Thirty-Sand Conger—Fecund Sudan SVIATIC•--A large n• miser of memorials VON proseot oby :dm". Seward. Fish. Broadhead and others- M r . Seward iotrodeeed several. praying for • laW t o f ont registers to vessels to Certain tows: Referred to t he Committee no Commerce. p a inotioo of Mr. Houston. th• till I. re-organise the 0 , ! ;. was made the special order of tbo d a y for wod. l oday. Mr. Hunter gave notice that he weisld te•merrow call "pale bill to extend the warehousing system. by author, , s isg the beading of goods in private ware•honsee. aid •cold press its immediate consideration. Mr. Hale submitted a resolution directing the Com. mince en frauds to enquire whether a certain purser in the Nary levied a per center of Sailers en the repro. ' siltation that he had yrocered the passage of a law tie jig the Sailors an extra compensation. Ile said that he could prove that such a thing bad been done. M r . 6rrio said that no one had ever approached the s i vil Committee on the subject. The reeehation was sdoptod. Oa motion.ilf Mr. Mallory the &rotate proceeded to tys esosieloration of the bill repealing atm teenage ditties is Spanish vessels. • Mr. Mallory supported the bill at seas length. Witbont taking a vote en tha hill. Mr. Clarke Mined is Ezteative MOWN.. which was agreed te. Ths Senate did net take say action on the nomina tion of Mr. Badger for the Berme Court. After the doses were m-wposed a message was rveniv od from the President. traosmitting the correspondence t ined for by Mr. Masan. relative to the Tehuantepec ovation. Also, t motivate transmitting the award or Louis Napoleon in the case of the brig Gloineril Arm strong. rho Senate shortly after skimmed. HoC3t OF RIOFILICSISFATIVILS.AII iseffectual attempt ermined, to fix the hoer of meeting al 10 o'clock. Mach time wa, spout in Motions to agape . ad the roles. Tho House then took op and passed several private bilk. _ Many ioeffectual motions were made foe enemy pur pose., when the Hasse. amid some secretion. adjourn ed, Wastuayoa. Jae. 2S. Scsars.—Solooral neemeriala. ace.. were prewental by Mr. Seward and ethers. • Several reports of Committees wore preesated. . The Senate Chamber is densely crowded is every pat t by the beauty sad fashion of 4,city. espoctiag to hoar Mr Soule. Mach confusion exists. and it is impossible to hear the particulars of several reeoletioss of inquiry which has. been submitted. On motion of Mr. Badger the Boasts propeteedool to the consideration of the House bill to **vim ?rands in the Treasury and guarding the Clerks is the Departments sod members of Congress Goa l bribes. Several amend - mints were offered and the bill was puma. The Sueds then proceeded ti the special ogler of the Jay, being the renditions of Mr. Casa, re-eMrming the . Monroe doctrine and applying it Is Cabe. Mr. Soule, having the Sear protteeded to speak at length. _ Hover or Reratsprativss.--Thei Speaker laid before the House a communication from , the Presidost. ad. verse to the claims of certain officers of cutest. for es. tra fees. .t PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Hdannevo. Jan. 2SI. S .—A'nember of petitions; &a.. were present ed and referral", The Satiate then. ea motion if Mi. Hamilton. took up the hill from the. House toincorperate the West Phil's. Litervy Institute. which was considered sad passed Mr. fry read in place a VII to incorporate the Berke and Lehigh Railroad Company. Mr. Hamilton road in place a bill rotating to the die. inlet of Wood Pennsylvania. The Senate then adjourned. 11..cer. Or Rcravocerraravas.--Tha House is col in union to..d.y, having yesterday honoured ever until Monday. SigArg.--rt largo number of Petitions. emeateriato. sic.. were presented and referred. Mr. Fry read its plate a bill to authorize the Comity Ceramitaioaers of Northampton county to borrow money, tad to repeal the Act of 1849. relative to Comosiesioa. en of that county; The Senate, en emotion of Mi. Fry. took op lb• fed it was considered and passed finally. Mr. &madames fowl in place a bill repealing dee eat (sr the allotment of the public prating to the fewest bid dor, sad providing for the electioi of u State Prime!. by tie iwe Hassel of the Legislators. , Mr. O'Neill read in plane a hill I. iacerperate the Phil. adelphia Medical Legal ( 7 ) e•IPIP. Mr. aster. a bill eeppbenmaterr to the eel loeorpora• tag the Farmer's Memel- Eire loannina Company , of leeks county. . Hem o► RiPAIIIIIMTATIVILII.—PIeassrees petitieas: he., were presented and referred. and among theta a sanWr from the jsarnerman priatere of Philedeilphia. sr the repeal of the lair (ivies the peblie prin ties is the heist bidder. : Mr. Waterbari read is place s bin to easter on John Jonmo McKeit the rights and privilogcs.of a child berm it 'total treilleck. Mr. Sergeant road in play a bill supplesientot7 to the act incorporating the Pers. Mates! Life fassraaes posy of Philadelphia. Mr. &roof offered :a reselation antherisiag the op- P•llltstent of a Coessanteo I. isvestigate the causes sad 'spirt sky tke Wheat aid Flour. from Western Penn sylraeis, seeking a market oa the sea-board. finds its spay through all ether 'Channels of transportation. except ing ever the Pennsylvania Roitriad and Des State im• revetments. Tha resolution was read sad laid apes the tall*. Mr. Flaaigan. from the Cdoossittee ea Corporatism*. reported bill to ieeorporata -the Aathraeits Railroad Cea2paay. HassuissiraO. Jas. 23. ' Saaass.—Stadry polities., k.” won preowned and referred. Mr. Kolarl road is plass a bill Is aattoriss dm Fmk lia Railroad Canvas,' to dispose of $500.000 lhair ttOoda. Tho ►iii was. on aiotioa. tatoa up. sa d ow , p ose hale deists plural isally. Mr. Cribb .road is place a bill. supplementary to the set iiteerp•oatiog the Williastopert as glair. Railroad Company. limns Of ALPRILSSIITATIVIS.-..T11111 Breaker 111114.11t ed a number of statements sad emusainicatieme, which were appropriat•ly referred... war.lM. s kris somber er petition,. atemoriale, &a. Mr. Gilmore from the Committoo es the .Isdiaiary. flPsrted a bill relative to the ilehmionsof tho Somme Girt of Pennsylvania. Mr. Knight. fora the' same Calmat.., reported a bill relating to the laws of Betiding Amoosatiose. Mr. Struthers. from the Committee en Corporatirma. aperted a bill supplemeatuy to the act ieursperating the Senarnit Coal Company. Mr. Herbert. (rem the same eommittee. reported a supplement to the set incorporating the Cheater. Media tad Crookrille Plank Road CompaaT• Mr. Kilbourne read-is place a bill to authorise the Canal Commissioners to contract for additional locomo tives to be used upon the State road. Tat PITTIIIMIGIN RAlLaclap.-41 is MAW that Messrs. Tiodel and Young, of Boston, have taken lha contract for building the Allegany Valley rail road from Attica to Olean, FirentY miles, r,r 600 , 0 00. They are to receive $BOO,OOO ip i stack $ 3 00,000 in hoods and 1100,000 its tub, WAIIIISCITOP. Jail. 24 liAstiussysa. Jan. 24 Appointments by the Cansl Commiemionen. Ifsaaisacao, Jan. 22. TM following appnintments have been made Abe Canal Ceunni > sion•ra: J. B. Baker, Superintendeut Mira sod C.,lumbia Railroad. .11 , tin Rosa, Somintentent AllPeteny Parlor Railroad. 8. 8. Moon, Tonnage Calk. Ptiii'a aid Columbia Railroad. J. W. Dobbins, Wi od Inspector, do. do. D. Sheaffer, Car Inspector, d0,,d0. CoLuscrosm—James Monson, Eiston; E. , K. Soliday,,New Hope; Robert Patterson, Bristo% Ja cob S. Yost, Philadelphia; J. J. Rowan, Paoli; W. Roat, Parkesburg; C. Carnmy, Lincaster; J. M. Strickler, Columbia; J. L•vermore, Portsmouth; S. J. Goodrich, Harrisburg; J. lacy, Newport; Wm. R. McKay, Lewistown; D. Black, Hutoingdon; J. P. Hoover, Hollidaysburg; F. Gibbon., Juhna town; S. MeAntilty, Blairsville: Peter Clawson, Freeport; Perry Biker, Pitteburgl4 Win. A. Pack• er, Dunsburg; C. H. Beeber, Williatnaport; J. 11. Zimmerman, Northumberland; Peter Ent. Beach Haven; John Uuggens, Liverpool; Wm. Cole, Out- Let Lock, Purtsmu-ith; D. M. Steadman, Clarkat's Ferry-Bridge; J. Shoemaker, Juniata Aqueduct; K. Martin, Freeport. S mut visoa—George Blattenberger, Susquehan na, Weigh-Master-4. Maher, C.,tumble. Assistants--Heury Leech, Phileslelpkia; S. Mc- Kinley, Portsmouth. Canso INSPRCTORS—D. Willard, Bristol; J. Hun ter, Phil's; J. Cumming, Columbia; Thos. Weld), do.; Daniel Delo, Hol!idsysburg; C. Carter, Johns town; It. Blakely, Pittsburgh; T. S. Rm.lev, dn. STATR AORNTS, COLUMBIA R. R.—F. 11. Eber. 0. Hammond, C. Buckingham, R. C. Beteg, C. Thompson, J. Clark. M. Hibbs; W. Kelly, George C. Bentz, A. H. Tippeng, Shriner, A. F. Waugh. STATR AORNTS, PORTAOR R. R.J. H. D.pcs. J. Filler, C. B. Cutter, Joseph Viveri S. S. See*, E. Donnelly, id•asuatag or SUAIKIIII. ---4ttitet an interesting marriage took place on the evening of the 12 inst., on Hawley street, in this city. It appears that two Shakers, a male and female, behinging to a section between Schenectady and Troy, became enamored of each tither, ai.d determined to ester. from a place where they were denied the privi'cle of entering into wedlock. They accordingly came here with flying speed, and on had all the nemsary prelim inaries arranged fur a marriage. The great broad brimmed hat so I Shalt .r dress were taken from the man, and a fashionable suit of black given him - in exchange, and the female arrayed:in a neat fitting dress of the latest and moat approved Part.ian style. Thus rigged, they 'Ores( n'ed themeeltes before the hymenial altar, and were made one flesh. A hap pier Couple those in attendance State, they never saw. The gentlema i's name was Wicks, and the lady's Rosetta Hoye, and their ages res pectively, 38 and 47.- Rosetta is pronounced as a ladfof uncommon beauty of 'person, as well as of great cultivatiunnf mind. After their marriage the bridegroom related filly his exuerience is a Shaker, and the peculiar rites he was bound to obey.—Syra ease Journal. Tug Liras Boston Post pub lishes the following extract from a letter received from a gentleman whq has jag: returned torthie country from a trip to Nina. relative to the feel ingsof the Japanese tow rd the expedition of Com. Perry:, "1 was informed by a entlemai—a native;of Ja pan, that the Emperor is II ready for the American expedition. He exhibiteld a letter to me, which he bad jatt received from one of this Countrymen, then un the island of Jeddo. That . the people kept s' strict 144 out all over the coast; and their fires were already burning on the night; in order to be prepared in ease the.srisdron sholtd ap pear at night. Ole million ~f reldiers are ready and at hand. The cow is elf set with gums, while in the Bay of Jeddo, where the .fleet is expected, there are el:itless war jank4. and the whole bay is surrounded with innumerable faits. The ine it tion-will find the Japane4e. mach. batter soldiers than they anticipate. • • The presents had bet ter been left at home. A trade will nen soon be opened with that country, except by force." STRAMI'AT ACCkDENTS. West and Suuth during the tailed ststetn eut prepared by gesieer, it appears that the suiting in the loss of life or .el, were: Caused by sinking, Explosion Burned, • Colltsions, Coll2pse, Number of boats totally di 41 Niimber of lives lost, 1 400 The destruction of rives, when compared with the number of accidents is inimensei but this is not to be wondered at when we chnsider the nature of the disasters. Fourteen out of the whole sixty-seven, it wili be seen, occurred from the most *fatal of all steamboat accidents—the explosion of boilers. 1u three instances alone viz: blowing up of the Red Stone, on the Ohio, the Glencoe in that port, and the Saluda osi the Missouri, the destiuction of rife exceeded 290 at the lowest estimate. These. facts speak volumes in favor of the most rigid enforce ment of the new steamboat law, if calculated in any way to abate the evil complained of.—Boffalo'Rep. a?' Some person' may be in doubt as to the pe colitis belief held-by Theadore rsirker. The Boston Advertiser is responsible for the following extracts found in a recently published sermon by this noted divine. The Advertiser says; - "10 recently published 'Sermon,' Mr. Fatter gives the fellovring as a portioh of his Confession of Faith: do not believe there ,ever was g miracle or ever will be; every where •1 find law,—the con stant mode of operati,;n of the ,infinite God. Ido not believe in the miraculous inspiration of the Old Testament nr the New Testament. I do not believe that the Old Testament was God's first word,nr the New Testament his last. The Scriptures are no finality to me. Inspiration is a perpetual fact. I do 'not believe the mirscilious origin of the Hebrew Church; or the Budhiit Church, or the Christian Church; nor the miraculous character of Jesus. take not the Bible for my master, nor yet the Church; not even Jesus of Nazareth tot' my master. I feel not at all bound to believe what, the church says is true, nr what any n riter in the Old nr New Testa ment declares true: and I am ready to believe that Jesus taught, as I think, eternal torment, the exist ence of a devil, and that he himself should ere long come back in the clouds of lleaten. I do not as cept these things on his authority. I try all things by human faculties." APoTaturßirritassi:l6 STIUMSOAT DMITRI" AND Lou or, Ltrx.—We are informed by passengers who arrived here yesterday on the Bunker Hal. of the particulars of another terribly afflicting accident, accompanied with loss of human life. which recently occurred on the south-western waters. The Fuse lin, which was a sea boat plying between New Or leans and the Attakapas parisher, left that city late on New Years day with a large cargo; on the fol lowing Monday before daylight, and when off Ship Island, she burst her b ,, ilers, instantaneously killing the mate, one of the engineers, and five of the fire men and deck hands. The commander, Capt. Den slow, was very much injured and not expected to recover. The carpenter and watchmen were al most Baked alive by the steam, and two or three of the hands died in about two hours after the explo sion. The first engineer and clerk were not much hurt. The forward deck and upper works were al most blown to atoms, but the survivors, wounded and all, remained with the wreck till late in the af ternoon, when a steamship came along, took them off, and carried them back to New Orleans. The boat, which was a valuable one, is probably a total loss.—St. Levis Union. VULGARITY or Marv.—Nlan is self-inclined to give binvself up to the common pursuits. The becomes so dulled to impressions of the beau and perfect, that one should take all possible coo to 'wake° one's perceptive faculties to such obi —for no one can eutirely dispense with these pi nres; and it is only being accustomed to the a, mini of anything good, that causes many mi find plossares in tasteless and trivial objects, a have no recommendation but, that of novelty. ought over, day to bear • little song, to road tie psouy, to me a good pietism aR4 if poreible soy a f.* reosonsble venison-dispel/ie. On the waters or the year, 1862,'from s -de , -the ;St. Lluis Intelli komber of accidents re slisking of the ves- . ' tr.‘ied, 1 Tmr•lur:ANT:ir 'the pa tiete of"ltE , ',pmt rapliers,": in pretending to be infoirmetloflhe 4rairs of the dead, states that Napoleon and Wel lington are.quarrelling about the affair at Water4n4.&• This r-bould teach people to eet through with theft lighting and quarrelling before lea.in2 this world. MARRIED Go the 25th hijt . by Rey.. J. H. Wholion, Mr. A. J. and Alifi MARIA L. Folds. both of thi• city. Ors the 2.5 th by Rev. J. W. I.,4vre. Mr. ISAAC 13KR00-111T sod seas Cusstrjr A. Low, both of Erie. Is 1110rthville. Chauttaque Co.. N. Y nn tFe 13th.. by tit. Rev. Wm Nutting. Mr. Amos A. Winn) tie Miss PARRICLIA FLARDA4. both of that pinee. On the 19th inst in Waterford. 1w Wm. Dobson. E.q Mr. CHARLES G Ismsn and Miss MARGARET H. Joan sus. /if Le Banff to nsbip. On'the same day. by the memo. Mr. C► Jou!nog. or Jefferson. Ohib. and Miss MART ASII GILLKO. ►r Green townshtp. DIED, Oa the morning of the. 9111 inst.. et the residente of her son. Julia Wheaton. in Kingsville Ohs.. Mrs RUTH Wunaron. 88 vesire of age. and fur thirty Ova voids a resident of Miller irk townships. - - . , 1 ; e Meal to Lot. 9 R6 HALL now copied by th e Independent Order of Odd .L Felkiws will be et. bad poope•sion give!) on the tint oi A pril neg. lb* Mont twOotalitta being about to remote to somber Hall. - 4PPIY to RICIIAIIDGAGGIN, W. G. Alt ttl'Cli.LE, 1 Trustees. j ~. WM. BUY E. Ene. Jae. ft, 1611—tf37. _____ Be Ifor Sa7p - i - ar. Ohins, Bandin Men Islands sad Ivan ril PACIFIC OCEAN. fXrAIIITED for Go' vernment employ. n large miniher of Prot YV sues. ordinary, Stamen, and a few Blacksmiths and' ear- Illerealed wares-inset!. For Information - apply to DA VID c. 11. Steamer Nlielitgatt, Cm Pa. Jan tt 1833, 37 Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Sompany. mrenna of the Stockholders of the Company will T be held at their office. Girard building.. Tturd rt., Fhliadel phia. on Monday the 14th of February. A. D. IP= at In A. M.— At which time theta will also be an election for Fre.4.lent and Mltinierd• The Polls will be open from lo A. M. to 4 o'clock P. M. Jan. 21'.33-37. CRAIG BIDDLE, s'ec't. NOTIOXI TO MILLINERIII. THE, *whin; to retire from business, now offer. For sale at OUST, her entire stock of Milhrtery Moods. Fu tures. Sic., tardier with it Intel lured Lease of the premises she occupies, of three ) . ears from the first LI April next. at the low price of 6110 !wr )car. The ;....icsls arc all new and of the first 'Wes. My present cacti amounts to Fifteen . 4 7,, Thousand Doll.irs p.l .s, ar. The credit of the r.,...' - '''' shop is of the highest order—Gittires all complete ' house room plenty. The prc.o I uppost it li it) for a person n itti a moderate capital. wislitim to in the %Omer) bootie ' s seldom offers. WWI a cool custom :dread) ',relied. the slsup ti ' extensively and f.tw0r.01.1., I,siou it, the mtb.tertriEr harsiig GiCell pied the premises as aMill 1 n r shop fur the last ten tears. Pos session ItiVCOMC Grill of April nest Fur Lather plrheulars en. quire of the subscriber on the premises, corner of fftate and Filth streets. Frit. Pa Also. for sale a new improved machine for pressing Moons. 1 will norr retail goods at cost Mr ready pay mild Me 1.10 of March. if aot chow:wed of by thot time t shah CO/11411ne hu.ioeva a, usual. Lathes. tit.* is the time to buy cheap. Elea.? give rue a tall. Erie. Jan. IN Ist.i EY r rid Corn Shelters. YAssre. Potith'ern and Clinton corn Sheller*. Just received , and for sate by Jan. dd RK t MeCARTLK. ens, Cared Hams. --- A LARGE lot of ley nice Sugar Cured on Ir nd , and for /1. sale by J tl.ll-37 CLARK & Met AR rk.x. 1 ooo L.R. 4sa l t 4 : n e vd ? - 1 41 7 5 11.711 1 in. 1. 37e . a panel 100 HALF Rbilir No I inspected White Fish far attic by Jan *4 1b54-47 CLARK & MeCA WEER. NEW YORK i'ITY ONCE COMPANY! • OF TUE CITY oF , KW YORK. °spit -111500.000. mos Itampany hr ven viiirg complied wi th Me in...mime loot. .1 Or th e common Ith or Penn.. is now ready Iv esfec t ranee against tare or damage by Fire oil b iildiiigs and their coil. tents in this City slid the adjoining Gantry. Also. eargoe. on sail timers, swain and canal boats. and It a lroads, at the custom ary rates. The ample Capital and hush character of this Company claims tbe confidence of the Public. and 4 liberal patronage Is rtspect fully solicited. retats liberal and, all losses promptly adkisted and paid at this °eke. JAMES C. Gllthd Agent. Office over J. 11.. a lin n isons 1160 k Stole. Wanted. two or. three energetic intro to examine risks In the country and send applications to this uffsze. Jan V 1 0 ..11 ' Administrator% Notice. Nottee ts heretiyirieen that betters of administration hare been - granted on the/vials of ROIVRI G. Jackson. sate of Counenot township. Erie county, dereated All persons baring claims against said estate wid present them duly authenticated tit settlement, nnd'a 11 persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment without delay. Ws. t'uai Jan. IVXI-11(17.4 Administrator. FUK iIENT--Wittt immediate ituwerwton, a new home on lilt at.. also 3 Imo-ea on Ith poweision itit eta thst of Ann.!. also ass rooms to lrj, iwriire of .I.m. tI 37 It. S. 0 A-111311! •F. 0 , 31 pay the inarket.priec in (Jukorn. Wont.' like SW :Awls (141 it ercii 1.10 Pip :2-L7 triso.iskil-arts. UZI= u V ALI 1111 AVE removetl my mock of Cloekw. IVateher. Jetretrr rod Fancy goods. tiro doors'alsove the stand lately occupied by Laconia k Assatits. %Volliatna' Block. n here 1 .hall he pleated to me my old and slew friend. and at cud to lb, v vi ants a. U-ull. ',Kinn my 'sincere shanks so there tt ho hat e farmed Inc with their patronar,n and shall ende. - .vor to etch titytti dirt r confidence and support tVirlssisif to reduce slir prr. (it slct . kr of Goode to snake room for the bets it, she 'putt,. w ill onus ,at h swifts below pewee to any in want of arils-les in 111, lisle. Silver cpcons •401 Jewelry on hamd or made to order. Clock. and 11'atelses re• Mired Eneatfnptnatnysglratrhorlnnttrrandin s‘ orLumn like manner. Err. Jan. 13'53-18 1110:v. M. ArSTIN. N. P.—Those lid< hied to the late firm of G. Loomis & mwtmtke iiutuediitte pe)ment—lonaer indulgence cannot begiv ell: The Looks for the present eau be found iu my hands. Stray Cattle. nitOK F. lido the; enclosure' of Ti.ov. Todd. on the 11th of Nov. 1 , one) earring Sicer.apotted red and white. the *heti knocked of one INCH'S; the 011ibef a white ) e3r l ill !leder, no artificial marks. The owner or owner arc requested to come. prove properly, pay chary", end take theta away. THOMAS TIM , . Worth East, Jan. j IS. 1 1 .433. •rh3ll LIGHI' ! LIGHT ! ! LIGHT ! !! NEWLY DIZCOVERLD CAPAION YB or the greaic•t discos eri a of the age. which we do not V hesitate to at the elll A P FisT mean• of artihe tat Huth ever yet presented, producing a (;001) I.IGh T For less than one quarter of a Cent per Boar, and gives the SOF7"ES7. PURE :.T. dad sirdt LIGHT ever yet produced t y lamp and at OAL TUC:JIM the eost.of aunt • NOR CAN TT RE EXPLODED. whew nhe mutating of the u telt is stalleient for a month. and a wick will last a >ear. an does the steadiness of the, light decrease as long as there a sittrc tent oil in the lamp to keep the wick utowt—it wal born tenger than Lard 0.1, and will nut con geal in the colder". weather. and the price a only etglity rcten and a•lialf cents per gallon—to le u•rd nt Mid Lamps. Lrie. Jan. El lha3 J. il. IlClat & 11161111 every holy a very hviipy Christina. , and merry Yew Years, and if they w dl rail on um at our Store. we will do all we ran to wake aim .o. Pleare An't all eorne at yam' Dee. 9;4—IL ; SocicroN t FULLER. SCSIOO'L BOOss AlorD t3'TATIONEIRT. AsEIV supply of reboot Omar , just re-eired nt No./ Brown's Block. embracing alnicst every variety used in the Schools of this country. viz : brGuffeys' geaders and Speller. !thunders' do do Town' Co do Clark's. Kt rkhrgru'o. and Welts Grammars.. entith,s, Stoddard's. Colburn's !Ind Adams' Arithme tic.. Mitchell's. Olney's. Prtiith's and Goodrich's Ge•graphies. Best Writing Bodts and Writing Paper. Ink. Pens and Ten- Holders, together with many other articles used to tenth the ming idea hots io shoot." DL LIN & SLOAN Km, Dee. le i 24 re • P rt Mantas and Wallots• ANEW and tientstifnl supply of thofeelerant Pon Monies and Wallets. ittit n.ealred and 1k..1 sale at No. 0 Itrown'a Hotel. Erie Dee. IS. 11 31. I)URLiN & 01,0 AV • 20 88 - Ls. Mitplason, also 16 bus. mew - at — Vs best Honey Syrup for sale bL Nov. 6-211 strasarry & Gasy. TO RZINT: TILE DOCKS. coveting Three Water Lots. together with the large, Ware House, 100 by 40 fret. now occu pied by Walker & Tibbobi. For terms, tipple to Erie. Dec• GEO. W. STARR. Attraction at Rot ensweig C 0.% CHEAP CLOTHINt; STORE, Writers Block, Slats sired. Erie. Pa. TProprietors of tilts estat.lishtnent , beg leave to announce that they have now on band a Irrge varied and elegant na anneuent of PALL AND WINTER OLOTRING. To which they invite the attention of the public. eotstident that in style and finish it cannot be excelled. our stock consists in pert of the Ibilovring. tls a Dress and Frock Coats. Sacks and half Sacks of cloths. earsimeres and tweed.. all of new style and at very low priXes. Overseeks and Hantrips of black, brown. blue and drab Beaver Felt, Pilot and Flushing Cloths. VESTS! VESTS!! VESTS!!! A rich and most beautiful assortment ever offered. Satin Watt and fancy Bilks. Merino, Valentia. naltan Cloth. Batmen. dou hie and single breasted of every variety of material and pattern. Under Shins aad Drawers of every description. Boys' Clothing, Consisting of Boys and Youths' Sack. Croak aed Body Coate. Over Coats. Pants and Vests of all sizes and qualities and at very low prier*. . BAT NTATF.ShawIs thee per than the chsvepesi at oat 9 1e39-49 - G. ti:LIEN k SON',. ~YAKEDUP LAST'! ! TilCold firm of Vincent, tliwrod itto., having been demi:dyed a• on the first of March last, a now Partnership has been en. tered Into between the subscribers under the same name, to take erect from that date. they therefore pettily the public and " all the rest of mankind." that henceforth our mono shell he Cash prices and prompt payment. At our store may be kamil a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, and Tin ware, and at onr Foundry almost esery va riety of Machine castings from a Swam Engine to a sleigh shoe. Our Milt gearing being proverbially superior. As kir Stone we can't he heat in quality or price, not up Oireet leer krOW 0, oar kemone and Lion are favorably known and our new Farmers Favorite giv the kitchen and lady Franklin and Severe for the parlorthrow art others in the shade, Nensember flunk priau wed prseTtparmtst. DAVID fl I MROD. Beauty vs Beauty 11 JOHN q. virtrworr. rr HERE is much In Nature beatiiiNl. but ono has examined ' t i t an_ 94 . DAVID PIIIRK. .e. , the rich sad beauti rut article" at Stockton & Fuller's. tti) 4 11,, B.—Those i n d e b te d to t h e o ld Firm are notifi e d to ca ll 'h e admit that Art LID, if not excel, yet closely Wilfrro.r p a y up and that wan. beauties of Nature. "A Word to the wise JP'S , icnt." pen ht iJI. 111. Admission free. Dee. 93 -AL 0122a= Pine white flh Ins of Linen and ('olton. ofthe newest stl Its and make. fancy cheek. hickory and blue striped Shirts of ever) kind. In Met, yos will find every article in out line at No. I. Wright's Block. Call and examine quality and prices. • Oct 16 1632. 31A2.2 1 E1R'111 MAGAZINE!. A LA BCE 'limply of Harper's New 31onibly Matsui oe. Just re eeivedd at No. O. Brown's Hotel. This is the 2nd number of the new volume. and Is one of the best ever issued >rreJan.l-34 1.(111.1N & til kN-. Great Salo of Dry Goods! Oa New York Store. No. 6. Boassil Block. NT Cashmeres arid Dila' neg. vronh 311 and nivrflind .4 acid 20 ats. a.Dxxi detainee for 1'24 a. con be bought auy other .tare. elegant Cashmere Long Ott-Iris wnnh be saki for s PI, rieviot bilks ibt party and 'toot dresses assoehnent of black Silks ever brought to this warzet. dared Collars ftorntli eta. to Irli-10,1011yarel Print. Ite4 Ilaaaela, bleached vapors. he., all ot which are slow 01- 'few rork cost Porebaaera of Dry Amide will mire SO to their parr-bares by tallies at Ws New Tea. pas. Sleek. Dire .ID —sO.jinr4llKX 6 DAYII. • NEW BOOKS - ILTOT risee film eutwoces— • . • • • "'" 'fieteresigilt: retetiburn—prictticents. . , A .Btocx ot I.ifn tbe btuu•—kr we'd tette. Vourinee 0(011144a I.ltc—prief! The tl.truewl YJlUlV—priee 111 .101. reiFliu.l. 1833. - elt.OA 31. _ _ . NOTIO31! C \uI.Y two year. liavtut (slapped since ilk. litn , leen of r• lr Attosekleeloiieil. rrea.u. compels nor lbw in) alist111)111Ctil mom be mode, Tb..e iuwresiei.l wiu re it their inane' ditto attention. Jan. AKNUEXILE. WINES AND LIQUORS, ?VIM AND 17NADIILTN2ATZID; Ipu Wines anti adutterited Liquors. niches are too gen emits sOid by Hawker. and Pedlar, and those Istpidt lug them. furaish the stock in trade of most of the Maine lan, advocates— heuee to Mop their niontlui, and at the same tune to enable those using the critter." to get a pure article. the rubsersber has laid In a stock of Wises aad Liquors, which he confidently lasUrell the public areas PURE AND C.Y. ADULTERATE/las purity 'melt In the stock u.ay be found usard, unit e d Proprietors, Pellevoisin and Brignetie Brandies: Champagne. Old fort Juice. ,berry, Madeira. Mrilagi and flares Wises s reach. /flan. Mouting dicta and (Phi° Whiskey : &Wet Ate. London Porter. ikc all of which will be sold aP cheap. it 001 nlittle cheaper, than any Giber e: tab irlittient in the city. brie, Jan . IS 1?1.1-46 T. %V. MuOk W AITER Strainid and bleached Elephant cid at Erie Nov. SO Ica Locks and J. H. HURTON St. etre'. and. Latches. A • t. tame assortment PHs reset cJ direct from the /7/31111rael• A ory an sale usually low. Erie. Dee. 4_3 Cc°, SEI.DEN t SON. NIIIIV 000D111 NO 3. PERR Y BLOCK. AL.RBUCKLF. & KEPLFJt are now receiving their Winter Ll tteik of &aide and Faucy Dry Good., consisting la pert of the following goods. French and lenglish Merinoes. Par:traumas. black and colored Alspacia. Bombazines, plain and tigsred Persian Cloths. plain and figured De I.auns. plan and tl;ureil Velvets; Bay Mate. &s -pire. Watervlie , and 44 , 0tehlong and square shawls; Merri ruar (.sseheeo. [runnel. Globe, Allen's. Union French and eng/i.h Prima; Bilk. Cashineve and Cotton Hosiery; K id Merino, 'nail and Silk Gloves, Silk and Linen Mkt.: Velvet, Bonne(. Satin and Tatlitta R ibboas p'aid.striped. hook, ttw 'poi, spot and mull Muslin,. French worked L'uder.leever, ildk fs. Collars. Inserting and Edgings. For _Mele, -wear, liroad Cloth, Cassitnere, , Twirds.Sat Kentucky nit and sheens Grey, also, a good guripirof red and white Flannels. Undershirts and Drawer.. t OWE:41103 —l6. 41. 5-1. 10-4 and 144 blcacned Shirtings and Slheetings,- hrown Shiietings and Drillings. semi.... Rau., brown and red Canton Flannel..Tickinet. striped shirting...cot ton Flannel., cotton yarn, Carpet warn.. batting. wicking., wadding,. piers a• hanv a. can b.' found in the City. All we a.k of those wish, ne to iiiiy 1. an etainination of our goods and prices, and w e shall be satisfied with the result. Erie Dee. 4 IE4I. ,70 Ntir AND TREBEL 011001311Ille: TIIE CiIEAPES'T PLACE IN TOWN ! Is at Moore's. %topaz tr.As fern receiving sore new Groceries, and • • uttu•r •• tixi I bt,ut useful and ()unmet fah all of w Mgt e ;ela n onti,lent roll m u ch cheaper than any othis neighbors. greatur mall As the proof or,ln pudding Is in the eating. come and try You will find Teas " that mike pleasant fat ftlies." Correes, Sugars, ( - ciltioli. Mackerel, srot rec Molaiuts, " sour Yin. egar," Tobacco. l'ipt w, %liolard.Saleratus. Pork. Deans. flutter. Cheese. !lairs and Table r‘a't. Also, a gxd tarictynf Woolen and Willow tVare.% ltroonio. Grass and Jute Mats. Wag ons. Cradles, Path , . Tubs, Waohlaaarilo, Ac. Also. a well Pe lee:lNi and general varlet) of " taoty Confectionary." foreign amd natit e iru its and nuts, and an eirrint "troupe of fancy Toys." Ice i Cash paid fur nwter. Cos. Cheese. Lard; Beans. Hams rorrPoia tees. A ppies.&c. T. W. NIIJOR Erse. Dee. t P,1.32. 31 CLOCKS.— Received this dm,. by railroad, Iron Cl , ekv. Pearl inlaid, new • ry te,rl WOW beautiful article. for the rarlor • very cheap. Jan. 13-36. T. M. AU:ars. pmfle tiros n'a Hotel, Bt ir,PPEI and Shoes of all Je.e ritniona clovint out s ithout 8-Prof. it. Cali and see et Jan. 13-34. SENNETT & Co..' 1%1 CF cfrer for sale a tot of real I.t nz :Ind other Muir , . at pri me eori to :et out of the Main rte a. I 'all and tel at Eric. Jan IS l' .:—:.i. sr.N N ETT & 400 Dotoe,tie ks for sale below pi r at j,, n 131,14_41,1 St II T & CO.O - Cheering to the Ladies. and Tneresting to All: 11,/ N neToN. N0...1. Wright's block. dtate-street. Casa ka... Yam. jaw" sers...mi a .apply QS very Asa ism. , cies in the line of LADIES' AND MISSES' SHOES Amnng them are vi bite satin stir... white Kid do, bronzed embroidered do., fancy silk ; m ttrr and t :tritium other 4111( . 441 of similar character, as also the sum.tautial articles needed by all fur every day use. For Gents near of Soot'', Shoes, Gaiters Ike . the: r rariet) tub peat it would he sumrduous to specify. Suffice it to Far their stock is more extenoit e and complete than ever hefore.a nil what is /motor ail far their eultotatbri, pm ices well suited U their de sire,. They will endeavor to manifest a more tviirtliv PreCl:'' tiOrt of the public need Fir abstaining front the use of Wow state common place exprersiens resorted to by some. represent tag their Goods cheaper than other,t, and permit them to dabble uensoierted in their own dirty puddle. while W t N. will midea• rot by their practice to etre uIIMISLI-kable 1.1111 , / Fa nem that their faciiiiteit rot prOettritirit lie hest of work a t the lowest po•sibuepri cer cannot be so rpatrocii, and urobably hi fir from being equalled by even the most pretenders. I , elay not to oieenre the adrantageseriot ng (rein an early re'eet ion. I;er 43 1631,-.TI T E ADLGEWTTR by the It “1, . flee Tt. P-52 Alin- Vara arc 3nst BRINGING us a full Dapple cf fresh grwertes, consi tuna of sugars. syrups. molasses, teas. coffee. No. 1 mess mackerel fit barrels, half barrels. etAlith, and kilts: also. pi kled herring, white-li•h by the barrel and h tlf hlrf,.l, eu.tho, i r ritinatity to suit purebarrer. 'perm. elephant, tar I and laraseed oil. white lead, red lead. lithraer. vermillion red. chrome yellow, chrome vreu. =Woe. asphaltion. lampblack. # e.. /se. By this *Meal are Ist reecipt of fresh fa Isl no In holes and half boxes, fir. nerlelt plumbs. prunes, almonds, !Übe rte. green otte find Brasil nuts, prekled Sardines. &e.: also, a large gain tit) of Woodeu and s% illow hare, cedar and iwitard wan/0 p 'tent pails willow wagons, nt oket baskets, sireir boars. Ste also. semi, sperm, pearl,, steritie Slid CIMeIII that! tallow ran iiks. C01'214'10) un !hind 11) the barrel, dont., fish, saltauriClay pool whiskey and a general ay.. )11111ellt of liquors .81 Er;l:h tic KELSEY, Jan. I '53-31. • No. 4 Wright' Block Erie, pa. Waterford DiApatell I,;e:Ae. copy. AI)MINISTH.ATOK'S NC/TICE. i vr °Tic c h,reby i t•tn that letters of Adtuittirtration hive hcea granted on the estate of (nit er Janes, of North Kam townsbro. deed. All perions indebted to said estate are hereby notthed to wake pa , mint withoot delay, and all persons having chinas against sat I e tate 14 11 1 please present iheta dolly atnhen teated lot settletnety. - I:MILY Jan. '53-6t3l` If JA N ''" °'ls " _ _ T. M. A • ----- Erie at Waterford Flank Road Notice! A T a merlin: of the Frerideni and Manaerrs of the Erie and rt. Waterford Plank Hood Company-, ltee. iFtw. it was cc solved that a semi-annual dividend of four per rent be declared on the otoek payable on and after (lie firm day of February next. at the office of OP trett•Arer. JUN .11 GUNNISON. Jan. I '3l-3tS3 :lee. and Treat,. A tIPLEN 011)1.r finivlicl Seraphim., with th- best tone ever f.liind in a similar I iivtritnient u ith a supply of Metodiatrv. Just !recited at ilteestril.lirbrucut of Erie Der. 13 . . . WM. WILLING. Notice to -Clothiers. (Am suitable for creat ing Wool: also, lubricating oil for areas int MAC foi! Pllie low by C• 111 Ca & FINE CARRIAGE'S! NIFAV and oplendid one hor.e carriages for ea'e nt brag-tins. 0.1 Enquire of flee. 1.. , 31 13. ! . .7A !Art:Lt. ni:NN F 717. T T NTION AI.I. ! TIIE gubscriber begs le-ivs to Warm his friends and old mi. tom .t.s. (as well as tots of new Otte...) that be has opened a grocery on the corner of sltnie and t-t:i streets. (one door below Ribfet& ltryes ware room.) where he keeps an assortment of such articles as are found in such an establishment, My stock Consists in part of 'Pea. Coffee. Sugar, Tol•acco, Lamp Mo lasser.Cider, Vinegar. White Cod Fish, Pepper.Alopiee, Ginger. Nutmeg•, (.'lo•es. Indigo, Pear) towel). Corn sitarch for Puddings. Harkee's Baking Powder. Candies, Bar Soap, ezhay ing do, Crackers, Pala biscuit, apples. oats, common wooden ware, stone ware. dour, &c., to numerous to mention, all of which 1 will 6.01:1.0e:1p as others for cash or ready pay. The tsiblie are respectfully invited to call and elatrune quality and prices. Itec. A7.1101:0FF. asimpr*AND TOD/LOCO. PETER LORILLARD, IILANUPACTURER, No. 42 Chatham Bt., New York. ( )TFERS for isle the fol lon int! - arrunted of superior quality-31accal.o.„ :Jew li. Coupe French. Puppet.. and other Fine rut Tobacco in lin foil and paper.. A more particular d-ic ription uf ilie aribtis articles eau I.e known try sending fora full prieccurrent/16 above. .1 di. 13 1931. '3lOl 'InVO KXPERIENCE-111704 )Ks — one pastry and the o th er meal • —are wanted at Brown's licart. to whom Rid wages and eon etantemplgwentsitlbegicea. Middle aged woman preferred. If from a dl;t.ince.addrc.r. _ H. L. DROWN, Erie. Jan 13 1533 306 1853 J. R. GUNNISON. 1853 Dearra In Boob , . Stationf•ry, 31pnth'y irtziner. Meg, rubli cartons, Sheet Muir.New.plperx v uold Pens. Pocket Cutleri le.,Fir•W door west of the Reed Soup, Este. l'a. I ir A USTIN has Just brotight from New York splendid ankles of / 1 - Winches , . Jewel rY• Vane! , Goods a lid To) s, where lNd nnJ Young tan find something appropriate to the taste and pocket Just about tbese days. A call is respectfully -"Welted, opporrius LI rownl• Hotel. Rate street. Erie. Dee. S 3. 1.551 —33 - PEPPER. spice. Nutmeg. Cloves. Mustard. Citrult.l24f Far 'lna. Gellatin and a thousand articles too nunaenatis to enu. 'aerate which please call and mating prices and quality at Erie N0v.13 1532 -41 STERB27I' & GRArtyCheapslJe. 1 ' RE:4OII and English Merinoes. Mohair dretaloods paCail at a very low figure at fig G. yeumvi & gem's. 117 ST received, And now open for Inipeeilon of the public a lame and wort desirable selection of Fall and Winter dm. pod., which we are determiaed to dispose of at very low rata,. oor motto being small profit* and quick Yogi are reipeet• tilt) Inv lied to nail and we oar stock armada before Krehbeibi eisewbeta. GEO. 8t LAQr &pole &kr Oct f 1832-Irl No. f Tracy's Sleet Obeapaida. MILD bunts Clause is coming in the stripe of Nuts. Raisins NY and itlt kinds of Canting that ibe bean could Matt ibr 3 t Ike. IS. —SI. tinr re. G • AT BARGAIN •I /0 Pea. Si 1f14 61 31 1de aliiiro,cirzr.LTT, WANTED! NEW GOODS. -40.--41111r.11 V ase as -6,1! 6.T, a IL pus millat*en, would itabrio the eta tares or Ole arty and N. chitty Magary have rote as bend a si , l are daily receiv ins by express large too of gone fine alelthaers Oysters. pot Inkentollicif ter CAllltlb use In large and stuslleans. 'radiator who Italie seed thew tt to uttuireassar) to give f ballet !MU that are have thew on baud: but to theme wh., hive ant been Kt t Innate. we would oar trim l Icy are supera , ir to any o)weris in the utatltet. If you don't believe It give us a tall and we will coustuee yen of traelact Fur further partlettlrr. call at CLARK. & SIeCAILT /Rs. State street. P. P.- Orders front si eeou ntry >wllcitcd and prouipti, attended to rale Ike. 1 la:. 3o • , eOI"I'AGE INK." ANEW rupplyof 'hit Mama Ink, known at the Cottatt Ink, Just the thing far &haul purpose*, p. 4 up in Wine trial's. for !ale it NO. S. Brown'. Haiti. Ixe.4 DU11.114 & Bi,t)AN. THE thiSseribers will ray Cash and make contracts for the coming season. lb? the following descriptiem of Lam be/ Whiten ood boards 3-13 and 4-4 inches thick. Plank I 3.4 nod 3 inches think. &sailing 3 by 4 and 4 lir 4 Square. Coign.' 3-3.8 e. 7-7. 9-9. 10-tn and 13-lt Square, Sycamore Board. &Sand 4-4 inch thick, Ash Boards and Plank from I to 4 Inches thick. Cher. ry Boards. Peantl ing and Colum. White Oak Boards and Plank. Whitewool Sycamore and Cherry Limber should be VI fret long, Ash from 11to Street loat. tJEO. BELDEN & 80N. Erie Dee. 4 le3l. 30 Pgestßl NTA—At sett Sr Co's front Loretta* p..r yard upwirds Erie Dec. 4 3(1 DRY GOODS. AGeneral arsortmentOf Dry Goods fur sale on reasonable (erne. tly nee. 1-10 G. EIGLDIKK & IRYN. - Curtain rlxtures. rjlllll l der received two groan of Purnaes'e Patent fletf-edjoin. 1 in: Curtain attuars.alsoa .od assortment of Cord and TOW self. - Erie Dee. 4-10 UFret REM). HY ' Knives at the Cheap Hardware dune. Ctle Dee. 4 —3J Burt:Bß ryn ItEl.l.B:Zlhan't buyLINO you have seen the afterro inettl and a.eertsi nett the prices at the Cheap thrdware mare Erie Dec. 4-30 Rt:F•Vs ••BETTER LA'rF. THAN NEVER." Ttl f: Subscribers arc now offering to the public a Reneral and • well selected stock of Dry iootlt. Graceriel.. Crockery. Boots and lakes, Cloths. Cassimeres and VC.' I nais all of wnieh will be sold as low as ataxy store in &icier Casa or ready pay. I'cc 4 163.1-10 SENA ETT CO. fr:F.TINGS. in anomie' , to suit pinch:wen. al the store in the Sennett Mock, at prices whieh erinnot fail to please. Ike 4-30 FIENNF.TT ar Co. civrt .IR-N SAFE INVESTMENT AND NO iiumnrc. r E plate to purchase Groeerits.lVooden and Willow Ware. 1 Wines and Liquors. Oil., Soap, Candies, Fish. Candies, Fruit&e.. it at MOOR F:'l4 Grocery Stow, Erie Ihm. C Opposite Brown's New Hotel State Ft. LIQUORS. T DAVE on handthebeet ageortinent of Limon ilia city, 1 from the herr Ergrainee down io ?I rent Whiskey. Erie Dee. 4 IFfrs--30 7'. W. MOOIZE.Ptnie Pt- Miceli/a' sham Way e. A I. tßnEasportment Just rceel%e..l and for gale by II &or. Dee 3- 3a T. %V. MOORE, A 'LA RG F: assortment of the above ware consisting in pared* Tabs, Churns. nutter Ladles. Prints. *leak Mauls. ft poons, PIIIO, rotlloe Mashers Lemon Squesmers. Fan e its Towel it ollsrs. Slips loxes, Mop Sticks. Clothes Pins. 811. Covers. Nleasuret. Axe [lrises. Keeler,. Bobby Horses. Bread TTSIVP.RiIk Swifts. mc.. etc.. y found al MOOR L'd Brie 1)-c 4 18.11.3 u opposite Brown's 'New !loud state rt. New Clothing. Establiskmeat. Tun subscribers have connected with their ftOfe large iitnek of ready made clothing. of haute nil nufacture. to which Ine7 wcuild call the attention critic isthtie. their stock consists in part of Frock. Dies,. tanck and over sack Coats. Pants and Ve,ta in endless variety. all made of the hest material, with IStaish and style unsurpassed and rice's° law as to astonish the beholder Ptease call and examine for yourselves. Erie. Dec. 4 1832-30. VINCENT !MIRO!) & CO. AN abundance of tine Silver Ware on hand of his own •nd Easter', manufacture Silver Spoons. Ladles, Sugar Tongs ani Scoops and other Silver Work made to order. ,graving donein Puperior sr% le. Corporation nod SiOe ie• tv Seals engraved and die pinking done equal to any in Eastern cities Nov. 27 ti.1.51-2a. G. WOMIS. T4,N Ili LAS; oil. Lard cut and Neatsfoot nil by Eric Dee, 19-21, CARTER Jr. BROTfiER. A. --- IiARGE and varied a.sonntent of Truraes. embraema all the late improved Patterns. flitted to all ages and sizes and will Ia• properly fitted if required without extra e harp., shoillilr braces and supporters of various Sind, all of It bleb will he sold at Ices than New York re•atl priers, to all who may want any of the above articles we say it will be much to your inrerest to call before buyingelsew here. nee 411359-3 u r. HALL. 19511 Nl7llO/428 ALE AND ENZ'AIL. 31153 ,(tvich See, aid small Preifte The City Drug , Store is fsllhteae! r Bubserilier returns thanks to his numerous cm/miner.: for the liberal patronage received, and trusts from the great in ducements now otrereJ it will be continued and increased lie has lust rereived from head quarters a large supply of a'.l articles in his tune of trade, bought at tho lost est prices and of excellent quality. warranted good and offers to supply his customers the tno.t liberal terms All are invited to call and examine he fo.e buying elsewhere a. great ch.:n•es are off , red firbnyin; gOO , l articles at low prices. P. 11.1f.L. Erie, Nov. 27 lssl Zp 97 w Hooks: New Hooke! ri A N he had at Dustin titonn'a. No. 11 . Brown's 810ck— ‘.../ *elitism %telt fem. or The CAMIII: Mau, Kathkr, a cruise u. the China Seas, garden Walks a ith the Poets. A New Ent:land Ta'e. Rseotlee t ions of a New-rmeand Bride. and era southern Mat ron, notelet. fir Youth, • Book or Snobs. And a senssal assortment *revery thins in the Donk Ilne. - Erse. Nov. rt. IGUFF'd irsT iturnivr.r) at No. It. brown's llMet, the following new and readable Souks, any one of which ena - be had fi.l it cents— • A Book for a Corner. new series. - Table Talk about Bonk,. Men and Manners. - rdiele Pass. or Lift on the Border ? Whims and Witmer , . by flood. Mune and Social Philosophy, td cries. Walks and Talks of an American Fareter In England. 2.4 set lea. :Sicily, II V llgrituage. N0v.47. Left. DURLIN k SLOAN. loGw,)outtou mt. in Iddcr. Omit*. nie 7 wheiii.eofipera I tartar. entrant of logwood. cochineal. tin wawa.. eatnarood. i n d i go and rvery other variety of dye snil6 required. felling holesale and retail at the lox en possible figury at the city drug store. state st Krie lire. 4-3 d. P. HALL llomothiag to stir np the People: - WE arckilt in receipt by "Kastion's Dispatch" of 2 eases, 1.000 yards Madder colored Prints at e., nit Icr yard. small figures add good styles. colors warranted perfectly fast or money refunded. ru.tonter. must call early. Alm, I ra, , e, yards Muslin de Lames, brilliant colors nt.,l design.. nt eent, per %std. TIIIIIAI.B L HAVF.S. Erte 11ee.4403,1-33 No. I Brawn's 3laegattt Drees Goods far the- Hollidays I SELLIAGA7' PRIME LOST. MIMS g In want of an elezant 14[1k. Cashiiirro. M1no• de La inc or Merino l'lnms. will do n - clI to enll at the New York store. where ans article in the Pry Goods line can be [birch:ism, at Now York east, as the whole stock must he wild limner] sielv. Dee .IS-33 As' (v.., of (Writ ground flour by the Thlrrt , ll or pound And I/ be a Sqperlar artiC/C nl Elliot,', 11t1• I•ce. FOR - SALE —.% 111014 ig . - WC IfUi N a n o Forte. manufactitreAy Daniel Gilbert. ofil Jai:in-LW warranted to any tit tire / • will he 01,1 as the Ma ker': , % lauletalt.. price. - kite., thee. 19 t-St-72. : 4 I'OCK t: TON & F4I.ER. ~_______ r It OTEITar NEAR TIIE ;.AILROAD DEPOT. PE4tCII ST'. ERIE Pl. GEORGE W. FOX, I'ROPIUKTOIt. ins 1101 lie if situate but a fen. steps frnMilse Eastern and T Wes'ern Railroad depots—has Leen treAkly furnished and fitted up for the accommodation of r... - TRAtNIALItS AND I'HAV. 61.668. and as it pleasant and agreeable astippitigislace is unsur passed bran.' in the rity. Attached 101 l is a excellent gable and other accommodations for teannuers nud others from the country. Parsentrera aim rtargnac carried to and from the Cars tree of ctrtrge. Charges rearnuat le; Erie. Dec. I. t 431 - P D ERFUMERV.—Lulmi',estraeir ofJoeky Club. Iture,Geratn tear. Patehohlv, Ileityrstnia. Ilelanolin, Violet., Murk, Jr,- Mitattlers. 14PW mutt-10118y, Jenny IA ;id. Citronelle. Rosa Mattehale. Verbena. I:ll.nritlP. ColoflUe. Maestro? tin and 41: Darrow for the Ilan, t' a aclron Aromatise fur sweetening the Breath, and an 'interwar :uncles for Litils'• and Gent'. TOIICid, at Erie. Dee. ;A 32 2.11. Lit:Bruit & ctre. Riot: t A full supply and as cheap en , can be round in G the e ity. to be had it Dee. 11. Aimee - IDA Sr. Krnall. URRAII FOR CIikISTMAB %ND NEM YEAR:-3 1 101102. L I- ca m+ for,iale at reeeived, a large supply of French. English- and Arriers ." ean - .Glass. consist ii.g of all the different slats front 7 by g to 31 hy,4l. which is ill be so!d by the box or single light at the very lowest priers mass cut to any site without extra charge Zr,e. Nov. 20 1t.32-2 1 3 .1. 11. BURTON it CO. B OG IVood. Amulet and colored Bracelets. Jun received at_AUSTIN'S. Erie Aurist7 1°39 13 Opposite Brown's !lota M-USICAL INSTRUMENTS. NOW opening. au extenrive assortment of Guitars. Areordeons. Butyric Taninorinen. Flutes. Piles. fir t or ev ery price and quality also. artringifur Guitars. VIOi imiand lineeflos. of the very best kind,, all very cheap at Eric Bern 4-17. T M. ArsYries, Opposite Brown's. note n. eoit SALE VERY LOW.—A large and powerful Teleseopt. costing in England Twenty Pounds. to be sold fur one hair its cost—warranted perfect i. every respect. inquire of Erie Sepi 1-17. T. IL A usi is, opposite Brown's truite-in. to liGACKelkilTll3.-1 a•u now receiving a heavy- doei of Inni and Steel of all kind■ and sins, also Ana l's, Vises. Bil low■, Hoek and flies. Hiedsrs, Hammen. Horse ari es and Nails. Malahlt Castings. Brass. Hub and sand Bands. ite Ike.., whieb will be sold at the Jawed flames. TWITS REED. iN k l OW is the time to lay in a stock of Bookefor these boil win. 1.1 ter evenings—sur h. for moaner, as Capt E yd. or the Wizard of the Sea Price SO et.. The Prairie Stout. a So.:lance of Border Life " SO .. Heads and Hearts, or My &rubor ( - Memel .• SO •• The Swamp Steed, or Ihe Days of Marion " 50 " The Rifle Rangers—a Story r f Love and Wei " SO " Cello: N. T. above and Under ground .. gg .. New Fork by Gas Light .. 55 64 The Hein of Derwent Water .• RI me Kate Penton, or Life and its Lessons .. IS WI The Wedding Dress .. 13 .. The Three Strong Men MI 13 . Jenny Des er, the Female flights-synths . - ti .4 G lidera,. the Freebooter •• gg . Gentleman Jack, or Lite on The Road .. fg . A Life of Viairsitudes—by James . ' is . The History °Mem Esmond, Esq . .' 61) . Together within large variety of other cheep and readable Kooks. DUBLIN & eLoAN. Erie Dec. 15, Ifsl. No. t. Brown's lintel. 500 DAY Sta's.Etoplte.Watersket gad Masstoo longs od equate pshitarls. at mien to suit the million. Et le ?Icy. IS 1831-118 TIMIALA 4 II SYSSI. 25 .D i t :re z r . pa nd ir eolorerl 4 Glc;:m 4 =ekahallnlF:4nd Some et AiliftiCillA Authors. pig Boon etAIMMMse Ambers. tlpf most beemihil Book It, trfoltatirf. iltetitukilt. sad to MAIN. evit iteitistmodetrot mewl Item m Ibutets.t's at go. 11.110wors 4W, L Ma Maim le ii" 1134: L V VI 1111 - z 11. Wooden Ware. INZIW 1300g111 Chily tarelity,4oe rods rant i ! :111:RRICK & DAVIS, 7.40.15 Booliell Mork. Slane PI retql Zilliotes mills JO;IN F.1.1.101-r., GLABISI Long Winter liveuir frs. •-• - , - CURRY lezVkagAl,. P•r Ole Cure .4" COUGHS,- COLDS, HOARSENESS. ERONCILIT/S 1 WHOOPING—COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION: Many years ortriai, instead of f t.e puLlic lOtt6dene• in this medicine, has won for it au appreciation and estate", 41 fnr exceeding the wort sanguive expectations of its blends,. Nothing but 111 intrinsm %trines and the unmistakable beadle conferred on tteurand‘ ofsufremrs,eould originate and 101101tiliti the reputation it enjoys. While many inferior remedies throat upon theco ninunity, have failed and been discarded, this ban gninrd friends by et ery trial. conferred benefits on the/1114114 they can never forget, and produced cures too 0493911019 904 140 remarkable to be fur:ottv n While it is a trawl on the public to pretend that any one Med:. Leine will infallibly cure—rtill there Is abundant proof that the Cherry Pectoral dces not only as a general thing, but &UMW 11. variaLly cure the malidies for which It is employed. As time makes there facts wider and better known. this Medi. eine has gradually become the Lest reliance of the afilietelt. Ikea the log cabin of the tisteriean Peanut, to the palaces of &teepee an Kings. Throughout this entire country,_ in every state. - eliy. and indeed tiniest et ery hamlet it eintains. Cherry Peelers! IS_ known as the Lest remedy extant for diseases of the Throat swil Lungs, and in many foreign countries. it Is coming to be sues; steely used by their most intelligent physicians. In Great Bri Lain, France and Germany, where the medical sciences Wm reached their ht;hest perfection. Cherry Pectoral is Infrelditeed. and in Constant use in the armies, hospitals. alms house,. Pub. lie Institutions, rind in domestic practice, as the surest rellillt4, their atiendine physicians can employ fur the more denerons ars feetions of the lungs. Also in milder cases, and for children it Is safe. pleasant and effectual to cure. In fret, some of the most flittering testimonials we receive have been from parents whin have found it a reaeioas Incases particularly incidentallo dads hood. - - . The Cherry Teeter:ll Is manufactured by a practical Chembea. and every ounce of it und.•r hlsown eye., with Invariable amnia ay and care. It Is reale! aad protected by law from awarder rein!. consequently can ha relied on as crania. without *dotter. ation. We have endeavored here to furnish the ecromunity Web a . medicine of such Intrinsic superiority and worth as 16011 lid CON mend itself to their confidence—, remedy at once ants, speedy} and effectual. which this has by repotted and countlesswiabli proved itself to be ; and trust by great care In primate" it welt chemical accuracy. of uniform strength to afford physicians • new agent on which they can rely for the best results, tad the" afflicted with a remely that will 1.) for them all that medlellei can do. PRERARED AND SoLD RY-JAMF.S C. AVER. PraeticA and Analytical Cbemita. Lose!. Ni..a Sold in Erie by J H. Button & in North East by II C. Town ar. Co.: in Girard by J. A. While; In Craneavilieby ßtd- Inee Shemin bond by Ilruggisto ever) where. tyl7-3027. WINEIS. LIQUORS. . . 'IIIrIANI. Groecrte..Pfrkles. Fickeled Oysters..Lotishrrs. Tor iiel cies, Fruit 3 , 1 , 1 !Nuts. J. G. & W. 1 ri111.1.8. Mo. 3 WO. .s.n:s Block. opposite IlronM's New lintel. Erie, Pa. Mors 40101setied a New Establishment. s here they are prepare d sell alt Articles in their local the Loismit prices. at Wholesale aid Retail. The Stock Consists in part of the following iurticlol,lo srili , Wines. fringes. Preserved Fruits. Mactarenta. Liquors, Leuidus„ Verinactilv Sardines. l'i,esrs, Fier. Plain Pickles, Anchovies % Porter, Raisins, All'd Vickie,. - tasuoilso. Ale, Nutt, Pickled Oystcrs. Currants. Cider. - Cocoa. Pickled Lobsters. Bs 00001. Cordials, Pines. Pickled Cimnr. ( - mi.. oa. Es Absinth% WHJSKEI BY THE BARREL. ALSO—lea. Sugar. Coffee. Molasses. Tobacco. Rice. Grasse! Spices, Confretiut a r y by the Box. Soda Biscuit. Crackers by the Barrel. and many other Articles too numerous tomentkot. IMPOSTEIi CIGARS.—We import our own Cigar*, and ea. WI better qua' ity of Cigar. .t the same prices than any house is the c i ty Pure and Genuine twines. Lupiors of every desert.. lion eon.lanile on hand, for Sale: Wholesale at low rates. Al so—nettled Wii,es and Liquors for Medicinal or other purpose co hand by the Dozen or Single bottle u Bich are pure. ..IGENCY FOR DUFF.4I.O ALE'—Mnlrms and Gilman & PartonS Ale, for sale by the barrel. nu Buffalo Price. addisg iransporiatten. Alva—te:!eiVing iu ill it Eie:ison Oyners io shell. Reg and Fan. from J . G. .11111 s & CO, of New York. he `ale IVholesale at Low Prices - . .1 G. MILLS, New York. % , W. I. lit us. Baltic. A. C. JACKSON. Agent Erie. Ps. N. R. Hotels. Ft am Bunts. private Families and Dealers (gri evant, supplied w th ati articles in our line. at ltuffako ORDERS from (.7.ty and flirruntliog country respectfully solic ited. and ne pi dge ourselves that all goods shall be SI MOW.- to n 'rd. E ie. may 22. 1P.52 viT NDMV I:l,A33.—The largest asseitutent emu bevegla WI) tbta city Can be folind at 0et.23 21 CARTER & ROTil ER. No.ll Reed House. flora z DON'T INTRUZI,XI:I J. M. .11'STICE VV°X,lnjitimtn. alen,,aivtletnimriuterilinhigiesaprir the very literal patronage heretofore emended to him, ar inform them that he has just recr•Ded the Largest and Hest Stock of Cloo ) g‘ in his line that has ever teen o:feted in this car. ecemielee et.. CLOTHS, CASSIM ERE'S AND VESTINGS, the choicest kind, which he will make ilp to(order. Gentle.. men wishing their clothing made to order c yf have their wear tares taken and clothing male, ant! if not plelicti with them it hen doh.. they wilt not he asi.eri to take them way. Ml*, on USA at all timer, a large and well tam arsonnetit of ItB111:11C CLOTHING! Of our own manufacture, eonifirtlyz, of Overr:unts of endow skytcs. Frock. Dress mill Sack i3.....r5; Vest., Shirt,. Stock erit vat.. Drawers, Undershirts. (Driver, Suspenders, lce., which wall to sold nt,the vrry lower ricer for CA'3ll. Persons in ;rapt of anything In our liii , are int itc.l to call and essunda good,. and prices for theme 'es. • Eric Oct. 23 1E32 _ _ More tlf.teft's of the Gash Spawn& lehritowtiacresa!to' ars only to or sees is Es.' at CLAW 4.. 3/ LTC'.i LF' S. Ad. Reed 1/usse. FRIT:NTIS. Just ail and 100 n at t lir late Cr-A purchases...pad once morel asterindied. We can do it—that we wtfl. we pledge cur Inor. We hate just opened 'new st‘ le o( Bro eade Satins. lks. s 3rd wide Mack the ver) best in sheeny; French Nltiviniui s. Persian Ttt rllr, Coburghs and the nicest M. delains'foyis )Cr yard tU f e form 1 West of Sew York; Shawls., lone and b miare Itrocha of new designs, Turkerto. Silks, Thibbet amt PI Ids in great variety. and at prices ro low as to enable us to laingh nt the del of eonivel.iinn—i inked thev are so low as to M 114 4. tar 11000/0111 refotse to slor bie:r considerh j It useless trouble. when they find their customers are coming Bete bef,re purchasing %Veil. it i. Gent: , .we don't blarue•you-- Shentls to , .ght fur esili will go. whi e your shelves still groan bet. !tenth the harden of your NIX months purehases. Frir the Gen is. we have evert thugtier mina r) for an outfit say. eery ehenp. and for families vie have full supplies of housekeep ing articles.+t prices that need only to be named to ensure sales. Friends and eustomers, tic will make these words good. Look to tour interests, and try us. Erie Nov. 131!'32—f7. _ D aVSTrinimincs and Velvet B,ll.hemp. in great varietyamt opened at Nor. 20 1111 11.11.8 t HAY . Cf.OTtiS. Cass' were.', Twcedes.Satinett►nndJeans very low AL t 9 le5S-22. G. 'al C.1.DE79 is BON'S. - - - A NOTH ER large , lot of 11. Collin's warranted axes. this day I received. Price ei,Ureach. Rt7F,Viil REED. U IL-13 B arrvls Ohio I.tosced Oil. morn rJ and for Fair lOVII by the barrel or g Mon, at Nov. 4J-t? BURTON'S. _ Intntanso Stock of Clothing and Clottail Take vadif roans No. 7. Re:d noise, bj the Propraelerr, Aed Nock, irit3 leriest dapete 4. WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED. Having a most mayn't:cent and match'ess assonmeot Oleloth. trig of it rummest innters3ls acid unexceptionably mil. and made in the shop (not slop) by experienced workmen in the best manlier. after full patterns. We do. with perfeeteohlideoet,, chaileinte a comparison of our goods and prices with those of any other e.hrnbriaturient hrtwr-ri the city of New York and ea city of Erie We purchased these goods and made them up to sell—aud—and—and TliEr mrsT PE SOLD!! Any man or Arty wi•LGie fora cool. vest or pant*. br soaking his wants known to me, wilt be nreo•ninnilited with an 'Welt that will stilt inin —at a Vice that will snit him — ouiy call—tall —and if you do hot depart a richer and a Lapides toast—say Dstas* is not Jacob. Traveling nap. Umbrellas, Start 6 5 1.7 mkt Shiris,and Diswee• ID , llars. Silk Handkerelliers and Cravats. Gloves, Suspenders. shims , for money .t No.l, Reed House . Erie. Nor. tn. ANOTHER HO AZ' lA. TilE Suhse (Mery are now receiving a very large stock of Wet and Dry Groceries front Eastern wit , ' and the Auetica Room. bought (or Civil) at eztremely tow figures, which are of fered for sale at a small advance for Woe ready. Those wishing to avail themselves of an opportunity for buying a stock of good, iii our line. for a I cry I ante cash, are resito - tfiiiir invited to call and examine at STERRETT & GRAY'S. Erie, Nor. 6 lesii 61 Wrapping rap r. A FIRST RATE article to" Wravfing Paper.lest received as la for }ale at No V. Kw%ll Hotel 1;•ie. Pee IS. ISII-31 N G HA CIS of ere!) runty And style Irmn 10 ernes togati. /Or per y ardat Nor 9 99 JACKSON. 1852. PALI. AND WINTER GOODS. 1853, Al LARGE ASSORTMENT JUAT . RECLIVaI .117' 'Akio a WARREN'S IMP lai Nat and Pnrniatang Store, - No. P. Rums's Nee iihrti. SW* street. Er& CNtriSTING of all Goods in his line. Oats of every variety , of style and quality. made expressly to order for this market, also a very large stock of Kossuth. ratatlaff es and Carder HIM. with a variety of Caps for men. yont lig and children of our ~ Amok,. of both. toil. silk. French. Ge - man.. Prussian. Belgian and Mohare Muslin , of vs,. rious styles mid prices, constantly on hand or made to order; also. a large stock of arrest o toots an Ladies Purr. Iloilo. Victor Ines and alottlersnt all styles and prier*, with ik tame stock of Gents Furnishing Goods, ecnsistitg in pan of shirts, wrappers. drawers, sclrfs. cravats. handkerthiefb and collars, (tame ph of the 1 ery best., and so large a stock of gloves and mittens. a e have not room In enumerate them, with valises a. d trunks constantly on h..iid of our own manufacture, shay carpet. ettihose an ! patent leather travelling bag. and um. brellas. In short, a large and Complete assortment of Fail out* lliinirr Good., selected and made with the greatest tare SO that every eirstarner tuuy not (tit to get the " oral or his money.— Come and see i f these things are not ao. and iiidge rot yourselves. at Ne P. Brown's New liliJek. N. n —flats. Caps and truntts repaired or made to order. Red Buffalo Rohe, lined or other r. 11" work done on the shortest ma OM Ott. 16 tnilt—la . J(IIIN 11. WARREN- CItitIdITNIAS is at hood agnln. and.those n4lO Wine te wake Presents In a substantial fors". should eat' as Warreses /tee iStdre. where ?seer mad Osolbsi me be readied le selserhlff IN tame week et rum and ether sert Isalerbis Wider Opp. DI, Dee. f.S. 1•34 • IZI . I for would JAcol ICfICP MIR lAN