Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 30, 1853, Image 2

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    Political sad General_News.
From Me Timm and Tnumeript.
TB2 ',ATI D18•11T22.
Statement of Captain Sampsen.
otemolui Tines AND TIAIIKKIPT-4 all under the
fel necessity of reps:tie( the loss of the steam
er Independence, lately seder my command, en her
pump free San Juas 61 Bud is this port, and
about one hundred sad twenty-firs lives, soosisting
el the pasangses sad Men of the crew. She was
lest ea the Island of Margarita, of the coast of Low
er California. After leaving Anpulco, we exp-ri
need strong breezes from N. W. to N. Passed St.
Lucas on the morning of the 15th February. At
12 o'clock M. .1 the lith, we were in lat. 23 deg.
4 win. N., lon. 110 deg. 4.linia. W., steered N. W.
by.W. I W. per compass, intending to go the west
ward of Margarita Island. On the morning of the
15ib,at 1 o'clock A. M., made the wain land to the
eastward of the Island, having been set in -shore by
the warren. Altered the sourest to I. W. At
A. M., made the Island of Margarita, the south point
bearing W. by B. per compass; then altered the
nurse is W. B. W. I intended to give the point
a berth•of three miles,' hut owing to a tiaselover the
land I was deceived in the distance. At 51. just as
day was beginning to break, she struck en a sunken
reef; mewling off fro• the south point of the Island
about a mile frets the shore. The sea was very
sweetb at the time, not breaking on the reef at ali .
Decked the engine end she came eff; examined the
bold and found that she was filling rapidly; knew that
I should have to beach her to keep her from sinking;
got a nil over the bow (under her)to try to stop the
leak, sad set a gang of men at work at each hatchway
bailing, sod ran along the west side of the Island,
Close in, to find a good place to put her ashore.
Told the engineer is let me know fiiee minutes be
fore the water would be op high enough to put out
the fires -
When we hail run about four miles the engineer
cams up and reported the water nearly up to the
fires, and that they would be extinguished in a few
minutes. Put the helm hard a port, and ran her
ashore lea small cove en the S. W. side of the is
land, head on. Lowered a boat, and seat the mate
and two men in her to run a line ashore to the beach;
which was about one jiundred yards distant, but the
boat broached to and was swamped in the surf.—
Lowerid another boar, and sent three moo in her
with another line, which they cucceeded in getting
ashore. I sow ascertained that the ship was on fire.
Told the engineer to take his wren and put out the
See if passible. Ordered the other two boats to be
lowered, and to come forward, and the women and
children to come to the forward gangway; loaded
both boats with women and children, and sent them
asthore. The ship had now swung round broadside
ed. The mate and two men came off with the boat
thatk the line ashore, and the was immediately
los 'w
ac t
ith women and children, and went ashore
with t m. The firworigivated from the furnaces.
It wee necessary, after the steamer struck on the
reef, to use wood and boards for fuel, in order to
keep up steam until she struck on the beach, when
the water was so high as to stop the draft from glair
lower floes, which forced open the furnace doors, end
the flames rushed out and caucht the wood work in
the fire room, and also around the smoke-stack,
thence spreading very rapidly.
Every effort was made to get the fire under,
of no avail. The flames were now coming up from
the hatchways, firs-room, engine-room, ventilators
aid around the smoke-stack; e%ory thing was con
steriation and dismay; the people seemed completely
bewildered, and were jumping overboard by dozens.
Thi scene was perfectly horrible and indescribable
.wren, women and children 'crushing, crying and
I ordered the spars, hatches, table., and every
thing that would float, to be thrown overboard, which
was done,
and they were immediately covered with
people. About an hour after the ship struck the
beach, she was in a perfect sheet of flame, and there
was no one en board of her except one of the coal
passers, named Beaumont, and myself. The smoke
stack bad fallen, and the pro/netted' deck forward
bad tumbled in; the flame. were coming out of the
side,lights, and it was impossible to stay oa board
any Wager. .
A boat came off from the shore with twe of the
deck hands in her. Beaumont,who war near the fore
rigging, jumped into her, and I jumped overboard,
swim to her, and commenced picking up those who
were afloat. After picking up three boat loada,
• Thomas Herron, the steward, succeeded in launch
leg another boat, and saving some of the people.
When all that were alive, bad been picked up,
sod some of the baggage, I landed and had the spare ,
• which had drifted ashore, hauled up into a ravine, 1
sod with one old sail that bad washed ashore. made
a tent large enough to shelter the women and chtl•
MO. The ship was still in flame,,
so Out it
-wits impossible for any one to board her. I gave
the mate and engineer orders to bare the dead ta- i
ken up above high water mark and burial, and to I
board the wreck as soon as possible aid serail' the
provisoes and water that they could.
I then took a boat and four men, and started to
pull round the north end of the island to Magdelens
bay in search of assistance, expecting to find some
ships there. We pulled until ten o'clock that night, I
when, not being able to see any vessels, and not
knowing in what direction to pull, I landed ‘n the I
north shore of the entrance to Magdelena, hauled 1
up the beat, and waited until daylight, when I start
ed spin to pull across the bar; after pulling about
.an hour and a half, I discovered Gressel Mose In in
the main land, pulled for and reached her about elev
en o's'ock, A. M., -found her to ,e t the schooner A.
Emery, Cept. Goron. The captain and most of
thecrew were ashore looking for water; set a eig
nal and they came ou b lard.
Capt. Gordon said that he had been in the bay
live dayt, and that there were no other vessels is
the .bay. After stating the circumstance of the
wreck to him be consent.d to get under way (al
though he had but sixty gallons of water on board
at the time) end take the survivors to San Jose or
Cape- Bt. Lucas, where they could get the noses
saris* of life until other assistance could be render
-ad them--and he immediately got under way and
commenced beating out.
t At daylight of the 18th, it being calm, and the
sehnoner being a long diataace from the wreck, took
twenty gallons of water and a sack of bread in the
• beat, and started for the camp, expecting to find the
people suffering for' water, as there was none op
the island fit to drink. Arrived abreast of ten
wreck at 2 A. M., baying been gone frowstier,
fifty one hours. The surf was breaking very bear•
ily, making it danerous to land. The mate came
down on the beac h, and Paid that the passengers
had gone across the island, and that I had better
Well nand the south end of the island to tbe'other
side, which I did, and found the boats and crews of
the whaleships Omega, James Maury, Meteor, and
bark Clement, busily at work taking the passengers
on board the ships, which lay about twelve miles
distant from the point of embarkation in the lower
Wink I was away in the boat, the twat@ and en
gineer bad gone across the island, seen the ship
and boats, and signalised to them, and so obtained
relief. I then took a boat and Grew and started oft
to meet the schooner sad take her beck into the bay,
whore we serivisd on the morning of the 20th. I
the. want on board the ships, and mustered a party
of moo, and went across the country to the wreck,
to save and bring over all the provisions we could
While at work getting provisions from the wreck.
we sow a steamer bound down tbo case, about six
miles distant. We made signals for her, 1171 t she
did not notice them. Launch,/ a heist, and took
two Mon in sad attempted to get off to speak her,
but the surf, which was breaking very heavily at
tire -time swamped the boat and broke one of the
ears, and whin I reached the shore again I was to
winch 'alienated that I could not make another at
tempt. -
After getting all the provisions that had been
saved, which occupied two days, I shined the ship
Meteor, Capt. Jeffries, t• take us all to San Fran
cisco, to sail as sone as tie vessel scald be leads
ready. While the ship was being Sited i took a
beat and crew front the ship Omegs, end laid of the
Island on the lookout for a stoma', hopiag to &peak
see es her passage op, and got ems* moistens
from bar, but none ease in sight of us.
On the Sd of March, everything being ready, and
the passengers all ea board, (exsopt a few who
chose to go tits Sandwich Islaado in ether shim)
ire sailed for this pert.
I was on the larboard peddle ben when the mesa
et struck, and had beep *a (leek the labels night.--
If thip atoms' had au take not a soul d
ban tom lost, kw limy **old all hast isaded eately.
The tear so shish the steamer streak is abent
two niilea 10114, militias , eels a seath-sweetly
rectios, u ts sat laid a... in any Sitio charts that
I have stir sera.
Too mach amulet he *aid Is fever et the home.
cattiest of Capt. J. Fisher sad °Seers of the ship
Olin* Copt. Wirelike of the shiplllllollMaory,
Capt. /*friss et the ship Meteor, Capt. Lase of,the
bark Clissoot, end .Cept. Gorillas of the schooter A.
Emery, whe promptly seine to oar relief assn.* ei
they heard of Dor situation, and readored es all the
assistanas awl ado us as sosefortsblo as possible
tering our stay is the hay.
Yours, respectfully,
hate Master of the steamer Independence.
San Francisco, Marsh 31, 1853.
Tam FATAL CELL to Tull Tomas.—The canoe of
the fatal affair which look place last Sunday night
in one of the prison coils at the Tombs, causing
the death of four persons, says the New York Her
ald, as at last been discovered, and shown conclu
sively to be the res ilt of poison, caused by carbon
ized air, generated from the coal stove, and passing
down the chitnney flue, through a he!. into the cell.
The book on which the unfortunate men were asleep
was placed over the aperture in the Hue wbich let
in the carbonic air, the inhaling of which caused
their deaths.
An experiment was made on Friday, by placing'
lighted candle near the aperture in the flue, and as
it oared the hull) the flame was immediately extin
The Grand Jury visited the cells thrnughout the
prison on Friday, and will no doubt moire some pre
sentiment touching the recent loss of human life.—
Iyroar•cr m Posrat•arxas.—A case wee tried
during.a recent session of the U. S. Circuit Court
in this city, which ought to be generally understood,
bath by the people and the officials who have charge
of the various post offices throughout the country.
The postmaster at Sylvania, in Striven county, was
arraigned and fined fifty dollar. for delaying a let
ter in his office. The law makes it the imperative
duty of every Postmaster to forward all mail mat
ter deposited one hair hour before the departure of
the mai', unless longer time should be granted by
the Postmaster-General on account of the bushiest
of the office. There are also several penalties for
delaying papers, Erie., after they have been mailed
and are on their way to their places of destination.
So stringent are the laws, that a ,rigid and prompt
discharge of their official duties only can save the
Postmesters from their penalties. The above is the
first instance of a conviction that we have heard of,
and we publish it for information, hoping that it may
lead to increase) carefulness nn the part of all who
have anything to do with the mail service.—Suran
nah Courier.
following officers were diacharged from the Reve
nue Service on the 14th init.
CArruna—Ezekiel Jones, Mart.; Gi:bert Knapp,
Masa.; W. LI. Whitehead, hid.; W. W. Polk, lad.;
S. C. flarby, S. C.
. Ls i+l.l rics A, Ti-Be rerely Was. Md.; Ar
mold Burroughs, N. J.; Nichuiss Austin, K. I.
Bacons - LIKUTIIINANTS—A. C. Cook, Pa.; C. W
King, Ms.
TUIPD LlMUTEN•wri,(appointed by 111 r. Fillmore
I.sth 16.52)-4ohn A. Umlerwood, N. II.;
Austin S. Cushman, N. Y.; Thomas S. G nit , Md.;
J. De Langnell, Va.; Wm. D. Kennon. Vs.; R A.
Morrell, Me.; S. W. Gillett. N. Y.; John E. Wil
son, N. Y.; Thos. Osborn, S. C.; John Me.Cowin
None., Del.; Wm. G. Nimmo, Va.: - D. C. Curios
blo, N. Y.; Elnin Hurlbut, Midi.; P. V. R. Linn,
N. Y.; J. H. Nimmo, Va.; A. S. Hatch, V►.; C.
W. Via Rensselaer, N. Y.
Toe Revenue Berries is eut down is 16 at etteli
The new Revenue cotters about 16 be built are to
be called the—Wm. L. Miter, Jefferson Davis,
James C. Dobbin, Robert McClelland, Caleb Cush
ing, James Guthrie. The name of the seventh is
net decided upon; Oasis already a Campbell in the
ureic*, or the of the Postmaster General
would base been used.—.V. York Press.
TEM PATIONAOII or Tara Govaa:s.stierr
or yrs DisTammon.—The Washington Uoieo
considers the subject of Government patronage at
much length, intimating that in the disposition of
it. no distinctions or factions will be recognized.—
We quote thus:—"Undoubtedly the President feels
the utmost solisitude for the- harmony and &seen
dency of the democratis party, and undoubtedly
will 'be neglect au legitimate opportunity fur pre•
meting that object. Already has ha given en ear
nest of this spirit in the manner in which be was
thus far apportioned the patronage of government.
Recognizing no distinctions end espousing no fac
tion in the deaseeratin party—regarding all who
stand upon the common platform as discisoles of a,
common faith, and repudiating the narrow and pros
criptive bigotry of sect—in bid just and impartial
arrangement he has embraced ill who are honestly
attached to the principles of which hi is the chosen
representative and champion. This liberal and
equitable policy is appreciated by the party. All
true democrats applaud the noble mo•ives which
act , ale the' administration, and all do prepared to
ito.t a just and generous construction on its oat s .—
The President has the confidence of the country and
the party. The interests of each being in harmony
with the interests of the other—the success of the
dem•eratic party being subeidary:to the wilfsre of
ae country —the President wiil doAtless ennoult
the good of b,th, with a proportionate anxiety, and
with an earnest purpose fully to discharge all the
obligations incident to his position."
Syosset:la Timunaten.—lii a lecture delivered
at Botfart, a few diya ago, Mr. J. B. L.ndsay show
ed that mock yet remains to be dole in the beaeti
fill applications of science to telegraphic purposes.
Mr. Lindsay said that he had recently instituted a
'series of experiments with the view of testing an
idea that he had formed imam 15 years ago,—that
ae submarine wires are necessary for the transmis
sion of electricity. lit explanation of this principle,
he said: '•1 shall localize the cam, in order to ren
der it intelligible. Suppose a wire connected with
the copper end of the battery to be let down to the
shore, and connected with a sheet •1 meta! laid
the river. Slopes a wire from the zinc end taken
to Breughty Ferry, and soldered to a metallic plate
placed also in the river. Suppose similar plates
Isis in the river orothe Fife side, at Newport and
8. Ferry, aid these joined by a wire having in its
course oue or more telegraph!. Suppoiti now that
a charge of electricity is sent throug:t the_ 91 ire on
the Dundee side, this current may make its circuit
from the copper to the z:ue eiii,er by leaping four
miles through the water from Brought) , Ferry to
Dundee, orby a leap of two miles cerise the river
to the other wire at S. Ferry, and another leap of
two miles from Newport to Dundee. lii such a
case, I have found that part of the electricity does
not go across, and part of it (1,,e.: hut the part of it
tbet does go across is sufficient to work one or ten
thousand telegraphs."
f 7 The Inquiry started by Rev. Mr. Hanson in
Putnam's Magazine, "Is there a- Bourbon among
u.r having grown stale from frequent repetition,
an "enquiring mind" has propounded a mew AN tar
more important querry, viz: "Is there a IVhig Party
among oar' The reply of the Prince de Joinviile
to Mr. Hanson's article is held to be conclusive
against the Bourbon among us, and we think that
Daniel %Vebster's advice to his young friend to join
Demotracy if he wished to belong to a pa r ty, is
ample eridenee that there is not tie Whig Party
among us.—Valley Spirit.
ate effect of the new Over coinage is to direct large
amounts of the old coin to the Mints at Philadelphia
and New Orleans. The Government is made the
only buyer, by the provisions of the set. That is,
outside parties cannot have their silver recoined for
their own profit. The price paid at the Mint, •1-
41 the ounce, has already induced 12.500,000 to be
offered. Of thisssoo;ooo was sold at New °dune,
the remainder at NOW''phis. The Kentucky
lanky shipped $400,000 to the lest named point.
Dorm or or• or. ASDalea GOAlUl.—Ettososer
Mill, a patriot of the reyolirdea, died at Wakefield,
Now Hampshire, oily a few days sine*. Mr. H.
was at the battle of Bssainiton, aid while statiessd
at West Um, was el% et tM guard elm Ms*
Astir* the sight previiits to his immodest:
Eli ititeltlq (thstrutr.
EAlg. PA
Deus oar** Stat. 7ffsmaisatiosis.
QT Ws beg the indulgeaie of our readers for a week
or two .or.. when we shalt 3 / 4 ,* able to give them a lay.
ger paper and sue less crowded. with advertisements.—
Ws like advertiestnents, but we do not like to infringe
too nanah epos the good nature of eor readers by waking
our paper all of that kind.
rr James Lytle Egg of this city has Use appointed
to the office of Collector of_ths District of Presque Isle,
in the place ef Wm. M. Gaßaper Esq. Mr. has
eppoiutod Col. W. W. Loomis u his Deputy. \Both
gentlemen are sterling Democrats, and will NMI tbs)is
ties of their arms with credit to themselves and the di
partmeet ender whieb they act.
rr Whitney Grant. Eli , has been appoiated keeper
of th• light holm at Canoeist. Ohio, vine Mr. Capra,
Er Among ON mutual. wade is the Remus /are
rim is the redsoties that branch at the Gererameat,
is that erCapt. Gilbert Knapp. late colawasder ef the
RO•1111.• Cutter se the lake. There will be se two
shed seer that rintioval hers.
rr 1. M. Wyokeep, the distingsishod loader of
th• let Pussylrani* Regiment, has boos appointed by
th. Provident Marshal ter the Eutera D.attiot of Penn
LT Mr. Consen. has been aseltiog sense ad Mien to
his "Empire Bleok" during the past season, and is now
finishing off the nicest Moro west of Yew York. His
block was the handsome,' before the addition and it new
far surpassed all others in this goalies of the country. The
mausoleal part el the work execotad principally by
Messrs. tioakiosons and Hill does them credit. and will
be an advertisement of which they need not be ashamed.
The building is four stories high. the (earth of which we
occupy for ear printing office, and as we have before said
It is set surpassed by any office west of Buffalo. Mr.
Cadges!' d the thanks of the cilium, for the good
taste and largo expenditure which he has mad* in put
ting as ornament to oar city, and we presume their grat-
Ituda wttt ee Ilterptayre to e
shalt have moved into his beautiful store.
Navy STRAW Bonus —The reader' will see 6U refer
log to oar advertising columns, that a new and extraor
dinary improvonseutin Bo lore is claimed and the rights
advertised for sale. It is milled the Irving Boiler.
Rich and Brilliak
Reader hare you passed the wore of our eatorprielog
Jewelers, Messrs. Peruarron & FULLER, wi thin Lila peat
few days. Ifyes hale aot yes base lost a rich eight.—
We molted sittiug is their beaui.fel show window, twelve
doles gold watches and ether jewelry to
the shop, of $l3) brew pas. Boger rinse, &s. Just
go is there, sail feast your eyes open the riches and
Timidity of their goods, sad you casuot '.nisi the temp•
liaise to bay.
Which is Bight.
The last and faviruSapraisses of credulity is cestain•
ie the followisg sruel• (rem the last assatis. It is re•
ally laughable; whoa one leeks over the defeats tint the
whig party have met with rinse the election of Gin.
Taylor Is the Presidium. Where the Editor bads those
"resent least &raceme." from wilmh be draw. as much
oenselaties. we ars 'sable to my. fir eves in this fir.
merly whig•ridden laud, this city is the Duly eels open
the whole share of the lakes its which they have elected
eves a mayor. sad here he is without power. But with
these fasts star:ng them ip the face. the Gault' says:
"We belies* the whig party of the errantry :raver was
strrager thes at present. Ulterior mass were made to
operate ageraat it is the last Presidential electieu.sie that
its fell strength was not brought out en the tide of the
regularly iramisiated whir cor.distates. end signal defeat
sled disaster *ovoid. Bet since Ose, as circumstances
required. its living and conquering power has been most
forcibly manifested. Many ef the recent local elections
MOS lied is oath a way ea to attest a pratraleat 1111111111111•11 l
of devotion tie its ebj-cts and interests, cud the great
measures it has hien formed for the parpess of satirist
and perpetuating."
Is juxtaposition to the above w• present the following
paregteph from the Now York Tri&me, whose editor is
sometimes taken as good aetherity tm matters relating I.
genuine whigery. Ho very considerately says:
••-W• eessider the Whig party not only defeated. bet
unties,. We can usatemplate. its history with all the
pAilisapkie ruder that we could bring le hear en the his
tory of the English War of the Rio** or the rise and fall
of the Giresdists in Revolutionary Frames. W• believe
that the only effect of keeping Sp the Whig •rgeetxatise
aid canderd is the perpetuation of abases cud iniqesties
Eke thou mew marmot in the government of our city.—
As nurses appeal is certain fabulous dwelliogi in dark
sees ais a qtretus to troublesome children. as the Whi
party wttl t►o used. while it hehir together. as a scare
crow an d es is.tramoai of ductplhn• by Urn le adorn laud
Nemo!' of the Sham Derneeracy."
Now, which of those two whig •liters ie right ,with
regard to ih. whig party'. Lot the 'WON)* •( the put
fair years answer.
113" The Now York Tribune has again been ealarged
and the materials entirely renewed making an addition
to the cost •fpublicatio• of $50,000 per annum. an Rays
the proprietors. A cotemporary says the Tribune is the
meet complete newspaper en ear exchange list. Weed,
we behove it to be the best imaa t aged paper is the world.
We are familiar with all the leading journals of ear own
eontitry. sad we have seen some of the most noted La
mpoon print,, bat there is not one among thin that is se
complete in all its perm as the Tribune. Of ewers* we do
not endorse its polities.
Wm, Fife's Patent Oblique Pointed Gold Pen.
The excel:enee of a well made Quill Pen is acknow
ledged by all, but few are aware that the ease• is. that
it beads laterally at the point. in staking shades. aid be
comes an Oblique Pan.
The •rdteary pen, whet) fine and well mad*. is • per
fect instroineat for the Back Hand, ter the split mad the
shades, •r downward marks, 'are then in a line. asd the
pea dose not seers or scrape the paper; bat it is isiper
fact fir writing of the ordinary slope,
W. Firs's Osumi Pis Obviator' this difficulty. It
aaaaa a or deflects frilgi 15 to 35 degrees to the right at
that pellet, whore it somas is contact with the p.m and
is u perfect an instrousoat for Sloped Writing, as the
straight pan is for back hand.
Messrs. Stockton & Faller have slot or the above pens
on head, and hem th• sample we are swing, we can ful
ly is the above stateateets. Call and get one,
sad try it.
Q It is net often that we are enabled to espy the pals
et ear neighbor of the Gessels. particularly upon the sok
joet of appei utmost* mad* by the General Oeversatent.
but the renewing whist!' appeared in their piper of the
21st lest.. being as appropriate sa say thief we could
write. we take the liberty ef transferring ills oar solo woe.
merely substituting the aims of Mr. Monroe lit that of
Mr. Boyar, which has been done at bead glutton. ep
ee a proper nederstsediag of the esbjeet.
• , Wit are gratified to learn that Mr. George J. Merton.
of this sity. itas - reeeivod the appoialnieut et lisporiaten•
dent of the Pablis With. at war Harbor. Mr. Mertes is
a practical Engineer of excellent qsalities, with boatmen
habits sad as **orgy Gad decision of obarecter which
rig" premiss ate faithful mad waive discharge of duty.
Illiperedded shore* his moral worth Go4ipersonal inter
tits aro obese onertioies: It wiN generally be oseeedod
that a bolter Wisdom amid as have boos made." •
- .„-
P•WWI 0 10 felleirielY Mead limo a letter w finite
by Mr. J. D. Jim« 1 the W.a.i Ledger. for the
doable purpose of shewieg tint then say realty be waif
(matted hey* ef the speedy ceseseeeseaset of week
spite the western dieieivortef that Read, sad aloe that it
may he sadendeed /141,11 that we are met oleos ia ear
opal". sate ON eases of eppositisa to the prima board
of dimmers. It is net the men the epperseats of Mr
rellent and ethers are seething at, bat the work rse the
mad, the &Mira sad teats that are te be made in dein
the worlt—fer this the great fight boo bees mods, at.d
the read sees let. all oppositios (rem thetas miertere may
be expected to came. Oar earnest prayer is that the
present contract may be folly entered hate by the con
tracting parties, when an eud will he put I. all
ties. either to the read cult. direetere. Bat to the CM
inunication, in speaking of the matter Mr. ham says:
"Inman)* yon will have heard, previous to the re•
ceipt of this; that the darkness and doubt which have se
long hung ever the read. lies broken sway, lied that its
speedy completion may be considered certain. An
agent of Waring & Brother, of Liverpool. eubseribed four
million dollars to the stock of the company, and also en
tered into a contact to build the entire road and furnish
all the materials for the name, excepting iron. The
work is to be completed in two years from the dais of
the Contract. Bo yon wilt see that notwithstanding all
the tribulation and troubles which our road has had to ou-
Counter, 'tis now share of going ahead. A clique whose
head was in Philadelphia, and whose wings and tail
reached to the extreme counties of north-western Penn
e)leartia, have thrown every obstacle in the way of its
auseese. and their etteake and insinuations against the
Integrity and character of the officers of the road has injsr
ed and delayed its prospect* and completion Mr. Fallon
asdeue everything to his power to aid the road, end be•
assured that the city of Philadelphia would subscribe,
if liavrould resign the Presidency , he did so: but instead
of m alting a subscription at the trine agreed upon.* por
tion of** city councils aetualiv made an etEirt to repeal
the subsCription already cenditieuelly made. Mr. Fallen,
seeing thati \ h• whole maivem•ut we. the purpose of pri
vate ispeestatien, promptly withdrew his letter of resig
nation. and is' now, sod moat likely will be far
years, if he liver; the Pres;deut at he Ra.lroad. Hie es •
Pock% friend, Mr. Tucker, is still one of the areetort.
and between these gentle Well there exiirts s warm degree
of friendship, and ilislnoet perfect conficenee in each
ethers' capacity and integrity. When the enemies of
Mr. Fallen wished Mr. Tucker to be made the Presi
dent, they "con`/11 s Tartar," and taa•d oat to their
Olivia and in•rtification that hot iron would burn fin
gers though it were not red I fllarnom knew of all the
plots vied canter-plots of this projeet.•be would moat cer
tainly get it dramatized, as it would be more profitable
than Phillips' r'ire Annihilator, or Jolter Lied concerts.
The politic would obtain much valuable informatien
'ablaut asking any question*. 1 hops times gentleness
who have sacrificed so much time end money to kill the
road, will new have a good Deese° of it. Their predtetiests
have all been fulfilled—soar As left. I alwatongratel
late you and year readers on oar flue prospeetcand wish
)tan to give the proper notice. to clear the trackler the
care ars conning. I understand work will be COllltill,DO
ed ea all the road surveyed io the scares of thirty erler
ty days."
The Difference
A great deal of eympailt) is just now being manifest
ad in the neighborhood of Pittsburgh as well as in ether
portions of Penns)lvaula, for two or three counties in
virginia Uiraugh which Penneytv•uia has been for tome
years attempting to forte a railroad, but which Virginia.
for reasons beat known to herself, ham refused to grant
right of way te. We de not fully understand the ques
tion, bet from what we can gather from flostiug para
'mph' in our : exchanges, we conclude, that those coun
ties are situated in Virginia about as we are in Penn sj I
venue. between two great Stales, who are endeavoring to
roe ever or through thorn.' they please. The whole inter
ests of the State are opposed te their interests, and eon•
segassitly they are stripped not only of what they bate,
bat of 'even what they aeons to have." Now, while so
very watch eywi t iatby is being expressed far their condi•
Lien, we think it would be well for Pitt eborghere, Phili
delphians, and in fact men of all pate of the State, te torn
their attention a little te Erie count). which bee always
been used quite in the edam way tbat Virginia is us:ni
her counties. There has sever been a thing arkei for here
that ha* not been k I led by those same same ej nipaths
sere, and the improvements that have beet made here
despite _of them, they are even new. whilst gherkin
crockadile tears ever the sins of Virginia. selling from
wader es by their Legialatere.who, for their vaUisat acts.
are receiving the reward of "well done tho• geed and
faithful *errant." Tee. while;they at home ars holding
op their heed. in holy horror at Virginia for daring to
refuse &kw railroad the right of way through the Suite.
their repreeentetives at Harrisburg ateir bigwig:4s
and reireeal, Wag 111111111jD te take Item Eno county in
their ewe Mate all the advantages she possum, sad
net esti that bat to actually allow capitalists en either
aide of her totake a highway through her to the great
injury of the whole State.
These manse wise having actually repealed NM lair
granting the rightte make a road through this county.
overreached by oar eitiasos. Pays dile winter pot op the
finishing stroke to oar many difficulties, sad say to us
that if w• will have a railroad here it shall be so con
structed as to de as the greatest.poseible injury. If we
will net consent to be entirely shut up east and west for
six months of the year we shall submit to a through gasp.
'high with the present artangsmeats is e.g.. than no
road at all.
With how much sineeritv demi sympathy from such
(porters for the poor Virgisians. come when they have
Woe sail their UM oppressing ono of their owls
totalities in the ores way that the " Pea hasille" of
complaias. What s Nish sympathy worth ever
after it is expressed. where it is knew• that sa editor will
torn from the writing of au article. covered with tears.
agony, aid we might say bloody sweat, apen his pour
ittetressed neighbor on his right. and in the next breath
0 the air with shouts of joy over the disgraceful lets o
ire mutative in having stripped the last hope of
from his neighbor on the left. Truly. there
pis without a distinction.
an di fat
Th• Gatzila. its'
ndant of the Public Works.
I ,. ooking of the chalice La this office.
••From time , risl, sudden reversions and re.
vulaions and change. hats , keen the common incid en t s
of party tactics; bet. we moot eunfess, that this exhibit
°flail* on the part of the .iters that be' is net- a lit
tle unusual and remarkable, Wepresent the naked fact
—offeriug no continent further the hat Motto's is a
whig, at lout professedly.while Mr. 'B.iycs is a no party
man, and that the revocation, so far as can aacertai a,
has neon mats without •cause.' It ',the r ult of the ef
forts of Democratic leaders for purposes wh Is can bet
ter he •imagined thau described'—er, in nth words.
for porpoises which the reader will have 'cicala? • -men
citation or bye and bye. if he will but keep his es
An attempt to deceive. tar the concealment of facts is
[•netally conceded tote open the same list with (eightieths
sad while we will tat attempt la say what the Editors of
the Gavotte did sot know, we will state what they did
knew, and leave the reader to judge of the candor of the
above paragraph. They' did know that Mr. Murton'.
same had been presented to the Department before the
appointment er recommendatios of Mr. Boyce, cud that
it was understood here that he was to be appointed.—
They did know that statement. were got up here by
few of the faithful whip. and signed by the soinior of
that paper. derogatory-to the character of Mr. Minim,
which statements were as false as they were infamous.
They did know that Mr. Boyce's appointment wee pro
attired without the knowledge or consent of ono single
Democrat in this city, and knowing that they might have
looked for opposition in the matter, and if they had been
keeping their "eyes open." they weuld have discovered
Wile days age that such a circumstance 'mild likely hap
pen. We have no sympathy for a•man that will ace_ pt an
Appointment obtained in them that leir./3oyca's was
and censequsatly cannot shed many tears, even of the
crockadile kind at this "Fadden reversion."
The insinuations in the ',lie,* are unworthy even the
Gazelle. and will receive no ether uotiee tram any quar
ter than *integer. We have been acquainted with Mr.
Moroni from "early boyhood." and gratified at his
aPpoiatmost, as are ales his sena friends sad the
public at tarp
Er Alessi the amass of these tutees is be Wet on
the &saran Independence. ANN appears to he free'
_viz: E. C. Mani*, W. A. Eleh•6•l4 and
T. M. Wilson. The names of the Conti,' frees
iebleh tbey wale as we glow
Poroara tsr !!y is ea hood. NI of ozeaq•at at.
tor. ilia •s• •f dui boo Biagssloao of tr• day. Cas
tigate af No. 5. Old Iron Sabo; by J. Fooairnoro Cooper;
A Railroad Lyric Virginia in a mese! tom; Niartvali and
&bylaw; Galyino; a tale of Goovani Floreatiuo: La
doss Lit. of Maio! Robruer, and usury etriar articles of
equal merit. Call at "io. 9 Br•wa's Bl•sk aad got a
CT Hen►ss, Tha Magazin* for the people is received.
Sad ia as geed aa over. this is the beat ■amber of tb• sth
Velem*. and next aseath is the time for now beginners.
All that hare net bean taking it akoald pt a slumber to
see how that like it. By calling sego a copy cal be bad
at No. 9 Brown's Bleak.
Another New Book.
Diaz Virtues vat' Vim's, or humanity
pleading for the "Maine Law" lath* title of a work the
second editio■ of which has jest►oeo 1111100 d, It is a work
every inohriato shoold read. and eves ittodorate driek•
ors might road it with profit. Call at No. 9. Browe's
Bieck, sad sari dm work, where a few copies are for
Zivc P.t.ter —la another solemn will he felted the
card of the Agents of New Jersey Zinc Company. set
ting forth the uterus of Zinc Paint. The adoption of
zinc in the plus of lead. for eannatary and other reasons.
by the French Government, and the manufacture of a
still cheaper avid better article then the French in this
country, with its rapidly increasing use, renders this sub•
jert.worthy the attention of paint• workers end consumers.
The advantages chimed for zinc over lead. are its greet
er cheapness, commercially speaking, white zinc cover
ing (equal quantity4om one third tonne half Innis, sur
face than lead; its suPorior erhitenoss, brilliancy and do•
'ability, the zinc resisting the discoloration' sad cOrro
s.ons made on lead by coal and sulphur gases, bilge wis, •
ter. Ste.; its entire freedom from those poisons which in
lead, generate I dangerous diseases well known to
workers in lead, lead painters, tenants of freshly lead.
painted room., and medical men. Sleeping rooms fresh
ly twilled with zinc, may be tenanted with i aspunnity.
while medical men agree that lead painted rooms can•
not be peopled uuder two or three months 'without peril
The White sine, as an inside paint, has all the polish
and !scant) of a porcelain surface. and will retainits bril
liant whiteness for pers. The zinc colors (brown and
browu-stone color) revoking but little oil, dry suddenly.
forming a metallic coating en wood, brick. ireu. &c.
impervious to wdether and atilt- water, and nearer ifire•
roof then any other paint kunsee. For ehips.atiansers,
out building," roofs, foundries. railway depots. can, en
gines. &o they are unrivalled. Tha zinc paint ectsial
eanically en metal surfaces.: The ase of zinc paint is as
simple sod easy, and in fact. the same as Ole of lead
Health. beauty and prufit, alike commends it.
New Advertisements;
Msnnfacturers of Iron feline. Knifing elteatu 13otlere. Vanlt
Dooro. Fire Proof :shutters. and all It I lidi of Machinery and
Fancy Castsug...lce..d..ine to order.
Ncw roundly and DlSaesin, Shop in Erie. Pa.
IA J. P LIDDELL ha% ntfr,'attsoriaird with tutu 13 P. Kep
i,' • lar and P. Arbuckle, under the name of Liddell. Kepler
& Co , et, the firth il,a) of .I.liim.r) hiit, would hike plerwure iu
tm)ta.g to the puhltc that itie) are now prepare t, in addition to
the I tress turnitrli comii,cteLl btu Liddell & l'u ,at their old
,inn 1, as Illaelounithing an all at, various bIAIICOVeY.torth•
er wain 1\ agon• Carts, 0).41 41d I art Ihnou P. Plot\ tCatul liar
town. and 42011,1;w in We rile of wo d, from a loch h,mulie to a
wandlans. Caot.ngs fur 111aelliDer) tuirehed up au tie hew order.
Faitc) Camino' fur Fence, Railing nod 1 , :trawls other ;allele%
(Pete*, to enunietAte. We nould re:yeettally AOI{CII 1 ' , lmre of
',nitric patronage. promi•ing to spore uo patine to accontmodate
and execute null on ehort notate,
En.% May 31, Init t o mnpr C. Rt.., rn &
riIWENTY Thonsand pieta.' of Pitoer Hanging. and IVtintow
shales with rolerai ju.t rerielyed and for sale at New York
City prices at the Erie Crockery iitore.
April 30 le3.l—al C ‘DIVELL & BENNETT.
JusT reeeived at the Empires a large rtitsortment of French
Late lionnett which are tielliti". raputfly ! th is viler.
Erte. April 314 C.II)%Vt:I.L ar. LIENNCTT.
r t I it .
3OA Btlitlt ha If barrel., mut (planer barrels White 1 , 41)
'trout jam -received and far eale at the eitirkenti of
the Public Hoek Ly J. KLI..L.OGG.,
Erie April 3J 15.4:
NI as. 1..9 Du:m retina• her Jiineere thanks to the Ladies or
Inc and vicinity ("Jr thetr,ltli r ti patronise heretorare ex
tended to her. and tespecifolly itirerin them that she has
kist returned from New Yurs d lib a ra.hionahle asoortmeat
spring and summer St illiitery Good., consisttnlufrtik sad straw
11•:!. of the latent style. Urea Lips, Ribbons. Float err, Chit-,
drets'• Duitaets. Groves , Iluiliery. Fans. Collars. Combs.
which she willuyeuon Tatesdae nett. Rest.denCe. East side of
State rrt., a few doors north of Sib.
Erie. April 30.1 151.
T -
TIE undersigned Cowin...tonere, appointed by the Act of As.
'tenthly. establi.hing "The'CrieCity Bank." and in accord
ance with the directions of said act regulating batik.. approved
April la. A I) I 5 541 . hereby give PUY re tiotiet that books tt itl
be opehed for receiving pulse ripth.lll to the I '411412124 .ck Of 1,41.1
Batik at Brown'. lime, in Brie, on Iforida v. the 16th day of 'day
neat, at lo'cmck. P M., nt which time and place. two or mote
of the Coin iiii..ioners will attend fur that purpose. The Books
will he kept open for six davit inclodmg the Man, for four hoiire
in each dot, and until the.wholeaMOUllt of stock is rithecribed.
John A. Tracy, Smith !nekton, Jos H.11'1111=44,
ThOUVIOI %VIM/. C. Siesle 11. Caidwell.
John Stet use, J tl. Fullerton, John Scontler,
F. Schneider, Joplin Moseley, Jae. C. illansall.
Bester Town, B, B liruicent., Thomas G. C. P.
Erie. AprilllC. 1833. SO.
and Bleaching. •
A N. BLAKE. returning •ineere thrt mks to his numerous ens
s stoirwrs tbr their hherot patronage in supporting, a shop de
voted subside elf to the straw food. hu•iness, would soy that hav
ing returned from New York with a large niwnvit of stock in Bon
neet.l.nees./Itt.. selected with n knowledve or the qualm. He
will constantly be working goods that tt tII be b , a ( r,,, fli ed t o b e o f
the first quality, a perfect style, and sold at the lowest prices for
the quality.
Alpo a large stock of Genii.. Bob - : , , !Ift•ses. and Infanta. braid
and tare 'law and Jockeys. all oldie leading styles. repair in& futihning. ate . will he don, in :behest pot
slide nurtiner prottipth. an I.a low a. it can be welt done. Hay
inc bad a lopeexperienre in the tinAlers4, no extense will he sot ,
ed to make it tne most Perfect Araw .hop west of New York. and
la Iles tote rely on their orders het rg tilled In the late.' tdllo.
All the sinprovetthenni in lone Ii wry in hitildling are re
ceived. a i.d no ell ens.. will be F pared to any part of the husinemi
to incite a perfect finish and style
Also. the la rgegt sux•k ni tatraw. Craw, Wire, &e. in the coon•
Iv, h latch will b sold to Mallaners at New York priers. Mallinrrs
n o i ti ni nit wall he done at the minat diwoitit for cash. pronintoy.
ftlenehint done on stienitfic nrirwiple. and warra m te4 n ot
jure the flirryt stoek. Terms rasa and oar pert/ only ior the game
work. order.. re.p•etfully *al ie iteJ at NJ. 6. :Rate iitreet.
- Erie. April 311, 1 W. 3.1.51
---- Z
I N (7P A 1 NT - 8. "
Who Ncw Sonny Zinc Company
- Are now mnnurreturiu, rite.e Paints
,BEI of superior qualliv. Their adi au
! ' .‘ %ages over other Vaints i.e
Jim Irt, They arc not Pomonows.—
" q 4 d Sleeping apartments. recent!) mint
cillo ed. may be occupied with iutpunity.
Ao.L and painters using the•re 'taints are
not subject to the distress te.r. mala
dies arising (r the 1)-P of Lead.
alt (runt the
Their kaitly •id dims/May.—
Oh" • no. on inside tiro. k. Merman. much
ity harder titan any other Pat , t, am i d is
not easily soiled; is whiter than pure
white lead.tind as itretains its whiteness and brillianey onif
keted by bilge waiter. coal or sulphurous gases: it is unriva;led
a paint kr ships and siliantlyrsats. . For outside use,esposed to
welkther or water. Zinc Paint, will retilit their elliOr and preser
vinti,ral Ines lone after other Paints are destroyed.
3d. Tlui White Zinc Paints will cover Orval welshes) ab
twcutlitists wore surface thin pure lead—this, in rants oil with
ih yea* durability.nokeis. In the long run. the cost ofpa int
in.! with 'Lida Ic-s than half the ram of Lead
Grote. asd hr r en ;slow Color Zinc Irnints, which are sold at
low prices, are well adapted for painting roofs, otit-buddino,
and all inetilllc surface it. particularly • ron. which they effect
uit:lv protect front rusting, evposed either to he it or II rather.
These hunts are prepared in the same manner. and may be
used in all respects like White Lead. Thee are for pa eby many
oftheprnuetp.ddealersintbtee lilts and Large maims ot the tom
inJ by the Coutpiny's Agents, MANNING & ect u ER.
\ 43 ney Street. New York.
N.ll —All Faults manufacturerldiv tnis Company are warrant
ed pates. April 3U. krill. ;twat
awn InsUtt
°Safety sal Great economy.
AN opportunity is nowtitTered toali whom it hiay concern. to
secure the exclusive right of wanittlieturiiii Using, and
vending. in Sinirsn,,d ibunurs
For stationery Engines, Locomotives, Marine Engines o leer.
Lake and Ocean Steamer'. &e The advatitages of this Itlci s filer
over all others now in use. are.-
1 Evrtaa a•Pirry ?sox E51.1.011/0 , 1, hieing no more liable to et
plorle than an open ehaldron.
2. Less shin INE-TIIIRO the amount of furl is required to
rgierate the stea m obtained hy other holiers of she same potter.
3. The COM of construction is R FA) i iN C. 11.1, S.F.
4. They occupy but one-third the space Of other boilers, and
may he applied to any en2itie now in u e.
3. The expense of Furnace Grates will be inealeulable leavened
by she smell amount of fuel required. and the manner °fusing u
The Company Guarantee the realm f the ahore advantages.—
Their conclusions based on p~r►setirat ?fruits. Many or these
Rollers twine now in use in .in I abut this city, The Hs entor ha.
but Just succeeded after ye irs of application, in brineing this
valuable invention before she piddle. It stands a one and in
dependent In its merits, and if st hasthe qualities els imed, which
are nadenisble the public will atones acknowkdoe its superi
ority over any other motive power.
Terms of sale made known so application at the peke of the
.111.VING3TRAMI BOILPA COMPANY," Cornet' Of Broadway
and Park-place. New Tern—over she New Broadway Bent.
Circulars 101141111111g~ terms emit. he., Will be bewailed be
'nail if requested t—e•insis as abaft
♦lwil MIL
P 111111112011,11. 11101121TT LAND"
9y. an Act of Comireas, approved Feb. ;. IP:s3 , all ri ide,,i a.
Revolutionary treieers and Soldiers are mulled to a ~.7
ston for life," orate sauie aim:mut their husbands drew its
have drawn, had they applied 1, 4
•ions t
nr tiere wore
lEn none were entitled only those rnstr,e,l PM
o January, tio
rip - Fire yetrs arldritinaal Pension" is granted tinder l b,
above Act, to widows and orphans 99 he have teen pe,,,,,,, 4441.
der Act of July 11, tb4,B, and Feb. 22. !rite. And all widow s isA
orphans (ander 16) are now entitled to five years pension iitie ;
their hilriha nil+ or I .i there died in service its lite war rine, Ilst
or who died a ft er their discharge, of wounds recet%ed or di '
contracted i ti said service. wail
i;very °dicer ndd Soldser who has (at any tune) bit e , or .
or in any Way dkaided tnbile ut the smite or
and In awhile , }1 ditty t is entitled ton pension f ur „ fr.
ac tra,
ins to Ow garret of itiyibility. card.
BOUNTY - LA Nris—F:very Officer and Soldier nbo h ay 0r....
a. tong nit •• one month" in ally war of tiie 1 '1,11,1 tiL db
179 rt ir in.w entitled o lai!. if he Inn. nor recet yr d rt " t "
re Paean, in every part of . die United State. tor imean„,,,
having el.ajot• fur Land, or renstop (or dal w
their owu erry ve, or the service of a retain ft. %,,ti
promptly and pmperly atienden to by addreuinguie s o t orr 4l
port paid. r u partic ars to toii.
%Ve have permanent and eliertiPlit agent. at WaJnan ao
mike no charge in any rase tt rl'eil. the claim i•
I f ibeveader 1. not interr. , rit in ibis ad. ertt,eins a d .besam ;
seek a friend or neighbor
Lint t. Addrra
xenance funk,. It, tr.,
April.3olAll, ' lvii
D I4Y u D s.
AGeneral arsoraotent of Dry G o o d s for sale cn rea
terms by April 3.1-31 ef.LIJEN as ELT
Spring and Summer Term." --:- -
AVING reerived large additions to oar sio-k. ,„, re toe
prepared .0 Inenista all arw ales in our hue.of a qualuy
at'Orieoshttherva unvoown to Int. w orket.
Mr. Fut:et-109 nu at .3 e ,3,10 . , led ik'nn one of the larss m
5ir...Nr..1 1 : and-hop ...lots tioast ,, it, the e it, of New ye r k .i ,
e fa u e t e lt; t i ;r t s s
pe fo i r t 1;74 ,
a i garod a n
.1 ewnet h r ;;;Y . , l : l ° ,, w .
N r ; t l :; 4 4 7: t ant g 4ne:
the neat few ne , ka we shall have arrivals of shell :tad ft ' ae;
g 00.1., and at all !laminar as.ortotent Watehes,
Sdaer ware will beeomplete. We cordially invite ail , 0 ,„,1_,"
ran thsito,•elv.s that these thine* are so. ‘Va t i p 2 , 4 4 7
elry repaire4 nod out in order at reasonable prices. lung s
ktroWn's Hotel and the Reed House.
Erie. /twit 311 -L.50 STOCKTON ik LLEC
Spacial Notice!! Last gall :1:
pH!. Rook Accounts, ?Totes & Jud!rnents iu faioroof:trin.
deesigned having been placed in the hands or J. Limp,.
a dj, i „u n ia A nd coilretims , those indebted will Memorise
nece«iity ofthe earliest attention to the same to sass c wt.
Office in J. 0. Guunison's Book glare. Park tines. near
Erie, April 23 18113--31
To Rent.
A LARrat two story hower, situate on Eleventh" sew
land. fr.a it and g infra. a good stable, and knna n ap th e pit e .
Mg of Lafayette Warren. will be rented cheap to a "Jot wigs,
apply to
tale April 30; 1E33. '
TOE Copartnership of D. Twat!' acsn & Co.. is V.:I day to
solved by isoiwtl consent. All peroons ILas 0,2
with said Linn are carticstly stedwcaif..o.l. , totiti e s
i t it ,
and those haring claims aga helm the Om, %111 plea.e 1 1 , 01 ,
then. for payment. The accounts of the Wareholk-e at. iad.t.
'Fouslistmon, those of the French sweet store are "'lb C. ke.
Fogg. The aecostits way be settled With 'either of iris ;noissi s
11. To‘i
Erie Aprli 23 mre—st K
.k A'Rew Pizza.
riling firm wilt crostsmte to carry on the if ilicrrnt lofts /
banners bermolore dour by me Vite brae 1 , 4
Jr. Co.. (excepting Grueery l'utrint,.o.) in CO:liteCtgli •ilbl4
MillitlißUoiliev4 at the Can: I Mill+ in the city or Loc.
April au, 1 - mll-.4i I MILAN/ON. K &
AGr;NEßALtornMioleiptiBll4 FOrW7l;; ; ltti" 1:11t,n
by April all '.Si 31 TOSII.INgIiN, kIV
CA 4 II rant u,r Flour. Wheat. Barley, t'orn , BuctiiiiZ
Flax Setif. Pi.viter and an 'rind* of !mintier.
Erse. April 41/, le3l-51 T-0111.1NtiON. KELLET &CO.
Mau.' -,Flo•triiiir done at the Con,' ‘1,114 :.• Veil
any Mills in the county. TOILIOOON, KtLLIT kfr
Fri"- April :In I' s l. - SI
For lllal,.
FLOITR. Well. Feed. Corn. Oafs. Barley. Field Strm
1: Vln.der. kind,' of gennoned Lumber and troirt:lmLn•
fence Co Sec( Corn. ro:k. Fi.h. dal' and Rater LIRA. fa
Brick and Fire clay I:OIILANSLIN. K ELLEN is. co
Lrie. April 31311-33.
Towne. 8 alicaby. ' •
WILL keep echrosiiity uu ha,ttd Fresh Lime - and S st.
en Plist r at their Kiln above the Now Furnace so go
Witiorforif Plink Rnsef,
Erie. April 3(1. 1653.
C. KOLB has fitted up the Room snider kfurpkrt
To Shop. (next door to Browte•s Hotel.) iu a ells us
',amassed west of Now York. where he tnnt•s
tostomora particularly. as well es tnini new one. es sAI
pleas. to call on him, to be Shaved. Heir Cui. (1 it
mode.),Shampoteed. cure for - headache.) Wholly?,
and flair Eked, warranted not moves' or injure the ek e.
He ohm invites the lashes and iewleasseo tih■t area. seat
of a Mr. Scalp. Bind. Snide. the Carl• and Heir Ihe
tare!! ilnd reliance the largest eeto-ticent of Bur Oak
with lhia latest ittipruventoone yea have sees in bey Hat
Dre. 11491,8410011
Er'o4 April 30, 1853.
TII E sohseritior has received and i. now smiling As
moat splendid assonatont of Boom i tad Shoes t h at
found "nest of the city of Now York. ecianfiris'ug story
variety' end style and of ti a mow modern end *prod
fashions. all of which are fresh from the Alanariietorroli
std et priers that will Ramona' the natives: Oulr ditek
arouken's "hosts from 4., npo ard. Gaiters, $l; moos
shoes. front 6s. op: boos. at 12a You that steely •
my would do well to call and save 25 per cent. our asy
other store in the city of Eris. In 'addition to the alms,
ho has a general sasortment t:• own mittielatti
which we will •-tl proportionable low. Having prorated
the 'orrice,. of JAMESCOTTER. (well and favnroltlY
known as the hest cesium workman u► thiscentioanity
he is now prepared to mans measured work to ordir el
every kind and descriptors. and at the shortest wows.
All. on hand a gonersl assortment of Hata and Copt
of almnat every style ■nd variety. Also. Lentils'', -M..
morn. Calf Skins. Bondinga and Findings. all of a , keb
will be sold equelle low for Cash. S. DEYt.AI.:.
Erne. April 30. 1853 —5l : No. 5 Cneepsids.
For paving the.tide walks on the tenth side of Semi
at., bruin Holland to Parade at , on the north aids oll . Stiett
at , from Sassafras to 111 rile at., on both aides of Myrtle
sit. from Sixth to Short eta.. on both sidr. of 'MA
feigm fLografr•P to Walnut at., on the WI side of Ger•
man at. from Eoghth to Eleventh ate., on the woo aid! of
Saa-afrac at.. from Rinse to Buffalo it on tlir :with tido
of Buffalo et from Stale to Chestnut street. on the writ
ride of Frenetic'. from Eleventh at. to the Ere and
East' Railroad, and on the eaat aide of Frrnetrcrint fr
the RuiroeJ to Riad., street. on the wrest L ae gf 100
man street from Third at to Fourth at_ on the gavel rob
of Third at.. from Holland at. to the oast hoe o f Mri.
Drekson't Lot. on both aides'of Holhind at Iron , S rued
Four A .1. and on the tooth side of Eleventh B . foto
Penni; to iSaineatrea street.
lit..—Be it ordained end enacted be the Msyor etidg,e•
lect and Common Councils of the c ty of I:r.e, Inc el
end every owl er. or 011' tiers of any Lot or L ts. or small•
er quantity of lsod bounded on the south Flee et-Seerinl
street between Holland and Pared. streets, ~,t the link
side of Snort at between ind Nl‘rtie its. so
the east end west sides of 14% We between Sttth 6 "
Snort its , on the north and south sides of Third te. bre
tween Walnut and Sassafras Es.. on the enq siOd
German st. between Eighth and Eleventh see.. on the
*rot side of Siostafrna street between [Liner end 13affie
to street. on the north side of ButTnlo street be4renn
Slate and Chestnut streeti., on the, west oh
French et. between • Eleventh at. and the Erie nod NITA
ER , " RmitrO.d, on lb. east aid. of French street hewn
the R.ltroad and ButTslo street. on the west 14 of Ger
man at. between Third end Fourth etc.. on the smith wis
of Third at. between tioland and the east lute Of Mrs.
Dicksen'e Int. on both sid , • of Holland st. bstsiten SC"
coed and F ,urth its . and on the south sods of Derail
et. from Peneh to Sassafras ate, he end they ere 11 , 01
requited to pave the side walks in front of the , r reso , cr•
live tot or lot.. or other qnsnitty of land. and the eases
Or owners of corner lots where any st•e.t or pirrelo
sect thrive ordered to he paved by thi.Ordinwiee. awe.
quire,' to evend their pavement. ..long said streets peel
the I•no of their rellpertive lot or lot. t opine fret whew
said Crow. or intersecting street is Pill, feet wide. and se'
teen fret where said eroos or interseenriv siren' is ese
hundred feet wide. and to have said pavement reisplet•
ed in the manner herein n'ter directed 00 er before di
first day of July. A D. 1853
2.1 .—The said par•ni•nt - shall be wooesoonn olio. Ivo
inches thick. to be laid six feet wide. on, rand *ash"'
fiat bent or mins pieces of timber. and se t iorelv fistsar4
down with goodepikes, and to Abe grade 'V*ll l l l ' l4
city Surveyor.
3d —Th.t the tenant. terniattior other person residing
61 1 any inch lot or lot., or wheel qoantite of I.nd
by any person or persons not reatd.oo I. Mtge tr. be. sal
are hereby required to wive in (rim: of the VIM , " •"•
said, and in each gees it be lawful for sorb wool
or tenants to deduct the cost of such pavement WO
any rent doe. or to became doe for the
4th —That nn pavement shell be deemed to be re!:
pletati until essasioed aad approved by the side IN"
'sh.—That OPT person neeloctine to enmcly with the
rocioieitione of this °toilsome,. shall forfeit and psi' lb!
110111 &F-one dollar for every foot in teOfth or pareMellt
which .itch person should have made., arid in Week er
lb. "ill cas.,% , ment helot eomplerod by tho first day
July. A. a Irts3. ne aforesaid. the Mayor. S.drel ""
Corp /ono Cetittoila will proceed to lay dila', the 'owe.
and till (,iron for th• root thereof 'imps! the reortn,'"
rot or lots , or other quantity of land.and prewerd wr i t
the Winne ereordirod tO\tho Aer o f A a ambly in roe" '""
mivia and provided. Citdoinerl sled enacted into ss Or'
dinette* the 25th day of April, 1853.
A. KING Mari'
w. H. SarniAw. Clerk, S
wit. Taoarres, Cbrk.-Con
IGis. April 30, MA