Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 05, 1853, Image 4

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    11.• brie edging" amid I imertiass it II
• • . •is sad Shoes.
Htrlßal/AN bints • Boys boots. also Wornes's eat and e,
and buskins. for sale u cheap suit any othe•
establisllwn. G. seLont & SON,
Ede O No. II They's Block Chespid de.
N UTal Of all kinds or sale by J. G. & W. I. Mills.
• - No. 2. Williams IS Erie. Pa
AFEW wore pieces of thoie splendid Clothe, Cat/in:meg and
Ilaatineus, just received and Ibe sale cheap by SWEN EY.
AX extensive assortment of flavoring extracts the best in mar
ket, extracts for the handkerchief of every , Colognes,
hair, oils, pomades, amend me a certain cure r chapped hands,
lip salve. shaving soaps and creams of brit quality, bay ruin, hair
dye, hate etitoraliye, depilatory powder, in short we constantly
keep.on hand k complete assortment of every kind of Perfumery,
faney ankles and Yankee notions of almost e) ery description.
Penang wishing to buy arc respeetfull) sashed to call as they
may depend cipoo getting what they want at tte ion r-t price, at
thernity drug store mtate•st. Erie Dec. 434 P il
WHITING VAL'E.l3—Blue, White. Letter. Cap, ti rage. Col
ored satin and note Paper. cane) eh eh). L,, Flan andaelf
sealingenvelopes,cardsof all kw& 10.1 ch fail to mull
eustotners, give us a call and see. Dee. 4 1551.-34) P. It u..
THE, sebteribero would adupt this method of returning their
sincere thanks to the citizens of Crie and t feint*, and the
pubbe ene.enny, for the lit-rat patronage !whew, extended to
thew, and would state that they have jut,t received fruit the City
Of New York an leach-tie a, , ortnient of
embrociag !Ilahofram &Jai of different Ft, ire, latiogan±. French
Bedsteads and Chair!, Maho2any 'Ft,Lle+, s ith and t t abort4l:l
rble Topa, with a list of other articles too numerous for newspaper
detail. all of wifich are otTered at prices ion er than they can be
procured Many other establisbuam west of New York. This is
said in nonapirit of empty boast, but fr,in a eon% ict ion of its
Tool% as an will dad who may take the trouble to institute a
personal eoamination.
They continue to manufacture all varieties of Cabinet Ware
They hold thernselten in eimilant readiness fo fiirni-h, at the
shortest notice. uniclesof whltever style orginlity Cod:debt
oftheir /Witty to give eutt tiou, they Invite to their RlOCk, and
their facilities far doing good and cheap work, the aUentiou of
the eniienes of the city and County.
Mattresses of all 1117.C.3 kept coasts:W.l'on hnnel.
Ursa Julrtt I J. H. itincrz & Co.
ÜBalks Roo, Java and Laguira Co ff ee just reeta,,ed and for
sale by Not. 2 STERRF.'I"I' SGR %Y.
TUE subscribers have just received atibe r stand. immediate
ly opposite the Perry Block. a large aud %%ell selected btu k
of Groceries, Cutrees, Teas. Sugars, Molasses, Rice abd all the
articles usually embraced in the list. Also, LlqllOTl, Fruits, etc.
with an assortment of Nuts and Cotifeetionaries. Flattering
themselves that their stock, in variety and excellence, is flit sur
passed in the city, toes litpe to receive a I ihcral share of the pub
licpatromtge. Their determination is to do business eke., fur
easil,cousidering the " nimble s iipenc c " of innre worth than the
"slow shilling," and that all patties arc benefited by the ready
pay system.
Praduce of all k Inds taken in exchange fur Groceries and other
Call quickly lest the stock on hand becomes egtausted in the
lapre of a few weeks. Our prices are -o low that 'people u ill find
Ikea/selves scarce able to resist the temptation to tiny.
Erie, June 191U3U. • 6 LANDON Sr. RIBI.ET.
Earbionable Tailoring Establishment.
THE Subscriber, in gratefully acL-nott!edgingthelib
-s era I paisonage w ntth be has received (ruin the eat/Anis
of Crie for (Lc past five years, wcald most resi‘e. tirtly
. . call their - attention to tits pre-ent location Having
\ erected a new shop on the east side 01 Sian street, two
doors North of nth, are ing J II i!.let A: (Vs
- Cabinet Ware Bantus, he is l , repaied to w a alt up
on 11110 ACCOLUtinidate his old patrons and friends. and
hopes that by his usual SU [tem; in niakii.g ••goot!
not only to continue in their confidence. hit thro'
their Influence, and Lv Ins own integrity and attention to
nets to secure a liberal share of the puhlte patronage is hich lie
respectfully solicits.
and Military Clothing made to order and Cutting fa oth
ers to makeup done with care and promptness.
Xrle, Jul) 99. lest:. JOHN Gil A I.1)!NG.
BUFFALO A LE.—Mottat's, Gillutan'• Ir. Ilartoti's Ale in htila
and half Ws. for sale by J. G. & W. I. }pups,
JUlte 3. N 0.3, Williams Block, Cr.e. Fa,
ALARGE; and beautiful lot of Sonnett ribbons for fall and
winter t rade, selected with due regard to the prevailing fnEh
(ins at Oct 9 1 , 132-22 G. tIIEI,DIN & SON•s.
40 II lEETINGS. Rhin/tip. wipe Chitlings Ticking Canton Flan
k.) eel le., at No 6, Tracy's Block Chettpoide
Erie Ocl.. 142. GEO. SELDF.N Ac SON.
, •
UST received the moat splendid a , .,,,rti: ei.t.of Ladies dress
goods ever offered in this market, consisting of tiro Ile Rhine,
o De Chene. Brocade, Pow. De SCie and Plaid Silks, Colored
Crapes, Plaid. Plain and Watered Poplins, White nnil Col'd Ta r•
Lions, dotted and plain. Book and Swiss Mulls. striped, bared
and plain MtvOins, Muslin and Wool lie Lames. Lama cloth,
plain and figured, printed. Velvets, Printed Persian cloths, Bro.
elide sad plain Alapaca, Coburgh clothe, Bilk and Cl'd French
Moreno and many other styles of fires- goods w hich w e have not
time to enumerate at present but call and see for yourselves and
save money by 4,urchating - cheap at the old stand of
Eric Nov. 6 te32-116 SMITII JACKS"N.
State St.. apposite Brows. Hotel. Erse.
THE subscriber, (late of the fi rm cf G m
. Loom & C 0..) comes
Lefote the Erie public and t iciititv. soliciting a share of
patronage, confident a large and well selected stock of the choic
est and most fashionable C001)6 always at low price+. toet !tier
with the manufacturJog of Jilrer Ware anti Jewelry. and close
attention to business wilt insure a reasonable support. Having
been for the past fifteen years a resident of Erie, and intending
to remain the rest of life. the public will find toe no -bird of pa+.
map." but always on hand Irving with the rest of mankind" to
sustain myself and family. In die world, and I pledge myself to en
deavor to maintain the reputation enjoyed by Weald firm In every
particular. Thankful to a generous public for in success thus
jar In life. I shall endeavor to merit a conti nuance of their favors
Ault.? 1532-13 TILOS. M. AUSTIN.
N.B.—Watches. Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired.
Z. N. slums a Co..
N.. 7 Passel( Block, Stills Mat, Erie, Pa.
Milt subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of this and
the adjoining counties, that they arc receiving show daily
inaddilion io their stock of goods, the largest and test assort
ment of Groceries to be found west of New York City, Thank
ful for the liberal patronage received since our commencement.
in dna thy, we would indit respectfully call the attention of mer
chants and other. wishing goods in our line, to an exhibition or
ourstock before boing.tu Buffalo or. New York We wish it dis
tinctly uuderstocd that vi e w tit sell goods for Cash or Rsamly Pag.
as eltftp as eau be purchased in Buffalo or in New Yoik, with
the addition of expenses in scums goods to this City.
The folk:owing comprise a small part clout stock
-50 Mad. N, , . arid P. R.. Sugars.
100 dbl.. Crushed Px,w'd., GranulaCtl & Coffee do.
10 Tierces Dutch Crushed Sugar,
SO Boxes Refined Loaf do.
1110 llbd. Muse'd,, and P R Molasses,
In Tierces do. 30. do.
75 Bbis. do. do. & S. 11, do. - 4
13 do. Stewart' s Syrup,
10 . do, Cuba Honey,
130C/tests and half Chests Young Ifyzon, Ifyson Skin. hu
pedal, Gunpowder an i Black Teas.
100 Mx. from I to tains of Black and Green do.
73 Bags Rio. Laguir:. unl lava Coffee,
25 Dines Urwaid Coffee.
- 75 do, eat endish Tobacco. nil qualities.
• 30 do. /lb lump do. superior qualities.
25 Rbis..J. ATI igrscn's Smoking Tobacco. I. j 4 lira.
Also, several di ff erent brand. Fine Cut Chen
95 Packages Mackeral, No's 1,2 & 3, in whale. j,l and
230 Boxes llr rung, No, 1 and Scalded,
314210 lbs Cod Fish.
• . YR Bids. Rtfiiied Winter Strained Oil.
Also. Nuts. flasains, Prunes. Pepper. Pillleßlo. CARti/l. NUL
mep Cloves. Dice. Powi"cr, Shot Safety Puce. Wrapping.Cnp
and Letter Paper: 'Mustard, and Pieties, of an excellent quality
and chaap—besides a great in my other articles too numeroua to
inention in nn adrertpcniciil of thi. kind. 11'e also have in ad•
dition to the goods above mentioned. a large stock of PURI'.
WlNE:laud LIQUoRe. which can to had 03 per cent. cheaper
for the samequality, than can be purchased west of New York.
notwithstanding the great Itch ?ince In liquors. London and Phil
adelphia Porter,Ecotch Ale. and %Vines of almost all de.criptions.
Please callaand el.4ll,ine for sourselves i and yoa n ill bp
that roc clan do better than by going to Buffalo or Nimv York.
. Erie. Des. 4. 1658, 30 M SMITH k Co.
'HOLESALE—The subserthers are agents for the followim,
Patent Medicines, wile) they will sell by dozen at
Maitafacturere price., viz .la 2. Expectorant, Alterative Car
shilattve Bahinin, Venni fuze, hair lite an„,,,1 Sanative Pills., as
vod'a Cholairoeue; Ilritol's and Town-end's Sarsaparilla ;
MeLanea and Fahnestock's VeruilluKe ; Trask's. Tanner's, Me-
Alluter'a.Shaen's and Palters Clntm-nt: Perm Da% is' fain Kul.
Ayeer Cherry Pectoral. Il.irrel's Indian Liniment, Barry's
Trieopheranw, Brunt's 1.11.11 at, Medicines mit Kier',. Petroleum
Otte Nov. le 18.11-26 J H. ttrRToN & Co.
A FINE aim:nu:lent of Gentlrtneb's tuul rubbers just
1%. the thing for muddy strecus ut reduced p.l We* by
• Erie Oct. 9e tfehl. SELIioN & EON.
yt - . 7 frr received, another tot of sttowe gibe Calf Water- grout
Boots. Sej . 23. WILCOX & NOTON.
13A1lie, Groceries, Piektes, Picketed 0) sterskt.oh.ters. for
.eigu rnill and Nuts. J. G Os. W. I 31ILLS, ?so. 3Wi i
s Mock, opposite Brown's New Hotel. P.rie, Pa., have
• sappeped s New F'.stablishinstit, wherr they are prepared to sell
11l Articles in their line at the Lowest Priers. at %Vholesateaud
Ulan. The Consists in part of the fullowing articles, to
Wines. . Orsoires.
Liquor', Lemons,
Clipirs, Firs,
Poster. Raisins.
Ale„ Nuts, Pk kled Oyssera, Cu rra
Oder, Cocoa, Pickled Lobsters, De ()Teat.
podia*. Pines. Pickled elates. Curt on. Ex Abs t the,
ALSO—Tea. Sugar, Cotter. Molasses, Tobacco. Rice, Graund
Spices.Confectionary by the Box. Soda Biscuit, Crackers by the
Sarirel:sind many other Articles too numerous to mention.
'IMPORTED CIGARS —We import our own Cigars, and can
bell better quality of Ci gars nt the same prices than any house in'
&be city. Pure ant Genuine Wines. Liquors of every deserire
OM constant!'" on hand. fo: Sale: Wholesate at low rates. AI-
Wine. and Liquors for Medicinal or other purposes
O• bead by the Dozen or Single bottle which are pure.
ACIZNCY FOR BUFF'4I.O ALL' —Moffatt' nod Oilman k
Darton's Ale, for sale by the barrel, at Buffalo Price, adding
lateurpurtation. Also--receiving in their Season Oyster* in
Inlet!, Keg anti Can. front I G. Mills II Co., of New York, for
Sale Wholesale at Low , Prices.
J. G. Muss. New York. i. MlLLp.flotTalo.
A. C. JACKSON. Agent. Era.. Pa.
N. N. Haters. Stearn Boats. private ['ninnies end Dealers 'ten
__eliatly supplied with all articles In our I i be, at litankinck.e s
ORDERS from City atid rurroundirg eountry respeetfutly aolie
'Med. and we pl. dge ourselves that all -goods shall be as reem n .
men - led.
Erie, May 22, 1433
I iNDow GLASS.—'II3r largeaL aawr truent ever brought
into this city can !..e !Quad Lt
Oet . 13411 (' a, RTER BROT II mt. No. 6 Reed House.
TSahscriliera are imw receiving a very large stock of Wet
aid Dry Groceries from Eastern cities and the Auction
Room. Wight for Cash at extremely low figures. whiehowre of"
*red for sale at a Small advance for the ready Thecae wishing
to avail thernaeires treat) ripportu ntly for buying a stock of goods
Winer tine. to a very little cash, are respectfully invited to tall
aad eginnihe at STERRETT t GRAY'S.
tile. Nov. Ism
. avr.
711t8T RATE art tete of Wrapp i ng Paperjast rewind did
or sale at No. o'. Brown 's tlolel. maul gruzul.
Erie„lsec. la,
G th OHA MA ra.e variety inylefrois anhatoilJeta.
per ani at Nov PM SNITS JAMISON.
Preserved Fruits,
Plain Pickles,
DA r - I 14 SWAM •
w, a row illoors:Wastetth•
E 23113
. UMW 1101711111
ouERmAs is happy to invite - all who wish DAQUERREO-
1., TYPE LIKENESHES, whoare at skit particular what kind of
pictures tbey have, to his new kroorus which have been built ex
prettily for the Art. Llu LIT is the great agent of the Artist. and
it has been the constant study of ati worthy of the name 'Wee
th e ArtKasdtseotcred,toempioYand control it in ttwi manner
best adapted to produce the most favorable results. The result
of thu study and of thousands of experiments is that there is not
a respeetab e permanent dal levy in the U elates where the pie
lures are made by a common window, and he who says he can
produce superior pictures by such a window proves his ignorance
of the Art. The subscriber therelbre begs leaf eto say that by his
superior LIGHT, and with all apparatus worth six times any oth
er in this city. he is enabled to produce pictures in hieh cannot be
equclied in this part of the country, and offer; to excell any tiling
which can be produced bit other rooitit. i a F.rie, or forfeltone hun
dred loPars. lie ham also a splendid Qulck Work lug Camera,
s ith which be takes children of any age: Let it be distinctly un
derstood his pictures will not fade if properly kept.
N. I.l.—The "recent improveinentsu may be seen at the above
Erie, Rept, 10, 15.51
Ilti c proprietor, W. KN OW ',TON, has just returned from
(he P.mpire city, v. Ito the largest, cheapest and bestaesort
ever before imported front that city west of Dunkirk. all of h hich
are now read) fur inspection. On the first floor. so. I, may be
foohd a large assortuient of Gold and Silver Watches, Coil guard
and Fob Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger Rings of every descrip
tion, Breast pins of all sorts and sizes. Cuff pits and bracelets
Gold, sil err, and German silver thimbles.gola pencils and pens:
etre] fob an f guard chains,' Keys, &c. !laving made arrange
ments with the umnufac tu rers at the east to furnish a supply ev
ery neck fresh from the null, hew ill be able to furnish those
art icleschea per than any other establishment vi est of the termi
nus of the New York and Eric Railroad Also, on hand, at
wholesale orretalt, any quautityof Looking Glasses, Brasselocks
and other IIIOCPKTC9.
AILS/CAL iNSTRCXENT9.—Sueb Ai piano fortes. melodeonp.bass
vmls, guitars, V/uhlys, hanjoec, LiJnbOUf/ElCll:CiarlOnet.9. flutes,
flageolets, flies. accordeons, &c., solar and ca inplienc lamps. and
remnants, extraglobes, chimney 9 and wicks, silver and German
silver table and teastmns, sugar and salt scoops, butter knives.
Ctrri.cay.—A very fine article of Penknives ofthe most celebra•
tea tankers, Razors and Bator straps, scissors and sbears. COW.
silver, and German silt er and steel spectacles.
II turrs , ,at• Wane.—Tea sets, castors, and candlesticks,
Miscem.sxl4ll4.—Cilina Cases. Fancy Boxes. Plated and Brass
smelters and tray s, steel hag, and purse clasps, hair combs, ivory
do., steel pens. card rases, vim iti ne ea rds and envelopes,gau/ntou
boards, dominoes, chess men, wallets and pocket books, knives
and forks, tea-servers, &e.
AH or which will be shown to his risiters at nny time bctween
the hours ofd A. M. and* P. M.. free grat a, an d a small fee ou
t) •N ill be taken from those eho may v.lsh to take some of said
articles hotne with them.
T Said Palace ro ICCIt I'd on the ground formerly occupied by
said Knowlton. one door ue.t of ih hem! liouse.
I:rie. Sept. 6.-17
rill TIM/SANDS of parents who use Vermifsge composed of
Castor oil. Calomel, &e.. are t.r. a ware. Lim t while they ap•
near to Lenerit the patent, they are ac tout i) laying the foundations
for a series of diseases, such us ita/ivatiun, tosser siOtt, weak
ness of limbs. tsc.
In another ccliiinn will be found the advertisement of llohen.
sack's Medicines, to which we a•k the attention of all directly
interested In their own as well as their children's health. In
(.tier Complaints and all alkAorders aripting from these of a bal
-1 lOUs type. should make use of t lie o.ily genuine medicine, Hoben
4ack's Liver Pills.
TT " Rs nut dcceired." but ask (or !lot ensack's Worm Syrup
and Liver Pills, and ohverre thai each has the sitnature of the
Proprietor. J. N. ISOBENSACK. as none else are genuine.
Aug:lllSn. lylS
E are tr,n , prepared 1.0 Put up the Premium Rods and
Points for any IA ho would like to be ltrotected from the
dangers of the lightning. Remember the man that locked his
barn after his Inc rte Wn..4tolen, and do not wait nun }our florist
or barn gels a stn oke before yo rrei rods to your buildings. A
%cord to the wise is sane tent.
N. 13.—A1l °Heil , from a ch,tati , , - , ,nnuany attended to.—
Rude and points at I{lioleealt
March 13. Mit, till
'36 1 nRoADwAy. NFAV-YoRK. The tuo4 extent•iv'e
• end vatted a.sortruerin of RL•evvo,,tl i'lauorwle, plain
a:id ornamental, elegant patjerii4, claboracel) cursed, and lily:lily
finished Mich Pearl he!.s, all n( our own inanufDeturv, and
ranuxf in every cnn he Scuud at our lVarerooru.. 34L
BROADWAY: ICE w-YoRIC. tlept. 11.--Ir2l. CU.
wilN. MURPHY s% °oh! resite etfullt inform his frieeds
and the pubrtc r.,ent.rall Qat, lie has Ir.e. tied himself
h t the hid .ttaim of Middleton & 51.1rphy, on the Ptak
Row with a large r rind better assortinentof Tin rop
per and Sheet Iron Witte. manufactured of the Lest iron. and of
fered at the mrt reasonable rate•, wholesale yr retail. lie bison
hand Stoves of all prices and qualittes constructed with refer
eneeto tit-violate,. and convenience. and of tile tno4t durable Ma
;coal. Also atorcpilx "rid el:(p.v. a nd an ns,ortunerft of
IP 4 S
Which he flattens hinueif iv unexcelled. If equaled, in this city.-
3filk pans of all sizes and Chee-e vacs of et er y de,,cription con
stantly on hand. Determined to pursue the biuncs. w th energy
am , fattlifbluess, and to %pare no ellurt to render satisfaction, he
hope, to receive and merit t, liberal share of public patronage.
Erie May 11552. 51.
FlSH—Just receiving, Whitefish, Mackerel. eihad. Cthiugh
and Herring selling at a moderato tarnr ri our acre.
Erie, Nov. 6 IS3l—tti N ri:N T, 11l MR CI ). • ato
Capital 11100,000.
°lice rab► Maitsiox SI., Pills ,
TT insures - on the Joint Stock and Mutual principles. thus !las
i lug two distinct department*, combine* the privileges - of two
separate companies. at the expt use cll) , of conducting a single
institution. and controlled by one board of Directors, thus secur
ing harmony, fruity and safety.
James H. Noon. President. J. C . Leeeh. Treas.
Srelarkan, Vice Pres't. C. A. Colton, See'y.
J. 3. loon, Joseph 9: Leech,
'John ecott. • Charles A. Conan.
B. 111'Clarken, - Win. Phillips.
lion. Win Willchts,-Late Secretary of War.
Don. Walter Forward; Late nee rettry of Treasury.
John earler, Eim . Cashier of Pittsburg Bank.
Malcolm Leech. Eaq . Wholesale Gsccer.
. Guam. M. D., 3. Brooks, M. IL. W. Addison, M. D., E. G.
ringtott. M D. - L. BR AI "I' A Rn. General Agent. -
'herandeestgned agent of the company at this plate and vicin
it. , Is now prepared to receive applications for I risurance. also to
ft: nish books and circulars explaining the principles of the can
ny Wany who may wish. A. B. CHAPIN, Agmit.
Erie. Oct 30 1f3e.1-25 , No. 2 Williams Block.
llrn d rc , pectfally ill% Ilc - .iteration to their
1 stock of Piano l'crits. ainut.g thew I/I .y to found the Mitt
itiriortinent of Boardman e tray's a itli and without the eelehra•
fed Dolc•Compailla attachment, (not :Eolian) et er offered west
of Albany. The superiority of these Pianos is unto vcrsally at.'
knowledged. and they have received ten first class premiums
within the past five years, in all places where placed in cotupetr
um with all the ra Ikes generally known in this vicinity. The
eight hundred dollar-Piano sold. by us last mouth to a centternan
nI rtailadelphia was pronounced the tilled( ever ealiiliited in this
city. every Instrument 0; warranted to give perfeet sa isfaetiou
and the new Attaclm-Eill is now 50 MUCII 111 use that a Piano is
not considered perfect without jt. We shall be happy to show
to all who call on us, and pledge ourselves to del ts er in this city
any Piano Forte made by them at precisely the same price charg
ed at the manufactory • - ithornt adding transportation, &c.
Buffalo. Dec. to J. &Ali E &
QIIAVV - I,ti e%ery dc9.ellotiol, at th e 'New York Store--selling
1.3 at half puce. Dee. le-32. MERRICK tc DAVIS.
Yial,f(4ls : ial; : and jarvitell gat wholevale and
retail at theca)* drugstore. Dec . 4.30. P. HALL.
r ?I, F. lo
Et§ Oil for sale at tho weviTunikeeprice. by the gal
J_ or barrel warranted pule fish oil, also; a nice article of lola.
It my oil and burning fluid for vale at the city drug vtore. grate at.
Erie, Dee. 4 30 I'. HALL
BLEACIIIiD Guomr—A large :in:lout un hand, nbiZb will be mold
at bow tate* at July n 1452-10 J B. COOK'S.
- - --
To Mont.
ATHREE story dwelling, fain illiarly known as the "Rank
House." on State street. is offered for relit tin reasonable
terms.. It is one Si theifinestedifices, as well as most agreeable
residence. in the city. Possession given on the 1 , -1 nf April iiekt.
Apply to Erie Dee / -19-3•1.. I ROZENSWEIG.
'War with 'pain!
rr HE subscriber, grateful to his friends and the public for the
1 literal patronage extender , to him during his strut career in
the mercantile businers, takes this method of informing them that
be still continues to sell goods at his unusually low prices. for
Cash only. believing that small profits and quick sale- is the great
were! of i oiug lousiness. Amon; his present stock ins} be fouttd
Broad cloths. crisalmeres. white (If, vetting', broths all wood,
cashmere, palm leaf, silk and strandilla long and square shawls,
pa ramettas, inerinoes,delaines, ginghanis. undersleeves, embroi
dered collars, mu-lin edging,. insertings,sitk rind liten hdkfs,
plain and embroidered, gloves and hosiery, velvet ribbons. lace.
gimp and a general assortment of drerartrimmings, memorise and
tither prints, brown and bleached shirting, and Meetings, all of
which will !resold cheaper than auv other house au Weeny due
offet themme quality of goods.
New York Cash Store, 4 doors east of Eric Batik.
Et re Tice. 18-33 JOHN SIVEEN IT.
( IROCK ERY.—The la - tarsi stock, the best ware, and the lows
%..) es prices in this cit.} is at
740 SACKS Buckwheat Flour, jmt meet red anifirs sale.
0 Erie Dee. 4-.30 CLARK. & IIeCARTER.
98413 YDS. M. Detains. Cashmeres. Persian Cloths, etc.
0 These wr guarantee to sell !Tar feint money than they
We're Jobbed for two tveeks ago 28 Ttsasas & Hayes.
lIIiEIOW glaisOftill suer and qualities. viriirrlistedi l isod
and will be sold at a small advance above fist cost, great
inducements for purchases to buy at the Cli y Drugstore.
Erie, Dee. 4 IliSe. P. PALL.
DitANDIES, Winer, Liguori., Aloottot and et erythini In the
LI trade warranted goad and pure will be fold In the mast tat
irfaetnry manner. Ertl flee. 4 t 8.14-30 P. HALL.
CBtT*HED, Pulverisid. Loaf. Granulated. Porto Rico cad New
Orleans sows by the bbl or pound. cheap as the eheape.t at
the Keystone Groeery. , Dee. 4 1532-30. T. W. b10 4 .i1l K.
DINH Herring. Mneketel, Whtut and Co<UM far aak bY
1, Dee. 4.40. T. W. Moons. Opposite Hrown's New Hotel.
Tres I vats
THE bestaintetteopestkit of Green and Black Tea In ibis city
can be Ibna4 at the grocery store of T. W. !MORE.
lGrie Dec. 4-30, Opposite Browa•s New Hotel state st.
en.WAILTip syrap.rerto kke and Net. oripin s
Ilkle cheap at Dec 4 1824-44.
:DRUMM. palm. mut* dusting. bait, ilesiChat b o ne,
JUI consur. sena, -~*04 ,1 0 1 4110 'Atte" Ira*. aati: aka.
immbosiod bait. pagel. issedor. mtailw r iewso mid
assitims breams/mu taiditr willhig to Mt the
Ina get a grim bowls. We Des. 4 14011-44 P. 11411. L.
fir 4 li L
. -
—- - -
KE R A llik N -111"1114 1 1 OH,
1 Nein ilrereel. A anon sail if =wears) ikisis.
R. H. having opened as extensive Glearesacemes Cuisines
and Pommes tassausernart. at this shore Store, It is
his datennination toper tutu:sive attention to the
Prom the patronage whir* helm already received. from gentle
men, Mt H. (vele assured that the mode of doing bust•
new, which he has adbmed, does and a ill give
• entire satisfketion to all who desire to
have their garments made up in
• GOOD.TAerI'L front the
first quality of
MR. C. W. 1 0 0%.7111
Will always be in attendance to wait upon um:tossers, cad Lake
orders of gentleman wishing a genteel fit and a fashionable gar
ment made Lapin his GCSt style.
Gientlombals nrenishing Goods.
of the Latest Styles, constantly ow hand.
YOUTHS' gad CIIft.DRCIPS CLOT//1110 semis re credo:kith
June id IEI4.
D URKIIE'S Bantu; Powder by the wag or doz. Pot sate by
J. 0.4 k W. t.
June No. 3,Williauts Meek. Erie, Pa
Clcror tho track for
;. ;4 ;.
SMITii, No, 3, Cheapside!! ••••
0 has on handtheLnrrest stock of Goods, in his line. eyt r
offered in this market, which n ere purc hosed for CASH In
the Eastern cities, or manufactured by hiniKelft by which he is
enabled to bell them so !ow that people du say they must have Rot
by the Custom House without paying duly. Well. what if they
were sinuegled, so that the people can buy
Beautiful atuz Hata foe 114450
Buffalo Robes fur $2 so, Mexican Hats for 30 cream, and all
other goods at like low prices. Tor proof of which, all interest
ed can call and examine fur thelluvlveg.
--re Don't forget the place, Smith's Cheap ilat. Store, No. 3,
Cheap. itte.
Erie November E,1531. 26
DR. S. C. BROWNELL, thankful for the liberal patronage es
tended to him by the citizenq of Erie and ski atty. would
sat' that he is permanently located in Ills old stand on State
where he may be found at all times ready toexecute Dental woPlt
In the hest possible manner. He will also keep on hand an as
sortment of Dental stock for.the accommodation of Dentists (torn
the country. Dentists are Invited to call. June S.
Copy of a Letter p.m Mr. R. W Sirkar , Chesnut, 7 Presort
Sired. Liverpool, dated GL Jame. 1631.
To Professor Holloway, SlR,—Your Pills and Ointment Noe
stood the highest on our sale Est of proprtetory Medicines for
some years. A customer, to v hom I can refer for any ennu
desires tne to let you know the particulars of the case. She had
Leen troubled for years with a doseircitre.lliver, and bad digertiotf.
On the last occasion, however, the virulence of the attack was
alarming, and the intlamattcn set in so severely, that doubts
were entertained of her not being able to Lear up under it ; for
tunately she was Induced to try your Pills. and she informs
me that after the first. and each succeeding dose, she had great
teller She continued to take them, and although she used only
three boxes, she Is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. I
could have lent yon many more cases, but the above front the
severity of the attack, and the speedy cure, I think. speaks moth
in favor of your astonishing Pitts. (Signed) R. W. K !Rd L. 11.
Copy sif • I,eller . i_usetied in the Ilobetrt :Tenn Cowries, of Ike
Id Merrrb, ► , -51. by Major J. Iraleir
Margaret M'Conn igen, nineteen years of age. reit:ding at New
Town. bad been suffering from a iolent rheumatic fever for up.
wards of two mouths, which had entirely deprived her of the use
of her limbs; during this period she was under the care of the
mot eminent medical men in iloliart Town. and by them her case
was considered hopeless. A friend prevailed upon ber to try Hol
loway's eetehrzted Pills, vehich she consented to do. and In an in.
credible short space of time they c fretted a perfect cure.
From Messrs. Thew 4 Som. Proprietors of Ma Lwow ofdreotiser,
wh cal r.iscif , r the fotluic,og !tatement —Awgwit sod,
To Prone,tior dVZI re to Lear testimony to
the gsmd effvet, of LIG rs'•• For souse }ears I suffered
severely trent n pain and tightness in the stomach which was a1,.0
areosupaused by a btkortneee of breath, that prevented we from
wnikstig about. lam Si years of age, and notwithstanding my
ads. anced state °Nil". these Nils have so relieved toe, that I am
de•sireus, that sutlers should be made acquainted Is lilt their vir
tues, 1 ain now rendered, by their means, comparatively active,
and can take elercive without inconvenience or pain, which
I could not do befute. (Signed) If EN HY CUE,
North st., Lynn, Norfolk.
Tieee celebrated Pills are was delimit) , efflcaciente is tke following
Ape Dropsy Liver Com-Secondary
Asthma Dyseutery plsiuii B)mptoms
kiiilious Com- Erysipelas • Lumbago Tie MulourClll
plaints Female lrregu- Piles Tumours
Blotches ou the laxities Rheumatism Ulcers
Skip Fevers of all geteuilosofVenereal
Dowel Af-
Cost- kinds ' Urine rections
plaints Fits ' Scrofula. or Worms of all
Coltcs Gout Eing's Evil kinds
Constipation of Nead•acbe Sorel Atoms Weak one a s
the Bowels Indigestion gloat and Gras , from whams
Consumption lallautation el - , er cause
Debility Jaundice Ike.. /cc.
Sold at the establislmsant of Professor Dolloway, Bit. Strand.
- (near Temple Bar, London.) and by all respectable druggists and
dealers In Medicines throughout the British Empire, and oft hose
of the United dates, in boxes at Mitts., b7cts., and 41.U:c0..
each. Wholesale by the principal drug houses in the Union,
and by Messrs. A. B. 4. D. rlsatis, New York,
CT There is a considerable saving by taking t h e irtraCt, *imp,
N. B. Directions fur the guido)( cot patents in every disorder
arc slated to each Hoc. I ril
1116 KEY by the DU, at ltl per gall. t
No 3, %V lams Block, Erie, Pa
DUN LAP'S Doom OP roams!
New Edition.
EC. &J. Biddle. No. Al r•ouitr iSftb- ,t Philadelphia. hare
. just published a Book of coniau mg
Forpraclice in the Courts of l'enno}lcania and of ti:e United
&ate", and Ibr Conveyancing • also for the use of Public Officers
at Men of Business generaff . y. ittlalffe-d to the recent acts of
assembly o( Pennsylvania, n ith explanatory remarks and nu
merous precedents and refeiences to standard authorities. To
which are appended a Glo,sary of Law terms and a copious
de:. By lames D. Dunlap. Councltor at Law, &c. Second
Pf tee— Eau r Dollars.
The publishers have already received from nearly all of Ike
Eres 'tient Jug4cs of our State, and fioin other gentleman eminent
In the legal profession. their opinions of the ia ork. which are of
a highly complimentary nature. 'l helot low ine are selected.from
a large WWI tier of au equally favorable character—
Wellk.Leroegit. Aprd E 18.4.
Gentlemen t The collections of court forms for conveyancing,
which had been in use tires rune to the publication of Dun
lop's work in lel3, needed revision to moire them convenient,
and to adapt them to clxinges which legislation had renderednee.
essary in the practice in the court. in Pennsylvania.
Your edition of that work therefore received, as it mevited, the
approbation of the legal profession, and supplied a want Which
was felt by business num immerally throughout the State.
After the numerous test monists whichlou have reteivedltom
eintnent judges, in respect to II c ugefulnegg and excelletice of
that tt ork, commendation of it from inc would let superfluous.
I may be permitted, hoe ever. to remark that t approve of the
general character and arrangement of the work, and. having ei•
writhed a portion of the new edition which you are putillshing. I
tuay add that the author has great:y enlarged and improved hig
first edition, and that, when published, his hook will Le the most
con V CLI rent and useful one of the kind chant.
Very truly yours, &c..
Meur:. E. C. & J. Biddle. R. G. ;VIIITE.
Centletnent "'Duidates Conveyancing and Forms" Is a work of
decided merit. lam Mad to flint that ItlSto be reproduced, with
many rdlualitc additions It should be in the hands not only of
lawyers and magi.trates, but of the business community general
ly. There is scarcely a position in life in which a man kdl inn
occasionally dad hlm.tlf w need of the assistance of such a work.
I hope the author may be Abundantly renutuerated for the
earning and Industry bestowed upon it
With great respect, yours. At .
Messrs. E. C. t J. Diddle. WALTE R FORWARD.
Greensburg'''. April °. mg.
Gentlemen! You have favored me with the printed sbetts.erorn
page 9 to 136 inclusive, of the second edition of Mr. Dunlap's
Book of Forms. lam pleased to learn that a second edition of
his work as about being issued. It has been, and now is, one of
the hest works of the kind in the hands of the profession. and is
evidently much improved by the author's revision and additions.
1 have the pleasure of au aequaintmiee with Mr. Dunlap He
is a gentlemen whose respectable professional attainments and
methodical habit of mind lit him well to be the author of such a
work. I shall not hesitate to recommend it to the gentlemen of
the Bar aim the 111th district. Very respectfully,. Cc..
.I.lsr.s. E. C. k J. Paddle. J. M. BURRELL.
Huntingdon, April2ol o .ll,
Gentlemen Important changes In our statutes. "Ince the pub.
lieatiou of Dunlap's Convey anti lig and Forms," seemed to call
for some enlargemen I. of that excellent and highly useful work
The edition which you are about to publish, cmhrnty iug as it does
a very Mtge amount of new and varied matter, and being so well
adapted to general and present wean.. caeuot fail to be greeted
tt Mt a cordial welcome by the profession.
A Ian:1111as acquaintance with the work. and ar earenil exam} .
nation of the sheet" of the fonheoming edition, enable me to rev
onimend it. with great confidence, as a boot which should be In
the hands of every serivener, and have an early place in the li
brary of every geublerean engaged in the practiceof the law.
Very respectfully, yours &e...
Messrs. N. C. & 1. Biddle. GEORGE TAYLOR.
Oct. 30 MM. tftZ
Draw 'raisin/Mlle&
SILK hinges. lace gimp,Jeany _Lind trimmings ribbon do rel.
vet ribbons, silk braid, worsted do. gilt edged and plain sllk
trimmings. butler's and other kinds of truntnings at
Erie Nov. a 1232-2 IS. SMITH JACKSON'S.
Ir AGUES Show 4.)rprences, a new and destrablestyte;
Ladles Pine Gaiters, of all sizes from twos to fur
sale Ity Sept. 13. WILCOX & NORTON.
A LARGE supply of fresh Drugs cod Chemicals warranted
pure. offered tor sa!e t the lowest' prices by r. 14
City Drug Store State-st.. Erie Pa. Dec. 4 INS ,34.
num= Ncrwrit nairr amts.
CO and after Monday Nov. 224 1812, Trains leave Erie going
East daily. uudays excepted. as follows.
Na. 1, Ray Express and Mall .1. 12 30 T. 31.
2, Freight 3OO 6. 6.
'" 4, Night I...tpress .• . 1 St A. M.
Trains leave by Eastern Railroad time, w hich is about thirty
- (30) !ninnies faster than Erie Titue. .1. F. TRACY,
Erie Nov. 27 Its2S-211. Sap'
DDEE gad extra whits lead. dry and ground in oil by the pound
r keg or ton. Linseed oil from Ohio warranted pure, boiled
and unbolted. by the barrel orgallon, spirits Turpentine la abun
dance. varnishes of every kind, chromegreen and yellow. Amer.
lean, Chinese, vermillion and venition red, yeltow ochre, french
yellow, Parts green, lamp black of every quality. Prussian and
ultra-marine blue, whiting. red lead, ilthrage, Turkey umber
and every other kind of paints and materials in the trade which
are of&red as low es can be bought in this latitude.
Erie Dee. 4 lalki—.3o P. BALL.
50 B....,.,Caveadisil Tobacco oral! gradv, also pale
assure leaf Tobaccolot rare by
FAS • tarmit, CheapoWs.
1 00MI _
LS Co ff ee. Crushed , Powdaied. tatutelataliutd kg;
fined flup,ra, at Nov. IN* &num & cave,.
• 1111.18. all grades et ! row■ ■t br sale by -
Ede Wit 114/38/-111 1/111111877 Vtit'r.
St o A2l.—A — ffir ....sbe ist42 , 7 4 Pe Teititrite
couToet e rni arm isseurs, . i~ed ~
Ap p lag a : 311 arri
Aii sew tiloisteinitnew wain Plas4tviagibebnered
participation ln tbe profits* tleCompany.tritbantllabill
ty beyond the preinicustpatd.
Ricksupoutbe Lakes and Canallacured on the moat*werat;le
screw. Losses will beliberallyand promptly adjorted; )'
Fite risks oe merchand ize,bu fld4npan d otberpropertyj n town
orcounttyaor a limited term permanently.
Jopegh H. Heal, jatnes C. Hand, Edmond A, ouder
Theopitilui. Paulding, John C. Davis. H. Jones Brooke,
Robert Dutton. John Garrett, Jobn D. Penrose,
Hugs Craig, Samuel 'Edwards, George SerreiL
Henry Lawrence David 11.8tacey Edward Darlington.
CliaelesKelleY. Isaac R. Davis, .1. H. Jansen.
WltUam rolwelL William Hay. John . Newlin,
Dr. H. Thomas, Dr. R. Al. Huston, John eller ,Jr.
Spencer:Mclry sue,
R tebare.S. Ne w bould, Sec ,y i Wm. Martin Creel
ri Application can lie made to
J. KELLOGG,ErIe Agent,
Erie. Feb. 10, 1432.
The Zirie County Mutual Insurance Company
qr 81 Company divided their risks Into two claswg, TIT,—
Flry% Chet or Yams,' Coif:palsy, in which farm proi.etty
and detatehlikpulnlings may be Insured. No risk taken in this
class to exerillek62ooo.
Second-Class or Commercial Department. in which various
kinds of buildings. werchandwo Are.. in Villages and Cities,
way Le insured. No risk taktn in this Class to exceed Q 4.500.
The funds in one Class will nothe taken to pay tosses in another.
/V 0 RISK TANEN 7'J EXCEED 02,500.
Smith Jackson, James D. Dunlap,
I. ff. Pallerton, J. C. Marshall,
Wm. p. Rindernecht, John Zimmerli,
Wm. A. Galbraith, Peter N. Durum,
Jos. If. *Hermit. J. P. Clark,
C. M. Tibbals, Geo. Beide°,
J. fl. Williams.
Smith Jackson, Pres't, J. It. Williams. Tress:
Office tint door west of William. & Wright, Brokers' Ofilie,
(up Maio's.)
Office - hours from 10 to It A, M., and from balf past 1 to
1, P. M. • -
May 22, 15.12. -2
rjille Undersigned having seeurqd the etelusive agency fur
L the sale of the above named Burial Cases. for Erie County,
and deeming the nri fele one which depends solely upon its own
merit./ would respectfully solicit an inspect lOU of the Ala we at Ins
East side of state between 7 and o Eds.. over the Sharon Iron
Company's Store where satisfactory relerenees and te.tinionials
as to their practical utility can be riven, w high together s itli a
personal inspection cannot but recommend than to the favorable
consideration of alt those who in the dispeusation of Divine
Providence have occasion for the use of a Coffin. The under
signed would here add that these cases are of a classic form. and
correspond t u shape, to the outlines of a human body. are highly'
ornamental, and regarded as le-s repulsive wore beautiful find
unique In appearance, than any other artie/e used as receptacles
for the dead; they are made of the tut<t imperishable materials,
are enameled inside and out, so as not to rust or corrode and is hen
cemented together arc perfectly air-tight, preventing the exhala
tion of offensive gases, so that when desired the remains can be
kept for %seeks before burial, awaiting the arm al of absent
friends; they arc light and portable, at the tune time being more
or less curl tlinear, they possess more than sufficient strength to
resist all the pressure of gasses front the body, which they are
subject to while in use; and bodies may be d isinteresl even after
a lapse of many years, and removed to ally part of the country,
without the slightest disagreeable odor a riy log trues them.
In the use ol these Burial Cayes, the gratify ing reflection Is af
forded to 'lry iving friends and relatives, that the mortal remains
of those once d. arty behaved are enclosed and deposited where
they will remain in peace, Dee front the irrbolon of water, the
depredations of verilifit, and comparatively beyond the uuhal•
!owe ! desecration of l ,sec tors, tied will be permitted to undergo
a transformation, or return to their native elements, front natu
ral causes alone.
The undersigned has eonstantly on hand and for sale at
his ware rooms n. nhovo Row.% ood, Mahogony,lllack-waluut
doll, covered, and all kinds of cheaper s of all sizes all
ready-ctn. 1111 l ned l air ~,•e; shin (1:411 s t ie s f u r b o th sexes.
N. It. Ile in pl. - Tared to take the general supertitte:blance of
flinerals, and furnish Hearse and Carriages if desired.
Rite Julyq7 185 e. 10 ALLEN A. CRAIG;
fairs: szqrszentestir. •
TAR. C. J. FOX, of New York City, has lacated permanently
in the city of Erie, ler the treatment and cure of of
the Eye, in ail their varieties and stages. Ilaving assisted and
been in active practice for several years in the various depart
meets of the science of Medicine, he flatters hintsellthat all
diseases admitting of cure truly be accomplished under his
Office with Dr. Drowunell; No. 3. Hughes' Etoek
Erie. Julie 3.
Pittsburgh, April 14-1
Roadr4tlado Coffin Ware-Room.
RErcitrArcit.—Prof. Mott and Faculty of New York: Prof.
Marsh and Faculty or Albany Medical College; Dr. Leach, rye
Infirmary, Utica. N. Y.
WI. O. 12111A,LET.
‘V(11.! LIJ say to horse owners that he has the s!.-
fifit - ern of nearly the entire race of patent remedies
for horses, and with a number of years practice
well be ab'e to give satisfaction generally either as a farrier or
Please cell st-my office at the Canal Foible near the outlet
leek or the Krle'Ertou•tou Canal, and j idge for )C,UttriVCl.
Jan. 3, lBsl.—lyal
L00m,,, has removed to No. 4, Brawn's Dloek.
• and is now opening a new and one of the most
rich and splendid atserlinents of Fine 'Watches. Jewel
ry. am Silver Ware that was ever odered in this city, ecitirac lug
a great variety, of Watches of tittre cot Escaradnents, both gold
and silver.and tip" latest i-t) le of Chains. Teals, and Key•tu match
together with the ine.ft Msioonalde Jen elre, consisting of tine
gold diamond, ruhy, pea rl ancl topazFingryr Ring•. ruby and pearl
Broaches and F.arpcndants. Bracelet t•, &c., 1.0, Gold Loekets,
gold and silver Pencils. gold Fens, dessert and tea spoons, liugar
on and Scooli, Napkin Rings and Vortutouies,•an assort
meal of rich Plated \Varc. Urns, Tea Setts. Knives, Forks.
Spoons, 1.1,11e.5, Candle•ticks, and a great variety cf Fancy and
other Goods, both and a rnamentall Clucks of all descrip
tions from 41 23 to S2O. all of% hich will be soid as t heap as the
cheapest and a little clrealw.r for ready pay. The attention of
the former customers of G. Loom t• and the public generally is in
t ited to this notice. Jutie 5.
BRANDY, Gin. Rum, Pert, and `berry iiJr.e , oral!
grades and prices. Now Just received Incases Claret Wine
for sale low at J G. ar. W. 1, Mills.
June S. No. 3, Wllltarnit Block, Erie., la.
Livery and Sale Stable.
T n subscribers having bought out the interest of dd. C. Fen
lions rn their establishment on Eight street bei , xam State
and French, would give notice that they nre now fully and am
ply supplied with horses, ann different varieties of carriages, nil
the very best description Their stock in almost entirely new,
and consequently of the first rate character. Public patronage
is rc , pcctfully invited.
Per.ons wishing to purchase horses n ill find a full supply for
that purposeeonstantl) on hand.
Erir, July Si, 1&53
7 0 31 VII
IN 8 tr F I , A I, 0
:1 3 1 - lINNEY Is CO.,
(At the old stand of F. W. Breed, whosontinoes in Mellow arm.)
HAVING been h‘rg extensively engaged in tbemanufacture
and sale of BOOKS, anJ being the only manufacturingpub
listicra in Buffalo, are mepared to furnish every article In their
II Ile. at the :ores{ pi ice". ()Limning in eze h*nge tor their own
publication., moat kinds oflliscellaneotas and School stock from
the Cistern Publishers, they are there)} (malted to tell them,
like their own Book., at n until ailva nee ou cost °fan nufacture.
Particular attention is invited to their new edition of
- - -
Ir WatiOUS Styles of binding and also to .heir assortinentibf
School. and School Library Books,
whlcb i• probably the largest In state, haying been selected
with care (tom alinost clef) Book mart in the Union.
3fediam, Cap and Letter Papers,
Ott lined directly froculthe heaviest manufachirmi in the conntry,
Traveling Agents will Gild a stock suited in stylestul prices to
their Wants.
wr.sTEß's DEALERS. can generally duplicate their
New York bills or purchase here, at same prices or less, thus sa
viug the entire cost of transportation from New York to Buffalo,
and from ten to twenty dal• delay in the transmission of goods.
All orders filled with promptness, and at the same prices as lithe
purchaser Were present. I'HINNEY Ir. CO ,
Book Publishers, Nos. lES Main, and 3 West Seneca ins,
()et. 23 1E52-2.1. Br ?FAL°, N.Y.
TTlLEsubscrll , tr, would again eall the attention of tlte public to
the Act. that they are receiving a large and well selected am
sortinent of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware. rroct.ery and nails.
our stock comprires the greatest variety of Dress Goods Prints,
Shaw Is, Hosiery, India Rubber Oboes and domestic goods which
we have at any pretious time offered, and for quality and style
cannot Le surpassed in this market Our old customers and the
public generally are resmictitilly invited to call and examine one
'lock. as we feel confident that we eon ofler our goods at as low
rates as are offered to this market. JArd. fiVGLIES ft 1 :0.
Erre Oct /831
For Shoot Cam Store wed Shop Wirdoto.
N assortnsent of French English and American ease striinble
:1 for the above purisuses by 26 CARTER & BRO.
y I FARIM At; and other Pr sate, Jurt reee Rued at the
Beßt. 2 6. Niro York - CsaA Star.
ArIASHMKRE, Bombazine. Brocade and A Ittpitear: •r cheat ,
I,„_, at 43ept. VVENTY'S
SD-KS—Brocade. watered, black and figured Silks. Oro Dr At:
rioue. Poult De Sole, Cro De Naps, changeable, barred and
Moped Florence% Donnett, arid Ilatins.ditk Velvets, Clack,
blue black. green. blue, brown, pink and firtred.
Erie NOT. 27 1232-29 J. B. COOK.
T UST RF.CEIVED.— Cloth Cloaking, 131'k7, Bluc, Green
and Brown. At We Kew York ewe.
Erie Nov. 47 1851-29 MERRICK & DAVIS.
Linen - H.ll, + from tld to 14 00. French Merino, De
Laing, Alapaecas. Parameua. Shawls &e cheaper than
the cheapest. at the New York Store.,No. 6 Donnell Block
Erie Nov. t 7 MERRICK & DAVIS.
ATB—t;rars, Man~tla , and Wool Mad l orall sizes arid col
on for sale cheap at Dec. 4 '.13-30 MOORE'S.
0 ui;Altal of every quality from Ad is per pound. CoCee and
Teas green and black for Irak as cheap as the cheapest and
cannot fail to suit purchasers in quality and price, by the pound
chest or sae k. For sale at the city drugstore. 30 HALL.
UST arrived at the traliGornia ekoro, a few mcrc of those
splendid heavy eased Patent Lever Hunting Watches'. The
movements are of superior workmanship ...nd finish, ordered awl
importNl expressly for G. LOO IS.
Brie Nov. ir7 No 4 Brown's Block
DIRT GOODII, AT 301[2. B. 0001 VII
Champ cast{ Store. Franca 3144 .ear Raid Novas.
NOW receiving and opening, a stock or Goods which I am
bound la sell et • smaller proalt than any dry good store In
Erie. As I bold say goods fix ready pay. mail profits will do--no
percentage put on for bad debut—that is the reason why yon can
b u y rods so cheap at Nov. 27-40.
VOW OPENING—Trent,' ItterlnOes. Gestate MerIlloe• and
L'S Pararaett..../due Idartion.light and dart drown do..light and
dark green. drabs. German Merineets, a well selected *watt. aad
a ;cacti; MI9OII/111PCI Of eoion—they evinot tk. Impa l ed.
Maples.. Nark. Flue, brown and ligured,,Cle.
Elie Nay Ti 11114-29 J. B. COOK.
.8 Li INS, Seared sad pixie. is this breech of Wen GoOdel
would reepseilhily cell she siensioe of the Wieea ,T*
emesessee eities .lessid- he elms* imeessibile. butsushi eke fe ,
tenger aid boor asseusem las 'wet hw They sis = n riseses"..m sem Omsk
eel year immmeawill want than e, .
WWI Nov. 11-111/ . &lot
Or •is o ti' ; ''t liel e . 4 'tit 02 • _t •
o f is minsawsv re f e r ez.0 4 2,
is as an tt aweof th me moat VOW& ea. Ita it TAK-4,XO_ , T I C E ! !
Aar ilispie4 that e v etrientooli wa d° 6 " iiiiiiiC":l7 " ll '" all IAT yr. T. RINDEREEICST - ot Erie and A. F . Jo nes a t.„
the tires of their children, and that play penon will endear . .
to promote their own e al:al all stallite a l ill . "111111. 1
feel : t i o be . m .... T Y . i i ao lasT en T atheitirgo l7 aine f dra P cßta tll morrti f o nhalted i : ll6ll lbeed.bvi.t :the d :ll : venes.ltl ea le 7l, l4 l n : stawro ssiss illfebrwot ali k e,fe opett, 1 1.solial . , 1 11 : :::. -. 1c .4; a, . ,
duty to solemnly assure you that WORMS, aecording to the opt n
- tot s .. 4
ion of the most celebrated phyllie lasts. are the primary causes of I ', l l i
R4N.DERNECHT lir. JONEStii ...4I
a large mejoritref d ifTefifell 1.0 which children aid ad.ulta are lia• I .
ble t if yeti have an appetite continually chatie,eable from one I
thing to atwitter, Bud Breath, pain in the stotuach. Picking at i In addition to our present Stock we will receive. ~ , r,.., - ,'
the Nose, Hardiness and fullness of the Belly, dry Cough, slow , by gaiirtod from New York all tily_lesof Hilt Greeds, e i ,r.3„,'lf
Fever, Pulse irregular-ternernher that all these deuate WORMS,
I, '
e C as r n.e oe yryp k ol e at r it y ne . g. G ig
ou ashi err w ay l oy e uk , o te sp:t7ilill e atem ek otoroce : arlye w hea.n D yadv.enrrtti:air,zl.Li
ste„ . ;..r:i
An article founded upon Scienti fi c principles, (compounded we In, lie .- . , _ .., t , ect .,. l _
with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when tai the eititeall 01 , 1.0 e above mimed tow-th ,, ,, '"
. 1 and examine ourleock and prices and
ken, and tan be given to the most tender lufant v ith describe,' . .. „Two a stock or, goods as ssisur in Erie we e'',',;(-iltfc,,,Ofrultilt-,..-.
beneficiaLeffect, where Bezel Compleiitts aid Diarrhea have ' "-_'','''
gout' assortment of everything and at priers that c
made them weak end debilitated the Tome properties of my i wanted in excha n se fbe goods. Cash, "lffCl L. Tt t,,,
Worm Syrup are such,that it stands v ithout an equal in the i ßutter. Egzs, Pow,:
T -Oa ts, Com, rour. Beane, deed Appiee and P
catalogue of medicines, in givleg tone and strength to the Stour - i ,_ ,_. het, P0rk,b.,...--'
eels, which makes it an lulaalible remedy for those afflleted wi th '"'Ll - •"`'` \ Mirth re,1,12,.. 4 7 ,
Dyspepsia, the astonishing cults performed ty this 'Syrup after , C HAIN ,
Wall 'and Cistern. Pumps, all saes and prices 01 ---- -.
Physicians have failed, is the hest evidence of its superior came- i
cy over all others. Erie. May lath, .1644. , ol'Park P. '
Mvery fluidly shistild.hame a copy. ---
I eeheable beak may tai its, per eePY ;-- Arne kiln th u o,
DR. HUNTER'S Medical manual and hand lie.i.k f or u se
tlicted Containing an outline of the origin, I roc
;, „, 7,,,,!'
;neat and Cure of every tom of dosser, contrac:'!. i i ...;.''''
ous sexual Intercourse, by by sexual el., t , i. ~,''''..
advice for their prevention, v deers in a lam ill lar st•,,e, sr , , .
all medical techn itatit les, and every Mies that e c ..., -i,-,, 4 - ' -
ear of decency. from the result of some twenty ; e.riLee;'',4'
practice, ere Ms 1 vely devotee to the cure of diseas e „.. , 6 „,,
,%li .,
Of private-nature.
the above di-eases, and a treatise on the causts, 5yin,.; . ...,, ~;
cure of the Fever and Ague, for IS cents a copy , tit et.; 1 .
will be forwarded to any part of the United States.. by e a ,..e„
cf Pe.stage. Address poet paid.W.2. l9 . Post Off•se.' r 'tie A ..,.,'
ad ',North - Seventh street Philadelphi_ a. Sept 4 'tag 1y '''..
rrrY lx .1.. f •Its 701tFLIT.-Dr. Hunter will !brim& eiatfi L T„,,
to cure any case of secret disease that may c.,ti.e cc i e r s i l
care, no matter how lens standing or afflicting. I. , :ber set e s '
Invited to his private rooms, 25 North :Seventh street, yt.. u ..,
without fear of interruption from other patients. &imagerl
others who have Levi ucifortunatein the selection cf a Pim., 4
arc invited to call.
IMPOTENCY-Threugh unrestrained indulger' , tf t•e l • ti ,
evils ions, be excess Of self-abuse, the are numercu, p,,,,,,,,,
impOteney,illVaiuntary seminal di-charges, wa-ttigi f t !,,, x ,
loss of meunry, a distaste nor female society, gencr il .:,!. i "
constitutional derangement,. are - sate to follow, - If crees sr ,
consult the Dor or with confidence ;be off , "rs a jer?c^. - .r , . -
Run ANC, Rens:CT-The afflicted would do Si eft ,a ret..- ; ,_.„
fore trusting their health, hapi iness. and in many etive ... ;
lives, in the hands of physicians ignorant of this class c: r.vtf..ei
It is certainly impossible for one man to understand s , us, ""
the human family ore -uLyeet to. Every mire-et-I '.. ,'-, . • ,
has his peculiar branch. in iv hieh he iS more suceess' ' i'Ar t t
brother professors., and to that he devotes n net of I . ~ i t. ~,
study. Years cr practice, exe!e.,a el) del ated 1r SFr- • ~. ;
treatment of diseases of the sexual weans, together a .'. „...,
upon the t,ody, throat. nose, or lee. pains in the ii. 4 '. , r 1
mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel. irregularities. d..,,e,,
arising from youthful escmses. or Impurities of the Meer, .t i . a .
by the constituteel has become enfeebled. chat:es t: r I,
offer speedy relief to all a ho nay place themselves under 14.-3-.
Medicine forwarded to any part of the United Seit,,, -P. •,
five and ten dollars per package. Sept 4 1 , 44 :.17.,
' BPRE4I) THE ...vim's FROM _MAINZ TO .1.11..\.! •
13 0 Er 71 T li" X., A. ND 8.
This is the moat difficult Worm to destroy of all that infests the
hutnau system. it grows to an almost indefinite length becalm igtg
so coiled and fastened in the Inievtines and Stnrnitell effecting the
health so sadly as to wise St• Vuus Dance. Fits, &e., that those
afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape friers" hastening
Mein to an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very
energetic treatment must be punted, it would therefore he prop
er to take U to 8 of my "Aver Pill. so as to remote all obstructions
that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which
must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoonfulls three times aiday
these directions followed Late never been known to fail In cur
ing the most aft luate case of Tape Woes.
No part of the system is more liable to disease than the LIVER ,
it setritig as a tiltererto purify the blood, or glv toe the proper se
cretion to the Lile :so that any rong action of the Li: er effects
the other important parts Cl tt.c system, And re.,tilts s at ItJUSI y. in
- Liver Complaint. Jaundice. I)spe.itsia, /ie. We ehni.ld, there
fore, watch every symptom that might indicate the wrung action
of the Liver. Those Pills being composed of am,ts am, PL•NTS
furnished by nature to heal the sick• Namely. l-t . an IXTreTo.
x - r, which augments the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus
'heaths - she, or prernotea the thschargeoferereted matter. !hid, an
ALTSAATIVR, which chatmcs in some inexplicable and insensible
mariner the certain morbid action of the system. 3rd, a tietic
which gives tone and virtnath to the nem ous system, mecca My
health and TWO! to all parts of .the Lady. .ittr, a c•TMARTIC,
hich acts in perfect harmony with the other ingridients, and
operating on the Bowels, and expelling the whole [ave ofeOrrilpt
and vitiated matter s and purifying the blood. which destroys die. and re•tores health.
l'ou will find the Tills an invalimble medicine in many com
plaints to winch you arc subject. In dhstructions either total or
partial, they have Leen Mund of inestimable benefit, restoring
their functional arrangements to a besilthy action, purifying the
Llteid and other fluids so etf•ctually to put to flight all complaints
hich may arise from female irregularity. u headache, giddi
ness. di tune.s of sight, pain in the side, bac k, c.
None germ i unl,2:tt -igne,l .1. N. ilobenaack, all others being
TT Agenh wi.htng new supplies. and Store Keepers desirous
or becoming :lay] tstuust address the Proprieuir, N. Hobensaek,
Yhtla;'elptna. Pa.
5...14 by 111 Merchants al; d Druggists in the U. S. Agents.—,
Carter & Brother. Cric.%Vholcsiie and Retail Agents. Porker,
m er cer ;Fi k & Hall. Cleveland Ohio. Price each ti.,5 cents.
W Key sier, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburg, Wholesale Ag 1..."
tt ho wilt supply Agents at the Proprietors prices.
August 41 1E44
rip HE'Slinren Iron Co. have taken astote in town, where they
I intend keeping a foil Anpply of %II the different kinds `and si
zes of iron they make, and also a eCttiplele as•tortioen I of Nails.
Perrolip who have used the Nail! autd.t3l t 1h Company do not
nerd to be told that none better are n.a.l, at tit •east or t isewhere.
Erie. Sept. 6.-17
Brown's flock
\\ ILL be kept coma:ltaly on hand, a large ar,.l well *elected
• • aefortment of Creckery.Glaee Ware ar.c..comprigingWhite.
Iron Stone Chula. Millbury Ware, Light Blue Ware, also White
and G It Hand china; iu fact every thing to make out complete
Daum!, Tea and Ti.alet Sett*.
C 0 31 .11 0 .NBA B E!
A large assortment in all its varitties, alt-o Yellow and Rock- the latest Styles.
GLASS WARIL—We have no hesitation in saying that our
Stock of Glass Ware is unsurpassed by any this side the Atlantic
ities.tornurnerate all viotild he almost impossible. however we
will give a few rinteles. \ ix Looking Glasses of every size anil
variety: large rut Glass Dishes. Vases. eellery Dishes, Sugars.
Salts. Goblets, %Vine Glasses. Lemonades. Decaliter/. and Tam-
Hers of all sorts and st4es. at:, Glass by the box.
e Plated IVntr. Tea and Coffee Setts. Castors. /cc, also Bril
tauna Ware of all Kinds; the above will be sold for cash as lout
as c an he bought this side New York.
• rii r: col•srntcr has two farms to sell, loth located for
farming purpti4e.. and con% coient to markot, net] timberedi
watered and adapted in proper portions to grnin and grass; pert
sons desiring to make coo.] locations had icier call i,efore the
chance a gene. tine of them is a small place contain!" . about
30 and the other 11Q to Phi acres moreor less.
vash paid for Bounty land warrants or located by me
- West Spriugtield, Erie Co., Pa , 3lay tOlh 1532. to
Koystone raper mills,
ERIE. P.. 1.
MARVIN havitr,ii,posel or hi- t erert In the
.1. nhoreeetablitement. and In the husitles.4e. Irvin & Per
k in.. to rlainuel rielden. the hueine tlllterenrrrs /nducted hy
td•esuhrerlher • .under toe ilatucul 0 willitettle
all accounts of the late firm. Oct le.
, elsew Reit. ju,a rct•.etee.' eui fbr sal!, ,/
July 31. rrestrrr & GRAY. 9 61-i
-ll / 0 - = 1.8.5 rod Fish; 'Trout Mai keral. Bice. etc, etc, ju,.t reeev.e.l
rrcah :.t
July 31. LATI•111.0-7T & CRAY.
TI T ree.ciserl at)to. Xtrovrii's Block, by the sub►enbcr!, a
si large as of Mather's superior
rino Book- Sob. and Nervirs Ink,
In 23 an.l 30 lhiteaf, and in cansof Ilb enea—A loot Red Green
and Blue Ink. Those in want cannot lind a ['ever article.
Erie July 17. 11 2 11. 10 NUR LIN & SLOAN
Wasted at Me 211111 creek Indlen Factory.
TUE subscriber having taken Mr. John lastest into partnership
- in the Mantifacniting Business, at Ins old stand iu Mil!creek
township, u lime the} :re prerared to manufacture any quantity
of cool into cloth, cas.sintere. blankets, tint/nth Ate. i on shares
or by the yard, as well as any other establishment in the Country,
hat ing as good cards as can be got up In Western Pennsylvania.
Carding and ipinning done fbre cents a run of theirown %Vool.
Carding Yullo 3 cents I , er lb. clout dressing done an any stylethat
is a anted on short notice.
Carpet. and color. retained for extra pay. or washed
viith roap at the o isk.
N. 6—Persons leaving Vool at Jahn Wing's, Cagle Village, to
can:, u ill have it taken oil Saturday and returned the next, or
caniets the atIIC , CTRCa REED,
ilk reek , July II; 195.1 / / 8 • 00EIN oolirirrT.
,s - 13-lelliVr IL 61.0 A - ,
19T. Broadarau. hetan Den and Fulton sfreet, Nett York.
G nNTLEm EN..4\
'1 hi ng Goods of the latest styles constant
ly on hand. Naval. '4ltarry. Youths' and Children's Cloth
int:made to order nth deatness and despatch.
T a ntes and Gents Kitt ves of every shade and quality just
rkeised at J J. SSVEI:I4I:'B
DR' RVN and bl ached ,heettn"s and stuffings just re:eircd at
'!.),Erie Jul) 3 1832.
_ _
rand. CiTßTlniavinZ returned from New York has opened
her Fall stock of Millinery and rant's , Goods. cutnpriAng,
^s usual , the newest styles. The following embrace a part
I"ninicis of every variety, ribbons in abundance of el , ery quality,
Dress raps, Head Artificial Flower,. Pl.nues. French
worked Collars and Caps, Under ILlk'fs and Sleo, es, Insert ings,
French Inmity. Embroidered Linen 11,11013,Thread Laces, Black
Laces, materials of all kinds for Bonnets, wide s lk, velvet fot
cloaks, silks, satins and velvets of all colors. gloves and hosiery
of all sizes and kinds, mitts both long and short, velvet ribbons,
dress and cloak trimmings of evers kind worn, ccrtly and ras , els
of different
_sizes, articles for mourning, hair combs, worsted
braid, fringes and gimp, straw cord, gilt and embroidery cord,
embroidery paterne, marking canvass and crewel. knitting yarn
arid needles, fancy baskets. in fact every arCe le belonging to a
complete assortment of Ladies' Millinery, which will be sold,
wholesale or retail, at reduced prices fhr cash.
My facilities for doing business are such that I can and will
sell goods as cheap as any House west of Ncw York of the same
Milliners furnished as usual at reduced prices. Ready made
Bonnets and cloaks constantly on hand. All orders attended to
with neatness and dispatch. Carper of State and fifth streets,
Erie Pa. - Oct. 2IS :52. SI
CANDLEAIIILe. Burning Fluid. Lard Oil, very supr
rior Star, also Sterlue Candles much better and quite as ehedp
aa Tallow Candle, , for sale by the boi or pound by
Erie Oct CARTER BROTHER No 6 Heed House.
LINSEED 011,1111 Ltils. pure Wetter Linseed Oil for sale in
quantities to grit purchasers.
Erie Oct. •,,n CARTER & BROTIIER.
New Paris millinery and Pansy moods.
MR.S. DAVIS & CO. have removed their fashionable Milli
/VI. nery establishment to the house one door below the Custom
House, and will be open on Thursday October 7. lee, the
most elegant assortment of Goods in their line ever °tiered in this
city. Their stock et:twists of almost everything
New, Rica. .e Fancy is the Millinery tine,
Such as Silks. Satins, Ribbons, Flowers. Laces. Edgings, worked
Collars and Sleeves. Bonnets of all "Styles, qualities and prices, in
short everything to be found in a fashionable Millinery Establish
ment, all of which the public are Invited to call and examine.
tr The Dress making Department i be undvr the charge of
Mrs. Cochran, whose success in riving satisfaction to customers
is a sufficient guarantee for the future.
Erie Oct. 9 184'1 9.4
ATTalver Watches, rich JeweTry, Silt er Wrire,Cloc
Looking Glasses, Gilt Portrait and Picture Frames, Solar
Camptiene and fluid ide and suspending Lamps, Glass Lanterns,
stained and plain Glass, Musical Instruments. Strings. lee.,
Walking Sticks, French and German Toys. Just purchased in
New York'. and receivinonnd opening new and fresh, at whole
sale and mall. Catlin anti see the stock. Buy acbenpclocker
something else. if you like. at AUnT
Erie Aug. 7 ImS2 Opposite Brown's Hotel.
BOP X 20 -- 01 0 VT
IArouLD most restecfully beg leave to return his sincere
V V thanks to his many friends, .and the public in general for
the very liberal patronage herentiforeestended to him, and would
inform them that he has just received the •
Largest and Beet Stook of Goods
in hisihne that has ever been offered In this elm. consisting of
of the choicest kind, which he will make np to order. Gentle
men w Whine their elotbing made to order can have their meas
ures taken and Melling adet and if not pleased with " 111 when
done. they will not be asked to take them away. Awe, on hand
at all times, a large and well made assortment of
Of our own manufacture, eintslsting of Overcoats of various
sty les. Froeti. Dress and Peek Coats ; Vests Shirts. shock Cra
vats. Drawent, Vnilershirts. Gloves. flospentlers, ese., which
will be fold it the very lowest prices for CASH. Persons in
want of anything In our tine. are invited' to tall Old exataine
goods and prices fbr thetimelver.
Brie Ott. SP Int
(Vit E I ITT K " •
tt l6 WwqVytv!gtk*ro*•Jixl4,knorn t Corlikgoink.
jostebt Wl* wrossoonsmossros, pot nolo nano *rum for
solo ni No. 9, Brown's Bowl . Dec. 4 DURLIN AL SUZAN.
Land For Sale lk..
T , VERN' Ofrieer and Soldier II ho has Perll4.l as lone
anomie' in any 1% ar (of the United States, since 17se •
entitled mimic), (it tic Las not receiied
Evety Officer and Soldier who Insa(at anytime) been n
or in any way disabled while in the service of the
in the line of his duty." is entitled to a pension f,r•:(. ac•;df:r
log to thedegree of disability.
Widows (most of them) of the ()Inters and Sol I iesi of the Met
-ICati war arc entitled toy years pens,ou. -
•• Widows of Revolutionary soldiers." if married Lef_r,,Jl::..
ary !SOO. are entitled to a pension for life.
Parties in every part of the United States and in
having claim. fur Land, Pensions or pay s of any Vim! v... tx.s
their eln Mrs promptly and properly attended to by a d
Subscribers, post 1,11,1.
We have permanent and energetic agents at Wash
make -an ghatge in any Cale U tarn the claim
Many claims for land. &c., that lia%e beet rejected frr
proof, &c., can be established by the Subscribers. II nu Lig
and see.
P. S.—Bounty Land Warrants are eor.stantly
by the subscribers at the best rater. parties wishing to :.ok UM.
will Melt tO their Interest to advik! ith us. it ‘r:. nv.t.
a Bauking and Exchange businft.s is done by the au: • I i v ert.
Iseliange Brokers, lietic,t.
111 Ili A W Li
UST reeeiTecl at the New York store. a rplvtl , !p!
of Ion:, and square Brocha. all wool. Silk. Unsbn
Leafosurl Sy:mit:la Shaw!. cheaper than any D. , e,1 Lever
dare offer thew. Beuienilicr, the place is I (1 , _•: - /rs ,f Ls
Bank. Erie Nov 4.1-,19 J SVVENEY.
ALARGE assortment of Parawatt, Caiihruere. Poplin , 3ILZ
ram. and Delains, just received at 29 SWINE),
BLACK Velvet Ribbon, Lac , . Gluipa. Braid and Drearilat
lon'. Lathes and Gent?. Linen Ildkre., Embroidered Cal
lam Silk and Idsle Thread, Worsted Gloyea, just opened at
BrioNov. 2t) 1E.:12-2' 4 - J. SWENEY'S.
tiDETERSIIAM, Pilot Cloth, Broad Cloth, Cas-runete, &maw,
Casinett. Jeans and Flannel, at
Erle Nue. g u-2 F WEN r.l '9
POPLINS --Pl a in, striped and iigured. also, a few es i•icc cf
Bilk and Linen. Thai's pieces are very rich either 1 v .5•0-
seine Mantillas. Nov. 17—'41 J. B. t
India Dubber Gloves,lWittens, &c. —
CouNTRY 31ERC11 .‘ N TS, in making their put' hates, eten:4
net neglect these desirable and saleable arneles.- Tkor
inanufactdre has been mut improved recently art the" ace
made Serf durable. Particular' atieut on is re.; idea lu
WOOL /}ED GLOVES .._l}D ,vvr
They are itl4.spen<able .1) cold and net nether.-Va t %Wirt
then Glover: it,et , tl in any tier); that u ill rot! the banal.. o
*Aare time that they will worst Salt Rheum or t
Hands immediately. They ate made all lengths to pretest Lt:
arms alld
For tale by irileor, & Co., No. 3 Church, A !ley,
Good) erir'A 06 - Chestnut Street. do. J. is tl •
F'alcooer k. Haekell. Baltimore. 31.1. H. W. shirr.
Charle: too. S. t'. Bin i Uickcox, Clu., Olt to. sod by atritht.
ber De:Orrs ,n 11. e 'Union.
For Sale .t retail I.y eQuatry 3tereharkte generally
Erre. Noe 27, 1-52,
J: 11, SVPL TON do CO.,
No. 5 Reed Zones,
A" jitst receiving a large and well selected stock of Drury.
Medicines, and Chemicals, dye Woods. dye mu ff s. cps
paints, p ainters articles, tarnish es,
s., window glass, putty. glass•
ware, perfumery, tine soaps. tine hair, tooth and paint truffles.
garden sceils.surgical and dental instrurktite, teeth. gild acd Li
foil, tobacco, snuff and Cigars, pu:e wines and brandies for Me:
Jelin! purposes, fancy articles, Artists tads and Auer colors—
We make our purchases for cash, and offer gred• as kw as eta
be bought in this section. Ze ‘Varrniited to Le fresh pure ail
genuine. Orders from the country promptly rifled eai situ
(het ion and guaranteed.
l'hysicians Prescription.: will receive partieu+ar at:el - mar. 1
all hours of the day and ni;ht. Erie Nor. 20 I
ENTISTS I: find at 3711Curcon & C.i's an a,cr.: , ent cf
rt cola' Inetruments, manufactured by Kern of l':
tibia, also. Teeth 01 all kinds. Gold and Tiu Foil Ire ❑ Jose".
White & l'o Erie Nov. to Reed
RUSllES—flatr, tooth, u.aihclothes, whiiewasta, scrub, oe,
blackitifr, sto%e. counter, shoe. piano, dusting. tanner's.
scouring.. k, EN. Pope's eyes, l'ope's beads. window r... 1.1 float
brushes and hearth browns. *9 .1. U. BURTON k. co.
Genuine Principe and Havana Ciiiary lart
received at Erie Nov. 29 Ir_sl-28. J. H. B carom ar.
nO you want to know how it is done I Call on T.ltais k
Ilk) es, No. l Brown's Block. where we are 5e;1,14
fresh from Auction houses fo: thirty-three and one-third perces,
less than the sante goods were sold four weeks ago. W , are Cr
sirous to prove to the public what ne n.scrt. and 1:e:Ic:t a ail
from one and all. LtIC NOV 90.• f TLIIBALS 3it AVU,
beautiful styles Caoelliwookl
5 000
free for 1.-3.l—CalT and get , otic , ai
Nov. 40-2.3. BURTON'S, Nu 3 Reed Fict:k.
JCST Recut et ‘Varren'a. No. Broien's Woe it a fd7-
vly of tilwidoze. celebrated Water PrOo( Polli.h Biackloi
The PoHr.') produced by Ulu. Blacking is not dimmed or rartte!
off snow or water. , Siov.l.o-22 J. H. W . .fig
TUIS Douse iy now 014.13 for the accommodation.' the fuia
Both house and furniture are entirely new and of a
uneuryassed by any house West of New Tark City, and the rra
prime hopes to receive a liberal share of patronare. non
seers and kla - zgage carried to and - from the cars free of caanr.
Southern stages leave this daily. Charges reasonable.
Erie Nov. 20 1e52. it
pfec. Ilar. sheet and 14 Lead, ilea, Zinc at
Oet. 9 I!•32 RUFUS REELre•
PI2T.NANIEto Patent 'tit-adjusting curtain natures, a nice an'
tic, also Brass builds, Brass and Gins Pins, at
Oct. 6 IKSI Huts Razes.
IAT OOLEN YARN—A large and good mortal, ni of assist
V T • yarn, for sale at the store of
Erie, Nov. 6 IS3I- 7 46. , VINCENT, liimson kco.
'l ou % r l. stor:
5 0 - D ur o e Z z E. t Socks l tend e xx hi - 141 . ren - ii — i s m h ß os o re i r i a i c s o - 1 or 4
Erie Nov. 6 1€. , 32—•2 4 3. Between 11111 and l'lth SLIP. 'mt.
pq ULE.Y SAM:3.O I / 1 1, 4 X cut and Mental Saw. 313 !: 21 '''
i'l advance. Nov. 01-9.6 VINCENT, NIMROD h. ( •
usT received n splendid assortment of Plain. Olk. LIU PC"
eade and striped Ifilka, also eoPd Silks of every %1.1 e
quaUty at reduced prices.also tbo long and square woolen sass*
at great bargains, 1000 Muslin Collars from acts. to 89 'is a Peee-
Caiill/CIC. Long ttlhawls, very cheap at the New York Store. 11:
5 Bonnell Block. Erie Oct 30-11.5 MEltitlt K & 110.12 _,
JUST received a large and welt selected stock of Dry Geo°.
Groceries. Hardware and Crockery, all of which u^ are zre
terrn bed to sell at the lowest prices for prompt pay. Ila"," -
taldished the cash and ready pay rake iple. we will not tc
sold—give u a call and satisfy yourselves.
VINCENT, 11111120 D is CO.
Eric Oct. 30 1851-15. Between 11th and 1t i Stste-sn_
I.II.4I?Af.t.TROBE.S.—A rce r.sorbsieut jt7ist retr,‘ a;.!
1-) sale c heap, Oct 30 1e52.25 Illmrtt Cf‘'
New Goods! Pfew Geode::
lAM now receiving my stock of Fall and Winter goon. e os'
prising the most extensive assortment of Domestic arid ribil
Dry goods ever offered in this city, which I wiiir
, 1 al"
1 1 ler r
lower prices than any other establishment west o Ream Taa
wishing to purchase Ibr cash n. ill find it to their is serest l
and examine my gook before purchasing elsewhere. also 2 1.7 a
Lenitive assortment of Groceries, Crcekcry and tiardrral , "'"
ts loch will be sold cheap for cash. Please call and c laiarre Pr
)ourselves nt Inv old stand on cheapside.
Erie Nov. 12—% EMIT!! JACX:4O..!•
DERFUMER V.—The following elryatit extracts and recess!?
1 Lubin. Bruin, rivet and others, flat Jockey club.
mine, Jenny Lind, Rose Buds. Penn; flowers, dvkeet rea' ra t'„”
ours, B m
edyosin. Verbena, 'F .
es Rose , Rose Geranium. •
Mown Hay. Erie Oct 23-24 CARTER
Ls.dies VAbbor Hoots.
the thin; for muddy crossings arid soon draft,. fcr sals
FE1 , 4111 English and Ailterse a n prints, at wholesale or r. tin!
cheap at Er te Nov. 0 1...432-26 - J AlliSoN' 3. _
13 117 - it - ate and Scutchnlald shawl; both minait k
and wg. )1.:-
rem , and eashatere do. Ladles and Ceuta Castatieresu d
•no pearls for sale theap at Nov. CIS JACKSON'S_
ADIES and Gee* kid ea.Ornere. Lisle silk, Berlin au
A top cloves all colors, grades and prices at
V Nov • 6 1832-26 ' em m t JArRtIONS. Chestan,;•!_
Cbc.ta Old and Young iliaoa. Ilion Skin. 0 9 10 4 •
nd Souchon Teat tor soh at a OW mark by
Erie 'v. 6116-9 b saise LT? 2 GRAY. elleJP•led•