11.• brie edging" amid I imertiass it II • • . •is sad Shoes. Htrlßal/AN bints • Boys boots. also Wornes's eat and e, and buskins. for sale u cheap suit any othe• establisllwn. G. seLont & SON, Ede O ct.et. No. II They's Block Chespid de. N UTal Of all kinds or sale by J. G. & W. I. Mills. • - No. 2. Williams IS Erie. Pa AFEW wore pieces of thoie splendid Clothe, Cat/in:meg and Ilaatineus, just received and Ibe sale cheap by SWEN EY. AX extensive assortment of flavoring extracts the best in mar ket, extracts for the handkerchief of every , Colognes, hair, oils, pomades, amend me a certain cure r chapped hands, lip salve. shaving soaps and creams of brit quality, bay ruin, hair dye, hate etitoraliye, depilatory powder, in short we constantly keep.on hand k complete assortment of every kind of Perfumery, faney ankles and Yankee notions of almost e) ery description. Penang wishing to buy arc respeetfull) sashed to call as they may depend cipoo getting what they want at tte ion r-t price, at thernity drug store mtate•st. Erie Dec. 434 P il WHITING VAL'E.l3—Blue, White. Letter. Cap, ti rage. Col ored satin and note Paper. cane) eh eh). L,, Flan andaelf sealingenvelopes,cardsof all kw& 10.1 ch fail to mull eustotners, give us a call and see. Dee. 4 1551.-34) P. It u.. 0A21201 11T WARE, 3ABIELET WAX= CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES, THE, sebteribero would adupt this method of returning their sincere thanks to the citizens of Crie and t feint*, and the pubbe ene.enny, for the lit-rat patronage !whew, extended to thew, and would state that they have jut,t received fruit the City Of New York an leach-tie a, , ortnient of CABINET WARE, embrociag !Ilahofram &Jai of different Ft, ire, latiogan±. French Bedsteads and Chair!, Maho2any 'Ft,Lle+, s ith and t t abort4l:l rble Topa, with a list of other articles too numerous for newspaper detail. all of wifich are otTered at prices ion er than they can be procured Many other establisbuam west of New York. This is said in nonapirit of empty boast, but fr,in a eon% ict ion of its Tool% as an will dad who may take the trouble to institute a personal eoamination. They continue to manufacture all varieties of Cabinet Ware They hold thernselten in eimilant readiness fo fiirni-h, at the shortest notice. uniclesof whltever style orginlity Cod:debt oftheir /Witty to give eutt tiou, they Invite to their RlOCk, and their facilities far doing good and cheap work, the aUentiou of the eniienes of the city and County. Mattresses of all 1117.C.3 kept coasts:W.l'on hnnel. Ursa Julrtt I J. H. itincrz & Co. ÜBalks Roo, Java and Laguira Co ff ee just reeta,,ed and for sale by Not. 2 STERRF.'I"I' SGR %Y. =CENT AI=VAL FRESH GROCERIES. TUE subscribers have just received atibe r stand. immediate ly opposite the Perry Block. a large aud %%ell selected btu k of Groceries, Cutrees, Teas. Sugars, Molasses, Rice abd all the articles usually embraced in the list. Also, LlqllOTl, Fruits, etc. with an assortment of Nuts and Cotifeetionaries. Flattering themselves that their stock, in variety and excellence, is flit sur passed in the city, toes litpe to receive a I ihcral share of the pub licpatromtge. Their determination is to do business eke., fur easil,cousidering the " nimble s iipenc c " of innre worth than the "slow shilling," and that all patties arc benefited by the ready pay system. Praduce of all k Inds taken in exchange fur Groceries and other articles. Call quickly lest the stock on hand becomes egtausted in the lapre of a few weeks. Our prices are -o low that 'people u ill find Ikea/selves scarce able to resist the temptation to tiny. Erie, June 191U3U. • 6 LANDON Sr. RIBI.ET. Earbionable Tailoring Establishment. THE Subscriber, in gratefully acL-nott!edgingthelib -s era I paisonage w ntth be has received (ruin the eat/Anis of Crie for (Lc past five years, wcald most resi‘e. tirtly . . call their - attention to tits pre-ent location Having \ erected a new shop on the east side 01 Sian street, two doors North of nth, are ing J II i!.let A: (Vs - Cabinet Ware Bantus, he is l , repaied to w a alt up on 11110 ACCOLUtinidate his old patrons and friends. and hopes that by his usual SU [tem; in niakii.g ••goot! not only to continue in their confidence. hit thro' their Influence, and Lv Ins own integrity and attention to nets to secure a liberal share of the puhlte patronage is hich lie respectfully solicits. and Military Clothing made to order and Cutting fa oth ers to makeup done with care and promptness. Xrle, Jul) 99. lest:. JOHN Gil A I.1)!NG. BUFFALO A LE.—Mottat's, Gillutan'• Ir. Ilartoti's Ale in htila and half Ws. for sale by J. G. & W. I. }pups, JUlte 3. N 0.3, Williams Block, Cr.e. Fa, ALARGE; and beautiful lot of Sonnett ribbons for fall and winter t rade, selected with due regard to the prevailing fnEh (ins at Oct 9 1 , 132-22 G. tIIEI,DIN & SON•s. 40 II lEETINGS. Rhin/tip. wipe Chitlings Ticking Canton Flan k.) eel le., at No 6, Tracy's Block Chettpoide Erie Ocl.. 142. GEO. SELDF.N Ac SON. , • TO TSUI ZAADECIL UST received the moat splendid a , .,,,rti: ei.t.of Ladies dress goods ever offered in this market, consisting of tiro Ile Rhine, o De Chene. Brocade, Pow. De SCie and Plaid Silks, Colored r Crapes, Plaid. Plain and Watered Poplins, White nnil Col'd Ta r• Lions, dotted and plain. Book and Swiss Mulls. striped, bared and plain MtvOins, Muslin and Wool lie Lames. Lama cloth, plain and figured, printed. Velvets, Printed Persian cloths, Bro. elide sad plain Alapaca, Coburgh clothe, Bilk and Cl'd French Moreno and many other styles of fires- goods w hich w e have not time to enumerate at present but call and see for yourselves and save money by 4,urchating - cheap at the old stand of Eric Nov. 6 te32-116 SMITII JACKS"N. -.. NEW WATCH, JEWELRY, AND .- "'AMOY GOODS IPTO2III. State St.. apposite Brows. Hotel. Erse. THE subscriber, (late of the fi rm cf G m . Loom & C 0..) comes Lefote the Erie public and t iciititv. soliciting a share of patronage, confident a large and well selected stock of the choic est and most fashionable C001)6 always at low price+. toet !tier with the manufacturJog of Jilrer Ware anti Jewelry. and close attention to business wilt insure a reasonable support. Having been for the past fifteen years a resident of Erie, and intending to remain the rest of life. the public will find toe no -bird of pa+. map." but always on hand Irving with the rest of mankind" to sustain myself and family. In die world, and I pledge myself to en deavor to maintain the reputation enjoyed by Weald firm In every particular. Thankful to a generous public for in success thus jar In life. I shall endeavor to merit a conti nuance of their favors Ault.? 1532-13 TILOS. M. AUSTIN. N.B.—Watches. Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired. Z. N. slums a Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, N.. 7 Passel( Block, Stills Mat, Erie, Pa. Milt subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of this and the adjoining counties, that they arc receiving show daily inaddilion io their stock of goods, the largest and test assort ment of Groceries to be found west of New York City, Thank ful for the liberal patronage received since our commencement. in dna thy, we would indit respectfully call the attention of mer chants and other. wishing goods in our line, to an exhibition or ourstock before boing.tu Buffalo or. New York We wish it dis tinctly uuderstocd that vi e w tit sell goods for Cash or Rsamly Pag. as eltftp as eau be purchased in Buffalo or in New Yoik, with the addition of expenses in scums goods to this City. The folk:owing comprise a small part clout stock -50 Mad. N, , . arid P. R.. Sugars. 100 dbl.. Crushed Px,w'd., GranulaCtl & Coffee do. 10 Tierces Dutch Crushed Sugar, SO Boxes Refined Loaf do. 1110 llbd. Muse'd,, and P R Molasses, In Tierces do. 30. do. 75 Bbis. do. do. & S. 11, do. - 4 13 do. Stewart' s Syrup, 10 . do, Cuba Honey, 130C/tests and half Chests Young Ifyzon, Ifyson Skin. hu pedal, Gunpowder an i Black Teas. 100 Mx. from I to tains of Black and Green do. 73 Bags Rio. Laguir:. unl lava Coffee, 25 Dines Urwaid Coffee. - 75 do, eat endish Tobacco. nil qualities. • 30 do. /lb lump do. superior qualities. 25 Rbis..J. ATI igrscn's Smoking Tobacco. I. j 4 lira. Also, several di ff erent brand. Fine Cut Chen 95 Packages Mackeral, No's 1,2 & 3, in whale. j,l and Kau, 230 Boxes llr rung, No, 1 and Scalded, 314210 lbs Cod Fish. • . YR Bids. Rtfiiied Winter Strained Oil. Also. Nuts. flasains, Prunes. Pepper. Pillleßlo. CARti/l. NUL mep Cloves. Dice. Powi"cr, Shot Safety Puce. Wrapping.Cnp and Letter Paper: 'Mustard, and Pieties, of an excellent quality and chaap—besides a great in my other articles too numeroua to inention in nn adrertpcniciil of thi. kind. 11'e also have in ad• dition to the goods above mentioned. a large stock of PURI'. WlNE:laud LIQUoRe. which can to had 03 per cent. cheaper for the samequality, than can be purchased west of New York. notwithstanding the great Itch ?ince In liquors. London and Phil adelphia Porter,Ecotch Ale. and %Vines of almost all de.criptions. Please callaand el.4ll,ine for sourselves i and yoa n ill bp that roc clan do better than by going to Buffalo or Nimv York. . Erie. Des. 4. 1658, 30 M SMITH k Co. ig 'HOLESALE—The subserthers are agents for the followim, Patent Medicines, wile) they will sell by dozen at Maitafacturere price., viz .la 2. Expectorant, Alterative Car shilattve Bahinin, Venni fuze, hair lite an„,,,1 Sanative Pills., as vod'a Cholairoeue; Ilritol's and Town-end's Sarsaparilla ; MeLanea and Fahnestock's VeruilluKe ; Trask's. Tanner's, Me- Alluter'a.Shaen's and Palters Clntm-nt: Perm Da% is' fain Kul. Ayeer Cherry Pectoral. Il.irrel's Indian Liniment, Barry's Trieopheranw, Brunt's 1.11.11 at, Medicines mit Kier',. Petroleum Otte Nov. le 18.11-26 J H. ttrRToN & Co. A FINE aim:nu:lent of Gentlrtneb's tuul rubbers just 1%. the thing for muddy strecus ut reduced p.l We* by • Erie Oct. 9e tfehl. SELIioN & EON. yt - . 7 frr received, another tot of sttowe gibe Calf Water- grout Boots. Sej . 23. WILCOX & NOTON. WINES. LIQUORS. 13A1lie, Groceries, Piektes, Picketed 0) sterskt.oh.ters. for .eigu rnill and Nuts. J. G Os. W. I 31ILLS, ?so. 3Wi i s Mock, opposite Brown's New Hotel. P.rie, Pa., have *Wc • sappeped s New F'.stablishinstit, wherr they are prepared to sell 11l Articles in their line at the Lowest Priers. at %Vholesateaud Ulan. The Stc.ck Consists in part of the fullowing articles, to ea: Wines. . Orsoires. Liquor', Lemons, Clipirs, Firs, Poster. Raisins. Ale„ Nuts, Pk kled Oyssera, Cu rra Oder, Cocoa, Pickled Lobsters, De ()Teat. podia*. Pines. Pickled elates. Curt on. Ex Abs t the, WHISKEY BY THE BARRE'I,. ALSO—Tea. Sugar, Cotter. Molasses, Tobacco. Rice, Graund Spices.Confectionary by the Box. Soda Biscuit, Crackers by the Sarirel:sind many other Articles too numerous to mention. 'IMPORTED CIGARS —We import our own Cigars, and can bell better quality of Ci gars nt the same prices than any house in' &be city. Pure ant Genuine Wines. Liquors of every deserire OM constant!'" on hand. fo: Sale: Wholesate at low rates. AI- Wine. and Liquors for Medicinal or other purposes O• bead by the Dozen or Single bottle which are pure. ACIZNCY FOR BUFF'4I.O ALL' —Moffatt' nod Oilman k Darton's Ale, for sale by the barrel, at Buffalo Price, adding lateurpurtation. Also--receiving in their Season Oyster* in Inlet!, Keg anti Can. front I G. Mills II Co., of New York, for Sale Wholesale at Low , Prices. J. G. Muss. New York. i. MlLLp.flotTalo. A. C. JACKSON. Agent. Era.. Pa. N. N. Haters. Stearn Boats. private ['ninnies end Dealers 'ten __eliatly supplied with all articles In our I i be, at litankinck.e s ORDERS from City atid rurroundirg eountry respeetfutly aolie 'Med. and we pl. dge ourselves that all -goods shall be as reem n . men - led. Erie, May 22, 1433 I iNDow GLASS.—'II3r largeaL aawr truent ever brought into this city can !..e !Quad Lt Oet . 13411 (' a, RTER BROT II mt. No. 6 Reed House. • ANOTHER BOAT IN. TSahscriliera are imw receiving a very large stock of Wet aid Dry Groceries from Eastern cities and the Auction Room. Wight for Cash at extremely low figures. whiehowre of" *red for sale at a Small advance for the ready Thecae wishing to avail thernaeires treat) ripportu ntly for buying a stock of goods Winer tine. to a very little cash, are respectfully invited to tall aad eginnihe at STERRETT t GRAY'S. tile. Nov. Ism wrapping . avr. A 711t8T RATE art tete of Wrapp i ng Paperjast rewind did or sale at No. o'. Brown 's tlolel. maul gruzul. Erie„lsec. la, G th OHA MA ra.e variety inylefrois anhatoilJeta. per ani at Nov PM SNITS JAMISON. 173M21 Mace:monis. Sardine., Anchovies. Catsup.. Preserved Fruits, Verruaeillv Plain Pickles, Sh'd DA r - I 14 SWAM • w, a row illoors:Wastetth• E 23113 . UMW 1101711111 ouERmAs is happy to invite - all who wish DAQUERREO- 1., TYPE LIKENESHES, whoare at skit particular what kind of pictures tbey have, to his new kroorus which have been built ex prettily for the Art. Llu LIT is the great agent of the Artist. and it has been the constant study of ati worthy of the name 'Wee th e ArtKasdtseotcred,toempioYand control it in ttwi manner best adapted to produce the most favorable results. The result of thu study and of thousands of experiments is that there is not a respeetab e permanent dal levy in the U elates where the pie lures are made by a common window, and he who says he can produce superior pictures by such a window proves his ignorance of the Art. The subscriber therelbre begs leaf eto say that by his superior LIGHT, and with all apparatus worth six times any oth er in this city. he is enabled to produce pictures in hieh cannot be equclied in this part of the country, and offer; to excell any tiling which can be produced bit other rooitit. i a F.rie, or forfeltone hun dred loPars. lie ham also a splendid Qulck Work lug Camera, s ith which be takes children of any age: Let it be distinctly un derstood his pictures will not fade if properly kept. N. I.l.—The "recent improveinentsu may be seen at the above W. 11. SUERMAN. Erie, Rept, 10, 15.51 THE CRYSTAL PALACE NOW OPEN POR VISITORS: Ilti c proprietor, W. KN OW ',TON, has just returned from (he P.mpire city, v. Ito the largest, cheapest and bestaesort !tient of JEWELRY AND-FANCY GOODS ever before imported front that city west of Dunkirk. all of h hich are now read) fur inspection. On the first floor. so. I, may be foohd a large assortuient of Gold and Silver Watches, Coil guard and Fob Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger Rings of every descrip tion, Breast pins of all sorts and sizes. Cuff pits and bracelets Gold, sil err, and German silver thimbles.gola pencils and pens: etre] fob an f guard chains,' Keys, &c. !laving made arrange ments with the umnufac tu rers at the east to furnish a supply ev ery neck fresh from the null, hew ill be able to furnish those art icleschea per than any other establishment vi est of the termi nus of the New York and Eric Railroad Also, on hand, at wholesale orretalt, any quautityof Looking Glasses, Brasselocks and other IIIOCPKTC9. AILS/CAL iNSTRCXENT9.—Sueb Ai piano fortes. melodeonp.bass vmls, guitars, V/uhlys, hanjoec, LiJnbOUf/ElCll:CiarlOnet.9. flutes, flageolets, flies. accordeons, &c., solar and ca inplienc lamps. and remnants, extraglobes, chimney 9 and wicks, silver and German silver table and teastmns, sugar and salt scoops, butter knives. Ctrri.cay.—A very fine article of Penknives ofthe most celebra• tea tankers, Razors and Bator straps, scissors and sbears. COW. silver, and German silt er and steel spectacles. II turrs , ,at• Wane.—Tea sets, castors, and candlesticks, Miscem.sxl4ll4.—Cilina Cases. Fancy Boxes. Plated and Brass smelters and tray s, steel hag, and purse clasps, hair combs, ivory do., steel pens. card rases, vim iti ne ea rds and envelopes,gau/ntou boards, dominoes, chess men, wallets and pocket books, knives and forks, tea-servers, &e. AH or which will be shown to his risiters at nny time bctween the hours ofd A. M. and* P. M.. free grat a, an d a small fee ou t) •N ill be taken from those eho may v.lsh to take some of said articles hotne with them. T Said Palace ro ICCIt I'd on the ground formerly occupied by said Knowlton. one door ue.t of ih hem! liouse. I:rie. Sept. 6.-17 POIOONIEIO. rill TIM/SANDS of parents who use Vermifsge composed of Castor oil. Calomel, &e.. are t.r. a ware. Lim t while they ap• near to Lenerit the patent, they are ac tout i) laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such us ita/ivatiun, tosser siOtt, weak ness of limbs. tsc. In another ccliiinn will be found the advertisement of llohen. sack's Medicines, to which we a•k the attention of all directly interested In their own as well as their children's health. In (.tier Complaints and all alkAorders aripting from these of a bal -1 lOUs type. should make use of t lie o.ily genuine medicine, Hoben 4ack's Liver Pills. TT " Rs nut dcceired." but ask (or !lot ensack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ohverre thai each has the sitnature of the Proprietor. J. N. ISOBENSACK. as none else are genuine. Aug:lllSn. lylS ZidECTNIICG GODS. E are tr,n , prepared 1.0 Put up the Premium Rods and Points for any IA ho would like to be ltrotected from the dangers of the lightning. Remember the man that locked his barn after his Inc rte Wn..4tolen, and do not wait nun }our florist or barn gels a stn oke before yo rrei rods to your buildings. A %cord to the wise is sane tent. LIDDELL ir. CO. N. 13.—A1l °Heil , from a ch,tati , , - , ,nnuany attended to.— Rude and points at I{lioleealt March 13. Mit, till PIANO POIITTI m '36 1 nRoADwAy. NFAV-YoRK. The tuo4 extent•iv'e • end vatted a.sortruerin of RL•evvo,,tl i'lauorwle, plain a:id ornamental, elegant patjerii4, claboracel) cursed, and lily:lily finished Mich Pearl he!.s, all n( our own inanufDeturv, and v.ar ranuxf in every particul.ir. cnn he Scuud at our lVarerooru.. 34L BROADWAY: ICE w-YoRIC. tlept. 11.--Ir2l. CU. TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON wilN. MURPHY s% °oh! resite etfullt inform his frieeds and the pubrtc r.,ent.rall Qat, lie has Ir.e. tied himself h t the hid .ttaim of Middleton & 51.1rphy, on the Ptak Row with a large r rind better assortinentof Tin rop per and Sheet Iron Witte. manufactured of the Lest iron. and of fered at the mrt reasonable rate•, wholesale yr retail. lie bison hand Stoves of all prices and qualittes constructed with refer eneeto tit-violate,. and convenience. and of tile tno4t durable Ma ;coal. Also atorcpilx "rid el:(p.v. a nd an ns,ortunerft of IP 4 S Which he flattens hinueif iv unexcelled. If equaled, in this city.- 3filk pans of all sizes and Chee-e vacs of et er y de,,cription con stantly on hand. Determined to pursue the biuncs. w th energy am , fattlifbluess, and to %pare no ellurt to render satisfaction, he hope, to receive and merit t, liberal share of public patronage. Erie May 11552. 51. FlSH—Just receiving, Whitefish, Mackerel. eihad. Cthiugh and Herring selling at a moderato tarnr ri our acre. Erie, Nov. 6 IS3l—tti N ri:N T, 11l MR CI ). • ato PITTSBURG LIFE INIIIVICANCIZI 001EIPANTIll Capital 11100,000. MUTUAL AND JOINT STOCK RATKP CoMBINED. °lice rab► Maitsiox SI., Pills , TT insures - on the Joint Stock and Mutual principles. thus !las i lug two distinct department*, combine* the privileges - of two separate companies. at the expt use cll) , of conducting a single institution. and controlled by one board of Directors, thus secur ing harmony, fruity and safety. • OFFICERS. James H. Noon. President. J. C . Leeeh. Treas. Srelarkan, Vice Pres't. C. A. Colton, See'y. DIRECTORS. J. 3. loon, Joseph 9: Leech, 'John ecott. • Charles A. Conan. B. 111'Clarken, - Win. Phillips. BOARD OF FINANCE. lion. Win Willchts,-Late Secretary of War. Don. Walter Forward; Late nee rettry of Treasury. John earler, Eim . Cashier of Pittsburg Bank. Malcolm Leech. Eaq . Wholesale Gsccer. lEDICAL BOARD, CoNaeLTING PriniCIAMS. . Guam. M. D., 3. Brooks, M. IL. W. Addison, M. D., E. G. ringtott. M D. - L. BR AI "I' A Rn. General Agent. - 'herandeestgned agent of the company at this plate and vicin it. , Is now prepared to receive applications for I risurance. also to ft: nish books and circulars explaining the principles of the can ny Wany who may wish. A. B. CHAPIN, Agmit. Erie. Oct 30 1f3e.1-25 , No. 2 Williams Block. VIANO VOI1T1113: llrn d rc , pectfally ill% Ilc - .iteration to their 1 stock of Piano l'crits. ainut.g thew I/I .y to found the Mitt itiriortinent of Boardman e tray's a itli and without the eelehra• fed Dolc•Compailla attachment, (not :Eolian) et er offered west of Albany. The superiority of these Pianos is unto vcrsally at.' knowledged. and they have received ten first class premiums within the past five years, in all places where placed in cotupetr um with all the ra Ikes generally known in this vicinity. The eight hundred dollar-Piano sold. by us last mouth to a centternan nI rtailadelphia was pronounced the tilled( ever ealiiliited in this city. every Instrument 0; warranted to give perfeet sa isfaetiou and the new Attaclm-Eill is now 50 MUCII 111 use that a Piano is not considered perfect without jt. We shall be happy to show to all who call on us, and pledge ourselves to del ts er in this city any Piano Forte made by them at precisely the same price charg ed at the manufactory • - ithornt adding transportation, &c. Buffalo. Dec. to J. &Ali E & QIIAVV - I,ti e%ery dc9.ellotiol, at th e 'New York Store--selling 1.3 at half puce. Dee. le-32. MERRICK tc DAVIS. Yial,f(4ls : ial; : and jarvitell gat wholevale and retail at theca)* drugstore. Dec . 4.30. P. HALL. r ?I, F. lo Et§ Oil for sale at tho weviTunikeeprice. by the gal J_ or barrel warranted pule fish oil, also; a nice article of lola. It my oil and burning fluid for vale at the city drug vtore. grate at. Erie, Dee. 4 30 I'. HALL BLEACIIIiD Guomr—A large :in:lout un hand, nbiZb will be mold at bow tate* at July n 1452-10 J B. COOK'S. - - -- To Mont. ATHREE story dwelling, fain illiarly known as the "Rank House." on State street. is offered for relit tin reasonable terms.. It is one Si theifinestedifices, as well as most agreeable residence. in the city. Possession given on the 1 , -1 nf April iiekt. Apply to Erie Dee / -19-3•1.. I ROZENSWEIG. 'War with 'pain! rr HE subscriber, grateful to his friends and the public for the 1 literal patronage extender , to him during his strut career in the mercantile businers, takes this method of informing them that be still continues to sell goods at his unusually low prices. for Cash only. believing that small profits and quick sale- is the great were! of i oiug lousiness. Amon; his present stock ins} be fouttd Broad cloths. crisalmeres. white (If, vetting', broths all wood, cashmere, palm leaf, silk and strandilla long and square shawls, pa ramettas, inerinoes,delaines, ginghanis. undersleeves, embroi dered collars, mu-lin edging,. insertings,sitk rind liten hdkfs, plain and embroidered, gloves and hosiery, velvet ribbons. lace. gimp and a general assortment of drerartrimmings, memorise and tither prints, brown and bleached shirting, and Meetings, all of which will !resold cheaper than auv other house au Weeny due offet themme quality of goods. New York Cash Store, 4 doors east of Eric Batik. Et re Tice. 18-33 JOHN SIVEEN IT. ( IROCK ERY.—The la - tarsi stock, the best ware, and the lows %..) es prices in this cit.} is at Erie. Doc. IP, ARRECK LE & KEPLER'S. 740 SACKS Buckwheat Flour, jmt meet red anifirs sale. 0 Erie Dee. 4-.30 CLARK. & IIeCARTER. 98413 YDS. M. Detains. Cashmeres. Persian Cloths, etc. 0 These wr guarantee to sell !Tar feint money than they We're Jobbed for two tveeks ago 28 Ttsasas & Hayes. lIIiEIOW glaisOftill suer and qualities. viriirrlistedi l isod and will be sold at a small advance above fist cost, great inducements for purchases to buy at the Cli y Drugstore. Erie, Dee. 4 IliSe. P. PALL. DitANDIES, Winer, Liguori., Aloottot and et erythini In the LI trade warranted goad and pure will be fold In the mast tat irfaetnry manner. Ertl flee. 4 t 8.14-30 P. HALL. GARS: CBtT*HED, Pulverisid. Loaf. Granulated. Porto Rico cad New Orleans sows by the bbl or pound. cheap as the eheape.t at the Keystone Groeery. , Dee. 4 1532-30. T. W. b10 4 .i1l K. DINH Herring. Mneketel, Whtut and Co