I II 11 L , -.-:_ : t ItIleATllllllllll2O4l7l. e3lllllATIlia _ • air Ilni '• Thy*lolortosl Virgo of Marries*, ' . BY CROIX,N. I). ALBANY. N. Y. • 03 Po dMO Fine Pi-tin and COlOted Li 'holm ph rind Plates. /I/CZ 0.11,r TW AENTr-Fira; ceNT6.„ri \\l--tiTec free of postage to all mints of the Union. yny CHEAP boot ever smblishe".„ and Containing operty don. ble lite quantity of rra'tinr mauler is that of the FIFTY \ 2, CENTS oriDt/LLA it PUB 'NS. t reale on the Plifausiol \ \ logy of Mari tap, and the see:et rtultieo tad disordersol youth. and maturity mottling from ewes-es which &giro , . the phyrueal and mental pourers, ail d B.a•e• art-inc from itutieereatr.ll. with plain and simple rules Lv wbieir ail persons can cure themselves i • without 'mercury. with liar nittlfw's observations on marriage its duties:mil disspialifleallione, o+o4 r remedies with colored 110- 02rollOS. tstrafr.if the anatomy aid pn).,io'oyy. and. disease. of me tee, d fed; /e organs of both their t.tructitres, tisCs awl functions. 1t eoulai its many - monortu..t. h,ot. to those •• temptation Ina•riamny whirl, will neercerne ot•jrctiom. - affair's' marriage; rate l'uwever.whisuld tote thin important step with-' Out firOt cut its pane". It 00'0 of nil n.ima•re of females whether tw tried ut single. flint , to those who desire no more 'children. etironeem Other require medical aid. before eon-White any Ole - sr.) ougla to know w bather their eases arc properly tn.. dersd,liy, Oa.* whom they employ. and thus :oar.' against the hopo-it ion bi ryia'ckery;„ so pre' • lent in populous c pies. Ilene' the adesiallge ofa pOjatiOt knowledge of oneself,such as is given la this work. [(Medical inthorisafbe the test of talent. andenlialitenment be sought front boJks.let common sense disc rtminntr between truth• Art simplicity anJ outr f teegus speeiousnt en and bmihn.t. La Croix is a legally qualiTiel ph)sieinn. *odder the trisitwesay yetrs has been daily collimated upon the ifid&retit disystres upon which bisbook treats, Personally as a nit as 1 leiler. Any per shia vending twentaillve cents in a 'elder, post paid. will receive - one copy b y free.of postage. or Cr. ceples for .1.00. Ad - dress DR. 4(. B. LA CantX. 543 Beaver-id ,P. 0 , Hoz 379 Albany IL Y. Oftlee open nn Sunday from 2 until 3P. M. • 117EPXX/LIWT.—Nia. AS Drawer-s'., (Clinton Hotel build Logs.) Albany N Y. e i . Novel: —The" Dianeh °Mee" in Wail° Is disecinti ed, all letters should bedirected to Dr. hi B. La Croix, Albany, Y., where they will meet with prompt attention. Feb. 19 1b.13 • 1 . 1111114 oriablo Tailoring rot ablishmont eubc4riLer. in grate:l:3y ad:now/L*lu, 'Ord patrona+ which he has received from the citizsui or r.ric for the past live years. wolild 'most rosiwsui rely L ) call their attention to his present location. Having • N erected a asp shop on the east side orkiats sireo, rirs North of thh. and adjoining .1 11. kiblet k Co's Owninet Ware Rooms, 1w is erepa led aguitt to At at( up lon and aceoilaniodate his old patrons and friends. and , hopes that 1. 3 , his usual success in making "ituctetfilr,"' trot only to Contilltle a their confidence. but also, film' their influence, and byl, his own integrity and afieni , on to tem to set me g liheral share of the ',oldie patronage it Inch he respeetitilly ' Naval and Mit harp elotlifna ma-'e to order and Cuning far oth ers to make Ti;'. done with care and proniptiirss. • Erie, July Ye. 123 Y. JOHN (10.41.D1NG. AI.ARGE and variedwile/One:li of Trusses, embraeing all the late impra":. liattertis. suited to all tiger , sizes end, will be PeOPeriV itcol if required without extra eharge.•houlder braced and suPl*tb . re or various Iti n Ito all of w hitt will be sold it Its, than New York re:nil prices. to all who in ty want any of the above articles we Pay it will be much to your interePt to call before buyiagelsewhere. Dee P. I ,ll 7 lNntilV "Tatra of slur and quaisice, %vat ranted good anti will be sold at a ' , mitt advance- ano,e t.r t cost. great Inducements for porchaaea to buy at the City Drug *lore. Erie, Dee. 4 laait. P HALT.. BRANDIES, Wine". Liquor.. Alcohol and everything in 04 trade warranted `add and pure will de Fold in the most sat igraClOry wanner. LW: Dee. 4 le's2--30 P. HALL. TELL 11 %TAB ::t Tull Lea. n ad chespeatlot of Green nod Black Tea in this city ean'he found at tltc grucety etn.c. tg T. W. SWORE.. - • • Erie Are. 1-3 i) Eirown',Nr n Hotel state st. DRUSIIKS; varnist. duFtiug. Lair, 11crrh. hat. horse. counter, scrub, stouring.Liaehiag. ohire-u ash. har t. - truintweamel hair. ptncd, Licintr , L, shoe, witi&w. hearth arid Mariang bilabes of tits( (reality and se tring to rruit the tithes. call said get &great bargain. Erie 4 1. 1 51-30 Y. PEPPER. Siiiee• Nutmeg. Cloves. Mustard. Citrots, Corn Far , riga. Cella:in and a thousand articles too uutnercua to eau nsataie which ptease call and extuttitte priers and quality at Erie ifor.o 1031-03 STC.R it & AV'S. Cheriltside. puI I :CAMS' ratent in; •u• tart ti ttty tt, ele. also Brass bawls, brags and Glace riiile, at t3et.41R32 2l R errs R art's. , MATS—Grass. Manilla.nd Wo(.1 Mats of at: •i/r. r. • ac.d ors for sate etiOap at e. 4 '32-;'0 . Till ;OR NEW WATCH, JEWELRY, AND .r.darolroooDlS 5T02.17. , Slate St.;.appesile Brava's noir/. Le;e. TFIB ruhieriber. (late of the firm of Cf. Lc osn is dr. C 0..) re me. Lefore the Erie public and %feinity. soliciw g a Aireful' patronage. confident a large and well -exceed stork of the chutes' est and most fashionable ClOoLitt 41%% n%s at low pricer, tonether . with the Manufacturing of Z‘s/ser Ware and Jewelry. ;AA attention to bust fiessiw ill insure a rs:Lsonable sui,pr rt ll trim been for the past liffeen years A ter iJr.l.l of L:t a:A intending -10 remain the rest Of ilfe.the publie Alit find me no *Lied of pas- Daze." bpt al way. on hand trying a jilt thd •• rest of mankind" to .sustain myself and fatally. i n the wor Id. and Maya,x to% self n- en deavor to maintain the reputation enjoyed h the old firm in every partienlifr. Thankfull to a generous public for my *nee's-s thus Jar in' life, I, shall endeavor to Merit a Ao46lll.nhet Cfthei r favora. Aug. 7 Ins —l3 1 TIMIS% M. A t'STIN. o.—Wattbes, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired. . WOOL WOOL!! rre.aea a me Miltercek wont. Farts-ry. F rit s t i l l te i llat t ii r fa h e a ta vl r7nir iteisniners. Joh n torrosihip. here they re prepa re.; to I anufuturrnoy,..antity of wOol into cloth, cassirnere, htnut.ets, flannel. Aix— on ? hares Or hrthe yard, ns well es any other e'..ta I.:oh:urns in the country, /saving arsgood cards as can r.e eetrtp in It'estern - Carding and spinning done cents'. MD of thei r i! %I;Gts!. Carding itolls 4 cents per lb. c'oth dressing done in any sty lethal. Is wanted on short notice. Carpets washed and colors retained for extra pay, or washed with limp tube owners risk. . N. a—Persons leaving Wool rtf.lohn I% , !nes. Eagle Village. to 'Card. will have it taiken ort Saturday and returned the next, or carpets the saute. crat S Millercek,3uly3. t lf39 9 • :MIN T.. • HENRY S. 0114 OAN, } TAILOtt 'AND 'CLOTH' gg. 07. Broadway. intietew Des' and Folio. street. Nee Tort:. 11111ENTLEIMEN'8 Fdrnkhing Goals or ihe 1at , ...t %ties enuring Cy on hand. Naval, 741 ilitnty, Youth.' and rhcidreic's Cic - inntocki to order rah neatness and despatch. -, 1, 171101.. D anal SilretWaleher. rich Jewelry. t. liver Ware, il'icr ka. if Looking Glarrfac, Gilt Portrait rind Ptriure Prrinr.. Friar Cautakene and fluid %ideand 6.l%pr:tiling Lamm, Gina. Lamers', stained and plain Glacia.•Aturieal 1 netricticetai. Strirtcr. dit4' . Walking Sticks, French anti (lnrman Toss. Just !curet a•cd in New !fork. and reerring and open iva new and fie" h. at nha4e sa le and retail. Cat in and reclaim accetc. Buy ache:lp etre Wel actateth;ng aloe. if.) like. at io l . :V. , .rl'i VA. Erie Aug. 7 1F,5:1 , 1 , 14 npiwrite Brown's Illutell" NAILS ANI) iliilN. 1 AT TH E [NAN UFA CTI'IIE ir s PRICES, I T I I intend n i 7 Zre p i i r : it u li me 'gil • ,l ‘ 3 • k o c f " ,I n 1; 1 17 the e. 1 l i tie t r i e " t v .:k .71 ,% ' ! . .i e, , I e f e i l : . "riot won they rneb.n. and al.o a Cr 3' W.le av+ortn:rat c f Na:s. Perpone vrith have uited thr :inn! Jr! i :S. , I - Its t. 7( ha pa:. . ,:a u. still to be told that none better are mad - zit - LI !eaat or elsiniele. Lrie.oept. 0.-17 d Tor galo etc. TIIE robseribet h rtwo farms to sol. !Anh eligible 10e PIM colvenieet to mike t: wet: tip ) watered and ailan in proper portions In grain and :err sons desiring to ma c good locations hub bettor cal 'al Chance is gone. II of !hem is a small place cootalninl 80 and the other 110 to PIO acres more or leis. Cash paid for flaunty land 111111'41146 or located by me- WestSiningfield, Et ie Co.vra . May 16th IFS'''. GII.IICIIT lII' Z+pstoae I t ' : P g smn.txue.& WELD V= ma. R L IIIU MARVIN liar di(a;wsedn(7l i erest In t above eatablitinnent, awl in the tanwory,e; Irvin & 1 1111211.40 Itnmuel Selain. the !mil or". will litreao erT )ntlue:ed I the sutmeeribers.undet the na me of Vett ins & eldcu. 0 wittveu aceouutant the !ateLrm. ()et It). WM* t.. PIi•XIIMP.; 11%%/ t •Rt.PIKII LIMIT,► ! LIMIT!! LIGHT !!! antrwr..ir ntscovs.atrn GILIZZION OIL. U•E of the greatc.."t discoveries of the ate. a hick we it?) n t hesitate to auwe as the iAI EA PF,AT 110.1 n. of .irtilic ia I Eight ever yet prese led, producing a GIN ill LIG,IT 1 iplf law than no q uarter of a Cent per ED . lu sag fiver the SOFTEST; PUREST; and swag eftil.tf.4.% ' LIGHT ever yet produced by lacap and at• GAA: FOGT7'II r e soil Of fluid, , NOR CAN ur, BE EXPLODED, • wilkilit nne trimming tithe wick is wifie tent the a mewl A. anoLn Maul* wick will Lama a year. tior does the ow:lran/as of %helix 1 decreer* as long as 'there is ante lent Oil in the letup to keep • e wick moist—lt wilYburn,longer than Lard oil. and will not co - geed in the coldest Weather, end the price is only eighty icy a sad a•trrlf cents pet gallon—to be used in rebid Lamps. Lae. lea. 8 Int E J. II IttURTON & rn, 1111J13IID AL I,NSTItU 3 IENTS. 1 WJOW opening. an extensive ntscirtrawit of Guitars. Violirit. Aceordeons. Banjos. Taraborinws. Flutes. Fifes, Or .nr mi sery price and ;petit) t also, 81 rings frr Guitars. Violins and V IA- Entrains. ofthe very best kinds, all very cheap at Emieelefit 11-17. ,T. M. Alarillel, Opposite Brown's. Stale 11.1 —. ____ WITOLIM , AI764te stilWerit:S4sare ccciii, Ow th,crailloir Rig Patent Medicines. which the's will well by lb.- dirxe• Al 140118acturers prices. vie : Jaynes' Ex metorinit. Attentive .cm mniniative Balsam. Vet ni i iii gr., Hair tie and On oat ic c Pills i Lot: o l:bolagergue t Br i-ict's and Too usend's oars: sand F 4 h ni 'VtOe k ' S Venniffige : Trask's. Tanner's. , ic- Anglers, Sloan't avid Dal ney's nil/1111W: Perry Davis` Pain il. Isr. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, Earrers Indian Liniment. Ear y's Trieophesans, Brant's Indian Medicines and kiers Petroleu , Erie New. evm P32;--23 • J. 11. LlTETtrie & et' .1 311ARIelf EIPSIZNO T37.4011 - .1: CLARK 12 NTI74 LS are reeei ride new goat... an./ take th eir old twisition uf taerlng the tie.i lanolin/ in Erie. no store et trine& In demonstration of this feet they offer Detain , . sciN and beautiful sties. at one shilling per )ard. If the .ratue gnalb lae• am be berrabt in town at Pas Dian t'ro i-hiltingn ttret offer to stake wine pre-eat to the but ern. Cuntonwrs please call ainisec whether there a any bungnie or gasconade about tbis,or anything Wee tbat may be c..irred you from our pre-eni k• Erin. blareltit Nn r Reed 11011. e. • 'KEN' and Talk Cutlery. aleo. Dan t i3tutts til.ttro tOble tee spoons. a vtod aerrrtmeut that. clay reeeit etl et NO 3 Reed Hottret.• Eri.. Put. 39-38 RUFUS REED. VAL AULE FARM FOR SALE. THE Subscriber carers his farm situate on the Lexington road: three miler from Girard. Erie County, fur :ale. It COnlaiits fle tare, of Land. It of sheet] are under a Rood state of improt e. seat t has erected thereon a goal two story frame Itoose. the ne *Mary barns. sheds and outhouses a good orchard of graflAd *gill is well watered, and the unch-arei land LlN:mites in ;Tod sawitqf timber, and there are two saw-mills within • quarter of a mile "Terms made easy. and title indisputable. Lnquire tlasubseriber living in (he village of Cirs.rd. narea 1631-41 a It ADAM LAUGBLIM., Seeds! Seeds!! FIELD, (UMW& Ftower reeds a large simply °fall k indivonte ,Of which we invve received (min a celebrated Reed store In fatiasa Our MC t aimed iv too numerous tO toent IOJ. Yarn:ter% fardaer's and others are invited to tall and examine. Eric a Frt. •J 6 1(,33- 41 CL4RK t 111cCARTRft.. 1 1 0.1C 9 :11 110TirZel - t / NE4I THE A4sLgo' D DEPOT. P f:ACH ST., ERIE p 4, GEORGE . FOX, PROPRIETOR. 'otitis House situate but a few steps from the Eastern and a Kewern Woad depcts—has been newly furnished nod Sited up fdi i accommodation of OTRA NG ERS AND TRAV ELERS. and as a pleasant and agreeable stopping place in, imst passed by any In the City. Attached to it Is a t eacellent stable Sad other accousniodatwns for leamaters and others from the country. raiMenlifrl 4 and Baggage carried to and Rom the Cars free of chart... Charges reasonable. Erie. Dec. 18 len uiUnCH ALMANACC—A luFee !supply just recirived es Zrie. Feb. 12-6 inmus a. /LOAM'S. IN . ERIE DAGUE ' AN gIALLZRY, lark Raw, a taw d••ra •••1 iask• 1111.1T-7,IISCVSV. iP herPir IP tat tte all who wish rrAIIITTLIIIItZ,O- .3 'l' V PE Lisem ei...er.0..../Fk , are at frit pirtteubir waist girdle pitliirestlve.) Wive, whis new iiteayslus %Islet/ Mate lAteli both es pressl) Ike Hie Art. LIU Wl' is five great scoot of the A lei. L. 1'4,4 itlastteeathe COSIIIIIIII surly; of al g wolaiiil) of OW MOW* setter UK. An was if stevered. to etfifflsry and touvrol it is vac Walther best aii•paeil lo proJuce the nitwit favorable result... .Ttse result of this subly sad of of erverintent• le that there is not a rev; eetah e permanent teal l'?) to the I: :411tes where tne pic tures arc mace by a cowmen tondow. oni he whu loos Ile can :Inihtec superior IQ fit hes sVich a win low !trove...hi, falornece of the Art. Tn.. ani.eribet liyearP I feat c Amor that to his rri., r.iperl.lGllT,ah.l with cii p,.aratusworth.ie tiftws any eth er in Oil% cily. h. tsennl,led Inv . ..hire pictures vf filch eanbot bc -..ouelied In thts part of trw co . tit ry. a lid wren.. to !teen an) thing! ifir It ran be pfa.luCCd in oilier room d flr ie. or forfei 1:1,11 . 11.111 - [ .1 1 e 1 .10:' ir.• Ile blir also a pifilrw.ll.l Unfelt %York ins l'amers. it Ilif w hich he Ville% cliii.frely 21 n fs4el iwt it bed isunc II) uu- I derstooti (:tenures will nc fade lf prover, y actg. B.—Thc''recelaiwproe,nwenis" way he seen at the above ro-ons. W. 811V i RMAN. rrict F.;s1.1( 1 , IF3I. re PO~lico xBO. DS or parent, who use Vermrthke ect , Mllewed of la (Astor oil. Calomel, are not aware., ttrr. t hi.e they ap pear to ekneftit Ihe patent, ney Ore aro tunny:at in; Vic Prin.laf ions for a ..-r‘e, ortt.aeases, Ruch us salivation, kits ut welt. wcak• flea. of Hail. &C. Itt another column wit I be forma the adverttserrient of Itoßen mek'sMe.lieittee., to which we ask the amp' lan of ail dieeeth interested to their own as Well as their cWt..trett'r health. In Litter Ccoopiairos and nit disorders Orlon g from More of a I 41.. I ions type...should make use at theont) [genuine tuedieineMoiwn sack's layer Pill, ri*" •• Cs lest dereired." hot nek for llortertrick'eVrorm Strial. and Litter fills, and 01. nrcrE that each has the sianatare of the Proprietor. J. N. liriKEN SACK, as none else are genuine. Aug I) t 5 ourls., • ~,-----,, ---- - LX A - 1 17 *PC G XL OD 11. 1(7 E nre er.ve prepared to. put up the Premium rods and `V,p0,,,„,„(:), • uny who WoOld like to be protected fioni•the dangers of this I ighining. Remember the man that docked hi.. ban) after biotic me was Atil oi, and do not wait tint 0 %nor houre Jr barn gets a #ltoke !Jethro ly o • set rode to your buildings.. A word to the wise tuutFicle d l t i 1 LIDDELL k CO. R. o.—Allordetafrom 6 Aistsnes VitICIU Ity attendee SO.— Roils and points at V 6 belesalt . - March W. liMi- till piADI - orort i rn E7XLPOIIIUM. nttoADwAY, NEW-r)EK: Tie Most estroisire 3U i end varied assortnieut of Eosevrondr 'rano Fortes. plain and ortan tnental. elegant piattertk d e.atinretely.camedi and high ly finished is ith Pearl keys, all of our _nun 'little t ire, and w 1•- ranted in every particular, can to found at if WllrPolll.llllr. WS k sao.snwsv,, New•voatc. Peps. -2,-1--40:01. IIe.NN NTT & CU._ TIN, COPPER' , AND SHEET IRON • EISTABILISIIIIEEV.T. 40111 N- MCRN I V Wrlulti reiipeelPiliv inform his friend. and4he puldiegenerativ that he has Inc ited himself at Vie raid atstid r ef %I:dile-ton & :Slur phe.nti the Park Pew wilt a !alit. r and berJer T 1.43 t I mcittoll Tin l'en peralid Sheet Iron Ware. I iviii far pared of 'lie heat iron, and of !erect At the most masoualilktatm. a. polea,ale or retatl. Ile ha. on hand ettoers of all pricro , Apt! qui! fti-a. e.tii.trileted with tefai eare,p u.ecn I t•e.t.:. nd ru•ittren ience e an-1 01 tne rend durable ma. ~,,k rt At r,,,, „tovelii re „n# elbow. lo I :JII sl..Orttliellt Or • ./ A/.if N IP Alt E . Whielh hi Ilatteraltinesclf i nucsee:led. if equated. in Pi is city.— Milk pnilt, i .,0 ,nisi....:. tr..'tr , ....c vot , t‘t ea era f.e,erirattott r'on stant'lroti hand. Deter'', e , l %,, rr orrur lite lii.•;lier.aa ith energy an.l r ithtulno“. aril to 9 Se nn eirol to mode r sati.faction , he hole/ Vecive and uteri ilt l .,erai stPlre at pnblic pato:we, Erse y I 1 , ..12. SI. PIT BURG 'LIFE: 7.4111rti E. AN, E V O'rtt P AL . ,= VIII Capital 51,01.,' 000. ' et. Asp Jolt 4 STOCK IiATEP enstarts,D. . I )ffirt wader its en MU. 'Uhl '. P;:l • . Pa. l :e 6 cm she lava 0- '4 S nud M. 1611111 principle*, thus hay d tr.tint tIIIII,art ant.. euttOo lea cle pa l l, I . reee of in 0 pulp in 16,.. 111 Il eel) t.ort ou a' of erold.letiti l l a Ring.i .r, wl cont rol lei! , V ~i.e 1.411 Of frirCCO7fg. 61111111CCOr• a l I:,y. CrUlg.6l./), nasafet). . neon. Preside 'lean, Vice Pr t . )iI t. FICF.TtFi. J. t; a:. A) DI i.ECTOII. • ii • - DENTISTRY.. • t FIR, s r. nßnwNi:i.t,, than) nil for the liberal Patrouttrees 11_/ tr•ndelt Olt int by the citizens of Prie and yiein ay. a 011111. MC that he is'isernittiently Inented in-his Old rtand on State, rt.. n herr be may he fon inl al all I stuff , I rad), toeseatite Itentalu o.k in the beet nosisitde nintioer. Ile will alryi keep ott Mind sn as • atnientof [Urinal otoik faille arroommilatom..ollbrntais from the eottittrydi Itentaitts arLinetted to call June.. "' THE ROA.I) TO REAttlrii, W lIALLO. i rY'S PILLS. _____ • 1 CCIIR AT • DISOADRIt D Li vigil AND BAD DICRaTION. Copy of a Letter frets .. 1f r . P. IF. kirlite, eheinist,7 Preset • ' Greet. Lid rrpoet, dated CIA Jose. I'4. - To Proferror Holloway, pott.•-l'our Pills an Ointment have atood ibis litaliert on oar isle lio of propricto r Aterlteinemfbr stamp years. A costumer. to whim! I ens refer I`.:r any meth ale.. &mires toe to het you know i the pan imila rr of thee:we. she had brain troubled tor t ea 2-4 will) a dig-witted I iver. and had di eertinn. tin the tart necarinn, linw iever. the s ',titmice rd the attar!' u r ns ronMnoine. nti.l Om halm tattoo eel in PO PPVPTeIy, flirt d mho were entertained or I ter n +tong -A hle to hear tip under it 2 for - - tonna-1y she wt* Indite to try your Pill.. and she alluring me that after the first, nn each 9.m:cording flow, the had .real relief. She tatuomml to I ke them. and altholvti she, wed only Shire hose/2. the is iIOW.III the etijnytnent of li.tfeet IleA'lll. I could trot rent von inch incite enktio. bod IN! shore from (lie aemiirity attlie attic ic.'n wi the speed" vitro. I Ilitint . oprak• much in favor uf)ourdsion irlooF Pills. 1 Sword) R. W. Hiatt:a. AN SINTIIAOADIN•IIT tehlt ,or RDRUMA IC 1111NP.R, IN CAN ,DI6IIII-2N n LAID. , • Cary of i Loner ioserfrei in the j'art - Tex. Courier, el fie 1922 Mare 2 ; ii-51. by 2'lttisr .r. Ira ch. Margaret 11'Conit igen. genet, en % ol.agei.ree'ding at New Town, bad Leen ,otkritt2 from a violet-It rtieutriatic freer for up wttret.itif two mobtb.., ~ I hit 11 I, id on;:rela rfetett ed her of the OPE of her li.ott t tiorra2 am. pent l .1:e u o• butler the care of the man eiritnent med-cal mon in Hobart Tow 2 - I ,Ai i i; tit it i ,.,,,, hpe c,.., war considered hope-leer. 1 friend ',recta lei; trpoi, her wi re ti,,,:- loway'seeleliattal Pair, to loch aieraineeited to do. and iu an is. credible whorl rp•ce of dine Ono , erected n pe eft e t cure. CURD OF • PAIN AI)N Ti6rtTNl2ll IN Tilt: ILIIEST ADD . st f . . - tr - maar Aver 'ire- ..-......c2...1.....ia.ya,..-I.l.t.__yr-i.L. -• . - !.evert. Treas. . Conon. Seel. - Frost , yews. Uric Hdun. !Proprietors of the Lana Advertiser , : . S. - , VA 4,11 V.lill I - • r f trf. :. Mr •I!, , ..1 etielmt,l -,f...,.1 I dad. irSt. I! I To ia ! 1.--. r 1 . 1.'11 .. a 1a. -Sir..-t. :trout' to I ear tr.t Intone to !loon', „1 , --reph 51 T.rech. 1 the godi erects ef 11ot - on:lN' , VIIIP. In rsoine se:lntl •,,:formi 2. t•nailt. P .Y. V(.llCar . 111 'COIL. ' 04.1•Tte:, Itt.lll Apni I. owl tight nef, to thr.,4 , :miacli 'a hop!' as - a• 61.41 MRlag ken; , IV's. Plia:ips. i -•e ~ 1 ,1n,..1 hy a .h.lrtrie*A of ' , tenth. that prevailed ii e from BOAR OF F N INA UE. • , , wilt...fif am .4,,0t. In AI sear. of Age. and nottieutt•inutlitig my ill Wilk ids. 1.1 Seercllryj .f %Var. 2 add *nerd Plate Cfliie:ttette Pali, hitt. Pt, rnlimed Ilk.. I.lnt I not alter Forward: ate &crimpy of Trealtury , i timorous chit other. eh , Ind he made ampta MIMI. a tilt (''sir tit ' , iyifer. Pro . CA.: li.er of Pittaturg 3ank.ti I 2 r 9. Jam now reinlened, I V their meow, Cr 4,p:sr - aim ly active. n 1.,...ch, C....ft „ i twlef.,te Grateer. ' ! !-, and can take eitr•rr Wel without inco..ven,rner or pain, Which i lem, BoA 1 Ix C O Nt.Ourtsct rprincr A yrs,. 1 ; 1 csaldn it dote2ore. (.2-iignei.l) 111:11 Id V C.W., North iit ,Lynn. 'Norfolk. 'AM. NI. D. 3 , li uke. NT. 11.4 V. Ailitmon.Al. It .11. c• . I nes* l'e!ebretel Pills Ire teantrerfeJlie dress-la's in 14e folfortiaz 1 n..51 1 ) . ' J.. BR -k VA It o.l;enet . ;.l tiaeitt.' 7 C.wpfatets. I dersigned nen . . f the campy yat the. placcand vlettl. ! ~ ,_,,, e, Dropry Liver Coha-Betiondary • prepared to relive atmlie a ion. for Insurance rthro to 'a I Aoki's ''' 'tit-vinery Vail 111 ' T..t :r.int us Ai , circula p espial. in the urines! , es oi the cone. 1 lli' ! twos Coat - rryii.)&4ll I.tiitiliatta Tie llutd.mreits ay at !in nety at tali. A. •I. CII 'SPIN. Arteed. FCIII4 Y. Inert- I' I:1. s 'I uts et rta ti.. 51.-25 ' hheutuatirita tale, es i -Na * .2 ‘ V ' lll " n ' . Ric" ' I ; D1 1,1 .,- j -ti n es itg on the imams MS. 011 ror ratbi In their,. , t market pri.,.... 4 ..0,.1. thr ird I ttift i Pmetli of all Retention of Venereal Al :Tel warranted li te fieri on. fro. a nice article urrolat Bow el Co m- - kinds . Prime !ecotone 1 'and burning iftifl fur saleat i.e city dtdi rt2..2o.rtate - st. j plaints Fits lle roful a. or Worms Of all flee. 4 ifs 2. ha P. HALL ; CoNes Cart Ili s nes, 1.3•11 kinds . l i rozr 7 tiri ----- th igi a , - = n - i -----.---'---- 7 -7 I Constioatlon of Head-ache - Sore 'l hrirats IV eaka n e • • . . 1 tnerl ' un ens in4,gertion en:mem:lU tiirar- front u aster' , abs:rlher.erittefiti t 2 his frost.," and the pull Ile for the 2 r •,,,,,,„,,,,, t ,„ 2 , 1„0,,,,,,,,,,,A, el Cr enune !cal pro tonne!, calletteltal to h./.y during his *holt career, in .Ibbility • Jaundice r .7 k , . ire. . -a.ntr.eld22.itiersitlic.es • at, method or riforatitig than that ' latdr i a t the estol.l,.idoent Of Profetomr lloliorvay . 2 11, Strand. usi cwies in red! g .Is at het Orin-oali• low prates, (oral ( urn , Templ e liar. London.) Anil hy all respectable ~suggirtr and• ly, heliSvine thaMptiall prof:sand iiiiink tale- is interest or/sitar ni Aftaticines throughout the ttritistid.more.tunt o f iii.„. e I ''''''';'''''''" 7 "" • • 'IA "'''''a ! 41 "1"e'''N't•-' l2) ' / ' i nai P 'e r , " 1 " 1 of the Cone I States. in t4l.tesiat ffllgett., 2-7coh. and € 1 !Pent.. lett 1., ca.stireti i. Flirilill'e. arciirt.i2l.,trocita all .A... 1. tact. Vilholtllale t) the principal tome houses at the Union. re. ;•:2!in is .f. silk hit -2 ra it-' ilia Lung Si.! •quare ohne, IN ' awl fir alia.str. A. B. & 1.1 itt.trios. Neu York, l '''•"'" l '''"'''''''' : ''''''''"'" 2ll "" m ' '• ""‘ ier ' fre '' n- t ' ,hr ',.''' 1 3-f incite is A Cunsideratae saving by tak i lig the larger Pius. win ai. I.lu ho eil i impi, 'into - totter., itk tit , / liIPPII hilk . lei : ja i .h. Ii• rem tens na the guidam e otpatiente in tom) thr•iriler .t i. itilirtuiletto, ca r ers Sin her my. velvet ratting. lace. 1 are all. aeil tai each MAX. Ir2l _.: .!'. n oeuvre% mato rtkier tof .1 isna. tt t muting". intorno:lc awl i -\,.-; ; - -.- r. 111:511: - Ii - V - t - a - tile . bLi, at ISt per retaritt n et2od an e cal riao„.2brdwo and tit-ached 'hit - tine.. and shirt-2nm.. ill of I ‘: • J. 1...;.ac by. I 51sile, m:111 14: yt.1.1 Chi-p.m:IT 14:111 . zuy qtber !mitre in the eity dare ' . ~ re' ,i on 21... - No- 3. Williams [Dock. late. Pa. ~.,„,,,e temlity pilot... A- _ I•ce. 1--:. 1, 1 i ! 3CiliN V.WEEki CY. buitz.ar , aifti - oii - i5 eil. tiiiiiii -- . • - -,,,- ue,s. re arsotirmint or Ilaaelflina; Pit , Aell the best in mat- Now L'dion. . 1, f ,.irr, la hit it!-Itta•nlkerchira of evert I, old. Cohn:nes.lra C & J . gi,,,1A:,,. N o . A r - o . 2i ii_g l ,•,-, 4 . rhil s 4 e l p y in,. hare in. ii.litly.if.y, am t n)li tie a C.l ta I u mire tor thaitped 11.12115. ' j j . j ,,,,i ip4lo.:ll_,t a 1,`,,,, , ,,f ; or,m, contawing • e ,rhavii,9 st...pi. r,i ereants of tirst doinlit. - . has eilin. hair S/I)RE r T:/4.N i trti,l'L in,',NDRA:D 11. R "S. ii re -torn r.-e,...fr; Jailry 1.1)WiIel. ill Shari tY T. room/tally Far practic.• in for Coyirts of Pennsylvania AM/ of the United , hat 21 Remo 244 amorunent of every kind oh Perfumer y titatet , , ,,,, ;‘ , f a , r 0„,, ,: .„,,,,,,, , Alm lie the use oh p u b lic rir g„ rt , rite Ivo aad l'atikle notions of alittoist evert description. i mud "ten of Iturinerr esnerudy. Adapted to the merit um* of lout" w *bil'r , r l jhll arc ti''Peelf"") . mvited t ° r 44 a. the Y amaantly ot Penns) Is ;loin. nub cmptiwitors- teturiAs nod nu el'erld upon Paull what they want at the lowest price. at I titerour precelen.r and rtfmencer vs rtandnid Itilli k ai if ,. T o T er n,; •iauc sham l• Erie lice- 11J P. 11 ALL' nStich are apped,ie,i r.„l ,rtni.Counst-liar at Law. &C. Secotid 1:211•' rite-sary of Imw terms and a cut toms la- CA1:11131 i ...it.11 4 Dot•Oline.li•ocade am very ! Alspaear. ee ehelp des. By lamer WI u I . e l / 4 14. 'S. SW 1111 Cl - 's Writ.. -Price- Pew Pollars. • f 3 ROC 'IIIIY.-1 h •I. gest stock. t..e tit ware. and the !ow lssl".riesirigliT.;:er:,uctieddfillt.t:c:s:ohtf:tausbrcr,,aSliitrnnetia,t,r:.l,is: ii r , e !:4 l ,l2 l .ll ‘ ::: i ot l i., l f , i ( e:r::: n a lt r t ri l l e: cr o l Tit iec t a , e l ica l tr o t i t f i t t o e the n w t v•-•' eft 1 ricer in thislci y is at in thelegal liforeeriteill. their opinion* of the sock , which are of Erie. 1 ...c. 1- , , h.-52. 1 ARRINKI.E& I: tri.r.R . s. • .1': 11. aI 11. T 0 N Eft , 0 0 . 1 , • . a large utnuner of an equally lavoratne charaeter- . No 5 ) U ooi ouse, II , it c!lrty torch : Apr.l R 14-52.• Getnt-men t The collections of court ham. I A' Convey:Me Ilia, R F - . lola recei • 2•••9 a{ , -..r. aod ta t ); pc:tete,' stock of Drug , . ke . s ~,d , ~,,,, ; Hen ,„ u t ep. 9 -. i,, n , t o the oublie.ttiori of Dun -1- . 31 c 4 z..e'''er - a".d.t: Ca ntle :'. , the tV ,'''' 4l ". ' l )e ,1 " i!,., r ,: e. lap : s work in In-15, me kJ rev iiicht to make tilwin conseniesit 111111116,11)/litetA tifll , Je. anr ii owes' a moon elar.S, initty, etnot. amid to adar „ 0 ,, E . H , ~, i tutt , et ,,,,, t ,•_•, ler leTiAntinn had reotiered net a t o t p et i'. 44 ,ery„ tine! 9 . a t ..., hint; ihilt i t :...iti 8(0 mint boatel' , i . 1 meaty HI tn.. practice in the court- in Pennsylvania. gardfti seed...t.rtr-ent a tf - 2enthl inao.niterts. great. tri l l aged tin I Your rah uun or that %York the'cfore recets.e.l, as it merited. the foi 1. tot-item:2. rindfa lon r., p'hen toes a I'd I tran4lt ) fa : 44 -)!• I approtiation of 1 . 411 lesal profrandt. nod stippln d a pant tt Web Mina! Pornorcr• 1.1 ") ••“ 11.11- e• .‘' fi nd s I ' 4 ' l ' l4 n d "' a t" e Ad '''''";,r w 2.. I a •124 hummer lot ii it, nez ally throonlmut tie titote. %Vv. zic,le fair t etch-I.r fur cash. and tidier gond- as low its e. n,_ After the flint/von. test hirm ial• whieb t., au hare received from tit horgla in this ,ertitio. 41 WAIIIII:ted to 1 e Irish (-'lre a 'r d . entincor Judges. in respect to the ti-el-.intesr and etet•tichee of I o genuine. pera ho d ' Ore cattail). pri.netly IL!ed sph satig- ' th a t fork. ermintemiation of it front me wool,' be ropertitions. 110 ion and at/atm.:et .1.1) 1 I may lie permitted. lion Pact. t'!reinark Oral I . 11 I'Prr2se OM the phy•i•-iatir Pre.cript es wilt e e c e ir e paolew lar attention tit general charm-ter...toil Arrangement ot ate work. and. havine ti d!' bouts of the day ntidlumht. . _ .'.. Idle Nos .Ih2 IS:it _ an , I A ,„,,, r d A I . o .ti o n o f ti r e n e w clinic whisk you n i nee p t adhi n y, I • ' - 1 .. 1 LIR Nr•Cli eioglaill an A :newton prang, at 'itch tale nr retnli - may add that the author has greatly elltnrCird 410 iltiT.T.iyett his 11; ChC.ll, ..IT i I:ii Nov. a 15.52-211 JACLVOCiI.; ; tarsi e 51211241. and that. u heti pohltrited. his look Sill be the wort - -- - - - ! ! - - ------------- -- ------- t_ . cuuteweni and useful one orate kind camas, DR t vre-41 Seerettg. Cc's frOm four tents pray or i apse:up. i Very is - uly yours; Ise. 1. Erie Ltd. 4 P:3l. I - 3 ‘ ) - Ihicsses C C. &J. Biddle, R 7, O. Wfirrr. , ______ ____ ________. - . .C. s /f 00=A neva au pry thisdav rec !veil at thrii - ' - M r e 'e n t e l . A n N t i r i t ' itur T ar ( e rinre. Jan. ;11-hts , RUFI.7 RE,P.D.' 2.- cri-- ASSOO 'CIIALI.ENGE. , ,tp , r ‘l7 /I ATI2V F.R coneernr the health and Imppi ties" of a people V 1 9 at nit woe. of t,le Mort VAlillirqe Importance I take-it for granted ttr.t every ritrltiett h its tit) Art In Itself palter• to flair 'the lierds of LIR if ei n t.D en and that ea try I cr. on an. ill endeared' in prone le ttit.iir OWII iitpl 'lb at all ractiticer. I feel it to lie IDY 4::ty to 'oleo/ tity re-ri.fe I. 0./ ta..t IVORNIS. acenrdaur ti the ohm ituvof theintmt celetrawd I ligtha tan... art. the primary - causer of a iiirgPii i itil.ril, of direalrer to *hie!, children and attultA :ire lia ble; if yhti tits e 2-a rokietite cuoto•Laly clz:mi ably Lam one thine to arbuher. Dad 111 - cnth. pain in the stonincli. Virkuto nt the itc,,,e, 11.1Tifit.C.Pit iiiiT.c...atiri's ....r . Vie Pea), dry ca nt o, slow React ; Vim -2eirregalar-,rerdclithet that ail Oast-donate N Logue, , IItYIIE'NSACI,;'S WORM SYI:UP. , An arti.!:e fJun.leti tia.n scienti: C nrineiptes. - eninnenneei with Purr )I:callable a tistaners. king pe►lieity.safe when tae kmt. r-ticl 4an Iv itis en Da the most t ilder Infant with dere tilted beinef-eial efft.m. where Perri Crerrpleiste dad fbarrhe i n has e 1 R owe ihenr weak and pet!ilitractl rile Tonle proper - tits of in) IViorni ppm, are PUT. Ih.ll it Plat.tit vs illibut an - equal In the catalogue Icifmedicinel nett, a, hich . in gtvir - g tone and itrength in the Atom. makes-it a Infallible remedy forThAie afflicted with 'llarsPrlsh the arbleiglang tures pet Rattled! by this tAyrup aher 1 1-eic tants Imie failed, is the test eviZenCe if tis superior ellica 'Cy! over all others. , TUt TA I k g WORS/ ! . • 1 ?this is themust difficult Worth to dertroy atfall that infiats the hurnAsyatem. ft emit • loan alnusst iudeflite length becoming somwed nth! failteried In the Inie.iine• and2l . toneart mil-cling the health.* amity as to Cause et. Vans Dance. 'sm. &c., that those afflicted ri•ldnin, if mud! bullet that it la ?bps Wenn Itastening thou to an eath',ernve. 12.• order to destroy tits. Worm. A eery energetic t rent Urall I TWO he Pursued. it would therefore I le prop redo lake-If to hi of in Liver POls roes to remove ail ohstruetlons that tilt Worin-',S)rulp may art direct anon time Worm. which trona tie! taken in doilies of 'd Tilderpooutilli three limes alloy there diuretics s followed thete tit's er t ti *noun to fail.la cur ins the arena ; old-tin:dr enrd of 7'sj !I Rica . . r 1..---- .. . 110BENSACh 8 I.IV ,R PILLS. CM I T 1 41'A, i tuft eig y r,•, M f', I LC:. Ldringt rile PT. isw titroo•lt patty to OM OE lamp ol r4te, rirltr. 1 11. the we 1.• Msll raslau ctre Elm ht earttn• 1.1114111 tiert , 3• pia an, lito- a cal cr , %ohm!' cL'rr hairy. I; t swil Ayr.h, kttO fa ncy Per} may 4 the ats No rein iorthe o)Ntrin iv more liable to disease ttutn the LIVER, it serri lig ttleo tlt( ter!to purttr, the blood or pit ins the prot.er se.. tretion to thc I Ile t , that an i ta•rolig nitinn °Me I.ivier effeeta Ike other itutortaot i ,rts al th syshin. nri monks variou.le. in Liver Cvninia:nt. ifs ndiee. Itlvpri•sia.*e. We vtiould, them of fore. watch et err's, 'loom that in irlit ind:cmc the wrong act ion of th."l.iver. 'I heSe, ilk Lail eliiincvied of Knorr •NLI MANIA r',11111j91("Aril1 4 nature an bent the siek ; hfli..rly. t.t. no 1 - xerree. RANT, Williellnv•ttet4r the .re triton r.-010 the r.,lnion3r) mottle locinbrnog.. or proirioies therti.ch reecfveciTtertimitter. lint All AF T IL ATI%, ,I/ FtiC II Oa ugc. in .orne illeXilicable and in.envilile manner the certain inort.id a: lion of the Pystel/1. ' 3rd. a losic . tit hieh glees toile no I.trencth to tto. VITT/ OUP Oftlelll.rr'lell I liM e.alth nod rigor to .II prat, at the t ody. 4th. a r•TitaitTlf. 111 ilCil lICIP in perfiv harmony' with the other Anctedietor. mod Operving on the glottis. and r tiselfi simile who;e mass oreortit fa And eitiz tea matter. and parity ing the blood. Which destroy, dia. eare and remoras health. TO FES! ALES.i roil will find there Pills an invainalle medicine its many eon. plaints to which yrin are subject. in olistcurt lona ellbef Paal at partial. they hart. I,eeit found of inpertorshie %ewes% :ponying their functional arriingawtits to a healthy entice. pitrifyine the tw i n . blood nud 011bPf OtllitiN trotketually to put to flight au complaints whir may nriAo ghoul ,Teinnte irregularity. as headache, giddi ness. Daum of Sight. pn in is the side. lutek. ike. Ito e genuine unbar signed .1: N. Hobeasselk , another, being bare 'station. 'ST Agent. wishing new supplies. and Store Keepers desirous of ins Agents must addren thie Proprietor.J. X. illobensaek. Vint Iphia. Pa. t Sol by all bletelisnts and Drnegists in the U. P. Arab.— Carle A Brusher. Ptlf. Wholessleand Retail Agents. . Forks,, Mere r ; Fisk. St poll. flevelan4 Ohio. Trite each lb cents. G. . Keyster, No. 1411 Wood St.. Pitestniryr. Wboissnie AO.. . rt bo 'ill supply Agents at tho Proprietors prize& . Au stilt INik 101 . . E FtailEi Y.—The follow it' , :slant ems** sedseents by Lubin. liszin.ll'iver and In . iris; Jockey chili. /fam ine. Jenny Lind. ~,.. Ruds. Par .1 towers. tewert ran. Patch. IY. lied,vostnin. Vtrhens. Tea , tee. lone Gesell Wm. New own Hay. Erie tit. W.l-14. CARTF.I St BROTHES. - 1 0 0 re 1 8 ; " pars, .1 ‘ Crushed. v. ii ; im eeret r Granislatei i d sodpr 11,. W. swam, • TAILO , Ite 10 emoi. fll Jaen Smash slierssoree) All I. H. bar too otaraerd eshrustre Gtertaissreof Currents, 111 sod Posnoraus• Esresot.rroo ton at ear dose *re. it to hie tirrwrsainatroo so pay ese.ar Ise arreotroo to the CUSTOM ?rola this patrons/re which !what alesody reeeitrod.lhOs poi* men. 21r. hi+. avowed that Su mole 1111141 , 1 - Dere, which bit bur arlopseJ. does and Is Wove entire satt.tretiun to atl sr Ito desire to have 114ir el meals triode up lu i COM TAW' I. from ale brat Quality, of tga Ea! S. Q. W. POLTS a 1 ways I.e suendanee to watt upon rositrasets, sod take orders of aentlerunn w ith ins a genteel fit and a arathi able gar ment astute up's) his beet attic. ''ooothatlivel'a retelllolllo, l l 000 f the Later' Rtrie,r, rat'( a oily on hand. rorrus and CHILDREy S CLOVII !MG leads *oder with V C.A S 411 VD DES PIM:. June 121852. - 1 yrs. DURKEE'S Baking Powder by the gross or tiowr vale by • J.G.Ar. W. .111114. June . No. 3.V - silicon, Block' Crie Pa . HATS, CAPS - AITD --- 11:018 PM THE 11ILLION Clear the track fe SMITH, No, 3, Cheapsida has on hand thel.agresratoek of Goods. I n I ne. r 1Y oflered in Cite wrist. which were purobasoOlfor (•.t ell in the r.amern Hues. or mann* otred I.y IllinAelf• by 4u. bid, !le is ena,bled to r.ell thin r.. 0 low that ueopirs ,ray prey r ut.t 1.,r. cot I.y.the Cou.tot.t llunse without pay hot duty. Wellowhat other ereswuj ed.lothint thruTuplecanbuy Beautiful Bilk 11• Ate foe 52.80 • nnititio Polies IA Al 5 0 . itlexii-mi Hats for .10 rent,. ant all Other gooilk ni like lo%; prietu. For proof of vefilehi, Ali I icreet- Oil can call and examine for ihrotßel I L r? - 11)001 forget the plate, Smith's Cheap li*t rtOre. )0. 3 ! Er ,e N °vernier P, IS3I. r.tt•inr•h. April II 1f,32. Centletrietr. Dunlap - •Conreyancing t.n' Forms i.a work of decided tiler it. Inin• o d to rind that it i. to be reproduced, with than). vitheible addiuory It te uh the hn hd• Hot old v ref Inn ell a d Hoe ikratc.4. tort of /tic loi.i bet' , eqnouituity generai ly. There is ..enneely a uneitl9n in life in n hicli a tuan Oftiletol , 2 II) Cad Wand( 'Kneed of the aralstnuee bf such a n ork. I Impr 'Cr :Imhof ncy be Alm,tautly reuuwerati:4l. fur, We canons ai.i.l i 4 etkw y best nu rd ul tra i t • W ut, /treat rcsvet 1., rows. &e , Moots. E. C. &J. Boddie. . WA urEa FORWARD. Grernsburph. April Al; 1‘54. - Gera - dement 'Von hare favored tne a ith the prtme.l.lieers. from. PA r 9 to 1.19 inclusive. of the ser.oed edition of Mr. Dutibrp's Hook of Forms. I an. pleased to learn that a second edition of his work Is ishout being issued. It has been. ant now is, unc of the best works or the kind In the hands of the profession. rind l t. es t.' tidy muck improved by the author's-revision awl additions. I as e lime pleasii re of a a segisaititance with Mr. Purilap lie is a sidemen whose rest...et:Ode profegsional 'attainments and met iodicalhalittof mind tit him well to be the hither of such a work. I shall Olt heittnte hi retommend it to the rtalenten of time liar in the lath district. Very respectfully. Le.„ Molars. Li C. i". J. Diddle. J. 51. BURRELL . I .--- 514ntinpdon. Apr 11491952. Gentlemen ; Ittportant chingra In Our .talutta., ii4ce the pith. licatton of- Dor lar•Corivetancing aud Future." sr cnied to call for some enlareettietir of that exCellent and highly users! work The edition w limb you Pre about to publish. embodying as it dues a very large anintfitt V new and varied loather. and bring wt. well adaplitti to general and ',morn %Into. catmot fail 10 be greeted with a cordial a elceinc by the profession. A familiar aeons intatice woh the work. and a careful exa mi - nation of chestier is oftlse foriheotillng ill &Oen. etial•le me Cu Fee oinniend it. with geal confidence. as a book a hich should i.e I e the hands of every scrivener, aid hate nu early place iu the li brary of every gest tielllJll engaged sit the practiceorthelata. Veer reapeC lad ly. pairs kr .. - Meters. E_ C. 4 J. (lc MC: rib lead. dry Awl eround rdl hy the igi7;l keg or toil, I.invred oil froni Ohio 'wan - awed ;dire. boiled And ilahoiled. by the b-trmibr :r.alinnowirits alma els e. a intakes of ei k e biome amen arid )eilow, Amer. Jean. CM nese. vermillion and yen hien red, yellow u6ra fiche 'yellow, Paris - green. t. , mp Hark of even quality, pnudnn and mltr•i-marine bine. *hittig. red lead, Hilarity. Turkey umber and every other kind of paints alit maier bats In the trade which are oM:red a low as can be bought in this latitude. fete Vre. P. II A Id.. 50 ROlev , superior Cavendish Tobacco Gist! gradelt. 'bopar. natural leaf rObaCC4I fur Mlle by Cris Nov.B 10 , :if—*S. 13 roma. Tr Is Grua. fbearisiikr• C _ HAIN, Wall and cistern Pampa, all Ozer and priers at 3111 R PUMPS. on flaw. Erie. May I.lth. 1532. Itl !MEV' riAWN. eke and floralar Romp a sal:a: LT Mir:Wee. Nov. 6-31 VINCENT. 1114 Ron k CO. purr.. ftnr.Fheat and Pyt, also %Int nt Ont. 11i1,31 RC PCP BPD 'S. 13t$: Waal f a cukded Brae elets. Pot frepiraif at nit Ananaill AlletTlNl4. 11 - OPPookhr Brown'. note. AN at unilauser rt floe hirer ore ou hand .4 him Own and F.nwurn outtoshariore. afilvor Spoons. Ladhot, Misr Tong* ■od rieoopeen4 other Sayer wort mole tcrovter. • IT is ctrar Ong done in superior act le. Corporation and Poe le- Iv Peels engraved and die sinking, dorm equalio one Ensteni title. Kos. 'll Putrusi ilk Y.—Lubin'. e, to tets of Jock y Club. Rese, Cryan iotn. Patrhonlr, Herb - emir). Ifeleornpe. • Muak, IV. shin. Milelluers. Kew !sown flay, Jenny 1 Ind. Citronelle. Naas Marechate. Verbena. Clematis. Cologne. Mseassar •il srd 01 Marrow ibr the Bair, Caehon Aromatic for aweeteame the Bypath. and all neeea.arr *metes for Lath's and Gent.. te 14012 at Cr*. flee. iP BO J. ii. araros & errs. New alothiag Ihrtablishinsent. ern P, whim/ben , have connected with their store a liras stork • °retail, elmhrns. of flame nOnufaettste. la which tary would call thrattrutlon °ilk* padre. their .toeli r ronalot. In part of Proet. Thew flack and t over oink Coat% Pants and Veils in encpesa variety. a II tnadeof the best ma ler la 1.141 h flnialt nod otyle unsurpassed and process° low as to arson ish the beholder. Please call and examine for ourselves. rariO. Des. VINCENT Unll4OD CO. s. , GLURGe TAYLOR. :113 Till DELAWAILZIIiVAL SATEIT sv :ages costr•xs, - . fqf ) ARIR weer doisebeetwessoa tie hiltatuel pt .orielnithe !neared ei Pertie patient in the profits of tOttlompsay.wrtiroterliabrli ty heiewtittre promo's' gird. . YmPii• moor. the ;Alm sod Cape ILI red we the moot teverable terra. User** ail& belibegally and promptly adjusted. F ire ri.he reerches.tize.bul Idle:- 1e eilitrprapsiAlf t llil or empail froir • ltautterl term, pensilktvently. Dlllllltri Wog. JOS! lib H. newt, Junes C. Nang. Edmond A. Cinder Theophilus rankling, Johu C. Weis, H. Jones Brooke, Rol'ett Hume, John Garrett. John B. Penrose. - 11unti Craig. it amuiri Cdwards, Gawp egrryili Henry Laurence David H. riitteey Ll%ari: Darliarigion. Charlet. Kerley. Isaac R. Diem, J. 6 . Johnrciii, Wilijarn Folivel. Willirtii flay. John . Newlin. Dr..S. 'I Roman, Dr. R. NI : II iirton, John eUerat Speueer Ntellvatie, iehanlA, Newbould.Bee,y; Ulu. Martin Pfeil KT Application eau Le inadirto "J. KELLOGG.Erte Agent. - Erie, Feb. to. *3l. Tha £rie County liutnalAnso-ranoo Company 'V jllB Company dividoti tlictr rliskti Into; two e.c.ese,.. Viz.— ' First.Ciass or framers Campus', in which farm pros icrty andiletatehed twsibling• fury be insured. No risk taLcu lii this chul, to exceed 132Z4U. - eccond l'l •t , .., or COMM' re ill 'Department. )1t which wain:is kirMA of Emit hugs. merchandise Ice.. in Villages and Cities. mly IT i limo red. Na,risk !akin in this Class to exceed *-2.Eitie. The CUIII.III 111 one Class will nut be taken io oaj. hienwe in abotber. • 1t)1.U.24 '7'.I.VE.N TJ 4:711C.1:ci., iil.,:icit. ) - Dirieters. . ... I Elmilh Jtiekson. - Jatnesx D. Dunlap. J. 11. Fullerton. J. C. Marshall. ' , Wm. J'. Et itidernieht, John Ziausnetty. , Wm. A.. naib t ana. Peter el.„ll.trion. ' Jos. 111. Fte . J. D. Clark, - C. M. Tibbalc, Gco. &idea, 1 ' J. R. Williams. ' 41 I , I , i C 1: R 8 . • ; Falith Jackaoa. rtes'ts J. II WilliVns. Treas. ' JONAS CI htilt.ON. Fc2 . l'• Office flrrt door w eal of Willi ens ix. Wright. Brokers' (Dice. (upriara ) .. - tnfsce, hood from 10 to 12, A, M., and from half past 1 to I. P. M. May 11. 1.52., 2 PATENT SIETALIC BURIAL CASES. 1311 E . _ .ory r r , , toe vine or 411.• tlito It it :110`,1 1111r,1 II C.ll 11 1 . lOr COM I), fteen6ilirt the nit .e!e one e, hirl, depend,. wiel) uprot Its ot s n tnefits Nbuld resin, lulls pc,IICH au onetice t lUD 0: the same yt Ills neadye2Maidti ijefflo Waro•atoomt Ears fide of Z..t.,te I etween 7 and . or. r the Sharon iron Cotniutsq'srit,ar.ii, here eiory references and teetitnoltot!.. op h• t. cis practical to.lit can begird'. witch tOtethet With a perer , nal til.pre MP enuoul I tit freurnmen.l Oulu to the Lt, Lra tdr cons:denoting of all I , m-e who in the dieperication of I/1. rui% Wei ce i..:, e c.reasi , :n for the use of a 'Ann. 'I hr (alder • .!gar.} vinuttl here add that the.e cowl" are of rt, elac,;e, forth. 11 , 1 c.).-re4pan.l.i it -a rye, t.. the tonlinerrf a human hotly. are hie , ll% ornatnerni. and reg. I de: an lees r aucae Lc:tut:ha and 1111111 M . 11 elrauceollan any otht rltto fe need nit reed:l3 , l , s (r die dead : they are sua,le'ol the Meal Iluperi-linble twit. ri are. ed toi.gie and OA. 11. out to rust or corrode nod* ben eeloeflif it•gether are perlec tlt a ir;t:21:1. I.leVeulitlX the eattu''''' 1.011 Ortgreret•i Vf•Wa -1 S. co t , ,, , t %Ilea desired 11U. terualin , can ke;t for t; et k. I.tiratit.'ecrrAlllll the an . V. , . 1 01 " 1 fra odc ; tie v..rc Itcht ;lint rirtal the wont. time bewl o, , re Or ir.e enn t lunar. they poree••• more thou eercierent slrru eth to reel-1 n;I the deceive ca••er how the Maly. e, ire - It they •rr 14‘111/10 White in use: and Lu , :tre may Ire tt lei rtered even after a /Swept ' wary yie•or.nott rem-% ed to ant. part of OW country, Helicutl Inc slweill , l crier area g [rein thetn. In the tire of the-e Ilar i. 7.1 t'irer..tPe gnat 'lli log feller It en ic ar. Purr it lug friend-. a ii•t_rrEtireo. 111 a, the toots reinnic. cf flown once if an: hetored are citchwed and depo-rred 11 here t:.e is ill reona in in or.iee, tree trona the irruption of water, Mr titans of vermin. and egimeir.ili cut) I"I Ond the multi.- !Owe 1 qt , ec ra lOU t f do.ret•.rr• and wit he recruited; to under;., a Ira orfurnsai Ina, or return to their hatire eleluents, f:011. nalu t.t! carter* - trf 'Fite uolvreigne , ! has cor‘tahltr an hand and for ',le,' VI-1,1'., • •••.f 1••••141,-• sop. 1,11. morn covered. and tilt it hide of drearier rr i n ready for junncdtplc OW n:#o .11-izeo fo, both i•i'N N. 0. t. gi'lrtored t 4 111.e":11te c.tadvocultoce t.f ' fn..er,th", nod turn i.h Ilearre l'arri.lges tl deerreil. i•• 1 , 11.. Itl . ALLEN' A. CR I:1 3:1 It' r. 114 lILIaAII St . 11"*. J. r 4 /X,o(Nieiv York 4'•lv. ha, Inraird flortilayettti:. in She etty prErie. , r the I ff., 11/11 , 11 and r 111 fr thr Eye. in ;ill thri / Rat I..gt-ted n,.d ler if 111 QE 1 , % piaci Iry for SE %evil {rat/ iv the r4ffotll4 4914E9' ITlPtolipt or the 4 ieettee . .pf ditmr. tiatirri. trn.t :01 ibsra•iri; a.:init.tit.g of cure` n.ay be Lcculuplaelted dude , b.:. - It i'kitr:Nrr. Volt :Ira) Frieulty of New Yfirkz. prof. ItSirrh atulT 111cd,cal Cultrge; Dr. Ikach. 1.4 e toirumty. 1 . 1,e/1. N. V. Kec ivii i or. Bum lilt:en': No. 3. II u;lits* Block Erie. JIIIIC 5. . olizarronvill STORM. G. 4 1 14 11 ' I l i: I I'l ' 6 . 1 1 :• n o ' p r e r t 4 i7t1 e l d t i c t i r,V No a n;l l. o n t.P r o vv f n ; i i te rl t run k s; rich a 'IS Ntt . .ett.fiil at.soft thews of Fine V6 - 3•.C1:r%. Je‘‘els ry, r n 1 : 4 i, % r r Ware that was ever , lir , rf`a Iri this eie.i'. eNitwae Hi: is grem varies 0111;atettes.r.rAi ific4 ... ent Fll , rniq nu MI.. Ndth g,la and •Ilver. Ait :lir latet.t rtt le of Cita .os. t-ettls.nrirf :iry , so match t",: , :lter ‘t at. (he it.sisi fl-htitnabie Jewelry. - eohrisl , r.2 of lino 1e,1,1 di:mewl. rit`ty, petit-111,d Is)Wizria.{ 'l' R tap,. liih% rintlrwr.ri. Uri - met:co unit Earpt tvl wits. tirne. lists. &e. .11.0,1;04 1...r,c kelt.. grad a nd •il,er tvitc4)o, Cold Tier, ttei , -ett altil lei sybci.s. Sugar 'l'oliCsnti r'elorm. NaPkta 'rm.:. and Vortitiontrs. :in n•stirt tnent of rich flitted tt'ate. t•rt.4. Tvrr Sett.. Fitlives. fork.; taris.nos.l,l.lies, I'a it.t...sit ;is... altd a erect I. Ariel: of r. - 1 ,, :% a t. ,. . other Cinois. !lath its•!fnil n 4.1 am .itiefilLl; (.le.ek. of Jilt t!e..e rip. tit - matron. e I '1:It to S2ll. all of w liti - lt will he sold as e heap as the che:tr , .est rind a little eliealser tar yearly my. 'ills :-tontiou Or likr fi.:tatel eirttitetiers (.4 U. Loomis and the pittalte generally ii. it, v1t.,1 to tliv. , t...tiee. June S. Livery ..mt Ba:e Stable. trliE t oiii Ole if,14.1441 of It. G. Fe.- piothp rn tit it rAtn . rtis.hrtleril cn right Pljerl hr•lsicrn Stato ar.,l rp•tiett. u..ul.l2ive troti , .e 111 It nre u:x :11l ant_ pry prittphed tt ith h , r-t :011 .!tiii•n nI enrietieli t f en rri the Vt ry N441.4.'4.1 wino) heir t • 16111( . 1%1 urn , and rrnimyvii ialy of Ilse fir:4 rate character. l'u!,tic patronage 1.1 re , t4irilist! in% P.r•cl. j'en•pit. tv Ith ire in iv:rely:Fe homes will Lnd a full supply.for that puropeconuantl) on halnl. A. F. NfilttlßoS. • ' • Frie..l+o E. T. :tEt'AP•IN • vTritotri BOOK ZiTsaE.XsBlll,L=T: IN _BC PEAL 0 . PII 01' N N Y & CO., - r.ot M 1 4, srirxr.r. BUTI'.4 LO. (At the ot stand of F. W . ftree.t. coat Immo the new firm.) I. l AV G tfn-r• r.sueurn v ermagrd tote-niapislartme an•figalt. of COO A. ail tick c the fluty rnaitufacto g piei lteltere in flutni to. arc picocred to furnish et ery article iu their sit the icuecf rt in cceltnnoe for itie.r pnhlrentlom. rhnSil kinds of Mierettineous and School Ani.k (rota the Eastern Pitlitoiherii. they are theft by tll3' !NI to PIM 111Plii, like their own Itotdot.ni a rmill adratice On I-0 , 1 ol to uulaCtUrC. Particular uiteiition i. s 'ward to their new edition of - (II1ARrl'() R I Ir re W 11.1914. Cc t.i .diu2 ; and al.n m•heir a-.onn•rnt of achotrt. and gichool Library .1300k.5, Which. ii the 144:1..4 tai .he-tat', haring teen se/relcd with care f bort ni the Union. • . Meduan, Cap and Letirn Papers, obvanelli directly from r the heavion mauufaciiircui thecoutury, AND bLVNK tRiORS, STATIONERY. &c. Trarelfi.g AActitil will find a stock Patted in ktylcaiod preen to their wribte, If 'V .TERN nn.ii.rae, ran gnintrally rhiplirote their New Yin k billt ufpure 'ion , !acre, at 'sitar pr icck or les4, thug kn. vinc flip eotiro co.t ut traiiaportation from Ned' York to nuir.to. and i r oatt , etto U.; e.4lr.dlVP delny in the traiik•iii,..'ion or Alt orderk proropniesk', a od ot the piskene ' the purchaser were reiient. PiliNri.t.Y a: CO.. Book Nos. Maio. ands ‘114 , 4 rteneca t4ll. Oct Si 1E42—.1.1. Itt.rriiro. N. Y. ' NEW UO(IDS.. THE sith.r Tiber. Wt;;ld again call the attention of the public to the let that they are reeenrini a large an 1 welt 4elected as sortment of Dry 'gond+. :roeer ie.. 11-4rdt% are, 'roe 4er) owl nails. Our owe k comprl,e. the greatest taTtetv of Dre,i t.o its Pruls, Oho V. Ile DO•lrry, lndsa Ikui.ner shoes and domestic to it !fit' It we haie at any Ines toys time catered. 'and for 'plaint and ..ty Ic cahoot le "fIN"e4 ii1:1)),/ market ouraAtl eurrumers and the word generully are respectfully invited to rat, and et:mine...Vl, stock AIL we terl confident that we can Oder otfr goods at ai low raw* as are °tiered In this market. JAS. HUGO, Ld It Cr /C-1 3D 1,32 15 LATIGE GLASS, For b her GlleS Mori, , and !.kop Winders. A2P1.071171m,t of Frrneh jai and American elude Sr/ itnbk lot tbe bovr poi r by 23 fifio. CWit! , --tiiiiende. M au:red:War k and nipiren 8111,1.10 Pc .11- rine, Poult Grp Int Nap+. cluintientde. trarrrd and Fforenccs f. eilke imd eiatinp.ewt lielreee. Mac k, blne black, green hi brown, pink and figured, Erie Nnr. 27 0 1 52-0 J. n. conk, VGA of erery - • - - ctITGAR4 of evert , rtnatiry Pon, 61 to is per 'bound. Codree and 01 Teas green nmi !thick for tvitc as cheap ay the eltetkest and cannot Ili il to suit purChnveritit . qualti} . and price, by the pound Own or wick. For snip at the coy drugstore. P. II ALL. _ __ VINT suited at the ealifornta Store. a few more of those .111 sph.itiltil heavy eared Putrid Lever Gutting Watches. The moveitiet.ts nrr ors., p^rtor workmanship and finish, ordered aid Imported expreitsly for G 1.0(1M Er i e Nov. LI 1c.12-111 No 4 Itrown:s Mock WAKED UP AT LASTI! 'pH E old firm of Vineent. II esl t`o.. having been di•solved A on the first of Marrlt met, a new Partner•hip has been en. tercel into lent een the sati-eriteni under the Same name, to take slices fruits that diet She,.l therefore nail fy th public and '• .111 the rest of mankind.' that heneefurth our r nsio shall !k- Cash tutees and prompt myroetit. At our store ni ybe fo!in.! a laree turd writ seleettil reek of 'Dry Goods. Iflr .cries, Hardware. (Noekerv. and Tin ware,nnd at our Fontidr alums' et ery va riety of Mar-bine esistbir frosts a Strain Engine to a •Iriph shoe. Mr Mill gearing being proverbially suiseriorJ As for etsriest we can't he heat iu quality or price, neither up street nor town, Re} stone and Lion are favorably known and, our new Farmers Favorite far the kitchen mad Lady Frank:in and Revere for She parhethirOW all otbera in the shade. Renisuiler Cash prtrva avd PreelgriPatia- • R. It. VINCENT, lIIMROD, DAVID II 1,31 JOHN 11. VININENT. Erie t) 1141-14 - - DAVID SHIRK. 11.—Tpose Indebted to the old Firm are notified to eall and pay tip 184 that wail. 1853 iragt 1853 MINI TORS AND lO tltSteslPPl LUIZ! 1 SURRD.—:NO TR4.T PMENT. PHIS line win intact finis first eke. Canal Boa's on the Iftuf.. t sou R ivet. and Erie Canal—running in connection with lines on the Ohio and Illi nolo Cinals.—also. tritU eicaultrnats and Propellers on tne %Vernet!' Lakes. and daily lines of eteamers on the. Illinois, idississimi and Ohio Rivers. PROPRIETORS : neon _ALLEN. a. cry., - - - New Yolk, ALLEN, ()ATI!. A N 4 CO • Foot of Maio-Bt., Buffalo. FOR FRE !CRT ARP/. TO R. L. Ifeweu. former', of the Weern take Boat Line. C. H. Ca enact', , N. Y Ai 0., Wu stater Line. k Meal he C. 0 . 6 * New York 1k Cincinnati Line. at. N.Y. Henn Amen, Eckftud Line. Murk Goods •• R. Y. & 1111A8. LINE.' Ship Daily, Fief 4. Foot, Broadßtreer, New,Fork Jan. 2/E .11M3-31%. • GEO. .1. MORTON, Agent. Erie. LIQIIOIIII. -T HAVE on hand 'behest aetortment of Liquor, is die eity t 1 from the beet Owe ins down to hi et.ntl.kry. Erie net. 4 114 S-4117, • T. N. 31001.1. Plate M. 'Rockingham Ware: A LARGE assortment lust received and for sale by Dee.irw 4 —a. T. W. MOOR& NEI . his sincere Illuttike to hie Waal friends, and the ;mink in 'theta! for the my Itteral patronise beletvAde emended to Wuhan:l wou:d isfotaw Neese that to hamj , r , ll rye. tve.l the Largest and Ileo,t Stock of Goods hlallne that Wormy beets Were In lit• ill',C3ll.44illit of , (;L(/'llll 4 , CASS! ES AN }ISTIN(;: 4 , Of the ettoterat laud. which he will make up lowder, weim wu th nia t i r o e t ot h i n s made to order ran have their meal/. byes take. and chi bine mad... art' ifuot pleased with them dour, they will not Ix a11.e.1 to take them aspy. /tin. ou hau it all timed. a lame ami well made tvatiittrelit of ' ' 111:1ADIC CLOTItINCII Of our nun ManuClentre. ennsi•ting of Oveeroans of variniti wytes. Proc k. pre-s and Mack Wevto, Shirts, fitoek • 'rat vats, Matters. I:ll,lerel , ,vs. Cloves, l 4, irpondere, Ste.. utnell will be 601,1 at the very 1 , n... 4 Prices fur CASH. refsoll• waft ant thing in t.or line, arc invited to call and eiu m, h e in. , ndot nd prices In, Lill.l/WCI% CS. }Ae Of t 23 te.ll 2$ . ---- Zrn — -- "m* -- aso Ilto —r— ek of Clothing awl Cloths! .I To Ats.bial mama .No. 7. Reed !lulu.; 41 the Proprietor, Jacoe Ascii. yak atimcia di. , patris. . %V I NITA{ !1C.% NI 1 -) .110 N 0 - ( ) FINED. Ila•isig a mead iringttilleent and inn.eh'ess assortment Of e nv. ins of the elviee,t nanterints vad einezeeptiorint4 ) , ea. and trade iti the shot. , fi.tt al ,'..") IT e‘nerielit(ll Uori.iiien in the' hest manner. after fall an res.na. We dn. tv iiti perfre i confidence. rballenr• a , nnirtrn•ua 01 our foods and prires with those. of any owl. esinb'lsltman t lt licit% ern the env of New VGek and the eau, ad Fkie :V . ptir ,italtrtl there goods and ulartg theist up to Belt—Lad—Cud— ad 1111E1' 111t 7 S , T SF. .w7t.D , . I. %.‘ Ar mAn or tio wi- l i me (aria cunt. test Pr pants.g ntal.. in g NIP I Whid , kliowl Pi gulf , will he acertniniodated n iih au rollers t! :siva ill st.it lulu —P I der ice that uinno it Ition— onl y tall—rail —and it yeti do Got dria:irt a r tallier and a happier Mali Illy name ! 1 is intt .1 'rob 1 Trn vet i II: Pa**, Cniiirellart. Marta. Under Shirtv,•n4f)rnrrery enfi., tt , ilorv t liat.diterti lief* aid Cravatr,. Gloat's, IS verni e rs, rheap t n r ineney . it No, 2, Rend ilouve.l a • ; Erie. NOY. ta. II - c .I.AMB I KOCII. _ Attract too at Itop.eniatr -4— olg ilr. -- do‘.,; — :CII • E A P I: 0/ 4 11.1 Nl/ STORE, - 4 Irr.,,e' Cs 'lark. Itivr• rigid. Iri.e, Pa. MgrProuriee.P.r_f his rein, ItAii.eut, Lcr liave ta annum:en . that they hat e no ' on h.trid a large t fitted and elegant as s stroneut of. FALL A 3:721 0 11,1111 OLCl'lB=tl,, 1 To whirli riwv itiv lie the IlliVrii ion ct tt.e putti ie. etadident ilia , g % Il l e au ., finish it r e p riot are rsrefted. I )111' Flock ernisrats ii i i,dri Gf the Paton trig. iit t Itrers and Freak Cents. Sacks art hal l tstapks yr cloths. etiiinerda mud twri ds. nil cif nt-w ... re at , w st.very lo 1 flees. < vt ranch.. and Ila nett iu. of tdack, bran 814 : tin ant drab Beav e r Oren. Pilot and Fhi-litng cn, i iii.„ VESTS! VES'I'S!! VESTS'I , ! A rich mi.! niost 1101,96 f.! aSsortzuent ever ontotal.so/11111 111Pe and Parley Pilka. Merino. Valentin. loirinui Cloth. tildrittettdcvt Pig and 'jug''e breastell of ever vat let s infintiterral aridtratter l'ittler Shirts and Drayvers of evirt cie.trirtina. 1 Pops' CI othlor, rensisilng of RAMP Old Volll6' SRC*. Freak and Body fiont,s. I lt4l ('outs. 1 . 41413 ;1101 VeMlll of all ruts nod qualities and it i l. era low :.ttreg. :, _ r I SIfIII 7' S! jS'lt, tln r s ~, SHIRTS!!! • rine ,t • Shirt. of t.irteni tienf tcn. ofth.• nrn ert.l + to• a• d . Imre) ry and blue rlr.petl r%e k in & I n 'net. )0 1ri rt lee In rAtt al 210 1. Blcr k. Cal and exl.anint quallt) aIH prices. ()et 161x32. *xr4inti. , - IQTTORS. . . NiaAlt.i; Grueert , , 1 . 1...hbir„ rieheled II )3 ~ .seht. LoNters, il .../l r- eiga Frtht a. 1.1 . off .R. 44 a: IS'. I MILLS. Nr). a t VI ,It i La .jege Rive), (INK. lc ranw n'e New hotel. Krte. l'a ~ have I .... apeantl n Sea l'..t•jall.i-110.. Li. n hen. C...) ate p.Thzre4l in 4 11 :I:I ArLiele4. In *herr II: ell tic I.ones4 Priet c. at 1% 1.0(41.nk. a tut P.l•tail. The Stoehlloiosiettt to I-art. C l the foliowiltg-tirtiefc, to • , %Vine". () Ta , lrer. )f • 'Cresercr I Frdits, INfr.ernentiia, I.hilsors. S.euluall. li. , !quarl'l , Sattlint,..,l 4'i k iln9, rice. : : Placa l'irkler, . It ',eta - 1411r. 1.,,,te r . . 1tai,,i0",,. ':t'lx'ff Pie kleit., Cat..,rtet. i . ‘1... 1 Ntit, . leiricled 1 risiers, 4.7arr:lllifq, 171 I!IV. ("ccoo., !, , !l'i•slsled l.vh ,, lera. .. lle urirt , i i. Cor.lials: Pinrr. rieklet: I I,.tter . . ettri,rta. Es Ab., , intly It'll , lS It *l' .8 1' T. Il E BA X RE); . t NI ,s4) ;- 4 - 4 '. 1 • rtuCar. , ruffed , S! , 11- , .r. , . T. i. .ern. P ;L , . ir";?.4lF I.i .14+0. 4 \li' , CO...tall' , ! ) 14. r 14 ,,ecn:3 fle.enst, ('ruler- 1.1 1 1! Ititref. and n , 14), 4,41er Arheie,g I.X, nuwer. due Vr. 111, / i, ,I I Sji '. ( ekT Li) CI G It 5... d \1 ( la wnri hit, Gash ritnr... a.hi • •..'I Neftee r`: - ; fir of I •w•I ts at. lie phiot• rt., r.t fitltll In 1,, - , , u. • I I:ts rlt y . I' rr and it:f 'opt,. NS !re-. 1.i.v.0:t• I,l ' e.• I y 'O, u 2 tr. coot : fluty oi l I l a n I. n i.-•:4ale: %Thole-al,. d low r t• :. ...)-114,:tIrd NT.11:1.•• aLe 1,10.1'_, , ` f r lk llf }tad or Ct.. r 1,.,ri t. , on. 1. - 1... d I . 14. e t‘e.r.eLl r 5.0.. h. kdre a I..eh • r , i . n . r . .1 ,441:14" I" /Yin !i.U. . J',1.1.0 .4 I 41—VIntr. •.:4 4, / c Orr:- I II ..r; , th's .5 . .... fce f , I , I , th , • ha trel, al thltialt. I'r er ,4{ .ra,..:,...rtnt,;• 1 . thr,-10-t.ll- t he it, 'ilt. - ir t.•..asott 4)..h f' n' .•1:. Erg as , ' (*sit.. fr ~,, .1 4, L . ,•51.;1,,, s r , co., o h N et , Vora' ,k. wtir.rt....ate at Irv... liars. ....- J G. 21,11t.t.t.. YenVcsk. N. R. ll^t^R Steam itnnt.; private r.inu krnlt) arEie'fiii in owl" and .iirrisiiiir!tig runnier• rt.--prrtru'lN I,ir 1. and AA C ;di 1.:.:t ail goods shall t'e ay re , tnendcd. Erle. May Id. 1=52 . " ' Z. M. SM ITS & CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, .R - 0 : 'loaner/ l'lnde.- Slats 51- frt. r:/f: Tn. ri!Ilf: et:, dc 1... r? leave to ;prom; tn.• e.,,,,... r.,1:11;;. 1. the at'.l;lll4rentaottre.fhat the are rivets , 1 t,a :41:110%1 i 110141111014 144(1111( 1 , 1 , di of cr 0....4 lie larr , '.4 and 1 tat al 11.1,01 01 GrweriPSlO Le. f. -, 111,! i, t , t ....1 Nev; 1' , ..,4.1 rify, 71 ful ft..r the Ilhernipatr.)-1.,v? rye , 17 e• 1 '• ince en.. e., mud': Cr 1:1111,1e caw. la e uonl•t no -I , e...; ; .-t....,!: eon tr.e attente 001 chew. :.4g7 ort,er. ti 4-hies :':•', In 4.'4' ti , e. to an et1“1.0 ~ ,t r •dock h. 1 , al• hnt.:!. to I;ntralo e• :% vv.. y a r l / 4 1r v v 1,1 , tort) tud'Er-t:f d 11l I tie v ill 1., t1 . 2 , ',0d,. kr OW ..r Kt.:rip nai cheat. au 4.10 he ngrcha-e 1 1., I , l,4Thicr - ov it, 7 , • , ,v 1 . 011-. I. addition 0, espe:,-, ,; 111 p'111.1:: E ~• 1 -l Olllir r ,I Y• Ill(' 'WIWI 111gT , .114 row a .Wait 1 art (101/f ;dock -30 111 , 1. N.l) . rdd-'d:. a ;‘,l f'. 11 ./ 1 4 1.zar •-•., • leo 11?.1- f•yrshe I I. s;'d :11:rncoll..e,: (.42:rte ,:o. Ilareorrr ,, t , rd•li 4'1,1411 ( .,1,41,..mr. , '2.: 11. N co I;et,n; d I c.nf tio. ' i to 1; 4 i .M.,,e'il„ a-4 P R 3101i%seil.. .2.41 iercee do. do. et), ' . 7S 14.0.. a.,.. de. &S. 11. do. Is go. so, ~.. 4. t. St 1 . 17, 1 le I'o elk; II it.e...; ! irdi ello-to and h.. 1 4 't4'.14. Ver.n rz.141.011. Moon Skin, lat per:: I.': :li;•c...tv 'et am! 1; atqc Tr. 0.,, IPA et Iron: ftu Ird!”.. of Ilineli and Greet; do. ; i 73 Brun, Ri.o. Lag , ,tr• - and Java C0.11.e, 24) BwietaGrn,itt,l eciThe, i . 7 3 do. ravend,rl.Tyhr.ero, al; rtn at it ie., 39 do i It; hunt. 4;0 ... , prfjot tri4illil,l.. 431114,:. J. A nder-en'r , fzinok i eg Torlart.9.}. } & lh 11, , „ Al.en.#.everpl thiret. - I,t ',rands fi n ., ru , , 1 ,...,,,,, , ,,, - 73 Packart 31aciserAJ, No's 1,2 & 3, is hh.dc, i , 3 and 'On Ouzel. Herring, No, 1 and Scalded, Kt) Ihe 1,1 , 1 Fish, _ _ • .2.3_111r.w. }Wined Winter Strnine 1011, Alto. Nut•h, Ita.nins.. Prirne, l'e;dc•r. rryentrh •CaF/il-4 NW' meas. riot P.. Rice. KAN der, : 4 1104 : , ..tel Fo.e. IVrtri•th4. rni. and Letter Paper: Vill.lL,r A. and Psekles. clan et eellebl goof try -4nd eteln—Letritte4 a areal nil: v tn her atl tete. too ttietetou- is Attention 10 all 11therl.-C1111 . 4.1 IA lit iV,11 , 11. 1Y4,11,41 /I..Ve In pa &TOM to the good r abcoa. mentioned. ; beer -ow k cf I!! It I: tet'lNtr...4 an I Lit/ l'i ,Hrr. tv.4lteh east I, had 9.S ret rent ahe • I el' . 6, th e K 1.,,,,,,,„,., 1 1:, ~,v , l a. ritaril:iflli Ai rft or New V. •k. ri, inotttpir.vdinr the erval Cult :Awe tit 110.inr... Lon& 0 .0,0 I 11 1 1, tile;l4lllPort , t.er,teh Are, nhd IX, ne- 01:01110.i a II let crio ,r 04. t. to e• eat' rIA eT , Plltir• fur t eur s elven and on win r e ,lti.tiej tat rota en n do Letter than II going to Indr.lo or liPta Votk. I'd ie. Pre. 4.1 , .t'!. :ID J M f• 1 1117ril dr. eo. • L 33 no, o . • (;REAT EXHIBITIioN Vi4IV,P, THREAD! rrillS Sitrorti Thread. made princii nJtb from Sea island Cot r i tou, is nartatued nut to ki,:k or Wm' iu sewurit. and the strmigest and ssucotl'est in tl.e ttuthl.• It is now taking the lead 41 all other utakeH Twordy.Mum & Pirtapten. Huffier. Snrl.l-y & Cu., - Coihrmri, Van.h rho TO &Co.. ' Lae. renmn & Phetvg, A Vef & CO • • Senry,k,Smi.tt & Tetimser.d, W. Ar... 1 & l'o., John Sin rt n Jr., & Co., Freehand, Stanrt & Co.. • Clnll n,. Metimi & Co . Lord. Marion, F. 3 I ter & Co.. C reemt% at . 't'otter,.& CO.. Georg* I ipd% & Co., L. tr. V. 6 rl.y & Co.. . Lathrop & I,mlmmon, - r orih- & riertO. John "r;tew a rd Jr . &Co., ' Smith, C. r y &4tocely, ltrool r, Protheri. & IVo. And by et the *riding joLbcra &e., iu N oidelphia end Bit mint, 1952 IiVELOLZeLALM AND Quirk. Sa , cr Gail:wren erlds! Th Cat , %rril,cr . rettfrits thank , " lAe I tbcra I patronage retfited. and flutemctd• non °Wert,: it will ;coffin' 1 4n * J' 101 rcre'ved Wein bra,: (parser)" a la ih hi•liort of trace. t•beight ht 11 ”" 1- 0" ePI qualin•,trarrnuted good and Olrefi , to .11 lite 11)&4 liberal term* A:I ago invite,: 16• e Auyinc cl.ew•licre itCaCchau^. good title:rt. as tow prices. Erie. Nov. •t 7 1r54 Now .Axraxig.., TILE Utyler.iitned hnving a 1ii.. 0 ,-,, te d da , Loa the Storage. Gloom...um node' the lion of 1.. N. Ii till It-s &co licit of the Iderehmiu of this vteinny an share of their patron:ore No pain., t proiniitiwvoiinil 41.patili to any Lusinese Au TWIT a Neter). Erie /no ...N ISM. noon erg nooii - Ain) snow rtrreasutenrax,,lT. irin of li and well kin) vn elaldi.hrirent of Om tuthverilrere. no Fr ' , eh in , in she city of Erte. has been remol.ed to the three et: re rick, hiiildins. frothily erreird on the Nlitne Morel. one door u th of the old rtritiil , u here the HAI ie alll lie ,•ervyil i vvith hones vd Aces of nll de.crintinio. with prougni.er r rind at the tone , t Tina/ hl A l mid demi'," weore both continued grin. Fithl = FOB SAT.IF: BY . o.mble rates eOtwisteist with the coo of the work.— the ItLeral patronage herctorore tAtehtlot to thrift. notl to bean' uo eudeat Or to tut c gat tstaction oti the I quaittv 7110 price, they hope to merit and rects re I he ippon and encouragement of the - commmil ty. It 11 1 31-11. .1 Q J W1E11.140114 TO Si UOUNI'II7 DZIALZI 11.1 KS AND FANCY DRY GooD'S. NICOL:4O:V & WRIGiIT, ' hop_art rs avid Jribbers of Saks rid T y 'e en'? Prserfs, H • AV 4 rcintrvi ft( Si redur Street, to she Nets. Marble 113 Litirit (irAir.k4r* *I Of Itrnnrrls would Write ttic Alletit nof dealers io distant to n very ctilenslic and rich stock orbilira kilt! Faire) Dry Gootts consisting of RII3IIONK L ACES, EM DROI DE R I .S. DRESS TRIMMINGS. WHITE GOODS. GLOVES, SILKS. DEI.AIN Es, SHAWLS. PARASOLS. MILI.INARX A2TICLES. Aft examination of our Gnarls and proe. tt ill. we think. ton shire Gauntry Pealora Hitt vie ran (Cr r them rods as adynom- Aeons terms as any house n dear' York—tt not heiter. We pay particular attention to the sedum w/•.. and if roods are •si ling at tfts prices than they ran lie imported—as is atimetanes ease—we Anil sec that oftr customers will realize nil the tieriefit accruing from such sates. in'e•re at all times willing to e/Millit our stock ts) buyers, whether they notchtse . Of not; we do not consider litany feoutile to thou our roods. nir cash 414 close I 'nip purchasers are etre invited to give ova rail- From our facilities. tie are convinced that we can sell them at such rates Its roust prove sat isfactory. MC01.1 4 014 as WRIGHT. 03 Liberty &Teri. Mirth I, Ilal. 4 sailoaL MOORS MID rrA.-4, ANEW supply of Eeboot Rooks Just received at N o Block. embtaeltig almost every variety wed in , of this country. • rr. , brtrufreva' Readers and Speilgr s Maunders' do d a Town' do - eci Clark's. Kirkham's. RUlliOn'l%. 3 44 Weld's urasomam Da% l ee. itayith a. litoadard's, Collitiru's MO' Ad auLs . , ties. Mitchel l'P. 01111fy . .. Pm Met. and tlood pt r . i x eles is c :::: Re,t Writing Rooks and Writing Paler, h.k. Pb, lioltiers,Jogsther with Many Enke: sit ei . m s s io , s , )ottpa Wei 110 M SO shoot." %rirl. Dee. 11 04.2 VII11:1 E rratlZZalli £OAIIIBT Cipidiaa—r,reabs Palatable and Ch ia , T i ff : 4,,Nocriber slril errßaßetl Its the Introrrjet ufe jj cnr gehtdreale and retait at hi, nrinertrateiy oppoeite %Vrichre hloek. 11.1 lasnneeatiolo of the la:nines+ ate I.ake ilur.. altile lu. trt determined rl.at in, me avid priers ho Amid, rank with thejtrid :Hirt /or, 1 „,,2 not be twit. Ile knows hie Ca rid) le a. ZO , II 1,, z ,;;;4 . manufar tared east Os seal. If yogi don t !whets airrroe Rif )O.r.eltae. reel st ill not to . di Ira-61 1 1. trot step in. and John wi ts \tvie ,- ille eet "Mites. aRd reslwnd to you ['vett aulr I,rnffi, eeenmon ent.die4 at 11* rate of Lls . vei !Qum!s by wholesale, this as as loss as they can p ee , : , forded. Toys an' at 'Tar variety of nine . ) , Ann* , ar e on bawl. Special attention is riven to the. d e ,,,""' l The wine.. is tomfuesed the lass mllll9lll referee:cent eharncter.curciiiimiatne.c re ,.., n, .yliteni s tile test in the 10112 rots for al I' ts minted and elrriecloilt the heifer for the iiireren,, itatativ. 1 , 51). 1..13 41 • /1 ) 11N. R. p, N IJ W Ck 0 g NO t. PERRY h'l.o(.*A". A Rfit'CKLE , & are :,a• rre, ,i,„, .4 - 1 'hint kof Stnide and 9r.‘ue) Lire good-, " - the f011.,w g..ndo A French and Merinoe... ParnmetiTni. hh r4 di ,p IA in and and (Tire i Iln lain..vain an 1 11.:.nre.t. Vrttrp. r.l pi re. WA'er "lit" ;nal lout I 7141.1'14n. Ins 0. 4, 1;t91:1 4 . (7111 at Frrne; ; and t'ottun ari d s i lk l; lot Ca . ritlk anal I.IIIPO 1141‘f.. Ana Ts.ll.iten ktlJarlta splatd. *en ped. n u n,. ?.1 t 4 i as. FrtncL , %nrked4"nder-feet eo. I „ n d Cl!'"''.4./ Foe Nten•A ,trear. •Itren I r Keintne.itvi.an*and I...hrea.Creir, ani , lo ofn d and %%hitt. Flanqel.. Underenr. nkl I I 1/111:reric$ —2 44. S 4. lo 4an !11-1 an/1 Shell i atn.. Irons ftril'An2,.. 4 ., t , brown and ra .1 Canton ri,iinm.,T.ckivt , ton I , lannek. et/non ,41111.4. Carpet u`gfp. W:to:itsne, , ,ele..al mire* low as can A. Im o ,' we ask la'S.a: I , an I , 4411111,3 way u t parer. and we shall be sAtthrii:4 4t,ltt the. r(su't. f:rfe I)re- 1 852. 1 - WINES AND LiQr - fris. P - tram ',AND UVADUL'rZRA NI rill 111 Vines atitilteratcit faggots. et : a. a re I eralli sold by flatetiers and 1,",* lbw .tek I it riz,idc of most of the %f Ili claw 411 Ile , ce In step Ihrjr otnLths and ' at 11. ttlhd ?kir oil eFater." to get a pure artiCle, the tut..cr,4et in a stock uf • Wines and Liquors. - Whiri , hrrinfi fruity,. fires ihr puttl,c PURF Aur - /.7 r D a . p trity wqr 1 ihr•o.R•:,ar' .1.11.1111.111111.11 YfOpli• 'll3lO r.g I le, f !IA l'orit Juice. Sherri. V1V11 . 1 , 4. V 11.14 : Striph. Vfonotig,tiel aod giiol‘ I n•lcti Porter, , of us loch tl! ts 411.. ar if not a Imre shear-r, than any Other estatel-Ira 1!,• Eric. Jag L I.i is:Sti—gti T W ws, bei — fluf r. +A:we,* J./ rttvP. rrdtttter. tap irtht•it itrr.nnrg. I.Clektlitropros ey.er, h' l itrartwsttttel tivirrti itrootos. ti 9 J. II Fciß. S A L E p v of land adjoining the villarr of AlL.eu., I IP II 2 , .0.1 hour/. and barn and t.ernr G,nt tr!Ps, tried, at , r.twur tl.tWnnere. of land adyiwnv Or r , r t, I•ltt vi dl I.ex , ,d,l•tielrairl% slir • 1 t.. 3 mr V.; N. , ' I.l.lttr• r• :1 not :”.1. iLe t• tt ti '•• r For !.rota pp • CVr I '4O. IP:l2e or :Albion. AM:O:., Felt. 1t .4. I ew Music gtora. r^rlf 11,f. nu- the p oat frr. 11 I n' 1, 4'4 t.l 1..'1.1 , .1, 11l 1•1e111 1 1 ,rtT oe - : •' 14 ' c'r• 140rk.. * I brut I.a• ;20ti t.l or , f Jll , ll nllll aolo , ti, r ti 1. 41 ttki:v.r:!:ll..t ..111:Je able 1,, I f 0 - 41%. r 14,4 of rorloo. lrlb o . 11 . 11111.1*. kx, :nu: ,1 11111,0^. 'll , l Ulll , l Iittl:1)10.1 . 11(.1., lio-irtintf jet IF 4•%C..• Plll I ti,uallt in a stOrr Iryrrr .• ai.oirel 11.,rumentr taken its rtrl,arcr'f_r l . 1... trot hr a . l l ►, t.IIr: 11t1`l. IdnY.R ith.twok, 1, ,r r Of 1.1111.11111 1111111. 1,,f111,1, I'lllll, P.:ertt. A•iirersm..tv,ton.tztioipir. - 4 Ain 11.1, :14•5; re iro , r ,, -.lg :•ca lir. 1V cootioor, is , gisr irsious as I erui. ' h. 12 1-X-10- 1. 1111.11,P,0tt !te- Curtain nxtures. . rriliF: any tr.. , e;ced tarc. gro. of riltst . it; fawn...4lon" c oda7.•ort:u, rq! I nnd .1411- 1 1.1 -- I . otl 11 , 1). .111! , ;/ , 41 J.ter, ,„.01 ay.! 1-rerm i.ed the pricr:nt the et,. Jr , Frie 4-34 kt. I.ATE M:. p„),... c .,,re : . 4 are vem aeribc to the 1 , i-:en u , llit 4 . 111• i rhlek of 000.. ct , e , ! nn•lt'l . o ^ l. t C.:, inter, a n d . I r ,- ct, sirld lor - ' n- Of :IN ,r Cln6ttrf rC'c k ,r Tn Ilfe 4 fKit--- ' o et.‘.:1.11 11'011. %% Ith 31iii 7 .f:N.:14. in q lc too q r.irr;• tAlreln the 1 2 t•vntit ttlyek,- lINCe• r iq - p.r. • PI e ILFI7 _ 0;4 rhv. y ! , 4'n t^ti 'kJ in73l , !.llrtV • I IC.lrt chs-P. inn T. N!. AusTiN.o . t.).'• I. •fli o v r no t.• etiF,er ha,s, removed 1 , 14 strelk n , rT I;fork S , :tte ' , trig.% two docrA notat of A'... k n here n tit c omin.. : to 14.11 2 ,, nd- a> t , t rr r f' *bade Lover th... 0 :lily t.ther matt Gate to. PAIN EN' tine. A pill 2. 11-4.3.. T Etri 11,0 'a I' PC ilt% Pir 111 A Ji 11. 11 . 11.1.1.‘M5. Prriq Ttl : Nate'. *or ttn ;Jilt a re'fleiltfittroiti to rt. c:11 tipiirr ulst. at j per ern, iti•in' , *ir At iliar in Clio- it•nat,. anal gr.l.lnpet C -doer • f lire ftnlik. .TI f e' I ;,t ....r rate r f rw Fork and 8 - r 11.0nkine /Tice of WILLIAMS & r.b Few. April •.! I n 9 NV' Goods by rapr3gs: TA 1! rrer i sin: a new ittrids of dremo rood- ;! nl-0 rip!.roider!, of heater' late-t sprlu 'l3 les• 11 . liO•ierv;-: 4 1,3% al-r I.rze. le otrerefl at e.. 1 1., re:l gt.. h• at .kscli low talcs as uln re 'at I.n.cl,elp ea liPU. , C. or Esu late \tact' 1F62„ rl, JR t:NT —T4e RC , 0,11 ill Tire sir a Barber : 1 1,0 H p. in flu. pa-equent Iv,! , Vet , $ rio,is. is Gir rent. 4:rot fixture... have nit rnn g,utAt I -t ct A int App) tO • L:rre ri re h I +3"-48 TtIE Store Room now.neenpied t, r t / ed for rem. ion given -the tintt r.f . April (qt.. enquire of the outmerther ar c he prenn i.e. cm Pr , State et.. Erie. :11nrch Vo-ol Music. - Tim Vocal Xi 1 7 i iI: P I 7 , a nd aantiSOlri Ihe C.01.11.1,4r.1 an lnsitnetion.L n 1.% W Wll. l . as to I..a.u,te Piano. Itelo.l.oto Or Guitar art. un rw, cp. r•ante id•re. t00.410T10 , a term of in V.IN . eruct:l 4 44l6in, i-hma tu. osv a A 1 ,11. 1, •pi Vie r-iot 'I isr to eP. M Mtn.: py nu.' Trmnlay, at no Cont.ebe, metal ot the qw Moi " %"*.` A:1 prO. 01. to a ittn,....• rbe r:: retrive Ifol ty n 10 Ca . ./ nt any time. t‘ NI 11 LA Erie. M teh 23 1,41. - NCIPT gpting Goo 'WE ate in reeeiot Ire ' r etyle. ]brain Ite 1.3 st. PO:4 n•. t% ,r , t;inchain.. Merrimac. nittiVo•lttetrrtittt. • .1.1.1•• 0•t.:-t. $4. U-1 and yanla !nett Linetto. &e. ' TIrttALS & Erie. Mardi •2t; No I Kull'" .A.l3.lt.ber Gro a t Discovery. Irnstwßall'S /la ir ou u fmnd, fir re.if.rom!. pollen trtgthe hilt • Thi.. valuable pn c hair and returner tie dandruff. 'sons , th. It or froon render. it 0011. plur We. iill)g et.elossv ail tite-e .walitlf.l gird e. I.knp,isr Inyn..ll.aid3, • prose mit any other no+trottt dose , V1110'41.1 not I r ate the .tired etrect try ar.tthett erly twit:tett prtAuce thelrectotietelut effect Stitt t,) C.4* Lit .0,1.1. 11. cu . Cr.c. 11..rrh 191f41. ice. • eat York. PoWin, T4lll Pro. •'t; i4,1?--.4,42, . 1853 • rirg ;time :a full t : lomtro.sArio.tontrro ro.m err m grist lo rd aml incre:.prd. lie Fr tmpyly of on art prtrotA awl of ell.11011:e•A , Ipf o call omi rir.l.lior - arc °tiered f boyitt: P. HALL. INDIA ItunDER GL FOR Gartlotmg. hott•ceteani cg. lltiA t 'III the !Fla& Thrq arc tem* MI Irtiv/.1 o prolfel and arms flora eirpoomr. By . e n r i n g t n,.,, z •-oes ;Iry made sOft and whre. . = : mt. for the putpoti.eot eon , uoutrl retiptietrollt piiht , c emeriti). a than he Pf , afl'il to get e I in thi:ir tare 1.. N. reno•..• I., Ladies` Bleaching Mitts, Zd ay e worn allsievewitmor fleeping: LADIES' DRESS pit( IT ECTOR Fk to Nevror no. erraliecof drreve- n n . •!e , toe nr u••• Iv ',"'.! For wilr. wia,Ar.4,lt. by t.lotithenti-0,-4'he-totit +1 • rh J.& It. l'hilirr, Pm:burgh auda, get.: il ii Ail CO•rM '4lnrtli ID. 11.:4, • .ZINGRAVING. T IIE Subscriber is prermnril. to eseente ti graying nil wool]. 'Morning. Spoon.. K " . 1. , hinv.t 4 tainrio airier, or lora.. wade nrkr. tk r eOnit'a IS led by itrnai and nil! ed. and on the inian fibrin! term* SI. a IL' rmlonin. March la 1'43. 1M(1TIIV r•FJ:1), a sitectior article, ll • - Ninrcta '33-16 • 111:11',V• 1' 3 4.)R tt t.\ r.—The rotit;;T:wer the Jet, .. 1, s gu n ' °' L ke,r i`wr to W ill e.)ilis Block on r4rite..t.c.l. Pei.: " Ir . ), and buktnerk port 01 tile ell), are tt7ell -......e l K o '' kkek. March 211. ',WU. Tlitt,S NI. Al - -- - -- - Nligff 70 ig-s BR ,32E STOIty 7: rigo' O. TO,PARK RoW3 Doo rbiall y• • Mil' (i001)S Ft) a Tilt.: MI-U.IOV T HE 14 ' ,10 eribor* , r' pet' to inform vie r co - hm" e" , politic (hit the) h lye t loved trout :. , ..li. -' , 0 I '. 0101 . 1%‘• hem thew are pre. ;INNI to otter Ile . c , . -1,,,,' , - 2,. citizen. ot l'etinst•tvaiii i,..th , heel :1•1AOr 'tw , I ill , .:'''',,, k,we.t prievk wekt of New Yttek r `fly. i;re .I•ltqu Lot , mit•ted mkt earttrkt . tit It% 'tn. hornCie r orl.tor, c , .." , btr.otte*r to the nre.ent time. lon. heel, tit Er...4i !feort.t 11,,,, have had the IA ...loin to Ir,II It. oil lm PI ive-. SiO il". Whltil halt heel, bekintet il upon it.. by . ,h-crt ,1 " 2 ,,.:. her asktore.l tot that our Wort* have t. 4 u awe` , n ' ' , ' ,,. , trout the iirkt plarkue.l the phil . ol' !Tillie II: VW ,. 1 ,r; IlYing rates. we intend to bAlow it up. Si• it I , re , o-h e ; ~ ere. with the 111(.4 varied MO ,erteu•iv •to , h o f g .,. ( i i Ch rn P rS t COI/4. , %ITV( of New York thee. he degre e hai. ,,, 3" the prOOf circulated among the 1 N Or 0..1 the MorelS Ilk plater to putottnre )ou r art guto , l'. eg" . h ' e such. that we 'hall lIIIIOW 110 ( . 1111.1IellIOP 11l I ""r" " be the receipt of new and durable coo ,l * utekl`•' V . -atom P lea.. remember that tau eau but wort b' er .. , ",.10enynney at the New Vette 004 that n Ca..% 01t,.., of New York.. ' MERRIt I: .t OA % l•• Ere:. March '161453—1S 3 dm r. from Wee u . 11.713 T reeii lli ced b fr ill ot ilan D 7 At T P fealinelk 433.°'°' S o uks be Call d ib e l i e a k m h i o n d e tPheratrart Bsooclia.Betro.ervtno .erielotlietio tilltt Brie Fib *6-41.; NMI MU r it. Pee 4-141 - for El