e ~ f A. P. Dtrazaitaoo., Proprietors. VOLUME 23. othotruer. p. DURLIN & CO., PROPRIETORS g Illa OMR", or. FFuE CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC. - SQUARE, ERIE. TERME OF THE PAPER, , •.-ri'er , I 'hi' c a rner. al StGli , oat . or al thc otter.. in advance. 1.10 ii - . r La 1 , 1 I I! 1 , 1 :Ids ance,or within three months Thom thetitise •-• " ~ • - in o dollars Will be - charged. LT ‘, rotio.ol me won. ova. be postpaid. " RATES OF ADVk:RTISING. - . e, r d. ~ ,-, 1 v.: ceding 4 liner; one year. 83.00 ei.e c.luare .5 - . Itkfig ' .lu. six months, 1.00 ~ do. IlliC moults, ' 3,00 1 - ,...., , .: g,os ei to-etnen ts, SO cents persquare. of Ofieen Ham or .::.:rrlion: 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. t yl ~.t, ads rarer. hare the prtoilegeof chanting:lt pkartir, . 1., IrCnIIONed to Deem py wore than two sittuares,stai to ' ,.ra :e ;'err rramedight lossipess. t ,, c et, ere• To. not having other directions, will he, inserted till .-,charged accordingly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CARSON GRAHAM. LI Oft AT LAW, n Georgc A. Elliors office. of d.rimrk. Erie. :34 JAMES ,ROSti SNOWDEN, I,rl 't C.I.I*Ir.LIOR AT LAW, NO. 155, 34 JOON W. RIDDELL I rod, Street, bptween Sinlithfield (tart Strett4. Pitt. burgh. Pa 1 VINCENT H 1101101) dr. C ~TIE,R4of Store s, Hollow Ware, Engii Road fare, etc., St ate St.. Eric Pa. I'HOMMi M. Aoi Gale of Me fires .1 G. Loomis + e.) in Clock*, Watches, JErtrelrY. Silver, =poops, MOSiCal ,•,7,,r3tp. LQw. u:. La.sts, LArups and Fpiey Goous, whole rttall. JOHN GO - ITA )INb. VLANT TAILOR. and Habit Maker 7 -Shop . ou the east side Of re street. two doors north or Eight. r ( . o'l4 Cabal et N'are-Itnoto. Erie, CLARK & MET/ sit r and retail dealers in Dry , itenes No. I Need Douse. WiLLIANIS & WRIGHT. Cdi , e 'Of t and Ilea Irrs in Gold and eitvrir coin. unenr • I Money, Land Warrants and ceniiicatesofDeposile.• Also or.t• on th a pnncipal tines of Mc Union. and all pans se nid Country Cur sale. ()dirt. Williams' Block, corner of . and Public :Munn. 11.1'11•44: J. G. Sr. W. I..MILLB, Wholesale Deniers to Groceries, Wines,itiquorr. ;ar.„, Fruit. Nutty, Pickles and Pickled Ors. Preserves.and Nermeti early Sealed artille• Of • .cr.piton altra)• on haQ, . 3, William's Block, . Irrewu'i, New Hotel Erie. Pa. 6 ‘l, , s e. Sew York. 1, W. 1. Piu.u. Buffalo. v. recto or in their SeallOrt. Oyster io *bell, from I. G. liib .* tt Dew Yolk. which will be sold Wholesale at low Pike* A. C. Jscusm, Agent., Erie, pa. • DURLIN & SLOAN. r„ ,n Cia.mical, &Ivol and kfibeellaneous Books, Black Slatiovory, and Printer's Cards, IC.o. 9, Brown's new F. Nle , •11 1. r. 1111.6•111. T. W. MOORE, to re 1, G rorerie.. Provisions, Wines. Liquors, Candles. Fruit, tr .. one Hour below Loomis& Co's Suite street. Erie. JOHN B: COOK. !rut in SI 3 ;.!C & Fancy Dry Goods. and the Crreadest variety tee Store in the City. it:lieup hide. kris. p a . EHKETT & GRAY. • e beta, Jobirerr, and retail Dealernia Wet and Dry Grneelien [•. Forrogn and Ilotneotie Fruit. Wooden, tt .0% at. 1 Store Wa I I`. Flour, Fish. Salt. Wass. Nails, P9w s+so, (' Sa Fuse. te., Ice. French "Sheet. oppo- RNA Erie, Pa. and Canal Boats, Vetiaets. ilotets. and Private SJ j• e lti..../ VI tW ar.) *of the abovesrtielm with prompt zr..ll.- !• WM. S. LANE. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Fl. E over Jak . ten . .. 4 blue, North,TEal4 corner of the Pule- Out, t uttS littaSE & S Pt4..ciatis and Surgeoae. Office and Best4enecs— h,,,th k Sv.reras Firrits. ec ;• 7 tr., A. 31; Ito 2, ai24 to 7. P. M' TEEM JOHN IIEARN & CO. • ari.ri and Counnisrion Atere:pants. dealer in Coal, 1,,r, agent for a daily line of upper LIM Steamers, ,e l`r4k Erie P. • Li DIiELL ar. Co, • • 1•11:7 n., Manufacturers or Iron Fence, !Steamboat 5 eq. &c Stnte. Uetween 7 b and fitb, titrreta. AMI RICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. ilif fl !Loved tb N 0.5 Reed meek. State Street. Fwe rld.rept , clouts at, Ili o'clock, A. M. " 3i O'clock; P. M. fiE(RGE J. MORTON. Lae , 7 f the firm of J. Mara 4 Cu-) COMltlialiOß Merchant. PuLhe Dock. Erie. Pa ,r; 5..11, nth. Fitntr and Palter. I) D. WALKER & C ' s.i.odure and Conimibsion Merchants, *mond Ware ;he Yc.thc lime, One Pa. 1N , ..11 , •rt. ;I, ruat Salt. Mast et Stucco, Pith. Li ale sttaLime -^. I • - 1. oyes. Copula" Ice, lite wr, unAl niaßs •• • t.:•• • ;...r .I.ttirs either by Steamboats. PrPPelle-ro• Stuor.cr,, Rail ROad. • W. H. KNOWLTON. . Repairer. Dealer in Watcher. Clocks, Jewelry. • ea I'rarumertr, hooking Glasses and other Fancy Goods. on,door wrst of the Reed House. 17 ARRUCKLE ditEPLER. ~,•.t In Dr) quodt. Groceries, Elardwate,lrxlerY. &e. No k Petry Bk.ck, State meet. 1-41 e. Pa. • - DR. C. BRANDES. ii.-,AN an.l' SURGEON—Office at. his •residenele• ort. Eighth , --4.-1. ..,..: % evn Fretizli atil Holland. Cries Pa- - 111. SAN.FORD '+•n saver, 'Bank Notes, Preis, Certificate, of De . 1. dr.t. z!iglat Exchange on the principal cilia nominally • 11, 4 Othce in lleatty:s Illock,-Kublic Square. Erie. I'. HERON STUART. 14ess AND Parsictss—Offic-e,,eorner of French and Fifth ""•C"r Mows Koch's store. Residents on Fourth meet. ..-t no. . apt or the old Apothecary Hall. . , .. _ RUFUS REED. . . , tl.ll in Fiswitfli,Gonnain and Amenean Hardwalreand Cctlery; + fc, Nd'ig. Auvo Is, Vices. iron and Steel No. 3 Reed House, 1. , e. Pa. CADWELL & E - NNETT, svrt.,JobLers. and Retail Dealers in Dry Gonda, Groteries. Glanware, Carpeting. Hardware, Iron. Steel. Nails. %its, ke. Empire Sages dote Street. dna doors. below Croon'. Hot.l. Erie. Pa. ' -* , ---.1n% ils , t : Bellows. &TIC Arms. Springs. and a geseral jl Drunt•ht and Carriage Trimmings. S. MERVIN SMITH. INEY LAW and Justice Of the Peace. and AiOat * hn stone Mutual Life Inauranee Company—Oithee 3 dean rtuur Wr tens in.:ire. Erie, Tit. GEORGE IL CUTLER. " - Amy •t L•w,.Glrard. Erie County, Ys. Collections and 'wt business attended Co with promptness and dist/nth. JOSIAII KELLOGG. k Commission klerelhaut, on thk• Public Dock. east o( +:e I?; reel- Flamer and Whiter __- L ROSEN " FIG CO. Liet•li: &ND METALL Mumma in Foreign and Domestic Dry rrady mom °Wining, Boots and Oboes, dm.. No. 1 A r,ght r block, SUM street. Erie. 'MARSHALL & VINCENT, r Lit w —Office up stairs in Tammany Hall building rfh of Protlionntary's Mike. Erie• MURRAY WH.ALLO - 11, - r '''"ti •'‘ CO V•IIE LEAP. AT LAw.-0111ee over C. R. Wright's mance out door west of State street, on, tire Diartood. krw. lIIALS, & HAYES. • •r•43t., in Dry Goods, B Dry Groceries.CrOckerY. Hardware. lie* I. Bli;%n's New HOWL SMITH :at - gds. t.trt In Dr) Goods, Grixerimnardw t. arerQuerni Were. 121, Cbeapsidet Erie. ra• WILLIAM RIBLET, "/T M.ct x upilohner, and Undertaker, corner of State awl s "___Pnth ann.t.s. trie. CARTER & BROTHER, 'Pm.b.L E and [kcal. C.L.dern in Drop, bliedtelnir 'PaWs. eibi. ._ - "`mm Glans, 64. c., No. 6, Reed Heade, Erie. JAMES LYTLE, "t MerchantTador,on the public dare. a fe w delwe .2hlot iqau wet% Erie,' JOHN H. BURTON & CO. ir : L44 ALI AP n RI; ['AIL dealers in Drugs. Mediehoes. Dye Dula. ro..s. kr.. No. 5. Reed House. Erie. j M. CHAPIN, RESIDENT D6WTIST—Otnee on um south side of the Diamond. eve doors east of Frier Rank. Priers reasonable, and all work war ranted Erie Jose HI 1831. DR. O. L. ELLIOTT, Resident Dentin-, °Elea and dwelling op tbe St,uth side of the Public Square. tat door gnat %II 4 .. of the Erie Rant Building. Teeth inserted= t "" Gold hate. front one td an entire sett. Carl piled ru,th pure Goid. and restored to health and use- Un "" Teeth eleaned snth inatrunnenta nod Dentike so al to of petite td elearnesa. Ali work "rammed* 1 ; . , _ , . . . . .. . . 'aN ..... v .,.... :?t. .e. ; .-:;u.-- 2 - , ...-x,..i.-.4, - ..,,,,-..* - .4.-t. ,-*Col - taeßatahillik4aW-,- f' 't. l l-{.• - • , ' ,, r ----- 1 -.. ' it'''' '-' :-'`• ' ' - 7. ' 4 ' • -''' 1 —. ' ' 4 ' f"' 4 4 ' 4.-4 ' -tL.b.- ,4 ;--Ttd--- , -u- , lllr'io.omiu , sik•N*rr----Amoi , asriwwsrft' - '""'""r'' — _""• --, • ..icv—ittogis , .-:;tibi! , 4 l Efrforivoutglaftr-t 7. 1 - !* 1 - , ttf -:- _. , f ; - , • t . . S ..• , " ' --.. • c t " . ' t - ,i j :, r' . , ' . ' l . - .;-: . i 4? 2 ' ... : i., i ' ..4 • , . ... .. .- ~ ...., .. ' I .• . - , . ~. , . • . , , r,, ~. . . •,' I • I - l i ' . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . , . . . - . . . x 1,. • • • . ~ Ria;binery, J. L. lITIWADT, D. D O. D. li•Alr/00 D. AfraL sh, constantly for sale 4/ 8 0t 1 1 A RUSTIC DRS A Br AtACEItRET Ai it not the saowitsg. Harm ; That 1 Year against As pass Lay the todedisisthers closer. , I TAU thweabia glow artist t Aad while tho frogs* kill•topa - Grow smooth. ad high aid t ki I'll tell foe of a . 'Tara' tbsi middle of the night. For I had heard the crowing Of the cock open the hose,. (1 dernot hear tote miaowing At the window. plainer lea-) Ere I fell hate .a idateber That was rely slim aad (leap: 80. Harry. darling Harry, You may know I:was asleep. I thought that I was gleanilig In th,e noontide summer heat.— ',could hear the pleasant rushing or the sickjes in the wheat ; And 'l said, is inch a sunshine. —The tiny itself will 'make: Let us rest us with the.redbirin That are whistlin: in the brake ° For the winds were creeping saakel O'er the Meadow, hot and steep, And f saw that-you; were weary—.: Harry this wits all in sleep. Jose was dallying with bur levier 1 1 Of the barnieg "listless eys:" Anti the rednesa of the roses • i° ' Was the deeply blushed reply. And the birds were gathered moldy 'To their boughs of love and lire— 1 We were sat thiskiag. Of the harvest work to do. •I I • And. I said. for 1 was dreatnimt. And I knew sot it was wrong— ' ; "0, our voice is sweetest mule. Sing me Any simple sees, • .130 that love be in the poise ;* And while singing for my sake. ; Twice or thrice I kissed thy forehits• But I never Will, awake. I Then your voice grew. low and trent Though you sought to make it rah And you said you must be reiping- 1 Ton had rested long enough But yoo kept your arm about sue Till the even-shadow deep. And I wish—shall I sonless it•i- That it had not been in sleep. From the British Jourthal. LOUIS NAPOLEON AT HAM. • The *mantic visit, desciibedi in tke following sketch, was paid to Louis Napeltion iftiB4k:bY a n American, who pahlished a lengtli3r account of it in 1849,* after the prince was elected President.of the French Republic. This volume we have conyves- Red into an article, preserving the urigioiti form, and using such liberties with the at4thor'i 1:;n -guage as were necessary to giro ccstitiOuity to an abriged narrartve., The author seems to have been more of an imperialist thane republicanfl or, rather, from - his : personal sympathy perhaps! with "the prince,". his opinions appear coincideuuwith Dula partism, which profess to unite both extitemer, in an • imperial republiclaism. . Inpassing from Philadelphia to New-York, in the summer of 1845, jost previous to me departure for Europe, I stopped at the princely, residence of the late Joseph Bonaparte, ex-king of Spaht, ; to make Ines Odieux to the young Prince de Musignano. • On , leaving, the.prince remarked, "You are . going to France; why not make, an effort to see my :unfortu- nate cousin, Prince Louisr' During 'my stay in Loudon I meritioued this to several of the 'prince's friends, who thinight the idea rather qidxotic, as the goverument eutTered no relations deny sort to be. kept up with the lone captive of Ham. Count tfOrsay alone was sanguine. I mentioned the dif ficulty of my heiug an American. "You have hit it exactly," returned this ready tactician; "just be- CIU/111 you are an'American, the government will be punted on what grour.d to refuse your - request: I will :ell you• what to do; employ _no' influence, at tempt no intrigue, and give. no Mettle; to your am bassador, but simply write a letter to • the Minister of the interior, saying that you are a resident of the United States. an old acquaintance of. Prince Louis, and, from friendly motives, desire to pay him your re spects during a brief %isit to France." This adi ice struck me as excellent, and I promised the count to carry it literally iuto effect. Perhaps it was a fort night after my arrival in Paris, during which I had abandoned and resumed my project half a dozen times, that I suddenly, one day, sat dcnvu and wrote to the Minister of the Interior, in the way suggest ed. A week elspsed, and no reply. • Returning to my hotelone day, I found that en officer of police had been there making inquiriesiboiit me; and next day I received aau menoturte repair to the pre, thaw. On the announcement of my name. sty -business seemed perfectly known, and I was conducted to the cabinet of one of the numberless • Under-secretaies where I was received with great courtesy. "The government," he said, "bad received my request— they were under the impinges& necessity! of refus ing numerous applications to visit* the prince, but in the present instance, no Inch obltions ex isted." • "1 am exceedingly happy .to . bear it," . • l replied, with u cordial salutation,"and when may tnaticipate tlic favor of being allowed to set of r • was.just going to add," replied the ortiniab "tbst.the Minister would base taken great pies In ac.ceeding to your wish; but he has beim info/w -ed that Prince Louis has .declined receiving ypgr visitr , "Indeed!" I drawled out with an oasphasis that conveyed ray undisguised astonishinsci. s•Yes,l assure you," continued the fuactioriary in his blandest manner, "the government would hays deemed it guts unnecessary to interfere 14 this mut ter, if his highness had matifaslod tba:amalleat lon fern about it." "Then I may rely upon timer' , I asked rather abruptly. • Napoleon Louis Nonevent. Tint reeslasst of !num lip fia and PeAposal likelelisa,laellidias • Violet* the Mace sgleill-Cl luoPlnall ot Mame itzliolui Moot Now-Nork. Paws; Loodon.O• /PM "Oh ; andotibtedlyl poit i reassurance an "I Flo so moat chee my entire confidence nets to read this;' • my_ pocket. • The sec lice read it rapidly or iced the post mark, a Woo, "vrhy, this Is yesterday; expressing earliest convenience!' !M !'Exactly so, Afoul betel to come here: a declaration, no dilitcu 1 need, not assure you ed.to his excellency, t permission to go as "There must tertai returned the secretary No later than then. with considerable fra• touching his hat a la hilt a:formidable-size He tobk a look at my without-venturing to man pronounces nethi Yes, aura enough, her ter of the Interior, sig of France, directing t of Ham to allow the' with Prince Louis Babittste," tasting to doge at the door to mi for I mean to reach b nightfall.'" 'l"Tres' beim, Maasic I.flahtlatiawis one of Hardly bad I finished :of whips announced, t Snatching up °Wig mounted. the bapekiai and sway-sre went. .roqd'i-to myself, but h tide!' That was a pul tin Lyndon, April, 1 8 4! that I met him for Os struck by his military , ligent five—pale, ands j choly. He was livino occupying one of the Carlton Terrace, over Je MP, His petition evi by a specles.uf con the.higheSt rank of est by the', public in g mantic history and im fortunate i man. Dori he published a very Ideas of Zispineon," at the time, and was t of Europe. bled. ,gh; k was Only a few m I are speaking, that 1 t such univer.al &stool Dnuloint., and its sig Aal far ac I v.oli anal taivng this'yit4t, besi• it was to discarer, if those enterprises of really seemed so reek unifiable. There ar and rumors of the 'cl generally, of the inc felt a very ardent an possible, en these ix' I was cordially we' lord of the Only hosto stirs!) town. "Ah ! privilege or seeing th ini surprisel" Why travelers (I inquired inter I came here for Dieu, nn; but every log, that Monsieur w "Pray, allow me to/ information?' I r;;i "-The p)lice toss te deed ! (I responded, in the. minister to to He evidently attache netts than I do myse . myiplainnmes of *pee wail not Francais." jog! out of the wind. Haan was.. I was a. a saunter through t tictiler remark, save so Many hundred ye so tittle progress. sent Baptists off wi of Ole citadel, wit what hour I should Meanwhile, the 'and intelligence that the at the rloor waiting tI Here Baptiste she! I have seen him," " Well; what did "Oh ! I didn't s". eyes dashing.) bat leg with his bands ror."' . What, the Oft "No, the Prince," Baptiste forgot to was, that the comfit me at one P . clock. nose, eye -brows, et toy way to the oiled fore I espied Baptist •' What are you back." , "Oh! (he but fur a minute onl "Hew absurdly ) lege hive I in the n AU my remocistra cats were drowoed ion side of prayers arid aepplic tions, an I gave up the point, and told him he mi t take his ensue. I had still a few minutes to spare, during winch I surveyed the fortress, which toyer' aeveral acres of ground, and is of vast estenft. It is a magnificent relic of the feudal age, and was still curious l y gazing at it with reflections toin its eventful history, when the clock of the citadel struck on*. The drawbridge 4 was flown, and tba expected: 'tag!, The commandent L;'o N TURDAY MORN' 1. I you will accept my 1 Ithat'point." fully, and with a view to prove n }our word, have the good-, 1 diviic him a letter i drew from 1 I tory of the prefecture of po- 1 r, then turned it ro,pnd, exam • d exclaimed in rime eotifu ( leoer from the prince, dated I Ihis'desire to sce iOu et youx 1 :I received it as I left my I d ajr there is now, by your ty in the way of toy departure, 1 i bat tribal! be greatly indebt. •• Alligator of the Interior, for 1 :l a y m i stak e iib' 1i sotnewhiire," very much puzzled. 'at Mort:lug, a !linear galtoped s 'into the court-yard, and iWaire to the porter, handed missive fur Monsieur .—. aMe, but galloped off again pronounce it; fur a French g I%inch he can't freechify was o letter from the Minu s • d and sealed with the arms e clommandant of the citadel' arer, named, to eommenleate a Wean' Bonaparte. 'Now, r servant, "hire the car , rrOw morning, at nine - 4.411. lit (a diatm.ce of 30 lbagoee) lIP I ha must ponctival of valets. in.v breakfast wken the crack lie:arrival of the: . postitkin.— an), I Babtiste gave,the word in aranti , 'Giling to ,• see Prince . I,nuis, ha L arc - pu goidi see - fitin ler. It .was five years ago, on my way to America, Gist time. I was forcibly aspect, affable manners, init.!. sightly tinged 'with melt's then in %cry luxurious style; nest mansion in !Arafat, nn king that lovely park of St. ns etivinble indeed; surround , !'sled, and &night Ole? 14 I . >• gland; regarded with iiiter:. rieral--1 vest name, it 'to .r;al pretenvions—he was a :g his residence in Ltlon, inking ki:tek :entitled, "The hint' made a great kensation 1 anslated into eteiy language calla after the periotl of which ' o rned the event r /Itch caused hatent—'tie ra4ll attempt at al a,:(1 tuurtif) 1'1:3 IXIY own motnei in wider.. es the honor conferred on tnA. (possible, the recret origin of raAorg and 13.mlogne, which • es, and, firet sight, so nn en many conflicting accounts reefer, sentiments, and, very acity of Prince Look, that•l cty to Fntisfy myte:f, as far its; arced to Ham, by the land- I xi in this very old, but very! lionsieur, how I envy you the Prince Louis!" I loOkel tip is it so-common a thing fur to visit the ci:itile . l that you hat purpose T' " Oh ! nton oily in llam knew, this morn as coming to ec the Prince.'' sk, hc•w ever l yboily' got this con-iderabiy perplexed. r -1 •grap'ied last night." "In it is really very rood-natured se much pains about me. 'more intportattce.to• my .busi My host was surprised at and opened that "Monsieur "No, thank Heaven r' look: to see What sort nig place betime next morning, and took' town, which invited no par- Ehat a •place which hid been nit rs growing, should have made Immediately after breakfast, I b my card to the commandant 'my compliments, to know a: resent myself fur admiasion.— ord came in with the startling e were a canple of gendarmes escort me to the police-otHoe. into the room "Je f coign was his only- exclamation.--• says" ak to him; (he replied, with his raw him on the ramparts, walk led trite, jest like the Empe • 3 L 1111allat e. onsieur." liver his message first, which adant would be happy to see After a due inspection of my ~ at the police-office, I made I, and had nearly got there be close in my rear. bout, Baptiste 1 yuu must go claimed) let me see the Prince is n talk, Itnptistel-rvvvivet privi- =!li tatillis'ap, as if a 'visitor was stook to ins like 04 shallow., irod toe with groat courtesy. A R 3) .-4.1 :G, JANUARY 22,1853, MI I 'l towsorry to team you (he said) that 'I hete or derv() Mhhit you but onc e , and - that your interview wiyn'the Prince must be lid: Cited to four hours. But who is thle with yoor caning hie eyes on Doptiste, nhosio:verei under his Mara gaz e. "It is a favorite servant , who begs ;war permit swn to "impossible.; he tweet retire instantly." found . Prince tonis seated at a table (severed with b inks and - papers, in a small room r dirnly right ed by two apertures from el:ire, secured by stout iron hare. _He was sadly altered einoe - I saw-him last. His appears tree hetoketaed.deop dejection, and a epitit bruised-and pinking under constant reverses Tim room was very staait.o.the:walts hare, and the floor without covering. Thisbe or tout wrioden chaiti, a single tab*.e;tift which, among Otherobjects, stood t stnlent's lamp;Co'nstituted its Peincitist for niture. In a recess, on caber side of the Chimney,' were shelves runuing to the ceiling, filled with books, and here alisi there 'retold the-apartment were soopeuded revere - I engravings. On the low, wood en mantel-piece, stood a common clock, and a small looking-glass Chou" it. The *Niko had very much the sppeerauce of a conanxin kitchen in some unpre tending.private house.. After some preliminary con versation relating to 'friends end eveete, the talk turned to the enterprise which had consigned him to Hint. His own seenunt or that, and preceding eve/Milo his career, !'shall note relate, as far al 1 can rethernber it. . SIT( were'uselees (began thelsrinee) to dwell up ori elf that -preceded, apJ led roe to. engage in the enterprise Strasburg. By means of trusty agents I the regiments' along the eastern frontier wens all sounded, both officers limit - nen. The only ‘ questions asked were, 'Are yep Content withrtbe government?* ' Will you follow a iinuaparte.,,T—'l'es I' . Everyday's information Iro m various quarters of! Frenee,:convinced me that it only needed the pees lige of one vic'tory to put an end to the natural hes- , itancy hundreds of ilifieential personages. At ! sikossinsis..., doe 004:asol Osmrlarr. itte w talMalr teas to take place ; and at five-o'clock in the morning of that. day, the signal was given in the Austerlitsbar racks. I At the sound of the trumpets, the soldiers. hustled i down into the court-yard. They were dream tip in double lipe around it, and "Col. Van drey took his post in the centre. 'A, short patween sued waiting' my arrival, and-a dead allelic* was pre-, *erred. ! On any appearance, I was immediately pre sented tn the troops in a few'eloquent words from " their colonel. • Igoldeirs, (he said) a great revolution begins at . this moment. The nephew a the emperor is before yoir. He comes to port hiniself at your heal. lie is arrived on the French soil t.•; restore to France her'glory and her liberty. lt,it now to conquer or to die fora great cruse--the cause of the people.— Soldiers of the fourth regiment of aril levy, may the emperor's nephew cnnot on your . terkiei Mout which followed this briefsppeal near 'ly stulmed me: : Men end otrice - rs" alike abandoned themselves to the wildest enthusiasm. Firto.ishing their prole with furious energy they filled the -air e 'oh cries of Vies f &noes-wet! If m .eivinos had ..ever crossed me of the fidelity of the French heart to :he Inemory of Napoleon', they vanished forever bofore theinidenness'and fierceneis of that demon• mration. The chord was scarcely touched, and the vibration was terrific. I was deeply moved. and neatly lost my self.passesMon. In a few momentil 1. waved my hand, signifying my desire to speak...-. Breathless silence ensued. " s• -Soldiers, (said fo It was in pont regiment the ['Emperor Napoleon first' sir service: with you he distio;uished himself at Toulon; it was your braye " c rreiment that (Teem] the gates of Grenoble to him, on his return loon Elba. Soldiers, new destines are, reserved to yis. Tier-, (I continued, taking the standard of an' eagle from an officer near roe,) here is the symbol of French glory: It must become henceforth the symbol-of • ' "The effect of these simple wen's was irijescrib able. I gave the word to fall into column; the mil-, sic struck up; and putting myself at their head, the regiment followed me to a mile.. .Meanwhile my adherents had heel) otitis') elsewhere, sad nuiforaily' successful.: Colonel Taillandie, on being told that the emperor's nephew was there with the 4th regi ment, would not believe it. An officer of his tariff cried out, 'lt is not the emperor's nepheir; It is the nepheW of Colonel Vendrey; !know him!' Absurd as was this announcement, it flew from mouth to mouth. The spoce tve occuphid was so confined that the regiments became confounded together, and the tumult .uMs l frightful. Au unfortunate move ment ,epaisted' me from my officer'', and threw me - among the soldiers, who still remained doubtful of , my identity, some of ahem took me pri-oner." 'Nothing strikes me with more wonder (I nb. fervid) than the extreme facility which attended. every step of the enterprise. It was a strange fa• tality, that singular delusion 'as to .your identity, which arose at the very moment that victory perch ed upon ypnr standard ! , If it were a ruse of some enemy, he deserves credit, at least, fur his inge e nuily : t "No. (replied the •prince,) I do not think it was an invention to arrest•the revolt, but it sprang ia.- turally from the doubts of various parties. who, from negligence or prudence, bad Dot been intrusted with thei_seoret. It was indeed, err unlooked-for result, and tontine played me a sorry freak." The punishment inflicted open the •prince was a kind of Siberian exile to Amelcs. After a contd. ' derable talk on American affsire, my eye accident- ly caught sight of the clock, which showed nve.that ball of the four pitiful hours allbweitme.had already elapsed. .I was exceedingly anxious to reach the of fair of Boulogne, and iu prder to bring back the prince to the narration from which he bad so pleat- - smithy wandered, I asked hint what was his motive in quitting America so early. "The harrowing iatelligtinesi (he answered) a , my mother's extreme. iiloesj, *hose entreaty war, if I valued her dying blessintg, to return instantly. I fled back to Switserlattd, Xind had the melancholy satisfection:to watch by het bedside, till, -in a kir short 'weeks; she breathed ter last is my arms.- Then come the announeement that the King of the French bait appealed to the allied pOwers to unite with him in 04:evening me to givo up my residence in Switzerland, and, in case of refusal, to employ force, if necessary, to erect- that purpose. Once mores fugitive, I directed my course to London; but when that. stirring announeenseat rang Is tire ears of Frenchmen, that the venerated remains of Napoleon were on the se*, wafted tit every breee { , still nearer to his once idolized France. there was" an ropni•aving of the popular heirt which trotild be 'as IntrltiO3 fur we to derma* as fora torsi; trio undo - sicrid. The emotions which had so long lain, dormant, tint all imppored they had entail to exist, suddenly's svoke with an energy and warmth that at : tested the eternal fidelity of the French heart to the meteor*, of the emperor. It was an oven highly favorable to the views of my .pertisan - f, and. I was assailed daily by a torrent or entreaty and invoca tion that T was hardly in a condition of-mind-to re sist. 'ls it fitting (it was asked, in the pesAirinnte language of the old' followers of the emperor ) ) is it 'AWNg that the corpse of Napoleon should be insult- . ed by the presence of that Ilnurb.in family which united with'Europe ie chaining him alive to the rock of Slt. Helena; whizh vindictively condemned to death his greatest marshillt; and still pursue ilia nearest ratati'vei into igooinioious exile!' I was I conjured, to precut inysel( at the !mad of the funeral processi:an on its way to the capital, when all Fiance -would rise to recognise m jolt claims to 'the place of chief moonier. 'The sicced ashes of nur French. Cesar. (they cried) are crossing ;he sea, and will not yooug Octaviusimel to _canvey them back to . Ruiner " ' • - "It was certainly a fearful risk (I ientarited) that the Orleans dynasty incurred in yielding tothe general wish fur t'te restoration of the emperor's re mains. Bat, if I recollect, it was before the arrival of the emperor's body thai the landing at Boulogne took place." • ',Nest s sonic months before, (replied tit* pri9ce,) fur niv re.:=nitatine cou:d not be - shaken on the poifit s t i oelteme;itly nrged, ofjoinitig the funeral cortege o n jig. f . ,11".e hi No—was my constant. reply r tip> ad' cling solemnity.of such a spectacle by , lie rude intrusiorfor my private griefs. 1 will not dhttnib ih. awful silence which will brood over Feenee.oo that sad sod memorable day by vulgar lomat), or perhaps a store tragic catastrophe. the mast convincing statements were laid before me of the almost infallible anccess which awaited me; and, really, there could be no question of the favorable disposition of the people. At length'l consented, and preparations were rapidly made for the attempt, which it was settled should take place in August, 1840. It so happened that every regi ment upop whose deaotiim I could most entirely re ly was scattered along the road from Dunkerque to Paris." The prince h're entered into a ome re!atioas r‘tft tie voluntary . offers of acrvice which had been made him by persoosges of the highest rank au& iniliseace, and of the various forcei put at his disposal. It was made clear enough,that if lie mid only sne reed in effecting art entrance into Feance, 'he tnigrht on reaching the firet garrison town an the road from Buulogne to Paris, count on the most eirsetuallinp port. Brat the issue Was adverse, and in its details reasrltably similarta the affair of Strasburg. ll Af r. ter reciting the circlmstances of 01e case, the prince propsed to, take a turn on the ramparts. The view of 'the sarroundiog country from the tap was com manding: but all wa.4.11.14 to , noton,kus andcheerless. "k may be, Monseigoeur, ( obseved,) that, freak as I am from the world, sod frrim the gay seductions of the Capital, I feel more acutely the leaden mona. tatty which seems to envelope like a Mantle erery:obt jeet about me. To you the weariness of such a se'- clusi,sn may hare worn offin the five wretched years you haver passed in this horrible place. "I did not feet it so much at first. The excite ment and the novelty diverted and sustained me for a tong white; then I took refuge in pr books, and planned a history of artillery, and other works, which agait - en:aged my mind; but study and E olituCe Take sail inroads onbody and mind." 'it just occurs to me, (I remarked) that you must finl great entertainment in chatting nith the ' E. u:- diets." !.Yes, it would be an agreeable pastime to con -verse with thrife intePigent men, but tbse goverz ment hay thOtt;eit pr.vr to fal)iti tna so' t c„) a p.ivi- lege.' I. ' Turnining to resume our walk, Own should I espy, to my surprlie, on the opposite lank of the moat 'running round the citadel, bat the iridoniitable Babtiste, who, in spite of corps de . garsres, and othet visks, hid contrived to work his way round to an ex cellent position far a fulla*i uninterrupted view af 'the immediate object of his idolatry. I pointed him out, totally unconscious of m y entertaining an im perial ear with a subject so -in i,golficant .as his valetship, whom of a sudden..from - a kindly impulse, the prince hunched his military ca and saluted him. Baptiste torned mind with respe Vol gravity in scarab of the invisible personage like{ to be the object of such an honer. I made a gown to the 'erect that he was its recipient. The 'egye electrical. Baptiste gave al.start that I thin would carry him into the ditch. OiTwent his Int, and -rice C.Fou l ierear" was trembling on his lips; when the sight of the sentinel . arreated in time bis explosive enthusiasm: for the orders of the govern ment were peremptory, to arrest, and shoot, if ne Cessary, all persons loitering about the fortress, and uttering seditious cries. Baptiste had the keenest view of the consequences of proceeding a tithe fur-, ther in his demonstrations, anti there he stuck fast in the middle of his loyalty. 'ln the teeth of Calam ity, Baptiste was a hiring proof' that, in spite of his fiery impulses, a l'r,ucitmart can be prudent in cat - Ica' etreurtrl:l,.o.e.... up, Monseigneur, (1 l i said to the pridce, with iqss c ! Lirooe.s than I write it,) and the carom:trident doubtiess expects puectudliy." 44Wti live lutler toilitary law here," he answered, smiling. - We descended the terrace with A' lively step, and *4llEo4l4~de the building•which.seem ed as his prison, in silence. There was nothing more now thin to bid hint adieu, but yet . ! lingered, reluctant to withdraw. Extendinp..ltis hand, he cordially grasped mine, assuring me what pleasure' Ice had received from my visit. I replied only by bowing; for really my emotion for the moment so mastered me, that language utterly failed me. I re tired: and as I reached the head of the staircase, I turned round instinctively for . "' last Tomtit at the spot I had just quitted, when I found the prince had followed to - the door, and leas looking after me.— Nothing could have conveyed to my mind a keener, sense of the desolation into wbioh be was about re htpting,than this simple sot. Ws face and attitude 'both bespoke the dreariness and . melancholy which entronnded him. I raised my hat with in incline- i4Xki \ e 't, -I 'a h 13:13 111_60 A TZAR, in Ad'vain.l4.4, 'NUMBER al Lion of prof , lend rniect, and , desCiling, sair bias Co more. • I neat day set out on my !Aura to the capital.— I had not advanced far b?fere I perceived, minning .himself on a stone bench b the aide of the cause way, one of those battered islics of the "grand ar• my," that never fail to excite 'my liveliest interest. The history of these men isia glorious? romande, with darhg exploit and rairiculous escapee.' In the eyes of the French penman , their renown en circles them like a halo.l They are dispersed all over France, and their influence is undisputed.• I got out of the carriage toi have a few words. with him. He was a fine-looking Old fellow, and wore the cress of honor on the breast-of his faded coat-- no doubt a gift from the hand of the emperor. y "Eh bien,man militaire; h ow goes the worldmlth I • " Merei, Monsieur! onlyiso; these are doll times, a nd.we old so:diers are out rf place. Ah, ostuaiis' is! what lives we used to, leadl"-ward he drew himself up at the recollection. "Yes. those were glorisms. days, saes views—{l said, humouring him)—oebat, great battles sad splendid vieturie.!" "Ah, Mousieur, (returned the old guard, ivipiqg his eyes,) we shall never *se those days nails. How great was France tbeh, and bow low were her 'enemies!" ' "The waif ore over ncw:.—the emperfir ii gone-- 4tit see bow much better ()Oars those wanton' yon der, tilling their beantifullaads;iban bleaching hat-; ile , flelda with their bones," I touched the Wrong Chord here,. for the wooden leg of the soitial d'...ins t _ gerlit: began to show signs , of impatience. II took out liiiontiff.box, andlplied his nose vigorous ly. I wok a pinch, which seemed to soothe him. . " Old, Mon voyageur, iremperner lira. s - 4, -, ( s aid lii. old (lluwer, raiaig his cap reverentially,) the emperor is gone, but a we any better of for . that! We work harder, we pay more taxes, and everybody may pull France, by the beard pow-a. dais. If the emperor fatigued - us iu war, he 4da'S forget us in_ peace; for who built otrr pest- ,uses and our sc%ool-houses? wblo drained our meadows, and who ordered that stone -bridge there? .If f , its pair, they give us a plenty, of peace, but it cosaiii very_dear."- 1 ' 1 "You don't seem to be in lore with Louis Phif linpe," I remarked in aca less way. The imper; ialist eyed me almost 4ontemptuously,—said` moth• ing, but kept up'an incessant Are on his anoffbox. Not wishing to part coldly with him, I said,""Gueirs, if you can, my victor of iiVagram, to whom I was talking of the emperor y sterd - ay." He gazed at me in the ustrost perplexi y. "Well, if it shall*. o secret bet weed us, (1 ob rosd, putting on an air of strong confidence.) it was the Prince - Louis r spu!ce t') yestetlay ." _ "Aluasieur raw itt,3 Prin e Laois yesterday!" - "Yet, I slw him .yesteiptay, snd I hope we shall both sea him oil is one of Ilium° days, but not in that direct:NO—painting to II in.. '..l.lOn3icur (sun: morel )ut of the fanetie s t caw stifled by) Its: a iiitioe)—}ifmaieur!—" but 'begot ro further. - I sh•)nk him - cordi:tly by the hand: "Adiell, won‘ britve." "Mieu, Mutisieur.ir' an 4 a Vine l'Empoieurr bt •- shouted. `• Vire Tilayercerr I respanded. a Vire .I . :Empercur cries Baptiste, who was loo!titt , on from his post at the carriag door. T Easpereur r ecresmed the postilions, cracking their whip, whiist - the horses - neighed and carrvil as if they wialtea to share also in the stin thuslasm of the m meat! • . fin DiriNtAruissi. -Su said a little boy as be sto,al by the the of a mouse-trap which bad an un willing tenant ;n it, "What a fool he was to to in there," said "ewe one. The little boy wishing to, protect the character of the trembling prisoner, and add.od, "Weil' I suppose bb did'ut think. Nd, "he dant think, - end far the very good rea roa that ha was not madeto think. But what shall. we`say of that boy who is standing. in the circus door, waiting for it to be opened) orof that boy with his strazgling hair, a pert twist to his cap, and a cigar in his mouth, or the ode who stands at ;hiker tier of the streets on the Sabbath, or frequents the company of hither tankers and singers—what shalt we say ef`such as these? And whatohall We say of him who tampers with the wine cup? Does he hot think? With hundreds of human beings around him, whom it has brought to degridation and misery wins were once ornaments to a. eiety and to their country, he cannot help to sari the consequence; but he will not think. They will be caught in an evil net. They wilt fall into a hidden, trap,, andean they say, "Witt didn't think!" Yes, perhaps they can. But if they would `tell the whole truth, they will add, because we woutdrit Mink. They_hare tyest, t but they, see not, ears have they but they hear not. • Give manna ' be caught in such a war lever plead as an ercnse ne are becoming so fro ths would might forgot in• handling other intylo-' ri!d fashioned gunpow• ohm- accident which re- Springs, will tend to put the public on their gitard. - Oue of the visitors at the hotel there, who was n thfkabit of faithfully, drinking the waters of the s int, partook at night of some saltpetred be. f, which. ad been provided foe the evening sapper, and as -usual, washed it dew. with some of the water deep:y itipregnated with sulphur. On rotiritig to rest he. brushed his teeth with charcoal powder, and on turning round to blow out the candle his head bust assunder with a terrific .explosion. A coroners jury was summoned, which reported a verdict in accordance with the ',bore facts ; and added that no blame was attachetktodhli dinner.'' t\ (r7A clergyman is in jail in Secieca county, : : Y.. on a charge of having seduced the daughte r . the sexton . of his church, and then refusing to sup- port the illegitimate child, although possessed of considerable wealth. He declares his innocence, but the courts decide against him twice. The girl, died broken-hearted en the 10th inst., declaring to. the last that the minister 'lad ruined iser. Her name was Margaret Lott. and she was on/v, a . . - years old. The name of tit 4 reverend gentleman is not given.. . c.. L7_yt~~.g [ i =' MI tit :ix -41 * •e/ rp - Ron • V'--The following Males last;numbfr of