1111.1 . 1 16 sadlutiss of Gnu diem 4 noa'a appeal," a ease- which insaited eitssider• "Nrest in the mutat this toasty a few menthe „ • 11 °A, and width was' aken to the Supreme Court on writ j u ror • bas been. decided in'efirmance of the &eine: oa . b y o ur Coati, and the following opinion delivered by chief Justice Black. The humane and liberal toms of this decision is creditable to the bead and heart of the hate. It would have been discreditable to our laws “a they have been used,to interpose an obstacle against ' be Issevolent and noble purpose manifested by Capt. War d, to give to his orphan nieces and nephews an ed lotion such u they ought to have. end which hie desire let their welfare prompts him to beetsw. .opoilON OF THE COURT.—BL.ACE C. J. The appellant was geaktien of five minor children.— Their father and mother were both dead: leaving them a small estate. On the petition of their sac* to remote u r s guardian from his trust, the Orphans' Court did Do && to the persons of two of the Chiidred. and, 'ed to remove him from the guardianship of the other three. The Act of t Assemuly authorizes the removal of a pardian only ih case of mismanagement of . the estate, et aiiimondoct in respect to the maintenance. education, mineral interests of the minor; and this mind be rage lady eharged cud satisfactorily proved. Bat *here the &c essation has been formal, and the opportunity to an ion fell, the evidence taken in the presence of both par r” and a decree of removal by the Orphans' Court on ow merits o f the cause. it would rename a strong cue la favor alba guardian to justify a reversal here. This. .. think, strong case the other way. Though or* is nothing before us•which makes it . necessary to Mlles that the appellant is other than a most consci• Woos upright man, he seems to have utterly misunder &rood his duty. It matters little to au orphan child whatn ot his interests are sacrificed, and his prospect. blighted, by well-meaning iguerauce, or by willful malice. Either ts within the definition of misconduct, a word which 'p ollee not to the motive but to the act. Tbs maternal relatives of these children offered ? tele them under their care, to educate them iu the best man ner. and ineintaiu thepn dorms their nonage free of all expenae to their own estate, and at their maturity to give owe five haudred dollars each, if they should bid fascia de well. There is not the least reason to doubt that this oar was made in good faith; that it was pro optedby & fiction, or, it the limit, by tomly pride; and that the parties making it were able as well as willing to perform Mir promise. It needed but little zeal in .the guardian for the welfare of his wards to make him seize such a prep - coal promptly and eagerly. But lie refs si ad rail: ;key shoula remain in hie own neighborhood} with no means of mental culture but what the free schools of the country afforded. His decision may hove been caused by reluctance to part with them, by a desire to retain their 'emcee, or by the mistakeu opiniou 'het a thorough edscation *mild injure thorn. But either wcy he was wrong. His treatment of title offer was his principal er ror. ,Ilia general demeanor towards them had • a kind ness in it which almost approached the confines of gen• enmity. •The rejection of clothing presented to one or them may have had its reason in prmeiple as well as in feeling. The refusal to let her visit her relatives was probably iu his judgment no more than v hat prudence reqeired. The discretion which the law gives to *guar dian it each matters is not a narrow one. The week she did was no injury; for it would. fit her all the better for the station of an uneducated woman, which her guardian intended her to occupy. They who Irwin clothing else should learn to labor. The law which forbids the eppointment of a guardian whose religions faith differs trout that of this parents should be meat strictly obeyed whenever it is practicable. for reasons so many and so obvious that they need nut repeati:d. But it is no cause for discharging one front a trust with which he is already clothed. A guardian wisely be removed fur mismanagement or tnisicoo6uct, mid certainly's man's religious opinions are neither one soy the ether. But if he should attempt by due harsh or &sir means to-erase the impressions made by the pa. ruts on the mind of.the child, and much more if he should put its consCience to any kind of torture, the law woild Dot only jestrfy but demand his removal. This disposes of the first error assigned. The other Oro may be considered together. They aniount to a complaint that Mr. Nicholson was removed" from his goordionship over two of ,!te minors a not the other three, tier; being on reason for the dirinction andahat he was not allowed to recover his costa -from the opposite pity. Perhaps it to somewhat surprising that he was met removed from ijae whole trust and cempelled to pay i ll ;iie costs of i;; , . se. BA this error, :t to one. was - ID 1 1 ;$ fever, and .he:of all men should let it rest quiet:y. We are asked by l the appellees re make.• decree now miring the Sippelbsot from his guardianship of ill the children. But we inuld not do this if we went& c4nse ihers is no appeal hy the petitioner. And we vrou! 1 not des could becon‘e there is no error in the record. and a decision so the merit: by a cuurt urNeh had the mull berets it and hearifthe wan is rot Ft. he disturbed in say thing shor%, of t palpable i niacin° —Decree Alias - ad/ r gj:A bill to ittearporatailie Atlo.ilic and P. k eifiC rind company ha: been iotroaiced iuto the Leiiidattire of New York., It has for its ohject the construction of railway between the Mississippi San" Francisco. or ter ether place on the Pacifiic. ntid its capitol :s to be $100.000.000. ,Before theist of April. 1554, the Com pany ars to survey 600 miles of the easterly hne of the read. Its directors are Levi S. Chatfield. - the presw.t busily General. Canal Commiesioner McAlpine. the State Surireyor and Engineer; Peter Cuper - of New York.Elon Farnsworth. of Michigan; Lt. Gov.Chorch; Simeon Draper. of New York; II Baldwin. S)racnse; and several other gentlemen emi• lint in the political field. IT We learn from t 4 e Toruutd Cebnist that the Ca sa= Government have determined to' ondertako the ionnediate construction of the San!' St. Marie Cans).— no of £,480..000. the amount required for the work. isle form an item in the estimates to be presented on the re-usambli lig of Parliament ;14 Web- awry. • &The Se* York Day Book remarks; Nevrepaper, are the great feature of the day. the man .who neglects them. or adervalues them, has not one spark ofthe'vpir nof the 19th eentery in him. lie is • mistake from be filming to end; he should have been bore. lived. and resale way of all earth, years and years ago. Er The Washington correspondent og the New York Ile+ save that the resolution of the Senate. snaking iii e 'riming the new title of Lt. General. will nut pus the !leen: pope il l * AO: RIED. Harborereek. on the 23d oh.. by the Rev. Mr. Lomb. Cuts-rift WonitArt. of Mieetfield. iN Y., to Mize Baum A—Arm-name. dr the former plaee.o Bc the same. ElirlittEß Ewing. end Dill ! CLARISA J. Leittinta. all of Harbor reek. OD the 9th itiat.. in Springfield. by the Rev. R. Chee• °S. Mr. Inure G. Ciutr.wr. Of Fredonie..Cheotanque Ce. N. Y., and Mies Msty-lA:in WArrt.ns of Springfield. - • DIED. 0. the 7th inst. in McKean township Arinharnmafory Croup. Hasaturra C. oldest daughter of Thom.. and Elvirs R. Dann, avid three yeses. three months and siseteen days. At the residence of is uncle. M. B. Lowry Em. in Oils City. en Friday in ruing last. TRASK Lowly. an in- Wasting aid protiisis boy, in the 13th year of his age. Vet, Erie Observer. MX ' 1010 OF MI SEEDY GENTLEMAN. IT TIC *AD Witt TUC t.g catT Walking round the town Ooslbundedly out at elbows. Felt a '• kinder ginin eonr Jost below the shonliers ; loos eorinseored a rip Where tbe.eolar toucher. Jest sicrie the hiy— At lesel. abo* the haunches. Pepra to Ibd s divert • • Besides tittle lilt do believe . A COAT Vantither need/ I Then sappoSed.o(coaree. One that •nd be is &shim. Would be rathereteeper Than I could raise the cash os. • Hada severe attack • Male prevailing ham= Nose inclined Co red, • Eyes iodised and tarlierf ; Had bussing In the bead. - Drain eoefiled and foamy i The Doctor eassarand bled. • Thee eall'd a Cotenereias7,! Went toted iuultded jail ! Went Pueeb and nesperatienr leak was needy tired— • A martyr-like sensation Om and too/big CWT Tuna the Tailor Nose and spas became - At onee.a Ntak.Pilks Mamas in a " kW* I Looked reserved and ow. 11/Ml4h ip autillaagr • . As I skew prurei ; • • '• Thatints her pcideillsanna -•• 1. ' Lila • play. of detl s. r . Rained Wooer anar-•• Peelle' past description A warninz take ergo And don't beeotne so seedy— The cold kicks up a stuse.-- . For /fenny. 'tia`nt needy. ?emit-'• the More— l'? tiy it &mit be baricrord ; Tetholn. you ran " run your face." At tenet ou can try It "on" rand if yen don't • succeed you'll be me lucky as'r e store in Btanaptiu4 to snake this line rhyme. Erie. Jan. 8.1833: ERIE ACADEMY. OHN H. BURTON, Treasurer of 4rie Aca demy, ix arrows/ with Trustees. R. To Caen reed of 31. Whallon. Interest on bond. 1 3 3 ! ' 74 To do do J. H. Preeeley, do do 3,4 00 To do do on rent of lots N 05.311, 34,30,117, 40 00 To do do of D. Koehler. rent, • 600 To do do on rent lot No; 40, 11 00 To do do from rale of lota In city of tri", btlag ' i In band, ::139 25 To do do from do for expense to sellhig, 75 30 To do do on rent of 10. No. 1; . ,2 0o To do do " r 2 0 . • . 10 3 To do do . " lo 5, 19 1%2 To do do " ' 2N, - . 19 :: 3 To do do " " 40; . 14.80 To do . do ' " 19, 10 54 To do - do " " m.v.e, 27, 00 00 To do dn. " i• 9, O4O To db .. , do " 1" 21 4 ; , 2'3 10 To ~' " " *l. 17. 18, . 28 97 To I " r 11.12, 41, 42, 41 111 To , . e '4.. :7. S. • 16 45 To I 0 r :10, 33, 34,115;37, ZS IT M ( " • )' 11.22. 44 414 To . " r 13, 14, 15,1 n. 4.5 pi) To ,'cf r '....Durtois. Interest on bond, MVO To do of.l " " Inl 10 1 lododo of J. 1...\ Mtn I:41:. odvanecal. 12.6 04 ECM 1 . 7.--" . . pita r. Pnr/in on cut By no do •• " by do do C. renron.rrittin, By ,11:1 do A; P. Burnt' Jc"Co., r ny co do .nroce !-I.looti. armor . innripi,.••ts rf en en P. E. Burton. I.unwl - I.v do do C. • By do e, P. Tiorha, on arroont By do e 3• rfen, ;mow 1:y do do, J. %nit:, cleaning Academy, Se. By do do L. Warren. glazing By do. do e. Loa. iturre) in: By do' do .1. 11. Ilib!et. inLlO Ly do do (1. L. Room, glitzlnc• 11y Co 'do F. Purlin. on seircnult ry co (1., 0. Crone tdoor- By do do J. Bound. masonry 11y dp .in W.l t1011):1...I1, netelloroer By tic'. do F. Durlio, or: recount . 11'54tir. 'Py Co'L in Trer.eury • jmtin7, GL - Swilv 113 1C(110 yr, Co CO 1000 - CO Li Ca Cr. •- f. 3 300 , 2 1.0 • 606 • 1 :1 tO on 4010 ( :LS s•=l 0 1 • Among! .:436 un $110 . 2.4 Loaned on Dt.nde an.t Mortgr4:e4„ 11.100 6:1 • We the nriters!cceth Au. litre' rf the rot my of Erie, hating met togeler nt tin bete of lb... County C. tnmi.- rio: err, and Itnciry born tlnly r tern accordicr to Inr, and bating rarcfullt or:a mind Ile .acronot uf John 11 Burton, ;metal Trta , cier G r tbc col 1r62 of the fine Academy. do rectify that we f rdll.(m. cornet 1 , 4 ett,te stated, and tint ice Ire a trart co 41 tub in Ibe ln rt:a of the nr .Tr. rot ror of tuo Ltrdnd and ttrnt,)-f re dollarr and th . rll - „r.:r c r. 1.. Ch. n vrecr cgr 101 es at Erie 11.13 4thitry f f Jur cary A. D.lffJ. , YLArci. REl:v47., Auditory. • OREN It brID. Ll.lllll' ! tiuirr !!! Jnn. reEtrzar DI:COVERED -41A.11130N 191 , E of the erette.t dic-overfrs• or the die. which we do not Itry 4.tte a•I II•rn tie eas the CI! CA P PST Iltra MI of grildeial light er yet prevented, prod:teing a 410011 1.1G1,T ror lois than ono ivartor of a Coat par Boor, and gives the SOPTEST. punnsr; aad mpo narra.m.vr LIGHT ever yet produce,lty laity awl it O.NE: FOURTH the co:4 of O,Tid. NOR CAN IT BE P.XPI.ODED, 'me trimming of the wick is susTiCient for a month. rend re sin te wick wilt on a )r:r.ifor does the mendinem a the light decrease as long as there it *Wile tent oil in the lamp to keep the wick wal burn longer than Lard Claud WM not con geal in the c.l.Jc*t au.% the price i s nly eighty seven an.l a half cents par gallaa—:obc tried iu Flui l 'Lamp" Lrie. Jan. 9 lEI3 Te t: e hcworabie Oxrt 4-aartrr ~ e saagres ,1 1 • e cast r?. 'I LIE pettuon - el 13r•ttlinger.i in the east Ward of the city of Ede, re., represtoti. that he is well rtrov'tfed with house room aulcuorentenees for the loiz-. :n; not; vccurtino , ;ei-,n of stranger.; sttitytrasrWe. et the u•e i.e ur w ereup:et to said *std. He therefore pra3s the Honorable Court to crant hint a !leerse far Iteeionz a ptdin c ion or Wept, bud he as itt duty (wand. sv.II Fa:v. fir. Jun 8. F 53 Wt.. Ow .tetwt:brrn c't z.. , 1. , ,, o' l'oepaid Cast Wird cf the ei:y of Fria in whin'. :It, o:Ave in., or tavern. pr,ved i l l q In he licen•id is procuy..:(l to he •u. du certify that Fi • eel Poi:borer. ilia rih..lo npph t. ii of good retrials for hn oe-4 and temper..urn. and I mil' proyded w:th how•ci rartn and rower nianc•it for ilic. peg off and acconimo d4l:.m a t ktr d ucer, h n,± ir t rel..r., : 1 1,4 tltnt naCil an inn or t"..q.• n i• nerei.-11 . to az ccniU:o.late the 1 üblic *nd en . striloger. null !rai..o, N . ~ . $/!::-.4:-11: - 4.2nda ell, A. 11. Ir:vnl. Main Wihi. 1.1:11 Ilechtninn. Lweitre Ku-040.n E. A. B•nitett. J. G. Ilarr..S. fi r .Kelrev. Frei'. Selrneuser. John lleo. mann. C Eoegel. Roller( iltl4.' goses Ket.h.' J.m.pls K.1...y. JAI) 1..i.n1z. 1 3133 T. V. liumhralxe Nu Ihdy,o Gj rAt Csairt sy Baas[ir apsp..a /ri ' lie Peiry for OP Cara:: ....r Eo,o : , pi E r e ,,, uoti of iii /A . :lrd :seen of the Tiareiszli of Walerforit in ' P"'t county. respecthili v represents Chit he iq Well ;prat i.d.41 with houseroom and conYPlliellee,iof the lod.ling and strew:a-io dation of stra/mers and travel: rs at the lions* now, oconpied by the said Edward Green ii. 14 , 0 11.3rong'i: he therefore reipeetfolly i•rivs the co.irt to gnathi •• .1 license f...r keep . an inn or pub lic, liott-e of entertatainen. tun re, and your, petit ismer will pray, !kr. IV:terf ail. lin. ~? 1-.13. Mir.% HD GREE'N.- We. the outlersignal citizens of the Usirough Of %Veteran:l aforesaid being persotial:y acquaiated with Et' lward linen. the above named petitioner. :'nil also hlt tag a know:edge of the house foi which therms:tee is prayed di Imrebs certify thatisiMh house is neee.s.• r y to necmornoiletc the ; public and ent.quita strangers or teat e:ers, that he is a I.ersiori of good reinite fir hon esty and temperanre nitil he 14 Inca I.,OVlltra n an house room and coat entente, for theJodeing and netts linad.ttlein of stran gers aadzravelers. we there:ore he; leave reeoruiiicud hint fur a ileenee.aarreahly Lc :lisp - it - limn. Siirced:—.\ Oily er. Thdtnas Oliver. 11. latailinO..l. Sacker, C NI ac key. Ezra (70 lir i. /:hotter %Vest. thoinas 1 J.: t tech:l, %Vat View, S. C. zirinforit A. Ross. Austin Cannon, Sitnent !hint, • - I 1 . 4,24. _ '2'... Os' Honorable. aloe .or Quarter Foto:woo of .trLe Cosier : 'rm.. Petition of Clvirles S. French of die west' %said in the I city of Firm. in said raltity. Ter:vein: y repreSeuts. that lie Is well provide.) n ith horse room and edit." enienees tor the loci-- tog and arrommodai ion of strangers and travelers, at the licsite he now Oectspie. in te.i.l west ward city of Elie. Ile therefore prays the Ilenorahl , C JIM to grant Into a license ,r keeping n public inn or lave ra. and he, as in did; hound; wit ii.ay. kr. t:sls. Jan. P. lASI. CHARLES S. FRI-iNCII. We. the seihnriberf.. citizens of the nest tiard city of Cr P . In Vraien the:thine inn or tavern. prayed •o b:scenes:li la propotel - r to he kept. doe:tire that C'har:es S. Prenct 'the abdte applicant. 11 . is Of good repute fortmes.ty and temperau e. and 's well pmvi• led with house ova and e itsvenieuers fo the. los' stay. mid ac commodation of slut:gets mid traveler...ld that such an Ina or tavern is necessary to aceoutinolate the üblic nod entertain strangers and arave.rrs. telesoi:—.l. G.ailliiiiitszm. Witt . C. Warner. Win. rtoneti. P 11. Oliver. 11. A. Far, C. N. IViteol. R 11. Boyle. II Stain Ittibertt Itenjamin hilt. J. W. elell iek. A. Andrew*, P. %Vheleler. A Shia bah. 1- 81:1-1 To tAs flonore!e Cnert of Civertet Sisli4tas of E ,io 'Fit& petition of Wittier W. %Viirnifr; of the city or Erle in sal,: A county, respectfully re:irrecnie tli.it he Is well lrai w leo bone room and conveniences for the lodging and te:ontinno.a. lion of strangers and tratilers Lt tit* holise known its the Key stone Poese. formeriy es-copied by 1 1 4 Keefer. in l sail city of Erie, be therefore prriy• the lionordhlc Court to grant him a I i eense for keeping a pub:ie tun or torero, and he as in dirty liOutul will pray, Ice. Erie. Jan. 6, 1933. . 1.1 , ALT W {GARNER. We the subscribers citizen. of the Vest Ward of the city of Erie, err which the above Inn Cr tavern prated to tt lieeCred is proposed lot* kept. do crrt fy that Walter W. Wiri.er..theobove applicant. is of 63.)d repair for honesty and tetnnerattee. bird is well proVided with house rzsain an 1 conveniences for the lode ing nd necommodatiou of strangersand travelers, and that Intel, an inn or invert, is tweeds iry to accommodate the public and en ter Min IMlnzers rad tra‘elers. W. Keefer. elution Duttn. C. F ?Litton. J. Abell. 0. 4 1.. Landon. J R. Cochran. P. Hall. A. C. Jackson. Wm L Warner, Porter Kelsey. A. tVaiters..l. 11. Wit:lain*. 114.33 GREAT BAWGAIN!.: 10 CITY LOTS for sale al haresins. call upon Dec. Itt3e2-33 CAOWELL COP.NNVTT. VIV b wish every body a very bumpy Christmas* 4nd merry New Tears. and if they will rah on us at oar Store, we will do all we can to waike them so. Please don't all coma at awn' _ Dee. W.-33. +worms lc Fill.L.lo. COOL; BOOKS AND STATICiNERT. ' A I SW supply of School Rook, pair received at So. 9 erown's kick, embracing altnovt every variety used In tbe Scbuola, of SO country. viz . 111•Gurfeyr, r. Ca, ders nod Speller. ' t 4 rtundere 4.1.3 . do ; 1 TOMS . 'do do Clark% Eirkharn•c; Sullion'..aud Weld's Gramnia re. _ Davies'. Smith a, Stoddarirr. Colburn'a and Minns' Aritlune- Sec pliatlerit, Olney.. Smith's cod Goodrich'sCoraes. Best Writing Books mud Writing Paper. luit. Pe nand Pen- Holders. together with malty other articles used to teach :the Moog idea bow to•boot." DCRLIN 1040 A N it.. Dee. In 1831 3: Part atoifis aria Wallets- ANEW and beautiful atipplr of inure elegptnt Pcnt Monies 4nd Wallets. jtul rreeived and fut sale at No. P. Wawa's Hoarl. Erie Der. 13.1'3+. 1/URLIN 9r. SLIJAM. • Notice to Otothitors. OIL suitable rkw (remain* Wool: aiso, lotwieatinE 01l for sins las Machinery. for rile lowly 3.1 CA it 1 ell it Survinnt. P 1 N P. CA RRI.A . 6kIt4! 3 NEW aod splandid one horse , camases aat ace at banal tat. Eficeiroof Dec. SS Wal-15. CA DWELL & SENN Err. ATTENTION ALL! TUC saiworibar kiptears to intros his Moneta and old c gs , losers. (as well as lots of new ones.) ONO he brut opened ltbkpoten t on the Canon Or grate 'nod MI streets. (one door below t Argos ware -room.) where be keeps an asionosent of wit articles as are Lund in such art establishment. My staek COSlBiate is part of Tea. Coffer, Boger, Tohaeeo, Lamp Oil, Mo laings.Cider, Viacom , . White Fish, Cod Fish, Pepper, Allspice, Metmeg., Ckrires. I adie,o. Pearl' Waren. Cotsßooth for e aildiers. Dnitee's Baking Powder, Candles, Bat awe, Char. ling do.. Crackers, soda biscuit, apples, oats. eiweintim wooden ware, alone ware. Sour, he., Ike., to numered• tospaltnn, all of witbeit I will melt as deep as others tor cask or to rogyi s at Th e riblie see respeettelig invited ned_sigantinit ity and 'Tiers,aree.llll.-41, ' . COTT. s3l_l -Ni,ts oil 'lr3 Ls 1:1 13 .1. H. 8U1tT417.: & ro FI:)L:T. Di;TTIANCER. R=M djairtir _4100••• 41 arks Canto. I Pia. Webs Was Ward of the city 1. itepectfnily reptelieno, that' to is well and eonven fence. tbe the ksighosi flingers and teat eters. at the house he tto oak's hotel In said West Ward. He there; Lk Court to gtatill hint a !Ireton fir keep! e. a and be, dJty bound, will pray, iWthpolitico Oa. 101%14 e • , • , vc lib both* titan of oar. ePr. anaemia/I ibiworaya the Havoc t a rib:le Ina or • 4 .. . • ie. Ten q. it re. the cenicribe- Etie in nl: ich the at plc/posed to he kept. gaiat is of go,cori try . ,i inevided Iva.' leilsr accommodation of % ortavern is uecrasar Ptimiers and travel Xirasst.— Win. F. Paper Keiser. Wm. P..liall, T. W. Moo 'min. r ttittena of 111,t V1 • -.‘t Wird of the ett) of .)% e inn or tart rat. e.l W lac lactated eertif. that G. W. rot. the 'hot e appti Ifor honeity anti ietnycranre, atu! Irwell 4.. N pa and ea:ate:llrace the lo.laing and auger* and t•avrit•rv, and that rich au inn oceouustudate the putaie and entertain :FP. Rendrreeeltt. D. F. Sloan. A. C. Jackson,. I. Gallagher. A P. Dos rli n. H H. Nle.sions. N . Murphy. W. W. Warier, L. Unmet , 'AU ; Ti Lis Ilaseralgt • THE petition 0111. 17. reopeettornv re room awl eon rem strangers and vavel rualuarly uecu Kqe. He alrerefure linenre far kerPing.. borind, w nl may. aLe Erie. Jan. 6. 1t.53 rt of iloarter Newtons of Erie Candy. .' • ',.5e.r114111., Lt lite city of kale. ta Erie coon. iwctits ihnt he tr vree provided with.heere for the todeleg ei.d aecomutodelloauf sa* the homer kituvvli as the New Earned ',wi t by Daniel Knobloch. to the raid city of .in the tfon4rable Coon to grant Into a pulltic tau or tavern, and tee, a* to duty RE9:tION: 4 . etizer.: , of tlo nut Ward lor cis of vr tee or tavt.in t pLayisd 1* Irernsed. tt 1 . G. -1 1 c.,1•33.5. ttia 10 4v named ..I.:•l.aant. i . m•vty t.,0',/ei:llMe. and t • Wet; pravrl t•l Coin e.sieect4 for the 10.:gioi mud trt•ro and tr.' I r.cri, and Ott s.te h 11,1,e it. la.e the yu td:c. Cad eutertaita airaujerszial We. the nutiser i tier Elie in which Llsett Le n, do eertity tts3t I 13 f goal repute for f 17, r,l' i with Impure l'././lil Ironuctatioa ofssrat etettrutry to actOottu truiretent. Siraed —P. flalt. Lind4n. J. 11. WWI I io!. Porter lielgey. 8 eorre. Ta'ier. A. C. Jahron. It. notes 0 A. ins. Vito hand roz. lieu. A. Li. njamla Grout. C. prowneb • ijLf adres of Ile C.itri of (I/garter Sesturts it/ E.e.e . p (3.131 r to i.gs. of the townifilo afarettaiii. reppeetbilly obowirth. th.it be I. p.e. M 0414111 :011VVillPiteee for Icsiging auk ' • otters :mit traoreters it the bootie he now ,ii.hip; he thereine prays the 'Folsom.* b.:rutty.: a p Itli lb inn or invent: 3J. P1:1111 STR ASAIIAN. ; . e.tizenq of eel' townchtp, Itf wh ich IWE= iiT the Ilowir iftle at I Jig Petition or& 1 alma'. and eia.an well pro?, 1/.4 wlth h 1 at totonlodutWo of in i ocettptes In 1343 to.: to.' art to grant bin a e itmlitt-Deol. e. I 1 ki l 'e the undeetilio_. the, ah.wo elientluae ielltioner it of g 03.1 i he,lii well provrdcd i ac4,,ittinottation !arid i neeeosay for the yiee ' tilmed,-IVioi.ua Le, an. einkliieti (1,. • i.i T. thy Puilt Chu rle ) red , thin ie. Ht.114.0i. icif fleaorabrc tke Pit Peace ett &kir ea • ri UE eClitI3Tl Or S . L and eo inty al' peoslilo%vitlit litytte iscentnilo4 Ilion of p ocettpieit eo slid 10' i 1 • igt to cram him a • ah.. 61 it:VI '. the. itillizrui,:n thei *hove an-ati nicC• littOorr it. of g 0 3 ,1 he ti well proottlefl nceoyanhnint ion of it note/mm..oer the ne 4iii sut4:—Besij. tl. Finley. /oho StAinu ittantlitr. eithitt 1.1 , a thritti meta, John Dr Otatrartl. Franklin Ft Itavern Is litt,d. do certify thatAtte above imite (dr titnemy and temperance, and dill 'llll hawk. romn and itomrrinences far the saris and trot curs, and that said h....ve is itimd.itiort pf str angers anal traveler.. . Cottre4l. 11. 1.. Prati.T II!.. Tracy. 1.. It. ; en. lingti M. Middleton. Silav kVlieeter.Ti 'l Tlivlnr. W4M law IV, Akerly, 11'itlidui Car l:. i24ar•o' I. f 3133 otije% of the (—awl dy qkarttr. 6.siom, 4 t y 4 • Lt.s. E n /..1 1% . i4W .7±ii Or tiIe t iONTIIIIIIIP Oir 11:KeZn. I chaid. respe:111111v intoweth that be a well I `Doan No I conveniences for the lot/wait and angers and traveleri at the house he non, r . 11 , 1 p he iheretora , prays•,tbe Mountable i • ettose fur 1t."4-plii4 a intidic Inn or tavern. tit M V et: WI4W 41.1. e nis of 311( untooltth to wbeeh Liver., it die> toy tli it Cut above woe for lecnteov ate./ vusperatree and that ith be tot ?elm and eonsentersers fio anert• and traveler.; and Out sate house is 1111111A1 1 100 01 strangers stud travelers. Eco • Bee k u J. t' .CliMln .W.ll. SA'l..rci I. Jr.. D4wlcl White. II irvey Rata. A.. 1.. Jotsr. Stay. Jr . etit.'l"rtsiniu Back, 1.. W. thi:er. Rowind I lowa. 403% heasraMs Lrris Coady. The pet i ticia at'%%•' Otvtday aforesaid. rep loi I th haw•t room and lion ul stratment an: *aid ttitra.hap. Itc him a lieettsciof Yeti • J.tn. 5 '33 dreg of lA, Jut: f Q.Sfigial Still ~a of 11, M.y of t he tawrwhip of Msllcreek and. .ettailt th ractli that he I. well trovtard enliven 01',..c- fir IA/int and neetruuncutrt , traveler/ at the boast he now °canines In 1 lerefure pr") e , lii: lialukirALlt: COUrl to genet tIII: A IIIJ411.: 1114,,Y1 t tverti IW. II . II %V, Id e',..1, -n , -,, VIM !rmk invenoblik. in wnith averii is t ) to keoi, 40 certify that the Hilo c !pine 1,3: 1,;05e.,q null te.si;:eratic" and that iii. hl'i.e room and eotlyet.it•tteer 4:4 the i• liprs :vi I tr. 4 voters .111t1 that sit.l license is • H ann I :ti'ln Cat .1( rzngerA and traveLis. : . n. Ira rnrkor, tribe. JoiWert. J. 6...-Nichot. 1, 31 ,- My. f. Minns ihiiIIVO. Oa:o'w .ri . , [MVO WWI; J .eob rti.e.t, John R. lii- thr lAC rihntic prationer of is of he hi well prnwiflot acedingli3drit url.t Bever a 'he pc: Signed:—'Photo. Ih lion. Henry S'i 0.14. (imam a, CharleoVit mall tka nritaraWit Ja . Camara. petitionar ty. re-p •etni , ly 6.).711e r00:1“111.1,1e.)11V , OrAlf ingors and trirr tier in ine eve.t xnr4 es of 14 Cotrt of t ark, St/SAYXI of El.e rgr Ta•wr ar t'le city of Crie, 1 i rai : etrin, preseut,. th it i• vrov tied with ,n genre. for the to Ii in; tad xaunntwl - ttian cry, at tile hanyc u 1W ocicupic..l by link/ TA- le honorable Corn to :cant him 4 Lieembe on or lab ern. and he. MI In duo boilitii. will ' :rie lan. ek 'al GEORGE TABOR. A CitiZell% of lir Vre4l ware! :dares:4W. lit tt.neti inn or is•ero t• pr.1.0tt...; to le key!. Tfl et the abote a ppl.ea ut 1.4 of gsed re temper:wee. sod lil mr . :l erovi.le.i %Oh eniencee for the Attecmata 'dation of ettnp- I that such WO or tavern is necessary' Rot tie therefore PirtY. 1 for keeping n puplic ever pray. 10... We. the ituhultit!er , 1 which the 41.4 . i.ti , we 1 i l du eeriiri that earg putc for honesi nun houretcoat air leoti, geri a - ml tr aTrietA. Ai their neeottinwfOL:o:. Si rim! : 4—rt ifili•un C . SY Aracr...f..,!nii Ste , ti. W . Sa% lea. . G RN:lent:dd. B c: Crrrn. Franttlin Hunt: M. •r. J. 11. 14 C. J P.A. G. %V. Fox,' Stasi...4i, WM r. 111111.10 . 11eCht. intoh J. 'Jai{ r.EW !WOKS 'ficy.losre—lvriee ✓temp lb. I'111;:, 'll—pricy - 2.lcent* dont Li re— , ol(.. 'LiatiL:--1+1.c.• 451 . In;121.1N & S! il).101; it:ST receive4frein Ppetwir 4 al et. • A .'wry at 1.11. ReLII:I3CC O.Aio rine J:vt. I. /II 1 vilie Ittl thr tor.etoi.e.cr r I ev.ttlidwut %% it. a •urply'of Meludgmis. :nl,ls•lave _ A 1.1•1.r.N0i1(11.%* fwnd sti a vtiiio j-i•t reTel‘ed e row. li.c IF , el— o Cat's aro j ust in .1! sl.ppl%; ni fr'ePti eon 4i tier !of otar-e-. le 44. c• , t:cc. Nu. I se ii g!.t 4)r nn./ kittu; nb.u, ptc kt..l bc.coir. CI 4118.1 winntity Ito crull'huo, 13r 1 :Ind IltlMrol ufl. ‘wt.lie yer:l44y te rt c Ilcome CDrum, I:ll6l'.!back. h c.. &c r}BINGING us Ji„) iu !ATTN... half hart white ti.h Ay die tar uit pureliagets, Fl lead, red leadoilbra green. iitritile. Uy this arrr at we !rift boxes. 44. n e ot.:e and Ilrazfr hurl Lily of Wooded and Nier:i. pails Willow also, wile. side Mrs.. Cont.tata ly on i pool 'ad a are In reet.t, t r.f freo!i rn kin,. in haiCoi Ind p'.llc.t.. or•ccse.c. n4, l E:co-. tilt Crif. green / I tekle.l n!-n, n ;arm. trldn• % I:10W Aol m, eCoilr and ;In inted an.lltithe. 'apm“. In erket b ist.e;o. otir, tr baxe+./41. florl3l, Ate(' tx and I_!i•octitti.it I latirrA L) the harrei.ll.rlr. fish. ika!l and C 143•- (!tiersit at.urtnl.tit lippJr* 81 NJ. 4 ..Vrl hteittockEric,ra. please Jan. 1 '5l - lord L !mat i NIL I,Pre 1 11,4 o , 3. epßt lOU I • t••tle t tr:l' .1 !ISTIL.I l'Olt%, inn Ibv !ergot'. ct A,lininktrallon hire the £truf hitter inneo. of Nntin 1:40.1 !4! 1,1.!..!4e,1 to +ale e.nale are fiord y' n..!nt wili!:.Ylt delay, and all persnas hawnig He n 11l I , lf.rt.r tirrPent .ttous Indy nothin g. ' EMILYt , . , Hi 11'1: J.% `.; 1.:4, 4 14 • rsi. erford Ylaak nom:: Notice; Al NT, over: 1: .1.1 been Kra tow nship..le: nr.i stied to ma claims aeatiii ticateit for act Jan 1 •S 3— Xrio att T a theotile of tl ‘Vntrrfu. I Ili rcirel that a Oh the wtrAtk j at the °Mee 01 t Jan. ';v2—. 1,73. tc :not 31:Alafft rP of the Eric 0)1 k ito*Nl t'ounriny. r.re. el V3l. it was r,•- 'l.tl so dr. i.1.1,.1 or rvar prr re,:t t.c drzl.tre • ..,11 anG ai,er the Ct'4l dal of I'e! nary ne xt. GUN 1 an I Treie. h is let Rail itoa-1 Company!' o mit nta I•lrcir.ll fur oftlevr. n Rill Rn...ul 'nu Pa 0.7 in thr..r tie nu:rue:C:ly the ISO (1.4 1.f.11.411:121) the;:t. 40A NI nu.l M. Irico La - N u ;: r r1. f :1,.. .. GH:Cc in Vie c bettvz.A.o tt e I, 0 3T loth y of wry .C. tirENCE.6ctmt%ry. i ..:.e. Et;C a.. N.:roil El , t IL it .i ' Wt.{ .my, • Erio., It. nce $7. load _____._ 0 TIOI.II lie Bona cf l'orttlr,oithr rrleand N(tjilt etniatu) r•rilentd al Ihe..tr , e Ili !IC ill.rl.lill Cot Ileerlta yr 1'..-4. rig taus t - rry or:dttoscll4) TIFSJi t td eitrrto•r,e of uplut,.fi 1,4% r. .11 2 cid Ig It ( na of the Cu . .ar I by State 'hr . lIIh de) efllarrt ob tUDI , . I.)•thr 411.. i nem , 1.1 to II Ncr. iry. entitled rlennz cit ,, r 1 ht..,:,... an .r et to oting in thr 1:•le Pc 9t3,lllC*ii•hiltflglinpn -4;11 en) i.t At.ttl 1 - :,!, d‘o. pro:c.,.:. sof It'r I.lcorp , ran,t.n. d it t• nrourr and tivrilioa :ectat_n of L;artc.f. of r•LI enini.any that idtvtd.l be .11blii , tted Ia the rtr•clholetraifur roe tIo; i T herr ro r,• I T n mem i • ►:.:sl vtny In liar el preamble end • or ►old y Gl' ISM/ LII• of tt. ram 'o of the • hoel l ❑ll9O me, ' IVtser, as d 1 ne.l Pal 10 t? the 1e.:1,4411r company—.ll po•anton orth chanyn. the la annaa 1-efore the the !Oki :1141,-n thaw areertal &solved. IT and ilt IlVi in.ttw city or A. M. of said cent of he oaf e .at a y ea TIC 4ceting Of the ,toci.tia: err fa IA company ,11‘ , 1 to convene at the of.i^c v.s.! conitytlaY tilt! I:aft day or .I.io.tlry item.. at to o'choek iletermioe t%! - ether Hit y w ill Or thin hot we the Hill tl.l of April , Reetetar:. shnll igt,e act le_ of rand muting caper,. in it e cm% of Lite, our in the citi of Ithe cii} r.f New York. by giteti that its 14.rsisanto of the Kiregctine .rst in tit tie tine and place obetre irpoee thrreih %TIT itied. .1. C Frt.'', trre F. r :ei Yotttiezrt R,k. Comirinz, Elie. ra. Dec. 27 PAW. P Ladles. sti3 Intoraitting to All it711:41. No. 2. Wright's block. Plate-meet. ye put Fceri*ed a pupply of eery due arti i act ' at it Iwtt ‘0 ID • Iser *esolred. in at least too and zowrict:— repolatlclp useotioued fo II (Pl ' the Cheering oth vu N Erie Pa.. I. tied In the li of Anions tbe are embroidered fa ritnilar.ehtirneter. for every 41.1) 'lure. AND MIFSEs . StiOr.s% , ; Hu, .aini rhos. white Kid do Itronaed ey •Ilk golterrhod nri.osb other I rt ktcis of also the buhrtautial 3flitcifil needed by all U4)01). SIIOCV. CR iirrs &e .their variety Ogg , _111 , 104t• (0 syceity. Slither it to eat, [hetr lye and complete than ever be,CJIT, and what Customers, prices wen suited to their da deavor to man itest a Marc wffillty ri ppriKt 1..- lid for abstaining from the nor of those sOle Nations resorted to by some. falpety reptesOnt Wee than others. and permit thew to dabble Own duty puddle. while W & N. will !Tule- e to rive unmistakable assurances that Ora ngt he best of stork at 11101°watt possilinepri ed. end orutiably is far from being equated oßrous pretenders. Vela) , not to seetire i the min an early pelem lon. l'ee 1:3 ISS*4I For Gents,irear yelt it would be sill stoek Is inorersten is hesti.f all for the' sires. They will e don of the public in common plhee exp. ins their Goods clue unmolested in their vor by their praetl lhcilitin for proeur ees eannotte surf by even the most advanuitreehririns TABLE BUTtt Dee. ?S. 45 by the lb. at HER'S MAGAIIIND. ,•of Harper's Net, Moollo v Magoizinc.juore ,'. Brow ti• Hotel. Tote to the lied numb* of One of the boo ..Ver & 811.0 %IC seas] A LAEGErupp eeired al No. the new voleme,a Erre /nu. 1-34 auty is Beauty o Nature beautifitl. but wao tursetreteitied utiful articles at dioektoo & Voltees,-ima Aft Can, if not cseel, yet etosalyspriazi of Nature. ord to the wise is svMetent." - M. Admission free! Dee. IS -41. ►p lIERE U uttieb 1. the rieb sad beau hesitate to admit titai mate to the beauties "A Doors open et 7 . 111- as Salo of Dry Doodsl -7 York She N.. •, Boinsaßieek. 41 Ilia Ns "C‘ LEGA NT Cat 121 fur ISt 'ander) • for 14 at any other sown! be sold for the beet amortmen embroidered Colts Tieks.Plasseie, bl Need et New York oar emMea 'bait • • lio S. Bormell II . Erie. pos.lll • and De'nines. worth IV /1 and 87j ta. as good detaines for 12j as can be Wight tore. elegant Cashmere Long Shan Is welnh id. elegant Silks for party and turret Oxiolkors Of black Silks ever brought to lists Matter. huts Ild eta. to /10-111.0Ileyards Prints tied c.bod L 430011 eke .. all of 'Hatch; are now ses huehasers of Dry Goods will Wide !home b (*Meg at dm Xr" Ira* 1110 lea. 1111:111114a ItAydL flaky i naAllAlll4 end dkidefe iliaostiesibir humeri ewe be bed ‘-Al Et /Go. e leneeriN *ad. el DURUM & * LOAN Weft Gift - cooks! POTTIER supply of gin boake. suitable for low% sod old: 11 will b. received 01111 day by express. at 110.10 Browner ,11 0 rd. talc. Dee. I.s 1836-11 DU111.114 & 1 1 1 MA :4 C. %V. Fla NOTICIZII • 'HT t a ntworiberlotentlinit to mote to the West rect voting,. 1# d ..erptas of settlin; hi. attain , . and hereby calls upon nil Indebted to bun by note. hook account or in any wny. to colt and alljort the sante w chin our month. ottberuite they will be Oneed tbr bands of a proper otheer fir roliection. it is earnestly !taped this Dome will receive duo attention. Erie. lice. 110E01-31. JOSEPH 1111.4T3111.1.F.a., /VIII: Subscriber re ill red at private rate the house and tot be I now occupies on Tenth ranee: insinedialey ID the rear of Holbert's oil fittest,. l'be bons, is two stories hush. roomy and sonwebiently arranged Sur faintly Domains, Thelol Is a full one. ennieated and contains different varieties of line hearing frail tree+ There is upon the preeniee. n west of 'never Calling water. nal a g Yid barn. .tpply Cur testis. and other panteidara to 'JOSEPH MATMILLER. Elie: Dee. P. taSt• inn NT, orrter. is hPre:sy Ovon that letterrof littinlaratlcat hire LI been grouted as the rotate of R %V. Colmit, Late or I tor Ilia. dee.. all there Isideldrd 10 sat,' e•te:e. are hereby notified to prytarat watt° a delay. and all ',wide hartngalaimaagainst fiti.2,4;., preoent them dale otrheutic ate I meta . Pre. I I COL II Alt 1.F.1( ER NA N.Amnutvtrator. Locks and Latches. A I. %AGE assortment fart recce ire:l Net from the manutaet 11 ary foe mile 'astrally lOW. . OCC . l-3 co. & s()o[my State. Empire. Water% !eel and 1% - s.terlon lota, and 'quart. Shawls. at pricer na ad t iheutiitinn. r. le Ncv. IS 15.51—te & Ma white and colored Kidfiturea. at tire 'shilling and Ade) rill:ewe pee pair. - 'FINIALS 4k 111 Ali vat WINTER drained !Anil ill and Witched Elephahl til! rl5 Erie N0v.2411141-10 .1. 11 • 81.7RT1 4CI PA. 1 1 11 E throes cit'Ainerlean Anshori , the most /*alnico nix* to I ri"irtilY. ilinntrat lon. and in binding. ever published, just received limn Pritina.nri at SOAP, Bowies Dole,. Erie. Dee. 4-33 • DUMAN & 01.011 N, Esirari of Cionotos rpu 4 smPSON'ai Dank Ate Itepartir awl the Sentrell.--the one • Canino& for •• esti Ins up" the "tank■, and ;he other ho —rut ting "D"tptackerv—can LC fontad at Na O. Bran ;is Ilntet. - • Etsr. De:. In. -3., Sl. l - _ NEW GOODS: NO 3:. riturfir BLOCK. A REM:CELE & sicr(Lcs are now receiving their %%71liter £t stock of Staple and Paltry Ury Good., consisting in part of the following goods. French dud English Ifdrinoes. Para ekettas, I.:stek and colored Aim was, Bousbasines, plaids and hipired Persian Cloths. plaits and dwired Ire Lain*. plain and IL:aped Vels etc flay State. tin. pier. Watervlie. and rtecy.tli lona and; Merrienark. eockieco. 'Munch 4loix. Allen's. Union French and Unkind) Print•; Silk,l . 4slsturrc and Gut4nt Fiwiery: Kbl Menne, Thotet and Silk Mover. Silk and Linen Ildltre Vrl% et, Hormel.. Satin and 'rations Ribbons ; Wald. striped. hook. ctn. nod. ,•rot and mall Mus:ins. French a orked I:itder,lecgro.ll.::sts. )' , blare. inserting and Cslg tip. For Ile's wear. lima i -nods. MN Tw. cds, melts, Kentucky Jrnnsand ti rey, also, a goo.l supply n and white Fl I'ji:lcF•lnris and I►rairer... I 0 Meg CR —2 L 44,A 4. WA itriddt.4l bleached Shirting. rind Sheetin brown Sheeting. and Mtrill.ingi.rearn'e... Hags, brown and 41 taq nant cotton ynttt., carpet warl., baiting. wicking•. wadi! etc.. at prices a• low as can is found in the city. All we ask of tho-c nrwril n 2 to toy 04 an: emninailou of oar good. Port prices. and we "shall be satisfied hith tha result. - Elle lice. 4 lOU. Jan-aary Appointments. DR.,11. TrRRS. anal) 1 tent P.l3)..leiait.froin' th e cry at these land. tvi'.l he i is a.tendaticeot his rooms as tallowy a Erie—Brown's 1140, Monday and Tuesday Aflcruoon,'lllth and 2.3 th January. . it i ra rd—CV right's nett!. Pa turda v , ff2d „Tao. Those alliefed with Cron ie diseases of the Liver. laings. Kid neys or ttpleen. thadtwllions. Rhein...loom. Asthma. shortness of breath or difficulty rsf Illreathing,.lllspepoia. Dropsy. Vkl.alitiess. or Nervous-Disabilities. Restlessness'. Low. ul Appetite.. t'onsto-' pal ion, berspgrment of the clunnaelt. nations Attections. G ra rel. White an ethug. or un.. Wog standtegi disease...arc invite to call. Cuitsultalsou Der• nr. - -r. isenaereareew ear Viateteraarle he aif ' patairt% he never use. Mere ury. Arsenic. Arylmiony, or any other wirer al as a medical 010011; nor sa.he a Tbanppeouinn—be neither steams no, gives emetics. lII* theory of doeate differs from kit' others that have been ;Mowed. but yoga more so than does Missy/- tem of treatment. V ,Ile dm cunt make nick to make Well, nor tear down to tmild up`agyin t nor allay nen o Is instatkpn h) patching up 'midi atm- The folly inte letter, though briet contaln. the substance of ninn) that aie alnoir dad) being Tiled no.. and will be rebut n jib interest be a itaturroun elastic sulti.rers, aho hat e felt !bat fur them .. there is no hope " Though never assuming to ell: Cl a cure in all lasta;es, jet etperietwww ill warrant the contidtsit assentoo, that s. may Me out of every one h aidred person* treated, have been *wad laity improfed ur fir ly re•tored to health It will tic remembered. too• that the 'most comp' icated„ idayield rilianilrlio.realieznercavonstitut a large majority of the applica • \ I "Ara's' art .r. net liitli,lF.a. Da. D. T:110.. S 10.: Aries a long Wog—sums. • c ye irs—of surT'ering from a hat appease.Peo be romost every disease. aa t . sir. ter e4l:thg 00 PO 01.10 5 ploys c i ins, trot trying so mut Y c a reg. un til help })rented ..upusuntae. I 1.3 v..... opt found liestilt I.) our inlet a erirse of your treat:lima. Ildin in the eide. shoulders _ and hi p. d I ti.1!111.1N. ~ 1, raft nefo. lanai/h. of the bowels and limbs. inere among the ardhiary ..) utptounittio addition to which. I at• i limes became wrath. bit .11 and (piste betide.... I had 'wart fir 1/ en a. ell tapper el ei Ming tress criFfettalile • but by 11.0 Did of I tifettle 4,00 Fit Cli I y toy, I dal now tgliesed from all ihoq. st rep. . Lint.' and for annul that I know, alit perfectly health:. Treat. ..iwiit was continence I Inet Apra. ,i Mew. Lutrir Ai).‘ ms. . 4 n Pli eget. chance Cr ntspointinetneS riven alive we shaft po's i 11-li a new tesilmoutal. comprising ik all a var.ety of intere,ring eases, and in all eases id...c.• tel trod, ~ .j2ltikaing ... mimic , that rkve iirk. regu I. sly tip ttttt r. I fival..l.l4wo. eitber art at.' Of call op en them lob ant 4,1 C 1011) the ecru. art sulferrig ondated. I 1•e.% 21, 1532 —O. 1, i ir E VT - A:Pt D - rit - irs - g - iiiii 6 a 1.117 x &&til Tot: UIIE,%I I I.7.3T•PLACE IN TOWN ! Ls at 1111o4res. wroonn II At 3 !wen receiving Andes new Greeraies. and t oiler el vitts;" limn useful and °mantel tat, all of 1046 !lei s eoulidetit,lie can set: twirl, c hengey than any °fills ilei.,l4ws. creator imall As tsp • proof of, to. podding is in the eat t TIL , cane and try I Yoh will ti•.d Teas '" that make pleasant families." I ...Ayer., sugars, comish. Mackerel..wret khan- ta..........citc Vas • eta'," Ti.! nee°, Pip. g. •11-t - trii, staler:A*4.. Pork, ileapls„ lt.i.tcr. Cheese. Dar; and Table clalt. - Al . a veal varier rtf %Vie/den and Willow %Vats% sir : llosoins. mass said JV Mat.. %Vag t . one. Om:Pee, Pails, TOP, IV0e1:1,0i. rd. &s. so , a well se- It•Cirll and general vartely el e•lssty;Coofeettondry." In-eign aed Willie traits and tints, cud an etegint ••troyiic of (aory Toy.," ac" rvr. Cash paid far Pinter, Cspr, pee / hard. tlenns. llatn., Pot It, Pedaloes. Apples, &c. " - T. W. !.lIJOTIP.. Erie. Dee. I P. 1 43 2. ' 1 111 fill) Stnta Mims:. is claim. ia I shape of Nam. Rata,.,. IIUII ant all liras uf eductits.s tit Ltd e hleart en li4 wish fur at Trice. 111. —,74..4 GoFre. . . s CIRIBT3TAS is at haw! lig: II • rina those' wrio n i.h le disaiie Presents lon sateantrial tirm-lkisoird ear at kt'arren's Fair 'store, where Fasts 'lnd Coen art call be studied in select/DO from ,u. large Stoel( of fit s, and-brier vet dt.sirable Winter Go-al.. ' Erie Dee. 25, 1 6 .:4 —4' Iv n W r.L:Nn' Now For C l hriataino and N 6119 Velars AI:STiN has just tricsukt form Naar tiuk splearN4 arlecle• or Write lon.. lewrirs. raacy a. , 1 Top.. whi.se 11.1 , 1 al1•t Patna cam find icancthlag approprial, I. the t .ate and' paCacl! j.ist about theserf i'... A calk it reoClgtfally soliched, opposite llrown's Hotel. Stair strret. Erie. 1.31 —43 Sunbury and.trio T. 4. rt. Company. Pr.44)Nli TEN Ool.i.Aks per SIM C. pu t% the steel of this s'out,tuny. Will he .Air and tmil'•le Pit the !Olt orlon:mg. A A. 1.411, On those *113f(4 , on wlth•lt ele. • ..tt dollars I as Meru pant, int}meut M tune dollars wily 16 ii/ Lc re quired. Payment may Le nantle to Nissars; %Villiants at: Mien. r.rie; 'the West branch flank. William, port; Dr. W. A, Irvine. War r. or to the moletnianed, at the tie of the Company. Girard ilOiLling.:l had st wk. !claw Chestnut. • Philadeidhea. Itee."l6. CRAIG DlDDLY..rreacirer. N.rrit lersi2ited !twine lost return( tl from a merlin of the Boyd of Directors 111 Ph iladelph la,. tt whteh the above Wall tliteeted, would urke the iinportkoce ell a prompt emisplismee.,4 is intruded to put a Imre portion . of the work umter contract, hrthmt within the mouth ulTebrUary. 1:r ie. `re:. kit. Ir6l JofIX 41.1LIIRATTIL • Rio,Jar.;7ltl.l !Agit i I_7offdo jos' !PP../ andtOr rde taTr.R R.l -.TT Sr. (;R Y. iv OW I. the time to Iny in n 1 4 t0v4 cfPooksf :r three inn: . wfti• A. m *et eenning+—cleil. fin in,.iintr. as Vnitt Ky.'. or theWm ird of Itte.rant ~ Vries 51 rfs, , - The Nair ie feco.r. a 11 , th:ince of Honker I.re .. s+l 4 .• Iles& and Hearts. of My llmthor 4 'clottet '*. 53 .. - ThA ewarir:, sired. or Tie r.h). or Marlrn .• 50 . ' t Tire Rllle katiger,—a rimy i 1 !kite and War " 33 .. Cella: N. Y. above 116.1 1.7 abler ground 73 New rock by Gas I.l;tig . - .. • .23 ..! _The Ilein. of Derwelo ‘Vnter ' - .. A u ~. Kate Perron, or late and its Leakage •• 63 .. . The Wedding Dress •• 23 . 0 The Three Strong, . Men •• 2.1 .. - .leant Ilit cr. Ilte - retnzle I:i,eiwa) arum - ialdefoY. the Freebocser - •• ....3 •• Genttemen Jlek. or Life nn The if and •. el •• A Lite of Viei-nitmieg- 11 ialtiril ,•• 2.i. 44 The History or II r nry Hrtunid. HS2 . '• 30 Tnlrther w:lla a large vareety of othct chap and reada (looks ' DU RUN & 81. PA N. 'n i Erie roe. 19. P.M Attraction at,ll , lvoikkaerrie C 11-k: A P Cl. O'T II ING ST Oift E., Irriirll's Neck, Statettirert„ Lrie, P c / ,- rf 1 11 E Proprietors of this estitlatshment. Leg lea aa/to announce I that they hare now on hand a ,eerie varied and elegant as• st,rtment of r.azt. 411th =l"#:a crupinzara. To which th-v invite the oaten' ioNof the publie. Fontidcnl'that ut style and finish it cannot he eseelled. Dar .toek canting to part of the following. sir : Deets and Titek COMP. sack. owl half Sacksof cloths. CO/lkilneres tri tweeds, till of new 10 is and at very low prices. ovi.rsacks anti, Dimmips of black. Won n. blue and drab Homer reit. Pilot and/rituthiii; Cloths. VESTS! VEST,E!! VESTS!! - ! A rich and moot beautiful nasorintent ever allele, Oatin black' and fancy Silks. Merino, Val atria. Italian Cloth. Satinet'. dou ble and single breasted of every vaiiety of material and pattern, Coder tilting and Drawers of every den riptiou: ' Voles' (nothing, Consisting of 130y1. and / Youths' :Limit. Frock nett Doily Coats. (her Coats. Patti aufif Vesta of all sizes and qualities and at very low priers. /' hilfßref :rflfßTs!! Slif/ITS!!! Tine white eh i tis of linen and Cation, of the newest styles nod make, fancy cheek. hickory and blue striped Shirts of Pico hind. In WA. yo t wilt find everj•artiele in our line pt 140. 1. Wright's tit k. Call and miniad quitllty and prices. - lict IP tedit. , NEW GOODS. JUsireeeived. And now open Ibir inspection 01 ma imbue a large and most desirable selection of Pall and Winter dress goods, which we are determined to dispose of at very low rates, our motto being small profits and tptick sales. Ton are respect. fatly invited mesh and me oar stock of pods betbre purchasing eleewbere. GEO. BELDEN & SUN Erie Oet f 1834-411 N 0.4 Tracy's Block Ellen GOFFIS onr:4.—Avery snot varied soaps for the Toilet and *thee S promotes. Including all the latest end meet elegant and InedY pellinted k tad.. 23 CA & laoitirs, No. Reed House. - WO 11.111 W: +HE DOCKS. covert's; Dim Wesisr, Lots. teethe, OA to lino Wm Hesse. 100 by 40 fut. sew ices itild.by -Walker * Tibbsty. Poi brow oPPIY to - Erie. Dee. 114.-4221. • , Off. W. STARR. Rosso sand Lot for Salo 1 Adirdi&trat , ,rs Notice. • t •~ Loud Winter *vani • No. 9. Brow - Lem Hnirl. '4lt .111 It St Osrts=lilt T ffivaa,„*.u"sitilmititen email Wean of thie eitytaisd *at they Wen now ori baud and are daily reeeivirg bp express lame lots of those Snit naltintoeo Oysters/ a pot gp 'sweaty for flintily use in large and small elms. Tothose who.bave used them it is dlineeewirtry to give Anther wake Wan that we bar Ahem on hand. but to those who have not been so G.dtunsie. we would eat t':at tr.cy are 1111plenr/f to any Owners lii ; Mc market. if 3ou dou't le:lett give up a eau an d we w i ll eon% lace you o:the fact. E d farther pratteldriv call at e1..t11.1i. Lg. MctIAKTLES. tintlestrent. T. S.- Orders from it e country r•dir tied and promptly attended to • Eric Ike. 4 1C.51.. ass •• C O'1"1' A (I E I N K." AYewsupp4r.of that tam 311,1 Ink. known ay the Cottage Int. kot the thing Par ISCIWOI purik.went, p..tUp in atone Ultlal. for sate at No. F. Brown's; Hotel. Dee. 4 Dt;RIAN tk 231,0Aki1. TIIE StaSweribeis will fay Cash and make contrite!, far the coming season. Pr the CI:1(1*m; dere/44km of Limber Whitewood hoards 6-9 rind 4-4 I whe, thick. Plank 1 3-4 mail 3 incite,/ think. Peanttu i 31.1 land 4'.v 4 diiare. COlllllll3-3.44. 74. U-11. 10-10 and 12-11 tirrirr.eyeaniore inch that. A Boards and Plank fro.n Ito *oche+ thick. flier ry lloards.rteantlina rind Colinn.llliite Oak boards and Plank. Whitewaxl:4yeainore and Cherry lonn'ier tie 12 feet long. Alb fnGlis IVO 18 reit len2. BELDI'.S & SON. Erie Dee. 4 1e3.1. pR I NT:c —AII 4 OIIIICH iL CU . * &VW CHIC Celli* , Pc j:ied upwards Der. 4 le-.12. DItY 6001)t3. nror.nl ore3rtment or Dry :C0J.:1; Cif .lle on I;3ltOrLable I te'm• IT i'ec 1.111 U. SK LDEN & SON. • Oartzin risturos Ttits dtr re-eive f two ern+. of Patnlner Patent in; Conlin ti owe.. at.) i yt to:1 agmortaketit of rord nod 1'316- Mo. Erie Ike 1 7 -1111 RUFUS REF.D. HAY Knives al the Citelp 11.44 ware Sage. H Frio Per. .1 —1 I RUFUS REED 4 0 ,2 I.kad:ll h phi have wen the ineroro ‘..." miens awl ascertained the prices at the Cheap Illardware 'rare Erre Dee. 4-43 RtTnrs RIM). " . L. . Al i . :.' • - ofiftifir. Li IT fir vVEVIT I " ---- ' f itin Paliserthers are WIA ollering le the plibile a general and well wdecte.l A toek of llry G". 0,,,,,. Groeertew. Csiotke,y, R“os. and Shoes. (losh.. l larsinteres sod Vestlnes. a!! of watch will be sold as low *sat no) *um in Etk.fire Cask or reads pas. lire .1 1953-14 stEN ANTI' k CO. ===ll I3R' W 4 t porei;i*vv., at the store in the Sennett Mock, ot pried whi*h eannot foil to Heise. Dee 1-30 PENN err it CM V citA.BATIA 10.11101 VEX/ENT I SAFE INVESTMENT AND NO HUMBUG. pm: Toner in trirrhive Groeeri7o, Wooden rind Willow Wore. i Wine* ;owl Liqmore. Utts, Seip. U,ndlcs. Fish„,Coudiee. Fruit &*. i* n tit 17:* Grocery Stun.. Erie Dm. '11.30 , ovro.; , e rocte% New lluirl tit-iie St. LIQUO3IO.- tvind the bc+t 14sorunent. of I.ilunni is this city. I from the Lest einuiries duo u to 23 'pot Wls.key. Eric Pee. 4 tF.:3—a) T. W. .11400/.E. t 2 i.up Ft. Itockiark am 'Mita o. aslon. r We lure en lens Rr:V: wifn , nnent jus: rteC I% C I 'wee b v.v.,. Pre 4 3t) ' • T.' WI Man At.. I medicine of Watt , is A I.ARCIR assortment of the above ware eonsirting in part o ( it now. Tubs, t!hurns„ Lures. Prints. gitenit Mauls. Spoons. Rolling l't no, POlll. e !lathers 1.en1014 r:querzers. E 1111• vita Towel' Ral.rs. flush,' Rots. 5fOP s:ks. Outfits Pins. 1114. Lltters. Measures, Ate Milt es. ficrlers. Hobbs Rotors. Dread Trans. Situ : 4 witt.. ere ,ere.. may be frond es mooRF:•14 Kap Pre 4 IQ:4 7.r t telei,qte !grown's New Note) smog pi. TOR Inthserfbee" have eoniiiseb,l with stasis store n largr stock of read" made elothin of Warne nnnnfaetore. In 'rifle's Iney would cud the aitesitino cd• the pnbl.e, Itself stock eons-t• in part of revel'. Itzems. stark rinds fver sick I.7nnts. Tani. rind Vests in endless votiety. nil in oh. or Tite f-en ma ler inf. n r.b Aridity nod sts le unsurpassed *and rte , ..* Inwa. to astotii.h the beholder Piense end :did examine for youri-Os Erie, Dee. 4 1/ 4 54-10. - VINCENT nimitnn & en. A row oda ace %Care on hand of law own and natierai uritinfactn re Sliver Spoon.. ladles, Sugar Tong.. anJ Rennin( and other Silver Work made to order. ITI .er.. dune .oineriorst le. Corporation and Socks 1r ffleall engraved and Ilse sinking .;one equql ionily in floodoro cede, N0v.17 1.T4-110. P G. I.(KYWIS. ICCMN ERA oil. 10,4 oil and Nicsitlifoo4 oil Erie Dee les-41 • CARTER & BROTHEL, A I. ' and varlet 10-ortment of Trumpet... etultrac tn . / all the lam tat hrovetl Pal o nu. ois load to nit :Me and 31.4 i anA will be properly titter, if rrqui ref! n it bout extra tort.gc. • holt !der hrace , alld...lpppitcro of r too., Moat all or which oth he at lenathao New York /P . 1.11 prlf. VP. to 211 who pt y matt nosy of the abiive articfra we pay it o 111 ar much to tour inattritt to call before buyinirlyeurttere. - I>rk 4 t P. 111A1.1.. 11192 WEiroLDS az.N ND AZT -• L. 11133 Quiel, See. sad seas.! PrkSts! TA4f u 'dy Dssie ) Score ii Alf 11444!! r It II I: Su! returns er rerns tha. ik lliil muster° Is customer. for JL the I i heral patronage ree,:ived. ac! Ifilyti from the greatll.l - now otrcre lit wig he continuo() and increased. Ile hn. putt rt l i.rt red from !Wad quarters a large supply of nil articles its his (inc of trade. bought at the lowest prices and of excellent l'l'llit‘, warranted good and offers to...apply his customer. upon the meet liberal terms An are invited to call and examine he fire haying elsewhere a. 'great m-cs arc offered fir buying gmitl 3r:tele, at '0 V ptsfeli. P. 11A LL" I:tie. Nov. .1: 1-31 1 .:9 I -- - Itliillloo - 04.47 / .% V he had at liiirlin ' i t 1....0 Reuben lleditrott. nr 't Kathay, n erui".e in' the ' tiarden tValk. with I ' A New England 'Pat , Recollection. of a , roil. orneles I'm Yoi , Ito-,k of Snobs f. t r " ;e i r i Pro .n . 'ti s _ .--- '. done, they will not • - max? eaoss: . at all times , a hrge nail r te..e ittry-firerekas soar ! ! , i a E A i s t - I. rtr,rEtvcti a t ?C I . 9. Itr.tvyn.s II air'. the fillowintt f. ,r 00 ... own Layout a near and readable 111 . .. a... any oat: ut sratelt i.lll be hadtar i wry i e ,,,, Frock, Dresr 1 t'eirle,- , ' rat.,llra we:P. Cu A Book kir a Crime , . new eerie.. i will be sold at the Tatar Talk thou. llook•. %fell aii.f 3lroners . .. , iIfACI if anything ( .nee Pas., er hire on 111,. Border, goods and prices fo Whims:ma Oddities- hry. It o .p. . Ott. Mime:ma rtoesal Philiirophy.2.l series. .7 i Cr'-; ...--- 23 If'32 __ WM ks a oaralts of nn American Farmer in Eng:A.ll.2d s e :;. rt?i ' =o3'o C Sicily., Pilotim ige. . i tr •le T itistats r Nov. t.l. It•Sd. - 11e111.1N /r. 1 4 1. 4 1.2 N. 1 .... r ot.; wt ilt ii)v0...,,r. f):4)i^. ttp-vr^Poa. coppren.. erimm ,• rit I mkuls• j....t Li tartar. extr ict of Ifliitoo , l.l.o , lliliCll.llo Wlllft. CAtillWOOil. i L nice t " C". I ' d indizo awl estry other variety of dye stutt e r relpitreif..selling i we ntedge our bon wholesale :mid Petal! Al the Innen posstlde egure at %W.-city drug binge. SIAM ../ ' Erie 1 tee . 1-3 r. • eade :int onr„ `iilks, P. riAr,L, French Merinocs. dela ins for Is per y . ELl.l33thitt,7 to stir up tbe People: . 1011/ am! rondire it t eases. nic.l Plaid. in great W r. 4. l Zi e l 1 ) .1 : I riis o Zl e a:ile il t h e v .o:o . r k ri l ir . l ? r U i l‘ tit?a " t ? ; ir c ii i . ;l o s ( per yard , to Ilugh n t tbe idea small figures and good tay Ics. c..lors warrantot pelmet!) fast or , snake Gilt neighbo money refunded. Cili.lolll4gtlllllll4 call early . A ko. I ra.r,l.-111 . uselc.• trouble. w Yordo Mu`lill de La-Imi. Idir.taut cotra• IBA de.igns. sr 1--ti tents i before ptirchanit per taro. 'l'lllll.ll..l'k II Art:S. I Slerts t•o•ight re Erie Bee. 19 1153.3---22 • No. I itrowiesVll•irk. ' rerith the-bur , . a o , For the G ts. sr , riegant Dross Goods far the Ito/liday4,/ i . r PiLi./ 't r;.4 7' l'itl.:11: COST. ; rery :he . ti i aiii. or • i tit aril , s. •I prie rriltlll.ln want of an ci.;_ouit Sibk. Crolonere. Mon. de To ine , i Frimi,l and e ~,10 L orNiertoo Brest, w ill do yell to‘.lll at the New Yuri' .t•tre - ' ' ' VI t .1: interest'. • where anl; Bruck in the (ha Gem!, lint. eau be pyrehased at New •.- -- --A York 11014 • as the wi.to rc...:'. ne s t Is• s. Id mime") lir'''. l ' . : I•l9, l Trlnonln 1!1.ltf: WK . It DAVI. 2 .i , I w opened nt Z 1 lire 'lB-!l!. , . No. C 11,1t4-11 llatlek,, State r fleet. 11,01 ; 11•41., ( 'arsit1 __ r nt C' t• 9 1 • -... t' ) • et Ic A • ' ~ :i.'llic.stVg"milla. 1 . . % NY quantity f•f Iles!' xreuriu ri.pir hr the T: ,-r,•;1 nr e...:,.„, 1.1 and warranted to !::: n ~ v orrolr arti:•le al -tiro: •.. Mills I:rir. Irec le-:3li. .:_ • .10II!i 1:1.1..111 r? t kiill A ';11 , —.1. to •...t le, ii i(711;1 i 7 l•7lurtr, waitUfae I . 0 7r 4.1 t;y L D retied t•hbart. of the 1,11 t w:.rraitted eq,sa I ton •in use, , si." -- Jau- --- 1 ---- tos will he saki at Ile! 'hi ker. ir:tule....h- prier. .s. i a1ii17.1311.3 a. r Olothiag and ClTie — sthel i:ric. L'i e... IS 1,-5!- - ed. -li l' , JEN, riN . a: rri.i...1171. ; T. 6.: arqd dit roan ..ko. 7; Reed Nov.., 6y the .P*Oprilit./c f . JalCall Kuch,witA sittiosl durdel. —_ —________ __.4o . ron , a a T 1.1 .Zt A .. 1 wINT V, R CAIIPAIG'S OPEN'Eti. :ri:JR 1 E :-I/Ln i:" ll ' nr:PCIr • PI:-41 "" T • FRI * P A ' liavfa; it nmst mixrilf.cetit andduatch'estassonmerit of cant ( i ()RGE W. FOX. I'IZUPP ET OR. I ! in; of the hioleelit materials lid unexceptionably cut. and rll,lllB Hm i oei -titian. iht a, (ea sa••;is f.m the Easterh and ! made in th e shall (hot slop ) hr perienerd workmen in the a lVes'erts Re ii rva.l de14..:. —ha. 1.4-ell e.l Ir furnished and ! hest manner . after iall patterns, 'e do. with hefted' confidences fitted up for thr occuiiiiwidai..m of ri l'R . iihßci AND TRAV- I challenge a contrail...Ds of wit iloculs and prices with those of ELERS, awl as n iefatn:lt :.11.1a.,:reea'd ,stoppiiii(nlace r 'femur. ally fl..twr e‘uteishinent between the city of New York and UM 1 1 ,44 : 4 1•y any in tile Illy. shucked! aii is a i e‘rellent etalite I ray df Erie. We i lcarchased these goats and made thee sip to and °this :wen md others atious i,r tea ',acts awl from the I sell—and—and—a d fulinity. Pit -mutters nein :l.f:fC. , ff fliltall to and from lilaEars IL r sirs'," RE SOLD!! - • owe of charar. 4.7Jilrge.ted- null's. v. Any silvtn or bay Aline for a hod. rest or pants. by metier Erie. Dec. 19 L-31 ill 1 his , wrint. known me. a ill I-e arcominodated with an - allies . '----- ! that will suit titin—let • • prier that wilt suit him—only call—tail — 3( .4 if yo I do cold: part a richer Amin harliter niati—tity tame i • ii 1101 ila e. Tut% el ; nig nn;s.*iithrrlias. fth - als. Under Skirts, and Drawn .. 4 Cqllars. Sit% Eland eveliters and efievata, -Giese". auspeedste, cheap for money . No. i', Reed Willie. Frie.l l iov• - •27.i . JACOB scam. 0 . . /I 0 V 7 , • ANT) il::.‘r)y . 'pH r.1..r.: :. ,..: an I hest „,"n0.,1%.&., cent u. The Mote. ttf .1.!..t Tht• :(,,,.I,ke. The fr., , . • Thtt It ytk rf le ilenl4, The I Ellie. I 4:- , t 1• ., Ttre a 'tit. fate Atttol..tt. i l The Et; ' of Sttama„ TOe !. y (tribe Vatpey„ . The( .14 rellone% t)fe,5,... 7. . 1 h felniterffner 014 r toy. T e ttnaw DroP. de Tokett of Frieoc‘lti p,, he t:t If of 1..0t.e. / / The lJirt of Affection,. / T;11. 1: Ht of Seto httettt. • . . • ' . whe 11111..C'Flovv.r.., . ims, r...nral tVot he Grim,. MJatousory. Illusttate.t. :j . Rut Y • .. . , .. 7 Mr.. Ilenmai, .m. . 'i . .. ... Rc.pr4. . cauiptcli, - _ , ' -Moore. M. to•lic., Flat l'Alttions or the 1 1 ,64•11.1.!e.. •. .! ,• i Iwo ow.. 1 . ra . .. er. Albottn. CD:laret.'a 1ti0.A..40%. Al , • GUNN ISON 16 Co.' Ncw Do..kbtere, i ' .rie rec. Is 1512. , ' at '__ _... ER FT:+i rit,y.;l;ii,li;;;:e — T - iTe.i:iii;V:itti:e.„ - Titei, ln ~ itim. Pn:chonlv, 111%1) eill.i3, Melotrope. Violet. Nitwit. Jai-, Iris h.. mi. e is ocr , tie. 11,0,% n 113 y, Jebny 1.1114 eilFo4l.l4lr. NONA 11:11Ctilaie. Vert rt.., Irli-nmti.. Culegno. Alrearsar 1111- and I/1 Marrow for the Misr, Caolons A roma t4ee fur sweeleriste the Areatlhand nil Peervernrr Nitwit.. for 16Q.'• nnd 17,f,nliK Toilet.. at' Er. Ir. I ire. iP at J. 11. MIRTH& & 13 es. They begin to Arrive! rtIiRMTMAS and hew Venni Preeenis wolf he opened during V tile prevent week, a vicwild nano leant of rd., sniiuble fut Iluluday Gab by brut:l:To* it rubLEn: I IJI i:i GEll /CEP 11'A—A Al.l astra;ly aa;t as etartp as. can be found to the e tt,T. ta be hadal. Pee. 11. A allocate & Kret.aw. _ D issolntion. TE CoisietnerAis btretofore lets ten 3. U. Lanni son sow e cluontn.on. tinder the name W . A. U. Gunnisou & Co.. is Oa* day g.ll4solied ty mutual column'. Au. Persona knowing Oenwelens in,let!ted to , the add Own, will plcam 0411 and Nettle inonsols:.tely. THE Duaiseas will be eontioued by . J. 8. Gownlron. who trill at all times have s full stock allow priectfbr cash. and east, oft Erie. Dee_ I 11032. *Sy. J u ik i!iRCIiKIrITMAS AND NKW dna. egp for male at Dee. 15.—.111 'Fr... I GLASS! iMT received a lair supply of French . English and Amen s, can Glass, consisting of , %lithe different vises from T I.y 11 to 34 by 44. which will be sold by the box or single. light ar 11w very lowest:picas. Maas eau roan/ size wit/scud's:sr' 'Oral., Erie. Hoy. fo 18,11-4111 J. H. BURTON es Co. I:llllAstiesse and Moir VWli Books. TY TOW wiu so nab* paw w ia. sareadlearl, sigarr. mo th er or 1 Mai* a bowie., itlinsaaas et New Tsar Paseat. ria :Di 604 a most yawl, aseeruseat of eIA booboos Pro.i. 1 / a pyta7 Pet • 11. UK MAW & nor', L II as if 'Wooden Wait,. Mew Clothing Zotabliohnteat. Wevr Weaken eilsi•i'a, No. 9, 111r4a• Lei Block -16 [in Scar, • roicte.. en*- England )iirsdc, and or a :•loudlern Mat-, assortment ncevery Ittl in lin. nook lose. h. AO b..11:4 f A a I' r 0 X FOIL I\,Pt•:crloN .Pord n...3itirrni n(. Gin [Woke. An r.. 4 mu az Inch may ire ifoood 14c..0 2 . \~. y~~ • eaz For the Cure of COUGEIS, COLDS, - ILOARSIIKESSI , BRONOICIT.Iff r WHOOPING-aouan, 011011 P ASTRIYIAi and COSSIIIIIPTION iisny years of trial. instead of isratir!ng the public effilfideek, 1 in thi s medicine. hal won for ban i porta tat lan and etotOrieft tw fir erceeding the tuhrrt sanguine expectations of Its friends...e -1 Nothing but its intomele tiirtues and the untnistaltabte breeds eonferr id on thOttsadds of suflkftiv, could originate and maims he the reputation it enjoys. While many inferior remedies thrust 1 upon the conniunity. hare failed and bees discarded, this has 1 rifted friends by erary triad, rottO:rred benefits cm the annum; i they c:n octet hirge?.. and producad cures km numerous and too • i retriarkalle to be forgotten... 1 Wbile it is a trawl on the puttlij to pretend that nay One Nea -1 !eine will infallibly lout --atilt Mire is abundant proof that the Cherry Pectoral dot? not tatty as general thing. bet almost ins variably en re the malidies for witi It it li employed. - - t As time makes thsise facts wide and Letter known, this madt- I eine has gradually ilecome the reliance of the alkievid. from the log-cabin ofthe IitaCTiiIIIIP nt, to the palaces of Europe an Kings. Throughout this enti country, is every Mae. OF. sad indeed almost every insulin i contains, Cherry Ihrumal k• known as the best retnedy secant or diorama of the Theta and ILump, and in want! foreign con ies. it is coming to be *Men steely used by their most imelli t physicians. -la Gina Uri • itta in. France and Germany, wh e the mediae sciences have ranched their hi-Oast perfectioa. - berry Pectoral is introduced. , and in cotudaut ue n eiin th e arm ,hospital. , alms booms. Pali ; tie Institution.. a in domestic cues , . as the surest remedy -their attending phy p ite lassoes ploy kw the more dangerous at. fveitnist . of Ove tun . Also in ' Ider eases, and for children it is -nfe. pleasant atni erectus! toe re. In fact, some of the most . !,flatteribg testimoulbts sod wet' e inure been from parents who • have found at elbeaefous In caws rilentarly incidental tiittklld7 hood. . ' I' . The Cherry reetotal is Mann tUnild'bc a mistiest Mead" ~ nod every ounce of kneeler lase a amporittetnvestablestrattine jcy and ease. It isl sestet arid led by taw Item emuster kits, eronsegnentty an be relicd ii a! genuine witkatt !Welker ired here to unlit& the ectismanity with a `literate superiorityl4uld worth as should COM conlidenew-b ' remedy at once mare. liiinedr = and ethettiat. whrettlus has by retied and countless trials proved iivelfto be ; n 4 trait by greet care in.preparisig it with t chemical accuravy4of uniform !strength to 'fiord physiology. a new agent on whit 4 they ran rely Cull the beet , eematis, and the I severed with • rem Ody that Intl do Tr them nil the; medicine can do. 1 , pIatARED A. te _,l.r, IT J.V.i Praeti and Analytical isid in Esie by J I , . Burson & C3p l I Town at Co.; in Cjitortlity J. A. Whi 1 Ince Sherm.m.and ty Druggist/ever, 1 , ItlEPPER;Siti . ei. .jalelf. 010 ll4 6 11 I - cina• Gelhtla 4 a 0 , 1 a itiousaii,l Stile . . - . .. . siseravr whieb piertst call 41111 cumiline Eric Nwk.6 tztil—rt) tl rERRICTT CII and i:11 1 0-tt Mcrinoed, )1 , tas at a verl low• fir,ore at 2- 1 !II , IWV STATE Phi he cheapest aL i Get 9 0133 1 fd. BELDEN' & 8011's. W'A li. 41) UP AT L k - ST! I qv 1:01(1111mo( Vineent, Iliternd &i:o.. having been diseased M O * on r first of March last. Orly Partnership has been en. tried into between pie subscribeis un the same tuttne.to take piled from that dapy. they therefdre n ify the public and "all ~. the Teat of mankitid." Omit henclefort onr motto shall be Cash priers awt prompt tfayment. AL our tore may be fount a largo and well selected rock of Dry G s. Groceries, Hardware. • ' Crockery, and Tan Ware. and at dui oundry 'Grimm every yll - day of Ilsictine calumet from althea Engine In a sleigh /Foe. our Mill Vann being itrOverbi ly s permit. As for Roves we can't he beat in gimps)* or fotief, eith rup street nor uown. our ! Keystone and Lion hre favorably kno n and our new Farmers Favorite for the kitellien and La. Fr klin and Reeve for the parlor throw all others in the *ha e. member Cask prices aril I Friss ?appeal. 1 11. D. VINGEKT, ' ' i . WILLIAM HIMROD. 1 . I DAVID Unlit( tp. I Jon?: 11. inNrEsT. IpAvit.) SHIRK. t firm arc notified to call and SIM fin 13 IS:: N. H.—Those pay up end that goo Died to the i a o re I M. . .1 S peefully gle Mans: friend . an onage hereto re e has just reee red 1 and Boa 1111 t. ver been offeiod ii SSISI EKES which he ,selll - tri lothing nr(de to - . ing made, mill VII 4' naked to take t. nd welt made as ;D It 0 Zip 0 • etute. enaskting ' and Sack Coats v le rsh I rts, Gloves. , , 'cry lowest priers your Lae. are in , tbembel vca. 31031 1 11 I . VATOULD most . thanks to hi 4 , e very liberal oat mfGrni them that h Zsarg.es in 11:s Tine Om has ("I C • ' ‘1 of the choicest kin men, ivnilkinz their men/liken and Om acts of the its are only to be i==aff iii and look at our lute Csuit purchases. and stonished. We au do it—that• we *V. • . We 111111 P fast . pened new s 1 of ilre -I,•nrd wide Leek d... the very best in the city.- erslan Twills, t; yurghs and the nicest DC rd tot found w tof New York • Shawls. . tin . new design . Turkerie. Silk s. Thilibet or' ty , and at pri es so low as to enable us . otapetitioi-1 deed they are so low as to i refuse to show i it Shawl!, considering ilt n- they Lind their customers ate coming here Well, it is Gents; we don't blame you.— sh will go, vrdi c Itnir shelves still growl lie t 3 ow sir months purchases. have every shim; necessao for as outfit eery.. ifninilies a e have fall supplies of housekeep that need only to he named to ensure sales, , yrs. we will wake these words good. Loot .d try us. - Erie Nov. 13 18112-11. at :itTiji Velvet hipbone. In great variety. Pot ov. SO 11132-2lt • TIDBALS & HATES. • ere.. Tiver,G;Lig tt• e tinenTieins very loot L !id— 23 . G. SCI.II EN & BON'S, lotof 11. Vollio's warfraoted axes. this day e 81,00eacb. 311 . -RUFUS REED. lk tar riretred. rr mi.) Linseed 0.1, r..... 1041 and I1)r sale low ;I:Ion, at Nos. 2..-14 RCRTUN'e. U l.-13 V by the barrel AN Orr II It 130 AT IN. • MlESuhacrilier4 ore noir receiving a very large Moak of Wet awl Dry Gro4eries from Eastern cities and the Atietion Room; bought for (~h at extremely low -Awes, which are of fered t client a oil In advance liar the ready. Those wishing to avail thentselvesiof an opportunity for buying a .rock of node in out line. for a very lltUe cash, are respectfully ill? lied to salt ant/ellonilie at STERR Err it GRAY*. r ie. Itlov. 4 1:.-St . 1111 g 1164 k's, 211.11011 {in:anted Cigar* from 012 to 0.10 per lbous.a —. Kir sale nt Erie. i Dee. 4 134 0 4-34. gkirjalps neer,. - . 'Wrapping Pap r., .t.rq ar ticle of Wrapping raper. Jun receive:: and A for pale At 7111:, Eroiati's Hotel. - E 'e, le. IP .-02 INC:11A14:3 of prvanlal et y wittier y and oft yle from 10 tent' , Win et., Nov 'VW N'tlTll JACK ON. 11332. FALL NU WIN TER GOODS. .1853: LARGE 4s6o9r.vESr fua 2' Re.C.CIVED •T • ';! - -' 1111 - 4) NV . A R . N S SIP Bat and rurnishing Store, s_. 9. 8r0w... NM 131...4. Stair - lined. Eris. - • C . CiNNISTING of ali GaAs in hie line. illate of vrery variety of style and quality. made es prowl y toordee the this market, also a very large stoe k of Kossutn• rassirneree sod easter oats., with a variety of Caps for men. youths and children °four owe Arnake. of Cloth. till. Silk. French. tile-man. - • Prussian. ircigian and Mohave Plusher. of va- Hong styles and mire., constantly on hind or made hi order; also, a large stock of at CPA I o ROUES and LAitifli ruin, Muffs. V tetra i Pee and Mufflers of ail style* and prie et., With A !amt. stock of Gents Furnishing Goods. consisting is part of shirrs. wmppers. drawers, pearl.. cravats. handkerchief* aaa collars, (three my of the very best.) and so large a stork of gloves and mittens, we have not room to enumerate them. with valises and trunks constantly on hlind of our own manufacture. also carpet.einhoss and patent leather travelling bags and um brellas. In short. m large and complete asiortment of rail and Winter Goods, 'minted and made with the greatest care s e t hat every customer ig:ay not fail to get the' worth. of his money,. Coue and see if there thi nai arc not to. and Judge kg youtaadvar. at Ne S. Brown's New Block. 1 N B —tints. t.'nos and trunks reps ire.l or made to in:el. and Buffalo Robes lined or other ffur work done on tits shortest no tice. (let. 3 153.11-94 JOHN 11. WARREN. iv' HoLUSA LE-1 be .. subscriber are agents for the fullowirig ratent Medicines. which they will sell by the dozen at Ma.iefacturers priers. via Jaynes' Expectorant. Alterative eke. itialatlve Balsam, {Feminist.. (lair 1.0 and &Fanatics. Fab.; 0•• 1p04 . 11 ChOlarbelle; Bristol's and Towiriend's Sarsaparilla ; McLane's:lnd tahneetctek's Vermlfitse ; Trask's. Tanner's. Me- Alisters. Sloan's. and Dal iers Dental...et; rerry Paris` Pain It si. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. barrel's Indian Liniment. Trteophera as, &aura Indian bindle Ines and Riera Peiroirons Erie Nev. 110 tmn—to I. II: RIFIR Tt IN' de CO. AFINE use tmentof Gentletoru'u awl vad,ri. r u t,bUT deed** Ibr muddy meets at toduerd Pr ir , " b• . EManat a tone. • C. PELDON k NON. melt etsk another to of those floes Cal( T asii•rehof Wens tkv. W. • wn.cor 6 2401T01‘. E ES C. AVER. liemi*i. Lowell. Ming. : in North East by R.C.e : ill Cfallielt MO by We. here. 427-3ar4J. umard, Citron. COM r,r• es too numerous to Mq• mess and quality at GRAY'd, Oleawl* 11;ir (trent goods and Ala• G. tief.Ditil l SW*. TIIIID11:1 I ICE ye to return o his ainellro• the public io general kie ',elided to host. and wouhl SX=MI tbio eitv. consign/Le ND VESTING& ke up to order. Gentle der eon have their mas t pleased with thee dram ut away. laao.oo hand rument of • ICINGI,, of Overcoats of warless , Vests, Sturts.StAen'eme. Suspenders. Am, which. for CASH. Persons in ned to call sod etsingn• h System:, rail trig at czair irIZZli DVltt.o; k SLOAN