kb miskit wallow *Seim she Puossiter Caservefads. 3111"eliikarriart Binge a Buillb osigoodity show oat label routed the Toms mod so od karma tbo A Motel in the Borough of Wottebarg, Erie Co.. Po.. riegialtheny preys the Court to great him a hewn* to kelp tegsblie ion or house.( oatortoissoot for straa gorizottrueetore is said beneath. 1103- HIRAM D. SMITH. the undersigned. citizens of tha Borough of Watts he .4firinireby certify that _Hirano D. Smith the above applicant is of good repute for honesty and temperance. that each an inn or tavern is necessary to accommodete the gehlic sod tontertain strangers end travelers and is wall grovided with house room and conveniences for the seeolledeododou of strangers and travelers. We. there &enjoy ham. to recommend the Court to grant him a Bowe agreilably to his petition. Argot —.I.•T. Ensworth. E. Rime. %Vrn S. Rads. Baldwin. L. Robinson. J W. Vail. Azro Ales Holcomb. George W. Fairchild. B. F. Town. ilt.ifeL•ao, Eves. Aldrich. Jonathan Aldrich. 3t47 -• Tyty ihrseratie Cirri qf Quarter Seasiaas ej ErieSomata. „rirtiE Petition of Martin Metz of the Curd Eris in caosiy. respectfully repreasuts, that he is well prbo' with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travelers, at the Mass of slid Metz on Sassafras street, near the Dt.pot It ,the West Ward in said City. He therefor* prays the Hisuenthl• Court to grAnt him a bungs for keeping a jobblici Inn or tavern, and he, u in date bound, will prat, Ike. • April 2 1853. MARTIN METZ. • We. the subscribers, citizens of the West Ward of the Cky of Erie, in which the above inn or tavern. prayed to b. licensed is proposed to be kept, do certify that Martin Metz the above applicant, is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and is well provided with hoops room sad conveniences for tho lodging and accommodation of Strangers and travelers. and that sucti an inn or tavern.is necessary to accommodate the public and eentertain stran gers sad travelers. • Higned.—Wm F. Rindernecht. D. Zmmerman, Phil- lip Miller, Phillip DiPpo, O. A Landon, W. W. %Varner, C. B. French, H. S. Drake, John I I unt, Henry Zenoatn. •Jausli J. Rindernecht, James Kelly. 3.47 lag .Ihrs.a4 Isar es of the -Coin of Ccantoie Please nose kali- Cour! of qvurral Qwerter Sessioas of Eris C'4.4llaly. sTHE petition of Mrs. Rebecca Brawley respectfully @b troth, Wit your petitioner is well provided with house too* and other accommodations for entertaining siren son sod travelers at the North East ilotvo iu the bor- Aries of North East. formerly ;kept by her dec'd. husband qR. S. Brawl.„ ) She would, therefore, humbly pray 'eyinir boors to grant her a license to keep the came. REBECCA BRAWLEY. • Ws the undersigned citizens of the borough of North East de certify that we are well acquainted with Mrs. R. Belawley. She is a I%rfy. of good reputetion for hew eats and temperance. She is well provided with geed nutternmedatiens for entertaining strdugers and travelers at the stand above mentioned. that such inn or I is I PIPOOSESty for the accuMmodetion of the traveling pub- Se. '3. H. Haynes, James Brawley. H. C. Town. Beater :Town, J. J. Town, R. Drummond, J. M. Mills, fro 11. Jesse. James L. Haynes, Ltrayette Fargo, J. Green. S. . Ross. 347 To tie lioaorablo Court of Qiarter Seamus of Era Cmusiy. . THE Petition of Wareham Tarry'. in said county ruspectfully represents, that he is well provided with bows morn sad conveniences for the lodging and aleout ',sedation ef strangers and travelers, at the house ha now occupies in the township of 11 trborereek in said county 110. therefore, prays the Honorable Court to grant bun a lieme for keeping a public inn or tavern, and he as in duty bound will pray, dm April 2, 1853. W ARE:IIA N 1 TAG G ART. e. the subscribers, citizens of flartsorcreek, do eer.. tify that W. Taggart, the above applicant, is of good re ) pate far honesty and temperance, and is well provided I with house room and conveniences far Cao lodging and accommodation of strangers and trarelers, and that such an tan or tavern is nrcersarr to accommodate the pu pa, and entertain wringers and travelers, Sigawt—John Killoatrick..l. Bennett. Robert Sewell. Wm. Sslbanan, D. E. Flower. Aaron Twitchell, Plan Eftiott, William Heaton, 2d. C. Hug, John J. Duncan, B. Chambers.,(,. Stewart, G. C. Mi ller, Waters Graves, Than. Ihnton.td. *3 47. To at Mowslkle the Judges of 1.4 e Corot wJ Qaaricr Session of Lne Cousfy. TIM petition' of George VV. A. Mriere. crisaid cou.uty. ,iroapectfully rirosenie;that lie is desirous of keeping an fon or tavern ,in the house now occupied by Urban Schlanduker, ill the township of Millcreek, is said county. that his is well iosided with house room and contrenit n ee* for the sae modation of strangers and travelers, cud that such isn , tavern is necessary to sccurnmodstl the !Ohs and entOtaiu strangers or travelers. fie there i" isrs prays youvlionors to grant him • hcenso to keep ' such ins or tavern, and he n ill &e. Ildiffereek. April 2, 1853. G. W. A. bIOORE. • We the subscribers, citizens of the township of Mill Mg is which the above named inn or tavern is pro _posed to be kept, do hereby certify that George W. A Id*areolie above applicant, is of good repots for hones hp sad temperance. and is well provided with house room end conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of *lmagers and travelers, and that such inu or tavern is seesseary to acconrotedste the public and entertain stsn• gets and travelers. Biiritad.—A. W. Fence, Martin Frey. Geo Behlan •ieeker. E. Goodrich, J. B. Cabinet!, Urban Schlott decker. Miles Bowles. Joseph Bleoner. G. W. Mapes, Joaiah F: Graham, David J. Caldwell. A. L. tVarren. 3147 Ti the Monona.le Jude*. of the Court Coustf. - - TME Petition of Alvah Robinson of the borough of Edinboro, In said county. represents that he Is well provided with home room and conveniences for the lodging and accommoda tion of strangers and travelers at the house now occupied by him as a tavern in raid borough. be therefore prays the honorable court to grant lill4l a license for keeping a public inn or tavern, mil he as in duty bound will gm Lrianhorn. March 55 We, the Subscribers. citizens of the borough of Edinboro, and county aforesaid, iu which the above mentioned inn or tavern is proposed to he kept. do certify, that such inn or tavern a neces sary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travelers. and that the above applicant Alvah Robinson, is of good repute for honesty end temperance and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the aecomunxation of 4tuangers and travelers. Sijae4l:—M. M. McClan;liey. A. W. Jackson. Geo. P. Kepler, Isaac Vanta.set, M Null's. E. W. Gerish, J. J. Culhertsou. A. I.lelc, A. C. Culbertson"Ww. ti t iltca, FTC. Vuuk C. 11. Part -3t17 • PRIVATE a#l D VITAL 'l' 42340gL1511 OT TUE Physiologidal View of !Marriage, . BY M. B. LA CROIX. M. D. ALBANY, N. Y. li~Tatteaand 131 Fine Plain and Coloied hithogrn ph and Plates. trrPlucf.: ONLY TR'ENTY-FIVE 117 Sent free of pcsunge to all parts of the Union..cg riNEAPEST book ever published . an 1 containing nearly ion ble the quantity of reading mailer is that of the FIFTY CENTS or DOLLAR PLIBI.II.IATIOIIB, invention the rhysiol lrarr of Marriage. and the secret infirmities and disorders of youth -itodlisaUtrity resulting from electors which destroy the ph)slcal sad instal powers. all diseases nri-ing from Indiscretion. with plilia aod simple rules be which all persons can cure Themselves lalrithont mercury. with the author's observations on marriage its dutiosaad disgualitVations. ar.d their remedies with colored Stir tumults. illustratin! the anatomy and ph)riologY, anti diseases et 111usreproductIve organs of both sexes. their structures. uses SDI tliltelllOUS. It toatalus many . , mporiaet hints to those tlatpla[iogmatrimony which u ill ot creme objections against marriage r none bon-over, should take this important step wiih oaktilislegteutulting its pages. It treats of al_ljd +sea. es of females 10. 1 001. 1 1_ 'r married or single. Hints to those desire no more • claiJdres. Strangers who require medical aid, before coninittnig • any doctor, ought to know 14 nether their cases are properly un derstood by those whom they employ, and thits guard against the imposition of quackery, so pretalent in populous elites. Hence the advantage of a popular knowledge of oneself, such as is given is this work. - -Ahatsdicalaqthorism be the test of talenL and enlightenment be sought front bohks, let common sense di se riui i na to between truth. tllil simplicity and outrageous speciousness and bombast. Dr. LaCcoldis a legally goat tied physician. and for the last twenty Pews bas bees daily consulted upon the different diseases upon width bits book treats, personally as well ashy letter. Any per sending twenty•tive cent. in a letter, post paid, wilt receive ollleeopt by wail, free of postage. or five topics for (moo. Ad dress LIR. M. B. LA CROIX, 31 Beaver-st., P.O . Box 379 Albany Office open on dundai from 2 until 3 P. M. • VT RECOLLEVT.—No. 38 Beaver-it., (Clinton Hotel baild lads,) Albany N. Y. • ," XOTICE.—The ttraneh Office" in Buffalo is discontinu ed. alt letters should he directed to lie. M B, La Croix, Albany, X. Y., where they will meet with prompt attention. . Feb. 19 1813 I • ' - reationabl minoring listabliskutnent. Tit E. Subscriber. in gralefh Ily acksowledging the I ib entl patronage which he has received front the citizens of Erie for the past live years, would most respectively ) tall their attention to his present location. Ilasiug 1 / erected a new stoop on the eastside of &ate street, two r.• doors North of Nth, and adjoining JH. It ibtet & Co.' - cabinet Ware Rooth., he is prepaied again to wait up • on and accommodate his old patrons and friends. and bopes that by his usual success in waking "good tits." • t only to continue In their confidence. but also. thru' sidifideenee, nod by his own Integrity and attention to buss ,hest,tosat.urea liberal share of the public patronage which he l ty sone its. e s=tud blilitaryClotheng made to order and Cutting for °M ONIS/nab/sap. done with care and promptness. Rrla July 111. 1832. JOHN GOA LDINC. 26 0 1 1 &J. I 1 HAIM renewed my stock of Clocks. watetner. Jewelry and raneygoods. two doors above the stand lately occupied by isdoisteat Austin. to Williams' Block , where shall be please d lON/ 01110/1d and new friends and atteneto their wants as usual. ; I relsera my sincere thanks to those who bare favored me with illair patronage and shall endeavor to still merit their confidence ileasuppart Wishing to reduce my present stock of Goods to turalim room teethe new In the srpring. will give unusual bargains allow prices to any is want of unifies in my line. Silver smarts and Jewelry on band or made to order. Clocks and %Vatenes re paired Engraving in any style at rhos t notice and In workman like manner. Ere. Jan. IS '33-311 THOS. 111. AUSTIN. N. P.—Mbove indebted to the lam den of G. Loomis & Co, imam make immediate payment—longer indulgence min not be gi V -4111. The Boots for the present ean be fond in my bases. T.N.A. EATS! 1515 lIIIEFINk Co 's Pptiog style of Nato Ibe NM lost reeelyall at Warso,V No. 6 Inciwiss Block, State street. Call aad look Erie yob. It LARGE and wailed annonatont of Truman. entbrwelng all 411.. the lade inapt* • ' pationl6,llllollo all yr and NM aM 14111 be pooporly ./eliff rewired Without Mrs flumpo.shatleer broom 1111 1 1 04 nen. of various Undo all of wtrieli will W odd 41 /1 Woo Gar New Yost mall price., to ail wto tney want nay of the at guild.% We soy 11 will 1/o meth So your ineervol So Oen WNW borlagolsewbors. Dec. 4 10114-101 r. PAM.. t 751 • ntlitiioOttataitt ! IP,I rkreirit i Or i t lag 01111:11.WA111 bon a truer MI Typa L 1 lona, wiroassitt Isitgarldattar what %lade adverb they hive, to bis new lateen which lave boos haat ea- PrellalY for tbe Art. LIGHT is the great mentor the Artist. sad it has been the ,eonstant study of al: worthy of the sass saes the Ait was discoreied. to employ aod contra it la the manse, best adapted to praline the most favorable reality. The result of this study and ofthoussatis of experiaveats is that there is not permanent Gallery In the IT States where the pie , l a u r ref e"e are ta made c ade by a minion window, and be who says be cats troches superior pictures by such a window proves his Ignore nee ur the AK The subscriber Garda* bevi leave so my that by his periOf LIGHT. and within apparatus worth ale thnes say oth er in this city. he is enabled to produce pictures whleh cannot be (welled in this pasta the country. and oars to erten arty thin which can be produced In other MOM Erie. or foribitone bun tired doPars. the has also a splendid Giblet Working Camera, with Waddle takes children deny acei, lettthedistlnetlyas derstood his pictures will not Cute If propetly apt. N. .—The ”reeent improvrasentr" may be seen at the above MOM. W. II AMERMAN. Erie, Rem te, IP3I. 7 1 HOUSANDEI or parrots who the Veratiesge composed of Castor oil.Calomel, k.c., are oot a wate,tha t while they ap. pear to beeelftlhe potent, they are actually laying the Gmadattorts for a series of diseases, such as sally/aloe. lam of Ititht. weak , Demo( limbs. 4r.c. In another column will he Spoil the advertisement of Hobert sack's Medicines. so which we ask the attention of all dintdily interested In their own as well as %herr ehHdren's , heahk. In Liver Complaints and all disorders. arising ?rum those of a bil. How tvpc, should make use o fibeonly genuine medicine, Hobos sack's t.iver Pills. ;VP' " frs so demised," but ask the Iliobensack's Worm Strop and Liver Pills. and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor. I.N. UOBENSACK, as none else are genuine. Aug 2118511. lyl.l E are n•.w prepared to put •p the Premium Rods and Points for any who would like to be protected from the &marmot' the lightning. Remember thE man that locked his barn after his twrse was stolen. and do not wait until your home r barn gets a sit oar belnre yo • net rods to your buildings. A word to the wise is sufficient. • LIODET.L & CO. N. 13.—Allordcirrrom a : tiotanle "normally attendeu to. !Loth and points nt wbole*alc. !larch 13. $& ZIMPOIt/1171S. BROADWAY. SEW-YORK. The most extensive 36 aud varied aasorunent of Rosewood ei2 00 Fortes. plain and orn - mental. elegant patterns. elaborately Carved, and hlghly fini,hed with rear! keys, al r own manufacture, and wit ranted to every particular found at our Warerootu.. ad 1 ISEPAnwAr. N -YORK. 1)10. BENIII a:TT & CU. TIN, COPPER - "AND SHEET IRON ESTABLISHMENT. voN. MIIRPII Y would respectfully inform his friend* cod the public generally that he has located himself at the old stand of 1111,1,116°n tr. Murphy. on the Park Row with `larger and better assortinentof Tin Cop per and Sheet Iron Ware. inanufactiired-of the, best iron. and of fered at the most reasonable rater. u holeeaie or retail. Ilehas on hand Stoves of nil priers and nualitses constructed with refer. enee to usefUlitess a nd coliven Tenet, nitd of the moil darable ma• .erlal. Also stovepipe and elbow. and an assortment of Which be flat tent himselfi. u nexce'l ed. if emtaled. in this city.— M ilk pans of all sizes and Cheese vats of every description con stantly on hand. Determined to pursue the business with energy and faithfulness. and to spare no effort to render satisiketion, he hopes to receive and merit a I iberalrhare of public patronage. Erie May 1 INS. 51. TT insure n on the Joint Ft•ick and Mutual principles, thus haw /. ing two digtinet departniento, coat:does the privileges of two srtnirate eotitynnies. at Ilic exprn.e only of conducting a single luotitution. and controlled by one board of Vircetorib thus secur ing haruiony, frugality and safety. OFFICERS." Jame. S. Ilmm. Pr... Went. J. C. Leeel2, Teen,. ' e. Art,larkatt,?Vice Pre.'t. V. A. Cultou, t3esey. , A ' DI RECTORS. J. i. iipon. .I.3Pel.ti S. Leeek, Job., itecti.' Cliarles A. Whom. . 23. Ar Glarken. Wm , . 112111112*. ; 1309 RD OF FINANCE. lion. Win' Within., I.lleßeeretnry orWnr. lluii . Waller Fut wartl.l.a le See rent, of Trrooury. John Snyder. nog .C.2.liiet - of ria.burg Rank. 31alcolut beveli, Flog , IVholopatc G•oecr. 'DIED:CAL BUAItU, CoNscurtxo PPISICIA JO J. G4E7.411i. M. D., J. Drank... M. W. Aildi.ou, M. D., E. G. Eitringtot., Ili It. • L. Eat AI NABE. General Agent. Pine undersigned agent or the company at this place and vicin- B.T, is now prepared to receive applications for Insurance. Ml* to furnish boolts and eirclilani explai.ing the peincip'es or - the com pany to any who tufty w Joh. A. B. CHAPIN. Agent. 0ct.,31) 1853-25 No. 1 Willman.' Block. iIANiSERB Oil for sale at the lowest tua Hirt price. hy the g.ii I ior barrel u - arranted tune fish oi I. afro: a nice attiele of solat rnp Oit snit hurulug fluid fur vale - at the city drug vtore,strite rt. Er*. Vci.4 30 P. 11.4L1. War with /pain! ~ stibieriber. grateful to his friends and the public for the patronageliberal extended to him during his short career in the inert.' iii liluriness,vaacsthismethodofinformingttwenthat he still continues to sell gods at his unusually law prices. For Cash only. better lug that small profits and quick sate. is the great secret of doing business. Among his present stock may be found Broad cloths, eassfuieres. Patinetto. ye-stings, broths all wool, cashmere. palm Icaf, silk and strandilla long and square shawl.. paratnettas„ riser i 110 C Ir. dela Wes. ginghanw, runkrsleeters. embrot direst collars, mu-tin edging., insertingsorilk and linen bars, plain and entbrotdeied, gloves and hosiery, velvet ribbons, late, gimp and a general assortment of dress trimmings. niter lame and other prints, brown and bleached shining. and sheet inrs. all of which will be send cheaper than •ur other house is the city dare otter tbesatue quality of New York flash litore.4 doors east of Erie Dank. Erie Lice. JrtltN rIWF:EN EY. AN ertrisiire asiOrtineeit of flat mine extracts the best in Mar ket.estfirt. for the handkerchiet of every kind. Cologne*. hair oils, pomade. a raandiae a certain cure for chapped hands. I ip salve, shaving soaps and erellthe of first quality, bay rum, hair dye. hair restorative. depilatOry powder, in short are eenstantly keep on tdott ‘coluolt le iffitortiru:nt of every kind 01 Perfumery. fancy artitiles mid Yankee notions of almost every description,. Personslyvish PIC to buy are respectfully invited to call as they may depend upou getting what they want at the lowest price. at the city drug store statedit. Erie Dee. 4-3 J P. VALI.. VE7 I !WOW CLAM.—The largest assortment ever brought into this city can be found at Oct.:q.t.& CARTER & BROTHER. No • 'Reed flame. Q, Tier Jessiosa of Erie DOCK Cr nadTable Cutlery. Hall ar, Eltons plated tabte tea 'Opus, a good asaortatent thi• day received at No. 3 Eccd Home. Era-. Ja 11.119-3 d RUFUS REED. f IHOC EPA.—The largest stock, the best W. andtbebß lJ eat pekes in this city is at Die. Moe. I R, 11-51. ALVAU RORDisoN 9849 YDS. M. Detains. Cashmeres, Persian e ft .. These' we guarantee to sell or less money than they were jobbed for two weeksigo Ttaast.a & Harts. r. ASH M Lk:4omm tie, Crocade and A laparas. very ehrap at gent 95. klwintinrs Wild Cars aro just in BUNGING us a fan supply of fresh groceries. coosi st ing of sugars. syrups, ustilasses, teas. coffee, No. I mess mackerel in bwrels ' hair barrels, eighths and kilts; also, pickled herring. white fish by the barrel and half barrel, eutitrsh in quantity to suit purehasers. sperm. eI e pba st, la rd and linseed oil. white lerel, red lead, lithrage, scrutinies red, chrome yellow, throne green, nmffte. asptial turn. lampblack. are.. Icc. By this arrival .ste are in receipt of fresh raisins in hoses and ha 11 . t.oses. figs. ranch IliU hp. prunes. almonds, filberts. green able and Brasil nuts. pickled dardines, ale°. n large cptits• (Ay of Wooden and Willow ware. cedar and painted wash tubs, patent pails. willow wagons. urirket baskets. atqlar holes. also. wa 2, 'Terra. pearl.stsr, Pirrone and eineihnati tallow can di. s. Constantly on hind by Vic barrel. Ao.tr. 11;a4 salt and Clay pool whiskey and a ittneral assortment of liquors & KELSEY Jan. I 'll-31. No. 4 i Wrlehis Block Brie,. P. Waterford Dispatch pleats" t opy. Lacks and Latches. A kRGE assonment Just recei‘cd direct from the maantast,. hl my for rale usually low. E,ic, Dec. 4-30 ZIAILLT SPRING TUADE. C& b 111717,1.1. 1, are receiving new goods, avid tabs their ohd position bf °tiering the best bargains in Erie, no sOse ci ecptrl. In demonstration of this fact they otter DeLains, nevi and beautiful st) lee. at one shilling per yard If the same quail tietean be bought in town at less than too shiliings they offer to mat, some preient to the buyers. Customers please call,and see a hethet tbere is any Windbag or gasconade about Ada. or anything elm. that may be offered you from our pre ent melt. Erie. March )10. I Reed House. Cheering to the Ladle., and Ineresting to AU: A& NORTON. N 0.2. Wright's block, Stete•etreet, Erie Pe.. have just received a auppty of very doe arts. ties in the line of • Among them are while satin slips- white Rid do.. bronzed embroidered do., fancy silk 'Aiters and %firkins other articles of similar character, as also the substantial articles needed by all for every day use. For Gents wear of Boots, Bhoes,Gaiters ate .liwir variety isle great It would be PUr_fnUOt/II to specifs. Sullioe it to say their stock is more extensive and complete their ever before. and what Iv best of all for their customers, pi lees well suited to their de sires. They will endeavor to manifest a more worthy apprecia tion of the public 111111 d for abbtaining from the twe of those stale common place expressions resorted to bysoute. falsely represent ing their Goods cheaper than others, and permit theta to dabble un warmed in their own dirty paddle. white W. 3z N. w ill endea vor by their practice to give unmistakable assurances that their facilities for procurlagthe begot work at the lowest possibue cot Viand be surpassed, and probably is f.ir from being equalled by even the most pompous pretenders. Delay Sot to secure the • 'no from an early. .kelectlon. Dec td 1853-23 LIGHT ! LIGHT ! ! LIGHT !!! NEWLY rrtecoirsaucco CARSON OIL. Ne of the greatest discoveries of the air , . which we do not hesitate to announce as the CU CAPEST means of artificial light ever yet presented. producing a GOOD LIGHT Par leas than ono T- quarts, of a Coat. par Zone, and gives the SOFTES PUREST. sad suet BRILLIANT Lloll7' ever yet produced by lamp and at ORE FOUR= Use cost of fluid. NOR CAN IT BE EXPLODED, whilst one trimming of thawick is sufficient 11* a month. and a single wick w st a year. nor does the steadiness of the Hop decrease as I a is sufficient al in the lamp to keep the wick moist I will berm longer than Lard oil. led will nca con geal in the coldest weather. and the price is only eighty wren aud a-bale casts per gallon—to w be ed In Mid !Amps. Erie. lan. 8 Mit I. H. WILTON k CO. Tiesar Mans. ALARGE kot artery DSow Cured Raw oft Mod sod Ay lisk by , Isa.ss47 CLARK lc , IIdeCARTER. INlFifti AND • • 000. • PETER LORILLARD, MANUFACTURER, No. 411.01adiossiD21. Niror]Tork• rAFTIAAIor eels theittiourieg weeristel of worm Oristl4—Noetsnbe.T. k. Coen. Freya,. loppee. asti other AnoW Also, Tine Cut TOIIIIIIMO le tin ibl I tad popeni. A mare particular Amerind°. of tie various' astlsLes eas Ot taws by eredieg Ibr a Atli price tem:atm above. ha. le NM INAS MVSICAL INSTRUMENTO. aOM forealag. as azimut* ainsumeat et Mawr% TWIN.. ArAilirdsom. leadis. Troiaismllll.l4 kidloplot. ev des lust *milky * elm eitiap Ibr aohigolismil er goy bow lamb. a wer7 them t-rt. T. Y. Aunties. Otrailut W afMaew P 0150412841. Liazirwsua sons. J AP AN PITTSBURG LIFE 1N131711/LIECE 0011IPA=T111 Capital SlOO,OOO. DICTUAL AND JOINT STOcic RATIO CONIBIADD. Ogee loader AhlXlioll Mil, NA El., Pills , Pa. 1 60 MILS Coffee. Crudted. Powdlted. Granulated and Re tined Sug,nrit. nt Nov. GAG STICIIIetIrT ilk GMAT LADIES' AND MISSES' SHOES. r. Tv w A I? it A R fitYCIC LE & KEPLER'S Gen. SELDF.N & EON 1;;; -. ~.~H ': k. It ICCINPAi 1 114) 111, Mahal arf" , Willime IOWA" illienagfiir"lll6. 11111. lorrivirommidlaises Ownsatiestiurvins• eadipoimoun iteseassamOr. et NM aim ion. ft Is tkia issionahudies to py estimably aturaties to** CUSTOM BUSINESS. Prom the Wrongs whir be bee already received. Rem pestle men. Mr. H. reels assured that the Node of doing Du+ aers.willeh be has adapted. does sad will give entire salledsetloa to all *bo desire to have their prmersta rade op to • GOOD TASTE from the Ant quality of aLtvaarats. - NU. G. W. TOL?. Will atom ay' he in aueadanee t 0 wait upon Caultners. and Lake order. or gentleman wishing a germ/el/it and a Ilashicatable gar ment mark spin his best style. Goatlaseztos rundeldai Goods. a the !Atom Atyleo, constantly on ham!. rourur axe CHILDREN'S CLOTHING midis to wafer WM treA TNE IND D.ESPiTCH Jane 121834 Du Kgthe pose or dos. for ,ate er Baling Powder by J.CI.&W .1. V illa, Jose • No. 3.Witiloms Block. Prie, Pa HATS; CAPS AHD FURS POE TIIE =LION Clear the track fo SMITH, No, 3, Cheapside!! urn° has on handtheLa treat 'toe! of Goods, I n his line. evt °feted in this market. which were purchased lb, CASH in the Itiwtera cities, or mamilieedured, by himself; hI which he is enaltkd to sell them so low that people do say they must have Rol by the Custom [louse without paying duty. Well, what If they were mooted. so that the people ens buy liesatifbl silk It its foe PAO Buffalo Robot for SI I. Idesicao Hate for RI teats, no 4 at other goods al like low prices. For proof of which, all interest ed eso call noel examine for theowel ves tgr Don't beset the place,Stuith'e Cheap Hat Store, No. 3 Cheeps ide. Erie Noreenher P., loft. . ~rkY YY~ Di.B.C. OROWNELL . thankful for tike I ihera I pat canape et tended to him try the citizens of flrie And cicb itty, would say that he is permanently Meated in his old stood on ewe 154. where he may he found at all I toes ready toczecute Dental work In the hest possible manner. lie will also keep on hand an as sortment of Dental stock for the accommodation of Dentists from the country. Dentists are Invited to call. June 6. THE ROAD TO H : ALTH, HALLOWAY'S PILLS. CURB OP • DISOIDRIIID LITER laD DIGRITtneI. c v ," a Liner from Mr. R. W. Kirkuk, Cliestiat, 7 Present Attest. Ltsseptiol, isireir Mk June, 1851. • To Professor Roiloway, Eut.—Your Pills and Ointment have stood the highest on our sale list of proprietory Medicines for souse years. A customer, to whom I can refer fint aoy enquiries. desires me to let you know the perticula rs of thetas*. She had been troubled for years with a disordt red l i ver, and bad digestion. On the last occasion, however, the virukmee of the attaes was so alarming, and the inthrtnatlon set in so severely, that doubts were entertained of her not being able to bear up under it ; for tunately she was Induced to try your Pills, and she informs me that after the first. and each succeeding dose, she had great relief. She continued to take them. and although she used only three boles. she is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. I could have sent you many more eases, but the above from the severity attic attack, and (lie ;pearly cure. I think. speaks much in favor of your astonishing Pills. (Signed) R. W. Blasts. BIITIAOLDINAIT CURS OF IDIOMATIC TITIA, IN TAM DIIIIIES . / LAN). Copy sf a Letter inserted in the Ilabtrri Town Coarser. of the trt 551. by Major J. Welch. Margaret hreonn lean, nineteen years of are. residing at New Town, had been suffering from a'.,dent rheumatic fever for up wards of two months, s hieh had entirely deprived her of IW - use of her limbs ; during this period she was under-vise care of the most eminent Ted icAl men in Hobart Town, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A friend prevailed upon her to try Hol loway's celebrated P;lls,"'hieh she consented to do, and in an in credible short space of that they effected a perfect cure. coax or A PAIN •MD TIGHTARS3 IN. 'Ella CARST •DD STOMACH OT A NILSON 84 TRAM OT AIM. Frew NeiNM Thew * Sea. Praprietare of Ma Less 44ertiserl srli cos smith fir theft:Joel Ng etateseit —4lagst't tad. I ni. 'ISP-1.•••400•••• 1.5.44•••••• ig . -a1ta......1 asmir• to tom• fp... IT C.., , 4. I the ipsod egrets of Solloway's Flits. For saw* jean I sugared severely from a pain and tightness in the stomach which 'Grassi', actompanied 4 a shoixness of breath, that prevented me From walking about. IMA PI )earti of age. and notwithstanding my ads aneed slate of life. these Pills have so relieved me. that - I - am. desirous that others should be wade aequaihted with tberr:trir tugs. lain Dow rendered, by their means. comparatively actve. and can take exercise without ineonventenee or pain, which- I could not do before. (Signed) HENRY CUP.. North rt. Lynn. Norfolk. Theo relehraleit Pills are 1111111Liir Itiricaciints is the falloaliaz Cia*atets. Ague _ Dropsy .. Liver Cons-Becondiry Ambuis Dysentery plaints Bytnpionts Billious Com- Erysipelas Lumbago Tie Doutoitscus plaints „Female I 'rep- Intes Tumours' Blotches on the Wilkes Rheumatism Ulcers Skin Fevers of all Retention of Veneer' al-Xf illaw e 1 Co in- kinds Urine feettous plaints Fits Serofula. or Worms °Jail Cobra Gout King's Evil kinds Constipation of Ilead-aehe Bore Throats Weakn n e a s the Dowels Indigestion Stoneand9rav- from whiter Consumption Incantation et er cause Debility Jaunthee Ate.. b,r . Sold at the establishment of Protest/Nor Ilolluway. YN,Shroud, (bear Temple Bar. Loudon.) and by an respectabledruggists and dealers in Medicines throughout the British Empire, and anion. of the United States. In boles at Micts., b7ets.. and 81.Stete, each. Wholesale by the principal drug houses in the Union, and by Me.rstri, A. h.& D. Bain., New 'York, - 11? There is a considerable saving by taking the larger ..ixes. N. It. itirections fur the guidaw e of patients in c% cry disorder are affixed to each fox. W ItISKEN by the bbl, at It l per gall. and a gircidnrCe eel J.G.& %V. I. Mill., No. 3, Williams Block. Brie. Pa , Jut4a3 1300111. 01 1 1 031NLOI Wen* Zditlea. EC. t J. Blddle . No. U eloulh tifth-st . Philadelphia. hare • joKi published a Book of Forms, comnining moßg TNAN TWELVE HUNDRED FOR 1 1 S. For practice in the Courts of Pennsylvania and of the United Mates. and For Conveyancing; also for the use of Public Officers and Men of liminess genetolly. Adapted to the recent nets of assembly of Pennsylvania, pith explanatory remarks and nu merous precedents and tefeiences to standard authorities. To which are appended a Glossary of Law terms and a copious In dex. By James D. Dunlap, Counsellor at Laa , ke. Second Edi. hon. Price— Four Dollars. The publishers have already received from nearly all of the nitride ist Judges Of our State, utd from other gentleman eminent la the legal profession. their opinions of the work. which are of • highly complimentary nature. The following are selected from a large number of an equally favorable character— Wellsboroech. April Ei 1639. Gentlemen t The collections of court nom* for convert ne ing, ice., which had been in use previous to the publication of Dim tars work in IWS, needed revision to make them convenient. and to adapt them to changes which legislation had rendered net , essarrin the practice in the courts m Pennsylvania. Your edition of that work the , efore received, as es merited. the approbation of the legal profnsion. and supplied a want which was felt by business men generally throughout the Plate. Alter the numerous testimonials which tou have received from eminent judges. ilt respect to the usefulness and exceltence of that work, commendation of it from me would be superfluous. I may be permitted, how ever, to remark that I approve of the general character avid arrangement of the work, and, having cr• attuned a normal:if the saw edition which you are publishing, may add that the author has greatly enlarged and imprwed his lint edition, and that, when published. his boot will be the most convenient and useful ore old* kind extant. EMEEMiiiMI Pittsburgh. April 14 Inf. Gentlemen: " Du nla p's Conveyancing anti Forma" is a work of decided vaerlt. lam glad to end that it ism be reproduced. with many valuable additions It should be in the bands not only of lawyers and niaglaunia., but of the buil was community general ly. There is namely a position in life in obit,' n man wgl not occasionally end kismet f t it need of the assistance of such a work. I hope the author may be abundantly reuuweratcd for the earning and industry bestowed upon it W itiitreat respect, roars, Ike )Benin. E.G. k J. Biddle. IVALTER FORWARD. Groensburgh. April o. 1F99. Gentlemen: You have favored tug with the printed sheets, from page!! to 1.311 inclusive, of Use seeped edition of Mr. - Dimino, /Jock of Forms. lam pleased to learn that a emend edition of his work JO 41,0141 being issued. It has been, and now is, one of the Dent works of the kind an the bands of the profession, and is evidently tuned improved by the atithilor's revision and additions 1 bare the pleasure of all acquaintance with Mr. Dunlap fle is a gentlemen whose reaper-tilde professional 0 11ail3111CLIll and nun harks! habit of mind fit hint well to Le the antl.or of such a work. 1 shall not hesiuue to recommend it to the gentlemen ct Um liar its the 10th district. Vtry respectfully. &c.. Messrs. E. C. & J. Riddle. J. Id. BURRELL. Iluntingdoa. April 20 Ind. Gentlemen_; Important changes in our statutes. since the pub Beath:in of" Dunlap's Conveyancing and Forms," seemed to gall tut some enlargement of that excellent and highly useful work.— The edition-which you are about to publish, embodying as it does a very large amount of new and varied matter, and being so welt adapted to general and present limits, cannot fail M be greeted with a cordial weimmie by ibe Prate/ 1 0m A familiar acquaititaciee with tbe work. and a earelbl exam i • nation of the sheets of the forthcoming edition, enable me to rec ommend it. with great etwifuience, as a book which ihottlil he is the bands of every scrivener, and have an cull place in the li brary of every gentleman engaged In the pram ieeof the law. Very respectfully, yours Messrs. E. C. & .1. Diddle. GEORGE TAYLOR. Oct. 3a 183 e. tf2.3 A LARGE supply of fresh Drugs end Chemicals Warranted pure. offered Mr sale at the lowest prices by P. HALL. City Drug Store Mate-at., Erie f's. Dee. 4 laft-2/11' D IJltEinl extra whitelead. dry and ground in oil by the pound .1 - keg or ton. Linseed oil from Ohio warranted pure, boiled and unbolted, by the barrel or gallon, spirits Turpentl ite in abun dance. varnisbes of every kind, chrome green and yellow, Amer ican. Chinese, vermillion and reunion red, yellow ochre. french yellow, Paris green, lamp black of every quality. Prussian and ultra-marine blue, whiting, red lead, li dirge. Turkey umber and every other kind of paints and materials in the trade which are oared as low as can be bought in this latitude. Erie Dee. 4 ISMS-30 P. HALL. 50 Bona aliforior Careodiab Tobacco of all rodeo, also pure arum' leaf Tobacco for sale by `Erie Roy., tass—ss. ertartirrr & Muir. Cbaapable. 011011•111• c uAnr. Wall and Ctatern Pumps. all aim *ad_ prkea at Erie,/MURPHEY'S. May Vl* ISM. oohs* Row. . Wrapper Paper. A ?near IRATE article_ of Wrapping Paper, jest received and lb, salsas No. 11. Brown's Hotel. Erie. Dee. IQ. 11611.-31 DUBLIN t SLOAN. ULEY SAWS4IIIIIII. 04 cut sad Circular flaws at a mall advabee. Won Ole VINCIIST. 1116110 D & CO. pi Pr. tar. neat and Mg Load. also Zinc at Oct. II ISM SA RUFUS REED'S. B OG Wood, Amulet and colored Illakesieloallat received at A UdTIWII. Erie Adding 7 Isoi 13 Opposite Browa's Howl era ir itiasigariss . is. • • le amen up Is ream busisers PH A oa the lirstday or Apeil acct. and It aunt be distisegy ender lme steed. h ew sell orb% bergs and splendid lot of utmode at COST. old bawl purchased Ms Jewelry with cads In Lad be Is able to sell II per cent cheaper Own Owe who buy on credit. Mai. Wow tben all lbws who wish to purchase any snicks Is Ms las wdo well to esti end maim bis tend Aekwe Ri And lastly I wand ht all Note who i ii i=o an, sad ban baresehst den preeipt is selewilla up. Oat I would be greatly eliliapd v iZ 4 weald deep Is sad atie Ewan/ as aid them wile nem Yaw ow awn& aped te pg. Inky WU lentildOefer and areeeirl ledellandland it is iirinsignAl a br twit* to close all seedless& trio MA. If W. IL KNOWLTON. . _ xallftrigits A Ograltr re71411‘411114)- 111. sew 4==sirWa pti r m l i T h iss e gala a miii=tls= Ig ist;eVltrpreinifli paid. Risks open ibit Lakes and Castallummedon the most &curable terms. Lasses will beliberallyaad promptly adjusted. Pirerisks on merehandise.buildingland otberpropertbiu Loch oreountrgAra limited term pevirtanently. DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, James C. Nand, Edmond A. under Theophilus Paulding. John C. Davis, U. Jones Brooke. Robert Burton. Join Garrett. John B. Penrose, Iltigh Craig. Samuel Edwards, George Serrvil, Nervy Lawrence Dar dB. Stacey Ed ward Dull oaten. amides Kelley, Isaac R. Davis, 1. G. Johnson, WflliamPolwell, William Rag. John.Newlin. Dr. S. Thomas, - Or. R. M. Huston. John eler.Jr. Spencer Melisane, Rithardi. Newboul4.See,Y; WILI• Marlin Pfeil L 1 Application con be made to J. KELLOGG.Erie Agent, Erie. Feb. to. iBn. ~~_~ ~.: The Xteie Comity Mutual Insurance Company ii• HIS Company divided their risks into two classes, viz.— .* Firm Class or Fes iither a Company. in which firm property and detatehed buildings way be augured. No risk taken in this cirlAS to exceed SIUQU. Second (late or Coaunercial Department. in. which various kinds of buildings. tuercbandize are., In Villages and may be insured. No risk taken in this Class to exceed $1,500. The funds In orb Clasa will not be taken Ict pay 'crises In another. NO J(DSIE TAKEN TJ EXCEED 81,500. D(rsctsrs. Smith Jackson,' James 0. Dunlap, J. H. Fullerton,' J. C. Marshall, %Vm. F. Itlndenseeht.- John Eimtnerly, Wtn. A. Galbraith, Peter E. Barton, . Jos. N. Sterrett, J. I►. Clark, C. M. Tibbats, Geo. Belden. t J. IL IVlSiants. 0 P F.l C E It S . Smith Jackson, Pres't, J. H. Wlllintr.s. Treas. JONAS GUNNISON. Sec'y. Office first door west of ih'illiatas & Wright, Brokers' Ulfice. (up ital.'s.) Office boars from 111 to 11, A. M., and from belt past 1 to I. P. AI. May ?I, lEat. -,.. 2 FISK'S PATENT liik.:TALIC BURIAL CASES. 'PIM Undersigned having secured the exclusive Agency for IL the .ale of the-above tni ned Burial Cases, for E rie Coutit3 , and deeming tLe tetoon filch dertgmis solely opou its cm n uleNts would respectfully frOlieil ut snspectiou 01 the itati.e at his Cast side of state between 7 and 8 sta., over the Siliaron Iron Coinpaus's Store n here satisfactory refercnc‘n. , and testonon ial as to Vim practical utility:tan be given, witch together with a personal inspection cannot but recommend them to the fax orahle" consideration of all those who in the dispensation of I , i tie Providellee have occasion for the use of a Coma. lie under signed it ould here add that there eases are of a classic hbru. and correspond in elm pe.to be cunt 'nes of a human body. are highly ornamental. and regarded as less repuisit e more beautiful :1,11.1 unique in larVen f 2 ticeo than any other article used as receptacles, fur the dead ; they are made of the most imperishable materials. are enameled inside •iii! out, so as not to rust or corrode and when rernented tegetbee are perfectly air -debt, preventilip the exhala tion of oifebsive gages, so that when desired the remains can be kept for weeks before burial, awaiting the arrival of absent frienills; - they are heath and ponante, at the some time being more or less curvilinear. they possess snore than sufficient strength to resist all the pressure of gasses from the body, whir bilis y are subject to while in use; and bodies may be disititrred corn after a lapse of. many sears, and removed to any part of the country, n dhow the slightest disagreeable odor arising trolls them. In the use of these Bur 'at Cases. the grata) inst rex-erten is af fairdeil to SUrViviDg Cr lends and retails es. that the mortal remains of these once dearly beloved are enclosed and deposited where they will remain in peace, tree from the irruption of water. the de pre 1 itions of vermin, and comparatively beyond the unhai lon eb desecration of disseetors, and will be permitted to undergo a transformation, or return to their native CICIIICIIII, from natu ral causes alone. The undersigned has constantly on - hand and for sale at his ware rooms as atiovc itiire-uood,3latiocony.lll.4k-maintii. cloth comm. :m/1 al/ L..ai of ether/per o of all .17X7 nil ready for Immediate use. also shrouds of all sizes for both sexes. X. IL nets prepared to tike the general simerinteudance of funerals. and furnish Ilearso and Carriages if desired. . Erie July 171102. 10 ALLEN A. CRATC. '3lllr IN - PIII mettlr. _ riR. C. J. FOX. of New York City, has located permanently Vir in the city ofErte, for tbe treatment and cure of litseases of the Eye, la all their varieties and stages. Having ass.i.tcd and been In aetlve practice for several yenni in the various depart ments df the science of Itlediettie, he flatters hin i ecuit ia l all divesses admitting of cure bidy be accomplished under his treatment. R Nees —Prof. Vott . and Faculty of New York; Prof. Marfa and Fatuity of Albany Medical College; Dr. Leach, Infinnory. Utica. N. Y. Office WWI Dr. Droworiett ; No. 3. Hughes' BIOCk Erie. Jtine 3. OALIMIVIA 8T0832. LOOMIS has removed to No 4, Brown's Block, kir. and is now Opening a new and one of the most rich •nd splendid autoriments of Fine Watcher. Jewel ry, am tilltrer Ware that was ever offered in this city.embraeing sgreta variety of Watches of different L:caiwnients. Loth gsth and adver,und the latest sty Ic of Champ, Serb, and Ney.to match together nWI the most fashiouable Jewelry, consisting of tine gold diamond, ruby, pearl and Ewa grin ger stoga , ntht apd pearl Broaches alid Earn& ndants, Braccletta, lte. A Iro, Cold Lockers, gold and Silver Pepe its. :mid Pens, des-ert and tea spoons, Sugar Tongs and Scoops. iNiZ[IWIII Rings and Portmotties. an assort ment of rich Plated Ware, Unix. Tea Setts. Knivr., Forks, S;yxins, Idles. 7audlesi icks, and a great variety of Fancy and other Goods. !Awl, useful and arna inenta I t Clock•of all descrip tions front el 15 to RN, all of n Inch will he sold as cheap a• the cheaint and a I title cheaper lin ready pay. The sttentiou of the former customers of G. Loomis and the pultlic g;enerally Is In vited to this notice. Jane 5. niAN BY, Gin, Rum, Port. Maderia and Sherry Wines of all 1../ grades and prices. Now just received 20 cases Claret %Vine fur sale low at • .1 C. & W. I. Mills. June S. N 2. Williama Block. Brie. Pa. - - Livery tend ikee Stable. M timbre ribers hat ing bought out the interest of H. C. Ses .ll. sums In thiir establishment on Eight street betwien State and French. would give :twice that they are now fatly and am* ply supplied with horses,ana different varieties of carriages, of the very best description Their stock es almost entirely new, and consequently of the first rate character. Public patronage is respectfully invited. Persons wishing to purchase horses will find a full surlily for that purpose constantly on band. A. P. NOR C. R.08:1, Erie, July St IEI2. E . T . IId'CANN WIZOLDIBAZX BOWL IN BUY • PIIINNEY Si CO twe .11 4 I.v STREET. BUFFALO. (At the old stand of F. W. Breed. who eont tunes :n the new Ann.) HAVI NG been long eitensivelo engaged in the manutaeture and sale of BOOKS, and being the only tnanufaetu ng pot,- lisbent in Buffiilo. are prepared to tbrniab every article iu their line, at the Imes: prices. 014 a ailing in eiehange for their own pubi most kinds of Mlscettvi omen and School stork (row the Easters Pubtietters, they are thereby (walled to sett theta. like their own !looks. a t a swall advance ou cost of in nucaeture. Particular atte,tion is invited to their new edition of QUARTO FAMILY BIBLES, li. various styles of binding; and also to •heir assortment of Se.hool. mina School Library Ilpolcs, Which la probably the largest in .Se state. having been sett eted with care from almost every Cook mart in the Union. Medium, Cap and Letter Palter*, Obtained directly from the heaviest ma antheturemin the country. AND BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, Lc. Traveling Agents will find a Mock suited In style and prices to their want,. QS virEWTERN DEALERS, CaR generally duplicate their New York bills of purchase here. at same prices[, teu. thus sa ving the entire cost of transportation from New York to Buffalo, and from Leo to twenty days delay in the transmission of goods. All orders filled with promptnessolnd at the smile Price' as if the purchaser werepresent. PHINN EY CO.. Rook Publishers, 1108 . Main; and 5 West Fences Inc Oct 3 1P81—?.4. IterrAlo. N. Y. NEW GOODS. TIIE subscriber, would spin ealltie attention of the public to I the Pet that they are receiving a tMge and well selected as conment ofDry goods.f:roeeriery II artlvrare. Crockery and nails. Our stock emagrires the greatest variety of Dress Goods Prints. Shawls, Hosiery, India Rubber Phoetand domestic goods which we have at any previous Hole otfertiti and ibr quality and style cannot be surpassed in this Market. r . . .Our old customers and the public generally are respeetfUlly inlaid to call and examine our stock. as we feel eon6dent that we can oiler am goods at as low !atm' ns are offered in this tuarket. JAtl. lII:GLILVir ( XL Kr. Oct as Dag ss LA U awi Aa • • For ikon Casco' SAop Windows. AN assortment of French Kuglish hod American glass suitable for the above purposes by 23 CARTER Jr. BRO. OILIER—Moe:Ide. watere black anti !Voted Silks, Oro De At. rique, Fault De some, ro De Nails, changeable, brined and striped Florence , , Bronnett.t,9ilks and'Patin s,ni Veil/fur, black, tiler black, green. blue, brown, pink pod figured. Erie Nov. If D.33,-111 J. D. COOK. SUGAILS of every quality from 6dsto la per pound, Coffee and Teas green and black for sale as , Cheap as the cheapest and cannot fad to etiit purchasers In guiltily and price, by the pound cheat or wk. For sale at the city droll store. 30 HALL I I.7ST attired at the California Store, • few more of those J rplendtd heavy eased Patent Lever Hunting Watches. The movements are of superior workmanship and nnish, ordered and imported expressly for G. LOOMIA, Erie N0v.17 !f I—t No 4 Brown's Block DERFURIER Y.—The following elegant extracts and scents by I - Lubin. Basin, river and others, viz: Jockey club. ieSSIV. 'nine. Jenny Lind, Rose Buds. Spring dowers. sweet Pea, Pam eh- Iledyounia. Verbena. Tea Rose. Ro.e Geranium. New Mown Hay. Erle - Qet. `23-11. CARTER & BROTHER. U DOZEN Woolen Socks and children. hosiery at low fig ure at our store. VINCENT. NIMROD & CO. Erie Noe. 6 IS .22-26. Between Ilth and Ith State street. TE old dna of Vincent , !Hotrod& Co.. having been dissolved on the drat of March last. a new Partnership has been en tered Into between the subscribers under the same mime, to take edbet from that date, they theretbre notify the public and "all the rest of nutakind." that henceforth our mom shall be Cash prices and proem payment. At oar more may be tend a large awl will asteeted mock of Dry 'Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, and Tin ware, and moor Foundry ahnoat every va riety of Abschlne castings from a Steam Engine to a sleigh aboe. Our Mill gearing being proverbially superior. As fbr Stoves we can't be beat In quality or price. neither up street sot down. our Keystone and Lion are tameable known and oar new Farmers Favorite tbr the kitchen and Lady Franidla and Revere for the pariorth roar all others In the shade. Remember Cark prices aid .1 0100 1 4 P 8 Funit- 11..1 . 1... VINCENT. DAVID HIM ROD, JOH Brie 0et.113 ISSS-114 DAVI N DSHIRK. N. 11.—Tbsee Isdelised to die all Pine an sotllled to call asd pay op *WI Heat wee. TAILNiI oil. Lard oil sod Xftiorboil by it Daa. owiTis. a 11111.0TR6IL KEi_lEssis32 f 2alE2 ("JIM .1 Mar every variety • aad sty • deur MIS eta. kg - par yardat Nov all MOTO JACT.BOI. AWlllot aassly=atiety at TIM camp Mahatma stare. Mete. Jam SUFI] REED. MOM gin*. Porto Iticoaad New NOOSE Itiolaoreafar Wade cheap at Gee. 4 11139-.01. 11111)01tre Grocery. Ready-made Coffin Ware•Uoom. WAKED UP AT LAST!! Knives, Saves add Saw blades at Ma, Jam. 111-0 VMS mars r.sssisss 10 . • Si 0 0..'; - 014AlefilltN G o fat p. ; triseteneetheleglihk iepplaele timed the ow volatile nee. I eit *or Ilan every peeress will de all it poorer, to rate the lees of dwelt children: and-that every person will endeavor to promote their owe health al all **entices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly assure you that MAMA, according to the opin ion of the most celebrated phyaieiami.are the primary causes of a large majority of diseases t which children and adults are lia ble 1 if jou have au appetite continuallf clusugrable (ions our thine to another. Bad Womb, pain in the stomach. Picking at the Nose, llardiness and fullness of the [telly. dry Cough, slow Fever. Pulse irregular—remember that all these donate WORMS, -110BENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. Au article !bonded upon Scientific principles. !compounded with purely vegitable suhutanees, being perfectly safe w hen ta ken. and con be given to the most :ender Infant with described beneficial effect. where Bowel Complsicts curd Drarrhas.have made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties Of my Worm Pomp are such. that it stands w liltout nn equal in the catalogue of medicines, in giving tone and strength to the ritom sch. which makes it an I plait ible remedy for those It:limed with Dyspepsia. the astonishing cures performed by the syrup after Physicians have fdiled, is the test evidence of its superior eaten cy over all others. THE TAKE WORM ! This is the most difficult Warns to destroy Mali that infests the human systein. it von s to an aluit,at indefinite length becomirg PO coiled and listened in the I nteal Ines and Stomach effecting the health so sadly a. to cause St. Vitus Dance. Fits, &c.. that those adlieted.ttldosis if et er suspect that it is Taps If hastening them to an early grave. In order to destroy this Worst, a %cry energetie treatment &last be pursued. it would therefore be pron e, wialteil to ki on ;ay Liver i'itls so as to remove all obstruction! that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must he taken in doses of I Tabiespoonfults three time. agday these directions futtowed have never been known to fail in cur lag tbe most obstinate ease of Tape 13'oria. HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No pert of the system is more liable to disease than the [AVER, itserving as a filterer to waif, the Wood, or goring the proper re. eretion to the bile so that nny arougacttouoftheLivereflerts the ether important parts cl the system. and results variously. in Liver Cismplaint. Jaundice. Dyspepsia. ok.c. We should, there fore. watch every symptom that might ond ocnte the u rang action of the Liver. These Pills being cottoKeed of RuOTII • ?ID PLA furnished by nature to heal the sick o Namely. I an t XPrC.M -I.Arrr.whiell augtneuts the secretion from the Paltuonary mucus inctolbranc,tor prop ales the d ischarge of•teereted matter. itud. an Att.Tt It VI IVV, Which chartgxs in FO:UC inexplicable and inserustble manner the certain morbid action of the Ityiern. 3rd. a ToX/C ;011(11 gis Ce to.le and strength to the tiers olls f) rtCIII.ICUCR ins health and vigor to all ports of the body. 4th. a earn...aro - . tvh,ch act.. 111 perfict harmony with the other ingredients, and °perm oio g on the tl. Wl lA. and expelling the whole truss of corrupt and vitiated matter. and purifying the Wood. uhich destroys dug ease and restore: loealth. TO FEMALES You will MO these Pills an invaluable medicine In many com plaints to which you are subJi et. le obstructions either total or partial. they have been found of Inetitimtble benefit. restorirg their net lona; arrangements to a healthy action, purl!) leg the bond and oilier fluids so etTeetualty to put to flight nil complaints v. !itch in front female irregularity, rig headache, of pain in the side. hack, &cr. NGTIr ern:lint' unless signed J. N. Hobensac k. all ether, toeir.g base Im italic n. LT Agents wbibing new supplies. rind store Keercrs desircns n(liectitning Agents lutist addrers the Proprietor, J. N. flotecurack. 1 l'a. :old by all Merchants and nrurciFlF in the r. R. Agrfit,.._ Carter & Ilrother, Ilrie. IVholesaie antr Retail Agents. Porker, Mercer : r',„k & Hall, Cleveland Ohio. Price enrh LS cents. G. W. Ke:. ,, ter, No. 140 Wood St., Pittsburg, Wholesale Av.., who o ill ,:/14,1) Agcnt at the Pruprietorl prices. August 3l I'sl '1 yl5 NAILS AND IRON. AT THE MANUF.ICTUREWS PRICES mill: Sharon Iron Co. hat c taken to.tore in town. where they tommi keepitil a lull +ripply of dl the 4, ITerent kinds and si zes of irun they make, and also a ecnip'em as+ortment ot I'ereo.ss be have used the Nnflf tlitt7t Ms Company do not need to be toki that noun better arc made. Intl !tastorelsewhere. Erie, St pt. 6.-17 ERIE CITY CROCKERY STORE. No. 9 Brown's Block. STATE STREET, JOINING EMPIRE STORE. WILL be Rept cononntly on hand, a large and well flelrc t efil ' • a.‘ortinent of Crcekery,Glars W are &e.,COtaiittnitltr3N lute. Iron ..tnrie China. Mulbury Ware, Licht Illne Ware, alga White nod Gilt ligntich.na% in fact every thing to ntalsc out eOlaridete Tca and To.let Soto. COMMON WARE! A large areortment in all its varieties, also Yellow and Rock- War.. cf the latest Soler. - GLASS , WARE.—We hn e no hesitation in saying that our tel of Ware unsurpassed by any 1:$16 :ride the Atlantic e it ics..l," etiiiiaera te all o ould I,r , alweet howOer %i e o ill _ace a :etv r aisles, viz: Lock ins Glasseq of every size and vier% large rut Glass Dit•he,., Vases, eritery tzolts.Goldets. %Vine ChiPses. Lemonades, lice anterg. and Tum blers of al I !Ott. and sizes. also Glass b 3 the box. egverlated Ware. Tea and Coffee Feits. Ca slorr.ke., also Bri tanna Ware of all Kind 4; the rit•ore %s ill be sold for east} as low ae can be bo.ight this side New York. May 12,-2 CALM' IA BtiNETT. Laud For Halo tie. rrifE subscriber has two farms to sell, both eligibly loepted for fanning purposes; and convenient to market: hell timbered, watried and adapted in proper portion. to grain and crass: per sons des:ring to make good locations had Letter call herare the eLance is cone. One of them is a mall place coutaininx about 3o and the tithe! 110 to 120 nerve more or less. Ca-1, paid kir Bounty land warrants or localgd by m# ' %Vert Springfield, Eric Co., ra.. :i33' 16th I. i, ill GILBtRT HURD. Heystone Paper Mills,/ ERIE. PA. •I ' rrytxxxvrs & SELDIE= Iv/ R. ELIHU MARVIN hariug disposed of a. , I erest in the /VA ahoreestabtishment. and in the lon.inerie: twin it Ter k i ns„to Srt laud Belden, theluisino-su In hereac ' rI, b militated I,y theautmeribtra.unticr the naincuf Perish's& Se ci, 0 willsettle all accalunts of the latctun. 11111 l Ikt 19. Itrrtil L. PCRICINV. . j I•X " 1 9d , DEN . WOOL : WOOL!: WOW:: irarteet et the Milleersk Woßeit Factory. "rue suln.eriber having taken Mr. John kisseft into partnershi p in the Manufacturing Business. tit his old stand in Miller N-k township., where they are prepared to manufacture any quantity of wool Into cloth. eassitnere, blankets. on shares or by the )arri, as n ell as an) oilier estahltshin nt in the Country, having no good cards as can be I. op in Weet4ia Penn/Os:lnm. Carding a +id splint t 112 done fort, cents arun °Yawl r wain Wool, Carding Rolls t cents per lb. Coin dressing don f any sitylefliat is wanted on 'hart notice. . . _ . . . Carpel.war.hed and rotors retained for emit pay, or washed % ith soap at the owners risk. N. 11—Porpons 'ear fug Wool :It John Wtog'4 Ea':le Vlllnee. to card. will hare it taken on Saturday and returned, the:next. or carpets the same. ' Asses NEED. Mine reek , July 3. 15.7.3 P 1 ... 1 . 1 ,4 1. : 7410 CIT. HENRY S. 51.01.141 1 , TAILOR AND CLOTHIER,. 107. Broadway. between Dell cad Fatnu. street; New , York. G T LEMEN'S Furnishing Goods of the latest styles ronsta nt ly on hand. Naval. Military, Youths' and Children , " Cloth ing's/2de to order with neatness and despatch. GOLD and Silver Watches. rieli Jewelry. Nilver Wnre , Clock". Looking Glmtsee. Gilt Portrait and Picture Framm Solnr Campbenr and fluid mile an d siispending Lamps, Glatt.. Lanterns, stained and plain Glans. Musical In.trtimente. Strings. he.. Wallthng Sticky. Fieneb and German Tay s. just purellmed to New York. and receiving and opening new a ottiresh. at o bole sa le and retail. Call in and sec the stock. Doha cites p CIO(' kor something else. if you like. at L.IIj.STIN'S. Erie Atig. 7 tc l s2 1.1 Opposite Atota n's Hotel. BOPZI S DON'T J. 51; JUSTICE. wort,r) most respectully beg leave to return lad rinee-e - V V thanks to his many friends, and the public in getieral tar the eery liberal patronage heretofcreexiended to htm, Mul would Inform them that he has just received the Largest and Best Stock of Goods • in his fine that has ever heen oared in this city. eon4stlug of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the choitcst kind, which he will make up to order Gentle men wishing their clothing made to order can haveir meal urea taken and clothing made, and lino( pleased with em it hen done. they will not be asked to take them away. Ale Oil hand at alltimeti, a largeand well made assortment of a )341.D1ir CLOTHING: Of our own manufacture. con•isting of Overcoats p 4 various et) lee, Frock. Drees ani Sack Coat 4; Vests, Shirts, S,toek cra vats, Drawer, erufershirie, Cloves, Suspenders, tice.. which will be sold at the very lowest prices for CASH. Persons in want of anything in our line, are invited to call and examine goods and prices for themselves. Erie Oct. M hPS3 0l ATTENTION ALL! T rIE sulbieribe: begs !ears to inform his friends and 'old et:s -tow:l's. (as well as lots of new ones.) that he has Opened a grocery on the corner of State and Stis streets. (one door below &inlet*. Aryes ware room.) where he keeps an assortment of such articles as arc found in such an establishment. hly stock consists in part of Tea, Coffee, Sugar. Tobacco, Lamp Oil; alo lasses, Cider, Vinegar. White Fish, Cod Fish, Pepper.Alspice, Ginger, Nutmeg., Cloves A Indigo, Pearl Cart*. Dorn Starch for Puddings. Durkee's Batting Powder, Candbes, Dar Soisp, Shav ing do., Crackers, soda biscuit. apples. Oat., common. wooden vra re. stone ware, dour, &c., &c., to numerous to mention, all of which I will sell ns cheap as others The cash or ready pay. The public are respectfully invited to call and Cl3lllilie quality and prices. Dee. 23.-33. AZIDI GOFF. NEW WATCH, JEWELRY. AND PANOT GOODS STORM. Stott St., opposite Drown's Hotel, Erie. THE subscriber. (late of the Orin of G. Loomis & Co") comes before the: Erie public and vicinity. soliciting a share of patronage, conAdent a large and well nelec:zd stock of the eboie-t est and most guitilonable GOODS always at low prices, together with the manufacturing of Si/err Ware and Jewelry. !lid elan attention to business will insure a reasonable support. Haring been for the past fifteen years • resident of Erie. and intending to remain the rest ofl fe. the public will tind me no "bird of pas sage." but always on hand trying with the '" rector inaOk Ind" to sustain mysel f and family, in the world.and I pledge tnyielf to en deavor to maintain the reputation enjoyed by the old firm in every particular. Thankful to a generous public for nay 'Meets* thus jar in life, I shall enden vor to merit° continu ante of their favors. AV L 7 lu—la THOS . M. AUSTIN. N. K.—Watches, Clocks and fewelry carefully repaired. INDOW glass of 311 sizes and qual t es, warranted good and will be sold at a small advance above Go - t cast. great inducements for purchases to buy at the City Drug store. Erie, Dec. 4 1P32. P. HALL. 1011tANDIE8, Wines, Liquors, Alcohol and everything in the 1.11 trade warranted good and pure Will be sold in the roost sat isfactory wanner. Erie Dee. 4 1962-30 P. HALL. ?UAW imams: TEAS I:1 MEE best and eheopestlot of Green and Black Tea to this city .I. can be found at the grocery store o: T. W. MOORE. Erie Dee. 4-30. Opposite Brown's New Hotel state et. BaIUSSFX, paint. Tarnish, dusting. hair, flesh, hat, horse. counter, scrub, scouring. blacklist, white-wash. natl, teeth, ertunb„eamel hair, pencil, blender, shoe, window, hearth and marking brushes of ant quality and felling to suit the tunes. call end get a Kreet beritain. Erie Dec. 4 iest—ao P. IiALL. PEPPER. Poke. 'Nutmeg, Cloves, Mustard..Cicron , Corn Far , rink Gellatin aad a thousand articles too numerous to enu merate which ukase call and examine prices and quality at Erie Nov.• STERSeTT fr. GRAY'S, Cbeagnije. FITKAISir Pateataelf-adjustias curtain liztares, a aka arti cle. also Bran ban* Braga sad Glue Piss. at Oet. • l SS Rums Staab's. WOLEII YAIN—A larr and rood assomitot of woolen yarn, ibr sale at the store of Erie, Nay. 111021-114. VINCENT, RIMBOD & CO. WINTER Strained hard OE and bleached Elephant Oil at Erie Nov.lo INS-211 .1. , 11. BURTON & CO'S. MATE -8 raw. Manins. and Wool Mato of all .ices andeol ors Itor sale cheap at Dee. 4 , '11.10 MOORK'd. BiILACUIRD aeon on bud. unlirkh will to mold at low Mem Jolt 17 lIES-19 JB. COOVIII. - - - - 2 0 ROUX fresh Raisins, alm Rai hare and Citron ibr male by Erie, Feb. 3 13-43 GRAY. LOClWOODarmmidteeddlorAmie. slew , tuts" roliset ;spina. /Miss and eirftvy War variety et eye , viliolemlie sad malt at the low store.ittl*St . Erie Dee Niterry fondly k A eahraels twee swig NS ds. per copp...at a , DR. HUNTER'S Rleilical manual and baud W o k Rifled. Conte in lag an outline of the origin. • •inent and Cure of every form of disease, contrattr, oils sexual intercourse, by self-abuse, or by eexual advice for their pfelVelliioo.Written In a fan,,11,„.„ all medical technicalities. and ever) thing that hour ear of decency, from the result of some meaty pea` practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of '!nears of or private nature. To which is added, receipts fort .the above diseases, and a treatise on the cau.cslm, cure of the Fever and Ague, for it. 3 cents a copy ; will be forwarded to any part of the 1:n ted alaie by of postage. Address post paid. Box. 196 ome coi, 3*l- North Seventh street Philadelphia. Sept ii 6131 F irrf DOLLARS FOR/CIT.—Dr. Hunter R I/1 fr,rf e , i 4 to eure any ease of secret tiMenie that nta) cc vx care, no 'natter how long standing or aftlitilng. invited to los private rontrtar*ti North SClCtah without fear of interruption from other patielar. stra otners st ho hate teen unfortuuaie in tile sefecuosu are invited to calk 15.1VOTENCY7Through unrestrained indulgen ce ions, excess or self-abut e. the en in art a LEI, row impotency. involuntary seminal discharges, a aFtlnu lOL, of ineafOrY, a distaste nor female society, gen t , constitutfonal derangement, are sure to follow.. consult the Doctor with confidenee ; he offers a perc e alr . A n .ILND REFLECT—The afflicted n ould well cOlVtaistlna their health, happiness, and in main I ive , 111 the hands of phystem as ignorant of th.s eta, le is certainly imponsible for one man to underlie the human family are sill.ject to. Every vests-tile has his peculiar branch, in %hien he ir more tureen brother professors, and to that he devotes most or s, ears of practice. eictus ively detotcd in tks treatment of dlperi.ct of the sexual organ.. mgeib er , upon the body, throat, nose. or lege, pain. in the *ad o Mercurial rlte , tatati,at, strictures, gratel, trreplartle armucfreAtocuthful exce-res. or impurities of the it Inc the copi.il 111 km has become enfeebled, enables t h e offl.t . speedy relief to all who may place thetaselrestisdei Medicine furworded to any part of the I nited Sty ftve,and ten dollars per package. Sept 4 IQ2 "SPREAW TILE NEWS FROM MAINE TO _- 13017NTir 74A.VIDs, EVERN O ffi cer and Soldier who bas bet vrd a. t o , . . month „, in any war•(of the United State., since entitled to land, (if he has not received it.) . PENSIONS!!! Every officer and Soldier v. ho has (at any time, or in any way disabled white in the eery lee or t he.. h t gi r t ne 'Al li s duty,” is entitled to a pension kti ing to the derree of disability. widows (most of them) of the Offie ers and Soldiers , ican as :mare entitled to 3 years pension. " IV ill()W , of Revolutionary eolt her m." if married' are PAL:, nreentitied to a pension for life. . Parties: in every part of the United States and in 1 huring claims for Land. Pensions or pay of any CI their C13)31111 promptly ..ind properly attended to by Sul sera ers, p,ost paid. ' We have permanent and energetle agents at Wei mate nct,„charge in any case unless the claim u Mna% claims for land, tz.c . that have been ripttst proof. &e.. can le vtablisbeti It! the Subsetik ti . zudsce. . .0 P. S.—Psoun tp Land 1% artants are constantly Les t by them/it:scribers nt the L. rates, part tea untilna ta, will find it to their interest advise um us Lissy; a Ranking and Llgebangebu li nens is done Li the 4.ilscri IMVIE' PRI:L-11_1N & CO. lyl 1 Wschange Broke:4, Deno , ll': 33,3317 TON &C - rio.s od Nouse, A RE islet reeeivill a large and well selected stock, 4,1 Medicines, andiChetakieals, dye kVcot:4, du m paints, phinters articles, varnishes, ts Induor glass, pate ware. pee turnery, fine soaps, fine hair, tooth and pane garden seeds surgical and dental instruments, teeth. fdthlObacco.snuttand Cigars, our wines and brand eel nal p&p:ores, fancy articles, Artists tools and wet.. We make cur ouch:lt-es for caeh, and otter good. at to, be hougtit in this section. !LT Warranted to to :mesh a genuine; Order. from the country promptly filled a t4t-iion Ind guaranteed. Nip:soda:us Prescript ons will receive particular at all !inure of the day and night. Erie Nov. 4U 1651 Nor. IF:k2 Innntonso Stock of Clothing and Cloths: 'obe ...Wet eau= .Ya. 7, Reed Reuse, iry the Pi - Truly. Kock, Kith 'Nog dispeack (WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED. Having a triOst in:unit:eel!! and matchless associantrot , itir of the choicest motors:lk and lingleeptionsOt !bacr inlhe shop (101. .lop) by ecperiedeed WOrkair kgt manner-atter 101 l patterns. tVe 0n.% sib perfects cihallen." a eomparicoo of our goods and prices wit, any orbevtabl ishment between the city: of New Pert i city of 1 rie. We purchased these goods s and wad' sell—and—and—and i. I . THEY MUST RE SOZD! ! Any titian or boy wo.bing for a coat, vent or panic, his war is known to me, will be aeccimulodate.l with. *.tat wil suit him—at a price that ill suit him—mu s ea'. .i-and i ;you do not depart a richer and a liappicruian-ay e IA not Jarob. Travelling Bags. Umbrellas, Shirts. trular PliirtS,and Dais Collara. l eilk Ilandkerthiefl and Cravats, Gloves, Surinam dheap for money tt M. I, Reed House. Erie. tiov.27, JACOB Oft 1 -------1 4±tran lion at Rosenzweig & ce.'s iCI-11EAP CLOTIIING STORE, Wright's Black, Stele Octet, Erie. Pa. (VIII'. roprietors of this establi.hment, bez Itare ft nom tha tbey have now on hand a large varied and depute eonmel of ! - 11,-LL AVM VaNTIZEit CLIME= Vila ht h tbov invite thc attention of the putt tc. confident tat ir style r ind finish it cannot be excelled. Our stock wasn't" part of Vie following. viz : Bret" and Frock Coms.Paigi el bat, siadksofeloths, carshmeres and tweed., all Dram style el at very low price,. Oversocks and flanoi m s of black, tam lAA and drab Bearer Felt. Pilot and Flushin g Clotho VESTS! VESTS!! VESTS!'! A rich arri irfet beautiful assortment ever called. kali WM and fnnry bilka. 3ferilio,Valentia. halian.Cloth. Sausetuta lily litid,tingle brearted of every varlets of material auditing, Coder nhirtzi and Drat% ers of every uescriiition. .Boys' Clothing, (ionsituligof Boys and Youths' sack. Frock acd !lady Cos Over Opus. Fants and Vesta of all Imes and qualities as r s very loin priers. SHIRTS! S r IIIRTS!! T.!'" Fine %shitebliirts of Linen and Colton. of theneartitstyloal Make, fancy check, hickory and blue striped Shins ants Wind. hi tact, yO4 will And every article moor lineatka. tVright's Bice*. Call and examine quality and prices. Oct 16 *4. WINES. LIQUORS.___ `taAns. Groceries. r kider, Picketed Oysters. Lohaerare Li cign Fruit and Nuts. J.-G. &. W. I MILLS. go 3 I:.olVii :Block. opposite Crown's New Hotel. }rte, Pi, f 4st opened a New Folablielitnent. where they are prepare/ 11 all Articles in their lineal the Lowest Prices. at Wholesale ' Retail. The Stock Consists to part of the following aniela loth ,' I Wines, - Oranges, PreierVed Fruits, 3fareansa Liquors, LetnOlis, -Venni: illy Parch* Cigars, Firs. Plain iekles, Aneasta Putter, Raisins,.' Aiit'd ickics,.. CaUtqw: Ale. - Nuts, Pickled Oyster,. Curran. Cider. Cocoa, Pickled bsterq. De Orgra. Cordials, Pine*. Pickled Clams, Curi.oa, Ex Alsisat IF lIISKEY BY T.H /7 .4 RRI L . ALSO—TOIL Rugar, Coffee. Molasses Tobacco. Ilse, Clad l z, Spices, Confect lunar) . by the Box. Sod Biscuit. Crackers par Carrel. and many other Articles too n erous to memos. 134NETER CIGARS .— %'e import‘ ur own eicamanie o sell better quality of Cigars at the same - prices than any how , the city,- Pure and lknuine Wines, o t.fquor, of crop des (ion ilt eon on hand, fo:SalellVh ("sale at low raft. Ai' so—BottlrdiYtue, and Liquors for Medicinal or other Arlon on band liree Omen or Single bottle which are pure. AGELYC FOIY,RUFV.4LO ALE'-11otrato and Gfiesii Carton's A.c, for ;sale by the barrel, at Buffalo Pr oriak 3 g transportation. Alma—receiving in their Season Charm s Shell. Kee and ran. from J. G. Mills lc Co., of New York,' :ate Wholesale at Low Prices. J G. Mima, New York. %V. I. Micts.RWTl l . s . • A. C. JACKSON. Agent. Dicta N. B. Hotels, Steam Boats, private Farn ti let and Celine erally supplied with all articles in our line, at Buirsioroft arituras from City and surrounding country rerpecifultrabo ated and we ph dge ourselves that all goods shall be nivel, mrndcd. Brie, May 22, 1832 l' S. 711 L EMT= & CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, P 10.7 Bowie!: Block, Stat." Shen. Erse. Pa THE subscribers Leg !cage to inform the ealzrnt of Oa ol the adjoining counties, that they are !reel% l ax 3111i061 111 addllloN io their stock of veils. thst largest and best ......k an. meat of Groceries to be found west of New York City, fill for the liberal patrouo;e received dined our corniarsres.^ in th is city, we uould most rerpectful call atientaArfm; chants and others wishing goods in o line, to an ctluinum our Stock before being to Digralo or N • York. We os ig g tinetly understood that we will sell s for Cirsi wen* .1 as cheap as can be purchased in Buffo or jr New Tod, t' the addition of expenses in getting to tnio t ' 4 ' The follow ina Comprise a small par of our stock— NM. N. 0 rifus'il.. and P. ~ Sugars, 100 fiLls. Crushed Pow'd., Gran at . d it. Carte d°. 10 Times Dutch ('rushed dugai, 20 Boxes Relined Loaf do. 96 Hhd Mused„ and P R. Molasses, SO Tierces do, do. do. 75 Bbls. do. do. ik B. H, do. IS do. Stewart'. Syrup, 10 do. Cuba Honey. stairs 130 CheMS.lnfl half Chests Yonng Hygon. ll 3 loll -- penal, Gunpowder and Brack Teas, 106 Ha. from 4 to 164bs of Black and Green do. 73 Bags Rio, Lorries. and JavarCo.ffee, 10 Boxes Ground Cone. 7S do, Cavendish Tobacco. all qualities, 30 do. J lb lump do. superior qcalitie:• lb Pr. 25 Mils. . Anderson's Smoking TobJeco, Also, several different brands Fine Cut Cnetei,lli 73 Packages Mackerel, No's 1,2 & 3, in nit .)le. Its Rive, eso Roles Herring, No.l and Scalded, liteOlbs Cod Fish, 23 Bblw. Attired Winter illtraiamt Oil, Also, Nuts, Regains. Franca. Pepper. Pimento. Ca". 7l mega. Cloves, Rice. Towder, Shot Safety Fuse. WmOr a l l and Letter Paper: Mustard, and Pickles , of an esoe item --....19.11 and cheap—besides a great many other articles too nuaw.7_, mention in an advertisement of this kind. We also bseel,:i dition to the good • above mentioned, a large stock of f; i ; WINES and LIQUORS, which can be had 23 per "'lt' i Tat. far the same quality. than can be phased west of .., notwithstanding the great advance Inliquors. London so d " — sls adeiphia Portev,Scotch Ale, and Wines of almost 3 11deserIPI,1 Please call and examine for yourselves , and you will be tol7 - that you can do better than by going to Buffalo or New Erie. Dec. 4, IES2, " 30 J. M. SMITH kL. WHOLESALE—The subscribers are agents forint ronot l) Patent Medicines. which they will sell l) , , Ow Soot AtWolatlve Balsams. Vertnifs alautifacturers prices, viz : Jaynes' Expeetorant. AtteranretT rods Cholagocutes Bristol's and Townsend's tzarsal9^ll. MaLanet's and Fabnestoek's Verntifirge : Trask's. Tanner . " r.,_ A I liter's. Sloan's and Dal tey's Ointm.nt; Perry Pavis'_ PIO I"; Ile,Halr Dye and Sanatrie Pd11;...t7. Inr . Ayers Caen* Pectoral, Barrel's Indian Liniment. gait! Tricopberans. Brant's Indian Medicines and Kier's Pen tiler` Erie Nov. 9 19199-98 J. H. BURTON 4 1 . 2 , _.:!'. .._ --- DOOTS and awes of all descriptions closing out witnoutter JO it. Call and tee at Jan. 1346. SF.NNETT 9 clti' 25 u RM. all entice of grown Bum fbr pale by GL &le Ws. 1118/4-4/11 STIKIRRETT t ittiXIIANIOSTOOLS:-A new au dav recijroit ii cheap bardirare Wore. Java. M-= it 474178 tj ritINCH aailiai and Amman prints, at whei - alter le°l ehosti 44 Name 11121-111 JACIO Dlitrfli—Attwemieue Co's from &or cents per yard WI Erie Dee. 4 WS&