Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 12, 1853, Image 1

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    A, r. PliitZ.lN 4.00., Proprietors.
brie Wtthiti OttoerneA
B. P. sz. OA2t. 11 . tt o r.
C:y stit,criterY by the corner, at ' I et"
1, Natc,Of 21 the ahCe. /a advance, i ' 1,50
,_-, if not raid in adt anke,or within three Months from thetime
0, ~„,.rnt.,, . oe, ti, o dollar...will be charged. .
. 1 5.8[Iyinninuoicilii0U11111111.1i lie post paid. '
Carda Dot exceeding; lines, one year. 03.00
0 ,,, e - .ware .. •• MN
do. du. six month,. . 100
.40 do. three nionthii, 2,00 ,
i lanAid i i i ddvertideuieni *. SO cents per square, Of fifteen lines Or
%,..,.-, ;tie nox i noert ion ; t 23 tents for each 1111b6.1.11.1eUt insertion.
ut,arh a , lvertisera have ilw privilege of thong , riir at m eas u re,
..2 a! i.0i.,0i0 rime allowed to occupy wore than I.wo.%quares, &Lila
uhmited t , , I h CI r immediate biuine 44. .
ktvert .tel , •ell la not hating other directions, will be inserted till
.-„,,,, ~,. 1 , :l .., ri;ed accordingly, ,
, r .,61>, 1 A COVNIELLOR AT I.IH, in George A. °Mee.
west flde of the wirk. Erie. 34
A f rorisr AND.. COCTilli:14011 it LAW, 133. Third Street.
Ftfth Street, between Smithfield
leets, ts.i . burgh . Pa.
cri"RERs O( Stove 0. flollow.Ware. Engine", Machinery,
83,; R,.,41 Cary. etc., State St.:l:rie Pa.
(L,Me of the firm Pf G.Loontis if Cs.)
L,,ri t in Cluck*, Mambo', liweiry, 811 Vet Spoons, MUsical
1 . -^L'uti , enos, Looking Glance, Lamps an It Fancy °coo, whole
,a 'e and retail.
Mot , noir Tatum, and Habit Maker—Sbop on the east aide of
tel. iwo doors north of Eight, and adjoining J. H. Rib
ki a.Co' 4.7abi (la Ware-Room, Erie. Penns.
rr a 4a Lot and retail dealers in Dry Good., Caript , and D r y
.roceriss No. f Reed use.
reptile. Collectors and Dealers in Gold and tilvet e: n, uncut
:eta Crone!, ). and Warrants and certificates of Deoo he. Mao
11:,t I/rah! , on the principal eitiei of the Union, a 4 a)) pare
c 1 , f. (el ,1 Count ry fur bale: Ottice,lVllliauo.' Bloc ,corner of
r.:l* , --: , and Public yquare. — A
: a. ‘A. IL' IA •!.i. e. a. *moire.
117,•-r rs ‘Vholesale Dealers in Groceries. Wines, Liquors,
—Atoo, Foreign Fula, NuitstPickles and Pickled Oys
er:. Creserves., and liermdtriently pealed arlinies of
rit.riOn -nlx - 45 - s on hand, No. 3, William's Block,
, oppootute Brown's New Dote), Erie, Pa.
G LA, X York. Wx. L P.ntralo.
in-their season. Oysters in shell, from J. G. Mills
be : -st , Sew Fora, witieb will be sold Wholesale at low rues
A. C. JACKS r, Aisent„ Erie. Pa.
;:aal ,‘ Seknoi and Mkneritaneous Books, Blank
slil,-,;.)ery, and Printer', Cards, No. 9, Brown', new, Erie ra.
A F. 71.41.1•4 1. Y. ,LOAN.
or.LTP. ~ ,Groteries. ProviAlonP.Winns, Liq uarp,Candies, Fruit,
r ~: ie 13,0 r Wow Loou,j & Coe State street. Erie:
I n Starle & Finny Dry Goode, an the Greatest variety
of on, Store to the City. Cisco Side, 14/e. Pa.
lIN.ATCA. Jobbers and retail Dealers in We and Dry Groceries
Pawn nroducc, Foreign and Donipitie
_rrui ,t Wooden,
and `-tone W-re, Flour, Fish. Salt, Glass, Tow-
Or, z•hoi, *-4 E ifPry Fuse, dk.c., Ate. French Stites. oppo
site (1,. Etie. PA. -
LC= zu.4 Canal Soots. Vessels, Rotes. and Private
fam, „a arilelca wadi- IltrUlliat
HO. —ry ticAl is.
Attorney and Counsellor at Lair.
( ) arr. vet Jacksou's fitorc, at North-East corner or the fuL
Plt).,c'tans and Surgeons. °Site and Reaidentea—
:,tventn k Sassafras Streets. • •
ntr,r t,,,urltrr•inTjta b, A. M; 1 to 2. and 0 to 7, P. M.
1,111. V. J. L. STENVANX. D.
roarierrm and Commission Merchants. dealer is Coal.
1 , 4 n. k ~h,-au;. agent for a daily line of upper late Steamers,
Ptu , ist lI ,k Erie Pa.
ACllle.Tn, Manufacturers of Iron Fenoe.Wl. Stekurbokt
kc, , e,,, kc.,/,e., State, between 7 h and Bib. titseets. Erie.
H4•woeed to No. 3 Reed Block. Butte Street.
Eulern Eircsa cloies at 114 o'clock, A. M.
%mem =" . 3/ o'clock. P. M.
(Lots of Ma fir.i of.(. Hearn y Cr..)
retwitri'm a!,.1 Coinmisotoil Merchant. Public Dock, Erie, Ps
Dealer 111 0 ,, ,11. Salt, Fish, Flour and Plaster.
Fora.xpi rtOdUCe and Commission Merchants, second Ware
hau.r..*Last of the Public Bridge, I!:rie PA.
Alto—Lkalors in Coal. Fluter, ceo. F ieb, Liebe ae4 tame
Stoves, Cast c..fite.. ith unsurpnos
e,l farlimes. for shipping etch . Sieau.boacs, Propellers.
ilehmoers, or tovßatl Road.
Kricinn:aloT and Repairer, Dealer In Watches, Clocks. Jewelry
atu,c,6 1n....r0ma:a.. Look in..; Giskaes and other Fancy Goads
Stc,rP or,. door wef.t or the Reed tit)/Se. tT
Linn in tlry Goods. Graeerie! , , Hardware, Crockeiy. /cc. No
;. Ferry DiLek. Orate street, Enc.. Pa. •
DR. C. BltAtilt.B. •
rn.ficus aria Scrir.ox—Odice -at bii residence OA Eisbkh
Street. bemec. French - an:l Holland, Eric,,-Pa.
M. SAN - FORD Sr, CO.,
Dealers in Gold. Silvet, Bank Notre. Prang, Certificates of Dr
F.- , •L. a.c. Sight.xeharge oa the prtne pal e Ores constantly
for sole. (Ake an neatly 's Block. PuLnc Square, Erik.
HERON — WitTAirf. -
1:1GiOT Per:arise—Office, corner or French and Fifth
nreetcover Moves Koch's store. Residence on Fourth meet.
iIIIR door eastof the old Apothecary Nall.
Blum in togs nfh, Gennan_and American Hardware and Cutlery
Anvi's. Viet 4, Iron and Steel 240. 3 Rce4 House
, ----- ADWCI,I7 -
.strorrrti,Jobbers, and Retail 'leak rs in Ing Goods. Groceries.
.0 roc i.e.:), Glassware, Carpeting, Hardware, leas. Soot, Nails,
&e. Empire .Stores thaw Street. four dews, botioor
Btu% Ws Notet, Erie, Pa.
Vices, Rellowl., A 'de Arms, Elprtnr, and a general
assortment of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings.
ktlitatitY Al - Law and incite of the Peate;and Arai for
the Rey Stone Mutual Life Insoranee Company-4.030e 3 dam
weft ut o."gtits smote. Erie, Pa.
ATTCAIWtT AT LAW, Gtrard, Erie County, ra4 Cdiettiol2ll tad
other attendied to with prowptheili and &sough.
Forwarding & Commission Merc hant, oil the Public Dock. cast of
State street.
OW, Salt, Plainer and %Vint.. F, , n, constantly for sale.
L ROi"..NZWEICI-61, Co.
WEOLILEALA &RD RETAIL DELLERS in 'Foreign and Do sk esije, D r y
Goods, ready toade'Clotinng„ Budu and Shoos, he., No. 1
Wright's Block. State street. rrte.
A7TOI , IF.TII•T LAW—Office up nava in Tallman, Ilan belldinii
ortli of Me Prothonotary's offxp,
_ -
ATICANIT AR D COC left Walt AT LAW--01fIre Oref C. E. Wf
fore, entrance one door 'vest of dtate street, on the DI A
En c.. • IN
?z4 .z in Dry Goody. Dry Groceries, Creckery, H
No. I. Brown's New Hotel.
bL1.1.; a in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens Ware. Lime
liss. Sce., Cheatiside. Erie, Ps.
C*lirer MALES UllikOiller. =lli Undertaker. Eiger ailge and
tleterth rarots. Lute.
ws•umt.% and %nut defilers in Drugs, Medicine ifainni.Oils.
GI2 . 6, Reed House, Erie.
l.etnoxAlie Merchant Tai
weir of Btale istreei, Erie,
WooLual.3 • ND it mit deniers I n Drug*, Medicines. Dye gine&
tifoterics.A.e. No. 5, Reed Howe. F:rfe'
id7Cll ANN, Ria►DENT DENTIST-015ceon
the south side of the Diamond five doors east of
the Erie Rank. Prices ressonable,andsll worl ,
warranted Erle June 10 1836. 6
DR. 0. 1.. ELLIOTT.
Ref 'dent ihbntietz Office sad derelkag on the
South tilde or the Public Equutee. Ist door East
gai t .. of the Erie eselißuildiss. Teeth insertedon
Gold Plate, front one to an entire nett. Carl
'Qs teeth Ailed with pure Gold. and fettered to bookit and we
tit Deo. 'recu t cleaned with ostroments sod DaWillee NO in to
taw them of pellucid ties miss. An wort Intrnuited.
E .
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n the. public .are, a few Jaws
r poett4 tuth ,311i5tellatig,
I dread it t I dread it ! sod who shall dare
Te chide roe for drettlig,the dentist's chair 7
1 would pass it by with Averted eyes.
Bedewed with tears, add embalmed with subs
- For i thousand 011(11111 in agony start.
And its very name will appall my heart,
Weald ye know the siert 1 I've often mkt then.
A martyr to pain In the dentist". °bait.
'Tis a fearful thing for the listeaiag ster.
Its optimum rising squeak to r hesr—
To see came forth from the little drawer
'The we.poua of torture, you're bargained ter;
He scrapes end he cuts. . and bores awhile.
Theo renews the attack with a horrid file..
No one. though ever so rile. could dare
To rrieh his worst fue iu the deutist'e choir.
Those dreadful hours I remember yet.
And who that has known them- - can e'er forget
The thriller dread. and the heart's (plink beat.
When appointed" to mount to that fearful Hat I
Though covered with crimson and soft to view,
To hesaty, or softness; can hope renew.
When the head lies back with the mouth stre4ch'd eider.
And the dentist stands with hie ton=e
"Tip past, 'tis past—the pain of --
Ilat its memory still will my spirit array ; '
And *ben age succeeds the 'day, of youth.
I shill still remember that dreadful tooth,
It may be folly—l may be weak--
Bat though roily it ls, from the.beart I speak ;
They are many and painful the hours spent there,
And who abides mi for dreading the -dentist's chair.
scow the Ohre 8ra9 41 1.
•'Alas ii7f Lon: if Ski is all,
And sasairkt &sprat: oh earth:"
""l'is a girl, air; my lady bits a daughter."'
"Heaver& be praised:" said the discouterited fad 4
or of six tuiruly boy/. "Now I shall - have some-
thing gage to lore. Small comfort to me, thole
boys; house topsy-turvy from warning till night,
with their guns, fishing tackle, pointers, setters,
bound., spaniels and what not. Toes college bills
perfectly ruinous—horses, oysteis and cigars all
lumped under the general head of cekras; I &Wes
stand it alt—or my purse does! But this little gen
tle girl? diming - upon my )(gee, and making music
sad sunshine in the house, with her innocent face
and silvery laugh: the little human blossoin by life's
rough thorny wayside, she make amends. I'm
not the happiest hissiartad in the worn; my hunt
shall find a resting-placo here. 15/13 Win be high=
ly educated and accomplished. J shall spark se
pains to of eet that. see, lifter - all, I ahaH
have ahappyold age."
I,m V ula i ° s r elbali MaiNNiNVliktitiW
her father's Grecian profile. There was a winning
aweetnera hi her smile, and grace and poetry in ev
ery tnotiun. It was a pretty sight! her golden tres
ses mingling with those silver locks, as she rested
her bright head against the old man's check. Eves
"the b...)y." could harbor no anger et her quiet reign!
she wound herself quit• as closely around theirs
hearts. Then it - wss a new tie to bind the sunder•
ed husband sad wife together. SJrnetiang of the
o'd, by-gone teptierness crept uucommiouely itito
their manner to each other. I was VIM islet! ind
hey pressed her rapturously to the parental heart,
forgetting she Was but day..
Tutor and governesses without limit, went and
came, before the important selection was made.—
Then—so many injuncticins!Bhe "must not 'study
so much as to spoil her fine eyes" she "must draw
only a few minutes at a 'time, lest it should Mime a
stoop in her boulders; she F•must not go outln the
sun, for fear of injuing her complexion." She was
told every hour in the day, of rare
... perfection; now
her attitude—then her eyes—Ttbennier shape—she
"danced like a friry"—"sing like a seraph"—in
short, needed wings only, to make her as angel!
Every servant in the house knew that his or her
fortune was made, if Miss Cecile was pleatcid, - and
shaped their course 'accordingly. if ",he boys"
were doubtful of the success of a request, ,Cecile
was-employed secretly to negotiate. The reins of
household government were in-those little fairy fin
No wonder the little Cecil* thought herself om
nipotent. No wonder ebe stood before her 4Puyebo,"
arranging with a maiden's pride, those glossy ring..
lets. Swell marvel, that she saw with exultation
those round sad polished limbs, and - pearly teeth,
and starry eyes, and . tossed her bright curls in tri
umph,at the hearts that were already laid at her
feet. Her mirror but silently repeated the voice of
flattery that met bar at every step. Cecile was
beautiful! The temple was passing fair; bat ail!
there rose from its altar no holy incense to Heaven.
Those bright eyes opened and doled like the flow
ers, and like them drank in the dew and the sunlight,
regardless of the Giver.
It was Cecile's eighteenth birth-day. The moat
expensive preparations had been made to celebrate
it.' She was to electrify the beau monde -with her'
debut. A gossamer robe, fit for a Peri, silvery and
light, floated soft as a fleecy cloud hound those
matchless limbs. Gems and jewels would have
been out of place beside those starry eyes. Na
simplest offering, the drooping blended
with her tresses. The flush of youth and hope was
on her cheek; her step was already on the thres
hold of that brilliant, untried world; which her
beauty was to dazzle and conquer. Other sylph-like
forms there were, irrkd bright faces that made sun
light in happy homes;but the peerless Cecile quench -
ed their beams on that happy birth-night.
The proud father looked on exultingly. "Beau
tiful as a dream,' echoed from one end of the sa
loon to the other. His eye followed her, noted eve
ry glance of admiration, and then he said to himself,
. 84 the idol is mine." Say you so, fond retinal Bee, -
her bead droops heavily —her limbs relax—she has
fainted! They gather round her —they bathe her
pate face and powerless hands, then they bear her to
her dressing-room, and she lies on that silken couch,
like some rare piece of sculpture. The revellers
disperse; the garlands dreop; darkness and silence
reign where merry feet tripped lightly. The phy
sician sits by the bedside of his fair patient, and
with mistake* kindases,' he says to the frantic pa
rents, alibe will be easier will be free
FfOSI psis) ta-ntorrow;" and Ilea to leaves her with
the 'anxious watchers.
Morning dawned. Yea, Cecile was "better," so
her father said; and she sat up, and put herjair arms
about his neck, and called hint "her own dear father!"
and he sinned through his tears, and parted the bright
damp locks from her brow, and WIN "she should Jere
another ball, gayer than than the lest, and look love
lier than ever;" and then her matber laid a dandeau
of pearls across her pale forehead, and said "they
Weems her passing ivell." Cecile smiled faintly
when she replaced them their case, and then bar
mother mains back again to the bedside. Ab! what
fearful shadew,in that momentary interval, hid crept
over that sweet face? "Cecile! Cepiler said the
dewildered woman, shivering with an indefinable
terror; "speak to me, Cecile! what is itr
"Aas I dying, mother? Oh, mother! you never
tan& me bow to die "' •
ID the still grey dawn, at sultry noon, in the hush
ed and starry night, long after that bright young
Mad was covered with the violets, rang, that plain.
tien t reproachful voice in the parental ear, “You
never taught me how to die!"
A Thrilling ddventnra
A Merchant wishing to celebrate hie daughter's
widing,'cullected a party of her young companions;
they circled around her, wishing much happiness to
the yenthful bride and her chosen one. fill father.
gazed proudly on his. favored child, and hoped that
u bright prospects for the future might open -fur
the rest of his children who were 'playing among
the guests.
Passing through the hall of the easement, he met
a'servant, who was carrying a lighted candle in her
hand, without the candlestick. He blamed her for
such conduct, and went into the kitchen to see about
the supper. The girl soon returned, but with out
the cud's. The wrchant i mmedistely recollected
that several barrels of glintiowder bad been placed
In the cellar daring she day, and - Mat awl had beam
"Where is your caidiel be ingnireJ, in the ut-
most alarm.
"I couln't briag it up with mo, for my arms"_ are
full of wood," said the girt,
"Where did you put
" Well I'd no ctudletticit so I stuck it in some
black sand that's in the arms barrel."
Her master dashed down the stairs; the passage
was long and dark —his ktteea threatened to give .
way under him—his brcuat was choked—his flesh
seemed dry and parched, as if he already felt the sof-
focatiug blast of death. At the nod of the cz,sliar,
under the very room where his children and their
friends were revelling in felicity, he saw the open
barrel of powder, full at the top; the candle mock
loosely lo the grtfins diFit4.l.)eftr. h"ftititiCt. This
the cunpsny struck Ws eitliko a knell of death.--::
Lie stood a moment, unable. to move., The music
commenced alaive—the f.tet of the dancers respon
ed with vivacity; the II mr shook, and the loose 'sot.
ties in the collie jingled with the snotiou. Ua fan.
•Aried the candle moved—was - fallieg. NVith deeps
rate energy be sprang forward—hut how to remove
it! the slightest tonch would cause the red hot wick
to fall into the powder:. With unequalled present/s
-of mind, he pla,ce s d a hand on each side of the cant
di., pointed towards the obj3ct of his care, which as .
his hands Met, was secared in the clasping of his
liners, say safely moved away (rein its dangerous
I position. When be reached the head of the stairs,
he smiled at his previous alarm—butihe reaction
was too powerful, aad he fall into fits of the most
violent laughter. He was conveyed to his lied
less, and many weeks ',speeder, his nerlies recover
ed sufficient tone-to allow him to-resume his busi
rrr N riTt'
0, hoW we lore a cheerful sunshiny fate. It is
perfectly refreshing to meet a cheerfel man mrith
his face covered all over with a broad,-honesfewille.
Such a face is always an index to an hnnitst, gen
erous, end kind heart, within. The very litmu s phere in which such a man. moves, breathes cheer
fulness, and all about him are happier for his pres
ence. lie looks on 'the bright side of the picture,
liaises all will be for the best, and rises above Wi
fe/tem, net entering small and trifling difficulties
to harries and disturb his mind. To the drooping,
moping invalid, the companionship of such a man is
worth all the drugs in Christendom, or even a "voy
age over - the waters." Cheerfulness Is the secret
of good health. The old saying, "laugh and grow
fat." is full of philosophy. The cheerful man don't
complain and growl because the weather is too hot
or too cold, too wet or too dry; but thinks it will all
soon be right again, %nd laughs because he is cold,
or, because be is almost melting with heat. If the
market is dull, be is glad that he has sold his pro
duce before the prices fell; or, if he has not sold, he
thinks there will be a change in the market—the
price wilt be better before he sells. And should it
happen that he has to take a low price at last, he
laughs at himself for being bit, for it's as well to
laugh as cry. 'Suck a man is geoerally honest, and
always , generous. He laughs at his own disap
pointments, rises above trifling difficulties, his mind
is not forever employed in lamenting his own troubles
and consequently he has time to consider the neces
sities and sufferings of others—a soul capacious
-enough to sympathize - with those in distress, and a
hand liberal enough to supply their wants. It is
true a man "may snaile and be a villain still;" but it
is easy to distinguish between the sardonic grin of
theyillian, and the open, generals, and merry laugh
of the truly cheerful man.
none PoTamons.—Tho Renal New Yorker
says that a potatoe, if frozen, and instantly put into
Cold water, does not recover, but is totally changed,
and becomes a flaccid sack of unsavory, gummy
111111.11 T, of a very disagreeable odor--its original
properties entirely changed or lost; but If, while in
a frozen state, they are thrown one by one into wa
ter constantly boiling, they are op way affected, and
are as edible as when first-taken from the *lath.—
This is an anomaly to the action of the cold which
may be true when applied to other vogetablev, of
which we are unadvised, but it is a fact worth know -
I ins, aa It may as souse occasion meet • the neeessi
WI of SWIM eve" filaani. **paha!, lit this' woo.
I WIN wtleeilSOM fliakolt if smoubilOw
tar 0 St W d A D
" sing me a song as I fall asleep." z-
Said a little one with ti Instrious eye. •
" Or tell me a tale or the flowers that peep
In the bright green woods that reach the sky—
That peep in the spring; when the birdies sing.
Aud the heavens as blue as oar Nelly's ayes; •
Or tell of the child With the angel wing.
Wise walks t• the garden •f p.radia• l"
. 1
I sang him the song-1 told him the tine. - 4
Lod watched by hie couch white we thought he slept.
Feebly cheek seu whits as the ineirabeams Pale,
That stimitby and bright arms his pillow crept:
Tim my word.. grew faint. soil my voice sash low.
Aadl said, m thy dreams may the seraphs sing.
Bat he whispered sort as I rose to go—
"Oh I tell of tho child of the angel wing !"
T i
ea I sang again --bnt he restless grew.
ad tossed his rating ems eit he wildly spoke.
Aid a horning red in hie forehead dew. '
As the moon went down and thaMorning broke.
Bert he spoke no wore of the spring's bright Bowers.
dud he thought no more of his mister's epee ; •
One same alone. in his feverish hours.
Vas breathed is a whieper that pierced the skim.
•• My mother," he said, and his eyes waxed dim.
For the sense, with their wavering lustre Bed,
And he newer knew that she knelt by him
Whose sun went down at hie dying bed !
H• has gone where the seraphs sweetly sing—
His story was brief as the sunset dyes.
'He walks with the child of the angel wing,
In the Flowery gardens of paradise !
FARior rasp,
Some know how to do it, and can scent a duo at
any distance, and dodge hint effectively. It is w
knock acquired by long experience. if the den,
hawever, by his-experience becotaes• expert, the
donne stands a slim chance of escape. The &unix,-
comes equally sensitive in detecting the debtor s and
often are practiced between the two inantenvers
which would pale the reputation of those even of
*tole ou hintaelf. -
We heard a good story the other day of ola Dr.
of Portsmouth, which, though . ot having
y great relevancy to the preceeding paragraph,
i nevertheless to the point as regards amateur don
ning. Fur there is a wide difference between . the
amateur and the professional dunning.'
Dr. 0- was a man of greet 'lntegrity end
worth, and his businosthabits were on the - senate
--exacting everything that Was his own, and pay•
ing every man bis due. He held a 'note against a
gentleman of Hampton for a considerable amount,
and whenever be met him, the Dome/ was -ready,
note in band for the payment of an instalment, It
beeame at last an agonizing dread with the debtor
about meeting the Doctor, particularly wharf-trou
bled, as men have been in till ages of the world, with .
a disease known in financial parlance As "-shorts."
•ant,cr ssw I V] - v. 1.4
pocket book, iod frequent payments were made with=
oat seeing the note at all, or enquiring as to the
cliancss of its eventful pap:neat. He knew that the
Doctor was honest, and that it would be all right
and several payments Were thus blindly made.
A gicater dearth of funds made him more shy of
meeting the Doctor, and as he passed through the'
town, his eyes wandered in art directions to catch
a glimpse of his dread and avoid him if possible.
Lie succeeded admirably for awhile, and out gener
ailed the old man several times; but fate does not
always favor the brave, and the Doctor, from a dis
tant position saw his victim, oneday tie his horse to
a post and enter a store. Ile made all the haste
be could, and entered the store just as his debtor
dodged behind a rice cask.
"Didn't I see Mr. P come in here?' asked
the Doctor, peeping aroutul the store,
"Ile did come in here, sir," said the shopkeeper,
hut he hes gone somewhere now."
. • •
The Doctor said be wasn't iu a hurry and could
wait as well as not; be saw his bores at the
door and thought he must be back before too/. The
man remained hid and the Doctor waited a long time.
At last be went out to the man's groat relief, and
after some time he himself went out, and was get
ting into the stirrups; when the Dqctor dit+cl at him
from a door way.
"Well, Mr. said he, "you need l net dodge
me any more; that note has been paid. these six
months, rind I have been trying to see you that
might pay you back - the twenty dollars that you
have overpaid me." .
The recollection of hiding behind that rice cask
an hour to avoid being paid twenty dullard beamed
the man as long as ho lied, and among other mat
ters of advice that he gave his children j was this,
contained in a couplet of poetry, writted reith chalk
on a dresser—
flteaerrr or ADoo.—Tfie following instantsis
related by the Edinburg Weekly register :—"The
animal belonged to a celebrated chemist, who tried
upon it the effect of a 'certain poison, and upon the
next day administered a counter poison, with the
effort of preserving the creature's life. The next
day another dose was offered him, but he would not
touch it. Different sorts of poisonous drugs were
presented to him, but be resolutely refused all.--
Bread was offered, but he would not tooth it ; meat,
bat he turnel from it; water, bat he would not drink.
To reassure him, his master offered him bread and
meat of which he himself ate in the dog's presence;
and of that the sagacious animal.besitated not to par
take. He was taken to a fountain, but ha would
drink nowhere but from the spot where thi water
gushed free and fresh. This continued for several
days, until the mseteltenched by the extraordinary
intelligence of the poor creature, resolved to make
no more attempts upon him with his poisons. The
dog is very gay end very happy, but will eat noth
ing that he does not first see his miner touch. nor
will he d►ink except from the purest spot of the
loon taio. '
Dodging a Dvuo
"Never run
When you see a dun."
Tr Au Irish Epitaph
Herr I Iles,
Arid my heart at Rise is )
' Witt the poiat of coy mei
And the tip* of ray tees
Termed isp to tilt roots of this daisies.
4 v . A omipuiess is as
Lazy Bqa
A lazy boy wakes a lacy men just as sure as
crooked twig makes a crooked tree. %ilboever yet
saw a boy grow up in idleness that did not make a
shiftless vagabond when he became a man, unles he
had a fortune left him to keep up appearances. The
great mass of thieves, paupers and criminals, that
fill our penitentiaries and alms-houses, have came
to what they are by being brought up in idleness.
Those who constitute the business portion of Com-,
munity, those who mdke.our great and useful men,
were trained up in their boyhood to be industrious.
When a boy is old enough to play in the street,
he is old enough to be taught how to work. Of
course we would not deprive children of healthful.
playfUl exercise, or the time They should spend iu
study, but teach them to work little by little, as the
child is taught to learn at school. In this way he
will acquire habits of industry that will not forsake
him when he grows , up.
Marry parents who are poor let their children grow
up to fourteen or sixteen years of age, or till they
can support them no longer, bef ire they put them to
labor. : Such children have acquired habits of idle
ness, go forth to impose upon their employer* with
lazinesS. There is
,a repulsiveness in all labor set
before them, and to get it done, no matter how, is
their only aim. They are ambitious at work. The
consequence is, they do not stick to (lie thing but a
short time; they rove about the world, get into mis
nhie4 and finally find their way to the prison, or
.With the habits of idleness. vice may generally,
if not invariably. be found. When' tho mind and
Irende.are not occupied in some useful employment,
an evil geniui finis them enough to do. They are
found in the street till late in the evailing, learning`
the vulgar and profane habit of those older in vice:
they may be seen banging around groceries, bar.
rooms and stores, where crowds gather, but they are
seldom found engaged in study.
A last' boy is not °Ili) , 8 bad boy, bat a disgrace
to his parents, fur it is through their neglect that he
became thus. No parents, however prior, in these'
iimes of cheap book and newspapers, need let their
children grow up in idleness. If they cannot be•
kept at work, make them industrious scholars, and
they will be industrious at any business they may
undertake leaflet. life.
We know of many boys--yOung meet—old enough
to do business for themselves, who cannot read;and
much less write their own names. They,"too, are
lazy,. for ignorance and laziness are twin brothers.
We always feel sorry for such young men—their
habits are for life: the twig beat in childhood has
grown a distorted tree, and there is no remedy for
it. They must pass through life as they have lived,
In laziness and ignorance. Think of it, young read
er., and take heed that your habits sad character be
not formed like theirs . --Pa /me,. Journal.
Natural Wonders of California—
A correspondent of the ma ioarlutuile i nfican
thus describes a natural curiosity ie - Calaveras
Foar.miles south of Vallecica on Coyote Creek,
are what are called the Natural Bridges, two of
which epee the Creek. !Magi:lotion cannot picture
or form Any idea of the grandeur of the scene that
here meets the eye of the beholder. Volcanic se.
non has piled rocks titian rocks, and nature seems
to be in mitts. %Vhilst geeing, the oaturaiist is lost
in conjecture. Underneath the labarynths of luck
es the eye 'detects' imitations of clusters of grape*,
cherries, and other fruits ; vines and stems are per
fectly imitated ; festoons and flowers, fret-work
moulded in every imaginable shape ; all of which
hese been formed when the substance was a molten
mass, and the convulsions of nature hurled it to its
present position. On close exemiottion the wonder
still increasea; the observer beluildtr the natural out
line:of leaves, vines, ke., imprinted on the solid rock,
and the isatercities expose petrified remains of veg
Covers Cate.--Near the Naturilßridge is Coy
ote Care, a deep, Senai•circular chum. The explo
rer is first lowered down. perpendicUlarly one hun
dred feet; he then lights his torch and proceeds over
shelving Nib, gradually descending from one hun
dred attd seventy-five to two hundred feet below the
surface, when he arrives at a large chamber called
the Cathedral, from the overhanging rocks assuming
the appearance of large bells, and when struck, two
or more at the same timei produce the varying sound
and deep melodies of a full chime. Proeeeding one.
.hondred feet further, still inclining downward from
thirty to forty-five degrees, we came to a lake, ap
parently a huge body of water, and hnttomless, from
the experiments made in throwing in rocks /sc.—
Judging from the sound, this chamber mast include I
many acres of space, but owing to the damp air our'
lights burned faintly, and were finally extinguished,
when we groped our way amidst darkness and uncer
tainty to the mouth of the pit, and were glad tequit
the lower for the upper deck. All the archways of
these subterranean chambers are fringed with over
hanging masses of spar, stalactite and quartz, as
suming most fantastic forms. As soon as the dry
prison will permit there will be another, and I hope
more successful exploration of these sub,terrseean
Tns JLPAN Exesorrion.—..The Boston Post pub
fished the following extract from a letter received
from arntletnan who has just returned to this coun
try from a'trip to Ctiiva, relative to the feelings of
the Japanese toward the expedition of Coln. Perry:
"I was informed by a gentleman—e native of Ja
pan, that the Emperor is all ready for the American
expedition. He exhibited a letter to me, which he
had just received from one of his countrymen, then
e■ the island of Jeddo. That the people kept a
strict look out all over the coast; and their fires
ware already horning en the mountains at night, in
order to be prepared in case the squadron should ap
pear at night. One million of aohliera are, ready
and at heed. The coast is all set with guns, while
fn the pay of Jeddo, where the fleet is expected,
there are countless war jocks, and the who'e bay is
eurrounded with inoumerabl forts. The expedition
will fled the Japanese much letter soldiers than they
s sC es
The presents htd better been loft at home. A trade
"RI not soon be throned with that country, except
by force."
(Er "Boy, why don't you go to school?"
"'Cause sir, daddy is efserd that if 1. taros scary
t!!toir sow, t alai bale sophists to lota
; 461114 .1 1 1 tileCadetnY.."
ra, gi ,~
5/ 50 A Irman, in £disaes'
A Yankee Bugle Player in Linden. . -
Some ten or twelve years since, an America*
bugle player concluded to make a trip‘ta England, •
to learn by personal observation the state of Instru
mental music in that country. A day or Iwo after
his arrival in London, (in which place ha was
most a perfect stranger,) be saw 'an adveniseentat
is the Timer, for a bugle player in one of thaptgi.
manta of the Guard". Our - Aatericaa presented
himself the next morning to the band master Oils*
regiment, and introdaced himself by folio; that to'
bad coma to offer himself as a candidate for dial
The baud-master, sot thinking that the stranger
presented a very promising appearance,treatesi hies
rather cavalierly, but finally told him there weeltl
be a rehersal the next morning, and he might tonne
and see what he could do t intimating at the same
time that his qualifications must be very high to ob
tain the place. Nothing daunted, our American
made his appearance with his E
. flat bugle in his
hand, and took his place in the band.
The rehearsal.commeoced with a new piece ten•
taining a'solo for the clarionet, which the performer
upon that instrument found great difficulty-in emi
cuting. •
After several failures, the Yankee bogie player
requested permission of the band-master to play the
Colo upon the bugle.
The • band•raseter laughed at him, sad Miceli+)
the idea of his being able to perform it upon- time
instrument. However, the American beim' , very
sanguine, consent to the trial was finally obtaiged,
and the band having performed the prelude, the solo
was commenced, but scarcely had oar hero sounded
half a dozen notes when every body else cased play
ing end listened with wonder and admiration at the
magic tunes
'The solo was concluded, having been exenniai to
perfection. A universal storm of applause shook
the building.
The band=master rushing up to the performer sod
grasping his hand exclaimed—‘ 4 Who era your
" Sly name is Kendall," replied the Yankee.
I , What ? Edward Kendall, of Boston ? You ere
not only the greatest bugle playa:. of America, ball
alsu of the world,". said the band-master.
The rehearsal was over for - tbe day, and Ned Us.
Alan was the, guest of the band during his stay hi
A inter-oftiat lan.
flora is a very amusing picturo of that species-of
odd fish known as a matter-of-fact min:
lam what the old women call "so odd fish." I
do nothing under heaven without- a motive-4.11-
tempt nothing unless there is a probability of my
succeeding. I ask no 'favors when I think they
won' granted . I grant no favors whoa I think
they are not deserved. And finally, I don't wait up
on the girls when I think my attentions would be
disagree Ibis. lam a Matter-of-fact
young racy "uw-r-s II emu Gabriel to attend a •
meant to wait on It er U "1,..41^ .1, •ir
cepted my offer; I home with her; and ithaa
ever beeu an enigma to ma whether she wanted me
or not. She took my erns and said not a weed. I
bade her ogood night,"' and she said not a word. I -
met her again and she kan met' two boars' talk.
ft struck MO as curioul. - She feartal wuoffended,—
she said, and could not for the life of her tell why.
She hogged me to erplein, but didn't give therghost,
of a chance to do it.' S. said she hoped I would
not be offended, and atiketnie to call: and it haewv
er since been a mystery to me whether she wanted
me to eat) or not.
I once saw a lady at her window. I thought I
would call. I did. Irtnquired for the lady, and was
told she was not at Isaias. I expect she was, I
went away thinking ext. I rather thick so still. I
met her again. She was offended—said I bad not
been neighborly. She reproached me for my negli
gence. and said she thought 4 had been unkind.—
And I since wonderedvbether she was sorry or not,
A lady once said is me that she "should like to be
married," if she could] get a good congenial tins.
band, who would snake heihappy or at least try to.
Sho was difficult to please, she said. I said I should
like to get married, too, if I could get a wife that
would try to make me happy. She said: Cfmpht
and looked as if Os-meant what she said. SIAM,
For when I asked her if she thought sbe could be
persuaded to marry me, shossid she'd rather bees.
untied. I've often wondered why I excused be.
A Lsuoussisn Noves.—We are indebted to the
Warranton (N. C.) News fur the following ober
tisensent, which was posted up in a tavern while
the legislature was in session. Mine host; it seise,
was an honest, well-meaning fellow, who had con.
ceived an idea that the members were the very salt
of the earth, and had listened to the complaints of
certain of them relative to the doings of a wilder-chn.
meters, who did not belong to their fraternity....
Here is, tho notice wbich he posted up in the man
conspicuous piece in the house:— -
"Look Here!—The following rules or order will
hereafter be observed in this Hotel:—astabers of
the Assembly will go to the table first, and the gen
tlemen afterwardeY
After reading it over be did net exactly like it; it
didn't Bay an) thing about rowdies and blackguards;
so to caution them particularly, he added:
"Note Bena—Rowdies and blackguards will pless•
not to mix with the members; as it is bard to tell
one from the other."
TIIAT Bocanon.—The Rev. Dr. Hawks, who /
long and intimately known the Rev. Mr. Williams,
bears the following positive testimony to his net
being an Indian. Others who appareatly knew
nothing of the matter, aver that he is :
“Whether the historical problem presented by Mr.
Manson be here solved, is a matter which I shaltriet.
attempt to decide. The only points of which I
would speak with certainty, are two :—.411r. Wil
liams is not an Indian ; and secondly, he is not ca•
petite of inventing a complicated mass of cireana.
mantisl evidence to sustain a fabricated story.
07 4 ' An Irkhtnan in lows has kist taught ducks
to swim in hot water, end with such suttees, that
they I,ty boiled eggs. Ma says this is sot an ago
of improvement.
CT On Meadey of last week. a ssetbee ft( kends ent.
played on tbe csottsl Railroad. wets engaged is soder.
f awn a k a at, hen it IlUddOlal cited ie. and
teetautly Year men. The occident h appened lebb -
petted %Wet tyro coats oast of Greensburg,.
• , a. •
: 4 " 4 ?