Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 15, 1853, Image 4

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WAikeseries. idas; Pleaded laws. Lobsters. rim'
N sad Nods. J. G. &W. I. MILLI, No. Wit-
Meek. appeals Wows's New Hotel, Ede. 1 1 1 -, be .. 7
tuat illiii = rh a ts H ekoe thel k e ve line ns i s t ists ib i cat u to t. weet wile :Pr thel ieel a ra s t -- esal t :a74 ,
Mom Oranges. Preserved Fruit,. Mae C RPM hl .
/4001114 Lemons. Vermacilly Sardine*.
aris. rim Plain Pickles. Anchovies,
Nair, liaising. 1111'd Pickles. Catsup,.
AO4 NM,. Pickled Oyster'. Currants.
Coder. . cocoa. Pickled I..otisters. Pc Orrat.
Clottiliallia. Pineal., Pickled Mims. Cur Lon. Ex Absiutbs.
ALSO—Tea. Nagar. Cofibe. Molasses, Tobacco. Rice. Granntl
Make% Chaihetkinary by the fox. Soda Biscuit. Crackers by the
mad many other Articles too numerous to Mention.
IMPORTED CIDA RAVI. import our own Cigars, and can
aellithensetleality of Cigars at the same pricer than any hotter iu
IllecßT. rime and Utnallle Winei. Liquor. , or erery &strip-
ItirWeaassantly on hand. fo: Sale; %Vholi...ale at low rater. Al
ars—lkstiled Wines and Liquors for filed ir.inal or other purpoecs
sa head by the Dozen or Single bottle which are mire-
AGINCT FOR BUFFALO ALE —lloints an.l Caman &
Ramie* Ale. for sale by the barrel, at Ltutfalo Price. attain;
VillWartation. Also—reeei vine In their Beason Orpiers iu
Wien. Keg and Can, from J. G. Mlle & Co., of New Yuck. fur
Male Wholesale at Low Prices.
J. G. Mims, New York. I W. I. 111: Intoralo.
A. C. JACKSON. Agent.Tritr. Pa.
X. 1. Rotes, Steam Boats. private Families and Dealers gltu.
MA, supplied with all artieles In our line, at Itutrain
nom City nod surrounding country regime; fully
lied. and we pli dge ournelt en that all goods shall be as retool
Elie. May 'M. IfiS3
I b
nil E subscribers have just received :tt thei r mud. mimed mu ,
ly oppilsite the Perry Block, a large:lnd well se . .ecied stock
GrOcedies. Coffees. TerlP, Bustro, Mot:lase+. Rice and all ttui
articles usually embraced in the list. Also. Liquors, Fruits, etc.
with' ao assortment of Nuts and Confectionaries. Piatterina
tbemsehres Mantra', stack. in variety and ell-elle:ice. is /101stkr
ral hi the My. they hope to receive a liberal share of the
Their io
daterininatn is to do business cheep for
sattconsidering the nimble sixpence" of more n orilt than the
"slow shilling," and that all patties are benefited by ihercady
pap system.
PrAuee of all kinds taken in exchange for Groceries and other
Call quickly lest the stock on band becomes exhausted in the
Nips ea few weeks. Our prices arc low that peupte will And
Ithersusltres scarce able to resist the temptation to buy.
lale.Jaue ID ISSU. 6 LANDUN & RIIII.C.T.
Washioziable Tailoring Establishment.
I, THE Subscriber. in gratefully acknou ledging the lib
eral patronage u hich he has received from the citizrus
. of Erie for the past Ilve'years , would most respe,tively
call their attention to his present location. Having.
erected a new shop on the east side of Slat , P•tree. tuu
. doors NW , ' Of Rh. and adjoining J 11. It iinet & Co g
Cabirlei %Vane Rooms, hn is prepa ted ag:at a to n act up
on and accommodate his old patrons and friends. and
hopes that by his usual success in making o irbod Mg,"
not only to continue in their confidence. Lilt also. time
their isdlluence, and by his own integrity and attention to 1,,1pi
me to moire a liberal share of the puhiie patronage VI IliCb he
ret_poettially solicits.
Naval and Military Clothing made to order and Cuti ing for otli •
era to mite up, done with care and promptness.'
Eirieduly 12. lays. JOIIN GOAl.Dillia.
BOG Wood, Amulet and eolo - red Bracelet), Jur' reecit ;A ;it
A Utrl'lN'S.
Opposite Rron n's Hotel
Brie August 7 lUS
• 041111121111? WARE. OABLUET WAXES
MBE subsestbere wontil adop' this iusthoil of returning their
1 sincere thanks to We citizens of Erie and iicinity. and the
palmist keoernlly, for We liberal patronise hitherto e‘iended to
thaws and would state that they have Pet received from We C.ty
Oilier York and ettea si re assortment of
earbereing - Mahogany floret of ditTerent styli -0.. Ma Impair French
Itedstends mull Cho int. Mahoatinv Tables. with and without Mar
ble Trips, with a list of other articles too numerous for newspaper
detail., all of which are offered at prices lower than they tan be
procured in any other estabitsbuiciti west of New York, This is
said la no spirit of empty boast, but front a eonvi:tion of its
saters. as all will find who may-lake the trouble to institute a'
personal inat ion.
They continue to manufacture all varieties of Cabinet Ware
They bold themselves in constant readiness fo fiurnish. at the
shortest notice. arlielestif vvhateverstyle or quality Confident
oftheir ability to give satisfaction, they invite to their stock. and
their ficilities for doing good and cheap work, the attention of
tbecitizensofthe city and county.
illattrasses of all sizes kept coastafulyon hand.
Eric. Julyil, 3. 11. Burs? dr. Co.
NOW opening. au rxtenpi we assortment of Gnilarr. V,Oll op.
Aettordeons, Banjos. Tauthorines. Flute, &e ~ of ev-
err priee alad quality: also. for Guitar., Violists and Vio-
Urteellov. of the very best kinds. all very cheap at
Brie Sept 11-17. T. M. Arrrra'r. I 0 1 , Povite lirown t o• thaie
VOR BALE VERY LOW.—A lane andpinwetful Telescope.
casting in England Twenty Pounds, lo be. sold for one Nil(
00111—warranted perfect in ercry respect. impsirs , of
Erie Sept 4-17. 7. M. A mei tn, oppomi to itrowtep State-M.
ToBLACKSMITHS. -1 am now receiving a heavy stock of
Iron and Steel of all kindiand sizes, also Alivi s. Vises. eel.
slack and Dies, Sledces, Hammers. Horse all es and Nails,
MaleblaCastingv, Brass, Hub and sand Hands, &c.„ &c., which
will be sold at Hie losessi figures. I t s RUFUS RECt?.
BUFFALL) A LL —Motat'lTOTHlinati's & Barton's Ale in ads
and bait bbls. (Or vale by J. G. & W. 11.11 ills.
June S. N 0.3, Williams Bleck, er•c. Fit.
ALARGE and beautiful lot of Donnell ribbon's for fall ;rind
winter trade, sereeta int due regard to she preva.ling fav h.
des at Erie tkt. 9 1831-Itl G. SEEVEN & SoN:s.
Q ler ipe Shining. Ticking Canton Fla
nnel &e, at No. 6, Traey'i Block Cheatmiide
&et OeL 9 UN. 29 . GEO. t 4 El.O EN & SON.
TUgr received the most Arlen:lid assortment of Ladies dre-ry
el goods ever offered in Gm , market. con , iytillgof Gro Ire Rdirie,
Gro De Chene. Brocade. Paw. Dr ewe and Maid Silky, Coia - el
Crape*. Plaid, ?lain and Watered Poplins, %%lute and 4 . 01 . 11 far
tloasolotted and plain, Book and Ss iya Mfilly. "urinal. Laced
and plaid Mustlua, Muslin and Wool lte latiney, Lo r ne Moths
plain and attired. printed Velveti, printe 1 Pen.' in cloths. ltrri
elide and plain Alapaca v Coburg I cloths. Cl'!. and Co.'d Freoeh
Noreen and many other styles of dres• goods n inch a e bi VP WA
time to enumerate at preserif but call and rce for youerelt es and
save money byl purchasing cheap at the old stand
Erie Nov. 6031-26 JACKn , 4
Stole St., opposite nsvissi's Lick!. brie.
Tgg aubseriber. (late of the grin of Loomis & C 0..) comes
before the Erie public and vicinity soliciting a share uf
patronage. tonfideot a large and well selec:ett stuck of the (quoit•
eat and most fashionable GOODS al vi ays at low priroa. nreiber
with the manufactuiing of Siker Were and Jewelry. riu.-e
attention to business will insure a reancnahle rupiaart. Ila. in;
beep the the past tlheeti years a resident of Erie. and intending
to remain the test of life. the public will Mid me no —bird vi pa,-
sage." but always on hand ten jug with the • rest of maul:lad" to
sustain myself and family, i u the world,and I pledge myself to ell
deevor to maintain the reputation chyoyeal by the old f.rui in every
particular. Thankful to a generous public for my succe,4 thts
gar la life. I shall endeavor to went a cum inuanct of their fa v'irs
-Aug.? 1.947—r3 ' 1110:t. ht. Ai'ATIN.
W.4.—Wateher. Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired.
iNDOW GLAM.—The 13egebt asporuneut 1:%1:1 brougl:l
into this city tan le found I.t
061.1341 CAttTER is BROTH r.FL No. 6 Reed. f lowe.
A MI extensive 4tir•Orttheot of flavori IV; eIIfACIF She bee , in saw
A kin. extra:* ts for the handkerchief of evecy kind. I. war..
hair oils. potnaclea. amatpline a certain eve rat b
lip salve. shay int! 1.0:114 andcreamrof first quality, nip., hair
dye, hair restorative, depilatory powder. In, Aloft we courtantly
keep on hand a complete tmortutent of every kind cd re•famers
fancy &rucks and Yankee notions of almost et cry dere ri ptiun.
Persons wishing to buy are req‘ec tfully lot lied to [4ll a. they
limy depend upon getting wham they want nt tl.e lotreet
ate city dreg store state•sr. Erie Ike. I 31 P. it ,i 1.1..
WRITING PAPER-811m While, Letter. Cali. Gilt
ored. satin and note Paper. fancy eisveloKv. in at,J re:r
pealing envekwes. cards of all kinds n hieli - woo: fail to *Li;
engeomer., give us a call and lee. Dee. 4 Ink:-31) P. II At r..
J. fit. lUMITIt et CO.:
11•e.7 Ilentnitit Block. Slats St , ert: r.rie. Po.
111 Z T s beg leave to inform the eibren a of this and
The adjoining ecruntles, that they are receiving a liiimit doily
its addition io their cock of goods, the largrad and herd as.ort
maul of Groceries to be found we;t of New York i 711 y. Thank
1W Ilbe Ole liberal patrousge received glace our emu nencenirust
la this city. we would most re:ipec (fully edll the atunitioncif nier
tkanta and other* lad siting goods in our litiN to an inhibition of
oar stock befbre boing to Buffalo or New York We wish ii iiii—
Iggortly understood that we n rll fell roods for' Cub or Reality Pay.
an cheap as can be purchased iii Builalo or i . New lb. k. with
the addition of expenses in getting good. tot is ffdy.
fe. The following comprise a small part °four stock—
Oa 11hd.141. 0 . Mus e d.. and P. K.. $ :iiarf.
10011*. cmohed poled Granulated & emiet
',Tierces Dutch Crusbed Sugar,
90 Bosco Refined Loaf do.
IS libd. Muirc'd.. and P R. Alolasses.
1111Tierces do, do. do.
7.1 Rbia. do. do. & S. 11, do.
43 do. Simian's Syrup,
IS do. Cuba Honey.
Ili Omits and halt Chests Young ilyron, Upon Shin, lap.
perial„ Gunpowder and Mack Teas.
1 1 0 MM. from Ito laths of tilneliand Green do.
' • 13 Rags Rio. Laguin. and Java Coffee,
• 1111 dozes Ground Coffee,
. 73 do, Cavendish Tobacco. a lqualities,
311 do. jlb lump - du. superior finalities.
93111/ols. J. Aeterson'sAmoking Tusaeeo. 1. j & lb pro.
Also.several different i.rands Fine Cut Chewing.
73 Paelcages Mockers!, No's 1, &3, iswhole, 11. i and
'llllO loses herring. No.l and Scalded,
31011101io Cod Pith,
SS Obis. tinned Winter Strained Oil,
X ebb Yasninr, Pfuues. Pepper, Pimento. Cavrin. Xut
valwa.goves, Bice. Powder. shot Safety FJSP. Wrapping. f‘aap
awe Letter Paper: !Suva:lid, and fickler. of an excellent ou.thly
sad ehean—be•idell a great many other article. ton,nmalevona to
aneation an an advertisement of thin kind. We also have ill ad
dition to the goods above mentioned, a Large stock of I't - R I
WIN and LIQUORS. which can be had Y 3 per cent. eheopet
Mar avaalPhathY. than can be purchased west of New York,
tuillritlkitaudiug the steal advance to liquors. London aual
•ddphia Porter,f-coteh Ale, and Wines 01'41111CM,, all deverhataorm.
Mame gall and el4llllloe for yourselvep, and you will he vathided
that gauxan do better than bLeolag Buttdo or New York.
Me. Dee. 4. It4t. J. M SMITH lc Co.
ilestareble Omni Quarter Semis., .f Erie Cariiy.
THE petition of Robert Hills of the city •f Erie. in
JD Id county. respectfully represents. that he is well pre
sided with kme room and convenienees for the lodging
and accommodation of @trawlers and treveleie, a: the
Mew known as the Farmer's Hotel. formerly occupied
by L. A. Gonstantine in maid city of Erie. lie therefore
prays*. Honorable Court to grant him a .license for
keeping a public inn or tavern, and be. as it, dm% bound.
win pray. &e. ROBERT HILLS.
We. the subscribers. citizens of the East Ward of the
city of Erie In which the above inn or tavern, prayed to
be Hemmed is propmad to be kept, do certify that. Ruben
HiIY tlit above applicant. is of good repute for honesty
sad tesiperascit. and is well provided with house room
and seavonletiess for the lodging and accommodation of
'onagers and travelers. and that suctraci inn or tavern is
emissary to accommodate the public sad entertain gm
gore sod_ traveler,.
Hireed:—.C. M. Tibbsls. J. J. Lint.. 11. Cadweil. M.
Mayes. C. W. Mayberry. Thou. Sill. Kafue Rood. Le.
aims A. Cotateatine. Me ows Koch. Jetta B. Brows. ]ohs
11 , 3fitico.11. L. area a. W. W. Loomis. Bossed He.
Aley. Jan. 1 '33— 3134.
Park Slaw, a f.W d•ora Mast itf k•
SIIFAMAN I. happy to invite all who wish DAIVITIEE EU
TYPE LIN EN ESdEBort hoar, at all particular what kind of
pictures they have, to his new Brooms which have been bu t ex
prevail for the Art I,IOIIT is the greet spent of Os Anis , and
it has been the constant 'toil). of oli worthy of the name Ince
tbeAtt was discovered, to employand control it in them nner
best adapted 110 produce the most favorable results. The mull
of this study and of thousands of experiments is that there s not
a respertab e permanent Geller} In the U Fifties it , here t pie
tureshre made by a common window. and he vho sal' tan
roduce ssincrior pictures by such n window proves his ignorance
o r the Art. The suhsc riber therelbre hem , leave to %ay thatihy hi•
impericrt,WilT, and with an apparatus n orth Ifs - film:sal oth
er in this city. he is enable dto produce pictures which ea be
...incited in this part of the country . and offers to excel' any thing
winch can he produced in other ruoux ni Er ie. or forfeitot bun
tired iloii.trit. Ile has also a splendid Quick %vtirt MX c niers.
with which he takes children of any awe: Let it liediatiu y un
derAneßl his pictures r. 111 not fade if properly kept.
N. 13.—,l'he "recent imprOveluents" may be wen at the
rooms. . W. 11. tip La x
Erie. Rept. In. ISSI.
. ,
. .
_ roil. C'',ll3lToll.Bl- "
T"E„,„„„ktor, w, 11. T OWLTON, hay just return
the Empire city, with to large-I, cheapest and hest
meal of JEW .1=1.12 AND FANCY GO
ever before imported from th Y.
at eft) west of,Dunk irk. all of
are now ready for inspectiob. On the first floor. NO. 1. n
found a large avorttnent of f :old and Silver Watches, illohl
and Yoh Chain-. Kept and ii:Cal., ringer Rings of every de
tien. 11 , e.n - st pins o! all *orbit - tn.! *ire*. Cult) itai. and bra
Gold, &Wet% nibi German *lt ver thinildet.trold Pencils rim
stecl foh an I guard elms ititj Kr* r. &e. Having made nr
meant ti ith the manuf .etttr rii at the cast to furiihti a sup
crx v. evk fresh from the m int, he will Le able to furnish
articles Cheaper di? n any othere-tald.shment u e-t of the
hits of the New Fork nad:Erie intros I Also, on to
wholesale or reta it any qtiaptil Of LOOk Ing Gla 5i.t..., Brass '
and oilier timepieces.
Itlcsiest. I Writ um Wris..—Pue I: a- piano fortes. melodeot
viols, soitars, li i i
v io..Tis. .1311,0e5, Iluti.ou rine.. cinsiosi etc
fineeclets. tiles. accordeons, /he.. solar and eantpliene lain(
errondols, extra glubes. r hinineys and wicks, sever and G
:liver utile and teapponnii.mtrar ands:ill seoors. hinter ke
CUTI.I , ItV.—A very fine article orPestit nitres oftlie most et
led maker*. Razor* Litil Razor straps. scissors and shears.
silver, and Germ - m*ll%er and *tee, titteetne let.
Itatr r•NN IA WARV.-.-TeR ieig.t a1.t0r... a nil candlestick,
11.11set:LI.A‘EULs.—ChlIta east-, Fancy Goats Plated ant
snuffer, and 11'4)3'. steel halt. and ptir.s. Clasps. hair consist
do.. steelp NIS, card eases. YisitittSear.l4 and etiveloprism
Wards. dominoes. cue., rur.u, Walicts and locket Ist,oks,
and forks. lea-serum , . &e
All of which will Le shown to his visiters AI tiny rime 1
the he °fa A. M. nucf MP. It., free gratis • awl a small
Iq 'rill lµ taLeit from those t% ho may wash to take some
artistes home n lilt theta.
77 Said Vainer is located on the 7rrnind formerly orcu
Knowlton. oi.e door n eSt 01 the Ileed House.
Uric, Sept. 41.-17
I. 1101"$.%14 1 / 9 of parrots •vs•ho use Vermlfuse eon:
iZnmor oil. 4J:dowel, Ate ,are not aware that while t
pear to benefit the patent. they are se omits la, lust the Conn
for n serie. of diseases, Such as salivation. toss of sight,
IseFf c.f I Itilbri.
In another column will lie . found the advert of I
sack's 31eil Mines. to %stitch we ask the attention of all t
in:crested in their own a. is CH as their eliil•lren's heah,
Liccr Complapvis and all disorikra arising from those of!
l lour tspe. should make usn el ibeonly renuaac medicine, I
sack's Liter rils.
.71 - • •• fic art /*aired: . but ask Gar flohenmek'siVor
mill Liver rills. and observe that each has the 'miaow
Proprietor. J. N. iIIiNENSACK, as twee elm are rennin
Aug 11115503.
are tr.w prepared to up the Premium ItO•
V POIIIIS fur any *lto would like to be protected
daugers of the lightning. Ilt,uieuiler the Men 11141 tee
Ikirn oilier his bile(' Was ,401r11, ntl do notlratt until jou
ur horn gets aru oke • - •ei rod* to your build' , 1,
n cod tu thew tie ia stalk wok
N. 0.—.111 orders froin a! Oirrt.tu-e vineitta:sy attend
Rode and pi:that' , at uholeralt .
March 13, 1832.
PIANO 71'01311 1 11 Enzronztr .
36 1 BRoADvirAy. Nkly_iriiinc. The word ~.0
.1. erd vareft aiutortnient of Rope Non., halo Porte
and ornittnentnl. elegant patlertiv. clahorately ca r% ed. and
tin irheil n tilt Pearl ~ nil of our owls mann C.eture. nu
rai(ol in every particular. ran lie bound at our Wareroe
nsolinear..New-tua.u. ttept.4.l-111VJ. 11XNNI.1 - 1"
. ,
44 N. MURPHY would reflwiliiily inififin hi. i
and the public general') that he Aar loc.,ted
nt the old :atitul of Al id , netnii & Murphy. on I
Ron with a larger awl letter nplolittieldet 1 1
perand Sheet Iron Wnrr. inn 0 ufactitred of the 11.,t trot,.
', f ed at the more rea i .ountile rate:. u holt:va le or retail !fel
hand rgi.nveg of ail !mere and Tialitieit eon:drafted wit
ince to tpertzinef, and eonVcnirnce, and of the inotd du r.L
icrial. - Alec; .tol. cid ye "rid elbow. and an nv.torttne.:. , of
JAPAN 0 - .1111:
Which he (hi ter.lotnielt is line[CC.irti. eciniloil.
Milk polio of oltsizes. C'tee.e ot ekrrs 0,
*iamb, on bond. lkilertioned to plerolit the •It•
anti raitliculnevv. and io ' , pare no etilni 10 render
napes to-reeeive anti micro lieu( purltc r
Enc.:44y 1 te:lt.
r i tigli—Juot receiving. IA intetish. I.
L awl Herrin& ►cuing atA tootkruie 1=0! at 011/
Erie. Hord 1F.31.-16 r. lIIIIR I'n.
- -•-
Capital $lOO,OOO.
11117Ttta I. ArD .MINT STOCK RATE.' C0.148(3
Offire wader Ilasoiop Itall.Nk Si Pits
TT innu-rog on lIIC Jokut tzteek atnt Mutual ptincivwn. ti
I ma inn d:.ri,xr Jcparuuentr,euluhjtrerihe pritlie
stin.cnic ecu.runex. at Mt eap.n...e out) pi enn.i..qttnie
tot .tjlnudu, nn,l controlh,l by one Ward of I,l:(cbn tba
ing hatinou), t.vzatity and bafeiy.
ft. noon. Ptr.idetit. J. V. Drell. Tforn..
I..".lll'narkan. Vice Prur'4.. C. A. I. u bu, :key.
..T.q. IL-nn, Jc.-ep!l S Leer,'
lo'in Sec' f. • l'imrlet A. Colic
V. 31Thrfrn. W.N. I' hi 11414.
ITO. Win %V ,n, izo , . 1-dr t•teetetory GflA'ar. .
II ou. Wo' ler Forwani. I.lle. Secret , ry of Trra*.ter.
Joliu Snyder, Coq . Ca shier of Pitbd,ung flank.
Ain:col:a livell.-Ebq 011tuteenic (I•ocer. '
J. Gamine. M. LI, .1. Brooks. M. It.. W. A.lJi•nn, M.
Llrincloa. M D. L. unkINARI). Graeral
Trte uhdessignedlamtittol the entaraay at this phtee a
ily, 14 119 W prepared to reee:re ahl.tieatio•os for Insuran i
furnish books andeireuhrs es ir!ai.. ing the prow .1. es o'
papy to any refill may a Leh. A. U. ('ll.l PIN. Air.
t.r.e. *set 3o 1 , 31L-21' . No 211'11h lend
T l l
ontiirni Of 11.ot Nl.4i 41 . 1::9)'. w: , lt .itt 1,% Wo.ll
sed Doter oile.i:; , ..lem) ever o'
or-11bn 4.eriC:N[7 Of Ibest" 111.3. 1.
,:vs4lol",(l.nud thy tett:ice.: t-•u dirt elapre
within the pl.', the y, not. it: nit o trre placed
lion vt itli all the I.s . kr. genera lb,: knot% o to I (11, %lei*
eight Ininilred 0.1.)114f 1'144:10 by us .1.:54 inc Lilt to it
.1.1 Ipiladelibsin tt Cret CX:•fl
f ity. I:very iustroincoO is A 31T4Iltell (0 in perrcit
andl the :new nunelitoret t. no.e midi- in inis that
Mil COM idere , i peNeet a tihobt it. We r butt be bap :
to all v. to call on 11.1. no I plerl4e ottrfelt co to deliver
any Piano Forte fttil4l , ' by them of precis.ely the Pnene
eJ nt the siernot:actore Ivo:unit ad. 11114 transportation t
. Donato, Dec. J. 2 Att
13 to
A cir every rlcrerwt:4l4 tt:e New York 24
13 at half set 1111:11RICK 61
1)0 I ai!.l Fta•kx. a 1 uiJjrnsrliingat u 1
IL) ft tail at tlicitydrtig stkae. lice. 4-30.
f•NIVEtt r 4, rate m the 100 to' rket pro'
AL or harrel %%far:moil Noe riph • afro; a nice a
Loni, oil a kart i fur role at the city drug .t
Erie, e. 4
81.1 ArUrD Con Ita
at low tatuo at - • .1.43 17 1.,71.1---111
To nett.
ATlMM:story krnlwn as
House." on State meet. Ix offered sOr-rent of
terms. It Is one of the finer) ecl;tiees, as well as m.
resWenee tit the city. Toseessicat givetren the 114 0
Apply to Ir.ttel)ee, I. ROZE:
War vrith
111; pubeeriber. grateful hi los frivavle and the Fit
I liberal prittotilac exictit!cil to him ((twin; h id eh
the tuerea n t i le breittere. takes ittie method of I tifortn
he still continues toot!l g rwte at hi. utin.nally to
ir.teh ouly: believing that matt profits and (pot , t eat
ere ret of doing 1.1101114.11. Among , his pre..elit . t.toek t
Itroad clothe. eitesinierol, aatthei.r. hroel
ruphiere. palm leaf. spit and atra rind air
pariuirtt to. 110r10. 'ICS. gisigiirri a. siiiiicniet
dvrrd rollara. bilk atilt
plaitt an.l clubraidere.l, glove! , and hr/elly. suth et r
pulp ami a general useot talent of .lrinunii
otiwr print,. brown and Heachett eti trt tire norl " l , ltr
which will !mantel rhitturier thin put oilier hones in
offer Sternum quality 4)1 . g /nix.
New York l'aith Stoic. 4 doors cast of Erie Bank.
Ei[e Dee:33-33
( otICK. ER V.—TN-larger' stock, the heal ware,
V cot price, in this eft) is at
- Erie. le.rc. ARBUCKI.E& I
7 SACKS Buckwheat Flour. Jo** recrited nn
0 Erie I tee. 4--le I'I.ARK
9849 Y
n. lk4aius.Cuhnieree:Perritai
...JP These we guarantee to red for lees tool
were jobbed far two et tyke aro qtt. LA
WINDOW el.n.s of all sites and qna hue i, an
and it ill be fold at a viral advance alioee tL
indoeentents for purettamat to bqy it the City Drug
Erie, thee. 4 it.A.
BttmetriEs„ Wines, 14quoro. Alcohol and eve
Lill trade warranted good and pure will be told to
ioThetory not .Err , Dee. I teat
17 G A it 8
GaITANIED, Ptil vetiver}, Loaf, Granulated, Porto
Chit - nits cunt. by the htil or pound. cheap nail
the Keystone Grocer). Dec.l Si 2 - 3 1). T• 11
• riSigi
(RIAU tinting, Mackerel, White and Codfloti for
I.lke. 4 30. T. W. Idoofte d Opposite lirotris's
7.0.1111 1 7134.111 11 Tr:Ail!
'TIM: beat and eheavertlot or preen •nd Black relu Ibis city
.1 can be found 1I C., g:OCeIY store 0; T. IV. fOtilt E.,
Eric ire. 1-30. Opposite 6 1 4 014% . 1 F. vt• H sate d.
lytujs.l'ortoiticonild Nev, Itotwettbr
ra cheap at Poe. 4 01411--30. M. IA ei Grocery.
iptvantai, ;atm. vasulab, duitmg.
1..1 emitter. iamb, aeourtoy.ithieltiag. vett ite-wat . natl. *cut.
eirusato.oasel heir. peep. Masao?. shot, window. hoar* and
matting karate* of Gnu quality sad scattily to suit OW tharoatatt
alai it tares' torga4a. Witt We:. 4 !rat-7a A IP. tt A
Maim Wed. v..., &rata af thereat es)
Mlt. It. having opened an Massive Gawraciaturine
and FOaxisiCtire Er:amusement, at the shave dare, it la
his determination to pay exclusive attention to the
cusro.if BUSIIyESS.
From the patrooase which he has already received. from gentle
' men, Mr. H. *cis assured that the mode of doing trust•
nes.. which be has adopted, does awl will give
entire satisfaction to all w ho desire to
have their garments tnnde up in
• GOOD TASTE from the
• first quality of •
Will meaty. be u attend:thee to writ coon Citstowere. and sake
orders of gentleman wi.king a genteel At and a lardlonable gar•
meat anomie up in his best style.
Gentleman's Turnisloing Goods.
of the Latest Style., tonetnntb on hand.
rounrs• &ad CIJILDRENS currnima mod 4to wrier widi
4V EATIM ~V. 5 4ND .1.1X.Y PATCH.
June It IE3I. in.
DV 9K .C 8 Caking row der by the ;tops or dos. for sale by
J. G.& W. 11. Mills.
June . No. :LW ili la ins Bloc lc, rr le. Ps.
, . Clear the track for 6 11
S, ITIi , No, 3, C eapside!! AI
writ) has on:hand dia." rgest %tack of Goods. in his I it,e. etlr
offered in tffis market. whit h were pa rebored for t:..t,sii iii
the Eastern c meg, or numufacitircil ty himself: by -u Wel, he to
enabled to sell them so low that people do say they must have got
by the l'hetoin lionee v, ithout ra)ing duty. Well, what tf utteb
were smuggled, so that the people can boy
Beautiful Silk Bate foe 51,50.
Hunter Robes for €1 so. Neiman Hats for 3U Croat. and all
other good- at like low price.' For proof of which, aft 'merest
ed eau can and - examine for them-Mt es
reltotet forget the place, !Moth's (Reap Hat Store, N 0.3,
Erie - November S, tc,si.
me , .
DR. S.C. BROW?i t :tank firl for thc liberal pa Donate ex
tended to bun by ILI • cai mos or Erie and rieiatly. tvonld
ray that he is pertnatientl) located in his old stand on Mule att..
here he may lc , found at all trawls ready tucxecute Dental welt
ist the best possible matins''. De will also keep on hand an as
sortment of Dental stock for the aecommOdaliun or Deritiris from
the country. Dentists are invited to call. June 3.
f said
, 1 11 1 1 f; Pridersiemed having arose I the c•clusire Agency II r
CURB OF A DIVIRDP.IIED Lte Ea AND BU) 111URATION. i• I the sak• of the abote n 'Lied , int Casrs. f_ir- ...rtie roatil%.
Copy of a Leiter front !fr. I? Si" Kirk or, Chemist,: ['reseal and deeming the artier cue %%t o e!) C,.ei,u1;,14 }reel). tim en its en o
Street. Liverpool, dated' Otk Jane, 1i.31. I tocrjto uould respectfully sci,c it an thy-pm:cited: o: the saute at has
• To Professor Ho:lawny, Frs.—Your Pills and Ointment hare i Ileacir4iando Coffin' F:ire-Room
8.1 I%c high. N-1 oti o it .ale lit of pruprietory Medictne• fur , 1 : 4 , 4 sid e orstote between 7 and 5 t.,
,aver th e sharon Iron
me Years. A customer, to whom I con refer for any enquiries. I ty, 3 „,p aoa ., tel ort . w h ore suit.!. clot, , f,., (; . re ., rai d 1,,... t i w0 „, ti :,
tlesites we to let you know the pa iticula rs of
an care. enquiries.
had I as to taw practical utility can Lie ^i • .n; uhich together a ith a
Deets troubled Ihr years-with a diaortit re.; Byer, and had rlige.tion. personal inspect ioa cannot but re conadiend them to the favor::: le
Ith the/rest occasion, however. the virulence of ihe attack was, „„ideratio„ of all filo., who in the dispenration of Divine
o'o alarming. and the-intlainatinn Sri in siseve! , ety. that doubts i
Providence have occasion fur the ii-e of a Cc'filt. The under- i
Were entertttisted of her trot being able to Icor op under it ; for- i limiest would here add that the-c e v. ,, ,ri are of a el-wsie (rim'. awl ',
tunately F/lle was induced to try your Pills , and she informs eOrreSP3l/ lin altapc. to the outlines or ; + Madan hotly , are highlyr
1 tee limy after the Bret, and eat Is succeeding dove, she hod great i ornuateusal, and regarded ha .11-,s replll..ii.e more benittiftii and
relief. She cottlinued to take theta, and altieurgirshe Ilerk! only unique inasppeatance, than 'ant ( t!. , rit ri icle rnc.l fl s reeePtlleh-S,
three boxer, she is now in the enjoy - tarn' of imerfeel health. I
gonlid have sent you Many mote' east.. but the above front the for the dead :.they are made of OW inoi.4 'toper niliable niati•rii i i- - ; ;
p!cverity of tile Illtar k t and the wed, cure. I think. speaks much are enameled insides's.' 0.11., 4.0 as out iti rust or corrode and alien
ecumenical tccether arc perfectly utr-tight. prat - riding the
in f l cur °I I°all ' 4 ' l°ll " 'llinB I'll' '' . (Srghed) IL W ' Kilin ' rs ' lion ofotlinsit r staes, so Hilt when desired ttw room i to , cart La
:AN 'IIXTISAORVINAR If cur or RBBUMATIL FRYER, IN kept for weeks before burial, awaiting the arrival of absent
VAN BIRDIED 5 LAND. friends: they are light and portable, at the some time being snore
i .
1 Copy of • Leper imurfed in the iriobort Tow. Coarier, rf the or less curvilinear, tine} posses more t han tirlicietit strength 10
i let Merck, 1..-51`. if Alojor .1. lil'ilei * - ' L I I' II
resist an the presiture of gh Hera Oct:. the o. t,a I n the y are
, sln rrirct M'Conts lean, nineteen scar. of age, res•tling at New , subject to_ while in o'• ( ‘ '
Town, bail been stiflering frown it %iolesit rhenium lc fever for it p• a L a pse
i o f In . n i n . s. , years .
l. a n
, ret ,bk :
' 3 :1 1 bc' ttriy H iM f il lu til Y ri be ny il i i i ' a i r ' t it o e f re l d h c e % c e o s un a t f r it t 'r ,
arisrtig train them.
;;wards of (WO III0tailk. • a high had entirety dcprit ed her of the use 1
!of her limb.; c! ring this period ' , tie no. under the care of the L : f r i n k' the ti ti l s e col l . : 4 4 t iese est ( Ill ' i ll r i l 4 al Case, the g.ratify mg reflection ls of
' lime% eminent to ilia:Omen in Illubd rt. Town, and Inc tliviii 'wren., ' 116 ded to curry iving friends and rel..t t rm. Ow the mortal reraa ine
°ribose once dearly beloved armenclUsed and deter-Fred a lieu.
• teas eutt.idereil inpeless. A forr. , l mei ailed nista her tool, Hof-
~,, e - ,
i c !ter from t: l r. irruption of a% aier. the
1 i c k"" red a i l b " l P e e . ' ll l o e r b i rt' v ea
e ir st i f is t , !;s i e n tlie ll ; ! ‘ " :ll eu cc r s:t e l l' a le' pe l i r ° fee d t °. c a n t r i e d . in an
i i i i rq u lift . l )rill
taott re' s • Or ve "" rm . in. and .
eompar lively bey oh.' the ireb i' -
towed ilmrc ru• ion of dissect:if-. ant Will he permitted to ..tit dr .:-':-:
4CUIIIi in . - -A 1. %is AND TIGUTNItSS IN THE CHEST AND a transfOrnintion, or their egitit e elements, front nal.-
, I.TOIII AC OF A PKItSoII 84 YRARS or ARR. rill eniews alone.
Wrests' „Verses. etc ife Son. Proprietors of Ike Less AderrNer,
inli ea. frourkfisr Ike f,..1.ri ag si aienserst —4,4 , 1E4 2orl. II•5 I . V' The underaignerl bur eonstonilf . en hand - and for sale at
his ware rooms an ahoy • Fire..-wcio. „Itlato,sony.lllacli-ualtiut.
To Professor Holloway.—Sist. —I desire to bear resmiroony Vi rfoth covered. and a l l kiwis o f t h e nrr
. Cutest , . of all sizes all
p ile'gooti effects of Holloway's. i',lls. For sonic years I suffered ready tbr immediate use. also : rbrOtti aof .111.1zes for both re •..e.... f.
.rverel% frump pain :Id t iglu iteo , in the stomach which aas also N. BA Ile /.1 prepared to take the artietal . sin . w . riiitcail 4 tICC C
accompanied h, n -hortness ul lire.tili, that prevent' , I ire front Minerals. and fit n toe li Stearn" and Carriage.. if di -ireil.
It) - A 1.1-II.N A. CR Alt:.
W.lll.llltt abo3l. I'3lll .I-1 ) care of age. and not ia abstain:ma lily Lric Judy Ii 1. 2 51..
nd:anced stow of Ink. three Pills have so relieved me. that I ant ' ' MT xi zr; r tiara* sr .
desirous that others should be made itermaintetl wish their vir
rce. J. FOX , of New York I'll . has located permanently.
'and. .4 am stow rendered; by their mean.. eOIIIIIIIIIIII rely active.
'J in the eh,' ofF:rie. for the treat: rid and cure oflib-ea-es of
aiiii can tote mere ii.i. without tilrolis ("I Irnee or pain, which
the Eye. in all 'their VIVI tow. and .I.lges. Ilan {n; assi•ted mid
I could not do before. tSt,piefy HENRY CoE,
, ' 1 NO•lh sit.. Lynn. Norfolk. b een in vent practice for several in the various depart
ments of the science of kleilicenc4 he Ilatmers himself that mill
'nese re!sbrielei Pills • re rosn'erfrlly dicariense ma the following
Conploials. - diseases admitting of core may lAS accomplished . under bis
1' treatment. * -
11/tette Itror•ty Lit e r C ow' o eea" a r 3' It et tsr yews —Prot. Itott and Pm-lenity of New York: Prof.
i Asthma It" +emery plaints B .3loinell lo. Marsh and Faealty of Albany Aledicil College; Dr. Lbi,ch,•Ey e
IiUMIOIet. Coat- Erysipelas Lumbago Tie Dooloureal Inttrinary, Utica. N. Y. ' ' 4 .
i Plaints • Feuta'e I rrrett- Para Tumours ;' t 'Mee With Ibr.Bronainell; No. 3. Hughes' Block
• Blotches on lbc ' lathers Rtieuntotism Tierra '
Skin Fevers Or tilt RelP II t 1011 Of VC 11 Cr e 3 I Al. , ----..----- - -- -- ---- -, --- --- ---
Bow e I Coin. binds • Anise . - fections 13473. C. 3B It LXi le.
plaints Fits Srroftil a . or Worms of all Wr .1"1.I) say to ho " e ott tiers that he has the s" , -
Cithca Gorr Ning's Evil !kind. • ' 7
.eret of nearly the c tire race alp:nerd remeetes
Constipation of Ileati-achi Forel lirriots Weaku n e s s for horses. and wit. a number of y ear,. practice
the lion els Ind itf,tioll etotte and Gine- from at hater will lie Mlle to give mint irfactlOU getter:ll:y either av n farrier or
Fonslint lino is I 'limitation el . cr ramie Surgeon.
Penalty , i Jaundice , kr.. ke. , ~. r„ itr" Please call at my office at therm:al St nt Ie near Vue• outlet
• Sold ntihe au:stAirlanent orrrore..par Ilollorray. 11.1.Stratiti. - neck of the Erie Extett,ion Canal, and Judge for yoarsett es.
(near Tetapl , Bar, Loudon.) and by all respectable druggist,. and Jau. 3, IS3L—Iy34
ileglers in Medicines throughout the British Empire. and of (lime - - - oAztrortrz2A . s3 , roar..
of ----
the I-1111CA Stalel. in boxes at 57,1ets . Oct... soil SI &et...
eae.h. Alatoicsale by the pr i tic epal drug in the Upton. 1.5,,,m In; h.:. ressiore.! to No 4, •Brown•v Mock.
alitlit 11e..1.1V. A. 11. k. H. Salts , . New York, . • and is now opening 3; t.t IN VII/ 0/Ie of the moos
...r* Thew- is a considerable caning I,y taking the larger t fr.: A. fe` flea and spietidni atsorinieni4 ot Flit° MI r:11` , .. .11.3 e1,P,1
,P,1 --11. lit ree i ions for the guidon. cot patients iu et Cr) di - sii der ry , am: iii:ver IVare that was ever ridered in tilt. [its., easprac i n !
are Lnixed to s uch MA. - o v al a crseas viiriety of tVatches of dii:ertiit I!...capentriits , lath ..,1 I
... ,
AILIIIISKEN by the LW, at Iti per galls and a guatiarre eat
71 • J. G:iit W. I. Milts, eri el d I .
t H ina lk i n i r t t l it i . li :t e lt: i t!. ' i s ',..• i f r ' l .. t h aTt ' i.i '' p l .1 4 ; i e Le c r i r i " i it c :l?:. ' ,.ri i i ' 7. l . l ll:. c l i p . e t ::: I
- Jimlta.3. 7 : 0 . 3 . IV ill' n ml B l r'rk• "'li r ' I.a. Brendle* obit Fare, 11131119. !tract I( t ... de_ .11-..nli u bl 14,c krts.
Dtr rc z. Ar , dßoou oxi 10 ' u
nil cbi and ....I%,er i t tic th.. g....:a PrAlr. It cur t 111111 it-a spoon.,
ITLVIT tattle:tn. 1', acid SC i„:1,.. NalAtSi 'Zings ti.l• PortanOuits. an ri....ort•
Meta 01l rich l'iateil.lVare. Ern , . fen sett.. lillire.. myths. C. Ac J. 0 idifle. No ii rota)! flllit - ^l•• rbilad‘ !Ala. hate Spn
one...ullea, CanillZunicks, all,l great vat tete of Fancy and
La. pvo sin:dished a Rook rf /urns. containing , other Goads, both u-elul rind stio-utird: Cleick• of all descrin•
.I!fliti.! 7.:1.1.v Tsrutxt.: il i; :fp Iti:D re.R --S• 601 2 1 rill nSI •53 to an all et %I lir e %%;i1 be said as rhe-ip as Ito'
For practice in the !'curt. of i'enti'L)tvabia asnl ot the l•nited cheapest and a little cheaper for ready ply. The attention of
sinitts. MOO- l'otivey .inc 111.. ; ,11:0 tat the use of i'eblic Olfweis t h e rtadt , el eihdomera
it, Loomis IA the public generally is in
wid ateit,of Ilusitic,.. gearaily Adapted to the reel nt oaf of ~1 ~,h i, Hance.
• I June 5, . •
a ,th explanatory tem:irks and nu. -
asienot ly or rm..) lvattia„
macro I. ilteeetk/110 3111.1 refesences to t tatitiard authorities.
WAN . Hy, ;,11,n.,,,,, p.m Atadeg, mid eherry %V Ilte. of alt
1 . (? c
which are tr...)-c ry of terms an.: a copious In- ' grna e - and prices: .Now r cited 20caseiaCbtres Wine
4,1, fly jai o e,„ li. imidap, 0;m melionet Law, Ike. Second Cat. for sole tow at t• • J (I. & IV.I Mitt..
Lon. Prire- Four Dothirs. - . , Jitues. , No. 3,i11' ill iattia Mork, Erie. r.
The puldediers have already recrited from nearly all of the
Pre-Went Judges of our l-'t .te, apt:Loin other gentle maim eminent
ilI the legal profession. Simi opinions of the north, which are of .
a Instil% complimentary I.IIIIIre. 'file I . olloWille art! SICICettAI from
a Lar k p• ouut:,er Or3ll est tall) faviirab'e character—
Vl'ella'sautigin April o lslt. .
Hewlenica : Ths collections of court fonts Mr conveyancing,
tic., winch had been mu Ilse pre% lons to the nutdicatiou of Hun's stork in 11-4.3, needed revision to make them convenient,
011.1 to adapt them tot hanger la hie It lett.lut ion had rendetcrinee
t rrlar. 111 the practice in the court. lii l'eum‘ylvan is.
Voi'ar edition of that work therefore received, as it merited. the
approbation of the ne t profession, and supplied a want winch
wa• PH by businesst
en generally throughout the: ( ate.
Alter the ituincrot• cutinionials which you have received from
eminent Judges, in pert to the usefulness arid excellence of
that work, entnuiend It tun. of it from inc would be superfluous.
I rum) hr Pent/it:OI.IMA ever. to remark that I apprut e of the
omen:l-character and arrangement of the work, stud, having ee•
anis vett is portion of ti.e new edition 'which you are mild Lbiug. I
may aild that the author h I.* g'catiy enlarged slid improved hi ,
t,f4 edit Win, aid that. %viten mail isitieJ. hrs hook as ill to the wt.. t
col.%tillebt said ustfal 61,e of the kind egfaitt.
Very trial) yours, Ake..
racists. C. C. D. J. Di-Idle. It. C. WHITE.
d of
a bit
of ths
in the
d nr
le.. :Ail
.11 On,-
11(1 or
-11 Oil
le um-
h C(.11-
o illy- i
of to • o s
~.E. G
the eeini
IP CI .Or •
'terl: nitt
err.:ll*. n
Ft coutpt ,
illy. 'l'l
Li', 111 14
a Piano
y to rho •
Pr'e chart
t 01,414.1
1/.“ 13,1
•• Irunlap•s Conveyancing and Foliar," Is 4 work of
n!ed nwrit. I arn clad to iinittl,al tt i. to be reproduced, with
t additions It Anoint I,e in the bands not only of
wyer..iiid itia;i-itraie4, but oftbe eters cummunity gructal
ly. l'in•re is searrely a uo,:iiian La litc in %t bleb a wan ttill not
oreaSionally find isismelfin need of the asststanee of viteha work.
I hope the author .1112) be a51144214(11 frtittlalerited fbr the
earning and indentry be-ton iNI omit it
%Vint great respect, yours. Re .
Messrs. E.C. it J. Riddle. WALTER FORWARD.
Gentlemen: Yon hare Cavort,' me n itii the printed sheets. from
Isagelt go 136 titclusive. of the vetoed edition of Mr. Dunlap'.
of Fortur. lam ilieptesl to learn that a second edition 01
hog cork is about being issued. It bar been. and now it. one of
toe best works of the Lind in the han!ts of the roferrism. and is
evidently much improt 0.1 by the author's; revision and ad'ditlbar.
I hate the pleaeurecf an ;.. - ealiaintanee with Mr. l'utilap - lle
4. a gentlemen %%Imre rernectable professional attatou.enti and
tuctitmlical habit Of stsiod fit Into welt to lie the author of sifeh
work. 1 shall not herstale t i it to the gentlemen of
the Bar iu the lOth dt-triet. V. r), ierpeetnillt .
Metara. E. C. & J. LiAtte J. SI. 1/UaRELL.
tcnatc n
by &beg
ele of oo:
. lIA
11 he s.
Ilunting.lon. A prillG It 3
Centlemen ; Raps rtnnt changer in our staiuttal..lllCr the pub
I earn of 1/nII4.IICP run% e)auriug and Fonts," Prettied to ear
(..r sonic entareinnetti of Viat pod highly iiircul woek
The edition which you ITA!iailt to publish, eusbodying aA it does
a I.eiY late...mount of ociMand railed niatter,and tieing so well
adapted 10 general and present n seas. cannot 'o be greeted
crabcraba cordial welconie hi the ; , 40;141 , 44
A fainiliar acqiiaintance Wish the niork. and a careful euimt.
11'111041 of the sheet; of the Lirr.comilltf, I ditiou, enatde toe to ice
minuend it, wiih *Mator.ttamee. ala book which slii3uld to in
the of every te rivenev, have an early plaie In the if •
brary of every gentleman engaged in the prnetseeol rbe law.
ihe " Ila It
tralkata l•
• I is greea 1111:
, .11itil nr t.
' , ..q1,1 7 .1G
t -
laic for tlic
rt ettrcer f co
ig them itiai
. peter.. ibr
7 , is the yeti
a) tic fau .1
a :II %top!,
our it:taxis.
ter. ciiibroi-
Iloco Witte,
1 liboirs t la e.
' r rt 'mac clot
I ! liity. aI I ;or
(ha city dlte
111cApret. H. C. & .1. Diddle
Oct. MI 1511.
Drcu tricaniings.
SILK rOnreo.lnee gimp. Jenny Lind triiinniner ribbon do. Tr+
Yet tibbotto, silk tali di. wormed do. alit edged and plain oak
trimmings, bnitona and caber kind.; of trimmings tit
iltio Nov. 6 ie4l-26. • , SMITII *JACKSON'S.
• T /MIES eeors , tryr:iitroeir, a new nun.l desirable ityiei also.
1-J 1-aillea nue Caller". of all rule from •% Q$ to ein,hte. for
Oept. "J. .& NORTON.
A LAW:ll:supply or rrerli Ura l awl warratiled
,1.1. pore. offered tor intent thr towest rice. by P. 11:11.1..
:Vlty I Wig Sion-State-rt., Erie Pa. Dee. 4 1..1•2-30"
r EN rv,
and the lutv
fir pale.
y that, they
& llAyr*.
/AN nod after Monday Nov. lid test Trains leave Erie going
V East daiiy. -outlays excepted. as follows.
No. I. Day Express and Mail 12 33 P. M.
•. Freight •• 3 alt
•• 3. Night Express ' I JO A. M.
Thins leave by raiment Railroad time, wit eh Is about thirty
(fin) trimmer, carter than Erie Tune. J. F. TRACY,
Erie Nor. 27 Sup'%.
_ _
• i t u ea lh t e the -
HAVL_ __ •
PR and extra white lend, dry and [ round to oil by the pound
ker ton. Linseed oil front Ohio 'warranted pure. boiled
and un bolled. by the barrel orgallon, spirits Turpentine In abun
dance. varnishes of every kin d. chrome green and yellow. Amer.
icau c Onioese. vermillion and scallion red; yellow ochre. french
yellow, Paris green, lamp black of every quality. Prussian and
ultra-swine blue. whiting. red ked. lithrage. Turkey umber
and every other kind of paints and materials in the trade which
are altered al low as eao be bought in this latitude.
Elia Dee. 4 18111-30 P. HALL. '
leo and New
e eheapept at
50 no.. superior Cavendish Tobacco oral, grades, also pure
natural leaf Tobacco An sale by
Erie Slov.lll 1811-46. Swarm & OKAY. Cheap•bie.
1 00 Doug comm., crushed. powdered. Granulated and Re-
Ilned Sugars. at Nov. 11-111 OTEILIATT *. Cow'.
25 ni gi t ;',; l _ l v v i. 15 1 %- ge r
aV y ll. GRAY
2ri IBM Noisome. also 111 - bbts. lesessan's bee 611141
o so or Ilpriiimeadare.lialjrariel. WhierlatraadTaira
0 far oak' by v. 6-31 anautarr t GIUT.
Ciecn•bu rgh. A rrtl 9. IP3I
GE.'or..4E TA non.
tr 23
?1111 911171131 36 V1 'L SATIVIIr
zirrogijk _ yer•irv,
( r .
A 1117. sow 4014 season tlas ukialplaa4irlagthelamared
.(1.. a participation iiktbe vroamottlieCompally.witboudialitil
ty beyoadtbe premium paid.
Risks upon the Lakes and Canalittsated oa thm.MOtt favorable
Wm.. LOUTS will Del iherallyand promptly adjusted.
Eire f Mks on metehaad ildings and otberiareperty,l a WWII
oreouutsy, for a limited term permanently. .
Joseph 11. Seal, JACIICI , C. Mind, , Edmond A. ouder
Theqiihnur Paulding. John C. Davis, 11. Jones Brooke.
Robert Burton, John Garrett. Juba O. Penrose.
Hugh Craig. Samuel Cdwardt. George SererlL
Henry Lawrence David B. Stacey Edward Darlington.
Charles Kelley. Isaac R. Davis. 1 1, J. G. Johnson.
William Falwell, William Hay. John . herviin.
Dr. S. Thomas". Ur. R. rd. Huston, John eller. ,Jr.
Spencer Alcil‘
Rich:a/J.4. Newboutd, See;y: Wm. &lonia Freal
V' Application can he madeto
Ji KELLOGG,ErIe Agent.
Erie. Feb. ln,
--- ---
The Zee County mutual 'neurones Company
rr opa
18 Company divided their riski Into twO classes. six,—
a Firm Chsit or Fermiers Csispanal, in which fawn property
and detaiehei buildings way be insured. No risk taken in this,
class to exceed glow i
Second or Commercial Dena - Intent, In which various
kinds of buildings. niereltandiar &e.l In Villages And Cities,
may be insured. No risk intuit in thi Mass to exceed 411000.
The funds in one Clara will-not he ink to pay tosses In :mettle/.
Aniith Jackson, James D. Dunlap,
J. U. Fullerton. J. C. Marshall.
Wm. F. Rlndernernt. Jdhn ZimmerTy.
Wit. A. Galbraith. Fdter 11. Boma,
• Jos M. Sterrett. .14 D. nark,
_ C. M. Ttithals. qt.*. ecldeu,
J. fl. IVintatai.
• Smith ; Jackson. Pres% - J. ;11 I%llliarot. Treat.' .
'bake that door trestof WiGhtuts ld IVrithts Brokers' Office.
flake hours from 10 co 12, A. M., ;and front half past 1 to
1. P. M.
/kin,. 22. P.-52. 2
Livery .and Sa o Stablo.
1 1 11 E iFulsscrilJers hat tug hotight 'Out the interect of il. E. Se..
siOstur nn thr tr erg Eight street httincen State
and French. would give notice Ilia nt'iey are now G.lly and ain
ply supplied U ith, nun ditlernitt va r trues of carriages. of
the very heat description Their gawk is nituo.t entirely nee,
and consequently of the first rate °Larne ter. ruhlte patronage
is respeetfully invited.
pc4tions wishing to purchase horsts will find a Gill surply for
thakpurporteconidautl) An hand
Erie.: July ±l. - Az iscios4iiTABLISSIMBLX=T
. .
I, lbe 11L. I .S
(.1104dd nand or F. W. Ll . reed. ts ti.i continues:li the new firm.)
KAVIS I/ been lore exteri,it el eur.age.l in the mutt aI ac Lure
P.Oll F4lcul lit/1/KS. alit! It I'4 Cie only umnufactur.mionh
lirlieri in Bufalo. are perlatireil to finish every amen , it then
line. al the fewest p, lees. 4 Ikaini ig in exchatike kr the. r own
uhlication,„ west kinds of ?.?itre.ile P iteous and Fellool sleek from
i ie
the itte Publishers. they are I reify mint led to tell them.
like their own boobs. at a small oily:ince on cort of!): uuracture.
Patticialar alieution is Invited to their new edition of
In various st)les of binding t and.also In then a...mime:ll of
• School. and School Library Socks,
Vt'llieh is probably the large-i in tile elate, ha: Hi . I CCII sel , cted
it till tete nom almost every Book" )hart in the Limon.
Medium, CV), and I.eller Piipers.
I ibtained directly from:the heaviest manufacturers in the eomitry,
Traveling Agents will end a stock suited iu tit)le and prices to
their wants. .
g".,r ‘Veq TERN DE.41.11:13. ears generally dirt.licate their
New York bills ofpure Oise here.i.t sate prkes or less. time ra
ving the entire co.i of i LI usportatitlii from Nevi York to Ilulilo,
WO front ten to twenty duos &lay ;in the t-ansalission of goods.
All orders filled with tromptuess„ and at the saute price.; as if the
'nchain' Were present. - ruiNsEir & CO..
Book Publishers, Nos. lEP lilain. and 3 West Feneca rte.
Oct 23 1P32-121... BrrrAro. N. Y.
NE W G 0 (1 D S
rj l lllE sttl , seriter, would again erd: the attention of the puld le do
the f•et that they nee reera nig a large and n ell selected Ai
rout:lent of thy goods. Groceries. hardware. 4 'fVer ken , and nalls.
• 4ir sloe k cornithres tile realm fariety of Dress tloods
Shawls. Hosiery, India niiiiher cubes and dornest le g• is w i de')
'44 e hare at any iiret ions time offered. and for quality and Ft) Ic
cannot he 11114A/ft d in this hen kft Our oh! customer and the
puhtie generality are relpeetPilly incited to cal. alid.erini hie our
staek.a• we reel cunfu!entzllot welean oder mirror:lds at ni law
raterns are offered iu this market. Ati.111:011ES # rill.
Erie Oict 30 11031
_ _
- X. .11 - 12. a EFCri, X• 1 813 C •
• For 1.4k00r Caw Moro 1 4 - Irivitors.
it N amortniont &French Fanglifil rican Oa.. PI itible
I] for the'al•uve puri•ases by ; ,ASTER & BRO.
_ __ ......,
jll Mt RIMAG and other Priiiio,:',, ied at the
.1 t3ept. 23. Ear* Car/ Store.
CIIIIIERE.,,Dot:NI/Ana, tirt.g-1
at siept 2s. .
5 1 . 1 ( 6 -11rOcede:watereil., bine k an. iipired Siiii. Oro lieTAT
ricpse. Ponit De Bow, Br'ci lte 'Nat .ettenrmlite, barred and
414 , 0 Florence', Bonnett. Silk' and rietins,illilk Velvet", black,
Idle black. green tine, brown. pink tuid figured.
Brie Not. V 1936—'31 I. U.
8T RElVED.French Cloth trioakitig.Brk,Uhre,,Green
end Brown. At tic New York &Ore.
Free Nut+ .t 7 15 4 2-95) , 'IN! EF,RICK & DANIA.
i tiltiiii:eio,i, 66tir I Co. French Merino. Ile
5 o'l.l"rn's,LAlenrlinetaik, Par:melte. tdhawls &e . cheaper than
the cheapest. at the New York gtore, No. 6 BonneU Ithrk
Brie Nov, V 1833-2 g. ;MERRICK & IiAVIS
ItlATEL—Graso.Maltilta. and 1 7 i"..1 Mat. of ell sure er d col
- ors Ibr sale (heat, at ' Dee. '52-30 MOORV'S.
SI:till:68 of every quality froimad tb Is per pound. Coffee (aid
Team preen and black for *ale as !heap as the cheapest and
cannot fail tosuit purchasers in quality and price, by the pound
chest or sa ck . For sale at the eity dr u g store . 30 P. HALL.
r/ splendid
arrived at the 'California ill . ore. a few more of ttnue
s/ splendid heavy eased Patent Lever Hunting Watches. 'I he
movements are of superior workiu p and tin 1.. h. ordered xnd
imported - expressly for G 1.011 114,
Erie Nov. 27 Ihll-1.11 • ho 4 Brown's Mock
RIC!! 4.ND ArTßacrriii - E sToci[lik
DDT GOODS, AT 301 IN n..coows
Astir Cub Store. Flrened Sh, seer Reed Hesse.
NOW receiving and opening. a /dock of Goods which 1 itm
bound to yell at a smaller profit than any .Ir, good store in
Erie. As I hold my good. for ready pay. small profits will do—no
percentage pot on for bad debis—that!is the reason why yon ean
buy Foods ouches') at - Roy. COOK'S.
NT OW OPENING—French aierioues„ German Mori noes and
Paramette, bine Alarcon, light add dark brown do—light and
dark green. drabs, German Merl noes,:a well selected stock, and
a general assonmert of colors—they einem' he eurpansed. •
Alapaeas, black, hi ne, brown and figured, etc.
Erie N0v.47 1841-119 • J. IL COOK.
DE LA INS, figured and plain. in this branch or Drew Good* l
would resissethilly call the attention of the Ladies. To
enumerate styles 'meld be almost itapossildr: but would sag a
larger sad better assortmest has wpm/ been opened in Erie
They ate *yowl demetription—yee inapt roll and see them. ?l
ees me so tow that meow will want theta cheaper.
Erlitane.ll7.4ol I. (volt.
A. P. tinitCll4l.S.g.
vatas,rery othenp
WRATINEIIt camerae the health and Itappiaese of a people.
is at all times of the meet *arable iwportaaee. I take it
lb, granted that every person will do main their power, I, wive
the lives of their children. and that every person will endeavor
; to promote their own health al all sacrifices. I feel It to be my
duty to solemnly assure you that WORMS, necordine to the opin
ion of the moat celehrated physiginns, are the primary causes of
a large,majority of 4,le:wen to which children and adults are lia
ble:, if you base an appetite continually changeable nom one
14hing to another. find Breath, pain in the stomach. Picking at
the Note, Hardiness and fullness of the Reny. dry Cough, slow
Fever. Pulse irrrzulae—rernettiter that all thew. donate WORMS,
An article (h i ded upon Scientinc principle., 'compounded
with purely vegetable nutstatx co, being perfectly sgfc when ta,
1 ken, and can be [15(1110 the mast :cm:, r Infant with described
1 beneficial mice' where Rued (lerplairte and Diarrhea have
i made theM weal and drhilitated the Tonic Properties of may
! Worm hil!ruP ate such, that it flalleA t% I Illialit :In ~n e at in the
1 catalojite of tweaking". tu gig leg tone and strength, to the Swin
t nth, which makes Iran lolalliMe remedy for thrum afflicted with
Dyspepsia. the nAntindlingelirtn performed by this Syrup after
; l by rue la ...tin re failcd, as the beet evidettecof its au perior circa
cy ~, . er ail others.
1 --.--
i Ile TA HE WORM !
This Is the most tlitTo_mli Worn? to destroy of all I:,nt infests the
intin.llBl 0.3 fie'''. it grows to en alawat indennite length hteoming
penult and fastened to Ow I itlesi MPS S4Oll/Ztill firretillr the
health so sadly as to can-e Z• 4. Vikus Hauer. ../se , that those
aliticted seldom it ever ',millet that it is Tars Worn hasiening
t Item to au early grace. to !ardor to et:rimy this Worn,. n Ter)
rnerretie trealinent Lilac* Le punisied, it a Ladd the-r lute Ir ; rop
er to take 6toS of any Liver rills as to remove nll ohsiruet ions
11.;.i the tiara Syrup not act' dircet open the Worm. a Itieb
saust he taken In acres of ; Tahlrs; , ootita44. three limes ajday
there direcliot.s I Nottrd haste never Is-en keown to fall in cur
ia'. the 1110 ft obt.tinate 74!; c Harm.
re part of the I.)Yteni ;.> radre!ial.k. 10 Uiscii.e !hap ite.l.lvra,
it scers ifigus n titerer to purity the blood. or et•intf the proper se.
cream' to the bile: so that Rep wrong action of the Li. er elreets
the r :her lint en tut parts of the Sy,trian, and reAtliii variously. in
ll.iser Complaint. Jaundice. htretisin. &e. We Armlet, there.
fore. watch every it) utopia that plight 'lndicate the wrong:lotto:I
! (Jibe liver. 'lltere Vials I,eilig e'; pored of koOTS /our ritcris
P , foinishrd Ity nature la heal the 'lick: Namely. I .t., en r xrreTn.
X CVl'. l 5 hich attetnetits itie 'Teton fr ont the P :ItAX:lty RILL:AIX Ure: l : o 'es 0:" d .rharzeoft•ecreted Ifialter. !intl. an
%Le. as - rtsr, u &lc Ii ehanzcs n sortie inexplicable and insensif.le
: manner the cettatn atom's 1 ai - tila of the cy,tent. 3r.1. a Tome
which gives tone ait,l - .trene r .ti to The tiers our .y.teni. renewiny
Le:dal art! vigor 1 , . •:1 t.i: ut Of; t h e EZ't!V. , itli. aC . :lIAILTIC.
I " 1 "Cli A. l - In Pc : ci 1. , or:7:"*"; SI. - rib t!.e other 1 , 12 n-hems. and
nix r - iting un the !towels. at:. er.licUtite the whole cease. of eorrn.ol ,
n':. it. test matter. and i.uri 1202 the blood. v.hic It •!estrold the.
e.i,e and re-torts health,
T 0 P ' :$4 AI,I: S . •
Tore %,,,.... r,..:1 tlpi , r l'ill,.a inVal.e,": l .fr nte , lielte il r..nv runt.,t• to n I.:ch oft are .40 , 1 Itt ~ .tstruct tons ritl:ez totnt or
01, 11!..y Flare I een rm J f Ine.11i:o! le t.:•;.efit. resioring
littir f.lttetiO:in: at r7.o,:ct:lett td a lmal,:loy action. pttrifyin;z the
b ..10,1 other fluitb. 60 fire 1/11:0.13* to pot to Right :,tleorrsi.lairtts
n hi , b tnny ar:e front ftn:i r! itrer„ , tlnrlty. ns 1;ca:146.e, eltldi
te-s. tlitnne.• of rir,itr. pain Oti the aide, back, Z 4 c.
None ffentuive uts:cr, ::fit,.,! J, Y. ItoLettiLek, all ott:•_•:3 Leing
bn , e Itustati. 0.
ET Agr,ll. n tsl:iwz ::etv ~ 1 1- 1 ; hi'''. art.: Sl , re K"'Tcr > d'Aic . 's
of losewni! 4.%cenkst.tust i !I:ref-4112c Proprmwr,7.N.ll.-I,en.ack.
1'! :'•t 'olphun. l'.l.
t 4 olit 1.1 Ai Th , r^l.nwe rotal Itrltre;-••; in t 1.."• I*, S. . 1 .7.e1 , tv.
l'artrr & !trot 4Cr. t;: 1,. Wh.:lo,,tie ;tad Ite:%11 A ,e.entv. Porker,
Mercer t ri.L. fr. 11.,;1. (level: 4 o ti!im. rrtee e: , elt•2s , rufs.
(I %V. lie! 'ter, No. 110 t , ..0z..1 St . l'l:t.',nr:. AVl.r.,:cr ..tir .Igl..
..*.-1.0 iv il t snv; !v A:care:4 the l'iopricrly price.
AU?UfI 211t:A.1 _ 1115
- -
gill r. Etta ron !ruts Co. have trti,ee astore in tut% n, where they
intend koctlitag a follstinpl) of di the different kinds and ',p
ies of Iron they tnaLe. and AIM a c mp'-rc as•orittlent of Fa ils.
rereottr who have u.eH the,Nititt /..114? '5!. t sis Cote:witty do cot
hr.-4 to he to:d that tr: , :te be:ter arc wee. tat eh-et:tare.
Erte, t fi4. ti.—,l7
EP.II: CITY CilOt:liElf.Y
IZO.- 9 krovres flock. •
11.1. Le held cishsiaiiii) qp hatid, a large and well *circled
.la...or:meat of Citacl.i ty.tilasta Ware &e.. Comprising %Yhite.
Iron stone China NTall'airy Itare. Light Blue Ware, also t‘" hate
and Gill l'anil cla,tala in I.:clever) thuig to 1/12LC cut COlOrkle
Uiuiiig, 'lca as 1 TI
Ct) .11 O' ir R 1:
A large i.Eorintem an an its t tai m re. , aiso Ye:ican• and
of the lair-tau les.
WARE.—W e have no h^sitation in raying 1411 ottr
Stuck oft:la...Ware is Unsurtaisehed by r.tay this side the Aillaattc
e liter.tortiu.;serate all ttomlii alonott lioweter tve
n !II Live a :ctn. Et elan¢ Glns-e, of every air and
% del la-ev ant t)2l-3.rt, et - ..ry
5a1t5,,1701,1et,,, %Vine .i.E.e.nona•ies. I cca niers. aLtlaTLin-
Lierg or all bOttp , and :111.0,(.::1,F I'y tie Loa:.
stilt e nailed %Vare.Tra avid ' , Nice Setts. Castors. &c•. ablo Bri
tatina Ware of all the it=acive will be sold for each its low
as ran i.e Ism-lit this side Nett 'York.'
May 1.1.-2 Ca rwi rt.& ni 41-I`.
Land fo — r --- e - ai r e ---- ec. --
•1 - 111: sit' , scrth , r hns two far,io to rc t, t oth ro,i^.l.l)*
•fartt. tug ptirtS,:e4l And cot; Vet,tcnt to market: wr' , 114.."11 , 1.
Wl - .1e1T.1 and :0101,1ed iu priDice I•CrilL - 11.s 10 ;fa tit 314,1 gra+; per
soil. 1/C 4 irilv: 1 , 1 , kc ;..oco.l ' FT call thr ,
Chaffee is :one. It'll , of t belt Is a sitvin a!,51.1
in and the ratter t tit to 12) Cr 1.
4%1,4, ; .; i.i for Pc.usity eatr , l 1.4 fir lor•atcd ! , )t mel
tale Co., Pa., :day IGth to
P r. n
*R. ,:.!!ll' %JARVIS ors! I r !!I the
IVA e e-k . 1 1 .1,-!un , •nt. and th „the Im- 7 -- Per
k I i”..h.) Suniwt SeLleo. win 1.-rea• .te•e...^ied
the , thmere.e::. ;ludo( the wthecoiPerki u.s. dr. o
d ;leo thne ‘,l the late:irw. 4.4 t 19.
it I'o. 1.. Pt %VA r RE41)1.91
J . •
/- ETLEPiTT . 11 (OAT.
7201 RS : A i. 1.; all 1:00
.rra I. Ere. te.,.!...v rr cc n n 1 fter•li
Jcit 31. N rttrt 7 - r & t R %T.
T rrlTizsTTEno.
J 7. - ST re:•••i , eel nt Ner. Browt.'e st:!•fcr err, a
Jlaryr 11.114 rt men t cf Matheee FUrer:or
rine Book- .701:4 and Views Ink,
niu.2.1,n ,,,, :;4.11 , , kr; in ca'a.c,(llt, eadt—..,Nl.c.: re.
tni Tne,, 1:1 want eaunc.l, a 1, am , I
Erie lusty 17. lh Itl 1 1:R1.11\
- -
Warted iitt (le Millerrch Walen rcrtcry.
•riiv.iil,.,Tiher hivin g tal k ed Mr. John Jowcn into part tend:it ,
3 in tt•e Manner-toting nosiness. at Ilit obi si:And in M lc ret.k
tun lisltip,lol hyre they ore prrrnret! to Ira all far any q, lan( i ts
of nnol Imo cloth'. eassitnere, blanket.. n kr „nuttily:les
or by the y ard; nen a•apv otherenah!;.huteniin fhc cOuntry,
having as rs,odenr,:g as cap be got tip in %Venom Penns: rapia.
eltding and *pi i un - done for F cents a run clf their on Wool,
Carding Robs-1 (Snits ••••r ti,. cloth dressing done in any a •Ictliat
is W:Tnlg•il on 'hart mitre. •
Carpets warited and colors retained for can pay, or iptiterl
with soap at the owners rills.' •
N :oaring %Von! at John IV illg'F. Carle Vin2o, to
can!. will ha • cit taken on &iturilay and rt turned the ,cat, or
carps.. thr ' (X1[1.41 Rri , D,
rl. July 3. 1c52 ' 9 JoliN JOWPTT.
PM. P.rnaerrtry". i.gzeeest neq cnr! Felts. street: rcrk.
KM EN'S rur nishing Goods of the buret stylesconsratit
ir On hand- Naval, Nint:OrS. Youths' and l'hildmit's
• Cloth
tnsntasle to order with neatness and despatch. • I
T acts. null Gents } every shade and rye: nylon
.I_4 Active.: at , J. SIVET.:Nt's
B'% and !acne slieetiug. and "hirtingas just ry !el wed at
rie July 3 la• 51. 'J. 1..41' EldN't
"I'li'V 1110NrX-IN THY PURSE."
i Dria a l l, n e. w .l n i n o t . to l k u i ro roz .ph o ,s w at i oe t i t s , done ' e
w t e •a re w
l or
, 7 1 ale
: s ibb g
; fresh from Auction houses for thirty-three and one-Mode ,
ic,ilhau the sante goods were'suld four weeks ado AVr ire
i s irons to prove to the public what vie n•riert. and relict a sal
; frcin c•ne rind all. I:rie Nciv tr.r..g. TIB LI .11.2; ..k. 11yi6e4 ..
-------.--- . 1. 00 1 dela
X/ Usid .4 de La Ines of beamaral sty Its a , a,
. iv' at '24 _
latilPo/11171U o r FASHION. , ', * - c. rtcr rgslkftt__..:t
Frfi thrianacs for h3. 3- ( 'alt aMI f . ! 4 _ 0 ". 2 1 1 1
3,frns. CURT/S haven_ret-riseil from New York has opened j .. Nov. 29-24. St ItToN'ts. No i Reed ......_
5 00 0
....,... her Fall sleek of 'tlillinert niul Fancy Goods. eamprisin F , 1 J 1. -r-i,i,--T ; • c — rei --- - 7 .1 - ; - ii - r - 1 7; ; ;;,. - i t - ro ;... i kk .r.:-^
es usual. the nen est styles. The fdllon mg emhrrtee a part :- • D' 4' of SheldoiCe celebrated Water Proof Pals. r' Bonnet, of every variety. ribbon • in abundance la; es cry quality, I . ••• •
Dress Cups, Head lires-ee. Artificial Flowers. Illnines, French 'llse Poll oh prOdirecti by.dirisAllacking loot d ras dse 'WWI_
, otrby snow or hater . N0r.20- 4th IJ. It N %%%%% • 3 1'
worked Collars and (raps, Under 11,11.1 k and Sloe} es. insertlngs.
French Minify. qnibroidered Linen Iltik*fs.tlireatl lames. Black I DROWN'S NEW gOTEL.
l.nees, materials' of all kinds 1.4• Bounets. wideo tk. velvet for I
etches, silks, Patron hod t rivets of all co'ore. glories and - hosiery I CORNER. OF 'S'I'ATE S. .d.ND PUB./...(C. Mir•us
P.RIE P. 4.
of all sizes and{Owls, mitts both long and short.; velvet ribbons ,
dress raid cloak- f u of every kind worn, cards and tassel; t 11. L. BR O WN, PROPRIBTOR.
of di tierent sizis. artie:cs for mourning. hair tionibs, worsted 1 rrETS" blouse i 6 now. ° I -elf f°r theaec°"""4"wil crit'e
braid, fr inges and gimp, straw cord, gilt and ernbroidery cord, 1
endiroldri y paterns. 'narking canvass and crewel. knitting t aTn i se VC York Cro•
aril Weise
.I. Both house and fueriture'ara entirely new and of] bind
If osurpas,cd I , y any lieu ert of New •
and ecerites..frocy baskets, iu fact every article belongi_ogio a • prietor hopes to receive • a liberal share Or patronage ; =
complete assortment of Ladles' M I li nery, which wig re- soil, ,gers and Baggage carried to Vsd from the cars Pte., caarr•
n heir .ale or retail, at reduced prices for cash. - • ' ' Southern %tam leave this daily. Charges reasoilatA`. • _.;
My faellitir , for doing business ;are such that If edit and ail I -E r i e r"ovt:___l6,l"2'
felt -",,acids as cheap as any blouse nest of New York of(the saute I pin:. Bat. Sheet nuTt Pig Lead, *hi; ittic at • ' •
Oct.:9 las•l' kil Br IT; REED!_. . Milliners turn:titled ne nsital at reduced prices. !trimly made 1
Bonnets and cloaks ening:linty on hand. All orders attended to I 13011.7TPi A MS' Patents elf-adjuailniettt tam otote:. a age in:
with neatness rind C.isprach. Cur. er of State and fifth streets ' I . s. oc c t l . e a . Vi3 so 2 Brass bands, Bras and Glass Pin s. irri. goo
Erie Pa Oct. 2 [e3•:. , " '24.: '...2
. _. --,---
-- - - - -- --- - - -- -__—
.____ IAT °OLEN YARN -A large and gala. il assortintmer ssUilir
riAN DEES, Camp:len*. /turning Fluol. Lard Oil: very sive- I V varn;•for sale at thc store of
N.._/ rior ittar s also Stsrine Candles tunnels better and quite as cheap r Erie, Nov. 61‘3. 3-213. \INTENT. HTMROD Afn
as Tallow Candlcv for sate liy the box or pound by I I
Erie Oct 23 21. TARTER & BytOTIIIII No 6 Reed 'Howe. 5Ck DOZEN Woolen Socks and children* hos.cry al= Us
I l_P tire at our store. VINCENT. HI Vißt ill kCu
------ - .
TIN s &ED OIL-15 tilde. pure 4V...stern Linseed Oil for sat - c - i n , Erie Nov. a:IS:W-2C Between - 11th :Ind Mb Stair 004 .
.1..4 (pi intiare to suit purchasers.
Erie Oat. 22 11 2 32--2 I.
• i a d 1 . 6-26 VINCENT. HINfRODIS,
c . ‘RTET: 8 , p utoTHErt. 1 All ICLEY 4.4,1F8. Mitl, X cut and Cltelllar SAS* il,i o g 4
1. a vanet.. N o r.
Ifia - r - l i iiiiliiiiiiiiery an - dl'a - zi.:l - Clicio6 — . '
Al . RR ; D.IF IS Se. CO. have retrieved their fashionable Niilli- ' TrtzT reeeHrd a splendid assortment of Plain, S:c. t,
err) establishmen t to the [Fins!' eriedoor tclow the vustolia al cede and striped Silks, also cord Silks of curry le.I;r;
illuate, and will be open on Trior r ,,i n t:cloher 7, 1:32, ilue I <undo: at reduced priceti.also len longand square woeira P•r'
most Octant assortment of Goods in dheir l i tie ever offered in Ibis 1 at great bargains. IMO Mutlin Collars front Sets. to SS" 3 . ,"
say'. Their stock consists of almost everything ' : Cashmere ItOtag Shawls. very cheat) at the New 10 " Sle•-: iii
frac. Rick, or lusty is the Airiiiixery has, 1 3 Bonnell Block. Erie :let 3alci MERRICK 1: D 4 1, r_
Such as Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers. Lace.. Edgings. worked , *v F
F R ED • CED .
Cellars and Sleeves. Bonnets of all styles, qualities and prices. in '
shunever/Aline to be found in a rashionable Millinery Establish- i
went; allot a hich the public arc invited to cull and examine ' j , h Sr IR ' t
run rere.ved a large-and well selected stock of Pry Go .
... • • • Grocerses. Ha riltvare oud Crockery. all or aM.
If The :lies in eking DelisrUnent wig /-"" under One. eurtelre of l terin i tied to yell n t the lowest prices for prompt pas. ii 3 u7 k ...
Mrs. Pee Iprell. wirosr• success iii giving satisfaction to customers : ta lrl relied the cash and ready :pay prior iple, we w ill rrl'!"4'4
is a tutfrieni griaratate for tire future. I Sold-give us a call and satttfy yourselves.
Erie oe,t. a lea:. 99 i
VINCENT, lintßonk ro.
•i Ilia Slue,'
rt 0 1.Dathl Silt er Watcw.. rich Jeaelrt „Silver are,Clocks, ; Erie Oct- 3 ri 1'. 3- ( 1-2 - 5 . i ' _Between 1 1 0 AP- . .r• - • -- , - br
4.....1 Looking ciusses, Gilt Portrait and Picture Frames, Solar p;I'FFAI.t.) ROBErl: -4 Tarte assortme_nt JU - st ?retired am
. fo.
Ch inphene a r i d fluid sideamisirspentirrig, Lampe. Glatt Lanterns . ; rime cheap, Oct 3 . 1) dtfigaya vim:ENT. it tat gi di ..-
siatited and Islam Chris, Musical itistruments. Strings, &C. I - .• __
%Valking Sticky., Fiench °aril German I'e',, Jest. pureliased in Now doodal New Goods::
New York. and receiving and opening new and fresh, at a bole. i ,
sale and mail- 'Tall in and see the stock. Buy
,d rag'
onineth lug el.e. if ytin like, nt AUSTII , A . N., Prising the moss ellellsiVe assortment or Domestic 3.
c... "
a then!, e l oc k, : 1 J AIM now receiving my
Erie Aug. 7 1 5 •32 it Opposite Brown's MAO. sr hek of Fall and Winter Pa . is C ar.
i Dry goods ever otrerrd in ibis city, which' 1 will Sell car ('ll 1101,
--- -- - - --- --- - ---- lower prices than any other tided tshment 'seat ot Burt ,
„„ _
.4 T T `F• .N . TI 0 - .N . . FO" . .1 .'V'' T.- E D . I 1 wishing to purchase for cash will dud it to their Were: ''' . ` f ;
Fakers and feeders of block, is rep i
Mlle arlentiOn of Farmers,
J " !Tactfully eatleit to nn essiminntion of the Conical Burr ; mutest:mine my stock before :purchasing elsewhere.
a 1 r 1 .,,,, 1 4, 0
mount(rist.Mills. Just routed to do comma Grindin
topt Me Fair. ( tensit e ni.i.c.,ittnent of Glace-ries. Crockery and itardn eta : o* ,
which n ill he sold cheap for cash. Please call and
Mills in Erie, Those Mills ale Warranted e:aart hid •)"°, 1 ,",' 4.1 s ainniY," l . l ' l3 "d on ebealmirlor • -1010 J
SMITH 1.0. . recommeuded. and will make better flour and, clos e grinding ' r•ri" Nov .r` 6 ie°l-28 *
than any flat stone whatever. and We Challenge cempetition, I ERFTMER Y.-The following eicgantrel-nacts and,eclijewir"
having lull con fi dence in those Mills. and shall rely on the Judill ( y Lubin. Blain, Ply._ r and others, viz: Jorkey e i '.• p u rr
ment of those at ho make a trial of them, or the on ork they do. foe ; twine. Jenny Lind. Rode finds. spring flowers. Sweet re . .._
rococo, aud patronage. The Mat Premium a Silver Medal wail only, Hedyocuon. Verbena, Ten Bose.' Rose Clerletellr:::` . -
awarded to the Conical Mills, at the 01“ci :state Fair. mokinn i Mown Hay. Erie Oct T.l-21. CARTER is SKOV". -
over forty premiums awarded mitt° Conical Mills at the diff eren t 1 -- --- -- -
State Fairs Apply to J. SEDG En GER Agent, Amer. Ladies laubber Boots.
rt. kr " 1
ic an ilotel.or J. 1.. Sanford, Fairtuouut Mills Eric. ' TEStthe thing For muddy crossings and snow drl • _,....
Erie Oct. 2 1532. II - j b y Sept. 3. WILCOX k. %Oil" -
-i _ , t out
Mr., etifilyindendeeves, muslin and cal.a ri - ii.eN;4.7:,,E.. s tio, and Amerman prinu, at wholesale r ,..,
t r at.ltlFAljle.R - F - . — Deo!
- brie edgings and i risen Inas at VI JACKSOIrto. ; ' cheap ni Erie Nov. txt32-16 JArKeti 3 ' -
Bootio and Shoes. -- A% - Se ri - ii - ii - - 1 - h ii• - -and long. ig o.
, . 11 .... -state and 0 it. ti al, enu s hot aqua •
H V 'V GAIII AN boots. Boys boots, also Women's calf and eel. • reno ansl Cashmere do. Ladies and Gents Caihmere ?„'„,
JACk r •" -
munched boom and buskins, kr Miens eheavna at any other reno scarf. for sale cheap at Nov. 6 , 111
ad 01
establinhment ill WWII. G. SELIDF.NI gy. 'PON,
- - --
w„n a
lr A DIRS and Gents eashusere, Lige silk. St
Este Oct-W-23 No. 6 Traers Block Theapoide. -
L 4 too [lore, al/ colors, grades nod
Erie Nos. 6 ISM-1101 SMITH JACKI44.INN, Cheap . ' -
prices at
Erie Nov. 6 me-9R itt.s7lCtstl golie rit tio aB n 7;l Teia D ;iir li sa i tr iir° ol "--- 5 . to liTlue w eits Fi rti k ill:
FTgeiterr k Ga.% , Thee ette4(
N CTR antikinds or rale a. a •
No. S. Williams Block,Jer he. Pt.
ttatilnetts. Just restivorl and for sate cheap hy- SWENEY.
ahig l e,ari g ei t ikii4 sad all others la likasith
Iva. F. RINDERRF.CHT of Erie and A. F. Jouts Gem,
creek have plarehased the entire stork of grf,d, a gy legt
Kingand Brown at,MoOrheadville In Marborcrick and roa m ,
continue the mercantile husiness in all its branches al
stand of Ring and Brown. under the name cf
-In addition to our present Stock we a ill receive in ak a ;
by Railroad frcm New York all sty tea of bry c t s,
Crockery. Glass ware. Ire n.Steele.Nails. bye Stud's, Lu i ,
c%ery thing generally kept in a Grocery and Dry G 0(41
any place. Our Motto shall be toaeil cheaper than the,
We in% tie the citizens of the abce.e named erasa r "7
and examine our stock and price* and if we canuct .
as large a stock of goods at some in Erie we tan sho w r
good assortment of el, er) thing and at prices that tangos
Wanted In exchange for 'was. Cash. Butter, Em,
Oats; Corn, Flour, Beans, dried Apples and Peaches, Pixy ln.
&C. &C. March
rmAIN, W:11 and Csmtcrp Puue k ni, all ala 5 an,mf rirlespßatyt
oaPart psi
Erie May 1.504 1652
Every family shoold have a copy.
A reliable book may 25 do. per ropy—Mss kluge tinp ,
DR. 111 UN T liit'd Medical manual and bawl bona {s u s
flirted. Containing 2g outline of the origin, pr t , c , * , -- ,.2
meta and Cure of tarry form or disease, contracted by :,,-.,„,„;•••
outt sexual intercourse, by relf-abusr, or by ~,.,, a ; e , co. -,'•
*Alice for their prevention. written in a famiiiiar . 1 , 4 , u .
all.edscal technicalities, and ccerlthing that is °aid of
ea of decency. from the result of some twenty ye:.t.
pr et ice, exclusively devoted to the cure of ..i , eate or ,
l i t
or private nature. To v high is added. receipts for toe
tha above doeases, and a treatise on the causes, hosts
curie of the Fever and Ague. for 25 Cents a copy ; ca toy „
ts I I be forwarded to nay part of the United enact.. i.) fpi,
of - *stage. A ddrees post pa id. ti0x..196 Post fiffie s , ri b t ,
3 Seventh strett Philadelidni. . Sept I lem
FTrn; .--
Doti,xliE , rilitlTlT.—Ur. Horner will feria 1.14
;. to cure my ease of secret disease that may e, me a
aut. no matter how long standing or afflicting. Loge,
itidited to his prh ate roczia, 24, Notth ecveiiiii street. I
*Omit fear of interruption from other patients. si r' ,
ottiers who have been unfertunate ia the sclectioe eta]
arti , i . inven-tl4O CR it. I.
/.. IPOT I:NC Y—T' rough unrestrained in du igte.e , (.1
ions. by excei.s or self-al-aye. the ev ills are uu enact.. Pi
impotency. involuntary eernitial dlWhirges.v aquigaril
lost. of memory. a distaste , nor (riga* society. ge sti c 4 . .,
ronetit.itional derangement, ore rule to (ni:ow. If of
consult the 1)or tor vi ith ropf,J•necl; he offi ry a p.rtecti
' Rrs n sNa IlErLret —The afflicted would do tell torsi
fore trusting their health, happiteits. and in many e;;.
_ .
lives, in thrhands of ph) I , le Ifi ns igrdrant efth s class of a
7t is certatnly itepo.-slAc.for one min to uncler,tl.:d Ott
ibe lonnalt fn•ity are s.t.....tert to. Every re•pecta'•te 61),
bas•hts peculiar branch. in n bleb he 1. nrOre iturtetan.ltt
brother profrstors, and to that he del. otes rt-oft of b.) lit
Pll-4 , 4*. Tears of I ract ice. etclnsisely devoted to the ste
treottnent of d.reaset of the sexual organs. together nu),
tiphri thg thrcat, nose. or legs, pants in the head,,ct
notreurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel. Irregular.i WS. C'
.nrist ug free) youthful exec , • res. or i In pU ril ICS of the Vood._).
I,v the constitution has Leconte enkrebled, enables the ban g
diltr speedy toilette) all who ?pay nince tl.emeelt:e,or.etr
fit elicitte forst r.rded to nny ran of the •Entted Suars -
Viva and ten re pet poeknce. Prpt 4 tr 62 hl
SPREAD rill: IVE:ii'SFitc.l.4 MAINE- 7(1 Mb \lee: ,
C` VCR y (tn-er and Sul .lier who kis served as. tone at
lJ snonth"lll any nar (of the United States) since lass:
entitled to ian.:, ,it he 1.:14 not received it.)
t . ..c'er3 rlfflccr :•.n..! Soldier scholia, Cat any time} been a
or in any way disabled while in the. setvfce elf the Unite?
*. in the tine of his du , y . ." is eutdied to a pension 6:r lire,
stiF to the degree of di-ul,ll,ty. '
sVidows (most ot them) ofthe Otlicess and Soldiers of I
lean war are emitted to 5 years pension.
ti• Willow. of 'Revolutionary Ooldiers." If married ben .
~.. ,:.,,,....nrc c.„ it ,ed ton pension for life.
Parties iu every part of the United Resets and in the 1 / 4 .
h ring CLiins for Land, Pensions or pay of any kind at
IB':ir ela:uivrocuptly and properly attendedAn Ly addre s ,
bliiNcrilers, lion polo.
%Ve blase permanent and energetic agents at Wathiss
mottlie no charge in any Can' unless the claim ii milli
Many claims 'fog land, &sc.:that - have been rejected for
proof. dee., can be established by the fluhstribers. iferce
iP.S.—Bounry Land - Warrants are constantly booeht 31
vine gm”cribers at the hest rates. parties wishing to bay
till rod it 0 their interest to advice with us. F.r•ry bras
"-.tiL.lng and f..d.cliartitctot.inees iri dor.e by.the tnt.erlben.
1 1./.1V11. 1 PRESTriIt; i f . rim.
1%41.. Tsehange Brokers. Itetroa.Ril.
13 U A W I. 0.
L i t,
'S reee:ved it the Wen , 'York Store. n qp;ce•did n..
I: .34.1 rtelnre Illueta., o:, wc.)l. Salk. Ca.:mere.
en 1.1 Stmli.ll:l - I Sl,vtl4. t'amper than au. Dasn -
.re offer t1.e,... 1te.,. , l'iLer, tit 1.1:::: i. 1 .3....-A 1:.,.:
auk. I.'rle Nvs• '2 f ---J - J . : 4 ra".ll
aqr. ai.ornnent of rarannin. Cashmere. Purim.
TIM,. and lkicns.inst received al *3 eWENET
Velvri BOWL), L,e . Gimp?. Braid and lift-,
tan-, Ladies and GCllth . . Linen Bdk6., En.f,ropieted
rilla anti 'l'h read. AVurstett Clove., ,pat opeseill
l'rie Nov. 2a 1r52-2a J. r....AVEN
P 4i . lT, „ R u b .. - t i t i.t .,.. 1%e, , ,, , ,. n .t d i;1 i c, 1 ,.. i c i r0 . ..v (.71. -- ,iii, c:‘,..,iniere.
ipF.ric Nue . :hi 4e.'1.1-2- 1 '
riPLlNe—!'lain. striped and t: i ftlfl,!, 1i.,., r. fie., pit..
• SAN nail Luton. Tlieiie pteeet are ) ct) rirh eitnrr fn.**
jot or Vlatiti}las. Nov. 2'l—:wo / 11. !lo b s
tudiq Slabber Gloves.inittebs, Ile:
ri 0 UN Tit V M::/tt.:11.4.:STS. is ;saline their Enchain:wiliest
L.. , hot riti.znict -the-c deviratie and tialeable noiciet. Tie
1::::::•1 `net ifte lia. Leen mut h improved recently an/ t. 11)::
isade ‘crs il.trith.c. ra rtir , ttnr niter:flan it re ',W.W.I 101
irOOL Lt.\ I.!) GLOVE:- AND MITTF-11"..
::.c ere in:lt-hen-aide i n evl land wet s ether.-Lalirs a ZIA
thc-e Gliireii ii-efol in any sore i ill kilt the hatida. att.
taint. ti Wt that the) s. ill cure the wont Salt Aber= ratline+
11311,6 ~, isediatcly. They late made all lengths ID moat ue
urns , and la tits , . _
Vlr site {•) rtini az! &. numb APer,
ene. Co ebestuut Street, de, Tbillipe. Pin**.
Pa. Ti!eca.f.% & Ha‘kell. Hal re. -Md. H. 'W *WE..
Cu.:: r - thri L. litc'r.eac". Ctn., Ohio, and be au Its
her Pr ' , .r^ I
Fot at ret..lll by Couutry Merchaws geecraUY.
I.rte. Nrv. 1,12.
- -
U. 11 rvroN &
• .zzo S rteard 710086.
A RC j,ct receiving a large "a nd ' , elected s•o•it of that
/1. Medicines. and I beintealg. dye Woods. dye tadr, su
4 p - .4.i5.1 hinters art icicr, yarn libel, IA class, rm. Pk -
I ware., perfnuiery„ fine soaps. fine hair. nx•iti and paint Intr.
sneds.surg cal and denial instrmuems. teeth. plaudits
I tobacco, saotrand Cigars. pi: c jar, and brand tes s lbr lal
i' purpcces.fancy articles. A i u.sis to is and %mei rakes—
e ina'ne onr purchases for cash, on c:lt r ears!• :s iotro rM
1,:bo hollgilt in th is' sectien. ‘‘'nrra; lc c ficeb v.:rcne
',genuine. •UrCers from the counfty promptly f..led with sus
'tact ion and g•tarantred.
l'hosicians Prescript•ons will receive partren'ar atiertnli
all licurs oldie day and nizht. , I ft? son. 11) Ink , . 5 ,
.;,D -
r.NTI 4 I'S will, find J, IV:non Sr. 4's an asscr.•sen
Ii a
. 11 ti m , i ta . I T utahruortamiltsiinanlatt.f.oacr o
alas! Tin foil ffromr•jirl
As Co. Erie Now. g 0 16.3•4—•23. No. 5 Reed 14aine.1
‘l_)RE...3llES—Hair.looth„nail,glothes. whtiewasli. send , . .
JJ blacking. stave. con uter; , stioe. piano. do , ting. tulle •
I scouring. blacking. Pope's eyor: 'Popes heads. a mdow and
brushes and hearth brooms.- V J. Id :BURTON k.
eiItIARS--20,111X1 - iiennuae Fititicip.. and 111%aua taat.+
trertred at Erie Nov. 20 11:3 , 2-V. J. 11. tr. , x k
et Imuunreilsi