ by the eaperieuce of ether States, me should be 4iretal alwat creating sash powerful amp*. ritiotts to role with an iron hand. • -At prtmeat. we itre opposed to the sale of any portion the public wetti., behoving that the *obsess is set get up for the bonefit at the State, but on tba contrary, for a private specul.tionht her expense. Mama Htrrcutsson ? E.q:. has /pees appointed Pent Mast* at Girard. ciao Battles. Esq.. removed. Jou, W. Posria. a Qoaker. and a leading Rhode Island Abolition t. hall recently teneuneed obeli. lionises. sad in hap as says that these who Sake up Are it halides wily are 44.4 hr-that they ars sinners soft i 4 their desilis IS hashes the piddle. sod that dury hove Wowed the Omp to as Sateauhst aware be repair ed la 4 water sue Salary. it 11 . 4 . *tie ailidy=l i k Ilse President led the Slab CeStem. Uosi. Ike followleg 140 Counted Cosiewitlifee. in seeferseftg with the moieties st the Coseeistioe.di reeling him to appoint the Commiuee. The C•41111litell will meet at the It onskant's Heist. is the City of Phila delphia. en Saterday, the Stet goy of May, at 4 o'clock, P. N. The Democratic papers is the State will please publish this 'twice. le order to make a coevisiont and effective ergesisa- Lion throughout the State, it will be proposed to *milli tate a General State Committee of C;rrupeadeuce composed of one from each Coeitty. la view of this ar tagsutent.tlis Democratic Standieg Committee of cash ounty is reaeostad to sonsinate foe member for said C•ionatitiee sadiforward the simminatiou to the estmewher, le tins, to lay before the State Central Committee at their weetiog, to be held on the 21st of May. Paileals'Aie. April 21. 1253. Wld. I. State Central Committee. 11. e. James Burnside, Centre. * , /John A Abl, Cumberland. William Badger. Philaddiphia. f Henry 11 Beardslee, Wayne. Hoe. 11), rim D. !lambs. Ittriffaes. lies. Charles It Sockale*.Celisishia. William Curtis, Philadelphia. Hue.- Joho Cessna. Bedford. James C. Clarke, Westmoreland. , Francis C. Careen. Doophis. Hos. William Dokk. Dauphin. • lion. Julio L Dawson, Fayette., • • Henry L. Deiffeubsch. Chitties. John C. Famine. Berks. ' Hui'. Ti'.. B. Florence, Philadelphia. Oliver P. Fritz. MuntgenterY. John W. Forney. Philadelphia. Hoe Rqbert J. Father.. York. " Thomas S Fornon, Philadelphia. • Has William Goodwin. Philadelphia. David Lynch. ASegbesy. Charlie. H Bunter. Berke Charles Si Hall. Schuylkill.' ' George T Ilirvvy, Docks. ' Was. li. Hatter. N-irthampties. Joseph Y James. Warren. Thomas Jameson, York. Ogee Jones, blontgenoorr. !• Horn R Knees.. Philadelphia. 1 Samuel G. King. Philadelphia. , Hen. John S. fileCalinorit, Clariaa. f • Henry 11. Mott, Pike. R. Emmett Mooaghan, CiSfeler. Wdlum 11 Maller.-Perrs. Jahn O'Brien, Beinixrnin Perko. Dauphin. _Henry M. Phillips, Philadelphia. Carp Plitt. Philadelphia. Huh. Jame. W. Quin'', Chastain.. Beams L Reynolds, Lancaster. Lets Reynolds, Deleon,. J L Ringwolt. Monroe. - Hon JAN Robhans, Jr Philadelphia. Edmond N. Stapts. lien. Georgia Sanderson. Bradford. T. J• P. Stokes. Philadelpkia„ F. B. Sumter. Snarinehaana. Thomas S Stewart, Philadelphia. Hiram B Swart, Lancaster. James C Vandalic Philadelphia. Richard Vass. Phi!Adolph's. tV.-ska. Liiternia. Galore, Williams. Philadelphia • W. W. Wise. Jefferaos. Hen William H. Wive. Philadelphia. Williams Hairy Welsh, York. TM Whig Party. The editor et the Gszetts still Maisie diet there is a whig party, and that it is all-powerful. allosialleieut. end will give the Democrats 'less" the next time it gets a tick et thorn. 'Wa did not Wood to hen the feelings el 01111 . Neighbor. bit When we sow two such distiegoisbed political demote se the adtZligie and Triliwas din:4Ni'. we emild net help twOling a Retest it. The paragraph' al lined to had as inch of the grave-yard whistle is it; nob as appes to its thinned ranks to take enrage, even with these feels Mitring them is the fan, th%t it amused as very winish.! It amused us the men Meuse it wee ,the first enentiagiug weal teat we have even addressed the •••stig party." Mies the defeat of their great Chem pie' lest full.. No shag editor bin heretofore Wen Need that his had the hardihood to even seised a Note. tor a it'll. even to defied the very - heart of their asap. amid I the desolation that has followed thSis:ty for several years past. and this we spies is as the bright glow which a coedit' sae sometimes emits after the blase his been extinguished. ere it goes eat. forever. ' That there was . * largo, party ~td for Oen. Seim. we 1 de net for is memost deo/. bat the question it where are they sew? Leaps Genite leek 'mad itself sad answer. Are they in the city of New York? in Albany. is Byra ease. is Ulla.. in Rochester. is Berate. is Cleveland. in Toledo. is, Detroit. la deeinaati. is Columba.? Are they trestle "our own city? Wanswer sot Those !urge sitioi wars formerly all ef th in whig. new they err I nearly all Dsmocritii : We aro nocontending that there ir jaunt spi rty opposed le Demmer& . but e ars contend ir. ing that that piny is sot new ili a whig party, mid can iirra• egiin be bruaght lute the Marty as such. Almost the attire Fillmore pontos a the party Ste eat I. support: oaths present administration,. 'soh to the organ ,of than party at Wasisingtes. Thai palisr is said to have *dine eishsd its friends is 'bandits the skulking eases of whig • try and clone* se Diniesrasy se Iflie ouly salvities her thetwielvetr and the isometry. re admit Moo the truth el the artselo q sated Mr ear lieselli. bat the is the lesder that me mirihal them. sad apes whafplatforsit They got me sear the Chitiocretie platform is the last contest that ine bid to sismitre very close to discover the differ ent.. and we will tin pritemi to say hew men; mites they gm from es by se doing. Oar neighbor of the eras emit. ale 3 giv Jilt a reify c %slat 141110 ill far the dues. bilis. i ! l• in, whig putr; which the Gillighl would de well is ezinitne. for we trust that emir big assertion; will( et he wee, sal whig se he is set aims is emus ',Wises of the lost asserted by is last week. Whet shape. octants. or doetrieft the Into whir pony will assents is the latare. resales le be seem. hal , that there is re whit pant stow. is a. setf•seident fast. and Needs set an amasses! I. prim: the, Quails to the ein• wary a itwithweetitng. We pat s ior assertion neatest hi• tied time will tell which le right.V CT Aatherity has beim gives ear eipsnatie to levy le. mil ININIMIIIIIIIIIIII for iii• isproveatest of tbe striate of ghe eq. and we shostil Lb* to fee a eeatiaeoeoutrat mad* to the matter. Tbe optaditieu lir oar streets Asa Wag hers s eshj•ci of restart. est only amen serselvea, bet-by all visitors from place* abroad., We are al f sax juts that oar city &mild took se well. be tut elves sad well regulated poirvily se her neighbors. bet she will be is that siteation until her effigies take held if the sitter is earses:; sad p forward with the seal that characterises other moss sear is. No taws es'the lake shore earn beset of a mom pleatst or tmelthy Nestles.' oripso that errrs greater bedroom is far people to est- , Ile dawn sad Uwe is; but we ile wt s good system of. street isapreettossat eorameueed a d sorted est s p..: dho m sopatiosad toast paraessest lea that cut be tie.: tie Vise/. Ws hope oar city fathers will take take the wetj for to itsed•asil ergi it (onward. epithet at but see strain is the eitv may be made passable before the roam of the coming Fail sod Winter. Sri easout TUAS •S ARIST WITH Ha 11111111.. bier of - sinall-pos patients, le ; o4letherpo. Georgia. etude a startiped• from the handier le which 'they were sou- Seed by the Med eathoritieM. aid to diferest stage* of the Nairn) malady. fell ism's the offieme sad pet them to Bight. Mayer Derrell milled out the military to sap prom the disturbause; tber, however:made het peer 111- 11111%11•• le their dimmed epposeots. firing in great me towhee at their appease). At lest seeesets. emall•pott had the day. and the disorder was sebeidiag. tr . With regard to the saperintondent we hats hat ens word to say. If the editor of the Gatatto did not know what we asserted. Sad what we supposed be "did knew." wi have done kiln wrong. The only way w• ass omelet for his lack of ksowledge is Om- issuer is that be is either of too little sese•qatimee le be isessaked is each smatters, or else secrets are deemed snuff with ids; we knew sot whisk. The faeukare as we stated. sad we only erred is siting the plural instead of thesis. velar sseabot, is smith's of its ksewledge to ether p antes. 11:7" More is tatleli diSsalty its living is Paris at protest. alai more distreseibas fotiewiy UMW people of swan tortoise. 111hOist Ome prop • iv 1441411111411111111 ,i&D'ut 6Mrlysi the peal* psidieheil Weida this plies sued lutes b. Belies et the letting spas of "the whole lino" et this reed. 'lns Erie to ' the Obi' ricer; topthzr with its breaches.seed we notice 'lt se an item of saes fir the use interested. Amens the multiplicity of railroad prided.. std the endless variety of gambling in routes and charters for reads over the country. we know se ether that has been the subject of PliCh.eantisoal and perseverieg attempts to (ores itself spin the community's. has this one. The charter was taken out for the express perm*. of draw. leg the builders of the road front this city west. off their ground. and fading in that. ft has been floating mead from place to place seeking buyers. and ,plivrialt itself, with pretended powers ti baild treads anywheresiad everywhere. between Lake Erie en the eerth, and the Ohio river on the South. and branches east and west without somber. Three lettings of the whole line, butte taken place b e fore. with just as much if a prospect et 'completive ea at presses, bet they all Cppeared to be for beneeisib sad have vanished in thin air. 'Whether the lain will de rt, females to be sees. We predict that it will. Whenever we bear pimple talking a bending railroads that they ackeewledge will not pay. we set it down that they don't fenced to du it. becalms man are ism generally err teed of serving the paha as torie is at their own se poise. Hesee we never believed that any one fora roe 'Minded. to beld this road, bitt we de believe that the whale effort bee bees to see it for lb. pirposa of making onney oat of'it instead oT doing the work—fei proof of which it is qaly nee ssssss is *amino ilia history at its tet ee*. it his boon again Ist, ywith sil l its branches."— Whet thleilmting will bring forth we obeli tee. We hop* good- 7 we l pred;et. nothing. • U 1114 iOasdb say! that oar retiree for the bilOis snlonit the of sine Liquei Ia pig. and thireforo no blunts can be attach that they have ditl i e their duty. Now w tolled any felt with &levers &diner; I larreirasarse open this question. We the set el enoisch itepertanro to mini praise" er blouse. when it was knot 'redesign that the proposed set was ow like sots hive loess so decided heretsfuri Legisfaters ire ant sent to 114rriitistrgh if they aley gook* laws. but wah the hell .or to waikethenn; and we will not for n Attest members did not knew this I however. w. liglieve quite &ember roes part which that act obtained in both' lb respectable parties of their vonvtitoents .A`Maine Limit! and seas of the Lvsisl losses note = dins enough to advocate th tepee the principle of ..a lump or :on ; child." th'y .v. then this set to quiet Lot this die tomperstiee man say hew r ta.say ipso for the sapped of the bill ti stases.. Sao wawa /OR rAttgC ‘Lticsier.—lt s erne diet theeigr- Oculists! Intermit are bound to prosper aiiinthat even the wool rowete . lee le lave, •view ender the present " to - tnesecteriff." The Itoral Nue Yorksr stye the provpret for the Utopias clip of wool is quite as fhtterinz as the peNie ha bees led to expect. From all parts of the coantry we have reliable inarroation that ghats that have bee. Mancha; idle are to be pat into operation as soon is the necessary Dwelt cis be obtained. Enrepoian advice. repreaont that the itoek on hand ie light and price. high. In Germs - ty the Ilea clip hur heel sentrgeted fur at much oigher prices than those of lest yea/. WEE alsa fild Enemies) of an utensil* and importan4 Weld weal its New York, on the Thts inst. The com petition was quitio spirited. and the prices realized were folly ton pm *eat. higher than was generally ant:cipated, and is advisees of rates lately realised at priiate sale.— Lots were wanted by nosnifectersra to carry thein ea mill the new •lip copses in; and this, in addition to the prev.ient feeling that the stock ofi hand is limited. tend • mile wend op prices. The aggregits antosmit sold reaches $400.000. Common. A l ruerican Assays briniest 43:: blood do 32; Rae do 5541. AIiaIIVAL sr CMIOI II, 6ITILL—TiIe brig Magnet, •'hich laiely arrived et this port from St Jo'ons..bruight among bar eirgo eleven fat seats and what is more singular an lee monkey. Thie-•nicest was Lund in the Arctic re gions by Dr. 'lsrael., s,g•otleman who hu been engsg• for some time is hunting Hale. When found. his is4 m2 key ship appeared In be enjoying the blissfulness of bw siteatren tiy: dodging strut. ea peculiar le the tribe. esudry icebergs haven in the lee- The menkey..en far' .4 bowl been eladdoiteal. lives entirely on the iee. seb.i.t irig en &h. and to relieve the menoteny of hie quiet life. hi seeially communes with the many walruses and seedm that iseca•ienty poke their noses eat of the i water •nd ' Arne* .*beet. The son's 44 to balae a r th e wo ad., F a i r shibilien.—Arlisfins Tram. ; U Tlteelsofspenilstst Dernierist. of Merkur, is cen • retaliating itself and_the people of Mercer, on the pron• pies of being speedly connected with New York and St Lowii by railroad of a continuous gaege, which told the editor stuns to think is a sure thing, mid to be romple• led to the coarse of -two or throe weeks. Now we hope our neighbor is nir. to be disappointed and that his rail- road will rosily be beat; bet we would say to him, put Sal your faith in railrentle, for ecithing is this uncertain world 6 more.uncertain Nail they $ The managers itoosoit their own irteresh4 reel/ 1 6Ni' of any body, else. and regerdlese of the cobalt,- tfiroagh Which they pass. and he need net be ostsoishei, if the is built at all, to And thei it does not go within twenty elibtt of 'Mercer. We ha vie powder barbed on the!strength of rail. reed new. lhbt looked as favorable as this project •ipoken of io the Dsviscrat, and then had the tread satisfaction 'pf vainly 'Gahm& en and seeing the thing ti-z-z I-e Neighbor deal get szcited f I isronmands WANTIRD —ldit his habits at M ilcreek. near Erie, some time is 'Amity. an tliglishman, S 4 - Pleyl Wilma Ur mama; area 53 rears; Iheight 5. feet dirk: oyes d esiropleshest •wapihr, bir beeisess is that era taperer (has formerly been a middle* is somewhat bald; is 4;reasod 10 black (reek moat. black vest. iseTistitad Issatq. sliftrsiiirer wilt fiewinformstieu lewd iisdividigat. will oblige the undersigned. A4hirrot 1110111111 CR INIVIDIRRSD lIIT A Sits.-11etrit Dram molder ed his meiehor, byohootinciter. in du won of Menem°. noir. on Aloartay livening krt. The,auly provoestion for the Winona* act. tias tho parent's refusing to ..seep to hiss • pieta of Isad. jio.alse attereptotl tho life of his shiplather. The maribrer is still at large. Hi is an Iriskssaa t 2 years of •te.—dGGosakii Noes. tawrat.ivrtva 511111111 L—Th• Mairoaehissatta Howie .r Reproaootadipas balm strove► for $ 50 loa‘Ood of $2 per dire comillowisiticio so Korotofriro Of esom op,' strike mos aireerworal. The third, or lobby bowie. will proba bly follow lo rho inwryiwoot, as their dories will breouir wore &YAWN wide the inert's.* la 'the pay al dm Init. lahiro. The loifidators of Pannesivoaiii hate a different way of "strikiair for wages. Thsy'striks at the packets of those who want favors. and they "are said net is Do very moderate in their demands either. ' . Aeon! loath occasionally ie en set of wisdom It shake* the cohwebe oat of I man's brain*, red the hypochondria from Wu riles far more effectually than either ohanspaign or Oleo pa Ono of thet Empe rors of Jepan to said to halo tti Immoder 'tidy kerbing, on being , told that the Atoterleaste win goverood without -a kiog. brie a bursaeh of premise ease the fotlowler• aei• domes was psi is by ibis plaintiff.agaioat lbs diereallentt ••111Isatieth Croaker, my deer. I love you. dear. true end decent 1 yummy:stew or mind. But my keen be truly Moe. I tell you as ptaioly as wan east weak. I love you as true as oty !Mt Avid I Mall never be wain my dear. than you leeo.•a sy wilb. ' I If you abject w ar. I never a* mama iota War oat year, two. or tea ." Tim lowiret,aash pietry ea ibis imid tot pay *IWO damages Band bias right. V841.1111'1 , It 0 x. *AA get( It Oil. fq" aro isometlmoo Wed ii the amps of dailies" intim diamond distiicts of Bruit. 117 . Ti10 contributions to tbo Washington ntocem•ht nmdoot lo April to .2.101. 117 Lainartino is dying; his phyaktiono hove tinhorn of him. IT On Thursday, ewer 700 iiimfgratite from Europe arrived at Philadalphis. and on Saturday. nr, more. LP The Dee. John .C. Kook's. of Dauphin'. was slee ted Spdaker of the Senate. prior to the adioarnenout r IV" The grand jury of Turret{ areal. Va , has pro sentedtthe late Legislature of that State as • nuisance. fEr John Hassock, of Rovelatanary memory. sow over 801 ears of see. is still hying to Bernen. in the en• joyment of extefleut health. 13 Menge canary him boon Attached to Ope rob teeuth Jeidicial Disttrit river which Don. J. C. Knelt presides. E 7 The dash,* track of the Hodson River Railroad, from NSW York is Albany, will be completed and is; ass in the ores era fell dia)s 17' “rapping' loine.ws h victims, a ether.aiimilitte that el rr A...uty is. to' ice. aro c till to Cf Cif/V(7141a If Tn• Metroptil chinati; Isar Delia e etstivee voted w !It the pee etrte them; sued - ire net . lining else. or (Idle. don't consider i re either "faint by all those onetitotional, se in this State. is IA the people et the Govern- A .L►ey. •'bearded like t lions , s•rs of U.stno. It is her beard as the Turks ere TT The kt th+ late stat , mitod et veer $3511.0110 !hotel?. ter.amouut to Err Senator Poaree. 0 r•riteel the. isiritatwo to del Suite Pau., at Iltt ton. ui S cr Th. 11440.1; wipers rietiest young lady in th.i pre;.ertv to the tilunnt of Err The h•ti-eiiemiler • now a aad.th• roo '4.1 is used forthreehing ii ET The eolleetae of the •d a letterieigii•ii the seriterisays belongs to I e7'A iientiniental chip. in Rhode Wend. ;Oen Is to ?minion Contrast. at its next session. for an appropria tion tei imp•••• the channels of nit•ctinn. so that h•atts• forth the *TOOT,' of true lore may run smooth." _ I . easeat eappowe Ttser• a $ for the Pop- 944• clamored for the Ciro wantoi to reel animNl. so it lor ■ spoiled heir worrying itch credit is due dor Ilia circuui MIRY WI MON, Kinseine. Ohio 117 Edinburg is projoeting a groat Industrial Exhibi ion, to be bold Rev year. . mania ie filling the' lonatic coy , d doing mere mischief theef icy Sr emoted. barrels or frees RA. packed in 'snap, duly, lrenclilindu-ky and an Dank. a 1,36 t eattc,•rn at Ow sad, sad, .ud ,sis 0 I tir ClMlnatted UP attempted to isdr a bar *troop. by trying to a stare of 4 UM' IT The man Wh. iws •uj•irrd his . voic ,ses cult. g,_ .t anMI in Et :01n- Pin. as high as $ $5 to bear her MAD. 1.11% SUSTICII 10 tilket, l Rer 5.1.1 s ••Lucretia Bore, It to rAtri that tiae Er;eseon will • warrior *oft by e ist oi,July. when her wr•og'it Irma er'lrud»r•borterpip lhall have hero rittf in. sea proceed direct to Lotid...it. rr Rev. Mr !LA n. a pioneer C.C.lOl:e priest atred 98 rears. elt•il lit-the rrcdrner Arebbi: , lbot , Purcell Fie iorne.ttie firet Catltelie priest c.natiecr•,l,!.l us the U. ited trr A te!kw tsho was heintz kd to tixecntian told the angers they InW4t not tttlte hunt ttt•ouet n eert tin at net. les•t s m••ry+itatit who restd.td there should arreitt him for /I 0 std de4t. , II le4rlf 0 tuaays —The Snrivgfi f l.l R , n-itlicen states t h a t the rd 'or orthe Brattleboro SYtatriti•it hie rerover• edstsvrt d .1 1 4r4i of the rd,tor of the Brettluboto DIG!. in • awl for abet tTT Tiie Hungarian by whom t!),. nue: , . pt was made to veNar...wite Emp,..r Plecrie. wee our n has.. 1.1i4 bectillig - ged in death by ilia Austrians at Nadi. in 1819. ITY Fr yen lure *nee been jn rompner with no idle orrsoi hit ennuet. You nn.d never efi •gain. You hqvo heird .11 he .knows. Idlers mtko no imp-tows meats. T,hr N. 0. wens or Sind*, har• been received A (mina Whir ('o•rvenlion ,has hren is Georgie to meet on Ike dth Worinesdly tr If pea wish to make youreelf a facorito with you° neighbor. hey a cl , t end n• him up in the eellarat nicht. They won't oleep'iny all that sigh,i for th . ;nbing of Yout^- ET The sivtnen perilous , who were arennfled by the late areid•nt oaf the fialtnnnre and 0 Raileay. and 141 under tnediest treatment st Cumberland; Pre all do ing vr el', spa- will seen be i►blc to to tsloi their departure. - TT One ethe mast •i 11-resting rei•ra in Philadelphia In itv h- seen in. Nar:h Beean street. vitt The fir./ erected b t U•_ Frattittin. which still stretch es its attenuited liners towards ik,e heavens. WT Vice Preeiiient King. it is liatiLowned an agitate o r2m* „,..,_„tir rich land in Dttla. endear. Ala. , with 1.50 f l a r e . t . awed that he'll)* left the bulk or h r ia Jirofiertv ta,ttra ptterrpror his rolatiaaa. though all are tont to rt etit tiprooida I far. IT A q•lizzic,f rorroapan,fant of the iVrw York lade p en I in t •It is proposed to organize a Preaelurrw Prairetiro fl• it nn: oleo t.s pobbak a lat of all ”ratting thurehrie." fir &d 4.l•ns up td 4 sewn. A roar( fund wUI Env fannied, for preachria 'out on a strike.• " ITT A•ellils,l , l Meiona. Poomaster 641T0.s Side. Al lele en! , recut' Pi. K. been arre