♦. P. 01731tIAN & CO., Propri•t•rs. VOLUME 23, brie Vpelt Vistruer. A. P. DURLIN & CO., PROPRIETORS H. P. SLOAN. Editor. ....._ - ofFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE. ERIE. k .. --, TERMS OF THE PAPE,. . cm subscr7bers by the carrier. at aS.Ok I nail. or at the office, in aowaneei 1.611 ail not paid in advance. or' within three months from the i hos a ftubteribiag, two dollars will be charged. rf All rounounurations mist be post paid. • RATES OF ADVERTISING. Cards not exceeding 4 lines, one year. IWO One /quart .6 4.4 - 10.00 110. do. si: months. 6,00 do. 'do. three months, ' 2,00 llassient silvertirenientx.so cents per square, of fifteen lines or t r .. M tar tiro interim); 23 cents for each subsequent insertion. g_eVcari) ad% erti,ere have the privilege orehanging at vitamin., Is; at n. tun: e arc a non ed to occupy wore than two squares, edit. ir hawed to tie r _tmtnediata bu:iness. Adeem.mnent" not having other directions, will be inserted till forbid aid charged accordingly. : 1 lIREOToRy, CARSON GRA I-I A-St. ;14,L,N. Cot . . AEI.I nit £T LAW, in George A. Elikleal Otte" %NIL Ot the park, Erie. MES ROSS SNOWDEN. rf JINIS AND COCAF . ELLOR AT Law, No. 153, Third Street, nit.opurgh. JOHN W. ItIDDELL. rrtAv.., AT LAw.—Ornee„ Y.ifllt Street, between Built Wield mot Grant Streets, Pitt:Willi. Pa. viNGLNT HINIROD & Co. No 4, r.cTt /KRA of Stores, lioi:ow %Vara, E.agancN Machinery. Rad Road Can, ate., State St., Erie Pa. THOMASSTIN. Bil:/AU (Late of the firs of G. ',Loomis 4- Co.) • , Kara in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons Musical Instrument!. Looking Glasses. Lampe and Fancy Goorls, vrbole. rale and retail. , JOHN GOALUING, thicassrr T• 11.01, and Habit Maker=Shop on the east side of State street. two doors north of Eight. and adjoining J. U. Utb & Co's Cabinet Ware-tioous.-Et ie. Penna. CLARK & hIETCALF. irreirssus and retail dealers in Dry Ccards, Carpets, and Dry Groceries No. l Reed house'.- 'ILLIAAIS & WRIGHT burls. Collectors and Dealers in Gold and eilret coin. uncor rent Money. Land Warrants and certificates ofliepasite. 14ht Mane on the priucipal cities of the Union. and all parts rte Old Country for sale. °dice, %Villiants' Illock.corater of hate-n.. awl Public Square. S.C. Irtillllll7. J. G. 21k. W. I. MILLS, ,11.01TIRS-Arld Wllat.:Ude I.l4nde.llin Groceries, Wines. Liquors. Cigars.—Also, Foreign Fruit. Nutt,. Pickles and Pickled Ors. Lobsters.'Preserver, and llerinetrically Scaled articles ot every description ,nlwayson hand. No. 3, Willisdn's Block / oppor lie 'lease res New !fowl. Erie, Pa. G New.f'prk. Wx. 1. MILLI'. Buffalo. ALto, Tem , ing in their season. Oysters in 'ben, from 3. Cr, Milts ik7-st . New York, wblch will be sold Wbolesaleap. low prices A. C. Jackson, Agent. Erie. Pa. DURLIN Sr. SLOAN. • •,1212 to Classical, school and Itilireellaneous Nooks, Blank St iiivtiery, and Printer's Cards, Nu. 11 , , Uron•n's UM 114 k, Erie Pa. ♦ I. - - D. T. •LOAN. T. %V. NICY)II7Ef,-- :.'rrt.rtr m flrhecriee. Pruvisione, Wroes.Liquore,CAtraie4. Fruit. ar., Me, Door *low Loomis & Co's State street. tacit. JOHN B. COOK. Dram kia,Staplp & Fancy. Dry Gr.rods, and the Greatest variety cl any Short ru the City. Cheap Airle..tirie. Pa, STERRETT & ditAY. Vl* T P 7115.:, I'S and retail Dealers in Wet and Dry Griveriea ' l'oreigu aid Doniettir Fruit. Wooden, ‘riaa-anA bt.•:,c Ware. !lour, Path. trait. Glass; Naafi , . Pow m,rllo4, :Ally ruse, ace.. &e. French Street. oppo cu. the Bred 11.,u,.e. Erie. Pa. —Sm.lm and canal Wars, VetaelN noels,. and Private. la La ies supplied is 10 any of %bra have. articles , na cery rnrall, 1 .‘31. S. LANE. Attorney sunk Counsellor at Li FIOE over Jackson's store. at North-East corn iwarr, DOC I t)ItS tiLk..BE at 3 VEW A T. Phpur ran, andiSurgeOns. ()Mee and Residences— k Sahoo Ira' Firreqs. use+ hours frctu tat , ..A.M; I to!, and tt to 7. P. M. .1. L.. ETICTTAET. x. Th JOHIV~EAFiv dL CO. crnsw•p and Ci.4iniission McThant*, defiler in Coal. flour, anti aria for ■ daily line of tipper bike Sinusitis, Uock Erie elk • ' LIDUELL & Co. ',roan te, Ma nu faelueere of Iron Pence. Railing. Pleanakoat Wen, ae Ike State. between 7 it and Otis. etireets. Erie. AMERICA'S EXPRESS CONIPANY. Ofltt RettliNe4 to Reed Block. State Pkrect. FaAcru 1.:11.4e.a claws. at 111 o'clock. A. M. Welaeru " " 34'o'clock. P. M. o. D. &&&&&&&&& Arent J MORTON! (Lott of tl s ibvs of J. maws a. Ct..) m f ,teta 4114 Cusuutission Merchant. Public Dock. Erie. Pa bealet to Coal. Salt, Fish, Flour and Plaster. D7OVACKER or. CO.. - • - IntrataaNo, produce and Coutnisssion .Verehaata, woad Wan kuse East of the Public. Bridge. rie A ..o—Delleri Coal, Salt, Plaster, Stucco, Flfh.,Lleue and Wine sone. I ron, N.:1'4.80yr% Caw.' n gt, & e.. &e. with un surpass ot %cal Rea (or shipping ei th er by Sleitul;Oala. Propellers: chconer% or by Baal Road. W. H. KNOW LtON. Wurtsuaker and Repairer, Dealer in Watches. Clocks, Jewelry. liusital Instruments, Looking GlasNes atad other Fancy Goods Stm one door west of the Reed House.' 17 _ _ ARBUCKLE & KEPLER. 'can in liry Goods. Grocereer. Nardware, crockery. &c. No 2. ?my Block. Elate street. Erie. I. • DR. C. BRAIVIJES. arani■ and' F-uaeqm—otliee at his _residence on Eighth weft I,crweeu Franck anJ Holland, Fate. Ira. M. SAN & CO.. Goiti t fill vet Bank Notes, Drafts, Certificates of Me- V:wt. k.t. Sight Exchange on the piibeipal cities emit/Ratty kw ale. Office in Beatty's Block. Public &Vete. Brie. T. kiERON STUART. - - f • scro■ AND Pnesicisn—Oßice. corner of Vreoeh and Fifth sinew CAP, Mows Koch's store: Residence on Fourth drags , )se Caw canto( Vie old Apothecary Hall. RUFUS REED. Piaui in Englinli.Gerumn ant American Hardware and Cutlery; Alas, Nails, Anvils. Vices, Iron and Steel !Co. 3 Reed house. raw. Pa. --- CAD*EL & . 'Roan es „Jobber., and Retail Dealers_in DryBENNETT Goods, GrOeeries, firelics). ula•SII• are. Conwring. Hardware. Iron, Steel, Nails. ats. Umpire 131 Ires State Street. tour doors, below Iros a's Hotel, Erie. Pa. ro—Aor.ia, Vices. Bellow r, Axle Arms, Springs, and a Ilene:Ml _a.ortme /i t of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings. 8. MERVIN SMITH, niOtIIET AT 1.4 w and Justice of the Peace, and Agent fit Ke) Stoue Mutual Life Insurance Company—)f 3 doors ‘ellt iS Wrign store, Erie, Pa. GEORGE H. CUTLER. loran AT LAW. Chard. Ene County. Ps. collections sad seer business amended to wnb promptness and dispatch. tzwarding & Coe r:iblie Dock. east of state street. • '4 111 !. Salt. Plaster and White - Fish, constantly for sale. , i , - ruts ass itrests. D salsas in Foreign sad Domestic Dry ‘ 4 0 , 1P. ready:made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, ate., No, iighvonorh. Slat* street, Erie. • MAR:i3HALL - & - VINCENT. Irrotsr.sp ar Lar—Olbee up stairs tn Tama:tan." Hall bulldiug tarn of tne Prothonotary's oipce. Hriu. • _ MURRAY 1 WfIALLO?i, A rrotxrt mu) C0M11.1.1.0111 AT ,LAR--011Ste over C. L. Wrtiglit's Bkw• exitance one door west of State street, on the Stinnond. K. BBAL. AYES. . I { , Ls Is D G TI oods, Dry.th S oeeri & es H . Crockery, Hardware. he. No- ury 'R New Hotel. SMITH JACKSON. • kiLlara Dr) Goods, Greene.. Hardware. Quenon Warr. Lis. hos. Na 114, e.e., 111. Cheffeide. Erie. re. WILLIAM RIBLET, m.ILIL Upholster. and Undertaker. earner of 84ate aad %eau streets. Erie, • CARTER & BROTHER. witoucuLl and Retail dealers in Drugs, Niedielet Palau. OW: jle-start. Gloss, /cc.. No. 6, Heed Howe. Ene• JAMES YTLE, rocimikime iferehani 'railor.Ou the public .are. akw 4k":" 'mat of Marc weft, Erie. tc JOHN H. BURTON dig, CO. •sa arrAti.deatersin Drugs. Medicines. Dye isle 'orfries. No.S. Reed House. Erie. M. CHAPIN, RESIDENT DENTIST-09leeon the south side of the Diamond. l'c deers riam 411 4 4.,. the Erie Bank. Prices reasonable , and all wort _ warranted Erie June 19 1821. AR. O. L. ELLIOTT. - Resident Dentist: °dice and dwelling on the Audi ride of Ate Public Square, to, door Bast .tio saa of w e Erie Bask Building. Teeth inaertedoo Gold Plate. front one to an entire sett. Carl %"h fil i'd with POW Gad. and rentored to health aad sae eleaned inntnnaento Dessibee to an tO T- "' O f rel l 'eldelearnali. WI work whrranted. . --. . . - . _ - . - . . - . . . - . . . . . _ I . . . . . ~ , ...e.—, r , ,r , ,- -- : :, - s- f l;, . --r, . ., - , : , _ .i----.:.....-.9.----,,..f.rc--sf-,..±---- N!- - .--.-. f - ' , .-----:..- 4:.- -:-:--.r---,rr.ri---:-f-!7.7:=F li'2--..,.Lui‘i°'llmr-r...-------,--;--17,*-?'---------w--f----4!r--w-wf ..4.,. ~„ .: 1 , .... 4 (.1 14,:t : :. '.3:-ir .:. '! :: :.f. . k' - '''' 2 ritAiii.-V. f a'''F. iv.% c' -.1 -.-- I- ,' .i-'-' l, - --'"'" ' - -'''''t - t.,-, t' , - ~ i I A --:(-, ~;. 7..1 '‘ '-'-‘.- - - - - -•• • --- -- -•-•( -: ,brxu-s.--.•.-7. . . . .• ... . -. • , . .;- . 4 , - 1 . .. .... ' .' ~, i- 4 ' • . .. ' ";., ' . E . _ ~ ..,. . i ..:t......, . , , . . , . . ~ . , . ~ 4) . , . , . . ..... , iii . . ~ f • j . , , . • ri -. , . . - . . , t , . , . I • . MI pf the Nib- • Vottrti and 311i6tellsuq. - w 0 I 'A W A ••• y WOrk sway i I _ Fqr the llastries eye is ea W. i I Never *age. still epos as. i !fishtailed day. Work await I K..p the buoy Gagers plying. I Keep the itesseless shanks BONI. { lee that never thread lie terweir 1 Let not shish ear clatter resod as. I is Sound of whirling' wheel isonfotaad ow '.;-- Steady. hand. let wool be strong 1 And firm that has to last so long. Work away. *Keep upon the anvil ringing ' Stroke of hammer; on the gloom -, •. . Set 'twixt cradle and 'twixt tomb. ~.i Shower of fiery sparkles dinging; t : Keep the mighty fartisee glowing. Keep the red`ore Itiirsin. floating ,Swift within the ready mould; ' Bee that each one thin ',the old Still be fitter, still be fairer ,` , Fur theservant's use, and ra ker Fur the Master to bobtail. • Work away : 4 Work away: er • , - For the Llader's ore is on us 4 Never off 01.41111 upon as. 1 • i . Night and d ill Wide the trackless prairies mind as; i Deep and savage mountains !pond as Far away Smile the soft savannah(' grr4; ' Rivers sweep and roil betsreetv- Week sway! - 1 Bring your axes, woodmen trek. ' ' Smite the forest till the blue - di d 0( heaven's sonny eye looks roegb Every wide and tangled glade • ," Jangle, swamp and thicket sh • , Give to•dav: Work away! • For the Father's eye is ea us. I 1 Never offer.. itill twelves, i Night and day! L. .; • Woltz AND PlitAll Elroy. and work wilt be Completer; t Work. and prayer wilt be the s ester: Lave, atd prayer end work the fleeter Will ascend upon their way. i Fear not lest the tion finger I • • Weave ir net the soul to stay; I . t Give her, wing—she will net , r Soaring to the source of day. ! i Cleaving clouds that still dividelos • From the more dapths of rest. " • ree She will come 'gib.: beside a s . . . With the sunshine on her b . Sit and sing to um mts. whibustali . _ *bile the outward din is thick t. i Songs that she bath learn4d slots. . , ; 2. Live in Fiqure as in Present; i ' Work for h while yet the de Is oar own! , For lord and peas ut. Long and bright ie summer's y. _ Cotaeth soon ear Holiday! Work away! ' From Blackwee.l'd ilag4zine. - TOE Two . - MOTT 3 ES. In tgo coach-otlice . at Ceraay et.. two young men who had just taken their places t for Kapser berg. They were of the same age-feach about four-and-twenty; but there were rentaikable differ ences in their physiognomy and general appearance.. The shortet of the two was dark, pale, Wad quick in his movements, and of an impatient vivitcity of man• net which betrayed, at a first glance, ibis southern origin. His companion, on the contrOry, tall, fair and ruddy,' was a perfect type of that nixed hlsi tian race, in Which French expantivenSas is happily blended with German good humor. OP the ground at their feet were two small portmaiteatti,. upon which cards of adlrese were fastened' !with sealing wax. Oa one of these card. was ineciribed Hanar Foarin. Mahellle . 4; and at its four eorneri a seal bad impressed upon the wax the motto "Mon Droit." On the other card was written: 1 'askant Mu uutx, St rasbert ; and the motto of the scat was i "Caritad."; The office keeper had entered their homes in his book, and added the word; uwith the two portman teaus," when Henry demanded that ih6e should be weighed. They would be weighed at Kaysererg, the office keeper replied. The young; man. said it would be iaconveoieut to be delayed by that forint ity at the moment of their arrival. hisses hil right, he maintained, to hare them weighed It once. The office-keeper, thus bari s presee,l, grew obstinate in his turn. In rain did Joseph interfere, and remind Henry that they had bast , time to dine Wore de parture. In virtue of his motto, ,the . Marseilles. never gave way when he thought he was right; and he always thought that. At last the office-keeper, weary of the dispute, beat a retreat, and escaped in• to his dwelling-house. Henry would hare continu ed the discussion with the porter, bat fortunately he spoke nothing bat German' So be was lath to • accompany his friend to the inn, venting upon by the way, the superabundance of his ill humor. "By heavens!" he exclaimed, as . soon as 'they wire in tha street, "you would make-a saint guitar. Wbut! you would not back . me against that oiisti nate fellow!" ms to me," replied Joseph, with a smile, "that it was rather he who was in want of a tick er; you brought foriviid as 'formidable an array of arguments as if your fortune or your honor bad been at at aka." "In your opinion, then, I should have done better not to have defended my rigiitr "When the right is not worth defending." "Ah, how like your interrupted Henry, warmly; "you are always ready to yield; one mast be walking over your body before you think of defending your self. Instead of considering the world a battle-&ld, you take it to be a drawing-room, for the inter change of,courtesies." “Not so,” replied Jeeeph, "but e grestship, all the paseisprs of which, owe each other ,flociprecid kissing's'', sad Wailes. Itawcy sea le wiy friend eeill dichnia blewelf my mov," :- - "For ary part, / Ictinsider every man my enemy himself my friend," replied It is a pruJent system. which I -answer, and I advise you to berg. There we shall !Ind our• with our uncle's other heirs, who opriste all they can of th e inher lirt, I am tletermiutal to. c.incede until be be• decla the Marseillese. Mare always Nun adopt it at Kayser selves face to fuel will not rail to ap itance. Fur my nothing, to them." Thuacoorerein • Huron inn, and which was unucco Will laying. fur thr oat end of the spar knives and forks, t the conaina reached the White mitred the public dining-room, ied, save by the hostess, who persona only, a large table at went. Henr y ordtred two more be laid fur himself- and Joseph. In, sir," said the woman, "bat Add se *eying, he grasped a strap and ascended the imperial, where was a place yet unfilled. Tile traveler to whom it belonged protested ,against this usurpation; but Henry terrsisted, declaring that none bad a right mistake him get down, and thit if any attempted it, he would repel violence by violence. Joseph in vain endeavored to compromise the mat ter ; the Marseillese, whose humor had been hy no Imeans mended.by his bad dinner, per.isted in his e persons fur whom we have • resolution.. to dine alone." • 1 , "To every one his right," cried he, " that is my their own room then," replied !motto ; yours is charity. Ile as charitable as_ you his is the public count and the I please ; fur my part I any satisfied with justice. I ry traveler Ilse a right tolenter have paid fur this place ;it belongs tu me. I . shall • I keep it." - id Joseph, "whether we dine I The travel .r whose place he filled, claimed it by .mr I priority of possession ; but [leery, whowps e law; matter to those three persons lyer, replied by quotations from the code: There ot not?' retorted Henry. • -I was a sharp interchange of violent explanations, re- i you, sir," objected the hostess. t criminations Soul menaces: bliss Chrrlotte, who , it is tho first comers who lay , had heard everything from -bee -piece in the coupe, 1 !greased and sighed her alarm; and recommenced her are persons Wit-tm we know," idiatribei against traveling in general, and public !fe la them than you do fur nil": hickt in pirticular. At last, Joseph perceiving I that the dispute became more and more envenomed, dr,that when custonalrit are in , proposed to the office keeper to base a horse put to ' a cabriolet which stood in - the yard, and in which he and the dispossessed traveler would continue their journey. The expedient was adopted by the parties concerned, and the diligence set off. It was in the month of November : the air, damp and chili) , at the moment of departure, grew colder nby this inspatanon upon batie 4 riallt as stlgitt - spprnaelied. Henry Fortin, scene- 1 'towed to the snit of Providence, was anything but coinfortable in his exposed place upon the top of the diligence. In vain did he button his great coat to the very chin ; • he shivered like a deaf in the frigid evening fog. His lip. were blue, his teeth chatter ed ! Soon - a small icy rain, driven full in his face by the wind, penetrated his clothes. His neighbor protected by an ample blanket cloak, might easily patience that the beat plan, • here spared him it portion of it. and been no worse .nii was to let his cou.iii's ill- I offhintself ; but the neighbor was a corpulent shop and that any attempt to rea-;keePer, very tenderof his own possum and extraine- igravate his pugnacity. Ile ly careless of the comfort of others, 'When Porde I let him seek his dinner else- refused to give up the 2pl ceOf which he bad take,, 1 is own to be served 'p in an :- poesetisinn, the fat no r applauded, declaring that 1 t Dot just is lie was about ad- :4".erery one traveled fur his own account end should I, "I be# your paid you canitot dinehe "Why sor' "Because, the th )aid this table dmir "Let them dine i [leery abruptly. " public table;lere e and dine." "What matter," here or is another • "And what does i whether we dine he "They came befor "Then in your In down the law?" "BesiJes that, 11* And von care mu said Henry. "You understand. the ease—" "All otheriravele ees." 's.must submit to their espri• I • "Your di nor f hal "Yee, with broke ble, 1 supprwe." The boated , s was h establishment. , 1 is afraid of getting a bad din- roe, there are utber lun• at 1 "If the gentleman. I uer it the White. I Carney," said she. "I was just thitiki taking up his hat. • seph, who tried to 11 , room, and disappear I 'g so," replied Henry quickly, 1 1 . nil without. fleecing to .10. 1 ,tain him, he darted out of the blulzen knew by e • in Cl fed, like The presi 'humor burn iteelf out twit - iierved only to a resolved, thereforef.4 where, and Ordered l adidning department jot:rung-to it, the thr public roots. The and a gtotleman a Wit: l S r tt and was withdrawin him. "I am grieved learn the dispute ttu dine alone, our obj./ persons whose °our sbeekedlbese from desiring to White Horse, tie yi in pniof of what I expected gurists entelred the 'look after-his own Interests ;" principles which the were an old lady end bar niece young man found t ben pertec:lly reasonable, and fro out fifty itve4,of rtk aeemc di! Bi inn J turney,lge stela traieTer pot his hea d bigi l *.ir Joseph, who, bowed, out of his cloak, looked at his neighbor and said— , when the gentleman detained " You seem very cold, sir T' sir," said be' urbanely, "to t has ocenrred. Iti desiring lu t woe to mold, the •uCipty of rant ion and manners ruiiht have Bur, certainly, we *ere far rive away customers - 6orn the ur friend perhaps. beliehed; and y, I beg you to du us the favor inner with us." of sitting down to Judeph would ha no ray offended b e refused, declaring hitheelf in a precaution .which found 4.r. Rosman (at was thus the sir companion) presSed his invita nd friendly a manner, ;thit he quite natural; but two ladies called t doe in so cordial ended acceptin o seemed little accustomed to ite to him, with her twice, The eld,lady, w travel, set down and. heaved a aig ' , Vou ire tired "Tired indeed.li may be, after, be; Charlotte.," raid Mr. Rueman. replied the old woman; !'as well oir_ shaken up for a %hole day in Biting my meal' irregularly, sod r of.dungeri; for I kisow ;not how I ,uptet tweeny.tirnes, the italligenee 'ig to one or the ether! of my thit our janntey were that araiy coach, running allmann we escaped being was always leani woulJ give le year et en eipl." e bergain is. icopossibier cried iling rod kining her snit. "Fortunately the youpg lady, s laugh at my troobles," said bliss alb grumbling, hay' afßetionste I - dies nt n fear nothing ! a . A way . anti steamb ott—they would I . if they could get pleeeli. It is at has made them so bold. Be vest among them traveled only in aek, and even then, when 'they bad "Yery yes, yo Charlotte, in a tune; "young I They' travel by travel by baloon• the Revolution lore that, the br carts, or on ass- I have heard my mother may ould travel in any other' may than messing !mines that she nerer ou foot.", ed Ur. Rofitnan, "and therefore, ney was only to the chief tnwn of 64 Yes," obser her farthest' jou her eaniuo." "Thiit did no..prevent her being a worthy and happy woman," eplied Miss Charlotte. "When a bird his built is nest he stays there. The pres ent custom of pa sing one's time upon the high-road, impairs one's'k ipe of home and family ; people, get a habit of being ht home everywhere. k may be more adrantagedus to society at large, but it ten ders individuals less good and less happy." "Come, come, Charlotte," said Mr. Rosman, gai ly ; "your late "tilting has set you against all jour net's, but I hop', your discontent will disappear be fore this excelleet soup. I appeal to your impar tiality whether better can be got, area at Fun Caine." The dialogue .ontintted in this strain ni affection ate familiarity, 1 Joseph . at first maintained a dis t/ crest silence, belt Mr. Rosman spoke to him several times, and convirsation had become general, w u the waiter came to say that the diligence wa bout starting. They paid for their dinner, andfiastened to the coach-office. / . 1 , On arriving there, Joseph saw his cousin hurrying, up. Whilst fildlzen had dined, Henry had run from one tavern to *riser, findint nothing ready at, any of them, and at !last, pressed for time, be bad been fain to buy a roll and some fruit, which be ate as be 1 . yin. As may be ot tagined, the frugal repast bad done little to awe his temper. Joseph abstained from qaesilaniag id i . Indeed be bad no time, fur the way bin was !ready being tolled over, and the travelers were'" It to take theff thee; when the lb" I= Icaroxiwastp..&3 ,ATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15,1853, be laid etk.ewhere."- meats from your favorites, ta- (ace keeper discovered that he bad made a inistske, had booked two persons too many, and that the coach wis full witholit, klulsen and Fortis. •;• " Full !" cried Healey; "bits I paid you my fare!" "I will return it-to you, sir," replied the clerk. "Not at all," answered the pun mom "Hav ing once taken my mow?, there Is a content be tween us. I have a right :o a place. and a plate will have." "I •ma w2t to the skin," replied Fortin, who could hardly speak. The fat man shook himself in Isis huge wrapper, as if enj tying the warmth and dryness it secured him. a It is very bad fur the health to i ket wet," said he philosoph7cally. '4 Another time I advi9e r tots bring a cloak .ike mine ; it is very warm and not dear." Having given this sensible adirice, he withdrew his comfortable ccirntenance within his snug gar ment, and relapeed'iiito a luxurious dose. It was long after rAghtfall whin the diligence ar rived at Keyierburg. llalf dead with cold. Fortin scrambled down from the roof and sought refuge in the kitchen, where a large Ore blazed. On entering, he found a group Of travelers already assembled' round the cheerful hearth, and amongst them, to his surprise, were his cousin and the traveler whom he had deprived of his place. The cabriolet had taken them by a cross•road, which -was a short cut, and they had been an hour at the inn. On remarking his cousin's deplorable plight, Hui :en at once gave up his chair to him ; as for the traveler whom Fortin had dispoasessed at Cernay, ho could not restrain a hearty laugh. • "Upon my livid," he cried, "I Inuit thank this gentleman for having drivei me from the imperial of the dilligence ; for. had he not dose an, I should now be wet and half frozen as he its insteadef being warm and comfortable as I am." Fortin's position was altogether too bad to admit of a retort ; he set down before the fire, and tried to warm himself. As soon as he was ',little revived, he asked fur a room and a bed; but the Keyscrberg fair was only just over ; and the inn was full of persons who wore to leave next morning. • Joseph and his companioe. although they bad arrived before the diliigence, had found but one small bed vacant, which the turner had generously given up to the latter. However, after much inquiry and investigation, it came oat that tlire was another b.'d disengaged ; but this stood in a room with four others, to:copied by frau pedlars, who refused to admit a stranger into apaitment. "Did they engage tliti room for thenteei inquired Fortin. ." By no means," replied the inns "Then you have a right copied bed." "Undoubtedly." "Then what rear admit a fifth per " No resat)/ ing tenor them." e sakma(" a per. • tame of - the owe , • 'alo they give fur refusing to • n into the room )• at ail; but they are four rough idok• , and notiddy eared to haves quarrel with tin rose quickly from his seat. "That is weakness," cried he. For my pa certainly will nut sleep upon a chair, boca f sirangets think proper to monopolise Ave Show me their worn. They must be to beer reason. "Have a care, Henry," said l+( n. "They are brutal, ill conditioned fallaavtin"'". "Does their brutality ntiii• theca to nudge be fit up all night r sharply,dWoanded the native et ilar- Bellies. "No pantie% ! I will go to bed in spits of then)." . • He pot of traveliag eap, sad was leerier the room is ediapaay with the ianheeper, whoa Mr. Rode who, whilst seeking a mast to earry► his • had errheerd the eetteireatios, sad ap • heti tke twe devise. • "1 perceive, gentlemen," said he, with his friend. iyonftting eir, "that you have difficulty in finding beds for to-night. shall not long be without one, replied Mary, puling no. "One moment," said Mr. ROOllll/% "Those men #ill perhaps reply to your reasons with Insults, and you may have difficulty in getting them to admit your right. lied yam not better accept beds at my, house gentlemen? I live bnt a few yard! off, and shall have the pleasure in receiving you." runiti and hforze . n bowed, and returned their thanks for this hospitable inritation--hut in very different Ines. That of Maize* WIII grateful and joyous; that of his companion constrained•althuugh polite. Henry had not yet forgotten that Mr. Ros man was the primary cause of the ateagreness otitis dinne,r at Cernay. "You ate too obliging, sir," said he, softening his I voice: 'but 1 wonld nit on any account °cession. yoq so much trouble. It it well, besides, to give a lesSon to those people, and to teach them to respect Itha rights of travelers." -I .. Having thus spoken, he again bowed, and betovic , hinliself to the apartment occupied by the pedlars. 'I Velum fearinga quarrel, followed him; but wheth er it was because that the hawkers did, not .much csra about the matter, or that they were daunted by ]the! Provencal's, resolute mien, thq contented them selves with a little grulbling, in spite of which Henry installed himself in the fifth bed. His cou sin'relieved of his appreheOsions, then re-descended ihelsteirs and joined Mr. Rosman, who had been so - obliging as lo wait fur him. Misa Charlotte and her niece Louisa were prepar ine the lea table before a crackling fire of fircoqes. When's guide spoke a few words in a low voice to the'two ladies, who received the young man with I courteous kindness. They made him sit down at table, and L•osisa filled the cups. As to Miss Cha r lotto, she had not yet recovered from the fatigue of her journey; awed in her arm chair, she fancied abeptill felt the joiti*of the diligence, and beard the rattle of tne wheels in the singing of thekettles.— i She! did- not forget, however, to inquire what hod be cos+ of the young man who had carried the impe rialiof the diligence by assault at Cernay, and Mr. Ros Man related what had just occurred at the inn. "ti!ess me," cried Mist Charlotte, "he passes his life in search Of quarrels and litigation!—He is a ma i to be avoided like a pestilence." " t is impossible to hove' a better heart or more upright character," replied Mulsen; "but he makesa point of oiling op to his motto: To every one his right-!" -. . - "Whereas your wilco is Charity," rej lined the' old lady with a smile. "Oh: I overheard all that passed at Cernay's." ,- 5•V,,,.. t tax At t.s.2l.aar• :i.ss-il....A . s t s--- -12-- . y come to tisysersberg to be p resen t at the opening of a will, which takes Pl* to-morrow:.' • "A will !" repeated Miss Charlotte, in a tone of surprise. • "The will of our uncle. Doctor tiarver." The two ladies end Mr. Rosman looked at each other. 0 A11! you are the doctor's relativesr said Mr. Rosmass i gazing at the yciung man with a certain degree of inierest. "Chance could hardly have di rected you better, , sir; for I was his oldest and most intimate friend." l This sort of mutual recognition led ,to the con versation about the deceased doitor. hlulzen had never seen bim, but be felt for him that sort of res pectful regard _ which instinct establishes between members of the same family. Me-talked a I wng time of the doctor: listened with great interest to details of his life and of his last moments; and at last after one of those intimate conversations in. which, heart and mind throw of disguise, and display themselves as they really are, he retired to bed, delightel with Iris hosts, who, on their part were equally pleased with him. Tired with his journey, it IVI4 late when he awoke next morning. He hastened to dress himself, in 'order to seek his cousin, whom he was to accompa ny to the notary with whom the wilt was deposited. But, on going down into the breakfast room he found the notary there, with Mr. Rosman and with Fortin, fur whom - a messenger had been sent. Miss Char ; tette and Louisa soon appeared. When all wtqr sembled, Mr. Rosman turned to the young said, with a smile: - nand "All here present are interested • • the mailer which brings yoU tit Kaysersber g‘ntlerien: fur my sister.in : law, Miss Chart to Revel, and my neice, Miss Louisa Armand hose guardian I em, have come hither, like" rselves, toi witness the opening of the will o - •eir brother, and uncle. Dr. Herres , . The two yo g men b.twed t Miss Charlotte and Miss Louis , who returned.their salutation. "Sin " accident has brought together all the par ties • owned," continued Mr. Roscrmn, "I thought ,t • doctor's last wisbes might be made public he as well as at the uotares office." , Fortis made a sign of 'miens. Every y sat down, and the notary was about to brea he seal of the will Urhen he checked himself. "This will," said he, "is of old ate, and, during the latter month of his life, Drullircer told me sev eral times that it was his isriention to destroy it, so *Wreath of his heirs mi t receive the share regu lated by law. The on-executioa of his Intention I can explain only' y the suddenness of his death. I deem it my ty to declare this; and now I ask rill the into persons hire present whether they are dispos to fulfill the Doctor's expressed intention, andtia cancell the will with one consent, before any ~ 11r(sow whom the document enriches." '• This unexpected proposal was folinwed by aping! of some moment's duration-. ?Julien was the first to break silence. - "As far as I am concerned," said be, modestly, "having no particular claim upon the good wilt of the deceased, I cannot consider that I make a sacri fice in agreeing to an equal division of the property, and I am quite willing to consent to it." "For my part," said Miss Charlotte, "I make no objections whatever?" "In the name of tny ward," said Mr. Rosman, "I give my consent." “Theo," said the notary, turning to Henry, “tbere is only this gentleman." • FOl l llll seemed somewhat embarrassed. 44 Liki toy oosain," hit at last said, "1 lave so mumi to moot that ihs will favors . oie, lon that is $1 50 41. - TIOAII, in Adviins•• Ithe very resiiio o why I about) be guarded in my de cision. Whatever may have been the doctor's in tentiont, his will alone can now be considered to !express them; t.) newralize beforehand his testa. : oientary disposition., is to infringe both on tbe rights of the will, and on those of the unknown legatee." "Let us say no mars about it," interrupted the I notary. "Prompt and perfect unanimity could alone :snake legitimate my pioposition. Let its remain in the strict limits of It gal rights—es you, sir, propose} and now pease to listen. - With these words Ihe - tore open the envelope, opened the will, and d a,a follows: "Of the four perm s who can' lay claim to my inberitence, I know b t two:—my sitter Chatiotte Revel, and my niece, I ouisa Armand. But these ! two, long united by t strictest affection; have but Font) common interest, d may be considered'in fact i to constitute but one rson; with respect to them therefore, I have only ouisa to corsider. My first intention wa i l to bent' th'to her all I patio.; ikut tit afterwards occur tome that one of my - two nephews might be equeily worthy of my regard.— , The sole difficulty is to End out - which of the two it '"Unable,to investigate this point myself, and . well knowing the.intelligenee and tight-mindideese of my niece, Lamps. I refer the matter to her jedg meat.; and I constitute my sole heir that,cme of the two eosins whom she shall select fur her husband. 'lltravaas.i' When the notary paused,•after completing the perusal of the 4in of the eccentric bet well-mean ing doctor, a silence of some duration enseed t -- Tl.e two young men luok embarrassed, Louisa kaki down her head. -r . . "Truly," cried blisarbarlotte at last, "the'doc tor has bequeathed a very difficult task to my neice." "Less difficult than you think, sister; said Ros man. smiling. "I have long been well acquainted with the contents of liarver's will, and I made in quiries in cangequence. Tb= result of thoseinquiries convinced me that, whatever her choice, there was nothing to fear fur Louisa." "Then let Miss Armaod decide," slid the notary laughing.: "Since there is safety in either case, aho has but to.consult her inspirations." „"I will beg my aunt to decide for me," murmured the young girl, throwing herself into Miss City , lotte's arms. "I.4decide," cried the old lady;—"it is very per plexing, my dear, and really I do not know." But, whil.t pttering . these words,witb so air of Indecision, Mint Charlotte's first glanee was at Mulzen Furl ri perceived' thil. "Ab, Madam, cried -he quickly, "I see that mitt choice 'is made, and whatever my regrets, I cannot but approve it. Mademoiselle," he continued, tab- 1011 deserving than I am." :giltour present conduct proves the contrary,"• said Nits Chartole., touched by this generosity; ' 14 "1.4. IAT already.know Mr. Muizen a little, sad then—= in abort, you deserve to hear the whole trutb......=' "Tell it me, by all mean's," interrupted Fortin. 46We1 , , then, his matt* ermaumites, whilst youri deters me; he promisa s indulgence sud yours justice. Alas: my dear air, j•lstice may suffice for s:dg•lW, but men have need of charity." , "You are perhaps right, madam," said Hetrrt Forth], th:iugiitt oily; "yeiterday and to-day eveirt thing keems to combine to give me a lesson. The rigid defence of my right bas always turned against me, while my cousin's benevolence has ill every in stance profited him. Muizen was in the right; his motto is better than mine, for it is nearer to the law of God. Christ did not say, "To every one his righty;" but rather, "Love your neighber as yor self:' What they do at tha,:top of the Zatth Thirteen thousand seven hundred and twenty fist above the level of the sea At a perpendiculars*. ration of upwards of two miles and nearly on the snow line of the Andes, stands the tapmost city of the earth, Ceno de Pasco. It it tha capital _ _ 11,1 , prioe one shilling, giving him or hers chance in the neat lottery. ‘, The prize is sometimes u large as five thousand' dullers, with intermediate ones of smaller amount. 1 believe that the strictest Impar tiality andlairness characterize the drawing. AU these lotteries are under government control. Tlve billiard and the monte tables are is constant re quest ; dominoes is a favorite game In-the cafes, bat: those games of cards which are - ripid in their results,' and depend wholly arm chance, have irresistible attrattiops fur all classes. • , The shaven priest, decorated with croes rosary, may be frequently seen playing with. the ragged Indian, and instances are told of the wealthy miss proprietor losing in a sight every dollar he possess,- ed, to one'of his own , ragged men. The cockpit is: a favorite amusement. The combatants are armed with one spur only: this is a flat, curved, two-edged blade, very keen and finely pointed. The first blow commonly decides the battle, and both cocks are of- . teakilled. Hundreds of dollars - change , handy every' minute; the excitement of the betters is intinse,ind even here on the afternoon of the Sabbath, which is especially appropriatea to the cockfight, the priest" hands rvund the bezging box, or lays his dollars ea a favorite bird.—Household Words. 07 The ruling passion was recently exhibited is a remarkable manner, nu the occasion of a lumina. An old lady had lost her husband, and on the day of, ber funeral, ber neighbors were somewhat tardy in appearing at the solemnities. ‘..tiabby," mint the old woman v "hand me my knitting; I slight enmesh .. be talrisg a few stitches-while the getberialpimik; tag place, _ !'.l.F . ',t Ito -~ ~~..,. NUMBER 36. EN II