Trim Wmldnigton. II II ccirevommo4attereDwymilaim _ WuaiwreT.M, JBlll. 13. 1853. ',Cher , in some pretended disability here maims the Whip, 01111 r the note read by Mr. Pewee. of Maryland. i n she SeXate. from Col. Kink. with reference to his ora mm kith* nastiest of Mr. Clayton, in heels' 'pri ests taiderslediag with the British Minister on the Cen usl-Ansfiritan treaty: The Whigs imam very anxious. ii it were possible, to get Mr. Cass We a tight place. in or der. if that 'were possible. to get Mr. Clayton eat of one. Th• fact is, Mr. Clayton is in cad cal be get oat. I The cautions and dignified language of Col. Klieg does Sot in the least criminate Mr. Caw. 'L•1111111 of slides. it imply the al t ightest reflection en his ity. It merely Owns. in die eoartsoss terms invariably-employed by the Aio o guishod Vice President-elect. that Mr. Case may liars misetalerstood his language. so see o f t wo po i nt ,. 4nd this is aIL Mr. Case will very easily set that matter right. ' On the contrary. she mote of Mr. King by no seams j„ t ,fins the:utdiplonsatie priests maderstandiag of Mr. Clayton with the English Ambassador. however ready he may be to admit the purity of his motives. But the motives of Mr. ClArall. Whatever they may have twin. are vet in qiiestion now. Ne 'One imputes to him any impure or uhpatriotic design. Nor intimates that be was inflnenced with regard to Central America by British bald or Freqeh finesse; nor that be decided with refer -epee to Tehisantspic or Nicaragua. as transits to the Pa cific, under my outside influence from the city of New 'York. Certainly not. There is no perm/mil lasso of this kind before Congress et the country. The lent said en such indiVidnal c'onsideratiois will be all the better. For iftins important Matter is to be discussed on mere points of geritlemanly etiquette. it Might as well be dis missed at ones. It would be equally appropriate and gar gunnel° the.great question &retake. to travel pit of the record far enou - gh to enquire what powerful influence. or, as Sir ROberi Peel called it., what "pre l pre from with eat" has so Suddenly sbcured the elect - II of Mr Clayton to the United States Senate? It is known there was a powerful opposition combined against hint; -so that his return was considered hopeless by his best friends. Aid tot that opposition is all silenced, at once. and[Mr. Clay ton is harried into a seat in the chamber! "Ca* such things b.. and pvercom• us lA* A summer cloud. without Our Special wonder?" Was it aeceseary or the State of Delaware to *end Mr. Claytonibeek to the United StatpaSenate, in order that h• mighit prove that his :notion were Pore in nego tiating a trea t y between our country and Great Britain? Nous terrone. At all 'venni. Gen. Casa steads well. Col. King stands well. The l i Demoiselle majority of the Senate stands welt. As t the amdersteaduags of others soncerned. as the French ehowaraa says when the curtain is raised:— **Welk up! bbentlemens! rows! Yoe shall me vat you :hall sere!" One thing oar countrymen, and thereat of mankind will be very 6ertain to see. Weibel' see and boar—we know r4ict feel, that that Monroe doctrine is carried eat allover this continent by the admioiatratioa ofFrank lin Pierre. There is no doubt-on that point, rely upon it. You may call it scolding Great Britain, if you please; bat it will be trat such 'scolding* as oar fathers gave her in the Revoletion—as ear. brother - al gave her in 1812; and u we oareelv!es gave her emissaries in Texas. Grego,. • California BIM Mexico. in all this. matter. America acts "on. the defensive— sat the aggrenive She aims at protecting this conti nent friim all 'foreign aggression, whether it be in the shape' of tishing.l4wood cutting, canal digging, rail read boildiag; er mitring tor the ear. Like the Chive liar Regard, her conduct-toward the independent pow. era around her. sans pure. souts,reprocke. So let it be cadged by the t tribunal of the world! Gossip still continues; but it in worn thou idle to give it Why occupy your type and paper with air -castles o•day, that milt all tsainSle (Liven td-morrow?• -The impreevion is gaining greomi daily, that after Gee. Floret, hat obtained all the 414 he desires, from isquiry and scliscassion, he will form his own judgment, tad abide - by it., Tim Cabinet will be a Pierce cabinet. - tad nothing else. — Picts Fasattmt. 37 Norio: —Dy Resolution of the eity Councils. the following named potions are.apperntsd Fire Wardens for the citv, to serve till the Ist of April. 1851. viz : M. R. !for, B. B. Vincent. Simeon Doiln, G. J. Morton. Al fred King. D. S. Clark. C. M. TM:Ws. T. G. Colt. W. Hunted, M. "Wholloo. J. M. Justice and P. Mielealf.— Notice is hereby given to said Wardens to meet at the Ate of the Moyor on Wednesday 4e - treeing nest the 26 h met , for the purpose of arranging and receiving thaii. Equipments A. P. DURLOI. CChrontc't ely . • Chia* Engineer. „Religions Notice. Th Rev S. M. Elton. of Frinklie. will preach by topointment of the Presbytery of Eiji”, ill the Associate &firm Church: on Sunday urxt the 23d inst.. at 2 o'clock' P. M: Jan. 23. Eve: kCiDENIT.—The F.ll term of the Academy a ill epee Solorder next, at which time there will be public meretseß in Cuinpoinion and Declamation. commencing al 9 o'clock A. M. There will bee vacation of one week. Thewloter term will commence Jan. 31, 1853. MARRIED. Oaths 7th inst.. to Baiabrike. Ohio. by Rey. W. T. Urns.. Mr. J. S. Tortt.s. of Niles. Miehigas; and Mats APIA MARIA BROWS. of the former place. On the 27th ult.. by Rev. James F. Road. Mr. HIRAM !i.ELLT. and Mtge Euzaarro Wit.cor.both of Springfield. On the sth inst.. by the same. Mr. Maar B Swim trSpnngfield.• and Min POLLY M. Thom. of Girsoi iownthip On the 3161. alt., -in Waterford. by Rev. Mr, Smith. Mr. STELLY. POLLOCK. of La OcealT. sod Miss Muy J. HARILTON. of Waterford. ' . D nip. Oo the 7th inc., of Cotoomptinn. PFARY Waimea. luo of Joseph ,Weldon. of McKean tp.. avid &bent 20 !sort II 0 'V A L 1 _ T nom: removed my stock of Clocks, Watches. Jewelry and i 1 goods,ltwo doors above the *tend' lately occupied by irc Austin. to Williams' Block: vi here 1 'that) be pleased to ter my aid and new friends and attend:to their wants.. usual. return my swings e thanks to those who bare favored me with Patronage and shall endeavor to still mem their confidence ""ui , Port Wishing to reduce my present stock of Goods to Z 4l, ^ twin for th* nets in the Bpring. will give unusual bargains In lees to tiny In want of articles in my line. Silver 11100641 :• :Jel%Clf) on hand or made to order. Clock,' and Watches re- Wry I Eneras ing in any style at abort notice and in worlmaa t.manner," Indebted to the late firm of G. Loomis h. Co.. -innnate ;timed lite paynsent—lonr e r indulgence cannot beglv ". The floats tar the present can found in my bands. T. M. A. *tray Cattle. BROKE into tie enclosure of nos. Tidd, on tha 11th Of Nov. one ) esrling*eer. spotted red v She shell knocked 'otvl bora( thegthgra white yesrliog Iteifer, no artificial marks. • *-e oh ner or owners ate requested to come. vrbve property. PAY "ego, and la kei them away. TII ALS TM!). North /at. 13. 1831 •3138 1 LIGHT ! LIGHT ! ! UGH 't! - ! Minx Dif.COVIERESI CAWOOD, OIL. I NC of the grt"test discoveries of the a{e. which !It do Do! Irtlw producing taa nouseeac theCll a Et PRI LIGHT IIITII or airlift.m 1 ior less than ono quarter'of a Cent per Mier. t) . ? „, the I.‘""". b P"S a T n . d a : t d (7ll at l i f ltt Y lt r e ever yet produced y lamp Noit dAN FT BE EXPLODED, st rtle trimming of the wick is sudkient for a month, and a L" . 1 "s %111 last a year, nor does the steadiness of the light as long d. there is sufficient oil in the lamp to keep the it will burn longer than Lard oil, and wall not con t.' •E• t! ,, coldebt weather, and the price is only eighty seven ‘•;: a b dtcentr per gallon—to be used in Fluid Lampe.' • J.H. BURTON & 00. AT BAttGAffill! 10 ' ll IA rte fqr rale at bargains. call upon lite 23 0.32-33 CADWELL & BENNETT. every body a very hippy Christmas and merry New Inrr, anflif they wilrenll on tis at Our Store, we will do !nate them io. Ylease don't all come at saes! . tiOCKTOPit it PULLER. SCB,OO L - 0 - 00/111 suppl y!or School Books Just received at Np.earown's ettibraiFiog almost every variety used iP °el k"' • country, viz: alundEeti o leta and Speiles. Ser tiles. L; • do trillium's, Bullion's. and Weld's 6/211111111 vs. r, Colburn's and Matto' ArithlOt". / Leith* „., Ontith's itadGoodrich'• " , htt Bdults and Writing Paper, Ink. Pesti and Pen vigether ith many other articles used to tenet. the 1?4,11,1ea howl° shoot." DCRLIN 41r. SLOAN- ss le 1P -- Pert * Wodee and Wallets 7 w„ of theseelepant Port Mottles midi pam received and fut sale at No. 11. Hotel. .° I 15, 1-4 • DVRIAX & dLOAX, Illopaunt-AkOwdroliins, *c. A fellow by the name of W.A.'ett,wbo his been stopping in this village a few weeks past, whose ostensible business was setting Crimping Machines, but above real'business was to act the scoundrel, wok his dem*e a few days since, kat - ing sundry bit.' without liquidation, aid t sk.itg with him the wife and daughter of another n an. This gay Lothario, as is usual fur such characters, was readily received into such circles as where money to spend, and a dii,po.ilioa to spend it, as the only 'passport required-passing at the saloons and eau-Ai ling rooms, as a number 1. Neither did he tail to patronize largely the Livery Stables,, (on tick, of course,) and ill other things and places requisite to be regarded by the b'hoys as a first rate telluw - . , The evening before he took hijfinal lease, he called upon one of our mercantile houses, wishing to pur chasel shawl for a lady friend; but that stie might have a chance to select for herself, he wished to take two, and would return one in the pluming and pay for the other. But when morning came, he was far ou his way to other parts, and the two shawls covered the shoulders of hik lady love and her daugh ter.' The frail one he has taken, is the wife of suberi industrious man, whose loss, with exception of the daughter, must be a great gain, as her fideli ty to him bas been more than questioned for a long time. Wilmott is rather tall, black hair, and quite deaf; though not au much so . but what be waa able to hear the accents of affection from his fail me, with out her being overheard by her husband. We would advise ail tube on the lookout for this loving couple, lest they should ba “seld" by them, as some of our citizens have been. it is to be hoped that the daughter, a girl of some 15 years, ray be re turned to her father, and saved from thel i ana; that otherwise awaits her. —Aff. Norris Unient. l ir The subjects of the abUee notice have been stooping at the Atneric in liutel, in this city, for • a • few days pas!. The woman left on T hureday. in the cars fur ills: west, and her numpaniun .followed yesterday morning. While hers the man succeed ed io "drawing un"sunie hf ouricoufiding citizens. ETGOLDCII HAW aILLAILS, , -RlitrillaTillg to the various plans for allevieting the grist waxy of emallcbange,.the Pniladelphia L:dger is . of opinion that halt-dollar gold pieces way be mode. as varied WI shape ae to retrieve alt danger of cootounding them milli' the delar piece,. and *efficiently large is eirenntfe4isee to betel sto mote danger of loss in. handing than anti the gold dollars With th ese half dollar pieces. smiths isms of two mil• liens per mouth of the Arm emir hiscu ots present. there would be little or Co ineetivetiiituce, it h.:heves. for • 4. want of chine. Li' A Decorum. Cuocvlastri.-4•There ro C011111ter• hit twos is circulation, i-x this vieittity, on be Bask of Westiltad. which are well ealeelaied to dve•ive. the pivot is good , the engraving fur the west pint excellent. and the whole appearance of the is well Calculated to deceive. Look oat for them. Li At a meeting of the D-michts of Canneent we perceive that our friend W. Grant tif that place. wag re commended for the appointment if (Light Dane keeper of that port. We hope ha t may succeed to ! getting he appointment, as he is an old resident of -the township. and a sterling Democrat. lilt hie been a prompt paying subscriber to the Murreer for sixteen years. and has re ceived it at the C t Post °Mee. consequently the Jqmea t y effort of the Reporter to @hew that he has jut arrived there, will bare very little effect.'. ' - trr Irelaud is literally "going to grass." The great landlords are to Mpg oat flair tenants in order to lay the land down to task for Socha and holdti.: Sheep aro more profitable thin mou—so the Jailor aro inrutd out to die. whit, the former ars turned. in to grow fat. The attention of the English Lords aid Ladiel who haws been sobbing over '•Unele Tom' Cabin" is invitrd to this facts _ Er The Ciikeinoitti'Gas-Ve.staton that' Ono hondml appliestious have been madwlts parents within a few dabs past. to hare :their children sent to the hones of refuge. A sad state of aff4irs., trimly TICK TIM( MtLIJON Arraotittattos--'—A ileinkitch from Washington states than ;Mr: Smiles; resolution granting $10,000,000 to PrOsident, Pierie, will be moved er.her in the Senate or in the House in a few days. it will provide that the sum of 840,000,01)0 be appropriated out of any !sum of tn.iney in the Treasury not otherwise eppsOpriated, to be: uSed by the President in case any neCessity shou:d iris , in consequence of hostilities any of the nations of the world against the Unite States, and in' the maintenance of the well; known and Settled 1 principles of the Republic, henever those lirinci i Plea are jeopardized by foren aggressions. A GREAT Iluaarcintr.—trhe hurricane which_ burst over England on Cbcistmas night, his cot been equalled in point of severity and for extent of havoc since that which nccalioned so much destine lion to life and properly ,'.. 1889. Several 'fine ships—some of them emigtiant tessels—perished amidst the fury of the gales, and more than one-hun dred unfortunate creatures h v et net with a Watery grave., It would seem that 14 eftent of : the hntri ri cane was' first felt, on Chr sitose eve, and after sweeping round the coast of .Ireland broke over 'En gland. . I The upper portion of the - nglish Channet ,was the scene of most torrific, tie C her ii tsd nutnerouide plorable events. i Vessels were driven fr o ! their anchors, lost masts and =ails , besides costa niogmuch ether dam age, while some were overpoW i tred by the vieliince of the storm, and foundered with every soul on bOal. • 07" We are to consider L 4 ond ' MI as a consiora ble city; and New Yorkers reeird their villate as an immense municipality. 1111 if the Mayo of Nineveh and 13aby6—n could irevlait the earth, hey would, laugh at the pretensions Of; the modern:, The area of Babylon was twollundied and twTy five square miles, and that of Nineveh two hull red and sixteen square miles, whOe %hit of hontluninnd its environs is but one hundred and fourteen aqinkret miles. •, ir ERIE ACADEIVIT. ii i! JOHN H. BURTON. Treasurer of Eris Aug?! doll, in actowii with Tristees. It:,, 11152. 00.. To Cash reed of M. Whalion, intere:st on bond. \ $37. C 4 To do -do J. 11. l'resskry, do do • 30 4 Ta do do an rent of lots Nos. 30, 34, 26, 37, 40 4 To do do of D. Itochier. rent, To do do on rent lot No. 40, , 14 TO do do from We of in city of Erio,.being ' lOOl . '4, in band, 2419 2. i To do _do from d01,,r enemas in saki': 75 ',./' To do do on rent of lo: No. I, 2 ' To do • del ~ e 30, • 10 t To do tin e ~, , s, : 19 I t •To do do " . " 111, . i 18 t i To do do '.•:." ~ , iiitk 14 To do do i " "- /0, . 10 • To do do :". " Zl, 2), 27, 30 1 ' To do ,do :" . t , 9, 6 t t To do do •"' - " 22, 38 1 i To do do c", " i 5.17.15, P To do do •V' " 11,12,41, 42, .41 30 To do do i" '' :7, 8, 16 Ail To 4, do 1 4 " 30,33, 34,16, 37, ,38 17' To do do i" • " 21, 22, 41 46 To do .do i" " 13. 14.10, 16. 6.5 00 To do do of rAil: Burton. Interest on bond, 36 0) To do do of J. Thompson, " " .30 go To do do of 3 . ,' C. Marshall, advanced, . 25d 00 1432. r CR. By Cash paid F. On Tito co aerouut , $75 00 By - do do " t " " l3 Ou By do do C. Benson, printing' 333 By do do A. P. Dmitri* Cs,. Printing' ., i 21 13 ,By do do Jamas Skinner, ambent for drawng bonds & me " - . 33 00 By .i.) do P. T. Burton, ' 1800 00. 11) do do C. Bider, 95 00 By do do P. Mute. on ! 75 00 By do do J. Thaspeon, iOtll9 00 By do do J. White, Mat ce. 33 03 By do do I. Warren. irtai 1 25 By do do IL Low, surer i 11 oo By do do-J. 11. Rlblot, r,`. 259 ' By -do do O. L. Roues, g . 143 By do do F. Duritn on r 30 00 By do do O. Crane, ;dor 200 By do do J. Bound, ins • ' 501 By do de `.Thornton, . t 116 By do do'r. Duriln, on 50 00 By Treasurer's ' , diary 40 00 1 By Cash is Trentstry 235 3D .----- BIM a - Amount due on Rent $llO 23 Loaned en Bonds and 11,190 33 • ' We the oadereignod, Audi inty of Pate, . baring met together at the ( Ay Commie. 1- Miner% and luring been d , :ding to law, and haring carefully email it of Min K. - Burton, present Treadarer ' . 1832 of the iris deadetny, do certify that , di correct al mom stated, and that we And a .... 4 (nth In the birds of CM mid Trmti iner of two hundred end terenty4lee dollops and th'rty-nine amts. Given under Our hal* at &id a nd 4th day of Januery At D: 1813. LAT sl, Bons, Alf ('IL BAUM } Amilitora M Jan 13. OR Rise, $3361 21 • NtW BOOKS. icier reieiv“ • r ute alwe_. P•cuarer • eIL, eleisbees....sweee!Semi& A eau, ',dial tie istbeguA—priceii WM. Romance Stadent Lite—prkee st. The 11 at Fruaity—price $1 3.1. the . ULTRI.IN k. SLOAN 21 0 T IOU! • years having elapsed since the business a P 1 J. reeessaty eatuis::.s u.e w say that pay wen 'hose interested nal pieaseitive it their amuse Jan. 15-311. r ARBUCKLE:. FJA It I.Y t J.. 1 Arbuckle c litUst be made. dutteattention. _ INES AND LIQUORS, • D DNAIDULTDDIATDDI and adulterated Liosors. such as are too grim awkers and, eedlars and those supplying them, !tirade of moat of. the Maine Law advocates— r mouths, and at tl,e saute hiue to enable those r," to get a pure article, the subilerther has UM a: IMPURE Wit .1. entity mold by runtish the stock hence to stop the using the “, eratt• in a stock of Wises and Liquors, iffy assures the publie arc,. pt - RE _cm tcy as purity tatrlf. . In the stock may be Mond . prima's, Pellet/oton and tMignette Brandies; urt Juice. cherry, Madeira. Malaga aad Claret thin, Monongahela and Ohio Whiskey ; @total r. k.c „Ike an of which wilt be told as &heap. per. thou any other m.tah.ishasent in the city. 33-36 T. W. MOO E. Which he coati.? JUG% TEAM T Otard. united Y Chainpsgne. Old Wluea: &web. Ale. London Vo it not a Inde ear Erie. Jan. IS I l if ir /A SI Erie No InedJ,ard Oil and bleached Llephaul Chi al YtIIeSJ—YA J. 11. BURTON Ir. CU•S Locks and Latches. .rtuietu jun received direct trout the waouhet• *daily low A LARGE :3 . ory ibr sale g Erie. Dec. 4_ wa a o _3) 110 3, PERRY BLOCK. KEPLER. are now receiving their Wititer e and Fancy Dry Gooch , , consisting in part of A RMICIC LE lA. stock of Stag the following g , Irneoeh wad Snl Alapmews, Sous and dewed De 1.. Ore. Waterilte , CA:whet°. 'Punnet Prints; Silk, Ca. and Silk Gloves. nwdTaMlta R tb4 Muslin.. French and Edgings. Tweedu.Satinet supply of red and I 0 EST ICS. and Sheeting,. b .Mown jind red ton Flainnelo. cot wadditOrs. we ask Of those w and pries. and Elie Dee. I V. lish Merinocs, Paramcitas, black and colored Ines. plain and figured Persian Cloth►, plain ins. plain and figured Velseir; Bay State, Em d Scotch long and square shawls; Merrimack, Globe, Allen's, Union French and eneudi mere and Cotton Hosier) : Kid Mtrino, Thibet ilk and Linen Ildkfs ; Velvet, Bonnet, Battu ns ; plairt.striped. book. Swill!. spot and 1111111 orked Underpleevcs. Mitts. Cellars, neer; ing ior Mcn'■ wear, Broad Cloth, Cassiuleres. Kentucky Jeans and eheeps G rey, also, a good 'white Flannels, rildurshirtK and Drawers. 11, 11, 5-4, Itt-4 and 11-4 Wattled Sh irt huts own Sheeting' and Drillings. FC3II3IC” Bass. 'num Flannel T i ligA striped sh irtinge. tot on yarns. carpet scups. batting. wicking•. tried as low as ean'be found in the city. 4 111 stung to buy 1. an e,saininatiou of uur goods ,n shall be satisfied with the result. ,anuary Appointznant : .ama ly ilea' Ph) •ic tan. Nine , be e nry col More ': in ntleildnoce at his comas a tialloWa ; I()tel. Monday and Tuesday Alterman, flitb TR. II Tr a latd. will b Erk—t-Brown's and tlitlt January ttiraryl—Wrigh Tilo*. 3tnicted net's oftipleen. I breath dr ihilicul; or Nervosi• pigeon, liierangeu White o Coital/11in ion free Dr. 31. neither I he never uses My al a. a 'overheat steams not gores others that have tern of teea talent. He doer not ma up arum ; ugr all eynes. The 44:ovi illf many ihot are al with tnitrest by a far theus.`there is cure in sill iiistane assertion. that ser treated..luive been It will tie retueint ins and hopeless c Lions for, treatwell Pt. HI Tests, • sufferium front wit ter ealltup on rout tot help venison' sluing a iiciorse of and hip.lritzzi new were il3ng the or O k times aine nusn at bow - 's Hotel. :infanta r. 2.. hi Jan. ; •ith Cron ic thee:lse. of the Liver. lungs,id- Art Bina. shortness of • of Breathing. liispepini, ihopry. Weakness I lilies.. ficetleeftness. Lore of Appetite. osisti lit of the Stouincli. 1111114310 AfTectiorts. Gravel: any long rtaud lig diseases arc Aliened to call. ((Nis nor Vii Lit-rs; nor is Lea Ilottireopihirt ry, A ein.lne. A inamon). or any other navel' •nt; nor i.' hr• n Thompaoni.n—he neither NICi. Ilhs theory of (firearm difiErs fhorn.ait ti adopted, but not wore w than doe. hippy.- e rick to tine welt, nor tear - down to build y nervo:As irrotatton by pabebing ano- ff. though.l.rief, contain. the subetanec or being handed us. and will he read u isse row% e I ara of au trerero. who have felt that hope " Though never assuming to et), ct a . )et eiperibitee will warrant the eonlideot 1 iity flue °tar, 4 every one hundred liefloolle lessentially futprovedur fully restored to health .red. too. th ti; the most complicated. uny telt)- , sea constituter a large majority of the applica i t ..A•rrre•cka. net. teffe. tem. la: After a ;long time--schue a.: veers—of i appeared to he aluioet et cry disease. and af r nv pity% c ta its, and if y tag K. tlitilly enree,t,n. 1 , possible. I lint e :vim Found health by pus our treatment. Pain in the side. shoulders weakness. bloating of ille• bowels and limbs. mary at inpuime; in addition to it hick, I at I . blind and quite helplees. I had nearby Iris Cr being eves comfattaide. but by the aid of • you. Limit now relieved from all ihose symp thaf I know% am pi'rf ctly healthy. Treat. ed lag April. Mrs. LUCY Al) kilS. of appointnients given above we shall pub : la!, comprentigin ill a variety of interesting , sea selected front netattleurtrig routtlitne that ailing. Invalids may either Write or call np -1 Lre fully the e , •.ent of sulk.rlng endured. .. eu up alt bope of medicine.' siren b toms and for wish merit was,eorauseni Wilke t chr. a lish ane testimo canes, at I 111 all e %Tare r.. , ,1'r1y I. on them to I. ern n Dee. a, %PSI.— riunqz ail 0 07EIRIall I MACE' IN TOWN ! NISIV LW TILE CHE I .311 °? 01 ef —l22 H ill l beta eon dent,hec great or mall A • and try Yott w 1 Colima; Sugars. t • • egar." 71'nbaccO. Pi Cheese. Dairy and and Willow Ware 1. orre. Cradler, C2ll I leered and general native fruits and &e L at Sloara's. ' been treed/mg ware new Groceries, and ," both 11•4441 and ontautet.tal, all of VI hick' n •elt much rkeaprr than mayor his neighbor', ,the proofoflffr pudding as to thecating. come I And Tehe MM make pleat:int fahultes,". What. iblaekettel, oweet kfolmuter." .Our VI n • a, Mort ard,ltaleratus, Pork, Means, Metier, Fable tkatt. Also, lito.a gond variety Of Wcrxten vws : Brootmt, 3.4 and bile. MeV. Wag-- 1 , Tut". War board', &e. Afro. • well' se ninety of " tatty ConTectiounry," foreign and and en Organ', ••• troupe of fancy Topa." r Bugler, Eris, Cheese. Beano. Hants, les, arc. I T. W. 1111K.M.K. L eaph paid Pork. I:Nava-a, Ap Erie. Dee. I le rcd Ilur d.,),11.y railroad, Iron Cl. ckr, Pew, le, a wool hcaatiful article for the I all Or. very T. Al A I.'Sl IN. ea matte 'lrv* lea Hotel. good areortuscni of Bhmrcla and Toa7,•. at 84—W . ttENNIITT at CO'fl. LOCKS.—Bete ILI !Wald. 11t" ..1 3 ekeap. Jan. 1440 . 1.; IR E Elie, Jan. IS I RCI , LAR,Sau. store of and .51andraile.—MI ri•rcr on Moll ei the Erie. Jan. 13-3$ SEN:4I trrT & CO. of all tlestr r• os closing out st, sawn( prof Tri to ll at Jan. 13.3. LA iiN.l O 4 1:17 & Co'.. er for sale a lot of real 14 we and other Muffs, E. out of the business. Call and melons. at B( )(yrs and I 4 Ne It: Call and MIFFS —We at prime eoet - EE?iNerf & eii le:So Ick. fur -sale below par at _ Erie. Jan 13 lee. 400 PAIR Do Erie, Jon Cheering to th .1' lI.COX tr. N Erie Pa.. h eles in the line of 13 1:43-31 - - Ladies. and Intoresting to AUI iRTON. N 0.2. Wright's block. tltate•strcrt• se Jost receit t'2 a supply of t eTY quc hut-- AND MISSES SHOES. LADIE 'n bite satin Mille, whit&• Kid da.,'bronteel r .cy Yolk trailer,. and %aligns other .trtiriea of a alao the subatanrial adte les needed by all Among them are embrordtred do.. f• similar drawler, for every day use. Wow. Slloev.Gaiirre ke their variety feed iv.ritiotok to 'Treaty. Suttee it to ' , ay. their it aid complete than ever befote,and what r ru..twitert, puree Well suited to their de deav9r 49 inati treat a wore worthy apprecut ind for ahtta ming film the use of those attar For Gents wear peat it would be si stock is more este is best of all for the sires. They will e tion attic public t , common place cap ' lag their Goods ch. unmolested tit thei Tor by their practi l facilities for prat u cc* cannot be surf by even the most I advantage, ariving OTIS tit/10111A to by Paine. ralPelY represent a per than pikers, and permit thew to dabble own dirtrviiddie, unite W k. N.wiltcuAea fe to sive Unmistakable Ll , Pitranees that their i 'net he beat of in ork al the loweSt possibue pri ,wer4l, and probaLly is far front being equalled inpous pretenders. Pelay not in secure the I Min an early selection. lice t 5 1831-33 TABLE DUTT I Oee . 23. le-3, tl the lb. at --a3 • .e Cars are just is full supply of fresh groeerier, 00asi -ling of lllClialkSeP, teas, coffee. No. I well mackerel r els, eighths and kilts; also, piekied herring. rrel and half ba ire!, rodhslo lu .quantity to rm. elephant. lard and linseed oil, white air, vermillion red, chronic yellow, chrome ltutu, lampblack. &e.. &c. are In reterpt of fresh raisins In boxes And . melt plumbs. prune*, ■laornl+, filberts. green s, pickled tiarilinft, ke.: also, a lark won Willow ware, cedar and painted latish rubs. • wagons, market baskets, Bug ir boxes. Ate. • arl.stor. slerine and Cincinnati tallow can' s hand hl the barrel.timir. 6-h, salt and Clay (chef al assortment of liquors & No. 4 lVirights Block Erie, I'a. h please copy. 'tIS'I'R.AT()R*B N(YrICE., . • BRINGING us sugars. syrups, in barrels, half liar white doh by the suit purchasers. s lead, red lead. lith green, unsbre. asp!) By this arr ival" half !Kari. figs. C. oble and Brazil nu my of Wooden on patent palls. willo also, wax. sperm. riles. Constantly of pool whiskey and Jan. I '53-31 Waterford Llispa ADMI; MOM r. is here 1.11 been grained township. dee'd. nolided to make pa claims against said tieated for setileine Jan.. 1 '33-411k.11* Hy given that letters of Adininistration have a the estate of Oliver Janes* or North Esubt l i pen!oits Indebted to miff estate are hereby went *without delay, and all persons having ettate will please present than duly autheu t. EMILY JANKriI. Attu% . ta. Iit)RACE JANE*, - iirfprd Plank Road Noticol to President and Manager' of - the Erie and fk Road Coun.any, l/ec. It ISAI. it was. re , nnual dor Itit•nd of four per tent be declared on and after the first day of Eebsnaer next. easurer. JONAS GEN N 180 N. tire. and Trent.. • - Erie & INf A T • meeting of Water/brit ria solved that a Item on the stork payah at the office of the t Jan. I 'al-3W AL sPLEiliiibt. rx. found in a aim kept received at Me Erie, Dee. ID finished Seraphilse. with the best ioteteeer ar Instrument. with a supply of 3leloiutis; tahlishineut of 34 %VIII. WILLING. otico to Clothiers. • casing Wool; nivq.lubrientipit oil 'Of preas• 4brsaklow4Y3.3 CAI Iva k. ibtenivita. C A It It CA (i • s ! OIL ruitabie for ing Mnehluery FINE 3NEW sod rple Eaquire of I •I Id one hone earrirtors fbr "ee at twin ins. *23 IE3I-15. CA OW ELI. 46 BENS F.TT.- TIIE - subscriber I Sowers; (as wel reery on the corm in t Aryes w weft *rile** as are eons/ass in part of 1 lames, elder. Vines Ci Ntltuseg C ruddisp. Durkee' log do., 'erecters, ware. stone ware. A which I will sell as d public are respectful . 1I - - ENTION ALL! a tears to inform his friends and old ens- L-ro as tots ipf new ones.) that he has °Pencil a of fltate and bth streets , (one door below cim.) where he keeps en assortment of tel in such an establishment, M) stock a, Coffee, Fuger, Tphaeco, Lamp Oil, Mo ir. White Fish, roil Fish. Pepper. A !spier. lours. ludieo, Pearl Starch, Corn Starch for i Baking Powaer, Caudle*. liar Son 1., sill.. , Xla hi: Glllt. hpilico, onto, eOilittiOn %%option dr, ar.e., &c., ta ii macrons to 'pennon. all of l ee heap as others fi r ea.!' or ready pay. The ty invited to call and examine quality and A 7,510 nin , F._ TX' AND TODACCO. LLARD, ItIANUFACTURER, Ikathant St.. Neer York. de follow ing articles, warranted of superior 40%. Scotch, Coarse Fir' eh. Mapper, and the Clot Tobeceo in tip roil and papers. 'A pt ion of the various articles can he known nice current as above. PETER LOR No. 411 OFFERS br sale anallir—Mnec I other Sun Ma. Also. wore particular ileac by sending for a rut' t lan. IS 1g53. ANSDI --- T --___-__ r E.UCOf K-,ong pastry aod thg other toOgg roo Ws Hotel. to whom good wage. and roa• Ibe given. Middle aged aromais preferred. dre,s. H. L. BLOWN. Erie. TWO EXPERIEN I —are wanted at ltaal employment I If from a nee, a 13 WM IEM p. B. GUNNISON. !EMI tkmeey. Month I 111 tottlnee, Cheap NIA. ie. PleTperi, ~Kdd Pens, Pocket Cutter,. went Pike Reed BOOM, &or, Pa. _ll DsaLez in liibks. eatiammo, sleet &e. nest =EIII:M=EI (EO. BELDEN & SON. - , tissiuvrT & Co ',4 GUFF'S 311'30 filnienbeedbiee would infixes tbeeitisetes of this city and vi -1 daily dent they h tve - now oa band and arc daily receiving by ewe.. large kits of those tine Baltimore Oysters. pat en expressly be faistify use in large and roan Calls. To thou• a ho have used thew it is unnecessary to give further notice than that we hare Ikea, on hand, hut to those who have not been so toilsome., we would sat, that t cy are Viper for to any 0) seers in the market. if you don't believe it give us a call and we will cinsi wee you oft*. &CI For further psi rtic ul rex call at & MeVARTS.RI4. ehatettrcet. P. Orders from tr•ecou tit ry sof/v./it'd and soompt/y attended to Elie Dee. 1 ,4 COTTAirgI INK ." Apra! sapplyof that Warns Ink, known as the roitaxe Ink. 11, No the thing for gehool purposes. pill sip in sumo tangs. AM ale at No.l. lifollll% , Hotel. lice. 4 DLItt.IN & *RASA N. IT - pin Su'racribers will cay Cash and make contraets for the .1. coming 1114M012. for the following description of !amber -- Whitewood boardS 5.4 and 4-4 inches thick. Plank 1 3-4 and 3 Inches think. Scantling 3 by 4 and 4 by 4 Sqsare, Comm 3.41.11-41. 74. 8* I*. le and 11.1: &mare. Sycamore Boardii 3.e and 4.4 inch thick, Ash Boards and Plank from Ito 4 inches think. Cher 'v arils. sc an tlin g and totem, Wh i te Oak Boards and Plank. Whitewood Sycankore and Cherry Lumber should be 11 Gam long. Ash from !Ito us tett loug. SkILDEN t SUN. Erie Der. 4 Intl. 3, "hi RINTA—Ai Petalill& from four Outs per yrrrJ upward., r2ie Doe. J left ate DRY G 0 - 0 D 8 . A. General arsortusent of Dry GaAs itur .nle on reikronable Ix terms by ltec. . 1-30 G. SIILDP.N & 0014. Curtain Pixtutes. ms itred two gross of Potnam's Patent Self-adjust. a; Curtain dictums. also n glod msortnent of Corti and 'l'as• twig. flee. 4-30 ; RlWlllet REED. H A Y Knives at the Cheap Uardware Store. Elie Dee . 4 —3J RUFUS REED. RELl.Sralknet bay yon have seen the avvor:t kJ meat and A.Cettaitted the prices at the Cheap Ilar,larare wore Erie Dee. 4-30 RUFUs REED. "BETTER LA'IsE THAN NEVER." THE Elohscribers are now offering to the public a general and well selected stock of Dry Gctods, Groceries. Crockery, Boots and Shoes. Cloths, Cass itrierrs and Vein ngs, all of wnteh will be sold as low as at any store in, Erie pr Calk or ready pay. Dee 4 IS.It-30 SENrif7l"r & CO. B)?1,'N dIiEETINti S. in quantities to suit purchasers. at the store in t h e. Mennen Block, at prices which cannot fad to please. Deer. 4—.10 seNNErr & co. litir4l33/XTZD SIZOITEDIENT SAFE INVESTMENT AND NO HUMBUG. T" 'place to piirdhase .Groeeri2s. Wooden and Willow Ware. Wines and Litlibors, Oils, Soap. Candles. Fish. Candies, Fruit &c.. ISM MOOR E'd Grocery Store. Erie Dec. 4 •3t-341 Opposite . Brost n's New Doted mate St. LZ4117011.111. IDAVE on handthebeseassortinent of Liquors in Skis env. 1 from the best Cognlaes down tolls rent WI Iskey. Erie Dee. 4 11142---311 T. IF. MOORE,State ft. _ . _ Itockingtuana Waae.r A I.A RCM amoriusent just received and Fot mate hy Ll -Erie Dee. 4 -.3i1 7'. %V. MOORF: Wooden- Ware. • A r.Alier: q asiortnient of the above ware consisting in nart:of Pail.. I . .thei Churns. Butter Ladle... Feints, Siena Mauls. Spoons. l'otati.e Maniere. Laooll Swim-zero , . Iren e-its Towel Noll. rs. Sugar Voire. Moil elk! ks. (1011$(4. PiaV. Ilbi. Covers. Measures. Aze • ilel res. Keeler,. I lobby Horses.. Dread Tray., Silk wi etc.. etc.. may be found at MoIIR F A Erie Pre. i ir.12.30 Oppoeite Brown's Nrw Uotel state at. _ _ New Clothing ratabLiahrnont. , rue - subserilteriChave connected with their More a tarp. stock °treads made clothi ng. of home manufacture, to which riey would rail the attention ofthe public, their stock consists in part of Frock, them, Pack and liver sack Coats, Pants and Vests in endless variety. all made of the best materiel, with numb and at) le unsurprissed and pieces so lw a's to astonish the beholder. Please eall nd examine for yourselves. Erie, pee 4 1e.31--30. 'VINCENT' lIIMSOD lc CO A N abundance of tine Silver Ware on hand of his-own acid Eastern manufacture. Silver dpoons. Ladle., Sugar Tongs and Scoops and other Silver Work made to order. 1 .graving done in super for tit) le. Corporation and Seale /. um ranting done (quell° any In finentrn cities. Nov. 17 G. 11.0D,td LS. T.ANN F:Ret oil. Lard oil and Neat•fuot ail by Erie Dec. ls 4.7.A1LT ER b. B ROTRRER. ALARGE ant varied aeeoritrient of Trusse.. embraeink all the late improved Pattern.. suited to all ages and slier and will be properly fitted if required without erl ra charge. shoulder bracer and suppcotere of vomit► kinds all of which will be &old at less than New York re:ad price., to all who may Want any of the :OM% e articles we say It will be much to your interest to call before buyinsckievrticre. • Dee 41",2-3o P. HALL. 1852 ‘111101.3382./..33 AND RETAIL. 3259 Quick Saks sad Lama Prelie' The City Dew: Store be full blast!! 11111: tau hseri her reilltll,l thanks to Ins nuttier) H. ustomet:. for the I therpt patrunne,c received. 7111.1 tnl•t. from the great in ducements zubitir offered it will be continued and increased. lie has just reeelired from head-qu (ter« a large supply of oil-article. in his line of - trade, bought at the lowest prices and of excellent quality. warranted good and otters to supply his customer. upon the tno.t liberal terns MI nre 111Viled to-call and examine i.e--, Fore buying elsewhere as great chaa-tot are otT , ricti f w buying lrOCHrenieleeat low prices. ' P. 11.814... Erie. Nov. 27 1`32 29 -------- -- ---------- 11iw - 13ooks! New Books!! CAN. be had al Mein 41e. Moan's, No. 9. Brown's bloc k Reuben MeJlienti,or The II 'oni in; Man, Kathay, a eruke in the China Seam, (tarden Walks n illi the Nor. : A New England Tale, . • keeo'leetionnof a New- Enginnii Bride, and or a Eloottuttn Mat- - ron. ' Oracles far Youth, llo , lt of Artois'. • Aatt a arMerril assortment ofever) thine in.the Bock line. Erne. Nov . W. - l' Iteltl,lNr it.51.111 . . 1 1N. NrlVir BOOKS! ' . Oal ',fork' al y-jire reads (ark . - • TEST Etr.rrAvEr, Si 0. - Prawn'. lloiet. the 14 , 11ew ing itew a uti readable Books, any one of which -(1111 be had for eents—t, • A Book fora Corner. new eerie.. - Table Tusk about Rook.. Men and !Winners. Eagle Pass. or Life on the llorcler. WhilCli and Oddities.biliixki. • !laments.' Social Phtlosophy.3ll series. ' • %Volts-and Tatks of an Attlefleal2 Far-uer in England.2.lsct les, Sicily, a l'ilitrituage. N0v.37. 043. ftI!RLIN Jr. SLOAN. L OGWOOD groom', madder. fume. ttle.Wrx;Ll.C.oppc fcreaiti extract of lugwootl, cochineal, tin water. earnwood. indigos and every other variety of dye stint, required. selling wholedale and retail at the lowest possible figure at thee drug stire. state st Erie Pee. 4-30. P. II A Routothi - g to stir up the People! E are just in receipt by .•Kasson'i Dispaieli" or 2 eases, teso yards Madder colored Prints nt 7 ci nts pet yard. oniall figures and imd styles. eoloo. warranted perfeetiy fast or money retlinded. Customer's inusteall early: Also, 1 ease. WILT yards Muslin de Ltli (Deg, tailliant colors ni.d desiggs. at Il t leents per yard. rian,ms & lIAtEtI 4 Eric. Dee. 18 1852—.2.1 • NO. I Orwell's Biwa. 114irent llress goodsi for the trollidayst SELLIA4I4I' PRIME COST. TIIO3C in want of an Orlon' Belk. Cashmere . Motet tie Laine or Merino Dress, seta Co well to call nt the New York rgrrie. where any article in the Dry Goody line can be porehaired at hew York cosi, as the,whoic riot k must be sold unmethateiy; MERRICK lk. Dee. Ifit-22: No. 0 Bon neit Block. State street.- • Diliott's ANYqnantity of fret-h. ground nOlll by the Unrrell nr rvoutid andwarranted to be a superior article at Clitott'it Erie. Dee. 10-31. JOUN E1.11.1011'. FUR pA1.F..—.1 most helutiful Piano l'Orte..anunlicketureti by Daniel Gilbert. of Boston. warranted equal lo any in use. will be sold al the maker's wholesale priee. Erie. Dee: hi- 1t43.1-32. r4TOCKTON & FULLER. 11. OTEIL! ,:(rot Tug ILROAD DEPOT. PEACH ST., ERIE P 4 GEORGE W. FOX, PROPRIETOR. TlllB Rouse is situate but a few steps from the Eastern and Weriern Railroad depots—haa been newly furnished and third up for the accommodation of STRA NGERA ANIS TRAY. RIBERti, and as a pleasant and agreeable stoppitlg place is unsur passed by any in the City. Attached to it Is a omelient stable and other aecosnmodations for tesrstera and others from the country. Passengera and Baggage carried to aid front the Cars 'fret of chsrge. Charges reasonable. Me. Dee: 1P 114311 PERITMEKY.-I.lihin't , extrnet. of Jacky Club. Kov,Geron tutu, ratchouly. Iledyesinia„ Heliotrope. Violet. Musk, Jos h iin, New tiu.wn Hay. Jen uy 'Lind. eltrOtleliC. Rosa Mareettale, Verbena. tlernartf. Cologne, Mucous:kr UM and bx Marrow for the Hair. Cachou Aromatlue for sweetening the Breath, and all ticeeisary articles for lady's and Gents. Toilets. at Eric. Dee, 18 at J.ll. DURTuft & (.;trrt. GRIN EP lES,—A full sunnily and au rhe in of Cart he round in the city. to he had it Dee. 11. Aarrecar.a & Hertel. II I UR RAH Frat CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARI—SIio dr4. ease (Of sale at Dee. 15,—,13 GI 'Frs. _- - GLASS: 1 UM' received a lirr supply of French. English and Ainers '• can chum. consisting of all the different sizes from 7 by 9 to 31 by 41. which will he su'd 1 -, ) the box,or single light at the.vety loweetprices. Glasient to any site Ithout extra charge Erie. Nov. 20 1032-20 . li. BURTON a. co. BOGI Wood. Amulet and culUred Bracelets. put received at AUSTIN'S. Erie August 7 1931 13 - Opposite Brown's Hotel. - U SICAL INSTRUMENTS. NTOW opening, ail extensive _assortment of Cm I tars, Violins. Aecorikons, Banjos. Tamborines.Vlntes, Fifes. to of ev ery prke and quality Mao, Strings for Guitars. Violiusiud V io neeetunr.tig the very bias kinds. nil eery cheap at Erie Sept 1-17. 1' 31.4 entries, opposite Brown's, Agate .1, F' SALE VERY LOW. —A large and powerful Telewnpr. costing in England Twenty Pounds. to be sold for tine half its cost—Warranted perfect In every respect. inquire of Erie Sept 4-17. T. M. A zit, opposite Brown's State-st. 1 1 1 0 BLACKSMITHS.- I am now receiving n heavy sipek of Iron and alter' ref all kinds and sizes. also Anvl s, Vises. Bet lons. stork and. Dim sledges, Hammers, Horse sh es and Nails. Malable-Castings. Brass, Hub and sand Bands. ire.. ke., which tt il be sold at the Interne figures. 22 R 1,1114 REED. Long Winter livening*. iv. OW ill the thee to lay in a stock of Books for theme long n in -1.11 ter evenings—siielt,for tn.ittnre. as Capt. Kyil. or the Wizard of the Sea Prim 50 ets. The Prairie Scout. a Romance of Border Lire ** WA ,• Beads and 'karts. or My Br.ttlew r,olotiel .., AO iw The Swamp Steed, of The !rays of Manion to ga .. The Rak Rangers—a Story c 1 Love and War - " X% a Cello: N, Y.rmore a n.l Under ground 46 sh • • New York by Gas Light • ti. gs.. The Heirs of (tern rue Water 4 . au .. Kee Penron:or Life and its Lanktrm , •64 go .• The Wedding !tress i ti eg 0. The Three Strong Men .• - ga et Arany Diver. the Female illghwa, maw io gy .. II: ilderoy. the Freebooter t. IS a. Gentleman Jack, or 1.10. , on The Rom% .. $5 .. • A Life of Vicissitudes—by James I .. eg a. The IlitalOry of Wary Esmond. Esq , .. SO .! Together with a large variftay of outer cheap and readable gooks . DUBLIN & SWAN. • 5 v f" TlA — cy gm*, &Prim ilfiksectlrec and A's.lmico long and 'square BhALWII. at prices to suit the Elie ?ICY. SQ 1835-4 S TIGUALS 2K DOZ white and ewkweil Kid Glares, at dye obi lilt/I*lld sinorse.e per pair. TIIIIIA LA as HA Ylitt,3. - - Zooms of Arne:Joan Authors. grit E limes of A enemas AnthOM the moot !oral/11MT nnot in I.lfPngraolly, illustration, and In binding. ever pablighodjust waived haft Putna.nNo et No. 0 , Beevroir Hotel. Eno, Del 4-30 Pei it NAM .. . .. ..,. , istaizapisays stA•AIIIIIrIie . •.. AA L W A IZ sopplratfiatoorftNete Illosibly Nageoleejust re telvell at Ito. h. OfOlinee Hoe& Thiele Meted itaxibet•Of the new 'robust. had iv ouc of the best ever hmthei. Erie las., I-31 OUR Ulf is SLOAN. Ifisazty vs Yisassy • Tilllnl6 mitetrin Tlst4re beautiful. but who basetantined Me Oft and beaut.f tl 'lrwin; at Storkton & and hesitate to admit that Art c.tii, tf not excel, yct closely appsosi. mate to the beauties of Nr.t•tte. A wont to thew fite sv Me lent." Itoora open at? A. M. Admission free!, Dee. 43 —33. Ores . Bide of Dry Goods! Al ta Nee Fork More. *, Boa,urr Meek. ELEGANT Cashmere, and Delaines,srorth3t, and 37{ aelliag fir Li and*, ets. as glad delalnes for l 2 as can be bought for 1.14 many other store, elegant Cashmere Long Shan la worth SO Pr ill be told for fM. elegant Silks for party and street draws the bat assortment of black Silks ever brought to thus inarset. embroidered Collars froru el cu. to 413-10,10, yards Prints Bed 'Picks. Flannels, bleached uottom he all of which are now of fered at New York rapt Purchasers of Dry Goode will save* per cent on their purchases by calling at the New York Store, No 4 Uonnedl Block. Ede. lire .21. 4 .--26. MERitICIC-& DAVIS. TILE UOCHS, cowering 7Area Waiter LOU. together with the largo Ware House. 100 by 40 fret. now owed. pird by %Volker & 'ribbon. For terms, apply to Erie. Dee. 24 7 -103 J GEO. W. STARR. Atiraction at Itosonsweig Co.'. CIIE.AP CLOT lIING STORE, Proprieters of this e+tahli►hment, beg leave to announce L. that they bave-naw on hand a Inge varied and elegant as surtauctit of WALL AND iItrINTED. CLOTHING, Tow hid) tbiev invite the attention of the public, confident that in atyle and finish it cannot he exeelled. On► stook consists in part of the following, viz • lire,. and Frock Coats, :lacks and half Backs of cloths, carsitneres and tweeds. alt of new style and at very low prices. Ovirszetts and Ilatizips of black, brown. blue and drab Beaver Felt. Pilot and Flushing Clotho.. VESTS! VESTS!! VESTS!!! A He h and moat beautiful armament ever oflered,Satin black and fancy :lints. Merino. Valencia. Italian Cloth. Satined.rbact Ilk and single breasted of every variety of material and pattern, Under eillftal and Ora wera of every deveritition. Consisiing of Boys and Youth? Fade. Frock aed Body Coins. ()sty Coats. Panne and Vests of all sizes and qualities and at very lots Niece. - SIIIRTS!! SHIRTSI!! Fine while Shipts of Listen and Cotton, of the newest 'Wet and make. fancy cheek. hickory and blue striped Shirts of ever) kind. In intl. yo i will Lnd every article in our line at O. I, Wright's Bice k. Call and examin e _ ipsaliiy and prices. oct ta wag. 13 NEW GOODS. T CAT received, dind now open for inspection of the public a sr large and inept drtirathe selection of Fall and Winter drays goods, which we are determined to dispose of at very low rates. our motto being small profits and qu ck saki. You are fervent fully invited to call and Vte our sloe of goods before Purchasing e!rewitere It 0. SKLDEN R SON Ericlflet 11 lk./I—tt No. 6 Tracy's Mot* etken pride. ArlikLU d•tisin etatutc I 4 cowing in ;he olive of Nat!. Rai.a fir kiu 6t" . . 111 . M.e.• Ulll tne !wan c,,,ed wish fur at licc„ OUR IST'3l.l:a is at hand again. 884 those who worts le Peak, Preseisis In ',thalami:ll Ohms. sl4milikenri at Warren's Ftir 7 slwre, where Parse! 8.114 Comfort enn!be studiel in selecting from his large stock of Furs 8114 c 414 r a erj desirable Winter Goods. Erie Dee_ 25, 1.-5 - 1 —l'. ---- - Now tor Ctuictatas a:allow Year. Al'gTiv Pm. 1 , +4 , b , o4tekt fr. 4,, Vets York splendid artless of lVa , thes", Jew-i r% . r:1111 . ./ 0004 , and Toys, when Old and Young raft flnd somnt't:, : •,;.. r, , ,,rittir , to the luste and pock e t just g h q .•. th f y.te.ti.--. l cla is res4e.:Uutly solicited, opposite Brown'- 11. d, . -'f.• , • .. , • , 4"; I.;tle D. , - .1. 1- 2 --.., i. filliPPiat ;,....., NJ: I. • . Chrves.Mustarit„ Caron. Coin. Far ram, (.• ~ .I.r. ~. ; -. li.`l .4 nd article- , 101 111112.100 , 111 to enu merate which on .. - c...::1 and et:nn.ri• ;diet. and quality at Erie Nov. Ili . . ~: —l.i el T t3lll ETT & GRAY'S, Cheapsi.le. ' INRENCit and Luglish Nletinass, %chair *v14 . 10041, and la i.. linens at a very low figure at G. SIMLOWIS A Son's. BAY STATE Shawl's cheaper 1114 the cheapest at ' Oct 111°31—T2 . G. SELVES Is BONI'. --- WAKED Tn Eold Armor Vincent. II im rod Co..'having been dissolved on the first of March last, a new) I l artnership has been en tered into Item ern the subscribers niftier the save na me. to 4ake wirer front that date. they therefore botify the public and "all the rest of mankind." that henecfodin our motto shall be rut. itterre4, and prompt paytneht. At oud store may be found a large and well selected ruck of Dry Goeslo. Groceries, Hardware, crockery. and Tin ware, and at our iFoondry almost et ery va riety of Machine castings Horn a Steam Engine in a sleigh. shoe. Our Mill geariae It"lnit proverbmlly superior. A. for Stoves we can't he heat in quality or pure, neither up street nor down. WI i EryPtOne and-Lion are favorably knOwn amid 0411 sew nowt@ Favorite for the kitchen and Lady Franklin and Revere for the parlor throw all Other. in the shade. i Remember Cask prices and prasapi parneat. - ,_, 0 13 VINCENT. ‘VII.I.IAM HIMROD, 1 , t DAVID 111M10111. i JOHN H. If - IffeRNT: Fsir net th lan- it I Wallin SHIRK. N. R.—Those indebted to the old Firm arc notified to call and ugly up and that soon. t _ ISOPZI I DON'T INTILIIND-111:1 J. M. 3 17 .S IT 1 C• 1 ,: IN T ouLn matt re.jecruiii PI idasc to return his si nc e r e thanks to his ituaty friends. add the prildie in mineral for 1. 4 e very liberal4i . atronage hereiMbtedttereded to lam, and would I Inform them th. he Itas just rceetvedthe Largest and Seat Stock of Goods ; it his tine that-hat ever been ontueti itt this city. ron.istine or • CI,OTHS, CASSINIfiItES 'AND VESTINGS. °row ehowevt k I h4l, which ffe will make up to tinier. Gentle men their eloihini made to ardor can have their nu st.- res taker sari cloth n.rotade. n ati ifnot pie 1,4.11 with theme. hen they will not le asked to take thew way. Also, on hand at all tunes, a 13 rat! rind a ell tiufile amictrucent of READY CLOTHING! ' ttf our own niontifvelute. coniistiug of Overcools of various Gre-s and Sack ruais Vests. Shirts. Stock era 'Cato. Drawer,. Undershirts. Gloves. tauspetufers, &e,. which will be sold at the reef lowest takes for CASIL Persons in want anything in our line, see itivltal to gall aud roaw,uc goods and prices for themselves. Erie Oct. 23 1tr.34 21 Ira teza image cfralt• arc only Co be tee', in Eris at CLARE* ETC.IL . No. I Bel/ *nese. FRIENDS, jury esti dad look at cur late Co h purchases. awl one. wore he astonished. We call de tt —that a e aill. we pledge our honor. IVe, have plot opened new sole of 149- eade Saabs,' Otis. yard wide black du., the eery hest in Omen', French Merinoeo. Persian Twills. Ccitturshs and the nicest M. dela i tis for I r per yard to hodou nd asst of ,New York; shawls, long and •q sure Woeful oraeo trillts.Thihtiet Plaids Itt great variety. and at prices ro tow as to nnalds us tot:lnn at the idea- of competition—indeed the) are so lon alit in 'mike our neighbors rolase to shed tkoir Shongo. Coresiden t g it trouble. a hem-they find their customers site coating 'tire before proelutsing ' Well. it is Gents ; rte dt . tet blame you— ' Slaarls bought fore, oh will go. o tie yu shelves grotto bei hrntri Ito bitre.en of 1, i t sit months purehaPes. For the Gents. we have every &hitt; neeepears for an outfit eery. riry hoar). alit! for fanui IVA Are !Live fall lapplie• of howitekerp- E I na vi l ely...tit price , that herd duly to be named to etistire rifles. L. Friends and ensnnarr.. Wu will !nage these d ords good. Look to tour interests. and try us. Erie Nov. 13 It.4t-17. DRESS n vet R in greet siariejy.)ind opened at Nov. 20 1831-1. TIIIIIALS k. DAV Es. _ Caioiiiereit.Tweeilec,rtatinetta and leant% very low rt 9 1-S — t —2l. SELDEN O NN't. 4 . A NoTHER large tot of 11. Collin'. warranted :nee. Olio day Il received. ['rice $1;41 each. 30 REFI:rI REED (JIE-13 Darrell. Dhio Linseed Oil. reeeived and fi by the barrel or gallon. at Nov.lf-ti HI?- ===2=== , Kock, walk simest aupota. %VIN'PER CAMPAIGX OPENED. f ., Having R most magni fi cent marl mate ryas assortmert of cloth ing of the .choicest ournerials and i seeptionalalLent. aud itaade in the shop (not slop) by viper enerd woolen irt the: best manner, after fall patterns. We do. with perket caonfldencef challeastm a comparison of our goods and prices with those o m a y other establishment betwerm the city l of New York land the city of Erie. We Imre hase.l these goods and made illeut up to t.elt—aoli—and—aal THEr,3it'ST BE .yfILD!! Any man or boy fur a c,,m, scot or pants. by making hi. want+ knoven to me. will be aCeommodtted with 11, article that will fnit hntl—at a price that will suit him—only eall—call —and if yod do not depart a reciter and a harplerman—ruy name i$ not Jacob. Traveling Bain., I'itbrella...Shlrt4.l'ndet Shlrtr,and Drawers Illandkerchielk and" Cravat:4, Cloves, duapendera, cheap for money .t No. 2, Reed 'louse. Erie, Nov. Si. JACOB Knell. frIUR Subscribers are nor receiving very huge mock Of Wet add Dry Groceries from Eastern eiiiei And the Atirtism Room. hough, for Gash at extremely low figures, which are Of fered for sale at a small advance for the ready Those wishing to avail - themselves elan Opportunity for buying a vroek of goods in oar line. for a very little cash, are respectfully invited to call and ran ue tit BTERRE'fI* &.GRAre. Lis.. Nov 6 P..1r2 16 - Wrapping ray r.- A. FIRST RATE article of Wrapping raper , Just received and Z). for sale at Nn. 0, Drown's lintel. Eric. Dec le. It —3l , Drlll.lN Aal LOAN. ilillitilllASitiiiii - everi va r 111 y and in yle iroinlo e ea - toinVSet;. VT per yard at Nov 9 sal P Ild mil JACKSON. _, ---.. —_ 1852. FALL AND WINTER. 300DS. L 853. A LARGE J51.0.117'.VE.17'11.:61' RECEIVED AT „ Ea W A IZ R E N' S lilit rsfiNst-'ll \I. , .• ~ , d .. in hi. I,r ... flats of ev ery'varievy IL . , of ~3 .., ~:, i ~.,,„. ~,-, i r ev: , - - , v IT!orJeir km this market, also av, ry 1 :r.!. • : • 's t 1:,- -a .. ,- ,..sirieser and CasierAlals. WWI a sari. I : , I' .. 1. Tlt ell. } , 1111115 and children of our own Amake..., I !, :h. i i.i, "itk. French. 4r - man. Pm...viz. o. ft, ' . r,, and Moharc lloshes of va• rims* sir :ev and priers, eonstantly on hand or made to order; r.l , -,, ',large stock of it:vista Roars an Ladies Four. Mulls. V (cronies a lid Mufflers of all of) les and pric:s. with n large slgek of Gents Furnishing Goods, consisting in part of Minns,. wrappers. drawers. scarfs. cravat.. nandkerchiefs and echlarri. (three id) of the very lest,) and so large a stock of gloves and mitten., we have nut room to enumerate them, walk valises aril trunk. coßstantly on haul of our own manufacture, ollitr earpeLeinhols and truant leather travelling Imp and - nio- - brellas. In short. a large and complete assortment ot Fall and Winter GAO4IA, selected and made with the greatest cart so that ever) customer may not fail to get the worth of his mosey.— C o me and-ace ifvhese thing," are not so.and judge for yourselves. at No R. Brown's Neil , Bine*. , - N. H —llama, Cap , and trunks repaired or made to order?. ard Marto Robes lined or oilier Fur work done on the shortest no tice. Get. IS 1e42-50 .1011,1 11. %WARREN. IItrLESA 1.1:—.1 be subscribers are agents for 41 - r follow/lir Patent Medicines, which thew will sell by in.+ dozen at Matinfteturers •is : Jaynes' Expectorant. A lorrntiveCar. mini:titre Balsam. Vernitfuze. Ilan Ittyye and danative os rod'• Chola/mane; Itristoi's and Towe.rnills . 4 arsaparilln ; McLane* and r•thnestock's VerntaUse ; Trask's. ,Taainer'a. Mc- Al liter's. Sloan's And Daliey's ntm*sd: Perry Vat ii,' rain Kid. I .r. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, darters Indian Liniment. 'dairy's Tnropheinas, Brant's Indian Medicines add Kier's PettOnllllll. Erie Nov.lll J. 11. BURTON & CO. Ml=Et= Am .. FIRE nsoortenTof Gently and Ladtea'rubbent just the ththig for muddy streets at reduced Prices by Erie net 30 15.7.1. A. G. PELDON k SOW. TrST 'teemed, ano th er tot ntikm finetCalf Waterproof ali Cloota. Pert. Ilk WiLCOX & NOTON. TO LIMINTI Wright•, Black. Steil 'Urea. Irid. Pa Boys' Clothing. =Corer effects of the Cash Systensl. Tatman a Mock of Olot'sing and (Nostis.l ALNOTIIESL BOAT IN. Hat an' Furnighing Store. c. rr, I 111 • • •‘• Zdrk. Nl•ti• 7street. Erie MMMaMiM :- a - . ir., % : - ...i u .e1, i L_ 1-, :",:'', ~• i* --- ) I , k L o : • .-1,%, 11.....- 4-A • , , .. ~ ~ CAS icTow, For the Core •f COUGHS, COLDS, HOJIRSENESS BRONON_IYIII WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION Many years of trial, instead of impairing the public eoshdesells in this medicine, has non for it•napiiree tat ion and notoriety he far exceeding the most sanguine expectations of ism frianda.- - Nothing hut its intrinsic virtues and the unmistakable beneft conferred on thousands of sufferers, could originate and maintsin the reputation it enjoys. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the eommunity, hate failed• and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial. conferred benefits on the MAU." they can never }bract, and produced curet monomarcias and Una remarkable to be forgotten. • While it is a fraud on the public to pretend that any one Med icine will infallibly cure—atill there is l abandist proof that this Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing. but alms:o in variably cure the malidies for which it is employed. As time makes these facts wider and better known, Otis medt. c toe has gradually become the Lest of the Ahead, *oat the log-cabin of the American Pen the palaces of Campo /In Kings. Throughout this entire country. Ia every state, ally, and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, Cherry Pectoral, in known as the belt remedy extant for diseases of the Throat ant Lungs, and in many foreign countries, it is coating to be mann sleety used by their roost Intelligent physicians. In Gun hrl . rain, France and Cennany, where the Medical , sciences have reached their Merest perfection. Cherry Pectoral is introdwatali, and inconstant use in the armies, hospitals. alms hoase,, Institutions, and in domestic practice, as the surest egimit Miele attending physicians can employ fix the more clamorous& fectionr of the ?ow. Also in milder eases, and for Children is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. la fact, some of the mesa flattering testimonials we receive have been from parents oho have (bud it &Ileac MOS in eases particularly incidental lochild hood. The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a practical Chester. and every ounce of It under hlsown eye. with Invariable aceura.: cy and care. It ti tested and protected by law from' ersaelle. , felts, consequently trait be relied or u genuine without adatlese rtion. . - We have endeavored here to turn lob the community with medicine of such Intrinsic superiority mud worth aw sbouldeoria mend itrelf to their . conadenee—a remedy at once salkspeodi and ciPectual. which this has by repeated and countless triais proved itself to be ; sad mostly great care in prepariag it wall chemical accuracy. of uniform strength to afford physisiam a new agent on which they eae rely fir the best results. add the &Meted with • remody that wUI do fbe them all that midicise ens da. PRERARED AND FOLD BY Lofts C. AYER. Practical and Analytical Chemist. Lowell. him. Bold in Erie by J. U. Burton & Co.; in North East by B. O. Town & Co.; in Girard by J. A. White; in Cranesvllle by Wild.. Mee itthsrman.and by Druggists every where. lyrklzart.. 11,11,28. LIQUORS. - • " NJ 3 ANN, Groceries.Pklte.. Ple keled Oysters. Labelers. Fir tip. Fruit and Nuts, .1. G. fc W. I MILLS. Na. 3 Wll - Bloch. opposite brown's New Hotel, Erie. ?a. balm etlipened n New Establishment. where they are preparelto sett all - Articles an their line at the Lowe/4 Priers. at Wholesale and retail. The Sine k Consists in part of the &flowing article", Ma grik Wines. Oranges. Preserved Inuits,. Miteirollll. Liquors, Lemons, Vernirteillv Media*. Cigars, Pigs, Plain Pieties. Awe*Mak -Porter. Raisins, it ts 'd Pickles. Catsup.. Ale, Sots, ekled Oysters. Curran. Cider, Cocoa, I It led Lobsters. De Digest: Cordials, Pines. Pickled Clain,. . Curios. Ea Absinths. WHISKEY BY-TIIE.BARREE. ALSO—Tea. Nagar, Coffee. Molasses, Tobacco. Ake, Gnus& Some,. Con fect nu ary by the B.:m.l 4 min Biscuit. ;Crackers brat Barret, and many other Articles too numerous to mention. IMPORTED CIGAR:I.—We itnport our own Cigars, and eau roll letter quality of Cigars at'the same prices than any house itt the city. Pure and Gt nuine 1 W ivies. Liquors of every descrip tion constantly on hand. fo: Sale: Wholesale at low rates. A. so—Bottled Wthes and Liquors for Medicinal or other purposes on land by the Dozen or Single bottle w hich are pure. AGENCY FOR BUFFALO ALE —Monts and Bites" Ir. Banon's Ate. Fur tale by thd barrel, at Buffalo Ptite,'addDig transportation. Also—receiving in their Season. Oysters hi ghetl; Keg and Can, front J U. ,lilts fa C 0.,. of New York. lb[ Sale Wholesale at Low Prices. , J G. Mu.t.s. New York. r W. I. MILLS, SuMilo. A. F. OACKSON. Arai. N. B. Ilotet.. Ft am Dow , . private Families and Dealers Ova crnlly th all artic'el inc our line. at autfistoprictil.— RDERS froto,City and Purrounding country respeetArgy sale. tied. and we 0. die ourselves that all goods shall be sersasa• torodett. .grie. May tit. L FRESH GTRITTEItIEi. TUC 1.1 L..: rl hers have joist received ntthei ?stand. iminedllide. • I y opo o -lir the Perr a large and well selected stook of Groceries. Coffees. Teas. etuaarik; Molasses. Rice and all OW so Velem mound) embraced in the lost. Also. Llano:N./lulu. ate. with nn assortment of Nuts and Confectionaries. nattering themselves tharthcir slack. in variety and exeell4tme. is spot sur passed on the c itv. hes hope to receive a liberal share of We pub lic patroti-ge. Their detertn lamina as to do business dour kit cask eonsodenne the n tYpenee" of more wortkihan Ittm ”slow sittllitql." and that all pat t4es are bow:fitted by the rum* pay system. rradnee of all kinds taken in exeintage for Groceries and Mier a rise lcs.• ealrquiekly lest the stock on Min i d becomes exhausted in die lapse au few weeks. Un rprices are.olowthatpeopdtwill6l6 themselves scarce able to resist the,temptat ion to buy- Erie. June la IF3o. - 6 LANDON Sr. RISLET.i l'ashicatible Tailoring - "Eitablpinnent. : tiTH C Subscriber. in gratefully acknowledgingthe I b. eral natfouage which be has received from the - e iti of t:rie An the pact live years. would most respe c tiv y call their attention to WI present location. Haiti err cir d a new shop on the east side of State etritet, t dtors North of SO. and adjoinine d H. Riblet it la Cabinet Ware Rooms, he is preraied aga in to watt ogle on mid...accommodate:his old patrons and friends, ansl lim es that by his usual success in making "rood dut," rot only to continue ifi their confidence. but alsO, ditto' their influence. and he his own, linear itv and attention to twat noss to set urea liberal share of the public patronage which ha revoecthilly solicits. . Navnl aim Military Milan: made to order anctEuttingfkir6th era to makeup. dour with care and promptness. Erie. July U. FE32. JOHN GOALDING. O F FA LO A I.E. —3f utra Ce. C t linan's k Harnms's Ale In big; I) and half Ills. for sale by J. G. W. I. Mills: Jnne No. 3, Willquos Mock, &WC . • - - - - - 11LARGE. and beautiful lot nf -Bonnett tibboty for fun add -w cr trade. aeleetotfwi th due regard to the pretaili INa desAt F.rie Oet. 9 1032—11 G. BELDEN &BOW& Qll EETI %GB. 1311 ..snipe!liningsTickingCantonPlan nel u nel k.r.. at No 11, Tracy's Block Cheapaide Erie Oct.:l 1:44. Ird GEO . BELDIIN & BON. TO TEE TaILF=II. TEST received Ole mold aplenilid aationutent of Ladles dew .1 goods ever offered In this market, conaisting of Gro Da E lone Gro De Chene. Brocade. Pow. De eoieand Plaid Bilks, Otilonal (*rapes. Plaid. Plain and Watered Poplins, White and Cord Tar dunk. dotted and plain. Book and Swiss Mulls, striped, bared and plain Austin, Mualin and Wool lie taint+. Lama sloths plain and tiered. printed Velvet.. printed Persian cloths. Bro cade and plain A Impact'. Cobure't cloth.. Brk and Cold Preach Moreno and inlay other styles of dreas goods which we have Pot time to enumerate at present but call and veeta yourselves end Ilkalie money by purchasing cheap at the old stand of Erie Nov. d 1.5.12-211 BMITU JA r rgMluw Ct~N•P. NEW WATCH, JEWELRY, AND r ANOW GOODS 19T01111. Blots St.. opposite nrosen's Ibid. Eric. • pit F. subscriber. (hie' of the firm of G. Loomis rk C 0..) comet, 2 before the Erie public and vicinity. soliciting a share of patrunar., confident a large and well t.elee tea stock of the dates eSt and most fashionable COu n lira) gat tow peke s . with the manufacturing of Silver Wore and Jewelry. an e attention to business will insure a reasonable support., Hating been for the past fireen years • rt.* bdeut of Erie,. and intending to returt intim rest of I i fe, the publicn t • i il i l t fit e l . dra r e cq n o o r ;h a : lA ki o: fi ts: sate." but always on hand trt ligi.lh sustain mysel f and fami ly. In the tiorld. and I Piet* Mad( to Ira• dearer to tunintlin the reputation enjoyed by the old Arm In every particular. Thankful to a generous public fbr my ituecess thus Air In life. I shall endeavor to merit a coblinuanoeo(theit ihmozw, Aug. 7 Ifi3d-13 THtrP. M. AUSTIN. N. D.—Watches. Clotkr. and Jewelry carefully repaired NAca / IN wv, GI.ASS.—The tart_ into this city nbe found ht Oct. 23 1.4 ICV & 8110TH ER. No. it Reed (louse. J. ma. amrra a 00.. WIIOI.ESALE: GROCERS, If. T Bound( Black. stas sums. iris. Pe. ' frill F. suluteribero beg leave to inform the citizen. of this aid 1 the adjoining confute., tlutt they are retell/IQC olotaat, dotty iu addition to their stock of goods,. the !arr., and'brst noreft• meta of Groceries to he found seat of New York City. num. rut for ttie libi rat patrounge received since our Co l 2l l 2lenerlollllll in this City. we would most fmrpeetntlly call the attentit • armee. *boot. and other • tv 'vlll'lo good. in out line. to an etbibitloooll out stock W lure biting to Buffalo or New Yotk. We wick it din. tines, it iiderrtoe 0 that we w ill veil goody for Car/1 •v /bap PSI. as eteap its eau he pnrcha.ed in Buffalo or in New York. Wink the a. 1.1111011 of ea peruses in getting woofs to this City. The Inflow she comprive a small part of oar stock -30 Ilthl N. s,l . Nrl/o..ri . and P. R.. Sneers. Ice NM.. Criahed Pow'd Granteurit it Coffee to TierCeS ninth Crushed Suns% Yo Sotto Refined Loaf In, It) lfht twit P R 31-davvera. 21) Tierces A, go. 40. 75 11110. • do? do. AS. 11, do. - 13 do. Stew art vSI rip. Itl do Cuba Honey.' 130 CbeCto3ilgt ha I r Chests Vonng !Tyson. DMA /kilts ha. penal. Gunpowder and Black Teas. • ISO Ha. front to 1111bv of Black and. Geells do. • 73 Wig . * Rio. Litguirr. and Java Coffee. • -20 hones Ground Coffee. 73 do. I'avendivli Tobacco, 1111 qualities, 31 do lb lump do. superior 13111,19..). Anderoon's Smoking Tobacco, & tg, psi Also.'everal ditferent tumuli' Fine Cut Chewing. 73 Packages Macke/al. No': 1,2! 3. in Witritk`. 4.. avid Kitty. 23ft Rote,. Herring, No.l ati d Scalded. '• 801 , 114 rod Pods. 53 lib+ it.trilled Winter Strained Oil. Also, Notu. Ravaittv, Prune.. Pepper. Pirtientn„ . CRIPIa. NW* niers. Clo% P ice. Powder. Shot Safety PM!. Wrapping, rapt and Lifter Paper. Mustard. and Pickles. elan excellent quality rind ebertp—brvidet a great tai my other article■ too numerous to moult)* in an advertewinect of this kind. We also &memtelt dition to the good,. abate mentioned. a large stork of PU R wiNpatilod I,l(4U4lßie, vi 11101 Cali t , f.• ha I 'Li per cent. *heap, far the value utial.ts . than ran 14' ?etre/instil west of New Y not w ithelanding the errs,' advcifre In liquors London and P l• w ietprou Ale. and W uf itIIOM Ail det.eripti Please calf :int examine for )0121rPeiVe... nut you a ill he veils that you can do better than by going to Butililo or New York. Der. 30 1 A t asoorunent ever brought