Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 29, 1853, Image 2

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    Milled and General News.
Iteport of the Secretary of tY 'bowery.
We And in the New York papers the annual re
port, et the Secretary of the Treasury, from which
Ire gather the following principal fact, and recom
mendations. The receipts for the year ending
June 30. 1842, were—from customs, $47,339,326:
frosts sales of public lands, $2,043,239, and from oth
er sources 411345,820. These added to a balsfierf \ of
810,911,645, in the Treasury at the beginning-4
the year, make the aggregate receipts 4160,640,032:
In order to show the actual receipts of last year
with the estimated receipts for the current year, we
primate the items as aaaexigh—
A' hal. lat honied.
IE3 t-1 ins 3 3
ilexisalos is fokisuks se
tossts 38 1.903.** so
sums a soma so
111,111,113 S 9 11.133.133 31
Public Lands
Prevkous Salase*
- . Ileh.6",11117
=tMates • W7,ase were
ry lasi the receipts r 18:11.2 were esti
mated by the Secretary at .81.411.05 to
Whale the.aetual receipts were WACO/ 3?
Dellelt for the year -----
3,151,813 It
The estimated expenses for the cirrent year in
clude the redemption of the public debt to the ex
tent of $5,922,931 or the loan of 1843, and $1,276,
548, of the loan of 1847. The entire debt on the
let January 1833 was $65,131,692, exclusive of
$3,000,000 yet to be delivered to the State of Tex
as. The Secretary alludes to the increasing for
eign commerce of the country, as contributing '-for
the time toe sudden expansion of its revenues."—
This increase of revenue is, to the mind of the Sec
retary, injurious to oar own great manufacturing
interests. Among these the iron interest is cited;
the importations of that article alone having been--
Is 181.14-101.111 ions. with duties 111.701.7t1
la 18314-433.113 " " " 3.274€12
• The foreign manufacturer having larger means
and /beeper labor, has forced down our market and
crushed our own iron interests, and now, before our
manufactories can recover, is reaping the benest of
the enormous demand for iron in the United States
at advanced prices. '
There has been an increase in the exports of to.
bacco, rice, and breadstuff's, but the aggregate vai•
use of domestic exports last year were $24,349,585
less than the previous year, leaving a general bal
lets** against us of $40,142,000 fur the last fiscal
year in our foreign trade.
Tii• coinage of the U. S. Mints for the last year
is shown to bare been $52.404.569, of which only
6847,310 was in silver and $51.62094 in copper.--
The Secretary shows that the silver coin now in the
country is gradually lessening, and urges the pas
up of ',bill as adopted by the Senate last year, for
"s new issue of silver coinage, of such reduced
weight as will allow it to circulate with the gold
coinage of established weight and fineness." The
oslll of Mint Certificatetis also recommended, which
would produce a saving of $350,000 or $400,000
aenually to guyernmnnt. Such certificates tp be
for sums of $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, $5,000 and $lO,-
000 each, and paid to depositor: at the Mints and re•
oeitrable fur all government'aues.
The operations of the Coast Survey Department
ere alluded to in a - flattering terms. The increas
es g duties devolving upon the head of that arrest',
induce the recommendation that the [rankling priv
ilege be extended to it. _
The Light House Board, established only a few
months since, are nowiprosecnting, on a liberal and
extended scale, the objects designed by Congress.
Durise the rear. ending June 3 3 .1833, we I.
• ponsi of fortign Merchandise
atiod reported of domestic usercbandiss
of sateica
%Making is all gie0,967.07
• At the same time we exported of specie user and
above the import of the same. 537,170,631.
Mr. Corwin advises that the Government build
no more marine hospitals, but instead, make arrange
ment with local hospitals for the ears of sick and
disabled seamen.
The Secretary reiterates, is a somewhat modified
fors, the ancient sentinielits of the whip. party in
.relation to the tariff. There are a large number, of
statements accompanying the Report, which have
not came to hand.—Butale Courier.
• vsts.aa; =Au. r. mins r • ,aTEVIIRN UOVYTT...The
Dansville Herald learns that "great Excitement ex
sted for a few days last week, at Cantata* Steak°
comity, caused - by the supposed discovery of gold.
Of course all sorts of rumors are afloat, but as near
es we,can ascertain, by a gentleman who was in
that vicinity, and stew specimens of the metal taken
oil, the facts appear to be that, the "gold mine"
was discovered by a buy on the banks of Bennett's
Creek, near Caniateo, and some ten or twelve miles
hew Hornelisville. It was supposed to be gold, and
the Onneuneement that the boy had dug $5OO worth
of Id in three day*, flew like wild-fire ; and, as
taig well be Elipposed, excitement was at fever
boat. Some 200 men are reported to have a•sem
bled upon short notice. Rumors prevail as to the
owners of farms along the creek gelling out their
ashootiag irony," and peremptorily ordering intro
'tiers off their premises- It is also said werrants
were issued and sums thirty arrests were made for
trespass. Our informant, who is a jeweller. exam
ad the metal and reports it of a bright color, quite
eitalleeble; and-he, in connection with others who
are. capable of judging, pronounce it ithnost pure
popper. Whether shall lead to the Jis
cover, of an extensive .deposite of copper. remains
to be soei.'
A Ilzsnri ILLtirresTrom.--The Courier des Etats
dais, in Ills article on the caloric ship Ericsson
lastrateel the operation of the apparatus, ia alter
nately heating and cooling the same volume of air,
la the following apposite manner:
The great fundamental principle of the transmis
sion of caloric, cost the inventor twenty years of
reflection to realize in this machine. It consists in
*slag constantly the sauna heat to warm the air
which ie made to enter the cylinders. The appar
atus by,Means of which this principle is apalied, is
called a ; '-regenerator, and 'we can form a clear idea
of it 'by supposing that a man has his mouth filled
with warm metalic spongis; if he draws in his
breath, the exterior air, in traversing the pores of
the warm sponge. tvill 'itself be warmed, and will
arrire warm into the lungs, whilst the sponge, hav
ing parted with its caloric, becomes culd: if he ex•
bales the air thus -warmed, this air, in again tra
versing the sponge, will again warm it, and will
come out reduced in temperature. If instead of pro
ducing these movements by the contraction of the
muscles of the breast of the individnal, an ordinary
bellowS is adapted to the mouth, to produce the in
bislatioin and the exhalation, we will well nigh have
the Vicison machine.
Tiutturn or Anstatcari Braemar.—.A gentlemen
winacature over from Liverpool in the Baltic, tells
u tbet when he left, everybody in that city nos re
joicing over the Cunard steamship Arabia, which
bad been built expressly to beat the Collins steam
s* a a d was considered the moat auierb as we.l as
the tiniest vessel afloat. Loud were the exaltations
over the einicipated triumph, and the lowering of
the American flag in this contest of speed. What
bas been the issue! The Baltic, which sailed De
cember the 29th, arrived safe and snug at her wharf
in New York, Jan. 11th, making the trip in less
than thirteen days, in spite of stormy weather.—
The Arabia, which sailed Jan. Ist, after running
nearly thirteen dip, and exhausting her fuel in ef•
intuit° make e rapid trip, his to put into a way port
for coal and repairs, and will probably be fifteen
&Icor more in making the run to New York. We
rejoice at this defeat of our cousins over the water,
in the honorable competition for mastery of the
Nat. The Collios steamers remain_ unapproached
br the Ca:larders, and the English company will
before they can get a
-hays to labor long 1 to
Nat ;a i fair race either the Baltic, Pacific, Atlantic
bare recei.ed a pe c: I molt!' by Ward's Telegraph
Line, under date of the 19th inst., giving thefollow
14account of the burning of three ',centers at St •
Louis. About 3 o'clock a fire broke out in the
iitnialer "New England," a Keokuk packet laid up
at the head of the Landing. The ere communica
ted to the *steamers Brunette and New Lucy—all
ti nte destroyed. The latter boat totted d.iwn,—
pinning some fifty or sixty steamer s i n i mm i nent
anger. 'Fortunately, howeter, she was kept Ou t
h s th e s t eam , only touching one boat. The steam
or Altona . drew out the GI •ndenin, and then took the
limiting wreck in tow, and landed.ber on the outl
et* side of the rk er.—Cli r. Plisiwiliefer.
• with stoma. in Assibms. •
' A cWrrespoodesit of the Cialirostoo M mina
the following accoont of a easporato lett botwoon
AbSoloin William., who is about 70 year. Or IV,
his wife, and an euorlamis sirr, which occurred
about the first or December, at Yr. Williams' rood
The Tiger was first discovered at the premises
of Mr. James Drake, who lives in the north portion
of Jefferson county, where it entered his enclosure,
attacked his horses, an i killed one, besides wound
ing two others. While the tiger was committing
itsdepredations, it was discovered by Francis Drake,
son( :he proprietor of the the premises, who fired
a shut 'gun at it wounding it in the side, but not
dangerously, when it made its escape. The next
day, while Mr. and Mrs. Williams were sitting
iu theii house.`the rest of the family being absent,
they were startled by a strange noise in the yard,
in front of the house, Mr. William's, on going out
discovered his dog engaged with a tiger, when be
seized an ex-yoke and aimed a blow at: the "var
mint," bin, missing it struck his dog. The dog
then got au ay from the tiger and retreated. ' In an
instant the tiger sprung on Mr., Wil isinS, and,
seizing him by the hand, jerked him about twenty
feat. The old geltietnan finding himself in the too
powerful grasp t.f the wild animal, courageously de
termined to give the best "rough and tumble fight"
is his power, and, having no weapons within reach,
he seized the tiger by the throat with his other
hand, and throwing his whole heft forward ' ctuah
ed the tiger to the ground, both falling side by side.
At this time Mis. Williams came to the rescue
with a gun, which she snapped at the tiger, but
there being no priming in the pan, it did not go off.
Mr. ‘Villtatins then, with one arm round the tiger's
body, and grasping his throat with his other hand,
by an effort-disengaged himself. The tiger discov
ered a new adversary in the person of Mrs. W., and
jumped at her, and attempted to grasp her bead
within its jiws, while it struck and lacerated ber
breast' with its fore paws. She tried to avoid the
monster, but was felled to the ground. The tiger
made another grasp at her head, his. upper teeth
penetrating thvv of the skull and sliding along the
bone, peeled off the skin, till they met the lower
teeth, which penetrateion the right side of her
pm,* ill 27
112,3112,biS es
la the meantime, Mr. ,Williams had seised the
ox-yoke again; and giving the tiger a treimendous
blow, caused it to leave Mrs. W., when It leaped
into the house s and got Attic' the bed. The doer
immediately eloped and the monster was secured. Mr.
W. was exhausted from the effects of his, wound.,
from which the blood flowed in streams; but not so
his better-half. When she saw their mutual foe
thus attempt to take possession of their house, she
determined to finish the brittle, and notwithstanding
the severity of her woundp,,her dress almost entire
ly torn from her periinn, and covered with blood, she
deliberately took the gun, and, shaking some pow
der from the barrel into the'pen, elev.(' the muzzle
between one of the openings which the logs of the
house afEirded, and fired with steady and deadly aim.
The tiger was killed. When subsequently measur
ed, it was found to be 12- fen from the tip of its tail
to it. nose.
During all the time the fight was going on, no
one but those engaged in it were within hearing.—
Mr. Wile. nearest neighbor heel three Miles off.—
Huvreidr, as Mrs. W. tees wishing the loaf from
her person, a neighbor came riding by, a el alarmed
at her appearance, inquired the cause.he eld la
dy unab e from the Liss of blood to epee , pointed
to the dead body of the tiger.
The escape of Mr. and Mrs. W. is indeed won •
derful, and they ere now recovering gradually from
their wounds. Mr. W. jokes about the tiger fight.
and intimates that the old lady was moot enraged
when the "varmint" took possession of his bed and
house. It need hardly be added that Mr. Williams
is a brie. man. He fought the Britiskat New Or
leans, subsequently the Mexicans in the cruse of
Teas.; but this last fight is, perhaps, thei moat sin
gular of all. His wife, in intrepidity and daring is
worthy of him, and the two, together. are of that
courageous class that hate encountered fbresi wilds
and !rontier dangers—the pioneers of cliiistien citi-
Winn and American insti intiont. i
8117.111.211 i
i 5140.447
The President "Done" by Billy Bo legs.
We have another addendum to our histOry of Mr.
Fillmore'sdiplamatic success. From an cifficial and
reliable source, we learned yesterday that the farce
get up last summer, by Messrs. Fillmore and Con
rad, at great expense, at which the famous Indian
Chief Billy BowleJs played the,princtpal part, has
terminated, as all persons of intelligenceand
edge of Seminole character predicted, in the tragico
&mien finale of Billy's positive refts4al to leave his
native everglades, and his open defiance of the pow
er of the Government to effect his removikl.
After being humbugged by the Eurupeen pewee',
bamboozled by the Catalan officials of iGults, and
treated with lofty scorn and ridicule, Is well as
foiled in his efforts, by the nigger Emperor of Hay
ty, Mr. Fi'linure's administration lacked but one
other Incident to render it the most complete and
elaborate comedy of blunders that was 'ever brought
out on the political stage, and that was to be cir
cumvented by the poor drunken Indian of Florida.
This has been must effectually done by the said Bil
ly Bowlegs. After being escorted to ‘Vashington
entertained there at the public eapense, and feasted
and lectured by Mr. Fillmore, and no doubt supplied
fionnel, waiecoats and prayer books by that worthy
futictuary, B-Ily went on to New York, where the
esie-renown-t1 Sachems of that great city enter
sined him at the public expense, with an unlimited
quantity of whiskey and beef, of whic't the chief
partook to such an ;seems as to produce conseqoen-
CPS very humiliating to his admirers.
Thus honered and feted, Billy returned to the Ev
erglades full of rum and ctntempt to the pale faces,
and with an idea of his own importance,- which fil
ed his resolution not to be bought off chimp, 80,
he very cavalierly informs General Blake, in lan
guage nearly copied after that of Soulouque's mul
atto Primier, that Mr. Fillmnre's propositions are
declined, and that he intends to leave Florida when
it is convenient and agreeable. This fact has been
officially notified to the Government. All the
money and hospitality rationed so Billy—and there ;
has been some profitable jobbing in this affair, which'
will add greatly to the resources of some unseen
Galehinito—have been thrown away. Billy has
bought negroes with his douceure, end sent them to
hie friends in Arkansas. And now being convinced
by the assurances of the President and his New
York Aldercnanic friends that lie is a great warrior,
and that his consequence is iecreased rather than
diminished, by his warlike encroachments upon the
white sett;ements in Florida, he wisely determines
to tail to his value, by further operations in that
line. Hence his notification to Gen. Blake. A
small touch of a Florida war wilt be an apprupriate
sequel to the inglorious administration which ter
minates on the 4th of March next.
egi. The Liverpool Mail, of the Ist inst., states
the brig Lily left the Mersey a few days previous
for Africa, having on board among other (hinge.
50 tuns of gunpowder and 20 puncheons of rum, but
in consequence of a gale, she was compelled to best
about the channel for three day., and was then
driven ashore on Kitterland Island, by wMch five of
her crew were drowned. On the fulloWing day,
Mr. Lace, sob-agent fur Lloyd's repaired to the
wreck with thirty-one men to tee what could be
At a quarter before eight, a violent shock was
felt throughout the southern district of the island
and a sheet of fire anti a pillar of smoke were seen
to be hurledintu the sir, hundreds of feet high (rum
the wreck. It seems that a large portion of pow
der was placed so high in this I that it did not
get wet by the waves breaking on it. The explo
sion dashed the teasel to atoms, and blew to broken
fragments some thirty-two humatv.. beings. Bat
one individual near the fatal scene e,caped to tell
the story, James Kelly,"who is still alive, although
one cheek and ear are taken off: The accident
made twenty-three widows mud seventy-three fa
therless children. Fragments of the wreck ware
blown the distance of six miles.
STAND TILONI UNDRAL—LittIe ' Ihridy ii growing
bellicose and threatning. The arren Star says of
the business of the Legislature win tersion: "le
addition to the election of a United Stated Senator;
and remodeling the Liquor Lew, which will call tip
a ll the 'angry paesions; arrangements will be made
to give our ellectiouste sister Massecheuetts, ouch
a erunocing amt will satisfy her grariping sad Diet.
beating dlopoeitlew." Three eberre fur illtiNe le.
lan!. • . _
'Frit SZferkiti thirotr.
• , . ,e ; e ,
The Eletnocratie voters, of Erie county ars hereby no
tified to inset at their anal places for holding tlettieos,
is their respective boroughs. towushipa sad wards os
Saturday the sth slay of February nest, to appoint &le
gatee to attend the event! Couventieu, which will west
at Erie es Tuesday the Bth of February. The voteru of
the borough- ►ad tewashipe will meet at fear o'clock P.
M., these •f the city at seven o'clock P. M.
Erio. he. 29. 1853.
Marshall of the Western District of Penn's.
We learn that CUARLCI Lawav, of Potter county. is
an applicant for this responsible post. We have known
him as an editorial brother, and we know him personal
ly. and in both positions he has commanded odr respect
for his ability and kindest regard for his affable and gen•
tlemanly demeanor. We do not intend to say whs.
among the cempetiters for this office should be the suc
cessful candidate; but we will say, if they are all as equal
ly competent and equally entitled to consideration for
geed qualities and ability as JadftLy to an. the President
will have little difficulty in waking au sppointmeut that
ratite satisfactory to the public.
EIIICISOr VriSELS or is said that the Agent•
of Ericsson and others from New York. at Washington.
hays proposed to furnish the Secretary of the Navy with
one or more Tamils. to be propelled with the Ericsson
angina, which are to attain a spud of nine•knots witha
daily consumption of sight tons of coal. The proposition
has been formally eatetv.ined. and Ericsson hes been
requested to send his vitriol on to Wahington. Tbio
has been caned to. and sh4sis to be then within thirty
113 . At Lafayette. la., Jan. 6t. a man and bis wife.
who had been driakiag to esteem. lind a fight. i■ which
the man received a Wow e-a his head Kish resulted In
death the next day.
117 Mr. Bailey. ens of the persons iajareit the same
time young Pierce was killed. hai sire* died•ai Law
ranee. Thirastbe third death.
tr rho Now Orissa. Picayune slaw that a goads ,
man traveling down the Mississippi. sot long alum too
came acquainted on ths boat with "'lady, who with bar
six children was on her witylo California. Stio bad only
toe aaaaaa t.,*s colored man, who hid gone to California
alone, worked hard, and Hot $1,00040 the mistress. to
Habra her sod her Intl' ones to come oat to the far•dis
tent gold regions. Oh, the horrors of Uncle Tom'. Cabin.
Er The financial editor of th• N. York Express says
that he •utartauus no doubt that the joint iield or gold
from California and Australia. in 18.51. wall d five
bemired 'pillions of dollars. Lel it come.—we can stand
Death of Ira Douglu. -
The fallowing annoy:mamma of the death of this es
timable lady. we copy from the Washington Union. of
Friday last:
"Yesterday's announcement of the decease of 141 ex
reliant lady. the wife of the lion. Stephen A. DAWN , .
was to* brief to express on our part. who were well ac
claimed with her estimibli charaster, elf deep lease
el the 'stela of the loss involved is that nuesrefel event.
Seldom. indeed, has death invaded the family Male with
mom heart-yendieg effect. •T left a men desolate hearth.
than is the instance here recorded. Aod this cocanto•
city. is which she has resided fat Haus years. has rarely
had eases for deeper sorrow. Mrs. Douglas. the. last
'weights child of the late C d. Robert Mattis, of fliack•
Michas& COollif. North Carolina. was married in April.
11147. and died at this residence of her husband. in this
city. so the 19th Mat . in the 24th year of her age. Large•
fyiesdireed by nature. highly educated and accomphast•
ed. and possessieg is an-smineut degree all the amiable
sad lovely swamies of her sex. she was greatly admired
in society. sad beloved mid idolized at horns. Of bet it
it; no exaggeration to say, that
••Xoee knew her but to love bet.
Or wood bet but to praise."
She bee left la mourn her lose aa aged and. bereaved
mother. a h*art•etrickaa and disconsolate husband. aid
three lariat children. whose tender years ales* conceal
from, them the knowlndge of their irreparable lees."
Passau:ea vs. PeAcricc.-;-Wil Gad the following para
graph in the lest Comurcial:
"Qaccw."—For a man to dabble hie pen in what's
noise of hie beeinees, sad make a miestateMeat into thi
Jest below it the Editor • 'dabbles his pea" in. re
lation to the proposed eztemioa of the basin's; of the
Arm of Viacom. Moored & Co. "We are gied•to lave
that the besieese of the firm is in a - most preeperene con
ditioa. They mist remember. however, that with the
present tariff andiseder Democratic rule. the Iron busi•
nese will be. se the lodise said to the White men. 'her
ry!eseertain." Comment is entirety noceeeitiatv.
The Editor. seder his own rate is the •viaersit" man
its the profession.
U Tito eolobrated . will of ft T Hairston. of Henry
comity. Ni.... by which his what* mute. sosonntiok to
balls million of duller*. is given to a OW* eolorttil boy.
was admitted to record. wo see. at the last terns of the
seemly count.
cr We regret to boar that the 1100 Robert J. Walk
er is still confined to his room and bed
_at Washington.
He is 'offering from a ewe leg, which when, diesbles
him, and some of his friend. fear, that nadir ilia other
ailments, amputation may become necessaay; or. what
is worse, that he may be carried off by the general
ef his system.
RMILSOAD TO LAICO &Promo —A ranting eras held
in New York, on Wednesday, the 19th lest., with a view
to concert each measures as would best promote the es
tablishment of a Railroad to connect Lakelsperior with
the seaboard, by means of an extension of the pretest
Ilse from Chicago, and thereby secure a daily open corn
•anicatien by land in place of that by water. which, ow
ing to interruption caused in navigation during cold
weather. creates a perfect embargo upon the transporta
tion of all freight and •applies, for • period of seven
months out of twelve in the year. it was resolved to urge
Congress to grant to the State of Winconsin and Miehi
gas respectively, for the purpose of aiding in making the
proposed Railroad, every siiernate section of the public
land through which the Rock River Valley Union Rail
road (Itly which it is proposed to effect the connection)
passes, equivalent to seven sections in Width ea sash side
of said read and its branches.
Er Some of the papers of late hare had a paragraph
recommending the use of wheat flour la the cue of
scald. or burns. A gentleman at Dayton saw it. sod
the other day, as he writes, the ••Empire" tested it to
his satisfaction. Ile says: '•Whits at the sapper table a
little child, which was seated its its mother's lap, sadden
iy grasped hold of coup of bet tes, soslroly scalding its
left hand and arm. 1 immediately hum& • pea of
floor and planted the arm into it. Cover's/ entirely the
parts scolded. with the dear. The greet was truly ye.
■ukable.—the pain was gone iestantly. I then band
aged the arm loosely, applying plenty .r emir nest to
the skin. and en the following merniag there Was not
the lout sign that the arm had been soaided—neither
did the child suffer the but pain after the application of
the flow."'
Er vv. or roloostod to giro eotioe that T. D. kip
th*/ tolintied Editor or the Defrole Colt. will
_g i iiieror a Leman is ibis city es lisierdey asset week.
Heim@ leetered birro Wore and kis lootew woo very
highly sprbee by the preen es wellies obers lobe housed
t. haar y x We propos hr wiU bare"seed gedierree et
this Tbg Fires is ere yellissrk-egire beg $ iri/l
ly sseielieod:
Report it ea Ilkie and Oars*
WI Mut Iti the lost Gaga the report of dm bagasse,.
Directors sad Trootertr *fibs Erie Estarridoe'Casal ter
tba year oodiag Doe. 31.1. 18521 ft.. bleb 116 =Os"
Amosni Tolle collected. $4.5.752 01
♦mount received is (mew at /arrive water. 1.332 02
Total neeipts.
Amouut paid for Repairs •Rd Sop•ntuoo. inelodiag pay
•f Foremen, Locktairdlog. Urtdi•e. wow w•rk. 510 4'
iog. du., to wit
C t Liao. $15.767 32
Sb.uan6• Liu,. . 10.173 01
Beater Malmo. ' - 5.631 44
French Creek Feeder. 3.129 09
Auteuil paid for salaries et President. 2 , 4111'
tory, Tr eeeeeee and Cel!merit. . 4 750 50
Amount paid for Dredge Hems for 1852. 140 00
Amount paid -coats of snit, East Fallow&ld
tp., Crawford Co., and expenses incurred
in settlement of Sequestration suds. 357. 46
Amount paid toward, materials furnished **
account building bridge across the Shemin-.
go Pool, in compliance with act of Assem
bly. 2 5
. 00
Amount paid fur printing, noes rent. statien•
cry, fuel. postage and other items Cur of.
6ce for the year 1852, . 185 23
Expenditures for 1852,
Leaving a balance of receipt* ever efpeaditeres of
$28,099 19, which is an increase of balance reported on
hand at the commencement-of the put year of $5,878
The total indebtedesse of the Company on the Ist of
January 1852 as stated was $1,17'2.860 2-1. and On ant
of January 1853 it is repotted to be $1.138.004 22; hav
ing been reduced during the year $31.856 02, which is
Sot quits 3 per cent of the accruing interest.
From the report, the condition of the company. its re
ceipts and expenditures, and its Ware prospect, with the
tom necessary for repairs continually increasing—it is cer
tainly not very flattering to bond or stock holders. it is
said that there is to be an effort made to make it do bet
ter than it meting done, the coming SWIM We belie.
foe the credit of the managers. that they may succeed in
so doing.
Opposition to the acquisition of Cuba.
We imareoty ever pick op an *bellhop paper that so de i
set Bed in it desesmiations of the proposition to eclairs
Cebu. The eendecters of each papers profess to he phi•
lanthrepists—to be great friends to the negre rece—to
abbot slavery. and the slave trade. They will preach by
the day to convince their readers that Congress ought to
interfere to prevent the sale or slaves from one state to
*Rather. Bat here is a chance to prevent the slave trade
in its worst form and yet th:y denounce it l Whit con
sistency The Pluladelriiia But/ears says that it is no
torious that. sine. the removal of Concha. the importa
tion of slaves Into Cube has greatly iocreased. The late
Captain General need his influence and authority coo
seiontiously to suppress the abominable traffic. Bet as
it had been the custom to pay a heavy capitation tea. in
the shape of a secret gin. on every negro leaded on the
island, the decline of the trade neurisarily cut off this
scores of r which so displeued the soviet per.
sonages in Madrid. who had been accustomed to profit
by these usfarions gains, that Concha was finally recall
ed. and a Captain General, whom it was supposed would
wink at the traffic, was substituted in his place. The re•
salt has verified the sagacity of 'hors who appointed this
successor. Stimulated by the incressing demand for
auger, and coesequently for a greater number of slaves
to cultivate the cane. Cuba has entered into the slave
trade mere busily than ever, the present-Captain Gen-
Oral doing nothing to check it, bat secretly favoring it
with an his power. There sae be we detain Met if this
state of things's:satinet. the sentiment is favor of Cnban
independs.nee will increase, and perhepe to an alarrlng
degree. in the United Stites. Thositands of Northern
nsen, who are now averse to the acquisition of Cuba
cause it would increase the an ober of our slows elates.-
will eventually, there is - nurse to believe. become friend.
ly to the meager, as the surest rood to put an end to the
African slave trade. Brazil having ceased te import ne t
gross. if this market ea* be elesedperesanesitlY. the hoer
fors of the middle passage will cease forever. The
American people. is rural. are practical. not theoreti
cal reformers. If they cannot eradicate an evil, they ars
willing to ameliorate it ; audit tire sena presort them•
'elves, they choose the least. It is this peculiarity which
has worked snob miracle* in the advancement of oar
glorious country. and which win render it more and more
perfect as intelligence 'prairie. and possibilities become
first pebabilities. and then actualities. And it is this
trait which will predoce,at" last, if the Cuban slaie trade
cositinees,a conviction. even among Northern trien..thit
it will be better for the canoe of the negro that the United
States shoeld have Cuba. even as a slava state. than that
the African slave-usde should continue.
From the New York Prekh)terlaw.
A Letter from Gen. Pierce, Referring to the
Death of his Firat, Son
MUMS. EDITORS —Enclosed I send you a copy of Ito
letter of the President elect. referred to in the last nuni•
bet of the Presisfierias. Yon are at liberty to publish it
if 7e• cheese. It was written wan after the retirement
of Gen. Pierce from the United States Beasts. in reply
Is a letter of Condolence on the death of a beautiful and
scaly bey. hie cherished son. It suffieleotly confirms
statements of your own in your paper. el.eady Wilfred
Your correspondent thinks that, ander the circamstaa=
cc; he betrays no confides°s in submitting the Baum for
poblicatioo.. At all •soots. -* the responsibility may rut
wiih him and snob as h• can readily find to share it with
him. Very truly years. , •
Conceit). N. H.. Nov. 30. —.
My Dear Friend.—You have -been often in my
thoughts. since I received your affectionate litter of
the 16th lust. It was one of the earliest of the kind from
my personal friends; soothing and grateful to me at the
time. And it has been pleasant since, fa think of you
as among those who have truly isvutplithized with us in
this dark hour of overpowering affliction.
Under bereavement like this, how trilling-0, how
very trifling. do most of tbs cares, and purposes, and
plans of this world appear!, We can hardly realize how
it is, that oar hearts have been so eugrossed in little mat•
tees of the day. W. open oar eyes. uit were from a
dream, upon the realities that are around and balers us.
We see "passing away" written upon alt the things of
this world. We feel that we are mire sojourners, pro
bationers here. and seem I. estimate with an apprisim
lulu to truth, the groat interests of eternity. as compar
ed with those of time. I do earnestly desire to keep
awake to these mittens, not to fall into the spell where,
as it were' from necessity, we look through a false me
dium, which places eternity so far off; and give• to the
things .f time such vast magnitude and disproportion
ate importance.
I remember well the conversation on oar ride to the
G.. to which. I Bappo.s. yea refer. The convictions of
my judgment have long been strong and decided, bat the
little lassoes they have bad upon my life. is a sad illus
tration of the great truth. "With the heart man bilieveth
unto righteousness."
Our dear boy wee ill three week., end the last four days
or hie UN was a period of mesh suffering. In the midst
of our deep *Ono,. I 6nd inexprnsible relief in the
thimght that "it is well with the child." He said mach,
to use his own expression. "of the blessed Josue." eerie.
citify on the Sabbath. And now -his indefinite impres
sions and childish fancies an exchanged for full knurl
edm and never •ndin6 fruition. He la. u we firmly
"Where no blight falls
On the beautiful rasa of youth!•
He was a bright. affectionate. manly boy—the pride
sad joy of his father's heart—the light end life of our
home. We sow feel. and mast long continue to feel.
hie lose W. are ceaseless of his Owner, at every tors.
We weep, hat the eep tamers, is eel onmiagled-with
rich coasolation. • • • • " • a
I bare many thinip to say to you when we matt.—
Tin then. your stricken (rind,
How Tut Nl4TitTlirrs.--The Journal of Continares
publishes a statement of the fees paid. last year. to the
Caused of the Cerpeniiiee for hie Demise' in opening
et new Ifteells wed widening 41 ems. The seem we
$47.500 88—e see windy thouWe *h. united eillike of
the wittubore of Ike noblest!
117' "Lassoes= Lass.".-4 shop oat west who lad
bees severely 6M clod with palpitation of the basil. soya
he forted intuit relief in the application of another pal
pitating heart. Arapher triumph in honitepathy. "Like
cures like."
OT The Newport (R. I) Mercury hu entered spon
its nioety•seeoad volume. It was first established by a
brother of Beejsmin Franklin. Jane 12. 1758 sad has
therefore bum utablished 94 years.
$67.084 04
TY Corr or Gas,—The eost of Gas in Pittskorgh is
two dollars per ono thousand feet; is Allegheny city tw•
dollars fifty cents. The pries in Philadelphia is two &A
dam; is Washington city. four dollars; and in th• city
of London, one dollar per one thousand feet.
$33.301 66
The Cliff Mine. Lake Superior. has declared •
semi-annual dividend of $7,50 per share—melting $51.-
.50 per share. since the commencement of dividends, on
■n investment of $lB per share. The company have a
surplus of $7.000 in copper, after the above dividend.
QT The New York &vain Post supposes that there
would be a eariai et 825.000 each European trip, by
the use of the caloric engines of Ericsson - ever the com
mon steam engines. betides the savior is labor.
Ilonams.—The Terre (lento Cuurier. says that the
alsoghteriag and puking of hog. I• now ■early brought
to a close i• that place. It is soppe!ed the amount of
packing will reach between 90,000 and 100.000.
$38.984 8.5
07 "A Pear Tams."—Three compositors in the Bee
end Courier effaces in New Orleans. drew the $20.000
prize in the last Havana lottery. One Mr. Even, having
hair the ticket. got $lO.OOO. and the other two, Mr. Per
ry and Mr. Tbrard.- having a flouter each. received
$5:000 each.
• Cr The Wilkesbarn Femur and :he Lonnie Dans
crag beye bees purchased by S. S. Beeedict. sod soi
led, seder the title of Ths Lasses Ultima. with a view
to the eeppressiee of•tho parties. bielteriep which have.
fur e loci period. distiaguisked the two papers. TM.
is s good wsovetneat.
QT So man shield be delicate 'boot asking for what
is properly his'dott: if he neglect' doing ee. he .ie;del
ciint in that spirit of independence which he should oh,
serve in all his actions. Rights are rights. sod. if net
granted should Ive demanded. The selfish world is lit
tle inclined to give one his own. unless he have the man
liness to claim it. The lack of the proper folfilment of
this prinsiple has lost to many. Cottons. fame and repu
tation. -
azr The Charleston Mercury of the 15th. says that a
Mr. Stubbs was heatedly' Bennettsville. a few days p»•
violas. for the murder of one of hi. slaves. It is »ensil
ed that the offence consisted as much of neglect of his
dety se a master. uof any ether ingredient. In this
point If view this case speaks volumes in behalf of oar
laws • named for thp prineetiou of our slave populetien
and puts to blush thousands of the lies invested and prop
opted by northern fanaticism to disparage the institution
of slavery."
OZT One al:ear exchaness toll tbat Miss Hariet
tsar. of Boston. now at Rome. nadir the tuition of Mr.
Gibson. has modelled already a large bust of Venn*. to
Gibson's infinite amassment sad delight; be takes all
Rome Is ire it. and says there is not a sculptor is Rome
who could do better. while there are sassy she could nit
approach it. Wo can't see say thing strange in this. far
it a Lady IRoold'at media a Venus. who in the Darns - of
sense could! -4
li' An Asylum for decayed merchants is one of the
recently instituted charities of New 'Fork city. It ',was
*tatted by a merchant who contributed $30.000. Prince
ly fortunes are mods in competes. but disaster* by, sea.
and Ilecteetions t■ prices upon land. often quickly dissi
pate the accumulation-of years. The Institution is a no
ble sue. and will brini blessings on these who cootjibo•
told to its foundation. • .
mR. vieg•nigsiogrr lase AT NourPout —Estriet
from a private latter dated rierfiAk. Va.. Januari 17.
"Col. King. Vice President sleet. arrived LOP, lut
night at 4, o'clock. in the Fulton. and proceeds to the same vessel. Ile appetite (S.
says his nieco.. \ who seeettipardis him) nisch insprovid
'ions he left Washington. The Me down to the eisahs
er and her mitio)s. afforded ham agreeable *zombie is
his weak state: an the excitement of embarki . and
the confident expectiitten of benefit by cheep • ellassto
and reentry. has bad ilia happiest effect e • hia spir
Jvim.Cusimactso Ltra.—Alr. Seth v gardner died in
Hanozer. Muse . a few day. singe. a dB2 years. 111111 , .!
Jug an elder brother in Maine. h • Gardner Minas no
tified him of his brother's death:th I. unless tot harp , .
he might attend the funeral. /The • ply of the ileitis
gentleman lacked done oft • 'heaths affection with
which such a short life tri bt be eapp - • to inculcate.
bit be assured the Men of the dee* • that if had
married 'girl of shirt summers, and the dot s incident
to the cam eneece tof a life of housekeept meet
preivnt his ationtihnce it the obsequies.
117 BILLY DoWLIGS Daroseu.--The Charleston ' • • -
Jeri septet tter from one of the officers of the Army
florid.. atiouti•as that by a council of chiefs. which re
cently esiembled at sae of their settlemonts. Billy Bow
legs had been foimally deposed from his chieftainship.
en account of his having eoneented. while in Washing
ton. to emigrate with the remenet of the tribe 'bow in
Florida. The orator of the tribe !tee been chosen to fill
his place.
We have received from the publishers. the first
numboi of the fourth relents of the Musical Raise and
Moil Advocaat. It is devoted to the advancement of
the rnashral art. and we should think, from a hasty glance
at its contents. is well' calculated for that purpose. It is
a neatly printed monthly publication, each nambergen ;
taining 16 pages. at the low pries of one dollar per year
J. Huntingdon. Mason & Law. 23 Park Row, New York
U' The correspondent of the Boston Atlas, gives the
following facts in relation to American books abroad.—
Won't some body "rap" op Sydney Smith. aad ask hiss
his views en this despised class of literature. Three Lou
don houses have published editions of the "Wide. Wide
World" and "Qeseehy." Bohn puts them is:his Stan.
dard Library. One boos. - publishes "Blithedals Ro•
mance." another house publishes a collection of stories
by Hawthrone. •'Carnes Journal of a Voyage from Bos•
ton a Africa," "Lanman's Life of Webster." and "Hy
perion" are all late issues of the London press.
STATIt PRINTIPO.—The Pittsburgh, Post says "peti
tions are in circulation in this thy, and other plues
throughout the State. asking the Legislatere to abolish
the contract system. in giving oat the public printing.—
They point to the significant fact. that the same policy
of contracting the printing of Congress has failed . . and
they also argue that the manner in which the printing
of &h. Legislator* is .:scaled, is* disgrace to the pro•
foseestn, and behind the improvements in the art. We
sea no good reason why the aystem should not M tiro,.
ishod—blesiso it has been demonstrated that it is a Wes
to all eueorseed."
We wield never enderstind why the printing for the
Stole or the General Government. could net be deo* by
most:act as well as any ether way. It eosins to us that
the ern, is in awarding it to the lowest biddor without
reverd to the price at which it is contracted. It is a
pretty wife conolssion to arrive at that no nn• in this
estuary can afford to do a great deal of work for nothing;
hence when a mas t or set of men propose to work for
On public at price, which will not pay. as has been the
ease io the public printing. all should understand that
they expect is get their pay in some other way than by
the iontramoand the work should sot be awarded le
etch bidders, hot fair prices by responsible bidders
shield.ia oar spision, be eeespteii in preference. We
believe that all Overall/um work eau ►e dame at fair
Meal( these ►suing shine of the matter deeir•
whether ion* by eestrast Otherwise.
- hlibiaptilanand Bops eanial,
Tb• Climatal' Nei Persil "y° oissatity
spirit/se missy at present is cireulatiou is this
immense?. and nearly exceed. that of the go.d. c : 44 1 .
terfeit bills and Bain, are occumultted. to every %el,
drawer - and find their way into almost every wife k
decidedly unpleasant to go to a Bank for the po loist
depositing and hove the Cashier coodema sha sighot
the number of bills you give him, and the eschasp he.
ker to throw aside spurious coin. all of which mi lt
uosospectiogly taken to be good. it, as seldom: 4 , dk
ug engaged in the counterfeiting business, oi s hit
Possession ass held good, scarcely 'souid oat af oot,
zoos be free from guilt. and all. as culprits, weak h en
careerated in our county jail. The manufaeteretsyZ Jl
money must certainly be gutting rich, allebielt
y ew
trust they will retire from basiness sod plat ea si.
satiou of hcstilities." and we be released from g 0 ,4
(her annoyance of taking their rap."
Thompson's Reporter", gives the following sw ift "
of shinplaster currency, newßaodiag the westeroft
try :
Bayou & Page. St. Louis,
Geo. Smith. Chicago, -
Lucas & Sicnond, St. Louis,
Clerk & Co.. St. Loess sail Borliostou.
Burch & Co.. Chicsgst.
Bradly. Curtis & Co., Chicago.
AU others.
The people of the wail ere becoming isdivniu mh
lesser they are asstaieids through the cheated% eh,
trash. and are commencing prosecutions sgaissii, 4
feeders ; but the prospect of briogieg theta is
went. he rather slim. Great rogues generally slip*"
the meshes of the law. while the small fry erste**
and aright.
It is not strange that the people. smarting sada
losses sustained by this currency, cry out against ally
log institutions. and insist upon sepering all
private couosetion With them. The recent Dem%
State Convention of Ohio. passed a resolution toss (
banking corporations, and iu favor of a state sal.Ueaavv
for the safe keeping of the public funds, and vs tar
sure but this is the best method of ensuring to this ,
. country; the *vests.) carrying out of the • Der
doctrine. se long held that the present banking spo t
not only wrong but unnecessary. Cincinnati, is our'
in the it'll complained of, especially in coniterfai
notes, fur the whole country is loaded with- then.
common have those of the map* deurnisatiessi
that not one business man in ten pretends; to se
them. either in receiving or paing out money. W. l
of opinion. u wa always .Isave been. that the snail
law of this state should be enforced, and by that .
we should rid osmium of at least fonr-fiftha o 1 diet
%strait money now in circulation here. So coinui l
it become to rece!ve and pass any note 'underbre d
tars without regard to its genuineness, that it °Susi
ward to the business of counterfeiting which we sal
reaping the benefits of. So long u people est theui
ees against the laws of the state.with regard tostrally
so long counterfeits still circulate here. and we 041
couitnenity have very little right to cempain
lasses when a treat rnaj irity of them can be se
and surely remedied.
New Advertisement!,
Blum Filt•MltY, wrYt side or State St rret. Erie, pa
•rilais line con igts of flirty first class Canal Boats oe the
11- too Myer. and Erie Canal—running in connector i
Hues on the Ohio and Illinois Canals, .also, with Ittraidelk
Propiellere on the Western Lakes, and daily lines cif atesimi l
the Illinois, 3lissicippi and Obi() Rivers.
NUE II 'A I. LEN. & CO., - • - •- Yew tir
ALLEN. ()ATM A N 4,e0 . " root of Main-ric,&ll
R.L. Hower-L. formerly of the West'a Lake Boot late.)
C. 11. Catiriciap, " - N. Y. ilk. 0., Wei States lobe
ialtre. 0 " New York & Cinoiuriou Line. fait
Ryon &cum, " Eekford Line.
Mark Goods " N MISS. L/NE.,'• Ship Daily. tioilip
Broad .lireet. New York.
Jan. W. GEO. J. MuRTON. Agent*
-- New Arrangement.
MB 1.1 radersigned harm; assoqtatrci (or the ruttotect
du-tin; the Stard,te, Caavrueslon And t±htppie.:
under the dim of 1.. N. 'Cltlft % Ik. CO.. would respect
licit of the Merchants of this ricenleyand the public iltasitt4
share of the.: patronars ? o pains, shall be stars(
protuptarisartddtepatch te any Ldsiness totrusted is deg s
ALBILET J. KELI.O. L. N. Tanta ,
Erte Jan .211
$2O DAT:
if.a7ward'a Clutotoer of the United Ito
JCS? PCIILLOCICD 4 t,iw IMAM( roll Cam Mall
r rllis work so luvaluable to business men gars a ham
1 the settlement. general surface of the soli at.d gaffe*
culture. manufactures and population of ever} wait II that
ted States, with a valuable italt.stical tab:es, a crw Ma. Ii
United States. the..
Agents wanted kd the Country arrh immediately le
Jan. 013-3e9
M £O4D 1.
malt next term of this Institution commences on Blaskt,
alst, under the charge of
Principal and Teacher of 'Languages, Mat:emotes.
&Senses and Practical ei:rve l 4ng.
Teacher of the English De N hiarld.
kleetiPtre. and Teacher of French, Astronomy Lad Bow
Teacher of Penmanship..
Tuition per Quarter.
Fritillary Branches,
Higher English Branches,
The regUititlitrie for admission Is at the begississ or
at term. No one onewiii be admitted , for less Was Wag&
GEORG i; A. LYON. Mims
Erie. Jan. IP 041-26
rebrnary Appointments.
R. H. Tl:b Bd. analytical Pltisician. from the royal
land, will be in attendance at his rooms as Milan
Erie.—Drewn's (tote, Thursday and Friday, Maas°.
Fe •ruary, Conneaut.° Treavout (louse. IA cartmar 211
rue .
Mr.ta t hton is now public °Meer, and extensively
the cowl ry where lie resides ; of his veracity the mart
Can be easily satisfied.
aver Eriehrsa, Learn Co. Pa Ant 14
Dn. TeaaM—Dear Sir.= I feel it a debt of itratiligedail
and a duty to the afflicted generally. to oder in) nons44o
ny in favor of your system of treating Chronic flume
convinced that it will cure almost evcry ch , cii.r drone. ,
In time.
In the fall of 1E49.1 was violently attacked with rod ass
mation of the lungs, which was accompanied • ttk a'*'
its-Flung cough. pat n in the breast, ride and lack . •• 11.
considerable discharge of offensive matter from ike map'
Dewier breath. loss 01 appetite. night sweats, Lc Tar
physician was called in. mud did all within his Wt
me no relief Me symptonts grew worse. and I tourttis ,
fast sinking into consumpt lOU became to sesA Mil q'
able ro Eel, up but a few minute* at a time. Mt pkiirse
Tilted me to use patent meal tc !nest I did so for i
so better success. lie then told ur that In the"; rail . ",
better or worse. My friends from otlistonce C2lot tog! O r '
they supposed for the last time. I then caned is 241600 111 1
clan. and under his care and the warm steadier. I pa v.
could walk and ride about until fail ; aicn I sunk OW.
and my physician said that if I did not go :0 , 1111. I c'-' 4 3 1 ° Y
longer than 'firing. so 1 gave up all linies of, reotr?
the 'minister of 1e , 30 I saw your advettsemeui, and ra 7
see you, which I did. learned your Coarse of \reallei l _,7 l
the last resort, placed myself under your ireanness•PLl' i
great astonishment. in six or eight weeks I was Ale 2
over town and see my friends and neighbors, oho rat.:
astonished as myself. This was in the sprig cflliatiO'
bad symptoms had left we, and I began to ti'/C! P ffl, 7'
In April last. 1 crag muck expepcti fil:c tic
took a 'evert cold. andiutfered a return of old IP) InF dll" ,
your Inefile meg elfretuallv removed LIS Wore I itOw
tolerably good btalth, and nand a fair dais labor. I + 2 gi
old. Those wishing further information,eaocallat o M,
at Brighton. Pa. Jan. 99-48 WY-
AXI.: HELVE-I—A few of superior quilt ity. aa4 ut
of 11. Collios' axes warrants d at SD* cark
Itelsed at 7Sets, but oot warranted at ate Cheap 1 13 " 1 " - is
- Erie, Jan. 29 ISM —33 It ce l l sw
rrcti ER's Knaves, darns and Saw Wets 31
Erie. Jan. 29—til I I 'FU 11 4
J ° . l
SAWS of nearly every at, inTeebeap nalJnn%
Erse, Jan, Ern
POCKET and Table Ciuery, also. dal: aiE.ltaar;X O ,'
tea spoons, a good assortment Ibis day receo ed ual
Reed House. Ern:. Jan. t 3--30 RUFT:A!_,
Al k:CFIANICS TOOCEC: A neseeur T471u 2 1 1713 " rec "--' "'"4
i Wo
ILL cheap hardware store. Jan. tl--t' Ruin-
ALL Perrons indebied tbe 'old fi rm of ViefeT'L
C. 3.. (which partnership terminated en the 6tst d
last.) are hereby notified that the nooks, notes asi „„i
firm. at hieh remain unpaid on the first of March nest
left in the ha ndr of an mike/ Or collection a• the 6.4P._
beelased. V I Net:?iT. HIMRUU
Ga:ol4 copy. Erie. Jan.
l'Adatialairatoes- Bale.
BV virtue ofan order of the Oryhan's Court of Enroll e ,
following dercrited piece cd land will Ge wahl al ev
on Saturday the dab day of March neat at two o'cicok r.
that day, on the premises, namely all that certain Pot,
eel of land situate In Weentlelil tp , containing one bun . r,
three acres, one hundred and two and une ht,lf tenth Pe ,. .7 .- 0
the at lOte4 nee of six pee cent for roads. it baits
hundred acre tract, known in apart of Guyette , / 14).
and bounded as follows : Beginning at a port 11 , 11g '.ir
north east corner of the described trees sod is tifts-ot _,,
south of the north east corner of the said lot No. FL ta i
fray-three perches to a post. thence west three hundred
three perches to a post. thence north filly-three tsore• wi ...,
thence east three hundred and thirty-two perekes to I re
ken Wog.
OF MAUL—One third to baud on
illeoll, and the balance is two equal aasual lostalsoso 0 '
bood and woripae aosbcpsonalm
AI I I IIA MOOR R. Adssiubtrarar of Jess Meow'
lac IMI /Ma.
FIS Washi nctott Si.. Elosiss.lo